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loominggaia · 3 months ago
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Evangeline Kingdom encompasses fertile grasslands, temperate forests, and icy mountains. Its culture is largely homogenous due to the embrace of Lindism, the largest religion in the region. Both climate and religion have a strong influence on the way people dress in this kingdom, promoting modesty and practicality.
Location: Silverspring
Slaves are the backbone of Evangeline Kingdom’s economy. The entire kingdom would crumble if not for their hard, unpaid labor. The Field Slave works exclusively outdoors, tending to his master’s crops and animals. When the sun goes down, he is locked in a barn until morning to prevent his escape. He is not even allowed to set foot in his master’s house, for he is considered too filthy from all his time outdoors.
This particular Field Slave is a goblin, a species with naturally bald heads. He wears a cloth rag wrapped around his head to protect it from the sun and keep it warm in the cold. What little clothes he owns are tattered and grungy. His master agreed to buy him just one pair of shoes per year, and since they have already worn out, the Field Slave wraps leather strips around his feet until he is given new ones. He works shirtless as often as possible so that he does not wear out his shirts and coats too fast. Like all Evangelite slaves, he wears iron cuffs around his wrists, which block him from using magic. Slave masters sometimes put iron collars on their slaves as well, as an extra security measure in case they must be restrained. The fact that this Field Slave has a collar is a sign that he likely tried to run away or attack his master at some point.
Evangelite Field Slaves are cheap and expendable in the eyes of their masters. Not much money or care is given to their well-beings, and this is very apparent from the crude scraps of clothing they wear.
Location: Queenswater
Unlike the Field Slave, the House Slave works almost exclusively indoors. They are almost always female fae, who are considered less threatening and more docile than males or gaians of any sex. Male House Slaves are usually young children or elderly. House Slaves interact with their master’s family on a much more personal level than Field Slaves, so they are usually given nicer clothing to keep them looking clean and presentable. This clothing is typically dull in color and drab in style, and its quality is rarely as nice as what their masters wear.
This House Slave is wearing her hair in a braid with a cloth rag wrapped around her head, ensuring that her hair does not fall into the food she prepares for her masters. Her striped brown dress is pleasant to look at, but drab enough that she does not stand out. Her dull green overdress keeps her warm and has pockets for utility. She wears an apron over that, which keeps her clothes from getting dirty too fast and gives her something to wipe her hands on. The style of her outfit does not show much skin, with the idea that the men of the house will not be tempted with lustful feelings towards her. Even her ankles are covered by leggings. She is not permitted to wear makeup or jewelry of any kind. The only "bracelets" she wears are her iron wristcuffs, which block any spells she may try to use.
Though her living conditions are better than the Field Slaves, the indoor candlelight means she can (and does) work longer hours than they do. Her responsibilities are many, including cleaning, cooking, looking after her master’s children and pets, and even helping her masters with personal matters like dressing and grooming. She must do all of this while looking and behaving presentably at all times.
Location: Eastwalk
Her husband died, leaving her widowed with their young children. Widowed and divorced women face much difficulty in Evangeline Kingdom, for they are considered undesirable to all but the most desperate men. Worse yet, women are viewed only as homemakers and mothers in this culture, so most employers will not hire them. When they do manage to get hired, they receive less than half of a man’s wages for the same amount of work. This Widowed Peasant is a troll, who are considered the lowliest of commoners in Evangelite society, fit only for soldiering and sanitation work. With so much working against her, she could only find employment as a street-cleaner, and her clothes are a testament to her poverty.
She wears a faded red dress and a shawl that was nicer in its heyday, but is now dull and stretched-out. Her pants are tattered, but she cannot afford to replace them. She also cannot afford shoes, which are expensive anyway, but troll shoes even more so because of their much larger size. Until she saves up the money for new ones, she walks barefoot upon the littered streets she spends all day sweeping. Her hair is unwashed and in need of a trim. She wears it loose to signal that she’s seeking a man–any man–to marry.
Location: Greenhearst
Food is Evangeline Kingdom’s most profitable export, so many of its citizens own–or work for–farms. Farmers with large plots of land can make a lot of money, but those with smaller plots and worse soil quality must make do with meager profits. They work very hard for very little money, but they don’t typically need much money anyway, as their livelihood allows them to be mostly self-sufficient. They do not live luxurious lives, but between their crops and animals, they usually have enough resources to get by.
This roshavan farmer makes use of his four arms to get work done faster than most. But these extra limbs also mean his shirts are more expensive, so he does not rush out to buy a new one every time it gets a tear. Instead, his wife mends it for him and he squeezes yet another year out of it. The same principle applies to his pants, which are old, worn, and covered in patches. His boots and satchel are both made from cowhide, which he procured from his own farm. He trades this raw leather to the town’s cobblers and leatherworkers for discounts on shoes and bags. He did not spend a coin on his hat, for it was woven from straw by his crafty wife. It helps keep him shaded while he works his fields. She also cuts his hair for him, keeping it short for practicality, and he has grown a mustache to signal to other women that he is already happily married.
Wealthier citizens look down upon his patches, muddy boots, and home-crafted garb. The Farmer may not win any fashion shows, but then again, that is why he is in the field and not on the catwalk.
Location: Kelvingyard Town
The Kelvingyard Company is a slaving service that operates in Evangeline Kingdom, and is officially endorsed by the Evangelite government. Kelvingyard slavers are not considered soldiers, but it's not uncommon for the military to hire them temporarily as militias or backup forces. Because of this, the slavers can often be seen wearing modified uniforms with blue sashes or capes, signaling their affiliation with the kingdom.
Otherwise, their uniforms are mostly black and made of cheap leather. They wear iron chestplates and gauntlets to protect them from magic spells, but they avoid full suits of iron for 2 reasons: cost and agility. The Kelvingyard Company is rather stingy and will scrimp wherever they can, using the lowest quality materials to “protect” their workers. It is not necessarily a slaver's job to kill, but to capture, so they must be light on their feet to chase and wrestle their captives.
This Kelvingyard Slaver is wearing a standard-issue uniform modified with a blue cape, signaling that he's currently assigned to help the military. Kelvingyard helmets have a distinct ridge of spikes to intimidate foes, identify slavers from a distance, and it allows them to use their heads as a weapon in a pinch, since they are often grappling with captives.
Trolls are considered the lowliest commoners in Evangelite society, so it is hard for them to find employment. But Kelvingyard has notoriously low standards and will take anyone they can get, so long as they are male and willing to leave their sense of morality at home. This troll’s mustache is a sign that he's married.
Location: Rivermere
Evangeline Soldiers are the defenders of their kingdom. Their uniforms may differ slightly based on the climate they're located in, but all make generous use of iron plates and chainmail. Pure iron is preferred over alloys like steel, as iron has magic-repellent properties that protect from spells. Blue sashes and motifs make their allegiance known from a distance.
Iron is heavy, so these soldiers are not known for their speed. They are typically mounted on horses, except for dworfen troops, which ride ponies or mules instead. This dworfen soldier displays a generic armor set, fitted for his small size. Though dworfs are small and slow, they are twice as strong as humans, which makes them desirable to the military regardless.
Evangelite Soldiers spend long periods of time away from home, sometimes months or even years, which makes forming relationships difficult. This dworf has a beard as most of his kind do, but he has shaven his mustache to tell single women that he is unmarried at a glance.
Location: Oaken
Dragoneers are Evangeline Kingdom’s most elite soldiers, a fierce air force who rides flying, fire-breathing dragons into battle. This Dragoneer is dressed for the job in his unique armor, which differs from that of the standard soldier. His iron plates are thinner and fewer to keep him as lightweight as possible. His iron helmet has been replaced by a lighter leather one, accompanied by goggles and a face mask to protect his face from wind, rain, and debris as he speeds through the air. He earned his gold-plated belt buckle when he graduated from the dragoneering academy. He keeps it polished and displays it with pride, for it took many years of hard work to earn. His blue, fur lined cape shows his allegiance from a distance and keeps him warm at high altitudes.
Most dragoneers are human like this one, as their size and weight is ideal for riding war dragons, the most common mounts for air defense. However, the Evangelite military also utilizes other dragon species, such as very small ones for delivering messages and colossal ones for besieging enemy towns. Other peoples may be more ideal for handling those.
Location: Newell
The average, middle-class Evangelite man performs skilled jobs that slaves are not permitted to do, such as forestry and hunting. This man is a fur trapper, and his shaggy hairstyle is popular with those in his profession. City-dwellers may scoff at this look, but it’s considered “rugged” by his rural peers. He must work hard, as his mustache indicates that he has a wife to support. If he does not already have children, he likely will soon.
This Married Townsman is not wearing his hunting gear, but a more casual outfit that is typical for men of his demographic. His white shirt is simple and unassuming, but the slight flare in his sleeves adds a fashionable element that shows he can afford quality clothing. His leather vest is both practical and stylish, with its large pockets and sheep’s wool lining. His thick pants and rough boots are those of a typical rural working man–perhaps not the fanciest, but ones that get the job done.
The typical Evangelite Married Townsman tries to balance style and utility in the way he dresses, so that he can fit in among his peers, get his hands dirty when needed, and not embarrass his wife in public by looking poor or slovenly.
Location: Aldfog
Evangelite women display their relationship status by the way they style their hair. Covering their hair with a headscarf indicates that they’re married, wearing an updo might mean they’re dating someone or otherwise unavailable, and wearing their hair loose means they’re single and interested in marriage.
This young Unmarried Townsman is seeking a husband, as indicated by her simple yet well-groomed hair. She does not wear makeup, which is common for young, middle-class townswomen. She wears an emerald green dress with some flair in the sleeves and hem, which gives the impression that she is not poor, but not rich either. Her corset and boots are made of quality leather. Women of her demographic don’t typically adorn themselves with a lot of jewelry, and she is no exception, preferring to let her natural beauty speak for itself. She wears only a white beaded bracelet and an iron “Crowned Man” necklace, indicating that she is a Lindist.
It is rare for Unmarried Townswomen to be employed. They are typically supported by their parents until they marry, and then they are supported by their husband. However, just because they don’t work doesn’t mean they have nothing to do. Quite the contrary, these women are responsible for all the cooking, cleaning, caregiving, shopping, and planning in their households. Their outfits balance practicality and attractiveness so they can accomplish all this work while also beguiling a husband. Since they do not work, all the money they have is what their families have chosen to give them. This allowance is what they use to buy their clothes.
Location: Queenswater
Evangelite nobles are citizens who rule a territory or are directly related to someone who does. Not all nobles are rich, but the vast majority are, and they display their wealth mainly through the clothes they wear. This man is an example of what the typical Evangelite Nobleman wears day-to-day. His outfit is not at all practical, but it doesn’t have to be, as his slaves take care of all practical matters for him.
Vivid blues are expensive pigments, but that’s obviously no concern for a man of his wealth. His blue silk shirt features puffy sleeves to make him appear big and important. The ends of his sleeves are adorned with white frills, which matches his necktie. Over his shirt he wears a poncho in rich blue and gold hues, its sides held together by silver chains. His fingers are decorated with flashy jeweled rings. White leggings extend up to his knees, giving his legs a desirable shape and drawing attention to his fine beaded leather shoes.
The Nobleman’s hair is worn in a style that locals call the “uptown sleek”, as it’s very popular with upper class Evangelites. The sides are combed back and the front is shaped into an elegant swoop. He has no facial hair, meaning he is not yet married. But as a noble, his family has likely arranged a marriage partner for him already, and then he may sport a thin, subdued mustache that is common amongst this kingdom’s wealthy.
Location: Wintermoore
 Unlike lower class women, Evangelite noblewomen are not expected to cook, clean, or serve anyone, as they have slaves to do all that for them. They are not even permitted to rule territories except under very specific conditions, so they have a lot of free time to spare. They are taught that their most important job is to bear children and look their best, as if they are simply fashion accessories for their husbands. Not all noblewomen sit around and do nothing, however. Many of them have found hobbies or have involved themselves with causes that are important to them, such as volunteering for their local temples.
Even the wealthiest Evangelite women face many of the same restrictions and similar oppression to lower class women. Oftentimes looking good is all they are allowed to do, and so it is the only skill they develop. This mature Noblewoman has developed an eye for color, texture, and composition to dress herself fashionably each day. Her style is the envy of others, and it shows off her family’s great wealth to her peers at a glance, which is exactly what is expected of her.
She lives in the freezing territory of Wintermoore, so she must maintain her style while accounting for temperature, wind, and snow. She wears all purple hues–the most expensive of pigments. Her padded silk overdress is lined with fox fur for extra warmth, and the dress beneath is striped for visual interest. Her corset is made from the finest leather and dyed black for contrast. Her shoes are made of the same leather, decorated with fox fur puffballs to match her overdress. Her double-headwrap not only keeps her warm, it indicates to others that she is married at a glance. Lower classes don’t always have access to eyeglasses, so the ones on her face are a sign of her status.
Makeup is controversial when worn by lower class women, but it is practically mandatory for the upper classes. Like many wealthy Evangelite women, this Noblewoman has caked her face in white powder to make it appear lighter, giving the impression that she never spends time slaving away in the sun. Dramatic eyeshadow and blush are added to prevent her from looking sickly. She has decorated herself in large, fancy pieces of jewelry, and she has learned exactly how to pose in order to casually show them off.
Location: Blue Valley
Evangeline Kingdom enslaved all fae and gaians when it took over western Noalen, but it also forcefully assimilated the native commoner tribes as well…All but a few of the ogrish tribes, who simply proved too strong to conquer. These ogre strongholds were so well-defended, their ogrish residents so strong, and the kingdom had poured so many resources into trying to conquer them that it eventually gave up the idea altogether. Today, these ogrish strongholds are still standing all over the Blue Valley and operating independently from Evangeline Kingdom. The two forces have agreed to leave each other alone, though occasional conflicts do happen.
For this reason, the ogrish tribes still maintain their defenses and military forces. This particular Ogrish Tribesman is a warrior, identified as such by the dragon leather pauldron on his shoulder. All adult male ogres in his tribe are expected to work daily to feed their families, but they are also enrolled as soldiers by default, so they must be prepared for battle at a moment’s notice. The Ogrish Tribesman’s armor may seem lacking, but his tough skin acts as a natural armor as well. Too much armor will cost him speed and flexibility while he works his day job, and may also cause him to overheat, since ogres do not sweat efficiently. They fare well in the cold but poorly in the heat, so he does not wear much clothing at all. He does not even bother with shoes, as the calluses on his feet are as hard as stone.
What little he does wear is made from crude hides, furs, and leathers. It is rare for male Blue Valley ogres to wear jewelry because it can become a liability in battle. They also keep short, simple hairstyles for this reason.
Location: Merrowville
So-called “Hemlock Girls” are unmarried Evangelite women who pride themselves in their wild, carefree lifestyles. They are considered rebels in a culture that expects women to be quiet, modest, and subservient to men. Hemlock Girls can be identified by their loose, teased hair, which is often dyed, and their flashy clothing that shows more skin than this culture approves of. They also tend to wear bold makeup, tattoos, and flashy jewelry. They face much prejudice, which alienates them from regular society. They make a point to never marry or involve themselves with men long-term. Because of this, they are often forced into shady work such as drug dealing or prostitution to survive.
Evangelites view these women as lowly criminals, but this is not always the case. Some Hemlock Girls simply feel stifled by their suffocating culture and wish for a taste of freedom. In many cases, they are victims of sexual assault or mental illness who were deemed “soiled” and abandoned by their families out of shame. These abandoned, single women do not have many opportunities in Evangeline Kingdom, so instead of settling for an oppressive man, some remain single and form supportive gangs with each other, known as “Hemlock Gangs”.
This particular Hemlock Girl is wearing a red dress with elegant flared sleeves, but it exposes her cleavage and knees, which is considered scandalous in her culture. Her sheer stockings add color to her legs. Her hair is worn loose with natural roots and dyed ends, giving it a bold two-toned appearance. Drawing even more attention to her head is her colorful parrot feather headband. Her nails are painted and she has makeup on her face, something usually only seen on nobles and wealthy women, though she herself is of a low class. This indicates that she is likely a prostitute. Her necklace deliberately draws attention to her cleavage. She has several tattoos, which are something usually associated with male sailors, mercenaries, and soldiers in her culture. These tattoos display her dedication to her lifestyle, cementing her place in Evangelite society.
Location: Rivermere
Evangeline Kingdom has a sizeable population of immigrants from Yerim-Mor Kingdom, who come seeking refuge from the war and death cults in their homeland. These immigrants are generally welcome, so long as they are commoners and they are willing to convert to Lindism. The path to Evangelite citizenship involves attending Lindist sermons regularly at the local temple. Each immigrant must be sponsored by a Lindist priest, who oversees their progress and is responsible for educating them about their new culture.
However, many Morite immigrants still cling to their old ways as much as they are able. This is displayed mainly in their food, music, and fashion choices. Evangelite culture encourages rather strict dress codes for different groups, such as single men and women, married men and women, lower classes, upper classes, and so on.
This female, roshavan Morite Immigrant obeys the Evangelite dress code by dressing modestly and covering her hair, as married women are expected to do. However, she adds her own Morite flair by wearing a veil over her face as well, which not only brings attention to her eyes, but protects her lungs from the sun and dust in her arid homeland. Morite women value the health of their skin very much, and so they prefer to cover as much of it as they can while outdoors. They often continue to do so even after moving to a more temperate climate, as this woman has shown. She wears a large green necklace to contrast with her red and orange garb. She does not wear a corset like most Evangelite women, as this is not considered fashionable or practical in her homeland. Instead, she has wrapped her breasts with cloth for comfort and breathability. Makeup is associated only with wealthy women and lowly prostitutes in Evangelite culture. But it is understood that Morite women have different beauty standards and like to draw attention to their eyes with kohl and eyeshadow, regardless of their wealth class. Morite immigrants are not judged as harshly for wearing makeup as native Evangelite women are.
Location: Rockreach
The rural peoples of Evangeline Kingdom have very different lifestyles than their urban counterparts. They live on larger plots of land, where they grow crops and raise animals to sustain themselves. They are much less reliant on gold and markets, and instead prefer to barter with their neighbors for goods. They don’t tend to have a lot of gold, so spending it is a last resort. Running these homesteads takes a lot of time and effort. Some families even invest in slaves to help them, as they may own more land than their family members can maintain.
Whether they own slaves or not, the Evangelite Rural Housewife still carries countless responsibilities upon her shoulders. Unlike urban women, who are usually responsible for indoor tasks, rural women are expected to manage both indoor and outdoor chores like planting, harvesting, animal care, cooking, child-rearing, cleaning, and more. Some tasks are considered taboo for women, like slaughtering animals and chopping wood. The Rural Housewife’s husband and sons are expected to take over these more hazardous tasks, but she is still expected to wake earlier and work longer hours than they do. Traditionally, these women are expected to have breakfast on the table before her family wakes up, and they may not go to bed until everyone else is tucked in for the night.
This dworfen Rural Housewife’s outfit is modest yet practical. She wears her sleeves rolled up because she knows they will get dirty otherwise. A headscarf covers her head to signal that she is married, but it does not completely cover all of her hair, which is a slightly controversial fashion choice in this culture. Older generations seem to disapprove of this more than younger ones. She does not wear any jewelry or makeup because she is not interested in impressing anyone or flaunting her wealth; her only concern is feeding her family. She is far too busy for frills, so her dresses are understated in style. But she also doesn’t want to look like a slave, so she makes sure they do not have holes and she wears multiple layers to protect the ones beneath. Female dworfs normally have beards just as the males do, but this one has shaven hers to conform with the Evangelite humans’ beauty standard. Otherwise, non-dworfen peoples in her community often mistake her for a crossdressing man, which is highly frowned upon in their culture.
Queen Indiga
Evangelite Territories
Evangelite Hairstyles
Evangelite Cuisine
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apilgrimpassingby · 7 days ago
Some of you may remember me making a post a while back about "urban dark Abrahamicana". Well, now I've gone and made a setting for that aesthetic.
This will be a long post. Tagging @idylls-of-the-divine-romance because I think you'll like it.
The City of Bevel-on-the-Water
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(Sorry for the poor quality of the image; that's the lighting in my room. Try turning up the brightness of your screen to make it clearer).
Bevel-on-the-Water was founded in the 13th century in northern Lincolnshire atop Bevel Carr, an alder carr that is now reduced to a few fragments. The town remained a minor settlement for several centuries, before expanding in the late 18th century with the Industrial Revolution, with the several rivers passing through it and its location between the coalfields of Yorkshire and the economic centres of the southeast making it a valuable transport artery, and continued to grow and prosper thanks to adopting rail technology.
The town has been less fortunate in the 20th and 21st centuries. In the Second World War, it was a target for German bombing raids, and much of it had to be rebuilt. Combined with the closure of coal mines and privatisation of railways in the 1980s, and the city spent the last quarter of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st as a shell of its former self.
However, from the 2010s onwards it has been improving economically; the rock-bottom rents and proximity to important locations make it a popular place for young graduates and immigrants; in particular, the area is a popular "staging post" for Bulgarian and Romanian immigrants, who spend a few years working here before accumulating enough money and experience to move somewhere more upmarket.
And most are very eager. The history above can be found in history books; the history that the people of the East Midlands and Yorkshire would recognise it for is not found in those, but in folklore collections, internet forums and, above all, stories on the streets. Some of it will be related below.
Areas of the Town
Bevel-on-the-Water Halting Site
The trailer park located on the south bank of the town, filled with caravans and campervans atop litter-strewn stretches of tarmac and sickly grass housing not just the city's unusually large Romani population and various other poor people but stranger things as well; caravans home to itinerant occultists, tents home to demoniacs, shadows dancing in the night. The aforementioned Romani are well-established here, and hence are unusually well-liked and prosperous.
City Centre
The old medieval centre - albeit now mostly consisting of neo-Gothic architecture with substantial Brutalist additions - of the town, containing both the Town Hall and Bevel University, a university founded in the 1920s and shuttered in 1994, with much still inside it, including a great many ancient and esoteric texts rotting inside its crumbling Neo-Gothic library.
Eastwalk is a small suburb on the east bank of the city, near the edges. While as impoverished and decrepit as the rest of the city, it is notable for having an active Anglican community (based around the city cathedral, St. Michael's Cathedral) and almost none of the macabre legends attached to the rest of the city. Other Christians, most notably Methodists from a major campaign conducted here in the 19th century, are also here.
A large and particularly declining neighbourhood, located in the southwest of the city. The decay affecting almost everywhere here is particularly acute in this neighbourhood - ivy smothers abandoned buildings, dandelions and brambles carpet streets, and half-feral children spend their days playing in the adjoining woods and swapping stories of sorcery, ritual murder and even cannibalism - many of them true.
The centre of economic activity during the city's industrial heyday (and still containing its train station), and an exemplar of its decline today. Everywhere one turns are crumbling houses, shuttered factories and graffiti. Only people who bother (or dare) to spend time there see what lurks beneath; the saints and crucifixes adorning the hearths and doorposts of inhabitants, the se'irim dancing inside the factories and seen only out of the corner of the eye, the graffiti proclaiming "Satan lives" and "Jesus Christ conquers" in equal number.
The smallest of the neighbourhoods of the city, located south of Eastwalk. The main characteristic of this neighbourhood is the great number of junk shops and second-hand bookshops, which become noticeable, like everything else, upon closer inspection - the bookshelves contain The Hypostasis of the Archons and the Nisibene Hymns, the shops sell icons and censers and the like. The most notable one, Johnstow Books, has a mysterious proprietor - John Egapus, an extremely ancient Near Eastern man who seems to have been doing his job as long as anyone can remember.
Mortlake Heath
Mortlake Heath is the richest neighbourhood of the city, with an abundance of genteel 18th century houses and statues in the street and a shortage of children due to most of them going to private school; however, almost all of them eventually return to Bevel-on-the-Water or vanish. Again, a little look behind closed doors is a walk into darkness - candle-lit rituals in basements and attics, occult books hidden under the covers behind mundane ones, pentagrams and sigils drawn on the walls of rooms that the inhabitants think visitors won't go into.
Northgate displays openly what the rest of the city thinly veils. Hardly a street lacks a portrait of Baphomet or an inverted pentagram, and everyone here has seen a ritual with inverted crucifixes and people dressed in black. Bloodstains are also not hard to see, and everyone dreads going into this district of the city - few people in Lincolnshire or South Yorkshire have not heard stories of occult murder or demon-summoning associated with here.
West of Eastwalk, Oldstreet is another strong representative of the city's decline. A 19th-century suburb that never recovered from Second World War bombing, every turn here shows a burnt-out building or a rotted house, and the few people still living here are old and haunted. The most famous site of destruction here, St. Paul's Chapel, is a burnt-out church with the floor carpeted in thorns and a single crucifix shining amidst the rubble.
Southgrove, to a passer-by, looks like a pristine town - all hedgerows and suburban housing and smiling families. The town keeps its secrets well, but not infallibly - all those who research find that self-harm, domestic abuse and alcoholism run rampant here. Deeper research finds yet more things; sigils drawn in the margins of books, rites conducted in the school basement, books of magic in the library.
Stonewater represents the 20th century rebuilding project; a great mass of concrete towers and blocks where people live, perpetually bathed in mist and rain. This is where most people live, and is no less accursed than elsewhere, having its fair share of stories of Satanic sacrifices and sorcery, along with tales about mysterious strangers and visitations from Heaven.
Westcourt is where the city's immigrant community has always lived; Irish in the 19th century, Eastern Europeans today. As such, it has a large number of Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches, as well as plenty of dark myths. Few people live here for long, with most moving from one of the many cheap flats to a more prosperous town as soon as possible.
Bevel Carr: The primal forest of the city, now reduced to three pateches in the north, east and west, with ravens croaking and warblers piping amidst waterlogged meadows of ferns and mead wort, mist rising up amidst the clusters of alder, willow and birch and the wind singing mournfully.
Bevel-on-the-Water Tree Plantation: The tree plantation is a large and gloomy forest of spruce, planted after the Second World War in the hope of providing jobs. The plan largely failed, but the expanse continues to carpet the western edge of the city, and provide the backdrop to dark myths; everyone has heard of the human sacrifices atop Hanger Hill on May Eve and Halloween, or the revenant who lurks in an abandoned maintenance shed, or the spirit of the elder oak remaining from the previous forest.
Johnstow Woods: Outside the town of Johnstow lies the woods that give it its name; a hollow filled with hawthorn and rowan, centred on the tomb (or stow, in Old English) of the 9th-century abbot who lived here inside St. John's Chapel, a small Anglo-Saxon church.
Total Population: 264,900
White British: 74.2%
Bulgarian: 9.8%
Romanian: 6%
Black British: 4.2%
South Asian: 2.8%
Romani: 2.2%
Other: 0.8%
Non-Religious: 58.2%
Anglican: 11.8%
Orthodox: 10%
Methodist: 9.6%
Pentecostal: 5.4%
Roman Catholic: 2%
Islam: 2%
Hindu: 0.8%
Other: 0.2%
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timeless-toaster · 2 years ago
Let me tell you about Moonwell Valley
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As I was traveling time and space out of boredom, a little place has caught my attention. It’s quite a charming valley, which opens up into a lagoon. It’s surrounded with mountains to keep the weather peaceful, and it’s forests and meadows give the wildlife more than enough to thrive.
No wonder that some people have decided to settle down here after traveling great distances. Someone has given the name “Moonwell Valley” to this place, and it spread from word of mouth until it was widely known and accepted by the community.
I was immediately fascinated by them, and after I’ve watched them for a few decades, I decided to document their growth. Why? Because it’s fun, and I’m an immortal being so I have nothing better to do.
Five couples moved in around the same time. Their technology and knowledge seem primitive. They can’t write or read, but they are quite intelligent. They survive by growing and gathering their own food. They’re also very resilient, but they lack the knowledge to heal wounds, so having an enemy can become deadly fast here.
For now, I’ll only briefly introduce the tribes, and I’ll go in depth with their lives later. They gave themselves their names, don’t blame me for the uncreativeness. *wink wink*
The Northwalker and the Eastwalker families are pretty self explanitory on where they come from. Snake and Amana Northwalker has travelled south to start a family in a warmer climate, which would hopefully contain more food  and resources. Meanwhile Xenry and Boyona Eastwalker fled to the west from a dangerous place.
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Bear and Wind of the Goldfinder family was always after something better or bigger. After they have found Moonwell Valley, it seemed like their search has finally ended... at least in the home department. 
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Thundera and Earthquake Hunter got lost one day, while searching for food in the area. They accidently stumbled into the valley, and thought it would be an upgrade. Yes, that’s all.
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And the last couple is the Zyrs, namely Shandra and Zavyr. They were both cast out from their previous tribe for not being up to their standards. Well, I guess that’s how things go, if you just wanna chill and love each other while the others are up to fabricating war between each other.
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At this point in time all the original couples are elders, and there’re some of them already six feet under, as you can see. However they’ve succesfully more than doubled the population and made the future generation’s lives much easier.
For now this is all I’ll say about the founding generation, and I’ll probably go more in depth on what happened in their individual families later.
Where It All Started (This is it!)
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alittletornandfrayed · 6 years ago
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“Where should we go?” asked Fred. “To the mountains,” said Ted.
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elynor1026 · 7 years ago
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Happy birthday Patrick! Dinner with the Nacars. *Missing Cheska. 😍😁🔔🎉🎈 #100117 #firstofthemonth helloOctober (at Annyeonghaseyo Bap Meokja, Eastwalk Commercial Center Santo Tomas Pampanga)
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ssoliv · 8 years ago
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so i had forgotten i also own this lady, Eastwalker, English thoroughbred mare :) she is still one of my quickest horses so we will probably keep racing for some time, even though she’s getting old
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loominggaia · 5 months ago
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Evangeline Kingdom has 16 major territories (also called cities or holds). This article contains some information about each of them.
Realistically, I imagine there are a lot of little small towns and villages between these cities, but they are just too insignificant to map.
Glasstide - Located at the northwestern tip of Noalen in the Frozenwind Pass region. Glasstide is one of the coldest cities on Looming Gaia, and also Evangeline Kingdom’s least populated territory. Its main industries are fishing and whaling. It’s an open secret that this city has the highest concentration of lycanthropes on Looming Gaia. This is because of its remote location, the fact that lycanthropes are hardy to cold weather, and the mass migration of lycanthropes to this location during the Full Moon Genocides. Living in such a cold, harsh region is difficult for most peoples, but those with lycanthropy seem to thrive here.
Wintermoore - Located in the mountains of the Frozenwind Pass region. This city was supposedly the birthplace of the first Stoneshaker minotaur clans. For much of its history it was populated by minotaurs, centaurs, and elves, but this changed in the 4th Age when it was violently conquered by Evangeline Kingdom. Its original population was enslaved and replaced with Evangelite commoners. It is now a mining town that provides much of the kingdom’s iron.
Weypine - Located in the cold, forested Winterwood region. It’s believed that this was the birthplace of the Namarie elves, and for most of history it was populated by their clans. It was later conquered by Evangeline Kingdom in the 4th age, its original population was enslaved, and now it is an Evangelite city best known for its logging industry.
Eastwalk - Located on the northern edge of the Timberland Forest region. Eastwalk is a prosperous industrial hub that exports many types of raw resources to the rest of the kingdom, most notably lumber, seafood, and mushrooms. It is one of the few Evangelite territories that has an electrical grid, which is powered by primitive wind turbines along the coast. However, most of the electricity generated is used to power its industrial operations, meaning the average Eastwalk citizen is still living in the dark ages of wood and coal.
Queenswater - Located along the Crown River in the Timberland Forest region. Queenswater is populated by many of Evangeline Kingdom’s wealthiest citizens. With its temperate weather, scenic location, and dam-powered electrical grid, it boasts the highest land values in the kingdom, so its no surprise that its biggest industry is real estate.
Waterview - Located around Crown Lake in the Timberland Forest region. Satyrs and nymphs used to hold large, rowdy revels here until the 4th Age, when Evangeline Kingdom enslaved all the region’s satyrs. Today its famous revels have been replaced by stuffy Evangelite galas, which are attended by the kingdom’s upper classes. Waterview is now a resort town mainly populated by tourists and the wealthy.
Newell - Located in the Timberland Forest region. This city is integral to Evangeline Kingdom’s fur and leather industry, with its extensive fur trapping, tanning, and textile processing operations. Local faunae advise business owners about animal populations in the forest, controlling what, when, and where they hunt from season to season. Such practices keep these industries sustainable under the Nymph Pact. However, some business owners feel the nymphs are harming their profits, and hire mercenaries to poach prohibited animals anyway. When caught, these poachers are dealt with swiftly and mercilessly by the faunae.
Aldfog - Located in the south Timberland Forest region. In ancient times, Aldfog was exclusively populated by satyrs and nymphs, who spent their days frolicking freely in the forest. Today, the satyrs’ descendents are enslaved to the Evangelites and forced to work for the city’s booming lumber industry. Local nymphs now oversee operations and replant trees that the Evangelites chop down. Its deep forested location has made Aldfog attractive to vampires, most of which are Evangelite slaves who got kidnapped into existing clans. These vampires often dabble in dark magics like necromancy, creating ghosts and zombies that escape into the woods. Many citizens and slaves seem to mysteriously disappear into the forest every year, never to be seen again. All of these things contribute to Aldfog’s “creepy” and “strange” reputation.
Rockreach - Located near Ironmaid Mountain. Rockreach was the birthplace of the first golden dworf clans, who quickly discovered and utilized its rich ore deposits. Their advanced metallurgy operations began polluting the river that provided water for many of the region’s other peoples, and this led to a long series of wars. Some time around the 4th Age, Rockreach couldn’t defend itself from its many enemies anymore, so it assimilated with Evangeline Kingdom for protection. Under Evangelite reign, it was forced to relocate its dirty industrial operations to Zareen Empire to satisfy the Nymph Pact. Today the river is clean, but Rockreach’s ore deposits are depleted, its impressive processing factories are abandoned, and most of its original dworfen populace has immigrated away to Zareen Empire. Now its economy is supported by a great quarry, which provides most of the kingdom’s stone. This stone-harvesting operation is overseen by local oreads. This was once the most technologically-advanced city in Evangeline Kingdom, but now it is but a giant pit where slaves toil away with primitive tools.
Silverspring - Located in western Blue Valley, Noalen. Ranching is this city’s bread and butter, as its vast, fertile grasslands are prime grazing grounds for livestock. Cattle, sheep, turkeys, and horses are the most common animals ranched here. Silverspring is Evangeline Kingdom’s largest meat producer. Many livestock-themed festivals and contests are held here every year, attracting visitors from all over the kingdom.
Evangeline Capital - Located around Bluerock Lake. The capital is the largest city in Evangeline Kingdom. It is a grand and heavily-fortified metropolis that acts as the kingdom’s main commercial, culture, and entertainment hub. Producers from all over the kingdom come here to sell their goods, especially during festivals, which attract many tourists. It is also home of the largest Lindist temple in the kingdom.
Merrowville - Located in the eastern Blue Valley region. Merrowville has had a troubled history since the rise of Folkvar Kingdom, as it has been captured, lost, and recaptured more than any other Evangelite territory. Its exposed location makes it rather hard to defend, so this isn’t likely to change until the war ends. Currently it’s home to a large Evangelite military presence, and all these soldiers gives it an infamous reputation for crime.
Greenhearst - Located in the Blue Valley region. The majority of the kingdom’s crops are grown in Greenhearst, but this city exports a lot of food to foreign kingdoms as well. Life here is quiet and simple, with slaves vastly outnumbering citizens. There isn’t much to do except work the fields and drink, and alcohol stays cheap thanks to the city’s local distilleries. In addition to food, Greenhearst provides Evangeline Kingdom with much of its beer too. Greenhearstians are stereotyped by other Evangelites as inbred, uneducated, drunks, but Greenhearstians themselves take pride in their rural, outdoorsy culture.
Rivermere - Located north of the Bluerock River. Rivermere sits right on Evangeline Kingdom’s southern border. It is primarily a military city, home to the largest barracks and training academies in the kingdom. Rivermere spares no expense on defenses to keep itself safe from foreign powers, but despite its efforts, its citizens are plagued by the rampant crime within its own walls. It is shamefully known as a hub for drug and sex trafficking.
Kelvingyard Town - Located between the Bluerock River and Refuge River. Kelvingyard Town is Evangeline Kingdom’s most infamous city, as its home to a massive slaving operation called Kelvingyard. The city’s entire economy was built around this slaveyard, which is also the source of all its electricity. Slaves are forced to turn heavy wheels which produce electricity for the city’s upper classes. The town itself is described as a drab, depressing place. Most of its citizens are employed by the Kelvingyard Slaving Company. The city’s strategic location allows slavers to snatch refugees attempting to travel from Yerim-Mor to Folkvar, providing a constant stream of new stock for its champion industry.
Oaken - Located on Oaken Island. Evangeline Kingdom has three domestic siege dragons in its possession, which they threaten to release upon their enemies as weapons of mass destruction. These dangerous beasts are contained in a facility here on Oaken Island, and the town’s whole existence centers around training and caring for them. This isolated location ensures minimal damage to the rest of the kingdom should the dragons escape, though the possibility is still taken very seriously, as the loss of the dragons alone would devastate the kingdom’s economy and military might. All of the kingdom’s aspiring dragoneers must spend at least one year caring for the siege dragons at Oaken before they can graduate. The city is home to many soldiers as a result, but also farmers, ranchers, fishermen, and hunters that feed them. Not to mention all the auxiliary business to support those industries, such as tool makers, shopkeepers, and even sex workers. The siege dragon containment facility is the keystone holding all of these livelihoods together, and should it collapse, all of Oaken collapses with it.
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loominggaia · 3 months ago
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Another piece of the big upcoming Evangelite Fashions article, this time featuring information about two lower-class citizens.
Lore under cut:
Location: Eastwalk
Her husband died, leaving her widowed with their young children. Widowed and divorced women face much difficulty in Evangeline Kingdom, for they are considered undesirable to all but the most desperate men. Worse yet, women are viewed only as homemakers and mothers in this culture, so most employers will not hire them. When they do manage to get hired, they receive less than half of a man’s wages for the same amount of work. This Widowed Peasant is a troll, who are considered the lowliest of commoners in Evangelite society, fit only for soldiering and sanitation work. With so much working against her, she could only find employment as a street-cleaner, and her clothes are a testament to her poverty.
She wears a faded red dress and a shawl that was nicer in its heyday, but is now dull and stretched-out. Her pants are tattered, but she cannot afford to replace them. She also cannot afford shoes, which are expensive anyway, but troll shoes even more so because of their much larger size. Until she saves up the money for new ones, she walks barefoot upon the littered streets she spends all day sweeping. Her hair is unwashed and in need of a trim. She wears it loose to signal that she’s seeking a man–any man–to marry.
Location: Greenhearst
Food is Evangeline Kingdom’s most profitable export, so many of its citizens own–or work for–farms. Farmers with large plots of land can make a lot of money, but those with smaller plots and worse soil quality must make do with meager profits. They work very hard for very little money, but they don’t typically need much money anyway, as their livelihood allows them to be mostly self-sufficient. They do not live luxurious lives, but between their crops and animals, they usually have enough resources to get by.
This roshavan farmer makes use of his four arms to get work done faster than most. But these extra limbs also mean his shirts are more expensive, so he does not rush out to buy a new one every time it gets a tear. Instead, his wife mends it for him and he squeezes yet another year out of it. The same principle applies to his pants, which are old, worn, and covered in patches. His boots and satchel are both made from cowhide, which he procured from his own farm. He trades this raw leather to the town’s cobblers and leatherworkers for discounts on shoes and bags. He did not spend a coin on his hat, for it was woven from straw by his crafty wife. It helps keep him shaded while he works his fields. She also cuts his hair for him, keeping it short for practicality, and he has grown a mustache to signal to other women that he is already happily married.
Wealthier citizens look down upon his patches, muddy boots, and home-crafted garb. The Farmer may not win any fashion shows, but then again, that is why he is in the field and not on the catwalk.
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loominggaia · 11 months ago
Great kingdoms from richest to poorest?
This is another one that's hard to answer, because as I always say, each Great Kingdom contains many different cities/holds within them, and these cities may have great economic disparity between them.
For example, Queenswater and Eastwalk are both Evangelite cities and they are even quite close to eachother geographically. But Queenswater is filthy rich, while Eastwalk struggles with rampant poverty. Places like Queenswater raise the average wealth of Evangeline Kingdom as a whole, while places like Eastwalk bring the score down.
So, if I were to calculate each Great Kingdom's wealth overall, I would rate them from rich to poor like this:
Matuzu Kingdom
Zareen Empire
Empire of Damijana
Mogdir Kingdom
Evangeline Kingdom
Aquarian Alliance
Folkvar Kingdom
Lamai Nation
Seelie Court
Unseelie Court
Etios Nation
Yerim-Mor Kingdom
1-4: Stupid rich.
5-9: Average.
10-12: Struggling.
I will add that a Great Kingdom's wealth in gold doesn't always translate to the amount of power they have. For example, Etios Nation may not have the strongest economy, but it has powerful alliances, a strategic location, and a strong, hardy population that makes it a fearsome contender on the world stage. Unseelie Court doesn't have the best economy either, yet its leader is so fucking crazy and volatile that they can still get what they want most of the time. Every kingdom has its own strategies for pulling power out of their asses, even if they don't have gold in their pockets.
Also, an economic crash isn't always what causes a kingdom to collapse. It wasn't a bad economy that destroyed the Bormek Commonwealth, for example. In fact, their economy was booming for most of the kingdom's life. It was a poorly-conceived war which destroyed this kingdom, as its leaders bit off more than they could chew when they declared war on nature. Nymphs came to nature's defense and killed so many Bormish people so fast, it was actually the sudden population drop that led to Bormek's demise.
One more thing I want to add: this list has fluctuated drastically in the past, and it continues to fluctuate over time. There was a time when Yerim-Mor Kingdom proudly sat at the top of this list, and now they are at the very bottom due to various world events. The World of Looming Gaia is dynamic, meaning it is always changing as the story goes along, so this list might look completely different if we skipped a few years ahead in the timeline. This is just the state of it at this moment.
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timeless-toaster · 1 year ago
As The Years Passed...
For some time now I've found some other interests to occupy me in my eternal life and I've only occasionally looked at Moonwell Valley. Of course I didn't want to miss anything major happening.
The Bloodechoes:
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Spring grew up being guarded and teased by her big sister, Valkyra.
The twins got braver since they've become teenagers (at least Valkyra did, Baldur is just helplessly being dragged to everywhere his sister goes). They quickly got to know the Valley's other teens, including their cousins.
Both Valkyra and Baldur got their eyes on the Zyr tribe's heir, Zurry. To Baldur's disappointment the boy didn't seem to be interested in him. However he was very much fascinated by the other twin. Soon the two got closer to each other, however Zurry didn't yet know that he's got competition for Valkyra's heart.
River realised that what her lover, Zoma, really was. The man had most of the women in the Valley enamored by him, and he seemed to very much enjoy it. Who knows how many children has been born from the numerous affairs he kept secret.
The Bloodecho matriarch finally worked up the courage to visit her childhood home. She didn't have to fear it anymore, since her mother, Wind was long dead by the time. She apologized to her sister for everything. Of course Forest didn't keep any grudges. She simply wasn't the person to do that.
On the way home River stopped at the hot springs to relax. Coincidentally she bumped into Naoko from the Northwalkers there, and decided that it's time to finally catch up with the family that once was hers. Naoko, famous for being the nicest and most motherly person in the valley was very comforting and understanding about her situation and her past. The women talked about their lives after Oddy's and Amana's death, and shared stories about their children before parting ways.
Yoko and Azra:
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Azra living alone has found herself naturally talented with taming the wildlife. She craved some sort of company, so she decided to adopt the wild cat that was regularly visiting her for food. She named her new four legged family member Zimi and taught her to behave.
Yoko was surprised by her developing feelings for Azra that went beyond friendship. She'd never looked at a woman like that before. While she found it quite strange, she felt happy and safe, and wasn't surprised when that woman asked her hand in marriage. It was an immediate yes. Since the Zyr family was already "too big", Azra decided to join the Eastwalkers and the two moved into their own little house and grew their family with another cat, which lead to even more little cats and the work they came with.
The end of the current era of Moonwell Valley is rapidly approaching, however the stories of it's people continue.
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timeless-toaster · 1 year ago
The Hunter Tribe With A Surprising Lack Of Hunting
There's not much happening with the Hunters. I've already written about the Eastwalkers, and how they like to stay distant from the other tribes, but the same could be said about these guys. They're not particularly shy, in fact, they're quite open and friendly, but they like stay out of causing trouble.
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I didn't bring up the Eastwalkers for nothing, cause Cloud, the heir ended up marrying the second daughter of Xenry and Boyona. Kitara gladly took Cloud as his husband, both of them were very attracted to each other. By norm, they soon had their first child, who they named Wave by Hunter tradition.
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Earthquake, the grandfather wasn't alive to see his grandson, but Thundera was very happy. She helped the young couple whenever she could.
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Ukido came to visit her sister to see if everything was fine. The family assured him.
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Cliff has also decided to visit while... being heavily pregnant. Was that a good idea? At least she could get some advice from her mother.
Not much time has passed and Thundera left the mortal realm in peace, with family surrounding her. We know how it is...
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It was just in time for little Wave to mature just enough that he was capable of comprehending the loss of his grandmother.
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Unfortunately for his younger sibling, Wave vented his frustration by poking fun of him.
That's not a very happy moment to end it on, but for now that's what I got. We'll have to see how the children will grow, and how the adults will do without an adulter adult around.
How It All Started
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timeless-toaster · 1 year ago
The family dressed in green
Remember River and her unfortunate life? (If not, you can read it here). Now I'm gonna tell you about what happened to her twin sister, Feather.
Feather was the first one to leave the Goldfinder family and throw away her position of being an heir. Similarly to her twin sister, her mother Wind didn't support her decision and they've never spoken to each other ever again since that day.
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Now calling herself an Eastwalker, Feather married Ukido (that's his dad not to be confused with Ukido), the man she had her eyes on ever since they met around the hot springs. She didn't mind cutting contact with her mother, since her new family welcomed her with open arms. She also enjoyed not having the responsibilities and pressures of being an heir herself, as she never was fond of her past role.
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The couple soon had Sahh, which obviously made the now grandparents very happy.
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Even Feather's brother, Sand came to visit the newest member of the family. He still liked his sister very much, and wanted the best future for her.
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The Eastwalker tribe was full of withdrawn people, with every children - not surprisingly - inheriting their parents' shyness. Therefore their lives were peaceful in these years. They never made enemies and planned on keeping this tradition going forward.
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One day Naoko came to visit with news, that she was pregnant with her second child.
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Their family still felt very close, even after she has moved out to become a Northwalker. You can also see that Ukido really enjoys being a family man.
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Oh, and I almost forgot about the most silent member of the family, Yoko. She often likes to stay in the background, tend their fruit trees, and take care of her nephews. And that's completely fine for her, as she doesn't like to be the center of attention. However, when no one notices, she slips away into the night and sneaks up to the hot springs to meet a handsome boy.
Sadly, bad news soon hit the Eastwalker tribe.
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Time is cruel, and no one is immune to it's effects, not even Boyona. (But at least she won the "prize" for being the first female to die in Moonwell Valley. Not very comforting, I know.)
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Poor Xenry's heart was broken. His wife meant the world to him. He craved love. He craved company. But it felt like all of that was gone. May they meet in the afterlife, whenever that will be...
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Ukido tried his best to not let little Sahh feel sad for long. That night he tucked him in bed and watched him until he fell asleep.
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To end on a positive note, life went on, and a new member of the tribe arrived. Everyone welcomed little Yun with smiles.
I'll visit the Eastwalkers later. For now everything seems to be going alright.
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timeless-toaster · 1 year ago
The Other Northwalker family
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After Loki grew into an adult, he had to leave his home as every non heir adult does. He married Naoko, a woman from the Eastwalker tribe, who was already living on her own. They were lucky to get married for not just survival, but for love too, since they liked each other ever since they were teens.
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They led a peaceful, almost uneventful but happy life together. Soon their first child, Ravvin was born.
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After his brother's untimely death, Loki became the heir of his tribe. He never aspired to be a leader, but he swore to be a good father, and took care in teaching and protecting his son.
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Of course Naoko was a great mother too.
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It didn't take long for their family to grow... with another boy, Noyo.
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Amana, Loki's mother, and Kitara, Naoko's sister decided to visit when Noyo grew up into a toddler to see the children, and to tighten the relationship between the two tribes.
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Ravvin quickly rose to the role of the oldest sibling and entertained his brother, or at least that's what it looks like from the outside. In reality, he was just bored, and the adults were sleeping.
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Only a few weeks passed for the bad news to come. Amana has passed away due to old age. Loki took the news well, or at least he tried to mask his emotions. Maybe it was Ravvin who was affected by it the worst.
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The Northwalkers didn't have any news of how River and her children were doing yet. I'll tell you about it later. For Loki and his family, this is all I can write. We'll check in on them later.
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elynor1026 · 8 years ago
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ang mga baboy. bow. 😂😁🐷🐖🐽 #UnliSamgyupsal #062417 (at Annyeonghaseyo Bap Meokja, Eastwalk Commercial Center Santo Tomas Pampanga)
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