#earth 42 miles morales x mixed!reader
spid3namy · 11 months
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pairing : e!42 miles x mixed!female reader
summary : miles was being weird, not how he usually acted. he somehow found himself in the wrong universe, unbeknownst to you.
contains : a little angst, fluff, kissing, implied cheating??, cussing, they are in their late teens, happy endings i promise 
word court : 1142
notes : i rewatched atsv for like the 4th time and for some reason i decided that i wanted to write about what would happen if e!42 miles and e!1610 miles switched places like how it is at the end of the movie except nobody is like tied to a punching bag LMAO. this was my attempt at writing a longer fic too 😍
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How did he end up here?
This wasn’t his earth. He didn’t understand how or why he was here but all he knew was that this was the wrong place. 
He couldn’t help the way that he felt stupid for allowing himself to get into this whole situation. 
“Miles..? You okay?”
Miles blinked and looked over at you, furrowing his eyebrows to try and adjust to his new surroundings. How did you get into his apartment? Or… what he thought was his apartment? He really had no idea anymore.
Everything was confusing him at this point. He didn’t know anything anymore.
You snap your fingers in front of his face to gain his attention, not understanding why your boyfriend was acting so weird. Miles blinked once again and shook his head, running a hand over his face.
“Yeah.. yeah, ‘m fine.”
Okay. That was definitely weird. Since when did Miles have an accent? And since when did he have braids in his head? 
“Uhm.. okay?”
Miles let out a puff of air and shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. How the hell was he even supposed to get home? How did he even get here? He had no idea. 
“Qué pasa, Miles? You keep starin’ off into space.”
“‘M fine.. I promise”
Miles gave you an awkward smile and cleared his throat awkwardly, shoving his hands into his pockets. You looked familiar to him, like he’s seen you somewhere before. He wasn’t really sure. Maybe it was in his universe. Whatever it was, it was weird.
Miles flinched slightly when you touched his face. 
“What? You mad or somethin’?”
Okay, so that was definitely weird. Why was he acting this way? Have you done something wrong? You didn’t really know. But all you knew was that Miles, or whoever the hell this was, flinched when you touched him. That never happened. 
“Miles, quit fuckin’ playin’ around with me right now.”
“I don't know what you’re talking about..”
You let out a sigh and shook your head, your thumb caressing his cheek lightly. Miles couldn’t help the way that he felt comfort from how you touched his face. It was wrong, he knew that much, but it still felt so nice. 
He couldn’t enjoy it for too long though.
You pressed a kiss onto his lips, not one that was long, only a peck but Miles flinched back a little too fast. It made your eyebrows furrowed together at how he was acting. He couldn’t kiss you. Couldn’t even be with you because this wasn’t his universe and you weren’t his girlfriend.
“Estás bien? You’re fuckin’ actin’ weird, Miles”
Before he could even get a word out, the front door suddenly swung open. 
“Ay, Y/N.. you’re still here? I thought you would’ve gone home by now?”
“Sí but I figured I would keep Miles company ‘til you came home.”
“Well, I appreciate it.”
Miles blinked and looked over at the woman that was supposed to be his mom. 
What happened to her eyes? Why weren’t they green anymore? It was weird to him. 
Well, he already knew why her eyes weren’t green. This wasn’t his earth. This was someone’s earth. It wasn’t his and he hated it.
“Woah, Miles, what’d you do to your hair?”
“You like braids now? You’re no longer tender-headed?”
Miles blinked and squinted at Rio, almost like he was confused on what the hell she was talking about. And he was. 
What the hell did she mean tender-headed? He had been tender-headed a day in his life! 
But to make himself seem less suspicious and weird, he just nodded his head. The best thing he could do right now was blend in. 
“He’s been actin’ weird since he got here”
Miles looked over at you as he talked about him like he wasn’t even there. That annoyed him. He hated when people did that.
“Oh.. well I’m sure me and Jeff will be able to figure out why. Thanks for staying Y/N.”
“Of course.. Let me know if you need anything”
Miles watched as you left the apartment. It was weird. Jeff? That didn’t make any sense to him. Jeff was… dead. Had his mother found another man with the same name? That couldn’t be.
He knew his mother; she would never find someone else. 
Rio suddenly looked over at her son and took a step towards him, inspecting his hair and the way he looked. He was much shorter than before. 
“How did you get here so early? Your father said he was gonna take you home.”
“Uh.. Uncle Aaron took me home?”
Rio stared at him and blinked before she shook her head, moving her gaze away from him. This wasn’t a time for him to be bought up.
“Son, you know that ain’t possible.”
Rio sighed and shook her head, rubbing her temples and walking into the kitchen. She had no idea what was up with him but she knew that something was definitely wrong. 
He was being so weird. 
“Miles, I know you miss Aaron.. We all do but that doesn’t mean you can just say stuff like that.”
Rio sighed heavily and shook her head, clearly fed up with her son’s antics. It was a little annoying how he was acting. She wasn’t in the mood to deal with this. She was too tired for all this.
Miles seemed to notice how annoyed she was and turned on his heels, walking further into the apartment and into ‘his’ room. 
The moment he opened the door, he saw so, so, many fucking posters. God, the room was a damn pigsty. How the hell could anyone live in this filth? 
Miles notices a sketchbook laid on the bed, his body now peaked with curiosity. At least they had one thing in common. He walked over and grabbed the book, flipping through the pages. A lot of them were so random. He took note of all the drawings he had of Aaron and some.. girl. 
Wow. Must’ve been the girl that was there earlier. There were also a few drawings of some other girl in some stupid superhero suit. Apparently this Miles is a fanboy. Totally not weird at all. He had to admit though, his counterpart was really good at drawing. Well, of course he was. 
They were the same person, just a different universe.
Miles could hear talking from outside the door. He slowly opened it and peeked outside, his eyes scanning around the apartment as he saw some guy, presumably Jeff, walking in the front door.
His.. his dad was still alive? Was he not captain here? He didn’t know for sure. He saw another figure behind the man. He was taller and had a wack ass ‘fro.
The other Miles was also here.
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spyder-junkie · 1 year
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
drop idea for the next part because Im running outta steam lol
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It isnt long before you and Miles are hanging out every other day.
You would see him after school when you could, or he would sneak into your room at night.
And this goes on for weeks.
That is until you’re talking to Miles one night outside his flat.
You wish him goodbye, kissing his cheek and being on your way. He goes inside, and as you’re about half way down the block, you get a text.
‘my momma saw you kiss me through the window, she wants to meet you.’
You literally stand still on the sidewalk for a moment, heart beating in your chest.
So the two of you try to schedule a day where you can sit down and meet Rio.
You pitch the following day, but she has to work late at the hospital.
Miles pitches friday, but you have an afterschool study session
So you pick that sunday, which works until Miles calls you and tells you Rio was scheduled a later shift and wouldnt be able to cook that day.
“How about we cook instead? To give her a break.” You say.
Miles’ face scrunches up in the facetime.
“I cant cook.” He says plainly.
“But I can, it could be a surprise.” You say.
So thats what you do. Miles tells Rio and Aaron they’ll order food that afternoon, and you and Miles go to the store to get groceries in the morning.
Miles sat at the island of the kitchen, his head in his hand as he watched you cook.
He was playing music for you, a couple modern hispanic pop songs.
“Shes really gonna like this.” Miles said, small smike on his face.
“I hope so.” You reply, mixing something in a pot.
You put your spoon down, letting the food cook while you turn to Miles.
You reach your hand out, prompting him to stand infront of you.
You smile up at him, swaying your hips softly in tune of the music.
He follows your lead, a little smoother than you expected.
He hums along softly to the song, spinning your around the kitchen.
“Youre light on your feet.” You say, letting him twirl you.
The two of you dance and laugh until the kitchen timer dings, in which you break away to check the food.
And unbeknownst to you, Rio stands at the front door, Aaron at her side as she peers through the opened crack.
“Theyre gonna realize youre watching em.” He says, a smirk plasterd on his face.
“I havent seen my baby dance since he was a baby.” Rio whispers.
She waits until the two of you begin plating the food to smooth her scrubs out and open the door.
“Estoy en casa.” She said softly, catching Miles’s eyes.
“Whats all this?” She had a sort of unreadable expression on her face.
“Miles told me you wouldnt have time to cook, so I thought why not cook for you?” You say timidly.
You take you oven mits off and walk up to Rio.
“Soy s/n, gusto en conocerla Sra. Morales” You smile, holding your hand out to her.
Her expression cracks, a smile gracing her lips.
“Encantada de conocerte, nice spanish you have there.”
You then hold your hand out to Aaron.
“Nice to meet you too Mr.Aaron.”
Aaron is a bit more curt with his handshake, his face still stoic. He hums out a little “mhm” as he shakes your hand.
“Shes pretty, Miles.” Rio gushes, then she turns to you. “Youre really pretty.”
miles shrugs with a cocky grin on his face, leaning against the kitchen island.
You smile and thank her, walking back to the stove.
“Miles mentioned how much you like puerto rican dishes, so i made mofongo and Arroz con gandules.”
Rio looks over the food, taking a moment to smell over the aromas.
“Your abuela used to make this when you were little, Miles.” She says fondly, then she shakes her head.
“This looks great, lets eat. Miles help me set the table.”
So while you plate the food, Rio and Miles set the table. The four of you sat down to eat not before long, You and Miles on one side of the table, Rio and Aaron on the other.
“You did real good here, ma.” Miles says, mouth half full.
“He’s right, you know your way around a kitchen. Isnt that right Aaron?” Rio elbows him.
Aaron humms a ‘mhm’ eating well nonetheless.
“You know Unc,” Miles begins, putting a spoonful of rice in his mouth.
“Y/n might be able to fix your truck.”
Aaron raises his eyebrow at you, your eyes widening.
“Oh- I, uh, my dad works with cars, Miles told me you were having some issues, maybe i could take a look at it.” You say softly, tensing under his gaze.
“Its an engine problem. I doubt you can fix it.” He says.
Before you can say anything, Miles and Rio protest at the same time.
“Cmon man.”
“Give her a chance.”
Aaron rolls his eyes.
“….you can come look at it after dinner.” He says, getting back to his meal.
When everyone finishes their meal and the conversation dies down, Aaron gets up from the table.
“Lets go.” He huffs.
You and Miles stand up and follow him to the door just before he puts his hand to Miles’ chest.
“Help your moma with the dishes.”
“Man what I-“ Miles’ face scrunches up in irritation as Aaron gives him a pointed look.
“We’ll be back.” He says, motioning you to follow him.
And you do, you follow him down to the parking deck. He leads you to a mini garage labeled with a different apartment number than the one Miles stays in, probably for a different building.
Silently he pops the hood of the car for you, propping open his took box and motioning towards the car. He then crosses his arms and leans against the wall.
You gulp.
Quietly you scan your eyes over the mechanics inside the hood, looking to see what could be wrong with the engine.
“The start up is weak.” Aaron says suddenly.
“Took her to the mechanics and they quoted me 7 hundred to fix it.”
“Oh, why didnt they just give it a flush?” You ask, turning to him.
He raises an eyebrow.
You look around the garage for a mechanic creep, stretching it out and rolling your way under the hood of the car. Taking a wrench, you dislodge a couple bolts, pulling a pannel open.
“Do you have a watter bottle?” You ask, reaching your grease soaked hand our from under the car.
Theres shuffling, then a new watter bottle is placed in your hand.
You flush out part of the engine, using a given rag to dry it out and placing the pannel back on. Then you roll out from under the car, wiping your forehead.
“Try starting her up.” You say.
Aaron gets in the car, putting the key in and starting it up. And it starts up smooth.
A suprised expression crosses his face, followed by a smile.
“Id do that every 2-3 months, if you do it too much those parts will rust.” You say, coming up besides him while wiping your hands with a rag.
Aaron claps your back suddenly, beaming down at you.
“Thanks babygirl, I might have to get you in here on off days, get a set of extra hands on the projects we’re working on.”
You wonder if he’s talking about prowler things.
You dont ask though, giving a small ‘you’re welcome’ and walking after him as he closes the garage.
The walk back is quiet for a while, then Aaron speaks.
“My nephew has a lot going on in his life.” He says.
“If you can keep him focused on what’s important, Ion’ mind you staying around.”
You look over at him, then nod your head.
When the two of you return to the apartment, you’re laughing at the embarrassing Miles stories Aaron is telling you.
“Well, how’d it go?” Rio asks, a little surprised at Aaron’s joyfulness.
“She saved me 7 hundred, so pretty well.” He smiles.
“See i knew you could handle it.” Miles nudges your shoulder and kisses your cheek.
“Y/n.” Rio calls you name. Her and Aaron look at each other, then at you.
“¿Puedo hablar contigo un momento?”
You look at her and nod, noticing Aaron usher miles into another room.
“Yes ma’am?” You say, sitting at the dining table across from her.
“You know I love my son.” She begins. The air is a little tense now.
“I love him more than anything else, more than he’ll ever know. And he has lost a lot. I dont want to see him hurt again.” She looks at you seriously.
“I dont want to see him hurt ever.” You reply.
“Lets make a deal, then.” Rio says.
“You take care of him, make sure he knows hes loved, and be there for him in the places I cant, and no matter what youll always be welcome here in my home.”
You smile, shaking her out stretched hand.
The rest of the evening you spend having hearty conversations with Rio and Aaron in the living room.
Miles has you pressed to his side, his hand on your knee.
Sometime into the night you notice him drifting off beside you, his head drooping onto your shoulder peacefully.
And after a while its time for you to go home.
“Walk her home boy.” Aaron quipped, smacking Miles on the back of his neck and startling him awake.
Miles glares at his uncle, getting up to grab his shoes and meet you by the door.
And he walks you home, hand in yours and shoulders relaxed. And once you’re home, you kiss him on the cheek and wish him goodnight.
Then maybe an hour later, after youve showered and gotten into your pajamas, you get a text.
“You did good today, Hermosa, Im proud of you. Also, my mom really likes you, she said come back soon”
tags: @tishsrealwife @call-me-nev @hana-1235 @youcantseem3 @kaealowri @unadulteratedwizardrunaway @kezibear @urmotherswhor3 @ladylovegood-69 @thetoetickler @cumbermovels @cozmicwonder @yams-ley @sh-tposter2021 @vampjacinda @roadkillmeal @animechick555 @the-smut-plug @iluvdi0r @stevenknightmarc @yoashh @kitsunna @caffeine-mess @arachnenotes @erensbbg @nightshxdex @el-chiste @3alvatore @sh-tposter2021 @miatjie @agstuffsworld @ella34435 @iluvdi0r @pulling-out-my-eyes @vakiui @bigpepperpicker @swaggybae @tsukisaiki @osebb
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despairots · 1 year
miles 42 and miles 1610 are twins and fight over reader and try to impress her and stuff
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━━━━━━━━ talk about first impressions.
earth1610! miles morales x gn! reader x earth42! miles morales. fluff and warning, there’s some suggestive comments from grown adults. i started this yesterday but im posting once/twice a day until i burn myself out from writing and deleting requests. reader is like peni parker. ignore the description, my brain was idk.
please remember that in my last oneshot, earth 1610 miles will be spiderman and earth 42 miles will be the prowler, the two are vigilantes, keep that in mind. also you’re an anarchist lolsies!!1!1! the spanish translation might not be accurate. leaving this on a cliffhanger too LMFAO. you’re always an anarchist in these oneshots.
where the morales twins can’t help but fall for the technology nerd who can do a lot of things, trying to impress you and gift you stuff in public, and with you, obviously being a talented person, you apparently have a lot of admirers, especially weird, old, strange adults.
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you sighed in embarrassment at the two morales twins trying one up eachother with giving gifts to you or impressing you. some people would call you lucky, some would be jealous of you.
being fought over the two most attractive guys in brooklyn vision who may look the same but act like polar opposites is a nightmare.
the two may be extremely smart and artistic but they for sure, had different personalities.
miles morales is smart and passionate, committed to others before himself. he has a lot of love for science and art, which he got from his mother, making inventions since he was younger.
the two are both suckers for music, mixing beats as a hobby with their uncle aaron when they were younger.
miles is sociable around crowds, as even when he struggled to fit in after moving to brooklyn vision, would often start conversations with those he came across on the street.
though many of his acts are selfless, mikes is partly driven by low self-confidence in his own abilities, feeling smaller than he is.
since becoming spiderman, miles is extremely eager to help others. this is as much to his credit as it is to his detriment, as he will often put himself in grave, life-threatening danger, in his quest to protect his friends and those he cares about.
myles morales, on the other hand, may also be smart but he’s closed off only being carefree with you and his twin brother. he also has a lot of love for art, spray painting with his brother.
myles isn’t one to talk, again, he’s closed off and usually upholds a stoic persona, opposed to his brother who doesn’t have a problem showing how passionate and cheerful he is.
with him being the prowler, and technically being labeled as ‘spidermans rival’, ignoring that the prowler is his own being. he had a strong morality of protecting his family and you after his father had died.
to which leads him also going into life-threatening dangers.
“[name], do you have any idea how lucky you? like, i would die to be in your spot!” you rolled your eyes at that sentence, “then do it.” your snark reply made a few people in the hallway snicker.
now back to you, [name] [lastname], the robot-technology-hacking loving nerd that grew with the morales twins and them fighting over you, it’s not something that’s lucky.
that constantly one-upped eachother to gain your attention, to the point they wouldn’t HESITATE to embarrass eachother in front of you along with literally fighting who got the best present for you.
it didn’t help since you liked both of them, i mean, how couldn’t you not like them? they were literally labeled ‘most attractive boys alive’ and their personality didn’t help, why do you think you fell deeply in love?
“i got the best gift-“
“i did!”
your bestfriend, gwen stacy, sneaked her arm around you, “i obviously did.” she gave you a smug looked as you sighed in your hands with embarrassment, remembering the time you two accidentally kissed (more like pecked eachother on the lip).
you two vowed to never talk about that again but since that was two years ago, you guys are all 15 by the way, which you guys were 13 by the time she stole your first kiss.
the morales twins didn’t like that, uhh, next!
“ahora no es el momento, gwen.” you muttered, expressing massive stress from the two and the welcomed gwen, “i — uh, failed spanish.” you made a ‘that’s-the-point-‘ look.
“siempre suenas bien hablando en español.” myles commented, shooing gwen’s arm off your shoulder and throwing his arm over yours instead.
“get apagado de [nombre], myles.” miles rolled his eyes and scoffed at his twin, “at least i get an a+ in spanish.” miles gasped at the comment with offence.
“this is why you’re failing science, estúpido!”
“estoy siendo peleado por gemelos estúpidos.” you pinched the bridge of your nose before sneaking out between the twins quarrel, heading over to foam party.
did i mention that you won awards and was on the news for making a working robot suit and finding out how to time travel?
mutters and comments were heard in the coffee shop, irritating your already bad headache. ‘i hate society.’ you rubbed your temples, before ordering your drink and waited.
apparently those minutes of waiting, you got… weird, suggestive comments from grown adults. your face scrunched up every time they said something about you.
“that shirt really compliments your curves.”
you’re were just 15.
“you’ll find a person just like me.”
they were in their late 30s.
“how ‘bout instead of wasting your pretty little time in this coffee shop, you come to my place.”
you just wanted your coffee.
“can i get your number?”
“you’re really sexy.”
stop it.
they tried grabbing your hand.
“i’ll treat you better.”
stop it. they tried kissing your hand before someone clocked them in the face, “aren’t you an adult, man?” miles’ voice was heard beside your ear as he tried comforting you.
myles rubbed his knuckles with a grossed look on his face. they saw that they were harassing you as you tried to move away from them, worst thing yet, nobody tried to do anything.
they saw what was happening but didn’t help, god they really hated adults.
“acércate a ellos, y será mucho peor que un puñetazo en la cara.” they ran off, myles grabbed your order as the three of you left. it was quiet, too quiet for your looking.
“i could’ve handled that y’know—“ miles handed you a box, opening it to which showed a necklace with a charm that was your hacker logo. you could feel the myles’ eye twitched.
“remember i got [name] a car—“
“shut the hell up, man!”
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[name] after the morales twins keep giving them money and gifts.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
My Girl
➥ summary: Twin brothers Miles and Miles (Prowler) both seem to be crushing on the same girl at their new school, just a matter of them before one of them admits it. May the best man win
➥ a/n: so i decided on a storyline where they both grew up as twins, no spiderman or prowler but as to not confuse us all earth 42 miles will be nicknamed prowler, another thing fanart isn’t mine it was simply found on Pinterest and google
➥ 1610! Miles (RJ) x Reader x 42! Miles (The Prowler)
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Rio Morales watched her twin boys, Miles and Miles, grip each other's shoulders tightly with anticipation as they stood outside their new school. It was a crisp autumn morning, and the leaves danced playfully in the breeze, mirroring the excitement that fluttered in Rio's heart. The decision to move them to a new school had been tough, but after the fight that broke out at their old school, Rio believed it was necessary to give them a fresh start.
"Alright, boys," Rio said, with a mix of determination and affection in her voice. "Remember why we're here. This is a chance for all of us to turn things around, to make new friends, and grow into better versions of ourselves."
Miles, wearing a red hoodie and sporting a mischievous grin, fidgeted restlessly. He was the meticulous one, always wanting to explore every nook and cranny he stumbled upon. His friends called him the "Prowler" due to his natural curiosity and resourcefulness.
"Mama, trust me," he chimed in. "No more fights. The Prowler always has a plan."
Rio looked into Miles' expressive eyes, recognizing the genuine excitement and innocence that radiated from within him. But she also saw the darkness that lay dormant, the potential for trouble that he carried, as often seen in the consequences of his actions.
"Miles, my love," Rio began, her voice filled with equal parts love and worry, "your curiosity is a gift, but you have to learn to channel it in the right direction. There's no doubt you can do great things, but it's important you steer clear of any more trouble."
Miles nodded sheepishly, understanding his mother's concerns. He had a naivete about him that matched his mischievous nature. He longed for adventure, but deep down, he understood the importance of his mother's guidance.
Miles, his green hoodie a stark contrast to his brother's, stepped forward and slipped his arm around Rio's waist lovingly. With a confident smile, he told her, "Don't worry, Mama. We'll be good. No more fights, I promise."
Rio smiled back, acknowledging that Miles always had a way of soothing her fears with his undeniable charisma. Known as "RJ" to his friends, he had a magnetic personality, effortlessly drawing people in with his charm and laid-back attitude.
With resolve in her eyes, Rio led her twin sons through the school gate, determined to give them the fresh start they deserved. The trio embarked on a journey into the unknown, hoping to forge new friendships and redefine their identities along the way.
Little did they know, this new school would provide them with countless opportunities, both joyous and challenging. In this unfamiliar world, they would uncover hidden talents, face unexpected dangers, and learn what it means to be true to themselves while navigating the trials and triumphs of high school.
The hallways buzzed with excitement as the rumors about the enigmatic prowler named Miles circulated like wildfire. Whispers filled the air as students gossiped about the alleged incidents involving broken arms and daring escapes. Among the crowd stood two very different Miles - the reclusive prowler and the more timid and anxious RJ.
As the whispers grew louder, RJ's anxiety intensified, his heart pounding in his chest. He felt trapped, suffocated by the rumors that threatened to swallow him whole. His breaths came faster, and he struggled to maintain his composure.
Seeing the new kid on the brink of a panic attack, a young woman named (Y/N) who was a confident and fiercely protective classmate of all newcomers, stepped in. She wore her Hokage cloak, a symbol of strength and leadership, as she positioned herself between Miles - RJ, and the encroaching crowd.
"Back up, everyone!" (Y/N)’s voice commanded authority. "Give him some space and stop pestering him with these rumors."
Her declaration didn’t come as a shock to the onlookers seeing as how this was normal, and only some hesitated for a moment before backing away, allowing RJ a small reprieve from the overwhelming attention.
"Hey new kid, are you okay?" (Y/N) asked, her eyes filled with genuine concern.
Miles - RJ, managed a weak nod, grateful for her intervention. "Yeah, just... it's all too much."
(Y/N) put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I know it's tough, always is for you new comers but don’t let the stupid need to gossip about some stupid rumors define you. You're more than what people say."
Miles - the prowler, observing the situation from a distance, couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and curiosity towards (Y/N). Her support and willingness to protect his twin Miles - RJ, struck a chord within him. Despite his secretive nature, he couldn't help but feel a connection with this girl who wasn't afraid to stand up for what she believed in.
The hallway started to clear as the bell rang, signaling the start of the next class. (Y/N) removed her Hokage cloak and handed it to Miles - RJ, giving him a gentle smile.
"Keep this for now," she said. "It'll remind you that you have friends who stand by you."
Miles - the prowler, couldn't shake the image of the girl from his mind. He knew he had to talk to his twin, RJ, about her. Approaching Miles - RJ after school, he found him sitting on a bench, lost in his thoughts.
“Yo,” Miles said, taking a seat next to him. "I saw you with some girl in the hallways. Care to explain?"
Miles - RJ's face flushed slightly, but he knew he could trust his twin. "Yeah, she helped me when I was almost having a panic attack. She stood up for me when everyone was bombarding me with questions about you and the rumors."
Miles raised an eyebrow. "She seems a little too invested in our affairs, don't you think? We can't trust anyone easily, especially not someone who shows up out of nowhere."
Miles - RJ nodded, understanding his twin's caution. "I get it, but she seemed genuinely concerned. She's different. I've never met anyone like her."
Miles, the prowler, sighed, torn between wanting to protect his twin and wanting him to experience genuine friendship. "I know you're craving connection, RJ, but be careful. People have hurt us before, and we can't afford to let our guard down."
"I won't be naive, Miles," RJ assured him. "But she's different from those who've hurt us. I know she can be a true friend."
The prowler studied his twin's eyes, searching for any signs of deception. Seeing only sincerity, he relented. "Alright, but stay cautious. I'll keep an eye on her too."
As the days passed, Miles - RJ and (Y/N) grew closer. She welcomed him into her circle of friends, and he began to experience a sense of belonging he had never felt before. They laughed together, shared stories, and supported each other through thick and thin.
Miles, the prowler, watched from a distance, his protective instincts on high alert. He saw how much Miles - RJ was opening up to (Y/N), and a part of him was happy for his twin, but another part couldn't help but worry. The past had taught him to trust no one and to protect RJ at all costs.
One evening, he decided to approach (Y/N) cautiously. "I've been watching you and my twin," he said. "I know you've been helping him, but don't think I'll let my guard down just because he likes you. If you hurt him, I won't hesitate to protect him."
“Damn…he wasn’t kidding. Y’all look exactly alike.” (Y/N) says and Miles raised a brow at her.
(Y/N) changed her expression from one of bewildered and met his gaze with determination. "I wouldn’t hurt him intentionally. I care about him, Miles 2.0.”
“Miles 2.0?” Miles - the prowler questioned.
“Well yeah, cause well he’s the first miles I’ve met and you’re, you know…”
Miles - the prowler, studied her carefully, searching for any signs of deception. But all he saw was sincerity.
"I'll be watching," he warned before disappearing into the shadows.
A few weeks later, Miles - RJ mustered up the courage to invite (Y/N) over to his place to play video games. As the day arrived, he nervously waited for her at the door, trying to ignore the creeping thoughts of doubt seeded by Miles, the prowler's, constant warnings.
When (Y/N) arrived, she had a bright smile on her face and greeted RJ with enthusiasm. "Hey, RJ! I'm so ready to kick your ass!”
“Sup miles 2.0!”
Miles - RJ's heart fluttered with happiness as he led her inside, introducing her to Miles - the prowler, who was sitting on the couch, looking aloof and distant. He eyed her cautiously but nodded in greeting at her nonetheless. "Hope you can handle our intense gaming skills."
(Y/N) chuckled, undeterred by his dismissive demeanor. "Oh, I'm sure I can handle it. I'm not one to back down from a challenge."
As they settled in for some gaming, Miles - the prowler, couldn't help but taunt (Y/N) throughout the play, trying to unnerve her. But to his surprise, she responded with playful banter and didn't let his jabs get under her skin.
"You’re actually decent at this," Miles - the prowler, said, genuinely impressed not that he would show it.
(Y/N) grinned. "Told you I wouldn't go down without a fight. Bring it on!"
As the gaming session continued, Miles - RJ noticed a subtle change in his twin's demeanor. Miles - the prowler, seemed less guarded and a bit more at ease, thanks to (Y/N)’s carefree and friendly approach. They laughed, teased each other, and the competitive spirit in the room was infectious.
The boys mom, Rio, couldn't help but peek into the living room, where her two boys were engaged in laughter and fun. A warm smile spread across her face, relieved to see her boys making a new friend.
As the evening went on, Miles - the prowler, gradually let down his defenses, realizing that (Y/N) was genuinely a good person who meant no harm. He was confused by his own emotions and the newfound camaraderie they were sharing. It was a mix of vulnerability and comfort that he hadn't felt in a long time.
As the night came to an end, (Y/N) got up to leave, exchanging a hug with the RJ and a fist bump with his brother.
"Thanks for inviting me over, RJ. I had a blast," (Y/N) said warmly.
“No problem!” Miles - RJ says.
“And good play with you Miles 2.0. I had fun.”
"Yeah, it was... fun," Miles, the prowler, admitted, trying to hide his genuine happiness.
"See you guys at school tomorrow!" Y/N called as she headed out the door.
As RJ closed the door, he turned to his twin with a raised eyebrow. "So, what did you think?"
Miles - the prowler, hesitated for a moment before cracking a small smile. "She's something else, that's for sure. I don't know what to make of it, but... I don't hate it."
RJ laughed, pleased to see his twin warming up to (Y/N). She's amazing, isn't she? I'm glad we made a friend like her."
"Yeah, me too," Miles, the prowler, admitted, surprising even himself with his honesty.
A month had passed since (Y/N) became an integral part of their lives, and both the boys found themselves experiencing an unexpected but undeniable crush on her. Each twin had their own little moments with her that left them captivated.
Miles - the prowler, couldn't help but remember the time they were walking home together after a study session. (Y/N) had stumbled over a crack in the sidewalk, and he instinctively reached out to steady her. As their hands briefly touched, he felt a jolt of electricity, and his heart skipped a beat. He quickly pulled away, trying to hide his blush, but he couldn't forget how his heart had raced in that brief moment.
For Miles - RJ, it was the time they were at the local arcade, cheering each other on during a competitive game. (Y/N) had leaned in close, her laughter infectious and her eyes sparkling with excitement. In that moment, Miles felt an overwhelming warmth, as if he had found someone who truly understood him. Her support and genuine interest in his passions made him feel seen and valued in a way he had never experienced before.
Both twins found themselves looking forward to seeing (Y/N) at school every day, eager for the chance to talk and share moments with her. They noticed how her presence could brighten even the darkest days and how her playful banter with Miles - the prowler, left him confused but with a faint hint of a smile.
As they spent more time with her, they discovered shared interests and values that deepened their admiration for (Y/N). She was caring, compassionate, and fiercely loyal, always standing up for them and others when needed. The way she treated everyone with kindness, regardless of their reputation or background, earned her even more respect from the twins.
Miles - the prowler, found himself drawn to her strength and independence, a stark contrast to his own solitary nature. He admired the way she could hold her own and how she wasn't afraid to challenge him, refusing to back down from his teasing or sarcasm.
Miles - RJ, on the other hand, cherished her ability to make him feel at ease, like he could be himself without judgment or expectations. Her easygoing nature helped him open up, and he found himself sharing thoughts and feelings he had never shared with anyone else.
One day, while hanging out in the park, the twins decided to talk openly about their feelings for (Y/N). Sitting on a bench, they shared their different perspectives, realizing they both felt a deep connection with her that they couldn't ignore.
"I can't believe we both have a crush on her," RJ admitted with a blush.
"Yeah, it's... strange," his twin Miles said, trying to wrap his head around his own feelings. "But I can't deny that she's had an impact on both of us."
Miles - RJ nodded. "She makes us feel understood, you know? And she's just so caring and genuine."
Miles - the prowler, smirked. "Well, I hope you're not expecting me to back off. I don't give up that easily."
Miles - RJ chuckled. "I wouldn't expect anything less. But let's remember she's our friend first and foremost. We don't want to jeopardize that."
The twins agreed to keep their feelings in check and focus on cherishing the friendship they had with (Y/N). As they continued to spend time with her, they found comfort in knowing that they didn't have to face their feelings alone.
After school, Miles - RJ and Miles - the prowler, found themselves unable to contain their feelings any longer. They knew they had to talk to (Y/N) about what they had been experiencing. With nervous excitement, they cornered her near the school's courtyard, determined to be honest and vulnerable.
"(Y/N),” Miles - RJ began, his voice slightly shaky. "We need to talk about something important."
(Y/N) turned to face them, her eyes curious. "Okay, what's up?"
Miles - the prowler, took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. "We both... we both have feelings for you, (Y/N).”
Miles - RJ nodded, adding, "It's true. We didn't plan for this to happen, but we can't ignore how we feel about you."
(Y/N) blinked, seemingly taken aback by their confession. "Wait, you both have feelings for me?"
"Yeah," Miles - the prowler, confirmed, his voice earnest. "It's confusing and unexpected, but we can't change how we feel."
(Y/N)’s lips curled into a small smile. "Damn, well, I can't help but admit that I have feelings for you both too..."
“Both of us or…”
The twins looked at each other in shock, their hearts racing. It was a revelation they hadn't anticipated, and the rush of emotions was overwhelming.
Before they could say anything else, the school bell rang, signaling the end of the day. (Y/N) glanced at them, her expression a mix of emotions.
"I’ll leave a note in your locker after school" she said, stepping back.
“Wait which one of us?!” Miles - the prowler asked.
“You’ll see…”
Torn between anticipation and uncertainty, Miles -RJ and Miles - the prowler, spent the evening restless, eager to meet (Y/N) the next day and finally find out what the future held for them.
The night passed in a blur, and the next day arrived faster than they expected. When Miles finally reunited with (Y/N), the atmosphere was charged with tension and excitement.
"So," Y/N said, breaking the silence. "Seems you got my letter.”
“Yeah I did.”
Miles - RJ ending …
Miles - the prowler ending …
Both Miles ending …
(Haven’t written the endings yet but when I do I’ll have them tagged and listed)
561 notes · View notes
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“Love you a little too much.”
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Pairing ೃ⁀➷ Earth 42! Miles Morales x Fem! Reader
Summary ೃ⁀➷ Lovers have secrets of their own, no matter how much they come to trust each other, whether it be a past mistake or an unspoken trauma. For you and Miles, however, your secrets came in the form of hidden identities— one being a masked vigilante, and the other a mastermind.
Genre ೃ⁀➷ Forbidden love, mutual pining, eventual angst♡
Tags ೃ⁀➷ Both are artists, reader is from a very wealthy family, both are living double lives, underaged smoking, reader is female and uses she/her pronouns, forbidden love (ish?), swearing, daddy issues, mommy issues, reader is unhinged, both are mentally unstable, lots of flirting.
Author's Note ೃ⁀➷ so I kinda switched it up and in this fanfic, reader is the one giving mixed signals.
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Chapter 2: The Secrets You Keep
Warning ೃ⁀➷ Profane language, underaged smoking, mixed signals, horrible Spanish, mommy issues.
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Silvery pavements, busy streets, neon lights, and brick-cold air.
New York never truly rests, as they say. A concrete jungle where dreams were once made of. All of what was once so promising about the Yorker dream was plucked out individually with each passing year; money, careers, romance, and peace. Even now, you try to find the beauty of what was once the New York your mother adored, yet what only stared back was this desolate, tragic dystopia. A city that's fallen to ruin.
As the traffic unknots, Miles gently nudges you to the inner part of the sidewalk— subtly shielding you away from the vehicles.
Gentlemen, your mother used to always say. You'll find them not in the fineness of their clothes, but in the way they treat their women.
You can almost picture her, sitting right in front of you with that sickly sweet grin on her face, pearls hanging from her neck and mascara running down her cheeks. Buried beneath her wedding band was a dying cigarette, to which she pulls to slip in between her lips— taking consecutive sips.
There was almost never a time your mother was a mess.
Staring at your mother was like staring into a wretched mirror. You were everything she could've been, and she was all you might become.
There was nothing more frightening than looking into your future and finding nothing promising.
"Hey, that's new." And Miles, yet again, pulls you out of your murky thoughts.
"What is?" You pique, the sight of the city dragged back into your sights. Miles points at the ivy-covered building in front of you. It gleamed in warm colors inside, a sight utterly fitting of the autumn season. Its wide, Palladian windows were embellished with orange curtains and striped green dormers. Atop the roof sat a sign, the name of the establishment written in bold, vermilion cursive. You were lulled by the smell of s'mores, hot chocolate, and pie— all the sweet things that reminded you of your precious childhood memories. It had you standing there, reminiscing over the times that were long gone.
"I think it's a café and a book store. Two in one, pretty neat." Miles mentions, looking over to the sight of you. The store's lights seeped out the windows, its golden hues gleaming over your face, highlighting your lashes. You were too lost in thought to even notice his staring.
"How pretty." You airily whispered.
"Yeah." Miles replies, sights still glued onto you.
His gaze soon lowers, noticing your trembling hands fiddling with the hem of your hoodie— a habit the both of you shared. Hesitantly, he lifts his finger, urging to intertwine it with yours.
"Do you think I can apply as a part-timer there?"
He shoves his hands down his pocket instead.
“You wanna apply?”
“Yeah. I wanna save up for summer.”
He raised a brow. “That’s still next year, though?”
“I’m planning on going on a road trip.” You began, a clear view of your plans surfacing in your mind. “I’m getting my driver’s license next year too, so I really want to make the most of it.”
“Driver’s license?”
“Yeah, I’m sixteen.”
“Damn,” Miles shook his head in amusement. “Y’know, I tend to forget you’re older than me.” He then places his hand next to your temple, aligning it with his shoulder. “And it doesn’t help that you’re… This short.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
And of course, Miles indeed didn’t shut the fuck up.
"… Y’know, I bet you'd walk out on your first day with an arson charge."
The two of you meet gazes once more. Miles looked at you with a dead stare, as if he was serious. "What? You're the one talking shit about wanting to go to jail."
"Yeah, I'm boutta fulfill that part of my checklist after I'm done strangling you."
He raised his brows, subtly amused. "Kinky."
You try to slap his arm, but he manages to dodge your hit. He stares deep into your oh-so-fiery glare, cheeks bursting from laughter.
"Look at'chu, you fight like a munchkin from the wizard of Oz."
Pulling your sleeves up, you ready yourself to brawl. "Yeah? Talk your shit, Tin Woodman."
“Oh, I will talk my shit, lollipop gild.”
Amidst your squabble, you and Miles push and pull against one other, lightly shoving each other off like little kids. Your fingers dig into the cloth of his jacket, gripping against his chest with fingers like steel. Though your little plan of shaking him by the collar is spoiled when an itch suddenly burns your nose. You turn around and sneeze, pulling away from his grasps.
".. God, I hate the cold."
He feigns a grimace, taking a step back. "Eww, germs."
"Shut up, you—“
"Stay away, you bubonic plague virus haver."
As you try to search for a comeback, you feel the same itch burn your nostrils— inevitably putting your words on hold. Miles watches as you placed your icy hands over your mouth, sneezing a couple more times. You could almost feel the cold climb up your arms like a ladder, leaving you a shivering mess. Some sort of heat begins to poke in the back of your neck, as though you were flustered like a little girl with a crush. You pull your sleeves down, stabbing your nails into your palm. Miles takes this moment to go behind you, his hands reaching out to unzip your bag. He probes inside in search of your scarf, the long silk pouring out with the grip of his fingers, like [f/c] bleeding into his palm.
As you sniff, the boy turns to you, gently wrapping the cloth over your neck. You look up, beholding the sight of a serious Miles who was too preoccupied with tying the scarf, mumbling about what's the point of bringing the damn thing if you weren't even gonna use it.
“M’not even gonna get a bless you?” You tease.
“You got me: the biggest blessing of your life. What more do you need?”
You hum. “Lots of sleep and an essential oil bath bomb.”
“The fuck’s an essential oil bath bomb?”
“What I need.”
As he finished, he slowly smoothes out the creases with both palms, looking up to meet your stare.
"… What'chu looking at?"
With an airy laugh, you reply. "Just.. You."
His hands pause, yet they stay on your scarf.
"... Idiot." Miles mumbles, grip tightening. "Stop lookin’ at me like that."
"Like what?"
Like you'd follow me to the end of the earth.
"Like a dumbass." He casually answers, flicking his nails over your forehead. "Now get moving, I’ve gotta get you home.”
Miles look over to the café once more, a hand over your shoulder. Slowly, it slips off and trails down your arm before falling to his side. Instinctually, his finger lifts to reach out for your own, though it drops when he hears a buzz in your pockets.
Despite the amount of times it rang, you simply ignored the damn thing. Eventually you did reach out for it, but without even glancing once at the texts, you set it all on 「☾ Do Not Disturb.」
It was only then, as each street passed, that Miles began noticing how the both of you were slowly exiting Brooklyn's poorest areas and started entering what seemed to be the finer parts of the borough. From skeletal buildings and desolate apartments, colorful brownstones appeared before his eyes— showered in leaves of scarlet and orange. It was the sort of Brooklyn you'd find in the movies, the dreamy sort of Brooklyn it used to be three years ago.
An immediate fresh breath of nostalgia.
There was that tiniest hope that lingered deep inside of him, believing that Brooklyn’s still savable.
Eventually, the both of you spot the local Gristedes down the road, the building growing larger with each step. Miles opted to slow his steps down, just to walk longer with you and yet, you paced hurriedly. He follows the sight of your silhouette prancing around, admiring you from afar. When you can no longer sense him, you turn around and halt your walk, waiting for him to keep up. Miles hurriedly jogs to meet you, humming a sweet tune when a sort of blurry vision clouds his mind.
A piercing pain shoots through his temple, making him wince. For a moment, his vision blurs and spots of red taint his eyes. Suddenly, you appear before him in the midst of a fire— glaring at him with such hatred. Your silhouette appears as a dark burgundy, taking center in a world set ablaze.
You call out his name in the feverish illusion.
He winces, taking a step back.
Suddenly, he's pulled back into reality with your voice.
There you stood, eyes so riddled with worry.
"... What..?"
"Are you okay?" You walk back to him, placing a hand over his forehead. "Are you sick? What happened?"
He gasps for air, but only once. Seeing you now, looking so worried about him, it was enough confirmation that what he saw was all just a dream.
But what in the hell what was that?
As your hand presses against his cheek, Miles cups over it with his own, following the lead of your voice to find peace. "Sorry," He finally spoke, voice too much of a whisper for you to process. "It’s like I hallucinated or sum.”
You click your tongue. "You just had one hit of vape, man, the fuck you on?”
He mumbles an incoherent explanation, to which you grumble. “Do you need medicine? Maybe I can—“ You frantically turn your head in search of a place. “Maybe we can go somewhere and get you some medicine.”
“I’m fine, ma, don’t get all riled up.”
“You’re hot.”
“I know.”
“Not in that way!”
“I’m just– I’m worried about you, Miles.”
“Oh, are you now?” He teased, placing a hand over yours.
Miles gently places your hand down, eventually taking your other and burying them both in his palms. Your hands were much smaller and softer compared to his. Like velvet to leather, a paw to a claw.
He gently squeezed, an urge to hold them forever ringing in his mind. Miles looked up to see you and the way your eyes traveled from his hands, to his chest, up to his chin, and then straight into his gaze.
“Do continue worryin’ about me.” He whispers. “I’m feelin’ very special right now.”
You scrunched your brow, looking up with the softest gaze you ever endowed.
“Oh, is that right?”
It was enough to steal the air from his lungs. Of all the things, Miles didn't fear for this to all be a dream, he feared that this would all just be a game to you. Dreams would mean that this wasn't you, but a trickery of his mind— his anxiety. He'd be able to keep you once he wakes up. But since this was real, he'd have to suffer through the pain of either losing you or hating you, none of which were choices he liked.
He found you most confusing at times like these.
Most of the time, you were an open book. Your mouth was unfiltered, whether it be in conveying your emotions or saying the most out of pocket things, but at the same time, you often kept to yourself. He hardly heard anything about your family, your friends, or your life— aside from a few side stories you'd recall in the midst of reminiscing— other than that, you kept a lot of secrets.
And he didn't want to invade your privacy, or overstep your boundaries. He figured you'd tell him someday: the things that would bother you, or the memories that'd make you zone out for a few seconds.
He was too afraid of you finding out who he was. Too afraid of losing you, or hating you.
But moments like these were a detriment to his rationality.
In that icy weather, all that made Miles shiver was you.
“Miles.” You called out his name again. “... I think.. I have to go.”
Unconsciously, he mutters. “Already?”
“We’ll see each other again tomorrow.” You couldn’t help but comfort of him. “I promise.”
Let’s meet in our little place. I won’t call it my home, because home is wherever you go.
He swallows the lump that had formed at his throat, hesitantly releasing your hands. “Okay.” He sighs. “Okay, get home safely.” He detangles your fingers, savoring the warmth of your skin. You pivot your heel to leave, pulling your hood over your head. Miles simply watches as you walk and turn one last time.
“Bring your sketchbook next time, alright?”
He nods. “I will.”
“Buh-bye.” You wave one final time. Miles raised his hand to bid you adieu.
If only you knew.
As you disappear down the block, Miles clutches the notebook carefully hidden in his inner pocket.
It was at that moment, Miles couldn’t help but ponder.
How could I show you my sketchbook when all it’s filled of is you?
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Uh, uh, catch me ridin’ like a bitch
Got the six forty-five, catch me ridin’ with my bitch
Uh, long hair, Lana, that’s my bitch
Uh, You can tell by the swagger and the lips, uh
The radio eases down with the volume upon the flick of a finger.
“How was she?”
Snapped from the voice of his uncle, Miles’ head perks up. An icy water bottle flies past Aaron’s hand, tossing it over to Miles as it landed straight into his palms. “Did’ya finally tell her?” He adds, to which the boy slumps deep into his seat and grumbles.
Drenched in sweat and small bruises, Miles took his well-deserved break atop his uncle’s couch— chest rising and falling with each heave, wifebeater all soaked. He squints at the ceiling while lazily popping the cap off the bottle. “I don’t even have to tell her, man. She knows— I know she knows, but I dunno if- if she likes me too or if she’s jus playin’ w’me.” Miles manages to rant in between heavy breaths, mind and body completely exhausted from training. Aaron sits by his side, dragging a towel over his neck.
“Yikes. What makes you think that?”
The cold water smoothly flushes down his throat, easing his fatigue. “She flirts with me more than I flirt with her— damn, I can’t even get a single line in.”
“.. You like a chick that’s got more game than you?” Aaron reiterates, amused by what he’s hearing. He laughs at Miles’ frustrated face, shaking his head. “You sure you’re my nephew, man?”
“Oh, I’ve got game.” The boy defends himself. “I held her hands and everythin’. She’s prolly hella into me too.”
“Or, she just plays the game better than you do.”
“Nah—“ Miles denies, but it makes him think. “Nah, she’s into me. I’m sure of it, but I think she’s kind of like… Denying it or I dunno.”
He recalls the way you scrunched your brows, and looked up at him as though he was all you could ever want to look at. It’s got him zoning out, nibbling on the brim of his bottle like a nervous little pup. Aaron simply shrugs. “I’m just sayin’, Miles, it’s not like y’all are in the Titanic. I don’t see why she wouldn’t go for ya.”
“I mean,” He scavenges for the right words to say. “I mean, what if she’s like.. Not ready or sum?”
“… How old is she?”
Aaron’s head spun in a quick flash. “Sixteen!? Aren’t you fifteen? Damn, now I don’t blame her. You’re a whole kid in her eyes, my man.”
“A ki— a kid!?” He scoffed. “I’d have to squat down just to reach her height— why the hell would she see me as a kid?”
While taking a sip off his bottle, Aaron lifts a finger cautiously. “That,” He spoke in between sips. “That’s the reason why she sees you as a kid.” Miles furrows his brows, completely anonymous to the reason. “You’re too defensive. You should be more suave, my man. Be a gentleman.“ He pulls up a couple moves. “Jazz her like this. The ladies love dancing.”
“You telling me I gotta dance with her or sum?” Chewing on his cheek, he grumbles. “Now, how the hell do I do that?”
Aaron hums.
“You know all about the shoulder touch?”
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Tick. Tick. Tick.
Dark halls, hushed voices in a box.
“I’m not having this conversation with you again.”
The chair’s legs screech against the marble as he stands up.
"She's turning sixteen next year, hardly even eighteen, if this gets out— not only would it be harmful for our family reputation, she'll be permanently eradicated from receiving opportunities in the future."
A dead gaze hung in the darkness, eyeing the figure that stood before him stubbornly.
"Your sister is incredibly capable, and she's doing a lot to support our means for the sake of the family."
Tick. Tick. Tick.
"Which is more than what I can say for you, Antonne."
Antonne stood before his father, chin held high and gaze, unyielding. The old man tapped his pen against the mahogany, each tick filling in the spaces between the clock's ticking. Within the spaces, and with each passing second, Antonne stood in the thick tension that filled the office like a soldier keeping his head above water.
The old man’s pen points at him accusingly. "Be happy for her, as she's cleaning up after your mistakes. Who would you be without your sister?”
The boy tenses.
“Do you think you’ll be able to save yourself?”
Antonne stood by the hall, eyes daunt and staring a thousand yards deep into an invisible void. For a while, he shortly allowed his mind to go completely blank. Well, it wasn't entirely blank, it was full— but everything was all blurred together that it was better to think that he was thinking about nothing.
A restless mind paired along with an unfortunately still beating heart.
His head’s piqued when a familiar sound of footsteps begin to permeate amidst the hall. The steady sound of heels thumping against the carpet, like a careful warning to those who stood in her way.
“Antonne,” Her voice calls out. “What are you doing out here?”
Your presence emerges from the shadows like a ghost who’d waited for too long. He steps in front your father’s office door, as if to block your entrance. Parting his lips, he calls for your name.
“… Your job. Are you sure you want to partake in such a thing?”
You raise a brow, understandably befuddled by his sudden disruption.
“I’m going to be honest with you.” He begins. “Our family is not the best. Our money doesn’t come mainly from sanctioned ways although we parade it as though it were. I can forgive all that, but what I can’t forgive is ruining all your potential.”
“I don’t understand. Where is all this coming from?” Your gaze narrows harshly. Though you try to appear genuinely ignorant of what he’s saying, the knowledge of it was enough to make your blood boil. Antonne sighed a deep sigh, a million words pouring into his mind like waves crashing.
“I am simply worried about you,” He claims. “You’ve been handling these affairs since you were thirteen. And it’s unfair for you to handle such things when you’re only fifteen—“
“I’m sixteen.”
“… When you’re only sixteen.”
You scoff. “Do you even have any idea of what I’m doing?”
“.. The job you’re doing, was my job three years ago.” Antonne’s words made you grit your teeth. “I know all about what you do, and I may have failed in what I did— I’m not as smart or as cunning as you— but I’ll never forget how that job ruined me.”
You snicker. “You talk like that, but you want the job to yourself.”
Your brother stiffens, but his face remains ever-so stoic.
“It’s better for you to give the job to me.”
“This is what it’s all about?” Your voice lividly lowers into a hush as you take a step towards him. “You abandoned all your responsibilities, made me carry the hotel for three years, and now that the work’s lighter, you want to take it away from me?”
With each step you take, Antonne soon finds his back pressed against the door, swallowing the lump that had formed at his throat. With one final attempt to get you to listen, he finally pulls.
“Does he know?”
Gesturing over to the fineness of your clothes, the shine of your pearls, Antonne then hissed.
“That boy you meet in Brooklyn. Does he know who you are?”
Visibly startled upon the mention of Miles, your frustration crumbles into caution. Your head turns away, lids twitching. “I’m not quite sure what you’re talking about.” Was your attempt of a lie. Antonne straightened his lips, determined to rekindle his confident stature.
“… How naïve of you.” Antonne seethed. “Do you think father’s going to let this go once he finds out?”
You scoff. “Is that a threat?”
“A warning.” He corrects of you. “Have you forgotten who you are? You’re our family’s only daughter— you’re the face of our family in high society. Not only that, but you’re engaged.”
“I’m sixteen. Fuck you mean ‘engaged’? That engagement’s hardly been processed as a legitimate promise. You and I both know it’s for the sake of shutting up the Fisks, anyway.”
“It’s scandalous.” Antonne spewed with venom on his tongue. “You’re not a kid. You’re two years away from being an adult.” He thrusts an accusing finger into your shoulder blade. “And everyone’s eyes are on you— if people were to ever find out about your little escapade, you’d be ruined.”
“Then cover it up.” You ruthlessly shoot back. “That’s all our family ever does anyway.”
As you try to maneuver past him, Antonne then interjected.
“Then what about that boy? What would he think?”
And that’s enough to make you freeze.
“Would he be able to handle you? You… Don’t forget that he could’ve known someone who was a victim.”
You could almost imagine Miles’ face contorting into disgust upon the unveiling of the truth. An inevitable scene. You’d been trying to run away from the scene like a dog with your tail caught between your legs. Your teeth dig a little too deep into your lips, blood seeping in the corners of your frown. Though you try to keep your composure, the mention of Miles was enough to send you trembling.
“No matter how much you hide it, he’ll learn about your identity sooner or later.”
“He won’t.” Your reply came out haggardly. “He won’t find out.”
“And what makes you so sure?”
Your jaw clenches, eyes bloodshot from exhaustion. You think about throwing something at him, or pulling on his hair— yet you ease your nerves like any other dignified girl.
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As if on cue, your father opens the door, exchanging glances between you and your brother, reeking of fresh tobacco and dust.
“What the hell are you two doing, bickering in front of my door?”
His voice is harsh and demeaning, like winter at its worst peak. A voice that haunted you all throughout your younger years, now it was just nothing but another normality to you and your dull days.
“It’s nothing, dad.” You reassure, casting a side-eye at Antonne. “Nothing at all.”
Only then, you pulled the manila folder up to exit the situation. “In regards to the landscaping for the hotel, I have the submissions. I figured we should discuss about it.”
“Right,” He snaps his fingers. “Shall we?”
You leave Antonne in the darkness, shutting the door with a slam.
“God… She’s going to be the death of all of us.”
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frissy · 1 year
Earth42! Miles Morales x fem!spider/1610!Reader
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(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
• possessive Miles
• mentions of death
• Some OOC 42 Miles
• You and Earth 1610 Miles are not in a romantic relationship
• Jealous Earth 42 Miles
• Not proofread!!
• Google translate is used in Part 1-3, forgive me for mistakes, and let me know of said mistakes
Your eyes slowly opened. And you were in someone’s bed. The room was cold, and very dull.
On the wall you noticed there was board of photos. family photos, but most of the photos, were photos of you. You, with someone who looked just like Miles.
Through the crack of the door, you could see Miles. Your Miles unconscious, tied to a punching bag.
But then you heard heavy footsteps. And someone came into the room, wearing a sort of suit. It looked like the prowler’s.
”You’re awake.” The voice was distorted.
You looked at the figure, he was shrouded in darkness. He came closer. “Please. Let us go.. we have to save someone.”
The figure shook his head. And his mask came off, with a hissing sound. That’s when you saw his face.
“[name]...” He said, he sounded so gentle. Like your name was a melody to him.
You had fear in your eyes, mixed with confusion. He seemed to take notice of this, because next, he introduced himself.
“I’m Miles Morales. But you can call me the prowler, niña bonita.” he walked into the light, his face becoming more visible. “What? There’s no way. You would never be the prowler!” You looked at him, shocked and confused.
Hues of red and purple shined onto his face. Highlighting his hazel eyes. He looked different from your Miles. He even sounded different.
His hair was braided, and his physique was completely different from the Miles you knew. His face was sharper, and his voice was deeper and he kept a narrow gaze. “You’re Miles, wouldn’t.” He pointed to your Miles through the crack of the door. “But I would. And I did.”
Your eyes then darted through the crack of the door to your Miles. You were about to shout out to him so he could wake up.
but you were stopped by the other Miles. He put a hand under your chin, making you face him. “It’s no use to help him. [name]..” he started to caress your cheek.
“Please. Let us go. We just want to go home. We have to save… my Miles’s dad. I’m sorry if I was special to you... but please. Let me and Miles go.” You said, pleadingly.
His face contorted into anger, and jealousy. “He.. he as his Dad too?” He took his hand off your face. And his blood began to boil. He clenched his fists, making his knuckles turn white.
“We have to save him! He’s gonna die and we have to stop it! Please.. please let us go.”You looked deep into his eyes, trying to get through to him.
He furrowed his eyebrows at you.
“Why should I.. why should I let you go when I finally have you back?” He put a hand to your cheek again, caressing it. “How come he gets to have so much?” There was jealousy laced in his voice. “…His Dad, a safe city.. and you. How come he gets it all? When I get nothing. And all that has happened… could’ve been avoided.”
“I’m really sorry. I’m sure you, and the me in this universe had a tight bond. I’m sure we were close friends as I am with my Miles.”
He scoffed. “Friends? [name]. You were my girlfriend.”
Your eyes widened. And a very faint blush crept onto your face.
“I loved you more than anything. I loved you more than life itself. You meant everything to me. I watched you die, and I watched my dad die with you. I watched you to die live on the news.. a building fell on top of you, my dad tried to save you but it was too late.” His voice was shaky now.
“I—“ he wouldn’t let you finish.
“You were the only girl I’ve ever loved… And you were taken from me.” He leaned in closer.
“You can’t even begin to understand how I felt, seeing you appear out of nowhere, with a boy who looks just like me.”
He got even closer.
“A lookalike from an entirely universe who has you? A living you? And you want me to just, let you go? Just like that? When I finally have you back?.” he trailed off, taking his hand off your face, backing away.
He smiled at you. “You look just as beautiful as you did the day I lost you querida. I never thought I would see your face again.”
He looked at your unconscious Miles through the crack of the open door, his face became a deadpan as he looked back over at you.
“I’m not going to lose you again. And nobody is going to take you away from me. Especially that copy of me.”
He brought his attention back over at your unconscious Miles, hatred and resentment in his heart. For what felt like hours, he looked back at you once more.
“And you can’t do anything to stop me.” He turned his back to you, walking out the door, locking it from the outside, you tried getting up, but you fell to the floor.
He had tied your wrists and ankles while you were unconscious. And you haven’t even noticed when you woke up.
You were stuck here, and he’s not going to let you go. .
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greatpestilenz · 1 year
Bodies - Earth 42 Miles Morales x Reader Smut
   The stars in the night sky outside your window glistened as you organize your desk, cleaning up your laptop and throwing away the paper drafts you ripped from your notebook. You did’t hear the quiet sound of your window opening and closing behind you as we stood observed in your cleaning task.
   "Ay mami, that outfit looks great on you."
   You turn around abruptly, not expecting someone to be in the room. "Miles! You scared me!"
   Miles smirks, leaning against the window frame. "Sorry, cariño. I couldn't resist sneaking a peek at that sexy outfit you've got on. It's got me all hot and bothered." He licks his lips suggestively. "Can't blame a guy for appreciating a beautiful sight, right?"
   You roll your eyes playfully. "Why are you visiting so late?"
   Miles chuckles, stepping further into the room. "Late-night visits are always more exciting, don't you think, mi amor? Besides, I couldn't resist seeing you. You know how irresistible you are to me." He smirks, taking a few steps closer, his eyes fixed on your exposed body.
   "Mhm." You hum and turn back around to your task. "Give me a sec, will you?"
   Miles watches you intently, a hungry look in his eyes as you continue with your task. "Take your time, mami. I'll just enjoy the view while I wait." He leans against a nearby wall, crossing his arms and letting his gaze wander over your body.
   You finish up your task and reorganize your desk.
   Miles continues to watch your every move, his eyes lingering on the curves of your body. "Mmm, you're quite the distraction, cariño. I don't know how you manage to concentrate with me around," he says with a playful smirk, slowly approaching you.
   You roll your eyes playfully. "You're not much of a distraction, Miles."
   Miles raises an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oh, is that so, mi amor? We both know you can't resist my charm." He closes the distance between you, reaching out to run his fingers along the exposed skin of your waist. "But if I'm not a distraction, then perhaps I need to work a little harder to convince you."
   "Perhaps you do.." You gaze into his eyes lustfully.
   A smirk spreads across Miles' face as he feels the growing desire between the two of you. He slowly leans in closer, his breath teasingly brushing against your skin. "Well, mi amor, let me show you just how much of a distraction I can be." His voice is low and husky, filled with promise.
   His lips meet yours in a passionate kiss, his hands sliding up your sides, caressing your curves. The heat between you intensifies as his tongue explores every inch of your mouth. Miles presses his body against yours, his hands trailing down to cup your rear, squeezing it firmly.
   He breaks the kiss, his eyes dark with desire. "You want me, don't you, cariño?" he whispers, his voice dripping with seduction.
   "I want you.."
   Miles smirks, his hands gliding up from your hips to the hem of your see-through crop top. Slowly, he lifts it over your head, exposing your bare breasts. His eyes trace over your supple flesh, and he can't help but let out a low growl of appreciation.
   "Damn, you're gorgeous," he murmurs, leaning in to capture one of your nipples between his lips. His tongue swirls around the sensitive bud, teasing and sucking gently, while his other hand kneads and caresses your remaining breast.
   As his mouth works its magic on your breasts, Miles slides his hands down your body, his touch feather-light against your skin. His fingers graze along the waistband of your thong, slipping beneath the fabric to tease your sensitive folds.
   He pulls away from your breasts, his lips hovering just centimeters away from yours. "Tell me, mi amor," he whispers huskily. "What do you want me to do to you?"
   You lean into him and whisper back. "I want you to take me.."
   Miles smirks, his eyes filled with a mix of desire and mischief. He places a soft kiss on your lips before leading you towards the nearby bed, his hands exploring every inch of your body along the way. The anticipation builds as he gently pushes you down onto the soft mattress.
   With a confident grace, Miles removes his own clothes, revealing his toned physique. His arousal is evident, straining against his boxer briefs. He crawls on top of you, his lips trailing down your neck. His hands roam over your body, worshiping every curve and contour.
   As he reaches your thong, he pulls it down slowly, revealing your glistening folds to him. Miles wastes no time, his fingers finding their way to your wetness, teasing and caressing. He brings his mouth to your breasts once more, flicking his tongue against your hardened nipple, while his fingers continue their relentless assault.
   Feeling the waves of pleasure building, you eagerly guide Miles inside you. He enters you slowly, the sensation overwhelming as he fills you completely. Every thrust sends ripples of ecstasy through your body, his pace gradually quickening.
   The room fills with the sounds of your moans and the rhythmic slapping of skin against skin. Miles takes you with an intensity fuelled by desire, his grip on your hips firm as he pounds into you relentlessly. Pleasure courses through your veins, driving you towards the brink of ecstasy.
   As your bodies synchronize in a passionate rhythm, the pleasure builds to its peak. Miles quickens his pace, his breath becoming ragged. With an explosive climax, you both reach the heights of pleasure, waves of orgasm crashing over you in a simultaneous release.
   Miles collapses beside you, his body heaving with exertion. He pulls you close, his arms wrapped around you possessively. "Damn, cariño, you were incredible," he whispers, planting soft kisses on your forehead.
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lunarfleur · 1 year
Now And Forever (I Will Be Your Man) ~ Earth 42! Miles Morales
Summary: “I think dad woulda loved you.” “Yeah?” “Yeah.”
Tagging: @juneberrie @sluggmuffin @kombuuuu @urfavnegronerd @luvjunie @n1cole-ghost @milesmolasses @nagi3seastorm @hiyaitssans @conitagray
A/N: inspired by the song below. It’s honestly one of my favorite love songs <33
This is x gender neutral reader!
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“I think dad woulda loved you.”
Miles’s thumb drew gentle circles over your hip. He had you in his lap, head on his chest and the other arm wrapped around you. It scratched the back of your head gently and sent goosebumps down your neck.
He did it on purpose-waiting until you were half asleep to spill his deepest thoughts. It was easier that way, easier to pretend you weren’t listening. It didn’t scare him as much.
You inhaled his scent-vanilla candles mixed with the faint scent of his cologne. It was your favorite smell. You hummed softly, taking it all in. His scent made your brain fuzzy in the best way possible, smelling so good it was impossible to stay awake.
You gripped Miles’s shirt gently, waiting for him to answer. You stared at him, chin resting on his chest. He wasn’t looking at you, instead staring at the ceiling.
“I love you,” he mumbled, finally moving to kiss your forehead. You smiled happily, sitting up straight to give him a proper kiss. He took it happily.
Pulling away, Miles grinned sleepily. He pulled you closer into him, tight against his chest. He bumped his nose against yours, pecking your lips once more.
“I love you,” you replied. His fingers fidgeted with the edge of your t-shirt. His t-shirt. You pressed your forehead against his and immediately he leaned into your touch. Humming softly, he kissed your cheek.
“You make me so happy,” he muttered, resting his head on your shoulder, “and I wish dad was here to see it.”
It wasn’t uncommon for him to get like this. It was late and Miles was tired. Having you with him gave him a heavy feeling of intoxication. He lost any filter in response.
“I know, baby,” you whispered, kissing his head. You felt his breath hitting your skin, heavy and uneasy. He always got himself worked up.
“But, you know, I’m happy to be here.”
You smiled, caressing his cheek with your thumb. He kissed the palm of your hand, smiling softly.
“I’m happy you’re happy.” That made him chuckle.
You snaked your hand around his head, scratching softly at the back of his neck. Miles leaned against you, holding you tighter. That was his spot, the one that made him get all soft and relaxed. It always worked.
“I think,” Miles whispered, “my dad sent you to save me.”
It wad barely audible, an echo of a whisper from the depths of his throat. Your heart sunk a little, especially when his grip on your hip tightened. You could feel him frowning.
“And I will always be here to save you,” you mumbled against his hair. He nodded, a simple sign of understanding.
“Even before he died, I ain’t ever think someone like you would want me.”
“Well, I do. More and more every day.”
“Don’t let me go,” he mumbled. “Cause, god damn, I’d lose it.”
You sunk into him, wrapping your arms around him and pressing your lips to his hairline. Miles pressed a soft kiss to your jaw before nuzzling his face into the shirr you were wearing. His shirt, because he’d gladly give you every aspect of his being.
“I like being with you,” he repeated. You nodded.
“I like it, too.”
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chiyuumiii · 1 year
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HEYOOO, welcome to @caeeesar writing blog, I put my writing chaos in here so it doesn't get mixed with my current blog ;3
Here's just some things to clarify:
I can't write smut, just not yet I'm not ready LMFAO, slightly suggestive content will have to do for now, same for like too gorey typa scenes, but I do angst!
I'm currently more into Spiderverse movies, and genshin impact, so it's best suggested if you request for any one of these.
I am a beginner writer, and I haven't really got into vocabulary, grammar etc. as of yet...So expect not so good but also not so bad writing. Just decent, imo.
Yes, the dni list still applies here. Click here to see.
Point out if I missed out on other things, happy reading y'all!
NIGHTFALL - Prowler Miles/Earth-42 Miles x Reader.
Flair - Miles Morales/Earth-1610B Miles x Reader ( Tattoo Artist AU )
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spyder-junkie · 1 year
Hello! Is there any chance we can have earth 42 Miles x crafty reader? Basically the reader like to crochet, knit and maybe reader fixes Miles's shoes by using very simple materials
Feel free to not do this ask , hope you have a good day/night ^^
EARTH-42 MILES MORALES x crafty!gn!reader
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Honestly he admires your handiness.
Miles himself is pretty crafty, just in the mechanical way. So he likes having you to bounce ideas off of.
Sometimes when he thinks of things he cant build, he’ll draft up a blueprint/concept drawing, and see if you can put it to action.
He buys you random supplies always, even for things he knows you cant do, thinking it’ll just fuel your interest in learning.
Initially he thinks crochet is kind of useless.
Like he thinks you can only really make hats and scarves, like grandmas do with knitting.
But then you start making the coolest tops and bags and hats.
And suddenly hes hooked.
Whenever you go on dates, he’ll want you to wear something you made.
“I wanna show off how talented you are.”
He’ll let you make him a bucket hat, he only wears it occasionally though.
Whenever he goes to the store, he always returns with a spool of yarn for you.
And the day he scuffs his jordans,
He watches with hearts in his eyes as you use some mixed paint solution and a heat gun to get them back looking brand new.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Hiiii~!!! Can I request miles 42 with super chill/patient gf reader. Say like he is late, doesn't mean to flake on her, or keeps breaking promise time to time but reader is like "its ok love, things happen" only for miles to be something like "I am grateful you're not mad but why arent you mad?"
Omg, you are my first requester for a fic 😳 thank you so much for entrusting me to write this for you and hopefully you enjoy it :)
The Ebb and Flow of Love
➥ summary: miles is always canceling dates but his girlfriend doesn’t mind, she understands that he’s busy and he’s thankful for her for being so patient with him.
➥ earth 42 miles x reader
➥ a/n: hopefully I did good!!
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In the bustling streets of New York City, Miles Morales—known to some as the Prowler—grappled with the challenges of juggling his double life as a hero and a boyfriend. The weight of responsibility often forced him to cancel dates and hangouts, leaving his girlfriend, (Y/N), feeling disappointed. Yet, amidst the chaos, their love remained steadfast, as (Y/N) embraced a deep understanding of Miles' commitments.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, (Y/N) sat patiently in Miles' apartment, waiting for his arrival. She had chosen a cozy spot on the couch, her favorite book in hand, knowing that their plans might yet again be disrupted by the demands of Miles' heroic endeavors.
The door creaked open, and Miles stepped inside, a mix of exhaustion and determination etched upon his face. He offered (Y/N) a sheepish smile, his voice filled with regret. "I'm so sorry, mi amor. It happened again—I had to respond to an urgent call. I didn't mean to cancel on you."
(Y/N) set aside her book, her gaze soft and understanding. "It's alright, Miles. I know how important your duty is to you, and I fully support it. We can always have a rain check for this date. Your safety and the well-being of others are paramount."
Miles sighed, relief washing over him as he realized the depth of (Y/N)'s understanding. He sank down next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "Thank you, mi amor. Your understanding means the world to me. It's not easy, balancing everything, but with you by my side, it becomes a little easier."
(Y/N) leaned into his embrace, her voice filled with reassurance. "We're in this together, Miles. I'm here to support you through thick and thin. Our love can weather any storm."
As time went on, the ebb and flow of Miles' responsibilities continued to present challenges. (Y/N) remained a constant source of support, always there to provide a listening ear and a warm embrace when Miles needed it most.
They established a routine of communication and understanding, openly discussing the demands of Miles' heroic life and finding ways to navigate the obstacles it presented. They learned to treasure the moments they did have together, whether it was a stolen hour for coffee or a quiet evening at home.
On those rare occasions when their plans were interrupted, (Y/N) would offer a range check—a time to reconnect and reschedule their missed date. It became a ritual that embodied their resilience and unwavering commitment to one another.
One evening, as (Y/N) and Miles settled into a cozy café, sipping their favorite drinks, (Y/N) couldn't help but voice her admiration. "Miles, I'm continually amazed by your dedication to others. Your willingness to sacrifice your own time and desires for the greater good is truly inspiring."
Miles smiled, his gaze meeting hers. "And I'm constantly in awe of your understanding and support, (Y/N). Not everyone would be as patient as you have been. Your love has been a beacon of light during my darkest moments."
(Y/N) reached across the table, her hand finding Miles' as she spoke from the depths of her heart. "Love is about embracing each other's dreams and aspirations, Miles. I believe in you, and I'm honored to stand by your side as you fulfill your purpose."
Their hands intertwined, the connection between them palpable. In that moment, they understood that their love was a force that could withstand the challenges life threw their way. Together, they would navigate the ebbs and flows of their journey, their commitment to each other serving as an anchor through the unpredictable tides.
As time passed, Miles' understanding of the importance of balance grew. He learned to prioritize self-care and to communicate his needs to (Y/N). Through open conversations and compromises, they found a way to maintain their connection amidst the chaos of their lives.
And so, in the vibrant tapestry of New York City, Miles Morales and (Y/N) embraced a love that transcended canceled plans and rearranged dates. Their bond grew stronger with each challenge, reinforcing their shared belief in the power of understanding, patience, and unwavering support.
Together, they wove a tale of resilience, knowing that their love could conquer the obstacles they faced. They celebrated the small moments, cherishing the range checks and the stolen seconds, understanding that their connection would endure, unyielding and unbreakable.
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lunarfleur · 9 months
Christmas Is The Time To Say I Love You ~ Earth 42! Miles Morales
Summary: On the corner, carolers are singing. There's a touch of magic in the air. From grownup to minor no one could be finer. Times are hard but no one seems to care
A/N: Happy Holidays, everyone! I know it’s late, but I wanted to get something out for everyone! Enjoy!
Tagging: @juneberrie @sluggmuffin @hiyaitssans @nagi3seastorm @luvjunie @milesmolasses @n1cole-ghost @kombuuuu
This is x fem! reader!
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On the corner, carolers are singing
There's a touch of magic in the air
The mixed smell of foods filled the building. Hams, mashed potatoes, green beans, freshly-baked rolls…the whole complex was warm.
The lobby was decorated with a big Christmas tree, ribbons hanging off the walls, and fake presents tucked neatly into separate corners of the room. People marched in and out-happily chatting with one another while they carried plates of food.
From grownup to minor no one could be finer
Times are hard but no one seems to care
Truth be told, Miles never cared for parties much. He knew his mother liked them, she enjoyed talking with the other adults in the building. It made her feel relaxed, as she spent too much time working to make any friends.
But, as per usual, Miles sat in the corner. His plate of food sat in his lap. Miles’s Sony headphones covered his ears, Wu-Tang playing loudly. The corners of his lips stayed down, frowning at the sight of so many people.
But his eyes stayed on her.
Miles couldn’t find a word, in either English nor Spanish, to describe her. Beautiful didn’t come close. Maybe heavenly was the word?
Christmas Eve and all the world is watching
Santa guides his reindeer through the dark
He watched her eyes glance up, lighting up at the sight of him hunched in the corner. She smiled, a bright beam that could melt all the snow in Brooklyn, and hurried through the crowd of people over to him.
“Miles!” She cheered. “You have no idea how glad I am that you’re here.”
“Hey,” he shrugged, smiling lightly.
“The parties in this place never seem to get any easier," she sighed, chuckling. Miles snorted, nodding in agreement.
Miles tossed his plate to the side, pulling his headphones around his and grabbing his jacket in his hand.
“Let’s get outta here,” he said, nodding.
But from rooftop to chimney, from Harlem to Bimini
They will find a way into your heart
New York winters never seem to get any warmer, and [Name]’s clothing choices never seem to get any smarter.
A thin layer of snow covered the roof. The air seemed to bite at the skin of anyone who touched it. A chill ran up her spine as the two teens overlooked the city.
Miles glanced between the girl and his jacket. His hands were tense and numb. Yet, despite the fact, he reached over behind her to place the clothing gently around her. It hung off her shoulders.
“You’re gonna get yourself sick.”
A sheepish chuckle left her lips as she tucked her arms inside the sleeves. It smelled of his mother’s candles and his cologne; sandalwood and cleanliness.
Across from them, they could see the large mural Miles had painted for his father. ‘Captain Jeff Morales,’ it read, ‘Husband, Father, Hero. Rest In Power.’ She knew it well.
[Name] often found herself going up to the roof when she needed inspiration. She’d looked at that mural a million times, at least, and she always found herself going back to Miles. Her sketchbook was filled with him, the same way her heart was.
“Sure as hell am glad we’re on break,” Miles scoffed. He wasn’t the biggest fan of going to Visions. Sure, there was getting to room with Ganke and taking the cool art class, but he was too far away from his mom. He missed her while he was at school, and has come home on school nights many times just to be in his home again.
“Yeah,” [Name] chuckled. She tucked herself further into his jacket. If she could, she’d sew it onto her skin so she could smell it until she died.
“Lemme tell you, I hate Mrs. Sanchez.” Miles shook his head, frowning at the thought of his least favorite teacher though.
“But don’t you have over 100% in her class?”
“That ain’t got nothin to do with it.”
[Name] laughed, nodding her head in understanding.
A tense silence hung over the two. The cold air was numbing their skin, but Miles swore he was on fire. His crewneck didn’t do much for him.
Just outside the window, snow is falling
But here beside the fire we share the glow
Looking over at her, [Name] was staring down at the busy New York streets. There was a bit of hesitation in her normally smooth voice. It sounded weak.
“Do you remember when Ms. Brown made us do that free-writing assignment? About something we felt strongly about?”
Of course he remembered. Of all things he could have written about, he had to choose her. His English teacher had given him a knowing look, smirking at him. He had gotten an A on that assignment.
“What did you write about?”
“Well, love…I guess.”
Maybe Miles was imagining it, but he wished to every star above that the look she had in her eyes was hope. He prayed for it.
Miles nodding. [Name] did the same.
“Me too.”
Love? Was there someone? Was it him?
“Is there…someone?” He couldn’t hide the disappointment in his voice.
“Do you believe in soulmates?”
Of moonlight and brandy, sweet talk and candy
Sentiments that everyone should know
It was a sudden question. It caught Miles off guard.
“Soulmates? Why?”
“Do you think it’s true? That everyone has someone meant for them?”
Miles thought for a minute, rubbing the skin of his hand to make some friction.
“I don’t see why not.”
[Name] brought the sleeve of Miles’s jacket up to her nose. His scent was addicting, almost. It gave her chills in the way it was so relaxing to her.
“Do you think we’re friends in every universe?”
Miles glanced at her. His face heated up at his response, the only one he could come up with.
“In every other universe…is that all we are?”
[Name] turned toward him, eyes big with curiosity. The wind blew, and she watched as Miles’s braids swayed in the wind.
“I don’t understand,” She finally admitted
His body now facing her, [Name] had Miles’s full attention. The lamp lights reflected in his eyes, spots of yellow in brown and green. He stepped forward.
Memories of the year that lays behind us
Wishes for the year that's yet to come
“I’m saying that I wanna be with you.”
“You what?”
His breath fogged in front of his face with every exhale. His hands were hot and sweaty, a big difference to how they felt before. This was happening, unplanned and far too in-the-moment for his own good.
And it stands to reason that good friends in season
Make you feel that life has just begun
“I dunno know how to explain, but there ain’t a single day I don’t think about.”
“Since the day I met you, [Name]. I…”
“Are you…being for real?”
“Every day up until now, I counted the number of times you’d smile at me. I just about died on days you didn’t.”
Christmas is the time to say "I love you"
“I don’t wanna just say “I like you” and leave it at that. I want you to understand me.”
“Wow, Miles. I never thought you..”
“[Name]? Do you understand me?”
Share the joys of laughter and good cheer
“Yeah, I do.”
Christmas is the time to say "I love you"
“Of course I have feelings for you, Miles.”
And a feeling that will last all through the year
“Are you being for real?” Miles echoed.
Miles laughed. [Name] saw the way his nose scrunched. Miles didn’t normally smile so big. It was bright, like a little kid getting a pony on their birthday.
“More for real than ever.”
So when spirits grow lighter
And hopes are shining brighter
Miles leaned against the railing. He played off the way his heart was threatening to explode, the way his body was on fire. She was closer to him now than she was before.
Then you know that Christmas time is here
Love is not proportional to volume. It does not obey the laws of physics. This girl, one simple girl, was pulling Miles toward her with more force than the sun and every planet could give.
She gave him a smile andleaned closer to connect their shoulders. Flowers bloomed under his skim.
847 smiles from the day they met.
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lunarfleur · 1 year
I’d Give You The Moon ~ Earth 42! Miles Morales
Summary:You and Miles were one of those childhood couples, the ones that started from some silly crush. You were both only 14, holding hands and hugging and sitting with each other at lunch. You started high school together. You were cute with him. Until you weren’t. It didn’t end badly. It just ended.
Tagging: @juneberrie @sluggmuffin @hiyaitssans @enchanting-violet @milesmolasses @luvjunie @n1cole-ghost @kombuuuu @urfavnegronerd
Warnings: Angst with comfort! Happy ending!
This is x gender neutral reader!
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He still had pictures of you and him up on his wall. Maybe that was the problem.
His mother told him he should to them down. It would make it hurt less, she said. He knew she was right, obviously. You two were just some stupid kids with crushes, right? No matter what he did, Miles couldn’t bring himself to think such a thing.
You and Miles were one of those childhood couples, the ones that started from some silly crush. You were both only 13 or 14, holding hands and hugging and sitting with each other at lunch. You started high school together. You were cute with him. Until you weren’t. It didn’t end badly. It just ended.
It didn’t occur to him how such a silly breakup would affect him until it did. He turned over every night to see the faint images of you and him on his wall. He always forgot they were there until they shoved some ghost of a memory back into his head. The breakup didn’t hurt like he thought it would. He didn’t cry like he thought he would. Now, he was just lonely.
Miles was now 15, going on 16, and was in a slump. He knew it was a problem when he found himself listening to the Grease soundtrack on repeat. He resented him mother for buying him that record. He knew it wouldn’t last forever. He just thought it’d last a little longer. He still had your number. He still had the drawings of you. It was too much for him to let go of.
You still had his hoodies, and every note he’d ever given you. Maybe that was the problem.
Every night was another empty dream. You’d swaddle yourself in blankets, imagining it was his arm around you. There was a distant memory of his voice, the way he’d talk to you. Occasionally, you found yourself mistaking someone else’s touches for his.
You were the one who called it off. You were getting older, and it made you scared of the future. You worried constantly about what would become of your relationship. It swallowed you whole. It ate you alive.
But now you felt nothing but guilt. You were guilty for being so foolish. You were guilty for not communicating. You were guilty for walking away. You left him behind.
You were now 15, going on 16, and every day was another agony. You would watch and rewatch the Rush Hour movies and wonder if maybe he was doing the same. They were always his favorite. You’ve made some pretty big mistakes. He was at the top of your list.
Miles walked down the hallway at Visions Academy. The hallway stretched long, with lines of dorm rooms on each side. It was quiet and the floors were shiny.
He stopped suddenly, looking ahead. You shook the handle on your dorm room’s door harshly, groaning about the key. Then, you stopped, too.
You looked different. Older. You didn’t exactly seem happier, though. Miles was ashamed of the warm feeling that thought gave him.
Miles looked different, too. Older. Taller. Just like his mother and father, the perfect mix. He looked lonely. It made you sad.
“Hey,” he whispered. It was rough, and forced. You bit the inside of your cheek. He walked right past you before you could say anything.
All you could think about was the way that same voice used to speak to you. He’d laugh with you, sometimes at you. He didn’t look at you the same way he used to.
Miles dreamt of you that night.
He was sitting in his bedroom, the one at home. You stood across from him. The house smelled like his mom’s cooking. You were wearing his hoodie, the one he never got back. You were looking at him like you still loved him.
A part of him told him that you did. You missed him, wanted him back. Ganke told him not too long ago about you, the way you rejected any affection that came to you. Miles hoped that meant you hadn’t moved on.
You didn’t. You wouldn’t. You refused to. Maybe it was childish, but a part of you said that he was the one for you. You two were meant to go the distance. Right?
“Have you thought about calling them?” Ganke asked Miles.
Miles sat on the edge of his roommates bed while he played video games.
“Nah,” Miles whispered. “I can’t.”
“Sure you can. Don’t you still have their number?”
Ganke was right. Nothing was actually stopping him from calling you.
“Yeah, but…I don’t know.” Miles scoffed and shook his head.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if they still had feelings for you.” Ganke spun around in his chair, looking at his best friend.
“You think they’d pick up?”
Even though you weren’t allowed to, you sat on the roof of your school. The sun had set already, so it was dark. The stars were shining. The moon was bright.
“I’d give you the moon, if I could,” Miles had said to you one night. That was the night he kissed your head and held your hand. Three weeks and two days before you dumped him. Three weeks and two days before you left.
Miles stared at your figure. Of course you’d be up there on a full moon. Of course you’d be up there when he wanted to be. Of course.
“Sure you can.” That’s what Ganke had said. Like it was easy.
“Can I sit?” He asked.
You whipped your head around quicker than ever. It gave you whiplash. Miles was looking down at you. His braids fell down his shoulders like they always did.
“Yeah.” Your voice came out as a meek whisper. You couldn’t hear it over the pounding of your heart. Butterflies danced in your stomach like you were 13 again.
He sat next to you, and the distance he put between your bodies made you sick. You couldn’t help but look at him. It was like magnets, guiding your eyes to stare at him.
“How you been?”
How were you supposed to answer that? Say you were good? Or tell him the truth? Say you missed him?
“Good.” That was a lie.
“Good.” He nodded his head. If you were good, though he doubted it, he was happy.
There was a tense silence that followed. Too many questions hung in the air. Why’d you break up with me? Would you take me back?
I miss you.
It brought a chuckle out of you. Too many times you two would talk at the same time.
‘Jinx! Jinx times two!’
“Why’d you dump me?” His voice was quiet, and gentle. He’d never talk to you any differently.
You shrugged, sighing. He waited. He always did.
“I was scared.”
“Scared of what?”
Miles nodded. He understood.
‘Our family doesn’t run from things, mijo.’
“Is it dumb to ask if you still love me?”
You shook your head. It wasn’t dumb. It never was. He never was.
“No. Never.”
“Do you? Still love me?” All you could do was nod.
Your heart fluttered at the way he lit up. He fought a grin. Miles nodded slowly, his gaze turning back towards the sky.
“I couldn’t help it,” you finally chuckled. He looked at you, eyes wide with curiosity.
“Loving you.” Miles smiled at you.
“I couldn’t help it either. Even though I shouldn’t.”
There it was. That stinging pain that shot through your ribcage. The never ending reminder of the way you broke his heart.
“I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
There was not a single bit of resentment in his eyes. He could never be mad at you. Not really.
“Would you…what would you do if I told you I missed you? That I want to go back?”
Miles chuckled, scooting closer towards you.
“I’d say the same thing.”
And in that moment, underneath the cold sky, it was as if nothing had changed. It was you and him. Him and you.
Miles chuckled quietly. Chuckles turned into giggles.
“I’d give you the moon if I could.” He whispered, his face leaning closer.
“You already have.”
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Idk if you have already done this already but can you do miles 42 x reader dancing to music such as songs like infrunami,best part,pink + White?
Hello and no I don’t believe I have yet, but I can definitely get this out for you :)
Dancing to the Rhythm of Love
➥ summary: miles would do anything for that girl, buy her pads at 3am cause she ran out, kill for her, wear matching hello kitty underwear’s with her and even dance to her music with her
➥ Earth 42 miles x reader
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Miles Morales, found himself in the cozy haven of his girlfriend's room. The walls were adorned with posters of bands and artists that (Y/N) adored, reflecting her eclectic taste in music. As the melodic notes of a song called "Infurami" filled the room, (Y/N)'s eyes sparkled with joy and excitement.
(Y/N) stood in the center of the room, swaying to the rhythm of the music, her body moving with grace and abandon. Her energy was infectious, a vibrant display of happiness that touched Miles's heart. Even though the song wasn't particularly his cup of tea, he couldn't help but be captivated by the sheer joy radiating from his girlfriend.
With a playful smile, Miles joined (Y/N) in the middle of the room, mirroring her movements. He stumbled a bit, his usually smooth and coordinated agility failing him in the realm of dance, but he didn't mind. He was determined to share in the blissful moment, to make (Y/N) even happier.
They twirled and swayed together, their laughter mingling with the melody of the song. Miles's love for (Y/N) grew with each step, each beat of the music. He admired her passion for the things she loved, her ability to find joy in the simplest of moments.
As they danced, Miles couldn't help but admit to himself that this wasn't his usual genre of music. But seeing (Y/N)'s face light up with pure delight made it all worthwhile. Her happiness was infectious, and he would do anything to keep that smile on her face.
In the midst of their dance, (Y/N) looked into Miles's eyes, her voice filled with affection. "You know, cariño, this song isn't really your thing, but I appreciate you dancing with me. It means a lot to see you enjoying this moment with me."
Miles grinned, his heart swelling with love. "I may not be an expert dancer, and this may not be my go-to genre, but your happiness is what matters most to me. If dancing with you to your favorite songs brings you joy, then count me in. I'll dance with you all night if it makes you happy."
(Y/N) smiled, her eyes gleaming with love and gratitude. They continued their dance, moving together in perfect harmony, their hearts beating to the rhythm of their love. The room filled with a warmth that transcended the music, a testament to the unbreakable bond they shared.
As Miles twirled (Y/N) around the room, their laughter filling the air, a momentary misstep caused her to lose her footing. Her feet tangled together, threatening to send her crashing to the ground. But Miles, with his reflexes honed by years of being prowler, swiftly caught her, their bodies colliding in mid-air.
The room echoed with a soft thump as they both landed on the floor, their limbs intertwined in a tangled mess. Just as they were catching their breath, (Y/N)'s brother burst into the room, drawn by the noise.
Startled, (Y/N) and Miles quickly untangled themselves, their faces flushing with embarrassment. They instinctively moved away from each other, the air between them charged with the need to explain the situation.
"It's not what you think," (Y/N) stammered, her voice laced with a mix of panic and embarrassment.
Her brother, a mischievous glint in his eyes, smirked knowingly. "Oh, really? What were you two doing, then?"
Miles, desperately trying to salvage the situation, chimed in, "We were just dancing and, uh, she tripped, and I caught her. It was an accident, I swear."
(Y/N)'s brother raised an eyebrow, his smirk widening. "Just dancing, huh? Well, it looked like there was more than just dancing happening here."
Before they could offer further explanations, he turned on his heels and walked out of the room, leaving (Y/N) and Miles alone in their flustered state.
Miles, feeling the need to clarify, rushed after (Y/N)'s brother. "Wait, it's not what you think! Really, we were just dancing! We're just friends, I promise!"
(Y/N) sat in the room, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and a mix of emotions swirling within her. She couldn't help but feel a flutter in her heart at the way Miles had caught her, his protective instincts shining through. But now, with her brother's teasing and the lingering proximity between them, her thoughts became a whirlwind of uncertainty and longing.
Taking a deep breath, she collected herself and allowed a small smile to grace her lips. In the midst of her blush, she realized that perhaps this accidental tumble had revealed more than they had anticipated. There was a connection between her and Miles, something beyond friendship, something that stirred her heart in the most delightful way.
As the room settled into a comfortable silence, (Y/N) contemplated the feelings that had been awoken. She couldn't deny the flutter of attraction she felt whenever Miles was near, and now, with the playful banter between her brother and Miles, it became increasingly apparent that there was something special between them.
With renewed courage, (Y/N) made a silent promise to herself. She would embrace these newfound emotions, explore the possibilities of what might be. And as Miles returned to the room, a sheepish smile on his face, she couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat.
As they locked eyes, (Y/N) knew that their dance, both on and off the dance floor, was just beginning. And she eagerly looked forward to the steps they would take together, knowing that sometimes, the unexpected stumbles in life could lead to the most beautiful and unexpected connections of all.
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greatpestilenz · 1 year
Mine. Mine. Mine. - Yandere Earth 42 Miles Morales x Reader
-You know what, scratch that, THIS is the longest shit ive written
-Idk how to end this hah
   As you became closer with Miles, you couldn't help but notice his possessive tendencies. He always seemed to be watching you, and any time you spent time with someone else, he would get visibly irritated. You were unsure how to handle this situation, but you knew that it was important to address it.
   One day, as you were walking with the new boy through the college campus, enjoying each other's company and showing him around, you suddenly found yourself pulled into an empty classroom. The door slammed shut behind you, and you felt a mix of confusion and apprehension as you found yourself trapped between the wall and Miles.
   His expression was intense, his honey-coloured eyes locked onto yours with an almost predatory gaze. His hands were on either side of your head, boxing you in. The air crackled with tension as he spoke, his voice low and possessive.
   "You're mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine," he repeated, each word dripping with possessiveness. The intensity of his words sent a shiver down your spine.
   His anger was palpable as he continued, his tone laced with frustration. "He's gonna get the wrong idea if you keep hanging out with him, mami. You're attractive, but too nice. People are gonna get the wrong idea."
   You felt a jolt of fear mixed with a strange excitement at his possessive behaviour, but you knew that it was important to stand your ground. You took a deep breath, gathering your courage.
   "Miles, I understand that you're worried and that you care about me, but I am my own person," you began, your voice firm and determined. "I can make my own choices and decide who I want to spend time with. It doesn't mean that I don't value our friendship. But this possessiveness, it's not healthy. We need to trust each other and communicate better."
   You spoke your mind, hoping your words would break through to him, urging him to understand the importance of boundaries and respect.
   "I don't care." He said with a hiss. "You're mine. And it stays that way."
   Miles's response sent a chill down your spine, his words laced with an intensity that made your heart race. His possessiveness was reaching dangerous levels, causing you to feel a mix of fear and discomfort.
   Taking a step back, you mustered your strength, refusing to let his words overpower you. "No, Miles. I am not anyone's possession. I am my own person, with my own autonomy. Your behaviour is crossing a line, and it's not healthy. This is not how a healthy relationship or friendship should be."
   You met his gaze, determination burning in your eyes. "I care about our friendship, but it can't continue like this unless we establish clear boundaries and respect for each other's individuality. I need you to understand that possessiveness and control are not acts of love. It's important that we both grow and learn how to have healthier connections with others."
   Your words hung in the air, a silent plea for him to comprehend the impact of his actions. It was crucial for him to realize that his possessive behaviour was not a sign of affection but rather a dangerous obsession that could destroy your relationship.
   You waited for his response, hoping that he would take a moment to reflect on his actions and understand the importance of respect and personal boundaries.
   "Don't you understand? It's not about friendship."
   Miles's response sent a shiver down your spine, his dark eyes filled with a mix of intensity and desperation. It was clear that his feelings ran deeper than just friendship, but the possessiveness and intensity of his emotions were beginning to border on alarming.
   Taking a deep breath to steady yourself, you maintained a firm stance. "Miles, I understand that your feelings may go beyond friendship, but that doesn't excuse your possessive behaviour. Love should never be expressed through control or manipulation. It should be based on mutual respect, trust, and allowing each other the freedom to grow as individuals."
   You searched his eyes, hoping to find some glimmer of understanding. "If you truly care about me, you will try to understand that our connection cannot be built on possessiveness or a sense of ownership. It needs to be built on trust, open communication, and healthy boundaries. I need you to respect my choices, my autonomy, and allow me to have relationships with others without feeling threatened."
   Your voice remained calm yet resolute, emphasizing the importance of his understanding. "I value our friendship, Miles, but it must be based on mutual respect, not possessiveness. It's important that you take some time to reflect on your emotions and find a way to navigate them in a healthier manner."
   You held your breath, hoping that your words would resonate with him and spark a change in his mindset, encouraging him to seek a more balanced approach to his feelings for you.
   "I do care." He said lowly. "I care. These people, they're going to take. You. Away. From me."
   Miles's words echoed through the room, filled with an overwhelming sense of fear and desperation. A knot tightened in your stomach as you realized just how deeply his concerns ran. It wasn't just possessiveness or control; it was a genuine fear of losing you.
   "Miles, I understand that you care," you responded softly, your voice filled with empathy. "But acting possessively or trying to control my interactions with others is not the solution. It will only push me away."
   You stepped closer to him, reaching out to gently place a hand on his arm. "I value our connection, and I don't want to lose you either. But we can't build a healthy relationship if it's rooted in fear and possessiveness. We need to learn to trust each other, to communicate openly, and to have faith that our bond will endure."
   You paused, giving him a moment to absorb your words. "The people I spend time with don't pose a threat to our connection. Rather, they can enhance it by allowing us to grow as individuals and bringing new experiences and perspectives into our lives. It's important to remember that there is space for more than one person in our hearts and lives."
   You gazed into his eyes, conveying your earnestness. "Please, Miles, try to understand that love is not about possession or control. It's about supporting each other's growth, respecting each other's choices, and allowing space for meaningful connections with others.
    "If I lose you, I don't know what I'm going to do with my life." He says breathlessly. You close your eyes and sigh. He's not budging.
   "This isn't it, Miles." You say as you duck to pass under his arm but he grabs yours with a tight grip.
   "You're not going anywhere." He said. "What? You're going back to that white boy?"
   The intensity of Miles's grip on your arm sent a jolt of alarm through your body. A mixture of fear and frustration swelled within you as you tried to free yourself from his grasp. Though his words stung, you knew that responding with calmness and reasoning was crucial.
   Taking a steadying breath, you met his gaze. "Miles, let go," you said firmly, your voice carrying a hint of concern. "This is not the way to handle your fears or our relationship. Holding onto me forcibly will not solve anything."
   As you insisted on getting free, Miles's grip tightened even further. You winced, the pain seeping through your arm, but you refused to let it overshadow the gravity of the situation. Tapping into your inner strength, you stared directly into his eyes.
   "I am not going back to anyone," you said resolutely. "But I will not allow anyone, including you, to control or restrict my choices. Love should never be about possession or dominance; it should be built on trust, communication, and mutual respect."
   You could feel the strain in your voice as you made a heartfelt plea. "Miles, I care about you deeply, but I can't compromise my own sense of self for the sake of our relationship. We both need to take a step back, reflect on our actions and feelings, and find healthier ways to navigate this situation."
   With one final push, you managed to break free from his grasp. You took a step back, putting some distance between the two of you. The weight of the situation hung heavy in the air as you waited for him to respond, hoping against hope that he would understand the significance of your words and the importance of establishing healthy boundaries.
   With shaking hands, you leave through the door to meet up with the new student.
   As you walked out of the room, your heart pounded in your chest, your thoughts swirling with a mix of emotions. The encounter with Miles had left you rattled, but you knew that maintaining your autonomy and emotional well-being was paramount.
   Taking a few deep breaths to steady yourself, you headed back towards the new student, your mind racing with a mixture of relief and concern for Miles. As you approached the new student, you mustered a smile, determined to put the troubling encounter behind you, at least for the time being.
   "Hey," you greeted them, your voice filled with a mix of apprehension and hope. "Sorry about that interruption. Let's continue where we left off. I'm excited to show you more of the campus and help you get settled in."
   There was a hint of apprehension in your eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the turbulent situation you had just escaped. Yet, you refused to let it dampen your spirit or the potential friendship blossoming between you and the new student.
   As the days passed without any sign of Miles or the new student, an uneasiness settled within you. You couldn't shake the feeling of loneliness and confusion, as if a cloud of gloom had descended upon your life. To make matters worse, your friends began to distance themselves from you, their actions perplexing and leaving you feeling isolated.
   Whispers and hushed conversations started to circulate through the halls, grabbing your attention and raising your curiosity. With a heavy heart, you ventured closer, hoping to make sense of the rumours that had been spreading. And there, among the hushed murmurs, you heard the dreadful truth.
   The new student's life had come to a tragic and untimely end. Their body had been found, lifeless and motionless. Shock and horror flooded over you as you tried to process the grim reality. The weight of grief and guilt settled upon your shoulders, leaving you feeling responsible for the loss of someone you had just begun to know.
   Questions spiralled in your mind, but answers remained elusive. The whispers, the empty spaces left by the absence of both Miles and the new student, it all added up to a haunting silence that surrounded you. As the realization sank in, you couldn't help but wonder if there was any connection between their disappearance and the tragic fate they had met.
   As you were gathering your books, the sound of Miles's voice caught you off guard. You turned towards him, surprise and uncertainty etched on your face. His presence, after days of absence, sent a mixed wave of relief and apprehension through your being.
   "Hey, mami." His uncharacteristic grin sent a chill down your spine, his words laced with a possessiveness that made you uneasy. You took a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart, as you met his gaze. "How you been since I was away? Good? I bet you are. Rival's been taken care of after all. Just you and me." He said, his grin widening. 
   "What?" You ask with apprehension. 
   "He's gone, mami. Took care of that bastard." He said again with a low voice. "Don't worry." He whispered. Your heart started beating out of your chest.
   "Did you..?" You trail off, recalling the death of the new student. He nods slowly with a smile. 
   "Took care of him. Don't gotta worry."
   The weight of Miles's words hit you like a ton of bricks, disbelief and horror flooding your senses. The uncharacteristic grin on his face combined with his chilling words sent a shiver down your spine, making every instinct in your body scream with alarm.
   Your heart pounded in your chest as you took a step back, your eyes widening with shock. "Miles, what are you saying?" you managed to stammer, your voice trembling with fear and confusion. "Did you... did you harm the new student? Is that what you're telling me?"
   His smile widened as he nodded, seemingly proud of his actions. This revelation left you speechless, your mind struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what he had just confessed. The sense of danger and unease grew exponentially, threatening to overwhelm you.
   "No," you finally whispered, your voice filled with a mix of disbelief and horror. "No, this isn't right, Miles. This isn't you. What have you done? Taking someone's life... it's unforgivable."
   Your breathing grew shallow as you continued to back away from him, your mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions. Fear and disgust mingled within you, but you knew you had to find safety and seek help.
   "I can't be around you anymore," you managed to choke out, your voice barely above a whisper. "I need to go. I need to tell someone about this. This... this can't go unpunished."
   With one last glance filled with sorrow and disbelief, you turned and hurriedly made your way towards the nearest faculty member, your heart heavy with the weight of what you had learned. Everything had changed in an instant, leaving you shattered and desperate to escape the clutches of someone you once considered a friend.
   "Where do you think you're going, hm?"
   As Miles forcefully grabbed your arm, panic surged through your body like a violent electric shock. Your attempts to free yourself felt feeble against his strength, and a sense of dread descended upon you as his darkened eyes bore into yours.
   "Let me go, Miles," you pleaded, your voice quivering with fear. "This isn't who you are. Please, let me go."
   The emptiness of the halls only amplified the intensity of the situation, leaving you feeling isolated and vulnerable. Every instinct screamed for you to break free, to find help, but Miles's grip only tightened, his face betraying a sinister enjoyment.
   His low, chilling hum echoed in your ears, sending a shiver down your spine. It was as if he revelled in the power he held over you, his true nature bared in his eyes. The realization that you were trapped with a monster struck you like a blunt force, leaving you with a sickening mixture of fear and desperation.
   Your mind raced, searching for any potential way to escape his grip and summon help. With each passing second, your heart pounded in your chest, its rhythm mirroring your frantic thoughts. It was clear that you needed to find a way to protect yourself and ensure your safety.
   Summoning every ounce of resolve, you leaned into your survival instincts. With a sudden burst of strength, you jerked your arm free from Miles's grasp, adrenaline coursing through your veins. Without hesitation, you turned and sprinted down the hall, your heart pounding in your ears.
   As you ran, your mind raced, calculating the fastest route to safety. Your only thought was to find someone who could protect you, someone who could help you escape this nightmare. Your every step carried the weight of your fear and determination, propelling you forward, away from the monster that Miles had become.
   "You can't escape me."
   As Miles's chilling words echoed behind you, you could feel him closing in, his dark presence growing increasingly oppressive. Fear coursed through your veins, urging you to push through your exhaustion and find sanctuary.
   With every stride, you desperately searched for any sign of help, any open door or faculty member that could provide the safety you so desperately needed. Panic threatened to consume you as Miles's voice taunted you from behind, his words an unsettling reminder of the danger that pursued you.
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greatpestilenz · 1 year
Shattered - Earth 42 Miles Morales x Reader
  Miles Morales, also known as Prowler, had always felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. As a hero, he had the power to protect, to save lives. But sometimes, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't be there in time to prevent tragedy.
  Losing his father had been a devastating blow, a wound that still ached in his heart. And now, he had lost you, his beloved significant other, the person who had become his world. The guilt and burden of not being able to save you weighed heavily on his soul.
  The memories of that fateful day played in his mind like a never-ending loop. He could see you, your smile, your laughter, the way your eyes lit up when you looked at him. But then, it all shattered, just like the world around him.
  He had been caught up in another battle, trying to protect the innocent, unaware of the danger that was unfolding elsewhere. By the time he received the call, it was too late. He raced to the scene, desperation pumping through his veins, only to find the aftermath of devastation.
  His heart shattered into countless pieces as he knelt beside your lifeless form, unable to comprehend the reality before him. The guilt consumed him, the regret gnawed at his every thought. If only he had been with you, if only he had arrived sooner, maybe he could have saved you.
  "No!" His voice filled with despair and agony as he placed your head on his lap. "No, no, no, no, please.. please... Mc… Mc, please don’t leave me..” He begged. But no matter how much he cried, there was no way to bring you back.
  Miles recalled the pain of losing his father, the agony of not being able to be there in his final moments. He had promised himself that he would never let another person he cared about suffer the same fate. But now, he had failed once again.
  He blamed himself, questioning his abilities as a hero. How could he call himself a hero when he couldn't even protect the ones he loved? The burden of guilt grew heavier with each passing day, threatening to consume him whole.
  The city needed its hero, but Miles found it hard to put on the mask, to face the world as if everything was okay. His heart ached with an emptiness that could never be filled. The memories of you haunted him, a constant reminder of his failure.
  He sought solace in the silence of his room, clutching a photograph of the two of you. The tears flowed freely down his face as he whispered broken apologies to the image before him. He wished he could turn back time, rewrite the script, and keep you safe.
  The guilt gnawed at him, tearing him apart from the inside. He replayed every moment leading up to your demise, wondering if he could have done something differently. The responsibility weighed heavily on him, and he couldn't bear to face anyone, especially not your friends and family.
  Unable to bear the weight of his grief, Miles made a desperate decision. He remembered stories of multiple universes, parallel realities where different versions of people existed. And he heard rumors of a universe where you were still alive.
  Driven by a mix of hope and desperation, he decided to jump into that universe, to find you and hold you in his arms once more. The thought of being reunited with you, even in a different reality, gave him a glimmer of hope in the darkness of his sorrow.
  But when he arrived in that new universe, he was met with a devastating reality. There you were, alive and well, but you already had your own Miles Morales – a version of him that had never experienced the same heart-wrenching loss.
  Miles stood there, hidden in the shadows, watching the two of you together. He saw how happy you were, how much love you shared with this other version of himself. And even though he knew he shouldn't interfere, he couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy and longing.
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