#eddie at the beach
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rainylana · 11 months ago
Eddie at the beach headcaons
Eddie Munson x female reader
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• he hates it lowkey, but only goes because you love it so much. you go all out and pack a picnic basket full of food and towels, sunscreen and even a pail and shovel as a joke.
• he hates the sand. that’s the worst thing about it. it gets everywhere in his hair and he’s always shaking his head like a dog trying to get it out.
• when dustin comes along they wrestle while you tan.
“eyes on me, henderson. not my lady.”
• he’s TERRIFIED of getting in the water and refuses to go in any deeper than past his knees. every time he brushes against seaweed or touches a seashell he screams like a little girl and runs out as quickly as he can.
• caused a fiasco because he yelled shark! and the whole beach flocked out of the water.
• likes it more when he lays on the beach towel with you and watches the sunset.
• burns so bad it’s not even funny, especially on his forehead.
• throws a fit when dustin knocks over his sand castle.
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darkcrowprincess · 11 months ago
Richie dying over how hot/cute Eddie is at the beach
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Surf Simply Stories: James Ransone
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stllts · 1 year ago
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🍦: “My eyes are up here, Munson” 🙄
🎸: “Whatever you say, big boy” 😘
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beady-eyed-munson · 23 days ago
Eddie munson, the ugly sleeper, sleeps twisted up like hes fallen down the stairs and broken every limb on the way down, buttcheek hanging out, crunchy eyes, hair ALL OVER THE PLACE, so much drool but yet his mouth is so dry??
Is asleep on top of you or has his -dead weight- arm slung over your neck like an iron bar.
Steals all the covers but kicks them off so they end up wrapped around the bottom of his legs so tightly you cant steal it back. Nostrils breathing out breath so hot its like someone punctured a hole in a steam pipe. Looks like he rolled out of a bin with a banana skin on him. Hes much like sharing a bed with a very large dog who thinks theyre a princess but no one else sees them that way when they have a tongue in their eye or balls on their face
He used to sleep with his eyes open, Wayne would have to tape his eyes shut as a kid so they didnt dry out. Scared the living shit out of him the first time he saw it and creeped him out every time he had to peel his eyelids down
He also has/had a habit of sleeping face down, ass up. Wayne is so scared he is gonna suffocate
Occasionally he sleeps so still, Wayne has to poke him to make sure hes not dead
Definitely a sleepwalker or a sleep talker growing up
contently lip smacks in the morning from his deep tasty nap.
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aestum · 2 years ago
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(by Eddie Wingertsahn)
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thisapplepielife · 4 days ago
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Written for @stobinmonth and @corrodedcoffinfest.
It's Tradition
Stobin Month Prompt: Tradition & CCF Spring Break Prompt: Beach | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | POV: Robin | Pairing: Platonic Stobin, Steddie | CW: Mentions of Recreation Drug/Alcohol Use, Steve's Neglectful Parents | Tags: Childhood Friends AU, Reuniting
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It's tradition. The annual week-long Buckley family trip to the beach. A highlight of the year, until her parents made it clear they didn't want to go anymore.
All good things must come to an end. 
They just couldn't understand Robin didn't want to go somewhere new. That Robin didn't want it to end. That she needed to go to the same house, on the same beach, where she spent a week each year of her childhood. 
That she wanted to go where she last saw Steve. At least one more time.
Even though Steve hasn't been there the last six years her family visited, and she heard the Harrington house sold when his parents divorced. That's the gossip around this small coastal town, anyway.
Either way, the Harringtons are long gone, taking Steve with them.
But he was the best friend she's ever had, and turning up for a week every spring and getting to see him was a staple of her childhood.
So, with her summer job savings she rented the same house her family always did, and sits on the screened-in porch.
Harrington's old house definitely doesn't have Steve in it, instead a family with a bunch of little kids that are loving their time on the water. On the other side, there's a rowdy group, loud at all hours, but closer to her age. She watches them, trying to not be sad that this last attempt was a bust. 
One of the guys is currently swinging his girlfriend around in circles as she screams, delighted. Two others are making s'mores. And the long-haired one is running around in circles like a maniac. Harassing his friends on a loop. At least they're having fun. She's seen them drink, smoke weed, and poke at a bonfire.
This was stupid. It's been six years, of course he was never coming back. He probably doesn't even remember her. She was just some girl that turned up once a year for a week at a time.
She hears another car pull up behind the house next door, and their place has been grand central station. This time it's another dark-haired guy that the long-haired one is immediately pawing at, much to the complaints of the others.
Then, the newcomer turns and looks towards her house. 
At least, she thinks that's Steve. He just grew up. Has a better haircut.
Robin feels frozen to the porch swing, unsure if he can see her or not. If he'll even remember her if he can.
"Robin?!" he yells, then comes darting across the sand. She stands, crosses the porch and throws open the door.
She barely makes it out onto the deck before she's wrapped up in a big hug, "Robin Buckley! I didn't think, I mean, I knew it was a long shot when I rented this other house, but it's you! You're you!"
She's her. And he's him. She starts to cry. She really never thought she'd see him again.
"Robin's here!" Steve yells and the rest of them cheer, like they were totally in on this as a possibility. 
He didn't forget.
He wanted to see her too.
Later, after all the introductions have been made, Robin joins them around the fire they've built. Eddie, Steve's boyfriend, and boy was she delighted to find that out, is in a band and have finally made enough for a real vacation.
Steve planned for it to be here, over spring break, hoping to see her.
Jeff is picking out a soft tune on his guitar, and they are all razzing him, saying it's not metal enough, but before long, two more guitars are fetched from the house and Gareth's beating on an upside down bucket. Diana in the sand, resting her head against his thigh, seemingly unconcerned with the flailing of his arms.
Trusting he won't hit her. 
The music's a little aggressive, but they blend well. 
Steve leans into Robin's side, explaining, "They're a heavy metal band."
"They're good at this," she says. She can't believe this is really Steve. It feels like they haven't missed a day.
"And they know it, despite the bitching. Don't let them fool you, they aren't that cool. They did a bit of wedding band gigging early on to make ends meet."
She giggles, delighted by the image of that.
"I like Eddie," she says.
"I was kinda worried you'd, like, disapprove."
"Hello? I like girls, dingus. I figured that was always obvious."
"Not that obvious," he says, and she laughs. He was never the most observant kid on earth.
"Where'd you wind up, you just disappeared?" she asks.
"Boarding school," he answers, and she reaches over and squeezes his hand.
"I'm sorry," she says, and she is. 
"Well, it made me into a boy kisser," he teases, and she leans on his shoulder, and giggles.
"It did not."
"It didn't, but it may have put jumper cables on my bisexual awakening."
She smiles, "Are you happy now?"
And Steve looks over at Eddie, riffing back and forth with his band, "Very."
Robin smiles, "He's kinda feral."
"Well, that's his best quality," Steve teases, adding, "They're playing in a bar down the beach tomorrow night. I hope you'll come."
She nods. She'll go anywhere he wants her to this week, as long as she gets to see Steve again.
The next night, Steve's walking around the small venue, and she realizes he's somehow in charge of this dog and pony show. Robin sits at a table with Diana, and waits for the band to get started.
Robin can see Eddie and Gareth jumping up and down, just off-stage, bumping chests.
Diana rolls her eyes, but she's clearly fond, "It's tradition. I don't ask questions."
Robin likes traditions. Finds comfort in them.
And as Corroded Coffin is announced, Steve settles in the wings where she can see him. He grew up. They both did, and now she hopes they can make new traditions with friends, together.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries, check out @corrodedcoffinfest to read takes on Spring Break prompts, or to offer up your own!
For more Stobin, pop on over to @stobinmonth to follow along with the fun!
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surfline-screenshots · 3 months ago
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Eddie Would Go
Waimea Bay, North Shore, Oahu
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coldarena · 5 months ago
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come and sit by my side if you love me
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mintaikkcorpse · 9 months ago
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solarmorrigan · 1 year ago
Steve Harrington gives me Beach Boys vibes
Like. Steve's a little neutral on pop; he doesn't hate it, but it's not usually his first choice. But like a lot of kids, his musical exploration begins with his parents' collection
He finds his mom's Beach Boys albums when he's about twelve, a little after they start leaving on longer trips and he starts poking around the house because he's bored and alone. He can sort of remember his mom playing them when he was really young, can remember her dancing around the kitchen and being silly in ways she usually isn't
He starts playing the Beach Boys when his parents are gone, just sometimes, because the songs have a pretty good beat and the lyrics are fun and it makes him feel a little less lonely. He's got one playing one evening when his parents get home earlier than expected; his dad just shoots him a look at tells him to "turn down the damn racket" (which Steve does, quickly) before stalking up to his office, but his mom stands in the living room doorway, just watching him for a moment
It's the first time in a long time he remembers her just sitting down with him, smiling, laughing, listening to the music with him. She tells him about the first time she heard the band on the radio, and about how she'd gone out to buy their album the very next day. She tells him that his dad had called in to the local station more than once to request "Barbara Ann" because he knew it was her favorite (Steve can't imagine his dad doing anything like that, but he guesses his mom would know better than he does). She tells him that when he was little, too little to really remember, he would ask her to play "the surfing song," even though she was pretty sure he had no idea what surfing was
They don't do it again, but Steve holds onto the memory
He keeps playing the albums. He gets them on tape, when he happens to see them, and then he can play them in his car when the mood strikes. He wouldn't call himself a fan, exactly, but he doesn't have a better word for it. He ends up memorizing a lot of the lyrics, and finds that he doesn't mind having that knowledge at all
December of '85, the first holiday season Steve and Robin spend together, Robin is ready to tease Steve mercilessly for not only knowing all the words to "Little Saint Nick," but for singing along with it while standing at the counter of Family Video. In public. Steve takes it with good grace, but he also makes sure she also knows all the words by the end of their shift. They sing it together every time it comes on the overhead speakers after that
(Steve gets the feeling Robin's enjoyment is half ironic, but he doesn't mind. Her joy as she sings is sincere, and that's the important part)
Robin isn't the last convert he manages to induct, either
"Kokomo" comes out in '88, and Eddie wants to hate it. Really he does. It's really not his speed, he doesn't like surf music, but he just - he can't quite bring himself to dislike it. Not when Steve is listening to it on the radio in the kitchen, singing along, dancing around unselfconsciously while he does the dishes (moving his hips in ways Eddie does not want to associate with the Beach Boys)
But of course, the second Steve catches Eddie listening with anything other than disdain, it's all over. He turns all his attention on Eddie, singing to him, trying to beckon him into the kitchen to dance with him while Eddie valiantly tries to hold out against the fucking dork-ass romantic he's been dating for over a year
Steve points him and then curls his fingers in a "come hither" gesture as he croons along with the radio, telling Eddie to "come on, pretty mama," and Eddie has to let his head hang back while he tells Steve "I hate you," just so Steve won't see how hard he's smiling
He does end up dancing, his head resting on Steve's shoulder because he's laughing too hard to hold it up on his own, his eyes watering while Steve continues being ridiculous just for him
(It is absolutely not their song, but many years later, it does end up on Eddie's carefully curated wedding playlist. He disavows all knowledge of how it got there)
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becomingfoxes · 2 years ago
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Summer Days ☀️⛱🌊
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glendylucast · 8 days ago
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Just another cozy night on Pavuvu Camp
Edit: Changing how i draw Hillbilly because I hate how I draw him the last one it doesnt look him at all...
... and there is some anatomy error I couldnt ignore hopefully this one is better now
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hippolotamus · 5 months ago
Sunday Sentences 🧜‍♂️
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Mer!Buck won the poll and I am doing my damndest to make my little brain finish it. (This is not to promise anything timely but… it’s being worked on) Please enjoy some Diaz Siblings as kids 💖
He drops his bag inside the front door, eager to explore and find his room. What he finds instead -- a balcony, with two chairs and a small table, off the master bedroom -- is much better in his opinion.  The sliding glass door opens easily, as if inviting him to a different universe. Eddie stares, mesmerized, at the crashing waves of the Pacific, watching the water recede and roll back out again. He’s never seen anything like it in his life. ...  “Eddie!” Sophia bellows. “Mom wants you downstairs.” He rolls his eyes and begrudgingly leaves his new sanctuary, following the sounds of grumbling and muted bickering. “Can we go to the beach now?”  “Sure,” their Mom quips, drawing the word out. “As soon as we unpack and buy groceries and figure out dinner.”  “Moooooommmmm!” The plea slips out before he can stop it. Her incredulous expression, complete with raised eyebrow, is enough to have him clearing his throat and mumbling an apology. Apparently it’s not enough to deter Sophia.  “Come on, Mom. We’re always at the ranch. Do we really have to tag along? I’ll even make sure the little dork doesn’t drown or hurt himself.”  In a well practiced move, she puts her arm around his shoulder and they give their best puppy dog eyes. “Pleeeease?”  It’s a longshot but he hopes their mother is too tired to argue.  She purses her lips, flicking her gaze between the two of them. “Fine.”  “Yes!” Eddie and his sister pump their fists in unison, celebrating their victory.  “Be back by seven!” She calls after them, but they’re already grabbing their bags and clambering to shove past each other on the steps.
tagged by @bekkachaos thank you 😊
np tagging @actuallyitsellie @bucksbignaturals @a-noble-dragon @loveyouanyway @epicbuddieficrecs @tizniz @diazheartsbuckley @saybiwithme loml @bidisasterevankinard @spotsandsocks @dangerpronebuddie @theotherbuckley @stereopticons @kitteneddiediaz @daffi-990 @diazsdimples @your-catfish-friend @thekristen999 @filet-o-feelings @wikiangela @rainbow-nerdss @steadfastsaturnsrings @inell @jesuisici33 @dr-shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @dorkydiaz @bi-buckrights @elvensorceress @bucksbiawakening @giddyupbuck @beyourownanchor6 @indestructibleheart @ladydorian05 @lemonzestywrites @monsterrae1 @statueinthestone @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @thelikesofus @wildlife4life @eowon @rewritetheending and anyone else who wants to 😘
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a--a---a · 19 days ago
imagining buck and eddie out on a date at a tavern or pizza place (like buck and tommy in "Confessions") and they're holding hands over the table, ankles hooked underneath, and a girl comes up to them to get them to take picture. she looks between them and smiles, saying "you guys are so cute. hopefully i find something like this one day." and buck looks over at eddie, who stares at him, positively enamored. and buck goes to take the picture, feeling tingly from eddie's eyes on his back, and then when he sits down again they resume their positions. and buck gets a sense of déjà vu, but this time he's not confused or embarrassed. he just feels...secure, loved. and he pulls eddie's hand to his lips to kiss it.
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