#ebachan rants
ebachan · 5 years
Sonic Movie Review
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So, nobody is going to be surprised I’m writing a review of this movie :-D I’ve seen it the last Saturday. Since then, I’ve calmed down a bit, so I’m not going to be “clouded” by emotions (too much XD)
So without further ado, here we dash by...
I’ll divide this into three segments - The Good, “The Neutral”, “The Bad”. This is a purely personal opinion, so you are free to disagree ;-) I’m open to discussion, but have patience with me ;-) This will be spoilerific, so watch out :-)
The movie is worth the money for sure. There is a lot of fun, good action, top-notch CGI, the voice acting is spot on, Jim Carrey as Dr. Robotnik works really well, and Tom with Maddie make a great couple. All of this and more makes one heck-of-a-ride you will enjoy for the second time as well.
I hope you won’t mind the tag, but I love to read from you ;-)
@movie-robotnik-positivity @movie-sonic-positivity @movie-sonic-adopted-au @aawesomepenguin @welcome-to-green-hills @dxrkblaze @deldiztmblr​ 
The design...
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We all can agree this Design is extremely good and flows well. I’ll remind you, I’m one of the rare people who liked Sonic 1.0. Yes, the one who was hated by almost the whole world. I still like this design, and I would be happy to see it again in action with small adjustments.
However, this one fits better. It has cartoony vibes, vibrant colors, the details are insanely beautiful, and the eyes are pure cuteness.
I liked almost every joke, and if I didn’t get it, I enjoyed the reaction. I can’t speak for English since I’ve heard only Czech dub, but they did well in translating or changing the jokes to fit the scene :-)
Voice Acting...
As stated before, can’t judge it, but great job on it! Czech one just sometimes for me loses some of the emotions Ben Schwartz expressed, but it’s not so bad.
Actions Scenes...
Fast-paced and well-timed. No DBZ-like fights and all of them lead to Sonic’s evolution and show his personality in the best light.
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Tom and Maddie...
As I mentioned briefly, I like them both. They are a color-mixed couple, and I love them!!! It’s not forced like with words “Emancipation” or “Women don’t need men”. While Maddie isn’t an action type, she knows how to hold her ground. Like when she was calm when facing Sonic for the first time, or how she accompanied them later in the journey. She is level-headed as not even a dozen of egg-drones made her panic.
Tom is perhaps for some boring, but I like him. He is more collected and mature, which works for some nice dynamics. He is not just an adult, but Sherif too, so he has a strong sense of justice and can’t leave helpless people and alienhogs alike alone :-) He has some great lines, and takes Sonic as an equal.
Dr. Robotnik...
Only know I know he played in The Mask (a movie I’ve seen as a kid but didn’t like that much), but I’m soooo bad with names ^_^;. So, he wasn’t the reason I watched the movie, but I knew I love him as Dr. Robotnik. He makes him less 2D-villain-from-80s and gives him a spark. He is more interesting then SatAm’s Dr. Robotnik, and more close to Boom Dr. Eggman. Yet he is also very dangerous which makes for a great balance of goofy&over-the-top&serious threat.
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I find it nice. Featuring smaller names like Hyper Potion or belowed Junkie-XL is a nice bonus, and they fit well the story. Except for Dr. Robotnik’s one. His moves were more fit for Fast Rock-like music. The Where Evil Grows feels too slow but fits his character. That was the only scene that threw me a bit off.
I generally didn’t like 3D much less not fully CGI movies, but this CGI is gorgeous and so alive!! The first half-CGI movie I enjoyed was Detective Pikachu. In this decade, we have a technology capable of making those characters come to life! I hope to see more movies like this!
Easter Eggs...
I’ve spotted a few. And perhaps one I didn’t see anybody talking about. In the Bar Fight Scene, Sonic pulls out underwear of one man attacking Tom just like The Mask did XD Don’t tell me this isn’t an Easter Egg XD You can’t talk me out of it :-D
While I didn’t cry (as I feared), I still felt sadness or joy with Sonic.
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The Neutral
I don’t care! It’s a simple but challenging dance. It has fast-paced vibes that fit well with Sonic. Not to mention, Sonic mimicked children to feel like he has friends or he is “in”, so if some did Floss challenge, he would do it too.
Product placement...
I’ve noticed a few, and I didn’t mind them. They were relevant to the plot, quick easter-egg (pun intended), or a part of a joke. 
Some jokes...
I didn’t mind fart jokes... as silly as they are, there wasn't one every five minutes, so no big deal :-)
Sonic’s arms...
I still don’t get this argument (and I may not want to), but whatever... It’s a minimal change, and I never had a problem with it. The same goes for shoes or any other design choice. Small changes don’t ruin the character ;-)
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“The Bad”
I don’t exactly have something I don’t like. But I thought I should mention a thing or two. I found a few “plot-holes” that bugged me after a bit, but they do have an explanation when you think about it. Let’s call them Sonic’s Fun Facts!
NONE of what I mention here is meant to trash the movie!! It’s more of an observation, a fun activity ;-)
The car...
I dunno if any of the cars have an alarm telling you to put on the seat-belt but in both cases of Tom and Sonic, it never rung. But some may not have this function.
The car v2...
Tom’s car lost the roof, yet we didn’t see anybody stopping him. I’m sure everybody would call cops. That would be so weird. The question is, how far he had it to Maddie’s sister, and how close that house was to the Center. Perhas he needed only a short distance or people thought he has those funny 3D-stickers or it’s part of s promotion... Who knows XD
The car V3...
Sonic’s driving... has a lot to desire. Yet, still no police on their tail. Maddie asked the right question. The answer... This is just a joke. Don’t think too deep about it :-D
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The Terrorist...
Tom is called a terrorist, but we don’t see any police forces to approach him. Why? Perhaps Dr. Robotnik called dibs on him and given how much the government trust in him, they believe nobody else is needed. Also, if terrorist sees policemen, they tend to turn aggressive. So, for the protection of people, it’s best not to approach him ;-)
The terrorist v2...
Tom uses his badge to gain an access to the door with no security going after him even after the “kidnapping joke”. It still works with my previous statement. It’s meant as a joke, something silly and a bit of adult-humor that works with kids as well. You gotta love those people’s reactions XD
The door...
Sonic checked he needs a key to access the roof. Which is strange. In the beginning, we can see him run up some tall building. So why not here too? Simple... 1) Dr. Robotnik was chasing him, so he might have turn desperate and ran faster and more haphazardly then before. 2) He really wanted to stay with Tom and Maddie for the longest time possible <= Nail it! I’ve no doubt it’s this ;-) Sonic did “guilt-trip” Tom into helping him :-D
The last battle...
We know the story is Sonic’s memory leading to the final battle. Yet, when we get to the point Sonic didn’t run up a building. One would assume we would see similar/exact shot. But no problem here, the movie might have had “time-limit”, so instead of a repeat, we got something new ;-) 
The room painting...
When Tom goes and paints the wall with a freshly dipped paint roller, there is no wet mark. I’ve noticed it the moment I saw it. It’s kinda funny.
Well, this seems to be everything I had on my mind :-) I’ve greatly enjoyed the movie that I go the second time <3
Thank you for reading <3 
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ebachan · 5 years
Sonic Theory: Sonic’s Arms are naturally BLUE
one thing that I could never wrap my head around was the argument—
Blue X Naked/Shaved/Beige arms
When Sonic Boom came, and people yelled and moaned about blue arms, I had to check Modern Sonic as I had no idea if his arms were blue or not. It really caught me off guard. And yes, Sonic’s arms are beige.
However, many people made a joke that Sonic just stopped shaving his arms. I always found this small change in the design as a nice detail, not important, and since the Fans Riot, I saw the fanbase as <insert whatever you want> ;-)
So, when they start talking and “criticizing” any new design or something about the game, I never take them seriously. In 9/10 cases, they are acting like little brats, not taking into account anything good (or just don’t care).
But enough of this rant. I have this theory (I’m sure somebody covered already, I just never read it XD) that Sonic’s Arms are blue, and he just shaves it or turned “bald“ on them for some reason.
In his Genesis Area, he had beige arms for one reason - to be seen as blue arms would blend in with the body, giving him possibly Rayman-vibes.
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This sprite sheet is from SonicGalaxy site. Do you see how many times the arms could blend in with the body if they were blue? I bet designers wanted to make sure you can make out where his limbs are, and since his legs are under the body, they didn’t need to be beige.
Also, the animators had to know where the arms are, so different color helped them to avoid misplaced pixels :-D
Also, Sonic is with Amy the only character in Games that has beige arms. Everybody else has them covered with their signature color. So why? It’s not strange for animals to have multiple colored furs but that is reflected across the whole body - not just a single part (in most cases ;-)).
The “ultimate“ proof to this theory is hidden in Unleashed - yes, the Werehog.
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If Sonic’s fur on his arms is beige, why are his Werehog’s Arms blue? The same shade as the rest of his body. The beige fur on his belly remained! So why not on his arms? The answer seems to be obvious - For whatever reasons, his arms are fur-less - showing bare skin, but if they weren’t, they would be blue.
This is the end of my theory ;-) It may be some genetic problem (like people going bald), or Sonic shaving his arms. I sure wouldn’t be surprised - If it’s CANON Sonic never takes his shoes off, this is possible too ;-)
But hey... if he never takes his shoes off, has he born with them? Are those shoes growing with him? Are they living being? If not, he had to take them down to get a bigger pair XD SatAM also confirms Sonic took his shoes off at the beginning, and Movie Sonic is taking them down too ;-)
I know this isn't about the movie, but it’s so much fun talking with you :-D
@movie-sonic-positivity @movie-robotnik-positivity
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ebachan · 5 years
STH - Movie Trailer - Some Positive Thoughts Part 1
Okay, there is too much hatred about this movie and for pretty much silly reasons.
I have noticed a few things nobody probably did. At least I haven’t noticed anybody talking about it. So, I’ll give this a try :-)
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Here we have Sonic at the beginning. He is getting ready to run, so he warms up his body. People complain he is too human-looking and has human legs. That game design is better. You may not realize this, but Sonic’s game design may have quite a flaw - limbs structure.
I often heard his limbs are described as “noodles“. So tell me, where he has bones, muscles, and flesh? Where they are “stored”? Isn’t this more disturbing? Are his bones so thin? And there is one thing you are completely overlooking.
When Sonic started, he couldn’t have a detailed body. There was no space for joints, muscles, and co, so they went with fluid “noodles“. It worked and saved them tons of work. Sonic is a part of a non-human world so nobody cared or noticed.
And anyway, Sonic is anthropomorphic hedgehog = he has human-body-like structure. So, yeah, that’s what he has here.
Another detail I like is his back quills. He finally has them all over his back like a real hedgehog. The two on his back were another design limitation. Not that those were bad ;-)
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This “charging“ is also something people don’t get. One thing is his boots are less generic (nice), but the sparks are coming from his legs/feet. If we assume his legs muscles/nerve system generates some sort of electric pulses, his whole body has to be “tuned up” before going fast.
The same goes for his eyes. Before charging, they are more green, but after it, they turn to more blueish shade. It makes sense, You can’t run at the speed of sound with normal eyes. Their reaction times have to change, the same goes for the brain (so going through eyes makes sense).
I like this idea. It may provide some insight into how and why Sonic can run so fast. This opening scene is really cool and well put together.
Part 2
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ebachan · 5 years
STH - Movie Trailer - Some Positive Thoughts Part 3
The other problem haters have is the moment Sonic is shot by a gun and when he outruns numerous missiles.
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While this can be a part of a comic-logic (and it can be) it also has a realistic explanation. Sonic isn’t native, right? He comes from a different planet/world. So...
Okay, let’s try a different approach. Remember that time a long time ago when you were a kid? Yeah, that one when you barely walked and nibbled on everything. Fine, how much you knew about the outer world? Pretty much nothing - except for food, candies, spanking, and crying and other little kid’s stuff.
Now, what you did when you find something new? Had you any idea how to use it? How to call it?
Because you lacked any information or experience. Do you know where I’m coming from?
Sonic probably has little to no idea what gun is => Doesn’t get the danger.
This is his first meeting with a human.
You know the scene when one starts yelling, and the other do the same? This is the same example.
Lucky shot, anybody?
Sonic doesn’t seem to be charged. He isn’t ready for an escape.
But the purpose of Missile scene is to be not just an action but funny too.
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First, it can show us how time (or a sense of time) flows for Sonic. Then there is that Matrix-vibes. Do you remember Shrek 2? When Fiona was about to do split-kick-move but adjusted her hair before doing it - in the middle of the jump?
It’s the same. This is meant to be funny. You think it’s unrealistic? Then tell me how realistic is for Superman to be beaten by a human? That totally makes sense, right? Any average Joe can do it then. So, Superman is not a big deal.
Also, all I could think about was Pikachu Pedometer Game XD And Sonic tapping his foot is another Easter Egg. Look, this whole pose is one of his “impatient“ ones from his games :-) I find it lovely.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
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ebachan · 5 years
STH - Movie Trailer - Some Positive Thoughts Part 4
Here I’ll wrap up my rant and hopefully spark some ideas in your head. You see, everybody is hyped over Robotnik turning into Eggman at the end of the movie.
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He sure looks really cool and more like Eggman, but that’s not what I’m getting into here.
Do you see the mushrooms? Somebody asked if Robotnik didn’t turn small. While that is possible, I’m of a different opinion.
What if this is Sonic’s homeworld?
We could see Sonic throwing his ring that works as Warp Ring. This could easily mean Robotnik either got through one by mistake or used it on purpose.
The other thing that made me realize this scene is more than just a teaser for Robotnik’s Eggman Design is that tube.
Just look at it. There is Sonic’s quill! He still has it! Do you know what it means!
Tons of things XD
Okay, it can easily mean Shadow. We all know Shadow is an artificial being, and some rumors/theories spoke about Shadow being created with Sonic’s DNA. But that is kind of weird too since Shadow is too old for that.
But if we consider Sonic didn’t pop into a thin air and had actually parents, Gerald Robotnik could use their DNA. After all, they or one of the parent’s could have some powers Gerald found important or fitting his criteria.
I don’t know where, but I have read Shadow saying Sonic is the Real Ultimate Lifeform. And some hints point that Sonic (in the game-verse) is an alien too. I think this was here on Tumblr and I might have reblogged it too since I read it and found it fantastic.
So, what do you think? This end is more than just Eggman.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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ebachan · 5 years
STH - Movie Trailer - Some Positive Thoughts Part 2
Another thing people hate about Sonic is teeth.
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Like, this is a problem with every game/TV series/Movie/comics you can find. Like seriously. You guys are just so close-minded and are forgetting important details. Here is a random picture of Superman I googled.
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Do you see it? I guess we should go hate, hate, hate, hate all adaptation for including real-human teeth! After all, THE ONE AND ONLY Superman has mono-tooth! You can’t go and let people with real teeth play him. Isn’t that a total disaster?
Okay, take note of my sarcasm. Because you haters are so childish.
Do you know why drawn media had mono-tooth-thingy? To save time! They already had tons of work, so why to make it worst drawing every single tooth? Even if for people! If they were more-or-less human-like, they just used white strip and were done with it!
Of course, dragons and any beast with razor teeth and the fan-favorite cute-fangs are an exception. You would go ROFL if Dragon with mono-teeth roared at you, trying to look threatening XD
In other words, mono-tooth helped with animation and saving time. Stop seeing it as a big deal.
You could easily say Sonic is no longer Sonic since Modern Times.
His eyes aren’t black anymore.
He isn’t chubby.
He talks.
He has the right-sized gloves.
He is taller.
His Quills are longer and different.
Has different blue shade.
His legs are longer.
In other words - If you want to hate something or somebody, you will always find a reason, no matter how stupid it is.
Like Come on - Do you seriously think to hate somebody just because their face changed (a bit) is normal? Then I guess you should go and ditch all your friends when they re-color their hair or undergo plastic surgery. After all, they no longer look the same, so they are ruined and no longer the same person - no matter that their soul is the same.
Take a double note of my sarcasm and absurdness of such thinking.
Also, can we appreciate the mountain of shoes :-D Don’t tell me there isn’t hidden Easter Egg or two :-D
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Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
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ebachan · 5 years
Movie Sonic - Redesigns - My opinions (Part 1)
Since the trailer went on air, the Internet has been flooded with different redesigns. some are good, some are a bit strange and some are straightforward insulting and porno (This makes me soooo angry!!).
But well, I decided to make a post with the re-designs and including a few words about how I feel about them. I don’t own any of the used pictures, and they were taken in a way to include proper credits. This may turn quite long, so sit back and enjoy :-)
Number 1
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I like this one. It’s based on the first Movie Sonic design we have gotten. I see the ears are bigger and that is good. Notably, his irises are oval and not round. The old ones would look pretty strange in the re-shaped eyes. What I like the most is the fact this re-design changed only the face a bit but remained faithful to the movie body.
Number 2
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While this one is good too, it’s “just” a bit more detailed Modern Sonic (who was hated for his green eyes and different blue shade). This one doesn’t add anything new or “refreshing” to his persona. I’m not saying the artist was lazy, I just say create the silhouette and you won’t find a difference between this and Modern Sonic.
Remember all major Sonics and you will see, you can recognize them based on their shape. Every new Sonic added a small spinoff. There was something new to discover ;-)
Number 3
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This one is “rougher”. It’s again based on the first model. I think the eyes still need a bit of work, but they are close to the original. The blue fur over his shoulders is nice detail, but it may seem the fur on his arms “molted” :-D The socks and gloves are more to the realistic side, and also a nice detail.
The picture was found on knowyourmeme.com, but if you know the author, shoot me a message, and I’ll credit them ;-)
Number 4
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I’m sorry to say, but this is one of the least favorite re-designes of mine. It feels Sonic’s original body was stretched to fit in the movie-size. The head is just too big, but I know Sonic’s characters don’t follow “traditional” proportions. I just can’t see it working here (may be better in animation).
But I like the author kept the movie variant (two eyes, no gloves), but I don’t get why Sonic looks angry. On the left, he seems to be bored or curious.
Okay, this is enough for now. I’ll add more designs I have found in the next post.
Do you know any NON-PORNO and NON-INSULTING redesigns I haven’t included? Message me the link for them, and I may create a new post for them (depends on my schedule). Send any porno and/or insulting one, and I’ll smash the report button. 
Sorry, but I want this blog to remain safe and positive ;-)
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ebachan · 5 years
STH - Movie Trailer - What bothers me
Yes, I’m not all unicorns and rainbows. I have also found a few things that were odd to me.
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When he is jumping, this is so stiff. It’s a kind of like a board is jumping ^_^; I don't know if it’s because of the slow motion, but I think he looks the strangest here from the whole trailer.
The rest of the scene is cool and funny.
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This scene is pretty dynamic too, but in all seriousness - I miss sand trails XD Like the missiles, they send sand into the air, but there isn’t much after Sonic. I get all the scenes aren’t final. Or doing this in 2D animation is easier than in 3D, I dunno.
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Here, my problem is... no, it’s not teeth... the eyes. BUT... not the way you think. It’s the reaction. Sonic gets flashlight right into his face, yet he seems to be unaffected. It’s either a mistake or Sonic’s don’t react on sudden light like humans do. His eyes have to be different after all if he can process all the information he gets when moving.
So - no real problem with teeth, human anatomy, with lips or any other silly detail. But I agree all of those can be tinkered with.
And still, I like this. Just because I have found three instances that seems off, I’m not going to throw this into the garbage.
Seriously, try to open your heart a bit ;-). Didn’t Sonic teach you anything about live and learn?
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