amarguerite · 7 years
Idk if it's lingering emotional exhaustion from wedding stuff, the cold I caught on the flight into Newark, cold medication, or actually powerfully storytelling and cinematography, but the "Coming to America" bit in the sixth episode of American Gods where some new Mexican immigrants bring Jesus over the border with them, and Jesus is immediately and instantly murdered by American border police, with bullets through his raised hands and a crown of tumbleweeds on his bowed head I legit burst into tears and had to pause the episode.
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montagnarde1793 · 6 years
silver-whistle a réagi à votre photo : eccecorinna: Friendly(?) reminder that Les Amis...
I would be interested in reading this!
One of these days I will finish it...
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kcrabb88 · 7 years
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SO I got to see the Les Mis tour tonight with my DC Les Mis Crew-- @amarguerite, @treblemirinlens, @watertightvines, @eccecorinna, @lovethefutureisthine, @lemonpaperfingers, and @librarianladyx --and I am still really really keyed up both from the incredible production and getting to see it with this group of friends. We took up almost a whole row in the theater, and legit no one enjoyed or laughed more during ABC Cafe than we did. Also no one cried more when they showed Enjolras’ body on the cart. 
More to come on the AMAZING FLUFFY HAIRED ENJOLRAS you see above there. As well as other thoughts on the show. Ah. It was SO FUCKEN GOOD Y’ALL. 
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bloojayoolie · 7 years
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Anaconda, Christmas, and Definitely: The real MVPs are the little Jewish kids who never told us that Santa wasn't real 100 4 HOURS 2 REPLIES SHARE eccecorinna @y'all you're welcome Oh man, this reminds me of one of the things I witnessed when working with some of my favorite kids after school, back when they were in kindergarten It was getting close to our winter break. I was in a small room coloring with a few of them, and one of them goes okay, wait, none of the kids in this room do Christmas, right?" And they all reply that no, they don't do Christmas, they all do Hanukkah Okay, you all know The Secret, right? That Santa Claus is their parents? My parents told me last year, but it's a secret, and we CANT tell the Christian kids." So the Jewish kids at my school have definitely has conferences on how seriousl thev take that resnonsibilitv Yuh
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oreoassassin · 7 years
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Anaconda, Christmas, and Definitely: The real MVPs are the little Jewish kids who never told us that Santa wasn't real / 100 4 HOURS 2 REPLIES SHARE eccecorinna kosherqueer @y'all you're welcome Oh man, this reminds me of one of the things I witnessed when working with some of my favorite kids after school, back when they were in kindergarten. It was getting close to our winter break I was in a small room coloring with a few of them, and one of them goes, okay, wait, none of the kids in this room do Christmas, right? And they all reply that no, they don't do Christmas, they all do Hanukkah Okay, you all know The Secret, right? That Santa Claus is their parents? My parents told me last year, but it's a secret, and we CAN'T tell the Christian kids." So the Jewish kids at my school have definitely has conferences on how seriously they take that responsibility #nsfo 122,373 notes http://ift.tt/2BhNm7r
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mythicalmagistra · 8 years
For the fighting historical figures in a Denny's parking lot meme: Heinrich Schliemann.
I will take him down!!!
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oilan · 8 years
@eccecorinna replied to your photo: Have an Enjolras to kick off your weekend. Let’s...
This is really nice! I love the highlights. (Also, have you ever tried watercolor pencils? They’re a good transition into developing regular colored pencil techniques.)
Thanks! And I have! I... don’t really like those all that much either. I guess I’m just a paint person, though I suppose I should be using watercolor pencils for my gouache underdrawings instead of using graphite and then working extra hard to try to cover it all up.
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onetrueharem · 8 years
awwww I just got to the beginning of me and @eccecorinna‘s friendship! awwwwwwwwwwww
our first interaction was her jokingly asking if she could bake the cupcakes for my wedding.
then, several months later in real life, she literally baked the cupcakes for my wedding.
exercise extreme caution when confronted with cupcake-baking threats from eccecorinna.
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amarguerite · 7 years
Tagged by @edwardii- add the first line of a WIP and tag as many people as there are words.
Georgiana was never quite sure what she felt about the sea.
So... eleven? @gurguliare, @oilan, @cheesethesecond, @eccecorinna, @kcrabb88, @anoteinpink, @princehal9000, @ratheralark, @intellectualhedonist, @mysunfreckle, and @aretalogue.
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kcrabb88 · 7 years
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@eccecorinna got me this and I'm CRYING pirate makeup!!
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lemeute · 8 years
Oh hey! Happy birthday! I hope it was a great day.
thanks!! it’s been good :)
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mumblingsage · 9 years
havingbeenbreathedout and I realized some time ago that Levin is just that awkward flannel wearing lesbian who's all Back To The Earth and talking about the benefits of quinoa at dinner parties, except a dude so he's boring. Kitty needs to date so many girls though.
Viewed that way, Kitty’s infatuation with Levin makes more sense, though. 
For canon-era, we still need more Kitty x Varenka fic. Especially with her mom being the go-between in their courtship. 100% canon. 
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eccecorinna said: Is dueling happening? Do you need me to be your second?
Yes. You will be my lieutenant when there’s reckoning to be reckoned
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oilan · 8 years
amelancholycharm replied to your post: “Hi, can we just chat about fandom stuff and fun headcanon origins...”:
is this for real? can I actually reply to you now? or is it another fake-out?
THIS IS REAL LIFE. We can all be friends who TALK on not-messaging again! (I am so pleased- replies are the most comfortable communication method for me on tumblr. :D )
eccecorinna replied to your post: “Hi, can we just chat about fandom stuff and fun headcanon origins...”:
WE CAN NOW THAT REPLIES ARE BACK. Also hi I'm sorry I missed you when I was in your town!
I’m sorry too! It has been quite the... month? Things are lightening up though. Maybe I should hop over to DC sometime, now that I have Thurs-Sat off every week!
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needsmoreresearch · 9 years
eccecorinna said: I can pitch it at work today to the American history teachers! I feel like that’s something we should cover at our school…
I would very sincerely appreciate that!  I feel like “not wanting the poor to vote” tends to get covered in the very dulling phrase “property requirements,” which...kind of went in one of my high-school-aged ears and out the other.
thecoffeetragedy answered: (I think Burr wanted women to be able to vote? but idk about your main question :( )astarreborn said: I think Burr was big on giving men and women equal education but not sure if he extended that to other rights.
My intense research (the wikipedia article, a serious scholar am I, and googling) keeps giving me the phrase “upon his election to the New York State Legislature, he submitted a bill to allow women to vote.”  Still no luck finding the text of that bill, which might also shed light on other restrictions on voting, but I’m looking.  Dammit, I should know how to find this out, my husband works in the NY State Archives.  (eta:  ...”how to find things out” is “you ask a reference archivist/librarian, dammit,” so i emailed him)
tweetonslacarmagnole answered: I kinda think that all the assholes who don’t want blacks voting also all wantpoor disenfranchised. But I am not sure.
So far my google adventures have brought me to a tepid statement of “eh i don’t really care much about property requirements” from Thomas Jefferson in 1776.  (I don’t know anything about that site, how cherry-picked that stuff is, anything, I just got there from googling “thomas jefferson vote property requirements.”)  But yeah, I think you’re mostly right.
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acekatherineplumber · 9 years
When you wake up in the dead of night with burning history questions.
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