#eddie was apparently running games with the advanced edition so i took the charm person spell description from that version and tweaked it
“Charm Person”
“Charm Person,” Eddie breathes the words like a curse, a tragedy, a salvation he dreads.
“‘The creature affected by this spell will regard the caster as a trusted friend and ally to be heeded and protected. The spell does not enable the caster to control the charmed creature as if it were an automaton, but any word or action from the caster will be viewed in a favorable way.’” Eddie says, his voice rough with the weight of concept he is painfully assembling for them, the cadence making obvious the fact that these were words he had memorized.
“It makes sense. It- He- I wasn’t led by a string like a leashed dog or some fucking limp marionette. I could think. I could feel. I wanted. It took everything that made me, me, and twisted it to suit its goals. I could strategize. I could choose what I wanted to do–  and what I wanted to do was serve him. I wanted to protect him. I wanted to kill you.” 
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