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Even obama itself is an ice cream scooper :) Bahkan seorang presiden dari negara adidaya pun pernah merasakan bekerja sebagai seorang ice cream scooper :) Beliau membagikan pengalaman nya via Linkedin pribadi beliau: "My first summer job wasn’t exactly glamorous, but it taught me some valuable lessons," the president wrote. "Responsibility. Hard work. Balancing a job with friends, family, and school." Nilai nilai yang didapat: Responsibility Hard work Balancing friends, family, and school Semoga Semua seluruh keluarga besar team sundae beserta casual team sundae dan seluruh #pahlawanpangan bisa achieve sesuatu yg besar dan memberi banyak impact baik bagi sekitar yah :) #sweetsundaeicecream #ademuygelato #eatlocallythinkglobally #pahlawanpangan #sundaelovers #icecream #icecreamscoopers #obama (di Sweet sundae ice cream) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuVAZCMFEXk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r4lfpbbqfo9e
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Alhamdulillah belum sebulan berselang semenjak Bank Indonesia Jember mempercayakan jadi narasumber, minggu kemarin Alhamdulillah dipercaya kembali oleh Bank Indonesia Jawa Timur untuk menjadi narasumber dalam acara Syariah terbesar: ISEF - Indonesian Syariah Economic Festival. Semoga apa yang kita usahakan selama ini untuk menuju Indonesia Syariah, diijabah oleh Allah swt, aminn #eatlocallythinkglobally #sweetsundaeicecream #ademuygelato #pahlawanpangan #isef #BANKINDONESIA (at Grand City Ballroom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Brjy-B5lKaO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ishf34h4igyo
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14 Day Juice Reboot: First Post. @Medicalmedium @DavidAvocadoWolfe @JoeTheJuicer @Garyvee @LeslieDurso @AwakenWithPJ @ForksOverKnives @fatsickandnearlydead @TrinaMason (wtg kiddo) And an honorable mention to @ThatKevinSmith for your transformation...you know you remember me bro 😏 #kevinSiegelbaum #HealthyFoodForLife #noGMO #NoGMOs #NoGMOsForLife #NoGMOFoods #joecross #juicereboot #SustainableFoodSources #CleanFoodIsRealFood #HealingTheWorldWithFood #organicfoods #OrganicllyGrownProduce #ForksOverKnives #FatSickandnearlydead #GMOOMG #inspired #PayItForward #Healingwithfood #nothingbutfood #FoodIsMedicine #LetFoodBeThyMedicine #selflove #selfrespect #InnerStrength #HealthyFoodIsMyPassion #KevinSmith (because ya look great) #CleanWater #cleanfood #eatlocallythinkglobally #FuckMontsanto #PlantBasedEater #GardenFresh #FarmFresh #FarmersMarkets #ILoveYouAmandanand https://www.instagram.com/p/ByVppt0n6ml/?igshid=1rllby9fk7owj
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