#eddie munson x shy oc
musicmoviestv · 2 years
Eddie Munson and shy unnamed oc (nickname sunflower) ( this can be read as an oc or reader story. Some of the personality is based on me, so it's more self indulgent, but can also be read as a reader story if wanted )
This is my first story and probably the only story I'm writing. I am very excited and nervous to share it with all of you! This is part 1 with Eddie's pov written by me, and part 2 will have reader/OC's pov written by @xchrissycunningham1986x .
Thank you so much to @xchrissycunningham1986x for helping me with this story! We wrote it together, and without her help and support this story would not have been posted. I don't have the confidence, patience, or creativity for writing, but she helped a lot so thank you so much! 💗 Also I would like to thank @goldenbrownanddistasteful for all of your kindness and support, you have also given the confidence for me to do this ❤️. And lastly thank you to all my lovely followers and mutuals who have given me the support and courage I need to try this even if it may not work out. Also the dividers I used are from @dreamlandcreations
Also since this is my first story, it is probably bad, and I'm fine with constructive comments about what I can do to improve, but if you are just here to hate, please just don't comment at all, I'm sensitive so please no hate.
Warnings: none, that I can think of, just bad writing by me 😂 but if there is any let me know
Thank you all, and hope you enjoy ❤️
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Eddie's pov: It was the start of Friday. Eddie was asleep until his alarm clock went off early. Usually Eddie doesn't like getting up early, especially to go to school. But today was different. Today was a special day. It is 86 after all. Like he said this is his year. And he believes it too.
Eddie even got up before Wayne left for work. Which is unusual for him. So when Wayne got up and saw Eddie sitting at the counter eating breakfast he was confused. "What are you doing up so early boy? You usually don't get up until after I leave." "Well, today is a special day, I have to get to school early, oh, and I made you breakfast. Well it's just a bowl of cereal, but it's still breakfast."
"So, is it that girl you've been talking about?" Of course Wayne knew about Eddie's interest in y/n. He talks about her in almost every conversation. Even his friends in the hellfire club know about his crush, and would tease him about it all the time. (Much to Eddie's dislike)
"Yeah, it is." " Boy, you need to tell her how you feel, didn't you say she is shy?"
"Yeah, but she probably doesn't like me back, and I can't take the rejection. I know I clearly got my life together, and that would ruin it" ( he was clearly joking, about his life being put together, not about y/n not liking him back, because that would absolutely crush him.) Usually people don't make Eddie nervous, he stopped caring what others think about him a long time ago. They already think he's a freak, he knew that wasn't going to change. But you, you're different. You may be shy, but you are one of the only people that doesn't treat him that way. Whether it is a shy wave you give him in the hall, or the shy smile you give him in the class you share together. Which has made it his favorite class of the boring school day.
What Eddie doesn't know is Y/n feels the exact same way about him, but is just too shy to say anything about it. She also is scared of the rejection. It would totally break her heart.
Eddie did want to tell her how he felt, but he didn't know how. So he decided he would do it in a way that would make it easier for him. He asked her to come to the hellfire campaign he was planning, even though she didn't know how to play. He hoped she would say yes. And to his surprise she did say yes. That is why Eddie woke up early to start the school day, because he knew that it was going to be a great day.
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When It was finally time for the hellfire meeting Eddie was nervous. He usually always gets there early to set everything up, but he got there even extra early because of his nerves about you being there. He doesn't know why he is so nervous, he is usually never nervous. But he knows how much he wants to impress y/n so that maybe she will like him back. That is his plan. Finally it's time. All the guys start arriving, and there is no sign of y/n. Eddie is starting to get worried. Is y/n not going to show up? It is 10 minutes past the time y/n was supposed to show up, and Eddie is about to give up on her even coming, maybe she doesn't care he thought. But then finally she came running into the room breathing heavily and almost tripping in the process.
"Hi... I'm so sorry I'm late. I hope I didn't miss too much?"
"No, no you didn't. Here, come join us."
Everyone else just stared at the interaction going on, Gareth even laughed quietly, but Eddie shot him a glare and he shut up quickly.
Eddie had told y/n that he needed a replacement, but it looks like most everyone is here. Also Eddie told you that you don't have to play, you can just watch, so now you wonder why he even invited you in the first place. Was this some kind of joke? You didn't think Eddie would do that, but you just can't figure out why he would even want you here. Maybe you should have not even shown up. I mean you were already late, he probably wouldn't have cared if you didn't show up at all. But she didn't know that could be further from the truth. He wanted her to be there. He would be really upset if she didn't show up. He would think that maybe you feel the same way everyone else feels about him. Maybe you would think he is a freak too. But you couldn't think of him that way, right?
Eddie was off the whole campaign, the whole group could tell. Dustin gave Eddie a look that said " you should just talk to her" Eddie nooded and decided he would talk to her after the campaign ends.
"Ok guys, I think we are done for today." Everyone started walking out, and y/n almost did too before she got stopped by Eddie.
"Hey, can we talk?"
"Uh, sure. What do you want to talk about? "
"I wanted to say thank you for coming to Hellfire today, I was starting to think maybe you wouldn't show."
"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I was held up in class, and I was trying my best to get here as fast as I could. I'm so sorry I was late."
"Oh, it's fine. That's not all I wanted to say. I... I, nevermind this was a stupid idea. "
"What was a stupid idea?"
"I... Ok, I'll just say it. I like you. I mean I like like you, and I know you probably don't feel the same way. I mean who would like the freak?"
Y/n just stood there frozen. She didn't know what to do, she didn't know what to think.
"Yeah, I knew it. I'll just leave. "
"No! No, please don't go. I... Iike you too. I have for a while I've just been too scared to do it. You know, cause I'm shy, plus I didn't think you would like me back. She smiled back at him. But I guess I was wrong you do like me back."
They both leaned in, y/n shyly tucking her hair behind her ear.
"Can I kiss you?" Eddie asked.
"Yes, please." Y/n quietly answered.
And they did. They finally kissed, and it was amazing. They both felt the sparks from the kiss. It was a sweet kiss, and it was better than either of them could have imagined.
After the kiss was over y/n quietly spoke up. "You were my first kiss." She told him.
"Really? That was a great kiss for your first time. I mean..." Y/n chuckled. Now Eddie was the one to blush, he felt really proud to be her first kiss.
"I feel honored to be your first. I've been waiting to do that for a while."
"Really?" she asked
"Yeah, you are my sunflower. Would you maybe like to do that again?"
"Yes please."
And they did. And it was the best day for both Eddie and y/n. And Eddie was right. 86 is his year.
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blue-blue-blooms · 5 months
The First Date
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Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Your first date with Eddie doesn't go exactly as planned after you and your friends get taken and drugged by Russian spies, making him think that you stood him up.
Warnings: A little bit of angst.
2k words
Eddie Munson.
You'd seen him around school. He was loud, rough, and slightly intimidating. 
The first time you saw him was in the cafeteria, loudly speaking about the throes of capitalism, forced conformity, and the demonization of people whom society deemed 'different'. You mostly tuned people out during lunch, but it was hard to ignore Eddie. He was so captivating. You weren't sure if it was the way he used his entire body when making a point, aggressively gesticulating, or the way his face twisted and turned as he spoke, or just his general demeanor, that made everything he said sound so poignant. He hadn't really been in your orbit before, so outside your social circle. You were friends with people like Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler, not necessarily because you were popular but rather through shared trauma. There was something about going through life-altering events and near-death experiences that really bonded people for life. 
The first time you spoke to Eddie was after you saw him taping a poster on a bulletin board outside the auditorium. 
Hellfire Club. D&D. 
"Hey, is that a D&D club?" you asked him.
He turned around, slightly startled, and looked at you with surprise. 
"Oh, hey! Didn't see you there. Yeah, it's a D&D club. I'm trying to recruit new members since we're running a bit low..." He replied, giving you a hesitant smile. 
He seemed a bit nervous, slightly tugging on his hair and anxiously tapping his foot. You're pretty sure you were making him nervous. You'd seen the way people like Steve treated people like Eddie, even though Steve had grown considerably after taking out a Demogorgon and watching his girlfriend nearly die. You'd seen the way Tommy and Carol used to laugh at the 'freaks', shoving them around in the hallways, making fun of their interests, like the time Tommy made someone in the band cry during a pep rally. The realization that Eddie was nervous because he expected you to do the same slightly hurt. 
"That's cool! This kid that I babysit—his name's Dustin, he really likes D&D. He plays it a lot with his other friends. Whenever I used to babysit him, he'd drag me to their games. I never really got it, mostly because any time I asked a question, Dustin would scream at me," you breathlessly ramble, "He's not a huge fan of anyone who doesn't get the point, like, right away."
It seemed that the more you rambled, the more at ease Eddie became, and suddenly he was laughing as you spoke. 
"Well, I promise that we don't yell at anyone in Hellfire. Only when we're excited," Eddie said, a small smile lingering on his lips as he looked at you, "Just in case you ever wanna join in."
"I might take you up on that offer. I've been pegged down the list of 'coolest teens' that Dustin knows, and my ego's taken a hit," you joked. 
You hadn't ended up joining Hellfire. But you and Eddie had become sort of friends. You'd see him around school. You were both in some of the same classes, you'd see him in the hallways and you'd wave at each other. Sometimes you'd see him in the parking lot after school and you'd chat for a bit. But that was the extent of it. You didn't grow closer until summer started and you got a job at Starcourt. You worked at Café Nocturne, right across from Scoops Ahoy where Steve had started working. Most days, you spent your lunch break lounging around Scoops Ahoy, eating free ice cream, and making fun of Steve with his co-worker Robin. Sometimes you wondered what Eddie was up to, not having seen him since summer started, and you found yourself hoping you'd see him around Starcourt. 
It wasn't until the second week of summer that you saw Eddie. The Café had been relatively quiet, only an old couple sitting in the far corner drinking lattes. You were trying to pass the time by making random drinks when you saw Eddie lingering by the cash register. 
"Eddie!" you said, surprising yourself by how loud you were. You cleared your throat awkwardly and shuffled over to him, sending him a shy smile. 
"Y/N? Hey, I didn't know you worked here," Eddie said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "It's nice to see you again, I was wondering where you went."
"Oh, just been making coffee...hanging out with my friends," you replied, "How's your summer been so far?"
"Erm, yeah, it's been okay. I've just been working, hanging out with Gareth and Jeff, writing some new music," Eddie replied.
"For Corroded Coffin, right?" you asked.
"Yeah, wow, how'd you know about that?" Eddie said, nervously twirling his hair. 
"Oh-um...I heard you talking about it in the cafeteria once," you responded, hoping you didn't sound like a stalker.
"Right, yeah, you should come see us sometime. We play in the Hide Out every Tuesday," Eddie said, as a shy grin crept on his face, "We kinda get a crowd, actually...of about five drunks."
You let out a small giggle, "That sounds nice. Unfortunately, I work every Tuesday. Maybe when school starts?" 
Eddie was slightly deflated at that, nodding his head in understanding. Not wanting to ruin your one chance at spending time with Eddie this summer, you hesitatingly asked, "Maybe we can hang out sometime? You could teach me D&D? I didn't get the chance to learn when you first offered..."
Eddie immediately perked up at that, nodding vigorously as he said, "Yeah! Yeah, that'd be great. I can totally do that. Erm, do you wanna meet here tomorrow at 7? We could grab some food-"
"Oh, I was hoping we could meet somewhere else. Maybe at Patty's diner? It's just that I spend all my time at Starcourt," you responded.
"Yeah, that works. Patty's at 7. It's a date," Eddie replied, before quickly backtracking. "Not like a date-date, I just meant, like, a platonic date. Like just friends hanging out, chilling, y'know? Unless you want it to be a date? It doesn't have to be! But, like-"
You cut him off before he could dig further into the hole he found himself in, giggling a little at how flustered he looked. "It's a date. A non-platonic, hopefully romantic, date."
"That's...that's great, yeah. I will see you then," Eddie said breathlessly, shuffling his way out as he raised a hand to wave goodbye, almost knocking into the table behind him as he left.
God, he's adorable. 
"I swear to God Dustin, if we die in this elevator, I will strangle you with my bare hands," you grit out, pacing back and forth as everyone tried to reel in their panic, "I have a fucking date in two hours and if I miss it, I will literally end you."
"No one gives a shit about your stupid date," Dustin yelled, throwing his hands around wildly as Erica slammed a bottle of weird-looking fluid on the wall. You weren't even gonna try and deal with that, it looked like Robin had it handled as you watched her snatch the bottle from Erica's hands. 
Things escalated pretty quickly from there and suddenly you were lying on the floor of a bathroom cubicle, trying to make the room stop spinning. 
"Is this what it feels like to do drugs?" you groaned out, stretching on the disgusting tiles and praying that your head stopped pounding. 
"I wouldn't know," Robin replied, "But if it is, this sucks."
"Steve? Are you alive?" you asked, "I don't need you dying on me. You're my ride home." 
"I'm good," you heard him croak.
"Think we puked it all out?" you asked.
"Let's check...interrogate me." Robin said.
"When's the last time you peed your pants?" Steve asked, and you heard Robin let out a cackle, "Today."
"What the fuck, Robin?" you laughed.
"It was when they took out the bone saw. And only a little!" she defended herself, giggling with you. 
"I'm meant to be on a date," you moaned, "He's gonna think I stood him up. How am I meant to explain this shit?" 
"We'll figure it out," Steve replied, "Also, who's this guy anyway? You've been moaning about missing this date for, like, hours?"
"Yeah, it's getting kinda annoying," Robin added. 
"It's Eddie." you replied, crawling into the stall next to you and sitting down in front of Robin. "Eddie Munson. He's a senior. Long, curly, untamed hair. Really loud. Plays D&D."
"Wait, Eddie 'The Freak' Munson? Isn't he a drug dealer?" Steve asked, a little surprised. 
"Don't call him that!" you said, slightly defensive, "And I didn't know that. But if this is what drug consumption is like then he needs to stop."
As the drugs slowly purged out of your systems, and Steve tried to hit on Robin only to get rejected and have a heart-to-heart, the three of you found yourselves giggling hysterically in the dingy bathroom. It wasn't long until Dustin and Erica burst in and dragged you all out. As the night progressed, things only got worse. And soon, all of you were facing off a thirty-feet tall Mind Flayer and reeling from the loss that followed. Then the dust settled, a different story was fabricated, and everyone had to pretend to move on. And you had an apology to give.
You didn't see Eddie until school started again. It was the first day back, hallways busy and bustling as the freshmen teetered around cluelessly. This year felt different, like there was some cosmic shift in the air. Everything seemed duller, void of any feeling. You weren't sure what it was exactly, but if you had to guess then it was probably the Starcourt 'fire' that had brought on this change. Things weren't the same after. It was like all of Hawkins was reeling from the loss, despite not having known the truth. You wished that you'd been oblivious. Maybe then everything wouldn't hurt this much. 
You didn't see Eddie around school until lunch. You were almost sure he was avoiding you. You finally saw him lingering in the hallway by his locker, putting some books in, and you immediately made a beeline for him. 
"Eddie!" you called, startling him as he looked up. 
You walked over before he could say anything, "I've been looking all over for you! I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to Patty's. I wanted to explain everything over the summer, but my parents grounded me, which was incredibly annoying since I didn't even do anything. But I think they were just super paranoid and didn't know what else to do and I didn't have your number so I couldn't call you and-"
Your rambling was cut off by Eddie as he held up his hands and dismissively waved, "It's cool, it's fine. Honestly, I don't know why I thought you would show up. If it was some joke or whatever, like, it's...whatever."
"What? No! That wasn't some joke. I really wanted to go on that date, but you know what happened at Starcourt, right?" you anxiously spoke.
"The fire? I don't see what that has to do with anything. Doesn't your shift end at 5?" Eddie asked skeptically. 
"Yes, yes it does! But I usually hang out at Scoops Ahoy because Steve's my ride home. I was doing that and then the whole fire thing happened, and I just got caught up in all of that, and then, y'know the house arrest? My parents thought if I stepped outside, I'd die or something," you quickly explained, "I promise I didn't stand you up!"
Eddie looked at you for a while until a small smile crept up on his face, "Relax, I believe you."
You immediately let out a sigh of relief, "I promise I'm not an asshole." 
There were a few moments of silence that stretched between you two until Eddie finally spoke, "I'm sorry about what happened. That must've been horrifying."
You don't know the half of it. 
You let out a nervous chuckle, "Erm, yeah, it was. But I've had some time to recover."
"How about we re-do that date?" Eddie asked, "Except this time I'm gonna pick you up, can't imagine the types of trouble you get into when I'm not around."
"Sounds good, Eds." you smiled, leaning forward to give him a quick peck on the cheek. As you broke away, you could see a small blush settling on his face.
"God, Y/N, buy me dinner first."
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ghostlyfleur · 6 months
𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞’𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
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eddie munson x shy!oc
contents: anxiety, curse words, friends to lovers. lovesick!eddie, inexperienced!reader, self-consciousness, first kiss, sharing clothes. eddie’s jacket is oversized on reader. can be read as x reader, but a bit oc too? carnival date.
word count: ~1.5k
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eddie munson is in love.
she is entirely inexperienced in anything romantic or sexual; no first kiss, never even got close to it. extremely shy and anxious, has a seemingly innocent aura, is a bit out of sorts, ditzy, with a sort of luna lovegood vibe. doesn’t argue with people, always tears up if confronted about anything, doesn’t have beef with anyone and is a lot more rational than emotional even though she tears up so easily. also doesn’t hold grudges or care what people think of her…
the thing is, she has been introverted her whole life, a very anxious person, and so doesn’t understand that eddie munson likes her because she needs to be told how people feel about her very explicitly otherwise her mind will convince her they hate her. anxiety is like that. and she’s the kind of person that has a hard time realizing that people can perceive their existence and have feelings for them, no matter what type of feelings, so even though eddie is not at all shy about flirting with her and giving her all of the attention in the world in his over-the-top, overdramatic way, he also knows that if anything other than the friendship he’s thankfully managed to build with her is going to happen, romantic-wise, that she has to be the one to initiate it— but she’s oblivious!
on the other hand though, she doesn’t even bother hiding her infatuation with eddie — it’s a lot more than infatuation by now. she’s always looking at him with stars in her eyes and laughs at his jokes and smiles that big, square, goofy smile whenever they lock eyes and constantly praises him because he deserves to feel as special as he is, right? and she goes into detailed talks about lord of the rings with him, likes many of the same bands he does or simply lets him play his favorites for her, and she truly loves to watch hellfire play dungeons & dragons.
her eds even made her a special edition pink hellfire shirt. ‘cause he’s a simp.
one day, as she’s out with chrissy and heather outside a diner, talking and laughing and catching up, eddie is close by somewhere with friends. his van is parked nearby.
it starts getting chilly, and eddie’s girl starts shivering, so she quickly excused herself away from the girls, “gimme a second!” and reaches through the open window of eddie’s van, making a mental note to grill him about it later — “‘cause it isn’t safe, eds!” — to grab his leather jacket thinking of how he has told her over and over that she can borrow it, that “what’s mine is yours, sweets. i don’t mind sharing if it’s with you”, so she figures it’s okay, right? and goes back to the girls who are fucking smirking like they see something she doesn’t.
it’s about fifteen minutes later, and eddie is walking towards the trio, simply because he misses his girl and wants a hug, when he sees it.
she’s wearing his jacket. his jacket.
in typical eddie fashion, he makes a scene— gasping dramatically, he clutches his chest over his heart and falls to his knees, because fuck what anyone around thinks. his precious girl is wearing his fucking jacket! and she looks like a fucking angel.
“eds, what are you doin’?”
“do you know how heavenly you look in my jacket? i just had to get on my knees to worship you.”
the boy shuffles closer to his sweet girl on his knees still while he talks and she’s flustered, okay? she’s shy and her face is on fire and she’s covering her cheeks and giggling. and because it’s eddie, her eddie, she’s not running away to have a panic attack. ‘cause it’s eddie and he’s being sweet, so she can’t focus on anyone else long enough to feel crippling anxiety or embarrassment. doesn’t even care that chrissy is cooing and heather is smirking.
“that jacket is yours now, you own it. you pretty much own me by now.” eddie says, on his knees, in front of her
“it’s okay that i took it right?” she makes sure even after his display of joy, ‘cause anxiety isn’t rational “you said i—”
her eddie knows her, though. he stands up, gets real fucking close to her, so close they’re almost touching, with this look of absolute adoration and “i’d give ya everything i have if i could, pretty.”
fast forward a few days later. chrissy kept yapping on and on to the oblivious girl about how “in love” eddie is, but it’s as though her brain won’t let her even entertain the idea.
that’s until she’s having a semi-regular quote unquote friend-date with eddie, something they’ve done quite a few times before, and this time they go to the fair. they’re doing everything couples might do, eddie is very aware of this, and he’s over the moon to just be enjoying quality time with his pretty girl until she spots a photobooth, “oh, eds! we have to!” and eddie’s desperately counting coins to pay. the pictures go a little something like this:
after coming up blank with pose ideas, they just look at each other and laugh, but at the sound of his free and bright laugh, she just stares at her boy like he’s a dream come true— first pic is taken, looking at eddie like he hung the moon while he’s mid-laugh.
eddie notices her staring and goes from loud laughs to breathless ones, a smile on his lips, and whispers a soft “what?”— second picture is taken as the girl quickly presses her lips to his, her very first kiss, and it’s caught on camera.
the third picture depicts eddie’s sweet girl nervously rambling “i was going to ask for permission first, i promise!” while eddie has a glassy, dreamy look on his face, slack jawed, looking at her lips.
and at the fourth snap? eddie presses forward to shut her up with another impossibly soft and tender kiss, both of their eyes are closed and his hand is holding her jaw, thumb brushing her cheek.
after they part from the second kiss, eddie acknowledges that it was her first kiss, a shy “was that okay?” to which his sweetheart just smiles really big and nods excitedly over and over with a breathless giggle. that was the perfect first and second kiss and she couldn’t ask for more.
they hold hands the rest of the night.
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 1 year
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See you again
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(Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader x Fem!OC)
Summary: Your girlfriend surprises you with tickets to see your favorite band, Corroded Coffin for your birthday. You and her spent one magical night with the lead singer over a year ago before they made it big. Will he remember you? (He definitely will.)
Warnings: 18+MDNI M/F/F threesome, OC and reader are in an established queer relationship, spit kink, choking, Dom!OC, Switch!Eddie, Sub!reader, nipple play, unprotected sex, G/G, reader is described to be a bit more shy and has a few moments of self doubt, Oral (F & M receiving) and I think that’s it? If I missed any please let me know! WK: 6.2k
A/N: Okay this was based on a request by @melodymunson for a rockstar!eddie threesome, I know you said you wanted them to be besties but I kind of took some liberties and then it just got away from me and I made lore lol. Potentially might write a prequel about their first night together if anyone is interested in that! Also the top right photo is supposed to depict my OC. Reader has no descriptions besides the outfit she is wearing. Feedback is greatly appreciated!🖤 Read the prequel here.
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You eagerly waited in the line to the venue to see your favorite band. You have been a fan since they were still pretty underground, only playing in small bars for a few 100 people and haven’t gotten the chance to see them…see him since they got a record deal and made it big. The first time you saw them the lead singer and guitarist had you transfixed. You felt like a creep because you only knew his name since he said it on stage and yet you couldn’t stop thinking about him when you had your hand between your thighs at night. You went to several shows after that, never having the nerve to talk to him but always making lingering eye contact that you couldn’t tell if you were imaging or not.
Eventually you met your girlfriend Chloe at one of their shows and you and her immediately bonded over your mutual crush on the frontman. It didn’t take you long to realize you also had massive crushes on each other and the rest was history. You weren’t like Chloe, you never would have talked to her if she hadn’t approached you first. She was bold and confident and you were more shy and reserved despite the way you dressed insinuating otherwise. So when she told you at the last show you guys had gone to that she was going to just walk up to Eddie and ask him if he wanted to fool around with you guys you felt like you were going to pass out.
“Come on baby, we have talked about and fantasized about this so much. You might not want to believe it but I see the way he looks at us, I don’t think he would turn us down and even if he did that’s the worst that could happen.”
But he didn’t turn you down, his voice squeaked when he answered her and it made you feel a little better knowing he was nervous too. The three of you spent what was one of the best nights of your life together in the back of his van right outside the bar. Afterwards he told you over breakfast at a local diner that they had gotten signed very recently and would be moving out to California in the next week. You congratulated him with a hug and a kiss on the cheek before you parted ways and you haven’t seen him since.
So when Chloe surprised you with the tickets for your birthday, making a whole big thing of it, driving to the city and going shopping for new outfits. You were both equally nervous as you were excited. It’s not like there was even a guarantee he would see you or even recognize you but the possibility had you clenching your thighs thinking back to that night.
You made sure to get there early so when the doors opened you were able to rush to be directly up front against the bar. As people flooded in, you really looked around and realized how big the place truly was.
“This is crazy, I can’t believe how popular they are now. It was only a year ago when we saw them in that tiny bar in town.”
Chloe looked over at you and smiled “I know, it’s like they blew up over night! I’m excited to hear them play some of their new shit live!” She put her hands on your hips and got close to whisper in your ear.
“Plus… I don’t hate the idea of seeing Eddie again…”
You put your arms around her neck and bit your lip, looking into her pretty crystal blue eyes “I know, I don’t either”
You giggled, twisting some strands of her dyed cherry red hair at the back of her neck around your fingers before your face fell. “He probably won’t even see us though, even if he did, who knows if he would even recognize us at this point? I’ve heard his songs on the radio and seen his pictures in magazines. He's probably been with tons of girls since then.”
Little did you know Eddie had already noticed you. He was standing off to the side of the stage absentmindedly watching the local band that was opening for them tonight when saw you standing right in front with your girlfriend's arms wrapped around your shoulders. He felt his pants getting tighter just knowing he was in the same room as you. With the venues and crowds getting bigger and bigger he wasn’t sure he would ever see you again. But there you were looking pretty as ever in a tiny little leopard print top and a tight leather skirt with studded belts layered on it and he suddenly felt extremely nervous to go on stage for the first time in a while.
He thought about you as much as you thought about him. He thought about Chloe too, but he thought about you just a tiny bit more. He had seen you at his shows several times, way before he ever saw her. But he was always too nervous to talk to you. You truly intimidated him with your sexy little outfits, the way the black make-up was always perfectly smoked around your eyes making them pop, those glossy lips he wanted so badly to feel on his skin. You always came alone until one day you didn’t, you showed up with this gorgeous girl that was almost as tall as him, with cherry red hair and beautiful blue eyes that sparkled as she looked down at you. When he saw her wrap his arms around you and kiss you he was so disappointed he felt like his heart was going to fall out of his ass.
But then your girlfriend started making eye contact with him when he was on stage, looking him dead in the eyes as you swayed your hips against hers and she placed innocent seeming kisses on your neck when the look in her eyes was anything but. She would wink at him over your shoulder while she grabbed your ass and at that point he knew she was definitely teasing him. Even though he was pretty much positive that was the case, the small chance that it wasn’t was enough to deter him from approaching you in fear of coming off as a creep.
That night when you both walked up to him and pretty much straight up asked him if he wanted to fuck even with all of the crazy new experiences he’s had in the last year that was still the best night of his life. It played on a loop in his mind more often than he’d like to admit so the fact that you were standing there front and center at his show felt like the universe was blessing him and there was no way he was going to pass that up.
After the opening band finished there were people all over the stage, switching out instruments and equipment to get ready for CC to come on. The lights lowered and you felt butterflies in your tummy at the prospect of seeing Eddie again. When he came out you felt like you would’ve dropped to the ground if Chloe didn’t have her arms around you. He was always beautiful but now? He was otherworldly. If the fact that he wasn’t wearing a shirt and had added several tattoos to his chest since you saw him last wasn’t enough already he was wearing fucking leather pants that looked like they were painted on his body, a bit of eyeliner smudged around his eyes and his hair was styled to perfection.
As soon as he stood center stage, directly in front of you he made eye contact with you and smiled a big goofy smile at you. You felt like the butterflies in your stomach were going to explode. You looked back at Chloe with a flustered look on your face.
“You saw that.. right?” You gulped.
“Oh yeah, I saw that. I knew he would remember us, how could he forget? Especially you baby, you’re just so pretty.”
She smoothed some of your hair that was out of place and cupped your jaw. You leaned into her hand, she had this way of making you feel all fuzzy and warm with just her words and a simple touch and you felt your nerves calm slightly. It was short lived though, Eddie’s voice came through the speakers and flooded your senses.
“Hey everyone! You ready to fucking rock this bitch?!” As he played the first few chords of the first song everyone cheered, including you. As he played through the first songs of the set you were in absolute awe of him. You felt so proud of him, of all of them, seeing them in this environment. The way he worked the crowd, looking so natural up there, dominating the room with his presence. You couldn’t keep your eyes off him, bouncing between the way his fingers were working the guitar to the way his lips looked when he sang, wet with a mixture of spit and sweat. It made you think about how his hands and mouth felt in other places.
It didn’t help that he couldn’t keep his eyes off you either. He kept making eye contact with you and winking, standing directly in front of you with those fucking leather pants that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. His cock looked so big you literally wanted to pull his pants down right there and suck him off in front of everyone.
“He looks so fucking hot” Chloe whispered in your ear while leaving a few warm wet kisses along your pulse point causing you to subconsciously lean your head back on her shoulder grinding back against her and letting out a little whimper.
“Yeah…” you sighed “He fucking does” you looked back up at him and he was looking directly at you with a lust filled gaze as he sang. Chloe was still kissing your neck and knowing her she was staring back at him with the same intensity.
She was whispering dirty things in your ear while her hands roamed your body, leaving small wet kisses on your cheek and jaw. Eddie was up there, unable to take his eyes off the two of you, thrusting into his guitar and practically making out with the microphone. All through the show they continued their back and forth teasing, with you caught in the middle of it, just trying to stay standing upright at this point.
After the current song ended he bent down to whisper to one of the security guards, you watched him tilt his head towards you, and he sent you a wink before standing back at the center of the stage.
“Alright guys, this is gonna be our last song of the night!! You guys have been so awesome, thank you for coming out!!”
Halfway through the song the security guard Eddie whispered to approached you. “He wants to see you backstage.”
He opened the gate just enough for you both to slip through it. You heard a few girls making jealous comments and throwing insults your way but you genuinely couldn't care less at this moment.
You followed the guard backstage, with Chloe behind you as they finished up their final song. You stood off to the side as he thanked everyone and wished them a good night when he noticed you. He immediately started walking towards you, time felt like it was going in slow motion and your head was spinning the closer he got.
He walked right up to you, placing his hands on your shoulders and beaming at you.
“Hi princess” He pulled you into his arms and enveloped you in everything Eddie. His sweaty bare chest was pressed up against your cheek and he smelled so fucking good. Like sweat, cigarettes, a hint of weed, and a cologne that smells more expensive than the one he wore last time you saw him.
“Hi Eddie” you wrapped your arms around his waist and sighed, slightly muffled by the way your face was shoved into him. Wrapping his arms around your shoulders and locking you close to him, he rests his chin on your head so he can look past you at Chloe.
“Hey pretty boy” you heard her say as you felt her come up behind you and reach past you to run a finger along Eddie’s jaw before cupping it in her hand. “Did you miss us?”
He bit his lip and nodded, but Chloe wasn’t having any of that. She shoved her hand into his hair and pulled hard, causing him to let out a sexy groan that made you have to hold back a whimper of your own.
“Words babe, I wanna hear you say it” The way she was talking to him had you already feeling fuzzy and you knew it wasn’t going to take much for you to be in that fucked out headspace she always puts you in.
“Y-yeah I wasn’t sure if I’d ever see you after last time… we didn’t exchange numbers or anything so when I saw you two standing out there I thought I was dreaming again.”
“Again?” She cocked her eyebrow at him “Have you been dreaming of us honey?” She was fully pressed up against your backside now, with Eddie still caging you in from the front.
“Fuck yes I have” He groaned “How could I not?” He tilted his head so he was looking down at you “You’re the prettiest girls I’ve ever seen…”
You looked up at him through your lashes and brought your bottom lip between your teeth, feeling a lot less nervous now that you know he’s been thinking of you.
You got up on your tiptoes so you could whisper directly in his ear.
“We want you Eddie… take us to your dressing room, please?” You flicked your tongue out and licked behind his ear, sucking a little while you rubbed your hands down his chest.
“Fuck. You guys are going to kill me. I’ll do you one better though, take you to my way too fancy for me to comprehend hotel room and fuck you on the big king sized bed… All. Night. Long.” His hand came up to the nape of your neck and squeezed, this time you couldn’t hold it back, you let out a little whimper.
“Oh yeah? All night pretty boy? You think you can keep up with us?” She grabbed his chin, squishing his cheeks together and shaking his head from side to side a little. Seeing the way Eddie submitted to her was driving you insane, thinking back to how dominant he was with YOU it was so sexy how easily she could turn him into putty in her hands.
She brought her lips back to your neck, kissing and licking while she looked over you into Eddie’s eyes in that way that drove him absolutely crazy.
“Fuck. Alright. Let’s fucking go before I lose my mind start fucking you right here.” He let go of you and you immediately missed his embrace, but he grabbed your hand, dragging toward the back exit and to the car he had waiting, pulling Chloe along behind you. 
The short drive to his hotel was a blur, you were sandwiched between them in the backseat, two sets of hands and lips roaming your body. They were grabbing at your chest, your thighs, kissing and licking on your neck leaving marks and love bites, you were completely at their mercy. When the car started coming to a stop you all practically jumped out, giggling and smiling at each other as you started running hand in hand towards his room.
As soon as the door was shut Eddie was on you, he grabbed your face in his big hands and ran his thumbs over your cheeks, his rings were cool and it felt nice on your heated skin “You are so beautiful.” He smiled down at you and then kissed you way more gently than he had in the car, he kissed you like you meant something to him and it was confusing and a little scary but it made your insides feel like they were on fire.
“Okay I get it, you guys are obsessed with each other and that’s very cute and all but I want you both on your fucking knees. Now.” Chloe was standing a few feet away from you, with her hands on her hips and a fire in her eyes that went straight to your core. You kicked off your boots and slid down to your knees without hesitation. It took Eddie’s brain a second to compute not only that this was actually happening right now but how hot your dynamic was. The way you immediately submitted to your girlfriend made his cock even harder than it already was and he wasn’t even sure how that was possible at this point.
He stood there dumbfounded for a second before she walked over to him and grabbed his jaw in her hand, pulling his face close to hers. “I told you to Get. On. Your. Fucking. Knees.”
He stared at her with wide brown eyes before kneeling down next to you.
“Good. You gonna be a good boy for me? I’ll only let you touch my girl if you’re good.” She was bent down to look him directly in the eyes, seeming even taller than she already was and he kind of felt like he was going to bust in his pants right now.
“Yes, I’ll be good. Promise.” He was looking up at her with those pretty doe eyes, driving her crazy.
“Good boy.” She ran her thumb over his bottom lip and he lapped his tongue over it before taking it into his mouth. “Very good boy.”
You squirmed in place, shoving your hands between your legs and squeezing as you watched them. You were honestly so horny at this point you needed one of them to touch you before you exploded. The way Chloe was talking to him was so fucking hot.
“Mmm and we have my good girl too” she said as she looked over at you. “Are you gonna be a good girl for me and Eddie tonight honey?”
“Yes I wanna be good” you bit your lip and nodded eagerly.
“Good. You can start by getting those hands from between your thighs, I didn’t give you permission to do that.” You stuttered out an apology and rested your hands on your lap.
“I’ll let it slide just this once, because my baby is just so eager huh? Want us both to fuck you so bad don’t you?”
“Yes, I want it so bad, been wanting it so bad. I need it.”
“Look how pretty you both look on your knees for me.” She brought a hand to each of your throats and applied just the right amount of pressure. “Take each other's clothes off.”
She didn’t have to tell Eddie twice he practically ripped off the leather jacket he put on in the car and then turned to you and undid the tie at the front of your top.
“Fuck, no bra sweetheart? Are you trying to kill me?”
You bit your lip and nodded “I was hoping that maaaaybe we might see you, I didn’t see any point in wearing it if you were just going to take it off.”
He groaned as he pushed your shirt off your shoulders before leaning in to kiss your neck, making his way down to your chest. But before he can get very far he’s yanked back abruptly by hair.
Chloe towered over him, blue eyes boring down into his.
“I said to undress her, I didn’t give you permission to kiss her, did I?” She gave his hair another tug, causing him to let out a pornographic sounding moan.
“Naughty boy. Open.” He obeyed immediately, sticking out his tongue and looking up at her through his lashes. She let some drool slide off her tongue and onto his and he swallowed without hesitation.
“Now stop being a brat and take her clothes off like I fucking told you to. You can play with her when I say you can.”
“Shit, fuck, yeah okay.” Eddie felt like he died and went to heaven and even more so when his eyes wandered back to you. Your bare chest rising up and down with every breath you take, leaning back on your hands and stretching your legs out in front of you, you bend your knees slightly so he could see up your skirt. There was a little wet patch on your red lace thong and he wanted nothing more than to just bury his face there. You could see the look in his eyes shift then, the entire night he’s looked at you in awe but now he’s looking at you like he wants to destroy you and you want nothing more.
He leans forward, not taking his eyes off yours and starts unbuckling the belts layered on top of your skirt. He’s doing it slowly, like he’s playing with you already despite Chloe’s protests. When the final belt comes off he pulls down the zipper on your skirt before taking it off entirely, leaving you in just your thong.
“God damn baby, look at you.” He smirked at you, running his hands down your calves, the touch sending electric shockwaves up your legs and straight to your pussy. He brought his hands all the way up your legs before looping his fingers in the band of your underwear and pulling them down your ankles.
“Fuck. Look at that pretty pussy, I can see how wet you are from here.”
You couldn’t take it anymore. “Your turn, lean back.”
He assumes your previous position, legs outstretched, weight supported on the palms of his hands as he leans back. You don’t waste any time leaning forward and undoing his belt before hastily undoing his pants and pulling them down his legs. You could see the outline of his cock in his boxers, leaving nothing to the imagination. Long and thick and so fucking hard, a little wet patch forming on the gray fabric. Your mouth watered at the sight. You ran your hands down his chest to his hips before pulling his boxers off. His dick bouncing out and landing on his stomach.
“Fuck. God.” You groaned. “I want you in my mouth so bad.” You looked over to Chloe with pleading eyes, who was now sitting on the edge of the bed completely naked, legs spread.
“You wanna suck him off baby? How about this, since you’ve been such a good obedient little girl for me tonight you can suck his dick while I eat your pussy. How’s that sound?”
“Yes. Please.” You whimpered, she knew exactly how that sounded to you, fucking amazing.
“Okay baby girl, get on the bed, hands and knees.”
You stood immediately, walking over to the bed and getting into the position she asked. You faced them with your back arched so your ass was in the air and stuck your tongue out. A little bit of drool dripping onto the bed. Like a toy, waiting and ready to be played with. Eddie was the first to approach you, cupping your face in his hand gently before grabbing your chin roughly between his pointer finger and thumb and squishing your lips together.
“Look at you, such a good girl, you just want us to treat you like a little fuck doll, huh?” Your eyes rolled back and you moaned, this is what you fucking wanted.
“Yes, please please.” You weren’t above begging at this point. The tension has been building since you saw him on stage and you can’t take much more of them not touching you in some capacity.
“No need to beg doll, I’m gonna give you exactly what you want.” He let go of your chin and held his palm out in front of your mouth. “Spit.”
You grab his hand in both of yours, looking him straight in the eyes as you lick across his palm before spitting on it. He groans, bringing his hand to his cock and stroking it a few times. You felt the bed dip behind you, familiar hands running along your ass before placing a rough smack there causing you to yelp. You looked over your shoulder to see your girlfriend sucking her fingers into her mouth. Her tits on full display, big and full with the prettiest pink nipples you loved to suck.
She brought the fingers in her mouth to your dripping folds, running them up and down your slit. You sighed in relief at the feeling of finally being touched. She inserted two fingers deep into you while making eye contact with you in that way she did that made you feel like you were going to melt. You felt a large hand grab onto your hair, pulling it to turn your head. Eddie was looking down at you with equal intensity, still lazily stroking his cock.
“Eyes on me baby. Stick your tongue out.”
You stuck your tongue out and he slapped his cock against it a few times, but it wasn’t enough, you were tired of the teasing so you took matters into your own hands and wrapped your lips around his head. You swirl your tongue around it a few times before taking as much as him as you could down your throat.
“Holy fuck! O-oh my god, your mouth is so fucking good.” He grabbed onto your hair and tugged, looking down at you with hungry eyes as you began to bob your head up and down on his cock. Chloe continued to move her fingers in and out of you, bringing her thumb to your clit causing you to moan around Eddie.
She suddenly removed her fingers and you whined in protest but you didn’t have to feel the loss of her touch for long because suddenly her tongue was licking a stripe from your hole to your clit before circling it with her tongue and sucking it into her mouth. You pulled off Eddie’s cock to moan loudly at the feeling.
You looked back at her for a moment, she was on her back, one arm wrapped around your thigh, her other arm is out of sight but you can tell by the way it’s moving that she’s touching herself. Fucking god, they’re going to be the death of you.
You turned back to the naked metal head standing over you and looked up at him through your lashes. “Fuck my mouth Eddie, use me.”
“Jesus fucking Christ.” He mumbled before grabbing back onto your hair, shoving his cock all the way down your throat. He pulled back almost all the way then repeated the action before he started thrusting in and out of your mouth, using your throat just like you asked.
Chloe was still devouring you from behind, circling two fingers around your hole before inserting them, curling them and hitting that perfect spongy spot inside you. Between that and the way Eddie was looking at you while he abused your throat you felt yourself getting close already.
“You gonna cum already baby?” She mumbled against your pussy. “I can feel you tightening around my fingers.”
“You’re already gonna cum? You like us using you like this huh? Getting your pussy eaten while I abuse this little throat of yours.” Eddie started thrusting faster and Chloe sucked harder on your clit and that’s all it took. His words and the feeling of them all over you sent you over the edge. Rubbing back against Chloe’s mouth and moaning loudly around Eddie’s cock you felt white hot pleasure run through your entire body.
He releases his grip on your hair, letting his cock slip out of your mouth while Chloe kisses up your spine before flipping you over onto your back, straddling you and kissing you roughly. She tasted like you, the cinnamon gum she always chews, and you could slightly taste the strawberry chapstick she put on earlier that night. It was intoxicating. She lifted one of your legs and sat between them so she could rub her pussy against yours. She started slowly grinding on you but quickly picked up the pace, humping against you hard and fast. Both of your tits bounced with each thrust and you reached up to grab onto hers, squeezing her nipples between your fingers. The room was filled with the sound of your moans and the slick noises of you rubbing against each other.
“God damn, you guys are so fucking sexy.” You tilt your head to look over at Eddie, he’s standing there naked and tattooed, his dick hard and throbbing while he strokes it.
“Get over here pretty boy, come fuck our girl while I sit on her face” our girl, you liked the sound of that.
She rolled off of you and pulled your head into her naked lap, reaching down to take both your tits in her hands before roughly pinching your nipples.
Eddie came over and got on the bed between your legs, looking down at you like prey. “I’m going to fucking destroy this pussy princess.”
He leaned down and kissed you rough and hard before sitting up and grabbing his cock to position it at your entrance. The stretch of him pushing inside you was delicious, he thrust in and out a few times before pushing himself all the way in, his hips against yours and his balls touching your ass.
“God damn you are so fucking tight.” He started fucking into you hard and fast, unable to pace himself. “You feel s-so fucking good, being such a good girl for us.”
Chloe positions herself so her legs are on either side of your head and her pussy is directly above your mouth and you take the hint right away. Grabbing onto her thighs to pull her to your mouth and licking a stripe up her pussy before shoving your tongue inside her, fucking her with it.
“Mmm fuck baby, your mouth always feels so good.” She moaned as you wrapped your lips around her clit. Leaning forward she resumed playing with your boobs, tweaking and pinching your nipples, landing a slap on them here in there causing you to yelp and moan into her each time. She started riding your face, and you let her decide the pace, just holding onto her thighs while you let her use your tongue.
Eddie brought his thumb to your clit and started rubbing circles on it while he continued to pound into you, letting out moans that you wanted to record and listen to over and over again like your favorite song. You felt him lean forward and you couldn’t see but you could hear them making out above you. Chloe’s pace picked up and so did Eddie’s. The circles on your clit got faster and you could hear them moaning against each other's mouths. You were close. So so close.
“Oh god baby, I’m gonna need you to come soon because I’m not going to last much longer between how tight you’re squeezing me and the view I’m looking at I’m going to fucking explode any second.” He grabbed your legs and held onto them by your thighs so he could change his rhythm and hit the exact right spot that had you seeing stars. You writhed underneath them both, moaning and meeting Eddie’s thrusts best you could with your limited movement. Seconds later you felt him spilling inside of you just as Chloe’s movements in your tongue increased in speed. You leaned up slightly to wrap your lips around her clit, sending her over the edge. She moaned loudly, throwing her head back, as she continued to rub against your mouth while she rode out her high.
Eddie was completely fucked out, he pulled out of you and watched his cum drip out of your pussy down your ass and when he looked up he felt like he was about to get hard again already. Chloe was riding your face, her head thrown back, hand in her hair, skin flushed. She looked absolutely mesmerizing.
Once she came down scooted off your face to come lay down beside you. “Fuck. That was so hot.” She was panting as she wrapped her arm around your shoulders and placed a kiss on your cheek. “You are such a good girl.”
Eddie came and laid on the opposite side of you and wrapped his arm around your waist nuzzling his face into your neck. “The best girl.” He said.
You sighed in content and giggled at the praise.
“Happy Birthday, sweet girl.” Chloe leaned over and kissed you softly.
Eddie sat up abruptly next to you. “WHAT!? It’s your birthday!? Why didn’t you tell me!? We could’ve done something to celebrate!”
You looked over at the clock, it read 2:37AM “I mean it’s not my birthday anymore, and I’m pretty sure we just celebrated, several times.” You laughed.
“Okay technically we kinda celebrated. But you know that’s not what I meant, I meant actual birthday stuff. Like cake and singing happy birthday and all that. You deserve that.” He pouted.
“Eddie! It’s fine, this is all I wanted. Chloe surprised me with this trip and this is more than I could’ve ever asked for on my birthday.” You smiled at him and ran a reassuring hand down his arm. “Plus you didn’t even know it was my birthday, how could you? Don’t feel bad silly.”
“Okay well still!! I want to do something for you. This is the last stop on tour and we are playing two more shows here in town. Let me take you to dinner tomorrow.” He put his hand over yours, smiling hopefully at you.
“Eddie… I- We-“ you struggled to find what to say.
“Eddie, baby, we would love that. But, we spent all of our cash on this trip and we only have money for gas and food on the way home. We weren’t even going to stay tonight since we couldn’t afford a hotel and you so graciously let us stay here. But we really can’t afford to stay here another night. I’m sorry.” Chloe spoke up for you, not in a controlling way, she just knows sometimes you have a hard time telling people no. Especially when you don’t want to.
“No, I mean stay here with me in my hotel. We can do whatever you want tomorrow, and then I’ll take you out to a nice fancy dinner.” Fuck, did he really want that? It honestly sounded amazing, but you didn’t even have extra clothes. There was no way you were going to go to a nice dinner with a newly famous rockstar in the clothes you wore all night.
“Eddie I’d really love that, and it’s so sweet that you want to do that for me but we don’t have extra clothes, and I’d feel bad just imposing on your space and having you spend your money on us.” It hurts you to say no to him, you can see his face fall a bit before it lights back up in a smile.
“Sweetheart, listen… I have so much money now I don’t know what to do with it. I’ll take you guys shopping, you can get clothes for the next few days and something pretty to wear to dinner. Pleeeeease??” He sticks his lip out and puts his hands together like a kid on Halloween begging for one more piece of candy.
“That sounds fucking amazing honestly, I’m in. Let him do this for you baby, he wants to and you deserve it.” Chloe looked over at you both with a Cheshire Cat smile before placing a kiss on your forehead. “I know it’s hard for you to let people do things for you, but if you can’t do it for you, do it for me? Because I really fucking want the rockstar Eddie treatment for a day.”
She wasn’t wrong, he’s practically begging to spoil you, it wouldn’t hurt to let him, would it?
“Fuck it. Okay. You can take us shopping and to dinner but I’m going to suck your dick so good and fuck your brains out after. As a thank you.”
His dick twitched at the thought. “Fuck princess, you can’t talk like that you’re going fo get me going again.”
“Who said I wasn’t trying to do exactly that?” You bit your lip and moved your hand to palm his now semi hard cock.
“Yeah? You wanna go again?” He looked like he just won the lottery.
“Hell yeah we do pretty boy, I specifically remember you saying something about ‘fucking us all night long’” Chloe was climbing over you, straddling your lap as she reached out to grab Eddie’s throat. “Did you not?”
“Fuck yeah I did.” He grabbed her face and pulled her into a rough kiss.
Yeah, this was definitely the best birthday of your life, the best day of your life in general honestly and tomorrow was probably going to be even better.
Tagging the bbs who seemed like they wanted to read this: @eddiemunson95 @rip-quizilla @the-unforgivenn 🤭🖤
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justsomerandomfanfic · 7 months
Look At You - Eddie Munson X Female Reader
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Title: Look At You
Eddie Munson X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Reader's friend, Hellfire Club (Mentioned), Reader's mother, and Chris (OC)
Loosely Inspired By: One Of Your Girls by Troye Sivan
WC: 11,764
Warnings: Parties briefly mentioned, vomit briefly mentioned, alcohol (teens mentioned drinking), drugs, Reader's a bit shy in the beginning, movie references, nicknames, Reader's mother is emotionally/verbally/mentally abusive, fear of needles, friends to lovers, yelling, crying, cursing, teasing, banter, flirting, very brief mentions of food issues, angst, and fluff
You scrunched your shoulders closer to yourself, your hands clutched your book to your chest with an iron grip as your friend dragged you into some party. Your senses were overwhelmed by the loud pulsating music rattling the entire house, echoing and reverberating throughout your body as you pushed through the hordes of drunk teenagers; the smell of vomit and alcohol made you scrunch up your nose in disgust.
It was the perfect combination to make the night miserable; the smell, the noise, and most importantly, the people. You were not very much of a people person. When meeting someone, or talking to someone new, you were quiet; shy. But, once you grew comfortable with the person, you would talk and talk. 
Parties were the bane of your existence, and so was your friend. You loved your friend dearly, but you hated when they convinced you, more like peer pressure, you into going to dumb parties. You got out of them somewhat, faking an illness or your need to finish your homework, but that would only help you for so long. You could've been home, eating junk food, watching ‘Labyrinth’ for the ten millionth time as you idolized Jennifer Connelly.
Your sweet daydreams were quickly cut short though as your friend pulled you into the main room full of sweaty teens, dancing wildly around each other as the lights from the ceiling threw shadows all over the place. You cringed at how much louder the music had gotten as ‘You Spin Me Round’ played from a large speaker in the corner of the room. 
Your friend's hand around your bicep shook, gaining your attention. You turned to them, seeing the bright smile on their face and the excitement in their eyes. You'd feel happy for them, but you were very overwhelmed and uncomfortable at that moment.
"Hey!" They called over the music, their body already dancing to the music slightly. "I'm going to say hey to Brian and Allison. Go to the kitchen and get a drink, you need it! Loosen up and have fun for once!"
You had to suppress the urge to roll your eyes as you watched your friend leave you, rushing to a small group of teens, red solo cups and beer bottles in their hands. You felt fear engulf you, your whole body growing cold as you looked around the room rapidly, your eyes darting at the dancing teens and the bright party lights. Your heart began to race in your chest, you couldn't breathe, and it was all becoming too profoundly difficult to stay in that room. You mustered up the strength to push through the crowd, as if going through a maze of people you tried to squeeze through; finally making your way out the back sliding door.
Breathing deeply as you stood outside, you let out a breath of relief. Your head spun a little bit, feeling dizzy at the sudden change in environment, but you tried your best to stay calm. Looking down at your hands, you let out another breath, glad your book made it out of that warzone without a rip or tear.  
"You okay?" You heard a voice speak up, much louder than the music pumping behind you; muffled by the sliding glass door. You quickly turned to the voice, seeing a guy leaning against the wall of the house, knee bent and foot pressed against it; his hands stuffed in his pockets. He was looking up at the sky, not even looking at you. You stared at him before you looked around you, no one else was outside, aside from you and him.
You swallowed thickly, "Me?" You asked, turning back to the young man, slightly shrouded by the awning; casting him in a dark shadow.
"You're the only one out here with me, correct?" He asked, pushing off of the wall to turn and finally look at you. "You looked pretty frazzled when you came out." He then added, making you narrow your eyes at him slightly.
"Why do you care?" You asked, normally you were so forward when talking to new people, but you were really annoyed, tired, and wanted to go home.
"I'm not like those brain dead zombies in there," He said, stepping into the light, finally allowing you to see who you were talking to. "I'm Eddie."
He had long, curly dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a rockstar type of style. You watched as he pulled his hands out of his black ripped jeans pockets, noting the rings adorning some of his fingers as he crossed his arms; noticing his leather jacket with a denim vest over it. It looked homemade, with rips and tears; patches of rock bands and pins. He was cute, you'd give him that. Looking back up at his face, you realized that you should've been talking a while ago.
"I- I'm Y/N." You introduced yourself, noticing a small tin box of some kind hanging from a clasp from his belt loop. "And I'm fine."
This... Eddie, just smiled at you, chuckling, "I'll believe that when I see it. You're shaking like a leaf." He mentioned, making you look down at yourself, seeing that you were in fact shaking. Well, mostly your hands. You clutched your book tighter, trying to stop them.
You looked up at the sky, or what you could see of it, away from Eddie and the partygoers. "I'm fine." You repeated softly, and Eddie hummed, looking you over.
"Not a party person?" He asked, and you remained silent as he continued, "Or people person? I mean, I get that. I don't care for it either." He shrugged as you looked at him again.
"Then why are you here?" Only to watch Eddie smirk, leaning his side against the side of the house.
"I could ask you the same." He said with a laugh.
"Touche." You mumbled as Eddie sighed softly, glancing off to the darkened yard before looking back at you.
"I'm here on business, but you... What about you?" He asked, and you sighed, looking back up at the night sky; seeing a few stars past the dark clouds.
"My friend dragged me here." You began, biting your lip briefly, "I didn't want to go, if they didn't take me I would-"
"Be cuddled up in a comfy blanket, watching a romcom or something?" Eddie interrupted you, and you shrugged one shoulder up.
"More or less. That is usually my evening. Relaxing or doing homework." You answered, growing more and more comfortable with Eddie as you talked to him. “But I’m not really a romcom kind of girl.”
Eddie hummed, before he grabbed the tin box at his hip, opened it, and pulled out what you assumed was a blunt. You assumed right as he brought it up to his lips, pulling out a lighter from his back jean pocket. He flicked it open with his thumb, before pushing down the thumbwheel. He did it a couple of times, with no luck of any flame. Sighing out his nose, he leaned his head back against the wall, frustrated. You stared at him, pursing your lips as you slowly dug into your pocket, pulling out your own lighter. Testing it, you pushed down the thumbwheel, sending out a little orange flame. 
Eddie looked up at the sound of your lighter, "Wow, do you think you could give me a light here?" He asked you as you shut your lighter, pushing your finger over the metal cover, feeling the engraving.
Walking over, you moved your book under your arm as you stopped in front of Eddie. Flicking open the zippo lid, you created the flame as Eddie reached down to grab your wrist. You were surprised at how gentle he was as he raised your hand up, moving the end of his blunt to the open flame. Standing so close to him, he already smelt like cannabis, but also, surprisingly, strawberries. Letting out a puff of smoke through his nose, Eddie let go of your hand. You immediately missed the warmth, as the cold autumn air chilled your wrist. You quickly pushed that thought out and took a step back.
"Thanks, babe." Eddie winked at you, making your face warm up at the sudden nickname.
He then took another deep breath, letting out the smoke into the night air; you watched it swirl into nothingness. "You smoke?" He asked abruptly, breaking the silence between the two of you as if he didn't feel the awkward tension that you felt crawling down your spine.
"Ew, no. No. It's my father's." You explained swiftly, and Eddie nodded.
"Wicked," Eddie nodded, taking another drag from his blunt. "Better than my lighter for sure. Broken shit. Gotta get a new one." He mumbled to himself as you watched him.
"You know that's, like, bad for you, right?" You spoke up, “It could kill you.” Your nose scrunching up at the terrible smell as Eddie shrugged.
"Eh, that's just what society tells everyone.” He countered, “Besides, it calms me down, and believe me. I need to calm down." Eddie laughed out before he paused and turned to you, twisting the smoking blunt between his fingers. "I can put it out if you're uncomfortable though... Smoke and all." He offered and you shook your head. You didn't really care that much, you'd probably leave soon anyway; try and find your friend before they get too drunk and go home. Eddie let out the last bit of smoke before he dropped the dead blunt to the ground, crushing it with the heel of his white Reebok sneakers. "So," He began, stuffing his hands into his jeans pockets again. "Tell me about yourself, Y/N." 
You turned to him, bewildered that he was still trying to talk to you. You didn't mind it, but normally people didn't talk to you long. Either getting bored of you or the conversation. And normally, you wouldn't be talking to strangers, especially guys. Especially a guy that you barely knew. And who was cute, but that was beside the point. "What's there to know?" You asked skeptically, watching as Eddie shrugged again, his head tilting to the side a bit.
"Well, I've never seen you around school before, which is crazy since I feel like if I saw you, I would've remembered meeting you." He stated, “Plus,” He added, “You seem like a fun girl to talk to." He pointed out, taking you back slightly. "I'd like to get to know you; if you’d let me." He finished, making your cheeks flush in shock and embarrassment. 
"You... You want to get to know me?" You asked, bewildered and beyond dumbfounded as you watched Eddie nod his head with a smile on his face.
"I think you're pretty cool, so yeah... I'd like to get to know you." Eddie repeated, and you shook your head.
"I'm not that cool. I mean, we just met, like, ten minutes ago. How can you think I’m cool in that short amount of time?" You asked, making Eddie sputter out a laugh.
"Not cool? Impossible. Your style alone is cool, babe." He gestured to your attire with a hand before stuffing it back into his pocket; it was getting colder, but you didn’t seem to notice.
You looked down at your clothes, your rainbow-striped sweater, blue flared jeans, white socks, and your red hightop Converse. Nothing special, it wasn't like you looked as cool as him. Him and his punk leather, rockstar attitude. He was probably in a band or something. You looked back up at him, clutching your book as you spoke shortly, "Thanks. I like yours too."
Eddie's eyes widened slightly before he gave you a toothy grin, "Why, thank you, my lady." He bowed, making you laugh - a snort escaping - covering your mouth with your hand as his eyes lit up and he stood back up straight. Bringing a hand up, he ran a hand through his hair, his jacket sleeve moving up as he did so. Your eyes widened as you saw his arm, seeing a tattoo on his skin. 
"You have a tattoo?" You asked in awe, as Eddie nodded.
"I actually have five." Eddie corrected, pulling down the collar of his band tee to reveal a tattoo on his chest, near his collarbone.
"Five? Wow," You replied, "I've always wanted a tattoo, but my mom is really not okay with them."
Eddie watched as you walked over, leaning against the wall beside him. "Really?" He asked, amazed by you as you nodded, a small smile on your face.
"Yeah, she thinks that it’s devil crap or something. I just think she needs to be more open minded." You replied, before looking up at Eddie. “And it may sound silly, but I never really knew what I would get if I got one… I just knew that I really wanted one - Something - anything.” You shrugged, shuffling the soles of your shoes on the patio concrete before continuing, "If I may, could I see the one?" You inquired and Eddie was happy to answer, pulling his sleeve up to show you his bats. He watched as your eyes lit up, your hand reaching forward, but freezing. You look up with your big eyes, looking right into his brown ones with uncertainty. "May I touch it?"
Eddie just smiled, "Go for it." 
You reached out, before pressing your pointer finger along the small bats, outlining them. Your warm touch sent a shiver down Eddie's spine making him hold his breath as he watched you carefully. His brown eyes followed every movement of your finger, goosebumps appearing as your finger brushed against his skin. You were so gentle, kind; it made Eddie's chest feel warm. 
"Did it hurt?" You asked, bringing your hand back to your side as you sputtered a short laugh, "Of course it had to of had to, silly questions."
Eddie shook his head, clearing his throat as he slid his sleeve back down. "No, not silly at all. It did hurt, especially my puppet master one, but the least of all was the bats."
You hummed with a small smile, "That's the one thing I'm scared of. I'm not good with pain. Needles scare the crap out of me." You admitted and Eddie’s grin widened, one of his shoes gently knocking into one of yours.
"Well, if you ever want to break some rules, I know a place. And, I'd be happy to tag along." Eddie softly offered, making you pause for a second, before nodding your head.
"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind." You laughed, making Eddie’s grin soften slightly. You looked down at your wrist at your watch, seeing the time, your eyes widened, "Oh, goodness. It's very late. I need to get home."
"Need a ride?" He was quick to ask, not wanting your conversation to end, as you bit your lip, glancing inside the house through the glass sliding door; you were unable to find your friend in the crowd. You didn't want to have to go in there and find them. So, weighing your options, you looked up at Eddie. 
"Yeah, a ride would be great."
From then on, you and Eddie were inseparable. Joined to the hip. At school, you ate lunch with him and his club friends, your chair incredibly close to his as you laughed along to something Eddie had said. You even stayed after school when Eddie had his Hellfire club, watching beside him - usually sat upon the cushioned arm of his throne, as he looked over his game as the game’s Dungeon Master.
Every day was a new experience for you. Spending time with Eddie made you forget all about your problems and worries at home. You found it easy to slip into normalcy, laughing with him and joking around. You never thought you would find someone who made you so happy, someone who made it so easy to just be yourself; without the fear of judgment or disappointment.
Eddie had such an easygoing nature about him, always having fun. There was something different about him that made you feel comfortable. And it wasn't long until you realized you had feelings for him. Which really scared you. These feelings... They were dangerous. But… You couldn't help it. 
However, it did land you into some inner tumoral. Sometimes, your mind would begin to blank, your thoughts dwindling until all you thought about was how you wanted to run your fingers through his hair or press your lips to his. But just being able to simply sit next to him, listening to his voice, feeling his presence; was enough. That was enough for you.
Eddie pulled into your driveway, turning off the engine once parked. Turning to you, he watched as you unbuckled and grabbed your bag from between your feet; double-checking your bag to see if you had everything. You then turned to Eddie, seeing that he was already looking at you, startling you slightly, but making your cheeks flush.
"You got everything, babe?" He asked and you nodded, leaning over the middle console to press a kiss to Eddie's cheek.
"Thank you for driving me home, Eds." You replied and Eddie rolled his eyes jokingly.
"Y/N, baby, no need to thank me. It's what best friends do. I’ll call you when I get home." He shooed you along, making you laugh as you opened your door and hopped out. 
Walking backwards, you waved goodbye as Eddie pulled out of the driveway, a bright smile on your face. Once he was out of sight, you let out a happy sigh, turning around and heading up the steps to your home. Finding the door already unlocked, like it was most days, you walked on in with a smile on your face. Kicking off your converse, you dropped your backpack at the stairs before passing the living room and heading to the kitchen.
"Y/N." Your mother's voice rang out, making you pause midstep, going back to the living room where your mother sat in her armchair, book in hand. She took her reading glasses off the bridge of her nose, closing them, and placing them on the small table beside her. She then stared at you, a frown on her face, her hands interlaced in her lap, "Have you been with that boy again?" Her tone was stern and demanding, making you bite your lip nervously as you looked down at the ground.
"Yes... Mom, I—" Before you could continue, she cut you off with a wave of her hand.
"Don't 'Mom' me. That boy is bad news. I told you to stay away from him." Her voice rose slightly in pitch and volume with each sentence.
"And don't tell me how you feel about this, he's the devil! Playing those- those demonic games-”
"He's not the devil!" You shouted suddenly, causing your mother to jump slightly and stare at you. "I like him, okay?! I like him more than anyone I've ever met! He's my best friend and I can't just not hang out with him anymore." You finished your voice breaking as tears formed in your eyes.
Your mother blinked several times before standing up, walking over to you.
"Oh, my darling honey," She began as she cupped your cheeks in her hands, "It's not safe for you to get involved with those types of boys.” The cadence in her voice sounded like she was speaking to an errant child. “Now, I better not see you around him any longer or we might have to move again." She ended the conversation, pinching your cheek before she left for the kitchen.
You watched her leave, tears streaming down your face, completely heartbroken as you rubbed the cheek she pinched. She didn't understand Eddie, and she never would. But her threat frightened you. You knew that if she caught you with Eddie, she would move the two of you away again. She did it once, she’d do it again. 
Grabbing your backpack, you headed straight to your room, forgetting about that snack you wanted as you shut your door. Dropping your bag, you finally let go, your chest rising and falling rapidly as you fell onto your bed. Laying on your stomach, you smashed your face onto your pillow, letting out a small, muffled sob as you began to cry. What else could you do? Before you could even start brainstorming ideas, you jumped slightly when you heard your phone ring, reaching over you, grabbing it, and bringing it to your ear.
"Hello?" You asked, clearing your throat and hoping you didn't sound as sad as you were.
"Hey! Babe! How's my favorite girl doing?"
Of course, it was Eddie. He said he was going to call you.
Your eyes widened as you struggled to sit up straight, "Eddie, you have to be quick, my mom could be listening." You whispered, hoping your mother ignored the phone but you still felt uneasy as you clutched the phone with a death-like grip.
Eddie pursed his lips in thought as he leaned against the wall of his trailer by the wall-mounted phone. You had only told Eddie about your mother once, but Eddie could tell from that one time that your mother was a tough subject for you, so he never pressed you further. Even though he had a lot of questions.
"Okay, okay! Don't worry, babe, alright? I'll be quick. Promise." Eddie assured, hearing movement on the other side of the line, "I just wanted to let you know that the meeting next week has been moved to five. Henderson has a dentist appointment or something after school."
You hesitated, biting your lip. "Okay, that's good to know. Thank you, Eddie." You spoke out with a breath.
Eddie began to twirl the phone cord between his fingers, his eyes staring at an old, discolored spot on the floor by his feet, "Are you okay?" He asked, and it seemed like a dumb question to him. Of course, you probably weren't okay. The way you sounded over the phone, he could hear how upset you were.
You paused, biting your lip, trying to think of anything, anything, to say. "What makes you ask that?" You replied. You hoped he wouldn't notice the slight shake in your voice.
"You sound kind of down," He replied, his voice low, his eyes focused on the discoloration, "I know I can't see you right now, but I bet you got a frown on that pretty face of yours." You sighed, and even though you still felt pretty terrible, hearing his voice, and just him in general, was enough to lift your spirits a little. You didn't think that you would fall even deeper for Eddie, but there you went. It was like your heart belonged to him already. You heard a bit of shuffling on his end before he spoke once more, "I know I said that I'd be quick, and I will, so... I'll see you tomorrow?" You could almost hear the hopeful tone in his voice; though, there was a hint of unsureness lingering there.
"Yeah..." You muttered, "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Goodnight, babe."
You let a small sigh escape you, "Goodnight, Eds."
Hanging up the phone, you hoped to god that your mother wasn't listening in as you slid yourself further onto your bed, your back pressed against the headboard. You wrapped your arms around your knees, resting your chin on them, your bottom lip trembling. Tears slowly began to trickle down your cheeks, leaving tracks in their path, and you buried your face in your arms, allowing yourself to become engulfed in darkness.
The next morning, you woke up groggy. Clearing the little crust away from the corners of your eyes, you sat up with a small groan. As you got ready for the school day, you tried to remember when you fell asleep last night, but you couldn't remember. Walking to one side of the room, you opened your small dresser, grabbing a pair of pants before starting to really get ready for the day.
You sat on the edge of your bed, fixing the cuff of your red jeans as you leaned to the side slightly, peeking out your bedroom window. Seeing your mother's car gone and missing from the driveway, you let out a small breath of relief, your shoulders dropping. 
Sliding your black studded belt through your belt loops, you walked over to your closet. Shuffling through your many hanging shirts of various colors, your hand paused on one, near the back of the closet. Pushing the shirts on their hangers to the side, you pulled the black shirt off the pole and towards you. Holding it up, you couldn't help but smile, your free hand coming up to grasp the soft fabric; rubbing it between your fingers. 
The shirt was black with the main print being a graveyard. Rows and rows of cross-shaped tombstones stood, a pair of red hands loomed above, holding strings that dropped down and connected to some of the tombstones. The words, 'Metallica' was in silver in the middle of the shirt, while 'Master Of Puppets,' was printed at the bottom of the illustration.
It was Eddie's and you may or may not have stolen it from him one of the times you visited him at his trailer - and he didn't mind. You usually wore it to sleep, but the scent, which was so perfectly Eddie, had begun to fade, which made you sad. Slipping it off the hanger, you replaced your nightshirt with the band tee, feeling a wave of comfort wash over you as it covered your body. 
Grabbing your backpack from near your bedroom door and your denim jacket from the hook, you headed out into the hallway, and down the stairs. As you slid on your black Converse, you side-eyed the clock on the wall, seeing that you did not have enough time to eat before you began your trek down to the high school. And so, with a hungry stomach, you slipped on your backpack and headed out the door.
As the school day went on, you felt as if you were drowning. Your classes were boring and monotonous as the teacher droned on about the Civil War, giving no real attention to the class except for a few snickers from the students behind him as he wrote on the chalkboard. When the bell finally rang, you quickly packed up all your things and rushed to leave the classroom, eager to get out.
Unfortunately for you, the halls were packed with students, meaning that you could not make your escape without brushing against others. You sighed, running your fingers through your hair as you looked around, hoping to find an opening to get through.
Finding a small opening, you took your chance, speeding through, you maneuvered through the crowd as people gave way to you. Your heart rate increased as you pushed through everyone, making your way towards the cafeteria. Once inside, you let your eyes scan the room, quickly spotting Eddie sitting with his club members. Making your way over, you couldn't help but feel giddy as your legs carried you over to him, unable to hide the huge grin forming on your face.
Turning his head, Eddie's eyes met yours, they brightened, a smile growing on his lips. Standing, he met you halfway, letting out a small grunt as you threw yourself into his arms. Eddie hugged you tightly, wrapping his arms around you and lifting you off the ground as he spun you in circles; making you laugh as you held onto him. When you both stopped spinning, Eddie set you back on the ground. Closing your eyes, you allowed yourself to enjoy this moment, savoring the warmth he provided as he held you close to your chest; rubbing your cheek on his denim vest and leather jacket combo. 
Looking up at him, he was already looking down at you, his eyes roamed over your face. You gazed right back into those chocolate-brown eyes of his, feeling the anxiety and sadness just melt away instantly. "Hey." You breathed out quietly, smiling as he pulled you closer to him, his hands finding their place on your waist.
"Hey, there, babe," He spoke softly, moving a stray piece of hair behind your ear. "Looks like somebody missed me." He teased, earning a light slap on his upper arm. 
Rolling your eyes playfully, you pouted, "Of course, I missed you, Eds." Eddie chuckled as he nuzzled his nose into your hairline, breathing in the sweet smell of your coconut shampoo.
After a moment, you felt the side of your face buzz, feeling eyes on you. Looking over, you huffed, gaining Eddie's attention. Eddie followed your eyes, seeing his club members staring at you and him. Half of them were trying to muffle their laughter, making Eddie glare at the group. 
"What are you airheads looking at? Get back to eating, nothing to see here." Eddie spoke out, his gaze never leaving yours. His tone was firm. With a shrug, the group turned their heads back down to what they were doing, not wanting to draw any more attention than necessary. "Come on," Eddie spoke softly, only to you, "Let's get out of here." You nodded your head, following beside him as he led you out of the cafeteria.
Stepping outside, you and Eddie walked out into the woods by the school, stepping over tree roots and walking around bushes and trees, you finally spotted the old picnic bench. Sitting down, you tucked your legs under the table as Eddie sat down with his legs on either side of the bench; facing you.
After a couple of minutes of silence, Eddie smiled over at you, "Look at you. You look beautiful today. Especially in my shirt."
You laughed lightly, feeling your face flush, "Thanks, Eddie."
"No, I'm serious," He continued, scouting a smidge closer, "I should give you my shirts more often… Actually, just take all my clothes. I don’t need them.”
You shook your head, grinning as you glanced around the woods, "You wouldn't get them back if you did that." You pointed out with a laugh.
Eddie chuckled, shaking his head a bit, his bangs falling into his eyes slightly, "Maybe, maybe not." Eddie replied, turning his body so that his arm was leaning against the table, propping his head up on his hand, "But you do look beautiful today."
"That's the second time now. How many times are you going to compliment me today?" You asked, arching an eyebrow.
"Well," He chuckled, his mouth twisting upwards in amusement, "I can't seem to stop myself."
Your eyebrows raised slightly as you stared down at your lap, you bit your lip. You could feel your heart beating faster, pounding loudly in your chest, your ears feeling slightly warm. You doubted that you would ever get used to hearing him say those things to you. You cleared your throat, glancing back at him, "So," You trailed off, "How was your morning?"
He grinned, chuckling, "Boring, without you." He huffed, "I wish we had the same classes."
"Me too." You nodded your head, "I think History would actually be fun if you were in my class." You muttered, shrugging a shoulder, "I could hardly pay attention."
"Well, you wouldn't pay attention if I was in class with you." Eddie joked, causing you to chuckle slightly.
"You're right." You giggled, fidgeting with your fingers in your lap, watching as the wind blew through his dark, curly locks. "You're such a bad influence on me." Immediately as you said that, your smile slipped, turning into a small frown. Even though you were joking, that was what your mother thought he was.  
Eddie leaned forward in his seat slightly, his elbow resting on the table, as he watched you intently, studying the expression on your face, "Y/N? Hey…" Eddie questioned quietly, reaching out and taking your hand in his. "What's wrong, babe?"
You swallowed hard, trying to avoid his gaze as you answered, "Nothing," You cleared your throat, "I'm fine."
Eddie pursed his lips, narrowing his eyes, "I know you're not." He scooted closer, interlacing his fingers with yours, "What's going on?" You looked up at him, you returned to biting your lip. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked. 
"It's my mom..." You replied softly, running a hand through your hair, "She doesn't like you."
"A lot of people don't like me, sweetheart." Eddie replied nonchalantly, squeezing your hand lightly as he gave you a lopsided grin.
You huffed, "I know. But, she doesn't want me to hang out with you anymore. And when I told her I wouldn't stop spending time with you, she got all mad. She told me that I shouldn't be friends with someone who's... The devil. That you’ll brainwash me." You whispered, looking down at the table, "I- I don't know what to do... I mean, she made me move that last time I made friends with someone she didn't approve of... I don't want to leave. I don't want to leave you." Sighing deeply, you shut your eyes, tears burned behind them as you finished, "It hurts, Eddie."
Silence filled the air between you two. A minute passed before you heard a sigh escape his lips. Opening one eye, you glanced up at Eddie, his brows furrowed in frustration. Leaning forward again, you watched as he reached out, brushing his hand across your cheek; wiping away the lone tear that managed to escape your eye.
"And- And, I don't care what she thinks." You whispered, shaking your head. "I just dont- I don't know what I'd do without you." You admitted, sniffling slightly as you stared at him; your brown eyes meeting his chocolate ones.
The corner of his mouth curved upward, a genuine grin spreading across his face, "I don't know what I'd do without you, babe." As he spoke these words, he brought your hand up to his lips, placing a soft kiss on the center of your palm. "You make this shit town a whole lot better."
You blinked a few times, noticing how close you and Eddie were to each other, your cheeks flushed as your heart started racing once more. Licking your suddenly dry lips, you opened your mouth slightly, but no sound came out.
Eddie's eyes were trapped as he observed every detail in your face. The slight hint of your freckles, cheeks, and back to your bright, shimmering eyes; your lashes still wet from your prior tears. His half-lidded gaze then flickered down to your lips, and his tongue traced his bottom lip nervously. As Eddie's gaze lingered on your lips, a mix of emotions swirled in his eyes. Unbeknownst to you, Eddie had always harbored a special adoration for you ever since the night you both met at that dreadful party that you'd been dragged to. He had never met anyone like you before.
His heart would flutter every time you bantered back and forth and the way you would shyly smile in his presence only fueled his hidden affections. In those stolen moments where your eyes met and sparks seemed to fly, Eddie couldn't help but wonder if you felt the same way, buried beneath the layers of playful teasing and genuine friendship.
As you sat there, hand in hand, Your breath hitched as the atmosphere between you and Eddie crackled with an undeniable tension as you sat there, the weight of unspoken words lingering in the air. In a moment of daring courage, you both leaned in, hearts pounding in sync, unsure of what the next second would bring.
As your lips drew closer, a mix of nerves and anticipation enveloped you. Eddie's gaze softened, his usually mischievous eyes now filled with a vulnerability that mirrored your own. The world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you, suspended in a moment that felt both surreal and inevitable.
And then, in a flutter of breath and hesitancy, Eddie's nose brushed the side of yours, his hot breath caressing your cheeks. Your hand shook slightly as you brushed the tips of your fingers against his cheek, your eyes fluttered as your lips met in the middle; your hearts beating frantically in unison.
Your lips moved together slowly, gently moving against each other as you both explored the taste of each other, each moment was perfect. Every sensation, every smell, every sound seemed amplified. It felt like you were floating in a bubble of bliss, forgetting about everything but each other.
Pulling away, you kept your eyes shut as you pressed your forehead against his, feeling his bangs brush against your eyelashes, a giddy smile finding its way to your features, “Were you serious when you said you give me more of your shirts?”
Eddie chuckled lightly, “If it means I get to kiss you again, then sure.” He mumbled against your lips as his left hand cupped your cheek, his thumb caressing your skin.
You smiled, pressing a soft kiss to his nose before pulling away slightly, your eyes gazing into each other. "Can I have that other Metallica one? The one with the electric chair?" Excitement was clear in your voice as Eddie chuckled, nodding his head, you grinned widely, your eyes sparkling with happiness. 
"Look at you…” He muttered, seeing your smile before answering your question, “But, of course." He winked, causing your smile to widen as he leaned forward, his mouth barely grazing over yours, "Anything for you." He murmured before closing the distance between the two of you once again.
"Are you sure about this, babe?" Eddie asked, his hands holding the steering wheel tightly, driving his van in the next town over from Hawkins. "I mean, you don't have to do this just to piss off your mom." 
"I'm not just doing this," You shrugged a shoulder, glancing over at him from the passenger seat, "Don’t you remember me telling you how much I’ve wanted one when we first met?”
"Do I remember?" Eddie asked himself, a small grin growing on his face as he glanced over at you, your eyes meeting his before he turned back to the road, "The way you looked at me when you saw my tattoos... How your eyes lit up, and the smile that crossed your face... The way your lips parted... The way they looked so soft..." Eddie trailed off, "Yeah, no... I don't think I remember." Eddie shook his head as you felt your cheeks burn from his words, making you shake your own head, biting your lip. Oh, how he teased you...
Watching as the many trees passed by, you hummed before continuing, "It sounds like you weren't even paying attention." You answered, amused, resting your elbow on the van's door armrest, holding your head up by the palm of your hand. 
Eddie smirked, "Maybe I was too caught up in you to listen to what you were saying," He countered, raising an eyebrow as he glanced over at you for a brief moment, watching as you rolled your eyes, amused.
"If that's true then I doubt you've been listening to anything I have been saying. I swear I have to snap you out of staring at me every five seconds, Eds." You laughed lightly, your eyes falling back on the window as you continued humming under your breath.
"Not my fault you're so beautiful that I can't take my eyes off you, baby." He muttered flirtatiously.
"Shut up," You giggled, throwing your head back against the van's headrest, "You’re making me blush!"
Eddie didn't say another word, a large grin on his face as he pulled up to the familiar tattoo parlor. 
As you unbuckled yourself from the passenger seat, Eddie quickly got out and rounded around the front of the van. Opening the passenger side door, Eddie dipped into a low bow, stretching his free hand out to the side as he gave you a grin, "My lady," He spoke in a rather posh voice.
Placing a hand on your chest, you placed your free hand on top of his as you batted your eyelashes mockingly, pretending to gasp, "Oh, my," You spoke, mimicking him, "What a gentleman." You said as you stepped out of the van.
"Only for you." Eddie answered back, your hand staying in his as the both of you began to walk to the front, glass door.
As you both walked a couple of feet, you stepped up onto one of the curb stops, walking carefully so as not to fall; Eddie's hand in yours, watching you as you stepped toe to toe on the cement block. "What are you thinking of getting?" Eddie then asked, as your eyes stared down at your feet.
"I think I'll keep that as a surprise until this artist friend of yours asks..." You muttered with a small smile, coming to the end of the curb stop, stepping off, and looking up at Eddie as he grabbed the door handle of the parlor door.
"Well then," Eddie opened the door, the bell above it jingling, "I'm excited to find out what it is." Entering the parlor, Eddie waved at the man behind the counter. The man was tall, in his late twenties you assumed, and had a remarkable similarity to Kurt Russell from that 'Escape From New York' movie. "Hey! Chris!" Eddie exclaimed as this 'Chris' just gave Eddie a grin, pressing his palms against the counter.
"Hello, Eddie. Brought a friend, I see." He turned his bluey gaze to you, offering his hand as the two of you stopped before the counter, "Hey, name's Christopher, but you can call me 'Chris,' He spoke as you shook his hand, "I can only assume either of you came to get a tattoo. Unless you missed me." He joked, making Eddie huff, his eyes rolling as he flopped his arm over your shoulder. 
"You assumed correct, Chris," Eddie spoke, pulling you into his side, "My lovely girlfriend wants a tattoo."
Christopher hummed, nodding his head, "Well, you came to the right place." He clapped his hands together once before pressing them back against the counter before him, his eyes turning back to you, "What did you have in mind? Flowers, some sort of animal, a quote? I can do practically anything."
You just smiled, your mind already picturing the tattoo image that you had in mind. "I want bats." You answered simply, the side of your face burning as Eddie's head turned swiftly to stare at you wide, surprised - and in awe - eyes. 
Chris's grin curled into a mischievous one as he quickly glanced at Eddie and back to you, "Bats... Hmm, yeah, I can do that. Let me quickly come up with a sketch." He then spoke, sitting down in the chair behind the counter and pulling out a small sketch pad and pencil.
Eddie just continued staring at you, "Bats..." He muttered softly, "You want bats?" His question was filled with disbelief.
You shrugged a shoulder, your hand coming up to hold his hand from your shoulder, "I like bats."
"You like my bats," He whispered proudly, emphasizing on the third word as you smiled coyly.
"I love your bats," You repeated teasingly, squeezing his hand in yours before releasing it to reach up and push a strand of hair behind his ear, "I feel like you should've seen this coming."
Eddie just huffed, raising his free hand to grab yours from his hair, cupping your hand to his cheek; continuing to stare at you adoringly as he nuzzled his cheek into your palm. "I thought you were going to get something from that movie you like or something..."
"Hmm," You hummed, your thumb brushing against the soft skin of the apple of his cheek, your eyes drifting, spotting the little freckles that were dotted there, "That might be a good second tattoo idea."
"You really got the key to my heart, babe," Eddie spoke, his voice sounding full of what you could only think was a deep sense of love as his warm brown orbs gazed into yours, causing you to let out a small giggle, your thumb rubbing circles around his cheek.
"And you got mine, Eds." You mumbled as his eyes dropped to your lips, just a mere breath away until Christopher popped his head up from his sketch pad.
"Sorry to interrupt," He grinned, his mischievous eyes gleaming, standing from his chair as the two of you pulled away from each other slightly; Eddi's arms still wrapped around your shoulders. "What do you think of this?" Chris then asked, showing you the sketch he had gone, and immediately, your eyes widened, as did your smile.
"It's perfect!" You cheered, feeling a rush of excitement run through you as you stared down at the sketch. It was of Eddie's bats, drawn the same, but flying in a slightly different pattern; more horizontal. It was perfect and you couldn't wait for the masterpiece to be permanently printed onto your skin.
Chris pulled the sketchbook back, "Great, you two lovebirds can follow me to the chair." He spoke, as he led you and Eddie to his station.
As you walked, you took that time to look around the parlor, seeing the walls covered in posters and framed art depicting different types of tattoos. The room was bright, but not blinding and everything was done in black, white, and gray tones. Taking a seat on the later chair, Chris slid over another wheely chair, the same as his, for Eddie to sit on as he gathered his needed materials from a separate room. 
Eddie held your hand as you laid your arm on the chair's armrest, gently squeezing your hand as you continued to look around the room at all the different tattoo designs. "Are you excited?" He asked, watching as your eyes flickered from design to design, a smile still on your face.
"So excited. But I'm still nervous. I'm trying not to think about the needle."
"Hmm, yeah," He hummed, following your line of sight, "I'll be here the whole time. You know that you can take a break at any time. Just let him know."
"I know," You nodded, looking over at him, "But I can do this. I mean, I've been waiting for this ever since I was twelve."
"I know," Eddie mimicked you softly as Chris came back over with the tattoo gun and inks needed. 
Setting the items down on the table, Chris grabbed some gloves, sliding them on, "Alright, where did you plan to have it?"
"Right here," You gestured to just below your collarbone, and Chris nodded as he got the items ready on the tin tray beside him, organizing them.
"Alright, I just want to let you know that it might be painful, or it might not. Some people say it just feels like someone scratching the same spot over and over, and some don’t, so I just wanted to warn you about that." He spoke, opening the ink bottles and pouring a couple of drops into a small, plastic cup, "I try and make this as pleasant of an experience as possible for everyone who comes in. So if you need a break, you can take it. If you need a snack, I got a mini fridge, and if you need me to change the radio station, I bet Eddie will go and change it for you." He finished, before twisting his wrist, warming it up. "Are you ready to begin?" 
You nodded, "Yeah."
The tattoo was perfect. You thought it was gorgeous. And when Eddie first saw it after Chris was done, his first word was, ‘Wicked.’
Seven little bats decorated your soft skin, and even though you had gone through a lot of pain to get them, it was incredibly worth it. Chris and Eddie were right, and it did hurt, but not as much as you thought it was going to hurt. Your mother, after you had told her of your wish to one day get a tattoo and tattoos in general. She said that it was a way of signing your soul over to the devil. That was the reason your mother moved you away to Hawkins, your mother found out that a friend of yours had a tattoo. But nothing she said really deterred you from wanting a tattoo. 
And four months later, you sat in your room with Eddie, a movie randomly playing on your small television across your bed, whilst you read a book and Eddie's head leaned on your shoulder. He was staring at the TV, not fully paying attention to it as he played with the fraying hem of your shirt... That you stole from him. 
You continued to read, your book taking you to a far-off world with elves, wizards, and hobbits. Eddie had recommended the 'Lord Of The Rings' series, letting you borrow his set, and you couldn't have been happier. You were in the second book, almost near the end; you couldn't put it down. Even though it was long, and the author really liked to describe anything and everything, you enjoyed how easily you seemed to fall into the fantasy world of Middle Earth.
Sighing, Eddie scooted impossibly closer to you, growing a bit bored. His hands were tingling slightly with the want and need to do something, anything. He wished he had his baby with him. His other baby. While you were reading, he could've been practicing a few songs, but his visit to your house for the first time was not planned.
You had told him that your mother was going out to play Scrabble with a few friends for the night, and that she wouldn't get back until pretty late. So, you took Eddie to your place. You were excited to finally show Eddie your room. Even though it wasn't anything like his, Eddie still loved it. 
When he walked in, he knew it was your room. Your desk was pushed off to the side, near the window. Folders, notebooks, and other various items were neatly placed there. The shelves that contained your many, many books were on the other wall, next to your closet door. The bed looked comfortable too; with a plush, fuzzy faux-fur blanket that covered your gray sheets, accompanied with gray pillowcases on your pillows. 
Your room was nice, open, and bright. And it made Eddie feel calm; safe. 
Letting out a dramatic sigh this time, Eddie pushed himself up slightly, lifting and turning his head to press his nose into your shoulder, his eyes staring at what he could see of the side of your face with sad, puppy dog eyes. 
"Bored?" You asked softly, thumbing the page over. 
Eddie pouted, "Yeah… How could you tell?"
"This is the ninth time you sighed in... Oh, I don't know... Ten minutes." You spoke glancing at the circular clock on the wall and down at him before back at your book. "Just let me get done with this chapter and I'm all yours."
"Okay..," Eddie sighed, watching as you continued to read, his fingers returning to play with the hem of your shirt.
After about five minutes, or what felt like hours for Eddie, he started to become restless again. Shaking his socked left foot side to side from where it lay on your bed, he curled his fingers around your arm, his nose occasionally rubbing your shoulder as he started to hum the tune of 'Fade To Black.' Shuffling up again, the slight movement caused his hands to move down on your long-sleeved shirt; unintentionally pulling the collar of your shirt down a little. 
Immediately, Eddie's eyes were glued to the bit of black ink poking out from beneath the stretched collar of your shirt. His finger moved upwards, lightly tracing the outline of what he could see of the bat, his pout quickly turning into a small grin. Unable to really help himself, Eddie felt himself being drawn towards it. As if it was calling out to him. Before getting it, you had told Eddie millions of times how much you loved his tattoos, all of them, but especially his bats. 
He probably had a small inkling - or suspicion - that you had plans to get something similar, but he never gave it a second thought, until now. You loved his tattoo so much that you got one like his permanently tattooed onto your skin. You loved him so much that you got something that reminded you of him... Permanently tattooed onto your perfect skin, and somehow he could barely breathe.
Letting out a shallow breath, Eddie leaned down, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to the top of the bat's wing, what he could see just peeking out from the collar of your shirt. It was enough of a distraction, for him to not notice when your hand paused in the air, millimeters away from flipping to the next page. Pressing his warm face into the equally warm skin of the crook of your neck, Eddie sighed; finally feeling the fast beating of your heart against his cheek.
"You're killing me, Eddie." You huffed, shutting your book and setting it on the bedside table before looking over at what you could see of Eddie; his face still dug into your shoulder. "You're acting way too cute." You chuckled, reaching up to run a hand through his hair, breaking away small knots.
His nose bumped against yours as he raised his face from your shoulder, an innocent smile on his face, "What do you mean? I'm always cute."
"That's true," You agreed, moving forward and pressing a sweet, short kiss to his lips. "Now," You pulled away slowly, placing a small amount of space between the two of you, "What do you want to do? Since you're so bored."
"Well," He grinned mischievously, "I have a few ideas."
Tilting your head to the side slightly, "Really?" You questioned with a raised eyebrow, feeling your stomach twist as his eyes glanced down at your awaiting lips for a moment, "Care to share?"
"Mmhm." Eddie hummed, his hand raising to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing against your bottom lip, before cupping the back of your neck, bringing your face ever closer to his; allowing his gaze to drift down and down until his eyes landed on your mouth once more.
Before either of you could continue, a sudden knock on the bedroom door brought both of you back to reality; your door opening and revealing your mother. She had come home early.
Your eyes widened as you sat bolt upright in bed. Eddie shot up beside you, his eyes wide as well, as your mother's jaw dropped, her eyes widening in shock before they turned into eyes of pure anger.
"Y/N!" She yelled, making you flinch as she turned her eyes to Eddie, "And you! Devil boy! Out of my house, you spawn of Satan!" 
Eddie hopped up from your bed, grabbed his shoes, and hastily slipped them on. You stood up from the bed as well, your mother's eyes stared at him like a hawk, all the while Eddie couldn't help but grin. You moved over to the window, pushing the pane up as Eddie almost strutted over. 
Despite what was happening, you couldn’t help but admire him.
Shrugging on his leather jacket, he gave you a quick kiss on the cheek, making your worried expression turn into a loving smile. "Bye, babe."
"Bye, Eds." You breathed deeply as your mother rushed over.
"No! No! Get out, Devil boy! Out!" He waved a pointy finger as Eddie slipped out of your window, landing on the lower side roof and down to the ground. Once he was out of sight, your mother turned to you; a sliver of fear rolled down your spine as her eyes glared daggers at you, her arms crossed. "And you, young lady, are in very big trouble." She seethed, "I told you- I forbade you from ever speaking to that boy again! And you have the nerve- the- the audacity to bring him into my home! To have him in your room! You- you- you-" She began, stuttering over her words angrily, her hand waving in the air by her face; her cheeks were red. As she continued to stutter, her eyes glanced down, seeing the hint of black against your skin. She paused, frozen before she reached out and pulled the collar of your shirt slightly, just enough to see one of the bats that was etched onto your skin peeking out from under your shirt. "Is that..." She raised her free hand, licking her thumb before rubbing the bat; whatever it was, it didn't fade, or spear... It didn't come off. She pulled away, "You... That devil child has infected you!" She cried angrily.
You swallowed nervously as she continued to talk, your mind running over every possible way you could get out of this emotionally and mentally unscathed, "Mom. I am an adult. I can get a tattoo-"
Her eyes flashed dangerously, "Stop right there. Don't you dare say another word." She growled, "He has brainwashed you. He took you and corrupted your mind, and you will pay dearly for it." 
You watched as your mother stalked away, "Mom..." You spoke, but she ignored you, reaching for your phone sitting on your bedside table, "Mom!" You cried out, watching as she reached for the cord of your phone and yanked it straight out of the wall.
Jaw dropped, and you continued to watch as she collected your phone into her arms before turning to you, "You will not get your phone back until I deem it suitable. I may regret this, but I will give you one last chance. I rather like this town. I would be upset to leave it so soon." She spoke before leaving your room, shutting your door behind her. 
Huffing out a breath, you felt your eyes burn. The tears threatened to spill from their confines as you turned towards your bed, dropping yourself onto it, letting the tears finally fall.
Eddie stood in front of the bathroom mirror, his hands gripping the counter edge tightly as he stared down at the counter itself. He wanted to call you, see how you were doing, and cheer you up like he always knew how to, but he knew that it would be too risky.
So, he stood, his fingers tapping the underside of the counter as he thought. He wished things were different, and he wished that your mother didn't hate him. But everyone hated him, and he wished that he was used to it. But you didn't hate him. Not even close. He needed you, he needed your support and encouragement, he needed your love and warmth; just as much as you needed him.
He sighed, sliding down onto the floor, and leaning his back against the bathtub; the cold surface chilling his back. Closing his eyes, he tilted his head back against the rim of the tub, letting out a sigh. 
Your mother watched you like a hawk for the next couple of weeks. Everywhere you went with her, she was close beside. And she followed you wherever you went; store, arcade, everywhere. Everyone you spoke to, she would know about. It was like she was everywhere. But, she wasn't.
She couldn't go to the high school, no matter how much she tried to convince the Principal to let her. 'My daughter is in danger,' she would plead, only for the Principal to reply with, 'There is nothing to worry about.' Nothing to worry about? Your mother was fuming. You wondered how she would’ve done it either way, since she had a job and all.
And so, the only time you could see Eddie was during the school day, which was less time than you liked. You didn't share any of the same periods, and could only see him during the couple of minutes before class, during the half an hour lunch, and the few minutes after school before you had to walk home. Your mother even forced you to quit your 'Drama Club,' which was actually the Hellfire Club.
Sitting on the picnic bench out in the woods, the same bench you and Eddie shared your first kiss - and many more - you leaned against Eddie's shoulder. Lunch had started less than ten minutes ago, Eddie had eaten some of the fries and drank his chocolate milk, but you had hardly touched yours at all. You hadn't touched anything all morning; you simply pushed the plate of mush around. You could feel Eddie's curious glances burning into the side of your face as he looked down.
"You gotta eat, baby." He moved his arm, wrapping it behind you, his hand rubbing up and down on your arm, "Come on, take a bite." He cooed softly, leaning down a little bit so that his nose brushed against your cheek. You shook your head quickly, pushing your plate of untouched food away from you, "Y/N." His voice came out in barely more than a whisper.
Taking a deep breath, you opened your mouth to speak, "I will for you." You muttered, reaching out and grabbing the sweet roll from your tray, "Only for you."
"That's my girl." Eddie brought you closer to his side, pressing a kiss to your temple. "I know life is pretty shitty right now, but we can get through this. I promise you, once we graduate, we will get out of this town."
You humphed softly, a small smile growing on your lips, "If you graduate," You teased lightly, making Eddie gasp in faux offense; his free hand coming up to his chest.
"If I graduate? Baby, 86' is my year." He winked, causing you to giggle a little, making his smile grow bigger. You rested your head back against his shoulder, the two of you contentedly eating your food.
After a moment, you paused, "What if we left now..?" You shook your head on his shoulder as Eddie paused his own eating, "Nevermind. Silly question."
"Not silly at all." Eddie spoke, the both of you being brought back to the night you met at that party, "Not silly at all." He repeated, thoughtfully.
Your mother came home from work on an early Wednesday evening, dropping her purse and keys down on the table near the door as she slipped off her heels. "Y/N! Dear, I'm home!" She called out, checking in the living room, but not finding you there. Walking to the kitchen, passing the dining room, she called out again, "Did you take the beef out like I asked?" Entering the kitchen, the beef was not out on the kitchen counter, and the dishes in the sink were unfinished. Letting out a deep, irritated sigh, she moved to the stairs, placing her hand on the banister, "Y/N!?" With no answer again, she quickly made her way up the stairs, entering the hall, and pushing your door open. 
She gasped, seeing your walls stripped of your posters, your shelves empty of your books, and your bed coverings missing from your bed. Rushing to your closet, she slammed it open, finding empty hammers in your empty closet before doing the same with your dresser; empty. She ran a hand through her hair, her body turning, and her eyes surveying the room with haste. Where were you? Where did you go? Were you with that boy? Damn...
Hearing the sound of a van pulling into the driveway, and a door opening, she ran to your open bedroom window that faced the street, her hands held onto the windowsill with a death-like grip, her eyes wide with anger and shock as you hopped out of the van; Eddie's van. Speaking of the Devil boy, he came around from the other side of the van, his arm looping over your shoulders. You just stared up at your mother with a triumphant grin, crossing your arms, and jutting out your hip.
Your mother stood stunned and speechless as she watched you uncross your arms, you then placed them to the side of your head, your pointer fingers pointed up; mimicking horns as you stuck out your tongue at her. Eddie watched you, a proud grin on his face - flattered - admiring you proudly.
Her expression quickly changed, becoming filled with fury, while Eddie gave your mother a grin, waving his hand. "Goodbye, Mrs. L/N!"
Your mother watched as you and Eddie then started to get back in the van, and finally, she spoke, "Y/N! Get back here this instant! If you get in that van, you are no longer my daughter!" She exclaimed angrily but only watched as the van's engine started up and the two of you sped away down the street.
You laughed in the passenger seat, throwing your head back against the headrest, Eddie glancing over at you with a smile; laughing along with you, happy to see you so happy.
You sighed as you calmed down, feeling adrenaline rush throughout your veins as you ran a hand through your hair before you turned to look at Eddie; resting your elbow on the middle console, palm resting on your cheek.
"So," You began, your smile never dwindling as you gazed up at Eddie, "Where are we going to go?" You asked, excitement filling up your heart.
Eddie shrugged, glancing over at you with a matching grin, having a double take when he saw your smile. You looked beautiful… As always. The setting sun was shining on you, bathing you in the most perfect light. His smile softened, "Look at you..." He muttered, "You're all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed." He finished before he reached over the center console, and grabbed your other hand in his. Bringing it to your lips, he pressed a gentle, yet loving kiss to the top of your knuckles, keeping his eyes on the road.
"Look at me..." You replied, your voice taking a soft tone, a warm smile playing on your lips. 
Main Masterlist | Stranger Things Masterlist
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crappymixtape · 7 months
crappymixtape recos
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going to try and do this at least once a month – sharing fics that have just blown me away ❤ so many talented writers on here omg 🥺 show them some love and BE KIND, REBLOG! xoxo, 💿 FIND THE REST OF MY FIC RECS HERE -> IN THE TAGS EVERY MONTH
♥️ honey, baby, love you, be home soon – @atinylittlepain ( oh dear god, this is going to be the sweetest, softest shit i stg, dad!steve harrington and the best oc to ever exist on the planet – i cannot wait • steve harrington x f!oc, fluff, tbd )
♥️ girl boy masterlist +18 – @atinylittlepain ( masterlist for the above series ft. steve harrington and andy – a series of fics about a boy falling hard for a girl • steve harrington x f!oc, fluff, smut )
♥️ i guess it’s never really over +18 – @loveshotzz ( a broken down car, a party at reefer rick’s, and a bandaid that needs to be ripped off • mechanic!steve harrington x reader, exes to lovers )
♥️ his hands +18 – @loveshotzz ( thinking about Steve flirting with you at a party by comparing hand sizes • steve harrington x reader )
♥️ orange juice +18 – @sattlersquarry ( yes, i’m rec’ing this one again because fhdjkalfhsjka it’s so fucking perfect – steve's world changes in the worst way when he loses you. he struggles to move on...but he learns he might not have to when he miraculously gets a second chance with you • steve harrington x reader, TWs, hurt / comfort )
♥️ freaks come out at night masterlist +18 – @superblysubpar ( an AU with stories exploring the messy relationship your boyfriend, eddie munson, and you invite steve harrington to be a part of • boyfriend!eddie munson x fem!reader x steve harrington )
♥️ shit, i don’t think i hate you anymore – @lovebugism ( your new years kiss ends up being the loudmouth, metalhead, wild-haired boy you can’t stand • enemies to lovers, grumpy!reader, eddie munson x reader )
♥️ maybe this year +18 – @supernovafics ( in which a new year’s dinner at the apartment sparks a bet— that you and steve are completely unaware of— among the friend group • bestfriend!roommate!steve harrington x fem!reader )
♥️ your first kiss – @bruisedboys ( celebration request for ‘was that your first kiss’ with steve harrington and god this is just jfkda;fhjksa • steve harrington x f!reader )
♥️ like it’s love series +18 – @upsidedownwithsteve ( Love is born into every human being; it calls back the halves of our original nature together; it tries to make one out of two and heal the wound of human nature. Each of us, then, is a ‘matching half’ of a human whole…and each of us is always seeking the half that matches him • steve harrington x f!reader, soulmate au )
♥️ physical touch valentine’s event +18 – @upsidedownwithsteve ( love languages with steve and while the sex is good, it’s everything afterwards that makes you so soft for him • steve harrington x reader, fluff, smut )
♥️ that dark blue polo – @stevebabey ( finding steve so so so pretty in that stupid dark blue polo, not being able to really look at him properly. it’s tight against his chest and stomach which makes him look delicious, wanting to be devoured really. he’s simply so pretty. worst thing is: he fucking knows it • steve harrington x shy!reader )
♥️ let’s go home – @xspeter ( the softest little blurb of all time omg, crying, just you asking stevie to go home after you survived the upside down • steve harrington x reader )
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musicmoviestv · 2 years
Thank you to all of you who encouraged me to post this and said I should write more. Not sure if this is that good either, but if I got good feedback on the other fic hopefully this is good too. Again, thank you to all of you, because I wouldn't have the courage to post this without you ❤️ this is similar to my other story, it's a shy reader ( so similar to my personality, or it is an unamed oc, can be read as either)
Warnings: None that I can think of except maybe bad grammar and writing by me 😂 if there is any let me know
Hope you enjoy ❤️
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Hi, so my name is y/n. Let me introduce myself. I'm very shy, and I've never been in a relationship before. I have no experience being in a relationship. It's not that I don't want to date. Honestly I do. I would love to spend my time with someone. To be happy with another person. But I just am too shy to talk to a guy. And guys don't seem to want to talk to me either. I'm not popular. I'm not that pretty. It seems like no one seems to notice me.
"You should talk to him" Robin said when we were at lunch, as I was looking (maybe staring) at Eddie while he was making a scene like he usually does in the cafeteria . Robin is one of my best friends. We met in science class freshmen year. We sat beside each other, and we became best friends pretty quickly. Also we have a lot in common. One thing being that we talk a lot. Well I mean she talks a lot, and I talk a lot when I'm comfortable around people. And since we're friends, we both talk a lot to each other. We've been friends since freshman year, and now it's our senior year. The year we are going to graduate. The year that maybe, just maybe I can get rid of my fear and talk to the boy I've been crushing on for a while. Eddie Munson.
"I don't know what you're talking about. "
"Oh, come on! You have been staring at him for the past 5 minutes, don't act like I haven't noticed you dingus."
"Hey!" "Sorry, but you are a dingus! Why can't you tell him you like him?" "Robin you know I can't do that. I'm way too shy. I'd just embarrass myself, and then he would never want to talk to me again. "How do you know if you never try?" "Look Robin, I know we're best friends. So as my best friend you should be the one telling me it's not a good idea to talk to him."
"It's just, I know you're sad about Steve and..." "It's ok Robin, I should have known Steve didn't feel that way about me. I mean did I really think I would have a chance with "king Steve"? But it doesn't matter. Me and him are still friends, and I think it's better that way. "
"Yeah, to be honest, I think I would gag if you dated him. You are way too good for that dingus." "But you and Steve are friends." "Yeah, but he is still a dingus. Just be glad that you don't have to work with him."
"You know, if you don't want to talk to him, you could get Dustin to tell him." Robin suggested. "Don't get me wrong, I love Dustin, he's like a little brother, but I don't think it would be a good idea to get him involved in this."
"Ok what about you write him a letter? Wait... That's a great idea. Write Eddie a letter!"
"Shhh!! Do you want everyone to hear you!? And what do you mean write him a letter?" "Sorry... I mean write a letter to tell Eddie how you feel about him. Like a secret admirer. "
"Secret admirer huh? I mean, that's not a bad idea. I can tell him how I feel about him, and he doesn't have to know it's from me!"
"But don't you want him to know it is from you eventually? I mean, how are you going to know if he likes you back?"
"You got a point. Maybe I can give a hint of who I am, just to see how he responds. And maybe if he responds back I'll tell who I am, eventually, not right away." "I guess so" Robin agreed.
"Can you write it? My hand writing is messy. He wouldn't be able to read it, plus since we're in the same class, he may recognize it."
"Mines not much better, but sure, since you're my best friend I'll write it. Just tell me what to write.
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Ok, so before I continue with the story, let me answer a question a few of you may be asking. How is it that I have a crush on Eddie Munson? Well, I have the same question to be honest. Me and Eddie are like complete opposites. I'm a goody to shoes who doesn't like to break the rules. I always try to do my best in school, so much so that I stress myself out. I am a shy girl, who doesn't like to talk to others unless needed to. Eddie is very much the opposite of me. He is a outgoing guy, who isn't afraid to tell his opinions, and he also doesn't care what others think about him ( which I highly admire that quality about him, how confident he is) He is half the schools drug dealer. He has failed senior year, at least twice. He is known as the school freak. But I don't think of Eddie as a freak. I think he is a good guy, he is just misunderstood. I'll admit, I was kinda scared of Eddie at first, like everyone else is. But one day Steve had to pick up Dustin from Dnd because his mom had to work a longer shift, so me and Robin went with him. I volunteered to go inside and tell Dustin it was time to go home. When I got inside, they were just finishing up, and I saw how Eddie was with Dustin. He seemed so enthusiastic about the game, and he seemed to be so good with Dustin, almost like a big brother to him. He didn't seem like the kind of guy everyone thought he was. That was when I realized that maybe I had a crush on Eddie. And yes I did have a crush on Steve before I got my crush on Eddie. I mean he's "King Steve". He's popular and attractive and he's kind. He's also a great babysitter to the kids, and he's a great friend to me. He found out that I had a crush on him, and he told me he didn't feel the same way, but that he still wanted to be friends. And yeah, that hurt. Like a lot. I was put in the friend zone. And honestly I was heartbroken he didn't feel the same way. But then, over time I realized he was right, we were better off as friends. And I think that was the best decision because that helped lead me to the right person for me.
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"What am I supposed to say to him? I mean he's already going to think i'm a weirdo who can't talk to him in person. "
"I mean you kinda are a weirdo who can't talk to him in person."
"Robin! " "Sorry. Look, he won't think you're weird. How about this... "
Hi, I'm sorry I can't do this in person, but I'm too scared to tell you I have a crush on you. So I thought the best way to tell you is through this note. If you would maybe like to talk, you totally don't have to, but if you do you can write me a letter back and give it to Robin Buckley. She'll be waiting near the water fountain after school today. Sincerely, your secret admirer
"I guess that will work. Do you know which locker is his?" "No, why would I know? I don't stare at him all the time like you do." "Seriously, are you trying to help me or make fun of me right now?" "Why can't I do both?"
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So, the next day when we found out where Eddie's locker is, we put the letter in his locker. And now I just have to wait and see what happens.
"So it looks like Eddie got the letter."
"Yeah, but I can't tell what he's thinking. Do you think he'll write me back? I don't know, we'll have to wait until after school. "
After school- "You're Robin right?"
"Yep, so you decided to write back huh?"
"Yeah, so you're not my secret admirer are you? I mean, you don't seem the type to have a crush on me. "
" I'm not. Sorry you're not my type. But let's just say I know who does have a crush on you. "
"You do? Could you tell me? No one's ever told me they have a crush on me before. "
"That's kinda pathetic, but I've never had anyone tell me that either so I guess we're both kinda pathetic. But I can't tell. Maybe she'll get the courage to tell you herself sometime."
"Ok, well I guess I'll see you around? I mean, if she reads my letter and chooses to write back."
"Yeah, see you around Munson."
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"So, did he write me a letter back?"
"No, sorry he didn't" Oh, ok. Y/n said sadly. "No I'm just kidding he did!" "Robin don't do that to me! You know I have anxiety! " "Sorry, I just had to, but the look on your face... Ok I'll shut up now. Now what does it say?"
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So, secret admirer huh? I don't know what to think about this. At first I thought it was a mean joke or some prank. I mean who would have a crush on the freak? But then when you said that if I write back to give it to Buckley, I didn't really think it could be a joke. I mean I don't think she would prank me. So I of course would like to find out more about you, I mean like I said no one else seems to like me, but I understand if you're shy. I used to be like that too, but then I realized no one seems to like me anyway, so I stopped caring what other people think about me. I don't know why I'm writing all this, I don't even know who you are. Anyway, I appreciate your letter. I don't get many compliments. So thanks.
From, Eddie
ps... What kind of music do you like? I'm in a band, maybe you can come see us sometime. I mean if you'd like. I know you're too shy to tell me who you are right now, but maybe sometime.
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"What does it say?" "Well, he thought it was a joke at first" "I wouldn't blame him, I mean everyone calls him a freak. "But he knows it's not a joke, and he wants to know more about me. And he wants me to maybe see his band perform sometime. "
"Wow, see, maybe you have a chance with him. "Yeah, but he doesn't even know it's me. If he did, he might not like me"
"Come on y/n! He obviously would like you! I mean anyone who takes the time to write a letter to someone. You need to stop doubting yourself and let something good happen instead of stopping it before it ever does."
"Wow, that was great advice Robin. Thank you!" "Of course! What are best friends for? Now what are you going to write him back?
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Dear Eddie, I got your letter back. Thank you so much for writing back. It means a lot to me. I know you said you think it's not a prank, I just need to make sure you know it is not. I know how mean kids can be. I know they treat you badly. But believe me, I would never, NEVER do that to you. Honestly though, I can't blame you for thinking that. I mean I would think the same if someone wrote me a letter. No one seems to care about me enough to do that for me. I barely get noticed in this school. Robin is my only friend really, and that's why she is the one that is helping me with this. Also I would love to watch your band play sometime. I just don't know if I'm ready to tell you who I am yet. I have had my heart broken before, and I really like you Eddie. I'm just scared if you know who I am, you may not like me, and my heart will be broken again. Honestly I think you're too good for me. But maybe, one day I can get the courage to show you who I am, that just may take some time.
Sorry for the long letter,
Sincerely, your secret admirer
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So the next day we put the letter in Eddie's locker. And then, again after school, I got one back from him.
So, listen I know you're shy, and I know you're nervous to show who you are, but I would really like to meet you. How about after school? In the woods behind the school. I won't try anything, don't worry. It's just kinda become my spot, you know I do deals there, but I also sometimes go there you know, just to get away from people. If you don't want to that's fine, I just really want to meet, and get to know you better.
From, Eddie
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"So... " "He wants to meet me" "Really? That's great!" "I don't know if I can do this Robin."
"Yes, you can. Come on, you can't just keep leaving notes like this forever." " But what if I go, and he's disappointed it's me? " Y/n, he won't. But if he says that to you, I will hurt him. " "Thanks Robin" "Now go, you're going to meet him today, you need to get ready. "
So today is the day. I'm meeting Eddie after school. I'm really nervous, I can barely pay attention in school. The time has finally come. I went to the woods like Eddie said, but I walked very slow, my nerves getting the better of me. What if he is disappointed? What if he hates me? What if I'm not good enough? What if... I just had all these what ifs in my head. But then I saw him, sitting alone at the table. It's too late to turn back now.
"Um... hi." "Y/n? Hi..." "Sooo....." "Sooo...."
"If you want I can leave I know I'm.... "
"No! Don't leave, I'm sorry I just didn't expect the letters to come from you. "
"Oh... "
"I don't mean that as a bad thing, I'm just surprised."
"Oh.... So...." "I like you too!" Eddie blurted out. "What??....."
"Y/n, I've liked you for a while, I'm surprised Dustin hasn't ratted me out, I mean he's a great kid, but he's wanted me to tell you for so long. "
"I don't know what to say. I didn't think you would like me back."
"Well, I do. And since you feel the same way, I don't feel weird doing this." He kisses her. And it was a perfect kiss. They both could feel that. After the kiss, they stared at each other with eyes full of happiness that they both felt. "Well, so what do we do now?" Eddie finally broke the silence.
"I don't know, maybe we could do that again... You know, only if you want to. "
Of course I do, my lady. Eddie happily said.
They kissed again, and for the first time, y/n wasn't shy around Eddie, because she knew that he felt the same way she did.
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hellfirenacht · 1 year
Writing Master List
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Request Info
Isekai Chronicles: OPEN (see rules)
WON'T write: shy!reader, popular!reader, cheerleader!reader breeding kink, parent!Eddie or parent!reader, pregnancy
WILL write: Eddie Munson x Reader, smut, fluff, angst
***Requests are subject to approval and aren't guaranteed.
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Stranger Things (Eddie/Reader)
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Isekai Chronicles: Through no powers of your own, you end up in Hawkins 1985, in a tv show that you once saw on Netflix.
Wing Man: (AO3) Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington is your best friend, and is constantly striking out. Sick of this, you two make a deal; you’ll wing man for each other. Hooking Steve up with dates is easy, but he finds himself struggling to find you a date. At least, until Dustin starts talking about his new cool friend Eddie. COMPLETE
Crit Happens: (AO3) You are who’s Dustin’s favorite cousin from out of town who is staying with him for the summer. Eddie finds himself jealous as he's suddenly been pushed aside as Dustin’s favorite dungeon master. When Dustin insists that Eddie join the campaign, you and Eddie quickly butt heads about how Dungeons and Dragons should be played.
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Clean: (AO3) After the battle in the Upside Down, you and Eddie try and get clean. SMUT
Candygram: (AO3) It's Valentine's Day and you shoot your shot with Eddie by sending him a candygram.
Water Balloons: (AO3) You and Eddie agree that you aren't interested in having kids.
Meet Me At 4:20: (AO3) It’s hard to be the new kid in a small town during senior year, and there’s only one person you actually want to be friends with. So you do the only logical thing, and set up a drug deal.
Dress Code: (AO3) It’s too damn hot to be wearing your Hellfire Club shirt, unfortunately the rest of the club disagrees. One Shot. Reader x Eddie if you squint (Part 2)
C'More, It's Just One Night: (AO3) (Two-Shot) After getting a fake love note in your locker, you ask Eddie to help you mess up some bullies plans. (Part 2)
Splash Zone: (AO3) You and Eddie go to Gareth’s Pool Party
Anomaly: You can talk to anyone in school with no problem. At least, anyone who’s not named Eddie Munson.
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Corroded Coffin Friendship Bracelets Trend HCs
Being in Hellfire Club HCs
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Players Wanted Master List: A series of one-shots about various Readers asking to join Hellfire Club (HIATUS)
Plus One: (AO3) (HIATUS) Once upon a time, you made a deal with the school freak that if he ever got famous then he'd invite you to be his plus one at a red carpet event. Now a decade later an invite shows up at your house asking you to be the +1 to Eddie Munson, front man of Corroded Coffin. (1 2 HIATUS)
Upside Down to Inside Out: (AO3) It has been four months since anyone has heard from Eddie 'The Freak' Munson. After the Events of the Upside Down, he skips town, leaving you to reflect on the fallout and how your relationship changed during the battle for Hawkins. (1 2)
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Sally Face (Sal Fisher/Reader)
Can't Be Unseen: (AO3) Flirting is fun, but flirting with Sal Fisher is the most fun of all.
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Beetlejuice The Musical (Beetlejuice/Reader)
The Convention Fic: You were a mod for one of the biggest YouTube gamer, Beetlejuice. Now you’re finally going to meet him in person. Shitpost AU got Wild (Discontinued)
Snapchat: You’re on vacation and to your surprise, your favorite demon sends you a friend request on SnapChat. 18+
Haunt Me: Possession, haunting, rough sex, consensual scene, respecting safe-words, after care. 18+
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The Conglomerate (Demon OCs x Reader)
The Ciarog Cockwarming Fic: Exactly what you expect. 18+
**Dividers by @strangergraphics
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tyrantonutx · 7 months
Looking for RP Partner(s)!
Hey, hi, how's it goin'?
I'm Tyrant, 30+ s/they, and this is a Take Two attempt at finding like-minded folx, so if you happen to see a similar looking post floating around (unlikely but possible), I am in fact one and the same Tyrant, I'm just too damn impatient to wait on tumblr to fix my original blog.
I'm hoping to find some partner(s) interested in Discord RP, because I am in fact a tumblr Baby (despite the original blog being...several years old...) and the formatting on tumblr rp blogs makes me Nervous.
I've been roleplaying in various capacities on forums, discord, and chat (throwback to AOL Instant Messenger amirite?) for approximately two decades and some change. I tend to write in a casual cadence as one might suspect, and I like to adapt my replies to the thread (anywhere from several sentences to a few paragraphs is my norm). I generally prefer CANON x CANON ships, at least starting out, to get a feel for how we come at characterization and plot together before we dip into OC territory. I'm involved in a few fandoms that may in fact be wastelands but, hey, you miss every shot you don't take, so here I am!
What follows is a list of fandos, characters, and ships I'm ACTIVELY looking for, the things that make my brain buzz in all the good ways. I'm down for hearing out any plots you might have in your lovely beating hearts (or shriveled little black ones, no judgment here!) or working out plots together based on all the good things that come from two rambling fans throwing head canons and "OK BUT WHAT IF"s at each other til something sticks.
If any of these strike you as fun, or if you just think I'm gosh darn neat and wanna chat me up for the thrills, please like this post, message me here on tumblr, or send me a friend request on discord (@tyrantonut)! I'm shy af and terrible at reaching out first, thank you hereditary anxiety and Burnt Out Gifted Kid syndrome, so sometimes I need that lil nudge.
...right! The fandoms! (Please note that while I have listed characters for me vs. for you, I'm actually pretty flexible on these! I just think I write some sides better than others.)
The Boys (AU preferred)
Butchie -- Billy Butcher x Hughie Campbell
Stephen King's It (Muschietti AU preferred)
Reddie -- Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak
Stranger Things (Aged up AU preferred)
Byler -- Mike Wheeler x Will Byers
Harringrove -- Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington
Steddie -- Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Hannibal (NBC)
Hannigram -- Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham
Marvel Universe (Comics & Movieverse)
Spideypool -- Wade Wilson x Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)
Spiderprowl -- Aaron Davis x Peter B. Parker
Mysterio/Spiderman -- Quentin Beck x Peter Parker (Tom Holland, preferably aged up)
Starkmonger -- Tony Stark/Erik Killmonger
Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss Universe
Huskerdust -- Angel Dust x Husk (Overlord Husk AU has given me brain rot)
Chaggie -- Charlie Magne x Vaggie
RadioApple -- Alastor x Lucifer
Stolitz -- Blitzo x Stolas
Fizzarozzie -- Fizzarolli x Asmodeus
Puckurt -- Noah 'Puck' Puckerman x Kurt Hummel
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mattiehenderson · 1 year
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Synopsis: my first Stranger Things fic, don't be hard on me please. I'm so happy to see an 80s metalhead represented in a positive light for ONCE! I couldn't help but fall in love with him just like everyone else with taste. So I prefer writing male x male romances, and can I just say we need way more bottom princess male reader and dom daddy Eddie fics. This is my attempt to try and help with that. So this story focuses on my OC, Matthew "Mattie" Henderson, he's Dustin's older brother who's a senior. Heavily bullied for being so effeminate and goth. He has always had a crush on Eddie Munson since freshman year, but unfortunately Eddie is straight...or is he?
Warnings : Sexual language and imaginations. Minors do not interact, 18+.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Henderson!OC
Look at me, please turn around and just look at me.
I stared intensely at the boy who sat in front of me in English, wavy chestnut curtains of hair poured past shoulders too broad for a normal senior, and onto my desk.
I could smell his v05 shampoo, the aloe one, and the Irish spring that almost hid his signature Marlboro and kush cologne. Slowly, quietly, I inhaled the scent that was all things Eddie Munson, the eternal prisoner of Hawkins High School.
In my marble notebook that was graffiti'd with cutouts of my favorite bands and scented stickers, I sketched an imprisoned Eddie in a medieval, hooded cloak behind bars, and coming to rescue him was a soft looking male witch. It went along with the story I was secretly writing for my own pleasure, the poor dungeon master who has been trapped in the dungeons of Hawkeye Castle for 400 years, under an evil queen's spell. Perhaps I named her Queen Cristiana of Hawkeye, after a certain stupid cheerleader that I always see hanging around a certain metal head after hours.
I don't know why I do this to myself, in what universe do I have a chance? Maybe in my own universe in my own land of make believe, but nymphs and orcs and furies also exist there so there's that.
In the real world, Chrissy Cunningham is the most beautiful girl in Hawkins, she's the head cheerleader and smells like Anais Anaïs, she has perfect hair and she's a she.
I, Mattie Henderson, am a boy. Not only am I a boy, but I'm a boy who wears more makeup than any girl in school. I wear my bleached curls too long and listen to darkwave. Eddie Munson would never!
I gently huffed before I finished sketching the scene where Matthias the Enchanter, in his red violet cloak and gossamer garments, shared a kiss with Sir Edward the Banished. 
It was hilarious really. I have known him since I was a freshman, secretly pining, and knowing we have many interests in common, especially D&D, but I've always been too shy to approach him. Too shy to approach anyone, only having one friend my whole time living in Hawkins, Robin Buckley. I'm not as good with people as my little brother, growing up in the Midwest with being what I am and how I am, I figured it's smarter to keep away. Robin always understood me, since we met in seventh grade and I moved here from Connecticut.
After everything last summer with Starcourt, and finding out about what my brother and his friends have been apart of, I shockingly acquired new friends, the very unexpected Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, and my art class acquaintances Jonathan Byers.
It's been a lot, it's been a fucking lot, and with it being my senior year the stress has been added. Mom keeps asking about my college options, telling me Indiana University has a pretty good art program. But I don't have the grades, I do enough to get by, school makes me miserable, I could care less about mundane things like classes and grades and teachers, and artificial societies. And sure I like art, but I love doing hair and makeup and nails too, something my mother definitely reaps the benefits of. And I don't exactly love Hawkins the Cursed Lands, but after everything and not sure about this place ever being safe again, I'd never leave my brother here without me. And as pathetic as it sounds, the thought of leaving the man who doesn't know I exist makes my stomach hurt.
I felt guilty for my thoughts, for my fantasies about him, for wishing the reason why I put my black velvet choker on this morning was to cover a bruise from his huge, ring wrapped fingers. Oh how I would cut off all twenty inches of my hair to just have his towering 5'11 frame over my 5'5 one, staring down into my black lined Hazel eyes, with his dark, teddy bear gaze.
The teacher must have sent paper down, because with the melodic swish of his chocolate butter ringlets, I was looking up at him and slamming my marble notebook shut faster than you can say Kissimmee. Dark, button eyes glanced at me before doing a double take. Now fixated on me feeling like a goldfish, with his plush, pillowy, bubblegum pink lips parted.
How the hell could anyone ostracize and hate such a gorgeous human being? Then the angel spoke and I felt like he was oozing the gospel.
Here we go again.
All because of one damn class I'm sitting in Johnson's English for the third fucking time.
I was the last one to plop my ass down, toward the back, the desk with the D&D scribbles and the classic "Ozzy rules" that violated government property. I got a snide remark from Johnson, and snickers and insults from Carver and his ball buddies.
This was exactly why I preferred to escape to my own world, where there are dragons and halflings, or when I close my eyes and finger my sweetheart. Just close my eyes and listen to The Number of the Beast, forgetting that reality is being the town's leper in a town where they decide Jason Carver is a good person because he knows his way around a ball.
Johnson was droning on about fucking writing prompts where he cares more about where a comma goes than if the story is good or not. 
And then, as I'm passing back the picture prompt for the first day of hell, I did a double take at a new face. A face prettier than even the likes of Chrissy Cunningham. Looking up shyly at me, drawing out a protective feeling I didn't know I possessed, are bedroom, dreamy lidded eyes painted a lavender gray,with thick broom-like sweeping lashes that flutter before bright Hazel eyes, that reminded me of summer turning into fall, green fading into browning leaves and golden maples. Kohl-rimmed, making them more pronounced and more awe-inspiring.
Her nose is cute and broad with a puggish finish that rests prettily between roundish cheeks painted a deep blush. My eyes traveled down to a pair of the ideal cock sucking lips, I'm so sorry but I don't really know what else to call them. They're so full and big, so cushiony and I'm a pretty imaginary guy, so what I'm thinking of doing to that mouth…fucking that gorgeous face, making those Hazel eyes water and her gothic makeup run down those pretty chipmunk cheeks, making a big mess of her blood red lipstick smudging it on my cock. 
I shifted in my seat feeling my dick stir, and this was not the time. Cascading around her face was voluminous white blonde curls, so wild and untamable like an elf-witch, very surreal and otherworldly and contrasts beautifully with her dark eyebrows.
And as if my she-elf couldn't have been more perfect, not only did she have herself collared by a black velvet choker, but a cut off Shout at the Devil Mötley Crüe  shirt encased her. My mouth watered and when she lifted a fishnet, arm fingerless glove adorned wrist to take the prompt from me, I inhaled the sweet smell of apricots and roses and sweet, expensive perfume. I couldn't get enough of it.
"Munson, are you drooling? Is that drool, freak?" Carver happily and loudly like a fucking foghorn called me out in front of everyone. Nothing new, usually I'm very unphased by embarrassment, I mean I'm a 20 year old senior. But, for once that jockstrap got to me, knowing this enchantress witnessed it witnessed him calling me out for something she caused. I snapped my head away fast and wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my jacket before inspecting the porosity. Damn, I was fuckin drooling.
Saved by the Johnson, the droning authority started a roll call. Imagine my surprise when Johnson called out Matthew Henderson and it happened to be my little elf-witch…or elf-warlock should I say.
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leftitchyknipple · 6 months
An Idiot's Thought
Very tempted to post some of my Stranger Things x oc drabbles I've been writing. I'm too shy to interact with writing blogs >.<
I always have a hard time getting into character tho. If anybody can give advice it's greatly appreciated!
I just love inserting my twin ocs into situations. I got a cute little friendship fic in the works between Eddie Munson and the twins.
Got another one where one of the twins tries to befriend Billy Hargrove while stuck in a rainstorm together, her and Billy have a little sass off and butt heads.
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sleepy-wyvern · 2 years
Wyvern's Fan Fic Master List
Hi I'm Wyvern! I write comfort fics and ⋆。°✩filth✩°。⋆ I decided to make a master list of my fics, mostly with x readers! ♡ Because of the nature of my fics they are 18+ minors, DNI
Right now my obsession is targeted towards the wonderful Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington. I also love house of the dragon and ghostface, I'd be willing to write for those too! Requests and questions open but please note I may not accept every one but I'll do my best!!! My guidelines for what I dont write are here.
Feel free to filter any content you don’t want to see from me! tags I use: #wyv rambles #wyv fan art #wyv fan fic #stranger things spoilers #hotd spoilers
My Wattpad Profile || My AO3 Profile
Tag pages: Fan Fiction Here || Fan Art Here ||
FAQ/About me Here
Master List
Notes: trigger warnings are included on individual works I try to include as many as I can think of. Please only interact if 18+. I do not use "y/n" but I occasionally use "your name" as naturally as possible to keep the flow (ex. "he whispers your name") and also pet names (listed in trigger/warning section of full fan fictions). I use AO3 for multiple chapter works.
Eddie Munson ❤️‍🔥
Cold nights hot chocolate Eddie x shy fem!Reader (~10k words, 6 chapters complete, 18+, sweet/fluffy, my chemical romance)
"For Science" Menstrual Comfort Eddie x fem!Reader (~2.1k word oneshot, period and shower sex)
Like You've Seen A Ghost dom!ghostface!Eddie x sub!fem!Reader (~2.3k words, roleplay, a lil spicy!)
Black Lace Surprise bf!Eddie x fem!Reader oneshot (~4.5k words, thigh obsessed, lingerie)
Dinner and a Movie bf!Eddie x fem!Reader oneshot (~4.8k words, first time sex between you and Eddie)
Scars and Stretch Marks Eddie x fem!Reader tumblr miniseries (reader comforts Eddie's body insecurities about his scars, on going)
Comfort - every day scenario one shots
Coming home from an annoying day Eddie X Reader (~0.5k word blurb)
Menstrual Comfort / doting (morning no smut) Eddie X Fem!Reader (~1.5k word blurb)
Steve Harrington
Mint chocolate chip pleasure Steve x Curvy!Fem!Reader (~1.8k word oneshot)
Billy Hargrove
Icy Blue Billy Hargrove x fem!Reader (4 chapters, complete, smut, ~9.4k w/c total)
Scream & Ghostface
Ethan Landry Oneshots
The Love Interest soft!virgin!Ethan Landry x female!Reader (13 chapters complete, scream VI re-imagined, smut)
Lost In The Thrill dom!Ethan Landry x female!OC (?/? ongoing, SMUT, ghostface pov)
Method Acting Jack Champion x actress!Reader (?/? ongoing, no smut, spin off of the love interest) full version on AO3 & wattpad
Other Fandoms
• His Hummingbird Miguel O’Hara x female!reader (angst SMUT) AO3
Thanks so much for reading, if you enjoyed send a like, reblog and comment I treasure every one no matter how old the fic is!
Have a great day my lovely reader!
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✿Hi! I hope you enjoy this fic! Please remember to reblog, like, and leave a nice comment. Follow me, and maybe you’ll see more nice stuff, idk I can’t tell you what to do. But I’d appreciate it! More stuff pinned to my page! Kay bye!
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Show you off Pt. 2
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Sinclair!sister
Word count: 2k
a/n: ask and you shall receive @e0509 you gave me the extra boost to finish this, and as this is a series for Eddie and my oc Devina, there will be a pt.3 in the future. 🫶🏽
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Eddie, and I got to the venue early before doors opened to the public; his team, and production showed up an hour before that.
“Madison Square Garden, not bad for a kid from a small town.” I beamed up at him, Eddie bumps his hip into mine, wraps an arm round my neck, and pulls me close. As we both stand there looking at the imaginary crowd, an overwhelming sensation washes over me; Eddie has pulled through a lot, we both did. Surviving Hawkins, Indiana is no easy feat, but somehow we did.
“Kids like us, we aren’t supposed to make it this far. I’m so proud of you.” Tears from at the bottom of my eyes, they threaten to fall, but the second they do he caught them with his thumb.
“I’m so proud of us, your art gallery is opening soon, and I just know you’re gonna do great Angel.” He kissed me on my forehead, his lips felt warm, and soft. The feeling of butterflies rushed up from the pit of my stomach at the mention of my new gallery. I spent every last dime I had from working, and college tuition on it. Of course Eddie funded everything else I couldn’t pay for, even when I told him no, he refused to listen to me.
“Thank you baby, I love you.” My voice cracked at the end, the memories of the past flashing by in my mind, and I couldn’t have imagined any of them without Eddie in the picture.
“Hey guys, sorry to ruin your moment, but we gotta get a move on with sound check.” Alison, the production manager, called to us from down below the stage on the floor where the pit section would be.
Eddie pulled me in close for one last kiss, at least the last one for now, but he savored the flavor of me making sure to take all my gloss with him.
“Alright, calm down, I’ll see you in a few.” I had to pry him off me, if it were up to him, he’d kiss me till my lips fell off. Eddie’s love, and affection knew no bounds. Even if we’re in public together, he finds a way to intimately touch me; I used to be shy about the pda at first, but then along the way it somehow boosted my confidence.
I kindly ask one of the security guards to escort me back to Eddie’s dressing room, “Thanks.” The large burraly man nodded his head in response, and left me alone.
The room was a simple enough design, nicely furnished with a red sofa, an end table next to it. A coffee stable sat in the center with a stack of magazines, and a large charcuterie board. A bottle of champagne sat in a bucket with ice, I so badly wanted a glass, but I decided against it since I was talked into singing tonight.
At the front of the room is the makeup chair, with mirrors with lights bordering each one. I smiled at myself in the mirror, Eddie wanted me to get all dressed up. I think he went a bit overboard with his style of outfit, making sure to put me in something that is damn near naked, while also highlighting my breast.
After I did a few warm up exercises, I decided that I should probably take a nap, it would be a few hours before Eddie brings me out. I settled down on the sofa, tucking my legs underneath me. Soon I’m drifting off to sleep.
A few hours later
Eddie is doused in sweat, the microphone dangling around his neck, and his guitar sitting carefully nestled in its stand a few feet away from him. Off stage he could see Devina shifting her weight from one hip to the other, a nervous habit he noticed she has. He threw her a wink, and a dazzling smile. This seems to put her at ease a little, her body visibly relaxing.
“Alright quiet down my little hellraisers, quiet down.” He commanded the crowd, at the sound of his voice the stadium calmed down to a low simmer. Devina is always amazed by how well Eddie could control his crowds, they hang on his every word. He’s always been naturally charismatic, that was the first thing to grab her attention when they first met in High School.
“I’ve got someone really special for you all.” Excitement shone brightly in his brown eyes, it’s the only thing he could think about all night. Finally he gets to show his baby off on the grandest stage of them all.
The crowd began to buzz a little, whispering amongst each other, this is an unexpected turn of events. Usually Eddie sticks to the script, when it came to performances, going off page was unlike him.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the beautiful, talented, and future wife, Devina Sinclair!” He shouted, his arm outstretched towards the curtains where she appeared from. On cue a bright spotlight shines onto her, the stadium roars to life at the site of Eddie Munson’s infamous girlfriend. Though there were a few of his “fans” that treated her like shit, the majority of the fanbase absolutely adored Devina.
Eddie met her halfway on stage, grabbed her by the hand, and brought her right over to the microphone. At the moment the stage lights were down giving her view of all the people in the pit. It warmed her heart to see them blowing her kisses, making hearts with their hands, and shouting compliments at her.
“Here’s how this is gonna go, my beautiful baby here is going to sing a cover for you, and yall are gonna be the kind hearted supportive people I know you can be. Sounds good?” The stadium erupted again in response, Eddie grinned, and nodded his head satisfied by their enthusiasm.
“What about you honey, all good?” He covers the mic with his hand, he leaned forward a bit so he could hear her better.
“Yea, but can we turn the stage lights up please.” No seeing the crowd would help a lot, a seed of self doubt grew inside her. Before she could start to spiral about rather or not this would go awful, Eddie grabbed her by the hands.
“Hey, you got this, and even if you still get nervous, just close your eyes and pretend like it’s you and me.” Bending a bit lower to her, they touched foreheads, and the crowd went insane.
“They like me, they really like me.” Devina giggled to Eddie, squeezing her hands he pulled back and turned to the one of the production people off stage.
“Hey is there a chance we can get these lights back up?” He flashed the young woman a sweet smile, her cheeks turned a deep red as she talked into her head set.
“They’re ready when she is.” She confirmed, Eddie bowed to her in thanks, turning back to Devina, his heart pounding. She looked stunning, though she could be completely dressed down in sweatpants and a t-shirt and still look beautiful.
“I’ll be right here if you need me.” Eddie kissed her on the temple, pats her on the head, and steps back by his drummer.
“Hi everyone, um, sorry if I’m awkward Eddie is the true natural born star.” Devina chuckled dryly, one girl in the very front shouted out at her. “YOU GOT THIS QUEEN!” And then another voice, “WE LOVE YOU!”
“Oh wow, thanks guys. Uh, well the song I’ll be singing is a classic. Hope you all know Creep by Radiohead.” The crowd buzzed with excitement as the music started up, she requested that Eddie have the production team play her mixed version of the song instead of the original.
“When you were here before, Couldn't look you in the eye.” Her voice was hauntingly soft, it really added to the dark overtone of the song, Eddie was shocked. He knew his girl could sing, but this is clearly something she’s worked in before. He wondered why she never shared this with him before, maybe it’s something she’s mentioned, and maybe he forgot?
The crowd is in awe of Devina, the voices of the people become the background singers as they quietly sing along with her. The girl in the front row from earlier, seemingly in tears now, found it heart-swelling to see another Black girl being treasured like this. She took her phone out to record, though Devina had all her comments blocked on social media, the young woman wanted to share this moment with her anyway. Her hope was that Devina could see herself the way they all saw her.
Devina hadn’t noticed her eyes were wet until she was done singing, Eddie is immediately by her side again pulling her into a tight hug. The stadium came back to life, the sound of thousands of people cheering is deafening. Overwhelmed by their positive energy, she stepped back from the microphone stand, and took a moment to breathe.
“That was a stellar performance if I do say so myself baby.” He spoke in a hushed voice only they could hear, his eyes sparkled, and his lips stretched into a dazzling smile. He’s never been so proud of someone before.
“I was inspired by your confidence, Eddie freakin Munson.” Devina beamed up at him, her words were true, she thought about how carefree he looked on stage, and tried to follow his lead.
“Aw of course you look up to daddy.” He said smugly, his hand reaching for her round booty, but before he could get any further than her lower back, she grabbed onto his hand.
“Thousands watching, remember?”
“Actually I’m glad you mentioned that.” Eddie’s face suddenly got serious, turning back to the crowd he brought his fingers to his lips.
“Children, daddy is speaking now.” As if his words were made of magic, the crowd settled down, and they all looked up at him with wide eyes.
“Now, I know there are hundreds of people here already, but I hope some of you out there are recording so that the whole world can hear me.” He took a breath to gather his thoughts, Devina, and the way people treated her is not something he took lightly.
“I've been seeing all the nasty little comments some of you have been making about Devina. Let me tell you little shits something, this woman, this gorgeous woman, and my future wife. She’s not going anywhere, so if you think you can bully her online…harass her in public, well you and me got a problem. I don’t care if you stop buying tickets to my shows, I don’t care if you stop listening to my music. The sole reason I’m here in this stage today for you little pricks online to obsess over is because of her. There’s no Eddie Munson without Devina Sinclair.”
The crowd erupted when he turned to Devina and pulled her in for a big kiss, he didn’t hood back either. One hand held her against him, and the other grabbed a handful of her ass. Gently he pulled away, there was breathing heavy, and hearts hammering. Devina wrapped her arms around Eddie’s neck, she got up on her tiptoes to plant another sweet kiss on his lips.
“I love you.” She whispered, Eddie’s eyes brimming with tears, he never feels happier than when he’s with Devina. He pecks her in the forehead one last time, and addresses the crowd.
“Okay, I’m done ranting, ha, I’m starting to feel like my old man. Yall ready for one more song, or are you tired?” The crowd cheered in response, he squinted his eyes looking out into the sea of people.
“Is anybody alive out there? I said…is anybody alive out there!” He shouted, the lights went up to show the crowd, the people in the pit were the loudest ever.
“One last time give it up for my lovely Devina Sinclair!” She bowed in response to the claps and cheers, and ran off stage, back to the dressing room. She kicked off her shoes, and collapsed onto the couch. She didn’t even bother trying to fight the tiredness, Devina’s eyes slid shut, and immediately fell asleep.
Much later that night.
The feeling of something wet swiping across my face woke me, I opened my eyes to see Eddie’s face above me. A wet makeup wipe in hand, and a tiny smile on his lips.
“I figured you were too exhausted to remove the makeup so I did it for you, but I’m not sure I got everything.” He continued to swipe at my eyebrows making sure he got everything. My head is in his lap in the back seat of his car, Marcus, Eddie’s driver, is nice enough to drive slowly.
“I slept that long? Oh god you didn’t have to carry me did you?” An impending embarrassment rushing in as the thought of my poor Eddie struggling to lift me, or worse than that, him not being able to lift me at all.
“Relax babe, you were awake enough to walk on your own, but still too sleepy to be aware of it happening. When we made it to the car you passed out again.” He chuckled, I sat upright, and switched to leaning against his shoulder. Automatically, Eddie brought his arm around me, pulling me in close, and peppering kisses over my face until I giggled. My hand rested on his chest, my fingers drew circles over his bare skin, the top four buttons were left undone.
The rest of our night was quiet, we both ran a bath, and did our nightly routine together. We snuggled into bed, and passed out. I’m sure Eddie is going to want my pov of last night in the morning.
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The Prom Dare - Eddie Munson X Female Reader - November 11th
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Title: The Prom Dare
Eddie Munson X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Reader's mother, Dustin, Beth (OC), Mary-Ann (OC), and an unnamed girl
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WC: 4,288
Warnings: Manipulation, bad friends, rude moms, Reader has a mother, Reader wears make-up and dress, suggestive, dares, agnst, fluff, and misunderstandings
"Alright, Beth, it's your turn." Mary-Ann spoke from across the Truth Or Dare circle.
"Okay... Uh, Y/N... Truth or dare?" Beth asked you, her green eyes piercing yours.
You were at one of your friend's houses. She was throwing a party and you had nothing to do, so you decided to go. When the idea of truth or dare came up, you were a bit hesitant. But, that didn't stop your friends from convincing you to play. You still felt apprehensive about it though because this was your first time playing truth or dare. And now here you were, sitting across from Beth as she stared back at you, waiting for an answer. Her short blonde hair looked amazing against her pale complexion and her green eyes seemed to be gleaming just a little. She had always been out to get you.
You wished you never became friends with them in the first place but you basically had no choice. When you started high school, you were shy and weird and had no friends. Beth, Mary-Ann, and the others had come up to you in the beginning and invited you to join their table at lunch. The thought of finally having friends overthrew the worry of how terrible they might've been. You were tired of being lonely. And, you, desperate for friendship, was your downfall into the dark abyss of fake friends and blackmail.
"Dare," You said, looking down. "Might as well, right?" You chuckled shyly with a shrug.
Beth chuckled, smirking, "Mm, I dare you to ask The Freak out to Prom."
You froze. Eyes wide as your jaw slowly dropped. "Are... Are you serious... I can't do that." You laughed at the absurdity.
It's not like you didn't like the guy. Against the judgment of your 'friends', you really liked Eddie. You didn't want to ask him based on a dare. You doubted he'd even say yes to you. You were considered a very popular girl. He was just some freak who everyone ignored. But, to you, he was misunderstood. He was just a guy who likes metal music, leather, and tattoos.
"C'mon, it'll be fun!" Mary-Ann said, laughing. "I mean if you don't do the dare... You know what we have to do..." She smirked, and you let out a shaky sigh.
You couldn't refuse. Why did you say 'dare?' Oh god... "Fine..." You sighed, slumping your shoulders.
The next day, you stood at your locker with your so-called friends as they giggled and spoke in hushed voices. You let out a sigh as you shut your locker. Eddie was at his own locker, talking to some kid you knew from his D&D club. He was laughing at something the kid had said, nudging his friend's shoulder jokingly. You couldn't help but stare until Beth gained your attention.
"Do it." She demanded in your ear, grinning from ear to ear. "Don't be a wimp."
You let out another sigh as your brain fought your heart until your brain finally won and you slowly walked over.
"Hey." You greeted the two, feeling rather awkward as Eddie stared down at you.
Eddie gave you his typical smile, "What can I do for you, princess?" He asked, placing his hands in his jeans pockets.
Your face grew warm and you could feel your cheeks flush. You cleared your throat nervously, "Uh, I wanted to ask you something."
He raised an eyebrow curiously, tilting his head to the side. "What's up?"
You tried to think of what to say. Should you tell him the truth? What if he doesn't want to go with you anyway? Maybe you could back out? No, you knew what Beth would do...
"I was wondering... If you'd like to go to Prom with me?" You blurted out, voice wavering slightly as you saw his eyes widen in surprise.
His mouth opened and closed several times before he stammered out, "That's... Um... Wow."
Mary-Ann and Beth burst out into laughter from afar, causing you to blush embarrassed.
Eddie gave you a small smile, "Sure... Yeah... I'd like that."
You smiled back, "Okay, cool! Uh, awesome." You said in relief and shock.
"I can pick you up," Eddie stopped you. "If that's okay?"
You nodded, "Yeah. That sounds great. I'm... I'm gonna go." You laugh awkwardly, before turning around, your smile instantly turning into a frown as you immediately felt bad. You felt so sick to your stomach. How could you do that? Did you seriously just ask him to prom? Of course, you would've loved to go with him, but without a dare holding you to it.
You slowly walked back over to your friends, them all cackling like the witches they were.
"Oh my god! Look who has a brain! The Freak is going to take you to Prom!" Mary-Ann squealed as she clapped, and Beth gave her an evil smirk.
"I told ya! That was easy!" She giggled.
"Shut up!" You growled, glaring at both of them. "This is stupid. You know the reason why I did this." You huffed, before quickly walking away from them.
"Dude! She asked you out!" Dustin exclaimed, patting Eddie on the shoulder.
Eddie smirked lightly, "See, Henderson? I told you she liked me."
Dustin rolled his eyes, "Just because you catch her looking at you doesn't mean that she likes you..."
Edie shrugged, "She asked me though. Thank god cause I didn't think I could do it myself. She is so metal." He dreamily sighed, smiling at where you had walked down the hallway.
"Yeah, I didn't think you could either," Dustin replied, only for Eddie to hit him on the back of the head.
Walking down the aisle with your mother, you gazed from dress to dress; looking for the one to wear to Prom.
"So, you asked Eddie?" Your mother finally spoke up from beside you.
You looked up at her briefly, face flushed as you nodded. "Yeah, I did. What about it?" You said defensively.
She pursed her lips together, "Well... Well... It's just... I was hoping you'd go with someone on the team? What about john? He really is nice, and I thought he was interested in you... This Eddie kid, he's not exactly your type..."
"What does that matter, Ma?" You frowned, feeling more and more frustrated. "John's a jerk, and how do you know who I like or not?"
"Have you even given John a chance?" She continued, watching you intently.
You huffed, "Of course I have! But he-"
"But, you're too scared to actually give it a real shot!" She interrupted, "You should've waited for John to ask you to Prom." She sighed, shaking her head.
You frowned, "Why are you doing this? Why are you getting involved in this? You promised me you wouldn't get into it anymore." You scowled, placing your hand over your forehead angrily.
"I am your mother," She said simply. "And, I will do what I see fit."
"I don't need you telling me what to do," You grumbled, folding your arms over your chest. "I'm eighteen."
"No, you are not!" She snapped, eyes narrowing. "Until you move out of my house, you won't be a child."
You glared at her, "Whatever. Let's just get a dress and go. I have homework."
You glared at the dress on the hook in your open closet. Your dear mother picked it out, since she said that it would look nice on you. It was ugly, to put it plainly. The dress was white and made of lace and silk. In fact, the entire outfit looked like something your grandmother would wear to a wedding. There was a puffy skirt with a high turtleneck and long puffy sleeves. You hated it. It made you look old-fashioned. You loathed it. But, your mother wanted to see it again.
"Ugh..." You groaned, looking up at yourself in the mirror.
You grimaced, pulling the dress down a little more.
"What's the problem?" Your mother asked, placing her hands on her hips as she stared at you through the mirror.
"I hate it. I look terrible." You mumbled, clenching your fists at your side.
Her eyes widened, "You look beautiful!" She exclaimed, "Come here, let me fix your makeup."
You sat down in front of your vanity. "I don't want to wear it. It's not me." You complained.
"You'll wear it, and like it. I paid good money for this." Your mother seethed, jabbing the makeup brush in the blush palette. "And, you're gonna wear it. You can't go to prom with your messy and ratty hair. You'll regret it later if you do."
You sighed, glancing out the window. You didn't know why your mother wanted to test run the dress, hair, and make-up. The prom was a couple of days away.
That night, you slid out of your bed, grabbed your over-the-shoulder bag, and headed to your window. You slid it open and climbed out, before walking all the way back to the store. Just like prom, your mother had bought you a dress for homecoming too. That dress, you had no choice in wearing, and just like the prom one, you felt terrible in it. What made it worse was your so-called friends had made fun of you. You didn't want that to happen again.
You finally made it to the dress shop, an hour before it closed. You wandered around and found the dress you had an eye on when you came in the morning. It was beautiful. It was blue with black details of leaves and flowers. What fabric it was, you didn't know. But, it was soft to the touch. It even came with its own black silk gloves. It had a low-cut neckline and a fitted waist. The skirt flowed out into a ballerina shape. The skirt of the dress was long, ending just below your ankles. Taking it off the hook, you immediately bought it.
Climbing up the side of the house, you silently got back into your window, quickly hiding your new dress in an old box under your bed. You quickly chucked off your shoes and flopped on your bed, feeling more excited about the prom than you had before.
Sitting on the bottom of the stairs, you sat in your terrible dress and uncomfy shoes. Even your scalp was in pain from the tight top bun your mother gave you. You were at least glad that your mother didn't make you look like a clown with the makeup she put on you. You held your bag close to you as you waited for Eddie. You had your dress inside it. Thankfully, your mother bought the lie that you had some books you had to put back in your locker while you were at school.
Hearing the van pull up, you perked up, your mother at the entranceway to the living room sighing dramatically as she rolled her eyes. You were mortified that Eddie would have to see the terrible dress your mother had bought you, but you just told yourself you'd change soon and let out a sigh. A knock came at the door, making you jump slightly as you stood up. You pushed the hem of your dress down, smoothing it out as best you could as you walked to the door. Opening it, you spotted Eddie, smiling down at you. He was wearing what he usually wore, though he wore unripped black jeans, a nicer band shirt, and a black leather jacket over that. He looked very handsome... As always.
"Like the dress." He spoke first, giving you a once-over.
"Thanks..." You answered softly, as your mother crossed her arms, glaring at Eddie.
"Have her back by nine." She growled and Eddie nodded to her with his smile, giving her a small salute.
"No probs, ma'am. Nice meeting you." Eddie spoke, before offering his arm to you, which you quickly took.
As your mother slammed the door behind you, you let out a huge sigh. Eddie looked at you momentarily before opening the passenger-side door for you and getting on his side. Turning on the van and pulling out of the driveway, Eddie gave you a side glance, smirking slightly.
"Did I tell you how nice that dress looks on you?" He asked and you raised your hand to stop him.
"Stop, please." You sighed frustratedly as you then rubbed the bridge of your nose. "You don't have to lie to make me feel better about this. My mother picked it and I hate it. That's why when we get there I am changing."
Eddie curled an eyebrow, "Changing?"
"Yep." You popped the 'p'. "That's why I have this bad boy." You spoke, patting your bag in your lap. "I bought another dress and snuck it with me."
"Smart. Why did your mother pick the dress?" He asked and you rolled your eyes.
"She thinks he can dress me up like some little barbie doll and all I have to do is smile prettily." You huffed, turning to look out the window as Eddie laughed. "She never asks me what I want! She doesn't even care. I don't want to try out for cheerleading. I don't want to go out with John. And I don't want to pretend to be someone I am not."
Eddie hummed, frowning slightly. You weren't the popular young woman he thought you were. You weren't stuck up or anything like that. You just didn't like to get involved. You kept your head down and tried to stay out of trouble.
"I'm sorry you have to go through all that." He spoke, and you shook your head.
"Not your fault, Eddie. Not your fault at all. I'm just being stupid." You turned to face him, taking his hand in yours, squeezing gently.
He squeezed back, hoping you could see he fierce blush on his face, "You're not stupid, Y/N."
You shook your head, smiling as you let go. "Prom's about having fun, and we're going to have a blast. I promise."
Eddie smiled, nodding, "Okay, well, let's go." He spoke, smiling widely as he pulled the van up to the curb.
You giggled a bit as he opened your door for you, helping you out of the van and into the building.
Grabbing a hold of your bag, you stopped at a bathroom before turning to Eddie. "I'll be right back." You spoke quickly before rushing in to change.
Eddie stuffed his hands in his pockets, leaning against the wall as he waited, the smile on his face never falling. He couldn't believe he was at prom with you. You were so pretty, and he loved your hair. He loved everything about you. He wished you didn't have to hide who you were from everyone else. He didn't know what he was thinking. He didn't know what he was doing. He just knew he needed you.
A few minutes later, you slipped out of the bathroom. Eddie turned to look at you as you walked over, his eyes wide at your new appearance. You held your bag at your side, as you pulled the tight ponytail off, letting your hair loose and hanging down free. You had a smile on your face as you stopped in front of him.
"So? What do you think? Definitely a glow-up, right?" You asked with a laugh and Eddie nodded, speechless.
"You look... Stunning" He spoke softly, mouth dry as he wet his lips.
"Really?" You blushed, looking down.
"Yes... Totally..." He spoke, grabbing your chin with his fingers. "You look like royalty."
You smiled, your face flushing, "Thank you, Eddie."
Oh, how you said his name. Eddie shook his head, "No problem, princess." He sighed, "Shall we?" He asked, offering his arm once more which you gladly took.
"We shall."
Walking into the gym, the live band was playing music as couples were already dancing. Your eyes scanned the crowd as you slowly walked towards the refreshment table. Taking a drink from your glass, you spotted your friends sitting together, laughing as they talked. You quickly looked away, and Eddie noticed how you suddenly tensed. Placing his hand on your bare shoulder; he looked at you.
"Are you alright?" He asked and you nodded, remembering the whole dare that started this.
"I'm great, yeah. Let's uh, let's dance." You spoke, grabbing Eddie's hand and dragging him to the dance floor as a slow song began.
The two of you stood there awkwardly for a moment before you took Eddie's hands and reset them on your waist, wrapping your arms around his neck; pulling you both closer together. You swayed with each other, your eyes locked onto his. You didn't realize that your friends were staring at you and you didn't care. All you cared about was the fact that you were here with Eddie and that he was holding you close.
You felt Eddie squeeze tighter, before you heard him speak. "You look so beautiful tonight."
You blushed, your cheeks burning red as you leaned your head on his shoulder, "Thank you. You look really great too."
Eddie hummed, "I couldn't believe that you asked me out. I've liked you for a long time, Y/N." Eddie confessed, making you pull back slightly from Eddie with wide eyes.
"Really? I like you too." You spoke softly, trying to keep the nervousness from showing. "I mean, I've liked you since I was a freshman."
Eddie tilted his head, his brows rising as he stared at you. "You have been crushing on me for years?" He asked, sounding surprised.
"Yeah, but you're too good for me, Eddie. I'm not worth your time. You do what you want. You don't care what others think. I aspire to be just like you, to have your same confidence." You spoke softly, shyly.
Eddie chuckled lightly, shaking his head, "Impossible. You are the most perfect girl I have ever met. But thank you, Y/N."
Smiling softly, you nodded your head. "Thank you." You spoke again, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek before pulling back with a breathy sigh.
Eddie watched you as you pulled away, feeling his heart thumping in his chest. The way you leaned into him made him feel warm inside. He didn't know what was happening between you and him. It was so fast and unexpected. It was as if time slowed to a stop as you stared into Eddie's dark eyes before your eyes landed on his lips. You wanted to know what they tasted like, to know if he was as sweet as he seemed. You didn't think twice before reaching up to touch him.
Your entire world stopped as your lips with his own. He closed his eyes, savoring the taste of you. You moaned softly as his hands lifted from your waist and ran up your sides as he pressed himself against you. He held you close as he deepened the kiss, one of his hands grasping the back of your head, his fingers tangling into your silky hair. You grasped onto him tighter, your own hand gently tugging at his curly locks. You melted to him. Your body melted into his as you kissed passionately.
"You taste like rainbows..." He whispered against your lips, kissing you again.
"Rainbows?" You hummed, as Eddie broke the kiss, panting heavily as he looked down at you.
"Like rainbows... Cotton candy... Strawberries... Do you have chapstick on or something?" He asked, his mind on cloud nine as you looked up at him, giggling.
"No, I don't think so. My mother hates makeup on lips, she says it's disgusting." You spoke softly as the music slowly ended, "Thank you for coming with me, Eddie."
Eddie nodded, heart still racing, as was yours, "Of course."
"Well, I'm going to go to the ladies' room. Could you get me a drink while I'm gone?" You asked and Eddie nodded, squeezing your waist before letting you go.
"Sure thing, princess."
Eddie watched as you walked out of the gym, sighing as he walked over to the refreshments table, grabbing two cups and filling them with the punch.
"Oh my god, she did it. I can't believe it." Eddie heard from his spot at the table.
"I know right? She actually asked that fool out! What a loser!" Another girl laughed, making Eddie roll his eyes.
"I mean, we did dare her to do it. It wasn't like Y/N had a choice!" The other girl screeched, making Eddie freeze.
What were they talking about?
"And he fell for it! He's as big of a loser as she is!" The first girl yelled happily, making Eddie feel his blood boil.
He didn't understand why they were calling you names like that. He didn't understand why you would do this. He didn't understand anything. Eddie filled the cup halfway, before he grabbed another cup, filling it with water from the cooler, and stormed out of the gym, leaving the girls behind. Eddie frowned as you rushed up to him with a huge smile. But, once you saw his frown, your smile also fell.
"Eddie? What's wrong?" You asked and Eddie rolled his eyes.
"You think I'm dumb, do you? I know about the dare." He spoke, raising an eyebrow. "I know what you and your little friends had set me up to."
You blushed, "Oh." You murmured softly. "That's not true though." You spoke quickly, grabbing his hand. "It's a misunderstanding. Let me explain, please." You begged with wide eyes only for Eddie to pull his hand away.
"I don't want to hear your lies." He spoke as he rushed out of the gym, following closely behind.
"No! Eddie. Please, listen to me."
You glanced over to your friends as you followed Eddie outside, watching them talking about you. You were done with them from now on.
"Stop following me." He spoke, chugging the punch before getting to his van, and tossing the empty cup inside.
"Eddie, please. Stop." You pleaded, finally reaching him as he finally turned around to face you, glaring down at you.
"I heard what they said, Y/N. You asking me to prom was a dare and I was dumb enough t fall for it." He spoke coldly, pointing at you. "I am not falling for any of your tricks, Y/N." He spat the words out angrily, causing you to gasp as you stared up at him in shock.
"I'm sorry Eddie. I didn't mean for it to happen. I swear." You spoke softly, placing your hand on his cheek as he shook his head, pushing your hand away. "Please, just... Let me explain... And, after if you want me to leave you alone... I will."
Eddie stared at you for a moment before nodding.
You let out a sigh, biting your lip briefly before speaking, "I was dared to ask you, that part is true."
Eddie scoffed but you quickly continued.
"But I didn't have bad intentions! Those girls dared me too because they knew I liked you and if I didn't ask you they..." You felt your eyes water, tears threatening to fall down your cheeks. "Beth... She has blackmailed me. And she threatened to use it if I didn't do the dare."
Eddie's glare softened slightly, "Blackmail?"
You ran a hand through your hair as you sighed, "I... Beth found out that I..." You swallowed, pushing through, "That I had my first kiss with a girl..."
Eddie's eyes widened slightly. "Your first kiss was a girl?" He questioned, his voice sounding shocked.
"Yes, and Beth blackmailed me. If I didn't ask you to prom then she would tell everyone what happened. So, I thought that the best way to help myself was to just ask you." You spoke softly, wiping the tears away as you looked up at Eddie.
"And that's why you asked me?" Eddie asked, tilting his head slightly.
"Y-yes. But, I do really really like you, Eddie. What I said in there was all the truth."
Eddie sighed and looked down, he felt awful now, but he had to know one thing. "Did... Did the kiss mean anything to you?"
You smiled softly, "Yeah, it meant a lot. I... I love you, Eddie." You admitted shyly.
Eddie stared at you in shock as you blushed. Eddie blinked a few times before looking down at your hand, taking it in his own.
"I'm glad that you told me the truth."
You nodded, "Me too. I don't think I'll be hanging out with them any time soon."
"I wouldn't worry about that." Eddie smirked slightly as he leaned down, gently brushing his lips against yours.
His lips were soft as they pressed against yours, soft like silk. You kissed Eddie deeply, your hands running along his back as he groaned and cupped your face with his large hand. His other hand slid down to your waist, gripping you tightly as he deepened the kiss.
He pulled back, staring into your eyes as he breathed heavily.
You smiled widely, "Maybe we should go somewhere else?"
"What about your nine o'clock curfew?" Eddie asked, his hands rubbing up and down your sides.
"What curfew?" You said before leaning up and kissing him.
Eddie nodded, humming, before breaking the kiss, "I know a place."
You smiled brightly as you nodded your head, "Yeah?"
Eddie grinned before kissing you again, deeper this time. He pushed you against the side of the van and pinned you against it, kissing you heatedly. He pulled away, the both of you breathing heavily, "Yeah. If you want to." He asked and you nodded, smiling lightly.
"Take me. I'm yours."
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sataniquepanique · 2 years
The Queen of Hellfire: Part One
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Part One: Labyrinth
Summary: Two women had a monumental impact on Eddie Munson's life: his mother, and Meg.
Genre: angst, some fluff, Eddie x OFC
Warnings: mentions of DV, mentions of alcoholism, trauma responses, smoking
Word Count: 8.8k
A/N: I'm very interested in knowing Eddie's backstory, so I created something with that in mind. I always imaged Eddie being a shy kid, who eventually grew into the character we know and love. I have a few chapters planned. This is my first go at an OC, so go easy on me <3
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September, 1980
The hallways of Hawkins High were stifling; even though it was September, summer still had a vice grip on the state of Indiana with no immediate plans of letting go. Eddie was nauseous. The heat paired with his nerves about the first day of freshman year were eating away at his internal organs; it would be a miracle if he made it through the day without spewing all over the hallway. Running a hand through his hair, he tried to tame the short curls in what he knew was a futile attempt. 
Mental note: never shave your head again, Munson; the growing out phase is painfully embarrassing. 
No one could guess by his calm demeanor that Eddie was fighting the overwhelming urge to sprint all the way back home to Forest Hills, seeking the asylum of his room, back to the safeguard of Uncle Wayne. A neutral expression hid the fear coursing through his body like poison; he had gotten very good at masking over the years, a mechanism he picked up back when he was in the care of his parents. 
He gripped the strap of his backpack tighter, the old canvas bag had seen better days. What was once black, is now a deep, dull gray, littered with small tears, scuffs, and a few painted doodles. Duct tape was basically holding it together at this point, having used it throughout middle school and abusing it almost daily by cramming each pocket full of novels, DnD manuals, firecrackers, and any other bizarre paraphernalia that peaked his curiosity. Money has always been tight, even with Uncle Wayne working overtime at the plant, so back-to-school shopping was non-existent in the Munson household. Any new clothes that Eddie owned were more than likely shoplifted by the young teenager, the rest of his meager wardrobe consisting of thrifted pieces mixed with Wayne’s old hand-me-downs. He had only recently started fitting into his uncle’s clothes, having finally started to grow into himself within the past year. Though they were all still a size too large, Eddie would frequently wear one of Wayne’s old flannels; the threadbare fabric brought comfort on days where he just wanted to disappear. 
Days like today. 
Grasping a class schedule in his fist, Eddie quickly maneuvered the crowded hallways, careful to avoid eye contact with any upperclassmen as he searched for his locker assignment, number 116. Wedged between the biology lab and the library, the small expanse of lockers revealed numbers 105-125. Tongue poked out in concentration, he spun the dial a few times, trying to remember the combination.
Yeah, 2.
According to the crumpled grid in his hand, he had the earliest lunch period, meaning only two classes stood between him and sneaking outside to read in solitude. Tossing some textbooks into his already over-stuffed bag, he slammed the metal door shut and made a beeline for English. The thought of 40 minutes full of literature calmed his nerves a bit. Books had always been a safe haven for him, even as a young child. His mom had read to him often, almost every night before bed, painting his imagination full of far away worlds and magical creatures. Beneath his bed were always piles of books, hidden away from his father who would more than likely try to throw them in the garbage given the chance. Eddie would escape to his fantasy worlds when things got tough; frequently hiding in his closet to read while his dad was storming around the house in a haze of alcohol and anger. 
In Middle School, he was a frequent flyer in the guidance office, usually for talking out of turn or pulling a prank on an unsuspecting student; but during the end of 7th grade his counselor called Wayne in for a meeting. Eddie was doing poorly is most of his classes, and his uncle immediately jumped to his defense, citing the visible intelligence of the kid, one that the counselors agreed wholeheartedly upon. He wasn’t dumb by any means, he just wasn’t being challenged, leading to him slacking off and not completing any of his work. They explained at length about how smart Eddie was, providing written statements from teachers about his knack for building narratives and the quickness at which he could problem solve. The solution provided was to put Eddie in some accelerated classes, to which he gave a stark refusal. The other kids had already labeled him a weirdo, with his tattered clothes and quirky interests, he didn’t need to add anything else to the list. Eventually, through the coaxing of Uncle Wayne, he agreed to Advanced English. As it turns out, AP English was one of the best things to happen in the young boys life. Mrs. Lewis incorporated so many great literary masterpieces into her curriculum, even doing a deep dive into the writing style of Tolkien, Eddie’s favorite. 
This year, he chose to forgo enrolling into any higher level classes, wanting to make a fresh start in high school; a clean slate where no one knew his name. He could fly under the radar and just be a normal teenager, no more bullies, no more taunts. High school would be different.
The exit door was across the cafeteria, flanked by long tables filled to the brim with rowdy students, conversing loudly and adding to Eddie’s already overwhelmed senses. As his eyes scanned the occupied tables, he noticed the numerous other freshman that had seemingly found their respective cliques. A storm of jealousy and sadness formed in his gut; he didn’t have any friends in his grade, so like with most things throughout his life, Eddie was on his own. His two partners-in-crime, Gareth and Jeff, were younger and still in Hawkins Middle, and although he knew he’d see them after school, it doesn’t do him any good as he stands in the proverbial lion’s den. Making friends was never his forte, choosing to keep to himself for the most part. After growing up in a broken home, Eddie had grown accustomed to loneliness; it had made him apprehensive about anyone and anything, so getting into his tight knit circle was an exceptional feat.
Clutching a tattered copy of A Wizard of Earthsea, Eddie hiked his backpack up higher and quickly snuck towards the door to the outside patio before anyone noticed him. Head down as he reached for the door handle, his body crashed into an immovable object. Dazed, he looked up to see the largest boy he’s ever seen, clad in a white and green Hawkins Tigers football jersey, blocking the exit and staring down at him menacingly. 
“Where’re you headed, dork?” He spat, teeth showing somewhere between a snarl and a smile.
Eddie tried to push his way past, “I-I’m just going outside—“
The jock slapped the book out of Eddie’s hand, the paperback losing a few pages as it bounced off the floor. He stared at the large boy’s chest, too afraid to look him in the eye, but also too scared to move. 
“Well…?” The older boy motioned towards the floor, “are you going to pick your shit up or just keep staring at me like some sort of homo?”
The slur caused Eddie’s throat to constrict, bringing back memories of his father hurling the same exact insult at him a few years back when he had first attempted to grow out his hair. Swallowing the bile in his throat, he bent down to pick up his novel, only to be kicked over by the linebacker, head hitting one of the metal chair legs of a nearby table. Eddie shakily started to get up, as the other boy moved to push him over again, only this time someone stepped in between.
“Enough, asshole!” 
Her voice was demanding and strong as she squared up in front of a boy that was at least twice her size. Eddie peered around her legs, trying to make out the expression of the older boy. 
“Fuck you, Meg,” the jock barked, any hint of a smile wiped from his round face. 
Eddie glanced up at the girl as she shifted her weight slightly to one hip. 
“Oh Petey,” she crossed her arms mockingly as she coo’d, “you wish you could be so lucky.”
The jock (now understood as Pete apparently), clenched his jaw, the tips of his ears growing pink.
“Go back to your gang of fuckin’ losers, crazy bitch,” he steps closer to the auburn haired girl, looming at least a head taller, but she doesn’t flinch. Eddie watches as she tilts her gaze upward to meet Pete’s beady eyes, straightening her spine as a threat.
“I’ll show you fucking crazy, Petey boy. Is that what you want? Remember what happened last time?” Her voice was calm, but something in the tone visibly effected Pete. He pushed past her, glaring down at Eddie still cowering on the floor. 
The mystery girl watched him leave, finally turning her attention to Eddie, squatting down to help pick up the scattered pages of his novel. 
“You okay?” Eye level with him now, Eddie looked at the face of his savior. 
He swears the blue of her eyes is his new favorite color.
Her face was soft as she searched his own for a response. He grabbed the destroyed paperback quickly, averting his gaze, “y-yeah, I think I’m good. Uh—thank you.”
She handed him the loose sheets of paper that had fallen out, “You’re a freshman, right?” 
Eddie nodded, shoving the book in his backpack. His eyes drifted back to her, taking in the numerous patches on her black denim jacket that was a few sizes too large. KISS, Queen, Iron Maiden, and a few other graphics he couldn’t make out littered the worn garment. 
“Do you wanna come sit with us?” The girl stood up, pointing casually over towards the back of the cafeteria. Eddie rose off the floor and followed her finger; a table of four students of varying grades was posted up in the furthest corner, clearly in a heated discussion about something. If he was being honest, he wanted nothing more than to follow this girl, but every part of his body was screaming at him to run away to seclusion. Uncle Wayne’s voice popped in his head, gruff but encouraging, “do it kid, put yourself out there.” Tossing his backpack over a shoulder, he gave a shy nod, and the girl smiled. 
“I’m Meg, by the way,” she held out her hand, a formality which, to Eddie, made her seem older than she was. She couldn't have been more than two years his senior. He cautiously took her hand, squeezing slightly as she shook it.
“Eddie,” he managed as they approached her lunch table. 
“Well, Eddie the Freshman, welcome to the Island of Misfit Toys,” she motioned towards her group of friends, and something in Eddie’s chest sparked a feeling that could only be described as belonging. 
The kids before him were all dressed in shades of black, three sporting shirts from bands he loved. One of the boys was standing with a leg perched on a chair, waving wildly while he argued with a mousy-haired kid across the table. A small blonde girl sat beside the latter, laughing occasionally at their antics while she watched the banter like a tennis match.
“Guys!” Meg called, breaking the attention away from the raven-haired boy on the chair.
“This is Eddie, he’s gonna sit with us, today’s his first day,” she said, rounding the table to sit next to the tall kid that was still leaning on the plastic chair, the one who was now glaring at Eddie. The group went around introducing themselves, the small blonde named Kate was very sweet and moved her bag for Eddie to take up residence next to her. The boy beside her was Rick, he wore a weathered denim jacket atop a Led Zeppelin tee that reeked of weed; his incredibly chill demeanor made Eddie instantly like him. A boy named Matt was seated at the end of the table doing homework. He had round glasses that made him look extremely smart, not to mention the stack of textbooks in front of him with numerous papers and bookmarks scattered throughout. The tall argumentative boy finally sat down next to Meg, reaching across to steal a carrot from her lunch. After a few silent seconds, it was clear he had no intention of introducing himself.
Meg pulled her lunchbag away from his reach, “…and this is Adam, he’s a piece of shit,” she joked, the boys angular face finding her cheek where he placed a chaste kiss followed by a playful bite. She smiled, giving him a shove as he grinned deviously. 
“Eddie,” Adam turned his focus towards the other side of the table, eyeing up the new freshman, “we were just discussing our latest campaign,” 
“—you mean Meg’s slaughter-fest?” Matt interjected, looking up from his work.
Meg smirked from across the table, putting her hands up in defense, “Listen, it’s not my fault you’re unlucky in combat.”
Eddie’s heart skipped a beat, “Wait…are you talking about Dungeons and Dragons?” He asked quietly.
The table stared at him like it was obvious. 
“Yeah, we have a weekly party that gets together. We rotate houses and make a night out of it,” Kate chimes in, her eyes were kind as they blinked up at Eddie. 
Uncle Wayne had gifted him with a Dungeon and Dragons Basic Set for Christmas a few years ago, not entirely understanding what it was, but knowing that his nephew was so enthralled by anything fantasy that he was eager to contribute to the boy’s interests. Eddie was hooked the second he saw the cover, quickly involving Jeff and Gareth to create a small adventuring party. They learned as they went, letting Eddie take over DM duties and hosting one-shots almost every weekend. The three of them had been teased in middle school for playing, but it hadn’t bothered Eddie because he at least had his friends by his side. He wasn’t about to give up D&D now that he was in high school, but he was also not about to advertise the fact that he played, afraid of the ridicule he’d face at the hands of older kids. He understood the perception of the game, the claims of satanic indoctrination and ritualistic practices. To say he was shocked by the open admission of a functioning high school D&D party would be an understatement. 
“Do you play?” Meg’s voice brought his heart rate down, meeting her gaze with a shy smile.
“Uh, yeah. I’m not very good though…” he looked down at his hands, knowing that he was selling himself short.
“Gotta start somewhere, right?” She offered happily.
He felt safe with her, something he hadn’t experienced this quickly since being taken in by Uncle Wayne. 
“I actually DM for my party,” Eddie mumbled, not sure why he was being so open with this group of strangers.
Meg’s eyes went wide, “Wow, really? That’s amazing!”
Eddie liked the way her eyes crinkled at the edges when she smiled.
“I DM for this group—“ she motioned towards her friends.
“—yeah and she’s fucking ruthless,” Adam rolled his eyes. 
The sound of the bell made Eddie jump, the shuffling of the cafeteria growing louder as everyone made their way to the next class. Meg stood up, swinging her bag over a shoulder as she bent down to whisper in Adam’s ear, “Yeah, but you like when I’m ruthless.”
He smirked, pulling her down into a fierce kiss before she returned to full height, running a hand through Adam’s dark curls.
“C’mon Eddie,” she motioned to him, “I’ll walk you to your next class.”
He practically jumped to follow her, trailing behind as she effortlessly weaved her way through the throngs of students. She asked him questions about himself, something that threw him off; no one ever really cared enough to inquire about his interests, save for Wayne. Consistently being written off as “the problem kid”, growing up he was always being told by adults that he was “too much” or “annoying”; the comments shut him down, at least in public, forcing him into a reserved shell that only broke around the three key people in his life. Meg seemed to have no problem opening up to him, and Eddie was a little jealous of her confidence. Even the gait in which she walked was one of self-assurance, and he struggled a little to keep up, occasionally tripping over his own timid feet. Meg gave him more insight into her world; she was a junior, her other hobby is writing, and her favorite band is Queen. Eddie wanted—no, needed—to know more. He wanted to discuss literature with her, wanted to drive around and listen to A Night at the Opera with her singing every lyric beside him. 
“The party is meeting tonight to do a planning session for the next campaign, wanna join?” Meg stopped at Eddie’s World History classroom, spinning on her heel to face him.
The invitation gave him pause. He felt weird joining a different party from his own, but he didn’t want to pass up any chance to get closer to her.
Swallowing any bit of apprehension, Eddie nodded. 
Meg suddenly grabbed Eddie’s hand, pushing up his flannel sleeve and uncapping a pen with her mouth. Scribbling onto his forearm in a rush, she winks as she starts to walk backwards down the hall. 
“That’s my address, come over at 7!” She calls before turning around. 
Eddie looks down at the note on his skin, tracing a finger where she had held so delicately onto his wrist.
By the time they got to Meg’s house, Wayne was already 100% tired of hearing about her. Eddie had talked about her the entire ride over, annoying the daylight out of his uncle who had graciously offered to drive the boy across town on his night off. When Eddie jumped out of the car, Adam’s yelling from inside the rancher permeated the front walk; he couldn’t tell if it was serious or in jest. Eddie rang the doorbell, hands shoved into his pockets nervously. Just as he glanced back at Wayne driving off, the door swung open, Meg breaking into a wide smile at the sight of him. 
“Hi!” She chimed, opening her mouth to say something else but interrupted by another outburst courtesy of Adam.
“—DUDE! Come on!—“
Eddie grimaced slightly and looked at Meg’s annoyed expression, “What’s got him all revved up?”
She rolled her eyes, “Who fucking knows…” 
Moving over and motioning him to come inside, she shut the door and ushered the him into the living room where the rest of the lunchroom crew had gathered around the coffee table. Meg took a seat at the head of the table, as Eddie moved towards an empty spot next to Rick. 
“Eddie,” she called, “sit next to me, as a fellow DM I’d love to get your input on some stuff.” 
He bowed his head as he took a seat beside her, trying to hide the rush of blood to his face. 
The session went well, Eddie had never played with this large of a group before and it was a lot more fun than the threesome he was used to. Towards the end of the night, after a particularly divisive decision, Adam got agitated again. Eddie watched from the end of the table as he argued with Rick and Kate, voice rising as he stood and began to point his finger aggressively at the two of them. Eddie felt his heart start to race, an involuntary reaction due to his early years of hearing his parents violent outbursts. Clasping his hands together under the table, he willed his body to stop shaking, taking deep breaths through his nose. 
Adam slammed his fist onto the table, scattering miniatures and making Eddie jump. 
Meg leapt up and put her hand on Adam’s forearm. 
“Adam, babe,” she said softly, “everything’s okay, please calm down—“
“—Shut the fuck up, you don’t know what you’re talking about,” he slapped her hand away, and Eddie felt a surge of emotion. He watched as Meg slunk backwards, rubbing the hand Adam had hit. Her eyes were glassy as she sat back down next to Eddie, and he instinctively reached to take her hand in his. She looked at him sheepishly, and he watched as his favorite shade of blue clouded over. 
Adam stormed out shortly afterward, slamming the front door and revving the engine on his truck loudly before peeling out of the driveway. Eddie hadn’t let go of Meg’s hand, rubbing small circles over her knuckle, the same thing he did to comfort his mother when he was younger. 
The rest of the party cleaned up, slowly starting to joke and goof around again. Meg released Eddie’s hold, and walked the newcomer to the door when she saw Uncle Wayne’s headlights outside. Holding the door as he left, Meg grabbed the back of Eddie’s sleeve before he walked away. 
“Hey,” her voice was low and sad, “thanks for coming, sorry for…all of that, he—“
“—don’t worry about it,” Eddie interrupted, he frankly didn’t need to hear any excuses for Adam’s shitty behavior, and he wasn’t about to listen to Meg apologize for something that wasn’t her fault, “I had a lot of fun, see you tomorrow?” 
Meg nodded, a small smile playing at her lips, “See you tomorrow, Eddie the Freshman.”
Visually tracing the water stains on his bedroom ceiling, Eddie couldn’t stop his mind from drifting back to Meg, but more specifically Meg and Adam. He didn’t like the way Adam spoke to her, arrogance seeping out of every syllable he spoke. More importantly, Eddie hated the way Adam touched her; full of aggression and disrespect. She deserved passion without anger, tenderness backed by admiration, love without the jagged edge of pain. 
Eddie mentally argued with himself; maybe he’s just projecting. He barely knows Adam, he could just be having a few off days and isn’t actually a bad guy. Meg’s smart, and he desperately wanted to trust her judgement, but a small voice in the back of his head was screaming.
He’s seen this dynamic before.
Eddie searched for Meg in the sea of students the next morning before homeroom, hoping to catch any glimpse of her auburn hair or black denim jacket. Rick and Kate stopped by his locker when they caught sight of him anxiously waiting. They wasted no time in reiterating how much fun the previous night was, giving no mention of Adam’s episode. The first period bell rang, a cue for the three of them to go their separate ways. He gave up looking for Meg with a sigh. He’d catch her at lunch, but he’d also have to see Adam, which created a pit in the bottom of Eddie’s stomach.  
He practically bolted towards the lunchroom at 11:00, eager to sit with his new found friends. Slowing down as he approached (he didn't want to seem desperate), he saw Meg laughing at something Adam was whispering in her ear. Seeing them happy caused conflicting emotions, Eddie was relieved to see them getting along, but he also yearned to be the one making her laugh, to be the one that could get that close to her. He set his bag down and took the empty seat next to Meg. She turned immediately, smiling broadly as she playfully bumped his shoulder.
“Hey fresh meat,” she sang, “how’s your second day going?”
Eddie stifled a nervous laugh, opting to shoot a sarcastic grin her way instead. 
The rest of lunch was uneventful, something he was grateful for. The five of them joked around and talked about making plans for the weekend. Adam was actually kind of funny, and very charismatic; Eddie could almost see why Meg fell for him. The shrill cry of the bell echoed through the cafeteria, and Meg groaned as she grabbed her bag off the floor.
“What’s up?” Eddie asked, concerned at her pained face.
She shook her head, “It’s nothing, I have to meet with my guidance counselor this period to talk about my ‘future plans’ after high school,” she feigned a gag. 
The dramatics made Eddie laugh, “What’s wrong with that?”
Meg shrugged as they walked side by side from the lunchroom, “Nothing, really, I just…wanna do life my own way. I don’t want to be told what I should do, y’know?” 
Eddie stops at the intersection of two hallways, “What do you want then?”
She stared off into the distance thoughtfully, “…I want to write. I’ve always wanted to be a writer. It’s also partly why I’m the DM of the party,” she chuckled, “I’m the only one that can actually keep up a good narrative.”
Her sincerity made Eddie’s heart soar. The second bell rang, and she quickly took to the opposite hallway, “Want a ride home later?” she called.
Eddie nodded a little too quickly, and Meg shot him a smile before opening the door to the guidance office.
“See ya later, Munson!”
Slumped against the brick wall outside the front of the school, Eddie waited for Meg after the final bell. Carefully picking through each face that streamed past, he finally caught sight of her as she pushed past the doors. His stomach dropped when he saw her defeated expression. Jogging over, he fell in step as she strode towards the parking lot, avoiding eye contact with him. 
“Hey!” He bumped her shoulder like she had done to him earlier, trying to be chipper in the hopes of being the one to lift her spirits, but she wouldn’t crack.
She walked him over to a black Dodge Dart, unlocking the door and sliding behind the wheel. Eddie waited as she leaned over and unlocked the passenger side, quickly throwing his bag onto the floor and settling in next to her. They sat in silence for a beat, Meg staring straight ahead while Eddie watched anxiously. If she was anything like him, she would talk when she’s ready, she didn’t need someone prying incessantly. 
In a single burst of energy, she smacked the steering wheel with her palm as hard as she could. Eddie’s eyes widened in alarm as he reached for her, pausing and thinking it better to not touch at the moment. 
“FUCK!” She yelled, throwing her head back against the headrest, eyes falling closed with a sigh.
He watched as her chest rose and fell, paying attention to when it started to slow.
“Hey…” he whispers softly, “what happened?”
Meg rolls her head to look at him, eyes dull and tired. 
“They’re threatening to make me repeat a year,” she scoffs, and Eddie can hear the pain behind her words.
He shakes his head in disbelief, “For what? You’re super smart!”
Meg lets out a sad chuckle, “Thanks dude, but that doesn’t mean shit apparently. I’m failing math and gym, and Ms. Kelly said that I need to have at least one extracurricular activity to graduate next year,” She rubs her eyes with the heels of her palms.
A few seconds pass before Eddie speaks up, “…how do you fail gym?”
Meg coughs out a loud laugh, and he smiles knowing he caused it.
“You refuse to participate, that’s how,” she turned the key in the ignition and looked over at him, “Wanna go somewhere? I don’t really want to go home right now.”
Eddie grinned, rolling down his window and pulling a loose cigarette from his backpack, “Of course, I have nowhere else to be. You got a lighter?”
When Meg didn’t answer, he looked over and she was staring at him with an incredulous expression.
“How fucking old are you, dude?” She giggled.
“Fifteen, why?
Meg shrugged, “Don’t you think you’re a little young to be smoking?”
Eddie pulled a face, “Weren’t you just telling me earlier how you don’t like when other people tell you what to do?”
She laughed again, pushing in the cigarette lighter on the control panel, “Fair enough. Did you at least bring enough to share with the class?” 
She held out her hand expectantly, wiggling her fingers as Eddie dug through his bag, emerging with another cigarette. He stuck them both in his mouth, pulling the now popped lighter and holding the smoldering coil to both tips. 
Passing one to Meg’s waiting fingers, he took a drag of his own.
“I could’ve done that myself, y’know,” she smirked.
Eddie rolled down the passenger window and blew a steady stream of smoke outside, “Pretty girls don’t light their own cigarettes, didn’t you know that?”
Out of his peripheral he caught her shy smile as she pulled out of the parking lot. 
Turns out ‘somewhere’ is a secluded bank along Lovers Lake, and according to Meg it’s her favorite place to hide from the world. She backed in along the tree-line, her expert maneuvering a sign she had done this many times before. Once parked, she hopped out, opting to leave the battery running in order to keep the radio on. She jumped up onto the trunk, taking a seat to look out at the water. Eddie followed suit, pulling one boney leg up towards his chest. They hadn’t spoken on the drive, just sat and listened to music with the late summer air rushing through the open windows. The lack of communication wasn’t awkward, in fact it made Eddie feel at ease. He had watched how the afternoon sun highlighted the red in Meg’s hair as it danced in the breeze, how her lips moved when she sang along to Led Zeppelin, closing her eyes a beat longer than a blink when she really resonated with a lyric. Now that he was sitting closer to her on the trunk, he mapped the light smattering of freckles on her nose. She turned to look at him, and he felt the blush bloom in his cheeks at being caught. 
“So, Eddie Munson,” Meg smiled, “tell me more about yourself.”
“W-what do you mean?” He stuttered, not used to the attention.
“Tell me about your family, tell me about your hobbies,” she hugged her knees, resting her head against them.
“Uh, well, I live with my Uncle Wayne. I’ve been with him since elementary school, since…since my dad went to jail…” he looked down at his hands. 
He’d never admit it out loud, but he was embarrassed of his father. Even as a young child, he couldn’t ignore the whispers around town about the ‘no good Munson’s’, not to mention the dirty looks and disapproving head shakes from people in the grocery store when they passed by. The first time Eddie was caught shoplifting, the clerk at the convenience store called the police, resulting in him sitting in the back of a squad car until Uncle Wayne came to pick him up. As he sat and stared at the metal cage separating the front seat, he heard the officer outside speaking to his partner, “—gonna end up just like his old man at this point. Wouldn’t surprise me honestly—“
Eddie hated his dad; hated the way he treated his mom, hated the way he had complete disregard for his own son. He would never end up like him.
He’d make sure of that.
Meg’s head quickly rose from her knees, eyes full of sympathy, “Oh, Eddie, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up any bad shit…I had no idea—“
“—it’s okay,” he waved it off, shooting her a quick, sad smile, “I’m not upset or anything, Wayne takes good care of me. He’s more of a dad than my actual father could ever hope to be.” 
Meg nodded, “What did your dad go to jail for, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Eddie laughed, “What didn’t he go to jail for. He won’t get out for a while, not that he was really ever present to begin with…”
“What about your mom?” She whispered, afraid of the answer.
Eddie’s stoic as he looks over at her, “She’s dead. About a year before dad went to prison. He was always a piece of shit, but I think something about losing her really sent him off the deep end. Even after all the shit he did to her, there’s a part of him that still cared. At least, that’s what I choose to believe.” 
He felt something warm touch him, looking down to see Meg’s hand wrapping around his own. 
“Fuck him,” she whispered, and Eddie nodded.
“Fuck him,” he said proudly, smiling back at her, “What about you, Dungeon Mistress? What’s your origin story?”
Meg shrugged, gazing out at the water, “Not much to tell, honestly. My dad is a businessman, he’s in Indianapolis a lot for work but he’s a lot of fun when he’s home; we’re really similar personality-wise. My mom—“ she tapers off to take a deep breath, “—my mom is…complicated.”
Eddie squeezes her hand, “How so?”
“She’s got these expectations, ones that she forces on me specifically since I’m the oldest. She’s a teacher, so she has this crazy obsession with proper education, and I have no other choice but to go to college.”
“Don’t you want to? Go to college I mean…” He asked.
“Absolutely, I need to get out of this town. She just wants me to be a teacher or a doctor or something like that; she doesn’t support my writing, says I can’t make a living with it and she won’t pay for school unless I major in something practical. She ‘refuses to have Jack Kerouac for a daughter’,” she furrows her brows, shaking her head in the process, “we fight a lot, about everything pretty much. Nothing I do is every good enough for her. I just…I don’t want to have a career that keeps me here. I want to get out.”
No one had ever been this vulnerable with Eddie before, nor had he ever spoken about his own upbringing openly. Sure, his friends knew the story, but they had watched most of it unfold in real time and didn’t need to ask questions. Until this point, nobody else had been worth opening up to. 
Meg and Eddie fell into another comfortable silence, hands clasped as the sun set below the horizon. A flock of geese flew over the lake, a sign that summer was finally coming to an end.
Meg let go of Eddie’s hand and laid against the back window to stare at the indigo sky.
“What am I gonna do about school…” she groaned as Eddie leaned back next to her. 
“Well,” he thought out loud, “My best friend Jeff is like, a genius. He’s still in Hawkins Middle, but he’s been doing college level math shit for a while; something about wanting to get into MIT or whatever. I could ask him if he could tutor you?”
Her eyes sparkled as she looked over, “Yeah? That’d be awesome, thank you.”
Eddie nodded, “As for your extracurricular, do you have any like…talents or hobbies you can put to use in a club or something?”
Meg laughed, “Fuck no. I can’t play a sport to save my life, I have almost zero coordination, I’m not a chess genius, and I can’t sing or act well enough to join the theater kids.” 
Eddie hummed in thought, gazing up at the emerging stars, “Play any instruments?”
“Besides air guitar? Nope.”
Eddie grinned, scratching his cheek as he wracked his brain for an idea.
Just as Meg mumbled a small “I’m so fucked,” it hit him.
“What about D&D,” he sat up, looking over his shoulder at her confused expression.
“What about it…?” She responded suspiciously.
Eddie hopped off the trunk and faced her fully, “Start a D&D club. I guarantee the entire party would join, maybe we could even gain a few closeted players too. We could still meet once a week, but we would have a permanent spot at school to play.”
Meg rose up on her elbows, eyes narrowed, “Eddie, Principal Higgins would never allow us to start that up, you know what they say about D&D—”
“—Who gives a shit!” He threw his arms out, “It’s worth a shot, and if we make a convincing argument, maybe it’ll work.”
Her eyes softened as she sat up fully, “…will you help me?”
“Of course, with anything you need.”
Meg slid off the trunk, a smirk forming as the cogs in her brain started to turn, “What would we call it? It needs a cool name, something that sounds mysterious but doesn’t scream ‘nerd alert’.”
Eddie turned to look out at the lake again, running a hand through his short waves, wracking his brain for an idea. 
From behind him, Meg starts rattling off any thought that popped into her head, “What about ‘Dragon Riders’?”
Eddie huffed out a laugh, “That definitely screams ‘nerd alert’.”
“Knights of Hawkins High?”
“Board Buddies.”
“You’re fucking joking, right?”
Eddie squinted over the expanse of the shoreline, deep in thought. He heard Meg kick some dirt behind him. The radio hummed from the open car windows, the dull sounds of Highway to Hell filling the air.
—Hey momma, look at me,
I’m on my way to the Promised Land,
I’m on the highway to hell—
Eddie spun around. 
Meg looked up from her shoes, “What?”
He smiled broadly, “Hellfire Club.” 
Everything clicked into place, Meg matching his expression as she walked closer.
“Hellfire Club,” she whispered, relishing in the way it flowed off her tongue, “You’re a genius, Eddie Munson.”
She held out her pinky, “Co-chairs?” 
Eddie wrapped his finger around hers, solidifying an unspoken alliance.
It had a name, but Hellfire Club needed to have a full write-up of details before it could be presented to Principal Higgins for approval according to Ms. Kelly. The next few weeks were filled with organizing and brainstorming sessions, at first only involving Eddie and Meg, but after they brought the idea up to the lunch crew, the unofficial club had a full roster. Everyone was ecstatic about Hellfire, at the possibility of having a stable meeting place, of bringing D&D to the forefront of the school’s population and not just a shadowy hobby practiced at home. They wanted to show the world that Dungeons and Dragons was an inclusive, fun, escape from the mundane daily drain of the world. All of Eddie’s free time was spent planning for the presentation; he was an almost daily fixture at Meg’s house now, talking animatedly about every detail that came to his brain as he ate dinner with her family. She never made him feel weird or stupid, she listened intently and would bounce outrageous ideas off him in return, eliciting eye rolls from her younger sister. 
As D-Day approached, Eddie was inseparable from Meg, spending every lunch period hunched over a notebook with her as they planned. 
The day before the presentation, Adam slumped into the seat next to Meg, slamming his backpack onto the cafeteria floor dramatically as his eyes connected with Eddie’s. The emotion behind them wasn’t kind. 
Meg paid him no mind as she reached over and stole one of Eddie’s chips, he broke away from Adam’s stare and smiled at her. 
Adam coughed, attempting to get Meg’s attention, “You wanna come over after school today?”
She shook her head, shoving a notebook back into her bag, “Can’t, sorry. Me and Eddie have to put the finishing touches on the final presentation for tomorrow.”
Adam let out a strained laugh, “You’re fucking unbelievable, y’know that?”
His tone made the table fall silent, Meg stopped rummaging through her bag to look up at him.
“What are you talking about?”
He shook his head in disbelief, dark hair flopping in front of his eyes as he stood up and grabbed his bag, “I haven’t hung out with you in weeks, you’re constantly ‘busy’ or so you say,” he made dramatic air quotes, and Eddie watched as Meg visibly deflated.
“I am busy, Adam. I need to get this club approved, I need to do this to be on track for graduation next year,” she was trying her best to sound calm, but he was only getting more frustrated.
“Oh yeah, so you can run away to New York or LA for college?” He spat.
“Adam please,” she sounded exhausted, “don’t do this right now…”
“Or are you just trying to spend more time with your new boy toy—“ he walked up behind where Eddie sat and pushed the back of his head towards the table aggressively.
Meg shot up from her seat and grabbed Adam by his arm, pulling him away, “What the fuck is your problem? Eddie didn’t do anything to you, he’s helping me build all of this.” 
Adam stared at her, eyes narrowed in anger, “Whatever you say, Meg.”
Kate appeared behind him, putting a small hand on his forearm, “C’mon, we have to get to Bio,” She offered Meg an apologetic smile, leading Adam out of the cafeteria but not before he shot her one last disgusted look. 
Eddie stared at the lunch table, unsure of what to say or do. He felt Meg’s presence settle next to him again.
“You okay?” She whispered, reaching down to pick up her bag again.
Eddie nodded, “I don’t have to come over tonight if you don’t want me to…”
“Don’t be ridiculous, of course I want you to,” she shut his offer down immediately.
“But Adam—“
“No, Eddie, please. Hanging out with you is the best part of my day,” she stood up without further explanation and walked out of the cafeteria without looking back.
“Do you want to run over it one more time?” Meg flopped back onto her bed, landing beside Eddie who was cross-legged amongst a sea of papers and notebooks. 
He shook his head, “Not unless you really want to, I think you’ve got it down.”
She rolled onto her side and smiled up at him, “You really think so?”
Eddie shot her a look, “Of course I do, you’re a really good speaker,” he picked up a few loose sheets of paper and waved them around, “and all of the outlines and campaign examples you’ve written are amazing.”
“Really?” She whispered, doubt lining the edges of her words. He realized at that moment that the confidence he had first admired was shallow, and deep down Meg was just as insecure as him.
Eddie grew serious, “Yeah, they’re really good. You’re a great writer.”
Meg closed her eyes and rolled onto her back, “Thank you…Adam hates it. Says I ramble too much, and the words I choose are pretentious,” she gave a short, sad laugh.
“Or maybe Adam’s just a moron that can’t understand anything past a fifth grade reading level…” Eddie muttered a little too loudly.
Meg’s head shot over in his direction, mouth open in shock but quickly erupting into hysterical laugher. It was infectious, and Eddie joined in, falling back next to her and laughing up at the ceiling. 
As they came down from their fit, Meg grew quiet, and Eddie grew bold.
“What’s Adam’s deal?”
“Hmm?” She rolled her head over, eyebrows raised.
“Today at lunch, he made a comment about you ‘running away’.”
Meg hummed again, “Oh that. Yeah, he uh…he doesn’t support me going away to school.”
Eddie furrowed his brows, “Why?”
“He’s content here. His entire life has been in Hawkins, family hasn’t moved anywhere in generations. Adam’s life is…cushy to say the least. Dad has a job lined up for him after he graduates this year, so his future is already set. All he wants is a nice little housewife to come home to at the end of the day, and that is not going to be me. I need to get out of here, I need to explore the world, and Adam holds that dream against me.”
Eddie watched as she stared upwards, gazing at something a million miles away. 
“Has he ever…touched you?” He whispered at the popcorn ceiling.
“How do you mean?” She mumbled. It was already out of his mouth, he couldn’t take it back now.
“Has Adam ever hurt you?” He dared to look over, and watched as her jaw tightened. It took a few moments for her to speak, swallowing dryly before confessing into the cool air of the room.
“…once,” it came out as a whisper, and he watched as her eyes glassed over.
“What happened?” His voice was paper thin; it was taking everything to not scream. He wanted to find Adam and make him pay. 
“I uh…I didn’t want to have sex with him one night. He got upset and accused me of seeing someone else…and he shoved me into a wall. Hit my head on a shelf and cut the back of it a little.” 
Eddie watched as a solitary tear escaped and ran down into her hair. He searched for her hand and grabbed it, interlocking their fingers, “Why are you with him?” 
She wiped her eyes with her other hand, “He’s a nice guy, you just need to get to know him, Eds.”
He felt a deep rage start to smolder in his chest, words spilling out before he could stop them, “My mom used to say something similar about my dad…”
Meg looked at him, eyes wide and brimming with tears. She didn’t respond, and Eddie just stared back. Anger faded to sadness; remembering all the times he had stood between his parents as his father hurled beer cans at his mom, spewing accusations and insults as she cowered against the kitchen floor. Eddie had been too young to help his mother, but he refused to let Meg end up a part of the same cycle.
  The last time Eddie was this anxious, he was playing in the Hawkins Middle School talent show in front of the entire student body. He sat on a bench outside of the principal’s office, tapping his converse against the linoleum floor. He couldn’t hear Meg talking through the heavy wooden door, but he would occasionally catch the low grumble of Principals Higgins’ voice. She had been presenting their Hellfire Club proposal for 15 minutes now, assuring Eddie she could fly solo and leaving him in perpetual purgatory outside the office door. 
After 18 minutes (not that he was counting), the door groaned open, and Eddie’s slender body leapt upright from the bench as Meg slowly emerged stone-faced. 
“What happened?” Eddie whisper-screamed, falling into step with her as they exited into the deserted main hallway.
He pestered her with questions in the short walk to cafeteria, Meg silently leading the way with a straight face. With every second of silence, Eddie’s heart dropped further into his stomach. They had worked so hard on this, Meg had been so excited.
She swung the cafeteria door open, a cacophony of voices and laughter smacking them in the face as they weaved towards the table in the corner. Eddie stood behind Meg nervously as she approached the group, all of them immediately ceasing conversation to hear the verdict. 
“Well…” Meg stated, looking down at the folder in her hand. 
Eddie inhaled sharply, waiting for the hammer to fall.  
“…I hope you’re all free next Friday, because the inaugural meeting of the Hellfire Club is at 3pm!” She slammed the folder onto the table as the rest of the group cheered. 
Eddie exhaled the breath he was holding as Meg spun and threw her arms around his shoulders. He squeezed her middle, bending down to whisper into her ear.
“You did it.” 
Her hair smelled like strawberries, and the smile she returned when pulling out of the embrace was as warm as the summer sun.
Eddie glanced past Meg’s face at Adam seated at the table.
If looks could kill, he’d be six feet under. 
Now that it was an official club, Hellfire needed some advertisement. A sign-up sheet was promptly posted to the main bulletin board by the front office, and was just as quickly defaced. Scribbles of ‘losers’, ‘nerds’, and ‘freaks’ littered the lined sheet, a few doodles of the devil accompanied the monikers. They had assumed it would happen, knowing full well the general attitude towards D&D, so Meg had multiple copies on hand to replace any that were ruined. 
The first official meeting was held on the auditorium stage, Kate had pleaded with the drama instructor to let them use the space when it wasn’t being utilized for the theater club. It was overall much more of a conducive environment to play, plenty of room and the addition of miscellaneous props from old productions created a mystical ambiance. The first session was the start of a new campaign Meg had made, and so far it was brutal in the best way. The gameplay adrenaline paired with the new meeting spot had the group buzzing, bringing them all closer as friends. 
Winter passed through the state of Indiana like a freight train, pummeling it with snow so thick that Eddie swore the blisters on his hands from shoveling would be there for the rest of his life. The ground finally thawed in late March, leading into the final two months of his Freshman year. 
Hellfire was such a key factor in his life now, not only playing but also learning how to better run a campaign. He still hung out with Jeff and Gareth, recounting the events of that weeks club meeting to them every time. Eddie didn’t have to convince Jeff too much to help tutor Meg in math, the second he met her, he understood why Eddie was so enamored. They made a recurring bi-weekly date to study algebra, with Eddie sometimes tagging along just for fun. Both of his younger friends couldn’t wait to make it to high school, knowing that spots in Hellfire were waiting for them.
As the school year wound to a close, Eddie felt a shift in the group of people he’d come to call his friends. Adam and Rick were graduating, leaving not just the school but also Hellfire behind. Meg had offered an invitation to keep playing, but Rick had plans to travel out west for a bit, and Adam flat out refused, citing his need to put ‘childish things aside’ now that he was going to have an adult career. The statement had made Eddie bristle when he heard it, and he knew that Meg was upset as well. Her face remained neutral as she stared at Adam, but Eddie saw the hurt in her eyes. The cracks were forming, and Eddie could only hope it was just a matter of time before the dam broke.
The last day of school was almost as stifling as the first, and Eddie cringed as he felt a bead of sweat drip down the back of his neck. His hair was getting longer, almost out of the weird growing-out phase, and it was taking some getting used to. As he slammed his locker door shut for the final time until September, sound of running footsteps caught his attention. Meg was running down the hallway, pushing past the dozens of students clamoring to leave for the summer. She collided into Eddie at full force, wrapping him into the biggest bone crushing hug. Though caught off guard, his smile was so wide he thought his face might rip in two. Meg pulled back, thrusting a piece of paper into Eddie’s face.
“What is this?” He took a closer look, it was her final algebra grades. A solid C.
“Holy shit! You did it!” He handed the page back to her, eyes full of pride.
“No Eddie, you did it. You’re the one that got Jeff to help me. You’re the one that helped create Hellfire. I can’t thank you enough,” she stared at him, admiration and gratitude spilled from every part of her. 
“What about gym?” Eddie chuckled as they started to walk out to the parking lot.
Meg unlocked her car, “Oh, yeah, I have a week of summer school for that.”
He laughed as he slid into the passenger seat, “I still don’t understand…”
“I’m never going to run the mile, Eds, I refuse,” she started the ignition, pulling out of the lot to head to their spot by the lake. 
Adam and Rick’s graduation was that night, and Eddie had promised he’d come along for support, but for now he was content sitting beside Meg next to Lover’s Lake, talking about their big plans for next year; her last hurrah at Hawkins High, and the year she’d pass the Hellfire torch to Eddie.
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annamaria-hawkins · 2 years
Still here
One: The one after the summer vacation
Eddie Munson x female OC/Original characters x female OC (platonic);
No specific physical characteristics mentioned, only some minor outfit descriptions
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Synopsis : The one where the Hawkins High sweetheart shows her true colors to the towns freak metalhead.
Trigger warnings: mentions of grief, death, mental illnesses, struggles with depression, fluff with even more angst, basically a self insert that I made to comfort myself in the middle of the night, huge warning for mentions of terminal illness. If you're not comfortable, please do not interact.
Side note: this is my first ever work, and English is not my native language, so I'm sorry if this has some errors
The fall of 1985.
To some it was the most stressful time of their lives. Freshman taking their first steps into highschool, seniors freaking out about what will they do after the school year ends. Not Eddie though, Eddie had his fair share of stressing over senior year. More than once. But this year, this year is going to be his year. He can feel it. Even more so after stepping into his first class solid 20 minutes late and seing the only free seat was next to her.
Veronica Stinson.
The transfer student that came to Hawkins at the end of last school year. Everything that was known about her within the first week was her name, that she was a straight A student, and that she was possibly the nicest, kindest soul to step into Hawkins High. How it was even possible to both be in good relations with the cheerleaders, as well as the shy bookworms, theater kids, and the school band, nobody really understands. But one thing was for certain, she was the golden girl. The little miss princess. And damn, did Eddie love the little princess' attention.
Veronica startled and turned to her right as the well known long-haired metalhead very dramatically took his seat, immediately turning to her.
"Hey there sweetheart, did you miss me this summer?" He teased, as he proudly took out a single crumpled piece of paper out of his jacket pocket and a pencil that seemed as though it went through a warzone.
"Did you wake up and immediately decide to be the vain of my existence today?" She replied, half jokingly.
It was in their nature to tease each other, considering the end of last semester they had to work on a history project together, which ended up being 3 pictures glued on a piece of cardboard with crooked text written in glitter gel pens, due to them using most of their time that was supposed to be dedicated to the task, actually sitting on the hood of his van, exchanging funny anecdotes of their lives while he smoked some weed. The teacher was honestly pleased that they even managed to do anything at all, considering Eddie's previous work throughout the years.
"Well we have months of catching up to do, sweetheart. It was of course in my best interest to start as soon as possible, so how was your summer back home?"
To that question, Veronica visibly tensed up. There wasn't much that Eddie knew about her family, but one thing was sure that everybody knew, and that was that the Stinson family was close. Very close. Mother working at the counter in a local store, father working in Hawkins Post, oldest daughter a student in Indiana, and their youngest daughter a straight A senior. Veronica's friends always knew that, while Fridays and Saturdays were mostly free, Sundays were an absolutely no for any sort of social hang out. Sundays were reserved for family time, going to dinner, catching a movie in the cinema. It was always heartwarming to see a family that was so close and enjoyed each other's company.
So when Veronica looked obviously upset to the given question, it made Eddie curious. Or better said, worried.
Before he could ask anything further, their attention was taken by their teacher threatening with after school detention if they keep on talking. Just as the bell rang and Eddie was ready to continue his questioning, Robin Buckley was already by the door, waiting for her friend so they can skip on to their shared Music class together. With Robin, Veronica seemed relaxed, smiling and laughing at another Robin's rant about Steve being a dungus, as she would often say. So maybe Eddie didn't see right, maybe it was all just in his head.
Until the lunch period came around.
As he entered the lunch room, ready to look for some lost sheep willing enough to join his evergrowing Dungeons and Dragons club, he failed to notice that a certain someone is no where to be seen. It wasn't until later, when he was walking towards his favorite drug deal spot, the little bench and table in the woods near the school, that he heard quiet sobs.
Cries so soft, yet not even seeing the person, he could hear the pain, the pure suffering echoing through the woods. He started slowly approaching, making sure not to make too much noise as to not alarm the person, until he came close enough to take notice of the dark purple knitted sweater. The same sweater he saw earlier that day.
The girl in question jumped up at the voice, quickly wiping her face with her sleeves. "Oh hey Eds, sorry i occupied your spot." She said, putting on a smile, as if she wasn't crying her heart out mere seconds prior. "Do not worry, my kind nobleman. I will be out of your hair in no time." Eddie didn't know what was scarier, that the girl in front of him managed to put on a smile after being so upset, or the fact that if he didn't hear the cries he would've believed that smile.
"Hey, it's okay. This is your space as much as mine, sweetheart. But, are you okay?" He couldn't help but worry. He never saw Veronica in distress. Never without a smile on her face, lighting up the room whenever she entered. Cracking jokes with Crissy, and the next moment asking Eddie how is his campaign going. "Me? I'm fine Eddie, no need to worry!" Picking up her bag from the ground, she started walking away until Eddie grabbed her bicep, stopping her. "I know we usually tease each other, and we sure have a lot of laughs honey, but if something's bothering you, you tell me. Alright?" He sounded so sincere, so gentle, it made Veronica's facade almost fall. Almost.
"Don't worry handsome, everything is under control."
The next few weeks felt just like the old times. It seemed like everyone was starting to get used to the usual schedules and hectic lifestyle of being a highschooler, the laziness of summer slowly but surely being replaced by stress of upcoming assignments and tests. The Dungeons and Dragons club, also known as Hellfire, welcomed their new meat into the assemblé. Dustin, Lucas and Mike seemed like the perfect addition to the group, although they claimed that their friend Will was far superior in the game, given his title of their own Dungeon Master from back in the day.
All felt right in the world until Eddie noticed one Monday morning that Veronica didn't seem to show up at their shared classes. Neither did she show up the next day. Nor the day after that. It was on Thursday that he finally approached Robin to ask where her usual partner in crime is. "She's home, dipshit. She didn't feel good." That was the one and only reply he got that day, so he had no choice. He had to go see her.
Knocking on her front door, he doesn't get a reply. He doesn't even hear footsteps inside the house. Just pure silence, emptiness. He was just about to give up after his third attempt when he heard glass shattering inside the home. Thinking of the worst imaginable, he quickly turned the knob, discovering that the door was actually unlocked, and he had quite a sight to see upon entering. At the top of the stairs looking directly at the entrance, sat Veronica with a broken frame, glass all around her, crying like her life depended on it. Rushing to her side, he carefully picked her up, making sure that she wouldn't get cut by any surrounding glass around her, and went down the stairs to place her carefully on the sofa in her living room.
"Sweetheart, what happened? Did someone hurt you?" He couldn't stand the idea of anything happening to her, and keeping his composure and not freaking out in front of her took the most strength he had.
"I can't do this anymore, Eddie. I ca-can't. It's too much. It-it hurts to mu-much." She couldn't calm herself even if she tried. Every deeper breath felt like a stab to her lungs. She felt like she was drowning. Drowning, without anyone to pull her out.
Eddie couldn't understand at first. What in the actual fuck was going on? Nothing made sense to him until he saw it. On the little table next to the couch, was a framed photo. A man in a nice button up shirt, looked freshly shaved, probably on some kind of celebration. Black and white. With a teacup candle lit next to it. He knew that man, he saw him leave her house in the mornings when Veronica's car broke down and she needed a ride to school.
Her father.
"Sweetheart please, calm down for me okay? Breathe with me." He tried to get her to take deep breaths with him, but all he got in reply is even more sobs and Veronica shaking to the point of Eddie believing this wasn't just crying anymore, it's a whole panic attack. "Okay darling please look at me, okay? Can you tell me five things you can see? Can you do that for me, baby?" He prayed that this would work. It had to work. It worked all those early nights in the trailer back when he first started living with Wayne. His uncle always knew the right methods of calming him down, and Eddie was not about to give up until he was certain you were fine.
"I-I can't. It hurts. It fu-fucking hurts. I can't take i-it anym-more!" The sobbing turned into yelling as she started shaking even more. "Please baby I know you're in pain and you're scared but please, listen to my voice. Focus on me and my voice, okay?" He took her face in his hands, the coldness of his rings seemingly taking her attention for a split second, which gave Eddie the perfect opportunity.
"Remember your first week of school? You were wearing that white blouse with the wide sleeves and your long black skirt, curled hair and everything, looking like a true little witch from Salem and shit, babe." That last comment managed to get a sloppy smile on her face, reminiscing on the the first day, and their first meet. "You looked like such a lost little puppy sweetheart, I swear you managed to melt even the coldest of hearts like mine. And even when later on in the day Carver told you to stay away from us freaks, you proudly took our side. Told his snobby ass to learn how to be a decent human being before ever approaching you again. That was when I knew you would become one of my only true friends." He skipped the part where he felt like his entire world stopped the moment her sweet voice asked him where the economics classroom is, or how his heart skipped a beat when he heard her defend his honor, or how he couldn't wait for the stupid summer to be over with so he could see her cute face again. He placed his head on top of hers, one of his arms wrapped around her, while the other one stayed free in case she didn't feel comfortable enough for a big bear hug.
"You, Veronica Stinson, are something this shitshow of a town was missing for years."
Veronica's breathing calmed down enough for her to actually register in her mind what is happening, but the tears didn't stop falling. It was a while before she managed to speak up in a raspy voice.
"We moved to Hawkins thinking it will be better for us. We won't be in the big, busy, loud city. We will be at peace. And we will be surrounded by these trees and we will take walks and go to the movies and we will all be okay. It wasn't until i finished the semester that he got worse. First was the pain in his arm, and we all told him to stop working himself to the point of exhaustion. He always put himself last, even when we begged him not to. By the time we went to our hometown, it was already late."
"We couldn't do anything, the doctors wouldn't do anything. We were forced to watch him struggle in his bed for weeks before he was even hospitalized, and even that didn't matter because we got the call after two weeks, the nurses giving us their condolences."
Now it wasn't only Veronica crying. Eddie couldn't believe what he was hearing, and he couldn't believe that for days, weeks, she would show up in public like she was perfectly fine.
"Ronnie, I am so sorry. I didn't know-"
"Of course you didn't know. Nobody knows. I don't blame you. But when you're the little miss perfect, no one cares to check in. It's all great when I can help others, I have the perfect life, the perfect grades, everything that has to do with me is perfect, and I help everyone around me whenever needed. But did anybody even dare ask anything? Do you think that Crissy or anyone of my so called friends even noticed I was miserable? And the funny thing is, you were actually the only one besides Robin who even noticed i was gone. That's the sad truth, you're always good enough when you can help others, but when you're the one needing help, people won't even bat an eye."
She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, before saying the most painful truth she's been hiding in herself for months.
"I pray to lord every night not to wake up in the morning."
This is part 1 of a multipart series, I am still not sure for long I will make the said series, we will see as time goes on. I hope you will support this little work of mine and i wish you all only the best!
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