#earthcustomsfanfic chap2
gaycrystalfemme · 6 years
Ch 1 • Ch 2 • Ch 3 • Ch 4** 》AO3
Earth Customs
Chapter 2: Girlfriend
"I made arrangements for the files to be compressed, but they might still be quite hefty. See the attachment as follows," Blue received an interstellar email from Yellow. She had requested if she could acquire a copy of Steven's movie compilation.
Not a single word regarding their prior lip smack. Blue had, however, thought about it over and over. It made her desire for more close encounters with Yellow. And perhaps Yellow felt the same too. But Yellow was uncomfortable with actions that would potentially disrupt her sense of order. Blue being a Diamond didn't wish to disrupt order either, but her curiosity was equally valuable to her. She wanted to explore more of the human lore. Actually, she felt like learning more about human interaction would shed light on her feelings towards Yellow and how to act accordingly. Understanding human customs could give them the possibility to engage in actions incomprehensible to Homeworld society. A little secret language of theirs, how exciting would that be?
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"Pink!" Blue called out for Steven, still addressing him as the Diamond she had known. Her blue arm ship was by the beach, and her Pearl by her side accompanying her.
"Blue Diamond! Hi! Glad to see you here," Steven came out of the house enthused that another Diamond paid him a visit. It wasn't long after but, given the speed it takes to travel space, it was probably past a year since Yellow came to him.
"Pink.. I want to know about the Earth!"
"Well, you've come to the right place, Blue Diamond! We can show you around," Steven gladly offered. He was thinking of getting ready for an adventure!
"Pink, I.. I want to know more about.. humans specifically. Their.. rules of interaction. You see.." Blue paused and looked at her feet, her Pearl obediently waiting for what ever command. She looked around for any other gem. Like Yellow, Blue was convinced Steven still lead a handful of gems. There were no other being in sight but she wasn't keen in taking chances, "May we rather speak in private, Pink?"
Blue took Steven to her ship, specifically to her control room. Blue's Pearl was instructed to wait just outside the room, doors closed.
"Pink, Yellow and I.. We've seen the movie you gave her. And I just wondered," Blue was focused on her computer as she was talking to Steven. She was searching for the compressed files Yellow had sent her. She played the file they watched and skipped through the part that intrigued her the most. Steven looked at the massive screen before him and when the actors had pressed their lips, Blue hit pause, "That.. we.. wha-what is that? What are they doing, Pink?"
"Oh, that. Well, uh," Steven was a bit hesitant and embarrased. He scratched his head thinking of ways to explain to Blue. He understood well what was going on, he was human. He looked at Blue and saw the look on her face. Clueless and oblivious but dead curious. "Well, it's what you do when you.. love each other. You hug and then you kiss," Steven stopped and pointed on the paused clip, "That.. that's a kiss. But actually, that is also a hug."
"Love? What.. but why do they kiss?"
"Because they love each other. Oh geez, this is harder than I thought," Steven racked his brain for a viable explanation for the kiss, and for love.
Steven couldn't find the right words to properly define what love is. He couldn't, love was variable. It was dependent per person. Or in Blue's case, per Diamond. "Blue, can we," he decided the best course of action, "have a movie marathon?"
"Well, I suppose we could."
"Hold on, lemme just grab some snacks!" Steven was now excited to have a movie marathon under the biggest screen he's ever seen his life, Blue's computer. He quickly brought some of his favorite snacks, wore a soda drinking hat, and wore 3D glasses. Classic Steven. He proceeded to Blue's control room where he found Blue reading his letter to Yellow, the letter encrypted with the hard drive. Apparently, it had not been omitted in the compressed version sent to Blue. He sat down on the huge arm rest, hopeful he wouldn't get crushed. He then gave the movie line up for them to watch. Most of which were on the Romance or Drama category. He alternately included different genres in the list so they could have variety.
Movie after another. Even in different categories, there were couples and love stories. Movies had been paused multiple times as Steven carefully expounded human actions Blue had found interesting. Kissing, hugging, hand holding. Blue became well acquainted with Earthly romantic gestures and terms of endearment. Blue was gradually building the concept, and she slowly understood. Feelings she can relate to, actions she wanted to do. It took them three days before they completely finished Steven's list. Steven was focused on the plot and the experience of a super big screen movie-thon, while Blue was focused on understanding the humans. He took occassional bathroom breaks and went to the house, but slept in Blue's control room while Blue watched non-stop.
"Pink, it seems is clear to me now. The concept of human love. As a Diamond, it's surprisingly quite relatable. Love comes in different forms, variable per relationship."
"Yes, yes," Steven agreed, with a sense of pride. To pave the way for a Diamond to grasp the idea of loving was something he'd view as an accomplishment. He didn't want to pry but he wanted to know, "So who do you love, Blue?" He asked rather playfully.
"Well," Blue thought for a moment. And given the variations of love she answered, "There's, White. And you Pink, of course." She stopped and felt her chest pound before she finally named, "And Yellow, definitely."
"Oh, of course. Diamonds," Steven hadn't noticed the hint of romanticism until Blue asked another question.
"But Pink, I would like to know one more thing. What is a.. a girlfriend?" Blue quoted from the dozens of movies they've seen. She wanted clarity with the terminology.
"Well," Steven thought about his relationship with Connie, "a girlfriend is like a friend but more. It's kinda like a special friend. You tell her everything. You kiss, and you hug, and hold hands. You start as friends, you get to know the person. Then you become girlfriends, or boyfriends if it's a guy. Then you get married and," Steven shouted in cliché enthrallment, "you live happily ever after!"
"Oh. I see!" Blue's voice was cheerful. Her purpose for coming to Earth had been fulfilled. She blushed, she understood well what a girlfriend was. Let alone who a girlfriend was to her. "Thank you, Pink!"
"You're welcome!" Steven was about to wrap up the conversation when a thought suddenly struck him. Frolicsome, he asked Blue, "OH EM GEEE! Do you have a girlfrie-"
"What?! No! I mean, Yellow and I only kissed once. It wasn't even for a second!" Blue had her thoughts wrapped around that one swift moment, she couldn't keep it a secret!
"Yellow Diamond is your girlfriend?!" Steven was astonished that the two matriachs were a couple, he impulsively squealed out of astonishment, "And you guys kissed?! OH EM GEEE!!" Stars in his eyes and a heavy dose of enthusiasm in his voice.
Oh no. "Pink, would you keep your voice down!" Blue calmly collected herself and the frenzied Steven. "Please, keep that to yourself. No one must know!" Steven was also a Diamond. All Blue can do was request, rather than order, non-disclosure.
"Don't worry, such information is safe with me: Your Trusty Steven!" Steven crossed his arms, he felt honored to have been confided with top secret Diamond information. Blue could only trust him at this point.
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Blue was now past the milky way. She was heading to one of her colonies to oversee the way of things. Everything she learned from Steven, fresh in her mind. Her kiss with Yellow, a memory she loved replaying in her head. She decided to call her.
"Yes?" Yellow answered the video call.
"Yellow. Where are.. are you watching a movie? Yo-you're crying again!" Blue was amused looking at Yellow on the other end. She also caught a glimpse of Yellow's Pearl in the corner, also crying. Seeing Yellow like this made Blue long for Yellow a lot more. She wanted them to watch a movie too.
"This is nothing!" Yellow had been having a movie marathon with her Pearl. She had developed a favorite genre. Drama. But she would never admit to this. If anyone would ask her, she'd answer Action. But Action would be her second favorite, and Drama would come first.
"Yellow, I just need to look over a few things. Can we- are you busy? I'd like to see you actually."
"I'm by the starburst galaxy at MX956. Where are you heading?"
"To my nearest moonbase just after the Milky Way."
"Okay, we'll head there. Pearl.." Yellow ordered her Pearl to adjust their coordinates. They were heading to Blue.
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"Pearl, leave us. And close the door." Blue commanded her Pearl upon Yellow's arrival. And with Blue Pearl's dismissal, Yellow also gave an order to her Pearl.
"Pearl, stay by the gate. Alert us should there be an emergency." Yellow's voice was powerful.
The door closed, both Diamonds alone again. Blue was seated on the chair of the moonbase. Yellow approached her, "Why are you here, Blue? Isn't this colony completed?"
"Yes but I needed to contact a few gems. It's easier on a moonbase than on my ship," Blue knew Yellow understood this, but she expounded on the real reason for being on this particular moonbase. "You know, I just came from Earth. I talked to Pink."
"Did you tell her that we-," Yellow interjected herself, "I thought we agreed never to speak of it ever again?!"
Blue stood from her computer, she had finished everything she needed to do moments before Yellow arrived. She faced the aggravated Yellow. And without warning, she placed her hands on Yellow's hips and pulled their bodies close. The fury that was building up in Yellow, slowly melted with Blue's touch. She wanted this too, without a doubt. Especially after all the movies she'd watched with her Pearl. Just like last time, their faces were only inches apart. A kiss was inevitable but before Blue planted one in Yellow's lips, she shyly uttered, "Yellow, I.. I figured it out. Y-you're my.. you're my girlfriend!" She inched closer and planted a kiss. This time it was softer than the last, like it had more meaning and more feeling to it. Yellow placed her arms on Blue's shoulder, one hand buried in Blue's hair. They longed for each other this way, definitely more than friends. They both wanted this moment. One soft kiss followed by another, and another.
"Blue, wait. Stop."
"Yellow, what?"
"What are we.. what are we doing? We are indulging in such Earthly nonsense. We're Diamonds, Blue. We're not supposed to.. We're supposed to lead gems for all of time!" Yellow was getting overwhelmed. She was burning inside, she couldn't understand why. What they were doing is disrupting the order she had known all her life. And though it felt good, it felt very strange to her. She chose not to partake.
Leading gems for all time, huh? Such monotony. If they were to exist that long, then wouldn't it be nice to kiss and 'live-happily-ever-after' once in a while? Blue wanted to act her feelings for Yellow. She thought and hoped, Yellow did too. Yellow made her feel valued not merely as a Diamond who rules over the galaxy, but as a sentient being. She believed Yellow felt the same for her. Or perhaps, was she mistaken?
Blue was blushing so hard, but her blushes were of shame. She felt ashamed for going all the way to Earth, wanting to learn their customs, and indulging in such thoughts of romanticism with Yellow. Tears welling up her eyes, Blue stormed off as haste as possible without taking a second look at Yellow. Her hopes for a secret language, all for naught. Yellow was left in the moonbase, dumbfounded.
"What have I-" Sigh.
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** Ch 4 = AO3 exclusive WIP
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