tczier · 1 year
what: teacher au! 
with: @eddiethekaspbrak
when richie first saw him, it was out of the corner of his eye when he was teaching, and it almost broke his flow. he’d been animated, one foot up on his chair, enthusiastically encouraging the discussion happening in front of his eyes about shakespeare. he wanted to get kids excited about shakespeare because god knows he couldn’t stand the dude when he was at school.
the second time richie saw him, it was at lunchtime, and richie remembered the man’s name when he was introduced as one of the newest staff members at the start of the school year. kasp---something. Kasper ? no, that wasn’t it. he furrowed his brows in thought as he walked closer and closer, before finally blurting out afternoon, mr kaspbrak ! and continuing to walk towards his classroom. if richie had passed a mirror, he would’ve seen how bright red he was.
richie found himself hoping that he’d get glances of the illusive mr kaspbrak every time he walked down the corridor. he found himself thinking about him when he got back to his empty, shitty ground floor apartment in a not-so-great part of the city. he wondered what mr kaspbrak’s living situation was like: he was probably married with a white-picket-fenced house somewhere out in the suburbs. he wondered what mr kaspbrak looked like naked.
their classrooms were close to each other. sometimes, when richie wasn’t teaching and he was spending his time grading papers in his room, he could hear the other teaching. he’d stop what he was doing and listen in, enjoying the lilt to his voice and how enthusiastic he seemed about math equations.
the bell rung, and richie stood in the hallway as kids piled out of the classroom next to him ( mr kaspbrak’s classroom ) , and he glanced to his side, catching the other’s eyes.
‘ i dunno about you, but i think i need that friday happy-hour drink. ’ richie said, realising he was attempting his very first conversation with this very hot guy he was supposed to have a simple, working, professional relationship. ‘ you going ? ’
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infernalrampage · 9 months
" bowers tried to follow me to the quarry today but he could not get a clean shot in. " beverly assures knowing how sinister the bowers gang could be but beverly was fast and resourceful. no one really wanted to mess with her. she sits next to eddie in the clubhouse he is nearly hanging off the damn hammock. she is surprised richie is not by his side the other losers seem to be busy, just the two of them sitting.
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" so what are doing here by your lonesome? " she asks looking back at her friend.
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spider-self · 11 months
@eddiethekaspbrak continued from here
IT seethed.
Hospitals were not environments IT enjoyed. In theory they were larders stuffed full of easy prey. Defenceless victims who had no chance of fighting back through either injury or sickness. Terran illnesses had no effect on IT, there had never been an infection IT could catch, an ailment IT had suffered through. Hunting here had simply seemed.. It was too easy. IT would allow Itself an easy meal when starving, but even then taking from the hospital felt off somehow. As if even IT could spare a modicum of pity for the sick and the dying.
The smell didn’t help, the reek of the infected, of blood and medicine and bodily fluids. All mixed together in a heady blend that was vaguely sickening. Even the sewers were better than this. At least in the sewers, the main scent was IT’s own. In this place humanity ruled. There was no escaping their presence, the sheer weight of their stink made IT want to pace, to rip into unsuspecting flesh.
Fortunately IT had an easy target and IT turned IT’s grinning face towards the boy trapped in a hospital bed.
Eddie.. Oh but he didn’t look well, flushed with fever, so very small in that big bed. The broken arm wasn’t nearly enough. Not for what Eddie and his friends had done. They had made IT retreat, IT had felt pain, such a horrible squealing pain that made IT run as if IT was prey. Such a challenge couldn’t go unmet, something had to be done. IT was still in pain, IT’s face a jagged snarl, teeth poking through IT’s flesh in strange places, IT couldn’t keep a hold on IT’s form particularly well with such an injury.
“Not real, Eds?” IT’s voice was slurred, part parody, partly the inability to control IT’s tongue. It lolled out of IT’s mouth grotesquely, splattering drool that hissed as it came in contact with the floor. “Are you sure? Are you really sure?”
IT advanced, IT’s wounded mouth gaping open, endless rings of teeth slowly flexing into position.
“Your mommy can’t save you now.”
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riptozier · 1 year
@eddiethekaspbrak || CONT.
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┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ✘ . *. ⋆ OH HOW HE MISSED THIS. hearing the sound of eddie's laughter , getting to goof off and mess around like they had done so often as kids. when he was a younger adult , he was okay with forgetting these moments that seemed so MINUSCULE in the infinite realm known as time. but the moment he indulged it , mainly for his own entertainment , it was like a serotonin rush he hadn't experienced in almost thirty years.
he had barely touched eddie , his fingers gently walking up his sides just to mess with him a bit , but his reaction was beyond what he was expecting. it was DANGEROUS , richie finding out someone was ticklish ; it was only a slippery decline downward for those unfortunate enough to fall victim to his teasing hands.
the sound of his own laughter filled the room as he continued to tease eddie , one hand latching onto his hip and the other walking up his waist to his ribs , and finally settling under his armpit. he barely noticed the sauce that SPLATTERED on his arm , only taking a millisecond to hiss at the burning sensation it gave to bare skin before returning to chuckle playfully. ❝ oh no , eds , you're laughing and i'm hearing you laugh! ❞
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ripdenbrough · 1 year
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@eddiethekaspbrak said: Ⓐ
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repulsive || hideous || ugly || not attractive || unappealing || not unattractive || meh || no preference || ok || mildly attractive || nice looking || cute || adorable || attractive || pleasant on the eyes || good looking || hot || sexy || beautiful || gorgeous || hot damn || would tap that || perfect || godlike || holy fuck there are no words
grating || irritating || frustrating || boring || confusing at best || awkward || unreasonable || psychotic || disturbing || interesting || engaging || affectionate || aggressive || ambitious || anxious || artistic || bad tempered || bossy || charismatic || appealing || unappealing || creative || courageous || dependable || unreliable || unpredictable || predictable || devious || dim || extroverted || introverted ||  egotistical || gregarious || fabulous || impulsive || intelligent || sympathetic || talkative || up beat || peaceful || calming || badass || flexible
How likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending || fuck no! || never || no way || not likely || not sure || indifferent || I’m asexual || maybe || probably || it depends || fairly likely || likely || yeah sure || yes || would tap that || hell yes || fuck yes! || wishing that could happen right now || as many times as possible || we are already having sex
Level of Friendship:
never in a million years || worst of enemies || enemies || rivals || indifferent || neutral || acquaintance || friendly toward each other || casual friends || friends || good friends || best friends || fuck buddies || bosom buddies || practically the same person || would die for them || true friends || my only friend ||
First impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
Current impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
How good of a kisser:
worst kisser ever || terrible || bad || awkward || just okay || alright || pretty good || good || makes me moan || excellent || exciting || oh god they’re good || I dream about it || fucking amazing || absolute perfection || we haven’t kissed
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scribedhorror · 1 year
through your window
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@eddiethekaspbrak || meme send through your window for my muse’s reaction to your muse climbing through their bedroom window.
Bill had just gotten out of the shower after getting ready for bed, hair still damp as he walked into his bedroom, shocked to see the brunette standing there. "Eddie? What are you doing here?" He asked, looking around and spotting the open window of his bedroom. "Did you climb my house?" It was an incredibly out of character thing for him to do.
"Did something happen?"
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lengthofropes · 9 months
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Happy Birthday @eddiethekaspbrak ! Sorry I can't be there to celebrate, but I hope our boys can make up for that. Have the best day. ❤️ @tczier
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eddiethekaspbrak · 11 months
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↳ INSTAGRAM: @eddiethekaspbrak added a new photo​ 📍MALIBU, CA
any more birthdays and i'll burn the house down
↳ ❤ 493 LIKES , ✐ 14 COMMENTS
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tczier · 1 year
with @eddiethekaspbrak
cont. from [x]
‘ gah ! ’ richie shrieks as eddie drags him back by the collar. he huffs and takes a step back from eddie. ‘ no but i wish you were puking and shitting your guts up because at least then you’d shut up. ’
richie rolls his eyes. ‘ okay genius, what do you suggest we eat ? because i’m about two hours away from sticking your skinny ass on a fucking barbecue. ’
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tczier · 1 year
with: @eddiethekaspbrak
cont from: [x]
‘ turn your fuckin’ head away ! ’ richie shrieked, trying to cover himself up the best he could whilst also dealing with the pain of slamming to the floor on his knees, his elbow being bumped against the wash basin. his phone had fallen from his hands and scattered across the floor to eddie’s feet like he was in some fucking comedy movie and he was the butt of the joke. 
‘ eddie ! don’t fuckin’ look, jesus ! ’ richie didn’t know what else to do or say, he was almost curled up on the floor, trying to pull his underwear back on so it covered him up. ‘ go away ! don’t-- fuckin-- don’t fuckin’ tell anyone about this ! ’
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tczier · 1 year
with: @eddiethekaspbrak cont from: [x]
richie didn’t know what ben had really done to convince him to stay, but he was more and more onboard with the idea of fucking this clown up once and for all. he was trying to do the same for eddie, telling him that he would die for him because it was true. it was so fucking true.
‘ yes i would. ’ richie replied, blinking behind his glasses. he didn’t know why he was so fucking compelled to tell eddie that, but he needed to. the more time richie spent with his childhood friends, the more he felt compelled to save them, to be around them, to make sure they were okay.
‘ one of us already got hurt, eds. ’ richie told him, shoving his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket, shifting from one foot to the other. ‘ stan died. stan killed himself and he’s not here, and if we don’t stick around . . . well then he died for nothing, didn’t he ? ’
ah. that was how ben did it. well played, hanscom. stan always had a soft spot inside richie’s hardened heart. the spot he had for eddie was bigger, a different kind of love, but stan was still there, still important to him.
‘ what happened to you ? ’ richie asked, finally realising that the smell in the room wasn’t from some god awful derry plumbing and was coming from eddie and that there was a smattering of black . . . something all over him. ‘ you fall into the sewer ? ’
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tczier · 1 year
with: @eddiethekaspbrak cont from: [x]
‘ eddie ! ’ richie called after him once he’d practically rushed under the barrier. shit. shit. this wasn’t going to fucking end well was it ? richie hated it when eddie was feeling impulsive and he was, well, not. he hated feeling like the sensible one. as much as he loved eddie being free spirited, richie wished he could join in. there was just . . . something. he had a feeling. he couldn’t explain what it was, it just existed deep inside the pit of his stomach like a bubbling stomach acid.
‘ this isn’t safe ! ’ he hissed, but gave in and reluctantly ducked under the barrier too, following eddie down the hill, through the trees and around the bushes. richie could barely see in the damn moonlight, and he had no idea how eddie had managed to get down without breaking his fucking ankle.
richie stumbled, and tripped, falling right into eddie with a bump, jostling him.
‘ hey, ’ richie breathed with a smile, steadying himself on eddie’s shoulders with his hands. he kissed eddie hard, another way of saying hello, and unzipped the zipper of eddie’s hoodie. ‘ when you said we were going to the kissing bridge, i thought we were actually going to be on the bridge not underneath it. ’
they were safe, though, even if it had been in the one year between the 27 year gap of pennywise, they’d be safe from the clown. the clown was gone. they didn’t have anything to worry about. richie had to remind himself of that. he kicked his sneakers off and pulled the button-down shirt up off over his head, bringing his t-shirt with it too.
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tczier · 1 year
with: @eddiethekaspbrak
verse: dbd
continued from: [x]
they could stay there. they could stay and they could wait for everyone else to get hooked and they could sneak around and try and repair the generators together and then open the gate and escape together. they could try. sometimes richie felt braver than this, but not all of the time. he wasn’t sure if he’d ever get used to the trials. at least he had eddie, though. he’d always have eddie by his side. even if one of them got sacrificed, he’d wake up by that damn campfire and he’d have eddie next to him.
richie’s chest felt tight and he wished he could be brave like eddie. what fucking perks did this man have today that made him feel like this? they were both healed, none of them had been hooked yet . . . they could do it.
‘ meet by the shack, yeah. ’ richie repeats and nods, trying to stop his hands from shaking, trying to steady his shallow breathing. their foreheads touch and richie’s eyes close. he can feel eddie’s lips against his and then they’re gone in a second.
and eddie was gone.
richie opens his eyes and eddie is gone and richie’s alone and he’s panicking. shit. there’s a heartbeat. noise. something is getting closer. he didn’t even know who was after them yet, but there’d already been one hook and one rescue, and there were still 4 generators left to repair and richie was getting really sick of being stuck in limbo.
he crouch-walks slowly, trying to hold his breath, to barely make any noise at all. in the distance, there’s a snap and a scream and the heartbeat slows and then disappears. trapper.
richie takes the opportunity to run, watching his feet, careful to look for any bear traps until he’s near the shack.
‘ eddie ? ’ richie hisses, looking around for him and then he hears the generator starting and moves towards it, spotting eddie. thank god. he breaths a sigh of relief. ‘ eds— ' richie joins him. ‘ it’s the trapper. watch your feet, yeah ? ’
they could go and help meg, who’d been caught in a bear trap, but richie wants to be selfish and keep eddie safe.
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riptozier · 1 year
@eddiethekaspbrak || CONT.
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┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ✘ . *. ⋆ GUILT. it was an icky feeling , one that richie tried to avoid no matter what. thankfully , it was usually easy for him to ignore it , despite doing so many things he should feel that way for that he couldn't count them on his fingers. but he couldn't deny the UGLY TWISTS && TURNS that lodged themselves in his gut without an invitation , seeing eddie out there through the screen door , his hair slicked with rain. he wanted nothing more than to be alone , but there was no way he'd feel better being both depressed and knowing he left one of his closest childhood friends out in the wet cold.
❝ ... yeah , you're right. sorry. come in. ❞ the words leave him quietly as he reaches to prop the screen door open to let eddie in. he momentarily STEPS AROUND THE CORNER next to the entrance , reaching into the closet to grab a towel before tossing it at the other to dry himself off. ❝ drinking's more fun when you're with someone than alone , anyway. ❞
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riptozier · 11 months
@eddiethekaspbrak || CONT.
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┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ✘ . *. ⋆ HE'D MISSED EDDIE WHILE HE WAS OUT. normally he'd be the one home , watching TV or attempting to cook or even smoking some weed on occasion while digging into the depths of his mind for some , any , kind of inspiration for a script or content for one for his next show. it was coming up , and he DESPERATELY wanted his content to start to feel more like him.
he was happy to have eddie , though , someone who was supportive of him in his endeavors while simultaneously also expressing concern that the material he presented at shows weren't him. he had many fair points , and he began to agree with him more recently , especially after getting rid of pennywise. he wasn't thinking about either of those things , the clown or his work , the moment he bolted into the door and PINNED eddie up against the wall face-first.
a surprised noise left him , however , at the feeling of the other's rear pressing right into his crotch. it was the perfect position to tease eddie , but he supposed the other could get his fair share in of teasing as well if he liked. he began to slowly roll his hips against the smaller man's ass , biting his lip at the feeling of an oncoming erection that THROBBED between his legs.
❝ you trying to tease me or something , baby? ❞ he purrs in a low-toned drawl , his fingers gently GLIDING through eddie's short hair before attempting to take a firm fistful of it. ❝ oh , the things i could do to you in this position ... ❞
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infernalrampage · 1 year
❛  i'm not good with this whole stupid feelings thing.  ❜
" feelings aren't simple eddie, but without them where would we be? " she did not want to think about the possibility of her giving up on love like that. her green eyes searching his with warmth and she sighs a little.
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" we just survived possibly the most frightening battle of our adult lives. it wouldn't kill you to finally admit your TRUE feelings, right? " she is gentle in her approach giving him something to ponder on. she had also seen it since they were kids but didn't know how to classify it until she was older. eddie and richie loved each other and always would.
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