#earlier today i woke up with the urge to pee. so i just opened my eyes and then got up immediately with no pause
aria0fgold · 7 months
I just realized that I've gotten old enough that my old habit of waking up and immediately going about my day will not work anymore because of the risk of low blood pressure resulting in fainting.
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tipsylorie · 3 years
Dream Project Pt. 3 {title in progress}
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
A/N: Hola everyone, here is part 3 but not yet proof-read. I hope you will like it nevertheless...
Word Count: 2.7K
Liviana drove herself to office due to the driver’s message early in the morning that says he will be late because of an emergency. Upon arriving the buildings parking lot, instead of her driver, it was her assistant who was waiting with a worried look.
“Why the long face baby boy?” This is the thought that has been running through Liv’s mind when she saw her assistant, and this made her laugh. It took a while for her to compose herself so with a long face, she just remarks as she exits the car, “Why the sad face Jer?”
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“Why are you laughing though?” Jayceon asked with a growing grin, but Liv just dismissed it by saying ‘nothing’. So he continues to inform his boss, “It turns out that your driver for today had to rush her wife to hospital earlier so there won’t be anyone to drive you.”
“This won’t do, I have to get these cakes delivered and to check the situation in Paradigmia.” Liv said with worry written all over her face but then she suddenly smiles, “You do have a license, right?” She asked the young man who responses with a nod. “Then you’ll drive. I just have to get some materials in my office.”
Jayceon sees Liviana walking towards the car and anxious on how his driving should be. Because the only one who he was able to drive are his friends. Heck, his parents don’t even know that he can since he has always been provided with a driver and an assistant. It didn’t help either when Liv chose to seat beside him after she arranged the materials and cakes at the back seat. “Why are you sitting here instead of over there?” Jayceon nervously asked as he points to the back seat diagonal to the driver’s seat as where bosses should sit according to some according to etiquette.
“Well, I am not really used to passenger seat being vacant. Don’t worry Jer, this is perfectly normal and please just treat me more as your friend instead of your boss. It will be more comfortable that way.” Liv informed her assistant.
Jayceon smiles as he was happy hearing how humble his business partner is, so he proceeded saying, “Ok then Liv, buckle up and enjoy the ride!”
It was an internal chaos in Jayceons mind since he doesn’t really want to go to his habit of over speeding and to scare Liviana however his childhood acting lessons had paid off since he was able to act composed and relaxed while he’s driving his temporary boss. Okay, so if you’re wondering about Jayce’s early life, his mother well like all Asian mothers are, enrolled him in all extracurricular activities she could come across. Therefore, ever since in the age of 4 he had already experienced EVERYTHING, from sports to performing arts.
Upon arriving to the Academy’s main branch, Liv immediately went to her friend Anne’s office. “Annie! Been so long, I made you some cupcakes!” She enthusiastically greeted her friend.
Anne was a little bit puzzled by the sudden visit, “What’s up? Why the cupcakes?” She asked. However, Liv just gave her a questioning look as a response and it only dawned on her that it was their friend’s birthday. So, the look at her face was so funny as if she experienced horror while saying, “OH MY GOSH! How could I forget?”
“Don’t worry Anne. Just message her later or maybe give her a visit after your working hours. It’s just a 30-minute ride so… It’s up to you.”
“Well, if it is up to me, I will just take a half day off and go to her but yeah cannot do that because my boss would be mad.”
“Ha, I know what you’re trying to do, well just so y’know as your boss I would totally not mind however I know how keen you are with your work so I reckon that you will finish today’s job and just go to her later after working hours.” Liv said the last words with a tap on Anne’s shoulder then left her office.
As they left, Anne just snickered on how her long-time friend never failed to read her like an open book.
On their way to Paradigmia, they stopped at a gas station since Jayceon found the need to pee. So Liviana just waited in the car. Jayce always has the impulse to buy something since he finds this satisfying. When he was about to pay, only then he realised that he left his wallet in the car’s compartment that is in between the driver’s seat and passenger seat. So, he hurriedly opened Liv’s door side in a rush, and tried to open the compartment and reached it and however this fell on the backside and without thinking Jayce climbed on top of Liv and once he reached his wallet he exclaimed, “Yes! Finally got it!”
This woke Liv up and her eyes widened in surprise. Jayceon just froze and stared to her eyes, and he had the urge to gulp just to somehow slow the rapid beating of his heart. To snap him back to reality, Liv asked, “What are you doing?” in a concerned voice and was trying hard not to jump to conclusion since as far as she knows, the guy in front of her was gay.
Jayce or in Liv’s perspective, Jer stepped back to not cause any alarm and calmly said, “I was just trying to reach for my wallet,” showed the wallet in his hand, “because I have items waiting in the counter of that 7-Eleven.”  He pointed to the convenience store in the side of the car.
“Oh okay, but you know you could’ve used the other door, right?” Liv asked genuinely.
“I didn’t think of that earlier since I was in a rush. I am so sorry about that.” Jayce apologised. “I promise it won’t happened ever again!” He subconsciously emphasised as his eyes asked for forgiveness.
In Liv’s perspective, she cannot stay mad to this adorable guy in front of her. “Fine, just never ever do that again to me or to anyone ever again.” She informed her employee.
“Pinky swear! Brb just gonna pay for those food! Thank you, Liv!”
As Jayce ran back to the convenience store, Liv thought it was really odd for Jer to stare at her like that. However, she just dismisses this immediately and went back to her nap since she knows it will be a long day in Paradigmia.
“Hey,” Jayce said as he tapped Liv’s shoulder when he sat at the driver’s seat. “You want some peanuts? It’ll help to lessen your sleeping.”
Liv slowly opened her eyes and looked at the bag of peanut he was holding, “Yes, that would be great.”
As Jayce prepped himself to drive, he asked a last question, “What did you do last night that made you this tired today?”
“Well obviously the cake made me use all my remaining energy last night. I don’t know maybe I had a tiring dream.”
“You also believe that? Despite not remembering the dream?” He asked and she just nodded with a faint smile as a response. “So glad that I am not the only one.”
After few more minutes they finally arrived to the apartment of Julie. Liv asked Jayceon to grab the balloons she prepared at the backseat. “You had balloons? Why haven’t I seen it?” He asked in amusement. “Well, maybe I unintentionally intentionally hid it?” This just made the pair chuckle as the guy grabbed the balloons, the lady handled the cakes.
“After centuries you’re finally here!” Liv’s best friend, Julie exclaimed as she hugged her while holding the cakes.
“Careful! My masterpiece!” Liv yelled.
“Sorry but that will not even last a day in this household.” Julie rebuked. This resulted to the three of them laughing.
“Did Anne tell you she’ll be here later?” Liv asked her good friend.
“Yeah, she felt so guilty of almost forgetting and thanked God when you thought of leaving some of your wonderful cupcakes in her office and she has time to prepare.” Julie nonchalantly informed Liv.
“So, what do you prefer, stay here while we wait for her or let’s head now to the hotel I already booked for tonight?” Liv asked.
Julie replied after some thinking, “Well, I think my family will still visit here shortly to give cakes and such, so maybe wait for Anne in here.”
With Julie’s response, Liv faced her assistant and informed him, “So, if you want to take a rest you can go to the hotel first. I am sending you know the voucher for your room, and by just showing this to the reception, I think you’ll be assisted to your room immediately. Just leave the car and keys since we really do not plan to get wasted so I’ll just drive us there and I’ll just let you know once we arrived there. Is that okay?”
As Liviana is explaining her proposition, Jayceon cannot help but take notice on how she always has the tendency to worry about everyone around her ergo, planning everything tediously beforehand. He admires this but at the same time feel sorry for her since she has the kind of person who loves to smile despite the truth that deep inside, she is already drowning. He can see this because she tries so hard every single time as if it is always her life on the line. He wishes that somehow he can help her to loosen up a bit and be true of what she truly feels. (A/N: Jayceon has taken a lot of Psychology modules in undergrad as a hobby that made him enjoy analysing human behaviour and Liviana has been one of the most interesting person he has met.)  So after listening to Liv, he answered, “Yep, sure thing! That all sound great! So I guess, see you tomorrow?”
“Yes, Jer see ya! Thank you for the help. Ooh I almost forgot, I also set aside these cupcakes for you.” Liviana said as she gave the 3 pieces cupcakes in a sealed tray.
“Thank you Liv! Really appreciate it! Bye!” He remarked as he waved goodbye then got inside the taxi they messaged.
~Jayceon in the hotel~
Jayceon went to the counter which the receptionist immediately recognised him as his family being the co-owner of the hotel. In which he was greeted immediately with a bow and for the employee to immediately ring for the Executive Manager. Jayce then quickly tried to explain his stuation in the most discreet way possible. Telling him to stop his manager from coming because most probably him having prior commitments with his work. He just asked for the receptionist to give him the room stated in the voucher and instead to have Liviana Voss in the most expensive room available during her stay and charge her with only the amount the room she booked. So just like that, Jayce had his staff to put Liv in the Premium Suite Penthouse which is technically a room with rooms and a second floor that has a direct access to the rooftop.
Jayce was pretty proud with what he did especially on how smart he think it was. To have Liviana be one of the lucky winners in an online booking event that never existed. After feeling content, he took a nap to make sure he will not miss any updates from his “boss”. But didn’t miss the beat to take a taste of the cupcake after dinner. He can surely tell that it was made with love.
~Meanwhile in Julie’s Household~
“So, who was that guy? He looks so good! Do you have a thing with him?” Julie prompted with the question she has been holding until that guy left.
Liv answered with a grin, “I knew it! I can already sense your questions like once we both entered your house. And the answers would be: first us my assistant; second, yep he is but not interested with girls; and finally, I think no?”
“Omg, you do have! Spill!” Julie enthusiastically ordered.
“But it is your birthday! Why talk about me? We need to focus on you getting older!” Liv claimed.
Julie tried to explain, “Still, I am the birthday girl, so you need to let me use my power card for today of you to just share about this matter, please?”
“Fine! I love you so much that is why I am letting you use the card.” Liv gave in.
Julie was delighted with this by saying, “YAYYYY! BEST BDAY because of the BEST TEA!” But then suddenly interrupted with her family entering the house with their spare key. This made Liviana laugh so much that Julie’s family can see her almost rolling off the ground literally but thankfully she was able to stop herself. Julie’s family only stayed for like 2 hours since they also have some stuff already planned.
Once they left, Liv and Julie cleaned a little bit and wash the little number of dishes. Just right after they finished, Anne already arrived, and this made Julie happier since Liv can share the tea to the both of them at the same time. Liv’s narration went like this:
“Well, I was taking a nap since I was really exhausted with the baking and decorating so I really do hope you guys will love and like it. So, while napping I can feel that something is different, and I can see him staring at me adoringly? I guess, it was really weird because I felt something. It also feels like an eternity and still his position being on top of me didn’t change and remind you that the seat was declined so it was really awkward and I can also see his change in demeanour of somewhat being manly like more than so he normally is and he also gulped that really sent shivers to my spine. Just overall – WEIRD.”
Julie and Anne just looked at each other because they have the same idea. So Julie slowly proposed their idea, “Liviana, don’t you think it is time to consider that he is not gay? As we both can already sense with the vibes whenever the two of you are in a room, you guys act like high schoolers interacting with their first love like that is literally the aura the two of accentuates.”
Anne added, “Also this is nothing like the chemistry thingy back when we tried to ship you with someone in junior high instead this thingy right now is something that everyone can call sincere and genuine.”
Liv was really quiet with the insights her friends are telling her but all she managed to reply is a joke, “Okay guys, you two could really write a million-seller fiction right now.”
Anne just retorted as she and Julie are already used to their friend always being in denial which is the total hundred percent reason why she still never had any boyfriend, “Whatever Liv, just don’t tell us we didn’t inform you. I know that you know that there is a possibility with what Julie and I are saying. So please, don’t resist it anymore because you also need to find a partner too at some point.”
“Wow, our youngest just scolded me. Yes Ms. Annie, will do. So can we now finally celebrate Julie’s birthday?” Liv asked warily.
“YAYY!” The two girls exclaimed, and Julie shouted, “Movies and cupcakes!”
“Speaking of cupcakes, where did you put the cupcakes, I gave you Anne?” Liv asked.
Anne replied, “I have the half of them in my house and left some to my mother’s because you know how much she loves your cooking and baking!”
Liv responded, “Yes of course, I am glad she still does.” She asked, “Julie, what movie do you want?”
“Ugh please, let’s not do that, we will spend like an hour just looking for a movie, guys just pick a number up to 10.”
“Three!” Liv exclaimed.
“Five!” Anne yelled.
“Okay the Liv, just choose the eighth one while pressing the arrow down keys in the remote control.”
“We got, Force of Nature, a 2020 film. Is that okay?” Liv asked as she manages the TV.
“Yup!” Julie replied while she takes the cupcakes to a plate and placed the cake in her refrigerator.
“Sounds great!” Anne responded as she handled the flavoured drinks. They all agreed to get drunk once they arrived at the hotel.
After the movie, the cupcakes also ended. So they cleaned up and prepared their things for the second party in the hotel.
Re-blog for part four!
Lemme know what you think…
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youarejesting · 5 years
BTS365 Prompts
[Masterlist] Please tag me in your work if you use my prompts. I want to see your work. Ever your Jester.
Warning: talk of death and near death. I am an OT7 Stan but have never really felt like a strong urge to write about JK until his prompt I want to continue his and Tae’s. 🤔🤔🤔
Tell me your birthday and I will tag you on your special day!
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           April 9th - 15th
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Kim Seokjin: Siblings
Your best friend invited you to his house for a sleepover, you were excited but when you knocked on the door bag in hand it opened to a young man a couple of years older than you. He was handsome. And you didn’t know what to say. 
“Jin your friend is here” “Y/n come in”  “Who is that?” “That’s my older brother” Jin led you inside and to his room, “why do you ask?” “He is hot obvs”
“Oh” Jin felt kind of disappointed, another person had fallen in love with his brother and here he was in love with his clueless best friend.  “I’m just going to pee, don’t play the movie without me” you ran off ducking past Jin’s brother and you paused in the hall wanting to see what he thought about you?”
“Hey did you tell her?” “Tell her what?” “That you are madly in love with her and have been for years” “I can’t she just met you?” “What does that mean?”
“It means she is in love with you now everyone loves my handsome brother” you went to the bathroom and tried to ignore what you heard, your best friend loves you they were just joking maybe they weren’t talking about you you realised they didn’t even use your name. Yeah, you had just met his brother but maybe they had a visitor earlier today.
You sighed you had taken the floor for sleeping, you couldn’t sleep with all those thoughts but with the uncertainty that they were actually talking about you, you felt a wave of relaxation. 
You climbed into the bed next to Jin and laid your head on his wide shoulder. It was in his sleep he said ‘I love you y/n’ it was as clear as day. Heart racing you turned burying your face into his chest and hugging him tightly. Who were you kidding you loved him and you hoped like hell he had meant you.
Min Yoongi: Barbershop
Yoongi worked at a barbershop, it wasn’t a hard job. He liked it because he never had to speak to women. Unless of course, a mother was bringing her son in which case he wouldn’t make eye contact and would request another staff member would take over. Yoongi had nothing against women but he got nervous around him his cheeks would burn the brightest red and he would stutter his way through the conversation. Then he would continue with his day beating himself up about what he should have said.
He was just finishing up some guy’s hair cut and his coworker grinned, “Hey I am going to get some coffee and lunch what do you want and I will bring it back?” “Uh coffee and something good” he shrugged “Alright, you think you will be okay?” “I am an adult, I can deal with it, I am not going to burn the place down”
He had spoken too soon, a girl came in. Long legs in a beautiful dress that fell so pretty over your hips curvaceous hips. Yoongi felt warm already focusing on the mirror and talking to his current client about booking in again. The client new Yoongi well enough to know his condition around women.
“Yes I will book again for a month” he teased the two went to the counter to pay subtly watching you scan the service price list. “You have a great day Yoongi” “Yeah see you round Hobi”  “Maybe you could ask her on a date?” Hoseok whispered earning a sprit from the spray bottle of Yoongi’s hip.
You approached and he starred at the computer cheeks pinked as he asked you politely questions, “I am just wanting to reshave the sides of my head” 
He looked up shocked from his nervousness you lifted both sides of your hair to reveal that they were indeed shorter than the rest. He thought that was pretty badass and yet you still looked unbelievably cute with it.
“Right this way?” he began and you started asking him questions and his heart was thumping loudly and his cheeks were darkening some more. “Sorry, I am not good at talking well to others” “More specifically pretty women?” a regular stepped in and sat right next to you in the chair “The prettier the girl is the darker his cheeks get, I have never seen him this flustered”
“that’s enough” you scolded the man “My hair is on the line here don’t embarrass him further. “Tell me about her she must have been really pretty”
Jung Hoseok: Grilled cheese
You had been in Korea for two years now and working with the BigHit company as a backup dancer for concerts and things. Working alongside the TXT boys and one afternoon you stayed in the dance studio practising choreography when your phone started ringing. It was your sister back in your home country. She wanted to check on how you were doing and tell you about news from home, but all you could focus on was that she was eating a grilled cheese sandwich and your mouth watered. 
After talking for a little too long, you hung up and went to go through the choreography one last time before you had to leave back to your apartment. You didn’t realise you were crying homesick until the music stopped. The door opened and you didn’t bother turning from your hunched position on the floor openly sobbing into your hands. “Hey, are you okay?”
Looking up you saw him Jung Hoseok better known as Jhope was standing their dressed ready for practice and you realised you had definitely stayed too long. Scrambling to your feet you wiped at your eyes, apologizing and packing up your things. He grabbed your arm and stopped you from running off, you looked at his shoes unable to look him in the eyes. He was handsome and way out of your league. 
“Tell me what has you so upset?” No coherent words escaped your mouth as you sobbed into your hands, Jhope pulled you into his chest and wrapped his arms around you. The only word you had gotten out clearly in your whines was ‘Grilled cheese’ he didn’t mean to laugh but it just burst out of him. “Grilled cheese? I am so sorry that’s just really funny to hear someone cry over”
Understanding what he meant you were reduced to fits of giggles as well and you wiped your eyes, looking up at him. The tip of your nose was red. “I am sorry I miss home and I just wanted comfort food” He pulled out his phone and grinned down at you as he ordered some grilled cheese sandwiches and told you to show him what you had been practising.
Kim Namjoon: Scrabble
“Quixotic” Namjoon smiled at his wife, this was not how you expected to start your honeymoon but you could tell he was nervous. “Okay, Yeet” You made a throwing action with your arm and Namjoon looked up at you he wasn’t amused.
“That’s not a word baby” “We pretended yours was a word” “It is a word it means not sensible about practical matters; idealistic and unrealistic and I think you are being a bit quixotic with your supposed words” He laughed at you and you wanted to through the board.
“I think you are being a bit quixotic if you think we are going to do anything tonight, you just took your rights to see what is under my dress and yeet them out the window” “Baby, no don’t be like that” He frowned “You can have yeet, we can add slang words if you want”
“What I want is to stop playing and spend some time with my husband who I married today, goddamn it Joon, I am still in my wedding dress, I wanted you to take it off me” “Oh, Let me just yeet this game out of the way” scrabble tiles were sent flying.
Park Jimin: High
Jimin came home after a long day at work his best friend Taehyung on the floor with his roommate. The two of giggling and eating snacks while watching a documentary about a carpet company. He could smell the funky smell that was weed.
“That looks so freaking soft” Taehyung snickered slapping the tv screen. “It’s trapped behind some forcefield but it looks like I could just touch it” “That one looks like your hair” you pointed to the back of his head as he was in front of the tv, he jumped back as the screen changed to a machine cutting and rolling carpet and you looked amazed, “Why is everything moving so slow?”
“It’s spinning carpet”  “Tae there is carpet on your head and it feels so shaggy?” you were both now playing in each others hair.
“What the hell are you doing!” Pausing you both looked at each other “Tae I think I just heard god?” “God sounds like Jimin” “That’s because I am Jimin” you both turned and your eyes lit up happily
“Jimin is god, and his hair is made of the softest carpet!” You both tackled Jimin and ran your hands all over him, “Jimin god can I kiss you?” “Oh me too me too” Tae shouted and he rolled his eyes at the two of you.
Kim Taehyung: The Law
How the hell did you get here? One moment you were jokingly trying on a wedding dresses with your best friend who was soon to be married when a guy in a fancy suit asked if you would help him get out of an arranged marriage by pretending you were married. He said he just needed a few photos and your name and number encase he needed to follow up with anything. You agreed but here you were having dinner with his family who said they wanted to invite you home for Christmas and you really couldn’t refuse. 
Except here you were on a farm super confused. You were led to his room and you blushed to unpack into the spare drawers and he kept throwing you guilty looks. His parents and siblings were super nice and they taught you how to cook and clean it was a good time. It was raining heavily and a long way to walk back across the farm so you laid a blanket over the bales of straw and got comfy. He sang some strange songs and told funny stories and the rain didn’t let up. Falling asleep you woke to his coat around you both and his arms tightly around you. Your marriage wasn’t binding by law but for now, you wished it was.
Jeon Jungkook: Sky (I am making into a social media story) [Read me]
You were in a car accident you couldn’t feel your legs they were pinned and some part of the engine had broken through into the cabin and pierced straight into your lung. You felt tired and it was hard to breathe. 
Waking with a start you realized it was all a dream, a memory from the past, you were alive and healthy, the rain outside was strong and caused an ache in your old wounds. Flattening your palm to your rib cage you took a shaky breath. There was a sound on your balcony and your dog cloudy was barking. You walked over to the balcony to see a man standing on the railing like he was going to jump.
You froze for a moment before throwing the door open. “Excuse me, sir” He turned to face you, he had a handsome face and his hair slicked back. His eyes brushed over your form and he smirked. 
“If only you were the poor soul I was taking tonight, cause damn girl” he turned back away and touched his earpiece, “Yoongi where is this guy I am collecting” “I am sorry who are you taking and where? Are you a kidnapper? What’s with the outfit? And why my balcony?” You were seriously confused running a hand through your hair. He froze shoulders tensing up and he turned jumping long black wings thrown out as he landed inches from your face. “Oh”
“Can you see me?” “Ahhh no?” you said looking away from him, he was tall towering over you, he grabbed your cheeks in his hand pulling your face back to his. “When you lie you should try to be more believable love, can you see me?” “What am I supposed to say?” he looked at your figure up and down with glowing eyes and you slapped tried to cover yourself, he lifted your little nightgown and looked at your ribcage he touched the large scar. 
“You were supposed to die that day, I wonder wha-” You slapped him across the face, pulling your nightdress back down and he smirked leaning back on the railing. “I have seen worse, then your lace knickers love” 
He caught your wrist before you could slap him again and he turned. You followed his gaze and saw something big fall behind him, it was like everything went slow motion and you saw a face horrified falling from the sky.
“We will continue this conversation later, I have a soul to collect”
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sambergscott · 5 years
i know you’re scared it’s wrong, like you might make a mistake
Summary: Jake and Amy go home after Casecation (because they live together!!!! never over it!!!) and Jake reflects on his feelings
After Thai food and brainstorming baby names and sex on the couch (Amy was still worked up at thought of him being a freakin’ debate genius and a freakin’ dad genius and Jake was very willing to satisfy her urges), they end up in bed, but Jake can’t sleep. He almost got blown up by an old lady with twisted bowels, almost lost Amy and made the biggest decision of his life — one he never thought he’d make. Sure, he’d always talked about kids in an abstract “never gonna happen” kind of way. He was convinced he was going to die alone and he wouldn’t even have to worry about it. But then he kissed Amy in the evidence lock-up and they fell in love and he had to process the fact that the kids he thought were never going to happen, just might happen.
That’s when he came to the realisation he didn’t want them.
Don’t get him wrong, he loves kids. His goddaughter is a straight-up cutie, playing cops and robbers with Nikolaj is one of his favourite ways to spend a day off work and his heart melts like butter on a hot piece of toast whenever his niece’s and nephew’s call him Tio Jake.
He’s good with kids, too, probably because he’s a giant kid himself, but they seem to like him and listen to him and even the Jeffords’ girls behave when he raises his eyebrows at them and says he won’t let them have cookies after dinner.
He just can’t imagine a world with his kids in which he’s a dad.
Roger Peralta left when Jake was just seven years old, leaving a gaping hole in Jake’s life that only started to fill when Captain Holt joined the Nine-Nine. Jake’s a cop — a cop who has been sent to witness protection, wrongfully imprisoned and lay in a hospital bed too many times to count. His job is hella dangerous and time-consuming and he doesn’t want to have a kid and wreck the same emotional damage on them because he’s too busy catching murderers to come home most nights or because, God forbid, he’s been murdered himself. Plus, he has the most incredible wife and Jake doesn’t want anything to change between them. They have a good life, an even better sex life, a decent apartment in the city. They can’t afford the larger apartment they’d probably have to move into if they had kids or they babysitters they’d have to hire anytime they wanted to go on a date. And don’t even get him started on the effect it would have on their sex life — Amy told him about the book Terry bought for Sharon. That’s not happening with them.
Amy never mentioned wanting kids, so he didn’t think it was a big deal. She was career-driven, wanted to be the youngest Captain in the NYPD, and knew all too well the stresses and strains of loving a cop. He assumed they’d just be one of those couples who never had kids, but still had a very happy, loving relationship and went on fun, child-free holidays all the time.
But apparently he missed all the signals, and they didn’t communicate as well as he thought they did, and Amy does want kids. A whole brood of them. A gang of Santiagos. And it was so important to her that she would divorce him and start over with someone else if Jake couldn’t give her what she’d always wanted.
His stomach twists (like Pam’s messed up bowels) at the thought of not being married to Amy anymore. Obviously, she didn’t want them to go down that route — she didn’t want to start over — but she felt like she would have to when Jake dropped his “I don’t want kids” bombshell.
Your butt is the bomb.
He rolls onto his other side, his wife sleeping peacefully in his ratty old NYPD shirt she has commandeered for her pyjamas. She’s his dream girl. She’s perfect in every way — smart, kind, funny, beautiful. Everyday he gets to spend with someone as truly amazing as her is crazy to him. He couldn’t lose her.
Being in that hospital room with Pam earlier, managing to stay calm and successively take the bomb off her without blowing up into a million pieces, made him realise that even though something is difficult and scary (so scary), doesn’t mean he can’t do it.
Of course, his past will always be painful and their jobs might get in the way, but with Amy as his partner, he’s pretty sure he can do anything. Including being a dad. And when he thought about it some more while he waited for the bomb squad to let his wife back into the building, they would have stupid cute kids with his curly hair and Amy’s smile and a perfect blend of their dorky personalities.
He smiles as he cups Amy’s cheek and she shifts a little closer to him, her eyes fluttering open.
“Hey,” he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper. “Sorry if I woke you.”
“You OK?” She asks, concern etched into her face. Her eyebrows are furrowed, her eyes searching his. “You haven’t changed your mind, have you? Because I still have debate points we didn’t get the chance to make.”
“Haven’t changed my mind,” he promises, watching as she releases a deep sigh. “Just… thinking about things.”
“Like what?” She probes.
If today’s Babygate has taught them anything, it’s that communication is paramount. So he tells her everything he’s thinking. About his dad, about how he’s still terrified of being a dad himself, about the bomb. It’s much easier to talk to her without Holt and Kevin and Gayle (and Tom) listening in and point-scoring their arguments. Amy tells him how she feels, too, about how growing up with seven brothers and God knows how many cousins made her want kids and how of course she didn’t want to start over with someone else, she just got scared she wouldn’t be able to achieve that dream. By the end, they both understand each other a lot better and Jake feels a lot more comfortable about the prospect of trying to have kids soon.
Well, soon-ish.
Within the year.
“You know, we never got to reveal the #1 moment in our marriage highlight reel,” Amy rightfully points out, Pam interrupting their romantic moment.
“I’ll go first,” Jake says, racking his brain. There have been so many good moments. The wedding itself, the date night where Amy surprised him with a reservation at Bouche Manger, the day he was sick and Amy took the day off work to look after him and they hung out on the sofa binge-watching Property Brothers all day. One moment stands about above all others. “When you dressed up as Holly Gennaro.”
Amy rolls her eyes affectionately. “I should’ve known it would be about sex.”
“It’s not my fault my wife is ridiculously hot, Ames. I’m a simple man. What was your #1 moment?”
“You telling me you want kids,” she responds, biting her lip. “With me.”
“Mm-hmm,” she hums, running her fingers through his messy curls. “I’m so content right now. And I know you’re not quite there yet, but when we do have babies, they’re going to be the best babies ever. They’ll put all the other babies to shame.”
“Big time,” he agrees. “They’re all gonna be so jealous of little Atlas Peralta.”
Amy laughs and kisses him softly, showing her husband of one whole year just how much she loves him.
(A few months later, Amy pees on a stick in the bathroom stall at work and it comes back positive and all Jake’s fear is replaced by pure, unadulterated happiness. And lots of love.
And, as sure as he was when he signed up for the academy and got down on one knee on Halloween, he knows they can do this).
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dougtfs · 7 years
Sam's Story Ch. 1
Sam’s Story Ch. 1 **meant for entertainment purposes only, all persons depicted are 18 years of age or older. Enjoy your read! My name is Sam, and I am going to tell you about the day that my life changed forever. It was a normal day, I woke up to my alarm blaring, and my dad already yelling at me to begin taking care of my chores. When I went upstairs to the kitchen I saw both of my brothers helping my dad with breakfast. My father was a stern man, 45 years old and about 6'7, with black hair and brown eyes. Speaking of hair, he had a lot of it. His 56’ belly was engulfed by dark swaths of hair that seemed to expand evenly across his entire chest, back, arms and legs. His plump behind bubbled out and very noticeably jiggled as he walked, and although I hadn’t seen what was underneath his underwear in years, I assumed his hairiness extended there as well. My brothers, 18 and 19, were essentially miniature versions of my dad. Both roughly 6'4, they too had brown eyes and thick black hair that seemingly engulfed their bodies from the neck down. In fact, the only child that wasn’t almost an exact replica of my father was me. At the time I was 17, much like my father and brothers I had black hair and brown eyes, I was also nearing the height of my brothers coming in at around 6'3, but that is where the similarities ended. Firstly, I was extremely skinny, my belly was non existent and I could hardly put on a pair of pants without a belt to hold them up. Aside from the small tufts of armpit hair I had, my body was essentially hairless. Every time I would change in the school locker room, somebody would point out how skinny I was, or ask when my balls were going to drop. One day I was changing in the varsity locker room, when a few kids started making the usual remarks about my body. As I stepped out of my underwear, for some reason, one of the jocks in my P.E. class began to really lay into me. Growing up with brothers I had been forced to develop thick skin, and I tried to go about walking to the shower and getting on with my day, but he had other plans. “Look at this little boy, how did you manage to find your way into a Highschool locker room?” he declared for everyone to hear, “you’re about as developed as a 4th grader, and about as thin as a rail!”, five starring my ass as the last comment landed. I winced in pain but tried not to show it as he continued, “Look at yourself, you’ll never be a man, look at your brothers, you will never be anything like them!”. As I heard him say that I felt something snap in me, butt naked, my vision turned red as I turned around and swung with all my might at his face. But with the ease that people like him seemed to have with everything, he ducked my blow. I immediately knew I had made a mistake. Something in his eyes changed, no more was he just making fun of me to get through his day, now he was genuinely angry. He sucker punched me directly in my stomach, and while I was gasping for breath, shoved me into the shower where I slipped and hit my head as seemingly all the boys in school laughed at me. Curled up and gasping for air, I felt tears begin to roll down my cheeks. As the bell rang and the class left, I couldn’t bring myself to get up. He was right, I was just a scrawny wimp, I wanted so bad to be like my dad and brothers, and right then and there I decided that I wanted to become a man. That day when my dad came home from work I told him everything that happened, as he kept a somewhat emotionless face, I told him what I had decided earlier, that I wanted to become a man just like him. As I said the last part, his expression suddenly became very thoughtful, and after good few seconds he said, “You know what, today I’m gonna take you to workout at the club with me, hopefully I can get you on the right path.”. My eyes immediately lit up. I was finally going to start going to the gym with my dad just like my brothers did when they first started. After checking in at the gym, my dad and I put our change of clothes in the locker room and headed upstairs to the weight room. Although we began with what I assume was light dumbbell work, I was exhausted. By the third or fourth set, I think my dad saw that I was out of my league, and he told me that I was done for the day. He then said as recovery to grab a few glasses of water and hit the steam room. Once I entered the locker room again I noticed that it had filled up since we had first arrived. Seeing that everyone was unashamedly naked, I walked back to our locker and took off all of my clothes. As I walked to the steam room I began to feel out of place. It started to become apparent that not only was I the only person under 35, and the only person under 275 lbs in the locker room, that everyone seemed to be uncircumcised, and extremely well endowed. That combined with the fact that I was about the only one with out the body hair of a bear, made feel as if I was sticking out like a sore thumb. I rushed to the steam room area, grabbed a towel and entered. Once I entered, I laid my towel out on one of the benches and sat down. It must have been in between sessions, because the room did not seem to very hot, and I could still see relatively well. There were two very large, and very hairy men in the room with me, each sitting spread eagle, leaning back against the wall, chatting amongst them selves. I didn’t pay much attention to them and began twiddling my thumbs as I waited for a new steam cycle to start. Eventually the steam began dispense, and as the temperature rose and the steam began to engulf the room, I lost sight of those that were in there with me and I became lost in my own thoughts. The vapor continued filling the room until I couldn’t even see my own hand in front of my face. I was uncomfortably hot, and my entire body had a slight tingling feeling, almost as if my foot had fallen asleep, but all over. As I inhaled more and more of the steam I began to calm down. The tingling sensation almost felt arousing, and although I couldn’t see my dick, I assumed based on the bulging feeling I was experiencing that I had a massive boner. Once the first steam cycle was complete, and the room began to somewhat clear out, I again gained sight of the the two good looking, ball bellied men that were in the steam room with me. And for seemingly the first time they noticed me. They both smiled and then continued their muffled conversation. I looked down at my penis and noticed that my balls seemed to be hanging abnormally low, and for the first time noticed the first sprouts of a happy trail appearing. Chalking it up to a little bit of puberty finally happening, I began daydreaming again as the next steam cycle commenced. Once again as steam engulfed the room, I began to experience the now familiar tingling feeling. The sensation seemed to be tugging at my stomach and ball sack and once again I sprouted what felt like the largest boner I had ever had. I began to worry that it wouldn’t go away before the steam cleared, but as more vapor filled my lungs, I set the worry aside, leaned back and closed my eyes. When my eyes fluttered open, something felt strange. Although I was yet again engulfed by vapor, the tingling sensation had gone away, and in its place was the over whelming urge to take a piss. Seeing as how I had now been in the steam room so long I figured now was a good time to take a bathroom break and hit the showers. Once I stood up, everything felt off kilter. Thinking it was from simply being in the intense heat for too long, I deliriously made my way to the urinals, but when I reached for my usually minuscule cock, I felt much more flesh than I was used to, looking down I wash shocked to see that not only could I not see my penis, but in my line of sight was a hairy, enormous 54’ gut. Shocked, I quickly finished peeing and rushed to the nearest mirror. What I saw was not what I expected. Instead of seeing a scrawny, underdeveloped teen, looking back at me was a man child. My face had not changed, but my once scrawny frame was now replaced with something completely opposite. My gut had ballooned to a larger size than either of my brothers, perched on top of my tight beach ball resembling belly, was a set of moobs of the likes that I had only seen on my father and other men of his stature. My ass, which had always been non existent, was now replaced with an enormous bubble butt. Thick, black hair now carpeted my entire body from the neck down, spreading from my moobs, over my now very prominent belly, spreading up my back and into my armpits and in turn blanketing my ass, and my legs. But the most prominent change had happened below the belt. In the place of my once below average, circumcised package, was now an 8 inch penis, with a foreskin that had more than a few inches of overhang. My balls, once the size of prunes, were now hanging halfway down my thighs, replaced with balls that a bull would be jealous of, and blanketed with the largest bush I had ever seen. All of this should’ve had me in a panic, but instead it felt almost as if I had always been this way. And aside from the physical changes, mentally I felt completely normal. Smiling ear to ear, I sauntered to the showers, feeling my ass jiggle up and down the whole way. As I walked into the showers, I felt glances lingering on my behind, and for the what felt like the first time ever, I noticed how amazing all of the large, hairy men looked as they nonchalantly lathered their plump bodies in soap. The way that they ran their hands over their figures, how they flipped their cock and balls around as they lathered up, the way that their beautiful asses jiggled whilst they spread soap over them, and how appealing they looked bent over, running their hands up their cracks and down their legs as their balls swung back and forth. As I watched the 8 or so in the showers with me, I also began the process of cleaning myself. Rubbing my body wash filled hands across my vast torso, moving down to my now hardening cock, toying with my sack and bending over to spread it evenly across my legs and ass. I must’ve re lathered myself 3 times before deciding I had had enough, and while still erect I exited into the connecting room between the shower and the steam room to begin drying myself off. Once I was dry I decided to go look for my dad. Noticing that nobody else had wrapped themselves in a towel I walked toward the locker room lounge, still loving the way that my everything from my tits and belly, to my ballsack and ass seemed to bounce with every step that I took. Once I reached the lounge, I saw my dad, sitting between two of his buddies on a couch, stark naked for what was the first time since the days that we showered together. My dad’s flaccid dick, although not surprisingly, was even larger than my new and improved. About 10 inches, with even more foreskin overhang than me, was perched on top of the largest and hairiest pair of balls I had ever seen. His sack, almost the size of a cantaloupe, hung so low that it went over the edge of the couch. He saw me and knowingly smiled, he then motioned me to the only open seat in the room, between the two men I had first seen in the steam room. I sat down between the two burly men, who I was now larger than, and we began to talk about sports and how Highschool was going, although in the back of my mind I couldn’t help but think how amazing they both looked. I then realized that up until today, I had never thought about anyone but the popular girls at school and the hotties I saw online in that way. Just as I was realizing this, I felt a large hand grip my upper thigh. Then in turn, I felt another hand gripping my other thigh. The man to my left was about 6'2’, with blonde hair and blue eyes, and a belly the almost the size of my own. His curly, sandy blonde body hair carpeted him from the neck down, his uncut 6 inch penis, and saggy bull balls were engulfed by a very sizable bush. The man to my right was roughly the same height, with brown hair and brown eyes, following the trend of everyone in the locker room, he too was blessed with a furry ball belly, a sizable cock and a great set of balls, which were almost hidden by his illustrious bush. As both men continued messaging my thighs, I looked toward my father, who seemed to have moved spots. As the rubbing continued, I almost felt as if I should leave, but the men’s intoxicating touch was too much to think through. The man on the left slowly crept towards my cock, as he gripped my foreskin, pulling it up and down, as I became erect, my foreskin was still overhanging my now rock hard 12 incher. On cue, the man on my right gripped my chin, turning my head towards his own, and locked his lips with mine for what seemed like hours. Filled with lust, I turned to the man on my left, doing what his friend had done to me, pulled his head towards my own and began kiss him with passion. As our tongues went in and out of each other’s mouths, I felt his grip on my hard on loosen, as the man on my rights lips began to engulf my cock. It felt so blindingly good that I could no longer continue with my kissing. I began to moan as the man on my right, now on his knees in front of me, swirled his tongue inside my foreskin and around the head of my penis, making gagging noises as he attempted to deep throat my cock. Not wanting to be left out, the man on my left gripped both of my man boobs, and began to swirl his tongue around my nipple, while rubbing the other between his thumb and index finger. The amount of pleasure I was feeling was other worldly, but I wanted more. With the blonde still firmly attached to my nipples, i told the man sucking my dick to stand up, with a popping noise his mouth released from my penis, and grabbing him by the hips I turned him around and told him to bend over. Once he was bent I spread his plump hairy cheeks and began to flick my tongue in, out and around his moist man hole. His moans filled the air and he began to push his ass against my face, but I continued. Standing up off of the couch I bent him over on all fours, resting my enormous gut on his back, he moaned as my thick cock began to penetrate him, and eventually I sunk myself completely into him. His asshole tightened around my penis, gripping as I began to pull back out of him, but I pushed back in harder, his cheeks quaked with each thrust, and sounds of euphoria and stupor filled the air as I dominated him. Not to be left out the equation, I felt the blonde’s hand begin too massage hairy man hole as he gripped my sack. He then assumed a sitting position, putting his legs over the back of my calves, he ordered me to sit back, with which I complied. Firmly taking hold of my man boobs, he thrusted himself into me. Never had I felt my self be opened in such a way, as he pounded my prostate again and again, I began to bounce up and down, rotating my ass clockwise as he buried his manhood to the hilt in my furry ass. Still inside of my victim, I gripped his enormous gut, using it to slam myself into him relentlessly. As our collective climaxes approached, the intensity picked up, every thrust I made, in turn buried the blonde’s cock deeper into myself, and eventually I could contain myself no longer. With one last stroke, I began to explode into my brown haired lover’s luscious, hairy asshole until my own cum overflowed out of him onto my own body. This in turn created a chain reaction, I felt ropes of jizz pour into me and we collectively collapsed onto the floor. As I laid on my back, with semen leaking out of me, I suddenly was stricken with fear. What would my dad think? I didn’t have to wait long as soon he was standing over me, smiling ear to ear with his hand scratched out towards mine. As he helped me up he said, “You wanted to be a man, so I had it arranged, now let’s hit the showers again and head home, your brothers will be dying to hear about how it went.”
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nhlhoser · 7 years
On The Rocks- 12
Part 11       Masterlist
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  During the Leafs road trip, Toad took the time to train me so I could get the idea what expected from me because I already know the massage part. Right now I only work when the guys have a practice and morning skates but only for the next two weeks then I'll be working well they are playing. Apparently, I am supposed to be taking Toads position by the start of next season because something about retiring and moving away. Not gonna lie I am kind of scared but excited.
"You know you don't have to read all that," Toad said poking his head into the office where I am currently going over player health reports on the computer, reading up on previous injuries, treatments, and surgeries.
"I rather know about an injury before I accidentally aggravate it, plus I'll be able to spot when they're injury is bothering them but hiding it," I said briefly looking up from the Mac desktop to see a smiling Toad nodding his head before retreating.
"I'll see you tomorrow at practice," Were the words I could make out as he was walking away.
It's hours later when I finally put myself away from the computer screen, finally finished reading the reports. My muscle all tight and cramped now from sitting at the desk for a couple hours longer than I was expecting too. Raising my arms and leaning back I take in the time to see that is almost 11 pm.
"how the fuck did I manage 5 hours in this chair?" I said to the walls because I am alone, shaking my head and then the rest of my body to get out the kinks, I gather my things and get ready to leave but make sure that the massage tables are set up for tomorrow.
Walking into the physio room the quick tables are set and ready because they don't require sheets or anything but the couple tables we have for the longer more in-depth massage aren't made up. Going to where Toad showed me where the sheets are, its empty but the hamper for dirty sheets is full. Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I pick up the hampers and start towards the laundry room down the hall, to be greeted with the more unwashed sheets.
"The intern was sick," I groan remembering when Toad gave me the rundown of who does what, and the intern does the sheets and table, said intern had the flu this morning. pulling out my phone it's only 11:10 pm.
After loading the washing machine I return to physio room and start re-cleaning the quick tables well the sheets are getting washed.
"another hour won't hurt," I whispered to convince myself that I should stay and finish the sheets.
I smell like chemicals and laundry detergent, it's a clean mixed, to say the least. My hair is in a bad messy bun on the top my head, I've pulled my brothers too large blue jays hoodie and I'm no longer wearing the trainers I had on this morning, I sit in front of the dryer waiting for the last load to finish, its now 1:30 am and I keep falling In and out of sleep.
"I've had to piss since we left New York!" A deep voice yells down the hall with loud footsteps running towards where I was in the laundry room, startling me from my sleepy state to being alert.
"Hurry Mo!," A deeper voice follows the steps as the dry goes off.
gathering the sheets into the hamper, I make my way to the physio room, again. Setting the hamper down and getting work on folding, not as good as the first load that's for sure. I was pulling the last corner over the last table when Morgan and company walked in.
"Oh shit! Hey, Amelia" Morgan greets. "I was just about to turn off the light," He nodded towards where his hand is touching the switch, a goofy but tired smile on his lips. The only thing my tired ass could manage was a blink and a slow nod.
"Why the hell are you still here?" the other voice from before speaks up from behind Morgan, this time I have a face to the voice, It's James.
"Well, shit just didn't get done," I Shrugged finishing of the bed. "I was just about to get uber and head home," Now looking at the two exhausted hockey players still in their game-day suits.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked them as I passed them to head to the office, to gather my shit and go finally, they follow me like puppies.
"Well, I left my car here and Mo had to pee," James said holding the door open for me to the office, I nod my thanks as I grab my things and put my shoes and back out the door, they're still following me towards the exit and still don't leave. "I'll see you guys tomorrow," I tried to wave them off but they still stayed.
"So, how are you getting home?" Morgan started with a pointed look that James mirrors.
"I was just gonna get uber," I took out my phone to do just that when James grabs it.
"OR we can give you a ride?" James tone very 'duh'. My brow furrow, "But I'm probably out of your way its okay?" I went grab my phone but James raised it above our heads, his 6'3" vs. my 5"10' meant it was just out of reach for me.
"I live in the build across from you plus our buildings share the underground parking," James shrugged. "I think Mitch or Auston Mention that," I said dumbly. James still stood with my phone above our heads.
"So are you gonna stand there all night?" I teased the tall man. He fakes glare before returning my phone and leading the way to his car. A sleek black SUV. I fall asleep soon as my seat belt is done up.
"Sleeping beauty," a voice coos as my eyes open, we're in the underground now and Morgan's tired face is directly in front of me, making me jerk back. My reaction sparks a deep laugh from James.
"You scared with you ugly mug!" James laughs slapping Morgan's shoulder who's not that pleased but smiles before moving so I can exit the car, stretching my arms and legs as I get out.
"Well, I'll see you guys tomorrow," James said locking his car fist bumping morgan and side hugging me before head towards his building elevator, as Morgan and I head to ours.
"Amelia do you need a ride tomorrow?" Morgan asked once we were in the elevator using his fob to activate the elevator and press his floor then I do the same.
"Yeah, I do actually," the elevator shoot up fast before getting as lower speed, always makes my stomach lurch.
"Great I'll be at yours at 8 am and I'll drive you," He nods.
"But practice isn't until 11?" My brain is too slow or something.
"Yeah but this way I get a message first," His face looks devious.
"You guys did dips and you lost didn't you?" I laughed when Morgan's shoulders slump with a nod.
"Well sounds like a plan" I smile lazily as the elevator stopped and Morgan got off.
"Finally home," I happily sighed getting thru my door dropping my shit as I make my way to the kitchen to grab a water bottle and chugging it back.
"Hey, roomie!"
I choke on my water at the sound of Steph's sleepy voice.
"What the actual fuck?" still coughing. I remember I gave her a key yesterday so she could start moving her things in.
"I was waiting for you but I guess I fell asleep," The petit blonde shrugs like she didn't just scare me, my heart still racing.
"I got the basics over but I need Mitch for the rest, what the fuck its 2 am? why are you just getting home?" Her eyes going large.
"Shit wasn't done," I simply shrugged before continuing to drink my water and look for some food.
"Well goodnight," Steph said before going up the stairs when I remember Morgans coming tomorrow/ today.
"Oh yeah Morgan is coming over for," I said which made Steph turn and smirk at me.
"That's okay because Mitch and Auston are here already," she teased I just shrug continuing my food hunt.
"When the fuck did I have Chinese?" I said allowed not expecting an answer.
"Steph order it earlier"
"WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE SCARING ME IN MY OWN HOME!"  I jerked up from my crouched position in front the open fridge just missing my head. I turn to face the voice and I couldn't help but soften at the sight of a messy hair, Auston.
"Sorry," he raised his hands in surrender.
"Sorry just really tired and hungry, want some....rice or noodle? I don't even know what she got," I said plopping the food container on the counter.
"I just came down for water I'm good," he shook his hand dismissing the offer. I toss him a bottle from the fridge which he nearly misses making a tired laugh bubble from me.
"Pro athlete 'eh?" I chirped with a smirk and tired eyes. He raised his brow at my 'eh.
"I'm tired and real Canadian 'EH" he chirped, making my cheeks heat up.
" I'm tired too," I defended well digging into the cold food, not enough energy to heat it up. Auston just stands there with the water unopened staring at me.
"What?" My mouth full of rice.
"Are you really eating that cold?" His nose wrinkles in disgust.
"It's 2 am, I'm too lazy to heat it up, plus I'm good now," I said with the last spoonful of rice before closing it and putting it back in the fridge, tossing the spoon in the sink. Auston shakes his head before head back to bed after saying goodnight, leaving me back on my quest to go get sleep.
Passing the closed door of the room that Auston is in bring back the same warm feeling in my tummy when I woke up beside him. Resisting the urge to crawl into bed with him, I continue to my own room.
I'm out as soon as I hit my bed.
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