#eddie is smitten AF though
stevieschrodinger · 1 year
Potential trigger warnings; Steve is a child, Eddie is an adult alien; Eddie essentially claims Steve as his mate (absolutely nothing sexual happens) but Steve doesn't understand this and obviously can't consent. What happens is completely culturally acceptable to Eddie and totally normal. Discussion of, basically, biologically changing Steve on Eddie's say so for Eddie's convenience; again, completely normal and culturally acceptable to Eddie. Blink and you'll miss it mention of M/Preg. I don't know how else to TW this; proceed with caution.
“Here, Commodore.”
Ek’dli-ke examines the images carefully.
“You have been awarded the choice of any single individual,” the Operator reminds them needlessly. They know. Their injured appendages still throb in their bindings. They are still unmoored; unbalanced. They were repeatedly told they should not be moving about so soon.
They don't care.
“What are they again?” they ask, almost absently. They are vaguely aware that this is a great honor; access to brand new, malleable genetic material. It doesn’t feel like it though. For everything they lost in battle, the damage done to their still healing body, nothing would feel like adequate recompense for what occurred. This feels, if anything, like a bribe.
No one had expected them to survive; that's why they had been left. Clearly they greatly underestimated Ek’dli-ke. And now their silence is being purchased with a mating. What would the galactic host's population think if they found one of their own engineered warriors had been abandoned so blithely, and not only abandoned, but left for dead after a battle of the Host's own creation.
This feels like an insult, but Ek’dli-ke will take it anyway. Their career has been ended; their title is now nothing but a platitude. Their injuries are excessive; they will never battle again. They will never mate one of their own either; not with missing limbs and hideous injuries. They would never be accepted as they are; the strange little aliens on the viewer are now their only route to reproduction.
A fact their erstwhile superiors are no doubt fully aware of.
“Humans,” the operator speaks, voice everywhere and no where. The vibrations are irritating, almost painful, on their still healing membranes. “Their people put high value on certain metals; individuals were happy to give up their young.”
“In exchange for-” they force themselves to bite it off. Keep the disgust inside. What kind of species gives away their young for inanimate objects? Barbaric. They busy themselves with absorbing the data, forcing themselves to concentrate on the purpose of their visit, “their life spans are alarmingly short.”
“Easily rectified. They are malleable on a molecular level, the potential for change is...great.”
“Largely they are culturally divided into male and female, although it is difficult to tell the difference at this age while they are clothed; should you choose a male he can be adjusted to carry for you. Now is the ideal age to begin the process. However, you should be aware that if you do choose a male, they may need more intervention while they are gravid. It wouldn’t be a problem.”
Ek’dli-ke clicks in thought. “How long until mating for offspring is appropriate?”
“Physically at least two galactic cycles, however the culture of where this particular group was collected has a legal framework in place to protect those they consider too young to give fully informed consent. Should you choose to respect that it will be closer to four cycles.”
Ek’dli-ke starts to shrug, but the pain reminds them of their injuries and they abort the motion. It makes no difference to them, “I will respect it.”
Ek’dli-ke watches the Human young move about on the viewer a little longer; they appear to be playing, chasing one another. “I would need to move amongst them.”
“Of course,” the Operator moves without moving, and Ek’dli-ke hides their discomfort. They have always found the Operators to be highly unsettling.
They are...loud. And very small. They come in an array of colors, and most have strange tufts of fur growing out the top. Their eyes are too small, their appendages too few. Ek’dli-ke has no idea what use they will have with one of these as a mate.
Never the less, the Operators coding never lies; one of these will be appropriate.
They seem to shy away from them, understandable, Ek’dli-ke cannot imagine how they would appear to them. Apparently their species had barely made it to their nearest orbiting moon; they had not known other life even existed.
They must have gotten over their surprise very quickly.
One of them approaches, only to be pulled away by a different one. A little larger. Pale, with brownish fur on top. “Don’t! Monster!” Ek’dli-ke’s translator provides. The small human thinks he is protecting the others. The little Human is accurate with their assessment; Ek’dli-ke has been called far worse than a mere monster in battle.
Ek’dli-ke makes themselves smaller. Curls up and sits, pulling their appendages in close; they are still twice the height of the largest human young, “I will not harm you,” he tells the brave one. The protector. He reaches into his dress robes, “here.” They are watched carefully by the huddled group of young.
The brave one approaches cautiously. So small and delicate. Ek’dli-ke opens the package, it is but fructose and water made into brightly colored shapes, but the Operator had assured them that the Humans react favorably to food; particularly sweet foods. The brave one takes the package; returns to the others.
Ek’dli-ke watches as the small human shares them with the others before taking any for themselves. It summons an unfamiliar...fondness within Ek’dli-ke. They find themselves...charmed, by the selflessness. This Human will do well when raising young.
If they must choose one; then perhaps that one.
The Human returns, “is there more?”
Ek’dli-ke produces the second packet without question. This time they watch the small human consume a few themselves before sharing the remainder. Strange; they shove them into the same hole the noises come out of.
The brave one comes back, “what are you called?”
“Steve,” the small Human moves like he doesn’t yet fully have control over their own body. Fidgeting. Pulling at the generic white coverings they are wearing. The same as all the Humans are wearing.
“I am Ek’dli-ke.”
Steve’s face does something quite spectacular, scrunching up, before they uncertainly try, “Eddie?”
“Yes. Yes, Eddie will do. Come here.”
Steve’s skin is...surprisingly soft. Eddie pulls Steve closer, wrapping all parts of themselves gently around Steve so as not to startle them; Steve emits a noise, wriggling. It’s high pitched, irregular. Laughter, their translator implant provides; joy. Steve’s skin turns pinker, which is fascinating, and they gasp for breath, “stoppittickles!”
Ek’dli-ke goes still and Steve settles into the curve of their hold. Ek’dli-ke leans forward; tastes the skin he can reach. Steve starts wriggling again, laughing, “gross! Stoppit!”
Yes, Ek’dli-ke thinks approvingly as the knowing of Steve’s taste washes through them. It sinks deep; is accepted. Burns itself into every molecule.
Steve has a small wriggling appendage in his food and speech hole; the equivalent of a mouth, Ek’dli-ke’s translator provides again. Steve in turn touches the part of Ek’dli-ke they can reach leaving a trail of moisture behind. Ek’dli-ke shivers uncontrollably at the flavor Steve has gifted him. Steve goes limp, eyes going very very large, “oh,” he says.
Ek’dli-ke vibrates in agreement. Steve giggles again. Ek’dli-ke decides they like it.
The Operators were correct, and Steve has already returned their advances; their reaction to Ek’dli-ke’s taste is more than favorable. Steve is numbed, no doubt, if their receptors are working correctly.
If Humans even have them. Hopefully they do, Ek’dli-ke does not wish to cause Steve pain.
Ek’dli-ke brings forth his inner most limb; Steve watches wide eyed as it slithers along their skin. The two appendages Steve seems to use for touch separate into ten smaller, wriggling appendages at the end; Ek’dli-ke by passes those, just in case the next part causes harm.
He applies pressure further up; the fleshy stiff part, either side of where it bends. Steve makes a noise, but does not react unfavorably; they must have working receptors and the numbness from the first taste of their mate must be working. Ek’dli-ke watches their mark bloom on Steve’s pale skin. Steve’s body has accepted them without question; a more perfect match for mating Ek’dli-ke could not have asked for.
“What’s that?” Steve asks, rubbing at where the glittering fractals and facets now decorate a large swathe of their appendage, “pretty.”
Yes, Ek’dli-ke will take this one, a more beautiful and solid mating mark has never existed, they are certain, “it means you are mine.”
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coal15 · 5 months
I already have too many fic projects going on, but here's one that'd be funny af:
Maddie and Chimney in a Ship War.
Maddie ships Buck and Eddie because she's been teasing her brother about his "boy crush" forever and who doesn't love being right about shit? Buck and Eddie have been through so much together, they deserve to be endgame! Also if they did get together she could be Christopher's Fun Aunt! Yay! And even though Tommy is the clear "it boy" for now, she is sure Buck was smitten with Eddie first. And firsties always wins. So there. Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah.
Chim ships Buck and Tommy because he doesn't wanna deal with working around horny boyfriends for twelve hours a day. Besides Tommy has become his main weekend basketball bro and never shuts up about Buck, which is heartwarming. And he just thinks they look cute together. And he has always been a sucker for stories where the underdog wins, so the fact that Tommy is the unlikely surprise love interest is a point in his favor.
Josh is forced to mediate this Ship War. He is the only grownup in the room. He is not pleased.
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toosicktoocare · 3 years
randomly can’t stop thinking about an AU where Eddie is a new news reporter and keeps coincidentally ending up on all the scenes the 118 are responding to
Imagine? Eddie accidentally losing his train of thought bc Buck whips by and the cameraman follows Eddie’s gaze and is all 👀👀 at Eddie, who is oblivious af
Imagine? It’s so frequent that it starts to lightly trend online: Firefighter and Reporter Duo Back Together Again
Imagine? Eddie covering a house fire that turns out to be worse than expected and his professionalism falters when he hears Captain Nash radioing for a status update, and Buck has yet to respond
Imagine? Eddie’s field medic training kicking in the second he sees Buck get hurt on a call and his cameraman sneakily follows along when Eddie excuses himself to tend to Buck instead of report even though there are multiple paramedics around
Imagine? Eddie being too close to a house fire to report and Buck has to tackle him to the ground to protect him from a minor explosion erupting from the house?
Imagine? Eddie being too smiTTEN after Buck successfully performs a water rescue and he’s not paying attention and fucking walks off the bank and falls into the water
Imagine? people pointing out the very clear disappointment on Eddie’s face when the 118 shows up on a call and Buck’s not with them so Eddie finds a sneaky way to figure out why Buck’s not there when interviewing a Probie
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beldaroot · 4 years
Imagine an AU where Eddie works as a real estate agent in California and one of his clients is B list celebrity, Richie “Trashmouth” Tozier and Eddie is really eager to have the opportunity to sell a house to a celebrity! Richie though, is immediately smitten by this lithe man in his beautiful suits and fancy loafers and his nervous but charismatic presentation of these houses. The problem is Richie doesn’t know how to get the courage to ask Eddie out, so he keeps denying every house Eddie gives him a showing of, just to be able to keep meeting with him and seeing him! Meanwhile Eddie just thinks he’s not doing something right and that Richie must not like him very much! 🥺
now hold up, this is a concept! i absolutely love this! 
ok, imagine that eddie is very sad and frankly frustrated that this charming yet ridiculous b list celebrity has not been satisfied with any of the perfectly appropriate houses he has been showing him and starts to feel like he’s a horrible real estate agent (and that celebs are pretentious af lol). so, the next time they meet up to look at a house and richie again denies it, eddie has had enough! 
eddie huffs through his teeth, “if you want a different agent, i’m happy to give you one of my colleagues' number so they can find a house and deal that’s more agreeable to you!” 
and richie is like “???” and starts panicking because oh my god, he’s such an idiot for stringing this dude along at his job, the guy must be so sick of him.  richie knows he needs to apologize for wasting so much of eddie's time, but his mouth has always worked faster than his brain so instead he blurts, “will you go out with me?”
and eddie's like, “what?”
and richie's like, “what?”
and eddie's like, “did you just ask me out?”
and richie's like, “...yes?”
and the both of them are just staring at each other, mouths wide open, in the middle of this giant empty house, equally confused on how they got to this point. yet, richie's mind has finally caught up with him, so he's about to apologize to eddie for real this time when he hears eddie say,
“ok, i'll go out with you.”
now richie's mind and mouth have both stopped working all together.
but eddie continues, "i'll go out with you, only if you actually buy a god damn house from me." and he's got this cheeky little smile on his face and richie was smitten before but now he’s swooning.
richie puts an offer on that house that day and a year later, on that same day, eddie moves into the house too <3
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datleggy · 4 years
Headcanon that Buck goes to visit the full Diaz family in Texas with Chris and Eddie for vacation one day. After a few days though, Eddie has to physically hold himself back from handcuffing Buck to himself because the whole family claims Buck as their own and monopolize his time. They're all smitten with him and do all kinds of outings and activities with him which makes Eddie happy that they accept him so readily but annoyed that he now has to share the love of his life with his family.
also, this is buck playing it up hard af every time eddie makes fun of him (read: blatant fuckin flirting) in texas so that the diaz!fam are like “DIOS MIO, PERO DEJALO EN PAS YA, THATS OUR BABY BOY”
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