#ecco: 'fair enough'
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Ecco: in light of recent events, i feel like i should ask... do you plan to continue our partnership? are we... fine?
Jeremiah: Ecco, nothing has changed
Jeremiah: you still know too much
#gotham incorrect quotes#jeremiah valeska#ecco gotham#my 1 gotham besties#sorry oz and jer but those other two actually enjoy each other's company#isn't miah such a nice creep he's trying his best <3#poor ecco really thought this loser could live without her the woman is a treasure#i imagine this dialogue happening between them when ecco's forced to open up about her life to miah or smth#really in many aus it feels like he wouldn't bat an eye and just tell her its offensive to think he can't handle some trouble#i mean#*gestures wildly at the big ass trouble his twin is*#ecco: 'fair enough'#i just love to think of them both genuinely caring about each other and being friends
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hey mim! i don't have really any poetry books at my house but ive been wanting to get a few. do you have any suggestions or ideas for what i should get? i don't have that much to spend so it'll only be a few books, and because it's a few im wondering if you have any favorites or anything you consider essential to have. asking because you have really excellent taste and i personally mostly read indivual poems (by usually really never the same author) rather than any sort of collections or whatever.
hello anon 🌹
I think if you can tell me which of the poems you've read that you've loved the most I can help a bit more but otherwise, if you are prone to reading individual poems more so than a single collection, then a poetry anthology is a v good thing to have at hand! Ones I've really enjoyed are A Book of Luminous Things: An International Anthology of Poetry (ed by Czeslaw Milosz whom I love), The Ecco Anthology of International Poetry (ed. Ilya Kaminsky whom I also adore) and Staying Alive: Unreal Poems for Unreal Times--the latter is part of a trilogy which includes Being Alive and Staying Human, as well as a fourth volume which brings together different poems from the three books, and might be a good way to experience the trilogy if you're on a budget!
Otherwise I don't have essentials, only ones that have really spoken to me--this may be different for you so I would def recommend testing the waters a little by finding some poems from the following poets online--I've probably posted a fair amount of them on my blog, too, I think--and see how you feel about them. In any case, some collections I've really enjoyed were: What the Living Do by Marie Howe, Sonnets and Elegies by Rilke, The Half-Finished Heaven by Tomas Tranströmer, Poppies in July by Sujata Bhatt, Devotions / Felicity by Mary Oliver, Bright Dead Things by Ada Limón, View with a Grain of Sand by Wislawa Szymborska, Concerning the Book That is the Body of the Beloved by Gregory Orr, Tell me / What is This Thing Called Love by Kim Addonzio, Deaf Republic by Ilya Kaminsky, A Tree Within / A Tale of Two Gardens by Octavio Paz, Almond Blossoms and Beyond / Memory for Forgetfulness: August, Beirut, 1982 (Mahmoud Darwish), Selected Poems by Paul Eluard
Also, and I don't know where you are in the world or how much books will usually cost there so this will depend on availability etc, but I do think a good idea for when you're trying to find books on a budget (and which is what I did at the start and STILL do), if it's something feasible for you, is to try and locate any secondhand booksellers near you and spend some time browsing the poetry section if they have one. Take your time with them, leaf through a few, or read a handful of the poems and see what speaks to you (it's also a good way of stumbling across something you may not otherwise have discovered).
I rarely, if ever, order my books off am*z*n but I'm also lucky enough to live in a place with very good access to secondhand / independent booksellers so I know this isn't always feasible for everyone. But if you are ordering your books online, and if their selections fall within your budget, I highly recommend world of books or better world books -- again, I don't know where you live or how shipping / delivery costs would work out for you but they're a very good place for secondhand (and new) literature at a lower price if you don't have access to those in person. I hope some of this helps, but again, please feel free to come back and tell me what some of your most loved poems are or if there are uniting themes / styles in the poems you enjoy most! I hope this helps in any case and best of luck, anon 💗
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Thunder Force IV Reflections
As a kid in the nineties, my experience with a lot of Genesis games (and NES games before them) was that I'd find the difficulty so insurmountable that the thought of ever getting very far seemed completely futile, and I'd inevitably stop playing after getting maybe two Game Overs in a single session. In fact, I'd say this was the norm for me, until the PS1 era. I think this was pretty common for kids at large, too.
Although I always liked video games, I think the high hurdle prevented them from being as compelling during that era as they later became, because it's just not that enticing to play something you know you're only going to see the first fifteen minutes of over and over. Although there were some hard games that my brother and I liked enough to rent repeatedly despite never getting very far (Sunset Riders, Splatterhouse 2 and 3), the rare games that we could beat almost invariably became all-time favorites. Shinobi 3, Bionic Commando (NES), Streets of Rage 2, Gunstar Heroes. Granted, all of the above examples are exceptionally high-quality titles, but I do think the fairness and gentleness baked into their difficulty is a major part of their appeal.
Things are a little different in my adult life: I have more patience, a greater capacity for critical thinking and strategizing, and simply more autonomy over when and how much time I can devote to slamming my head against a video game. In 2019 I forced myself through the agony of Ecco the Dolphin just because I wanted to see that gnarly xenomorph boss at the end. Last year I finally beat Comix Zone after 29 years. And so on.
When it comes to shmups, I pretty much ignored the genre wholesale as a kid, since they were the epitome of the aforementioned high hurdle. But if you're still playing Genesis or Saturn in the 2020s, you're really doing yourself a disservice by not being into shmups, so I've forced myself to acquire a taste for them over the years. Which hasn't been all that hard, since they are often full of cool sights and sounds.
Thunder Force IV's reputation as one of the best games on the Genesis and shmups of all time precedes it, but for my part, I found myself even in adulthood coming up against that same old chestnut, gaming over within the first fifteen minutes every single session. I could see that the visuals were incredible, the music incredible, the moment-to-moment gameplay satisfying and intense, but the game never got its hooks in me, because I just never seemed to get any better. I'd fire it up a couple times a year, wipe out before the end of stage 4, and say, "Guess I've seen all I'm gonna see."
That all changed this past weekend when I discovered the hidden* options menu, which lets you toggle the difficulty to "Easy."
(*The options menu might be mentioned in the manual I don't have, but it's locked behind a command input instead of just being selectable from the main menu like every other video game in history.)
Easy mode made all the difference. The balance felt close to perfect—not so easy as to trivialize the game, but easy enough to keep me continually invested, because I was improving significantly with each attempt. I still got about a dozen game overs before clearing the game, but they did nothing to demoralize me the way they had in every past session on Normal.
The day after clearing the game on Easy for the first time, I played it again and managed a 2CC run. The degree to which I improved within a 48-hour span was astounding, especially after not showing any discernible improvement in Normal mode for several years! I now feel like I’m ready to take on Normal, and more importantly, I’m now a believer. Thunder Force IV is the masterpiece you’ve heard it to be. It also joins such titles as the aforementioned Shinobi 3 and Gunstar Heroes as a quintessential showpiece for the Sega Genesis. When someone asks what the Sega Genesis is all about, this is the answer. The Genesis set a bar for action gaming that remains in effect. It exudes an intensity and a cool factor through its graphics and sound you just don’t get elsewhere.
With that all out of the way, I do have a couple points of critique, just for the sake of argument. Chiefly, I think the game has an issue with feedback that can be a tad severe at times. Action games live and die by their feedback—that is, the way the game tells you what effect your actions caused—not only because the feedback informs your actions, but because it’s what makes video games fun and satisfying. The general rule of thumb in TFIV is that if your shots burn orange when they impact a target, they’re doing damage; blue, and they’re not. There is no difference in sound, as far as I can tell. The problem is, some of your more bombastic weapons produce their own separate visual effects that seem to override this critical feedback. For example, the Blade, which is the upgraded version of your standard forward-shooting shot, seems to always burn orange, no matter what it hits. The Snake, which lobs twin streams of grenades above and below your ship, generates a persistent storm of orange explosions, so it can be impossible to discern if you’re hitting a target or not. Many bosses in this game require precise aiming at vulnerable spots surrounded by invulnerable casing or appendages, so this feedback issue can significantly impede progress, especially for newer players. I still don’t have a clear sense of how to hit the Stage 1 boss’s weak point with the Blade. For some reason, my DPS is always much higher when I just use the regular default shot. (You can see this in my playthrough video.) I also just found the damage feedback on bosses to be generally weak. Most bosses don’t actually offer any damage feedback apart from the color of your bullet impacts—no flashing sprites or juicy sound effect to indicate that you’re doing the right thing. This is particularly lame when you land a direct hit on the weak point with your Thunder Sword, a massive, chargeable energy sword, and there’s just no sign at all that it had any effect. Disappointing in a game this bombastic, especially when held up against the likes of Gunstar Heroes or Contra Hard Corps. Of course, it’s not too hard to forgive this issue when you consider how hard the game pushed the Genesis to run in the first place.
My other critique is that the game is sometimes a tad overindulgent, to where you’re just watching a thing happen for a really long time without much to do. The airship sequences in Stage 1 are the prime example. They’re cool setpieces the first couple times, but after dozens of playthroughs, they’re among the most boring parts of the game. Especially since they betray the longstanding shmup precedent of giant airship bosses that you get to dismantle piece by piece. You never get to destroy this one!
But now we’re splitting hairs. This is still one of the finest action games I’ve ever played, and a great ambassador for the Genesis. If you’ve tried to get into it and it hasn’t clicked for you yet, I definitely recommend playing on Easy (hold A+Start from the main menu to access the options) and cranking up the life count.
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CMW2/Trumpetnista: Foil

Summary from FFN: FERAL-VERSE VERSION OF THE SERIES FINALE: After months of misery, Jeremiah FINALLY throws down the gauntlet and everyone is more than ready to end his reign of terror. Selina has been re-evaluating her life decisions and has decided to change, leading to the peace and joy she deserves;Rated for language, GOTHAM typical action/gore, and BatCat lovemaking;1st in my 2025 SSS Project
Words from the Hooded GOTHAMITE: Good Aftenoon and Happy New Year, everyone! It has been a very long time since I've done anything fandom related consistently and there are legitimate reasons why. The full story is under my personal tag but here's the synopsis: In late 2020-early 2021, I accepted the religion that I grew up with (Jehovah's Witnesses) was a Cult so I've been in the process of deprogramming and discovering myself. In mid-September 2022, I had a psychotic break that led to an 8-10 day hospitalization and more importantly, my Bipolar 1 diagnosis.
In August 2023, I lost my father due to congestive heart failure coupled with nursing home neglect and my mother is currently dealing with being a widow along with her own growing stack of medical/mental issues that she refuses to go to a nursing home for.
My fibromyalgia has changed in an awful way, which means I'll likely have to go in for more surgeries to deal with it, along with handling the ongoing healing of my dominant left wrist and hand from surgery to deal with Kienbock's Disease. I've recently been diagnosed with arthritis in my ribcage but thankfully, my change in diet and lifestyle is compatible with keeping it in check, as well as more surgeries.
With all of that being said, I want and need to do something that brings me joy and that I have full control over. Writing has always been a part of my life, one of my greatest joys, and I want to get back to it.
Thank you so much for your patience.
The show may be over but my love for it is far from over. GOTHAM has so many characters, so many ideas that deserve more exploration and my Emo kids turned Emo adults may have ended on a hopeful note but the trashy shipper part of me wants better for them.
I still plan on writing them getting turnt together and I’ve finally settled on an idea for the sequel to Positive but this idea won’t leave me alone. We’ll be returning to the Feral-verse here. It’s one of my favorite AUs.
I absolutely fucking despise Harley and Joker’s “relationship”. I always have and I always will but none of the versions were more offensive to me than Jeremiah and Ecco’s. It just...y’all know the meme: “DISGUSTENG”? Yeah. I was more than happy to see her die (Spoilers. Apologies.) but it also made me wonder what would’ve happened if someone actually called out the “relationship” for the toxic bullshit it was. Who better than Selina Kyle? Of course, BatCat will be serving as an imperfectly perfect foil to their nonsense (hence the title...I love making connections like that. It’s one of writing’s joys) and honestly, this fic is just an excuse to bash the life ruining circus freak and write BatCat action plot with porn with healthy communication for flavor.
Also, this fic is gonna go deep into Selina’s head. With everything that’s happened to her and the city, she’s come to some conclusions, conclusions that could (and will) change her life for the better, not just between her and Bruce but in general. I want my Grumpy Cat to have joy and as much peace as the world will allow. She deserves the whole world. She really does.
Disclaimer: “Honestly, it’s not mine!”
"Hi, Selina Kyle!"
"...hello...you okay in there?"
"Uh-huh. Everyone here has treated me real nice. I thought they'd be mean but nope."
"Can you chat for a while? I'm sooo bored and there are hardly any girls around..."
"Sure, just as long as you keep in mind that if you try to pull a Move on me, you'll have more holes in you than swiss cheese before you can blink."
"Fair enough...so, are you gonna cook me before you eat me or am I gonna be sushi? I love sushi...man, I miss sushi so much. I'd cut someone's pinky toe off for some sashimi right now..."
"Why the hell would I eat you?"
"Because you're a Cutie Cannibal, Curls. The scared little bunnies told me and Daddy all about you before he made them go bye-bye. You ripped Wet Willie's throat out and made them bring it home to us. Lil' Bitch Baby Penguin, Crazy Widow Barbie, Raggedy Andrew, The Song of Ice and Fire Blasters, even Jimmy the Gent watching us over yonder with his loyal posse of fellow do-gooders...they're the Big Giant Heads of this city yet they're all scared shitless of little ol' you. You don't see it?"
"I see it every day but I don't care."
"You don't?"
"How come?"
"None of them matter to me. Okay, Gordon, Bullock, and Barbara do because they're Squad but the rest of them can fuck right off. We'd be better off if they died or left town and never came back."
"Weren't you and The Fire Blaster besties back in the way day?"
"Yeah...The Plant Witch, too but they went their ways and I went mine. It is what it is. Good times or not, when they pull a Move on me and mine again? I'll stomp them like roaches."
"Yeah, but better them than me and mine."
"...I know a secret about you, Selina Kyle. Wanna hear it?"
"Sure. Why not?"
"Bruce Wayne matters more to you than anybody else in the whole wide world. Oh, you put on a good show of being a cold hard bitch but anyone smart can see right through it. You lurve him. I mean, c'mon. You moved out of Haven to live in sin with him in his lovely little townhouse and big beautiful Manor. You made peace with his manservant and now you're like a daughter to him. You and Brucie run around every day with the coppers, still trying to save the sinking ship and all the sad little rats trapped inside of it. He tells you all his secrets and you tell him most of yours. You're giving him your milk and cookies whenever he wants 'em and you even took a naughty little bullet for him. Mr. J thought that when he shot you down that it'd change everything between him and Brucie for the best. His crazy sexy cool buddy Ra's said that it would before he went up in smoke with the Bridges. Mr. J thought that they'd be best friends and brothers forever because you would be out of the way but instead, capping you ruined just about everything and he's mad about it. Super-duper mad..."
"I can tell. Did he put those fingerprints on your arms? The shiner around your eye?"
"I like it rough, Puddin'. You should give it a try. Get some pretty marks of your own."
"Don't call me Puddin'. Your marks aren't pretty and they're not from liking it rough. They're from your boyfriend being an abusive mouth breathing shithead."
"Well, that's just mean!"
"Not as mean as he is to you. Anyone who thinks it's okay to treat their partner like a punching bag is disgusting and deserves to die in a fire. Period."
"...so me-an...you're not looking at the big picture...you don't know him like I do..."
"I wish I didn't know him at all but alas, poor goddamned Yorick. You do realize that he doesn't really love or care about you, right? If you dropped dead right in front of him, he would just go find someone else. He wouldn't even have a real funeral for you. You're nothing but another sucker that's willing to do his dirty work for him. You're 3 holes for him to bust a fat nut in and that's it. You ain't shit to him and you don't see it. I feel really bad for you."
"Ohhh, grumpy baby alley cat's all of a sudden an expert on true love? You think you can judge us? What do you think is gonna happen with Wet Blanket Brucie down the line? Do you really think you're gonna live happily ever after? You're gonna go around the world with him and be his bodyguard and let him do you in any boardroom he wants? You're gonna marry him? You're gonna be the Lady of Wayne Manor and start popping out his ugly little bouncing billionaire brats? You're gonna be the Queen Bee MILF and make mango mimosas to wash down the magic brownies for your book club on the weekends? Is that what you want from him? That's your dream life?"
"If he's down, fuck yeah. After all the shit we've been through, being together like that until we get dead is a great idea. It'd be fun as hell and our bouncing little billionaire brats would be absolutely fucking precious, thank you very much! I mean, they'll definitely get stuck with my hair and his nose but still..."
"Huh. Well, you just talked so bad about Mr. J but seriously? It's Bruce Wayne, as in Wayne. He could be with any broad he wants. He could drop you like a bad habit any minute now."
"He could but he won't. I'm it for him and it goes both ways."
"You sure about that, pussy-cat?"
"More than anything."
"...you really think you're so special to him? You think that you're his whole world?"
"I know I am because when it counts the most? He shows me. What's yours shown you?"
"The Truth."
"The Truth about what? Insanity?"
"No! Gotham. People. Life. I'm free!"
"Says the broad who's sitting in a cage and is gonna get deep fried at worst or locked in a padded closet at best. Ecco, that bastard hasn't shown you anything but how to completely ruin your life but he'll send someone to come get you eventually. It won't be for love, though. Unh-uh. He'll do it because it'll keep you under his thumb. He'll do it because he knows that if you ever woke up and saw that The Emperor's buck ass nude? He'd be done for. If you were smart, you'd get rid of his bitch ass and run The Dark Zone by yourself. It'd be easy. I mean, all you'd have to do is feed him a good meal, liquor him up, give him the best fuck of his life and then as soon as he falls asleep? Use a shiv to draw a big smile across his throat and let him drown. Then, you'd really be free and what's left of the gene pool would be saved, if you're not pregnant already. Wait, are you? Do you need a piss test? That's one of the few things we've got a ton of..."
"Not yet, sweetums but hopefully down the line..."
"Hopefully never. There have been enough Valeskas. The world and what's left of this place doesn't need another one running around. Did his brother really shoot you in the fucking head?"
"He sure did...and the naughty little bullet's still in there rattling around today. Watch!"
"...your guy isn't worth a pot to piss in but mine is. B isn't perfect but at the end of the day, I'm sticking with him because he's a good person with a good heart, even after all the shitty things and people that have happened to him. There is nothing good left inside of Jeremiah, if there was really any to begin with. I doubt it. He's a mad dog so do yourself and everybody else around here a favor? End it with him and kill him before he kills you. Seriously.”
"I knew a lot of folks like her back in the day. They were so hurt and lonely that they'd latch on to the first person that paid them any attention. 9 times out of 10? They would end up in the Shelters and eventually on The Hoe Stroll. A few of them even went missing...and it wasn't always men hurting girls. Sometimes, it would be a woman who'd take a boy in and I just...I had to try."
"I understand. Maybe Ecco will take your words to heart."
"Nah. She's too far gone. She's gonna stick with him to the bitter end and it sucks. It would've been awesome poetic justice if she was the one who did him in but I guess it'll have to be me."
"Jeremiah's a sick fuck, Bruce. You know that better than anyone around here. You saw how far he's willing to go to get what he wants so how the hell else are we supposed to deal with him?"
"He shouldn't just die. He needs to stand trial for everything he's done."
"All putting his guilty ass in a courtroom will do is give him a chance to blow it up."
"Okay, fine. Let's say that the trial gets done without another mass murder or bombs going off...where is he supposed to go after it? Blackgate can't hold him. Arkham will just make him worse and give him more idiots to use as fodder when he breaks out. Even if the Feds take him far away from here, he'll bust out and do the same twisted shit or he'll be on Death Row getting 3 hots and a cot for 50 years before he rides the lightning down to hell. He's the reason why this city and everyone in it is fucked so he needs to die sooner rather than later."
"I agree but that doesn't mean that his executioner has to be you."
"Are you sure about that?"
"...it shouldn't have to be you."
"Well, somebody else better step the fuck up soon because I'm tired of him hurting people!"
"So am I."
It had dawned on Selina Kyle during her chat with Ecco that someone was funneling information to The Dark Zone, far more than what was coming out. On the surface, all was calm. Those who managed to get to The Green Zone told a different story. People were being tortured and killed just for the thrill of it. Supplies were strictly rationed out, tied to a system of credits. The credits were earned by causing mayhem or through hard labor.
Smaller gangs roamed the Zone's streets like packs of wild animals: fighting, partying, looting, and fucking nonstop. Jeremiah's stronghold held the biggest number of people. It was the center of the action. A select few were fanatically devoted to him like Ecco. Unfortunately, the place was mainly housing people caught in the middle, just like the ones who had escaped from Penguin's City Hall stronghold and Zone.
They were in a far worse situation and needed to be rescued. Valeska was counting on it happening. He would have all sorts of SAW traps ready to make things harder for everyone. He had been ignored for too long and Selina had thrown down a very public, very bloody gauntlet when she did what she did at Haven.
Jeremiah was looking for a grand Show Stopping Number. He wanted to be the Star of the Show and he would get his wish. People like Jim Gordon wouldn't let the shitty situation stand for much longer. They couldn't. After all, they were do-gooders and stalwart heroes. Their noble work was never done. Plus, nobody deserved to be trapped with a leisure suit wearing off brand Jim Jones with a fetish for domestic terrorism.
Not to mention that everybody, even those who initially benefited from The Bridges Falling, hated the dumb fuck for making it happen with help from Ra-men Noodle Soup.
Mercifully, that twisted bastard was very much dead and would stay that way. The Knife had done him in just before the bombs blew. Barbara had grabbed Bruce and used him to ram the enchanted blade straight into where the man's heart would have been if he had one. After slaughtering all the men, Ra's Al Gul's female followers had pledged their allegiance to her, giving her a devoted Amazon Army, but the damage was done.
Destroying the bridges ruined everything for everyone. Initially, it had been like Criminal Christmas but now, it was after New Year's and everyone was hungover and depressed.
Yes, the bad guys finally got their glorious victory but at what cost? Ruling Gotham didn't mean anything if supplies couldn't come into the city. Ruling Gotham didn't mean anything if the people they wanted to take advantage of inside of it died or rioted before they could. Fresh and packaged food, clean drinking water, safe places to sleep, medicine, ammo, clothes, booze, drugs...everything was running low. There was only so much that could be done before the situation got even worse.
They were running out of options and most dangerously, they were running out of hope.
Selina knew all too well what a lack of hope caused and she didn't want to see it happen again.
Salvation lay in Reunification with the mainland.
No matter what side of the law you were on, no matter what Zone or Turf you lived in, if one had an ounce of sanity left, they prayed to whoever and whatever they believed in for Reunification.
The government was doing everything to avoid making it happen, citing the ongoing danger.
Jeremiah Valeska was hands down the biggest problem keeping help away. If the impending rescue mission went well? If everyone in the city pooled resources and teamed up to take the circus freak's cult down for good afterwards? If they could show proof of Jeremiah's death or proof that he'd never be a major threat again like Sofia Falcone? It would eliminate lots of, if not all of the excuses and red tape. The few good people left in the government plus volunteers from all over the world could step up and come through. Then, they could all work together to rebuild and make the city better than ever.
They could heal and things could finally get back to as normal as Gotham would allow.
Despite getting out of their bed, Bruce hadn't joined her on the window seat and she knew why.
Ecco knew way too much about their relationship to be guessing. That meant that there was at least one spy inside the GCPD, Haven, and a bunch of snitches looking for street cred lurking about. Looking down, the night was dark and still. However, that didn't mean that they were alone. Yes, the 5 blocks around the townhouse were virtually deserted but there were lots of hiding places. Breaking into a house was child's play and spy cameras were better than ever. Valeska had been a brilliant scientist and engineer like Lucius Fox before he lost his marbles. If he really wanted to see and hear them living their lives?
"...let's give them something to talk about. They want to watch us? Fine. I don't give a shit about them and you shouldn't either because none of them matter. We do. We're good and he can't take that away from us. I won't let him."
Over the years, Selina had made the common mistake of equating femininity with weakness. She was a kid and later a woman on Gotham's mean streets. There was no room to be soft. There was no time to be weak and really, if she had a choice between swiping a carton of milk or a tube of lip gloss? It would be the carton of milk every time. She had to be practical. She had to be strong at all times...but that way of thinking was wrong. Selina was strong and badass no matter what she wore or stole. Nothing was stopping her from being soft yet strong except for her own bullshit. Having come to that realization, she had started making slow but permanent changes.
Soft fabrics and textures, brighter colors, makeup and nail polish...Selina had always appreciated pretty things. If she wasn't stealing basic things for survival, she would take jewelry, particularly diamonds. Nowadays, she indulged that side of her through her loungewear. She still wore Bruce's clothes but mainly, she donned nightgowns and robes when at rest. The robes were soft and warm, some even having deep enough pockets to hold multiple weapons. Her nightgowns ranged from hip to floor length. They had lace detail, pearl buttons, and satin bows to be tied or untied. Some of the gowns were thick, preserving her modesty and others were silky sheer, leaving very little to the imagination.
Selina had also started putting her hair up again. As wild as her curls had become, it was the only option other than a buzz cut. She was sure that she would look great with short hair but she wasn't brave enough to reach for the clippers yet. Her hair being up most of the time meant that she had a growing collection of pins, brooches, clips, and barrettes. Her favorites were a gift from Bruce. The large pins were platinum with raised cat's paw black diamond detail. Where and how he had gotten ahold of them was anyone's guess but she adored them. They were strong enough to keep her mane under wraps without pain. They doubled as lock picks and in a pinch, they could be weapons. They probably wouldn't slit a throat but when she went for the eyes?
Before Bruce could get settled, Selina was already invading and annexing his personal space.
He laughed at her audacity and laid back, happily letting her use him as a mattress.
Bruce was warm and smelled like safety. He had run out of his toiletries and while she did miss the spiced pine, he still smelled like home. His lips pressed against her temple and Selina hid her face in his chest. The full moon was bright in the smoggy skies and they were as safe as Gotham allowed them to be at the moment.
When times of peace came, it was best to grab onto them with both hands. How and why Bruce saw her as a part of his peace confused her to no end but Selina felt the same way about him.
That feeling of peace also added to her protectiveness over him.
People were always trying to take him away. They were jealous of his high social status, angry at him for interfering with whatever questionable and illegal stuff they did, or just plain nuts.
They wanted him dead and gone. They wanted him maimed and they desperately wanted to bring him down to their level to break him beyond repair. Bruce hadn't given in to any of them. He had made mistakes but he was still good to the bone. He genuinely wanted to be a good person and he wouldn't give up his light without a fight to the end. If Selina had a say in the matter, she would be fighting right by his side.
Bruce being Bruce would try to stop her but she would shut that shit down with prejudice. She did what she wanted whenever she wanted. Nobody could tell her what to do. No matter what happened, at the end of the day, they were in it together. She and Bruce were their best selves together. They could take on the biggest threats and win, even when one or both of them got hurt. Even at her angriest at him and vice versa, when it counted the most, they were a team.
No, they were a family.
"...everything you said to Ecco about our possible future earlier...did you mean it?"
"How long have you felt that way?"
"A while. I just...I figure that if I'm gonna be happy down the road, like legit happy? Then, you're in the mix and if I wasn't serious about us sticking together, then I wouldn't be here with you right now. Does that make sense?"
"It does."
It was hard for her to trust. It was even harder for her to talk about her feelings but Selina wanted things to be crystal clear. Most of the problems between her and Bruce started with a misunderstanding. Not only that but Selina had seen what happened with other couples when they weren't honest with each other about themselves. It led to drama and all sorts of heartbreak that she didn't want either of them to feel again.
Outside of her relationship with Bruce, Selina didn't want to wake up 10, 20 years from now and have nothing to really show for her life but regret. She needed to change her ways and mean it.
Many would call her wrong to change. They would say that she was being stupid and weak.
She wasn't. She had thought long and hard about it.
Being trapped in that damned hospital bed gave her plenty of time to mull over her options.
At the time, the only endgame she saw and wanted for her future was death. She was a cripple, a burden, and she wanted out. It was no less than what she deserved, she figured. She had been playing Russian Roulette with her life for years and the bullet had finally been in the chamber.
Selina had given up and had expected everyone else to do the same. That hadn't happened and against all odds, she got another chance. She had been knocked down but not out.
Bruce had gone into the belly of Ivy Pepper III's poisonous plant covered beast to get help for her. He had stood up to a very angry, witch hunting mob and to Ivy herself more than once. He had risked life, limb, and what precious little sanity he had left just for her. The Root had fixed her spine and Selina was back on her feet almost immediately. She could stand, walk, run, and jump again. She was stronger than before, faster than before, smarter than before and she could do anything without feeling awful burning, numbing pain. Her dreamy words to Bruce before they embraced each other were absolute truth: she was better, better than ever before.
With her new abilities, Selina could become the undisputed Queen of Gotham's Underground. Either that or she could be a top tier Thief for Hire, taking on Jobs and pocketing big bucks.
Choosing either of those paths would set her up for failure.
They would make for a hollow and sad life, filled with nothing but danger and stress.
She would spend the rest of her life looking over her shoulder for the cops or the Feds. She wouldn't have any true friends or family anymore. She would end up murdered in a street war. She would get hurt worse than when Five shoved her through the window and when Jeremiah shot her combined. The best outcome for her if she kept going as she was would be Exile, never able to set foot in Gotham again out of fear of rotting in a prison cell or bullet to the head.
She didn't want that.
Selina had witnessed the Rise and Fall of many of Gotham's rulers, people who seemed to be indestructible. Those people ended up locked in a cage, on the run, and dying violently. Not only did they end up betrayed and dead, their downfall always came about because of someone they trusted. Either someone they trusted or someone they underestimated. Mainly, their end came from someone that they had fucked over and didn't kill or make amends with afterwards.
Selina wasn't sure what she was going to do with her life next. She had been a Thief for almost as long as she could remember but enough was enough. It truly was.
She had messed up a lot. She had been selfish, bitchy, and lost good friends. She had backed the wrong players in Turf wars, leading to people dying and getting hurt who didn't deserve it. She had hurt people who cared about her and honestly, there was only so much dumb/good luck left in the world for her. She had gotten more than her fair share of it.
It was time to straighten up and fly right before it was too late.
Selina only had 7 of her 9 lives left and she would be damned if she wasted them.
8 Days Later...
"I thought you'd be Jim."
"Yeah, me too but he's got his hands full with Lee right now."
"That better be fucking literally. The woman risked it all to get herself and those kids away from those tunneling psychos because she believes in him: not the GCPD, not the government, but him. Even after all the bad things that happened between them, she did that shit so he needs to take his head out of his ass and be with her forever. He's never gonna do any better and as awesome as Lee is, she won't either. They're it for each other. They tried to pretend that they weren't and made things bad for themselves and everybody around them. They can't get a do-over but they can move forward and they should. They'll have to work their asses off for it but it's doable. They're good together so they need to stop being dumb and start being happy before it's too late."
"...you ever consider writing an advice column? You'd make a killing."
"Anything's possible. Wanna come up?"
"Nah. I've had my fill of roof ledges and of being hypnotized. I should've shot that twisted little rhyming freak in the face when I had the chance."
"You'll get another one real soon. Tetch always follows the craziest ones and ain't nobody in town crazier than Valeska, not even Barbara, which is what you're here to talk to me about."
"...when he tries to kill B and Lurch again, I'm gonna do what I gotta do to protect them but we're going to The Dark Zone to save people and to take as much loot that we can carry with us. I can keep my cool."
"Are you sure?"
"Mm-hm. I'm not gonna let him win, Harvey. It's part of my whole "know better, do better" Master Plan...plus, I don't wanna end up like Tabby. She let revenge get in the way, dropped her guard, and now she's Gone. I mean, she, her brother, and Butch did some fucked up shit to Penguin and his mom that definitely needed to be paid for with blood but she still didn't deserve to die like that. She should've had a fair fight. Yeah, he would've got her in the end but he'd be dead too so it would've balanced out, y'know?"
"Yeah...speaking of keeping things balanced, could you get down from there?"
"But why, though? Am I making you uncomfortable?"
Giggling, Selina did two flips in quick succession before rising up on her steel clawed fingertips.
"Knock it off! See, this is why I hopefully don't have kids..."
The Twelfth Precinct was a buzzing hub of activity. At midnight, a trio of emaciated children had shown up in the lobby with haunted eyes. None of them had said a word but a note had been pinned to one of their dingy red and white striped shirts. Letters from various magazines had been glued to the yellow legal pad paper, spelling out the words COME SEE ME. I'M BORED. Underneath was a picture of a deranged clown's grin in purple Sharpie, surrounded by laughter written in blood. Whose blood the HAs had been printed in was a mystery but the message was clear: Valeska was more than ready for his closeup.
At least the bastard had the decency to throw down his gauntlet before winter arrived. It was going to be hard enough getting everyone in and out of The Dark Zone alive. The last thing they needed was someone to slip on some ice or for a blizzard to be going on, too. Maybe if things went well, the government would take their heads out of their asses before Christmas.
After downing the last of her water, Selina went towards the file room. There was a loose vent cover and she could fit into the surprisingly clean air ducts with ease. The Twelfth's basement had a boxing gym inside of it and Bruce was down there preparing for the raid. She wanted to make sure that he was okay but also didn't want to break his focus.
He needed to be at 110%.
Jeremiah wouldn't go down without a fight nor would he go down without a one on one confrontation with Bruce. It just wasn't in his nature. It wasn't in not so dearly departed his evil twin Jerome's either. Everything they did had to be dramatic. Everything had to be big, loud and the more bloodshed, the better.
God, Selina was looking forward to him being gone for good.
The world would be better off without him and his followers running around. Jeremiah being gone meant that there would be one less demented asshole trying to hurt or kill Bruce. That was always good in her book...
Getting to her destination, Selina stretched before replacing the vent cover. The basement locker room was co-op but only slightly bigger than the ones upstairs. It was used for storage mainly but people could still get a quick, lukewarm shower or a nap if they needed to. Years of practice kept her light on her feet and she sat down on the bench in front of the first row of gray lockers. The room was dark but the gym's overhead lights shone through the exit's frosted glass window, highlighting all the shadows.
"...you're worried."
"I'm not just worried. I'm terrified. I don't want her within a mile of him but Selina is one of the best fighters we have, if not the best. Plus, if I tried to tell her to stay here, she would not only come with us anyway but she would literally whip my ass for bossing her around outside of our bedroom. No, thank you."
"Smart man. Selina's not going to risk her life without a good reason. She never does."
"I know and she's right. Jeremiah needs to be stopped for good. His death is the only way that we can be sure that he and his followers don't hurt anyone else, at least for a little while."
"...I don't want her to be like I was after killing Ra's. She's already been through so much and I don't...I know that she's killed before. I know that but it's different this time, Alfred. Everything is different now and I can't lose her. Not her, too."
"You won't lose her."
"How do you know?"
Faith was another concept that Selina had trouble coming to terms with. The nuns at the orphanage had spoken about it all the time, as had the priests during the sermons she had attended. Street kids called it Sermons for Supper because after every service, there would be a hot meal and supplies from a food bank offered to them.
Faith was held up as the key to ultimate happiness and salvation, which she believed to a point but at the end of the day? The only faith Selina had was faith in herself.
Putting faith in others was a risk that usually wasn't worth it. It was just another way to get fucked over and heartbroken. Maria had taught her that lesson. Her interactions with Gotham's Rulers and her Squad had been a harsh teacher, too. Don't put faith in anyone for more than a few minutes at a time. Any longer and things would go wrong.
That was Rule Number 2.
Rule Number 1 was to Look Out for #1.
But Alfred had faith in her now. Gordon and the other cops did, too and Bruce? Bruce thought the fucking world of her. He really did and Selina just didn't get it. What did he see that she didn't? What did the others see that she didn't? She really should ask them one day but honestly, Selina was afraid of what they'd say. Another Rule of survival was to make sure that no one had any expectations of her outside of the bare minimum. She had broken it before.
Hell, she was shattering it now.
She had chosen a side and was open about said loyalty. Before, Selina kept her options open and made sure that everyone knew she was going to save her skin first, no matter what happened. Now, she had cut off all ways to make a clean break from everyone around her and more importantly, she didn't want to. Selina wouldn't be any better off if she left Gotham behind nor would anyone else. She would miss her family so fucking much and they would miss her too because she mattered to them.
Selina mattered to people as herself now.
Not as an elite Thief, not as a glorified Errand Girl, just herself.
Would she ever get used to that?
Deciding to save the rest of her existential crisis for later, Selina joined them in the gym. Bruce was sitting on the staircase, head bowed. He looked as if the world was resting on his shoulders. Alfred had his pistol up but as soon as he saw that it was her, he lowered it immediately.
The relief in the man's body language said it all and Selina nodded, removing her jacket.
"I got him."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. Jim was looking for you. He says he wants you to team up with the Sniper Squad."
The ball was in her court now. Bruce was expecting her to make the first move and Selina wasn't about to disappoint him. However, she was going to do it differently. That was another part of her new lifestyle: being unpredictable in good ways. Also, Bruce was in a very dark place at the moment so her usual methods would shut him down. She didn't want that. Neither of them needed that. Soon, they would be facing the monster in the closet head on. If they weren't at their best, Jeremiah would run roughshod over both of them and Selina would be damned if she let that happen.
The asshole had won his battles but he wasn't going to win the war.
In a smooth motion, Selina had her bull whip unfurled. The tip of it hit the boxing ring's bell dead on, clanging it. She did it twice more before taking 5 steps backward, aiming again. Her next target was a large string of half lit Christmas lights. They fell from their place in the corner after 2 strikes. For the next few minutes, she picked random objects in the room to hit, continuing to add distance and speed to her movements. Accuracy and agility won fights or at least bought her enough time to run away from whoever wanted a piece of her most of the time.
Once Selina was warmed up, she began running through her repertoire of combat moves. Many of them had been taught to her by Tabitha but Selina had come up with a few attacks on her own. She had been meaning to teach them to her but so much happened before she could.
She started hanging around Bruce after his Spiral ended, cutting into her time on the Streets and at Siren's. Tabitha had gotten caught up in what would end up being the last round of her war with Penguin while trying to get help for Butch Gilzean's Frankenstein infection. Sofia Falcone went off the rails and started her own war with Penguin before Lee's headshot made the snooty bitch into steamed broccoli. Raise da Roof got resurrected and went on a magical rampage.
Shortly afterwards, Valeska had set up his Little Warehouse of Horrors, making her have to save Alfred and Bruce from Scarecrow's upgraded terror gas. Valeska shot her in the spine and paralyzed her. The Bridges Fell and then the shootout after the helicopter crash happened...god, if Barbara hadn't already laid claim to the little shit stain's life, Selina would take it herself!
Penguin had raised so much hell leading up to The Bridges Falling and the way he killed Tabitha was just plain wrong. Her sister deserved a far better death than the one she got. Then, his Marie Antoinette behavior towards the people living in his Zone, the trouble he had caused until the attack at Haven...
"I'm sorry, Selina."
The defeat in Bruce's voice melted and shattered her heart in her chest. Selina joined him on the staircase and rested her head on his right bicep.
"Why are you sorry?"
"...I don't know. I'm just am."
"You told Alfred how you really feel about what's going on and that's good. You need to do that more often. Holding that kind of heavy stuff in isn't good for your brain, especially nowadays."
"I know. I've been working on it. Cat, I..."
"Stop. I get it. I'm scared shitless, too."
"You are?"
"Duh. Bruce, saying that I can keep my cool is one thing but actually doing it while rescuing a bunch of traumatized people from the sickest fuck that's ever slithered out of the swamp is a whole other ballgame. Jeremiah is sick, twisted, and all the way wrong, even by Gotham's standards. He's a monster that hurts people because he thinks it's the right thing to do, which is way worse than him just doing it for funsies. You don't want me within a mile of him? Well, I sure as shit don't want him or any of his minions to be on the same planet as you. None of them deserve to breathe the same air as you and I fucking hate it when you're in pain."
He snorted rudely at her last declaration and Selina chuckled before clarifying.
"I fucking hate it when you're in pain that I didn't cause or when you're in pain that could put you in a padded room or body bag. Jeremiah hits all of those marks and then some."
Bruce nodded in agreement before closing his eyes again. He looked exhausted and like he was fighting through one hell of a headache. Wanting to help, Selina slowly made her way onto his lap, purring softly. Once she was straddling him, she removed her gloves before letting her nails rake over his scalp. Bruce rested his head on her shoulder to give her better access and she settled in. His hands easily spanned her waist and his fingers locked, holding her fast.
The Root fixed her spine and changed everything else about her. Selina was still human overall but as time passed, more feline behavior and thinking came into the mix. The changes were most obvious when she was angry and especially when it came to showing Bruce affection. She would purr at him, sit on his lap, ambush him, rub against him, and groom him when he would let her.
He always let her.
It made them both feel better.
Life was better when they were together.
It still sucked but having each other made things much easier.
Bruce's hair was getting long. It wasn't hair metal long but it was longer than she had ever seen it. Honestly, she didn't mind. The length gave her more to hold onto when they were really going at it and it was silky soft. It was silky soft, fun to play with, and annoyingly manageable. All he had to do was wet it and take a comb to it before he would be good to go. Meanwhile, really tackling her hair took hours of strength, courage, and at least three tumblers of bourbon.
"Ooh, I'm starting to see some silver fox action...are you getting old on me, Master Bruce?"
Her imitation of Alfred was completely spot on and never failed to make him giggle.
"Any gray hairs that I have now and in the future are entirely because of you."
"Yes, you!"
"What the hell did I do?"
"What the hell haven't you done?"
"I can think of a couple of things...speaking of us getting old and gray, I'm actually 20, not 19."
"Are you serious?"
"Yep. I got bored while Vanessa's crew did a supply swap so I went down to Gotham General's file room and found the O.G. print of my birth certificate. The rest of my birthday's the same but I'm 20. It didn't say who my father is but given Maria's fabulous taste in men, he's either a filthy rich dipshit that she trick-rolled after a Gala or a wannabe hustler she decided to share body heat with to get by. Either way, I don't wanna know. Not anymore. As far I'm concerned, I'm the twisted rage filled root of the Kyle family tree and that's A-OK with me. Hey, that rhymed!"
"It did and it was wonderful...are you sure?"
"All right. But if you ever change your mind..."
"I'll let you know and we'll go looking for him...do you feel better now?"
"Yes. Thank you, Cat."
"You're welcome. Do you want me to get off of you?"
"Not yet."
"Okay, then...wanna make out?"
"What else did you find?"
"Another first aid kit, 8 mason jars, a half empty bottle of scotch, and some big ass bundles of yarn, like really good yarn. I think it might be cashmere."
"Let me see...it is."
"Groovy. We can use it to make socks and patch blankets or the docs can use it for surgeries. Whatever comes first. Do you know this place? It seems like you would know this place..."
"No, but after things get back to normal, I'll be sure to find out who it belongs to."
Even though word had likely spread about the impending Raid, everyone involved in it kept things as lowkey as possible. There was a sense of urgency in The Green Zone and amongst its allies but there had been no showing off. They would leave all of that to Valeska.
Everything went into battening down the hatches. Everyone had a job to do, even some of the kids (not by force, never ever by force!) and they would face whatever was to come head on. Gotham was no stranger to crises. Over the years, it had been the center of absolute mayhem. From gas attacks to magical curses to torture disguised as Frankenstein "science", and so many fires, so many explosions. The Bridges Falling was just the latest example of it. The city had been rocked to its foundations and while it was battered, it was still standing. It was ready for more rounds in the ring and whatever happened? Happened. The city would survive and recover or go down swinging. At this point, there were no other options.
As grim as that fact was, it was also comforting.
One way or another, it was finally going to be over...
Selina joined him at the window, standing tall next to him as always.
"We've got it. Tomorrow Night? We'll get it done and we'll get help from across the river."
"You don't know that."
"If you go into a fight or Job thinking that you're gonna get your ass kicked, then you will. As far as I'm concerned, Jeremiah is as dead as Raisin Bran Crunch. They'll burn in Hell together forever and the government will be out of excuses for staying away from here. They'll help out or we'll go to the Media with both barrels to make them. You know how Foxy and his Crew figured out a way to get radio messages out to folks overseas?"
"Well, somebody found a video camera to go with it and people are already telling their Stories. Once they get to the general public, I give it less than 2 days before the government shows up fashionably late with fake apologies and a blank check for everyone's troubles. Nobody wants to be known for breaking those nifty little Geneva rules, after all. At least not in a way that they can be pinched."
"Since when have you been such an optimist?"
"I'm not. I'm just stating facts."
"...I hope you're right."
"I'm always right."
"Even when I'm wrong, there's enough right to be had in what I say and do so things work out."
"That doesn't make any sense."
"You understood me, didn't you?"
"Then it makes sense. Now, are you gonna keep brooding or are you gonna come to bed?"
Bruce had a playful side. It was usually hidden but when it came out? God, it was fucking awesome. It was also a way of letting Selina know that life's hard knocks hadn't gotten him all the way down. She laughed as he tackled her to the mattress, holding him to her. Her hands went to his shoulders as he turned them to the side, keeping his back to the locked door.
She didn't have to ask why.
Bruce felt guilty for being unable to protect her in the Study. He shouldn't but he did. Valeska's actions were his own and he had been so determined that even if he had been able to cover her, all it would've done was get them both shot. They didn't need that. Neither of them deserved that.
God, they had been through so much that they didn't deserve.
It was a miracle that they were alive and mostly sane.
Intercepting his hand before it could bury in her curls, Selina pressed a kiss to the back of it before resting it right where her heart was pounding. Bruce's gaze was painfully soft, open and full of love, desire, worry, always the worry...
"Everything is gonna work out the way it should. You'll see."
She would not accept another outcome.
"He'll slow you down."
"He already has but y'know what? I would rather be slow as fuck with him than fast as fuck without him. I'll get where I need to go regardless."
"You feel that way right now but wait until he..."
"Look, if I haven't been able to talk myself out of being with him by now, then you're sure as shit not gonna do it so just let it go. Please."
"...fine. You want another?"
"Yeah, but I can't. Not until after."
"It's a suicide mission. All of them are heading into a death trap."
"You're not wrong."
"But you're still gonna go with them? You want to get even with the ginger that badly?"
"That and people in The Dark Zone need help, Barbara. They've already been ditched by the Feds. They don't deserve to be ditched by the few decent people left around here. They really don't and if I don't go on the Raid, B will definitely do something overly noble and fucking stupid before they can stop him and then we'll have to deal with Strange's bitch ass to put his pieces back together again. That little Frankenstein bastard makes my skin crawl and he'd definitely try to force me in all of my plant based catgirl freak of nature glory to be his next test subject as payment. Fuck that shit."
"Since when have you been such a bleeding heart?"
"Since always. I'm just more open about it now because I'm too tired to keep pretending. Don't get me wrong: I'm still a cunt. I will be until the day I die and I kick Tabby's ass down in Hell because she's on my throne..."
"Not if I do it first!"
"...I would pay top dollar to see that...the point is that I care. I care and I wanna use whatever time I've got left on this piece of shit rock that we call Earth to do more good things than bad. I should be dead or trapped in a wheelchair right now but I'm not so I gotta square things with whoever's in charge up there for giving me a second chance. Well, third, if you've been keeping score at home. I'm not saying that I'm gonna turn into the next Mother Theresa but..."
"I get it."
"Yeah. Just...I don't wanna bury you, too, Kitty-Cat. Do your best to not let that bleeding heart of yours put you down before your time but if it does? Take them all with you. Burn it down, burn it down..."
"...all the way to the got-damned ground!"
"That's my girl...so, is this the part where we hug?"
"It could be. It's up to you."
"Then it is. Bring it in."
"I'll see you soon."
"...y-you promise?"
"I promise."
"Y'know...it's a just damned shame. You're a damned shame. You had a chance to be different. You spent so much time in your secret hideout maze, doing kickass science things and you threw it all away. You could've been like Lucius and used your mind to help people live better but you didn't. You could've asked for help after you got hit with a Nutfluenza money shot or come up with a Cure but you didn't. You decided to act just like your piece of shit Evil Twin and make the whole city suffer. Actually, I liked Jerome better. Sure, he was a psycho with way too much time on his hands but at least he wasn't a fucking pedophile."
"You have no idea what you're talking about!"
"Oh, wait, I'm sorry. I meant an ephebophile. B falls right in that age group for freaks like you. Where's Chris Hansen when you need him? Why don't you have a seat over there?"
"You can't sit there and judge me. You're nothing but disgusting street trash and..."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah...I've heard it all before and from people better than you. Get better material, Pennywise."
"You ruined everything!"
"Oh, did I? I can't imagine how. You want some aspirin? I mean, getting caught in and half buried in rubble after a big ass explosion has got to hurt more than your pride..."
"I don't want or need anything from you."
"Obviously, you do or you would have tried and failed to kill me again by now."
Another tunnel operation had been found but instead of trying to get across the river, the route had led to Wayne Manor. Jeremiah and Ecco were long gone but the tunnels were ready for use. While everyone else had been debating (arguing...) about what to do next, Selina had gone forward, unwilling to wait for them. The bloodlust from had been soothed by dealing with the minions who tried to stop the mission but curiosity itched and burned underneath her skin.
The tunnels had wooden supports and lanterns, along with stacks upon stacks of crates. Some were plain wood, holding various supplies, but what stood out to her were the red plastic cubes. Selina was no scientist or demolition expert but typically, bright red screamed kaboom at the top of its lungs. Stepping through the exit, she had been both impressed and horrified to recognize the hallway leading straight to Thomas Wayne's Study. What the fuck? Why would Valeska dig a tunnel leading there? He could've easily made a functional tunnel to get himself and his disciples free.
In fact, that would've been the best move. Anyone who could find a way out of Gotham's ruins automatically held all the cards in the deck and if Valeska had a fraction of common sense left, he would've immediately contacted all the Zone Leaders to do business from the other side of the river.
He had nothing but obsession left in his mind. Selina was no stranger to that mentality and had put the pieces together. He wanted to use the tunnel to access Wayne Manor so he could destroy it like the Bridges. The red containers were bombs or had explosives stashed inside of them, likely both. Whether Bruce was supposed to be inside was unclear but given how Valeska liked to operate, Selena would say that he was trying to blow Alfred up. Despite the Townhouse being Home Base, he still came to the Manor every weekend to check that no one was squatting and to clean.
Attacking the city, destroying the Bridges, shooting her...it was a Game to Jeremiah. Everything was a sick, twisted game to him and if Bruce wasn't going to play with him, then he had to be punished. But, why now? That was the Million Dollar Question: why was Jeremiah making so many major moves in so little time? It was like he was preparing to host a formal Gala or birthday party...or an anniversary...
"...it's because of what happened to his parents. The tunnel, all the bombs...you were gonna blow him up on the Anniversary and just wipe out the whole Wayne family, including their home. Damn. I guess if you can't have him, nobody can, huh?"
"You're not seeing the big picture...I should've been there...it would've been for the best.!"
"You wanted to be there? I was there. I saw...I heard...if you gave a damn about him, the only way you being there would've been for the best, is if you found a way to make sure that they were able to go home as a family! I was there that night and I didn't help them. I couldn't because I was too scared and too selfish. Well, that and because it happened so fast. They were...they were just trying to go home. They were in that alley because they were trying to go home and because of this city's bullshit, because of this city's Elite's Illuminati on meth bullshit, they were shot down in front of their baby and he ain't been right ever since! My word isn't worth a lot but I can promise you that you did not want to be there!"
One of Selina's biggest regrets was her lack of action during that night. She had only been 15 at the time, yes but she could've tried. She could've thrown the carton of milk or the wallet she had lifted. She could've screamed, drawing the gunman's attention, and given the Waynes a chance to run. She could've...but she couldn't have. Her heart screamed otherwise but her mind...even if she had made a move, it wouldn't have made much of a difference in the long run. Knowing what she did now, it would've just ended up with her and Bruce in the grave, too.
Thomas and Martha Wayne had pissed the wrong people off. They hadn't meant to do so but they had. They had kept deep dark secrets, big ugly secrets that had been on the verge of coming out, and things had to stay status quo. Dead Men Told No Tales so the Hit had been called.
Simple as that.
It was nothing personal.
It was just business.
The idea of someone recreating that awful night made her want to tear the whole world apart but Selina would be glad to settle for the prowling "man" below her. Valeska was currently pacing the catwalks above the vats of bubbling foaming mystery fluid. Given that they were currently in Ace Chemicals, Selina could assume that the main ingredient to the frothy white fluid was acid. Acid and other scientific things that could destroy anyone or anything. That had been the other part of the plan. Valeska wanted to poison what little fresh water was left with a truck full of acid bombs and fireworks. Fortunately, the destruction of the Wayne Manor tunnel and Gordon getting the truck away from him had prevented that from happening.
Now, it was a waiting game. Selina had claimed a spot near the roof, giving her a clear view without being in easy range for a bullet. It was wonderful to see the surviving bastard responsible for everyone's misery unraveling in real time. Up until now, he had a Master Plan, a Mission that he had taken great pains to accomplish. Valeska wanted Gotham to be a shell of itself forever and he wanted Bruce to be a part of his fantasies.
Since Bruce had proven more than once that his answer would be a firm 'NO', he decided to target those who meant the most to him as punishment. Valeska had scored some critical hits against all of them but at the end of the day, he was doomed and he knew it.
"...they're coming for you, Jeremiah. Everybody knows where you are and that you're not untouchable anymore. You might as well put the bullet you should've put in my head in yours because if the Zone leaders or Feds don't get you, the whole city is gonna tear you to shreds for getting us into this mess. Raise da Roof used you like he did to everyone else and left you holding the bag."
Before Valeska could retort, several smoke bombs rolled in and detonated. The sound of sirens and angry Gotham citizens soon followed. A grin lit up her face at the terror on stupid fuck's face.
Ah, the calvery...
The Next Morning...
"He had it coming."
"...he did."
"It was either him or us. It wasn't going to be us."
"He shouldn't have threatened you. He knew that I would..."
"You did what any person worth a damn would do to protect yourself and your family."
Jeremiah Valeska had fallen into one of the vats of mystery chemicals. More accurately, he had been kicked off the catwalk he had claimed for himself by Bruce.
Bruce being Bruce had gone full out. As soon as he was inside, he was taking the stairs two at a time. He hadn't let Valeska say a word before tackling him and slamming an elbow into his face. Selina had descended from her hiding place and unfurled her bull whip, cracking it in challenge. Even if Jeremiah managed to get away from him, he wasn't getting away from her.
Every time the demented clown managed to land a hit on Bruce or tried to run, he got a lashing from her, enraging him further. He yelled that he was simply trying to bring truth to Bruce, to all of Gotham and she kept ruining everything. He called her every name under the sun and vowed that not only would he shoot her in the head as he should've in the study, by the time he was done with her, she would beg for him to do so.
That had been his last mistake.
To give Valeska a little bit of credit, he hadn't screamed when he went flying. A noise that could've been one escaped him as he went under but it was mostly gurgling. The blaring of alarms filled the factory and whatever kept the vats bubbling shut down immediately. On the surface of Valeska's vat was a thick layer of makeup and slowly, slowly, his limp body bobbed up to the surface. The sight of him was utterly repulsive, the stench choking, but even as Selina knelt with Bruce, even as she hugged him from behind as he wept, she smiled.
Just as she had told Ecco, it was better for the enemy to die than her family.
Ecco was dead. Not only was she dead, Valeska had killed her himself. Well, he had given her a coup de grace shot. Once the prisoners realized what was happening, they began to fight their captors with everything they had. Ecco had been trampled in the chaos and someone had slashed her just below the ribs, mortally wounding her. She had gotten up and limped to Valeska who had been about to make his escape. According to witnesses, Valeska had hugged her before shooting her in the head again, this time center mass.
Then, he left in his purple Lamborghini like it was nothing because to him?
She was just that.
Nothing but another pawn to sacrifice. Nothing but a bedwarmer and an ego boost.
Sometimes, Selina hated it when she was right.
It was such a fucking waste.
The sound and sight of military helicopters going past the windows was welcome but infuriating. Just as Selina predicted, as soon as the full truth of what was happening in Gotham reached international ears in power, the government quickly got into motion. The minefield that had been illegally placed was gone within 4 hours and ships were already docking. Some were evacuation ships. Other were supply ships. Still others were converted into medical ships and dormitories. People were getting in contact with loved ones and the outside world for the first time in nearly 3 years. People were eating fresh food again. People had fresh water again. Not only that but the streets were filled with Jeeps, tanks, delivery trucks, soldiers, doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers...
They should have shown up sooner.
Despite the euphoria of finally getting the help they've needed, that was the overwhelming sentiment in the air. Gordon being Gordon said it straight to the Head Honcho's face and to the man's credit, he had readily agreed.
There was no getting around it. The Fallen Bridges crisis had been mismanaged and there was blood gushing from the government's fingertips. Selina wanted every coward involved to pay for abandoning them. They deserved to pay with interest for what they had allowed.
They deserved to suffer like the bastards who had directly caused the crisis.
Ra's Al Gul was dead forever, reduced to ashes and his empire in ruins.
Through the window, they were looking at what was left of Jeremiah Valeska.
He had survived his fall but alive wasn't a word that anyone could use to describe him. He was heavily sedated with an IV drip providing fluids with a feeding tube in his nose, and an oxygen mask over his face. His wrists were handcuffed to the railings and he would be under constant supervision via cameras. He would spend the next few months in the locked hospital room until a custom-built cell in Arkham's deepest depths was ready. No medical personnel would be allowed to tend to Valeska without armed bodyguards present.
The vat of chemicals had made Jeremiah into a cross between a zombie, a broken mannequin and beef jerky. His hair was crispy and most of it had fallen out. His face was destroyed from his injuries, swollen and sunken in all at once. His hospital gown engulfed his skinny body and his blankets were clean but far from comfortable.
It was way better than the bastard deserved. They should've just thrown him in the harbor.
"You were right. We took Jeremiah down and outside help is finally here. We're safe."
"We are. See? I told you everything would be..."
Bruce's solemn hessonite gaze had something new within it, something that made her pulse pick up. Selina knew in her bones that Bruce would never hurt her outside of defending himself and even then, he refused to do real damage. Why? Because he was a gentleman, an aristocrat, even. Also, because she was precious to him, the one who he wanted and needed to be with him. Selina didn't want to spend the rest of her life alone. She wanted to have true friends, a Squad, a family...
His arms snapped forward and Selina's gasp morphed into a deep moan as his lips crashed down on hers. The amount of passion in his kiss, the greedy possessiveness of his hands on her ass, his scent, his warmth had her rolling her hips against him, trying to feel more of him, all of him. God, she wanted to feel all of him! Someone, the worst someone, had tried to take him away from her again but had failed miserably. They had faced the sick fuck head on and beat him to a pulp. Bruce was still alive, still with her, still himself and she just...
"...need you, baby."
"...find us somewhere private."
That would be simple. Selina had made a point to learn the blueprints of every major landmark in Gotham while growing up. The knowledge had saved her life and others many times. Gotham General had been one of the first places she memorized plus her experiences in the building as a patient and visitor gave her everything she needed.
Bypassing the elevator, she led him into the stairwell and after descending 4 flights, Selina whimpered as Bruce pulled her flush against him. She rested her hands on the arms wrapped around her waist and tilted her head in offering. His kisses were tender and her knees threatened to give out as he nipped her just underneath her earlobe.
"I love you. I love you so much... mon chaton... mon ange... je t'aime tellement putain...(my kitten...my angel...I love you so fucking much...)...want to give you everything...whatever you want, Selina, it's yours..."
"You...I just want you...I-I love you, too...so fucking much...god, B, stop...let me...we need a bed...please, baby..."
"I love it when you call me baby..."
He was hers. Selina had done everything she could to fight against it, to guard her heart but Bruce Wayne was utterly irresistible to her. He brought out the best in her and it went both ways. She had hurt him in the past. He had hurt her, too but they knew better now. They knew what not to do and had accepted that while they were excellent apart, together? They were unstoppable. They could create miracles and help people and just do good things.
What she said to Barbara at Siren's was the truth. Selina had spent her childhood in Gotham's Underground, doing whatever it took to survive and to gain respect on the streets. She was tired. She had faced the karmic justice she had earned for her misdeeds but she had been saved, restored and made greater by the man she was hurriedly leading down the main hallway.
She had a fresh start, a blank slate and while she had decided to permanently change her ways, one thing always would be the same: Selina did whatever she wanted, when she wanted, and nobody could stop her.
She wanted happiness.
Everyone deserved happiness.
She had a chance for happiness, for genuine joy, and she was going to grab it with both hands. As soon as they finally got to an on-call room, Selina barely got the door open before grabbing Bruce's jacket lapels and meeting him halfway. A delighted laugh escaped her as his hands cupped her ass again and she locked her limbs around him, letting him carry her. As much as she teased him for showing off his physical strength, she loved it. Bruce was strong, he made her feel safe and what woman didn't like to feel like a princess sometimes?
Plus, him lifting her more often would give him practice for their wedding day and night.
Resting her left hand where his heart pounded, she asked a simple but potent question.
"Do you think we can find a priest before we skip town?"
Bruce being Bruce picked up on what she was truly asking immediately and slowly, his left hand went to where her heart was. His smile was brilliant as tears of joy brewed. Their kisses softened into slow sweetness and nuzzling between removing articles of clothing. Skin. She wanted skin. She wanted to feel him, all of him for the rest of her life...
"I'm lousy with rings unless I'm using them as brass knuckles so it'll be better to buy a pendant for regular days but getting a wedding set for special occasions and public appearances is a good idea. Despite all the pain and bullshit attached to being a Kyle, I still wanna hyphenate and we deserve to have a huge wedding cake, goddamn it! It's the least that those goddamned cowardly sons of clap ridden bitches can do for us, given that we spent almost 3 years doing their jobs for them while they fiddled like Nero."
"Will you...I know you typically don't like wearing dresses but..."
"There's no fucking way that I'm not wearing a wedding dress. I'm only getting married once and I wanna do it right. Besides, I look hot in lace. You know that."
"All too well. I love you, Selina Kyle-Wayne. Always."
"...show me."
"B, you've already heard me say how I feel about you in my own very special and delightful way over the years so instead of reciting regular Vows, I'm just gonna share one of my favorite poems because it's better than anything that I could ever come up with:
I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz, or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off. I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul. I love you as the plant that never blooms but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers; thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance, risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body. I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way than this: where I does not exist, nor you, so close that your hand on my chest is my hand, so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep."
"...Pablo Neruda's 17th sonnet."
"Uh-huh...o-other than that, I just wanna say that I love you a-and that I wanna be with you as long as this fucked up world lets me and you're my best friend and I promise that I'm gonna be a good wife to you. The best wife."
"You already are."
It was a good thing that she had rejected all makeup except a magenta lip tint because she finally lost her battle with her tears. Bucking tradition, she embraced him and Bruce held her like he never wanted to let go. There wasn't a dry eye in the 12th Precinct turned wedding hall and Selina refused to feel embarrassed about being so open with her soft feelings. It was her wedding day, the only wedding day she would ever have. It was a day of joy and the biggest Fuck You they could give to everyone who ever hurt them.
Living well is the best revenge.
"I know that Shakespeare gets lots of props for how he writes about soft feelings, which is valid but to me? Pablo is way better than him. It's not even close. I found a 'Greatest Hits' book full of his work at The Flea when I was 10. Sonnet 17 always stuck with me. Despite Maria ditching me and Gotham being Gotham, I still hoped that one day, I would find someone that I could feel the same way about. And I did. I didn't mean to but I did...does this count as us saying 'I Do' because he just called me his wife in front of everyone and lemme tell you, Padre, I just really wanna kiss my husband right now..."
"That's up to the two of you."
Their first kiss as husband and wife was sweeter than all the ones they had before.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I am very pleased to introduce you all to Bruce and Selina Wayne. Congratulations to you both. Live well. Be happy."
"We'll do our best, Father Matthews. Thank you."
Selina looked down at their entwined left hands, taking in the sight of rings on their fingers. Like her beloved hair pins and wedding pendant, they were platinum with black diamonds. The diamonds were embedded in Bruce's while hers was a 4-carat princess cut, flanked by two white pearls. She still didn't know where he had gotten all of the pieces but Selina knew that the pearls were a tribute to his mother.
After all, Martha Wayne had been known for her pearls and she had been a formidable woman, a fighter to the end. Selina appreciated that and like she had just promised, she was going to be a good wife to Bruce, worthy of helping him rebuild the Wayne family.
It was standing room only so the afternoon's spread had to accommodate them. The menu itself consisted of fresh fruit and vegetable platters, charcuterie boards, lemon chicken with mushroom risotto or turkey meatloaf with mashed potatoes both with confit byaldi as sides. There was ice water, sports drinks, and a variety of protein shakes and bars. Every Gotham citizen had malnutrition. If one was lucky, they had survived on MREs, bottled/boiled tepid water and what crops that had taken root, mainly tomatoes and potatoes. And booze. Lots and lots of booze, mostly homemade and caustic.
Their wedding cake was in the center of two vanilla sheet cakes for the guests. It was a simple lemon cake with white buttercream frosting with black frosting roses. It was 3 tiers and made by a posse of older women who had made their nursing home apartment complex into a smaller version of Haven. The people rescued from The Dark Zone lived with them, benefiting them all.
The Leader, Ms. Mabel Johanssen, or Mama Jo as she was called, had taken it upon herself to help Selina find her wedding dress. She, along with Lee and Barbara, had followed Mabel to the wedding boutique she had passed down to her oldest daughter (who had thankfully been out of town when The Bridges Fell) and it had only taken 30 minutes for Selina to find everything she wanted.
Her princess style dress left her shoulders bare, had three-quarter sleeves, and the bodice was white lace with pearl buttons, the lace holding a pattern of snowdrops. The bottom of it was ankle length with had just the right amount for material for swishing while dancing and to take flight when she spun. A pair of plush white loafers finished the look. Her manicure was a simple matte black with magenta french tips.
Her 'something blue' came from the electric blue nail polish she had painted on her toes and the cerulean dress color she had chosen for her bridesmaids. She had left the dress design up to them. Lee and Barbara were more than capable of dressing themselves. Barbara had chosen a one-shoulder bodycon dress that stopped at her shins and Lee had gone with an ankle length, sleeveless empire waist dress with a sweetheart neckline. Black stilettos completed their looks.
Her 'something old' was a 3-way tie between her Bowie knife, the gold studs she had kept since before Maria abandoned her, and Alfred.
Her 'something borrowed' had been Jim from Lee so he could walk her down the aisle.
His investigation into what happened to Thomas and Martha Wayne had led to where they were today. Were it not for him making her one of his street contacts and annoying her enough to want to be a good person every once in a while, she wouldn't be Selina Kyle-Wayne. Plus, walking down the aisle by herself didn't just feel right and far be it from her to pass up on an opportunity to tease Gordon in the future.
He had taken to the task with military precision while crying the whole time. It was sweet but she wouldn't be her if she didn't bust his balls about it. Hell, he would be worried if she didn't...
"Are you okay?"
"Yep. Are you okay?"
"I'm almost as amazing as you."
"...quit being sappy and help me cut this cake, douchebag. I'm hungry."
The members of the press that were present had their cameras working overtime but only Alfred and Barbara could get the best footage. As soon as Selina stepped into Siren's for her owed drink, the blonde had bowled her over in a hug. Between her sobs, Selina heard her thanking Tabby for not letting the universe take her away too. Of all people to be her Guardian Demon (because there was no way that Tab had even glimpsed at the pearly gates...), Tabitha was perfect for the job. Other than black being Bruce's trademark, she had picked her wedding manicure with her fallen sister in mind, as well as her lip color.
Once she heard about the wedding, Barbara had declared that she would be the videographer. Alfred could film for the family but for the official video, she would take charge. For all its campiness, the commercial she put together for Siren's had done its job so Bruce hired her. Plus, giving her such an important job guaranteed that she wouldn't cause trouble, especially since Lee was in the wedding party.
Any romance between Jim and Barbara had been rightfully put to rest ages ago. However, Barbara would occasionally have the same attitude about him as a child who didn't want a toy anymore but didn't want anyone else playing with it either. Plus, the two women had their own issues outside of him. Whenever they interacted, there was always a risk of violence.
Pleasantly surprising everyone, the pair were getting along just fine. If one didn't know better, they would assume that the women were close friends, maybe even Besties.
Time healed most wounds.
Finding out that Lee had purposely gotten herself captured by the tunneling psychos so she could rescue the enslaved 30 children and 15 adults had given her tons of street cred. Couple that with her using her status as Queen of The Narrows to help people and not hurt anyone who didn't deserve it? It was best to squash any lingering Beef, if not just for business purposes.
The best part? Lee acted the same as she did as before it all happened.
The camera shutters and flashes went even faster as Selina happily accepted a forkful of cake. Bruce chuckled as she purposely smeared some frosting over the tip of his nose while feeding him. After cleaning up with a napkin, he passed her a square plate to fill and that was the signal for everyone to start eating, drinking, and being merry. It was a reception, after all. Speaking of that...
"Dancing's mandatory but there aren't gonna be any toasts, right?"
"Thank God."
"I like what you did with your bouquet."
"Mama Jo said that she didn't want cash but she never said that we couldn't pay another way. Throwing the bouquet is a dumb tradition, anyways. How did it even get started?"
"While a bride carrying flowers and certain herbs has been a tradition for centuries, tossing the bouquet was a way in 19th century England to distract the crowd from chasing her."
"Why the fuck were they doing that? Did she owe them money?"
They both giggled before he pressed a quick kiss to the back of her hand.
"Not usually. On her wedding day, the bride was seen as the luckiest person in the area. People would want to touch her or take pieces of her dress and hair to make charms. Whoever caught the bouquet was seen to be next in line to get married and it also served as a fertility blessing."
"That's weird but also kinda wholesome. Now, eat. You'll need the energy for later."
"Yes, dear."
"Shut up!"
"My husband's standing right behind us."
"Hush, you."
"My vows to him were literal poetry but you're still going for it? Wowww..."
"No can do. Blushing Bride or not, I still gotta meet my daily quota of shit talking and if I didn't bust your balls right now, you'd be worried that you're sending B off with a clone."
"...she's not wrong."
"Annoying, isn't it?"
Grinning, Selina stepped back from them and watched the pilot shake Bruce's hand before he went in to prepare for takeoff. Although she knew that she was far more likely to be killed in a car accident, watching Final Destination at the age of 9 hadn't been the best idea. However, Bruce himself did not hire incompetent people and Foxy had personally vouched for the plane's safety so she'd suck it up.
It was fucking hilarious that she was afraid to fly while having no fear of leaping between buildings or climbing suspension bridges. If she had to guess, it was more about the lack of control but again, she'd suck it up. Where Bruce went, she followed and vice versa.
Plus, getting out of Gotham was necessary for them to truly recover and rest.
They wouldn't stay away forever. They had too many people they loved to do so and regardless of the new beginning, at the end of the day? Gotham was Gotham. The players in the game changed constantly but the city's Ways were in its foundations. The GCPD were outnumbered 50 to 1 and outgunned. Good cops rarely lasted long in the city. They either joined the other side, quit before the end of their first day, or they were collateral damage during a Maniac of the Week's temper tantrum.
Now that Gordon was Commissioner and had the government by the balls, those statistics would certainly change but there would always be a need for something more, for someone... for people firmly on the side of good who could operate in the shadows, who could dwell in shades of gray to get what needed to get done faster.
Everyone had a role to play.
But for now? It was time for her and Bruce to leave. They needed to leave Gotham behind to rest, recover, and explore the world together. Plus, if they were really going to commit to protecting the city from eternal darkness or whatever the fuck, they needed to go through years of extensive training so they could do it right.
They couldn't do that locally.
Once Bruce was released, he joined her at the bottom of the staircase.
"Are you ready?"
Just before entering the jet, Selina waved before happily flipping their father figures off.
The warm evening breeze carried the sound of their laughter as the door shut behind her.
"...so much for joining the Mile High Club."
"You needed your rest."
"Obviously. You got to carry me over the threshold and get a half marathon in. Why the hell is this place so huge? Were your multi great-grandpas compensating for something?"
"Cat, you know better than anyone that there's nothing to compensate for."
"Just because you can fill a pussy like an eclair doesn't mean that they could."
"Would you have preferred if I said split it like a peach, my darling husband?"
The images on the big screen were loud. Images of Gotham Before and After, heart wrenching clips from viral interviews of survivors, people tearfully reuniting with loved ones, exhausted yet smiling children finally being fed properly, trucks of rubble being cleared, a stone-faced Jim Gordon glaring at the Head Honcho as he spoke outside of the reclaimed City Hall...the decorated military man had a black eye and a split lip.
See, not only had Gordon said to his face that they all should have shown up sooner, he said it after falcon punching the son of a bitch in the bullpen. The punch had been a thing of beauty, something straight out of an Indiana Jones movie!
As the news broadcast kicked off, a large collage of government officials was put on display for the world to see. The End of the Fallen Bridges Crisis was the hottest topic and would be for months to come. Their faces were out there but it wasn't enough to just show them. As if on cue, the camera zoomed into the collage and the screen smoothly transitioned into a slideshow. Name, State, Political Party, and how their negligence/cowardice made things worse for everyone trapped in Gotham, each remaining on the screen for 10 seconds each.
"Their families don't deserve it."
"I'll have The Board release a statement. What happens afterwards isn't my responsibility."
The TV was turned off and Selina grinned as he scooped her up in a fireman's carry.
"Who are you and what have you done with Bruce Wayne?"
"You're not the only person who can change their Ways and mean it, Selina."
Changed Ways or not, Selina could feel the Restlessness bubbling under her skin. It needed to be dealt with. Revenge needed to be dished out along with Justice. Not today, not tomorrow, not even a year down the road but eventually. Playing the long game made victory sweeter and just because living well was the best revenge didn't mean it was the only one.
Since she had far too much to lose now, Selina wouldn't kill anyone outside of another survival situation but that didn't mean she was out of options, especially since Bruce would be on board when she read him in.
It wasn't just The Fallen Bridges. There were other catastrophes that had been mismanaged. Gotham was Gotham but Selina knew that the inquiries would uncover at least one Cabal who made tons of money from the constant chaos for decades if the investigators had the balls to dig deep enough. Hell, maybe they wouldn't have to dig at all. Two baker's dozen worth of Geneva Laws had been shattered and justice needed to be served. Nobody wanted to get into that sort of trouble, no matter how tough they claimed to be. There was going to be a race to get to the best PR teams, the best lawyers, the best places to live in Witness Protection...
After reversing their positions, Selina captured his mouth, smiling as his hands slid underneath her top. She had woken up still in her wedding dress sans shoes but waiting on the vanity was one of Bruce's cashmere sweaters. That was what he wanted to see her wearing and she smiled as she put it on. Although Bruce was the poster child for overthinking, there were times where he was simple.
Men loved it when their companions wore their clothes...and when they could take them off.
Sitting up, Selina rested her head on his shoulder, chuckling to herself as she loosened the buttons of his shirt. Once his shirt was unbuttoned, instead of an undershirt, her hand rested on the bare flesh where his heart pounded below. After the shirt was off, Selina gave him a light shove so his back was resting against the headboard. His hands spanned her bare hips and held on tightly, his gaze riveted on her as she shed the sweater. She opened her mouth to say something but Bruce's lips captured hers, making her slump against him. His hands wandered over her back, caressing and massaging until she began to purr.
Skin. She wanted more skin, more of his warmth against hers, more of everything!
When they broke for air, Bruce helpfully lifted his hips and they chuckled as he struggled to kick off his pants for a moment before rejoining their lips. Better. Much, much better. No more barriers, just skin and love and safety. Familiar lips, familiar hands, familiar and delicious scent...her man, her mate, her everything...
"Like this?", he murmured while lining them up.
"Yeah...my favorite...want you..."
All the breath left her lungs as her husband pulled her down to meet his firm upward thrust into her and she shuddered. Selina's senses were engulfed by him, her husband, her love, her fucking everything...
"You are divine... mon doux ange... (my sweet angel..)"
Her response was to nuzzle him before dipping her head to suck just beneath his collarbone. Bruce liked it when she left marks on him. She wasn't sure why. Maybe it was part of his masochism, maybe it was because she was claiming him, giving him and the whole word proof that he was taken, wanted, needed, loved so fucking much that it hurt...
Selina cried out as he increased his pace and green tinted her vision as she peppered kisses to Bruce's jaw before nipping his earlobe. Her fingers bent and locked, her nails beginning to leave imprints in her mate's tender flesh. Not too hard, not too deep, she didn't want to hurt him in bad ways. He was Bruce, not an enemy to be dispatched or a toy to rip apart. He was her husband, her partner, her best friend, someone to be cherished, protected at all costs...
Selina kept her arms around him as her back hit the mattress and she shivered as his hot mouth found her nipples, moaning his appreciation. Closing her eyes, she let him his way with her, moving harder and faster, meeting him halfway. He felt so good, so fucking good, perfect, her favorite, her only...
"Look at me."
She whimpered.
"Look at me."
She moaned.
"Look at me!"
She obeyed and immediately fell over the edge, taking him with her. Pulling him down, she kissed him deeply, nipping and sucking at his lower lip. She could feel his smile and she smiled back, cupping his face. Bruce's full weight rested on her and she relished it. He was warm and smelled delicious, both of himself and their lovemaking. Despite the sunlight streaming through the balcony doors, a bone deep drowsiness had her sinking deeper into the mattress and pillows. After yawning, Selina helped him pull the bedding over their cooling bodies and Bruce pressed soft kisses to the beauty marks on her chest. She pecked his brow and squeezed him.
"Get some sleep, B."
"Are you sure? It's our honeymoon and..."
"Shhh...we have all day and I'll be here when you wake up. I'll be here for as long you need me."
"I promise. Sleep, baby. I got you."
#happy new year!#CMW2 came back before we got GTA VI!#thank you for your paitence!#fanfic#GOTHAM#GOTHAM fanfiction#babybatcat#bruce x selina#otp: bat & cat#otp: whenever you need me#batman#catwoman#bruce wayne#selina kyle#AU fanfiction#foil#ex jehovah's witness#deprogramming#my healing journey
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Oh boy this is a fun one. I like this better than the 'are you a Millennial/Gen X/Gen Z' polls! Because I'm a Millennial, but I was born in '88 and while I got to play NES at my Aunt and Uncle's house, my first consoles were a SNES at my mom's house, and a Sega Genesis at my dad's house. There was a Goof Troop game I'd invite the other kids over to play on SNES (boy I loved some Donkey Kong as well), and on Genesis I fell in love with Ecco the Dolphin, Boogerman (thanks to my dad, it's a very...'dad' platformer), Sonic, and... I was actually at my other aunt's house enough to consider a Sega Saturn also one of my first consoles, and there was this game... Herc's Adventures! (I had to look it up, I only had the foggiest memory of it - what do you know, its LUCAS ARTS of course. This game STILL looks good for its age!) I played the shit out of it... but PS1 I still remember my mom getting me for Christmas I think, and her being so proud of us for being able to figure out how to plug it all in and set it up, and she proclaimed something about 'Not needing a man's help!' once it was all done, ha! (It wasn't so second nature to set up a console, at that point, to be fair.)
I always wanted to play the Genesis and Saturn more (and don't get me started on the Sega Gamegear, their handheld. I loved it!! But it eats the shit out of batteries. But it was a sad day when my local video and game rental store stopped carrying Genesis game for rent! I was devastated!), but the consoles that really shaped my early years were probably the SNES and the PS1, honestly. Spyro was a game that was STUNNING for its time (and one of the few that got exactly what I wanted all these years later - a glow up! No re-works, just up-rezzes!), and to this day Spyro (the first one...and the second I think?) remains one of the few games I've ever cared to truly try and 100% and find every hidden little thing to be found (I hated/loved the timed flying/gliding missions...timed missions still stress me out). There was also Crash Bandicoot - I have an older stepbrother who has a kid only a few years younger than me, so he ended up being more like the brother to me, and we'd often play Crash Bandicoot together! Honestly I think Crash stresses me out more now, than it did when I was a kid. Maybe my childhood of platformer games being basically the only kind of video game are why I have 0 desire to play platformers now.
I sure as hell loved them at 10 years old, though.
I know generations are centered around consoles, but if play games on PC or a handheld was your first system, then just pick which gen was going on at the time
If you don't play video games then move along
#video games#sega#playstation#PS1#sega genesis#snes#sega saturn#I was in this weird slippery slope of consoles#but the SNES was hot shit#and then the PS1 was hot shit#I was just on the tail end of the Sega platforms being great - though I wish the Saturn had caught on more!#I was obsessed with Sega games tbh but didn't have access to them as often as my PS1 and Gameboy Color#Sega was on some shit with Herc's Adventures and Ecco and Sonic...shame they didn't stick out the console race#anywho consoles are an outdated machine and in this Ted talk I will teach you how to make your own console for less /cough
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Magical Thieves AU
In a Gotham where about 40% of the population have some sort or magical ability and only something like 13% have two abilities, Bruce is a street rat with his honourary sister, Selina, and the two are excellent cat burglars, known as the Cat and the Bat. Selina is a Shadow Magic user; she can blend into the shadows as well as bring her shadow to life in extreme circumstances. She is called a Night Stalker, and is not trusted by many of those gifted with Light Arts. Bruce though, if anyone knew what his real abilities were, he would be locked up in the interest of public safety; he is often referred to as simply a Chaos Courtesan, despite not being a Chaos Mage.
Bruce is one of the 13% that has two abilities; the first one alone would have him be monitored for the rest of his life, Technomagic, an ability that allows him access to computer files, all kinds of electrical data, and possess mechanical devices, and those are only the surface of his abilities, but they are enough to warrant the government being worried about him. His other, arguably stronger ability, however, would have Bruce either locked up in a special facility where he never saw another living person ever again, or killed; Blood Magic. An ability that is hard to regulate as the user can literally use their own blood or that of their attackers/victims against them. They can turn a person’s blood into acid so they are eaten away from the inside out, they can track a person as well as those with Animal Magic, and they can supposedly even control people by binding their blood.
Selina and Bruce have been siblings since they were nine-years-old and Selina found Bruce wandering around, looking for something to eat. Bruce’s parents were from feuding families and when they fell in love, they were both disowned, and they became rather good thieves themselves, until the police caught up with them and killed them in a shoot-out. Selina and Bruce have stuck with each other and managed to become two of the most sought after professional thieves around, and they have been saving for the chance to get out of Gotham for the chance of a normal life. They need just one more good payday and they ca leave for good; unfortunately, that opportunity comes in the form of Roland Daggett and Rupert Thorne (Sofia and Theo work as well, I just thought something different). They are offering the pair a huge payout, in return for what others would call a suicide mission; rip-off the King and Queen of Gotham themselves, Oswald Cobblepot and Barbara Kean. Bruce is all for ignoring this job as this is beyond dangerous, but the pair are also offering papers that will identify the pair as harmless, low-level White Magic users; papers that would cost upwards of $50,000 a piece.
Selina talks Bruce into taking the job and they stake out the place to prepare for Gotham’s social event of the year; The King and Queen’s Masquerade Ball. Selina poses as someone called to do a repair job to get access to the house and they learn the layout of the house, particularly the room that holds their prizes; two beautiful rings that identify Oswald and Barbara as the King and Queen. The night of the ball, Selina attends as a low level socialite and Bruce is a waiter, both wearing one of his blood glamors to help add to their anonymity. Soon, however, a hush falls over the crowd as the King and Queen make their entrance with their respective courts. Barbara enters with her consort Tabitha, her botanist, Ivy Pepper, and her two bodyguards, Bridgit Pike and Ecco Valeska.
Then there’s Oswald with his consort, Captain James Gordon of the GCPD, his engineer, Jeremiah Valeska (Ecco’s half brother), his advisor, Jervis Tetch, chemist, Jonathan Crane, his own bodyguards Jerome Valeska and Victor Fries, his informant (and not-so-secret assassin), Victor Zsasz, and his Chief of Staff, Alfred Pennyworth. Each of them have dangerous magical abilities and none were meant to be trifled with but, if Selina and Bruce want that big payday and those papers, then trifle they must. Some time passes and the pair actually find themselves talking to members of the courts; Bridgit hates these things and enjoys talking to those who feel as uncomfortable as she does, and Bruce finds himself saving Jonathan from an embarrassing situation. Still though, once the Ball really gets going, Bruce and Selina break away to the room where the rings are housed and just as they grab the rings, Bruce feels a frisson of unease shoot up his back; they’ve been caught.
The two Courts enter the room, and Oswald reveals he’s actually flattered that Gotham’s infamous Cat and Bat Thieves have not only targeted him, but gotten so far, though he was suspicious when a random repair worker appeared at the house, given that Jeremiah always takes care of such problems. Still, as he’s an admirer of their skills and he’s in such a good mood from the party, all they have to do is put the rings back and tell him who hired them, they can leave peacefully. Bruce and Selina both know, however, if they show up empty handed, let alone give up who hired them, they will be a pair of dead ducks. When Bridgit throws a small fireball at the pair to scare them, Bruce and Selina show their magic to protect themselves, and now Barbara finds them very interesting, offering them a fair percentage of what they would have made if they pulled off the heist. The pair still refuse to give up so easily as not having to buy those papers themselves, would save a large chunk of their savings.
Things go from bad to worse however when Jim and Alfred notice the blood charms and there’s just something too homey about them not to be handmade, and they realize that one of the pair is a Blood Mage. Once Oswald is informed of this, he’s ecstatic and informs Jerome to test the pair as the psychotic ginger is a chaos mage, and the only thing that can stand up to them are those of Order magic and Blood magic. Thanks to Jerome, they quickly figure out that Bruce is a Chaos Courtesan, and Oswald and Barbara know they need these two in their Courts. Not knowing this, Bruce and Selina make a break for it, which is helped by the fact Bruce managed to get a small sample of everyone’s blood, giving him a slight edge.
The two are about to take the staircase heading to the front door when Ivy manages to trip Selina, sending her careening down the stairs, thankfully only knocking her out. As Bruce reaches the bottom of the stairs to grab Selina, he instead is grabbed by the two Victor’s, Jim, and Jervis, who are quick to hide him in a small alcove as the other guests come to investigate Selina’s scream from her fall. Oswald and Barbara are quick to act as concerned hosts over the ‘poor dear who had a touch too much champagne and lost her balance’, a story corroborated by Bridgit and Ivy. When no one comes forward to claim her, Tabitha is quick to suggest they look after her, so they move her to a secure room.
Oswald meanwhile joins the other males, and Jervis tries to compel the truth from Bruce, but Bruce still has a vial of Jervis’ blood, and smashes it so that he can temporarily be immune to Jervis’ power. Zsasz and Fries however are quick to point out that Selina is very vulnerable at the moment and it wouldn’t be hard to...
Bruce is quick to reveal everything and give the rings back, not willing to let anything happen to Selina. Oswald orders some of his men to go to the meeting spot where Bruce and Selina were to meet Daggett and Thorne and take care of things. Bruce hopes to be able to leave with Selina once she regains consciousness, but Oswald naturally has other ideas;
Oswald: Let an injured kitten and obviously malnourished bat go wondering off into the night?! The ASPCA would have my head on a platter! Not to mention Barbara would have a separate one for my balls.
Jim: She is an avid animal lover, especially when it comes to cats. Same with Tabitha.
Oswald: Yeah, and I do not want that woman coming after me with her whip.
Bruce, starting to struggle between the two Victor’s: I will look after her; she’s survived worse falls than that! We both have!
Oswald: You see?! The kitten and no doubt baby bat, uh, what do you call a baby bat, anyways?
Jervis, enjoying himself: A pup.
Oswald: Thank you, Jervis; a kitten and a pup who are constantly being abused on the streets of Gotham?! Obviously they need someone to look after them! Do you like bats, Victors?
Victor Z: I think they’re adorable.
Victor F: Yeah, and this one is a real cutie.
Bruce: You can’t do this! Selina and I are people, not pets! We can look after ourselves!
Jim: And I’m the Captain of the GCPD, and I don’t think you can!
Alfred appears: Oswald, Ms. Kean has seen to it that her new kitten is properly situated in her new room, and I have prepared one for our bat whenever you’re ready.
Oswald: Thank you Alfred, if you would please? I wonder how much harder it is to train bats than birds?
Victor F: We’ll figure it out; besides, you always did love a challenge.
Bruce tries to cast one last spell, only to feel a sharp pain in his neck, and know no more.
For all those who liked my Underwater Gotham AU, I thank you and hope you’ll like this one just as much. Please leave a comment if you do!
#Gotham#kings and queens and thieves#oh my#bruce wayne#selina kyle#oswald cobblepot#barbara kean#tabitha galavan#jim gordon#jerome valeska#jeremiah valeska#ecco#ivy pepper#bridgit pike#victor fries#victor zsasz#jervis tetch#jonathan crane#alfred pennyworth
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Album Discussion- Floral Shoppe
Haha why do y’all let me do this.
It’s been almost a decade since Macintosh Plus (aka Vektroid, aka Ramona Xavier) popularised and codified vapourwave as a genre with its first actually popular release in Floral Shoppe. Since then this sub-sub-genre has developed its own subgenres and become its own flourishing marvel of internet music culture. But Floral Shoppe itself is worth examining- not to see where it all began (I haven’t even listened to Chuck Person’s Eccojams or Far Side Virtual yet), but where most people got into the genre. The lifting off point, as it were.
So grab your Arizona ice tea (don’t, it’s fucking awful) and lets dive in.
The first track, ブート(Boot), opens with a buttery smooth cymbal and saxophone line, obviously slowed down, but evoking a level of chill few songs manage to get to for their whole duration, in a total of approximately a minute. It’s a genuinely masterful piece of music. As the vocals come in, you hear them get twisted and chopped, distorted and looped, almost jolting you out of that trance, until it’s clear that the lyrics aren’t lyrics but another instrument, you get used to the nonsense, and you’re back in the zone. The looping with some of the instrumentation makes parts of it feel almost clockwork-like, in a very satisfying manner- especially as the majority of it gets muffled and you realise that opening bass/sax line has been running through the entire time. While the next track on this album tends to get most of the attention, I genuinely think Boot deserves just as much praise.
リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー (Lisa Frank 420/Modern Computing) is another one of those tracks where it’s just like, what could I possibly say about this that hasn’t been said. If you’re reading this, there’s basically no way you haven’t heard this song, so you know what I’m on about. It’s the quintessential vapourwave track, even if it’s showing its age a bit. It’s just so perfect. When I decided to write about Floral Shoppe, I didn’t really want to spend too much time here- me saying “hey I like this song everyone knows” isn’t the most interesting thing on the planet, I guess. I will say, it’s one of the few vapourwave songs you can actually sing along to, and that’s fun as heck.
Also, the lyric is “it’s all in your hands”, not “it’s all in your head”. To be fair, though, the distortion doesn’t help.
The album’s next track is 花の専門店 (Floral Shoppe, hey I didn’t know this album had a title song), a track that heavily relies on this really panned synth (you can’t even hear that on the left ear) and a lot of looping the same bit over and over again. Honestly, the first minute of this song gets a little grating, but it really picks up after that. It’s really fun and jazzy for a solid minute there, a lovely instrumental you can just groove to in your head. The fade out on this piece lasts wayyy too long for my liking, though- a full half minute of outro feels a little indulgent for this one.
Track four, ライブラリ (Library) is lowkey one of my favourites on the album- The slowed vocals work really well, and the instrumentation feels extremely deliberate and methodical. I think my biggest complaint with this song is just that it’s too short, considering Lisa Frank 420 is literally triple it’s length. But I suppose part of this project is how variable the track lengths are- it seems Vektroid was keen to work with these until she was out of ideas, and no longer, and I can’t help but respect that.
地理 (Geography) sounds substantially darker than the previous tracks, with incredibly low drones and a main line that… I mean I dunno how low it is but that shit is definitely in a minor key, you know. It’s also the sparsest track so far, with much more restraint in layering than anything else I can think of on the album. The atmosphere of this is heavy- I don’t know why, but it reminds me of that really creepy loading screen on the fuckin Magic School Bus goes inside the body Edutainment game. That’s probably a bit of a weird connection, but if you played that shit, you know how fucking eerie it’s soundtrack was, and that’s a bit of the vibe I’m getting from this track.
Our next track is a direct nod to Floral Shoppe’s predecessors in ECCOと悪寒ダイビング (Chill diving with ECCO), a reference to the aforementioned Chuck Person’s Eccojams Vol. 1 (itself a reference to the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive game Ecco the Dolphin), and Chill is absolutely right. While many vapour/synthwave pieces are more about entering an aesthetic or a vibe than actually listening to the music, as far as Floral Shoppe goes, that’s most true with this track. It’s also the third longest track here (behind Lisa Frank 420 and the next song), and while it doesn’t develop as much as one would hope based on that (or much at all), spending so long vibing out in a track like this is completely appropriate.
I’m going to be honest, I don’t care too much for the next track, 数学 (Mathematics). It might just be because it comes on the heels of ECCO, but the meandering in this doesn’t hit the same chord as that does. While I enjoy the saxophone on this song, all the shit going on in the background just kinda gets my anxiety going eventually. And by eventually, I mean about halfway through this near 7-minute monster. You’ve got these very chill elements that slowly get drowned out by the steadily rising and accelerating chaotic parts of the instrumentation that just take over eventually, and while it does chill back down again, that’s still a long time focussed on the worst parts of the song. This also really didn’t need to be as long as it is, considering the second half of the track is just, like, the same thing again…
We’re at track 8, and at this point I started looking at the Wikipedia page for the name translation and realising that I have no idea which song this is supposed to be. Like, the track lengths on the bandcamp suggest that this is the 2011 release and therefore this is 待機 (Standby), but it has the name of track 8 from the 2017 release, 外ギン Aviation (Foreign Banks Aviation)? This is confusing as fuck, but since this is the only track here with that issue, I’m assuming it’s actually Standby and someone fucked up somewhere. Oh right, the song itself. Well it’s fucking short, barely past a minute long, and doesn’t have too much going on. I’d call it short but sweet, it doesn’t overstay its welcome. Jazzy, loungy, kinda chill. I dunno.
て(Te) feels almost out of place on this album. I mean, the vibe is similar, but the birdsongs really come out of left field. This sounds like the track you’d hear in a video game after you’re finally out of a cave you spent hours in. If the build in this weren’t so intense, I think it’d fit right in on the Minecraft OST. That’s a compliment, for what it’s worth. It’s also worth noting this light at the end of the tunnel bit was absolutely intentional, because this used to be the final track of the album. However, there’s two more here, added in a 2012 reissue (originally they were unnamed bonus tracks), so we might as well check them out.
…under no circumstances should you check out track 10, 月 (Moon). I don’t know what vocal sample that is, but it is loud, and grating, and obnoxious, and the instrumentation is not doing enough to carry the repetition through. Holy shit, this is 6 minutes long. I’m going to be honest, I skimmed through this one, and it never changes what it’s doing. This is… a bold play, I’ll give her that, but it absolutely does not pay off. This has gotta be one of the worst songs I’ve heard in a very long time. What the fuck, Ramona?
Finally, 海底 (Seabed). This… is just like Moon, in that it’s a fucked up vocal sample that is looped over and over with little changing instrumental. The key difference is this one is less bad- the vocals aren’t as jilting, the instrumentation is chiller, and it is mercifully only 2 and a bit minutes. It’s far from good, but it’s not as immediately awful. Okay, it is pretty bad. These should probably have stayed as extras- and seeing as they apparently weren’t on the physical versions of the album (in fact a bunch of these songs changed for that), Vektroid appears to agree.
So that’s Floral Shoppe, and it’s really one of those albums that kinda drags on at the end. Frontloaded with the good shit, I suppose. Moon and Seabed aside, it’s not like anything is completely awful, but after 25 or so minutes you’ve kinda gotten the point. With that said, the album is as influential as it is for good reason- the first couple tracks are phenomenal, and once you’re drawn in by those, you’re probably going to appreciate the rest of it at least a little.
Modern vapourwave basically sounds nothing like Lisa Frank 420/Modern Computing, or Floral Shoppe at all- the genre has moved past plunderphonics almost entirely at this point, and the aesthetic has shifted to a more consistent, less memeable tone. Even Macintosh Plus is going new directions- the single released in December 2019 as a teaser for Vektroid’s next project under the name sounds nothing like this album, though it is completely fucking awesome (and completely fucking batshit). While it seems like the genre itself has moved past Floral Shoppe, though, it’s still the touchstone the majority of people, especially those unfamiliar with the genre, recognize as the herald of Vapourwave. I’m pretty sure this was the first album to do the whole pink aesthetic, marble bust, computer graphics style, and clearly that’s the style everyone thinks of when they make bad vapourwave art. That’s the aesthetic this album inspired. Long may it reign.
(Ok seriously though guys go listen to VAPERROR or George Clanton or something)
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“Don’t get me wrong. I still find your betrayal to Dick detestable.” Jeremiah started, lifting his head with pride as he waltzed into the room. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t borrow your eyes for a moment.” He slapped down a sheet of paper in front of her and gestured to his friend and then it. Blueprint plans for what he was doing in Amusement Mile. Typically, he would have made Ecco look over them but she had gone missing sometime ago and he presumed she was dead after his multiple search parties turned up empty handed. “It’s a labyrinth that incorporates all of the rides and buildings that are in Amusement Mile. Do you think I did a fair enough job on it?”
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The other woman said that these people didn't want to pay for expensive wine, and Ecco laughed softly. "You're right, they don't." She had attended enough of these sorts of functions of Jeremiah's behalf to know that was true. Ply people with the nicest cheap wine you can buy, and they'll be happy. She took another sip.
She introduced herself, and the woman -- Tara -- gave her name. Ecco noticed, like her, she had only given a first name. Then the conversation moved to Jeremiah, and Ecco turned to look at him across the room.
Was Jeremiah a good boss? It was a fair question. Before he had changed, she would have said yes without a second thought. He had been kind. Gentle. But now? After a few seconds, she said, "He's better than most." It was all she could think to say. Suddenly, she changed the topic. "You just moved here? What brought you to Gotham?"
Company. Tara wasn't sure what to do with that. Then again, all things considered, she was still not even sure what she was doing HERE. It probably would have been easier to stay hidden, if she was really desperate for information she could have planted a bug or something but-. But here she was. She made a choice, even if she wasn't quite sure why.
"That makes sense. These types never want to go all out for the wine." Though they were plenty of good at the other version of the word, whining and whining all they wanted. If they wanted to live better lives they needed to move, not whine about it. "Tara. I... just moved here." It was close enough to the truth. She pursed her lips, mind striking into familiar memory she didn't want to think about. "He's a good boss?" She asked.
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45. Part 6
I am glad people have left but now I want my furniture back, the only people to not leave is Marquis and Joy, like isn’t he tired because surely he is old and it’s way past his bed time right now “I want to say thank you mommy, thank you for looking after Reign even though she woke up and she played up, thank you. I am now back at work tomorrow so I will sort myself out so you can go back to Cali, I know you want to go back” my mother smiled at me “it’s ok, I don’t mind. I will stay however long you need me, but I see that Maurice is very good with her alone, he doesn’t really need anyone to help him” walking up the steps with my mother “you think? So, when I am at work you think he will be ok?” I questioned “he will be fine; he dotes on her so much. She gets so much attention, he is very attentive to her needs, I have watched him. Any sign of upset, he is there. He hasn’t been there for her a lot but he is surely making it up for it right now, I find it so adorable. He reminds me a lot of Thomas with you, the smallest detail of Reign just grabbing the couch to drag herself up, she gets that cheer. I think he will be fine; he knows what to do. He also knows what to do with you I see” looking at my mom just smiling at me, I laughed looking away from my mom in shame “well” I dragged out “don’t well me, you don’t wait the both of you. Are you taking precautions?” my mom asked “yes, I want another baby but I want to make sure that it’s not where my child can get sickle cell, I am going to get that done professionally, but I am. Trust me” these stairs are fucking long, Maurice is not wrong at all “I am proud of him though mom, he is listening to me. He is eating healthy, he didn’t drink. He was drinking water, I didn’t think he would at all” I am so happy “he just needed you here Robyn” making our way to the living room “you’re right, I can watch him that way. He knows it” like I said Marquis is still here “are you thinking of moving in here?” I asked them, I mean clearly they are here still “just wanted to make sure the people leave and you’re ok, my son has a beautiful home. His forever home” Marquis said, sometimes I don’t believe what he says at times because half of the things he says seem fake to me.
Looking around the room, I mean does he expect me to clean this. I am sure he doesn’t think that, I can’t do this “you must hate me” Marquis said “you didn’t really respond to what I said about your home” shaking my head “Maurice adores you, I have to tolerate you. I just think you’re wrong in the treatment of Malik, even Joy” looking over at Joy before looking back at Marquis “if Maurice ever places Reign above any of my other kids he will hear it, I don’t play that shit. All of my kids get the same” Maurice would not want me to say anything, but I can’t help it “Malik was not deserving of things” I sniggered “so was Maurice, wasn’t he running form state to state on drugs? Didn’t you chase him and made him go to rehab? I still think Maurice has got issues, like the fact he calls Paula his mami, I mean it’s odd” Marquis’ face dropped, he wasn’t liking what he is hearing “I know” I added “all of it, how did Joy get you back? I mean it seems like it’s taken a lot for you to care for her” I am on a roll right now, I have no Maurice to shut me up “she was going to get me in trouble for child abduction, that I stole Maurice and he was underage for me to take him. The stupid thing I did was not make her sign a contract to shut her up, I had no choice but to bring him back, not like he wanted too” Maurice never knew this, I let out an oh “you’re a very strong woman Robyn, something my son needs in his life. And I do regret getting him married, I regret doing that to him and it will always be my biggest regret. I have calmed down, somewhat but I am leaving this company in good heart knowing he has you. I am not sorry for treatment of people; I don’t care for them. Maurice is always my number one, and if I didn’t think you was good enough there was always ways of making you go but I see you love him” Marquis made a very bold statement “I think it would be me letting him go because I wouldn’t want to see him hurt, now that is love but I would win that. Anyways! Nice of you both to come” I said walking off “Joy it’s been a pleasure, Jay walk them out. Thank you” I need to go to sleep.
Marquis is funny, I give him that. He thinks he would win in this, he wouldn’t because I would let Maurice go and it would be Maurice chasing me. Marquis loves some sort of power, no matter what he likes to know he has that, but he doesn’t, he is redundant now, he is done with. I just want Maurice to get what is his, I want him to have this company so that really makes his dad redundant. The fact I know why he had to come back, Maurice doesn’t know but I do, and I am shocked he even said it to me, he really doesn’t care for feeling besides himself, I am shocked. So, Joy was going to get him in trouble, so this would be the moment she found out he had a Spanish mami, wow. This is some shit, I am surprised he doesn’t have a Spanish child, he has one in Germany. Oh, maybe that boy is this, no that can’t be because he looked Spanish but then again Marquis is white as shit, his black genes are fair as fuck, ok my mind is running with me. Walking into the bedroom, Maurice has that godforsaken night light on for Reign in this bedroom, I refuse to be listening to baby soothing sounds with that light on but he does it “she has just gone to sleep” Maurice said, oh he is awake “you caught me” I said laughing, I was about to attack the light “I see everything, has everyone gone now?” nodding my head “just your parents left, I am glad you’re awake. Unzip me again, was she ok?” looking over at Reign, she is hugging the hell out of bubzy “not hugging you tonight?” I questioned “she was getting angry with me, maybe too much love?” I chuckled “what are you like, she needs her space too” I bet Maurice was annoying her too.
Dragging my feet along the carpeted floor and to the bed “joining the cuddle gang huh? I been thinking where all my tops been going, you just here wearing them all” I giggled as I carefully moved back the covers “I can, because you’re my man and what is yours is mine. That is it, and I don’t think Reign is participating in your cuddle gang, look at her. She is moving away from you” Maurice looks so offended “I find you rather rude” climbing into bed slowly, I don’t want to wake her “so, how do you feel now, look how far apart we are? Are you going to finally actually get her room done?” I questioned “mhmm possibly, not sure. I kind of like it, I don’t have to put up with your constant kicking, your negative energy when your asleep, your snoring too, I can’t even deal with that” putting a finger up at him “shut up and go to sleep, I have work tomorrow. Luckily not the morning shift” I do miss him close; I want him close to me, but Reign has taken over the middle of the bed so here I am, stuck on the other side. Moving onto my side, getting comfortable. Maurice is staring up at the ceiling, he doesn’t seem at peace at all or like he is going to sleep. It makes me sad that he was taken from his mother, he did get the love, but he deserved to be with his real mother, he never got that, and I find that sad, he doesn’t have that bond “what’s wrong?” I asked him “nothing, why?” he said “I just think you’re not about to sleep, I can tell. What are you thinking about?” I asked “life, I am happy. Just business, I get those brain waves on when I am thinking on the next project, it’s all good. I will fall asleep eventually” I hope he does.
I knew as soon as I fall asleep little momma would be waking me up, and she did “you wake daddy up, not mommy huh? Your momma tried to play me saying you’re her favourite” Reign is so damn adorable in the morning, her crazy ass hair. Reign lifted up her bubzy and placed it on my chest “can I have it?” she then placed her hands on my body and used me to hold herself stead as she got up on her legs “you go Mi Amor, you start using them legs baby” Reign smiled so wide that her pacifier fell out “eeww, eewww. Your saliva all over me, eeww” Reign giggled at me and then started saying her own little words “mhmm, I agree Reign. Whatever you say I agree with” lifting Reign and sitting her on my stomach facing me “yay, you can now sit on me” she grabbed her pacifier off of me “you be using me to put all your shit on huh, it’s ok. Only I accept you to do this to me” Reign sighed out, frowning at her “why you sighing out huh? Hey, Reign. Say dada” I need her to say dada first, grabbing her pacifier from her “hey, look at daddy” Reign whined out “say dada” she shook her head “excuse me? Who learnt you such a thing, you don’t say no to me” she reached towards her pacifier knowing damn well she could never reach “fine” placing it in my mouth, Reign’ frowned at me but she found it amusing.
Terry is feeding Reign, I don’t mind it she wanted too. I am surprised Robyn has never got angry at my tagged pictures, because like recently because of my birthday coming up I have been tagged in a lot of my past pictures, I have met a lot of people. It’s shocking to see actually, lot of women though. My eyes widened, because I do remember some of these women on a sexual level, they need to understand I am changed but people like to celebrate on my birthday and I do not blame them at all, it’s a good vibe and it’s always a party when it comes to me. Tapping on the picture of me and this white girl, I remember her “I do” I said to myself, Italian model and she was good. Looking down at the caption ‘Il mio piccolo compleanno di Maurice presto! Ecco i ricordi. Pre-Birthday wish sexy’ raising an eyebrow “did you say something?” Terry said, looking up at her “oh nothing, talking to myself” I said, liking the post. I mean it’s rude to just ignore it “Terry, can I ask a question please?” locking my phone, placing it on the table “sure, me and Reign don’t mind. If it’s a business question I can’t help with that” she said, I laughed “no, it’s probably relationship, I don’t know what category that is. Is it wrong of me to like a post that was done by a female, like me and this female is in the picture together and we know each other from fashion week. She gave me a pre-birthday wish. So, I liked it, somehow Robyn may see it but is it wrong of me to like it? Is that like a bad thing?” I mean I know it’s her daughter, but I like to know “I don’t think it’s a bad thing at all, I would say it’s foul play if you were openly flirted and initiated a rude conversation with them. Or if they posted something inappropriate. My daughter should never risk a relationship over something so silly, social media is a terrible place but in a relationship you need to pick your fights and liking a post is not it. But if the post is no good then I would recommend steering clear. My daughter is not me Maurice, she will probably pout all day about something so little. I mean the girl upset herself over you giving this little one all of your time but I would say the same to my daughter, it’s no harm” nodding my head, I like Terry a lot, she is wise.
“Well, well, well. Look who it is” placing Reign on the floor so she can play “yes, it’s grandad. And look what grandad got you angel, my beautiful baby” looking behind me at my dad “grandma has it” Reign is actually looking in awe, she looks so happy to see him “what did you get her dad?” I said, my mom placed the gift on the couch “oh wow, Reign. Grandad got you a walker” this is cute “I thought she may need it, she is growing so fast” my dad placed his stick on the side “don’t bother picking her up, you going to break your back. Let me get her for you” picking Reign from the floor “be nice to grandad, he got you a walker Mi Amor” pressing a kiss to her cheek before giving her to my dad “oh my angel, I missed you so much. Yes I did, oh yes. I know” Reign is talking for the gods today, she is in a good mood “hey baby” my mom said, she gave me a hug. Leaning down so she can kiss my cheek “hey mom, you didn’t have to get Reign anything. She has loads of things, just need to sort her room out” sitting down on the couch “doesn’t she look so pretty” pulling a face at my dad “she has just come out of bed, stop playing” Reign reached up, she wants his glasses “oh you want my glasses now, you can’t have that” he shook his head and so did Reign “no? Who taught you that, you are so clever” my dad gushed.
Hearing the buzzer go off downstairs, unlocking my phone to check “are you expecting somebody else?” my dad asked “not really” checking the camera “it’s just Ally” I said getting up from the couch “Ally I am coming down” I said, Ally looked around so confused and then looked at the camera “oh” she said “basic as shit” locking my phone “I will be back, and Reign. Be good for me and dad, stop fussing” I said while making my way to the stairs, jogging down the steps. Jay would have answered but he said he has an appointment for the dentist, so I guess I need to do my own shit for a while, I don’t mind it anyways. Unlocking the door and pulling it open “hello to you, when are you exactly coming back?” Ally walked inside my home “I am enjoying being at home actually” closing the door “well you are needed back so I came here to drop off some paperwork, I also need you to sign off for some things. Is that ok?” nodding my head “I don’t mind it, come on up. You can see my dad and Reign; Robyn should be awake too. It’s a shame you couldn’t come last night, let’s take the lift” I gestured “well I have been off too, I went back and there was so much to do but I have caught up. I have some of your mail in here too, I have logged in your address here but still. There is some mail coming to the hotel still” nodding my head.
Smiling at Robyn “morning baby, oh how I do love seeing you like this” no makeup now, her hair tied back “even my nails are gone. It’s horrible, morning” pressing a kiss to Robyn’ lips “seems a little busy around here, hi Ally” Robyn said before walking off “Oh is your dad feeding Reign” Robyn said, Ally bought out the black box “oh my god! It is here, Robyn!” grabbing the box “I was about to say, it came with the mail” Ally added, turning to Robyn “look what daddy got you, I mean me” Robyn looked at me all dumbfounded, she is confused “what?” she said in a whisper “just what you asked for, I have delivered. Come, let’s open it on the couch” I ran ahead, I am so excite for Robyn to see this “what on earth?” my mom said, jumping over the couch and sat down “Maurice, watch the couch!” Robyn scolded me “I know, I am excited. Just sit, come on! I did this this for you” Robyn looks so confused, she is not sure how to take this “looks expensive” Terry pointed “it is, for me Terry” Robyn finally sat down “here you go, look inside” placing it on her lap “seems a little light in this baby” side eyeing her “well I will take it back, open the box then Bonita” I am excited for her to see it, Robyn opened the box “no fucking way!!” Robyn shouted out “you got me a black card? Oh my god” Robyn placed her hands over her mouth “you really did it” her voice became high pitch “hey, don’t get emotional” placing my hand on her arm “sorry” Robyn wiped her tear “just I didn’t think you would, and you did. I have never had this, everything. Oh god” I chuckled “it’s cool, I got it you. See, I put Robyn Davenport, for you Robyn. This is yours; it’s connected to my account. Hey, don’t cry” pressing a kiss to the side of her face, placing my arm around her “I am just emotional, thank you Maurice. Thank you for everything, I am so happy. I got a black card, thank you” Robyn sniffled “you got priority, you do not need to ever worry about money. Take this card with you, there is no limit. If you need a store to be open later for you, then you can get that. Don’t cry Robyn, you know I always got you” I am shocked she cried.
Reign is asleep but I am taking her with me “Jay you can stay here, I am just dropping off Robyn at work. First day for her, I want to drop her off. Dad, I will call you. Have a safe flight” my dad walked over to me, he gave me a hug “it was a special day, see you soon son. Miss you already angel” moving back from the hug “and sort that room out for her, if she tells me she hasn’t got a room yet I am coming back to do it myself” nodding my head before hugging my mom “I will” I laughed “have a safe flight back” I sighed out moving back from my mom, it was nice seeing my parents “call me though, let me know you got back safely” I waved them off “nice to see you both” Terry said smiling at my parents, where is Robyn because we do need to leave right about now because New York traffic is not the best so we do need to go now “sorry, I am here. I just feel so naked right now, it’s been so long since I been back at work. Bye” she said before running by my parents “well you need to hurry up Robyn” I said.
Parking outside the hospital “I wanted to ask, why did you cry when I gave you the black card? Did you think I wouldn’t, you know I am very giving towards you” putting the car in park, I am using Robyn’ hired car for now “it’s just everything Maurice, I didn’t ever expect this in my whole life, I didn’t expect to have a baby now, or have a soon to be husband. I didn’t ever think I would be living in New York, and I am just thinking of everything you have done. How far we have come, I got emotional because of how much I am loved by you Maurice, you treat me well. That is all, not a bad thing” I chuckled nodding my head “I understand, don’t cry though. I always got you baby” placing my hand over hers “thank you for bringing me to work, on my first day. It makes it so special to me, I will promise to let you know what time I finish, it slipped my mind the time” I love this woman so much “super proud of you, Reign and I both are. I will see you when you come back then” leaning over the panel to kiss Robyn’ lips.
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Exciting Times
By Naoise Dolan

Do you marvel at clever sentence structure when encountered in a book? Do you take delight in words like "gormless"? Do you re-read witty comebacks to try and bake them into your mind should you ever need them? If you, like me, answered yes to all three of those questions, then you're in for a treat.
Exciting Times is a clever and biting story following Ava, a young woman in a foreign country trying to figure her life out - and maintain a semblance of coolness while doing so. It's also a story of girl-meets-boy, and girl-meets-girl, and girl-hides-boy-and-girl-from-each-other. It's a refreshing take on friendship and love, but also otherness, politics, and money (and power, which often mingles with money). Dolan's writing is funny and clever like a spark - despite their faults I found it hard not to love these characters.
Many are comparing her to Sally Rooney, and it's a fair comparison. Dolan has a knack for an expertly delivered wit amongst her characters. It's enough to make you envious of them, or of her for creating them. I was particularly fond of Ava's evolving relationship with Julian. Though Julian is possibly the most frustrating and cruel character in a lot of ways, they both struggled to be vulnerable with each other beyond the banter, which I found more interesting than Ava's relationship with Edith - even though I was rooting for the latter. These dynamics made for a refreshing (and complicated) new take on finding yourself through other people. Throughout all this it's clear that Ava is admired by the people around her, yet she's determined to see otherwise. She's her own unreliable narrator, and it's extremely relatable.
A strong and witty debut. I can't wait to see what Naoise Dolan does next. Also, her instagram is just as witty and fun as her debut. I followed her immediately.
I received my copy in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Netgalley and Ecco!
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Jeremiah: Bruce!!
Bruce: No
Jeremiah: Come on, Bruce! Just try it?
Bruce: I swear, you bring that lipstick any closer and we’re gonna have problems more-so than usual.
Jeremiah: But Bruce! Jerome got to paint your face once, it’s only fair that I be allowed the same courtesy~
Bruce: Absolutely not. You paint your own face enough for the both of us.
Jeremiah: *grins* You know you love it, whether you admit it or not.
Bruce: Honestly, I’m not too sure about it.
Jeremiah: *smile falls from his lips, looking self-consciously into the mirror* But I . . . . *looks at Bruce* You don’t like it?
Bruce: *catching sight of the look* It’s just different. I’m sure it’ll grow on me eventually . . . just so long as it stays off my face.
Ecco: *appearing in the background* How’s that gonna work when you two finally stop this awkward dancin’ around and start making out? Then you’ll both be wearing it!
Jeremiah: *turns red* . . . . *stuck between avoiding Bruce’s gaze, fumbling with his hands, and glaring at Ecco at the same time, mumbling* Now, Ecco, that’s-um, well- *cast’s a side look at Bruce whose currently fascinated with staring at the wall*
Bruce: . . . . *trying to control his discomfort and blush with a change in topic* I like what you’ve done with the place, good wallpaper
Jeremiah: *shuffling awkwardly, his shoulder brushing with Bruce’s, hands inches from each other* Ah, yes, well, you did explain how much you enjoyed the color blue, so I took the liberty of adding it.
Ecco: . . . . *sighs* You guys are so thick, it hurts to watch. *begins contemplating a plan to get both officially together, whispering* But not for much longer.
Bruce: What?
Ecco: Nothing! Continue your awkward conversation about the walls! *skips off*
#wayleska#bruce#jeremiah#bruce x jeremiah#bruce wayne#jeremiah valeska#bruce wayne x jeremiah valeska#gotham#gotham tv series#jeremiah is slowly starting to catch on that this might not be brotherly love#jeremiah would totally think that the make up attracts bruce to him while bruce is just confused over it#jeremiah and decorating#i don't know where it came from but i like it#bruce pretty good at changing conversations on the fly#ecco is so sick of watching this#she's finally decided to do something#ecco is me at this point
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“Fair enough- but I definitely steal Ozzy’s penguins a lot- and I regret absolutely nothing!! why do our minds always play tricks on us then? Telling you that you ain’t good enough or that people are faking caring … is it secretly just what we believe deep down or something?”
Ecco looked up a bit and smiled for a second before she turned away again and tilted her head to the side
(TW: sv1cid@l mentions)
Open RP
Ecco was standing on top of the roof, her feet on the edge of the rooftop and she was debating with herself. On one hand, she felt it would be easier but on the other hand, she didn’t actually want to jump. The girl was so deep in her thoughts that she never noticed someone walking up behind her. It was only when she felt a hand grab her wrist to pull her away from the edge that she actually noticed she wasn’t alone.
“Huh- what??”
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Gotham s5ep4 “Ruin” Personal Review

“There goes the element of surprise..” Warning spoilers below (ahaha not this week, boy am I late, not that anyone would have missed this though, also little meta content this week)
What I loved about the episode is that it´s the “apocalypse” and then it comes down to a crime scene investigation! I would take much more of that! Much more! Just less of a bloodthirsty MOB. Like would they really want Zsasz hanged? The evidence was pretty clear, Jim Gordon really got no reason to lie to them, actually it would greatly benefit him if he did. Do they really not want to see the real culprit punished? I´m not a fan of lynch/mob law in general but does it make sense for the mob to want the wrong guy hanged, that way the police probably will think / claim everything is settled and call it a day, which means the real culprit is free to do that again, but then again I wonder how many people know about Zsasz and him having been a hitman, did some of them have had relatives that got into Carmine / Sal Maroni crossfire, was this partly a he´s a guilty filthy criminal *anyway* thing? * “You don't need to smuggle in explosives when you can detonate 250 gallons of highly pressurized heating oil that's coursing through all the floors.” Ah damn, they really had Edward Nygma do it, I kind of didn´t want them to follow that route. Also why put that running guy with bomb in there then, huh .. damn exploding herrings. HOPE goes on and off this week: “But whoever destroyed that building can't destroy the hope we've built. Not unless we let them.” “I told the people it was safe. I made them into a target.” “Jim, you gave 'em” “Don't tell me I gave 'em hope. They're dead.” * It´s GOOD vs. EVIL “This city will never be what you want it to be, Jim. It's always gonna belong to the bad guys, like me.” “People like you are always trying to own this city. But you never will.” * It´s GOOD ft. EVIL Oswald Cobblepot poses as if he was the synthesis of both those opposites: A bad guy that cares. “I lost people, too, Jim. People you lured with promises of safety and security, only to have them incinerated.” Oswald arms the GCPD talking about working together just to take over and get his own trials and justice going. He´s claiming to provide what Jim can´t. While both Barbara Kean & Oswald Cobblepot claimed their help came no strings attached Oswald´s help does not include staying aside and letting them do their work. Although to be fair he said “Save for the one that we will cinch around the neck of the Haven bomber.” What is it with people that it always needs a couple hundred dead people that they can focus on nice things. Anyway everyone is appropriately appalled with this atrocity. They also gave all the villains some selfish reasons. OSWALD COBBLEPOT wants people and their cheers. EDWARD NYGMA wants the file of the inmate. “I've been putting out feelers.” BARBARA KEAN is worried Sirens might be next, making her probably the least “selfish” one because she seems to care about the people that she protects and might not demand the same level of praise that Oswald does. (I know probably other things but unless canon proves me wrong I headcanon slightly differently) She feels hurt but understands Jim would suspect, even for a moment that she could be responsible for the destruction Haven. They slowly get her back on suitable for Jim Gordon to kiss track, which phu idk. I liked her and their relationship in S1, but there´s just so much happened in between. And plenty in Barbara´s characterization I didn´t like so it´s nice to see her on a more reasonable track now but how about they just gave her an awesome relationship with Tabitha ........ Characterization questions aside I really loved that she did not and could not kill Oswald in the light of the explosion! That was a touching moment! Also her outfit is nice, although they toned down the make up. And Jim gripping her arm during the kiss almost gives old timey movie vibes. I´m sure I don´t need to write on Babs / Oswald paralells, I assume I just can reblog better words on it from someone .. * Also something tells me if JIM GORDON had gotten that shoot out with VICTOR ZSASZ, that kiss would not have happened …… “Inmate number 1215 knows! Knows what???!!??!” Ha, distressed, puzzled, annoyed EDWARD NYGMA is a joy to watch. I don’t really have to say more on that. Edward snatching the blanket from the woman when walking into the GCPD makes me wonder, what would he have done if that woman hadn´t been there? Just walked in? Did he have a stupid disguise and was like, oh no wait that´s better. He and LUCIUS FOX were a delight. Edward trying to snatch the file from him and run was wonderful! Him preening in pride when his expertise is wanted was delightful! Lucius claiming, he´ll deny having said the praise he gave Edward in the end, precious! Lucius playing him like a fiddle, and moving him with barely more than his fingertips, damn! Just that the whole thing was shot like when Ed pursued Kristen Kringle! Their dynamic is just wonderful: “Impressive. Calculated the angle of incident to follow the trajectory through the window, into the fuel oil tanks.” “Yep. That, and the RPG case is right over there.” * One thing that stressed me was Ed sending the Files flying around him on the rooftop. Like at that moment he didn´t yet know that the woman he saw in the window was connect to the note he put down on his hands. Even when the inmate was dead there could have been some hints in the file or who knows in hid grave. Like, no Edward! No! Go run and pick them up. * Someone needs to do a Parallel Meta for 5x04 & 4x12 when Ed found out he hired the hit on Leslie Thompkins. * “I did not make that building go boom, Jim.” Yeah, that´s a VICTOR ZSASZ line. Love him. * ““Hey, do you guys have any canned peaches? Man, I'd trade an arm and a leg for that right now. Not mine, somebody else's.” Food and cut off limbs, that´s another one. Love him. * And that one: “Do the math. If I blew up a building full of people, I would have covered every inch of my body in sweet, sweet scars. You guys want to do a strip search?” “I'd let Alvarez do it. He's handsome” * Him shooting Oswald´s head on the major poster after he said something was a great detail! * Him drinking while waiting for the bullet hail to stop as well. * I´m gonna make a post about the Gunman magazine that fell on the floor, after Jim tackled him so majestically ... * Zsasz usurping the applause afterwards, and later was adorable. * “Is this about Sofia Falcone? Because you should really move past that. It's not healthy.” DOES HE KNOW SHE KILLED CARMINE, DOES HE OR DOES HE NOT ???? They had him express sympathy towards Carmine in Season 1, they showed that he cared when Carmine got killed. I get that he might abandon issues like that in the current environment but they can´t open up such a plotline and then just drop it. Does he know that Oswald didn´t kill Carmine? Like honestly .. I know it´s the Jim Gordon show but I would have loved it if Victor Zsasz just had saved himself!! I would have loved it even more if along the way they somehow figured out the whole misconception, Zsasz would recognize that Sofia and not Oswald is to blame and maybe even apologize. * But hey Oswald´s “Well said” about the mumbled last words was mean but awesome. * Soooo who went in the trashy local torture museum to get the guillotine? * How does Zsasz work? There where zero people shown around him. What is it like to live on Zsasz turf? * Zsasz mumbling must have been bewildered that they aren´t honouring the tradition of the last meal before an execution, like he got his order ready, that was the last silver lining, if he´s really going to face his end at the hands of penguin in those halls at least he´s going to get his teeth into something juicy and tasty before it happens .. SELINA KYLE, (Bruce Wayne), JEREMIAH VALESKA, ECCO * Sykes and the Soothsayers digging a tunnel for Jeremiah Valeska. Is that poetic justice? Also is this a new tunnel, when the Soothsayers had the children dig it they went out of their way to state that their cruelty is even more infuriating because the whole endeavour is very likely futile. Like they made it damn clear that the TUNNEL is not going to go anywhere. Also would Jeremiah, who made the bridges go boom want a tunnel that remedies that issue partly? Only for himself? His cult? Is he doing something else altogether? Is it about what he can get into the city through it? Is he better at static issues and remedied the tunnel digging plan? Was he involved before? * “Yes you certainly have set a very high bar - for devotion.” Fucker gave me an earworm, Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio & Spiritual Front - A Song 4 Hate and Devotion (live) I mean quite a fitting mood considering all the other portrayals of the Harley and Mr. Jay relationship, but maybe they give ECCO and JEREMIAH VALESKA a different path. Aside from that the little dance was slightly nice. * “Bruce Wayne and his sidekick Curls Or is he the sidekick?” Yes! Ecco got the right spirit. I wonder if Ecco sees herself as sidekick? “You see, a river cuts through rock not because of its power, but because of its persistence.So what do we do when we feel like giving up?” “Dig a little deeper.” “And what do we do when we can't possibly go on any longer?” “Dig a little deeper.” “And what do we ..” “Deep enough?” I´m afraid it was not deep enough, I´m afraid it was quite shallow because the show is not as clever as Ecco, I bet that he isn´t dead, if he was it if could have actually been just about her. Honestly, I would love that. All the BatJokes built up and then it´s about Selina. And she has plenty right for it to be about her, Jeremiah almost killed her. What else does it need. * SELINA KYLE keeping in the shadows investigating, disguising herself as one of the people there, then getting close to Jeremiah dressed as Ecco: She´s good! She´s awesome! * That GCPD woman that was doing PAPERWORK when Ed sneaked into the building. Do they do regular paperwork? Cause damn, considering the governmental neglect if Jim got them to bother to do the regular paperwork he must have given one hell of a speech. Or is it paperwork related to organize a place like Haven? How do they do things? * Oswald destroying all strategy with a megaphone: “There goes the element of surprise.” * “Elevated position, back to the sun.” * “Never ever ask me to do anything like that again. Pull yourself together.” Harvey does not approve of Wild West Jim * “ I know the wheels of justice turn slowly, so I'm here to provide - a modicum of grease.” / “I did not expect you to go soft, Jim. Actually, I did.” / “By the power vested in me by well, me, I sentence you, Victor Zsasz, to die.” * “One of the areas in which I excel is the loosening of tongues.” “No. He's mine” Oh damn I thought Jim said “it´s mine” as in he´s better with interrogations. Well there goes my whole comparison with the Edward Nygma & Lucius Fox expertise quip: “So, the second smartest man in Gotham needs my help.” “Explosives are not my expertise.” “Didn't realize you had one.” *“Jim Gordon cares more about protecting a murderer than he does about protecting you!” Okay look who is projecting ....
#gotham#gotham meta#gotham s5ep4 Ruin#Victor Zsasz#ecco#Selina Kyle#mine Gotham full episode reviews
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No Matter What. Jeremiah x male reader.
AN; this was requested by anon and honestly I love it so much and I want to continue it as a series. I feel like it seems rushed but I want to get to the good stuff in the next part, so I wanted to get introductions out of the way.
Plot Summary; You met Jeremiah at St. Ignatius and didn't expect to grow as close to him as you did. The two of you were always competing for the tops of all of your classes and, after graduation, he asked for you to work with him as his assistant. Being that you had the same proficiencies you worked well together. You gladly accepted and the two of you accomplished amazing things together. You never knew why he remained in secret, but you never questioned it. But, one day, you understand.
You jumped as you heard a loud slam on the table behind you. Whipping your head around, you saw a sight you were only too familiar with. After setting down the glass of scotch you were originally pouring for yourself, you strode over to the metal desk that your red haired friend sat at with his head in his hands.
“What is it this time?” You asked, peering over his shoulder at the various schematics and blueprints that littered the desk.
“Nothing.” he muttered. “Don't worry about it. I can handle this.”
“Look,” you sighed, knowing immediately what to say since he had done this so many times before in the while that you’ve worked with him. “You hired me for a reason. My job is to help you, so let me.”
That gained no response from him, only an exasperated sigh.
“Why don’t you start by telling me what the problem is?” You lightly suggested.
“I need to find a way to cancel the power input.” He muttered, flipping from blueprint to blueprint. “These are supposed to be self sustaining generators.”
“What's wrong with the initial startup system?” you asked. “I mean, yeah, they have to be plugged in for a little while but after that it can amplify the little energy it has received and continue producing it for as long as we need it to.”
“I just think it would be better if we could find a way for it to initially power itself. If we cancel out the startup system we can just put them where they need to go and let it handle itself.”
“Fair point.” you spoke, eyeing the schematics. Finally, you spotted something that your dear friend seemed to overlook. “Look here. You see the internal wiring? if we can take what is now the processor and link it to the current input, assuming that it could handle its own startup, it should be able to provide itself with enough energy to keep increasing it as we need it to.”
Your friend chuckled, processing what you had just said.
“How did I not see that?” He said, standing up. “See, I was thinking that we hook the startup panel to the main generator but I kept getting caught up in all of the rewiring that would have to be done. Hell, our original ideas and plans would've been scrapped!”
“You overthink.” you said, putting your hands on his shoulders. “It’s nice, sometimes, but sometimes it gets in the way.”
“Yeah.” he sighed, turning around and putting a hand on one of your shoulders as you let your arms fall to your sides. “Thank god for you, then.”
You could tell that he was upset. He had been sighing and shuffling through the blueprints for what seemed like forever. He must've been working on trying to find a solution the whole day, whereas you found one in ten seconds. You looked over as he poured himself a glass of whisky.
“Hey, Jer?” you said, knowing exactly how to lighten the mood. “Remember when you first came to St. Ignatius?”
“Yeah.” he said with a laugh. “It felt so weird. no one there really liked me and, save for you, that didn’t really change.”
“They only didn't like you because you came along and, almost immediately, beat them out for top of their classes. You always beat me out, too.”
“Yeah. but, even when I did, you were always there for me, y/n.”
“Yeah, and I'm always going to be here for you. even when you're annoying as hell, you're still you.”
“Yeah.” Jeremiah said, stepping closer to you and setting his drink down on the desk. “I have to admit, I always felt closer to you than I have to anyone. I guess that's why I knew I could work well with you.”
“Yeah.” you said, with a tone of surprise. He never told you things like this. It was always business between you two, except for when you guys hung out and let yourselves have a little fun. But, even then, it was always buddy-buddy talk. Nothing like this. What changed? You were about to ask him when, suddenly, his phone rang.
“Ecco?” He said, suddenly eyeing you and making you feel like you shouldn’t be hearing whatever he was about to say. “Great. Yes. Okay. I’ll meet you there and then set everything up on the monitors when we’re done. Okay. Bye.”
He closed his phone and looked at you, sliding it into his coat pocket and fixing his tie.
“That was Ecco.” He said.
“I figured. I heard you say her name.”
“Yeah, well. She’s helping me with something so I have to run down to the other side of this place.”
“Okay. Do you need my help with anything?”
“No.” He said, turning and heading toward the door. “It’s nothing work related. Just a little issue that I had her get stuff to fix earlier today, no big deal. You can take the rest of the day off. Have an early night, for once.”
“Yeah, I guess.” You muttered, as a wave of suspicion crashed over you. If it was no big deal, why did he sound so urgent on the phone? What would he need the monitors for? Why wouldn’t he tell you what it was?
The sliding door that exited the office closed and you found yourself alone.
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Gotham 04X20, ‘That Old Corpse’
This week: grave-robbing and presumed Jekyll and Hyde antics. This is Gotham.
- Episode hasn’t quite started yet, and I’m already wondering what the inevitable scene between Lee and Jim in the precinct is going to be like. Why doesn’t she just claim she was a hostage, anyways?
- Since the preview showed Ed burning the deeds, I do wonder how this is going to come back later. Logically, those weren’t the only copies of the deeds, but still…
- We open on some impromptu memorial service for Jerome. “Second time’s the charm” is actually a pretty good inscription for his headstone; I think he’d approve. A funeral-crasher shows up with a message: dig up the coffin.
- Oh, look, the Jim-Lee melodrama has arrived. “What can I do?” Oh, come on, Jim, don’t pretend you don’t think the law only works for the people you think it should.
- Why is Harvey the one pointing out that Lee’s robbery was semi-justifiable this week when it was Jim pointing out something similar last week about dirty banks while Harvey was being the hardass?
- Jim and Lee have it out; Lee’s strikes are clearly hitting home.
- A “present” from Jerome shows up. There’s a video. A VHS instead of a DVD, further obfuscating what time period this is supposed to be in. Jerome informs him some goons are heading for the precinct for a “wake”… just as they show up.
- Will Lee take advantage of the chaos to escape?
- A car shows up with Jerome’s casket.
- Back at the Narrows, Ed and Lee’s goons are discussing how to break Lee out. Their group seems to be on a collision course with the “mourners.”
- They’re using Jerome’s casket as a battering ram. That’s just absurd enough to be mildly hilarious. This show’s really at its best when it embraces three things. A) Camp. B) Black humor. C) General morbidity. When it embraces all of these things at once, you understand.
- Who wrote this episode, by the way? I haven’t seen enough to know if it’s halfway decent (and the inconsistencies in Jim and Harvey’s positions is a warning sign if ever I saw one), but it’s been decently well-paced so far. Is this another Ben McKenzie script?
- Jim’s plan is… I’m not a tactical genius, but it actually sounds okay.
- Bruce and Jeremiah are in their maze. I’m wondering when Mr. Hyde is going to come out to play and leave our Dr. Jekyll in the dark.
- Jeremiah is flipping through Jerome’s diary. Bruce looks appropriately disturbed and appropriately concerned. I hate he’s going to go over the edge so quickly, because he and Bruce have a fairly sweet dynamic.
- Alfred is heading around Wayne Manor with a gun, apparently having heard a disturbance, only to get ambushed off-screen. I’m assuming by Jerome’s people.
- Jeremiah tells Bruce about getting gassed. Well, I’m glad that for once the little communication issue of people refusing to tell other people vital information was side-stepped.
- Bruce suggests going to where Jerome’s buried to prove that he’s dead and give Jeremiah a little piece and mind. Boy, is that going to be an unpleasant experience.
- It’s Operation Unruly Clown in the precinct. Just before all hell breaks loose, Jim and Lee have one last little exchange. I wonder if Jim is at all affected by this.
- Lee gets knocked out. Oh, the drama. Oh, the half-baked drama that I’m sure won’t lead to glurgey EdxLee scenes later.
- Jim faces off against some of Jerome’s people in the locker room. Harvey and Harper ambush them, and Jim apparently decides to have a good old-fashioned fist fight with the head goon.
- Gotta say, now that I don’t care about what’s happening anymore, it’s a lot easier to just be Zen about all this. Like, the bad writing still irritates me, but I think it’s going to take a lot more for me to get properly angry.
- Is that… Is that a pool of blood in the kitchen? Wow, I actually feel a little sorry for Alfred.
- Jeremiah desperately wants to bolt out of the cemetery. He’s twitchy as hell, poor guy. I actually feel sorry for him, now; now that they’re being more upfront about the fact that he’s not well, it’s easier to sympathize with him.
- Jeremiah sees Jerome’s exhumed grave, screams “He’s alive!” and runs away. Honestly, that is probably the most sensible thing anyone’s ever done in the history of this show.
- Oswald tries to eat his lunch, only for Butch to be an asshole and steal his food straight off his plate. Butch… You radiate anti-sympathy waves. Why do you expect me to feel sorry for you?
- Why is Oswald reduced to robbing liquor stores for income? Doesn’t he have more resources than that?
- I’m just waiting for Ed and Co. to show up. Where are they?
- Oh, great, police brutality. Again.
- The little gag of rogues opening the back of the van while that one guy yells “X! We’re saved!” is kinda funny, I’ll admit. Especially when Oswald just motions for Butch to grab one of them.
- Lee wakes up in the precinct while the orgy’s going on. She’s probably concussed, so I wonder how well she’s gonna do. No charming your way out this situation when it’s all you can do not to fall over, throw up, and pass out.
- Jeremiah has apparently run into a crypt. Suddenly, I’m beginning to understand why people ship Batman and the Joker. …I never wanted to be in this position.
- Jeremiah seems to think Bruce… is Jerome. Given how paranoid he seems to be even at the best of times, I can actually buy this as being plausible.
- Back to the orgy. Ed Nygma is dressed as a clown, and we learn the casket is full of liquor bottles.
- Lee ambushes him and hits him with a can that makes a satisfyingly metallic clang. I laughed.
- Jim shows up at the maze. And seems to have no trouble navigating it without Jeremiah’s help, further giving the lie to the idea that he’s any kind of expert maze-builder.
- Jerome’s followers just left his body sitting out by the exhumed grave… and nobody noticed it until now??? What?????
- The harlequin from the opening scene has a gun to Jim’s head while he watches the video Jerome left… until someone reaches from off-screen and throttles him. That’s interesting.
- Is it Ecco under that mask? What’s her involvement with all this?
- It is Ecco. What’s with this?
- Jim turns his attention back to the window, where it turns out the throttling thing was just a theatrical thing. Back to proper programming.
- Jerome’s followers show up and separate Jeremiah and Bruce (Good thing, too; I doubt Bruce is skilled enough with headlock safety to keep from hurting him). The part where Jeremiah wipes his face with a handkerchief to show his now-naturally white skin is another homage to the 1989 Batman film; we’ve been seeing a lot of those this season, haven’t we? Well, I’ll give them this much; when it comes to other Batman homages, they’ve got decent taste.
- Cameron Monaghan’s great.
- I wonder if Jeremiah is going to be to Bruce in this continuity what Harvey Dent is to Bruce in the DCAU. It would make a fair amount of sense.
- The mask of madness, huh? Somehow, I doubt that very much.
- Jeremiah: “To truly build something, you must tear down what’s already there.”
- Jim’s left locked in the room with the overloading generators. And apparently they work pretty well as bombs.
- Just before the GCPD can storm the clinic, the first of the generators explodes. The one in the maze, apparently. How the fuck did Jim get out of the blast zone in time, because I seriously doubt this show has the guts to kill him—especially since we see him in promo shots for future episodes, apparently unharmed. The blast zone is supposed to have a radius of a mile (Jeremiah said you didn’t want to be anywhere within a mile of it), and there’s no way Jim could have gotten that far away in time. Also, I’d bet the explosion would be enough to make the ceiling collapse, so logically, he should be deader than disco.
- Bruce gets tossed in the grave with Jerome’s corpse. Christ, poor kid’s gonna have a stroke when he wakes up.
- Oswald is interrogating Jerome’s head goon.
- Butch, all you have to do to look normal is to get a spray-on tan and hair dye. I don’t feel remotely sorry for you.
- Oswald calls it a “tale of woe.” Bless you, Oswald.
- Glurgey EdxLee scene is glurgey. That is all.
- And cue the tear gas! Well, I guess that’s one way to break up an orgy.
- Ed and Lee watching those guys escaping down the fire escape is a decent scene, though.
- Last scene is Jeremiah at Wayne Research. With Ecco. Is anyone ever going to explain what the deal is with Ecco. And don’t just give me that “She’s Harley” crap and try to leave it there. I want an explanation that isn’t lazy. Why is she like this?
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