#ecompare 2.0 walkthrough
efosa123 · 6 years
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Ecompare 2 0 Review – 🛑 DON’T BUY BEFORE YOU SEE THIS! 🛑 (+ Mega Bonus Included) 🎁 hey guys what's up is Eric here and welcome to my eat compare 2.0 review as you can see right now I'm inside of the dashboard of the plugin it's a wordpress plugin in this video I'm going to show you exactly how it works how its going to make you money and also give you some cool customized bonuses so you can get a maximum result out of this product if you're going to decide to purchase it later on in the video now in short what is this plan about basically it's a plugin that allows you to build a high converting pages for real physical products now the main advantage of this product and it creates pages like this now as you can see it's going to show up this wellbore from a section where it's going to compare prices of the product that you put on your page and it's going to show up the top 3 results and all of these links are going to be your affiliate links so when somebody goes to this page and they're going to see the prices which are real up-to-date prices updated pretty much every single minute or every single hour and they are going to make any purchase from these links you are going to receive a commission now this is not drop shipping or EECOM in its main form so don't confuse it with drop shipping you don't have to buy these products you don't have to own these products you actually don't need to do anything with these products they can be branded they can be any products that you find online that are listed on Amazon eBay and Walmart because you are going to be receiving Commission for them you don't have to pay for shipping you don't have to do any of the manual stuff you just list as many products as you want on your page and the plugin is going to set it up in a way so that the prices are going to be compared and when person finds your page with let's say they want to buy iphone 6s they see the price they click on any of these links obviously they want to go for the cheapest one they click there and you will receive a commission from Amazon now this is a great software or direct plug-in and I will go more into the detail later on in the video but before I do so I also want to show you the custom bonus bundle did I put together for everyone that's going to pick this up through my bonus page so if you want to become this software with the best possible balance bundle or you have to do is just click on the first link in the description you will come to my bonus page which looks like this and then you can watch the video review right here again and then when you click on any of these green buttons to pick up your copy of it compare before this countdown timer runs out you will also receive all these customer bonuses that are right here completely for free immediately after the purchase in your foreo process members area so brown eyed bonuses my bonuses that are on this page are all customized by me they are exclusive to me and you can't find them anywhere else and all these bonuses are specifically put together for each compare 2.0 so you can get the maximum results out of it and get advantage or anyone else that's not going to see this video because you will have these amazing bonuses so my first bonus is the easiest the fastest and the cheapest way to create a wordpress website now as you can see right here it's a wordpress plugin so you'll need to have some kind of a wordpress website to actually use it now this seems to be the most scary thing for people when they are start starting out to set up a website however in this bonus I'm going to show the easiest way that costs around a dollar and takes you two minutes to set up a wordpress web website fully functioning vaulters website so you can start using this plug-in okay they don't have any website tutorial inside of it they take it as grantee that everyone has website but if you are starting out and you don't have a website I'm going to show you exactly how to put it together which is one dollar and two minutes both number two is how to find top-selling products for fast profits with a compare 2.0 now the best part about it compared to point O is that you can fill up your sides with unlimited amount of products however if you are filling your site with products that are not selling you are simply not going to get any commissions so in this bonus I'm going to show you a tutorial how to find the top-selling products so you can start profiting as soon as possible with products that people are searching for and they are buying bonus number three is how to bless your e compare 2.0 pages to first page of Google now if people are searching for these products you might as well show up a stop reserve in Google and it's actually super simple to rank for its keywords so in this bonus I'm going to show you a to ranking hacks that I use pretty much every time when I want to rank for top positions for easy keywords and you can just use these hacks for any page that is on compare because you can just use it over and over the game you can use it for any page that's that you're going to put together ad compare for example let's say this iPhone and it's going to show up in top results and when people are searching for the best price you will show up as the top result top result they will come to your page and they are going to purchase through your page and through your affiliate link so you'll start receiving commissions on autopilot because the rankings will stick on the first page boris number four is how to get red-hot buyers traffic to your pages so this is a traffic tutorial where i'm going to show you how to get high-quality red-hot buyers that are pretty much wanting to buy products from your page how to get them to your page you still can start getting commissions this is a great tutorial and actually it's kind of a loophole that you can use for any page any product that's on your website and start getting commissions pretty much immediately because it works super fast especially for these physical products and for amazon so this is a great way to get traffic high quality traffic to your page is pretty much immediately and my last bonus is access to all vendor bonuses so all the bonuses that are provided by vendor which is pretty much what other filters are going to offer as their custom bonus bundle so that includes WP facebook quiz creator mobile two-step opt-in generator wireless source review pack WordPress in content popup pro wordpress video focus and discount zone and smart commenter so see social quick and that's all the sole these eight bonuses additional and also you'll get access to which skipping so this is one of their best selling products and also access to hukum so another one of their best selling products this is what you get access to in my last bonus so you will get access to all of that and plus four of my customary tutorials just for this product now these some of these are actually brand new created just for this so that's super valuable now if you want to get access to these all you have to do is just click on any of these green buttons that are on this page before this countdown timer runs out and you will receive them immediately after the purchase in your earlier past members area if you have any problems with that just contact me on Facebook and I'll show you how to get access to them now let's check out the product so this is the sales page and the headline goes unique legal and ethical affiliate loophole generates passive income from seven affiliate platforms new and unique price comparison affiliate app and enables you to legally hijack commission from any niche using these seven platforms in minutes guarantee cells by rewiring potential customers super simple headline nothing - nothing over selling actually it's kind of pretty much true and exactly what you're getting I don't have any comments to it it's actually exactly what you compare to is about you can check out the rest of the sales page they are going to show you how this works and actually nice sales page that's going to explain how it compare works however I want to show you exactly what you're getting so this is a plug-in that you're going to get if you're going to install it on your WordPress site and then when you actually visit the plug-in there are many features that that allow you to research the products and also add them on your website so you can choose where you want to get products from some Amazon Aliexpress or eBay these are all affiliate affiliate type of networks where you can get affiliate link for each of the product that you add on your page select ebay category enter your keyword select your category number of results a plea search filters so this is how you actually find the products and how you add them to your website now keep in mind this is not drop shipping okay because you don't have to actually touch the products or supply them or any anything at all this is more of an affiliate marketing with physical products which means that you just set up these websites for as many products as you want and when people are going to purchase these products you don't have to do anything at all you just pocket the Commission and just set up more products so the product finder is right here then there's - port where you can actually there are some products already added and you can see how it works when the some products are added you can add them to featured list remove - shop or shown shop so if you want to create a hiding page for example for specific customer you can just hide it if you want to add some of these best selling products to feature you can just add it there then there's the blogger so some of the more settings from inside articles RSS feeds and some pretty much settings for the black section video curator so if you want to add videos to each of these products from YouTube you don't have to create them yourself you can just add the keywords and it's going to fetch them from YouTube Vimeo or dailymotion settings so this is where you add your API settings to actually receive the Commission and it allows you to get all these affiliate links from all of these different sellers from so from Amazon Aliexpress Walmart Best Buy shop comm CD discount and eBay so one two three four four five six seven so just as they said on the sales page from seven affiliate platforms okay so they aren't actually lying there which is kind of nice to see then there's documentation so little bit more of tutorials and how to actually find stuff how to set it up so these are the tutorials for this plugin however they are not going to show you how to actually create a website which i think is the most difficult task if you don't have website so don't worry I got you carry methods bonus so documentation and then there's the support so this is all it is then then there's also a traffic booster module there and this is how you actually create better-looking pages now the page or the shop that you will create looks something like this this is a demo they already created and it actually looks kind of nice this is something that I would purchase a product from or actually use as a website where I would pick up something from because it doesn't look spam it doesn't look like it's been put together with a $5 plugin and you can see let's say I'm going to click on this phone I click on compare deals and it's going to show up show up the phone and it's going to show me all the best prices now if I want to pick it up let's say from Amazon it costs $5 I'm going to click there and then if I would purchase this the guided two together this page will receive a commission okay so this is great there's also description reviews nice-looking page which compare prices this is super powerful especially for this physical prices because when you are looking for products I'm sure her always looking for the best deals now this is the main product they are also some OTO so I want to go through them right now there are three OTS they are also listed in my bonus page but I want to show them from the JV page so this is what I received for my review so there's the e compare cord main plugin it's the plug-in team training and tutorials price comparison engine 7 platform API live search and profit reviews store builder built-in sliders full customization Amazon one link store built from keyword traffic module and plus much more now there are two versions so installed on three sides or on 10 sides there's a five dollar difference and the price will go up these are all prices where the product is stabbing at during the launch period so the main price is $22 the ten site is $27 now what I recommend that you pick up is the $22 and here's why because it's only on three sides however the first upgrade and lets you add unlimited use so installed on multiple sites and domains so there's really no reason you should go for 10 sites just pick up the first upgrade and you have unlimited use and you can save like $10 right here okay so don't go for the ten side version go for the three side and pick up the pro version which is actually my recommended plugin sorry we recommend the oto it's thirty seven dollars but it basically allows you to use it on unlimited websites unlimited domains and basically it has no limitations so there are three edition store themes Facebook compatible theme built-in counters the content spinner add your own really videos two distinct email lead collection with multiple triggers so it also allows you to build email lists and get you unlimited use which are I think the main features other than that is just kind of fluffy so my recommendation is go for $22 version and then pick up the OTO that pretty much gets rid of any limitations then there's also a master upgrade so that's OTO number two its first forty seven dollars and it allows you to set up and sell econ pair stores to customers set up stores for clients build stores and flip them for big money including some pretty much they are allowing you to sell these stores put them together and sell them for customers who can actually just profit from making these stores couple hundred dollars for each store you don't have to worry about traffic you don't have to worry about products you just put together store sell it on Fiverr sell it on Flippa but they also but I really like about it is they are also going to give you a video tutorial how to actually sell these stores so they are not just thinking you already know how to do it they are also being you additional tutorial how to flip these stores and also the last OTO is compared to agency for $77 this is pretty much a reseller license so you can just send traffic to let's do this sales page and pack it hundred a hundred percent of the Commission's so on all the out heroes so if you want to be an affiliate for this product you can just pick up the last OTO for seventy seven dollars send traffic to the main page to your affiliate link and then on all out heroes you will receive one hundred percent commission instead of fifty percent so my recommendation is go for $22 version or the cheapest cheaper version on the sales page and then pick up the OTO number one which is pretty much to unlimited use that way you can save some money and you don't have to just stick with the limited version okay so that's it that's all about a compare to point now in my opinion it's pretty solid product it's pretty solid software and it doesn't feel just like it's made for a couple of weeks and then these guys are not going to support it because it's going to be launched by trust guide trustworthy guys in this space and I believe you can make a lot of money from using this product especially if you're going to use these ninja tactics from my bonuses that I put together specifically for it compared to point out so that's it I do like this product I do I do recommend that you pick it up if you are interested in it I'm not saying it's a bad product so if you're going to pick it up you're not going to regret it so that's it I hope you enjoy my review thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one bye 34 more words
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efosa123 · 6 years
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eCompare 2.0 Review 🔥 Demo 🔥 BIG Bonus 🔥🔥🔥 econ pari 2.0 review hey what's up guys this is art from art of marketing blog calm a place where I help you make money online and this is my a compared two point overview and this is something that will blow your mind alright so if you don't know EECOM or e-commerce is a billion dollar plus per year industry right so a ton of people want to make money with econ but is actually pretty hard because there is so much competition right well this piece of software will do all the work for you because what it does it you know first of all I can set up a an e-commerce store very very fast with it but then what it does it it will pull all the different prices from the internet and it will show it to your customer right so your visitor your buyer don't really have to go anywhere else they are just going to your website they get all the different prices from Amazon from eBay from you know all these different ecommerce sites and what every day click on whatever they buy you make a sale and you make a commission and even if they click away from your site and they buy something else that is not on your site you still make a commission so whatever they do you make a commission you know if they buy wherever whatever at whatever price you always make a commission so this is a revolutionary piece of software that everyone that was to make money with a comb just needs bright and if you don't want to get anything yet if you don't want to get in take a me you should because again I'm I'm pretty sure you would like a slice of this billion dollar per year pie and again a comb is complicated but this software makes it super super easy so I'm going to show you the sales page inside of the members area I'm gonna have a full demo we're gonna go through all of the upsells and I have 10 amazing bonuses you're gonna get nowhere else but from myself ok so let me share my screen and show you everything that you need to know about it right so this is what you will see once it goes live as you can see it says it compared to point O you big legal and ethical affiliate loophole generate passive income from seven affiliate platforms so again all you're gonna have to do is set up your econ store this you know this plugin will actually help you to do this as well and they will display it will automatically automatically pull in seven different prices or on any type of a product that you have in sight so instantly any visitors that will land in your store will first of all see all the different prices so they know that they don't have to leave and see our sites second of all they will treat you as an expert because you will see them you will show them different results and thirdly even if they click away and don't use any of your affiliate links you will still get paid because everything is crooked okay so if they will pick one of the seven links that they get you get paid on all seven if they are clicking away you are also getting paid crazy right new and unique price commission affiliate app enables you to legal hijack commission from any niche using these seven platforms in minutes so guarantee sales by rewarding potential customers will become they're gonna have a little a video sales letter here eekum pair 2.0 this is the name of the product and obviously it's my econ pare 2.0 review so you know I'm not going to go through all of it but you know it talks about EECOM it talks about how it aches it uses this loophole because no you know if you go to any econ store essentially the only options is you is to buy or leave you know that's the only two options you have with this app you have a bunch of different options to get paid so you know it's a pretty crazy way again it compared to point out this is the name of the product and and essentially gonna be not tricking your buyer into buying it but you will just give them the best option wherever they go online so they will want to buy day already go to your site with the intention to buy because they are just looking for the best price you give them but the best price and even if you they click away buy something else you still get the Commission so crazy and by the way traffic is included in this so if you're worried about traffic it will be included with this product so as you scroll down a little bit more they have some testimonials obviously they're gonna have a money-back guarantee some video testimonials over four days money-back guarantee and they will have a couple of price options right here I'm going to show you all of that in a second but first of all I wanted to show you the inside so this is how it looks like on the back end so obviously I have the dashboard right here you know you can control all of your products so we could access all this from here then you have a product finder where you can choose an important you have Amazon Aliexpress eBay then you got all the categories everything else I'm gonna have a full demo on my blog if you want to see everything in detail okay but I just wanted to show you all of the options so you have a blogger integration video creator you can actually access settings right here documentation support you have a little welcome video right here and you have also a traffic booster module which means that you know you can actually use templates and preferences and you know publishing may be publishing posts to get traffic to your econ store so if you're worried about traffic don't worry it is included in this system you can you know set it up and and you know super super easy to make money with because again you will be presenting all available options to your buyer so normally when people will end on your econ store they already want to buy like there's a new iPhone coming out they know that they will want to buy this iPhone they're just looking for the best deal and you will give them the best deal and even if they all decide not to buy an iPhone but an Android even if you don't have it in your store they will go to Amazon and buy you will still get credited because you are cooking and they will buy through your affiliate link this is the power of this eekum paired 2.0 product ok so again I'm gonna have a full demo on my blog right here so if you're watching this on my blog you should see this demo right here you can also check it out on YouTube but right now before I'm going to show you my bonuses I'm going to show you all of the upsells so you can see II compared core this is the main product it will be thirty seven dollars or forty seven dollars depending on the if you want to install it on free sites or on ten sites but the starting price the discounted price is just twenty two and twenty seven so a 15 dollar discount huge if you will show up today at 11 a.m. 798 more words
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efosa123 · 6 years
Ecompare 2 0 Review and Exclusive Discounts
Ecompare 2 0 Review and Exclusive Discounts
hey guys how you doing it’s great to have you here I’m Dan Ashe and off and today we’re gonna be looking at something really for States a new product that’s just what we launched it’s called be compared and I’m just really quickly show you what it is we’ll have a look at some of my income stats as well because this is all about e-commerce I do a lot of e-commerce I’ll show you what’s possible and…
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efosa123 · 6 years
Ecompare Review With Bonus | Ecompare 2.0 WP Store Builder
Ecompare Review With Bonus | Ecompare 2.0 WP Store Builder
[UltraVid id=263 ]Ecompare 2.0 review: https://www.affiliatetuber.com – Ecompare is the original and ultimate 7 networks affiliate store builder with live price comparison.
Includes features such as: 7 Platform API: eCompare 2 Integration with 7 of the top shopping platforms and builds up your site store with listing content, images, and reviews.
Global affiliate link embedded across the site.…
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efosa123 · 6 years
Ecompare Review With Bonus | Ecompare 2.0 WP Store Builder
Ecompare Review With Bonus | Ecompare 2.0 WP Store Builder
[UltraVid id=232 ]Ecompare 2.0 review: https://www.affiliatetuber.com – Ecompare is the original and ultimate 7 networks affiliate store builder with live price comparison.
Includes features such as: 7 Platform API: eCompare 2 Integration with 7 of the top shopping platforms and builds up your site store with listing content, images, and reviews.
Global affiliate link embedded across the site.…
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