Explore tagged Tumblr posts
detournementsmineurs · 2 years ago
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"Peigne" d'Henri Dubret en or ciselé, corne, émail à jour et brillants (circa 1902), "Plaque de Cou" attribuée à Emile Saint-Yves en argent doré et émeraudes (1895), "Broche-Plaque" de René Lalique en or, émail et diamants (circa 1900), "Plaque de Cou" attibuée à Emile Saint-Yves en argent doré et opales (circa 1900) et broche "Branches de Saule" de René Lalique en or, verre moulé, émail et pierres de lune (circa 1902-04) au vernissage de l'exposition "Un Art Nouveau. Métamorphoses du Bijou, 1880-1914" à L’École des Arts Joailliers, juin 2023.
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ecaillesdelunept2 · 1 year ago
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sweatywitchcrusade · 3 months ago
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peinture voiture dacia duster, peinture voiture devenue mate, peinture voiture en bombe, peinture voiture ecaille, peinture voiture en pot, peinture voiture ecar, peinture voiture effet rouille, peinture
peinture voiture dacia duster, peinture voiture devenue mate, peinture voiture en bombe, peinture voiture ecaille, peinture voiture en pot, peinture voiture ecar, peinture voiture effet rouille, peinture
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selidor · 2 years ago
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ecaille de peinture on Explore! ⭐ July 21, 2023, by ynatentive
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metropoliswhite · 1 month ago
Thanks @sunflower-boy for the tag 💕💕
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your URL and tag that many people (if you want to)
Monstrueuse - Solann
Ecailles De Lune Pt. 2 - Alcest
The Creator (from Jack) - Old Caltone
Rid Of Me - Nilüfer Yanya (PJ Harvey Cover)
Our Diabolikal Rapture - HIM
People Hate Me - Murderdolls
One Night/All Night - Justice
Le Vieil Amant - Emilie Simon
Icarus - Mashrou' Leila
Scream (Funk My Life Up) - Paolo Nutini
We No Who U R - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Hell and You - Amigo The Devil
Indigo Night - Tamino
The Rockrose and the Thistle - The Amazing Devil
Everybody Here Wants You - Jeff Buckley
God it was hard why did i chose such a long url?? i'm not tagging that many people but if you want to do it please go for it!
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Tagged by @coldestcaress
Go to 'on repeat'/heavy rotation playlist on spotify/apple music (or whatever you use), throw it on shuffle and share the first 10 songs you get
I tag @kvothbloodless, @zombiequeer, @rorismane, @haldoll, @ecailes
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concordewillfly · 8 months ago
heard u’d be open to recs & well. i slipped & fell face first into my album list to see what i could do for u. i feel so close to u in terms of bands/genres we tend to gravitate towards, so i find it a tad bit difficult to pick, but well. i made a List
blackgaze recs: agriculture, trautonist (crazy about their self titled. literally insane about it), au clair de lune (similar vibes to alcest’s ecailles de lune, love it sooo much), heretoir, harakiri for the sky, heaven in her arms, unreqvited, suffocated by misery, to be gentle, wounds of recollection (theyve been hitting so hard lately, love them Bad style), dreamshift, corroding soul, møl, oathbreaker, sugar wounds, vjuga, so hideous, asunojokei, sylvaine, dystopia na!, show me a dinosaur (fond of their self titled album)
also!!! neige’s side projects (since he literally pioneered blackgaze as a genre): lantlos (ante 2013 albums), old silver key (my favorite forever!!!! his voice is so soft SIGH), amesoeurs
general recs, just random stuff i think u’d like: thrown, year of the knife, portrayal of guilt, drive your plough over the bones of the dead, one step closer, as everything unfolds, pupil slicer (sooo fun!!!! been listening to them Heavy style since summer started), the oklahoma kid, harms way, vexed, left behind, wristmeetrazor, waste, dealer (i’d suggest u stick to ep’s only, their debut album wasn’t exactly what i expected it to be, but idk maybe u’ll feel better about it. their ep’s are amazing though), contention, bacchae, yours truly, boundaries (they might be my most played band of the year. if u even care.), the callous daoboys (im sure u’ve heard of them but well. added them anyway), kaonashi, reflections, vein.fm, distinguisher, weeping wound, gouge away!!!!!
sorry if this is too much nerd shit i’ll go back into my cave now. thank u for all the beautiful words & know ur very special to me 🫂
- 💿
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OMG LITERALLY SMACKING A BIG KISS ON YOUR CHEEK THANK U SM DARLING. it will never be enough nerd shit are u kidding u are a lifesaver (ive been in a rut music wise and only listening to my comfort albums </3) so this is literally everythingggg ok so first of all i listened to holy fawn from your earlier rec and i loooove them so thank u for that + i literally dont know anyoneeee in ur blackgaze recs so i have my homework ready to go im so excited :3 + its sooo real that we are so close in genres i love meeting people that tend to gravitate towards the same stuff i do so ur presence here is always a joy <3 + in terms of ur general recs i know and love love love most bands on there so that makes me feel better (i always feel like i have my finger on the pulse of the scene and i know all the new heavy bands and then its like nope!! which makes me happy in a way because theres always new stuff to find) but again the ones i dont know are more on the metal side and omg i looove how many girls are fronting metal days nowadays it really makes me sooo <333 + im listening to the ones i dont know as im typing and im in looove thank u for igniting my love for metal after only dabbling in it when i was like 15 fr <3
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iwouldlovetoeatyourtoast · 11 months ago
@dreambreathing ecail, wifbvjah wllib!
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detournementsmineurs · 5 months ago
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Diadème-Peigne "Branche de Saule" de René Lalique en or, émail, corne, nacre et topazes (circa 1900) de la collection de Monsieur Arikawa présenté à l'exposition "Divins Joyaux. À la Recherche de la Beauté" dans les nouveaux locaux de L’École des Arts Joailliers à l'Hôtel de Mercy-Argenteau, Paris, septembre 2024.
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quarrk · 1 year ago
this is so cool bc personally i love listening to metal especially in many different languages, my favourites being
alcest - french blackgaze band, they're pretty well known amongst metalheads. really pretty songs, my favourites being eclosion, ciel errant, and sapphire. start with either souvenirs d'un autre monde (for a lighter shoegaze/folk sounding album) or ecailles de lune (for more black metal influences)
thy catafalque - hungarian avant garde black metal with folk and prog influences, start with their album 'Vadak', the title track is great.
sigh - japanese black/blackened heavy metal, discovered them recently so can't really give a guide, but i really love Satsui - Geshi No Ato, off their album Shiki.
svdestada - also a new discovery, i found them through their recent 2024 release Candela (title track goes hard). they're spanish, and fuse black metal and crust punk.
honourable mention: opeth, prog metal legends who released their latest album In Cauda Venenum in Swedish (there's an English version too though). the lyrics in both versions are beautiful, and the compositions are just as masterful was one would expect from opeth.
hope y'all metalheads can find some cool new music :)
I wish Americans fucked with more foreign music. You don’t have to know the language to appreciate a good record. Folks in other countries listen to our music and don’t speak a lick of english. Music needs no translator
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helinyetille · 8 months ago
18 & 26 😊
Thank you so much 🤗✨
18. three songs that remind you of your best friend
26. three favourite non-English songs
As much as I'm tempted to include Rammstein here, I won't do it so I can show appreciation for some other bands that I love and for languages other than German :)
🍃 Gaulish
🇫🇮 Finnish
🇫🇷 French
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scarletnacht · 1 year ago
while Alcest plays it's amazing
heavy metal and rough sex?
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schnuron · 9 months ago
Random music subject #1
As a kid from the late 90s, I got to listen to multiple bands from video game licensed soundtracks like Road Rash 3D, Wipeout 64, Test Drive 5, Sega Touring Car Championship and V-Rally 2. And Pokemon The First Movie's soundtrack. The catch was I wasn't very enthused about music back then.
Until I was in 2003.
Evanescence, Gorillaz, The Rasmus, The Darkness, Goldfrapp, Keils, Beyonce, Radiohead, Outkast were showing up their music videos on MTV or Much. YouTube didn't exist back then until 2005.
What if I was a metalcore or metal nerd back in October 2005: Darkest Hour - Undoing Ruin Between the Buried and Me - Alaska Devil Sold His Soul - Darkness Prevails Chimaira - Chimaira Demon Hunter - The Triptych Still Remains - Of Love and Lunacy DevilDriver - The Fury of Our Maker's Hand (Melodic Death Metal) Norma Jean - O' God, the Aftermath Opeth - Ghost Reveries 10) August Burns Red - Thrill Seeker Atreyu - The Curse Mastodon - Leviathan
instead I got into Bullet For My Valentine's The Poison.
2006: Architects - Nightmares It Dies Today - Sirens Killswitch Engage - As Daylight Dies Underoath - Define The Great Line Atreyu - A Death-Grip on Yesterday Converge - No Heroes 7) Mercenary - The Hours that Remain (Melodic Death Metal)
2007: Devil Sold His Soul - A Fragile Soul Haste The Day - Pressure The Hinges Atreyu - Lead Sails Paper Anchor August Burns Red - Messengers Parkway Drive - Horizons The Devil Wears Prada - Plagues Soilwork - Sworn to a Great Divide 8) DevilDriver - The Last Kind Words
2008: Misery Signals - Controller Trivium - Shogun Haste The Day - Dreamer Bullet For My Valentine - Scream Aim Fire Opeth - Watershed 6) Mercenary - Architect of Lies
2009: August Burns Red - Constellations Architects - Hollow Crown DevilDriver - Pray for Villains Killswitch Engage - Killswitch Engage (2009) The Devil Wears Prada - With Roots Above and Branches Below 6) Converge - Axe to Fall
Honorable mentions: Hell (Woodsmoke) - I (Funeral Doom Metal)
2010: Alcest - Ecailles de lune Dark Tranquillity - We Are The Void Solution .45 - For Aeons Past Bullet For My Valentine - Fever Underoath - O (Disambiguation) 6) Soilwork - The Panic Broadcast
2011: Samael - Lux Mundi August Burns Red - Leveler DevilDriver - Beast Architects - The Here and Now Mercenary - Metamorphosis 6) Of Mice and Men - The Flood
Honorable mentions: Blood Stain Child - Epsilon Opeth - Heritage Darkest Hour - The Human Romance
2012: Alcest - Les voyages de l'ame (Blackgaze) Architects - Daybreaker 3) Converge - All We Love We Leave Behind
2013: Atoma - Skylight 2) Dark Tranquillity - Construct
My interest in metal wore down in 2012 and 2013, actually.
I wish I could've abandoned metal in 2010 and get into Crystal Castles music, instead.
Being an teenager with an edgy taste of music sucks, but it had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it worse.
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plumedepoete · 9 months ago
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topasa-anand · 1 year ago
Hair coloring has transcended its traditional role of concealing gray strands; it has become a dynamic form of self-expression and personal style. From vibrant hues to subtle highlights, the world of hair coloring is vast and ever-evolving. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the art and science of hair coloring, exploring its history, techniques, trends, and the impact it has on individuals and society. 
The Evolution of Hair Coloring 
Here's a brief overview of the evolution of hair coloring: 
1.Ancient Civilizations: 
● Ancient Egyptians are believed to be among the first to use hair colorants. Henna, a natural dye made from the leaves of the henna plant, was used to create reddish-brown tones. 
● Ancient Greeks and Romans also used natural dyes like henna, as well as plant extracts and minerals, to alter hair color. 
2.Middle Ages: 
● In medieval Europe, hair coloring fell out of favor. Light hair was often associated with purity and dark hair with deceit, so people preferred to maintain their natural hair color. 
● Blonde hair, however, remained popular among certain groups, and some women used mixtures containing sulfur and alum to lighten their hair. 
● Hair coloring regained popularity during the Renaissance. Women used various substances, including mixtures of alum, sulfur, and honey, to lighten their hair. 
● Wealthy women sometimes used gold powder to create a golden tint. 4.18th and 19th Centuries:
● The use of wigs became fashionable, and these wigs were often powdered or tinted with various colors. 
● Hair dyes containing lead, sulfur, and other chemicals gained popularity but were often toxic and harmful. 
5.Early 20th Century: 
● The development of synthetic dyes revolutionized hair coloring. French chemist Eugene Schueller is credited with creating the first synthetic hair dye in the early 1900s, leading to the founding of L'Oréal. 
● Henna and other plant-based dyes remained popular for those seeking natural alternatives. 
6.Mid-20th Century: 
● Hair coloring became more widespread with the introduction of at-home hair dye kits. 
● The 1950s and 1960s saw the popularity of bold and vibrant colors, influenced by fashion trends and cultural shifts. 
7.Late 20th Century to Present: 
● Advances in technology led to the development of more sophisticated and longer-lasting hair dyes. 
● Balayage, ombre, and other creative coloring techniques gained popularity in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. 
● The trend toward natural and organic products has led to the resurgence of interest in plant-based dyes. 
8.Current Trends: 
● Today, a wide range of hair color options are available, including permanent, semi-permanent, and temporary dyes in various shades. 
● The popularity of fantasy colors (e.g., pastels, bright blues, pinks) has grown, with celebrities and influencers often setting trends. 
Popular Trends in Hair Coloring 
1.Balayage and Ombre:
● Balayage and ombre techniques continued to be popular. Balayage creates a natural, sun-kissed effect by hand-painting color onto sections of the hair, while ombre features a gradual color transition from dark to light. 
2.Pastel and Unicorn Colors: 
● Pastel shades and unicorn-inspired colors, such as lavender, mint green, and soft pink, were trendy among those looking for a more whimsical and playful appearance. 
3.Root Smudging: 
● Root smudging involves blending the roots with the rest of the hair color, creating a seamless and lived-in look. This technique is particularly popular for those who want a low-maintenance style. 
4.Red and Copper Tones: 
● Vibrant reds and copper tones were in fashion, ranging from fiery reds to rich, warm coppers. These colors can add warmth and dimension to various hair types. 
5.Ecaille (Tortoiseshell) Hair: 
● Inspired by the colors found in tortoiseshell patterns, ecaille hair involves blending dark and light shades to create a multi-dimensional, rich look. 
6.Metallic Hues: 
● Metallic hair colors, including silver, rose gold, and metallic ash tones, gained popularity for those seeking a bold and futuristic appearance. 
7.Natural and "Lived-In" Colors: 
● Low-maintenance hair colors that mimic the look of natural hair growth, such as lived-in blondes and brunettes, remained on-trend. These colors are designed to grow out gracefully without the need for frequent touch-ups. 
8.Chunky Highlights:
● Chunky highlights, reminiscent of the '90s, made a comeback. This style involves larger, more noticeable sections of contrasting color for a bold and retro look. 
9.Chocolate Brown Shades: 
● Chocolate brown shades, ranging from deep and rich to lighter variations, were popular for those seeking a classic and timeless appearance. 
10.Neon and Fluorescent Colors: 
● For those who wanted to make a bold statement, neon and fluorescent hair colors in shades like electric blue, green, and pink were in vogue. Innovative Techniques in Hair Coloring 
Here are some innovative hair coloring techniques: 
● Description: Balayage is a French term meaning "to sweep" or "to paint." It involves hand-painting highlights onto the hair to create a natural, sun-kissed look. The technique allows for a softer, more blended result compared to traditional foil highlights. 
● Innovation: Hair stylists continue to innovate within the balayage technique by playing with different color combinations and placements. For example, "reverse balayage" involves hand-painting darker tones onto lighter hair. 
● Description: Ombre is a gradient effect where the hair transitions from a darker shade at the roots to a lighter color at the ends. 
● Innovation: Hairstylists have taken ombre to new levels by experimenting with unconventional color combinations, such as pastel ombre, neon ombre, or even rainbow ombre. The key is to create a seamless transition between colors. 
● Description: Foilyage combines the freehand painting of balayage with the use of foils to intensify and speed up the color development process. 
● Innovation: This technique allows for more control over the placement of color, and stylists may use foils strategically to create bold contrasts or add dimension. 
4.Color Melting: 
● Description: Color melting is a technique where two or more colors seamlessly blend into each other, creating a gradient effect. 
● Innovation: Stylists experiment with unexpected color combinations and melting techniques to create multidimensional and eye-catching looks. This technique is often used to achieve a "lived-in" or "grown-out" color. 
5.Pixelated Hair Coloring: 
● Description: Inspired by digital pixels, this technique involves creating a blocky, pixel-like pattern of colors on the hair. 
● Innovation: Hairstylists use pixelated coloring to add a modern and playful touch to hair. It's especially popular for creating unique patterns and designs. 
6.Ecaille (Tortoiseshell) Technique: 
● Description: Ecaille mimics the color variation seen in the shell of a tortoise. It involves blending multiple shades to create a rich, warm, and multidimensional look. 
● Innovation: Stylists play with various warm tones, such as caramel, chestnut, and honey, to create a luxurious and natural appearance. 
● Description: Underlights involve coloring the hair underneath rather than on top, creating a subtle or bold contrast when the hair moves. 
● Innovation: Creative placement of underlights can add unexpected pops of color, and stylists may experiment with geometric patterns or hidden rainbow effects. 
8.Hand-Pressed Color: 
● Description: This technique involves applying color to the hair using a hands-on, pressing motion. 
● Innovation: By using hands instead of traditional brushes, stylists can create organic patterns and textures, resulting in a more natural and lived-in appearance.
As we navigate the colorful world of hair coloring, it's evident that this practice is more than a cosmetic choice; it's a reflection of our history, culture, and individuality. From the ancient civilizations that laid the foundation to the modern innovations shaping the industry today, hair coloring continues to be a powerful means of self-expression. Whether seeking a bold transformation or a subtle enhancement, understanding the art and science behind hair coloring empowers individuals to make informed choices, fostering a vibrant and diverse landscape of personal style.
FOR MORE DETAILS CHECK OUT @pradeepsignaturesalon
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