#ecompare 2.0 review and bonus
efosa123 · 6 years
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eCompare 2.0 Review 🔥 Demo 🔥 BIG Bonus 🔥🔥🔥 econ pari 2.0 review hey what's up guys this is art from art of marketing blog calm a place where I help you make money online and this is my a compared two point overview and this is something that will blow your mind alright so if you don't know EECOM or e-commerce is a billion dollar plus per year industry right so a ton of people want to make money with econ but is actually pretty hard because there is so much competition right well this piece of software will do all the work for you because what it does it you know first of all I can set up a an e-commerce store very very fast with it but then what it does it it will pull all the different prices from the internet and it will show it to your customer right so your visitor your buyer don't really have to go anywhere else they are just going to your website they get all the different prices from Amazon from eBay from you know all these different ecommerce sites and what every day click on whatever they buy you make a sale and you make a commission and even if they click away from your site and they buy something else that is not on your site you still make a commission so whatever they do you make a commission you know if they buy wherever whatever at whatever price you always make a commission so this is a revolutionary piece of software that everyone that was to make money with a comb just needs bright and if you don't want to get anything yet if you don't want to get in take a me you should because again I'm I'm pretty sure you would like a slice of this billion dollar per year pie and again a comb is complicated but this software makes it super super easy so I'm going to show you the sales page inside of the members area I'm gonna have a full demo we're gonna go through all of the upsells and I have 10 amazing bonuses you're gonna get nowhere else but from myself ok so let me share my screen and show you everything that you need to know about it right so this is what you will see once it goes live as you can see it says it compared to point O you big legal and ethical affiliate loophole generate passive income from seven affiliate platforms so again all you're gonna have to do is set up your econ store this you know this plugin will actually help you to do this as well and they will display it will automatically automatically pull in seven different prices or on any type of a product that you have in sight so instantly any visitors that will land in your store will first of all see all the different prices so they know that they don't have to leave and see our sites second of all they will treat you as an expert because you will see them you will show them different results and thirdly even if they click away and don't use any of your affiliate links you will still get paid because everything is crooked okay so if they will pick one of the seven links that they get you get paid on all seven if they are clicking away you are also getting paid crazy right new and unique price commission affiliate app enables you to legal hijack commission from any niche using these seven platforms in minutes so guarantee sales by rewarding potential customers will become they're gonna have a little a video sales letter here eekum pair 2.0 this is the name of the product and obviously it's my econ pare 2.0 review so you know I'm not going to go through all of it but you know it talks about EECOM it talks about how it aches it uses this loophole because no you know if you go to any econ store essentially the only options is you is to buy or leave you know that's the only two options you have with this app you have a bunch of different options to get paid so you know it's a pretty crazy way again it compared to point out this is the name of the product and and essentially gonna be not tricking your buyer into buying it but you will just give them the best option wherever they go online so they will want to buy day already go to your site with the intention to buy because they are just looking for the best price you give them but the best price and even if you they click away buy something else you still get the Commission so crazy and by the way traffic is included in this so if you're worried about traffic it will be included with this product so as you scroll down a little bit more they have some testimonials obviously they're gonna have a money-back guarantee some video testimonials over four days money-back guarantee and they will have a couple of price options right here I'm going to show you all of that in a second but first of all I wanted to show you the inside so this is how it looks like on the back end so obviously I have the dashboard right here you know you can control all of your products so we could access all this from here then you have a product finder where you can choose an important you have Amazon Aliexpress eBay then you got all the categories everything else I'm gonna have a full demo on my blog if you want to see everything in detail okay but I just wanted to show you all of the options so you have a blogger integration video creator you can actually access settings right here documentation support you have a little welcome video right here and you have also a traffic booster module which means that you know you can actually use templates and preferences and you know publishing may be publishing posts to get traffic to your econ store so if you're worried about traffic don't worry it is included in this system you can you know set it up and and you know super super easy to make money with because again you will be presenting all available options to your buyer so normally when people will end on your econ store they already want to buy like there's a new iPhone coming out they know that they will want to buy this iPhone they're just looking for the best deal and you will give them the best deal and even if they all decide not to buy an iPhone but an Android even if you don't have it in your store they will go to Amazon and buy you will still get credited because you are cooking and they will buy through your affiliate link this is the power of this eekum paired 2.0 product ok so again I'm gonna have a full demo on my blog right here so if you're watching this on my blog you should see this demo right here you can also check it out on YouTube but right now before I'm going to show you my bonuses I'm going to show you all of the upsells so you can see II compared core this is the main product it will be thirty seven dollars or forty seven dollars depending on the if you want to install it on free sites or on ten sites but the starting price the discounted price is just twenty two and twenty seven so a 15 dollar discount huge if you will show up today at 11 a.m. 798 more words
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artofimarketing · 6 years
eCompare 2.0 Review 🔥 Demo 🔥 BIG Bonus 🔥🔥🔥
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videomarket3 · 6 years
Ecompare Review With Bonus | Ecompare 2.0 WP Store Builder
from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2nP_NS3KLw from https://affiliatetube0.blogspot.com/2019/03/ecompare-review-with-bonus-ecompare-20.html
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jvzooproductsclub · 6 years
DigiiBiz Review | Demo | Exclusive Bonus Package | Create Your Own Digital Product In Minutes
DigiiBiz Review | Demo | Exclusive Bonus Package | Create Your Own Digital Product In Minutes
Learn more here: http://mattmartin.club/index.php/2018/06/11/digiibiz-review-demo-exclusive-bonus-package-create-your-own-digital-product-in-minutes/
Welcome To MattMartin.Club!
Thank You So Much For Taking The Time In Checking Out My Review On "DigiiBiz"
Hope You Will Enjoy It!
Start Your Own Digital Product Empire In A Minute
Product Creator Mark Bishop Product Name DigiiBiz Front-End Price $37.00 Niche Software Bonuses YES! Mega Bonus Package Listed Below! Refund 30 Days Money Back Guarantee Recommendation Yes, 100% from Matt Martin 🙂 Launch Date 2018 – June – 11th @ 11:00 AM EST Official Website Checkout "DigiiBiz" Official Site
Click Here @ 11:00 AM EST on 2018-June-11th To Get An Early Bird Discount On "DigiiBiz" Along With My Exclusive Bonuses
The truth of it is… the marketers who make the real money online are the same ones who have their own products to sell and give away. But you probably already knew that didn’t you. So, what’s stopping you creating your own products and taking your business to the next level?
Is it because you have no experience?
Maybe you don’t have any results?
Perhaps you simply don’t know where to begin?
Or maybe you just don’t have the time or money to do it?
Any one of those reasons might be stopping you from creating your own products… but deep down you still know that without your own products it’s going to be hard, if not impossible to really make it online… which is why I’m writing to you today. What if you could create software and info based products with no experience, knowledge or cost? Products you could sell or better still give away to drive traffic, build your list and make real money online everyday. What if you could do the whole thing in less than 5 minutes. Would that help?
If you answered yes so let’s check out my DigiiBiz Review, You will find a solution for yourself today!
Your Own Digital Products… it’s where the real money is OK so I might have overplayed that headline a little. So let me clarify – No, you can’t build a digital product empire in 60 seconds… But you can build your first digital product in under a minute… with zero experience & zero cost as you’re about to discover.
Pretty much everyone knows that you need products to make the real money online. When you have your own products, you make the big money, you can drive traffic, you can make more in affiliate commission and you can build your lists bigger and faster. But… There’s a Problem Putting your own High Quality Digital Product together isn’t easy. In fact it’s actually pretty difficult. Or… it was. Creating your own digital products used to be hard work, time consuming and costly… but not any more. Not with this brand-new product creating software. It’s called DIGIIBIZ.
DIGIIBIZ is a Cloud Based App that enables you to create your own Software and Info based products in minutes, without the huge learning curve and a sack full of cash. There’s nothing to download. You won’t need domains, websites or Hosting – Just log-in, create a product, use one of the page templates and you’re done…
DigiiBiz Rating - 9.1/10
Quality - 9/10
Features - 10/10
Support - 9/10
Easy to use - 8.5/10
Bonus - 9/10
PROS - 100% Newbie Friendly Cloud Based Web App - Create Instant Digital Products In 60 Seconds - Produce Plugin based Products – Choose from 100s of Plugins - Turn Any WebPage into Profitable Digital Products - Sales Page Templates Included - No Domain or Hosting Required CONS - This special offer is only available in a limited time
Mark Bishop with his partner Venkata Ramana are the vendors who have invented DigiiBiz, as well as a lot of other hot products and services on JVZoo. With his real-life experience in the field of digital marketing, Mark has succeeded in helping numerous online entrepreneurs to become prosperous within their niches.
There are multiple products signed up under the name Mark Bishop, but some most outstanding ones are Instant Profit Silos, Blox, VidSkippy 2.0, Blooom and eCompare. Don’t miss out on the next part of my DigiiBiz Review as I will further explain its features.
DIGIIBIZ enables you to quickly put together products you can use as leverage in your own online business regardless of where you are right now… Products you can use as lead magnets, BLOX magnets, digital products you can distribute freely for viral traffic, or products you can sell. And you can do it all in minutes: Experience and additional funds are not a barrier when using this fully configured web app.
Let’s take a minute to recap the features of this product:
Plugin Based & PDF Based
Cloud based APP… Simple to use interface (Newbie Friendly)
Will convert any webpage article into a pdf…Content can be edited and links changed / added before rendering as a PDF
1 Click: Choose PDF in User Interface
Instant: Drop in any page or post URL & Select
Full Pre PDF Editor lets you edit all content, Images and Links before rendering
Direct download or hosted PDF for distribution
Plugin: search, build and deploy…
Plugin search / finder: will display 20 plugin results for any specific keyword or niche user enters.
Use Plugin – Download or Host on DigiiBiz (No additional Cost)
Landing Page Sales page Templates (fully editable) – Chose from 6 professionally designed pages
Page Builder Features: Add Text, Divs, Images, countdown timers, notify-boxes, exit-delay popups, footer FB complaint links, Autoresponder code (all on drag drop)
Thank you page (Editable)
Fully hosted pages… landing and thank-you pages
Direct HTML Page (optional) download
Direct Plugin (optional) download
Tutorials / training
No Domains, Hosting or Additional Cost Required
You will find training videos inside of Digiibiz. I doubt you’ll need them as the creators designed everything to be ridiculously easy, but the training is there should you need it.
PDF based Info Products, Training Products & Lead Magnets are huge. PDFs sell by the truck load. But you don’t need to sell them to make a killing! Nope… Affiliates – are turning simple little PDFs into $100s in Affiliate Commission each and every week… some are making $1000s. PDFs grow your list and they can fill your Bank Account with Affiliate commissions.
Simple… It may appear simple but, producing your own PDFs that you can sell or give away to make more affiliate commission and grow your email list is much harder than people think. At least it is when you do it the old way.
For Example…
There’s the research… you’ll have to do the research first regardless of what the content is.
You’ll need to outline and structure the complete document
And then of course you’ll need to sit in front of your computer and write the whole thing from start to finish – Most people give up at this point.
And you’ll need to turn the Doc into a PDF and host it…
Or… You Could Outsource the Whole Thing
But expect to pay $200+ just to get started. That’s DigiiBiz where comes into play. You can now create a Plugin or PDF Based Product with a few clicks, in around 60 seconds.
DIGIIBIZ is different & it’s unique, but most importantly; it works. You probably already know you need your own digital products… you know that’s how people really make money online. But: creating your own products has always been difficult… Until Now! There’s nothing to download… You won’t need domains, websites or Hosting – Just log-in, create a product, use one of the page templates and you’re done. It’s perfect for building High Value lead magnets and it’s suitable for Newbies too.
The creators always go the extra mile to make everything as simple to use as possible, DIGIIBIZ is no exception. If you haven’t already watched the demo video below, watch it now so you can see just how easy DIGIIBIZ is to use.
In addition, you will be getting tons of the vendor’s greatest bonuses for your fast action
Is it enough awesomeness for you? Because you will be also receiving my ULTIMATE huge bonuses. Those treasures are waiting for you at the end of this DigiiBiz Review. And even though you do nothing but only read my DigiiBiz Review, to thanks for your kind support, I still give you free bonuses. So keep reading then scroll your mouse down!
With DigiiBiz, You can Build a Plugin (Software) Based Product in 5 Steps:
Step 1
Log-In to DIGIIBIZ & Select the New Campaign Icon. Add the Name of the project and the product name… Then choose Plugin from the two options to build a Plugin based product.
Step 2
Add a keyword relating to the niche you want to target your Plugin based product at. Then click search.
Step 3
Choose from 6 Plugins to use for your project. You’ll find 6 Plugins for each keyword you enter… So you will never run out of Plugins for your projects.
Step 4
Sales Page / Landing Page. Choose from one of the ‘Fully Editable’ Pro-Designed Templates. Edit the template to suite your product. Or Start from Scratch with the Drag-and-Drop Page Builder
Step 5
Thank You Page. Edit the pre-configured Thank You page to suite your own product. You’ll find each and every part of the Thank You page fully editable.
Digiibiz also hosts everything for you, so you won’t need domains or hosting. And that believe it or not is just the start… DIGIIBIZ also enables users to build Info Products out of existing web content… wanna see how?
  Checkout The Demo Below To See It In Action!
Click Here @ 11:00 AM EST on 2018-June-11th To Get An Early Bird Discount On "DigiiBiz" Along With My Exclusive Bonuses
For a limited time, you can grab DigiiBiz with early bird discount price in these options below. Let’s pick the best suited options for you before this special offer gone!
Front-end: DigiiBiz ($24) >> See Details <<
Cloud based APP… Simple to use interface.
Option 1: User can create up to 50 campaigns every month (Quota refreshed each month)
Option 2: User can create up to 10 campaigns every month (Quota refreshed each month)
DigiiBiz Pro (OTO1) ($33) >> See Details <<
No Monthly Campaign Restrictions – Create unlimited campaigns.
Plugin search / finder: will display unlimited results for any specific keyword or niche user enters.
PDF Maker Pro: Will convert any webpage, article + any Facebook Fan-page into a pdf… All fully editable / linkable.
Pro Template selection: Choose from 14 pre-configured (fully editable) landing page templates.
Full stats: User can view stats, such as visitor numbers and country origins.
WP DigiiBiz Plugin: Enables custom links for all pages… (I.e pages hosted on user’s site).
DigiiBiz MAX – OTO2 ($27) >> See Details <<
Monthly template club… Brand new Templates added each and every month (all templates are fully editable)
Agency lite: Users can produce and sell, run/host DigiiBiz projects as a service.
eCover Marker… Build perceived value with stunning ecover/box covers for each DigiiBiz project.
DigiiBiz Ninja – OTO3 ($18) >> See Details <<
Straight to the Money ‘Ninja’ Training videos. Digiibiz is designed to be as simple and obvious to use as possible, and of course the software comes complete with training videos.
However they know that some people will be looking for instant gratification, so they’ve included a number of straight to the point ‘Ninja’ videos… perfect for anyone wanting to jump straight into the action.
DigiiBiz – Full Agency License – OTO4 ($67) >> See Details <<
250 user license
100 user license
#1. Sell to customers directly & set them up inside DigiiBiz… Price determined by user (must be equal or more than DigiiBiz) sell DigiiBiz to others and then add them to the platform in ‘Admin’
#2. They can re-sell DigiiBiz via their affiliate link for 100% commission
Let’s act now, don’t delay and grab it now while it’s still at the lowest price possible! And Just feel free to give it a try, because You have a full 30 days to put this to the test and make sure that this is for you. If you do not see any results within this period then please reach out to them. The Helpdesk Team is always there to help you out and make sure that you have been following the correct procedures.
In summary, I hope that all of the information in my Digiibiz Review can help you gain more understanding about this product and then be able to make a wise choice. If you’re ready to start making a real online income in the most passive way possible then click the button below before the price rises. I am look forward to seeing your success.
However, in case you are in need of any advice, please feel free to keep in touch with me anytime. Regardless, thank you for reading my Digiibiz Review. Goodbye, and see you again!
Click Here @ 11:00 AM EST on 2018-June-11th To Get An Early Bird Discount On "DigiiBiz" Along With My Exclusive Bonuses
  PLUS, You Will Be Getting These "2018 WordPress Ultra-Mega Plugin Bundle" As Bonuses For Your Fast Action:
The 2018 WordPress Ultra-Mega Plugin Bundle
A rare once-in-a-lifetime Super Mega Bundle on all the best WordPress Plugins to take your site to the next level and beyond.
For the 1st time, we are including all 4 our of Mega WordPress Plugin Bundles into one Super-Mega Bundle. This will be the only chance to get $4000 worth of Premium WordPress Plugins for a one off price that is 98% off of the regular pricing.
Volume 1: includes all the Social Media and Engagement plugins you will ever need for any type of WordPress based site
Volume 2: includes all the Marketing Plugins you would need
Volume 3: expands on all these by offering additional tools
Volume 4: Includes everything else that is necessary for fast loading sites.
  Volume 1 Includes: ($3785 Value)
Volume 2 Includes:
Volume 3 Includes:
  Click Here @ 11:00 AM EST on 2018-June-11th To Get An Early Bird Discount On "DigiiBiz" Along With My Exclusive Bonuses
1. Clear Your Cookies in your Web Browser (Ctrl + Shift + Delete) 2. Purchase Products Through My Email/Website 3. Contact Me Here OR Here On FB with the receipt of your purchase 4. ALL Bonuses in General Internet Marketing Bonuses Package is Yours & You will receive them within 12-48 hours.
  #DigiiBiz, #DigiiBiz_Bonus, #DigiiBiz_Demo, #DigiiBiz_Review
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efosa123 · 6 years
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Ecompare 2 0 Review – 🛑 DON’T BUY BEFORE YOU SEE THIS! 🛑 (+ Mega Bonus Included) 🎁 hey guys what's up is Eric here and welcome to my eat compare 2.0 review as you can see right now I'm inside of the dashboard of the plugin it's a wordpress plugin in this video I'm going to show you exactly how it works how its going to make you money and also give you some cool customized bonuses so you can get a maximum result out of this product if you're going to decide to purchase it later on in the video now in short what is this plan about basically it's a plugin that allows you to build a high converting pages for real physical products now the main advantage of this product and it creates pages like this now as you can see it's going to show up this wellbore from a section where it's going to compare prices of the product that you put on your page and it's going to show up the top 3 results and all of these links are going to be your affiliate links so when somebody goes to this page and they're going to see the prices which are real up-to-date prices updated pretty much every single minute or every single hour and they are going to make any purchase from these links you are going to receive a commission now this is not drop shipping or EECOM in its main form so don't confuse it with drop shipping you don't have to buy these products you don't have to own these products you actually don't need to do anything with these products they can be branded they can be any products that you find online that are listed on Amazon eBay and Walmart because you are going to be receiving Commission for them you don't have to pay for shipping you don't have to do any of the manual stuff you just list as many products as you want on your page and the plugin is going to set it up in a way so that the prices are going to be compared and when person finds your page with let's say they want to buy iphone 6s they see the price they click on any of these links obviously they want to go for the cheapest one they click there and you will receive a commission from Amazon now this is a great software or direct plug-in and I will go more into the detail later on in the video but before I do so I also want to show you the custom bonus bundle did I put together for everyone that's going to pick this up through my bonus page so if you want to become this software with the best possible balance bundle or you have to do is just click on the first link in the description you will come to my bonus page which looks like this and then you can watch the video review right here again and then when you click on any of these green buttons to pick up your copy of it compare before this countdown timer runs out you will also receive all these customer bonuses that are right here completely for free immediately after the purchase in your foreo process members area so brown eyed bonuses my bonuses that are on this page are all customized by me they are exclusive to me and you can't find them anywhere else and all these bonuses are specifically put together for each compare 2.0 so you can get the maximum results out of it and get advantage or anyone else that's not going to see this video because you will have these amazing bonuses so my first bonus is the easiest the fastest and the cheapest way to create a wordpress website now as you can see right here it's a wordpress plugin so you'll need to have some kind of a wordpress website to actually use it now this seems to be the most scary thing for people when they are start starting out to set up a website however in this bonus I'm going to show the easiest way that costs around a dollar and takes you two minutes to set up a wordpress web website fully functioning vaulters website so you can start using this plug-in okay they don't have any website tutorial inside of it they take it as grantee that everyone has website but if you are starting out and you don't have a website I'm going to show you exactly how to put it together which is one dollar and two minutes both number two is how to find top-selling products for fast profits with a compare 2.0 now the best part about it compared to point O is that you can fill up your sides with unlimited amount of products however if you are filling your site with products that are not selling you are simply not going to get any commissions so in this bonus I'm going to show you a tutorial how to find the top-selling products so you can start profiting as soon as possible with products that people are searching for and they are buying bonus number three is how to bless your e compare 2.0 pages to first page of Google now if people are searching for these products you might as well show up a stop reserve in Google and it's actually super simple to rank for its keywords so in this bonus I'm going to show you a to ranking hacks that I use pretty much every time when I want to rank for top positions for easy keywords and you can just use these hacks for any page that is on compare because you can just use it over and over the game you can use it for any page that's that you're going to put together ad compare for example let's say this iPhone and it's going to show up in top results and when people are searching for the best price you will show up as the top result top result they will come to your page and they are going to purchase through your page and through your affiliate link so you'll start receiving commissions on autopilot because the rankings will stick on the first page boris number four is how to get red-hot buyers traffic to your pages so this is a traffic tutorial where i'm going to show you how to get high-quality red-hot buyers that are pretty much wanting to buy products from your page how to get them to your page you still can start getting commissions this is a great tutorial and actually it's kind of a loophole that you can use for any page any product that's on your website and start getting commissions pretty much immediately because it works super fast especially for these physical products and for amazon so this is a great way to get traffic high quality traffic to your page is pretty much immediately and my last bonus is access to all vendor bonuses so all the bonuses that are provided by vendor which is pretty much what other filters are going to offer as their custom bonus bundle so that includes WP facebook quiz creator mobile two-step opt-in generator wireless source review pack WordPress in content popup pro wordpress video focus and discount zone and smart commenter so see social quick and that's all the sole these eight bonuses additional and also you'll get access to which skipping so this is one of their best selling products and also access to hukum so another one of their best selling products this is what you get access to in my last bonus so you will get access to all of that and plus four of my customary tutorials just for this product now these some of these are actually brand new created just for this so that's super valuable now if you want to get access to these all you have to do is just click on any of these green buttons that are on this page before this countdown timer runs out and you will receive them immediately after the purchase in your earlier past members area if you have any problems with that just contact me on Facebook and I'll show you how to get access to them now let's check out the product so this is the sales page and the headline goes unique legal and ethical affiliate loophole generates passive income from seven affiliate platforms new and unique price comparison affiliate app and enables you to legally hijack commission from any niche using these seven platforms in minutes guarantee cells by rewiring potential customers super simple headline nothing - nothing over selling actually it's kind of pretty much true and exactly what you're getting I don't have any comments to it it's actually exactly what you compare to is about you can check out the rest of the sales page they are going to show you how this works and actually nice sales page that's going to explain how it compare works however I want to show you exactly what you're getting so this is a plug-in that you're going to get if you're going to install it on your WordPress site and then when you actually visit the plug-in there are many features that that allow you to research the products and also add them on your website so you can choose where you want to get products from some Amazon Aliexpress or eBay these are all affiliate affiliate type of networks where you can get affiliate link for each of the product that you add on your page select ebay category enter your keyword select your category number of results a plea search filters so this is how you actually find the products and how you add them to your website now keep in mind this is not drop shipping okay because you don't have to actually touch the products or supply them or any anything at all this is more of an affiliate marketing with physical products which means that you just set up these websites for as many products as you want and when people are going to purchase these products you don't have to do anything at all you just pocket the Commission and just set up more products so the product finder is right here then there's - port where you can actually there are some products already added and you can see how it works when the some products are added you can add them to featured list remove - shop or shown shop so if you want to create a hiding page for example for specific customer you can just hide it if you want to add some of these best selling products to feature you can just add it there then there's the blogger so some of the more settings from inside articles RSS feeds and some pretty much settings for the black section video curator so if you want to add videos to each of these products from YouTube you don't have to create them yourself you can just add the keywords and it's going to fetch them from YouTube Vimeo or dailymotion settings so this is where you add your API settings to actually receive the Commission and it allows you to get all these affiliate links from all of these different sellers from so from Amazon Aliexpress Walmart Best Buy shop comm CD discount and eBay so one two three four four five six seven so just as they said on the sales page from seven affiliate platforms okay so they aren't actually lying there which is kind of nice to see then there's documentation so little bit more of tutorials and how to actually find stuff how to set it up so these are the tutorials for this plugin however they are not going to show you how to actually create a website which i think is the most difficult task if you don't have website so don't worry I got you carry methods bonus so documentation and then there's the support so this is all it is then then there's also a traffic booster module there and this is how you actually create better-looking pages now the page or the shop that you will create looks something like this this is a demo they already created and it actually looks kind of nice this is something that I would purchase a product from or actually use as a website where I would pick up something from because it doesn't look spam it doesn't look like it's been put together with a $5 plugin and you can see let's say I'm going to click on this phone I click on compare deals and it's going to show up show up the phone and it's going to show me all the best prices now if I want to pick it up let's say from Amazon it costs $5 I'm going to click there and then if I would purchase this the guided two together this page will receive a commission okay so this is great there's also description reviews nice-looking page which compare prices this is super powerful especially for this physical prices because when you are looking for products I'm sure her always looking for the best deals now this is the main product they are also some OTO so I want to go through them right now there are three OTS they are also listed in my bonus page but I want to show them from the JV page so this is what I received for my review so there's the e compare cord main plugin it's the plug-in team training and tutorials price comparison engine 7 platform API live search and profit reviews store builder built-in sliders full customization Amazon one link store built from keyword traffic module and plus much more now there are two versions so installed on three sides or on 10 sides there's a five dollar difference and the price will go up these are all prices where the product is stabbing at during the launch period so the main price is $22 the ten site is $27 now what I recommend that you pick up is the $22 and here's why because it's only on three sides however the first upgrade and lets you add unlimited use so installed on multiple sites and domains so there's really no reason you should go for 10 sites just pick up the first upgrade and you have unlimited use and you can save like $10 right here okay so don't go for the ten side version go for the three side and pick up the pro version which is actually my recommended plugin sorry we recommend the oto it's thirty seven dollars but it basically allows you to use it on unlimited websites unlimited domains and basically it has no limitations so there are three edition store themes Facebook compatible theme built-in counters the content spinner add your own really videos two distinct email lead collection with multiple triggers so it also allows you to build email lists and get you unlimited use which are I think the main features other than that is just kind of fluffy so my recommendation is go for $22 version and then pick up the OTO that pretty much gets rid of any limitations then there's also a master upgrade so that's OTO number two its first forty seven dollars and it allows you to set up and sell econ pair stores to customers set up stores for clients build stores and flip them for big money including some pretty much they are allowing you to sell these stores put them together and sell them for customers who can actually just profit from making these stores couple hundred dollars for each store you don't have to worry about traffic you don't have to worry about products you just put together store sell it on Fiverr sell it on Flippa but they also but I really like about it is they are also going to give you a video tutorial how to actually sell these stores so they are not just thinking you already know how to do it they are also being you additional tutorial how to flip these stores and also the last OTO is compared to agency for $77 this is pretty much a reseller license so you can just send traffic to let's do this sales page and pack it hundred a hundred percent of the Commission's so on all the out heroes so if you want to be an affiliate for this product you can just pick up the last OTO for seventy seven dollars send traffic to the main page to your affiliate link and then on all out heroes you will receive one hundred percent commission instead of fifty percent so my recommendation is go for $22 version or the cheapest cheaper version on the sales page and then pick up the OTO number one which is pretty much to unlimited use that way you can save some money and you don't have to just stick with the limited version okay so that's it that's all about a compare to point now in my opinion it's pretty solid product it's pretty solid software and it doesn't feel just like it's made for a couple of weeks and then these guys are not going to support it because it's going to be launched by trust guide trustworthy guys in this space and I believe you can make a lot of money from using this product especially if you're going to use these ninja tactics from my bonuses that I put together specifically for it compared to point out so that's it I do like this product I do I do recommend that you pick it up if you are interested in it I'm not saying it's a bad product so if you're going to pick it up you're not going to regret it so that's it I hope you enjoy my review thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one bye 34 more words
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efosa123 · 6 years
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eCompare 2.0 Review Demo Bonus – 7 eCom Platform Live Price Comparison Store Builder hi and welcome to a compare now before we literally blow your mind with this brand-new technology and the live demo let me ask you a question are you an affiliate an internet marketer do sell or promote anything online perhaps you're just getting started but haven't figured out how to effectively generate income online yet okay and one more question how would you like to sell more and make more without lifting a finger a silly question really who wouldn't want to make more money without having to do more so let me tell you how it's simple really you offer your customers options and choices on what they buy and where they buy it from it's called price comparison or shopping comparison and where you can do this effectively you'll make more a lot more regardless of where your customers buy did you know that sales of physical products online surpassed sales on the high street it's true 53 percent of global internet users have made an online purchase in the last year alone that's over 1 billion online shoppers and that figure is growing by the day online shopping has become a 1 trillion dollar a year industry because it's easy and because shoppers have choices it's easy for them to find the best deal and the best price without ever leaving the house and that's both good and bad if you sell online good because people are now happy to purchase online bad because all those choices mean they're less likely to buy from you but we have a risk-free and highly effective solution now I'm sure you know that selling physical products online is risky right you have to raise money for stock arrange shipping and then store it all you have to build and configure your online store pay someone to do it for you or pay to use a platform like Shopify then you have to pay for ads in order to sell that stock and you still have to hope it sells and makes a profit like I said risky and it's why more and more marketers have become ecommerce affiliates ie you this product you don't own and collect a commission when somebody buy is perfect but there's still an issue what anyone actually buy from you ask yourself why should they buy from you after all they may be able to get the same product cheaper from another online store the reality is you could spend weeks perfecting your store you could spend time and money driving traffic and still end up making little to no money that's what happens in most cases so we developed a compare B compare is a unique app and theme which uses an ethical loophole to create your very own e-commerce stores in under five minutes from seven leading online retailers within minutes econ pair will populate your ecommerce stores with hundreds of products all linked to your global affiliate link which means you get paid regardless of where your customers purchase you compare builds all of your listings for you it pulls and formats descriptions titles images reviews videos and dynamic pricing so all you have to do is choose which products to include but that's not the best bit econ pair is unique because it ethically forces people to buy you see each compare store you build comes complete with a very unique piece of technology called a price comparison engine price comparison is the key to more sales without additional work sites like these are made a fortune capitalizing on price comparison and now you can do the same by using a comparison engine on each product you list and sell you're letting the customer decide which of the prices or deals they value the best they never leave your site in search of a better deal and you never lift a finger it's a win-win imagine how much easier it will be to make more sales by simply giving customers price options they can pick whatever prices work best for them and no matter what they pick you make a profit take a look at this customer visits your store and clicks on the product they're interested in as soon as they do that your price comparison engine instantly searches our seven retail platforms for the same products and delivers the results right there in your listing the whole thing happens life there's no need for your customers to go anywhere off because you've just found the best deal for them and when they choose one of those options you get a commission and here's something else that will help you make money from the very start let's say your store is brand new and you haven't completely filled it yet a customer visits your store and drops a product name or search term into your stores life search normally this would result in no stock and no self but be compared is different when someone does a live search on your store our app instantly pulls all the search related products into your store so your customer can still find what they're looking for and you still make a sale it's true there are many affiliate store builders available to you but there are none that often these features you get with a compare number offer 7 platform API integration with global affiliate links and number offer integrated price comparison this technology is brand new it's never been done before and you won't find it anywhere else 81% of shoppers research products online before purchasing which makes comparison shopping the number one way of converting people on your site into buyers when you help your customers find the best deal and best price you make more it's as simple as that you compare gives you the ability to set up real online businesses in minutes without risk but more importantly it turns browsers into buyers so are you ready to build a real business selling real products isn't it about time you started making money instead of spending it well with a compare you can and you can start today but there is a snag you see the door Stewie compared at closing they're closing on this heavily discounted launch price so you need to take advantage of this unique opportunity right now you'll find the access button right under this video along with all the other ecomp air package features and remember when he helps your customers find the best price they will buy from you so grab this brand new technology and get started today in this video I'm going to quickly show you how to set up you compare to and why I think it's the best affiliate store builder that you're going to come across now of course there are tons and tons of affiliate store builders online you may have want to see yourself but if I take you over to the site and show you this one unique feature there's a ton of unique features with it that you can pair to but I'm going to show you this one because this is the one that really pulls in your customers and turns your stores into actual profit ok so this is a demo site there's only a few products on here but if I click here you can see that it runs a life of a price comparison now this price comparison engine is built into II compared tip those bitman City compare 1e compare to is the upgraded version and we've got an awful lot of additional features built in so you can see straightaway we have prices from Amazon eBay we don't have one from Alibaba but we have one from Walmart so we have three different prices here and regardless of wherever your customer decides to purchase let's just say that they click buy now from Amazon you get a commission again it doesn't matter where they buy from providing you've got your affiliate links clicked into all of the different platforms I'm I'll show you that in just a moment but you can see the power of this know you can also see that we have the images we have social media if I pull this Korean over here we've also added in shopping car and wish list now a shopping cart is an additional element as is wish list but shopping cart now allows 90 day cookies so for example if you've done any affiliate econ work before then you'll know that Amazon is only a 24 hour cookie so that means if your potential customer doesn't buy today and doesn't buy tomorrow then you lose out on that Commission however with you compared to because of the 90 day cookie tech if they click here and then they come back in say 89 days time for example you still get a commission before that transaction now you can see that we have descriptions so descriptions are curated they're pulled in which is great for SEO especially if you're focusing your stores on specific marketplaces niches which we suggest that you do we also have refused these reports directly from Amazon if you've chosen Amazon in the product settings which I'll show you in a moment customers can also believe their own reviews here so let me take you over to the blog now so you can you can put a blog around these products around your niche with curated content and you can monetize it we have a number of videos there so again this is great for SEO forget to the home page you see that we have a sliders we have bestsellers all of this can be set up in settings I'll show you that in a moment you can add store products you can add your autoresponder so you can build a list you can collect emails from your store and we have all of the legal pages okay so I'm going to show you this future this additional feature before I take you into the admin area so here you can see little search bar so this is a live search feature and what it allows your customers to do is to search for products which may or may not be on your site now let's assume that you've just sets up a sigh and like this one you know we've only got a few products on here and this one let's just say it's about phones and let's say the customer was looking for a different brand so we put that in there and then we click search now obviously this phone these products are not on the site at the moment but you can see here that it pulls up those products so what happens is any potential customer on your site looking for a product which you may or may not have on your site can still search and if they decide to compare deals click here or buy that product then you still get a commission even though it's not actually on your site at the moment so this one here for example I could can i bounce a car again this is cooking for 90 days to wishlist so you can see that we're in the cart there and we're also added to the wishlist there so if I click here you see it's up here and you can proceed to checkout so this is far more like a real econ store than it is an affiliate store builder now setting up in compare to is very very straightforward you will need your self hosted WordPress installation we do have instructions on how to set up all the basics inside the members area but again if you used to say that would precise then this is an absolute breeze so obviously you're going to need to install the seam and you're going to need to install the plugin so first of all let me just show you the theme so you can see here that we have a pro theme this is fully customizable so you can customize it so any niche you like any interest very easy to customize very cool looking it comes with built-in sliders and the host of features to make it powerful in any niche market so next I'll take you over to you compare to this is the plug-in I'm going to show you how to set it up so this will just be a quick run-through you can just see how easy it is so initially you'll need to get the settings you need to add in your details for the platforms you want to use obviously the comparison engine will only use the platforms that you've integrated with you compared see obviously so you can see that you can choose from or you can add Amazon Aliexpress Walmart Best Buy shop comm see discount an eBay you can say become a settings there but these are the details that you need to add in order for the comparison engine to work now if you decided that you only want to use say Amazon and eBay which are probably the most common referral platforms to use then you can just use those and the comparison engine will just search and compare from those two sites but again there are seven sites here and you can integrate all of them so once you've done that go over to the dashboard actually if I go over to the product finder then you start adding products here so for example the Lancer pull a product from Amazon or I can different Aliexpress or ebay must washed so you put a keyword in there we can set up categories or choose to select categories we can choose a number of results that we're gonna find we can add filters here click fetch products once the products are added to your new affiliate store they're self updating all that means is if a product runs out of stock or price changes on say Amazon or Ebay or any of the other platforms then it will change automatically in your store so you're not going to run into problems of having zero stock will simply click through or the price changing when they click through to the platform everything changes automatically inside your eekum pair affiliate store now one of the biggest issues with any online business is lack of traffic obviously you need traffic in order for you to drive sales having an affiliate store is great but without traffic then it's just a great-looking store it's not going to make you any money so we recommend that you build each door around specific niches however we've added in a couple of features which will allow you to drive traffic almost instantly so of course you can share each place across social media as soon as you add the product you can share it but nearly every other store builder does that so we've added our own traffic booster so if I hover here you can see traffic booster I click there and you can set up your traffic to run directly from inside of your admin - set up everything here set up the templates preferences and this is a viral system so essentially if you're just starting out you don't have traffic your site's not yet established and it's not appearing in Google then simply use the inbuilt traffic booster to start driving traffic to your pages and to your offers and we compared to has unlimited stock potential so it's slightly different in as much as it lets you have as much dock on your store as for as you want there are no restrictions you can have thousands and thousands of products really makes no difference and we put no restriction on how many products you can add to your store now of course you may not want to have all of those products showing or listing at the same time you might want to show some and then some another time we have a number of sliders built in we have featured products that you can set everything up from this - here so if you go to dashboard just pull this up here if you get a dashboard you can set everything up here like I say this is just a demo store so there are not too many promise in here at the moment but you can see how easy it is to set up so you can you can add products to a featured list removed from featured hide from shop shot my shop and so on inside of the store settings you can set up and customize your theme so you can add your own logo you can turn on or switch off slider in pretty much control all of the sliders everything from inside of this panel here you can set up your life search settings so if you remember I showed you that if you put a keyword in the search bar people search and make a profit if they purchased here you can set up live search settings so if you remember I showed you that if somebody put in a keyword you could still potentially profit somebody clicks somebody runs a search for a profit that's not necessarily on your site they click through the purchase and you get a commission you default keyword in there insert discounts here and you can turn on the discount switch selector we have built in SEO options for SEO traffic retargeting blog options and many other features all built in to this - here Pam there are a ton of other features but essentially if you're just starting out you're interested in results you're interested in having something that's easy to set up that looks good and works I think you see that eke impaired is very very straightforward very very slick looking but perhaps the most important aspect is the fact that you can add as much stock as you want you don't have to carry any stock you weren't commission from anything that anybody buys on your store and the price comparison engine makes this a unique tool there is nothing else like it when you offer people the best deal the best price they will purchase from you you 17 more words
0 notes
efosa123 · 6 years
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eCompare 2.0 Review Demo – Build Price Comparison eCommerce Stores in this video I'm going to quickly show you how to set up he compared to and why I think it's the best affiliate store builder that you're going to come across now of course there are tons and tons of affiliate store builders online you may have want to see yourself but if I take you over to the site and show you this one unique feature there's a ton of unique features with you compare to but I'm going to show you this one because this is the one that really pulls in your customers and turns your stores into actual profit okay so this is a demo site there's only a few products on here but if I click here you can see that it runs a life of price comparison now this price comparison engine is built in City compared SIPP pros Bittman City compare 1e compared to is the upgraded version and we've got an awful lot of additional features built in so you can see straightaway we have prices from Amazon eBay we don't have one from Alibaba but we have one from Walmart so we have three different prices here and regardless of wherever your customer decides to purchase let's just say that they click buy now from Amazon you get a commission again it doesn't matter where they buy from providing you've got your affiliate legs clicked into all of the different platforms and I'll show you that in just a moment but you can see the power of this now you can also see that we have the images we have social media if I pull this screen over here we've also added in shopping cart and wishlist now shopping cart is an additional element as is wish list but shopping cart now allows 90-day cookies so for example if you've done any affiliate econ work before then you'll know that Amazon is only a 24 hour cookie so that means if your potential customer doesn't buy today and doesn't buy tomorrow then you lose out on that Commission however with you compared to because of the 90 day cookie Tech if they click here and then they come back in say 89 days time for example you still get a commission before that transaction now you can see that we have descriptions descriptions or curated they're pulled in which is great for SEO especially if you focus in your stores on specific marketplaces and issues which we suggest that you do we also have refused these reports directly from Amazon if you've chosen Amazon in the product settings which I'll show you in a moment customers can also leave their own reviews here so let me take you over to the blog now so you can you can put the blog around these products around your niche we have curated content and you can monetize it see that we have a number of videos there so again this is great for SEO forget to the homepage you can see that we have a slightest we have bestsellers all of this can be set up in settings I'll show you that in a moment you can add store products you can add your autoresponder so you can build a list you can collect emails from your store and we have all of the legal pages okay so I'm going to show you this feature this additional feature before I take you into the admin area so here you can see little search bar now this is a live search feature and what it allows your customers to do is to search for products which may or may not be on your site now let's assume that you've just sets up a cyan like this one you know we've only got a few products on here and this one let's just say it's about phones and let's say the customer was looking for a different brand so we put that in there and then we click search now obviously this phone these products are not on the site at the moment but you can see here that it pulls up those products so what happens is any potential customer on your site looking for a product which you may or may not have on your site can still search and if they decide to compare deals click here or buy that product then you still get a commission even though it's not actually on your site at the moment so this one here for example I could can i bounce a car again this is cooking for 90 days to wishlist so you can see that we're in the car there and we're also added to the wishlist there so if I click here you'll see it's up here and you can proceed to checkout so this is far more like a real econ store than it is an affiliate store builder now setting up in compare to is very very straightforward you will need your self hosted WordPress installation we do have instructions on how to set up all the basics inside the members area but again if you used to say that with precise then this is an absolute breeze so obviously you're going to need to install the seam and you're going to need to install the plugin so first of all let me just show you the theme so you can see here that we have a pro theme this is fully customizable so you can customize it any niche you like any interest very easy to customize very cool looking it comes with built-in sliders and the host of features to make it powerful in any niche market so next let's take you over to you compared to this is the plug-in I'm going to show you how to set it up so this will just be a quick run-through beating just see how easy it is so initially you need to get the settings you need to add in your details for the platforms that you want to use obviously the comparison engine will only use the platforms that you've integrated with you compared to obviously so you can see that you can choose from or you can add Amazon Aliexpress Walmart Best Buy shop calm sea discount an eBay you can say become a settings there but these are the details that you need to add in order for the comparison engine to work now if you decided that you only want to use say Amazon and eBay which are probably the most common referral platforms to use then you can just use those and the comparison engine will just search and compare from those two sites but again there are seven sites here and you can integrate all of them so once you've done that go over to the dashboard actually if we go over to the product finder then you start adding products here so for example the Lancer pull a product from Amazon or I can different Aliexpress or eBay must watched so you put a keyword in there we can set up categories or choose to select categories we can choose a number of results that we want to find we can add filters here click fetch products once the products are added to your new affiliate store they're self updating all that means is if a product runs out of stock or price changes on say amazon or ebay or any of the other platforms then it will change automatically in your store so you're not going to run into problems of having zero stock when somebody click-through or the price changing when they click through to the platform everything changes automatically inside your eekum pair affiliate store now one of the biggest issues with any online business is lack of traffic obviously you need traffic in order for you to drive sales having an affiliate store is great but without traffic then it's just a great-looking store it's not going to make you any money so we recommend that you build each door around two specific niches however we've added in a couple of features which will allow you to drive traffic almost instantly so of course you can share each place across social media soon as you add the product you can share it but nearly every other store builder does that so we've added our own traffic booster so if I hover here you can see traffic booster I click there and you can set up your traffic to run directly from inside of your admin - set up everything here select the templates preferences and this is a viral system so essentially if you're just starting out you don't have traffic your site's not yet established and it's not appearing in Google then simply use the inbuilt traffic booster to start driving traffic to your pages into your office and we compared to has unlimited stock potential so it's slightly different in as much as it lets you have as much stock on your store as for as you want there are no restrictions you can have thousands and thousands of products really makes no difference and we put no restriction on how many products you can add to your store now of course you may not want to have all of those products showing or listing at the same time you might want to show some and then some another time we have a number of sliders built in we have featured products that you can set everything up from this - here so if you go to dashboard just pull this up here if you go to dashboard you can set everything up here like I say this is just a demo store so there are not too many promise in here at the moment but you can see how easy it is to set up so you can you can add products to a featured list removed from featured hide from shop shaman shop and so on inside of the store settings you can set up and customize your theme so you can add your own logo you can turn on or switch off slider in pretty much control all of the sliders everything from inside of this panel here you can setup your life search settings so if you remember I showed you that if you put a keyword in the search bar good search and make a profit if they purchased here you can set up live search settings so if you remember I showed you that if somebody put in a keyword you could still potentially profit somebody clicks somebody runs a search for a product that's not necessarily on your site they click through the purchase and you get a commission you've put a fault keyword in there instead of discounts here and you can turn on the discount switch selector we have built in SEO options for SEO traffic retargeting blog options and many other features all built in to this - here Pam there are a ton of other features but essentially if you're just starting out you're interested in results you're interested in having something that's easy to set up that looks good and works I think you see that you compare is very very straightforward very very slick looking but perhaps the most important aspect is the fact that you can add as much stock as you want you don't have to carry any stock you weren't commissioned from anything that anybody buys on your store and the price comparison engine makes this a unique tool there is nothing else like it would you offer people the best deal the best price they will purchase from you 9 more words
0 notes
efosa123 · 6 years
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Ecompare 2 0 Mark Bishop Review and Bonuses
0 notes
efosa123 · 6 years
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BEST ECompare 2.0 BONUS And Review – ECompare 2.0 Discount hi and welcome to a compare now before we literally blow your mind with this brand-new technology and the live demo let me ask you a question are you an affiliate an internet marketer do sell or promote anything online perhaps you're just getting started but haven't figured out how to effectively generate income online yet okay and one more question how would you like to sell more and make more without lifting a finger a silly question really who wouldn't want to make more money without having to do more so let me tell you how it's simple really you offer your customers options and choices on what they buy and where they buy it from it's called price comparison or shopping comparison and where you can do this effectively you'll make more a lot more regardless of where your customers buy did you know that sales of physical products online surpassed sales on the high street it's true 53 percent of global internet users have made an online purchase in the last year alone that's over 1 billion online shoppers and that figure is growing by the day online shopping has become a 1 trillion dollar a year industry because it's easy and because shoppers have choices it's easy for them to find the best deal and the best price without ever leaving the house and that's both good and bad if you sell online good because people are now happy to purchase online bad because all those choices mean they're less likely to buy from you but we have a risk-free and highly effective solution now I'm sure you know that selling physical products online is risky right you have to raise money for stock arrange shipping and then store it all you have to build and configure your online store pay someone to do it for you or pay to use a platform like Shopify then you have to pay for ads in order to sell that stock and you still have to hope it sells and makes a profit like I said risky and it's why more and more marketers have become ecommerce affiliates ie you less product you don't own and collect a commission when somebody buys is perfect but there's still an issue what anyone actually buy from you ask yourself why should they buy from you after all they may be able to get the same product cheaper from another online store the reality is you could spend weeks perfecting your store you could spend time and money driving traffic and still end up making little to no money that's what happens in most cases so we developed a compare B compare is a unique app and theme which uses an ethical loophole to create your very own e-commerce stores in under five minutes from seven leading online retailers within minutes econ pair will populate your ecommerce stores with hundreds of products all linked to your global affiliate link which means you get paid regardless of where your customers purchase you compare builds all of your listings for you if calls and formats descriptions titles images reviews videos and dynamic pricing so all you have to do is choose which products to include but that's not the best bit econ pair is unique because it ethically forces people to buy you see each compare store you built comes complete with a very unique piece of technology called a price comparison engine price comparison is the key to more sales without additional work sites like these are made a fortune capitalizing on price comparison and now you can do the same by using a comparison engine on each product you list and sell you're letting the customer decide which of the prices or deals they value the best they never leave your site in search of a better deal and you never lift the finger it's a win-win imagine how much easier it will be to make more sales by simply giving customers price options they can pick whatever prices work best for them and no matter what they pick you make a profit take a look at this customer visits your store and clicks on the product they're interested in as soon as they do that your price comparison engine instantly searches our seven retail platforms for the same products and delivers the results right there in your listing the whole thing happens life there's no need for your customers to go anywhere off because you found the best deal for them and when they choose one of those options you get a commission and here's something else that will help you make money from the very start let's say your store is brand-new and you haven't completely filled it yet a customer visits your store and drops a product name or search term into your stores life search normally this would result in no stock and no sale but be compared is different when someone does a live search on your store our app instantly pulls all the search related products into your store so your customer can still find what they're looking for and you still make a sale it's true there are many affiliate store builders available to you but there are none that often these features you get with econ pair number offer seven platform API integration with global affiliate links and none that offer integrated price comparison this technology is brand new it's never been done before and you won't find it anywhere else 81 percent of shoppers research products online before purchasing which makes comparison shopping the number one way of converting people on your site into buyers when you help your customers find the best deal and best price you make more it's as simple as that you compare gives you the ability to set up real online businesses in minutes without risk but more importantly it turns browsers into buyers so are you ready to build a real business selling real products isn't it about time you started making money instead of spending it well with a compare you can and you can start today but there is a snag you see the door Stewie compared at closing they're closing on this heavily discounted launch price so you need to take advantage of this unique opportunity right now you'll find the access button right under this video along with all the other ecomp air package features and remember when you help your customers find the best price they will buy from you so grab this brand-new technology and get started today 12 more words
0 notes
efosa123 · 6 years
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Ecompare Review With Bonus || Ecompare 2.0 WP Store Builder Demo in this video I'm going to quickly show you how to set up he compared to and why I think it's the best affiliate store builder that you're going to come across now of course there are tons and tons of affiliate store builders online you may have want to see yourself but if I take you over to the site and show you this one unique feature there's a ton of unique features with you compared to you but I'm going to show you this one because this is the one that really pulls in your customers and turns your stores into actual profit ok so this is a demo site there's only a few products on here but if I click here you can see that it runs a life of a price comparison that this price comparison engine is built into II compared to those Bittman City compare 1e compared to is the upgraded version and we've got an awful lot of additional features built in so you can see straight away we have prices from Amazon eBay we don't have one from Alibaba but we have one from Walmart so we have three different prices here and regardless of wherever your customer decides to purchase let's just say that they click buy now from Amazon you get a commission again it doesn't matter where they buy from providing you've got your affiliate links clicked into all of the different platforms and I'll show you that in just a moment but you can see the power of this now you can also see that we have the images we have social media if I pull this green over here we've also added in shopping cart and wishlist now shopping cart is an additional element as is wish list but shopping cart now allows 90-day cookies so for example if you've done any affiliate econ work before then you'll know that Amazon is only a 24 hour cookie so that means if your potential customer doesn't buy today and it doesn't buy tomorrow then you lose out on that Commission however with you compared to because of the 90 day cookie tech if they click here and then they come back in say 89 days time for example you still get a commission before that transaction now you can see that we have descriptions so descriptions are curated they're pulled in which is great for SEO especially if you focus in your stores on specific marketplaces and issues which we suggest that you do we also have refused the support directly from Amazon if you've chosen Amazon in the product settings which I'll show you in a moment customers can also believe their own reviews here so let me take you over to the blog now so you can learn you can put the blog around these products around your niche with curated content and you can monetize it you know we have a number of videos there so again this is great for SEO forgets a home page you can see that we have a sliders we have bestsellers all of this can be set up in settings I'll show you that in a moment you can add store products you can add your autoresponder so you can build a list you can collect emails from your store and we have all of the legal pages okay so I'm going to show you this feature this additional feature before I take you into the admin area so here you can see little search box now this is a live search feature and what it allows your customers to do is to search for products which may or may not be on your site now let's assume that you've just sets up a cyan like this one you know we've only got a few products on here and this one let's just say it's about phones and let's say the customer was looking for a different brand so we pulled that in there and then we click search now obviously this phone these products are not on the site at the moment but you can see here that it pulls up those products so what happens is any potential customer on your site looking for a product which you may or may not have on your site can still search and if they decide to compare deals click here or buy that product then you still get a commission even though it's not actually on your site at the moment so this one here for example I could have that once a car again this is cooking for 90 days to wish list so you can see that we're in the car there and we're also added to the wish list there so if I click here you'll see it's up here and you can proceed to checkout so this is far more like a real econ store than it is an affiliate store builder now setting up in compare to is very very straightforward you will need your self hosted WordPress installation we do have instructions on how to set up all the basics inside the members area but again if you used to setting up WordPress sites then this is an absolute breeze so obviously you're going to need to install the seam and you're gonna need to install the plugin so first of all let me just show you the theme so you can see here that we have a pro theme this is fully customizable so you can customize it so any niche you like any interest very easy to customize very cool-looking and comes with built in sliders and the host of features to make it powerful in any niche market so next let's take you over to you can pet see this is a plug-in I'm going to show you how to set it up so this will just be a quick run-through you can just see how easy it is so initially you'll need to get the settings you need to add in your details for the platforms that you want to use obviously the comparison engine will only use the platforms that you've integrated with you compared to obviously so you can see that you can choose from or you can add Amazon Aliexpress Walmart Best Buy shop comm see discount an eBay you can say become the settings there but these are the details that you need to add in order for the comparison engine to work now if you decided that you only want to use say Amazon and eBay which are probably the most common referral platforms to use then you can just use those and the comparison engine will just search and compare from those two sites but again there are seven sites here and you can integrate all of them so once you've done that go over to the dashboard actually have to go over to the product finder then you start adding products here so for example the Lancer pull a product from Amazon or I can different Aliexpress or eBay must watched so you put a keyword in there we can set up categories or choose to select categories we can choose a number of results that we want to find we can add filters years click fetch products once the products are added to your new affiliate store they're self updating all that means is if a product runs out of stock or price changes on say amazon or ebay or any of the other platforms then it will change automatically in your store so not going to run into problems of having zero stock and assembly click throw or the price changing when they click through to the platform everything changes automatically inside your eke impaired affiliate store now one of the biggest issues with any online business is lack of traffic obviously you need traffic in order for you to drive sales having an affiliate store is great but without traffic then it's just a great-looking store it's not gonna make you any money so we recommend that you build each door around specific niches however we've added in a couple of features which will allow you to drive traffic almost instantly so of course you can share each place across social media as soon as you add the product you can share it but nearly every other store builder does that so we've added our own traffic booster so if I hover here you can see traffic booster I click there and you can set up your traffic to run directly from inside of your admin - set up everything here set up the templates preferences and this is a viral system so essentially if you're just starting out you don't have traffic your site's not yet established and it's not appearing in Google then simply use the inbuilt traffic booster to start driving traffic to your pages into your office and we compared to has unlimited stock potential so it's slightly different in as much as it lets you have as much dock on your store as for as you want there are no restrictions you can have thousands and thousands of products really makes no difference and we put no restriction on how many products you can add to your store now of course you may not want to have all of those products showing or listing at the same time you might want to show some and then some another time we have a number of sliders built in we have featured products that you can set everything up from this - here so if you go to dashboard just pull this up here if you get a dashboard didn't set everything up here like I say this is just a demo store so there are not too many products in here at the moment but you can see how easy it is to set up so you can you can add products to a featured list removed from featured hide from shop shot my shop and so on inside of the store settings you can set up and customize your theme so you can add your own logo you can turn on or switch off slider in pretty much control all of the sliders everything from inside of this panel here you can set up your life search settings so if you remember I showed you that if you put a keyword in the search bar people search and make a profit if they purchased here you can set up live search settings so if you remember I showed you that if somebody put in a keyword you could still potentially profit somebody clicks somebody runs a search for a product that's not necessarily on your site they click through the purchase and you get a commission you can put a default keyword in there insert discounts here and you can turn on the discount switch selector we have built in SEO options for SEO traffic retargeting blog options and many other features all built in to this - here Pam there are a ton of other features but essentially if you're just starting out you're interested in results you're interested in having something that's easy to set up that looks good and works I think you see that eke impaired is very very straightforward very very slick looking but perhaps the most important aspect is the fact that you can add as much stock as you want you don't have to carry any stock you weren't commissioned from anything that anybody buys on your store and the price comparison engine makes this a unique tool there is nothing else like it when you offer people the best deal the best price they will purchase from you 11 more words
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efosa123 · 6 years
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eCompare 2.0 Review Demo – Build Price Comparison eCommerce Stores in this video I'm going to quickly show you how to set up he compared to and why I think it's the best affiliate store builder that you're going to come across now of course there are tons and tons of affiliate store builders online you may have want to see yourself but if I take you over to the site and show you this one unique feature there's a ton of unique features with you compare to but I'm going to show you this one because this is the one that really pulls in your customers and turns your stores into actual profit okay so this is a demo site there's only a few products on here but if I click here you can see that it runs a life of price comparison now this price comparison engine is built in City compared SIPP pros Bittman City compare 1e compared to is the upgraded version and we've got an awful lot of additional features built in so you can see straightaway we have prices from Amazon eBay we don't have one from Alibaba but we have one from Walmart so we have three different prices here and regardless of wherever your customer decides to purchase let's just say that they click buy now from Amazon you get a commission again it doesn't matter where they buy from providing you've got your affiliate legs clicked into all of the different platforms and I'll show you that in just a moment but you can see the power of this now you can also see that we have the images we have social media if I pull this screen over here we've also added in shopping cart and wishlist now shopping cart is an additional element as is wish list but shopping cart now allows 90-day cookies so for example if you've done any affiliate econ work before then you'll know that Amazon is only a 24 hour cookie so that means if your potential customer doesn't buy today and doesn't buy tomorrow then you lose out on that Commission however with you compared to because of the 90 day cookie Tech if they click here and then they come back in say 89 days time for example you still get a commission before that transaction now you can see that we have descriptions descriptions or curated they're pulled in which is great for SEO especially if you focus in your stores on specific marketplaces and issues which we suggest that you do we also have refused these reports directly from Amazon if you've chosen Amazon in the product settings which I'll show you in a moment customers can also leave their own reviews here so let me take you over to the blog now so you can you can put the blog around these products around your niche we have curated content and you can monetize it see that we have a number of videos there so again this is great for SEO forget to the homepage you can see that we have a slightest we have bestsellers all of this can be set up in settings I'll show you that in a moment you can add store products you can add your autoresponder so you can build a list you can collect emails from your store and we have all of the legal pages okay so I'm going to show you this feature this additional feature before I take you into the admin area so here you can see little search bar now this is a live search feature and what it allows your customers to do is to search for products which may or may not be on your site now let's assume that you've just sets up a cyan like this one you know we've only got a few products on here and this one let's just say it's about phones and let's say the customer was looking for a different brand so we put that in there and then we click search now obviously this phone these products are not on the site at the moment but you can see here that it pulls up those products so what happens is any potential customer on your site looking for a product which you may or may not have on your site can still search and if they decide to compare deals click here or buy that product then you still get a commission even though it's not actually on your site at the moment so this one here for example I could can i bounce a car again this is cooking for 90 days to wishlist so you can see that we're in the car there and we're also added to the wishlist there so if I click here you'll see it's up here and you can proceed to checkout so this is far more like a real econ store than it is an affiliate store builder now setting up in compare to is very very straightforward you will need your self hosted WordPress installation we do have instructions on how to set up all the basics inside the members area but again if you used to say that with precise then this is an absolute breeze so obviously you're going to need to install the seam and you're going to need to install the plugin so first of all let me just show you the theme so you can see here that we have a pro theme this is fully customizable so you can customize it any niche you like any interest very easy to customize very cool looking it comes with built-in sliders and the host of features to make it powerful in any niche market so next let's take you over to you compared to this is the plug-in I'm going to show you how to set it up so this will just be a quick run-through beating just see how easy it is so initially you need to get the settings you need to add in your details for the platforms that you want to use obviously the comparison engine will only use the platforms that you've integrated with you compared to obviously so you can see that you can choose from or you can add Amazon Aliexpress Walmart Best Buy shop calm sea discount an eBay you can say become a settings there but these are the details that you need to add in order for the comparison engine to work now if you decided that you only want to use say Amazon and eBay which are probably the most common referral platforms to use then you can just use those and the comparison engine will just search and compare from those two sites but again there are seven sites here and you can integrate all of them so once you've done that go over to the dashboard actually if we go over to the product finder then you start adding products here so for example the Lancer pull a product from Amazon or I can different Aliexpress or eBay must watched so you put a keyword in there we can set up categories or choose to select categories we can choose a number of results that we want to find we can add filters here click fetch products once the products are added to your new affiliate store they're self updating all that means is if a product runs out of stock or price changes on say amazon or ebay or any of the other platforms then it will change automatically in your store so you're not going to run into problems of having zero stock when somebody click-through or the price changing when they click through to the platform everything changes automatically inside your eekum pair affiliate store now one of the biggest issues with any online business is lack of traffic obviously you need traffic in order for you to drive sales having an affiliate store is great but without traffic then it's just a great-looking store it's not going to make you any money so we recommend that you build each door around two specific niches however we've added in a couple of features which will allow you to drive traffic almost instantly so of course you can share each place across social media soon as you add the product you can share it but nearly every other store builder does that so we've added our own traffic booster so if I hover here you can see traffic booster I click there and you can set up your traffic to run directly from inside of your admin - set up everything here select the templates preferences and this is a viral system so essentially if you're just starting out you don't have traffic your site's not yet established and it's not appearing in Google then simply use the inbuilt traffic booster to start driving traffic to your pages into your office and we compared to has unlimited stock potential so it's slightly different in as much as it lets you have as much stock on your store as for as you want there are no restrictions you can have thousands and thousands of products really makes no difference and we put no restriction on how many products you can add to your store now of course you may not want to have all of those products showing or listing at the same time you might want to show some and then some another time we have a number of sliders built in we have featured products that you can set everything up from this - here so if you go to dashboard just pull this up here if you go to dashboard you can set everything up here like I say this is just a demo store so there are not too many promise in here at the moment but you can see how easy it is to set up so you can you can add products to a featured list removed from featured hide from shop shaman shop and so on inside of the store settings you can set up and customize your theme so you can add your own logo you can turn on or switch off slider in pretty much control all of the sliders everything from inside of this panel here you can setup your life search settings so if you remember I showed you that if you put a keyword in the search bar good search and make a profit if they purchased here you can set up live search settings so if you remember I showed you that if somebody put in a keyword you could still potentially profit somebody clicks somebody runs a search for a product that's not necessarily on your site they click through the purchase and you get a commission you've put a fault keyword in there instead of discounts here and you can turn on the discount switch selector we have built in SEO options for SEO traffic retargeting blog options and many other features all built in to this - here Pam there are a ton of other features but essentially if you're just starting out you're interested in results you're interested in having something that's easy to set up that looks good and works I think you see that you compare is very very straightforward very very slick looking but perhaps the most important aspect is the fact that you can add as much stock as you want you don't have to carry any stock you weren't commissioned from anything that anybody buys on your store and the price comparison engine makes this a unique tool there is nothing else like it would you offer people the best deal the best price they will purchase from you 9 more words
0 notes
efosa123 · 6 years
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Ecompare 2.0 Review & EXTRA Bonuses hey Trevor Kyle here very very excited to let you know that I've created some brand-new bespoke training for a compared to I've actually built a site and I'm showing you how to install what had to set up you domain how to set up your name servers install WordPress how to get your a compared to site up and running how to get nice sexy looking slider images on there it's all good and it's all gonna be very very simple for you in minutes to get it done so let me show you what I've got for you because this has been why we're doing today um is super excited down here on my review page you'll see the bundles are going so you need to get in as fast as you can there's only four days left of this well four days a bit left at the launch but I've added this this is my brand new a compare 2.0 training how to setup and install WordPress how to setup and install a compare two point hope that 2.0 2.0 how to set up your Amazon products on key compare 2.0 includes and in products making them featured the default search terms etc how to improve your branding with sexy looking sliders I show you how to create the sliders I show you how to make the sliders look like mine and I'm going to show you my site in a second and you're gonna go travel here one of those well you can get one you can get more than one this is really easy stuff guys so I'm also if I show you just here we've also got just then I can show you that there's the training that I've recorded for you today as I've been going through but you can see look ten twenty three twenty you know this may be half an hour there so this is not like long-winded stuff and look this is my site here and you can see that it looks super sexy so this is on top of the bonus bundle that you were already getting fit Skippy 2.0 my bonus bundle for bid Skippy 2.0 niche synergy the awesome ultra pop live as well as Facebook quiz creator step in step up chin generator viral source review pack in content popup Pro video focus this counselor and smart member blah blah blah blah blah all of that stuff you're gonna get all of that but you get this brand-new training there as well alright and this is gonna make all the difference to this is going to enable you to really fast rate so if you were thinking I know I had some of you email me and saying I don't even know how to like set up a wordpress science stuff like that that's taking care of in this training all right I've done it for you today and look what I've created the this here if I just refresh it so you see my sliders this is my toys website and I think your admit this is looking pretty damned impressive this was all created pretty much before your eyes your very eyes in my training I'll show you how I created these these sexy looking sliders how I got the images how I got the that the the kind of bar across there how you can do it using free tools the same tools that I use online how I got it should be slightly transparent so it pops out from the page how I got them all to be the same size and everything you know all of that is shown for you in the trading in the training and look this is my this is my site this is all looking cool and then look at all my toys on here it's just cool it's really cool so all of that is in this brand new bespoke training that you're gonna get on top of all the other bonuses now if you've already bought it compare 2.03 my link don't worry you're gonna get this training as well I'm gonna put everything into a page for you so you can get that access and then as soon as that's ready that's going to go into warrior plus so you get it instantly after you buy from me if it's not there but at the time that you buy just email bonus claim at flossed on it with the words he compared to point oh and a copy of your receipt and i'll send you these goodies but this is this is going to be a game changer for you you need to grab it through my link if you've already got a compare 2.0 and you want my bonus is all you need to do is come and grab it through my link just get there you know the front end through my link but if you haven't then please come in and check it out in my full review video as well you'll see everything you need to know about a compare 2.0 I go inside the members area I talk to you about my bonuses and of course the OTO s so I just wanted to give you that quick update guys he compared 2.0 is a solid solid piece of software look at this site that I've created I mean it is just awesome and I'm showing you how I've done that in this brand new bonus training so go and grab it now the sooner you get it the better deal you get the prices at the cheapest during the launch and it's that cheap is the sooner you get it there's only going one way and this up alright that's it from me guys or speeches so and take care all the best to Trevor 15 more words
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efosa123 · 6 years
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Ecompare 2.0 Review & Bonus Bundle I've ever hear from floss dotnet welcome to my econ pare to review this is pretty exciting I've spent the last couple of hours going through this and I've started off looking at the kind of features now a compare itself the 1.0 came out in 2017 all right he compared to is the you know the brand new revamped version with a lot more features so it's a brand new it's an updated upgraded plugin and theme and it does a lot of things that I've been making some notes here and I just wanted to read these to you to give you an idea what it is so you know in a nutshell II can pair is a price comparison website theme plug-in with a massive difference and that is and it's for us it's really really awesome because what you do is you've got up to seven different platforms that you can use but let's just say we talk about Amazon eBay to begin with right I am a member of the Amazon associate program which is the affiliate program for Amazon and I'm also a member of the eBay Partner Network okay so I get affiliate commissions from both of those I get those Commission's by people landing on my sites that I've got a similar thing to this I'm going to show you that site but I'm going to show you a compare to and show you how massively improved it is compared to what I've got and you'll see this it's really quite exciting so what happens is people land on your site and whereas normally typically you do you know you'd give away Commission's or you'd get commissions for somebody bind something through your link you send them to that page you'd maybe do a review thereby through that link what this does is it compares the product side by side with different platforms so Amazon eBay Aliexpress for example and so you're showing them the cheapest option and that's the power of it I mean that is oh it's awesome the cheapest options there on the screen so they don't even feel like you're selling it to them really because you what you're doing is doing them a big favor saying look that's the product you were searching for here are the cheapest options now you can set these up in any niche whatsoever and I would recommend that you you are kind of quite specific in that and then you can get targeted but there's a lot of things on here for example its price price comparison affiliate store is we know what you describe it as with a slick attention-grabbing theme these are the notes that I was making right it's got a built-in blog for SEO now that is power right because you can go in there you can add plenty of content and you can get organic traffic coming through so you've got all these products you got the price comparisons and you've got your blog in there built in the big thing that got me was this it's got a 90 day cookie Amazon in the add to cart' the shopping cart allows 90 day cookies now if if you're familiar with Amazon Associates what I love about Amazon as an affiliate is if somebody lands on your site and they were looking let's say they were looking for an iPhone right and they land on your site they get cook it with Amazon it's for 24 hours that means for the next 24 hours anything they buy on Amazon until they get unless they get re cookie by somebody else which is unlikely you know that late they land on another affiliate site anything they buy on Amazon you're going to get the Commission's for so this is a big attraction to Amazon affiliates because I've got in my Amazon account you know people are from my one of my sites which is a swimming related site they've bought hampers and chocolates and that's or thing you know it's completely unrelated this whatever they you know they're that they're search took them onto next layer think oh yeah that's what I needed you know now on one Amazon etc etc so this is a big thing 24 hour cookie usually with a compared to you get a 90 day cookie 90 days so that's like three mumps it is no that itself is incredible power so 90 day cookie auto-sync and everything prices change etc it's hands off you don't have to touch anything done for you proper privacy policy pages so all that kind of stuff you compliant you've got to worry about that a country specific Amazon one link so again with Amazon you've got the the calm the co uk depends on you know that i father where whether people are in the world this is it enables you to target country specific based on the visitor to your site so that's pretty powerful as well a search youtube post is a blog post option customer wish list price drop alert real time discount finder of course you get video tutorials and even pausing products that are not on the site and has a built in traffic booster these are the things that i've i've noted there sorry I just hit the microphone there and I think the the you know the changes they've made to this are fantastic and it really is an exciting opportunity for us because these these kind of stores that you can set up I mean my swimming related one that's been bringing me an affiliate Commission so I don't even touch it but if I did touch it then I could probably make a quite considerable income from that because all you need to do is a little add some content isn't tweaking get some backlinks and set with the usual SEO kind of stuff and then you've got a really nice site and you can have passive income coming in passive income so you'd want to set up as many of these as you can so let me show you inside well show you the sales page first so here we are on the sales page and the headline says unique legal and ethical affiliate loophole generates passive income from seven affiliate platforms new and new unique price comparison affiliate app enables you to legally hijack commission from any niche using these seven platforms in minutes 2019 ribo guarantees sales by rewarding potential customers there's the VSO you can watch that when you go into the the page thirty day money-back guarantee and this is your kind of this this three-step process so targeted store deploy econ paring minutes products reviews images that's that taking care of you once you've got the plug-in installed I just saw one of my rabbits out the window there you've got that installed ready to go step number two price comparison let's your visitors live search for the best deal and price offered across seven leading platforms and you don't have to have have all seven you can just have Amazon and eBay or what else just a modem you know where you wouldn't be any point in just having Amazon because then you wouldn't get any price comparisons but you know you don't have to have all of them you can keep it as simple as you want and then more prophy you make more sales and commission because you offered the best deal in one place which is the idea you know they're on there on a price comparison site which is yours so whatever they choose to buy you get the Commission and that's you know that's the real power of it he's a beauty so let me see that he compared to 1 billion new cutting-edge affiliate stores little demo there zero risk you know I don't spend a lot of time on sales pages so you can get all like there's me hey I didn't even know is on there yeah there's something completely different about this and it's it's an inch what it does is compare the products live your eyes are drawn to the cheapest one so you're going to click on buy yeah you know that is it that sums it up completely so go through the sales page see what you think but let me show you I'm gonna take you now over to I'm going to show you my site this is my site my swimming site with my old theme which is not an E compare theme but just to show you that I do do this and I'll probably soon as I get a minute upgrade this over to a compare to but this works with a similar basis but just we need to see this and I want you to compare it to this and now you can see I mean that's just a different class this is a compare to and this is the the kind of site that you're gonna get I mean it just looks look at this it is the business it looks like a very professional site that you'd never believe that this was like just you know like me and you and little affiliate working from home and putting this together in a couple of minutes so if we we click through complete compare deals go through load that up again another very nice very nice page there and there it goes it's loading up now it's got Amazon 202 it's got eBay 215 and just getting deals from Walmart it says there on that so as you can see all right so there wasn't a deal one on Walmart so there's not always gonna be every product available for on every platform but it says there 299 dollars and but you can get it for 202 or 215 and that he itself you know it's very very powerful very very powerful that opened up in a new window so we've still got the the site over here and is say if we go over to shop take a look at shop and look at this Apple iPhone and there you go it's loading up the comparisons now Amazon's there he Bay's there Walmart's there so look at that you know you've got three prices there you've got the Apple iPhone 6s fully unlocked 64 gig in rose gold if that's what you're looking for you are landing on a page where you can see Walmart are gonna charge you 250 $2.00 ebay are gonna charge you 214 99 and Amazon are gonna charge you 164 powerful stuff powerful stuff because you know let's face it you're gonna go for the hundred and sixty four that's a significant discount and of course it's Amazon you've got the 90-day cookie in there on the Add to Cart it's yeah if good stuff you've got the wish list over here and you've got your cart here so if you add that to cart and then it's cookie for 90 days I see what happens if I just click through there and we get an image then in here we've got reviews from Amazon so you can see all that and all of this is all automated automatically put in there and then you can put your own reviews in there or people can put their own reviews in there you know so it is just like a very slick store but with a massive difference and that is the fact that you've got this ability to to earn on whatever they buy it you don't have to stock anything of course you know this is like it's like a drop ship in Scenario but it's not job drop shipping in the classic sense because you don't have to touch anything there's trouble with drop shipping and I've done that as well is that if somebody buys you go and order it the person you all grew it from delivers it to the your customer all right so they take care of all that with this it literally goes through to Amazon eBay etc and you just get your Commission's you get your commission have a rabbit and they're my pet rabbits you get the Commission's and you don't have to worry about it you don't have to worry about any of the support the delivery or anything like that that's why this is so hands off it's quick and easy these sites are set up literally in minutes and then you just chewed you choose what it is that what nice you want to be into and there's all sorts of ways that you can make those decisions but you know it might be just something that you're interested in and it could be something you're interested in something you think is there's a lot of money in something that you think is trending at the moment something you think there's in demand at the moment but you can set up multiples of these so let me take you inside the members area now and once you get into the members area then whatever you've chosen so I've got the front-end core access here you download the importer plug-in and then you've got tutorials in here as well so you can get that installed very very quickly and you're ready to go now the features the features of this this is there this is like the features here and when I saw this I thought I've got time to read that and I started reading through hours pulled in because of how powerful this is so you know you got this site that's easy to set up you're gonna set it up in minutes you're ready to go start getting traffic through to it you're gonna get commissions but here are the features seven platforms so you can compare with seven top shopping platforms through your site all of this is included in the front end global affiliate link embedded across a site get paid regardless of who your customer buys from store build from a keyword so you put your keyword and when you're setting it up and that's builds out your store custom platform reviewability an able to show social proof on your sites you've seen that fantastic dynamic pricing changes when anything changes their end professionals lick attention-grabbing fully editable wordpress theme so it's a plugin and the things the whole thing you know you get all that in the front-end built in blog SEO which is what I told you about easy to grab analytics 90-day cookies Add to Cart features instead of 24 hours as I've told you price comparison engine purchasing custom magnetic comparison the shopping engine that will ethically force your customers to compare prices on your site they don't need to go elsewhere because they're on your site they're seeing the very best prices related products show related products on your pages lessons and blog featured products and sliders on your online store live search option for your customers even if the products are not on your side you get paid they buy it so for example we can't back over to here let's say you landed on this site and it's um it's a site you've set the site up you got all these phones on there but there is no anything if you did a search for anything like so if you did a search for dogs all right clearly this is not a dog site but what it will do is pull back dogs related products alright I should have put dog a thing but well as you can see I mean there's a ton there so if I if I search for dog dog dog I search for dog I'm still on dogs hold on our dog there you go no I still want dogs dog I'm sure that different results on a put singular word dog there we go also is a dog for a cheap products so this is pulling it in you can see Amazon and eBay they're pulling in from all over the place and then if we go through and it's doing the comparison again their small pet dog cat lace t-shirt puppy princess alright whatever it's also slow all of this you don't have to do any of this it's just all automatically there so I've clicked on by now that takes me through to eBay and that is then cook it in with your affiliate link so you get the Commission's on that and this can add up you know and it's very passive it's happening in the background all the time without you really doing anything I mean you can obviously you can spend time on this if you want to you can spend time building out content and getting traffic to it and you know really treating it like a business and you can scale this up I'll show you the og O's as well and your C machine my bonuses which are pretty cool but it's whatever you want to do with it but what I love about it and I just won a few of these sites and I've got really excited about them it's because it is so passive you know this just happens in the background so whatever you're concentrating on at the moment you can get on with you set this up you let it roll and then you come back and you log into your Amazon account and your eBay partnership account and you're pleasantly surprised by the Commission's that come in there and you know the Amazon thing is what always gets me because you never know where they're gonna go and what they're gonna buy it so although it's not kind of like you hook them in with one thing that they may have searched for and landed on your site and landing on your page but then from there on it's what they decide that they're gonna go and buy that makes all the difference to your Commission's so that's the power of it now bonus time guys I've got a vid Skippy 2.0 for you that Rick's give you 2.0 is fantastic and I love this out I'll drop a link into the sales page so you can take a look at that this is another product from Mark and Ben Carter so it compared to is from mark Bishop my good friend Mar Bishop and vein Carter he's launch partner and I'm gonna give you vid Skippy dot-com 2.0 all right but you're also gonna get my vid Skippy 2.0 bonus bundle ok so that will include free access to my private member's internet marketing Club for seven days the Vig Skippy big bonus secret rocket fuel rankings and how to make killer review video so you're gonna get all the bonuses that are included for vid Skippy as well as vid Skippy alright you're also gonna get ultra pop live now I'll also drop you a link to the sales page do not buy from the sales page obviously because I'm giving you this for free ok ultra pop live enables you to put pop-ups you see in the corner of this screen here to promote stuff on your site and is a very very clever plugin it's made a huge difference to the guy's earnings when they've been testing this with real-life case studies there's a demo on there again as I said I'll put a link through do not buy cuz you're gonna get this for free you're also going to get niche synergy by mark Bishop I'm gonna give you that and that is a really really fascinating course and he was able to is serve turn a weird and embarrassing Clickbank niches into one hundred and twenty four thousand dollars and six months a Sam mark started out with Clickbank and and embarrassing niches and so this is very very relevant right now because of course Clickbank is very very popular so you get full access to niche synergy as well and also don't forget as I said you can they get all the bonuses from the the other one of that a second vid Skippy so 0.0 the one that have been able to pull and re restart the recording but I've also got some more bonuses for you let me show you those now these are the vendor bonuses but we have to deliver them ourselves so not everybody is going to be offering you all of these but I thought you know if there's a chance of you getting some extra bonuses then let's go for it so you gonna get sochi quick social media connection app you're gonna get smart commenter you're gonna get discount zone you're gonna get WP video focus WP in content popup pro viral sauce to mobile two-step opt-in generator and WP facebook quiz creator and that's it so one two three four five six seven more bonuses there so as you can see a huge bonus bundle but of course let's not forget that you know at the end of the day what we're talking about here is a really impressive website theme and app that enables you to generate passive income you know remember those those benefits that are told you about for a start it takes minutes to set these sites up you can set this we need to take a look at the OTO s and we'll see how many sites you can get but you can set these sites up in minutes you can set them up in any niche to target any products or any broader product range you know it could be technology or it could be HD TVs for example it could be pets or it could be dogs or it could be you know you could niche down even further so it's whatever you know yogurt golf whatever you want to do you know whatever you want to do the world is your oyster when it comes to this and it's a lovely way to create passive income okay so for the funnel this is I'm going to show you the Oh Chios etc but just to begin with this take a look at the front end there and show you what you get included in the front end so in the in OT compared to core which is the front end to install that on three sites the price is going to start at $22 and rise to $37 the earlier you get in and buy this the better and to install it on ten sites the price starts at $22 rise in two forty seven dollars now it's your choice whether you want three or ten you know what I'm gonna say I'd go for ten personally I'd go for ten because I think once you've set one up and seen how easy it is and start to see the benefits of that you're gonna want to sell more and more so for the sake of it you know five dollars difference and a maximum of ten dollars difference to go from three to ten for that little extra I think it's worth it but you know it's your choice obviously so your front end you're gonna get the plugin and theme training tutorials price comparison engine seven platform api that means seven different you know Amazon eBay Aliexpress etc live search and profit reviews store builder built-in sliders for customization and words on one link that's the one link that swaps you know the America UK etc store build from from keyword traffic module plus much much more that's the front end product there ot O's you know when you when you want to get a front end product I know what it feels like when you think I want there I've decided on that that's what I want now if I want to be up sold and he's a bit scary sometimes cuz you think now anyone who spends twenty seven dollars and want to spend thirty seven dollars and I want to be up sold so I know how that feels but ot owes when they're in lunch can be incredible value alright and the your opportunity to really make a big difference on the initial money that you invest on this so let me take you through this and show you so oshio one is econ pair Pro which includes the following addition so everything we've just shown you there you get on the front end these are the additions you get in the additions you get unlimited use install on multiple sites and domains right so unlimited is good yeah because you can imagine it's only your imagination that could hold you back on that one three additional store themes so you can have different looking sites which i think is really nice built-in content spinner so you can spin content so you can get unique content for SEO etc add your own review videos to listings I like that because that's giving you even more control over your site so that you can make it like your site that with all of these additional benefits that you get with it and you're gonna get better conversions and email lead collection with multiple triggers so you can build your list through this which is again very very powerful so that's 37 dollars if you fancy that one and then moving on to heo - that is a compare to master and that includes the following editions set up and sell econ pair stores to customers so once you've done this you've done a cover tons very very easy you can then sell them so set up stores for clients build stores and flip them for big money and that is powerful include a compare package and all sites you sell to others or flip and flipping for big money video is included in that flipping is something you know that I do I buy domains I pimp them and I sell them but this this is good because for me to pimp a domain you know I build out a domain I do the graphics and all that and make it look sexy from scratch but for you to do it with this you literally just install this you've seen way look like it looks the business in no time so that's actually a really good option there because you can get the main install he compared to on it then it's fully working and I mean as I'm telling you this something yeah I need to be good in doing this cuz this is powerful right you can then go over to something like flipper comm and you can sell it but you can sell it has a fully functional price comparison comparison site and there's like no end of any of those you could build and sell that has really got my attention and maybe it will get yours too and then there's the reseller license so you get a two hundred and fifty reseller for seventy seven dollars or a hundred reseller for a sixty seven dollars clearly you can see they're the ones who go for is 277 there's no point in going for this 67 you get two hundred and fifty licenses so that means that you're gonna get hundreds and commissions for 250 you can pay out to sales which is you know a small fortune to be honest of you for $77 that is always one of my favorites because it's the closest thing you can get to having your own business literally because once you send traffic throat and you sit you've seen how good this is this a compared to you've seen the sales page you know it's going to convert like crazy so imagine if the Trevor you Center that you get all of the money and let me tell you this you know it could be just something as simple as posting on Facebook I've discovered the most amazing price comparison affiliate site builder that builds sites in minutes and will pour you in passive income who would like to know more information comment me below you know it's and then you've got people in the you just drop them in send them through to the link for e compared to and you get a hundred percent of the Commission it's a big money maker I sell reseller likes rights on my launches and I see my affiliates making a lot of money so they're the OTO is just free in there and they're all pretty good you know and of course the front-end is amazing for what you get the faster you get in the better that's all I can say but even if you had to pay 37 for the three or 47 for the ten it's a no-brainer I mean it you know four dollars seventy per site is ridiculously cheap anyway but $27 that's like for nothing it really is and you set these up the money just comes in passively the simple newbie friendly the closest you can get to push-button cash as far as I'm concerned because Amazon Associates and eBay partner with Network take care of that I mean there are five other platforms on there as well you can build out that to become something massive but just were those two alone you'd be surprised what you can get so that's it guys that's my review for a compare 2.0 don't forget you get all the bonuses that I've talked about when you buy through my link and the bonuses should be ready for you in warrior plus by the time you get this if you have any issues just email me at bonus claim at floss net with the words he compared to and a copy of your receipt go get it it's it's a no-brainer I'll speech assume all the rest Trevor 69 more words
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efosa123 · 6 years
Ecompare Review With Bonus | Ecompare 2.0 WP Store Builder
Ecompare Review With Bonus | Ecompare 2.0 WP Store Builder
[UltraVid id=263 ]Ecompare 2.0 review: https://www.affiliatetuber.com – Ecompare is the original and ultimate 7 networks affiliate store builder with live price comparison.
Includes features such as: 7 Platform API: eCompare 2 Integration with 7 of the top shopping platforms and builds up your site store with listing content, images, and reviews.
Global affiliate link embedded across the site.…
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efosa123 · 6 years
🛍️ eCompare 2.0 Review + eCompare 2.0 Demo + Overview 🛍️
🛍️ eCompare 2.0 Review + eCompare 2.0 Demo + Overview 🛍️
in this video I’m going to quickly show you how to set up he compared to and why I think it’s the best affiliate store builder that you’re going to come across now of course there are tons and tons of affiliate store builders online you may have want to see yourself but if I take you over to the site and show you this one unique feature there’s a ton of unique features with you compared to you…
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efosa123 · 6 years
Ecompare Review With Bonus || Ecompare 2.0 WP Store Builder Demo
Ecompare Review With Bonus || Ecompare 2.0 WP Store Builder Demo
[Music] [Music] [Music] in this video I’m going to quickly show you how to set up he compared to and why I think it’s the best affiliate store builder that you’re going to come across now of course there are tons and tons of affiliate store builders online you may have want to see yourself but if I take you over to the site and show you this one unique feature there’s a ton of unique features…
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