#earlier episodes of sanders sides my beloved
logan: i do not understand theatre, i think it's a waste of time. i don't get why anyone would be invested in playing a role on a stage.
also logan:
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miguel-manbemel · 5 years
Aspects & Fanfics Ep. 13: A Journey to Roman’s Kingdom - The Ultimate Sanders Crossover
This is the 13th episode in the Aspects & Fanfics blog, based on Sanders Sides by Thomas Sanders & Joan. It’s incredible to think how from a tiny little idea I had two weeks ago, a 29 page story could have been created. This is by far the new record for the longest episode in the fic, Virgil’s Revelation was only 22 pages long.
This episode is a homage, not only to Sanders Sides, but to all of Thomas’ career as a whole, as it is a crossover that features most, if not all, of his characters, from the Vines, the Shorts, Cartoon Therapy... I’ve been following his work back since late 2014, after all, and I haven’t seen many fics about things different from Sanders Sides, so I thought that they also deserved their place of recognition. There will be absences, like Sleep, but since he’s already appeared on his own in a previous episode, I don’t think it would be much trouble.
Okay, I’m not making this even longer with a long intro, so here we go. As usual, you can read previous entries of the Aspects & Fanfics blog right here. And I hope you enjoy this rollercoaster that has happened to be this episode. Until next time.
SYNOPSIS: After casually mentioning that Roman has indeed his own kingdom inside the Mind Palace, the Kingdom of Sandersia, populated with all the characters that Thomas has ever created, Thomas and the others decide to take on a journey to visit the kingdom, which will let them know in person characters like the shorts guys, Dr. Picani and many others. However, Roman is hiding a secret about his past in the kingdom that hasn’t told any of the other Sides.
WARNINGS: There’s more Prinxiety in the fic as the story goes on, and more unrequited Anxceit. As I said, this is a rollercoaster. It has moments of happiness, moments of fun, moments of emotion, and moments of angst, including mentions to the death of a beloved one for Roman and hints to homophobic reactions from Roman’s family against his coming out in the past.
In memory of Spanish director Narciso Ibáñez Serrador (1935-2019). You were such a huge influence in my life. Thanks to you I discovered my love for Broadway-like musicals and my love for editing. You and your work will never be forgotten. Rest in peace.
[Thomas and Joan are sitting on the couch. Thomas has just finished reading something on his laptop to Joan]
THOMAS: And so, this is the outline draft for the next Cartoon Therapy episode. What do you think?
JOAN: Well, it definitely has some good things… I loved the topic we’re discussing…
JOAN: I loved the cartoon show that’s going to be the base for that…
THOMAS: I thought you’d like it.
JOAN: I also loved your ideas for the new patients that join Dot, Larry and Elliott. They’ll make a good story and they look cute. [takes a deep breath] But…
JOAN: I don’t quite get the redesign you’ve applied on Dr. Picani, Thomas. I mean, he would look cool and all, but… having him wearing eye-shadow, his hair over his forehead, a purple necktie and jacket and suddenly speaking with a groveling voice… isn’t it a bit out of character for him?
THOMAS: Mmm… maybe?
[intro sequence]
THOMAS: What is up everybody?
JOAN: Again doing your videos?
THOMAS: Yes, Joan, you’ll have to get used to it.
JOAN: Okay, okay, you’re your own person…
THOMAS: What you have said about that redesign, Joan, it’s got me thinking. I certainly thought it looked cool while I was writing it…
JOAN: It made more sense in your head, right?
THOMAS: …sort of, now that you’ve said it. Now that I’ve seen it written, I can see it wouldn’t have worked at all. I don’t know why I’ve written that… well, to be honest, I think I do, but I’d have to check it out first, because this is not the first time this happens.
JOAN: Does that mean that you’re calling them again?
[Thomas leaves the laptop on the couch, Joan and him get up and go to Thomas’ usual spot]
THOMAS: Yep, exactly that. [yelling] Roman? Could you come here for a minute, please?
[Roman rises up, he’s showing a distracted starry eyed face]
ROMAN: Did you call, Thomas? Oh, greetings, Joan.
JOAN: Hi, Roman.
THOMAS: As a matter of fact, Roman, yes, I called you.
ROMAN: How may I serve you?
THOMAS: Where exactly did you get your idea for Dr. Picani’s redesign in the draft that I’ve just written?
ROMAN: It looks cool, doesn’t it? I knew you would like it.
THOMAS: Come on, Roman. Proofread it. We can’t use that design, it’s out of character for Dr. Picani.
ROMAN: [a little offended] Excuse me? I think he’d look like the prettiest creature in this world, other than me, [pedantically] but my design is unrepeatable.
THOMAS: Let me guess… You’re talking about your boyfriend Virgil?
JOAN: [surprised] Boyfriend?
THOMAS: It’s a long story, Joan, I’ll tell you later.
ROMAN: [smiling] How did you guess, Thomas?
VIRGIL: [rising up] I’m sorry, Thomas, I really am. I told him that it didn’t seem right to send you that design, but he wouldn’t listen.
ROMAN: Virge, honey, I have set as my supreme quest to make you leave your self-deprecating issues behind, and as my name is Roman Graham Alexander McDonald Carlos Sanders III, Prince and Heir of the Kingdom of Sandersia, I’m gonna fulfill it. Even if I have to put your marvelous face all over the world so that everyone can admire your beauty…
VIRGIL: [distressed] Please, Roman… Don’t… I mean it… Don’t do that.
JOAN: Thank God we don’t have to memorize Roman’s full name…
THOMAS: Okay, Roman. We get it. You love Virgil more than anything in this world, and that’s sweet and all, but you can’t let love blurry your common sense. You can’t redesign all my characters to look like Virgil, as if there was some sort of failure on the Matrix from my stories’ universe. Don’t you see it doesn’t make any sense?
ROMAN: [reluctantly] Okay, maybe you’re right, I guess…
VIRGIL: [relieved] Thank God…
THOMAS: Wait a second… did you say earlier… Kingdom of Sandersia?
JOAN: Your abilities of attention to details and memorization will always blow my mind, Thomas…
ROMAN: Yes, Thomas, it’s my homeland, and one day I’ll be its ruler.
THOMAS: You had never spoken about your homeland, Roman. Up until today, I didn’t even know that you had your own kingdom.
ROMAN: Well, Thomas, there’s no royalty without a kingdom, right?
JOAN: Tell that to the French Bourbons… Or the Greek royal family… Or the Burger King…
THOMAS: And how does your kingdom look like, Roman? Is it beautiful?
ROMAN: Very beautiful, but in a way, you already know it, Thomas.
THOMAS: What? What do you mean?
ROMAN: Let’s see if I can convey it in words… Have you ever heard about “The Neverending Story”?
THOMAS: Yes, I loved the first movie.
ROMAN: I don’t mean the movies, but the book by Michael Ende.
LOGAN: [rising up, with a squeaking yell] BOOK!?
VIRGIL: [jumps scared] WHAT THE F…! [putting his hand over his heart] Holy sssshoot… you scared me so bad… Again…
LOGAN: [ignoring Virgil, rising his hand, doing little jumps, overexcited] I did read it! I did read it! Pick me! Pick me!
ROMAN: Okay, okay, Teach, do your thing…
LOGAN: [with a face of contained happiness over sharing what he knows, masked with seriousness] It tells the story of a young boy named Bastian Balthazar Bux, who enters through some special book titled “The Neverending Story” into the land of Fantasia, which is made up of all of humanity’s fantasy. Every dream any human had, any wish, any fantastic creation they made or anything they wrote… Anything any human had ever conceived, it existed in Fantasia.
THOMAS: I see…
ROMAN: Sandersia follows the same principle, Thomas. It is made up of all of your creations. From the first poem you wrote as a teen to the latest Cartoon Therapy episode you created just now, including the Vines, the shorts, the fictional one-off YouTubes… any character you created, they’re all my subjects and my royal family rules them with wisdom.
LOGAN: So you’re like their Childlike Empress? It suits you… cause you’re a brat sometimes…
[Roman emits some offended Princey noises]
THOMAS: Man… I’d love to see that place.
JOAN: Me too…
[Joan and Thomas look at each other, both of their faces lighten up and they show a wide smile]
JOAN: Did you have the same idea I just had?
THOMAS: I think so… there’s some leftover pizza in the fridge and I’m hungry. I’ll share.
JOAN: [beat] I guess you didn’t. [sighs] I was thinking if we could go to Sandersia to see how it looks. Could we, Roman?
THOMAS: Hey, that’s a good idea! Could we?
ROMAN: [shows a little worried face] Sure. Joan can enter the Mind Palace, so they can also enter Sandersia.
VIRGIL: Is there any risk we should be worried about, Roman? You looked concerned.
ROMAN: [hiding his concern] Nah, I don’t think so. Everything should be safe there. And it could be fun. [frowns] But we must stay away from the Royal Castle.
ROMAN: I have… personal reasons, Thomas. I’d wish to keep them private for the moment if you don’t mind.
THOMAS: Okay, as you wish, Roman.
DECEIT: [appearing] I’m not missing it either. A world made of things that in the end are all lies? It looks like a paradise…
ROMAN: I don’t like the way you’ve described my country, Deceit.
DECEIT: Sorry. I think we should call the others. Honesty got really angry when we didn’t call him the last time. Patton, definitely won’t want to miss it, and it could be a good group experience for Wrath to get fully integrated into the team.
THOMAS: I agree with Deceit. Is it okay if we all go?
ROMAN: Of course it is, Thomas. Be my guests.
THOMAS: Okay. Patton, Honesty, Wrath! Everyone come here now, please!
[they all rise up]
PATTON: Hi, kiddos! I was baking some cookies, but I never reject the opportunity of seeing you all.
HONESTY: I was in the middle of preparing a teapot with a new tea mix I just invented…
WRATH: And I was watching “Jesus Christ Superstar”. I was in the middle of the “I Don’t Know How to Love Him” song…
ROMAN: Okay, if you want, you can go back to your chores, but I was wondering if you wanted to visit my homeland, Sandersia. We’re all going on a trip there.
PATTON: Yay! I have some cookies left in my pocket, so I can wait.
HONESTY: And I didn’t put the pot on the stove yet, so I’m ready.
WRATH: And it’s like the 57th time I watched that movie anyway, so I can join in too.
ROMAN: Very good.
THOMAS: So… how do we get there?
ROMAN: First, we need to get into my room, the door to Sandersia is over there.
THOMAS: Okay. Let’s go, then.
[everybody sinks down. There’s a white flash and they appear in Roman’s room. The room looks exactly the same as the last time, except that the forest of thorns in Virgil’s spot has been replaced by a huge rose tree full of purple roses]
THOMAS: I like the rose tree, Roman.
ROMAN: [sighs, looking at Virgil with a romantic glance] Me too. Purple roses started blooming one after the other when we…
VIRGIL: [nervously diverting the conversation, while blushing at the same time] Umm… Where is the door to Sandersia, Roman?
ROMAN: Oh, right, right. Well, the door to Sandersia is the front door of the apartment, of course.
JOAN: That’s it? So easy?
ROMAN: What did you expect?
JOAN: I was expecting some sort of magic portal full of light and beauty… like in fairy tales.
ROMAN: Well, sorry, but I thought that a good old door was the most practical thing to use. Besides, magic light is so expensive nowadays. And Thomas can already tell you that portals are a little bit dangerous by experience.
THOMAS: True. I almost broke a knee the last time. Don’t ask…
JOAN: [confused] Okay…
THOMAS: Well, if Sandersia is behind that door, let’s go.
[Thomas and Joan go to the front door. There’s a close-up shot of Thomas’ hand opening the door. Then a close-up of his face looking at the exterior. Then another one of Joan’s face of surprise]
THOMAS: Oh, my goodness…
JOAN: This is so… f… [bleep] ...ng… beautiful.
[camera zooms out quickly far away. Roman’s door is installed in what looks like a huge tree in the middle of a prairie, everything looks like taken from a Pixar movie, in CG animation. Thomas, Joan and the Sides go through the door, close it behind them and take a few steps forward]
PATTON: This is all so beautiful!
VIRGIL: It really looks like a Pixar movie or a recent Disney feature, like Tangled or Brave. It’s all really gorgeous.
ROMAN: I’m glad that you like my homeland, guys. It fills me with pride.
PATTON: [looking upwards, he gasps] Look, Thomas! Look at the sun! But be careful or you’ll get blind.
ROMAN: [invokes some special glasses for eclipses and gives one to Thomas and other to Joan] There you go.
THOMAS: [wearing the glasses] Thanks, Roman. [looks upwards to the sun, then overexcited yell] WOOOOOOOW! It’s Sun!
JOAN: Holy sh… [bleep] ! But it was me who created the special effects! And there he is, exactly as I made him in my laptop! Incredible!
THOMAS: I know! How can he be here in the flesh? Well, in the helium…
SUN: [from the sky] Greetings! Nice to meet you, Supreme Creators.
THOMAS: That’s… us?
ROMAN: Of course it is you, Thomas. You and Joan. You created him, didn’t you?
THOMAS: Um… Hi, Sun!
MOON: [rising up from behind a mountain, with a happy childlike voice] Hi, Thomas! It’s me, Moon!
THOMAS: [taking his glasses off, with a happy voice] Moooon!
SUN: [lashing out] Not again! This was my time! He was talking to me, now!
THOMAS: Okay, don’t fight, guys, you’re both celestial supreme entities, you need to be kind to each other.
MOON: [happily] Yes, let’s be friends!
SUN: [reluctantly] If you say so… Oh, there are some clouds coming to cover me. Well, I’m powerful, but not enough to defeat the powers of Florida weather, so I’m afraid it’s time for me to go…
THOMAS: Florida weather? I thought we were in Sandersia.
ROMAN: Thomas, Sandersia is in the Mind Palace, and the Mind Palace is in you, and you are in Florida, so Sandersia is in Florida right now.
THOMAS: Got it, a little complicated, but got it.
SUN: Until next time.
MOON: Bye, Sun! Bye, Thomas!
THOMAS: [waving his hand] Bye, guys!
[The clouds cover Sun, and Moon goes back behind the mountain]
THOMAS: That was wild!
ROMAN: Well, Thomas, it’s just the beginning. Let’s go.
[Thomas and the others start walking through a little road. After a while they get to a little neighborhood full of houses, each with its own front-yard]
THOMAS: This looks a lot like my town of Gainesville.
ROMAN: Maybe because it was inspired on it, Thomas… Oh, look who’s coming.
THOMAS: But… that’s me! Well, it’s been ages since I last wore that shirt with red and navy blue stripes, but still…
ROMAN: Don’t be fooled, Thomas. Of course everyone is going to look similar to you, you’ve played most of the characters in your stories. But here, each is their own person.
THOMAS: Then who is he?
STORYTIME GUY: [with his trademark narrator voice] Storytime! Thomas was confused because he didn’t know who I was until I nailed this narration.
THOMAS: Oh, you’re the Storytime Guy! Oh, it’s so weird, I feel as if I was talking to myse… never mind, I’ve just realized I already do this everyday with you, guys.
STORYTIME GUY: What’s up, Thomas? How are you doing?
THOMAS: Oh, I’m fine, I’m fine… And you?
STORYTIME GUY: Well, I’ve been out of work lately, but I don’t complain. It’s good to have some me time. The Vine years were so frenetically busy…
THOMAS: Yeah, I know. Viewers still love and remember you and would wish for you to keep on appearing in the shorts. It’s too bad that people don’t fall so easily into the narrations anymore. Now, they see me coming from miles away, so I just stopped trying. I guess it’s the price of getting known online. It was easier to sneak into them in the early years. Now the only potential victim I have left is my own mom.
STORYTIME GUY: It’s okay. I’ll always be here, as long as the Vines keep on existing and people remember me. Well, gotta go now. Have a nice day in Sandersia, guys, and I hope to see you again soon.
THOMAS: And I hope I’m able to give you more material to narrate soon. Bye, Storytime Guy…
STORYTIME GUY: [leaving] Bye, Thomas! Take it easy, guys and non binary pal!
PATTON: Wow! The Storytime Guy is so nice!
JOAN: He was played by Thomas and based on the real life Thomas, what else did you expect?
THOMAS: Aww! You’re too sweet, guys.
ROMAN: Okay, let’s keep going.
[the gang keep advancing around the neighborhood. After turning a corner, another person bumps into Thomas]
THOMAS: Awe! I’m so sorry.
TRAILER VOICE: [with his low voice] In a world, where you think you can cross a corner safely, and some fool bumps into you anyway…
PATTON: Oi, no need to be rude, it was an accident!
VIRGIL: It’s the Trailer Voice Guy… My, I wonder how they can identify each other here in Sandersia. The same car drive license could be equally valid for everyone, it seems, they all have the same face…
THOMAS: Something tells me that perhaps I should try to do more shows with different actors…
JOAN: Well, we’ve already started. But you’ve done so much acting all on your own… I don’t know how you can cope with having so much weight over your shoulders, Thomas.
THOMAS: I’m surrounded by a good team of incredibly amazing friends and incredibly talented people, you can be certain that helps.
JOAN: I’ll take my share of that compliment, thank you.
THOMAS: Oh, where’s the trailer voice guy?
[They realize the Trailer Voice guy left while they were speaking and is nowhere to be seen]
THOMAS: Okay, never mind. Let’s just keep going.
VIRGIL: Roman…
ROMAN: Yes, sweetheart?
VIRGIL: Firstly, don’t call me like that until we’re alone. And secondly, what’s that shadowy hill that can be seen in the distance?
ROMAN: That’s beyond our borders, we must never go there, Simba… I mean, Virgil.
ROMAN: Well, that area is where your impression characters live. You know, Stewie Griffin, Kermit the Frog, Stitch, Goofy… It’s also home of the characters you portrayed on-stage, like J.D., Prospero, Javert, Don Lockwood, Ko-Ko, Leo Bloom, and so many others. We don’t hold the copyright of these characters, so it would be tricky if they appeared on this video…
LOGAN: Talk about meta…
THOMAS: But… isn’t Sandersia the place of my own creations? Why are these characters here if I didn’t create them?
ROMAN: Thomas, don’t underestimate an actor’s labor. Do you think that a character is created solely on what a writer has written? That’s a solid base, but it’s just the beginning. The director with his vision of the character, and the actor with his work of bringing life into it, adapting himself to the character, but also adapting the character to his own range and needs… that’s also a part of the creative process of a character. So you have been a part of the creation of these characters, at least of your versions of the characters. It’s only natural that they live here.
THOMAS: Okay… [sighs] It’s a pity I won’t get to see Taylor’s Herbert. That would have been great… But you’re right, Roman, we don’t want a copyright strike. Let’s go.
[they keep walking, and after a while, they get in front of a house that looks quite familiar to Thomas]
THOMAS: But… that’s my house!
ROMAN: No, it isn’t, Thomas. Look carefully, and you too, Patton.
[they all sneak on a window, they see that the Dad Guy, Mom and the children are there inside having lunch]
PATTON: But… that’s me!
ROMAN: No, Patton, that’s the Dad Guy. A character that appears on the Vines. Like the Prince Guy and the Teacher Guy. People think that we were inspired on them… but in fact it’s them who were inspired on us. Thomas has known us for all of his life and he used our likenesses to design these characters. [to the camera, breaking the fourth wall] You didn’t see that one coming, did you?
LOGAN: Well, Thomas, perhaps we should start sharing a piece of the shorts’ royalties, shouldn’t we?
THOMAS: I mean, the Vines don’t give much, since they’re defunct, but anyway, you all are me, so in a way we’re already sharing royalties, aren’t we?
PATTON: Oh, I love that scene. A beautiful family all gathered around the table, telling dad jokes… Oh, I wish I had a family like that…
ROMAN: Patton, aren’t we family already?
PATTON: Of course we are, kiddo. But I mean with a partner and children of my own to raise. I’ve always called myself a dad… but  I have the feeling that it’s only a nickname Thomas placed on me. The truth is I have no recollection of my children or the supposed couple that gave birth to them or adopted them with me, whatever. I called myself a dad just by inertia, and I tried to live up to that name being a dad for you all guys. However I’ve started doubting lately if I’m really a father at all and I should just back up a little bit and just be more grounded.
VIRGIL: Wanna know a secret?
PATTON: What is it, kiddo?
VIRGIL: I… am your son.
PATTON: [little bittersweet smile] Thank you, kiddo. It fills me with joy that you would consider yourself as such, and I’ve always considered you as such myself, but at the end of the day I always remember we’re just best friends…
VIRGIL: I’m not just being kind… dad. I really mean it. Think about it. When I was a Dark Side, I was mainly anxiety, and anxiety is a feeling. And who’s the one that gives “birth” to feelings in this house? It’s you. So, technically, you are my real father.
PATTON: But that can’t be, kiddo. You appeared in Thomas’ life way before I did.
VIRGIL: So did Roman, and I was in the Mind Palace way before him, I only took more time to rise up before Thomas. The same happened to you. Feelings are the first thing that a human has when they’re born, they’re nothing but an 8 pound ball of feelings…
LOGAN: [disgusted retching] Huurl… [after Honesty frowns at him] Excuse me.
PATTON: Then… you are my son… for real? [tearing up] Why didn’t you tell me earlier?
VIRGIL: Because I wasn’t sure yet. After all, I was a Dark Side and you were a Light Side, so it didn’t make sense that I was your son… But now that we’ve discovered that in origin I was a Light Side… Suddenly all the pieces of the puzzle started fitting in… just like you said in the puzzle song.
PATTON: I wish I would have been there to take care of you all of your life, to rise you as my son. Oh, all you’ve been through in the Dark Realm without me to take care of you and defend you… I’m so, so sorry, Virgil. I wasn’t there when you needed me…
VIRGIL: You have nothing to be sorry about. Ever since we finally met, you have put yourself into your father role, even when you didn’t know the truth. And even when I tried to resist it, there was always… how to describe it… this sort of “pulling sensation” inside of me that made me want to be closer to you, that made me feel better when I was with you more than with anyone else. I guess you were bound to take care of me, and I was bound to love you, dad, ever since the first time we met.
[Virgil hugs Patton and Patton squeezes his son]
PATTON: I love you, my emo son.
VIRGIL: And I love you too, my wonderful dad.
JOAN: This emotional moment just came out of nowhere… [cleaning a tear from their eye] Warn a dude next time, for f… [bleep] …k‘s sake!
ROMAN: Well, be warned then, Joan, because here comes another round of tears… [to Patton] If you’re really his father, Patton… then I must take this time to ask you and Virgil something.
PATTON: What is it kiddo?
VIRGIL: Roman?
ROMAN: Patton, would you… give me your son’s hand?
VIRGIL: [in shock] What?
ROMAN: And Virgil… [taking a little box out of his pocket and kneeling before Virgil, who covers his mouth in shock] … I know you don’t like weddings, but… [opening the box and revealing a golden ring with a shiny purple amethyst on it] it would make me the happiest aspect on the Mind Palace if you would marry me.
VIRGIL: [overwhelmed, unable to react] I… I…
THOMAS: Oh, my gosh…
PATTON: Answering your question, Roman, whatever Virgil decides, I will support it no matter what, but if it was up to me, of course I’d give you his hand. I couldn’t think of a better son in law for me. But it’s Virgil’s choice and only his.
ROMAN: Virgil?
VIRGIL: I mean… you know I don’t like weddings, at all…
ROMAN: [showing a little dejected face] I understand…
VIRGIL: …but I certainly want to spend the rest of my life with you as my husband. If there’s no choice other than going through a wedding to achieve that, I’ll willingly take the sacrifice. Of course I’ll marry you.
[Roman shows a face of endless happiness. Then puts the ring on Virgil’s finger and kisses him, then they hug each other. Deceit looks at the scene from the back, showing a smile as if he didn’t care but with a single sad tear sticking out of his human eye. Honesty and Wrath stand next to Deceit, discreetly put their hands on his shoulders and give him a friendly smile. Deceit gives a grateful but bittersweet smile back at them and doesn’t say a word. While hugging Roman, Virgil notices this exchange, but says nothing]
THOMAS: [happy yelling] Congratulations, guys!
DAD GUY: [from the window] Yes, congratulations, your Highness!
ROMAN: Oh, I’m sorry, Dad Guy, we didn’t want to bother you.
DAD GUY: It’s okay, it was like watching a good romantic movie right on our window, I won’t complain. Oh, you must be Patton!
PATTON: You know me?
DAD GUY: Of course I do. I was created on your image. But don’t stay out there, I know you’re cool but that doesn’t mean you must catch a cold to prove it.
THOMAS: Oh, we wouldn’t want to bother you. Besides, we need to keep going on our way.
DAD GUY: Oh, okay. If you say so. Enjoy your visit through Sandersia, Thomas.
THOMAS: Thank you, Dad Guy. It was nice meeting you.
PATTON: I have to come back here some day, we could share some dad jokes when we have the time.
DAD GUY: I’ll be waiting. Bye, kiddos!
[Thomas and the others get going. After some time, they get in front of what looks like a school]
THOMAS: I have the feeling I know who we can find in here. Don’t you, Logan?
LOGAN: I think I know who you’re referring to, Thomas. If it’s him, I can’t wait. He wears a necktie like I do, so he must be the most serious, level-headed individual you could ever mee…
[the Teacher Guy passes by in front of them, running. He’s carrying some balloons in his hand, laughing uncontrollably, while some students follow him running too]
LOGAN: [in shock] I mean… what? [nervously] Oh, well, I’m sure he’s using these balloons to explain some laws of physics, maybe the properties of helium gas. It has to be that. It has…
TEACHER GUY: [still running] I said I don’t wanna go to school!
STUDENT: [running behind him, trying to catch him] But you must! You are our teacher! Moreover, you’re the principal! And we need to know our exam results! Come back heere!
[Virgil looks at Logan’s face of shock and chortles]
LOGAN: [in frustration] Okay, I have seen enough of this…
THOMAS: I had forgotten how much different the Teacher Guy was from you, Logan…
LOGAN: Well, as far as I’m concerned, Thomas, you can forget that… tie-traitor again.
PATTON: Well, I like him.
THOMAS: Don’t get mad, Logan.
[a person approaches them. He looks at the Teacher Guy, still running in the distance, balloons in hand]
PERSON: What a freak…
THOMAS: Excuse me?
PERSON: [yelling] ...iiiing amazing bunch of balloons that charming fellow is carrying over there! [giggles] Colorful!
[then the person leaves running]
THOMAS: I think it was the Misleading Compliment’s Guy, wasn’t it?
VIRGIL: Yes, I think so.
THOMAS: Okay, let’s go, there’s still so much to see.
[the gang keeps on walking. After some time, they reach an office building]
THOMAS: Oh, my goodness… Joan, look at the sign at the door.
JOAN: [reading] Dr. Emile Picani, therapist. [gasps] Whoa! That’s amazing!
THOMAS: Should we come in?
JOAN: We don’t have an appointment, Thomas. It may be rude…
[the door opens. Elliott comes out of it, they almost trip on Joan]
ELLIOTT: I’m sorry…
JOAN: I’m sorry too…
ELLIOTT: Are you waiting to come in?
JOAN: Oh, we don’t have an appointment.
ELLIOTT: That’s okay. Dr. Picani has some free time, my session today has been shorter than expected.
JOAN: Really?
THOMAS: I hope it’s not for anything bad…
ELLIOTT: No, it isn’t. Today my sister is moving to college. I had an appointment set beforehand, so I just came in to warn Dr. Picani. We did an express session and that’s all. If you want to see him, you can right now, before his next patient.
JOAN: Okay, thank you. I think we will.
ELLIOTT: You two make a cute couple.
THOMAS: Oh, we’re… we’re not dating, we’re just friends.
ELLIOTT: [shrugs] Okay. I think Dr. Picani could also be efficient in solving issues between friends. Now, if you excuse me, I must go, or I’ll be late to my sister’s farewell. I hope we meet again, bye!
JOAN: That was weird… it felt as if I was talking to myself…
THOMAS: Tell me about it… Okay, we’re too many to enter the little office, how do we do this?
ROMAN: If you want, Thomas, we can get inside of you while you’re there.
THOMAS: I you want to, It’d be great.
ROMAN: Okay, we’ll be watching, Thomas.
[they all sink down]
THOMAS: Okay, let’s get in.
[Thomas and Joan enter the office. There’s a secretary in the reception]
SECRETARY: Do you have an appointment?
THOMAS: Well, as a matter of fact, we don’t, Elliott had told us that Dr. Picani had some free time and…
PICANI: [from the therapy room] It’s okay, Quill, let them in.
SECRETARY: Okay. Could you give me your names for the register?
THOMAS: Sure, I’m Thomas Sanders.
JOAN: And I’m Joan S.
SECRETARY: Very well, you can come in, it’s that door over there. You won’t get lost.
THOMAS: Thank you.
[Thomas and Joan cross the door and they find themselves in Picani’s office. Picani is there, smiling at them]
PICANI: New patients. Do you how do? Sit down, please.
THOMAS: Good afternoon, doctor.
[Thomas and Joan sit down]
PICANI: I couldn’t help but hear you from my window. You know Elliott, right?
JOAN: Oh, yes. You could say we’re almost like family.
PICANI: Yes, I see the resemblance… Is this your first time in therapy?
THOMAS: Well, not for me, I had to go to some therapy after a rough break-up I had a couple of years ago.
JOAN: For me, it’s the first time.
PICANI: And how would you describe the relationship between you two?
THOMAS: Oh, we’re just friends of many years, we’re not dating or anything. We also work together.
PICANI: I see… Are you currently in a relationship?
THOMAS: Not me. I’ve been single since the break-up.
JOAN: I am, with my partner Talyn.
PICANI: Oh, and it’s a happy relation?
JOAN: Yes, certainly. It’s them, their kittens their pet-rat and me.
PICANI: Aww! Just like Cinderella had their mice before she met her prince charming…
JOAN: Yes, you could say so…
PICANI: We don’t have much time, and Joan seems to be doing okay, so I wanna concentrate in you Thomas. How would you describe the outcome of your relationship.
THOMAS: Well, it was hard. It’s not easy to give up to your first love, you know?
PICANI: Was it a source of anxiety?
[Suddenly, Thomas is replaced on the seat by Virgil, it seems that only Joan notices the change, Picani doesn’t sport any reaction]
VIRGIL: Yes, it certainly was. Both in the time before and after the end of the relation, angst was pretty the norm in my life.
JOAN: … Virgil?
PICANI: I see. It seems that you loved this person, right?
[now it’s Patton who sits in the couch]
PATTON: Yes, all of my heart was devoted to him. That was the hardest part, allowing my heart to let him go. It took time, but I finally did it.
JOAN: …and Patton?
PICANI: And what do you hope to get from life in the love department, Thomas?
[Roman appears in the couch]
ROMAN: Oh, I’m still a sucker for romance, you know. At first I thought I would never get to experiment that feeling again, but little by little I have recovered the hope that there’s someone for me and that I will find him someday, when I least expect it. And if that doesn’t happen, it’s okay. I’m also lucky today to say that I love myself, and that’s enough.
JOAN: What is going on here?
PICANI: Do you have any plans for your future?
[Logan appears on the couch]
LOGAN: Of course I do. I mean, no one can plan his future in the long term, but I have some things planned for me in the short term, like trying to do bigger steps in my career, making sure that I have a proper, healthy lifestyle, et cetera.
JOAN: Okay, will anybody tell me what’s happening here?
[Thomas reappears on the couch]
THOMAS: What’s the matter, Joan? Are you okay?
JOAN: You tell me. Your Sides have been appearing in your place all of the time.
THOMAS: Have they? I didn’t even notice.
PICANI: I did, but I assumed it was some eccentricity of you, non Sandersians.
THOMAS: I guess I was projecting them while I was speaking with Dr. Picani. It may have something to do with being in this land. It’s okay, Joan.
JOAN: If you say so…
PICANI: Okay. Time is running out. My next patient will be here in just a few minutes. Since this hasn’t been a full session where we didn’t have really much time to discuss any real issues, and you are friends of Elliott’s, you don’t owe me anything. Elliott has payed for the full session already, so it’s okay.
THOMAS: Oh, thank you, Dr. Picani.
PICANI: But I hope to know about you in the future.
[Thomas and Joan rise up]
THOMAS: Yes, I hope so too, Doctor. Goodbye.
JOAN: Goodbye, Doctor.
PICANI: Goodbye, patients.
[Thomas and Joan get out of the building. The Sides rise up or appear around them]
THOMAS: Well, that was refreshing.
JOAN: It was.
ROMAN: And you were right, Thomas, it doesn’t make sense to place eyeshadow and purple garments on Dr. Picani. I’ll scrap that when we get back home.
THOMAS: I’m glad you understand, Roman…
[suddenly, an army of Thomases, all dressed with the Steven Universe star shirt, comes out of nowhere and surrounds the gang]
THOMAS: [a little afraid] What’s the meaning of this?
VIRGIL: [concerned] We’re surrounded, there’s no possible escape route.
[one of them approaches them]
GUARD: At last we found thou, your Highness.
ROMAN: [concerned] Oh, no…
THOMAS: What is going on, Roman? Who are these?
ROMAN: These are all the different Thomas characters you have played in your Vines and shorts. They work in the Royal Palace, doing chores, being our entourage in protocol expeditions, being our guards, like the ones here…
GUARD: Thou must come with us, your Highness. Thy father has been looking for you everywhere. Thou shouldn’t have just disappeared like that.
ROMAN: I’m the prince of this land! I decide when I disappear and for how long! Now I command you to let me go!
GUARD: I’d wish to follow your command, your Highness, but alas, our orders come from the King, your father, themselves. Thou must come with us right now.
GUARD: Please, your Highness, don’t make a scene. Do not resist us. We’d hate to use violence, but we’ll do to enforce your Majesty’s command if we must. Ye are surrounded and outnumbered, thou know thou have no choice.
ROMAN: [sighs] Okay… If there’s no choice, I’ll go with you… But my friends will come with me as my own personnel, they’ll stay with me all the time.
GUARD: Do as it pleases thyself, as long as thou come with us.
ROMAN: Let’s go then. Let’s get over with this already.
[they start walking, they talk to each other in low voice trying not to be heard by the guards surrounding them]
ROMAN: I’m so sorry, you guys. I didn’t expect that they would find us so easily. I thought if we stayed away from the Royal Palace, we’d be safe, but I guess I was wrong. My father must have eyes and ears everywhere.
LOGAN: Ew… That’s gross…
DECEIT: It’s a metaphor, Logan.
VIRGIL: But I don’t understand, Roman. What’s going on?
ROMAN: You see… when I first appeared in front of Thomas the first time, I told him that some day I’d be a prince, remember Thomas?
THOMAS: How could I forget?
ROMAN: I am Creativity, and I had the power of making anything that Thomas imagined through me come true in the Mind Palace. So I wished hard for me to become a real Prince… and it worked. One day I woke up in a royal bedroom, and I was Prince Roman, Heir of the Kingdom of Sandersia. Everything I created as Thomas’ creativity, made Sandersia bigger and more prosperous. I also had a royal family of my own, with a King that ruled the Kingdom, which was my royal father. I lived with him so many years, I got fully immersed into the story I created for myself, and became his son for real. He raised me, after all, so he was my father in all the sense of the word. But then, the problems arose.
THOMAS: Problems?
ROMAN: Well, it was in a time when you, Thomas, got really afraid and uncomfortable with your own sexuality, and that fear was a big influence on all of us. I didn’t escape that influence as, suddenly, my father, the King, started demanding me to marry a princess to secure a lineage. I was horrified. I told him that I was gay, and that I would never marry a woman, princess or not, but that only infuriated him. He just locked me in my bedroom, forbid me to get out of the kingdom, so I couldn’t see you, Thomas, and started looking for eligible maidens all over the land to choose one himself and force me to marry her.
VIRGIL: Oh, yes, you mentioned that, but not with so much detail.
ROMAN: So, in the end, one night, when everybody was sleeping, I grabbed my sword and ran away to my room in the Mind Palace. I created a barrier between my room and Sandersia so that they could never know where I was, and so that no one could get in or out without my authorization. And I stayed in my room from then on, never returning until today. I even removed the shields from my royal uniform out of fear of being uncovered… then I realized that was impossible as long as I didn’t return, so I brought them back when I updated my outfit. I should have taken them off before coming back. No wonder everyone recognized me as Your Highness…
THOMAS: But you’re Creativity. You literally created them all. You could as easily modify them or make them disappear, why so much fear?
ROMAN: I can’t, Thomas! They’re my family. I literally grew up with them. I’m too attached to them, it would kill me to do that. I would never do that. I want them to keep on existing, just the way they are, and if they change, I want them to change on their own free will, because they’ve listened to reason, not just because I forced them to do so. I may dress in white, but I’m not White Diamond, you know?
THOMAS: I see. But if you knew this could happen, why did you take such a foolish risk and return to Sandersia? We would have never put you in such a danger just for some… fun trip.
ROMAN: I always felt incomplete, Thomas. What’s a prince without a kingdom? I’ve always missed Sandersia, and I had hoped that they would have forgotten about me after all these years, especially since now you are more than comfortable with being gay… I guess I was wrong. Now they’ll force me to go back to the Royal Castle permanently… maybe even carry on with their plans and make me marry a princess of their choice… [looks at Virgil with an angsty face] I don’t want to do that! I love you, Virgil, I just want to be with you and no one else!
VIRGIL: [holding Roman’s hand, with determined voice] If that’s so, I won’t let them force you into doing something you don’t wanna do! We’ll try to convince them to understand, and if they don’t listen, we’ll make them listen! I won’t let them take you away from me! Jeez… love can really change people down to the core. I never thought these kind of determined words would ever be coming out from my mouth. That’s the effect you’ve had on me, Roman, and I’m not giving you up!
ROMAN: [with a sad smile] I love you, so much…
THOMAS: And we’ll help in any way we can. It’s not fair that for some… stupid law, they force you to be in an unhappy relationship for the rest of your life. We’ll think of something.
GUARD: Okay, we’ve arrived.
ROMAN: [with a painful, sarcastic, voice] Oh… good…
[the gang looks at the castle that lies in front of them. It’s huge, in white color with red roofs, and with Roman’s shield above the front door. The door opens and they enter a huge corridor with another door at the end of it. When the front door slams behind them, all the guards except the main guard leave them to guard the door and the gang walks to the end door]
GUARD: Wait here till I announce thou.
ROMAN: Yes, I know how this works, I used to live here, remember? Don’t teach me any lessons and go ahead already.
GUARD: You must know that I sympathize with you, your Highness. I do not like at all having to do this, but it’s the king. I must obey. I wish you the best of luck.
ROMAN: Yes, yes, whatever…
[the guard opens the door and closes it behind him, while the gang stays outside]
ROMAN: I’m scared, you guys…
VIRGIL: Who wouldn’t be?
ROMAN: I mean, who knows what my father’s going to do to me? The more I think of it, the more scared I get… I wish we could be back in the living room right now…
THOMAS: And why don’t we? Let’s just teleport back, like when we get in and out of the rooms.
ROMAN: We can’t teleport out of Sandersia, Thomas. Remember that I placed a barrier at the door. No one can get in or out of Sandersia unless they cross that door. We’d need to get physically across the door to my room first to be able to get back to the living room, but it’s too far away… and we’re trapped in this castle with no escape. And I’m not wiping out anything or anyone, before you make the suggestion. No innocent Sandersian will be erased in any plan we conceive.
THOMAS: It’s okay. We’ll think of something else. In the meantime, don’t be afraid. We won’t let anything bad happen to you.
PATTON: If the king treats you bad, I’m ready to physically fight all the minions he tries to throw upon us to defend you. It would be the first time I’d have to do it for real, but I don’t care. I’ve got a future son in law to protect.
ROMAN: Thank you, Patton. Thank you guys…
[the door starts opening]
ROMAN: [swallows saliva and shows a scared face] Oh, no… [takes a deep breath and masks his fear with his usual regal bearing] Okay… dignity. I’m still Prince Roman. I’ll stand my ground. I won’t give in.
[once the door is fully opened, the guard yells from inside]
GUARD: Prince Roman Graham Alexander McDonald Carlos Sanders III, Prince and Heir of the Kingdom of Sandersia!
[Roman starts walking and the others walk a few steps behind. He shows his regal bearing, and he would have fooled everyone into thinking he was confident, if it wasn’t for how much his hands were shaking. After a few steps, Roman looks at the throne room. To the surprise of everyone, at the throne there sits the Prince Guy]
ROMAN: What? You?
PRINCE GUY: Glad to see you again… brother.
THOMAS: What the… Brother? The Prince Guy is your brother?
ROMAN: Where is dad? [to the guard] You said that my father gave you the orders.
PRINCE GUY: I commanded him to tell you that, Roman. You wouldn’t have listened otherwise.
ROMAN: [sarcastic] And of course, the fact that you sent a whole army to get me wasn’t a stronger way of convincing me, I guess…
PRINCE GUY: You never know…
ROMAN: You still didn’t answer my question. Where is dad?
PRINCE GUY: Roman, our father… died seven years ago.
ROMAN: [in shock] He… died?
PRINCE GUY: When you left, he went really angry. He searched Sandersia for you far and wide. But you were nowhere to be seen. After a couple of years of search, he stopped looking for you.
ROMAN: Because he gave up on me?
PRINCE GUY: Because he went ill, Roman. When he saw that his end was nearing, he realized how bad he had been with you. In the end, I confessed…
ROMAN: You confessed? What did you have to confess?
PRINCE GUY: …that I had been covering your escape.
ROMAN: [in shock] You… what? I didn’t know…
PRINCE GUY: I had always known where you were hiding. That night, when dad was so harsh on you, when he called you all those horrible things… I went to your bedroom to try to comfort and support you. And I saw you sneaking out of the castle and running away. I followed you up to that door in the tree where you placed the barrier.
ROMAN: I never noticed anyone following me… And why didn’t you give me away?
PRINCE GUY: How could I do that? You are my big brother and I love you. I've always looked up to you as an example for your courage and gentleness, and for your strong will that wouldn't let anyone stand in your way to your dreams and happiness, and I admired how sometimes you would be bent by dad’s words, but never broken. I knew dad was wrong and I wanted to make sure that you were happy, even if that meant I would never see you again, and even knowing how much I was gonna miss you. In his last moments, dad understood it too. He wrote you a letter, that I was to give you. But I couldn’t cross the barrier, so I couldn’t deliver it. I tried to knock sometimes, with no luck.
ROMAN: Oh… I remember someone knocking at the door years ago… But I didn’t open out of fear of getting caught. If I had known…
PRINCE GUY: It’s okay, I understood that at the time, and I just resigned to wait until the day you decided to come back. And I left… Sun and Moon guarding the door day and night to warn me when you decided to show your face here again.
ROMAN: So it was these two who gave me away. And they looked so innocent…
PRINCE GUY: Don’t be mad at them. I’m glad that they gave you away, brother. Otherwise, I couldn’t have given you this. [takes a golden envelope from a pocket in his suit, gets up from the throne and approaches Roman to give it to him] These are dad’s last words for you. Here you are.
[Roman opens the letter and starts reading the also golden paper inside. After a few moments, he bursts in tears]
THOMAS: Don’t keep us in suspense, Roman, read it to us too! If it’s not too personal, of course.
ROMAN: [sobbing] Oh, sorry… it’s not. But I fear I’ll get choked up if I read it out-loud…
PRINCE GUY:  I already know the content, as I wrote it myself on his dictation, because he was too weak to hold a quill, but, as you can see, he stamped his royal insignia so that you knew I didn’t write it myself. I’ll read it if you want.
ROMAN: [giving him the letter, still sobbing] Yes, please…
PRINCE GUY: [reading] My dear son Roman… I don’t know how to start these lines. How does a father start apologizing to his son when he thinks what he’s done is unforgivable? Some things I think of come out as fake, others come out as weak. I guess I’ll just have to allow myself to be myself, and start with the most simple, yet most difficult word to say: “Sorry”. I regret so much everything I made you go through. I have paid the price of my wrongdoings, because I lost you. Now I know I’ll never see you again in this world. I’ll pay the price and think it was worthy if at least you managed to find happiness away from me, wherever you are, and with whomever you choose, whether it’s a woman, or a man, or anything in between, I don’t care anymore, as long as they’re a good person who loves you as much as you deserve, as much as I failed to do in the end. I hope that when you read these lines, you can find it in your heart to forgive this stupid old man that is on the verge of leaving this world. That wouldn’t change what I’ve done, but at least it would give me peace.
[Virgil gets closer to Roman and holds his hand. They look at each other and tears start running from both their eyes, while the Prince Guy keeps on reading]
PRINCE GUY: There’s a problem on what we must do with the throne after my departure now that you’re gone, though. Even though your brother would also be a good king, I still think that you’re the best ruler this kingdom could have. Your brother agrees with me on that as he doesn’t want the crown. So, for the time being, until you make a choice, I have decided to make your brother the regent of the Kingdom of Sandersia, and he will govern in your name while you’re absent. In the case you decide to return, he’ll immediately resign in your favor and you’ll take your place as King of Sandersia. It’s up to you what you decide to do with the crown afterwards. I know that, whatever you do, you’ll make the right choice. You were educated in wisdom and intelligence, and you developed the most creative mind because of that. At least in that, I think I wasn’t so bad.
[the Prince Guy makes a short pause, then proceeds to read the final part of the letter]
PRINCE GUY: It’s time for me to end these lines now, as my strength is starting to fail me and my vision is getting blurry. I don’t think I’ll last much longer. Goodbye, my dear son. I hope that my love reaches you and guides you for the rest of your life. I’ll always be with you if you look into your heart. I love you, my son. Even if I failed to show it properly, I have always loved you. Farewell.
[the Prince Guy gives the paper back to Roman]
PRINCE GUY: And then he signs with his name and his royal stamp. Dad wrote another document proclaiming this last part, which was read in his funeral. You were proclaimed back then as the new king, so there’s no need for any more formalisms. Welcome back home, King Roman Graham Alexander McDonald Carlos Sanders III, ruler of the Kingdom of Sandersia.
ROMAN: I… I didn’t expect this. So I’m… the king?
[another guard brings the Prince Guy the royal crown]
PRINCE GUY: Yes, your Majesty. [placing the crown on Roman’s head] The throne is all yours.
THOMAS: [emotional] Oh, my goodness… Congratulations Ro… I mean, Your Majesty!
VIRGIL: I’m so proud of you…
[the rest of the Sides and Joan start cheering and applauding, even Logan gets a little carried away]
PRINCE GUY: Now, I think it’s your turn to speak. Say whatever’s in your heart, Your Majesty.
ROMAN: I… I don’t know what to say… Yes I do. I hereby announce that you, my brother, will keep on being the regent of Sandersia.
PRINCE GUY: [surprised] What? But I…
ROMAN: My wish was to be a prince, and if I’m crowned as king, that means I’m no longer a prince. I’m not giving up my nickname Princey. Kingy just sounds… weird, and I don’t even know how to spell it.
THOMAS: But the purpose of a prince is to become a king. Isn’t it?
ROMAN: Don’t get me wrong, Thomas, I’m not giving up the crown. But I just had an idea. I don’t have to stop being a prince if I do a little tweak to Sandersia’s Constitution, and as a king I have the power to do that… From this day on, I proclaim that the Kingdom of Sandersia becomes the Principality of Sandersia, and I remain being Prince Roman… and the rest of the names, ruler of Sandersia.
PRINCE GUY: But why do you want me to keep on being the regent? You’re back, the crown is yours. Being a king or a prince is irrelevant to that.
ROMAN: You have been here, governing the kingdom in my absence all this time. And look how well you’re doing it. I’m so proud of you. Besides, I still have work to do somewhere else, brother. I’m still Thomas’ Creativity. I can’t properly rule a country and fulfill my creative duties at the same time. That’s why I want you, brother, to help me. Be my eyes and ears in the throne. Also, I know that, unlike me, you’re capable of having descent in wedlock, because you like both men and women, I’ve seen it in Thomas’ Vines and shorts. So you won’t have the trouble that I have to find someone with whom bringing a new heir to Sandersia. When the moment comes, I’ll abdicate my crown into your son, or daughter, and they will be the next ruler. That if you choose a woman as your wife, of course. If you decided to be with a man, or decided not to be with anyone at all, we’d find a solution.
PRINCE GUY: I don’t know, it’s too much to assimilate all of a sudden… Are you sure, Roman?
ROMAN: I have never been more sure of anything in my life.
PRINCE GUY: Then… it shall be as you commanded. I’ll try to keep on making you proud, your Majesty… I mean, your Highness.
ROMAN: And please, call me Roman, we’re family after all, aren’t we?
[the two brothers share a hug]
JOAN: So many things have happened in so little time… I think I’ll just give up on keeping up and get carried away with it. I’ll think about it tomorrow.
ROMAN: Now, I want to introduce you to someone, brother. Virgil?
ROMAN: This is Virgil. He’s my fiancee, I asked him to marry me just today, and he said yes.
PRINCE GUY: I’m honored to know you, Virgil.
VIRGIL: The honor is all mine.
PRINCE GUY: It would be my biggest pleasure if you decided to celebrate your wedding here, in the Royal Palace. I wouldn’t want to miss it.
ROMAN: Oh, it would be great. What do you think, Virgil? Oh, I know you don’t like pomposity on weddings…
VIRGIL: It’s okay, Roman. When I decided to be with a prince, I accepted everything that comes with it.
ROMAN: But you don’t have to do anything that bothers you just to please me, Virgil. You have equal weight in our relationship and your word must be heard as much as mine.
VIRGIL: Thank you, Roman. I promise to tell you everything I can think of for the wedding, when I come out with something.
ROMAN: That’s better. Now, brother, we must go. I’ll tell you in advance when we’re ready to start preparing the wedding.
PRINCE GUY: I’ll be waiting, brother. Please, don’t take another seven years to come back.
ROMAN: I promise. And I’ll keep contact, even if by letter.
PRINCE GUY: I have a cell phone, you know? Sandersia is not so out of the world.
ROMAN: That’s great, here’s my number… so call me maybe?
PRINCE GUY: You bet I will.
ROMAN: Well, it’s gonna be a long way back…
PRINCE GUY: Why walking? You have the royal carriage at your disposal. It’s big enough for you and your personnel, and it will take you there in no time. It’s already waiting at the door.
ROMAN: Thank you, brother. I was so afraid when I entered the castle, and I’m leaving it so happy and fulfilled.
PRINCE GUY: Glad to hear that. Have a nice trip back home, all of you.
THOMAS: It was an honor to meet you. Goodbye.
ROMAN: Goodbye, brother, until we meet again.
[the gang leaves the room and jumps into the royal carriage. The Prince Guy was right, because they have little time to react and they’re already at the door to Roman’s room]
THOMAS: Wow! Thank God they don’t put speed tickets here in Sandersia. Your brother was right when he said we would be here in no time…
ROMAN: Yeah... [looking off-screen at Patton in the car] Watch out, Patton! Don’t throw up in the car, the upholstery is made of...! [off-screen sound of puking, Roman cringes] ...cashmere...
THOMAS: Roman...
ROMAN: Yes, Thomas?
THOMAS: Why is there so much trouble with your offspring? Aren’t you going to marry Virgil? Technically if you two adopted, it would be a child of your own in wedlock. Even if you decided to surrogate, Virgil could adopt him.
ROMAN: I know. It’s absurd, but it’s the protocol. The heir of the Kingdom... or Principality now, must be the biological son or daughter of both the ruler and their legitimate married partner.
THOMAS: Then, change the protocol! Aren’t you the king, I mean, the prince of this land?
ROMAN: It’s not that easy. Laws can be changed, but protocols are written in stone. It takes much more time to implement changes and to make them be accepted. Why do you think so much royalty people feels miserable, despite being rich, famous and powerful? It’s the price to pay for our position, unfortunately... Well, let’s get back home.
[they cross the door and get back to Roman’s room]
ROMAN: Home, sweet home.
VIRGIL: It’s good to be back. For a moment, I thought we’d never return.
THOMAS: Okay, it’s time to get back to the living room. Are you coming, guys?
ROMAN: Um, no, I’m tired, Thomas, so if you excuse me, I’m staying here.
THOMAS: Okay. What about you, Virgil?
VIRGIL: I’m staying here for a while too. We need to have a conversation about the wedding, after all.
THOMAS: [smiling] As you wish guys. Okay, let’s go. Bye, guys.
ROMAN: Bye, Thomas, bye guys.
[Thomas, Joan and the Sides sink down, then they rise up in the living room]
JOAN: What a cool adventure… Seeing all our characters alive in front of our eyes… I think it’s the best experience a creator could ever have.
THOMAS: You’re right…
PATTON: Well, kiddos. We’ve been out for so long that the dough I made for the cookies must have got rotten, so I’ll start over.
WRATH: Do you need some help, Patton? I’d love to make cookies with you.
HONESTY: Me too. I can bring the tea I was preparing earlier.
PATTON: As you wish, kiddos.
[Patton, Wrath and Honesty sink down]
LOGAN: I’m also going to my room. I need to start writing down the plans I mentioned to Dr. Picani earlier. [sinks down] See you later, Thomas.
THOMAS: Don’t work too hard, Logan.
DECEIT: I must go too, Thomas. It was great being in a world so delusional, but even the deceitful ones like me need some time to put their feet on the ground. [sinks down] Bye.
THOMAS: Bye, Deceit. Well, Joan, what do you think of this?
JOAN: It was enlightening, an experience I will never forget.
THOMAS: Yeah, me too. [to the camera] And I hope that anything you out there have seen has been useful for you too. Until next time, take it easy, guys, gals and non binary pals. Peace out!
[end card]
[Deceit is in his room in the Light Realm, reading a book about optical illusions]
DECEIT: Who would have thought. Even nature is a liar sometimes…
[Virgil rises up]
DECEIT: Oh, hi, Virgil. I thought you were staying with Roman discussing the preparations for your wedding.
VIRGIL: I had that planned. But something got me worrying all along, and didn’t let me focus, so I left early.
DECEIT: What is it?
VIRGIL: Are you all right, Deceit?
DECEIT: What do you mean I’m all right? I’m happy as can be.
VIRGIL: Cool. Because, earlier, when Roman proposed to me… I couldn’t help but notice your face.
DECEIT: My face? What face?
VIRGIL: Your face of sorrow.
DECEIT: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
VIRGIL: And I’m sure Honesty and Wrath know something too, they tried to be discreet, but I saw them comforting you.
DECEIT: Look, it’s normal that a wedding can be stressful, but don’t you think it’s too early to start imagining things?
VIRGIL: Lately, you only lie when you get nervous. So I think I’m hitting close home.
DECEIT: Listen, I…
VIRGIL: Listen, Deceit. We’ve been through a lot, both good and bad. There were times when we were closer, other times when we couldn’t stand each other. Now that we’ve regained our friendship back, I don’t want to be unable to know if I can trust you or not again. Please share your feelings with me.
DECEIT: Believe me, Virgil. There’s no use in me sharing my feelings with you. That would only blurry the happiness you’re living in right now, and I don’t wanna do that.
VIRGIL: There’s only one reason you could be so secretive with me, but not with Honesty and Wrath. Do you… have any feelings towards me, Deceit?
DECEIT: [nervously] No, I don’t!
VIRGIL: Got it… Listen, Deceit. I love you, but not in the way you’d wish.
DECEIT: [sighs] I know… That’s why I didn’t want you to know my feelings ever.
VIRGIL: I will always be your friend, and I hope you never stop being my friend. But please, try to…
DECEIT: I wish it was so easy, Virgil. But you said it yourself. We’ve been through a lot. We’ve known each other for so long, and I’ve been in love with you for so long. Even in the moments when we were enemies, I still loved you, but I covered that feeling with my lies. I don’t know how I can expel from myself this feeling so rooted in my heart, without tearing my heart itself apart.
VIRGIL: You must try. I love Roman.
DECEIT: I know. And I hope you live happily ever after with him, Virgil.
VIRGIL: It’s painful to see you so dejected, Deceit. I wish you could feel otherwise…
DECEIT: See why I didn’t want to share my feelings with you? What has been the use, other than bringing clouds into your happiness? Now, please, I want to be alone.
VIRGIL: [sad voice] As you wish.
[Virgil sinks down]
DECEIT: [sighs, with a trembling voice of pain] It’s all falling apart… I must go back to the Dark Realm and never return. No one would miss this stupid liar anyway…
[Deceit sinks down and then the room’s lights turn off, leaving the room in darkness]
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