#easily top 3 of my favorite countries I've visited
risingsoleil · 7 months
Long Ass Tag Game
Tagged by @linnorabeifong, thank you queen!
How many tumblr accounts have you had before this one?
This my first one.
How long have you been in fandom?
Since like 2008/2009-ish? My typical span in a fandom lasts about 3 years.
Your favorite trope in fiction?
Soulmates and love at first sight 🥺 I've had my own experiences irl and I love reading + incorporating that into fiction!
Your favorite random fact?
A man was saved by a sea lion while he attempted to unalive himself
Your favorite game or kind of game?
Dodgeball. I'm hella good at dodging and catching, but need to work on throwing lol
I'm not into board games or group activities bc they make me feel embarrassed and/or don't really feel "fun" I am, however, very competitive. Even if I don't like playing games, I easily get into competition mode.
A place you'd like to visit? (If carbon emissions, logistics and money weren't in question)
I haven't been to Europe yet, so there are many countries in that region that I'd love to explore. Maybe my top three to visit are Italy, Spain, and Greece.
Nordic region: Norway to see the aurora borealis 😍
South America: Machu Picchu
Okay I'm getting ahead of myself, does this give away that I'm a Sagittarius?
An animal you're irrationally afraid of?
FUCKING ROACHES. The ones where I come from are another level bc they FLY. I hate them so much. Feels like I'm going to war when I see one on the bathroom wall at night.
What's your favorite season?
Winter. I'm a winter girl at heart and i looooove the cold.
A smell that brings you nice memories?
Pikake, plumeria, puakenikeni, white ginger, gardenia, and kupaloke. These are all flowers that are used in lei, and remind me of home. I wish I could upload a fragrance because the smell alone makes anyone happy.
(If you're ok talking about food. If not, delete this part)
What's your favorite food from where you were born? And what's your favorite food from some place else?
I would say lau lau, poi, haupia, and kūlolo. Lau lau is meat (my fav is pork) wrapped in ti leaves, then smoked and cooked in an underground oven for hours. Poi is pounded taro until it has a paste-like consistency. Haupia is sort of like a coconut pudding, but firm. Kūlolo is like a taro pudding, but I don't think that accurately describes it lol
From somewhere else, (almost all) Mexican food, Thai panang curry and green chicken curry, Vietnamese bún bò huế and pho, most Korean foods, and...
Yes, I just love food.
What's your favorite drink (if you drink alcohol, alcoholic and non-alcoholic)?
Ceylon tea. There's a honey ceylon tea from Japan, that is MY ULTIMATE FAVORITE.
Boba (Taro, Thai milk tea, and brown sugar)
Peach crush
All soju cocktails, except for beer + soju
Tropical moscato
Piña colada (also virgin)
Lava flow
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Do you give your pets random table scraps?
When I had a doggie, yes but only foods that she could eat.
Tagging (no pressure as always): @peachchanvidel @obsessedwithlinzin @vr-tb @yellowsalt3 @khrystyav and anyone who would love to give this a shot!
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ladylore97 · 2 years
It's great to hear your vacation is going well! Any highlights from your trip?
Aw, thanks so much for asking! Tumblr did not let me share photos over mobile, so I had to wait until I got back to answer. The whole trip was amazing, though! My sister and I hopped from Sydney to Brisbane to Cairns, and had some amazing, unforgettable experiences! We learned about Aboriginal culture - the first settlers who occupied Australia before white colonists invaded and pulled the same shit they historically have in countless other countries where they attempt cultural genocide (also why are Americans not taught about this in our schools?? I'll rant more about this in a separate post). We toured the Sydney Opera House and botanical gardens, I got hilariously drunk and threw up in the Sydney Harbor, I held a koala, fed and hung out with kangaroos, I swam in the Great Barrier Reef, went sand-boarding on Moreton Island, canoed around a shipyard and hand-fed whole schools of fish, saw some beautiful, clear beaches, and explored the Daintree Rainforest - the oldest rainforest in the entire world, and the birthplace of thousands of the world's plant species! :o Dinosaurs ate from these trees!
Here’s a few pics now that I'm back on computer!
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laytonsartblog · 5 years
How To Solve Everything
Little Spaces - Ch.2
Ch.1, Ch.2, Ch.3
Warning: This story contains violence, gun related violence, gang related violence, starvation, hypothermia, dysfunctional family themes, dysfunctional domestic themes, poverty, and homophobia/transphobia. Read with caution and at a good time for you. Take care of yourself.
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Logan has a schedule he dedicates his life to.
First, to wake up at five am.
Next, is to get in the shower without a bucket. Why without a bucket? Because he's damn rich.
Y'see, when you're one of the most successful people in the country of Loríses, running a multi-billion dollar corporation on affordable apartment living and clean energy resources and steady bank loan agreements, well... you can afford some time.
That, and clean water.
Once that's all done and good, Logan likes to relax and have a nice breakfast in his humble top-apartment as he watches the news from the table.
The time didn't really matter when he woke up or finished eating because he never booked (or more accurately put, was forced to book) a meeting or council accommodation or ribbon cutting or something before eleven am.
Breakfast was his only sanctity; he made sure to have plenty of it.
With the news and breakfast over, Logan would head out to work with his classic polo and tie with a briefcase in hand, then spend about eight hours basically running around heading between business meetings and stock readings and introductory openings and apartment gatherings and- well, you get the picture.
Without a hitch, Logan'd get home at around seven-thirty pm, have some sort of dinner out with colleagues he really didn't care for, and get home to either sleep or do his favorite kind of work; charity work.
In the charity work's case?; he wouldn't get a wink of rest.
Today, Logan woke up like he would any other day, perhaps a little later than he thought he would, but that was due to his one am adoption centre charity bidding auction last night.
When he went to check his phone for any messages from his secretary for the day, he found only two from the uptight woman:
You have the day off, Mr.Corbett.
Have a nice day.
Logan looked on in confusion.
I have the day off? Why? he texted back.
His secretary immediately responded with a simple,You haven't used your vacation days at all for the past year, Mr.Corbett. If you don't use them by the end of September, you lose them. I took liberty of letting you off for the next week.
Logan was about to fight back and tell her he's coming into work anyway, but he found she's a bit faster with her hands.
You need it, Logan.
Go visit that old lady down the street, in the bookshop. Her name is Mrs.Tamry. She's my mother's sister and owns the place. She could use some company today.
Logan groaned. He wasn't moving the stubborn woman and that meant he actually had to take care of himself. Woe is he.
Logan grumpily put the phone to his bedside table before face-planting onto his bed. He groaned some more, kicking his feet and punching his hands into the pillows. Perhaps childish, yes, but Logan was never really raised to do much else than work. He didn't know what else to do.
Logan remembered the Mrs.Tamry from his secretary's messages a few minutes after his tantrum and sighed as he flipped over on the bed, rolling out of it.
After a shower he went over to his closet and picked out something a little more casual- a flannel and finer jeans -before stuffing down some toast to head to this bookowner.
Logan would admit that the bookstore part of the old woman was interesting; he's loved being read to and reading stories ever since he could recount the ABC's. It was one of the few pastimes he could be shown doing in public: his public advisor had once told him it made him look both gentle and intelligent, and the ladies would love it. Logan had just told him that he didn't care about the ladies and continued on his way to his office.
Logan finally made his way to the shop. He rolled his eyes at the name: "Book-Ends and Seller's Beggining." It was charming, if not a little corny, and Logan wasn't sure if this was really worth his time, but then he saw the little old lady through the glass sitting by her lonesome and let out a breath of air.
Dammit. Why do I have to feel so guilty?
Logan pushed his way through the tall glass doors and looked his way around, noticing the high bookshelves and neat working stations. It seemed grandma kept up with the times as Logan noticed a small table with a few charging stations attached to it, and a couple of teens doing their homework while plugging their phones in nearby. A stack of laps for rent stood on a shelf near the station.
Logan heard the old woman laugh hoarsely behind him.
"Well, now I wasn't expecting such a dashing young man in my shop so early in the morning!" Mrs.Tamry teased, still laughing. She got up from her weaved rocking chair and instead shuffled her way over to a flustered Logan. "Got some good bone structure- although the hair could use some work. A working man, hmm?"
Logan stammered at the guiding, touching hands and expert eye. "Yes ma'am, I- I am a businessman," he squeaked out.
Logan was used to just saying nothing while out in public, or worse, hosting everything and never getting a break. Having this conversation, if not an awkward one, made him sweat bullets. It was unknown territory.
"A businessman, huh?" Mrs.Tamry sang. She looked him over a few more times, noting the sweaty palms and pale face, before hollaring over to the kids in the corner, "Does this man look familiar?"
The three in the corner; a smaller, but colorful child, a tall but scraggly young fellow, and a boy with a star for his shirt all turned their heads.
The colorful kid snickered. "Nah, he looks too nervous to be any big shot I've heard of," they chided.
"Yeah, and what would he be doing here of all places if he was?" the scraggly lad questioned.
"Hey, knock it off!" the boy in the star shirt huffed. "The guy's probably super sweet and here to pick something up for his wife where they'll read fairytales to their kids and it'll be really damn cute!"
The colorful child started laughing hard; so hard, in fact, that they started tearing up. The scraggly kid did the same. The star boy just crossed his arms, looking to Logan with a much more innocent view.
Logan was sweating so profusely he was afraid he was going to faint. Mrs.Tamry just watched with a crooked smile at their imaginations.
"I am right, huh? You're just a nice guy!" the star boy asked, leaning in. The other two troublemakers got themselves together enough to lean in too, giggling.
"Yeah, tell us! Who are you?"
Logan couldn't stop himself before he even knew what his brain and mouth were going to say.
"I-I'm gay."
Well that was certainly new.
Logan realized what he said and covered his mouth with his hand, shock covering his entire face. Oh now you've done it, he roared at himself, you've told three kids and an old lady you're a disgusting pansy!
But the yelling and the chastising and the kicking-him-out-of-the-store never came. The other children looked to him in absolute glee, and the old woman just snickered.
"So what, dude? I'm like... mega gay too," the boy in the star shirt joked. He easily smiled at Logan.
Logan couldn't tell if he was being encouraged, or if he was doing the encouraging to the boy.
The other two children looked between eachother before looking to Logan. "We're non-binary. We use they/them pronouns. Could you please use them?"
Logan just barely managed a nod, his nerves in overdrive. He just outed himself and now these brave kids were coming out to him too? It was a hell of a thing to wrap around his brain. "O-Of course I will," he managed through chattering teeth.
Logan turned to the old woman last. He expected her to throw him out at first, but now he realized that she knew all this time. Now he looked to Mrs.Tamry in fear. The fact she could figure something like that out so quick was something Logan wasn't prepared to deal with, shock after shock being ran into him in the past ten minutes.
"Young man, you realize that this establishment has a 'We Accept You' sticker on the front, right?" she giggled, patting his shoulder despite him being a tree and her a stump.
Logan looked back to the glass and saw a mirrored version of that sticker on the door; clear as day.
Logan slumped his shoulders. "Oh."
Mrs.Tamry took his shoulders and guided Logan over to a seat, sitting in the one next to him with a sigh. "Ooh, that feels much better on my back."
Logan just stared at her, sweating and shaking and why had I not fought my secretary on letting me work-
Mrs.Tamry clasped a hand on top of his fussing one and smiled gently. The wild side of her had been turned down, and now something much more sweet laid itself out to the scatterbrained gay.
Logan felt himself calm down just a little.
"Now now, I've been told by my niece that her boss was coming in today to spend his day off. I'm to assume that's you, right?" she gently asked. The hand on Logan's softly rubbed it's thumb against Logan's knuckles.
Logan calmed down just a little more.
His tongue managed to unstick itself from the roof of his mouth enough to let out a small, "yes."
He didn't know why he was so freaked. Usually when he got this nervous he'd just bury it down like he had been for the past thirty something years but in this place, it felt like no matter how hard he tried, he was forced to feel everything he was feeling. Logan did not like it.
Mrs.Tamry sighed and used her other hand to tap a gentle rhythm in Logan's arm, giving him something to hold on to.
"Y'know, I didn't expect such a good man like you to be holding back so much fear. I could feel it as you stepped through that door," Mrs.Tamry commented, trying to make small talk.
Logan avoided her eyes. "Well, I haven't got much of a place to let it out."
Mrs.Tamry kept the rhythm on his arm while she hummed.
"Well that simply isn't good!" she preached. "Tell you what, if you're feeling so scared and trembling like you are now, you can always come to me, y'hear?"
Logan nodded a little. He could feel himself slowly relax, coming down from being so flustered and flabbergasted.
New places, new conversations- in which he made actual conversations instead of one-sided invites -new people, new ideas, new everything! It made his brain go into overdrive and his nerves alight. Usually he was able to handle it, bury it deep for later, but here? It seemed he couldn't stuff the feelings down.
Maybe it was Mrs.Tamry's wild but motherly approach, or the bookstore's inviting nature, or the teens he talked to earlier, but either way, Logan just sighed.
He was okay. He was safe. He was okay.
Mrs.Tamry pulled Logan up and rubbed his back while she headed him in the direction of the laptops.
"Why don't you do yourself a favor and find a game to play or- or a messaging site to talk to someone!" Mrs.Tamry then giggled cheekily. "It seems you don't have many friends, so now's a time to start!"
Logan took a seat next to the three teens with an awkward smile and a wave as he opened up the laptop. It was a little out of style, but it seemed fine enough as Logan booted it up.
"We never got your name, sir," the star boy asked politely while Logan logged in.
"Yeah! Like for example I'm Joan and that's Talyn, and he's Thomas, so now you know us!" the newly named Joan called out, tipping their beanie like a celebrity.
Talyn nodded along, playing with their colorful hair. "Homework is getting boring, we wanna know you!"
Logan turned to the three kids with a reserved smile as he signed up for a messenger site called GetAlong.
"My name is Logan Corbett."
@amazable01 @vara-albion @sonicrainicorn @artist-of-the-moon @sparkedawg @unnipanda623 @kiibo57415 @anxious-sunflowe @thatonenerdphotographer @romanthestarstruckqueer @angels-and-dreams @midokiya @nedandn30 @chaosboitm @felicianoromano @supersoftsupersleep @icequeenoriginal
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ratscabies · 5 years
something i've always wanted to ask you... knowing that you've visited Europe, what were your top 5 things that you've encountered here (be it food, monuments, pieces of culture, anything)
I tried to include a variety of things in my answer!
1. The ability to travel easily. I mean this as a combination of beautiful, glorious, extensive public transportation, which we have very little of in the US, and also everything being in such close proximity, so I was able to visit a ton of countries cheaply and quickly.
2. The variety of architecture! I loved being able to see so many buildings dating back hundreds of years, and I also loved seeing how architectural styles varied so much between different countries, between cities within the same country, and even just between different neighborhoods of a single city.
3. HARIBO FRUITY-BUSSI. My favorite type of Haribo gummy!! We have some Haribo in the US but not this particular type, and it was always my favorite.
4. In Germany in particular, I was amazed by the low cost of groceries and alcohol. I would sometimes play a game with my mom (who was back in the US) where I would take a photo of everything I bought grocery shopping in Germany, have her estimate how much it would cost if she bought similar products in similar quantities where we live in the US, and then I’d tell her how much I actually spent and we’d marvel over how much cheaper the cost was in Germany.
5. The entire city of Berlin.
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Honorable mentions:
- being able to see so many of the bands I love because they rarely ever tour the US
- the neighborhood I stayed in when I visited Sofia, Bulgaria, particularly the view of the mountains from the balcony of my airbnb
- drinking alcohol in public was legal in Germany (whereas it isn’t in the US)
- I studied abroad in Germany right after I realized I was a lesbian, and there was a high proportion of other queer people in my study abroad program, so I really had a big gay family that year and it was incredible
- EDIT: oh shit, I just remembered that when I was in Prague, I went on a tour of a nuclear bunker, and honestly??? glorious. I wanted to sneak away from the tour group and live out the rest of my life down there
* * *
ask game: what have you always wanted to know about me?
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ditchedxxx · 6 years
21 questions
I'm late I'm so sorry vslndjwndks.
Nickname: Katie. Sometimes Kates?
Zodiac: I'm not sure if you mean starsign or the chinese year thing, so I'm doing both. I'm a libra, born in the year of the dragon lmao
Height: 4'11 and 3/4 shut up i'm tiny
Last movie I saw: Bleach, the Diamond Dust Rebellion lol. My dad just downloaded it and I had nothing to do so.
Last thing I googled: Uh. A recipe for afritada bc my dad wanted that for dinner.
Favorite musician: ooohhh that's so hard I listen to a lottttt of artists. I think rn the answer is Jojo, because I've loved her music since I was little! Too little too late was my jam as a kid, and god, did I love her newest albums. Oooooh and the updated old ones? The 2018 versions of leave (get out) and too little too late... so good.
Hm. I gotta add tho bc Sara Bareilles and Michelle Branch are right up there with her. 3 year old me could sing Michelle Branch's Breathe, and i still throw it on when i feel senti. Sara bareilles music makes me feel soooo much and i love her.
Song stuck in my head: Ghost of You by 5SOS. It inspired an angsty fic that I'm gonna plot tonight, and probably shelve for future use after I finish my zine piece and my other chapterfics.
My other blogs: oof okay. @apieceforthewrongpuzzle is my studyblr. I don't use it much and mostly reblog, just for resources and helpful tips. @themundanebeautyproj was for a school assignment and I haven't deleted it bc i use it to save posts i want to find easily since i dont use it as often-- ergo, less reblogged shit to scroll through. And @haikyuutales-a-collection is the blog for my haikyuu folktales zine! I'm currently taking a short break from the PR since I don't have discord access, but follow that blog if you wanna be updated about the zine's progress and see sneakpeeks and stuff later on in the creation process!
Do I get asks: I've had a few. Some on anon, most from friends. I wouldn't mind more though!
Following: uhhhhhhh 524...? Whoops
Followers: 80! Wow that's a lot. Thanks guys!
Amount of sleep: usually 8-10? All i know is almost always, regardless of what time i fall asleep, i wake up around 9ish. Recently, anyway.
Lucky number: i've always really liked 7.
What I'm wearing: an "okay? Okay." Shirt that has two sad little cuts in the bottom left from who knows where and black and green sports shorts-- yknow, the weird holey ones.
Dream job: teaching, or something involving museums or libraries. Editing would be nice too.
Dream trip: honestly? Anywhere. I'd love to visit more asian countries tho, especially japan and korea!
Favorite food: bacon or chocolate! Also rice. Fuck yeah rice is great
Play any instruments: i briefly tried to learn guitar but soon gave up. So no. I sing tho.
Languages: English is my mother tongue, obviously, it's what I grew up speaking, but I have a pretty decent grasp of Filipino (mostly comprehension, my grammar is shit). I also know very very basic Mandarin. Not a lot. Briefly tried to use duolingo for french so i have a smattering of vocab in that language. I also once had a phase where i tried russian. I remember like. 2 phrases and nothing of the alphabet. Uh. I know some ASL? Like. 5-10 signs and fingerspelling only tho.
Favorite songs: ..... don't ask me this. I listen to a Lot
Random facts:
I'm Catholic, but not super devout
I sometimes write poetry
You can't see them unless you're rightttt up in my face, but i have some freckles on my nose and cheeks. They're hidden by my dark-ish skin tho.
I like to lick my lollipops slow and whatever idk, and i only eat orange ones
I studied STEM in my last 2 years of hs and hated it, my whole class knew I should've gone humanities bc that's where my passion was
I discovered I liked writing in 7th grade a week after I turned down an invitation from the writing club to join the invitational science club instead. I didn't have much fun. (Seems like foreshadowing....)
I was once in the top 24 students for math in my grade level-- out of 280 students give or take. Only for 4th and 5th grade tho.
Uh. My SAT score was 1440?
Lol they're all acads related bc i went to visit my old school today and have no idea what else to say.
Bonus-- describe yourself as aesthetic things: polaroids and old letters, open notebooks and fountain pens, calligraphy inks in bottles lined up on shelves. Sunsets through windows and a girl with her arms spread wide in the rain. Also fairy lights and lanterns. A single knife blade. Headphones.
Okay! Tagging is hard. I tag!!! @mooifyourecows @sugaandyams @i-am-a-bit-of-a-crank @rootnjoons @lovetinted @cheetahleopard @tentaclebubbles @tendous-satoris @that-one-guy-in-naruto @onceabluemoonwrites @tottwriter @raincloud10 @satans-little-rabbit @cathxstra @glitch-writes @icannotbebotheredanymore @kenmagoesblep @cubistemoji andddd idk im out of ideas for who to tag wow ok.
Just do it if you want!!!!
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aph-english-rose · 7 years
Tagged by @fluffyburgersandtea (Thank you for tagging me I love these kind of things! I'm sorry I've only just done this)
Tag 9 People: @hazardoushobbit, @usukes, @not-aph-england, @magic-magpie, @randomlazyhetaliafan, @mi-chan4649, @englandslament, @usugay, @shivamonster
Naturally if you've already done this or you don't want to do it please don't feel like you have to!
Last song I listened to: Watching for Comets by Skillet
Last book you read/listened to: Ah I don't read as often as I would like so I think it was Winter by Marissa Meyer (The last book in the Lunar Chronicles series)  
Favorite color: Blue although I really love green too
Top three shows: Arrow, The Flash and lets say Once Upon a Time because I'm currently re-watching it right now.
Top three characters: APH England, APH America and APH Romano. All Hetalia because it's easier
Top three ships: us/uk, spa/mano and pru/can but I also have so many more
2) BOLD the statements that are true for you! (italic for partially true)
APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" / 170cm or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing  I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory (I'm usually really good with names but that's about it) I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing FANDOMS ARE MY #1 PASSION I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year (I've been because of headaches but nothing like breaking a bone or anything) I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship   I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CD’s (They're all put away from when I used my stereo but I don't know if there's more than 15) I share my room with someone
RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair (Highlights) I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year I have been given flowers before
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