#eddie answers
saw2goth · 2 months
is your jekyll / hyde.. a cat or a dog person... and if so what type/breed of cat/dog...
this is very important. to me.
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I don't think he'd ever own a pet but if he did it would probably be something like this
Only one small problemo:
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askeddiediaz-118 · 3 months
eddie, how do you feel about shirtless buck?
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Uhh... no particular way... why do you ask? *Shifts uncomfortably*
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How would you like a threesome with the golden couple of hawkins??
Me. You. @corrodedcoffinchrissy
Chrissy told me herself too ask you know, she was so desperate about it. She wants us both, of course you don’t have to agree.
- @headofhawkinsbasketballteam
Sounds delightful! You two are in for a bunch of freaky surprises!!
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hawkinshellraiser · 2 years
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photography credits to @bandnerd-robin thank you robin for showing everyone i have an incredible ass
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Hi Eddie! Big fan! I even have ya as my phone wallpaper. Anyway.... Uh... Can we go for a ride on your bike? Please? 👉👈
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mastereddiexmunson · 2 years
hmmm maybe, it depends how i feel :)
oh trust me, i know, i've seen that bratty attitude of yours with @harrinxtonsteve and let me tell you princess, that shits not gonna fly with me
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sprite and angel !!
sprite: what is your favorite combination of colors? - Red and Black. You can't go wrong with them
angel: what are three things you love about one of your close friends? (you can name them or not) - Jeff and I have known each other nearly our whole lives. He's hilarious, outspoken, and a loyal friend
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a-cup-of-kencoco · 2 years
I’m so excited for part 2 of the confessional that shit was good
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Omg not me getting high key emotional over your beautiful comment—I want to HUG YOU!! Thank you so much and I hope that it lives up to your expectations!! I’m currently working out edits and perfecting the ✨spice✨🥵👀
My plan is to post in the evening (I’m very sorry to friends in different time zones 😖)
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All right lets have it:
✨ - Favorite personality trait about your s/I?
Mika is so sweet and accepting and she'd hug a stranger if they needed it. She looks at the world for all its potential, and I've always thought she was a beautiful contrast for my cynicism.
💕 - What made you first fall for your s/I?
I couldn't tell you a specific moment or thing. I've know Mika since we were both in diapers, and she's always been there, my best friend, my partner in crime.
So I don't know when or what made me fall for her, but I remember when I realized I did.
It was October of Junior year, we were at the theater club's Halloween party and she'd gone off to find her date. I couldn't find her for a couple hours and when I did.... I knew seeing her kiss someone else made me uncomfortable, but this time it hurt, like a lot. And it hit me all at once that I was so far in love with her that it made me look stupid.
😍 - What does you 'heart eyes' reaction look like?
Something like this
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saw2goth · 4 months
Tell me about your version of hyde. I want to hear all about the critter, please,,,
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Here is a list of things because I don't want to be writing massive paragraphs lawl:
- Transman & bisexual, in an open relationship
- Not very aware of his surroundings and can often find himself bumping into things/people and getting into fights unless he's alert
- When he's alert his eyes go wide like an owl O_O which usually happens when he's startled or caught off guard. When he's on edge like this he can lash out.
- Loves to party, get shitfaced and meet new people he otherwise wouldn't mingle with in his regular life. He uses Hyde as an excuse to keep both of his social circles separate, but will occasionally drop hints in the hopes that Utterson will catch onto him somehow.
- Was genuinely hurt when Utterson didn't recognise him at first.
- Will act out harshly when he's upset or offended. He has an avoidant personality so he's usually the first to lash out at someone close to him if he thinks he's going to lose them anyway. As Jekyll he is usually left to deal with the aftermath of that, but will further isolate himself anyway if things get too much.
- The serum makes him sick. It takes a huge toll on his body, usually the mornings after when he transforms back. He has a lot of chronic pain which is why Hyde still has to use his cane despite being smaller and younger looking.
- Transformation is extremely painful for him but the euphoria he experiences after the fact is one of the things that keeps drawing Jekyll back besides the freedom he also gets from it.
- Very blunt. Kind of an asshole even. Depending on the situation he can usually play things his way if he needs to be polite to get himself out of trouble but if it's not a dire situation he will just tell you where to stick it.
- Type of guy to get up behind you and smash your head into your food just for a laugh tbh
- Danvers was the only guy he ever directly killed and I will die clutching onto this headcanon after being shot with hundreds of arrows
Uhhrm,,, this is all I have right now but thank you for asking about him!!!!! <3 I love him a lot can you tell. He's nothing like the book counterpart of course, but he's also not trying to be a direct adaptation. I'm actively crossing over all of my gothlit interps so a lot of changes have been made (for example; a handful of us have just collectively decided Henry Jekyll was childhood friends with Ebenezer Scrooge from A Christmas Carol and Wolfe MacFarlane from The Body Snatcher LMAOO). In my Hyde lives AU, Hyde has an encounter with Ebenezer years after they had initially drifted apart before either of them even remember who the other is. It's only until Jekyll gets back in contact with him that he realises they had reunited a lot sooner than he thought and he goes hm. Oops. I probably wasn't the nicest to him. Should probably make amends for that. 🧍 ANYWAY I DID END UP WRITING A PARAGRAPH OOPS???? SORRY FOR THE RAMBLE LASKMDKGM
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Ashley Harrington had it all- she was a cheerleader, one of the most popular girls in school. Not only due to being a cheerleader, but because of her brother. But she had a secret that neither her brother or best friend Chrissy knew- she was in love with Eddie Munson. One day during lunch she was watching Eddie as usual, when he hopped up on the table and started speaking to the whole cafeteria. She hated the way everyone, including her brother, called him a freak. Usually it was behind his back-but that day it looked like Jason Carver was going to insult him in front of the entire cafeteria.
Eddie had always been aware of Ashley. But she was a Carver and best friends with Chrissy Cunningham, so he avoided her, not wanting to be bullied by yet another pretty girl he’d never have a chance with.
As he stood on the table ranting, he made eye contact with Ashley, and he was surprised to see no malice in her stare. He nearly stumbled, but luckily he recovered just in time to see Jason standing there and make a devil face at him. When he looked up to where Ashley sat, but she was already gone, lonely headed to class.
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winterberry; do you bite or lick your ice cream?
Sensitive teeth are for the weak :)
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mastereddiexmunson · 2 years
Hey there Munson, wanna come over and teach me how to play guitar with those pretty hands of yours?
hey pretty boy, of course i'll teach you, ya gonna sit on my lap too? get nice and comfy? ;)
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eddie-diaz-anon · 2 years
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Thank you, Natasha It truly means a lot
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a-cup-of-kencoco · 2 years
Just wanted to ask you if and when an eventual part two of the Papa Emeritus II chapter in the confessional will be available!
I loved that shit
Hello, darling!!!
I can ✨officially✨ say that the part two of Spicy Confessions with Papa Emeritus II will be posted on Friday!! I’m so sorry for taking such a long time…I hope that I can make it up to everyone with all the….
I have other lovely requests that I am going to try to post on the same day as well, but if not, then Saturday is the goal.
(Also Omg thank you, I love YOU!!! 🥹🖤🥰)
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🤡 - Do you ever embarrass yourself infront of your s/o?
😎 - What do you do to impress your s/o?
🤡 - Do you ever embarrass yourself infront of your s/o?
All the fucking time. Sometimes my limbs and mouth run faster than my brain and I end up saying and doing stupid things. I've faceplated more times than I can count in front of her. Not to mention spilled shit down the front of me.
😎 - What do you do to impress your s/o?
Jesus, how do I answer that? I have no idea. I think she finds my DMing skills impressive, and she always gets excited when I show her a newly painted mini.
Oh! She gets this look when she watches me play guitar. I'm not sure if she's impressed, or just horny, but- oh boy, I love it.
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