#eddie diaz is just a human cat
bipolarediaz · 2 years
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eddie and chimney as shane and ryan (6/?)
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warpedpuppeteer · 3 months
buddie drabble: buck brings home a stray cat and eddie says no…. until eddie ends up being the only one the cat likes and he falls in love with it; established buddie, fluffy, chris is annoyed that the cat likes his dad more than him even though he feeds it treats
Thank you for the super adorable prompt! It's not all exactly as you wanted but I tried to stick to the prompt as close as I can. Hope you enjoy ☺️🫶🏽! (Link to AO3 is provided at the end for those who prefer that)
Fur-st Mew-ting
“No”. Eddie puts as much authority that he could muster in his best dad-voice. “Absolutely not”.
As expected, Christopher but dad’s him immediately.
“Look how cute he is, dad! And he has nowhere else to go!”, his son tries his best to make his case with his best puppy eyes.
Eddie looks over Christopher's curls where Buck is lurking in the background innocently.
His boyfriend is still in his uniform because he came here straight from work, and he is holding the tiniest kitten Eddie has ever seen close to his chest. It looks unrealistically small in Buck's large arms.
And fuck. It is a very cute sight.
Absolutely not, he tells himself determinedly, even if his heart beats slightly faster at the devastating sight of Buck coo-ing at the kitten.
It's a scruffy little thing. Fur sticking out ridiculously everywhere, tiny paws and big pitiful eyes staring right into his soul imploringly as if it was coached by both his boyfriend and his son to do its best to wear Eddie's defenses down.
And dammit; it's working.
Buck meets his eyes and has his own best puppy eyes weaponized.
Eddie sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
Chris whoops loudly exactly like Buck and Eddie mourns the fact that their son is already learning Buck's frat boy ways. He makes a mental note to hide all the baseball caps in the house.
A tiny questioning mew joins their whooping.
The Ap-paw-intment
The first thing that Eddie does the next morning is to call the closest vet they could find to fix an appointment for the kitten. The girl on the other end of the line is cheery and polite and tells him they have a slot open at 4pm today. Eddie agrees easily and she asks for the name of the ‘pawrent’ for the appointment. “Eddie Diaz. And Evan Buckley”. “And your fur baby’s name?”, she asks innocently. Eddie wishes for all the strength and patience in the world as he looks at Buck who has his lips pursed, trying his best to pretend he's not laughing. “Baby Eddie”, he finally grits out. The girl, bless her heart, only goes quiet for a few seconds before thanking him and tells him they're excited to see them later. He hangs up, mortified. Buck finally laughs gleefully. “Oh the look on your face!” He puts the phone on the kitchen counter and scowls at his boyfriend. “Shut up, Buck. I can't believe you named the stupid kitten that”. “Hey!”, his boyfriend, who has the kitten on the table, gently folds its ears down, “don’t call Baby Eddie the s-word. He's named after my boyfriend you know”. Eddie glares at him, “a boyfriend who is re-thinking the decision of dating you currently”. Buck grins at him, unrepentant. “It was just a funny idea me and Chris had. He looked so excited about it and I couldn't say no”. Eddie just shakes his head knowing he's going to regret asking but he does anyway. “Why is that even a funny name?”. Buck gently lifts up the kitten to show Eddie like he couldn't already see from where he's making breakfast for them. “Because look at him! He looks just like you. Has the scowl and big cow eyes and everything!” Eddie scowls harder at him and Buck laughs so hard he nearly falls off the chair.
A fur-tunate coincidence
Baby Eddie settles down easily in the Diaz household (soon to be the Diaz-Buckley household but Eddie-the human one- is currently still working on it). The vet's appointment had gone well which didn't come as a surprise because apparently Buck and Chris had picked up the kitten from a shelter. A fact that only came to light after Eddie had agreed to house the scruff-ball. Eddie had done his best not to seem embarrassed everytime the vet said Baby Eddie while talking about the kitten. Even when Buck had gleefully told the vet assistant that the kitten is named after its other dad and pointed at him. They also find out that Baby Eddie is a girl. Turns out Buck and Chris had missed that part when they picked up the kitten. They refused to change her name despite Eddie's very convincing arguments though. She is now officially Baby Eddie Buckley-Diaz. Later that night, Buck had plastered himself on Eddie's back and mumbled, “I was only actually fostering her, you know. I didn't mean to make you an involuntary cat dad”. Eddie turns around in his arms. Buck has that look on his face, the one he has when he thinks he's done something wrong. “I'm not mad Buck”, he says softly. “I've been planning to either adopt a dog or a cat anyways for Chris' next birthday. It just happened a little early”. Buck's eyes light up, “really?”. “Really”, Eddie assures him and kisses him gently just to be sure. “I'm going to be a hands-off parent though. And I still don't like her. And she looks nothing like me”. Eddie tucks his face into Buck's neck, hiding his smile, feeling the thrum of Buck's laughter against his cheek.
A meow-ment of weakness
Buck has searched through all the drawers, the clothes hamper and the washing machine but his favorite blue hoodie is still nowhere to be seen. Frustrated, he heads to the kitchen to ask Eddie if he's seen it anywhere and stops at the entrance. Eddie is sitting by the kitchen table, doing something on his laptop, headphones on. He's wearing Buck's hoodie, sleeves pushed up to showcase his delectable arms. That's not what makes Buck stop and stare though. It's the fact that Eddie is wearing Buck's hoodie the wrong way around because he has Baby Eddie snuggled up in the hood of it. Baby Eddie has her head out, staring at the screen in fascination. As Buck watches on, Eddie pets Baby Eddie’s head softly with a finger and kisses her tiny scruffy head before going back to what he was doing. It's absolutely adorable and Buck thinks he falls even more in love with Eddie than he already has (he's going to put a ring on it soon, he's working on it). He takes at least 10 photos as proof and then calls Chris as an eyewitness just in case before confronting Eddie about the stolen hoodie and about him claiming he would be a hands-off parent just a few nights ago. When Eddie refuses to plead guilty to the charges, claiming he didn't realize it was Buck's hoodie and that it was just a moment of weakness because Baby Eddie looked lonely since neither Buck nor Chris were looking after her, Buck sends one of the photos to the group chat, grabs Chris and runs for his life as Eddie yells out “Buck!” when he checks his phone as his notifications go off.
Playing fur-vourites
To the disappointment of everyone involved, Baby Eddie has decided that human Eddie is her favorite human amongst them all. She follows him around like a shadow everywhere he goes, purrs up a storm whenever he comes back home from work, and snuggles up and falls asleep on him anytime he sits somewhere. Chris does get slightly annoyed at the development. “I give her extra treats but she still likes you more. That's unfair dad!”, he complains, as only a pre-teen could. Eddie feels bad for his son. He's not sure why the kitten has taken such a liking to him either. He'd rather she get attached to Chris or Buck instead. “Well, is it a surprise though kiddo? Your dad's really great. I mean, he's your favorite and mine too. So, it's not really surprising Baby Eddie likes him too right?” Buck attempts to placate him. Chris grumbles a little bit more but seems happy enough with the explanation. Of course, the fact that Baby Eddie chose that exact moment to butt her head against his ankle to get his attention might have helped as well. As Chris sits down on the floor to play with her, Eddie mouths ‘thank you’ at Buck, feeling warm. Buck simply winks at him, his stupid adorable boyfriend.
Pawrents, Interrupted
“This is all your fault”, Eddie accuses- unjustly if you ask Buck- when Baby Eddie climbs up Eddie's thighs to curl up on his chest. They had been busy making out on the couch as Chris was away at Pepa's for the night. Buck is already shirtless, hair a mess from Eddie running his hands through them, lips kiss-bruised. Buck looks at his boyfriend - pants unbuttoned, a hickey already blooming under his jaw and lips kiss-bruised just like his own- and snorts at him before smirking deviously, “to be fair, you do have very nice tits”. The pillow smack to his face was totally worth it if you ask Buck. (He does however, banish Baby Eddie into Chris' room, where her bed is, temporarily, while he apologizes to his boyfriend for his remark, very profusely and thoroughly in ways not suitable for a young and impressionable kitten's eyes to see. Baby Eddie might not have ended the night very happily but human Eddie very much did.)
Imagine Baby Eddie to look something like this lil one here:
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evanbuckleyrecs · 4 months
Buddie AUs under 20k words
And as promised a few months ago, here is also a list of AU recommendations under 20k words.
Just like my post earlier about 20k+ fics, this list was made in March when I was originally supposed to post it, but life got in the way
Anyway, show these fics some love :)
Pumpkin patch kinda love by browney3dgirl5
12,1K words, rated G
“How much longer dad?”
“I’m sure they’re almost ready. Why don’t you hang out with your friends until it’s time?”
Christopher frowned. “Can you go ask dad, please?”
Eddie would rather do anything else, thanks. But, when your kid was your world, and his big puppy dog eyes were looking up to you, well—he was only human.
Eddie gave Chris’ shoulder a squeeze before looking around, spotting what looked to be a teacher. Well, they had a clipboard in their hands at least.
Walking toward the teacher like person, Eddie stopped as he got closer, clearing his throat.
“Um, excuse me, are you one of the teachers?”
The teacher turned around to face him, Eddie suddenly a little short on words.
“Oh yea, hi. I uh, I’m Mr. Buck.”
Of course he was.
During the halloween season, Eddie is introduced to Christophers teacher, the one with pretty blue eyes that he just can’t seem to stop running into
Yellow is your color by tizniz
4,8K words, rated G
The 118 responds to a call about a man stuck in a slide.
But I'm out of my head by markofalover
2,7K, rated G
“Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable?” Eddie asks, because maybe the nitrous is wearing off, or—
“Marry me,” Buck answers, quick and serious, face completely void of a smile. Just—right to the point.
...or, Buck has a dislocated shoulder and Eddie’s going to quit his job, or something.
Write me into your happy ending... by ReallySmartLadyMarieCurie
16,7K, rated T
Four years ago when Eddie and Christopher started reading the book series about Daniel's Adventures together before bedtime, Eddie never would have guessed that he would run into the author of said book series in the middle of a Barnes & Noble in LA. He also wouldn't have guessed that said encounter would begin with him sternly lecturing the stranger and making a slight fool of himself. Nor would he have predicted that this terrible first impression would somehow make the published author want to give his phone number to Eddie.
Or, Eddie the firefighter and Buck the writer have a meet-cute, and things progress from there.
Stupid for you (you take my breath away) by prettyboybuckley
8,2K, rated E
"Officer, I need to report a crime," Buck says when he stops by one time, wearing a blue shirt that is quite literally fighting for its life. Eddie is surprised that none of the buttons have popped off yet.
He looks up with the most unimpressed look he can muster, raising an eyebrow as he waits for Buck to continue.
"Someone has stolen my heart."
OR: Eddie may or may not have a crush on the insanely hot firefighter who visits Athena at the precinct multiple times a week
Paw prints on your heart by elless
5,9K, Rated G
Buck runs a cat shelter, where he gets to save animals and make sure they go to loving homes. One day, an adorable little boy joins his volunteer team and changes Buck's life.
A touch of someone else (to save me from myself) by allyasavedtheday
19,3K, rated T
Of course, all of that comes to a grinding halt when he stops outside the locker room to find arguably one of the hottest guys he’s ever seen getting changed right by his locker.
He stands there, gaping and trying desperately to get his mind out of the gutter – but Jesus, those abs – when someone bumps his shoulder and he turns to find Hen sidling up to him.
“Enjoying the view?” she asks with a knowing smirk.
Buck raises an eyebrow, feeling the corners of his mouth turn up in a smirk of his own. “He from B shift or something?”
Hen’s about to answer him when Bobby appears on his other side. “That’s Eddie Diaz, our new recruit.”
Buck’s brain does some approximation of a record scratch and he whirls around to face Bobby. “New recruit? Why?”
In which Eddie joins the 118 during season 1 instead of season 2 and Buck has a lot to say about it. AKA Eddie meets Buck 1.0.
Frequent flyer by whileyouresleeping
13,4K, rated M
In his entire time being a firefighter, Eddie has never met anyone as accident-prone as Evan Buckley. And Buck - well, he's quickly becoming the 118's best customer.
(Or - the one where Eddie is a firefighter, Buck isn't, and Eddie finds himself rescuing Buck from increasingly sticky situations. Sometimes literally.)
"How many fingers am I holding up" by Pansys_goth_gf
2,3K, rated M
Apollo speaks, and to Eddie’s utter delight his voice is low and smooth. “Hey, welcome back, Diaz. Eyes on me, okay? Tell me, how many fingers am I holding up?”
Eddie doesn’t even look for the fingers, or tries to count them. He manages to gently press one gloved hand to the God’s cheek. “You’re so beautiful.”
Or; Eddie is a professional boxer, gets hit, and falls (in more ways than one)
Break my heart (or bring it back to life) by MonsterRae1
11,2K, rated E
“Have you seen this?” Sophia asked him, handing him over her phone with a tik tok playing on repeat.
He was confused for a second, until the video started over and he saw Evan Buckley, the NFL player, talking about having gone to one of his last concerts, a smile spread across his face. He might or might have a little bit of a celebrity crush on the quarterback.
“I recently went to an Eddie Diaz concert!” The blond man was saying on the video, a smile on his face “I got a lot of friendship bracelets which was pretty cool!” He leaned back and showed the camera his wrist, wearing a handful of bracelets “I wanted to give one away to Eddie but, with uh, my number”
“Your player number or your phone number?” The interviewer asked, which made Buck wiggle his eyebrows and smirk.
“You know which one” Buck replied, his deep voice melting into a soft chuckle.
Or, Eddie Diaz is an international star, Buck is an NFL player with a crush on him, and after having one of his interviews go viral, they connect, opening a lot of new experiences for both of them, and leaving Eddie wishing that his life didn't make everyone's life so complicated.
Part 2 of this list will be posted soon!
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buddiefix · 8 months
Supernatural (Creature) Fic's
The following are some of my favourite buddie fanfiction that involve supernatural creatures like werewolves, vampires, and others.
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(Any new fic's I find that fall under this category will be added to this post, so feel free to check back for edits!)
Scratch and Burn by JessicaMDawn
9-1-1 (TV)  
Christopher scratches Buck during the tsunami, but the rest of the debris hurts a lot more and Buck thinks nothing of it. The next day, however, Buck experiences a lot of changes that he doesn't know how to handle. Luckily, Eddie is there to help him through it.
Language: English Words: 14,369 Chapters: 3/3
fly into the moon by hishn_greywalker
9-1-1 (TV)  
When Buck returned to the States, he was drawn to LA. Mercedes told him that there was magic involved in being a wolf, and that even if she, personally, had never felt particularly compelled by it, he should listen for it. So he did. And then he met Eddie Diaz.
Language: English Words: 10,833 Chapters: 1/1
to be found by ZainClaw
9-1-1 (TV)  
After being mistreated by his alpha for the last time, Buck abandons his pack and heads for the city where he’s found by Eddie - another werewolf who’s nothing like the ones Buck is used to. Eddie is gentle, kind, and has made a pack for himself and his son that Buck desperately wishes he could be a part of.
Language: English Words: 71,328 Chapters: 7/7
What makes a Pack? by InsaneJuliann
9-1-1 (TV)  
Buck is so much of what Pack should be, without even knowing that he’s doing it.
Eddie’s in trouble. Especially when he catches himself scenting his best friend.
Language: English Words: 1,433 Chapters: 1/1
why do i always feel like i'm in the twilight zone by chromatophorica
9-1-1 (TV)  
"Why don't you just ask him?" Athena's been listening to Hen complain about being no closer to discovering Buck's nature as he's approaching his graduation from probie. "Or hell, I'll ask the damn boy."
"That's cheating," and Hen lives by the spoken rules of the wager.
--- The 118 is a prolific, all supernatural station. They face the hardest of calls for this reason, but they're curious about what species Buck is from the start. When they find out, it's a complex navigation to keep him where he belongs.
Language: English Words: 6,438 Chapters: 1/1
fear will be your enemy by BabyGenius
9-1-1 (TV)  
Buck knew Eddie was a wolf from the minute he caught his scent. Now, if anyone asks, the reason he was being a dick was exactly the reason he gave to Eddie. It was not because he was insecure, or, even worse, because Eddie is a wolf and Buck is a cat (a big cat, but still). Buck has minimal issues with dogs, but Eddie was also an unknown were on his territory.
Buck’s a werecreature but the rest of the 118 thinks he’s a clueless human.
Language: English Words: 4,790 Chapters: 1/1
take my hand, I’ll lead you through by soyxunxperdedor
9-1-1 (TV)  
He’s filthier than he was after the well. Eddie is crouched in front of him, half naked and alive, alive, alive, and all Buck can focus on is the dirt caked onto his skin so thickly that he’s not sure he’d recognize him if it was anyone else.
A week after Eddie’s truck is found wrecked without him inside, Eddie returns, but there’s something different about him.
Language: English Words: 8,168 Chapters: 1/1
(Friendly reminder I do not own any of the works listed in this post, and all can be located on archiveofoureown.org)
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dreamcrash · 3 months
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fandom 9-1-1 age: 21+ birthplace: el paso, texas current location: new york city species: human occupation: dance instructor gender/pronouns: cis female, she/her sexual orientation: lesbian canon relations: e.ddie d.iaz ( brother ), adriana diaz ( sister / roseypeached ), helena diaz ( mother / alive ), ramon diaz ( father / alive ) relations: gabrielle scott ( best friend / girlfriend ) pets: 3 cats ( whiskers, dr milkshake, princess diana ) personality & more: when sophia walks into a room everyone looks up. she knows what she wants and she's going to get it. she can be manipulative and sneaky. if she's asking you about something then don't lie because she already knows the answers. she's the youngest so she was ignored a lot by everyone but eddie ( hes her favorite, don't tell him that ) because everyone was so busy by the time she was born. she can come across as a little intense and crazy and that's because she is. she is loud. she is independent even if she can come across as needy. she loves to start a project and never finish it. she feels very lost most of the time and she doesn't feel she has a true identity. fun fact: for some reason sophia knows the lyrics to any song ever and will just start singing no matter where she is with no care in the world for who she's with or who's around her. and she is not very good. at all. open to shipping ! affiliated/exclusives: adriana ( roseypeached), buck ( 118buckleys )
sophia was always very popular. she was head cheerleader in high school. she dated the football captain when she thought she was straight. she was prom queen twice. she did dance her entire life so she was always very focused on that. she moved to new york shortly after graduating and started doing professional dance. she loved it so much. she was very mad at eddie when he went to war because she's anti war and also she didn't approve of him leaving shannon to take care of a baby. they eventually do make up and she gets over it.
when eddie get's shot in season 4, at that same time sophia is in an accident and loses her leg. she doesn't tell her family when it's happening because she feels like a burden. one day she just shows up with a prosthetic leg like the drama queen she is. because sophia can't dance anymore that causes a lot of depression. eventually after physical therapy she can at least do dance instruction and teach classes. she does that and it's not what she dreamed of doing but she does enjoy it.
her roommate and best friend took care of her while she was healing from getting her leg amputated and she falls really hard in love with her but doesn't think she loves her back. also dealing with the realization she's a lesbian because she had no idea. no one told her.
also the last thing in the world she wants is a baby and she's been that way her entire life. it causes a lot of problems between her and her mother. her relationship isn't very good with either helena or ramon. she's pissed off at ramon for never being around and she's mad at helena for well, everything but mostly the whole no baby situation.
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sweettsubaki · 2 years
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J'ai publié 8 262 fois en 2022
C'est 4 089 billets de plus qu'en 2021 !
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Tag le plus long : 139 caractères
#i'll be honest i first saw him in hana yori dango in which ...well his nickname was 'tête à claques' which is a french expression meaning :
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
I would like to congratulate Mochizuki Jun for taking 2 romantic moments from Princess Mononoke and merginf them into one romantic moment between Vanitas and Noé (plus another one not that long before).
Just... Congratulation
49 notes - publié le 9 mai 2022
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Natsume Yuujinchou / Natsume's Book of Friends / Le Pacte des Yokai chap 100
Look at how adorable he was as a kid. I just can't.
57 notes - publié le 31 août 2022
Homura Arc (chapters 100-104) - How Ban's character highlighted Natori and Matoba's bond/Frienemieship/Whatever it is they have through cats
@joelleity here's the thing I was talking about
Heads up I haven't read the non translated chapter so this is only resting on the canon we have up to chap 108.
I've always considered NatsuYuu to be a cat people story in part because most characters have cat-like tendencies (especially if they're Ayakashi related, whether because they're Yokai or because they can see/feel them). This show is about the importance of interpersonal relationship and those are treated very much with a cat themed thesis of "even if it's just for a second and you find happiness with other people, it doesn't make its impact lesser than"...Also Natsume punching creatures bigger than he is and running away immediately is peak cat behavior u.u.
Generally speaking there are very few humans in this show who give the cat vibe as much as Matoba Seiji does.
However I didn't expect Midorikawa sensei to play with it this literally instead of just jokingly (if one day we get a chapter with any character, but especially Matoba being turned into a cat I'll die)...
More seriously though, the focus of this story is Maneki Neko exorcism tools and the fact that Ban wants to capture them for his Master who happen to be Matoba Seiji's Sister (whom I will call Lady Matoba from now on for practicality). Which actually give us these two as foils
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through the Matoba siblings feud(?).
Surprising, I know. I actually don't know the point of this, I've mostly noticed a pattern and am trying to write my thoughts down.
First let's take a look at what we know of where Matoba Seiji and Natori Shuuchi are at, at the beginning of this story.
So far in the main story Matoba and Natori have been established as people who know each other through having clearly worked together before which brings some level of knowledge about each other that's common between colleagues and Natori is particularly distrustful of Matoba. They still both acknowledge the other's skills.
We've also got to know only a few chapters prior that they have known each other since high school and had moments which they remembered differently. Natori remembered not liking the loquat he tried meanwhile Matoba remembered being offered loquats only because he was with Natori and remembering the context as well as remembering Natori's experience too.
The flashback chapters, which we have had for longer, give a lot more depth to this. We know that Natori's distrust is caused both by Matoba's attitude toward casually using others (well, him specifically) AND because of Natori's family rejection because of who he is. Basically Natori has a huge inferiority complex and doesn't know how to have interpersonal relationships.
Meanwhile Matoba seeked him out regularly 'cause lonely teenage boy, and because he too sucks at interpersonal relationships, he tried to find a pragmatic reasoning for why he was there. Since he was basically raised to live, breathe and die for his clan his pragmatism is inherently linked to that. Whether he was trying to find use for his clan and took the opportunity to find a friend or he wanted a friend and took the opportunity to help his clan is left unsaid. Either way he tried to get both.
It generally seems mostly one sided in the fondness department. with the exception of that one time Natori woke up after being possessed, Matoba seems to be the only one trying to turn this into an actual friendship.
So on the one hand we've got Matoba seeking Natori out and trying to befriend him but unable to be vulnerable because that would make his clan vulnerable. Matoba even tried to get Natori to come to his clan so he'd get a talented exorcist and get an actual friend out of it (vulnerability would not be as much of a problem if it's from the inside. Granted I doubt he though that far ahead). Matoba who is used to being rejected and still tries. Though he stops trying to recruit Natori he still seeked him out. Until he stopped which we don't know a thing about.
On the other we've got Natori who doesn't want to be vulnerable out of fear of being rejected, who takes Matoba at face value and never really tries to see past the Clan Heir to who Matoba is because Matoba's front gives him an excuse to fear vulnerability.
The one time he tried, Matoba got cold feet because while hoping, he's never actually had anybody try to reciprocate a genuine interest in him as a person and didn't know how to react so he fell back on known mechanisms.
This is represented by their names. Matoba calling Natori by his first name and getting him to call him Seiji and them arriving at adulthood using their last names with a polite distance.
Neither was in a good enough place to actually manage to build strong foundations so there are foundations but they're kind of just...there waiting to be reinforced and built on.
So that's it for the run down.
But why does that matter ? Well this chapter nuances everything through more or less subtle additions which hasn't really happened yet in the main story, at least not on such a big scale.
Natori's familiarity with the Matobas
We start the arc with Natori recognizing an object belonging to someone we don't know. Just that they make him shudder. We learn at the very end that this is Lady Matoba. Which brings some behaviors to a different light.
For example when explaining who Ban is and what kind of person he is sevring, we get this:
Voir l'intégralité du billet
57 notes - publié le 29 août 2022
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Natsume Yuujinchou / Natsume's Book of Friends / Le Pacte des Yokai chap 101
Matoba is such a nerd.
72 notes - publié le 3 septembre 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
OK but Eddie's announcement about leaving the 118 and putting Buck on the spot at the end of 510 is sooooo similar to the way he chose to enroll in the army leaving Shannon behind.
In both cases he's running away with the excuse of taking care of his son (both were fully valid, but still excuses).
He admits to Carla that the shooting and the kidnapping both impacted him, the same way he admitted to Buck that he left for the army because he was scared.
Except now he clings to his son instead of leaving him behind. But he still leaves his partner behind without discussing with them the fact that he won't be able to have their backs first.
If there was any moment Eddie needed to get Therapy... It's now.
141 notes - publié le 3 mars 2022
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leandra-winchester · 3 years
Thinking about Eddie Diaz and physical affection, and how little of it he ever gets or asks for. 
The scene with Chris was so cute and sweet, but it was also kind of sad to think that it’s apparently so unusual for him to seek closeness to and comfort from his own son that Chris immediately asks him if he’s okay. Because this isn’t what Eddie usually or often does. When he’s had a tough day, he probably gives Chris a hug hello or goodnight, remains cheerful through it, and then goes to his bed alone and feels all the pressure still inside him, sadness for whatever he’s seen that day, and above all else, loneliness.
I’m not a very touchy-feely person. I’m single and don’t have children, but I have four cats. And in the end, it doesn’t really matter if it’s your romantic partner, a close relative, a good friend or a pet; physical affection - cuddling and hugging, lying close to another warm body for a prolonged time, feeling their warmth and hearing their breathing (and purring in my case ^^) - is something we all need as not only human beings but mammals in general. And Eddie just doesn’t have that. 
He could, but he’s not the type to ask. He could go to Hen and ask “Can you just hug me for five minutes” and feel better, but he’s not doing that. And he doesn’t have a partner, and the instances where he does that with Chris are, as I said, so rare that Chris instantly notices it as being unusual. 
Can someone please hug this man for at least an hour, hold him close and stroke through his hair or over his back until he feels warm and cared for? Because damn, he really deserves it. (And can it be Buck?)
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let’s talk about 9-1-1 buddie headcanons:
- eddie gets rid of his truck. christopher is getting older and wants more independence so he gets something with better clearance. and I’ve decided that something is a dodge durango. eddie is actually really into it. can’t stop talking about the fold down seats and towing capabilities. buck teases him and calls it his soccer mom van. then immediately starts researching CP-friendly soccer leagues for chris.
- buck strikes me as a podcast kinda guy. I feel like a lot of his random facts probably start with information learned via podcast and then researched separately on google or wikipedia. 
- luddite eddie my beloved. but not like luddite luddite. eddie’s a millennial so I see him as okay with all the 20th century technology he grew up with and just not all the newfangled smart home/internet gaming stuff. 
- abuela gives eddie an old turntable and a box of records and he falls in love with it. likes to play spanish love songs while cleaning on the weekends.
- eddie breaks up with ana. he does it quietly and cordially a couple weeks after the sniper incident.
- buck and taylor date for a little while but never really take off. and it’s super important that it’s buck who makes the decision to break up. they both have very busy lives and different priorities. and taylor acknowledges she probably shouldn’t have kissed him in the first place. she just hated to see buck so broken and wanted to comfort him. they decide they are better as friends.
- bosko and eddie friendship rights! eddie actually apologizes to her and they become gym buddies. lena stops going to the junkyard fights and finds an MMA gym that she’ll take eddie to. during the pandemic they somehow find themselves doing socially distanced tai-chi in the park. they keep it up once the gyms reopen.
- side note: lena does in fact get a cat. he’s a huge floofy maine coon named sarge who absolutely adores eddie. rubs his head all over him and immediately worms his way into his lap when eddie visits. he hisses at buck tho and lena finds it endlessly hilarious.
- demisexual eddie! I like the idea of lena no-nonsense asking eddie if he’s ace one day and eddie just having an internal panic attack but not being able to figure out why. karen gently brings it up few months later and he’s just deny deny deny. then he overhears david telling michael that he gives off ace vibes and that’s the last straw. so eddie pulls a full buck and starts researching just to prove everyone wrong. except it’s like a lightbulb clicks on and yeah. maybe there��s something to this.
- eddie and karen have a book club every other week. usually novellas or a short story collection. queer theory and literary fiction. the occasional poetry book. at some point they invite david to join them. they also have a not-so-secret romance novel exchange because they are big saps.
- eddie is also a sucker for a really good cup of black coffee. has a favorite hole-in-the-wall cafe where he buys beans in bulk. buck calls it his diesel fuel drink and grimaces at the taste. he prefers simple oatmilk latte from the place near the station. and yet buck always seems to know what days eddie will be running late and rushing to work and has a cup from said hole-in-the-wall coffee waiting. despite it not being on buck’s route. 
- christopher loves buck’s loft. buck keeps a stash of toys and coloring books in his coffee table trunk for when he visits. chris sees the stairs as a fun challenge and will often ask to go up and sit on buck’s bed to watch the city. or sit on the patio while buck bbq’s dinner for the three of them. he thinks it’s the coolest house ever.
- buck actually rides his bike. it’s not just for show. especially after the pandemic hit. he likes to go out in the mornings. drives to a nearby trail on his days off and enjoys the scenery while the sun comes up. sometimes eddie and chris meet him there after his ride and they have a breakfast picnic.
- the diaz-buckley-han’s share one netflix account. it’s technically buck’s in that he pays for it, but when maddie moved to LA he set her up with her own profile. then logged into his account at eddie’s one day and never logged out. renamed the profile buck & eddie after he setup a kid’s profile specifically for chris. then after learning about maddie and chim’s not-dating buff-fridays, buck put both their names on her profile as a prank. and then it just stayed that way. jee-yun even has a profile despite being a literal infant that doesn’t watch tv. maddie cried when she saw it.
- buck takes the legal guardianship thing very seriously. he’s already really involved in essentially co-parenting chris but he starts getting really nervous about asking invasive questions about chris’ medical history. so eddie sits him down with chris and the three of them talk about it. eddie very specifically asks chris if he’s okay with sharing that kind of info with buck. because even tho christopher’s a kid eddie always wants him to have a say in his own health decisions. then he has a more in-depth convo with just buck about insurance and bills and doctor’s visits. makes sure buck has access to all of it. 
- chris played secret matchmaker. went to his old friend santa claus and asked if buck would stay forever. santa came thru, as always.
- also carla knows. buck starts spending more nights at the diaz house and one morning she lets herself in and sees buck coming out of eddie’s room in just a pair of sweatpants. she gives him a coy eyebrow raise and buck blushes. then she just laughs, pats his cheek affectionately, and says your secret’s safe with me buckaroo. when a bleary-eyed eddie wanders out a half hour later she pushes a cup of coffee into his hands, waits a few moments, looks eddie dead in the eyes, and points at buck. I see you took my advice. eddie chokes on his coffee.
- speaking of carla she is family. she and her husband are regular guests at the 118 get-togethers, holidays at the firehouse, and family meals. she occasionally takes on other clients, but she’s mostly exclusive to the diazes these days. esp as christopher gets older and wants more independence. she’s been around since he was 7 and he’s comfortable with her. she stays his home heath care aide until she retires. then she personally vets a new one. because not just anyone will do for her boy. they throw her a huge retirement party.
- gonna jump into the future because christopher absolutely names his daughter carla shannon buckley-diaz. there isn’t a dry eye in the house.
- and I don’t actually see chris calling buck pops or anything. he’s just his buck. tho I can see eddie asking christopher if he wants to hyphenate his last name when buck officially adopts him. buck’s his hero so chris is 100% onboard. 
- buck and eddie don’t have more kids. eddie never wanted more and buck is surrounded by the ever-expanding horde of firefam kids. they love their little trio.
- also eddie is hilariously terrible with other kids. he just. doesn’t know how to talk to them. he’s literally the best father ever with christopher, but any other kid and he’s all awkward hello small human. it’s also the reason the team sends buck to handle kid rescues. he knows how to speak to kids and they light up around his sunshine energy. but then there are certain kids who just glom onto eddie. usually the quiet ones. they find something about his calm dad presence very soothing so they just cling to him until buck can coax them around. 
- I do not see the buckley-diazes getting a pet. buck and eddie work long shifts and it’s not fair to put that kind of extra responsibility on carla when her job is to care for chris. however, as chris gets older he does get a mobility service dog to help with counterbalance. she’s a golden retriever named stella and she’s a very good girl. 
- buck proposes by accident. they’re at the park with christopher and marriage just sorta comes up during one of his infodumps. eddie is eating his sandwich, nodding along, and just casually says of course I want to marry you. buck stops talking. christopher giggles. eddie panics. but when he looks at buck he’s all puppy-eyed and hopeful. you do? eddie nods. chris chimes in with a stage whispered ask properly buck and say yes dad. so they do.
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galvanizedfriend · 3 years
🎃 Klaroline Spookathon Prompts List 👻
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🧛‍♂ Prompts List 🕸
If you'd like to participate on the KC Spookathon but don't know where to start, here's a list of Halloween/Horror prompts that might help get your creative juices flowing! You don't have to follow these, or you can combine more than one prompt, or twist the hell out of these ideas until they spark joy.
Again: these are just suggestions for folks looking for some inspo.
You can find the event post with all the rules here. thank you once more to @bellemorte180 for the graphic! And to @misssophiachase and @diaz-eddie for the help with the prompts! 🖤
1. "That's not how the true story goes."
2. "Is that... written in blood?"
3. "You're the kind of jackass who gives out apples and carrots, aren't you?"
3. "Trick or treat?"
4. Ghost stories around a bonfire.
5. Dark fairy tale.
6. Full moon.
7. "Perfect. It's Halloween and now the power's out."
8. Being followed by a black cat on Halloween.
9. "I was cursed by a witch."
10. Haunted house.
11. "I see dead people."
12. "You're gonna have to try harder than that to scare me."
13. Ritual.
14. "Don't look into the old mirror at night. You'll find more than your own reflection looking back."
15. "You could have lived forever. Instead you'll die before your time."
16. Having a seance on Halloween night.
17. "What do you see when you look into the flames?"
18. "This is not real, it's just a nightmare. It has to be."
19. "You're about as terrifying as a kitten, love."
20. Stumbling upon someone trying to raise the dead.
21. Showing up to the wrong Halloween party by mistake. The costumes look a little too real...
22. On Halloween, supernatural creatures become human for one night.
23. Mutual pining ghosts who haunt neighboring houses and can only meet on Halloween night.
24. A spirit cursed to roam the land until something that was stolen from them has been found.
25. On Halloween night, witches do a special kind of trick or treating. If you can find one, they will give you a spell.
26. The abandoned theme park on the edge of town.
27. The traveling circus that only shows up once a year, on Halloween.
28. The headless knight.
29. "Don't look into the stream in the middle of the woods."
30. "Names have power."
31. "I didn't know vampires/werewolves were real."
32. "I put a spell on you."
33. "Pick your poison. Literally."
34. Having a wonderful night with a masked figure at a Halloween party. And then they vanish.
35. A secret door that only appears on Halloween night.
36. Getting lost in a corn maze.
37. Grimoire.
38. Weird new nighbors with a secret.
39. A midnight feast.
40. Footsteps and whispers.
41. "She liked things that were obscure and dangerous: older men; séances at graveyards; heavy leather-bound books that smelled of chocolate and promised spells to commune with demons." - Krystal Sutherland
42. Pumpkin patches
43. A special pumpkin spice latte with a little something something.
44. Slow dancing under a full moon.
45. "What do you mean? This is my costume."
46. "I think I hear footsteps."
47. "I hate Halloween parties." // "Just pick a hot pirate/slutty nurse to make out with and get over it."
48. Murder.
49. A curse.
50. All Hallow's Eve.
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madddddy · 3 years
From The Ground Up:
Buck POV:
I don't know what to do. I already apologized to the 118, especially Cap, but they still treat me like shit. It's been 8 months since the lawsuit and I haven't gone out on a call once. I know if I told Maddie or my parents, they would tell me to "go home". I'm starting to think that may be the best thing for me. At least my family knows I'm not on blood thinners anymore. Sitting at home, nursing a beer, I made my decision. I'm going home.
The next day I call up the fire chief and ask if I can get an appointment for that day. They are thankfully able to get me in at 1. I glance at the clock seeing that it's 10am. I text Maddie to have her come over. She lets herself in with her key and I get up to hug her.
"Hey Mads"
"Hey Evan. So why did you want to talk to me?"
"I think I'm going to go home. Its been 8 months and I haven't been out on a call once. I have an appointment with the chief at 1 today. I don't want this to affect your relationship with Chim. He has actually been one of the only ones who has talked to me. Him and Hen have been friends, but Cap and Eddie. They just glare or say things to my face that I just can't take anymore. I'm gonna surprise dad, but I'll call Kelly, Matt, and Boden to let them know. I'll miss you but you know where I'll be."
I look at Maddie to see her with tears in her eyes but she looks understanding. She nods and says,
"I understand Evan. You need a "new" start. I will miss you but I'm glad Chim and Hen have been there for you. I'll help you pack once you get back from the chief since I have today off. I can call Hen and Chim to see if they'll help too, but they probably will anyway."
I nod and get up. She stands up and we hug for what seems like hours, but its only 5 minutes. When we separate, she takes my hand into hers and drags me towards the door.
"Mads what are you doing?" I ask amused.
"We are going out to get breakfast at our favorite diner, then we are picking up Chim and Hen, then coming back here so you can type up your resignation and us three can start packing as you go talk to the chief. After your meeting, you will call Kelly, Matt, and Boden like you said"
I just nod and get my shoes on. We get out to the car and decide on driving my Jeep. Maggie's diner is about 10 minutes away from my loft, so it doesn't take long to get there. The hostess sees us and smiles since we are regulars here and she shows us to "our table". Patti, our favorite waitress comes to our table and smiles when she sees us.
"Well look what the cat dragged in! The Buckley siblings! Y'all want your regular?"
We both nod and Patti winks at us and walks away. Maddie looks at me pointedly so I take that as a point to start thinking of what I should say in my resignation. As if reading my mind, she pulls out a pad of paper and pencil. I start writing and once I do I just keep writing and I don't even realize our food is here until it gets set in front of me. We eat, pay and then head out. Maddie calls Chim and Hen and they agree to head over to the loft, even if they are a bit confused.
"Hey buckaroo!" Hen greets when I open the door for her and Chim. I hug them both and let them in. They already know most about what is going on at the firehouse, so they aren't super surprised when I say I am leaving. I tell them I'm planning on going home to Chicago, as soon as possible. Maddie looks at the time and tells me to get going so I'm not late to the meeting, and that them three will get packing. I thank them and head out.
45 minutes later I'm walking into the fire chief's office.
"Firefighter Buckley" Chief Torres greets and I shake his hand.
"Thank you for seeing me today Chief Torres. I am here because I would like to transfer stations. Specifically to firehouse 51 in Chicago. As for why, things at the 118 have not been good. Captain Nash and Firefighter Diaz have been holding personal vendettas against me because of my lawsuit from 8 months ago. Firefighters Han and Wilson have been the only ones from the firehouse treating me like a human. They don't participate in the jibes towards me and they still talk to me. They don't deserve to be punished, but Nash and Diaz should be. They shouldn't be fired, but maybe suspended. But I will leave that up to you. I came from Chicago and I started at the 51. I made a family there and I would love to return to it."
The chief sits there for a few before nodding and pulling out transfer papers. He signs them and then stands up.
"I hate to lose a good firefighter, but I feel after what you said, I will be looking into Nash and Diaz. Have a good life in Chicago Buckley."
I stand up and shake his hand. I take the papers and walk out to my Jeep. I call Maddie to let her know I'm on my way back. When I get back to my place, I'm surprised at how much they had gotten packed up, but then again, I didn't have much. We call a moving company and book them for the next day. Next I call the men that have become my older brothers in all but blood, Matt Casey and Kelly Severide.
*Ring ring ring*
Matt: "Hey Ev! What's up?"
Buck: "Hey Matty, can you grab Kel and see if Boden is free? If he isn't just go somewhere private. I need to talk to you all."
Matt: "Sure. Is everything alright?"
Buck: "Yeah nothing bad. Just got something to talk to you about."
Matt: "Okay Ev, I have all of us in Boden's office with the door shut."
Buck: "Okay. So I just want to say this all at once so please don't interrupt me and ask questions at the end. Things here have not been good since the lawsuit. Chim and Hen have been good but Diaz and Nash have been cold and distancing me. I am hoping that I can be transfered back home. I have the papers ready, just need a spot. And before you ask, yes Maddie is okay with it. And no I haven't talked to dad, I wanna surprise both my parents. So what do you say Boden, you want another Herrmann on your team?"
Boden: "Okay Buck, I think we can make room here at 51 for you. I told you when you left there would always be a spot for you and I meant it. I would love for you to come back here. What do you think boys?"
Kelly: "Well Cub, I wish you came to us about the 2, I understand why you didn't. I want you to come home too and Matt here is agreeing with me. You want us to pick you up from the airport when you land?"
Buck: "That would be great. Can I stay with you guys? Until I find a place? That or I'll stay with my parents. I should be out there tomorrow late afternoon. I'll text you to let you know for sure"
Matt: "Sounds good Buck. Can't wait to see you. And don't worry, we won't tell your dad."
Buck: "Okay I'll see you guys tomorrow. Love you!"
All three: "Love you!"
I want back into the living room where the three are sitting.
"Hey Mads, Chim, Hen. Boden told me I have a spot there and Matty and Kel said they'll pick me up from the airport. You said you booked one right?"
She nods, "yeah I did Evan. I'm glad Matt and Kelly will pick you up. I like that you are surprising mom and dad. Are you gonna stay there or with the boys?"
"I'm not sure yet. The boys said I can stay with them but if mom and dad want me to stay with them, I will"
"Not to interrupt this, but who are Boden, Kelly, and Matt?" Hen asks.
"Oh right! I forgot you guys don't know our friends and family from Chicago! So I was adopted after Evan wasn't able to save our older brother with a bone marrow transplant. He got adopted by Christopher and Cindy Herrmann in Chicago. He grew up there, became a firefighter like our dad and his godfather Mouch. He moved here and worked at the 118, as you know. When I moved here and started dating you Chim, I was able to reconnect with him, since I recognized his birthmark. We talked and cried. I told him how I was disowned by our birth parents because I am bi and he introduced me to our parents. They immediately unofficially adopted me into their family and so I call them mom and dad. Kelly and Matt are other firefighters at 51 and they all went to the academy together and became like brothers. Kelly and Matt are married." Maddie explained. I'm nodding along.
"Yep. Mom and dad treat Maddie like their own and I want to go home to Chicago because personally, it's toxic here for me. You guys are great and I love you but Eddie and Bobby are the worst right now. I know you stand up for me and I appreciate it a lot but I just need my original family. I'll keep in touch of course and I'll miss you but you are always willing to visit me in Chicago." I added on.
Chim and Hen nodded and got up to give me a hug.
The next hours fly by and the next thing I know, I'm landing in O'Hare airport. I see the men who are like my older brothers and run to give them each a hug.
"Hey Ev! How have you been?"
"I've been better but I'm do happy to be here." It's slightly muffled because I'm in the middle of hugging them. I pull back the they see my tears on my face and each wipe them off my face. I smile at them softly and they smile back.
"Hey Cub." Kelly says softly.
"Hi" I reply just as softly.
"Let's get out of here eh?" Matt asks.
I just nod and they each flank one of my sides whole carrying my duffle. The rest of my stuff is in the moving truck. We walk out to Matt's truck. I climb in and we take off to the 51. We stay in comfortable silence with me just watching the city go by. We get there 20 of so minutes later but it seems shorter than that. We get out and the go to each of my sides again. They have always been taller than me and I say I hate it but I secretly love it. I see my dad talking to my uncle Mouch in the break room. Sylvie Brett is the first one to see me and she gasps loudly making everyone turn toward me.
"SURPRISE!" I shout shocking them out of their frozen states.
Next thing I know I am tackled by my dad and godfather. Boden is secretly recording this for everyone.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" My dad and godfather ask at the same time.
"Well it's a long story which I will tell over drinks at Molly's tonight, but pretty much, things got crappy at 118, and I wanted to come home. Don't worry dad, Mads was the one to talk me into it. And only Diaz and Nash were the ones who were bad. Hen and Chim have been good." He just nods and they both step back so everyone else can hug me. The girls are next, Shay, Stella, and Sylvie come running up next hugging me super tight, but I'm hugging back just as tight. I hug everyone else except for 2 people I don't recognize. I turn to my dad questionably.
"Ah right. Evan, these are Darren Ritter and Blake Gallo. They are new to the house." I shake their hands and for some reason I get butterflies shaking Gallo's hand. I think the girls sensed something because they gave me knowing looks. I gave them 'the look' back.
"Hi, I'm Evan Buckley-Herrmann. I used to go by Buck but I think I'm gonna start going by Evan again." I smile at them. They smile back and shake my hand.
"Hi Evan, I'm Darren Ritter. I've been here for about a year."
"Hi, I'm Blake Gallo and I've been here about 5 or so months"
I smile and nod to each of them. When Gallo smiles back all I can think of is damn his smile is cute. Fuck I'm so gone on him and I just met him.
"Oh dad! I didn't tell mom either so I think I'll stay here until shift is done and then we can stop by home, pick her up and we'll all go to Molly's and meet up with the crew from Med and Intelligence?"
"Sounds good Ev. You wanna borrow some turnout gear and go with? If that's okay of course." He asked the last part directed towards Boden. Boden nods and so I agree pretty quickly. Almost as if it knows, the alarm goes off.
*Time skip to end of shift because I cannot write fire scenes for shit*
Dad and I walk out of the firehouse at the end of shift and get in his car. After about 5 minutes he speaks up,
"So what was that with Gallo?"
Shit. Play dumb.
"What do you mean?"
Good, good.
"Look, I know what flirting looks like, son. And I know you are gay since you came out to us in high school. I'm also not dumb, so I'll ask again, what was that with Gallo?"
I sigh. He always knows how to read me.
"He is cute, and I think I might be getting a crush on him, but it's nothing and he is most likely straight anyways."
"Well, I'm glad you told me, and I think you may have a better chance than you think."
And with that we pull into the driveway of my childhood home. We get out of the car and dad goes in first. I hear him say to mom,
"Hey honey, I have a surprise for you. Close your eyes"
After a few seconds he comes out and beckons me inside. I walk up and say,
"Hey mom."
She opens her eyes and shrieks when she sees me. She runs up to me and hugs me as tight as she can and I hug her back just as tight. Dad comes up to us and hugs us too. After a few we reluctantly separated.
"So what are you doing here?" She asks as she wipes the tears off her face. I tell her what I told dad and she nods and goes to get ready to go to Molly's. Dad and I do the same.
We get to Molly's and I'm bombarded by hugs again from my friends from Med and Intelligence. I am friends with Jay and Will Halstead, Mouse Gerwitz, Antonio Dawson, Hailey Upton, Adam Ruzek, Kim Burgess, Alvin Oilinsky, not Voight because of reasons, Kevin Atwater, Trudy Platt, Ethan Choi (he's not a dick here), Crockett Marcel, Natalie Manning, Maggie Lockwood, April Sexton, Connor Rhodes, Daniel Charles and Sharon Goodwin. They are all there and as soon as they heard I was back in town, they all came to Molly's. I also got hugs again from Kel, Matty, Joe, Otis, Sylvie, Stella, Shay, Andy, Boden, Tony, and Capp. I shake Gallo and Ritter's hands again. They all look at me expectantly, waiting for the story. I sigh and start talking.
"Okay so basically, you all remember how I was crushed under the truck? Well at my welcome back party, I had a pulmonary embolism in my ex-captains backyard. I wake up in the hospital and find out I need to go on blood thinners because I worked too hard doing my recertification. I go to dinner at my ex-captains house and find out why I can't go back on calls because of him. He is the one keeping me as a fire marshal. I make a dumb mistake and decide to sue the department and him. The lawyer threatened them all and tried to offer me a payout but I just wanted to go back to the firehouse. When I decided to come home, I hadn't been out on a call in 8 months. I got tired of it so I texted Maddie, my sister, and she came over. We went out to brunch at our favorite diner. On our way back to my loft, she called her boyfriend and his best friend, both of whom are my ex-coworkers but they were very vocal about my treatment and never shut me out. I went to talk to the chief, and he signed the transfer papers. I went back home to find that the three of them had packed all my things and Maddie booked me a flight for the next day, aka today. I called Matty, he got Boden and Kel into the office and I told them my plan. Next thing I know they are picking me up from O'Hare, we went to the firehouse, I surprised you all, went out on a few calls, went home to surprise mom, and came here to tell you my story."
I look around and see many shocked and furious faces.
"Okay I know those faces, you don't need to murder them, I told the chief what happened and recommend he suspend but not fire Diaz and Nash."
They all look more satisfied at that, but still mad. Gallo and Ritter just looked shocked.
"Wait wait wait, you are telling me that YOU WERE THE GUY TRAPPED UNDER THE TRUCK?!" Gallo asked, shocked.
I nod sheepishly.
"Yeah some kid was tryna blow up my captain but I was in his seat for the day. Don't remember why."
He just blew out a breath.
"Okay less sad things, what have I missed with you all?"
Jay speaks up first.
"Well Mouse and I finally got engaged!" He said, showing me his ring.
I jump up and go hug them both.
"I'm so happy for you two!"
They thank me and Connor goes next.
"Will and I finally got our heads out of our asses and got together."
I hug them both too and congratulate them.
"Matt and I are still together obviously" Kelly says. I roll my eyes and smack him on the head.
"I got a new girlfriend." Shay says slyly looking at Sylvie.
"I broke up with my boyfriend." Gallo says shrugging.
I feel both the girls and dads eyes on me but I very clearly ignore them. Everyone else is kinda confused but brushes it off.
"Chole is pregnant with my son!" Joe says excitedly.
"Oh my god dude congrats! I'm so happy for you!"
Everyone else shares something or say nothing new.
Couple hours later, it started to wind down and I'm at a table with the Halstead brothers, their other haves and Shay, Kim, and Hailey.
"So what's that with Gallo?" Mouse asks me pointedly. They all turn to me and I know my face is heating up.
"Nothing! There is nothing going on with Gallo!"
They all give me a 'drop the bullshit' look and I sigh.
"Okay fine, you all can stop giving me that look. I might have a slight crush on him. And it may be a little more now that I know he likes guys. But what if he doesn't like me?"
They all look at me in understanding.
"Evan, I love you, but why the fuck would he not want to go out with you? You are good looking, you are sweet, and anyone who wouldn't date you is dumb. And I'm a fucking lesbian." Shay says to me, everyone nodding along showing they agree with her.
"Yeah Cubby, I may not be a lesbian but you are like my brother, anyone who wouldn't date you is dumb" Kim adds on.
I sigh and nod. They all smile at me and we start talking about Jay and Mouse's wedding. Little did I know there was a very similar conversation at the table with Gallo, Ritter, Stella, Sylvie, Adam, and Andy.
Gallo POV:
"So Gallo, what was that with Evan?" Stella asks me.
"I have no idea what you are talking about"
"Cut the bullshit Blake. We all saw what was going on between you two" Andy says to me.
Fine, guess I'm not getting out of this one.
"Okay, I like him, but he is Herrmann's son! And I don't even know if he likes guys."
They all snort and start laughing then they look at me. I'm confused.
"Gallo, Evan is as gay as a fucking rainbow." Adam says to me in between laughter.
Wait, what?
"He's gay?"
They all nod.
Okay, I have a better chance now. They must've seen me thinking because Sylvie pats my shoulder and gets my attention.
"You should go for it. I've seen the way he's been looking at you all night. Just, maybe wait until tomorrow." She says, then walks over to Shay and grabs her hand. And pulls her up and out of the bar. The rest of them are not far behind and soon it's just Ritter, me, Evan, Cindy, and Herrmann. I go say goodbye to my best friend, the Herrmanns and Evan.
"Hey Evan, I'm gonna head out but it was nice to meet you" I hold my hand out for a shake but he pulls me into a hug shocking me at first before I hug him back. Once we pull apart I realize he is drunk because he plants a kiss on my cheek. My face heats up bright red. Ritter is looking at me amused and so I flip him off before we head out since he drove me and didn't drink tonight.
We get to my place and I wave goodbye. I fall asleep to the thought of Evan Buckley-Herrmann...
Buck POV:
I don't remember much from last night cause I ended up getting more drunk than I wanted too. I do however remember hugging Gallo. My face heats up at the thought of him. Oh god I can't believe I hugged him and kissed his cheek. He is never gonna wanna speak to me again. I'm pulled out if my spiral by dad knocking on my door.
"Come in!" I call
"Hey son, I thought you might have a headache after last night so here's some water and Tylenol. Also because I know you, I saw what you did to Gallo and just know, he doesn't hate you and actually texted me asking for your number, so if you get an unexpected text from a unknown number, that's all me. Love you, I'll see you in a few before we have to head in."
I nod and he closes the door. Well that's good that he doesn't hate me.
I look over at my phone and see:
Hey Evan! This is Blake Gallo. I hope you don't mind that Herrmann gave me your number. I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner tonight? As a date?
Hey Blake! I would love to! I also wanna apologize for last night, I was super drunk. I didn't mean to get that drunk. I'll see you at work today.
It's okay! I'll pick you up around 7? We get off shift at 6.
Sounds perfect! See you later!
See ya!
I groan and lay back on my bed. I stay there for like 30 seconds before I shoot up and start to freak out. Oh god I have a date. I have a date with Blake Gallo. I HAVE A DATE WITH BLAKE FUCKING GALLO! I lay face down on my bed like a teenager and stay there. I hear my door knock and I just groan. He comes in and chuckles at me.
"What's wrong?"
I just chuck my phone at him. They know my password since I don't ever really have much to hide from them, and if I do, I hide it good.
He reads the texts and laughs.
"Isn't that a good thing?" He asks me, amused.
"Yeah. But I have nothing to weaaar." I say sounding like a child.
"Well how about your mom goes and gets you some new clothes, since she knows your size, and then you are ready for your date. Sound good?"
I nod and get up.
"Okay. Now get dressed! We gotta leave in 5 minutes!"
I scramble to get dressed and we head out. I'm excited to have my first full shift at the 51. We pull in and get out. I smile when I see the "WELCOME HOME MINI HERRMANN" banner hanging up. We get ready and as soon as we are all ready, the alarm rings out. It was a quick one, a car accident. We were pretty busy today so it went by quick. I couldn't help but look at Blake when I thought no one was looking but a certain pair of husband's certainly saw this. They pulled dad off to the side to talk to him when we had a free moment.
"So why does Ev keep looking at Gallo?"
My dad laughs and tells then about the texts from this morning, but makes then promise that they won't let me know they know. (Yes I pulled a friends). They agree and as soon as they are done talking the alarm goes off one last time. Our last call went all the way to the end of our shift so I hurry and make dad leave quick, much to the surprise of those who don't know about the date. Gallo is not far behind them rushing out and a few people have knowing looks.
We get home and I see what clothes mom got me and decide on a maroon button up shirt and black jeans with my black doc martens. I gel my hair and about that time is when I get a text:
Hey! I'm outside!
Okay! I'll be right out!
I double check I have everything and head out, saying bye to my parents. I walk out and see him leaning up against his car. He hugs me and I hug back, taking in his scent that seems oddly comforting. We break apart and he goes to open my door. I smile at him as I get in the car and he smiles back. He gets in and starts driving. I tentatively reach across the center console to grab his hand and he holds it. We smile at each other and he pulls into a small hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant. We get out and he grabs my hand again as we walk in.
"Reservation for Gallo" he says to the hostess. She nods and grabs 2 menus taking us to our table. We look at them and decide what we want. He gets the chicken enchiladas with a coke and I get fish tacos with a sprite. She takes our orders and walks away. I reach across the table and hold his hand. We start talking about our childhoods. He learns I wasn't born to mom and dad and I learn about how his family died. We talk for so long we don't realize our food is here until it gets set down. We eat, and he pays even though I try to protest. He just says "I asked out on a date. If this goes well, you can pay for the next one." I sigh and realize he wasn't going to give it up so I relent. We head back out to his car and he drives us out to a ledge to look over the city. He has a truck and backed it up so we can lay on his bed to look at the stars. We cuddled there since he brought blankets to lay down. We didn't talk, I just had my head on his chest, watching the stars.
"Evan?" He asks softly.
I look up at him and respond, "yeah?"
He looks down at me and asks, "can I kiss you?"
I nod and meet him halfway. His lips are so soft and sweet. His tongue is asking permission to enter my mouth and I let it. I moan into his mouth and he does the same when I put my tongue in his. We make out for a few minutes before we have to take a breather. We rest our foreheads against each other.
"That was amazing," I breathed out.
He just nods and we sit there. He then leans in to kiss me again, this time much more chaste.
"Do you wanna come back to my place? We don't have to have sex, but I just want to snuggle you" he asks after a few.
I look up at him through my eyelashes and nod. We get out of his truck bed and he grabs the blankets and shuts the tailgate. I climb in and let my dad know I won't be home. He just sends back winky faces and tells me to be safe. I sent him the middle finger emoji and shut my phone off. He climbs in and we head to his place. He turns on the radio and I hear one of my favorite songs, From The Ground Up by Dan+Shay. I start humming along and then when Blake turns it up I start to sing which causes him to sing along too. We both laugh and are so joyful when the song ends that we keep singing along with the radio. We pull into his apartment complex and get out. We get up there and I realize I don't have pajamas. I tell Blake this and he tells me I can borrow a shirt and sweats from him. He hands them to me and I go change. We fall asleep pretty quickly, him spooning me from behind. I feel so comfortable in his arms and it just feels right. I never believed in soulmates, but Blake Gallo is making me believe in them now.
I wake up the next morning to see Blake looking at me lovingly. I smile back up at him and kiss him. We both smile into the kiss.
"I gotta get back to my parents before shift since I don't want to go in my nice clothes" I murmur against his lips.
"Or you could borrow my clothes if you want?" He says with a shrug.
I agree, not really wanting to head back to my parents. I borrow a pair of jeans a t shirt, neither of us looking at it closely.
We head out and go to the firehouse. I hold his hand across the center console again, occasionally pulling out joined hands to kiss them. On the way there he asks me to be his boyfriend and I agree immediately. When we pull in, we smile at each other and get out. We keep our hands joined, not wanting to hide this from our family. We hear wolf whistles and cheers and we just shake our heads with smiles.
"Hey kid! Nice shirt!" I hear Mouch say.
I turn around confused a little bit before Stella takes pity on me,
"Cubby, your shirt says 'Gallo'"
We both blush and walk away. I hear Ritter going to talk to Blake and I see the resident hubby's walking over to me. They pull me into Matt's bunk and push me onto the bed.
"Talk" they both say.
I sigh and say, "okay, so the day before yesterday, I got a text from Blake asking if he wants to go on a date. The night before when it was just Ritter, him, me, and my parents, when he came to say goodbye, I was so drunk I pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek. I apologized the next morning but he asked me on a date and I said yes. He picked me up from my parents house, opened the car door for me like a gentleman, and we went to a Mexican restaurant, then out to the ledge that looks out over the city. We laid in the bed of his truck just watching the stars when he asked if he could kiss me. I said yes, we kissed a few times then he asked if I wanted to go back to his place. He said we don't need to have sex and that he just wants to snuggle me. I agree, let my dad know, which was a mistake considering he is a kid at heart. We sang along to the radio on the way back since my favorite song came on, we got back to his place and he gave me sweats and a shirt to wear. We laid in bed, with him as the big spoon. We woke up together and I was at first gonna ask him to drop me off at home but then he just said I can borrow clothes from him so we don't have to go back. He hands me what I'm wearing, we don't look at the shirt obviously. On the way here we hold hands across the console, I keep kissing our joined hands. We then walk into the firehouse and you know the rest."
They nod along to the entire rant and finally Matt asks, "Are you happy?"
I nod enthusiastically and say, "Very. I haven't been this happy in a long time"
They both nod and get up to give me a hug. I start to tear up because having their and my parents' approval are very important to me.
"As long as you are happy Cub, we are happy." Kelly says, Matt agreeing. At that, I finally let my tears fall and they hug me again and kiss my forehead. After a few, I finally get it together and head out of the bunk. I see Blake talking to Ritter, Otis, and Cruz in the bunk room, so I go up to him and hug him. He hugs me back, a little confused but not complaining. He kisses my forehead ignoring the other three who are looking at the couple with a fond look. They walk away to give us a little privacy, shutting the door.
"What's wrong baby?" He asks me.
I sniff and then look up at him, "Nothing. I am just glad that they are accepting of our relationship. I know we just had our first date last night, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
He looks down at me with tears in his eyes too, and kisses my forehead again then my lips.
"I can't imagine my life without you too. All I could dream about last night was marrying you someday and adopting kids with you. I genuinely feel like you are my soulmate. I love you."
At that, the tears start flowing, he wipes my tears with his thumbs and kisses me.
"I love you too" I tell him softly. At that, the alarm goes off and then we are off, but not without one more kiss.
When I climb into the truck, dad asks me if I'm okay. I nod and smile at him, telling him I'll talk to him later. He nods and we are off.
When we get back, Blake and I go to talk to Boden to fill out paperwork for our relationship. He tells us he is proud of us and thanks us for filling out the paperwork. We nod and he hugs us both.
We head into the lounge and decide to cude together on the couch, but not in Mouch's spot. I close my eyes and lay my head on his shoulder. I feel him lay his head on mine and then I am asleep. We wake up when the alarm goes off again.
"Rise and shine lovebirds!" Capp yells at us. We flip him off together. The fire goes out pretty quickly and we are headed back to the station. Blake asks me if we can talk when we pull in and I nod and ask Kelly if we can use his bunk to talk. He says sure, so we head there.
"Okay, I know we literally just started dating, but how would you feel about moving in with me? I know you are looking for a place and your stuff will be here soon. If you don't want to, that's fine, but I figured it would be better for you, and we can split the rent. Whatdya say?"
I take that in for a moment before nodding with a bright grin coming across my face.
"Yeah?" He asks, a hopeful look on his face.
"Yeah." I confirm with a bright grin.
"Yay!! I'm so glad you said yes!"
"I am too. I meant what I said when I said I want to grow old with you. I want to get married and have kids with you. I love you."
"I love you too." He then leaned down to kiss me and I kissed back.
We walk out of the bunk holding hands and smiling. As the shift comes to an end I tell him that I'll head back to my parents for the night and let them know what I'm planning on doing. He says okay and we kiss and head off in different directions. Dad and I get to their house and see my Jeep is there finally. I'm glad, because as much as I love my dad driving me, I need my own vehicle. We walk in and mom greets us. We eat and then I tell them I need to talk to them. They look concerned so I reassure them it's nothing bad.
"Mom, dad, as I'm sure you know by now, Blake Gallo and I are dating. And I know we just started dating but I feel as if I've known him my entire life. He is the person I want to grow old with. He is the person I want to marry someday. He is the person I want to adopt kids with. And I know he feels the same cause he told me. I love him and he loves me. So he asked me to move in with him just because he knows I'm looking for a place and the rent would be cheaper. So I said yes. I hope that's okay."
They look at me with proud looks and tears in their eyes.
"Evan, of course it's okay. After hearing that, I firmly believe you two are soulmates. I don't always believe in love at first sight, but I saw you guys the first time you saw each other and something clicked. Your mother and I will always love you and always be proud of you. We will help you move your stuff along with I'm sure the rest of the firehouse. They all saw something there, and I know you two are meant for each other."
At this point, all of had tears down our faces. I nod and don't say anything because I don't trust my voice. They pull me into a hug and we just hug for a long time. Eventually I speak, "I think I'll stay here for the rest of the week, since we have this weekend off, we can move my stuff then"
They nod and we all head off to bed, but not before they both kiss my forehead. I fall asleep that night thinking of the names Evan Gallo and Blake Herrmann.
The weeks goes by quick. Blake and I explain what we are gonna do and they all agree to help us that weekend. Saturday rolls around and we get everything unpacked pretty quickly since Ieft all my furniture and didn't have much. Next thing I know I'm FaceTiming Maddie, Chim, and Hen to introduce them to my Blake as my boyfriend a few weeks later. They are shocked at first but by the end, Maddie and Chim are coming over for Christmas in a few months. We say bye and hang up the phone. I sigh contently and look over at my boyfriend. He looks back at me lovingly. It's been about a month since we got together. I already bought a ring, but I'm gonna wait a little longer.
*Time skip*
It's now December, getting closer to Christmas time. I want to propose on Christmas in front of our family. Since we became more serious, my family accepted him more. They already liked him since they knew him before, but it's different than being a coworker vs your son's boyfriend. Maddie and Chim are coming like they said they would. They'll be here tomorrow. The firehouse tease us about our relationship, but we both know they are happy for us. They do the same thing with Kel and Matty and Shay and Sylvie, but it's all joking. Christmas rolls around and I'm nervous and excited at the same. We show up at my parents and they let us in. Maddie and Chim are there since they are staying there instead of a hotel. We start opening presents and when it gets to my turn for Blake, I get down on one knee and pull out the ring. Behind me I hear mom and Maddie gasp but right now in focused on Blake.
"Blake, ever since I first laid eyes on you in the lounge room, I knew I liked you. That then morphed into love. I can't see myself with anyone else. I want to have children with you. I want to grow grey and wrinkly with you. I want marry you. So Blake James Gallo, will you marry me?"
He nods yes and falls down to me and we hug and kiss each other like our life depended on it. I slip the ring on as our family cheers for us and gives us all hugs. I see Blake reach into his pocket and pull out a velvet box.
"I was gonna ask you later this week, but Evan Buckley-Herrmann, will you marry me?"
I nod and we kiss again. We put our rings on and keep celebrating Christmas with our family.
We also bought the rubber rings for at work. We aren't telling anyone right out, we are gonna see who figures it out first. I bet on Shay, Blake says Matt, dad says Sylvie, mom and Maddie say Otis, and Chim who has gotten to know 51, says Stella. In the end, mom and Maddie were right. He noticed our rings and congratulated us prompting everyone else to do the same. The girls offered to plan it with Maddie. I ask Maddie to be my best woman and Blake asks Ritter to be his best man. We asked Boden to officiate it. My dad will walk me down the aisle. We each took turns deciding who we wanted for our groomsmen/women. We ended up doing a fall wedding because that is our favorite season and we had many people from intelligence, med, and firehouse 51 and a few people from California. Our first dance is the song we sang together on our first date. About a year into our marriage Blake and I decided to adopt twins. We now have two girls named Maeve Gallo and Robin Gallo who are 4. They love all the aunts and uncles they have from everywhere in Chicago and LA. They also love their "Papa Herrmann and Grammy Cindy. But also their grandpa Boden". Everyday I am thankful that I decided to leave LA and I'm thankful that the Herrmanns adopted me because if they didn't I don't know where I would be. But I thank God the Buckleys didn't want me and that captain Nash shut me out.
And we'll build this love from the ground up
Now 'til forever it's all of me, all of you
Just take my hand
And I'll be the man your dad hoped that I'd be
And we'll build this love from the ground up
For worse or for better
And I will be all you need
Beside you I'll stand through the good and the bad
We'll give all that we have
And we'll build this love from the ground up
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that original lifeline
chapter 2/4 - “you don’t have to be a ghost” - 2.4k
in which Buck doesn’t know how to leave Eddie alone, and Eddie doesn’t know if he wants him to.
read on AO3
“So, how do I know I’m not hallucinating?”
Half a week after being blown up in his own fire truck, nearing the end of his mandated ‘vacation’, and Eddie had just wrapped up one of the better weekends of his entire life. Yes, he was aware of the irony, but any weekend where he got to spend the entire weekend with Chris was a plus in his book. Legos, video games, breakfast food for all three meals, it was literally the kind of weekend that he had absolutely dreamed of when he became a father.
Or, at least, when he resumed being a father after running away to Afghanistan, but that was a whole other can of works that he was bottling up processing in a completely healthy way.
After, though.
After, Eddie had made it all of one day with Chris being in school before he had completely lost his mind. Something about being cooped up in home, speaking to a being that only he could see, without even a hint of human interaction, just didn’t sit right with him.
(Of course, that might have been because the most interaction he had with his team was the occasional text from Hen, but he could work through that hurt later.)
“You really think you’re hallucinating?” Buck’s smile was infectious, more teasing than Eddie would have initially liked, but it was becoming harder and harder to think of Buck as a nuisance instead of a guest. Even now, perched outside of some little pretentious health shop in the heart of LA, Eddie felt more at home with Buck than he had with a stranger before in his life.
Well... Buck wasn’t exactly a stranger, Eddie had to remind himself. After all, they had known one another for most of Eddie’s life.
“Alright, I’ll tell you what. This morning, while Chris was getting, he put two Spider-Man comics into his backpack.”
“That doesn’t prove anything. The kid loves Spider-Man.”
“And an Aquaman comic.”
“Okay, no. No son of mine would betray Marvel for DC.”
Buck smirked, shrugging his shoulders. “I don’t know, man. If I’m right, then not only are you stuck with a very much not hallucination, but your son is a traitor.”
Eddie laughed, readjusting the earbud in his ear, nails drumming a pattern out on the back of his phone. He had realized, quickly, that when they were out in public, all he had needed was an earbud in one ear and his phone out—that was all he needed to make the change from ‘crazy person talking to an invisible man’ to ‘another asshole in Los Angeles on his Bluetooth’.
He could deal with that—it was always better to be the asshole than to be the crazy person, even though Los Angeles was filled with both. Buck, to his credit, was being incredibly patient with Eddie’s quirks, seemingly realizing that most of them came from Buck’s presence in the first place; not to mention his inability to leave Eddie, for lack of a better term, the fuck alone.
(Seriously. Eddie had come out of the shower that morning to find Buck sitting on the bathroom counter. The noise he made was decidedly not manly.)
“Look, I’m not saying that I don’t believe you—“
“Okay, sure, lie to the angel, I’m sure that’s going to work out well for you.”
“—anyway, it’s just... why me? Out of everyone on this planet, why am I one of the lucky few that wound up with a... with a Buck?” Eddie finished, easily trampling over Buck’s objections, smiling as Buck knocked their ankles together beneath the table.
“Wish I could tell you, Eds.” Buck started, shrugging. “You’re my third or fourth human, all I know is that I get the assignment, I come, I go. I’m like a stray cat.”
Eddie actually snorted, swallowing another mouthful of lukewarm, carrot and spinach and mango concoction. “You’re a stray cat that I can only see, that literally lifted a fire truck off of the lower half of my body.”
Buck, at least, had the decency to look chagrined. “I’m... a very strong stray cat?”
Eddie would not give in and bang his head against the stupid little juice bar table. He would not.
“I’m serious, Eddie. The only information I get is that you’re my charge, and I’m your angel,” no, Eddie certainly did not enjoy the way he felt, feeling like he was someone’s anything, “and after that fire truck incident, I’m not sure if the universe is testing you, or if it’s testing me, but either way, you shouldn’t be bearing the brunt of all this.”
Eddie frowned, tapping their ankles together once again, shaking his head. “Buck, if I remember correctly, you’ve been the one saving me, so run that up the flagpole.”
Smiling again, Buck nodded, pushing a hand through his hair. “Well, I’ll just tell Athena that, I’m sure she’ll love it.”
“Oh yeah! She’s kind of like, my boss, you’d love her! She’s the reason I’m still hanging around here, she thinks something big is coming.” Buck said, lighting up, even as Eddie choked on his sludge.
“Your boss.”
“Heaven... has a hierarchy.”
“Oh, god no.” Buck said with a laugh, shifting in his seat, leaning closer in toward Eddie—like anyone else would hear him. “You know, I’ve never told a mortal this before. Hell, I’ve never even appeared to a mortal before.” he started, and Eddie found himself leaning in closer, mirroring Buck’s motions easily.
“Where I’m from, it’s not all fluffy clouds and harps and halos and shit like everyone thinks. Athena is like your captain—she gives us our assignments, she helps the guardians grow, she keeps us out of trouble. Us guardians, we’re… well, we’re souls that had our time on earth cut short. So, we spend our time with others, we get to see the world, we get to... well, we get to help the people who really deserve help.” Buck says with a grin, and Eddie feels his cheeks heating up as Buck’s leg rests against his, a dull, warm weight, pressed through the fabric of his jeans.
“Something big, huh? I just don’t get it, Buck. I’ve been around people that are in more dangerous situations than I am, every day. What makes me so special that I get the extraterrestrial guardian?”
Buck laughed, the sound catching Eddie off guard so badly that he didn’t even have time to hide his smile. “Well, ignoring the fact that you just called me an alien…”
“Okay, fair.”
“Eddie, you’re the first human that's ever been able to see me, ever. You may not think it’s a lot, but… well, I think you’re pretty special.”
And, well. Eddie couldn’t give a response to that if he wanted to, cheeks an embarrassing shade of pink. Thankfully, Buck seemed to take the cue to move on, knocking their ankles together easily as he stood up from his chair.
“Now, come on. Chris is off of school in about twenty minutes, what say you go surprise him?”
After being with the 118 for almost a year, taking a week off of work was straight up weird. Somehow, though, going back to work was actually weirder.
It was easy enough for Eddie to sink back into his regular habits—teasing Chim, buddying up to Hen, causing Bobby a few more grey hairs, but now it felt like everything had been moved a half an inch to the left. He teased Bosko, and he was looking over her shoulder to see if Buck got the joke. Kind asked about Chris, and he shared a fond look with Buck before he beamed at him and went on about his latest accomplishments. He spent some time in the gym, and he couldn’t help the pleased look on his face when he caught Buck staring at him.
The siren rang. Eddie geared up. They pulled out. Buck, inexplicably, rode shotgun, watching Eddie and watching anything but, and Eddie felt happy, happier than he could remember being in a long, long time.
Six hours and four calls into his first shift back with the 118, and he felt alive again.
(The last call they had received was the ever-classic cat in a tree. Eddie had drawn the short stick and got hoisted up to retrieve the tabby, and Buck had sat on the rung right below him, making kissy noises at the cat and cooing at Eddie. Eddie could still feel his cheeks burning.)
He felt alive—even if he could feel Hen staring at him once in a while, painfully perceptive as always.
“So, Eddie, you have a good week off?”
Eddie sighed, knowing full well that Hen wasn’t just asking about his week off, but he knew well enough to play along. “I did, Hen, thanks. Got to spend some time with Chris, got to spend some time around the house, got to get some sun, not that any of that is why you’re asking.”
“What? I have a vested interest in your wellbeing, Edmundo Diaz, that’s what friends are for.” She said, raising a brow as he flopped down on the couch. “So that’s all? Just you and Chris hanging out? No one else?”
Eddie actually felt his heart seize in his chest, and a quick look over to Buck showed the same level of panic on his face that Eddie was feeling in the very core of his being. “Hen, what are you getting at?”
“I’m just saying…” Hen started, sitting with him on the couch, crossing her legs. “I know that look, Eddie. You haven’t looked like that since your first date with what’s her name, Ana? Chris’ teacher?”
Eddie groaned, hiding his head in his hands. “Don’t remind me.”
“Just an observation. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you met someone with all that luxurious time off.” Hen said, nudging their shoulders together, and Eddie’s head snapped back up to full attention, face bright red as he looked to Hen, and then back to Buck, who was suspiciously silent.
And hell, Eddie was a good liar, he really was, but Hen looked so sincerely happy for him, and Buck wasn’t exactly waving his arms so Eddie decided to test the waters. “I… didn’t meet anyone. Not in the way that you think, anyway. We, um. We just kind of connected at one of those shitty juice bars.”
“Oooh, okay, what’s her name?” Hen was immediately hooked—equal parts nosy and honestly excited friend, Eddie knew, which was why it was so easy to talk to her about things like this.
Eddie swallowed, fiddling with the hem of his teeshirt. “His name is Buck. We spent some time talking, and we just… we really clicked. He’s smart, and he’s kind of protective, and he told me he loves kids, so…”
If Hen was shocked, she didn’t show it, more than her brows raising an inch or so while she nodded her head. “Alright, Buck at the shitty juice bar. Did he give you his number?”
“No, actually, I gave him mine.”
Hen may have been nosy, but the way her face lit up was pure excited best friend, and Eddie let himself smile back at her as she punched his shoulder. “That is what I’m talking about! Damn, Eddie, look at you, taking the first steps. I’m proud of you!”
Eddie groaned as Hen pulled him into a hug, but he took the moment to look at Buck again—still suspiciously silent, but the corners of his mouth were definitely upturned, and Eddie couldn’t help the relief that washed over his body.
The last thing he wanted was his big fucking mouth ruining whatever tentative relationship he and Buck had built over the past few weeks.
“You gave me your number, huh?”
Eddie wasn’t sure what he was more thankful for—the fact that he got to have an active (dare he say fun) first day back at work, or the fact that it wound down with little incident after back to back to back calls. Well, no, right now he was thankful that he was stopped at a stop light when Buck said that so he wasn’t tempted to veer into oncoming traffic out of sheer embarrassment. “Well, it seemed like an easier, less psychotic answer than telling her that you literally lifted a firetruck off of me.”
Buck laughed and Eddie felt himself warming at the sound, turning the wheel as he took off, another comfortable silence falling between them.
“Eddie, you know I won’t be hanging around forever, right? My job is to protect you, and once the universe decides to cut you a break, I’ll… I’ll have to move on.”
Eddie felt his smile fall into something softer as Buck looked out the window, humming thoughtfully, shrugging his shoulder as he pulled into the driveway. “Yeah, I’m aware. But while you are here… no reason we can’t be friendly outside a shitty juice bar, right?”
Tracking Buck’s movement as they slid out of the car, Eddie leaned back against the drivers door of his truck, once again tickled by the thought of Buck riding shotgun with him.
“Well, I… like being friendly with you too, Ed—“
Eddie immediately snapped his head to the door, grinning as Chris came down the patio stairs, instantly stooping down to pull his kid into his arms, swinging Chris around in an easy hug before setting him back down on his feet. Chris started to ramble on about his day as Eddie pulled his things out from the back seat, pulling duffle bags over his shoulders and papers beneath his arms. He shared an easy smile with Buck as he straightened up, looking back down to Chris as he started to trail off.
“Dad, are you gonna introduce me to your friend?”
Eddie turned on his heel, trying to see if anyone else had come up to the front door while he was standing there, but no, it was just he and Chris, and…
…and Buck, who was now taking Chris’ hand, with a shocked smile on his face.
His son was shaking hands with his guardian angel. His guardian angel, who no one—other than Eddie—was supposed to see.
“I’m Chris. Do you work with my dad?”
What the fuck.
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duckduck-buck · 4 years
Puppy meets probie
 Oops I did it again! Here’s the 3rd installment of my series “Puppy meets...”. Most likely the last one as well...or the second to last. I don’t know. This one features some Jealous Buck and is unnecessarily long. I definitely recommend reading it on AO3 just because it looks better there but here you go.
Eddie would like to start by saying that for once, this is not on him. He isn’t the jealous one this time. In fact, he’s nothing but an innocent bystander, forced to watch his boyfriend get all huffy because of his irrational jealousy. Very irrational.
How the tables have turned.
He now understands why Hen and Chimney never stopped mocking him, back in the days he would get ridiculously jealous of Princeton...or of Leopold. To his defense, Leopold was and still is a little shit who wants all of Buck’s attention. Just saying.
So, yeah, Eddie’s not the jealous one and Buck is. It reminds him of the first time he had met Buck, back when he had first arrive. The guy had huffed and acted like an asshole for a whole day just to turn out to be one of the most genuine and kind person Eddie has ever met. Evan Buckley is the softest dork Eddie Diaz has had the chance to meet, do not be fooled by his height and cocky attitude.
Eddie loves Buck with all his heart, but if he has to hear him complain about how ‘Princeton doesn’t love him anymore’ one more time, he’s going to have to kill him.
Ok. That’s a lie. He could never, but he would find a way to shut him up. Mark his words.
Was he that ridiculous when he was jealous of Princeton?
(not Leopold, his jealousy because of Leopold was VALID)
Puppy meets Probie
Princeton is mad at Buck. Or at least that’s what the blond firefighter thinks if his rant about how ‘Princeton absolutely despises him now’ means anything—which can’t be more wrong. The dog adores Buck just as much as the firefighter loves him. No, seriously, they say dogs are men’s best friends but Princeton and Buck? That’s another level of man to animal friendship. They do everything together. Eddie is pretty sure Buck gets the dog a puppy coffee at Starbucks at least once a week. He brings him everywhere, the beach, the park, Athena’s—Eddie still can’t believe how much Buck has her wrapped around his little finger, because he distinctly remembers her saying that no dogs will ever put a paw in her house. How convincing.—. Buck is the one who takes care of Princeton the most at the station and outside of it. They are always together—with Eddie too because, it’s Buck&Eddie and not Buck and Eddie, never forget.
That’s kind of the problem. You see, the reason for Buck’s melodrama is the lack of time the man and his dog—and let’s face it, Princeton is Buck’s dog and Buck is Princeton’s human—have been spending together. And it’s all because of a new recruit.
It’s not everyday the 118 gets a new recruit. In fact, the last recruit they’ve had was Eddie. It was a surprise to all of them that anyone would be willing to join them after the firetruck explosion affair and the incident with the well. The 118 is known to be...hum...very accident prone.
The new probie is nice, younger than any of them, a little bit of a hot-head but good at his job. He is pretty nervous around them all, particularly Buck which still surprises everyone. In the firehouse, Buck has to be the least intimidating person around despite being one of the tallest. He’s just a giant dork, that’s common knowledge.
Anyway, the new guy, Elliot Morgan, is very sweet, always ready to help and very easily excited. They welcome him with open arms—Eddie did smirk at Buck at that and asked him if he was going to be mean to the new guy like he did with him. Buck answered by sticking his tongue out.—, they even invite him over for drinks with the whole station—except for Bobby and Davis—to celebrate his arrival with them.
So yeah, probie is nice and they all appreciate him, including Princeton.
Particularly Princeton.
That’s a problem. A very big problem.
They are all together in the loft, chatting about everything and anything, waiting for the alarm to rig at anytime.
Usually Princeton would be near Buck, laying down by his feet, just existing, and Eddie would fake being jealous, much to his boyfriend’s amusement and the others teasing. Keyword being usually.
“Where’s your twin?”, Hen, who’s sitting in front of Buck, says as she looks for Princeton.
Buck shrugs but he’s also confused, Princeton is nowhere to be seen.
“I don’t know, he’s usually right here. Have you seen him?”, Buck frowns in concern.
Deciding that he should go and find the dog, the firefighter gets up and is about to go down the stairs to get him when Princeton suddenly appears...with Elliot by his side. Buck goes to pet him but the dog sidestep him and follows their new recruit instead, who is completely oblivious to the situation.
Hen and Eddie exchange surprised glances and Chimney is staring at Princeton who is sitting beside probie and looking at him as if he hung the moon.
That’s not normal.
That’s a Buck stare. The one Princeton gives Buck. Only Buck. Buck who seems as confused as all of them, hand still outstretched and a completely lost look on his face.
The golden retriever doesn’t even turn to look at him, ignores him completely and continue to look at the probie who’s talking in hushed tone with another firefighter and remains oblivious to the situation.
If looks could kill, the beam above Elliot would have fallen and crushed him under its weight, killing him instantly.
Who knew Evan Buckley could look so mean?
And they call Eddie dramatic? Please.
Buck would like to say that it doesn’t sting one bit. He would like to say that his pride isn’t damaged, that he isn’t saddened at all, that he doesn’t take it as betrayal, that he doesn’t care at all. But as he look at probie and Princeton having the time of their lives, cuddling without a care of the world, as if they were best friend, the jealousy he’s feeling goes up tenfold.
He is supposed to be the one with Princeton right now. The dog has been ignoring him for three days straight and everyone has noticed it. Everyone but probie who continues to be his sunshiny, oblivious self—which rude, Buck is supposed to be the sunshine one—.
The thing is, Buck can’t even blame the guy, he’s done nothing wrong. Elliot is just happy because Elliot loves dog. He’s giving all of his attention and affection to Princeton. He even takes him in some nights. Like tonight for example.
The problem is that tonight, Buck is supposed to bring Princeton with him to his apartment. So imagine his surprise when the dog follows Elliot out instead of him.
“Princeton?”, he yells to get his attention.
Their new recruit startles and turns around. When he sees Buck’s frown he smiles shakily.
“Hum...is...is everything alright?”, he stammers out, looking anywhere but at Buck’s face.
And the thing is, Buck wants to be mad, wants to ask him what the hell does he think he’s doing and where is he taking Princeton, but the dog isn’t even paying attention to him and the kid looks like he’s ready to bolt. Swallowing his jealousy, he relaxes his face.
“It’s nothing Elliot, you’re taking Princeton in tonight right?”
“Ah! Yes! Why, am I not supposed to? Is he supposed to stay at the firehouse tonight? I can leave him!”, the young man nervously says, glancing sadly at the golden retriever beside him.
“No don’t worry. Have a nice night, man.”
With a wide grin, the probationary firefighter grins and waves goodbye, walking away to his car with Princeton by his side. Buck watches them go and, after a minute, feels a hand on his shoulder. Eddie.
“Let’s ride together? Chris is at Abuela’s tonight. We can come in together tomorrow.”
Buck ends up pouting for the whole ride from the fire station to his apartment.
“But you have Leopold?”
“Not anymore...she’s always with Charles X now.”, Buck huffs, his eyes on the two cats who are playing a little bit further away.
“And Charles X? I mean he seemed pretty attached to you when I first got him.”
“Yeah but now he just hangs out with Leopold.”
Remember when Eddie said Leopold was an attention seeker and stealer? Yeah. It’s still true.
“I just can’t believe he forgot tonight was Buck-ston night”, Buck says around his beer.
Eddie snorts and shakes his head. Buck-ston nights are not a thing, if it was, it would happen way too often.
“So what? You’re gonna tell probie to not approach Princeton? Or better, get a new dog to occupy him?”
“I’m not you mister Let’s-buy-a-new-kitten because I’m jealous of Leopold.”, Buck grins playfully, “And that would be mean, Prince is allowed to hang out with everyone.”
“Don’t act like you didn’t pout and complain the whole way to your apartment.”
“He forgot our Buck-ston night! It’s tradition! I thought you were a traditional man, you’re supposed to understand.”
Eddie chuckles at his boyfriend’s antics. The blond is pouting a little—even he denies it—, his pink lips slick with beer and h’s still complaining about Princeton absence. Suddenly, an idea comes into Eddie’s mind. He loves Buck with all his heart but knowing the man, if he does not change the subject, he will end up rambling about Princeton and Elliot the whole night. Eddie doesn’t want to listen to that. He has other plans.
The blond doesn’t seem to register the mention of his name and continues his rant. Annoyed by the lack of response, he decides to change tactic. With a burst of strength, Eddie lifts Buck onto the counter and stands between his legs, a smug smirk on his face.
“So? Wanna keep complaining about Princeton or...”, he trails off, his eyes switching between staring into baby blues’ and rosy lips.
“Depends...are you going to do anything or just stand there looking all smug?”
Eddie’s smirk widen and his hands tighten around Buck’s hips. He gets closer to his boyfriend whose arms are now around his neck, and lets his lips hover over Buck’s, not quite touching.
“And what if I just stayed there?”, he whispers as he feels Buck’s breath hitch. Eddie knows how much he loves this little thing between them, some sort of game of who will give in to the thick sexual tension around them.
“And what if you didn’t?”
Eddie brushes his lips over Buck’s, and when the younger thinks he’s going to go for a kiss, he moves to the side, mouthing at Buck’s jaw instead. The blond’s arms around his neck tighten and one of his hands find itself tangled in short brown strands. Eddie continues peppering opened-mouth kisses along Buck’s jaw and slowly goes lower, for his neck.
“Eds...”, Buck lets out a soft sigh, tugging at the hairs in his hand.
Eddie hums, scrapping his teeth on that one sensitive spot and slips his hands under the cotton shirt, touching smooth skin and a rock hard body. He then lifts his head up, leaving Buck’s neck alone and drops a tender kiss on his lips. One becomes two, three, four and soon they are exchanging deeper and longer kisses, pulling each other in, closer, so close. Hands start to wander, a caress here, a brush of fingers there, a clutch or a tug. They are panting when they separate, Eddie’s hair is a mess, Buck’s shirt is all askew, their lips and cheeks are flushed and their pupils are blown wide and they are incredibly happy.
“We should...”
Let’s just say that Princeton and Elliot are the furthest thing from Evan Buckley’s mind the whole night, instead, his brain is filled with Eddie Diaz. Eddie, Eddie, Eddie and only Eddie...
His neighbors can confirm.
Eddie needs to have a conversation of the utmost importance with one Princeton...Buckley? 118? With Princeton. Yes, he is very much aware that Princeton is a dog, thank you very much, but the dog is a golden retriever and he read somewhere—Ok, Buck told him— that they are very intelligent so Prince will understand him.
The firefighter corners the dog while everyone is busy around the firehouse and crouches in front of him. Princeton, the good boy that he is, gets closer to him, tail wagging in happiness. Eddie pats his head, unable to resist and after looking around to make sure no one was around, started talking.
“Now listen you adorable little shit, you know how I started to appreciate you right? And I let you be Buck’s best friend? If you want that to continue you can’t pull shit like that.”, he stares at Princeton in the eyes and watches as the dog cocks his head to the side in confusion, “Don’t act all cute, you know what you’ve done! Buck needs love alright and you’ve been ditching your duties mister, you’re supposed to give him love everyday, all day. He’s pouting Prince! Pouting. Ok, maybe not pouting, but he’s complaining. A lot. So you gotta apologize man, and give him lots of love.”
Princeton stares at him, now sitting in front of him, head still on side, and his tongue hanging out.
“What’s wrong with you? I thought you loved Buck! You can’t just ditch him because there’s a new guy, man, that’s not fair! Remember who gave you that firetruck toy you love so much? What does Elliot even have that Buck doesn’t? I mean, kid’s nice but he doesn’t love you the way Evan does, I thought you knew that. You know that right? Stop looking at me like that you giant goofball, you need to go and apolo—”
“Are you seriously scolding Princeton right now?”
Eddie startles, loses balance and falls on his butt. He turns around and sees Chimney smirking down at him, Hen with her phone out, most likely recording him, and Bobby who’s shaking his head in fond exasperation. Before he says anything, he looks around trying to see if Elliot, or worse, Buck was around and heard his little conversation with the station’s mascot. Thankfully neither of them were in sight.
Refocusing on his three teammates, he clears his throat and gets up from his spot on the floor, cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Hen is still filming, trying her best to contain her laughter.
“Hum...how, how much did you hear?”
“All of it man, all of it.”
“Seriously Eddie? Scolding a dog because your boyfriend is jealous of probie? A dog?”
“It’s Princeton!”, Eddie groans, glaring at the dog who’s looking at him innocently beside him, “He’s like Buck’s best buddy!”
“Still a dog.”, Hen shakes her head at him, pulling her phone down, “Damn, I’m so sending this to everyone.”
“Can’t believe I used to think of you as one of the sane ones, Eddie.”, Bobby says with a smile.
“Him? A sane one? Please Bobby, he bought a whole cat to distract Leopold.”
“Modern problems requires modern solutions.”
“That’s not how it works!” Chimney throws his arms up, shaking his head at Eddie’s ridiculous motto, “You can’t keep saying that every time Charles X is brought up.”
Hen laughs suddenly watching the video she had just taken, “Edmundo Diaz, I’m so playing this the day of your wedding.”
They continue to tease him—even Bobby—until they get tired of him. Firefighter Johnson makes the mistake of passing by them and Hen goes after him, talking about a video she needs to show him.
Eddie knows that soon the whole station—plus Karen, Athena and Maddie—would have seen the video and truly hopes it never reaches Buck nor Elliot.
He also hopes Princeton did understand everything he had said. He will make him watch the video to remind him if he has to.
But first, he needs to drown in his embarrassment.
Just as Eddie thought, the video has been seen by almost everyone in the firehouse. They all snicker at him whenever he passes them and it goes on until he gets off his shift. He refuses to admit that it was quite funny to watch.
The thing is that now, everyone is aware of the Buck-Princeton-Elliot issue...and that’s how Elliot who has been oblivious to everything, learns about it...and has a mini freakout.
It’s all thanks to three other firefighters who, maybe, should have checked their surroundings before speaking. Just maybe.
“Hey! Teagan, do you think probie is going to stay here long?”, Brett nudges his co-worker as they clean one of the trucks.
“What do you mean? Morgan’s pretty neat, does his job, shows up on time, hasn’t set the kitchen on fire so far, which is far better than you and you’re still here.”, she replies with a raised eyebrow, “Why? Did he tell you something?”
“You haven’t seen the video?”
“The one with Diaz? Sure. What does that have to do with anything? I thought we’d established that whenever Buckley is involved we shouldn’t try to understand him?”
“Exactly.” Villegas pipes up from the inside of the truck, “Imagine if Princeton doesn’t listen to what he said, what do you think will happen?”
“Villegas, Brett, please don’t tell me you think Diaz would do something to Morgan because of Princeton.”
“I mean, there’s no way we’re getting rid of the dog, you know that, so probie it is.”, Brett looks at her with an amused grin.
“Cap would—”
“—Please Teagan, we all know how Cap loves Buckley like a son. He would do anything for the kid. And Diaz would totally support this. They might even get Han and Wilson on the case.”
“I refuse to believe Cap would fire probie just for Buckley’s pretty eyes.”, Teagan snorts, shaking her head at the thought of such thing happening, “And even if he did, what if Morgan goes and complain about that? Abuse of power or something. This station is on the news pretty often, we don’t need anymore attention.”
“Buckley’s eyes do be pretty.”, Brett mutters. Teagan and Villegas both ignore him.
“Did you know they nicknamed us the hell-station? As if the 136 don’t almost die every two weeks.”
The three laugh lightly and resume to their tasks, changing the subject to the 136 last stunts and comparing it to their own.
Unbeknown to them, a certain probationary firefighter heard everything.
Elliot Morgan does the only thing he can do, he freaks out.
To say that no one was ready for what happened would be an understatement. A bomb going off in the station had more chance to happen than that. Honestly.
Buck really doesn’t know how he ended up with an armful of Elliot Morgan, with tears in his eyes and snot up his nose, at seven-something in the evening, in front of everyone. He really doesn’t but damn, would he like to.
It goes like this.
They are all gathered up in the loft, chatting in small groups except for Elliot. Bobby and Johnson are behind the stove, both listening to Hen, Eddie, Chim and Buck. The four were in an animated debate about summer camps.
“I don’t even know why you’re in this conversation Chim, you don’t have children.”, Hen looks at her best friend slyly as she says this.
“Hey! Buckaroo here doesn’t have children neither but you’re not telling him anything!”
“I will have you know Chim that I am Eddie’s proud co-parent and I love Christopher as if he was my son.”, Buck says from where he’s standing.
Cue heart eyes between their station’s lovebirds much to their dismay.
“Great Chimney, you set them off.”, Hen complains but everyone can see the fond smile plastered on her face.
The two star protesting, saying that they aren’t doing anything wrong. Hen and Chimney soon join in with teases to everyone else’s amusement. Bobby shakes his head at their behavior and gently tells them to calm down.
When Elliot enters the loft, however, everyone can sense the tension in his shoulders and the way he’s avoiding anyone’s eyes. They all quiet down but try to not make their worry known and continue with their antics. Focused on the new recruit, Bobby’s about to ask him what’s wrong when he speaks before him.
“Please don’t fire me!”
Every firefighters in the loft stops what they are doing, their attention on the very nervous probie who had just shouted. Hen exchanges worried glances with Eddie, Buck and Chimney. They are all confused with what’s happening.
“Is there a reason for me to fire you?”, Bobby asks slowly with a slight frown. Elliot has been a very good probationary firefighter so far, what could he have done to warrant him to get fired.
Instead of answering him, the kid throws himself in Buck’s arms, who is startled by the sudden weight in his arms, and starts crying right there. Everyone seems shocked by Elliot’s behavior.
“I’m so sorry!”, the young man says between soft sobs and incoherent mutters, “I didn’t know!”
“Wh—Elliot what are you talking about?”, Buck looks around with wide eyes, trying to find someone who may know why their new recruits was sobbing in his arms.
“I swear I didn’t know! Please don’t ask captain Nash to fire me!”
The collective gasp that resonates through the loft is not dramatic at all.
“Why would I ask Cap to fire you Elliot?”, Buck tries to soothe him, still completely lost by what’s happening, “Did something happen? Is it the Jeep? You nicked it or something? It’s totally cool dude, shit happen. I wouldn’t ask Bobby to fire yo—”
“No! Because of Princeton!”
“Prince...ton? What’s going on with him? Did you give him something he shouldn’t eat? It was chocolate wasn’t it? We can go to the vet, don’t worry, he will be fine.”
“No! I didn’t give him anything! I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to approach him!”
By now, the situation seems to dawn on the rest of the firehouse, everyone looks like they finally understand what’s happening and the reason behind Elliot freak out. Everyone but Buck.
“Elliot, I really don’t understand what you’re talking about. Princeton is the firehouse’s mascot, everyone is allowed to approach him. Bobby can’t fire you because you’re spending time with the station’s dog...”, Buck looks even more lost as he ruffles Elliot’s hair.
“But...the video?”, Elliot sniffles, letting go of Buck who winces at the wet spots on his LAFD shirt.
At the mention of the video, everyone’s eyes snap to Eddie whose eyes are wide. Hen has the audacity to smirk at his embarrassment. Buck, thankfully, doesn’t notice the attention that’s on his boyfriend.
“What video?”, he asks slowly.
“The one with Eddie and Princeton? Where he tells him about how you weren’t happy that I played with him?”
Eddie has the decency to smile sheepishly at Buck’s questioning glare.
“I didn’t exactly say that.”, the man mutters.
“And what Teagan, Villegas and Brett said? About Captain Nash firing me if you asked him to?”
The three firefighters startle at the mention of their names. They look at each other before looking back at the still panicked probie.
“But probie, we never told you that?”, Teagan tells him carefully, trying to remember if they had actually talked with him.
“No, you didn’t. I heard you. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I was working on the ambo and I hear you. I heard what you said about Captain Nash doing anything for Buck’s pretty eyes because he’s his son. And that he would fire me because I made Buck unhappy! I’m so sorry, I really didn’t mean to!”
Both Buck and Bobby are lightly blushing, stunned by what Elliot had just said. It’s no secret that Bobby is Buck’s father figure and Buck is like a son to their captain, but that doesn’t mean they are used to hearing it.
“My...pretty eyes?”
“The prettiest.”, Eddie says under his breath and, thankfully, no one hears.
“Probie,”, Brett snorts from his place beside Teagan, “We were joking around. Cap would never do that to you. We’re really sorry but none of what we said was serious.”
“Yeah, Buckley wouldn’t ask anyone to fire you neither, have you seen the guy?”
“A whole ass puppy.”, Hen chimes in with a smile.
Everyone start laughing, the tension in the loft finally receding and a lighter atmosphere comes around them.
“So I’m not getting fired...?”
“No one is getting fired kiddo”, Bobby smiles softly.
“And me taking care of Princeton...?”
“Was never a problem in the first place.”, Buck nods.
“So the video...?”
“That’s totally on me.”, Eddie smiles sheepishly.
“Elliot, you know how Eds and I are together right?”, at the younger’s nod, Buck continues, “Well, at the beginning I was kind of jealous, cause I was used to having Princeton by my side like, all the time. Completely irrational, you’ve done nothing wrong, and, well, I may have complained once or twice to Eddie here.”
Elliot seems to finally realize the way he has freaked out in front of everyone and flushes lightly under the attention. Granted, Eddie and Buck are the ones who were ‘exposed’ and kind of ridiculed but he is the one who had cried and begged to not be fired. Maybe he had overreacted a little. Just a little. What can he say, he really likes the 118.
“Come on dude, let’s go and see how Princeton is doing. I’m sure he misses having company.”
Elliot beams and goes down the stairs, calling out for the station’s dog. Before joining him, Buck looks at Eddie and grins slyly.
“So...”, he singsongs, “do I get to see that video?”
“Absolutely, I’m sure you will love it Buckaroo. Eddie here went all out to remind Princeton how much love he’s supposed to give you.”, Chimney laughs, phone already in hands.
“Great! Send it over, I’m sure Abuela, Pepa and Carla will love to see how much of a gentleman Eddie is.”, Buck’s grin widens, happy to be able to make fun of his partner, and his eyes are still on Eddie, “You really have my back in any situation don’t you?”
“Well, I did say I would.”
“I’ll just have to marry you if you keep that up.”
And with that Buck is gone, calling out for Princeton and Elliot. The loft stays eerily silent for three to five seconds, every firefighters too shocked to do anything but stare, jaw-slacked and eyes wide, at an equally shocked Eddie.
“D-did...did he just...”, he croaks out.
“Holy shit...”
“Oh my god!”, Hen lets out loudly, “Buck wants to marry Eddie.”
Suddenly, chaos takes back its place in the loft. Everyone is speaking at the same time, Chimney is typing frantically multiple texts to Maddie, Bobby is tearing up and Johnson is patting him on the back with an happy smile on his face, Hen and Teagan are already browsing the web, looking for venues and decoration ideas and comparing the prices, and Villegas and Brett are trying to make Eddie come out of his trance.
It’s not a proposal, not really, they all know that. Buck hasn’t even realized the gravity of his sentence, too busy caring for Princeton with their probie. It’s not a proposal but it’s something, a statement, an opening to a new chapter of their lives, a ‘I think we should get married’, a ‘I wanna marry you one day’, a ‘I don’t see myself with anyone other than...you.’.
It’s not a proposal but it’s a projection in the future.
And that’s all that matters.
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duckduck-buck · 4 years
Puppy meets Jealousy
Aka the second instalment of my fluff series: Puppy meets world. As always, I advise to read it on AO3, but just in case, here you go tumblr, that one’s for you.
Of course things couldn’t stop at Princeton. Of course it had to go further than that. Of course there had to be another thing stealing Buck from him. Of course.
Now, Eddie and Princeton aren’t arch nemesis anymore. You can even say they are friends. But Leopold? No way. Leopold is a vicious, manipulative fucker who knows exactly what she’s doing. Eddie is starting to wonder if animals have a thing against him. 
Leopold is a cat. A gracious ragdoll with baby blue eyes that rivaled Buck’s—except it didn’t because Buck’s eyes are the prettiest, that’s a fact, Eddie does not make the rules—. 
Leopold’s name doesn’t suit her—who the fuck names a ragdoll Leopold anyway? Buck, that’s who—but she makes it work by skipping around, head held high and her beautiful collar with her name on it on full display. She loves it, or maybe it’s the attention she gets that she loves. Attention seeker.
Leopold is a cat, Buck’s cat, and she’s only been there for two weeks. Two weeks is too much in Eddie’s book because Leopold is a little shit who has all the Buck privileges and she knows it. She definitely knows because she taunts him all the time.
This time though, Eddie is not the only one who’s jealous, no! This time, Princeton, golden retriever extraordinaire, the greatest boy in Buck’s book—after Christopher but Princeton doesn’t need to know that—, is also incredibly jealous. And while Eddie is a broody jealous, Princeton is the whiney type. The two want Buck’s attention and they will have it.
If it’s a war Leopold wants, a war she will get.
Puppy meets jealousy
Buck got Leopold as a gift. It was his birthday and everyone was gathered at Eddie’s house because the loft was way too small to have everyone over. 
Maddie, the traitor, had brought with her a medium sized box and when her dear brother had opened it, a beautiful cat had emerged. Alright, more like, a cat had jumped out and almost clawed Buck’s pretty eyes out. Anyone would have been completely scarred and would have demanded for the cat to be brought back from where it had came from. Anyone but Evan fucking Buckley. No, the blond had decided right there and right then, that the cat was his baby and he would love her forever. 
He had also announced her name out loud in the span of five minutes of heavy staring.
Who names their cat Leopold? Who does that?
“You can’t name her Leopold, Buck.”
“Why not?”
“Because...that’s not a name for a cat.”
“You take that back!”, Buck had gasped, completely offended by what Bobby—his father figure, Leopold’s grandfather—had said, “She loves it!”`
The man had simply huffed a laugh and patted Buck’s shoulder with an apologetic smile, used to his antics.
And guess what, Buck named the fucking cat Leopold. 
Now at the beginning Leopold hadn’t been a problem. She was welcomed in the family despite being quite passive-aggressive with everyone. They had all thought it was simply because she wasn’t used to them but the thing is, she did warm up. To Buck and only Buck. The rest of them? Enemy. Particularly one Eddie Diaz and one Princeton the golden retriever. 
And she makes sure they know it. Every single day.
Princeton is a dog. Leopold is a cat. Naturally their relationship isn’t the best. Princeton is also a golden retriever, one of the nicest and softest dog to exist, happy-go-lucky, energetic, gentle and easy to be around. He is the station mascot and most of the time stays there, but he also leaves with Buck quite often. It’s not a surprise to see him at his apartment, curled up at the foot of Buck’s bed, or lounging on the sofa, his head in his best friend’s lap—yes, Eddie has accepted the fact that he has to share that title with Princeton, reluctantly—.  He wouldn’t hurt a fly, except if you count that one time he ate a butterfly, but he knows better now. He swears.
So can someone please explain to Princeton why is the newcomer, a CAT, looking at him as if he was an intruder in his own home? Buck is Princeton’s human. Who is this squatter and how dare they look down on him as if he was a simple visitor. And also, what are they doing in his best friend’s lap—Princeton’s place, not cat’s place.—The audacity of the feline species never failed to surprise him.
“Prince, stop growling, you’re going to scare Leo.”, Buck looks at him sternly, the kind of gazes that makes Princeton feel guilty. Ouch. That hurt. But it’s alright, because Prince’s human, Bucky-great-cuddles, doesn’t know how mean cat is. Princeton will show him.
Princeton’s plan to show Bucky-great-cuddles how mean cat is, failed. Terribly. It backfired on him so badly, he was put on time out. Bucky-great-cuddles is looking at him in disappointment and cat is looking all smug in the background.
Cat is evil, but damn, cat is good at this war thing.
Eddie is sitting on Buck’s sofa, waiting for his boyfriend to come back from his errant at the grocery store. His abuela had Christopher for the night. She’d told him that she would take care of Chris and that he should go and have a fun night with Evan. She had also closed the door with a wink and a wide grin. 
Eddie never wants to see that expression on her face ever again. It speaks volume and at that moment? The volume was astronomical.
So here he is, alone in Buck’s apartment waiting for him to come back. Or maybe not so alone if Leopold counts. The cat is laying on a small bed—made just for her—and she’s glaring daggers at him with her piercing blue eyes. He glares right back. It might seem ridiculous, but he knows the little devil. He will never forget the day she broke the glass that was beside him while Buck had his back turned and left with her head high. She’s up to something and it shows.
The room is eerily silent, saved for the faint sound of the TV playing. Eddie and Leopold end up in a staring contest and none of them ever waver.
It’s not until the front door opens and Evan’s pretty smile appears that they stop glaring at each other. Both of their heads snaps and Leopold struts to her master, rubbing her head on his leg. He laughs, and put the bags in his hand on the table before bending down to gather her in his arm. 
“Did you two have fun?”, he walks to Eddie and gently presses a kiss on the corner of his mouth—much to Leopold’s irritation if her sudden mewl was anything to go by. 
“Absolutely.”, Eddie’s smile is strained and he’s glaring dagger at the cat in Buck’s hand. It’s not even in jealousy anymore, just exasperation at her presence. Okay, there’s a little bit of jealousy there still. Just a tiny bit.
No, Eddie does not kiss Buck fervently just so he could drop Leopold. That would be mean and childish. No, he does not put his hands on his boyfriend’s hips and makes him fall on the sofa before following suit. No he does not start a full blown make out session, with Buck under him, Eddie does not let his hands wander, he does not pepper kisses on his cheek, jaw and neck, he does not bite. He does not.
Except he does and it’s great! It’s fantastic, perfect. Things are heating up, the desire for more is building up, their moves are more passionate, frantic and bolder. 
It’s perfect. 
But they can’t go on.
Of course, fucking Leopold would ruin the mood, of course she would stare at them so hard they both feel it. Of course she would take a very, very nice and hot and sexy—emphasis on the sex part—night from Eddie’s hands. Of course.
They could go upstairs and continue their little make out session, but knowing the beast, she would follow them. She oh-so would. And knowing Buck, he would never let Eddie lock her in her cage—useless cage—or in the bathroom or anywhere.
Leopold cockblocked Eddie. 
Fuck. She really is winning the war.
“She is the worst.”, Eddie has a deep frown on his face. His hot coffee is sitting in front of him, still untouched., “Even Princeton thinks so and he likes everyone.”
They are at the station. Bobby and Buck are downstairs, possibly with Princeton, checking the ladder truck. Hen and Chimney are both sitting in front of Eddie, listening to his complains, as always. Hen is holding one of those magazine she always have when she pretends she’s not interested in gossip; so he’s sure she’s attentively listening and is already making three plans to help him—or make his life more difficult. Chimney is not hiding his thoughts of how ridiculous Eddie is being, he’s smirking and rolling his eyes and Eddie is pretty sure he’s live texting Maddie at the same time.
“She’s a cat.”, Hen deadpans, looking at him from behind her magazine.
“An evil cat.”
“Still just a cat.”
“You don’t understand Hen, it’s like she just hates me for some reason.”
“The same way you hates her for no reasons?”, Chimney chimes in from his place, still typing furiously on his phone—he was definitely live texting Maddie.
“Am I the only one who remembers all the things she’s done to me? The broken glass? That one time she crapped in my shoe? When her litter box was right where it usually is? Or that time she scratched me because I touched my boyfriend? My own boyfriend?”
“Okay, so maybe she does have some kind of grudge against you—”
“Or maybe she still needs some time to warm up to you, and to the rest of us...”
“But that’s the thing Chim, the rest of you don’t see Buck as much as I do. I mean, we’re dating! And I see her way too often, she should be used to my presence by now! She’s used to Christopher, hell, she loves him!”
“Who doesn’t?”, Hen mutters with a fond smile.
“True but not the point. All I’m saying is I need to find a way to get her back.”
“The cat? You want to get back to...the cat?”, Hen looks at him in disbelief, even putting down her magazine, “And I thought you were one of the sane ones.”
“It’s only us in this case Hen.”, Chim laughs.
“Keep telling yourself that Howie, there are only two sane people in this team and that’s Bobby and me, the rest of you are morons.”
“Hey! Can we go back to the topic at hand? Yes. Thank you. Give me ideas to, I don’t know, get her to tone it down or something.”
“I don’t know what to tell you Eddie, talk to your boyfriend about it?”
“Yeah, no, not doing that.”
“Forgot you were emotionally stunted.”
“What does that have to do with anything? And I’m not emotionally stunted, thank you very much.”
Modern problems requires modern solutions. That’s what Eddie will say when they will ask him why he did what he did. 
Edmundo Diaz likes to think he’s a very responsible person. Between him and Buck, there’s no doubt about who is the most responsible and level-headed of the two—even though, after the thing with the well, there would be an argument about impulsiveness. But he stands by his point. He’s a responsible adult with a child.
But right now, standing in the middle of Buck’s apartment with a cat in his arms, a cat that is not Leopold, he’s starting to think that maybe, just maybe, his boyfriend’s impulsiveness and tendency of having crazy ideas are starting to rub on him.
Modern problems requires modern solutions. For Eddie, modern solutions means going to the shelter, get a kitten, and coming back to Buck’s with a little companion. The kitten is adorable, grey with big and curious green eyes. Eddie already loves him. Hopefully, Leopold will as well because he got him for her. Or well, to keep her busy at least while he finally gets some alone time with his boyfriend.—Honestly, why did they let Buck rent such an open space apartment? Like? Why?
Eddie sets the kitten on the floor and let it walk around, under Leopold’s wide eyes, and looks around for his boyfriend, only to find him upstairs, rummaging through his closet.
“Finally you’re here, I need your help with—”
“I have something for you...but don’t get mad.”
Buck raises an eyebrow, thrown off by what Eddie had said. What could he have done to make him mad? He follows Eddie down the stairs only to see a small cat walking around his living room.
“Eddie...why is there another cat here?”
“Modern problems requires modern solutions.”
Edmundo Diaz should really start thinking before talking. That’s usually Evan’s scene. 
Neither of them notice the kitten making his way to them until he rubs his head on Buck’s leg. The young man looks surprise but still takes him in his hands, petting his small head. At this moment, Eddie knows, Buck is completely sold. 
They keep the kitten.
In the end, the kitten is a good thing. Buck ends up naming him Charles X. When Eddie asks him if it’s because of X-Men, the young man just looks at him in confusion. Eddie is not surprised. Leopold adores him too, she never let him out of her sight and cuddles with Charles X, like, all the time, and that means that Eddie has Buck way more than he used to when the evil cat that Leopold is, was stealing his attention. She even seems to have mellowed down if the way she doesn’t stare or hiss at him anymore is any way to go by.
So, yes, maybe Eddie suffers Hen’s and Chimney’s endless teasing at any chance they get, and maybe Maddie dies of laughter every time she sees Charles X, and maybe Christopher now wants a pet as well, and maybe Abuela tells him that if he’s going to act like that, he should just marry ‘lovely Evan’, and maybe Bobby shakes his head in desperation every time the kitten comes up in a conversation, and maybe Athena and Karen both call him a drama queen whenever they see him; but Eddie would like you all to know, that he once again won the war for Evan Buckley’s love. Fair and square.
Buck does mock him too when he learns the reason behind the presence of Charles X, and he does tell him that there was no war and that he loves him the most—after Christopher and Maddie thought, which, wow, rude but fair—. 
Ah, and, yes. Princeton and Leopold are still enemies...but that’s a story for another time.
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