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angelbooks · 4 years ago
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World book day special. 4 March actress Hannah will be reading Love My Hair. Don't miss it. @hannahzankrah #worldbookday2021  #books #read #bookstagram #outfitinspiration #matchymatchy #readingforpleasure  #earlyyears #earlyyearsreading #kidbooks #kidsstorytime #childrensbooks #kidlit #virtualstorytime #readalouds #storytime #storyteller #worldreadaloudday #kidauthor #blackhistorymakers #blackexcellence  #dreambig #booksforblackboys #blackparenting  #childrensbooks #kidlit #picturebooks #picturebookillustration #childrensliterature #bookstagram #kidsbookstagram #kidsbooks #teachersofinstagram  (at Online) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLxMH4tryqO/?igshid=vpm4lsmnqb58
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noodlenuts · 5 years ago
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Baby books can be so dull, but they don't have to be! Every once in a while you find one like Nikki McClure's "How to Be a Cat" (2013) that breaks the mold and is fascinating to both adults and infants. Illustrated in McClure's signature style, with striking cut-paper black-and-white images touched with bits of light blue, the pictures in this board book are so interesting to look at! And as an older cat walks a kitten through the elements of "catting", one word at a time, one can't help but giggle at the parallels with human babies who are equally intent to feast, stretch, and even occasionally pounce. 🐈💕 ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutskidsbooks #bookstagraminthe6ix #howtobeacat #nikkimcclure #abramsbooks #catsofinstagram #catsinbooks #catbooks #boardbook #boardbooksforbabies #boardbooks #babybooks #readtobabies #readbabyread #readingtobabies #earlyyearsreading #beautifulchildrensbooks #lovebooks #igbooks #babybookstagram #bookishlife #nurseryteacher #kindergartenteachers #bookishplay #bookscanbefun #readtoyourbaby #readingtoinfants #earlyliteracy #earlyyearsbooks #kidsandcats https://www.instagram.com/p/B3FlM_enM32/?igshid=xhob9n707o4l
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noodlenuts · 6 years ago
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At first glance, "What Did You Bring Me?" (1973), by Karla Kuskin, seems like an unlikely favourite. It's very much a morality tale, and didactic, which I usually don't love, and the pictures are sort of amateurish. The messaging is obvious and a bit ham-handed. And yet... 📚📗📙 I loved this book as a kid. LOVED it. Begged for it to be read again and again! Because from the little girl mouse Edwina's name, to her dreadful behaviour, to her ultimate comeuppance, the over-the-top exaggerated nature of the whole thing really does speak directly to a child's sensibilities as well as their funnybone. "What Did You Bring Me?" is truly a surprisingly great read-aloud. ⏺ ⏺ ⏺ #noodlenutsclassickidlit #noodlenutskidsbooks #whatdidyoubringme #karlakuskin #harperandrow #greedy #greed #presents #toomuchstuff #love #family #mice #mousefamily #manners #parentsandkids #switchingbodies #tradingplaces #earlyyearsreading #vintagepicturebooks #1970schildrensbooks #1970s #picturebookstagram #ilovepicturebooks #picturebooklove #kidslovebooks #readitagain #childhoodfavourite #childhoodfavorite #readingtime📖 #picturebook https://www.instagram.com/p/B06zHS8n6ND/?igshid=7qs7rh8x776w
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noodlenuts · 6 years ago
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What kind of stories do you love best? Everyone knows that stories about naughty, clever, mischievous children are my absolute favourites. So I suppose it's no wonder that some of my best childhood memories are of my parents reading me Dorothy Edwards's "My Naughty Little Sister" books (1952-1971). Narrated by a little girl recounting, in head-shaking chagrin, the exploits of her toddler sister and friends, they seemed to reflect a belly-achingly funny and honest version of my own sibling experiences, through a very British lens of vocabulary and traditions. I learned about perambulators and teatime, and giggled madly at the little sister and her "cross face" in Shirley Hughes' brilliantly evocative illustrations. Look for yourself! ⏺ ⏺ ⏺ #mynaughtylittlesister #dorothyedwards #shirleyhughes #shirleyhughesbooks #shirleyhughesillustration #puffinbooks #vintagepuffinbooks #vintagechildrensbook #vintagechildrensbooks #growingreaders #earlyyears #readfromdayone #beautifulchildrensbooks #earlyyearsreading #childrenslibrary #childtensliterature #readaloudbooks #booksaboutfamily #booksaboutsiblings #childrensliteracy #earlyliteracymatters #readingtokids #bookcollection #childrensbookillustration #storytime #read #childhoodunplugged #childhoodclassic https://www.instagram.com/p/BzjD2jfnO9i/?igshid=1rq8169q3ykko
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noodlenuts · 5 years ago
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Sleeeep! Most parents desperately want it, and toddlers will do anything to avoid it. And a great bedtime story can be of benefit to both! As I've mentioned previously, I'm not generally a huge fan of cumulative stories, which can feel overly repetitive and get boring fast. With "It Is Not Time For Sleeping" (2016), however, author Lisa Graff and Illustrator Lauren Castillo have struck an ideal balance. As they follow a little boy through his evening routine, from dinner to bedtime, there is just enough reiteration to lull unsuspecting little listeners into sleepiness with the gentle rhythms of repetition, without repeating EVERY SINGLE THING ad nauseum. The pictures are richly coloured but similarly sweet and "quiet", and overall I'd say this is a great going-to-bed selection. ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutskidsbooks #bookstagraminthe6ix #itisnottimeforsleeping #lisagraff #laurencastillo #clarionbooks #bedtimebooks #bedtimestory #bedtime #goingtobed #bedtimeroutine #bedtimestories #timeforbed #timetosleep #timetosleep😴 #motherhood #kidslit #librarylife #preschooler #bookrecommendation #bedtimereads #screenfreekids #mominspiration #readingtogether #picturebookaday #kidslovereading #earlyyearsreading #cumulativestory #nighttimestories #dadsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B3scL94niMG/?igshid=1th3ozx92krft
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noodlenuts · 6 years ago
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Is there anything cuter than a lovable puppy? I've mostly shared books on here for preschoolers and up, but today, for International Dog Day, I'm sharing one of my favourite books for toddlers: "My Friend Lucky: a Love Story" (2002), by David Milgrim. Published nearly 18 years ago, it has recently been reprinted as a "Ready To Read" book, making it a great choice as well for older kids to try reading on their own. 📚📙📗 This wonderful concept book uses brief text to teach opposites through the adorable activities of a young boy and his puppy, Lucky. I love how Milgrim manages to convey a real sense of narrative and character despite using few words. Definitely a keeper! ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutsclassickidlit #noodlenutskidsbooks #myfriendlucky #alovestory #davidmilgrim #atheneumbooks #readytoread #internationaldogday #nationaldogday #boyanddog #aboyandhisdog #bestfriends #kidsanddogs #kidsandpets #booksaboutpets #pets #friendship #booksaboutfriendship #kidsbooksaboutfriendship #childrensbookcollector #earlyyearsreading #earlyreading #earlyyearsliteracy #readtobabies #readingwithtoddlers #earlyliteracymatters #kidsbookslove #readbabyread #childrenslibrary #kidswhoread https://www.instagram.com/p/B1pEYTPnCd2/?igshid=1x0u0kdu5kzge
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noodlenuts · 6 years ago
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I'll be honest: initially I just loved "I Am A Cat" (2018) because, well, it's great silly fun and who doesn't love cats? And it doesn't hurt that Galia Bernstein's artwork is gorgeous, evoking both the majesty of the big cats and the fluffy adorableness of the little one. 📚📙📗 But dig deeper and you won't be disappointed. This is a funny, entertaining read-aloud sure to appeal to little kids, but it's also informative, and a lovely parable about belonging and not making assumptions about others. Honestly, I'll be reading it again, for sure. 🦁🐯🐈🐅🐆 ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutskidsbooks #iamacat #galiabernstein #authorillustrator #authorandillustrator #abramsbooks #abrams #cats #lions #tigers #jaguars #bigcats #littlecats #greycats #catbooks #booksaboutcats #kidslovecats #readeveryday #readeveryday📚 #picturebookstagram #picturebooks #picturebookart #picturebookartist #makereadingfun #lifelongreaders #earlyyearsreading #picturebooksreadaloud #childrensbookcollector #coolkidsbooks #kidslovebooks https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ZX7NGgHbL/?igshid=1g6ojz5k466rn
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noodlenuts · 6 years ago
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There's really only one appropriate way to kick off a week of great poetry books for kids, and that's with the spectacular Shel Silverstein! He's my lifelong favourite poet, and his spectacular "Where The Sidewalk Ends" is one of the few books that I ALWAYS have to have on my shelf. From clever, irreverent wordplay to gentle approaches to tough emotions, Silverstein never makes a misstep, and his line drawings, though simple, are endlessly entertaining. I know kids who claim to HATE poetry but beg for this book at bedtime!! ⏺ ⏺ ⏺ #shelsilverstein #shelsilversteinpoems #wherethesidewalkends #harperandrow #kidspoetry #poetryforkids #poetrybooks #humorouspoetry #funnypoems #wordplay #puns #poetryforchildren #1970sbooks #booklovers #igreads #bookobsessed #bookcollection #frommylibrary #earlyyears #mustread #readingtogether #personallibrary #growingreaders #kidslibrary #readaloudbooks #bookmagic #bestbooksforkids #earlyyearsreading #earlyyearsliteracy https://www.instagram.com/p/BzokcuZHllm/?igshid=tbn4ft7hb4mx
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