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Expanding Horizons: How Free Market Policies Energise Scotland’s Remote Communities
The Unseen Benefits of Free Market Policies in Scotland's Remote Areas Hello, dear readers! In today's post, we're venturing into the highlands and islands of Scotland, areas often perceived as distant from the bustling economic activities of the central belt. Yet, it is here that free-market policies have quietly fostered unique opportunities and growth, enriching local communities and showcasing the universal applicability of economic freedom. The free market, often discussed in the context of large-scale economics, plays just as vital a role in the sustainable development of remote areas. In Scotland's less accessible regions, free-market principles have encouraged entrepreneurship by reducing barriers to business creation and expansion, allowing local talents to flourish and markets to diversify. Take, for example, the burgeoning craft industry in the Scottish Highlands. Local artisans and small-scale manufacturers have found great success, often reaching global markets thanks to platforms that champion free enterprise and technological advancement. By engaging with a worldwide audience, these businesses bring much-needed economic diversification and resilience to their communities. Furthermore, local tourism has thrived under policies that favour business flexibility and innovation. Small businesses, from boutique hotels to adventure sports providers, have benefited from the freedom to tailor their offerings to niche markets, creating unique experiences that draw international and domestic visitors alike. The connectivity improvements in these areas — a product of policies that encourage investment in infrastructure — have also been crucial. Better roads, digital access, and transport links mean that businesses in remote areas are no longer as isolated from major markets as they once were, bridging the gap between rural and urban economic opportunities. Thus, as we champion free-market policies, let's remember their capacity to transform not just national economies but also to empower the smallest communities, proving that freedom and entrepreneurship can thrive in every corner of Scotland. Thank you for joining today's exploration into how free-market principles help unlock potential in Scotland's most remote areas. Warm regards, Alastair Majury *Perspectives Unbound* --- *Stay tuned to Perspectives Unbound for more insights into how freedom and economic policies influence diverse narratives in Scotland and beyond.*
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Indonesia & BRICS: Membuka Keran Menuju Peran yang Lebih Besar
Pada 24 Oktober 2024, dalam KTT BRICS Plus di Kazan, Rusia, Menteri Luar Negeri Sugiono mengumumkan bahwa Indonesia akan bergabung sebagai negara mitra dalam aliansi BRICS yang terdiri dari Brasil, Rusia, India, China, dan Afrika Selatan. Keputusan ini menandai tonggak penting dalam diplomasi Indonesia, memungkinkan negara untuk mengakses platform yang lebih luas dalam kolaborasi ekonomi dan politik global. Bergabungnya Indonesia di BRICS mengandung potensi besar bagi pertumbuhan, namun juga membawa risiko tersembunyi. Melalui perspektif pengembangan potensi sebagaimana dieksplorasi oleh Adam Grant dalam karyanya Hidden Potential, kita dapat menilik dan meninjau aspek-aspek penting dari keputusan ini, termasuk peluang yang dapat diraih serta risiko yang mungkin timbul.
Malleable Potential: Peran Lebih Besar di Kancah Global
Langkah Indonesia untuk bergabung dengan BRICS mencerminkan keyakinan bahwa potensi negara dapat berkembang melalui ruang gerak yang lebih luas. Melalui BRICS, Indonesia memiliki kesempatan untuk memperluas akses pasar dan kolaborasi ekonomi, mengukuhkan peran sebagai salah satu kekuatan ekonomi di Asia Tenggara yang mampu bersaing secara global. Dalam konteks growth mindset, Indonesia menunjukkan tekad untuk berinovasi dan mengadopsi pendekatan baru demi pertumbuhan. Bergabungnya Indonesia di BRICS memberi negara ruang untuk memperbesar pengaruhnya dalam perumusan kebijakan global, terutama dalam isu-isu seperti ketahanan pangan, perubahan iklim, dan teknologi.
Kolaborasi Terarah untuk Percepatan Pertumbuhan
Dengan menjadi mitra BRICS, Indonesia memperoleh akses ke kolaborasi dan umpan balik yang sangat bernilai untuk memperkuat ekonomi dan mempercepat pembangunan berkelanjutan. Grant menyoroti pentingnya deliberate practice, yaitu praktik yang terarah dan sistematis yang memungkinkan individu atau entitas untuk berkembang. Di BRICS, Indonesia dapat belajar dari negara-negara seperti China dan India dalam pengembangan teknologi dan inovasi ekonomi. Melalui deliberate & best practice yang didapat dari BRICS, Indonesia dapat memperkuat kebijakan ekonomi yang sustainable dan menumbuhkan sektor-sektor strategis yang dapat membawa dampak signifikan bagi masyarakat luas.
Keberanian Mengambil Risiko: Peluang Ditengah Ketidakpastian
Bergabung dalam aliansi global seperti BRICS membawa risiko yang signifikan, tetapi juga membuka peluang besar bagi Indonesia untuk mengembangkan potensi yang selama ini mungkin tidak tereksplorasi. Grant mengingatkan bahwa potensi dapat berkembang melalui keberanian untuk menangkap peluang yang sebelumnya tak terpikirkan, bahkan jika ini mengharuskan kita untuk memasuki lingkungan yang penuh ketidakpastian. Indonesia, dengan prinsip bebas-aktifnya, memiliki fleksibilitas untuk terlibat dalam kolaborasi ekonomi dan diplomatik yang lebih luas tanpa harus mengambil sisi tertentu dalam geopolitik global. Langkah ini menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia siap mengambil risiko demi memaksimalkan potensinya, meskipun ini berarti memasuki wilayah baru yang belum pernah dijelajahi.
Mengoptimalkan Aliansi Non-Barat, Memperkuat Independensi
Langkah bergabung dengan BRICS sejalan dengan kebijakan bebas-aktif Indonesia. Aliansi ini tak hanya berisi kekuatan besar seperti China dan Rusia, tetapi juga mencakup mitra non-Barat yang memiliki visi sejalan, seperti Afrika Selatan dan Uni Emirat Arab. Dengan bekerja sama dengan negara-negara ini, Indonesia memiliki kesempatan untuk berkolaborasi dalam hubungan yang lebih setara tanpa tekanan dominasi. BRICS menjadi arena yang pas untuk memperkuat independensi Indonesia di kancah global, memungkinkan negara ini memainkan peran yang lebih aktif dalam menciptakan tatanan dunia yang lebih inklusif dan berimbang.
Diversifikasi Hubungan Internasional
Meski demikian, kita perlu menyadari adanya risiko ketergantungan yang dapat muncul dari hubungan yang terlalu erat dengan satu blok atau kekuatan besar tertentu. Indonesia dapat mengurangi potensi dampak negatif ini melalui diversifikasi hubungan internasionalnya. Indonesia dapat memperkuat posisinya di BRICS tanpa risiko ketergantungan pada suatu blok dengan memperluas kemitraan internasionalnya. Alih-alih menempatkan semua tumpuan pada satu aliansi, Indonesia bisa menjajaki hubungan strategis dengan kawasan Asia-Pasifik dan mitra-mitra ASEAN. Misalnya, Jepang dan Korea Selatan sebagai mitra di bidang teknologi dan inovasi, serta negara-negara ASEAN yang memiliki visi serupa terkait perdagangan regional. Strategi diversifikasi ini tak hanya memperkuat posisi tawar, tetapi juga menjaga stabilitas ekonomi, sambil tetap berpegang pada prinsip bebas-aktif. Dengan strategi ini, Indonesia bisa menghadapi dinamika persaingan antara kekuatan besar dalam BRICS dan Barat tanpa kehilangan otonomi.
Dinamika Pembelajaran Menuju Kematangan
Bergabung dengan BRICS juga berarti Indonesia akan menghadapi ketidakpastian dalam sistem aliansi yang kompleks. Seperti yang diuraikan Grant, kemampuan untuk belajar dari ketidaksempurnaan dan kegagalan adalah bagian penting dari perjalanan menuju pemenuhan potensi. Di dalam BRICS, Indonesia mungkin akan dihadapkan pada tantangan dan dinamika yang tidak selalu sejalan dengan kepentingan nasional. Namun, setiap pengalaman ini merupakan kesempatan untuk belajar dan memperbaiki strategi serta kebijakan agar lebih efektif dan relevan. Hal ini sejalan dengan prinsip bahwa kesalahan dan ketidaksempurnaan adalah bagian dari proses menuju kematangan, termasuk dalam hal ihwal hubungan internasional.
Risiko Tersembunyi: Tantangan dalam Aliansi BRICS
Meskipun banyak potensi yang bisa digali, bergabung dengan BRICS juga membawa beberapa risiko tersembunyi yang harus diperhitungkan. Pertama, adanya ketergantungan pada negara-negara besar dalam aliansi ini, seperti China dan Rusia, dapat mengarahkan kebijakan BRICS lebih condong pada kepentingan mereka, yang mungkin tidak selalu sejalan dengan prioritas Indonesia.
Kedua, dengan meningkatnya ketegangan geopolitik antara Barat dan BRICS, Indonesia mungkin harus menghadapi tekanan dari negara-negara Barat, terutama dalam hal hubungan ekonomi dan investasi. Sebagai negara mitra BRICS, Indonesia akan dipandang memiliki afiliasi yang lebih erat dengan negara-negara non-Barat, yang dapat memengaruhi hubungan diplomatiknya dengan negara-negara Eropa dan Amerika Serikat. Risiko ini dapat berimplikasi pada stabilitas ekonomi dan iklim investasi di Indonesia jika terjadi ketegangan yang lebih besar antara blok-blok ekonomi dunia.
Terakhir, kerentanan dalam ketidakpastian pasar internasional juga bisa menjadi risiko yang harus diperhitungkan. BRICS berfokus pada diversifikasi ekonomi dari dominasi Barat, tetapi ini juga berarti bahwa Indonesia perlu menyiapkan diri terhadap fluktuasi ekonomi yang mungkin muncul dari perubahan hubungan internasional. Ketergantungan pada pasar baru ini harus disertai dengan strategi mitigasi risiko agar tidak merugikan kepentingan ekonomi nasional di masa mendatang.
Pisau Bermata Dua: Berwaspada dalam Optimisme
Keputusan Indonesia untuk bergabung dengan BRICS adalah langkah strategis yang membuka banyak peluang untuk mengoptimalkan potensi nasional dan memperkuat posisi global. Meskipun demikian, langkah ini juga membawa tantangan dan risiko yang perlu dikelola dengan bijak. Dengan prinsip-prinsip ketahanan, keberanian, dan keterbukaan untuk belajar, Indonesia dapat mengambil langkah besar dalam memanfaatkan potensi BRICS sebagai landasan untuk pertumbuhan berkelanjutan, sambil tetap waspada terhadap risiko-risiko tersembunyi yang mungkin timbul.
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The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) have joined forces to illuminate the transformative potential of rural tourism. Through a collaborative study, they shed light on the significant impact tourism can have on fostering socio-economic development in rural areas across Europe. This timely initiative underscores the critical role of collaboration in bridging local and global efforts toward shared goals. By harnessing the power of rural tourism, communities can build resilience, address pressing challenges, and empower themselves on the path towards sustainable development. UNWTO and EU Champion Sustainable A Unifying Force: Collaboration for Shared Objectives Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary-General of UNWTO, emphasizes the far-reaching potential of tourism: "Tourism has the potential to transform societies, stimulate local economic development, and empower local communities." He further highlights the significance of the collaboration with the CoR, stating, "This joint study... underscores the importance of rural tourism in contributing to sustainable development in Europe." Alves Vasco Cordeiro, President of the CoR, echoes this sentiment, emphasizing the historical role of mobility in shaping European identity: "Free movement has always been at the heart of the European project. Tourism, as part of this mobility, has helped shape our European identity and is a powerful driver for growth and jobs, breathing new life into communities across Europe." This joint effort highlights the importance of fostering partnerships between international organizations and regional entities to create a unified approach to rural tourism development. Beyond Recovery: The Resilience of Rural Tourism The report delves into the key findings of the study, offering valuable insights into the current state and prospects of rural tourism in Europe. One of the most compelling findings is the remarkable resilience displayed by rural tourism in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite global challenges, rural destinations witnessed a surge in popularity, particularly among domestic travelers. This resilience highlights the inherent strength of rural tourism and its adaptability to changing circumstances, showcasing its potential as a robust driver for economic recovery and growth. Multifaceted Benefits: Economic Diversification and Cultural Preservation The study goes beyond economic considerations, acknowledging the multifaceted benefits of rural tourism. It underscores the role of tourism in promoting economic diversification and creating job opportunities in rural areas. This diversification can help lessen dependence on traditional industries and create a more vibrant and sustainable local economy. Furthermore, the report emphasizes the vital contribution of rural tourism to cultural preservation. It highlights tourism's role as a bridge between tradition and modernity. By attracting visitors and fostering community participation, rural tourism can help sustain local services and preserve the unique character of rural regions. However, the report also acknowledges the challenges faced by rural areas, such as limited infrastructure, scarcity of financial resources, and population decline. These challenges pose significant obstacles to rural tourism development. Towards Sustainable Development: Embracing Opportunities and Addressing Challenges The report doesn't shy away from acknowledging the challenges faced by rural communities but instead presents them as opportunities for growth. By providing a nuanced understanding of the complexities involved, the report sets the stage for the development of sustainable rural tourism practices. It urges stakeholders to navigate these challenges thoughtfully, with a focus on long-term sustainability. A Roadmap for the Future: Recommendations for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development Recognizing the need for a comprehensive approach, the report offers a roadmap for policymakers, local governments, and stakeholders to harness the power of rural tourism while addressing its challenges. Enhancing Collaboration and Building Integrated Value Chains: A key recommendation is the integration of rural value chains within the tourism sector. The report emphasizes the need for collaboration between businesses and stakeholders, such as farmers, artisans, and accommodation providers. By working together, they can create synergies within the local economy, maximizing economic benefits for the entire community. This collaborative approach ensures a holistic and sustainable development trajectory for rural tourism. Bridging the Digital Divide: Investing in Connectivity and Skills The report acknowledges the digital divide that often hinders rural development. It recommends a focused effort on improving digital connectivity in rural areas. This includes infrastructure development to ensure reliable internet access. Additionally, the report emphasizes the importance of digital skills development. By empowering rural communities with the skills to leverage technology effectively, they can improve their online presence, attract more visitors, and participate more fully in the digital tourism landscape. Aligning with Consumer Trends and Prioritizing Sustainability: The report acknowledges the increasing focus on sustainable travel practices among tourists. It encourages the development of responsible travel initiatives that cater to evolving consumer expectations. This includes promoting eco-friendly practices, protecting natural resources, and supporting local communities. By prioritizing sustainability, rural tourism can not only meet the changing demands of travelers but also contribute to broader environmental and social goals.
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Workforce Localization by GCC in the Gulf
Socio-cultural aspects of organizations and businesses established in the Gulf countries, give the much-needed importance and focus to the impacts it has on both the society and the culture of the people residing there through its operations and services.
The GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) oversees its political and economic operations in the 6 Gulf countries that are – The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, The State of Qatar, The Sultanate of Oman, the United Arab Emirates, The Kingdom of Bahrain, and The State of Kuwait.
Data insights have shown that almost all the workforce employees who are working in the member countries of The Gulf Cooperation Council are non-citizens such as immigrants and foreigners. The GCC countries that have their local and national citizens working in their nations are unfortunately of a very low percentage and comprise minority groups.
For instance, in the construction industry, data insights shared that almost a staggering 95% of the culturally diverse workforce population working in the GCC countries of the Gulf are foreigners. This is a very low hit to the 6 member countries as all of the local and national citizens are either unemployed or displaced by immigrating workers.
Hence, a policy was written to be established and implemented as a strategy by the Human Resource Departments of every organization, business, firm, enterprise, and company, in the Gulf, to combat this adverse concern in the working population regarding the nation’s only people.
The policy that was established was called Workforce Localization – WL.
Therefore in this article, we shall be exploring the roots and meanings of what Workforce Localization entails in in-depth contexts as well as the impacts it has on the GCC countries.
What is Workforce Localization – WL?
It is a common fact and knowledge that the immigration of a culturally diverse set of workers employed by a company that is established in an outside country would benefit from this type of dynamic employment retention. A culturally diverse workforce would engage better, and contribute more creatively and innovatively, in showcasing and applying their skills and talent.
Although it is one thing to face a good initiative that is adopted in providing good job opportunities in other countries to learn and grow in all desired areas, it would be another thing to have the citizens who are working in one’s own developing nation to be seen as the minority group.
With an over-immigration of foreigners into a place, more so would be the displacements of the locals. The GCC recognized this adverse and rapidly growing concern and issue by establishing a policy called Workforce Localization – WL.
Workforce Localization is the policy that is established and implemented to increase the engagement and involvement of local and national citizens in workforce employment, especially in the private sector. This strategic initiative was taken to reduce the huge reliability and dependencies on the expatriate workforce.
Visit Entrepreneur Gulf for more interesting insights and reads on diverse topics.
Workforce Localization Policy Programs:
The workforce localization policy established in the Gulf region by the GCC government has several policy programs that are directed toward increasing the employability rates of local and national citizens. They are as follows.
Providing Training and Education – the much-required training and education are given to the local and national citizens and workforce of the 6 GCC member countries so that they can be employed in private sectors without getting displaced. The Human Resource Departments help the citizens in their talent management and skill development to kick-start their business ventures with completely free working visas.
Diversification of Economy – the GCC countries encourage and provide support and help to their local and national citizens to start and establish knowledge-based industries such as entrepreneurial companies, medical healthcare, and educational infrastructures, availability of a hands-on diverse workforce that is culture-oriented, Information and technology services, etcetera. This economic diversification would prove to be very beneficial in workforce localization efforts.
Labor Synchronizations – this policy brings the minority number of the workforce comprising local and national citizens to be considered first for job opportunities in private sectors before the expatriate workforce. This encourages and paves the way for achieving the goal of increasing the employment rates of the citizens in the GCC countries.
Other Strategies Enforced by the GCC:
There are other nationalization strategies implemented by the GCC with the help of the Human Resources Departments in most of the organizations in the Gulf region. These are – Kuwaitization in Kuwait, Qatarization in Qatar, and Saudization in Saudi Arabia.
Kuwaitization was established in Kuwait in the year 1978 when the state realized that its workforce comprised a majority of immigrant and foreign workers more than its own local and national citizens. This was also when the GCC started to plan to establish and implement the strategies of Workforce Localization.
Qatarization was established in Qatar and its policy programs were driven to make sure that future generations of local and national citizens would have the appropriate resources passed on to them to achieve and accomplish their goals and business ventures, even with the continued immigration of foreign workforce.
Saudization (also known as Nitaqat) was established in Saudi Arabia. It is a policy program that ensures that all its organizations and businesses first employ at least one local and national citizen for every 10 foreign workers. This strategic initiative also helps increase the job opportunities and employment rates for the women citizen workforce as well.
To Conclude:
With the hopes of decreasing the percentage of the expatriate workforce by the increase in the employment rates of the local and national citizens of the Gulf region, the GCC’s 6-membered countries, have adopted and implemented a policy program called the Workforce Localization. Under this program are several strategic initiatives taken in conjunction with the government as well as the Human Resource Departments of almost all the organizations present. Although initiated years ago, Workforce Localization is an implementation that is still a work in progress but can see a bright future where its goals are achieved.
Visit More : https://entrepreneurgulf.com/workforce-localization-by-gcc-in-the-gulf/
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The Cigarette Industry in Indonesia: Trends and Challenges
Dive into the complex world of the Indonesian cigarette industry with our latest blog, 'The Cigarette Industry in Indonesia: Trends and Challenges.' Discover its fascinating history, current landscape, and the pressing challenges it faces, including health concerns and economic dependency. Explore the industry's notable trends and the potential future prospects that range from stricter regulations to promoting less harmful alternatives. We also delve into the global perspective, shifting demographics and preferences, and the crucial role of the government. Join us in examining this pivotal crossroads where economic interests and public health intersect in Indonesia's evolving tobacco landscape.
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Damodar Bhandari, the Minister for Indus... #Bhandari #Businessgovernmentcollaboration #ConfederationofNepaleseIndustries #Domesticconsumptionpromotion #Domesticindustrialgrowth #Domesticindustries #Economicdiversification #Economicempowerment #economicgrowth. #Economicprosperity #Economicrecoveryinitiatives #economicresilience #economicrevitalization #Economicsustainability #Foreigninvestmentattraction #Governmentsupportforindustry #Governmentindustrypartnership #Governmentprivatesectorcollaboration #increased #Industrial #Industrialcooperation #Industrialinnovation #Industrialinvestment #Industrialpolicy #Industrialproduction #Industrialsectorchallenges #IndustrialsectorcontributiontoGDP #Industrialsectorexpansion #Industrialsectorresilience #Industrialsectorrevitalization #Industrialstrategy #investmentpromotion #Localproductionenhancement #Localresources #MakeinNepal #marketcompetitiveness #Minister #MinisterDamodarBhandari #nepalgdp #Nepalieconomicdevelopment #Nepalieconomicstrategy #Nepaligoods #Nepalimarketdynamics #output #Selfrelianteconomy #SwadeshiSummitr2024 #taxreform
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The Rapidly Emerging Investment Hub in the ME
Business in the ME is taking an interesting turn with economic diversification in Saudi Arabia under Vision 2030. KSA is certainly drawing a lot of attention.
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This blog led to a book. Sort of. Check out “Tapping the West”
So, it sure isn’t 2016 anymore. A lot has happened since! Like the installation of strange(r) leaders. An extraordinary reckoning with racism. A global pandemic. And it’s all still happening with no sign of letting up.
Utterly insignificant in comparison, but nevertheless in the midst of it all, came this, my first book - Tapping the West: How Alberta’s Craft Beer Industry Bubbled out of an Economy Gone Flat.
I’m writing about it here, in what I promise will be the last post of One Year of Alberta Beer, because this blog is what inspired it. If you read any of the posts below, you’ll know that I spent Jan.1 to Dec. 31 of 2016 just trying to get to know Alberta craft beer. What a lovely, overwhelming introduction it was.
When it was all over (the year, not the beer), and the industry would go on to double in size in 2017 then continue to grow beyond that, I decided that I needed to know more. No - I decided that the world needed to know more.
I wondered:
How was it possible that this industry was taking off in this way?
What factors were conspiring to make every trip to the liquor store an hour-long exercise in indecision?
What did the rapid growth say about and mean to Alberta?
Where was it all headed?
And much, much more!
Happily, a publisher called Touchwood Editions also felt the world should know. So there you go: Tapping the West, which I never imagined would ever exist back in that very innocent time of early 2016, is now available for your enjoyment and edification. (Get yours today!)
How about my timing, huh? When this book came out in May, we were in lockdown, scrubbing our hands raw and scrolling endlessly through Netflix. What a world. Alberta beer isn’t going to be the thing that saves it, but I can’t help but think the fact that there’s a lot more of the stuff around right now is good thing.
And that’s not just because the beer is so great. It’s bigger than the beer. It’s the spirit of it all. If only we could tap that.
I hope you enjoy the book. Thanks for reading my blog. The end.
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🇧🇭 One of my best & honorable selfies with a unique & an enabling leader Dr @aaaalshaikh Director of @thebibf at the #economicdiversification forum sponsored by @khcb_bh . Thanks for the honor and the kind invitation, I really enjoyed it learnt from it. 🇧🇭 #صالح_الأنصاري #خواطر_قيادية
#success #time #achievement #leadership #motivation #salehalansari #positive #economy #wisdom #quotes #uae #inspiration #oman #strategy #bahrain #ksa #kuwait #جدة #مكة #المدينة #الخبر #2017 #life #finance #sme (at Four Seasons Hotel Bahrain Bay)
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Leather policy will contribute to economic diversification – Onu
The Minister of Science and Technology, Ogbonnaya Onu, said the Federal Government’s National Leather Policy would contribute significantly to economic diversification of the country. Onu said this when he addressed the Advisory Board of Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists of Nigeria (SLTCN) who paid him a courtesy call in his office on Thursday in Abuja. The minister said that the policy would also help Nigeria in earning more foreign exchange, through export. “Nigeria can earn foreign exchange from leather products and this will protect the country against economic recession. “Leather and textile have been gateway for industrialisation of many countries, Nigeria will be able to develop more sophisticated technologies, through leather and textile,” he said. According to him, the Nigerian Institute of Leather Science Technology is presently supplying the Nigerian Armed Forces with footwears, adding that the development is worth celebrating. He urged leather technologists to help transfer their skills to willing youths, to improve the nation’s productivity as well as Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Earlier, the President, Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists of Nigeria, Dr Solomon Tanko, said leather products had been contributing to GDP. “Leather is an article of international trade which has changed the economies of many nations, through its robust value chains addition. “The global leather trade is put at 100 billion US dollars per annum,” he said. Tanko said it was natural for the country to key into the global trade properly to create jobs for youths. “This will also avail the country an opportunity to produce, not only to meet the local demand but also increase its exports to earn foreign exchange as well as increase the country’s GDP.” The president of the society also said that members society of the society were in the ministry to congratulate Onu on his re-appointment as the minister and to invite him for their forthcoming conference, slated for November. Read the full article
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Strengthening Scotland's Economy Through Diversification: A Strategy for Future Prosperity
Navigating Economic Uncertainty: The Role of Diversification in Scotland’s Future Prosperity Hello, dear readers! In this post, we delve into a topic of critical importance for safeguarding and advancing Scotland's economic future—diversification. As global economic fluctuations continue to challenge predictability, diversifying our economic base becomes essential, not only to weather the storms but also to seize the opportunities emerging from these changes. Scotland's economy has traditionally been anchored in sectors such as oil and gas, finance, and whisky. While these industries remain valuable, their susceptibility to global price shifts, regulatory changes, and other external pressures can be mitigated through a broader diversification strategy. Diversification into sectors such as technology, life sciences, and renewable energy is not just beneficial; it’s imperative for future-proofing our economy. Technology, in particular, offers expansive possibilities. Edinburgh's growing reputation as a tech hub, especially in fintech and artificial intelligence, provides a glimpse into what could be a flourishing sector with the right support and investment. Furthermore, the life sciences sector in Glasgow shows significant potential, driven by innovation and strong academic collaborations that continue to push boundaries and attract international attention. Renewable energy represents another strategic pillar for Scotland. With our vast natural resources, particularly wind and tidal energy, Scotland is well-positioned to become a global leader in renewables. This not only aligns with global moves towards sustainability but also secures a stake in the green economy of the future. However, economic diversification requires more than identifying potential growth sectors; it necessitates a supportive ecosystem. This means investing in education and skills, enhancing infrastructure, and fostering a regulatory environment that encourages innovation and investment. By doing so, we can create a resilient economy that is less vulnerable to external shocks and capable of sustained growth. I invite everyone to share their thoughts on how Scotland can best achieve a diversified and flourishing economy. What industries do you think we should focus on? What measures should be taken to encourage diversification? Thank you for engaging in this crucial conversation about our economic resilience. Warm regards, Alastair Majury *Perspectives Unbound* --- *Follow Alastair Majury for more insights on leveraging economic diversification to strengthen Scotland’s position on the global stage.*
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