#eddies answers
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morganbritton132 · 2 months ago
Steve and Eddie get paired up for a group project and Eddie makes a snide comment about Steve being too stupid to notice that his best friend is in love with him.
“Carol is not in love with me.”
“Wasn’t talking about her, dipshit.”
Steve rolls his eyes and lets it go until that conversation pops into his head again. He turns to Tommy and asks, “Do you love me?”
And Tommy’s entire soul leaves his body at 3:47PM, October 13th, 1983 in the parking lot of McDonald’s.
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sesamestsaxophone · 4 months ago
can you show me how you do everyone's eyss? i struggle to make them look right :(
Of course! Here is my take on every neighbors eyes! Hopefully it's helpful. Thanks for the ask!!
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saryasy · 9 months ago
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And I'm sure you don't want to hear it. I do want to hear it. All right, you're living it, and I want, I want you to talk to me.
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donttellunclesam · 2 months ago
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this a @steddieexchange gift for @soaringornithopter !! Happy holidays, my friend! I had a blast planning this fluffy comic for you. I hope you enjoy it!! 🥰💜
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becausebuckley · 7 months ago
“what’s going on with buckley and diaz” a question we’ve been trying to answer for six seasons
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theotherbuckley · 9 months ago
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incorrect tweets pt 17/?
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warpedpuppeteer · 10 months ago
The Buckley-Diaz family Conundrum:
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animaybi · 4 months ago
hey you should totally put up that venom art. tumblrinas loooove venom art!
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Well if you insist
Full image:
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piratefishmama · 11 months ago
okay but for one single night, Eddie Munson genuinely, with all his heart, believes that Steve is a werewolf.
Steve isnt a werewolf, Steve genuinely has nothing to do with this assumption, and has given no actual reason to make Eddie believe him to be a werewolf, other than the chest hair miraculously growing in so goddamn thick over the course of a few months and the whole. droopy puppy eyes thing he's got going on.
but this one specific full moon night. Eddie happens upon the most beautiful, big brown wolf which wanders into the trailer park looking for food.
it's actually a very lost and incredibly docile wolf dog that someone stupidly bred and let out, but he's very lost, and hungry, and the second Eddie gets a peek at those big brown, incredibly sad puppy eyes, he's calling the big baby Steve and thats that. Thats Steve.
until Eddie panics in the morning because the wolf didn't turn back and Dustin tiredly informs him that Steve is at work, what the fuck Eddie.
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angel-of-the-moons · 4 months ago
I'd adore seeing something with Eddie and Venom being your big fuck off bodyguards at the Halloween party, bonus points if the costume is just venom!
Spooky Scary... Slime-Monsters?
Eddie x Venom x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: None!!
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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They met you in an alley, one night. The rich inheritor to some firm or another, cornered by a bunch of no-good (tasty) thugs.
Contrary to most people, you didn't run when Venom beat the shit out of, and promptly ate the heads off of your assailants. You were... Surprisingly open-minded? Eddie found that Venom liked you, and he'd be lying if your understanding of their situation wasn't refreshing. It was nice having someone other than his ex, or Ms. Chen to talk to about this sort of thing.
But when you hit them up to be a bodyguard to a freakin' Halloween party, of all places? He was hesitant, at first. But rent and groceries were kind of expensive... And you were offering quite a bit.
So, they took the offer. They met you, once again, in an alley.
The ground shook softly as Venom landed nearby. His maw stretched into an eerie grin as you gasped in shock before realizing just who it was.
"Oh! You're here!" You sighed with a relived smile, adjusting the little witch hat on your head, "I was starting to get worried."
"Yes, well... we wanted a snack so we grabbed some... fast-food on the way in." Venom replied with his deep, rumbly voice.
"Please tell me you cleaned up before you came here." You replied, scrunching your nose rather cutely.
"Of course, we aren't savages." Venom snorted, crossing his arms over his broad chest and staring down at you; almost offended you would suggest he wouldn't clean himself of the evidence.
"Oh... Well, good." You said in reply, "Did you guys pick out a costume?"
Venom frowned--pouted, really, before rocking his head from side to side. "Eddie said costumes are dumb."
The way he stretched out the last word reminded you of a petulant child mocking their parent, and it made you smile.
"So... I guess you're going as you?" You suggested.
Venom's opalescent eyes widened for a moment, like he hadn't thought of that. As he opened his mouth, a part of his face peeled back and Eddie's own face appeared; and he did not look thrilled.
You couldn't help the giggle that came from your lips as they argued back and forth. But eventually, the symbiote wins out in the end.
And so, that's how you walk into the club, arm-in-arm with Venom.
It shocked people, to say the least, but in some cases, when people got too close, Eddie and Venom were great at pretending he was some sort of expensive, animatronic suit. A few people even stopped for some photos!
The party was a droll thing at first, slow and boring, even for a rented nightclub. But a lot of these people were friend of your parents--very few really knew how to actually have fun. Even the younger people they paid to be with for the evening seemed bored out of their skulls.
That was, until Venom had hopped on stage. He had managed to load the DJ performing into playing something a little more lively--to "get the blood pumping". Apparently, nobody but you got the morbid joke.
His ploy worked, and people began to go down to the dance floor. Well... the ones young enough to avoid breaking a hip, anyways. The older ones complained about the music tastes, but your parents, the hosts of the party, clapped Venom on the shoulder and thanked him for saving the evening.
As you all sat down to enjoy cocktails, you explained that you'd hired him as your bodyguard. When asked what had happened to your primary one, you explained that after he left you alone long enough to get robbed the night you first met Venom, you decided it was a good change of pace and protection. Your parents wholeheartedly agreed.
However, neither of you were prepared for when your dad shook Venom's hand and asked the dreaded question:
"So... Are you interested in dating our daughter?"
You wanted to die on the spot.
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steviesbicrisis · 1 year ago
All these two lovesick homosexuals did was go for a walk in a monster-infested forest for 5 minutes, share clothes and one very wrong hetero-dating advice for my brain to stop functioning for 14 months and still counting.
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morganbritton132 · 4 months ago
Eddie, loudly during a live-stream where he and Gareth are just jamming: STEVIE! STEVE!!! STEVIE!!!!
Steve, from somewhere else: YEAH?
Steve, yelling back: BOOBIES
Eddie: I knew that’d be his answer. He’s a tit man,
Gareth: Was any of that necessary?
*five minutes later*
Steve, sticking his head in the room: Hey, we have a very fulfilling relationship. Everything I ever wanted, I found in you and there’s nothing I’m missing…
Steve: …I’d ask what you looked for in other guys but you were a virgin when we m-
Eddie: No, I wasn’t. Stop telling people that!
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Bobby: Now Eddie, repeat after me, forgive me Father, for I have sinned.
*Scruffy Buck in the background doing bicep curls*
Eddie: Forgive me Daddy, for I have been naughty.
Bobby: Eddie, you need to focus.
Eddie: Sorry cap but this isn't going to work.
Bobby: ...
Eddie: I just realized it wasn't a crisis of faith but a crisis of sexuality, and the only punishment I need is whatever Buck is willing to give me.
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wheneverfeasible · 4 months ago
I feel like Steve could be oblivious at first, catch on but still pretend to be oblivious to see how long it takes Edie to cut to the chase. Steve and Robin have a bet going on how long before Eddie asks Steve to court.
The post in question.
He hadn’t noticed at first, what Eddie had meant. He wasn’t stupid, or an idiot, no matter how much others might say he was. He just…didn’t get everything everyone said all the time, especially when they weren’t being straight forward. And let’s face it, some of Eddie’s puns were truly horrendous.
It was funny though, and honestly kind of endearing, not that he’d ever tell Robin that lest he never live it down. She was brutal about things like that, and she already made fun of himself for falling for Eddie Munson of all people.
“I thought you had standards, dingus,” she’d huffed after he’d broken down and confessed his growing feelings for their friend, absolutely certain that his feelings would never be returned and wanting to do nothing to risk that friendship.
How was he to know that Eddie’s lingering touches and trailing gaze meant the guy wanted to bone him? He wasn’t used to others making the first move. He might be omega, but he still was the one that had to seek out the others he had wanted to date. He wasn’t used to someone else taking the initiative.
Hell, he’d thought Eddie had been making fun of his moles the first few times he complimented them, like when he started talking about how he wished he were those same moles so that he could stay close to Steve’s beautiful neck. Steve could smack his own head for not understanding soon, but he did now.
Oh, he definitely did. And he was delirious with joy about it.
At first, when Steve first realized Eddie was interested in him, it had kind of bummed him out actually. He had thought Eddie actively enjoyed spending time with him, but then he’d began second guessing that. Began wondering if Eddie only put up with him because he wanted to hit it.
The thought that Eddie could ever like him the way he liked Eddie hadn’t even crossed his mind at first. At least not until he began noticing more and more of Eddie’s pickup lines were involving his neck. Until they exclusively consisted of his neck.
“Your beautiful neck must be tired, because it was running around in my dreams all night,” Eddie all but purred as he leaned on the counter at Family Video, looking up at Steve through his lashes with a grin that sent a shiver down Steve’s spine. Not that he let any indication of that show in his expression.
“That must have been terrifying,” he said, sounding innocently confused. “Just my neck? What, did it have like little legs or something?” He shuddered. “Creepy, dude.”
He had to pinch himself beneath the counter so that he didn’t smile at the disappointed look on Eddie’s face. Robin dropped a stack of movies to cover her snort, not that it did it well. Eddie obviously didn’t suspect anything at least.
“Right,” Eddie said after a moment, and flashing Steve another quick but rueful grin, pushed off the counter to walk backwards towards the door. “Guess I’ll see you neck time, Stevie,” he said with a wink before slipping out the door with a soft jingle of the bells.
It was only when Eddie’s van was no longer visible through the glass panes of the windows at the front of the store that Steve let the absolutely besotted smile spread across his face. He dropped down on the counter where Eddie had just been leaning, feeling the afterimage of his body heat still radiating from the surface.
“You really picked a doofus there, dingus,” Robin dryly remarked as she began sorting through the stack of tapes, popping open the plastic cases to make certain they had all be rewound and removing the ones that hadn’t.
“I know,” Steve dreamily sighed.
“I’m surprised he hasn’t already asked you yet what with how obvious you are. I can smell your desperation from here.”
“You’re a beta!” Steve said, tone scandalized, as he jumped up from where he was collapsed against the counter to turn and point at Robin.
“Yeah, that’s how badly you stink,” she snorted. “Just remember, no cheating or I win,” she added with a smirk.
Steve rolled his eyes, turning his back to her with a huff to return to his own duties. He couldn’t help but smile a little again, because Eddie Munson wanted to court him. And, judging by how much Eddie talked about his neck, he wanted the official mating at the end as well.
He sighed dreamily once more, not even bothering to do more than lazily flip Robin off when she threw a bag of sunflower seeds at his head.
And that was how things went. Eddie would tell Steve terrible pickup lines involving his neck, Steve would play at being oblivious, and secretly he and Robin would bet on how long it would take for Eddie to just give up and ask him straight out. You know. Like a normal person.
Not that Eddie Munson could ever be accused of being normal. Which was one of the things Steve loved most about the man. He just wished Eddie would hurry up and get the picture.
Until then, he would have to put up with these godawful pickup lines and puns and continue pretending like he didn’t know what the ridiculous alpha meant.
“Did you get a driving ticket from a vampire, because your neck has fine written all over it.”
“You know sometimes I still get nightmares about being turned into a vampire by the demobats. Being a vampire wasn’t the nightmare part though. It was the fact that I couldn’t have garlic bread ever again.”
“You’d have to die first to become a vampire, dingus. Munson’s the only one that died here.”
“Only temporarily!”
“Yeah! I gave him CPR.”
“What I wouldn’t give to remember the resuscitation process there, Stevie.”
“What I wouldn’t give to forget it.”
“Robin! Eddie could have become a vampire! He’d never be able to have garlic bread again!”
“…” A defeated sigh.
And then a week later.
“Is your neck a map? Because I think I just found some treasure.”
“One time Robin wanted to use a marker to see if she could draw a pattern with my moles. But she accidentally used a sharpie. Do you know how hard it is to wash sharpie off your own back?”
“…” Then: “I could help you out in the shower next time, Stevie.”
“Oh it’s fine, that was months ago so it’s all gone now.”
Steve thought Eddie might bash his head against the table then, but he merely muttered something under his breath with a shake of his head and continued eating his meal. Too bad Eddie wouldn’t just come out and say it was a date, because Steve would really love to kiss him.
But the pickup lines just kept coming. Never ending. Robin cackled each time she witnessed one, though obviously after Eddie left after Steve’s continued oblivious act, but Steve was getting impatient. He really wished Eddie would just hurry up and ask him.
“If I said you had a beautiful neck, would you hold it against me?”
“Aw, thanks, man. I love getting compliments from friends. If only I could find an alpha like you.”
And okay, maybe Steve was *slightly* cheating with that one. But Robin wasn’t around and Eddie, lord help him, just gave him a look that totally said that he was silently screaming. But he still…
Steve couldn’t take it anymore. He really, really couldn’t.
At all.
“Are we in a museum, because your neck is a work of ar—”
“If I was a guitar, would you grab me by the neck while fingering me from behind to see what noises I can make?”
Steve didn’t react at all when coffee sprayed from Robin’s mouth, simply staring Eddie straight in the eyes as the other man choked on his words, Eddie’s eyes wide and face turning rapidly pink.
When Eddie still made no response besides staring at him while Robin let out a slew of curses as she tried to clean herself up, Steve just raised an imperious brow.
Eddie sucked in a sharp breath, snapping out of his frozen state to begin nodding his head rapidly like a puppet with loose strings. “Uh. Yup. Uh huh. Yes. Yup.”
Steve smirked, leaning in towards Eddie and lightly arching his neck to the side. “I’ve been told my neck smells like candy. Why don’t you taste it and find out.”
As Eddie spluttered, Steve reached into his pocket for his wallet, pulling out the crisp $20 bill there and sliding it over to Robin without bothering to look her way. They could always make another bet later.
Like how long until Eddie asked to put his pups in him.
Judging by the slowly growing, manic smile on his face as he seemed to finally catch on to the situation, Steve figured it wouldn’t be long.
Which was just fine by him.
Maybe he’d ask Eddie first again.
Or maybe they’d do it together neck-and-neck.
Thank you, @foulwitchknight, for that fantastic initial post. I just couldn’t help but do a little something with it after you answered my musings. 😉
Hostage Hotties:
@derythcorvinus @katyawriteswhump @honeii-puff @scoops-aboy86 @dotdot-wierdlife
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corroded-hellfire · 8 months ago
Can’t stop thinking about Eddie eating out his bookworm girlfriend while she’s trying to read. He’s just so needy and desperate for her attention.
Eddie is far too impatient to wait, no matter how much you tell him that you’re almost finished with this chapter. It’s not soon enough for him. He needs you now.
He pulls you down the mattress so he can kneel on the floor and rest one of your thighs on each of his shoulders. You keep a hold of your book, never taking your eyes off the page as you slide down.
It starts with soft kisses up the inside of your thighs, but you don’t react. He becomes more intentioned and spreads you open for him. Self control is the only thing keeping him from eating you like a man starved. But that control is wearing thin.
Quickly, he flicks his tongue over your clit. Your thigh muscles tighten next to his ears and he knows he has your attention. Another quick lick has you gripping your book so hard your knuckles turn white. Eddie takes his time now, letting his tongue lavish over the sensitive bud. The sound of your book snapping shut has him smirking against your pussy. He lifts his gaze to see you looking down at him, shaking your head.
“You’re the most impatient man I’ve ever met. Now you better make this worth my while—that’s a great book.”
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runraerun · 3 months ago
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people are dying eddie
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