#earth 1129
mustasekittens · 6 months
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Eternal Bystander to the Unforgiving Flow of Time🕰️
(not a full ref yet) aahh i haven't made a full turnaround/color ref of them yet but I'm excited to show u all Chrono-Spider finally!!! i've been playing with the idea of them since this past December and i finally have a solid design for them 😭🙏
questions i answered | lots more under the cut!
questions i answered in the link as images:
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more versions of the ref (no info vers + w/ monocle) and just the headshot without the monocle.
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they're ageless bc after they became time-afflicted they stopped aging. their body can get hurt but it no longer ages and they will exist until the end of time and beyond. idk like professor paradox in ben 10
if you open this up and read it all i deeply appreciate it!! i really love them even tho i haven't done a lot with them yet aaa
and now for some concept art
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bizarrequazar · 1 year
GJ and ZZH Updates — August 20-26
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
08-20 → The Instagram posted three photos of “Zhang Zhehan” in Tibet and six scenery photos.
08-21 → The Zhang Sanjian TikTok account posted a video where “Zhang Zhehan” did the haizhe hand signal wrong and distinctly had breasts rather than pecs.
→ Hogan posted nine behind the scenes photos (1129 kadian) and a video from their recent shoot with Gong Jun.
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→ Fresh posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. Caption: “Love is a romantic surge day and night, and it is also a brave rush across mountains and seas. In the days when we can't see each other, I subconsciously want to put everything about the other party higher, including their address. This year's Qixi festival, Fresh joins hands with the spokesperson @ Gong Jun Simon to wish all long-distance couples a happy delivery and a harvest of love.”
→ Madame Tussauds posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun for Qixi. [subbed video]
08-22 → 361° posted two photo ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ A special episode of Hello Saturday was released for Qixi featuring Gong Jun and several other actors from Legend of Anle. (Filmed 07-22, the same day as the other episode.) (Not on YouTube yet, a link will be added here once it is.)
→ The Instagram posted two photos of “Zhang Zhehan” and seven scenery photos.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted ten photos of him from the Hello Saturday episode. Caption: “His Royal Highness the Prince (Qixi Edition) @ Gong Jun Simon is back for a limited time, adding a little sweetness to your Qixi Festival~”
→ Rare posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun Outdoor Office posted a video of him learning a Douyin dance. Caption: “Dancing miracle”
→ Ranyi Music announced another Zhang Sanjian concert, this time in Kuala Lumpur. As a reminder, [here] is my post collecting information about how the Bangkok concerts were sketchy as fuck. The venue for this one is inside a mall that is largely empty aside from the concert hall itself and adult-oriented stores.
→ Fresh posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun.
08-23 → Gong Jun’s studio posted a promotional image for Fox Spirit Matchmaker to celebrate 2 million users setting notifications for its airing. Caption: “It’s hard to cool down with a passion in the blood, and he is unrestrained between heaven and earth. The number of reservations on the site has exceeded 2 million! Dongfang Yuechu @ Gong Jun Simon will see you soon!” Gong Jun Outdoor Office posted the same image without the text overlay, caption: “Posted the original picture!“
→ The Fox Spirit Matchmaker Weibo posted a promotional image of Gong Jun and his costar Yang Mi to celebrate the same milestone.
08-24 → Gong Jun’s studio posted a promotional video for 361° and the Asian Games spoken by him. 
→ The Instagram posted ten photos of “Zhang Zhehan”, a dog, and scenery. The caption included 🐶😺 and ⛰️ and reeked of desperation.
08-25 → Rare posted two photo ads featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
08-26 → The Instagram posted a video promoting their money laundering concert.
→ Da Zhangwei, one of the other regulars from Go Fighting!, posted a video Gong Jun filmed sending him a support message.
Additional Reading: → Flora finished translating the article on money laundering that she started last week. [follow up on how this potentially relates to the situation]
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Is a Catholic Christian an Oxymoron?
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by Mike Gendron
Webster's dictionary defines an oxymoron as "a combination of contradictory words," such as jumbo shrimp, tight slacks and pretty ugly. Would you put Catholic Christian into this category? Some would say "no", because they believe Roman Catholicism is a Christian denomination. Others, who know the official teachings of the Catholic Church contradict the essentials of the Gospel would say "yes." We propose that a Catholic Christian is indeed an oxymoron for two reasons:
1) whom we are is what we believe, and 2) it is impossible for anyone to believe two opposing views simultaneously.
We recognize that there may be some Christians attending the Catholic Church but if they have believed the Gospel they are no longer Catholics. Let us consider the contradictory beliefs of Catholics and Christians. By definition we will propose a Christian is one who believes the Gospel while a Catholic is one who believes the official teachings and traditions of his church (presented by paragraph number from the Catechism of the Catholic Church).
A Christian believes Scripture has authority over church. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16). By setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man's conscience (2 Cor. 4:2).
A Catholic believes the Church has authority over Scriptures. The manner of interpreting Scripture is ultimately subject to the judgment of the Church which exercises the divinely conferred commission and ministry of watching over and interpreting the Word of God (CCC 119).
A Christian is justified once by faith because justification is a permanent declaration by God (Romans 8:30). However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness (Romans 4:5).
A Catholic is justified repeatedly by sacraments and works because he loses the grace of justification each time a mortal sin is committed. The sacrament of Penance offers a new possibility to convert and to recover the grace of justification (CCC 1446).
A Christian believes he is regenerated at baptism of the Spirit. For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body (1 Cor. 12:13), from the beginning God chose you to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth (2 Thes. 2:13).
A Catholic believes baptism of water imparts divine life, the water of Baptism truly signifies our birth into the divine life (CCC 694).
A Christian is saved by God's unmerited grace. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast (Eph. 2:8-9).
A Catholic is saved by meriting the graces needed for salvation. We can merit for ourselves and for others the graces needed for the attainment of eternal life (CCC 2010).
A Christian is saved for good works. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do (Eph. 2:10).
A Catholic is saved by good works. The sacraments of the New Covenant are necessary for salvation (CCC 1129).
A Christian is saved for all eternity. And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance. (Eph. 1:13-14).
A Catholic is saved until a mortal sin is committed. Those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell (CCC 1035).
A Christian believes salvation is offered to those outside the church. "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors as though God were making His appeal through us" (2 Cor. 5:20).
A Catholic believes salvation is offered through the Church. Basing itself on Scripture and Tradition, the Council teaches that the Church, a pilgrim now on earth, is necessary for salvation. Anyone refusing to enter it or remain in it cannot be saved (CCC 846).
A Christian is purified by the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus…purifies us from all sin (1 John 1:7).
A Catholic is purified by the fires of Purgatory. They undergo purification in Purgatory, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven (CCC 1030-31).
Saints and Priests
A Christian becomes a saint when the Spirit baptizes him into the body of Christ. And He gave some…for the equipping of the saints…the body of Christ (Eph. 4:11-12).
A Catholic becomes a saint only if the Pope canonizes them. This occurs when he solemnly proclaims that they practiced a heroic virtue and lived in fidelity to God's grace (CCC 828).
A Christian is a priest. But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God (1 Peter 2:9).
A Catholic needs a priest. Catholic priests are said to be apostolic successors and guarantee that Christ is acting in the sacraments to dispense divine life (CCC 1120-1131).
The Lord's Supper
A Christian believes the Lord's Supper is a memorial. "Do this in remembrance of me" (1 Cor. 11:24-25).
A Catholic believes the Lord's Supper is sacrifice. The sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the Eucharist are one single sacrifice…the same Christ who offered Himself once in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross is contained and offered in an unbloody manner (CCC 1367).
A Christian receives Jesus once, spiritually, in the heart. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God (John 1:12). God… put his Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee (2 Cor. 1:22).
A Catholic believes he receives Jesus physically, frequently, in the stomach. The body, blood…soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ…is truly, really and substantially contained in the Eucharist (CCC 1374-78).
A Christian is condemned by the Roman Catholic Church. Over 100 anathema's have been pronounced against Christians by the Roman Catholic Councils of Trent and Vatican II. These condemnations are still in effect today and can only be lifted if a Christian returns in submission to the authority of the pope.
A Catholic is condemned by the Word of God. There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; that very word which I spoke will condemn him at the last day (John 12:48). If we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! (Gal. 1:6-9).
These thirteen teachings and traditions of Roman Catholicism demonstrate that a Catholic Christian is indeed an oxymoron. They also affirm how man made traditions nullify the Word of God (Mark 7:7-13). There are many Evangelicals and Roman Catholics who are unaware of how diametrically opposed Catholic dogmas are to the Word of God. The truth must be told. Catholics who believe they are Christians must be lovingly confronted with the truth. Evangelicals must be educated so they can proclaim the true gospel to Catholics instead of uniting with them under a compromised and diluted gospel.
God's truth coupled with Satan's lies always produces an oxymoron. Yet the "father of lies" continues to seduce many by mixing a little error with truth. In the final analysis, truth mixed with error never hurts the error, it only contaminates the truth. The veneer of truth covering the false gospel of Rome is deceiving not only Catholics but many Protestants as well. Let us persuade Catholics to turn from the errors of man's teachings to the truth of God's Word!
God defines truth with His Word (John 17:17). It is objective, authoritative and sufficient! We must use it to expose the evil deeds of darkness, to set captives free from the bondage of deception and to protect God's children from being deceived.
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evieismol · 1 year
Big Bend Chapter 13
Previous Chapter
Word Count: 1129
Warnings: n/a (light angst maybe?)
Easton had been trying his best to put the much smaller ranger at ease, but so far, he’d had little success. He didn’t so much as feel offended at Dave’s nervousness as he did guilty. He felt his stomach sink a little every time he saw Dave jump, knowing all too well he was the cause of his fear. Easton might have grown more accustomed to fear being a common response to his presence, but he certainly didn’t like it.
“You okay?” John’s voice pulled him from his thoughts, and he looked down at the tiny government agent. He nodded.
“Yeah. Just thinking,” he said.
“About a certain coworker?” John guessed. Easton blinked in surprise.
“How’d you know?” He asked.
“Well, you’re set to work with him in…about thirty minutes, and I’ve heard there might be…some issues between you two.”
“I wouldn’t say issues,” Easton began, trailing off. “Anyways, I can’t believe it’s almost noon already.”
John seemed to go along with the subject change, much to his relief. He didn’t really feel like trying to untangle his mess of thoughts about the situation with Dave outloud - he hadn’t even succeeded in doing so in his head.
“Time flies,” John said with a shrug. It seemed the proved true, as before Easton knew it, he was sitting outside the visitor center. As usual, he made sure to sit down far enough away from the building itself that he couldn’t accidentally bump into it. Speaking of terrifying things, how incredibly fragile everything seemed on Earth had yet to stop freaking Easton out. He wasn’t sure if it ever would, or if he even wanted it to, given that the anxiety he felt about damaging anything seemed to help in staying vigilant.
The multi story building behind him, for instance, was a constant source of stress when it came to doing something as simple as even leaning back.
Easton had barely gotten settled when the first group of tourists hurried up to him. It was when he was talking to them about their trip that he saw Dave walk up. The smaller man gave him a stiff wave, and he responded with a less stiff, and hopefully friendly, nod. When the group walked away, he greeted Dave properly.
“How’s it going?” Easton asked.
“Good,” Dave said, expression neutral. “How have you been?”
“Good,” Easton said. There was an unusual lack of visitors that afternoon, which left the silence between them hanging heavily.
“Have you gotten to explore the park much yet?” Easton asked finally, deciding that seemed like a safe enough topic.
“A little,” Dave said. “Angie and I went on a hike the other day.”
“How’d it go?” Easton asked.
“It was nice,” Dave said.
“That’s good,” Easton said. The silence between them returned. This time, it was thankfully broken up by the appearance of a couple. Both seemed equally excited to meet Easton, a welcome change of pace. He risked a quick glance towards Dave as he turned to greet them, guilt gnawing at his stomach once more.
The couple, as it turned out, were a pair of influencers who had countless questions for Easton. Mostly about Aphiria, and some about himself. He tried to answer them the best he could. Dave’s small, tense form was never far from his mind the entire time. He silently wished there was something he could do to put his coworker at ease. He wondered if he should try to talk to him about it directly. Or if that would just make things worse - he definitely didn’t want to make Dave even more uncomfortable.
As the evening rolled around, the trickle of visitors grew steadily slower. Angie showed up about thirty minutes before their shift ended.
“Dave! I was going to go stargazing tonight, what do you think?” She asked.
Easton pretended to be staring off into the distance, feeling a familiar pang of wishing he was included. That wasn’t an Earth specific problem - it was one he’d grown all too used to during his childhood, with both family and peers alike generally overlooking him.
“Sure, I’m down,” Dave said. He paused. “Hey, Easton, do you want to join?”
Easton didn’t reply for a moment, first considering whether or not he was hallucinating as he looked down at his two miniscule coworkers.
“Um, I don’t want to intrude-“ he started, still wondering if he’d heard Dave right.
“You wouldn’t be,” Dave said. It took everything he had to keep the shocked expression off his face. Dave was the absolute last person he’d expected to invite him anywhere.
“Yeah, you should totally come!” Angie chimed in.
“I’ll have to check with John,” Easton said. The IMA Agent had ducked inside to use the restroom a few moments prior to Angie’s arrival.
“If he says yes, though?” Angie pressed.
“Um, yeah. That sounds fun,” Easton said, suddenly acutely aware of how awkward he sounded. He wasn’t sure how he managed to talk to tourists all day, and yet was currently struggling to carry on a single conversation. It was then another visitor approached them, and Angie took that as her cue to leave.
“Cool. Well, I’m going to get dinner, so I’ll see you guys later?” Angie asked.
“Sounds good,” Dave said.
Easton spent the rest of the shift in borderline disbelief. A part of him hoped there’d be another lull in visitors so he could talk to Dave, while another part wasn’t even sure what he’d say. As it turned out, they stayed fairly busy until the shift ended, and afterwards, Dave headed off while John asked him how things had gone.
“Good,” Easton said slowly. He paused. “Angie and Dave asked if I wanted to go stargazing with them. I told them I’d have to ask you.”
“I think that’d be fine. You’ll follow all the normal rules, of course?” John said. Easton nodded.
“Of course,” he agreed.
“Then, it’s fine with me. Could be good to get to know them better,” John said with a smile.
Next chapter
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alexbraindump · 10 months
Apprentice's Rumination [short story]
[word count: 1129]
Upon his deathbed, my mentor had this to say; "Apprentice, come close. Listen to my words. As conclusion sets upon my time in this world, I've no regrets. Life has given me gifts aplenty. The passions you wield within, take great pride in them just as I have mine. Though sun may seem to set upon them, know you've potential as-of-yet unseen. Glide along its path, follow it wherever it may take you. Know that its conclusion - like that of mine - will bring fulfillment in its wake. And know, it all means something in the end."
I loved him, though I can’t help but wish he had something more concrete to say.
Words scrawled upon notebook paper. December 15th, reads their date. Below them, their successor - dated December 27th. Its contents lie empty.
Lamplight. Textbooks piled miles high. Jittering in a paw; a pencil. The other holds a wand. Connected to these paws, a rabbit. Patterns and ideas they scribble from their books find themselves brought to life by wrist flicks and dancing motions of their wand - which target a wooden box, sealed shut with an enchanted padlock. A simple object. Concept easy to grasp, interaction spells easy to engage. Twinges of magic energy fire up in little flashes around the lock. The Apprentice’s motions grow frantic. The sparks vanish.
They thrust their pencil down upon the paper. The graphite shatters. Frustrated huffs carry them from their chair across the room. Magician's robes trail their every step, drooping inches off their frame.
Books clutter the room. Shelves filled with them, accented with little magic trinkets. Crystals of all shapes, glowing in all colors. In the corner, a pile of them - colors desaturated and glow snuffed out.
They slump down on their bed. Squeals from its frame protest their arrival. Moonlight speckles down upon them from a bedside window. Streams of light - particles of dust dancing within them - urge drained eyes to gaze out the glass pane. And they cannot find it in themselves to resist the call of looking out.
Out into the world. A world of sprawling industry. Like an infection, it grows over the land. Columns of smoke spew into the sky, suffocating the moon’s embrace. Roadways carve them apart like veins pulsing with the yellow and red glow of car lights.
Somewhere distant, farmland. The Apprentice sees it within their mind. Farmers tending to it with enchanted tools. Their lives, simple. Their tools, effective. That is, until the industry comes. It sweeps them aside. It devours their fertile lands and feeds them back great metal constructs which channel basic magic to tend to what little is left. The farmers take their tools and the crystals that power them, and they dispose of them.
Further still, a great pit dug into the earth. Trucks pulling to it, great baskets on their backs filled with crystals - both drained and active. And they dump them. The pit fills quickly. Mere moments and it's full. They bury it, replace earth on top of it and build over it with yet more factories. Then they leave it and start again elsewhere.
The home of a family, displaced from their farm. Warm sunshine, the chirping of birds. Plants rustle with the breeze. Their child comes home from school, bearing a fresh wand. It is unpolished, its surface threatens to inflict splinters and it is shaped closer to a curve than a straight line. Yet the child manages to levitate a cookie from the cookie jar when their parents aren’t looking. When they see what has been done, they scold the child. They take the child’s wand and sit them down with schoolwork and a pen. The wand is buried and lost somewhere in the woods.
The child ages years in the blink of an eye. Day after day they sit beside a conveyer belt. An artificial wand sits in their grasp. They need not move their arm for it to do its job; assembling more wands just like it. One after another. All the same. Cold, shiny metal. Fluorescent lights reflect off the surfaces of that which they assemble and burn a hole into their eyes.
Work days fade by, and again and again they return to their outer city home. But they don’t rest, no. They eat a meal and they leave home. Off away from the city they drive. Through fields speckled with growth & harvesting channelers. Into the woods. They keep going, deeper and deeper until they settle upon a cabin of wood and stone.
Inside is an old hare. He greets them with warmth and offers them a warm bowl of soup. But they are far too eager. They insist upon his collection of books. Chuckles cross his lips as he lets them at it. And there they stay, nights spent with their nose twitching at their favorite book - Wizarding; History & Purpose Through Time.
One day, the old hare presents them with a gift. A box, sealed behind an enchanted lock. Breaking it would require the fabrication of a spell, he explains. Quite simple. They dive back to the books. 
The Apprentice lifts their head. Wood weighs heavy in their paw, wood which they lift once again. A basic learner’s wand. They stare back over at their desk, at the box sitting upon it. Floorboards creak under their steps as they come back to it. Pages upon pages of notes lie in wait, but they direct their eyes back to the top.
It all means something in the end.
They close the notebook. All attention falls upon the box. Arm lifting, the apprentice allows their eyes to shut. They let their mind free. Boundaries crack and crumble and they explore back through the lands they’d opened before. They soar right over them this time. They soar right over and past them and pay only their end any mind. The smell of warm soup welcomes them to a place oh-so familiar.
Flurries of motion produce a flood of crackling energy. Freeform are their thoughts and their movements. Though thought is given, it takes a second seat to feeling. The feeling of that magical energy in the air that permeates all, the pumping of the blood through their body. The life they are granted the blessing of feeling.
The Apprentice’s ears twitch. Silence consumes the air, and still their eyes hesitate to open. They breathe, in and out. And then, they open their eyes.
The lock has come off, the chest popped open. And what lies within?
A wand. Aged lightly. It is unpolished, its surface threatens to inflict splinters and it is closer to a curve than a straight line. The Apprentice takes hold of it - and tears well up in eyes above a smiling pair of lips.
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sakuranoumi · 2 years
Fandom: Shaman King
Characters: Yoh, Anna, Silva,
Word Count: 1129
Prompt: Yoh and Anna finding out that Yoh becoming Shaman King would result in his death
There's a lot that Yoh learns in the time that passes between reaching Patch Village and the start of the next round of the Shaman Fight. There's everything stored in the chou senji ryakketsu and somehow that's the easiest part of what transpires in three months. Training gives him something to focus on. It gives him a goal. It gives him something to work towards.
The first thing he learns is the story of his birth. His father lets himself in the window one night and Yoh wakes up rubbing sleep from his eyes to his father kneeling at the foot of his bed. It's maybe the only time Yoh has ever seen his face as the whole story spills out. There's grief, remorse, and blame all dancing across a face much older than the one Yoh's seen in pictures.
Yoh listens to it all. It's the only thing he can do. Hao is his twin brother as much as he's his ancestor. They were both supposed to die that night until Hao proved his might and Yoh was spared to fulfill some destiny. He knows he won't walk down the path his grandfather wishes. He'll walk down his own path to stopping Hao, and if one look at his father is anything to go by then Yoh knows it's the same path his father is desperately trying to find back. Ever since the inferno, he's been trying to hack his way through the jungle, but Yoh knows he'll never make it. The vines will only part for one and deep in Yoh's heart he knows he's the only person that can do this.
Yoh can feel the next surprise is coming when he picks up the anxious twitching of Anna's fingers when she stands arms crossed overseeing their training. He notices her quiet hushed conversations with Faust but he doesn't pry. If he really thinks about it he probably knows what this is all about because he's well aware of their nighttime activities, but ignorance is bliss. He pretends it's not happening until two weeks later when Anna wakes up with an urgency as she rushes to the bathroom. She doesn't close the door and Yoh holds her hair as she heaves into the toilet.
“Morning sickness,” she grumbles.
Yoh keeps his mouth wisely shut. He's going to be a father. He's just not sure if he's going to live to see that. Hao's still a wild card that he has to figure out, and he's not sure if that threat from so long ago about eating his soul still stands.
At some point Anna's done and she leans back into him. They stay like that on the bathroom floor, before the telltale sound of Horohoro looking for trouble draws near.
“Don't tell anyone,” Anna warns as they separate.
“Only if we win,” Yoh agrees.
When this is all over, then they can finally process it. Then they can finally celebrate the little miracle they've created.
The last surprise comes at the end. Anna and him go to find Silva to give him the chou senji ryakketsu now that they are done with it. As a descendant of Hao, Silva has just as much right to the teachings inside.
Silva takes the book, and despite what he and Anna have agreed to, Yoh doesn't know why he says it. He tells Silva he's going to be a dad. Maybe because Silva is family, or maybe because Silva so quickly became a father figure to Yoh in a void his own father couldn't fill.
Anna squeezes his hand tight in a warning, but what's more startling is the way Silva's own face falls. There's a hollow laugh as he pulls his hand down his face.
“Silva?” Yoh questions, before Silva gestures to two chairs for them to sit in. The air is tense.
“You know the truth of the Shaman Fight don't you?” Silva asks, “I'm sure he wrote every secret in here.”
“No,” Yoh answers slowly, “He never revisited it after his first life, and there's no secrets about the Shaman Fight in there.”
“We're all fighting to die.”
“That's stupid,” Anna interrupts, but her grip betrays fear.
“There's a reason no one's seen the previous Shaman Kings. There's no one walking this earth with god like powers. To become Shaman King you must die,” Silva continues
“Now it just sounds like a scam. The Patch rounding up Shamans to kill them. The only problem is Hao wouldn't be sticking around or fighting so hard for a scam,” Anna scoffs.
“He cheated death once. He might think he can do it again a second time.”
“He's already cheated death twice. This is his third life, Silva,” Yoh corrects.
“The ten Patch Officials die with their king. They serve him in the Great Spirits. 500 years ago Hao was supposed to fulfill that duty, but he slipped out of reach. He hid in the bowels of hell like he's so good at and not even the Shaman King could reach him. With how much furyoku he has now maybe he truly thinks he can use the Great Spirit without dying and becoming one with it.”
Yoh props his chin up with his free hand, “Well becoming Shaman King isn't an option because I've got too many reasons to stick around here, but dropping out isn't an option either. Something has to be done about Hao because he can't continue the way he is.”
“You're going to save him?” Silva looks at him incredulous.
“Well I learned an over soul in ten minutes. This can't be that much harder. The way I look at it I'm the best option. I'm his twin, and I know how to get rid of the one thing that so desperately haunts him.”
“I already took his onis. You're going to have to try something else,” Anna rolls her eyes.
“He tried to hit on you for that. Besides, you and I both know that's not what erased it.”
“I'm not sharing,” Anna states firmly, standing up.
“I wouldn't ask you too,” Yoh replies, face soft following her lead. “I don't know what all of this going forward is going to look like, Silva, but I think maybe we can change things. Hao escaped his fate once. Maybe no one has to die. Maybe we can live and raise our kids. You're going to be a great dad, Silva. Everything'll work out.”
“I think this time you'll find that fate can only be cruel,” Silva whispers as they leave, “There are no winners in the Shaman Fight. Only a grand illusion to blind us all.”
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lem0nn-juice · 5 months
Why on earth do I have 1129 pictures of Ciel saved
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ao3feed-deckerstar · 1 year
God Johnson
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/XpJN2nE
by luciDOLS1
Has Dad come down to Earth to torment Lucifer in the flesh?
Words: 1129, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 31 of The Devil Keeps a Diary
Fandoms: Lucifer (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Relationships: Chloe Decker/Lucifer Morningstar, Earl "God" Johnson/Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV)/Spike (BtVS)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/XpJN2nE
0 notes
lillywillow · 3 years
Summary: You thought you could leave the past behind you but it always has a way of coming back.
 Word Count: 1129
 Square Filled: Ebony Maw
 Pairings: Bucky x Reader
 Warnings: Torture, pain, nightmares, PTSD, (please listen to the warnings)
Written for @star-spangled-bingo
 You were once from Earth but found a way to make it to space. You went on many adventures and joined many different teams. Some of those teams were more loyal to their own causes rather their friends. That was how you found yourself on the ship of the dreaded Ebony Maw. You sacrificed yourself so they could make their getaway with an artefact belonging to Thanos.
 You were sure they would be coming back to rescue you but as more time went by, you lost hope. You weren’t sure exactly how much time had passed; it could have been anywhere from hours to days. The mage tortured you by drilling needles into your nerves, causing you to scream out in agony. Occasionally, he would stop to speak with you.
 “Are you ready to tell me where they were going?”
 “I’ll... never talk...” you panted.
 “They abandoned you to save their own skins. Are you telling me you don’t seek some form of retribution?”
 “No... That would... make as bad as them...”
 “Hm. Pity. I was hoping you would make this easy but I guess I’ll just have to kill you instead. I’m going to enjoy watching you suffer.”
 Ebony Maw’s hideous face practically split in two with a sadistic grin. You squeezed your eyes shut and prepared for the next onslaught on pain but before it could begin, there was an explosion somewhere else on the ship. This gave you the distraction you needed to get away. You waited until his concentration had been broken and he walked away before you made your escape. Adrenaline was the only thing keeping you from collapsing at this point. Eventually, you managed to find an escape pod and punched in the coordinates to the only place you felt safe; Earth. You passed out shortly after the pod had left the ship.
 You were jolted away by the pod crash landing. Dazed and terrified, you untangled yourself from inside and made your way out of the pod only to find you were surrounded by people pointing weapons at you.
 “Who are you? State your business,” one of them demanded. Unable to stop yourself, you fell to your knees in tears.
 “P-please... don’t hurt me... I had... I had to get away... I had to get away...” you sobbed, curling up in a ball and trembling.
 Another of them put down put down his gun and knelt down next to you.
 You looked up at the man who offered you a warm, sympathetic smile.
 “It’s okay... you’re safe now... what’s your name?”
 Through your tears, you managed to tell the stranger your name.
 “I’m Bucky. Let’s get you out of here, okay?”
 You couldn’t explain it but there was something about Bucky that made you trust him. Shakily, you took his hand and he helped you to your feet. The others looked at him like he was crazy but you didn’t care at this point. You were just glad to feel safe for once.
 Days went by and the people whom you came to learn were The Avengers decided you weren’t a threat to the planet. Bucky stopped by to visit you regularly. He brought you food and mostly just stayed to talk with you.
 “Bucky, I have to ask you something... Why did you trust me so fast when your friends all didn’t?”
 “Because... I know a scared person when I see one... I could tell you had been through something traumatic,” he mumbled.
 You reached for his hand and squeezed gently, feeling grateful for his presence. You briefly wondered if there was something in his past that made him so empathetic to you but you decided that it wasn’t best to ask... at least for now.
 After that day, you started becoming very close to Bucky. You spent many nights staying up late and talking. He told you about his past with Hydra and how he didn’t like to fall asleep in case one day he’d wake up and he would be back there. You were also too afraid to close your eyes in case you found out this had all been a dream and you would be back on Ebony Maw’s ship about to be drilled by needles. The needles themselves left no scars but sometimes you could still feel their painful bite. You and Bucky took great comfort in each other and it wasn’t long before the pair of you fell in love. You helped one another to be able to sleep peacefully at night and if a nightmare did occur, you would be able to calm the other down enough to settle.
 One night, you had a dream... one that was different than all the rest.
 You were walking through the Tower and everything was dark. From what little light there was, you could see the place was in shambles. Out of nowhere you could hear Bucky screaming. Running to the source, you saw Bucky floating in place with needles drilling into his skin.
 “Y/N! Get out of here!” he yelled, tears streaming down his face but it was too late.
 Ebony Maw’s sick, twisted laughter filled the air.
 “I told you I was going to enjoy watching you suffer...”
 You woke up screaming.
 “Y/N! Shh, it’s okay. You’re safe... I’m here, Bucky’s got you,” you boyfriend gently tried to soothe you, holding your shaking form close to his body.
 “It’s me, doll. I’m here. I’ve got you...”
 You gently held his face in your hands and inspected him for injuries before bursting into tears. Bucky hummed and rocked you in his arms until you had calmed down enough to talk.
 “Do you want to talk about it?” You knew if you didn’t want to talk about it, Bucky would respect your choice and you would do the same for him. You were hesitant for a few moments.
 ��Ebony Maw...”
 “That creep you escaped from?” You nodded and snuggled closer to him. Bucky kissed your head.
 “Y/N, I promise you, I will always protect you. I love you so much...”
 “I love you too...”
 You were too scared to tell him that he was the one that was taken and being hurt in the dream and it made you question if he had similar dreams about you and Hydra. In time, maybe you would share but for now, you just wanted to feel loved, safe and protected in his arms and above all else... you preyed your nightmare wouldn’t become a reality.
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fumusannuit · 2 years
Who: Valentin @daemxnium​​ Where: Marzan Gardens When: 1129 A.D, Drowning of Marzanna Feast
With Spring’s arrival came the annual drowning of Marzanna, a rite that symbolized the end of another slavic winter. Sylvi was always reminded of the festival’s back home: ostara, midsummer, disting. Her pauper village was modest, made of farmers and sheepherders. Yet they opened their pantry doors each time to provide for the celebration. The Marzans, in stark contrast, lived in grandeur and excess. Exotic foods were laid on platters, gold plated and jeweled until the shone like morning sun. Even the hired performers were dressed to the nines... Sylvi’s personal addition had been the plethora of roses and poppies that decorated each corner of the castle. The family matriarch had asked her to make the impossible happen and Sylvi happily complied, spending countless hours in the gardens. It helped that she had a secret connection to the earth. Flowers simply bloomed when she was around. Cerulean eyes surveyed the vases, slipping through to the grounds once she saw a very lackluster bouquet.
Sylvi gently picked the amaryllis, singing softly to herself while the sunshine warmed her skin. Time had a tendency of floating away when she was doing what she enjoyed. Fingers touch a dying bud, eyes closed as she continued her song. Her attention only broke when she felt a tap on her shoulder, gaze catching a glimpse of golden locks. Immediately she straightened up as freshly grown petals fell to the grass. “Oh!” Surprise colored her voice. “My apologies, my mind went somewhere else, my lord, I-” A lackluster curtsey was offered in his direction. “Countess Marzan told me no amphoras should look empty...”
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Day 312 — Time & Tide
The notion of 'tide' being beyond man's control brings up images of the King Cnut story, where he demonstrated the limits of a king's power by failing to make the sea obey his command. 
The original account by Henry of Huntingdon (1129):
When at the summit of his power, he [Cnut] ordered a seat to be placed for him on the sea-shore when the tide was coming in; thus seated, he shouted to the flowing sea, “Thou, too, art subject to my command, as the land on which I am seated is mine; and no one has ever resisted my commands with impunity. I command you, then, not to flow over my land, nor presume to wet the feet and the robe of your lord.” The tide, however, continuing to rise as usual, dashed over his feet and legs without respect to his royal person. Then the king leaped backwards, saying: “Let all men know how empty and worthless is the power of kings, for there is none worthy of the name, but He whom heaven, earth, and sea obey by eternal laws.���
Photo: Four second exposure
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tealenko · 3 years
Listen Before I Go (Chapter 3)
Chapter 3: Vancouver
Yay~~ You're about to meet my favorite oc of all time <3 Hope you love him as much as I do.
Summary: Shepard is nervous after being asigned to an Alliance unit for the first time ever. Nevertheless, she's about to meet someone who will make her forget all her fears and make her laugh for the first time in a long time.
Words: 1129 Rating: For everyone Warning: None
Read in AO3 -> [link] Previous Chapter -> [link] Next Chapter -> [link] Through Hell and Back series -> [link]
The ship looks more menacing from this distance than from afar.
Her basic training is over, after a long period of tests and trials on Earth, and now she’s going to be deployed in a real Alliance unit.
She shouldn’t be nervous. Afterall, she has spent the last twelve months getting ready for this moment, and, both her skills and her grades, place her among the best enlisted soldiers of all time.
But she is. She is nervous for the first time since she was a kid.
What she doesn’t know is that everyone aboard that ship is way more tense and freaked out than her, although she is going to find out pretty soon.
After following the instructions and entering the cargo area of the ship, she sees that, to her surprise, all the men and women waiting in there are way too anxious to socialize or even hold eye contact with anybody, so each and every one of them has isolated themselves to avoid any type of conversation.
There’s only one person in the whole room trying, without any success, to get to know the rest of his fellow soldiers.
After taking a quick look of her surroundings, she mimics the general behavior and goes to stand by her own, walking to stand next to the window so that she can admire the stars once the ship takes off.
And so it does.
After a couple of warnings through the coms, they start their adventure.
Against all odds, she quickly feels comfortable with the whole situation. No dizziness or claustrophobic sensation. She even enjoys the subtle tremor that the core of the ship causes on the floors and the walls, feeling it travel through her body as she takes in the view from the vast galaxy as she’s never seen it before.
“First time, eh?”
She turns a little to see a man next to her, the same one that was trying to talk to everyone else before.
“Hi! Nice to meet you.” He says as he quickly closes the distance between them to stand by her side. “I was asking if this is your first time, out of Earth.”
A big smile pops up on his face as he resumes what he was saying.
”And, if so, I congratulate you. I know a lot of guys that, after hundreds of travels, seem waaaay more nervous than you’re right now. So… You either are amazing at it or you’re just very good at faking that you’re not, and, no matter which one it is, it’s awesome.”
She turns a little, in awe at her new acquaintance.
“And you must be thinking: Oh my, how does he know that I’m a first timer? To which I’ll answer: I just know this kind of thing. I’m good at knowing people… You’ll see.” He taps his chest a couple of times, feeling very confident about his skills. “And, as I was saying, you seem like the kind of person who has never left her city, but always wanted to do so, am I right? Yeah, you don’t even have to answer.” To which he doesn't give her a single second to do. “I can see it just by looking at you.”
He stops talking, but only for a second, rearranging all his thoughts as he tries to decipher her, resuming his never ending speech before she’s able to say a single thing.
“Was it because of the people? The reason you wanted to leave, I mean.” He laughs and shrinks his shoulders. “It’s always one of two… If it isn’t the people, then it has to be the place.” He adds as he gives her a friendly tap on her arm. “Was it the place? Where are you from?”
She stares at him, trying her best to catch up with the rhythm of their conversation or, better said, his soliloquy, in which he’s about to engage once again but, just before he’s able to do so, she raises her hand a little to make him stop.
“Slow down.” She shakes her head a couple of times and smiles a little, not knowing what else to do, feeling like even she is out of breath after hearing that huge amount of words. “What was your name again?”
Instead of answering the question she just made, way too entranced by his own line of thought, he ends up replying to his own without even noticing it, or at least, not being able to see his mistake until the word comes out of his mouth.
His face turns to red in a matter of seconds, quickly realizing his error, damning himself for being this nervous, and cursing whichever god made him unable to stop rambling whenever he was in situations like this one.
“I...” He stutters, losing all his words and feeling deeply embarrassed, waiting for her to look at him like he was crazy and disappearing as fast as she could.
Nevertheless, her reaction to the whole deal is quite the opposite from what he is expecting.
After a couple of seconds of general shock, and a few more trying to keep it together with all her strength, she breaks into a huge laughter, needing to grab herself to his arm just to avoid losing her balance, way too amused by his mistake and the absurdity of the whole situation.
As a result of all this, she quickly forgets all her nerves, pretty amazed by the incredible ability of her new acquaintance to engage in a neverending yabber.
Once he understands her reaction, after coming to terms with the ridiculous situation, he manages to get rid of all his worry and, infected by her laughter, he joins her in her glee, in which both of them spend a long minute, followed by a second one of trying to compose themselves.
“Oh my…” She needs to clean a tear out of her face before she’s able to continue, as she tries to remember when was the last time she laughed this much in her entire life. “Hi… Vancouver.” She says in a half joking tone, carrying the initial mistake to a whole different level. “Well… I guess I am Detroit, then.”
He smiles at her response, touched by the fact that, instead of running away or mock him by his monologue or his stupid answer, she’s just there laughing along with him about the whole situation and trying her best to make him feel better.
Before he’s able to do anything else, she offers him her hand, which he takes in a shake without a hint of doubt.
“It’s nice to meet you, Detroit.” He says, deepening his smile even more.
“Likewise…” She adds as the handshake comes to an end. “...Vancouver.”
It's such a blast writing Vancouver's ramblings, you can't even imagine!! He's really a force of nature. I mean, he has to be (he needs to balance my Shepard's quietness and antisocial mood lol)
They are not inspired by them, because I literally planned this 15 years ago lol, but now that I'm writing it, they remind me a lot of Hawkeye and Kate Bishop ehehehehehe
Anyway, hope you liked it! And a small preview for the next one, you'll meet someone you already know from the games *insert emoji of the monkey covering its mouth*
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bizarrequazar · 1 year
GJ and ZZH Updates — September 24-30
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
09-24 → Xiao Chu's husband deleted the photos he had posted of her wearing EHZ.Z merch and privated his account. (see 09-23 for context) On a related note, there is evidence that Xiao Chu wrote the script for the teleprompter Zhang Sanjian read off of during the KL concert.
→ BEAST posted a short commercial with a voice over by Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ ELLEidol posted an interview with Gong Jun filmed in New York. [subbed video]
→ Gong Jun's studio posted nine photos of him beside a lake in Italy. Caption: "The breeze blows on my face, and the ripples of early autumn appear. @ Gong Jun Simon listens to stories by the lake."
→ Gong Jun attended a live event for Zhenguoli. The time and place for the event was only given to Gong Jun's solo fan club. The event officially banned fan symbols (ie. banners etc.), but in reality only prevented people with CPF symbols from entering the venue, with some of the event organizers reportedly acting in a way that instigated fighting between CPFs and solos at the entrance. This led to heated verbal fighting and at least one CPF being assaulted; this CPF later filed a police report against the assailant. The assault was captured on video by the event staff, who later withheld the footage.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted nine photos of him from a pre-event photoshoot. Caption: "Retro style, comfortable and casual. Director @ Gong Jun Simon’s meeting day!"
→ Gong Jun Outdoor Office posted a video of behind the scenes footage from the photoshoot. Caption: "Boss’s hip-hop performance was shot directly (just kidding), but it was actually a folk dance (also a joke)." BGM is Sunday Morning by Maroon 5.
→ Zhenguoli posted a pre-event photo of Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted ten photos of him from the Zhenguoli event. Caption: "Funny and loving. It's really you. Let's start the autumn with Director @ Gong Jun Simon"
→ Zhenguoli posted four photos of Gong Jun from the event, followed by another of a crowd shot. They later also posted a video of the event. Fan Observations: As is apparent by comparing the same photo posted by Gong Jun's studio, Zhenguoli edited the crowd shot to remove solo fan signs.
09-25 → Gong Jun posted a commercial for BEAST that he had done the voice over for. Caption: "May your autumn be warm and stable, and may we all find the tree of life." This was reposted by BEAST, added caption: "There is a tree to lean on and a dream to pursue; taking root in the earth and living endlessly - this is the meaning of the tree of life."
→ Tissot posted a commercial (flashing lights cw) featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian, 51129 with the date)
→ The Instagram posted three photos of "Zhang Zhehan".
09-26 → The scam gang released another song, this time not even pretending to credit any writers for something that was obviously AI generated. The vocals sound horribly breathy and nothing like Zhang Zhehan.
→ BAZAAR posted nine photos of Gong Jun in collaboration with Zhenguoli. They later posted a video to the same effect. The same were also were posted by Zhenguoli, [here] and [here]. In a surprising twist given the events earlier in the week, toxic solo fans boycotted this photoshoot and got angry at both Zhenguoli and Gong Jun's studio because Gong Jun had been given equal billing with the three other celebrities who modelled for the campaign, with his status as brand spokesperson not mentioned.
→ ELLE posted an interview with Gong Jun from Milan in collaboration with Hogan.
→ Gong Jun posted the same Tissot commercial. (flashing lights cw) (1129 kadian) Caption: "Break through your imagination, face the challenges and innovate, start again, and start the next new journey."
→ Tissot posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun advertising their live event later that day. (1129 kadian) They later posted a promotional video spoken by him.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted twenty-three photos of him from that day. Caption: "Travel through the corridor of time and space, carrying glimpses of the city. @ Gong Jun Simon expresses his free and easy attitude with his swaying ink colours." This was reposted by Tissot.
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→ Gong Jun attended a live event for Tissot.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a douyin from that day's photoshoot. Caption: "Gong Jun is swaying freely, and the ink rhyme becomes a shadow. @ Gong Jun Simon releases a frank and elegant posture in minimalism. #Check in a new look" BGM is a slowed remix of Illusion by Matilda.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted nine photos from the Tissot event. Caption: "The gears are turning, @ Gong Jun Simon embarks on a new journey and demonstrates a pioneering attitude."
→ Zhenguoli posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
09-27 → Tissot posted nine photos of Gong Jun from the previous day's event.
→ The Instagram posted ten photos of "Zhang Zhehan" in London, accompanied in several by Huang Xun, the former classmate who was involved in the August 2022 bike trip. The caption is "Lost in London...", which seems to be copying Gong Jun's "Lost in New York" caption from the previous week.
09-28 → Vogue posted an interview with Gong Jun. Fan Observation: He mentioned that he had recently watched The Mandalorian, commenting on how the protagonist is very trustworthy and loyal to his promises. 🥺
→ Tissot posted nine more photos of Gong Jun from their event.
→ GXG posted three photos ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun appeared on a livestream for L'Oreal. [full recording]
→ Gong Jun Outdoor Office made two posts [1] [2] addressing the BAZAAR photoshoot complaints and some other more longstanding concerns relating to staffing and lack of promoting. The second post also included his Paris itinerary: flying on 09-29, Elie Saab fashion show on 09-30, L'Oreal show on 10-01, and Maison Margiela fashion show on 10-02. Fan Observation: The fact that this was posted to the studio's side account, which is not linked anywhere on the studio's main account and only really known about through word of mouth, stinks of them trying to brush the whole thing under the rug.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted six photos from that day's livestream. Caption: "The golden colour lights up the mood of autumn, @ Gong Jun Simon’s early autumn look warmly appears, sharing the pleasant moments~"
→ Marie Claire posted an interview with Gong Jun. [subbed video]
09-29 → The Instagram posted eight photos of "Zhang Zhehan" in London.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a photo of him walking a collie. Caption: "Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! @ Gong Jun Simon has sent you a "Gong" invitation, waiting to be received"
→ Gong Jun posted a video in collaboration with BEAST of him going camping. [subbed video] Caption: "Happy holiday everyone! Going out to play with the dog!" This was reposted by his studio with the added caption, "Well equipped, @ Gong Jun Simon will take you on 'business' over the holiday!"
→ The Instagram posted a video of rehearsal footage from the KL concert.
→ Huang Xun, the aforementioned former classmate, posted two photos with "Zhang Zhehan" to his own Instagram. The first one is of quite an intimate pose, so don't be surprised if the scam soon tries to sell rumors of them dating.
09-30 → Cosmo posted an interview with Gong Jun.
→ The Instagram posted ten photos of "Zhang Zhehan" in London.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted two photos of him in the outfit he would wear to the Elie Saab fashion show shortly after. Caption: "Dusk is approaching, @ Gong Jun Simon goes to the world of inspiration. (A preview)"
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→ Gong Jun attended the Elie Saab fashion show at Paris Fashion Week. Photos and videos: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a video of him from the same photoshoot. Caption: "The golden thread is wandering, sharp and sharp, @ Gong Jun Simon is waiting for the dawn of the dark night."
→ Gong Jun's studio posted seven photos from the same photoshoot. Caption: "Sand embroidery and black velvet blend together to weave the Milky Way night. @ Gong Jun Simon walks in a cloak, descending like a knight in the dark night."
→ Gong Jun posted four photos from the same shoot. Caption: "Oh, Paris work card!"
Additional Reading → N/A
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dalekpropaganda · 4 years
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Bear No Malice (Unless It's Against the Scum of the Earth)
Bear No Malice(Unless it’s against the scum of the earth) by shoishie
Izuku Midoriya is just trying to keep his vigilante life and his main life separate, but being claimed dead since he was eleven and being alone, minus his weaponry making friend, doesn't make for many people to care about you. Who cares if his some amateur vigilante who doesn't know what he's doing?
The police, that's who.
Words: 1129, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M, Other
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Shinsou Hitoshi, Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Nedzu, Hatsume Mei
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Hatsume Mei & Midoriya Izuku, Hatsume Mei/Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, Hurt Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku-centric, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Go to U.A. High School, Midoriya Izuku is Not Okay, Midoriya Izuku is Not a Hero, Analysis Izuku, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is So Done, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is a Good Teacher, Mentor Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Tired Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Protective Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic is a Dork, Parental Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Protective Shinsou Hitoshi, Shinsou Hitoshi is in Class 1-A, Shinsou Hitoshi Needs a Hug, Insomniac Shinsou Hitoshi, Shinsou Hitoshi is a Good Friend, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Training Shinsou Hitoshi, Shinsou Hitoshi Replaces Mineta Minoru, Shinsou Hitoshi is Bad at Feelings, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi Friendship, Hatsume Mei is a Good Friend, Hatsume Mei & Midoriya Izuku are Best Friends, Hatsume Mei & Midoriya Izuku Friendship, Protective Hatsume Mei, Genius Hatsume Mei, Hatsume Mei Has ADHD, Hatsume Mei & Shinsou Hitoshi Friendship, Genius Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is a Little Shit, Midoriya Izuku is a Problem Child, Midoriya Izuku is a Good Friend, Angry Bakugou Katsuki, Tsukauchi Naomasa Needs a Break, Tsukauchi Naomasa is So Done, Tsukauchi Naomasa Needs a Raise, Naomasa is on Izuku's case, like back up dog, let him kill, How to add pictures?
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36423697
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itszonez · 3 years
Tagged by @cramseys thank you! 😊
rules: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better!
Nickname: Sean
Pronouns: he/him
Star sign: cancer
Height: 5'11"
Time currently: 8:16 pm
Birthday: July 16th
Favourite bands/groups: Florence & The Machine, Chloe x Halle, Earth Wind & Fire, Rage Against the Machine
Favourite solo artists: Taylor Swift, SZA, Billie Eilish, Ariana Grande, Megan thee Stallion
Song stuck in your head: Whitney Houston- I Wanna Dance with Somebody
Last Movie Watch: Novitiate (2017)
Last show binged: A Black Lady Sketch Show
Blog created: October 2014
Last Googled: Lady Dimitrescu
Other blogs: @dessadesdevious @blackbeautyro
Why you chose your url: Just sounded cool lol
How many people are you following: 1129
How many followers do you have: 4134
Lucky number: I guess 34
Currently wearing basketball short and tshirt
Dream Job: music producer
Dream trip: New Zealand
Favourite food: fish (haddock or salmon)
Favourite song: too many to count lol
Top 3 fictional universes: mcu, star wars, dceu
Tagging @planet-her @samwlson @yonceknowles @insaneelbow @lovesicksgirls @cxh @neve-campbells @rihannafentys @rwby-owns-my-life @tonydarling @niniladybug @rue-bennett @bombassindividual @jadethirwall @inthaf @chloexhalles @moonchillss @suzi @shrekfionas
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