ambrand2k24 · 2 months
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pokekarenenid · 30 days
Today at the POKEMART i was trying to get some EARBUDDS to use with my pokegear. The horrid little man behind the COUNTER told me that if I wanted to use the kind I PICKED, I would need a "dongle"
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vanibear · 3 years
if my earbuds r broken im gonna start killing
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proteuus · 5 years
putting stuff in my man pockets is all fun and games until I wash it :(
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tuafw ur mom gets u a chewy necklace as a gift!! i think she saw me chew on my earbudds nd stuff and ive been happy chewing all day !! 🔥🍝
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Second part of my silly little Heartbreak Does Some Heartbreaking  Story. A few things to keep in mind
1 this is a  quite long fanfic. If you don't like long fanfic just skip this one.
2 spoilers. Dah. For both book 1 and the demo of book 2 Story is quite simplicity told. I just wrote it in order to corrupt my holy mc. Someone has to be Satan around here.
3 Since Heartbreak is unknown. Something that does break my heart. I had to make things up. I tried to go for a queen of the bored type of character. It will come of as cheesy. Apologies. Has a weird ending.
Part 2
Powerless .
" I need to tell her "
It was al you can think of as you are  walking from Yasmins apartment  to the gym . Hands trembleing. It had been 2 days since you were atacked. The memory constantly resurfacing in your mind, like looped fotage. The feeling of getting cold.. Everything  going blurrier. You losing controll over your  puppets body and  your mind as you were being dragged back to the nightmares  that had haunted you for the last 8 years. The verry same nightmare that now was in possession of your real body.
Just thinking about her makes your body shiver and your heartbeat  raceing with  panic. For the last 2 days you had laid low makeing sure that the telepathic dampeners  Dr Mortun had made for you were  active at al times.  Tinny little earbudds. Humming  in your ears like a reactor.
Since you never told her the truth you had to convince her that your suposed boss was going a bit cucumber, as of late   and  that you needed to be safe. Something not so far from the truth.  It's suprised you how easy it was to convince the good doctor of your lie. By now she was  enamoured with Yasmin enough to keep her safe.
For you though , it was al play pretend. A senseless manipulation.  You wonder what she would think if she found out whos is  truly behind those brown eyes and  that fake smile you  constantly give her? A sea of thoughts  you would rather not dwell on.
Strangely Heartbreak had not atacked you duering this time. No mental creek nor  any other sound could you hear and feel. You know it has nothing to do with the dampeners. They are no way near as powerful  as Steels, and even those  buckled under her pressure  al those years ago.  No. She was up to something. But what it is, you cannot figure out. Just as you  could not stop her. She had reminded you of how week you truly are. The mirrored armor, the enhanced strength, the  telepathicly enhanced  nanoverse. Al of it was the shell of an egg, protecting what's  inside.
And now the egg had cracked. Revealing what's inside. Just another puppet designed to infiltrate, designed to be controlled. An object ment to obay. Not a real person. Are you a real person?
Someone who is  strong enough to break free of their bond and stand on their own? That's what you promised yourself when you started al of this. That you would stop rummimg. That you would stand your ground this time. Be the one holding the strings.  It dosent seem to work.
She had  shown that  by takeing your face, your powers  and probably  your armor as well. Being someone who constantly is on the move, you had hidden it underneath the basement of an old comic book store. Getting the owner to not pass by the basment was the easy part. Getting inside the store was much harder. The store had one way in and out. You had to make sure no straing thoughts were nearby. Not to mention the increase in LDPD activity , looking for  you. People knowing where you hide would be a detrimental blow to your goal. But maybe not so detrimental as what you are about to do now.
You knew sooner or later that  the Rangers would find out who's behind your  mirrored mask. This, you being attacked and having to reveal yourself was not the way you'd imagined it . What choice did you have? Your telepathy was depleeted .  You could not return  to your body. It was as if you were always crashing into a wall of  bricks each time you tried. A mental block you didn't know could eexist.  Telling them was the only way. Maybe you could blame everything on Yasmin. Make her the villian.
Deep down you know that would not work.   Steel would lock you up faster than you can say "sorry ".  He might still That's why you have to tread carefully . If your going to reveal yourself to anybody it would have to be Ortega. Not just because she might be the last person in a long line that would bring their judgment upon you. But also because of what both of you share. Her  emotions  could be a shield you could use against the others. No. Not just them, her as well .
You could try to talk to Herald as well. But in truth you could not care one witt about that kid. Sure you'd helped him by training him. But it was  just for the sake of using him later on. You still haven't figured out that part. But keeping you're enemies close was important.  As for Lady Argent, she was a no go zone.
As you walk inside the gym you can already see Ortega in her  workout outfit. Already hitting the dummies. Once  she notices you,  she stops and turns your way with a smile.
"Hey there. Here for your rematch?"
"Not today. I'm just here to.... talk"
Her smiling face exchanges to one of a friendly concern.
" Oh. I see.  You look a bit on edge. Is everything ok?"
For a brief moment you want to tell her everything in a split second.
" Wait! I know what this is!" She  says.
Her smile is once again back on her face.
" your faking it! Trying to avoid our rematch."
"What? No this is not about that. And you know I would never skip a rematch.".
It's true. Yasmin was the kind of puppet you could use for dangerous and bold situations. Not that you yourself would say no to fighting Ortega. You had done it once already. Sometimes the lines between you and Yasmin tend to blend over each other.  You walk over to one of the old half torn exercise benches opposite the entrance.  Sitting down,  hands clasping your face. Ortega sits down  next to you.
" So it's that serious huh?"
Her voice had lost some of the energy it had earlier.
I thought my edgyness made it clear."
" Sorry. Had to make sure you weren't  pulling something  on me."
"Who does that anymore?"
The words had slipped out of your mouth before you could think.
" you know what, just forget it. I'm just havinga bad day." You say before she has time to respond to your earlier comment.
"So tell me about it"
" Well,  i"
" There you are Ortega. I can see why you chose this place as your  getaway"
" David!"
Ortega rises from he spot to great the person speaking behind you. You  on the other hand freeze on the spot.
What was she doing here. Had she followed you?  Of course she could have followed you. You were just too telepathicly blind, to notice it. You turn around and see Ortega  give  your true self  a kiss. It was strange seeing her affection from this far.  Too physical. Too  awkward.
When  your real body returns the affection though, the feelings you have turn to bitter rage.  You had kissed Ortega before but it was always cautionary. Even when  both of you were in the heat of the moment.
This thing that was inside your body made it look like  an average couple sharing a normal everyday kind of  affection. Al of it fake. But Ortega coudnt see trhough that. You want to run forward and hit yourself again and again. Anything to get that thing out of your shell.  You know you cant. You're not strong enough.
Heartbreak throws you a knowing smile.
You turn around. Hands balling into fists.  Trying to collect yourself .
" How did you find this place?" Ortega asks. They start walking towards you.
" Through Steel of course darling. He has a tab on every one of you as you know."
"Darling? That's new. You never used to call me that."
" I dont?"  
For a moment  you can feel a heavy pressure pressing against your shields. The taste and feeling of death and sickness kreeping trhough your thoughts. She wants to know how you behave around Ortega.
But you are  not gonna give that information to her. She might know you well enough but there is still parts of your mind she didn't have time to access before you escaped.  The sheilds are holding.  Dr Mortun had done a good job as always.  
Maybe you could still Winn this. Stop her before she became too strong to hide from.
Finally  the pressure disappears. You turn around to face them again. This time a little more confident.
" Well the shrink told me to live it  up a little. Today."
"Be positive! She said.  So I thought I'd be more positive by calling you it. Of course if you don't like it.."
"No! It's ok. I like it. I'm glad that your getting the help you need. But David the shrink has a name. I know you don't like her that much but at least call her by her real  name."
" Her name? I don't even remember it"
"Oh! David. Now your just being  rude."
This was getting a bit funn. Seeing yourself. No. Her, getting frustrated for a change. Of course you remember her name. And you never got the impression that going trough  a psychiatric conversation could help you out. In fact it had only shown the frigid,  broken person you are.
" What does it matter what they are called. Brandy or Brockly. It dosent matter. I don't go there to know their names. Just their help. And anyway who's that?"
Heartbreak points a straight finger towards you. Almost in a acuseing  manner. As if you were to blame for her lack of knowledge. Ortega sighs, shoulders rising and lowering.
" Fine. We'll talk about your  ill manners towards psychiatrists later. This is a friend of mine."
"Yasmin meet David. David, Yasmin."
David stretches out his hands towards you.
" Hi! I'm David Bastri. Ortegas real boyfriend. Not that she has anyone else who cares about her." He says with an exaggerated grinn.
Before you have the urge to hit your own body  again you  grab his hand. Your hand.
"Yasmin." You say shortly.
" Nice to meet you Yasmin. You look a bit timid in there." He points towards your head. " Are you ok?"
Ortega gives him a glare.
" Never mind. I already know." He keeps smiling at you.
" you wish you knew!" You think to yourself.
"I'm sure you do." You say instead. Giving him a glare as well.
"  Sorry Yasmin. David seems a bit over excited today"
Ortega jabs him with a finger.
" Just because you have a certain skill dosent meen you can use it whenever and however you like, on it."
While Yasmin was suposed to know who Sidestep was. She didn't know his "certain skill"  as Ortega had put it. And that's the way you'd wanted things to be.  Or at least the way Ortega wanted it to be, each time the name came up.
" She dosent know? I mean of course she dosent darling. But  I thought she was your friend."
" She is. But these things take time to trust someone with. And besides you'd never allow me to tell anyone else that dosent know!"
" Oh right. Hero secrecy. My bad."
Ortega crosses her arms as she looks at David. The pressure against your sheilds have returned again.  Stronger, more forcefull this time. It seems like Heartbreak didn't manage to steal al your thoughts. Maybe the things she knows about you are segments of your life. Not the whole picture.  That must be why she coudnt find you for the last 2 days. Does that meen youre armor is safe?
Its a good thing you managed to escape before she took al your memories.
Just as you need to escape now. Your sheilds won't be able to hold for much longer. The buzzing in your ears has already increased due to the pressure.
" David. I think you have mixed  positive and weird attitudes together. You are being more weird  than positive today."
" Look!" You say before  Heartbreak has time to awnser.
"  Im having a bad day. So how about I leave you two alone. I'll see you tomorrow Ortega. We'll talk then."
" NO! STAY!" Heartbreak shouts as you are walking towards the exit. You feel a hand grab you and turn you around. You look straight into your own blue eyes. A dangerous glint.  gloaming over them as Heartbreak drags you backwards a bit.
" Hey David what are you doing? Just let her go. "  
Ortega steps over to you're left side.
"  Meirda! I'm sorry Yasmin. I wasn't expecting David to show up and act this weird today."
"Nothing wrong with being weird.Darling"  
" Ugh. Seriously David! What's wrong with you today? Cut the act!" This time she brings a fist to his right arm.
"Alright alright. Darling I'll apologize. I do not lack manners."
Ortega is about to hit him again but he steps to the side.
" Yasmin right. I think we started on the wrong foot . I have as you might have guessed a certain gift that allows me to judge people before I say hi to them. Great gift. But it tends to be difficult to controll sometimes. It's like trying to catch a  certain lost and frightened little sheep running around , or puppy as I would describe it." He gives you a smile as he turns to Ortega. "Happy now?"
Ortega sighs and shakes her head. Heartbreak turns to you again.
" How about you and I get to know each other a bit more ,hmm?"
She looks at Ortega again as she pulls out a few bills.
"  Ortega . Sweetheart! Why don't you give us al some sugar. While the others are on their way There is a store  a few blocks away. I think it's name was CANDY AND CREAMS. Lovely place. Sells the most excellent sweets and snacks."
" Oh it's sweetheart now? That's something you definitely don't call me."
" David are you sure you aren't takeing this whole positive thing a bit too far? And did you just say you invited the rest of the Rangers to come here?"
" We have things to discuss. Hero stuff. And remember I'm being positive today. That's what the doctor, whatever her name was said to me. Being a hero. Saving the day has been quite  anxious as of late. A change of pace never hurts. Now please just go to the store and by us some snacks . Will you. I'm trying to be nice to our friend here."
As she talks, Heartbreak grabs Ortega and starts dragging her towards the exit.
" David you're retired . Unless you have been saving people in secret."
" Yes. That too. Now please I'm begging you, just go to that store and buy us something. You can't miss it. Big red sign and everything else that screams sugar! Please just go."
Heartbreak gives Ortega a pleading look. One she can't resist. Stupid woman was always to friendly with anyone with a sad face. It would get her killed one day.
" Oh! Fine. Just be nice towards Yasmin while I'm gone. And stop being weird. "
" Don't worry cupcake. I think me and Yasmin will get along just fine."
He gives her a kiss. A kiss that anoys you to the core.
" Cupcake." Ortega mutters. The exit door closeing behind her.
Heartbreak turns around. Her face is no longer smiling. The wrinkles on her face being visible. Was this how you normally looked. You hate mirrors. Too many bad memories.
For the longest time there was a heavy silence betweem the two of you. Before it became too uncomfortable for you.
" You know what your problem is?. You talk too much and you're bad at pretending. So how about you give my body back and I'll show you how it's done"
" My social skills aren't the best. I do admit that. But then again I'm not the one hiding behind long sleeves and false  illusions. Just so I can be called normal. Quite dangerous.if you ask me pup."
" I'm going to get back my body. No matter what happens. And I'm going to end you. Properly this time."
She starts laughing at you.
" David. Poor helpless David. How would you live without me? The nightmares I provide. They made you stronger. Sett you free.   Taught you how to hold the strings. Taught you how to use your powers in new ways. Previously thought impossible. And this is how  you thank me. Now I'm really hurt pup."
Her laughing has been replaced by a coy smile.
"How can you kill me when I'm you? It would be suicide. But I dare you pup. Go ahead and see what happens."
"Those nightmares ruined my life. I had a good life before you came along. You made me insane. Every night I have to go through what I lost. What you took from me. Getting rid of you will be a blessing."
"But it won't change the truth. Will it pup. Your life was already a mess the day you were created. You just didn't realize it until I came along and opened your eyes "
" What do you want?! If you wanted to kill me here is your chance to overload my sheilds and do it. After witch you'd have to explain yourself to Ortega."
Seeing this thing spilling the truth was something you didn't need right now. She was a mirror showing you your true colors. No wonder you're armors helmet had one.  A way of showing the world the truth. A way of showing people their true nature. And here you were. Getting a taste of your own medicine.  You want to throw up.
Was she right? Was your life forfeit the moment they made you. Had gaining your freedom and  getting atached to people been part of your programming al along?  You have thought about it a million times.
It dosent matter. Maybe your life was forfeit. But what you did in the present was al your  own choices. Perhaps you could gain true freedom by getting rid of her. You could finally sleep in peace.  Eather way your sheilds are almost out now. You need to get your body back. But how?
" I want the same thing you want. Only on a scale that matters. You should join me pup. We're practicality the same. A family. If you want to count that other fellow. What was his name? Hollow Ground. He was the first of our kind. And still he wasn't hard to capture. Old age or me being superior. I can't tell wich. "
You had met Hollow Ground before. Duering you're heist for Dr Mortun. You had barely escaped from his telepathic onslaught. Only the grace of the Rat King and his hive had allowed you to be able to escape him.
Him being there  at the auction was  something you weren't prepared for. Just as you weren't prepared to find out what he was. An older version of yourself. With the same blue eyes and straight  wavy light brown   hair.  His henchmen were looking for you ever since. And it seems like he has people inside the LDPD. Hense their increased activity towards  you.
"What's Hollow Ground to do with you?"
" Oh he's nothing special pup. I got that seat reserved for you. Hollow Ground is just a minor hindrance . A kingpin of the human underground and a telepath to boot, could be a problem. Unless you are as fabilous as me. Then the problem is already solved. "
" Whatever your plan is, you can count me out. I'm not joining you. I'm going to get my body back one way or the other. And then your gone. Forever."
"So much hate. And I haven't even shown you what my plan is."
"Don't care."
"Even if it involves your little meryband of friends and that girl you are so found of. Lovely girl. I wouldn't want anything bad happening to her. Isn't that right David puppy. But then again I could be wrong. I hear You are one of the bad once these days."
"The store. It's not really  a store is it? What did you do to Ortega?"
Should you even care. You were suposed to be the villian. Not the hero. That was a long time ago. Didn't you bery that past at the museum. It was meant to move you forward. To cut you from the last straw that was tying you down. Sidestep was dead and that's how it should be. And Ortega. How many times did you not think of hurting her. You had already done it once. Bleeding on the ground.  
One arm dislocated. You know you will do it again in the future. Not just to her but the rest of the Rangers.  Maybe takeing it as far as killing them.  So why did you care? Why was your thoughts raceing with panic and your heartbeat fuming with rage as your shields died out.
" I can feel your thoughts now pup. You really do care about her don't you. About al of them. Deep down in that cold heart of yours. Isn't that sweet and pathetic."
She starts laughing.
"Now it's going to be much more funn than I thought it would be! ".
It was al she needed to say for you to rush forward. You  have had enough of this thing. She had taken your body. Your powers. And now she was going after your friends. You didn't care that it was wrong of you to care about them. You just wanted to kill this thing. Make her suffer. Stop her before she ruined your life again.
Before you take a step however you feel an. immense pain hitt  your head. You try to ignore it. As you walk towards her. But the pain makes you colapse to the floor  You try to exit your puppets body. You find yourself unable to.
"BAD PUPPY! Did you think you had a chance against me? Me the fabilous who gave you soo much. "
You can barley breath. The air exiting out of your lungs. The feeling of having a thousand needles injected into your body. A thousand cuts of pain coursing trough you.
"You really are a sucker for punishment. Aren't you David.  Just look at you!"
She gives you a hard kick to you stomach. It almost makes you go unconscious.
" This my dear is what you get for being close to those humans . And here I thought you might be different. But you are as week and as emotional as they are.  They create you. Make you do their dirty little jobs. And at the end treat you like trash. How do you repay them once you are free pup. Did you do what I was trying to do all those years ago. Do you  kill them?  Make them suffer as you have.?  No!"
She gives you another kick. Much harder this time. You roll over. Hands unable to  grasp the painful spots in your puppets body.
" No you really dont. So what do you do instead, welp? You mingle with them. Develop false feelings for them in the hopes that they might just call you sane, normal, human. How disgusting!"
You are almost about to lose consciousnes when the pain subsides enough for you to breathe long  heavy breaths. You feel  a numbness across Yasmins body. Now your body.
Suddenly you hear the front door open. You turn over again. Could this be the other  Rangers Heartbreak  spoke of?  Your hopes die quickly as you see a beef  man enter trough the door.  The man looks at you and then at Heartbreak. His face going from calm to one of fear.
" B...Bos. it's taken care of. Charge has been put down. Gave us quite  the f... fight . But the insulator worked. She had no armor."
"Good. "
"See David, this is how a puppy should behave. Al of this could have been avoided if you just played along. If you just joined me. But since you won't we might as well start the show. I'm going to give you one last nightmare pup. Real this time. See it as a gift for al the truble you gave me al those years ago."
" F..Forgive me Bos but isn't sh..she a woman. Why do you  call her David?"
"Silence idiot! I've had enoughof this thing. Pick him up. And don't ask questions unless you want to end up like your friend."
"Y...Yes boss."
The man scoops you up like you didn't weight anything. Like you were a ragdoll. Maybe that's  what you are now. A ragdoll inside another ragdoll.
"O..rte..ga". You try to mutter as the man walks you towards the exit. Heartbreak walking besides him.
" Sweet girl isn't she? Too bad she won't save you. No one will pup. You are al alone, abandoned . Just like in your other  nightmares. Only this time, it's real, handsome . But don't panic now. We are  still far from the main course ."
As you are taken outside you can hear the buzzing of people walking past your carrier. The sound of music. The taste and smell  of hot sausage. The fresh air of the afternoon.  Everywhere people are walking past you. Yet you cant hear their thoughts. Every face that you see has nothing to share. No hidden secrets. No emotions of joy, jealousy, love, hate, fear. You are deaf to all of them.
Once you look at an old man carrying a kane.
"You are a failure!" He suddenly shout. Pointing a finger at you. You look away. Only to be faced  with an old business looking woman.
" you're  the worst villian ever!"
" You suck!" Two teenagers shout  simultaneously  besides the woman
" No one can save you man!" You hear a croud of people say in front of you.
" Stop it!
You try to wiggle your way out of your captor. He holds you tighter.
" What's the matter puppy. Can't handle the truth? You wanted to show these people the truth. Its only fair they get to do the same. Before they die."
A little girl with styled up red hair is now standing in front of you.
" Legion. What kind of stupid name is that!"
It was your new identity. acquainted with your new self. A name people would remember. A name people who saw the truth could share. A name to be feared. Yet the girl in front you looked at you with spite, rather than fear.
No it was just this thing  doing  al of this. Maybe the girl in reality was afraid of you. You can't tell since you have no telepathy to aid you.
" Better runn little girl."
Heartbreak snaps her fingers. The girl screams and starts running to your right. Far away from al of you. For a moment you wish you were that girl. You had promised yourself you'd  never runn away. But in this case you just wanted to be far away from this thing.
She had grown significantly more powerful since you last faced her. 8 years ago. Controlling this  crowd  with ease.  A much more powerful Re Gene than you. And it had  al been  thanks to you. You wish you had known your nightmares to be more than what meets the eye.
" And now the funn begins!"
Heartbreak spreads her arms as if expecting a hug. It dosent come. What does however makes you stomach squirm. It was like being back at the incident. Around you people starts to scream. People start holding their heads. Some people are touching their throats as if something is wrong with it. Gunshots appear towards your left. A man holding a knife is walking towards another man.
"You cheated on me you bastard!"  He shouts.
" You never loved me in the first place!" The other man shouts back.  He picks up a broken branch from a nearby tree.  You know what is about to happen. You try to look away but you can't. Your head is frozen on the spot.
" You will watch this pup. See how week these humans are. Al you need to create a riot is to ignite the smallest sparks of hatred. Fabilous isn't it. And these are the kind of people you want to be part of?"
The two men clash. The one holding the knife being superior. He tackles the other man to the ground. Stabbing him with the knife multiple times. It would seem this man was a worse villian than you. At the museum you tried to keep people safe. They were just victims.
n general you had avoided killing people this far.
 More people start to atack each other on the streat.
What made this ordeal worse for you though was that she used your body,  your face as the person responsible for this mayhem. How would  you  feel if you ever got your body back. Would you have to hide in your armor from now on?
"Now we must move on. Onwards Carl."
The man named Carl keeps a firm hold on you as he walks forward. Everywhere you go, people start to scream. Mass panic ensues.
For someone with great power Heartbreak wasn't the most cautionary with it. Sooner or later the LDPD would show up. Maybe even the Special Directive. This could be your chance to escape.
" Don't get your hopes up dear. And speaking of these so called policmen."  She turns around as two cars with sirens  are coming behind you.
" They are nothing! "
You hear a loud crash and try to look behind you.  The two cars crashing into each other.
A group of three LDPD officers.  Step out of each car. A woman steps forward.
" LDPD Stop! Put your hands behind your head."
" Why do they always say that. "
She looks at them with a laugher.
"Carl. Are we at the destination yet?"
"Y...Yes b..boss. Just underneath this tunnel."
"Good. Take our friend down the hatch."
Carl drops you to the ground. As he opens a hatch nearby. Your urge to escape is quenched by the share will of Heartbreak.  Pinning you to the ground. Across the road you can hear the screech and pain of the officers. The sound of gunshots as loud as fireworks.
Carl picks you up on your feet.
" Move!" He points towards the hatch
Seeing no other way out. You climb down the hatch and down into the familiar  sewers of Los Diablos. Many months ago you had  walked these sewers in victory. And now in defeat.
" Nothing is truly random."  That's what you once said to Dr Mortun. She didn't belive you then. What would she say now. After a long walk you finally come to a halt. The stench almost unbearable. Above you there is another hatch connecting to a lather.
"Ugh. Finally. Here we are. Can't take this disgusting place any longer. Carl be a good puppy and open that hatch"
Heartbreak pushes you forward once Carl  climbs up the lather. A bright light coming from above.
It turns out to be a flashlight from another much smaller man.
You find yourself in a basment.  A long Stair leading up to a grey door. Torn boxes are lying in a corner. While empty cans of bear and cigarettes lay  everywhere else.
" Helo Gorge. Everything well with Argent? She hasn't escaped has she?"
"No boss. The shields and  the cage are holding. Sorry boss. But it's getting harder to maintain her.  She has already  broken  a good chunk of the cage."
" Ugh. Human incompetence. Carl be a good dear and ...kill him."
Carl pulls out a gun from his pocet.  Hands shakeing as he Hesitates.
" But boss I..i did everything you asked."
" I ask for perfection and you give me incompetence. Shoot him  Carl!"
"S..Sorry man." He says as he pulls the trigger.
" Now you David. Take that flashlight so we can move on."
" You might have blocked my powers but don't for a second belive I'm your puppet.  Let him pick it up."
" Poor David. Must we do this again?"
" If it anoys you. Then yes"
" No matter. You are about to die anyway. Cant leave a dying man's wish on the table. Right? Carl pick that  up."
She pushes you towards the stairs. Outside the basment  you find yourself in what looks like a hospital floor. White walls surrounding you, no windows to be seen. The Walls having cuts everywhere. Two thugs are guarding each side of the hallway.
" Is this where they made you." You remember the hospital in your dreams. Always at the end. Always painful to relive.
" Underground lab. It's abandoned now. They have many others elsewhere. I'll be sure to take a visit once I'm done with you."
" I could have helped you. Things didn't  have to  go this way. Your not the only victim."
" Don't think we have anything in common puppy. I'm the only  fabilous victim that dosent mix with these weeklings."
" I'm not asking for a second chance. I get my powers back and you are as good as dead."
" Not that you will."
" We'll see about that."
"Yes we will!" She pushes you forward. " This way pup. Oh and enjoy the scenery while you're  still breathing."
You walk past rooms plastered with numbers. Past what looks to be a small reception. Broken glass splattered across the  half  broken table. What had caused this? Lady Argent.
" She has quite the spirit. Unlike you puppy.  The first real challenge I've ever faced. Though once you get past the shell. She's as  vulnerable as the rest of the humans. Maintaining her has been a nuisance."
"How did you capture all of them. Besides Ortega?"
" It dosent matter. We are here." She pushes you towards a silver grey door. Room 94b Special Treatment.
" Al made for you this day. Open the door."
You step in to a verry large and verry familiar room. This was the room from your dreams. But it looked differently. Instead of the usual setting you were used to seeing. It now had  a TV monitor on on of the walls.  A reporter standing behind a crowd of  frightened people.
Thugs are  standing in different corners. But what draws your attention is  the  5 psyprojectors seated across the room. In a  circle. Big  chairlike machines with tubes and cables  that connected  them togetheer.
An interrogation device. Designed to gather neurological data from a host trhough  VR simulation . The main  Chair slightly separate  from the others, was one of the projectors allowing the interrogator to controll and navigate  the hosts memory. Several hosts could share memories with each other and the interrogator. On 3 of the psyprojectors sat Ortega, Steel and Herald .  Blue circular rings with yellow and red  light bulbs atached to their heads.
"Carl! Check up on our lady and make sure she dosent escape."
" What have you done to them?" They seamed unconscious.
" You know what this is pup. It's time to Step out of the shaddows. Let your friends know your true face. It's the least you can do before you all diie."
"No. Im.n..n..not" You feel the familiar pressure coming towards you again.
"Less talk, more action handsome. I'm on the clock.  And it's not like you have a choice."
Her will over matching yours, you loose control over your limbs as you are forcefully driven towards  one of the machines. You knew you'd have to reveal yourself to al of them sooner or later. Telling Ortega the truth was already hard enough. This was too much. You were unprepared, unsure. But worst of all , you were afraid.  Afraid of seeing the truth in their eyes. That they ment nothing to you. That they were just puppets ment to be used for a cause . Your cause.
It was a hard pill to swallow.
And your scars. The scars that defines who you are. You hid them well under long sleeves and two layers of shirts. Yet there they are. Al you needed to do was dig a bit deeper and the truth would show up. As its about to do now.
It was weird having lost control of al your limbs. The parts of your brain that controled them was sealed of. As if you had never learned how to walk. How to use your hands. Your feets. Your body automatically sits down  on one of the chairs. Hands crossed. Backside relaxing into the seat. Heartbreak lowers down the blue ring above you.
"Sweet dreams puppy."
As the object reaches your head you feel an instant pull upwards. Upwards where? And where is here? Colors everywhere. Too many of them to describe. It was confusing. Then you feel as if you had jumped from the highest peek of a mountain. Spiraling  down.
Down into the cold blue waters of a pool.
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khushiprakash · 4 years
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jamiethebee · 7 years
I've only had my earbuds for just shy of a month and a half and they stopped working in 1 ear and my sis said to go ahead and try to get them replaced but they don't even offer the same brand thing????? They have the 2.0 version but not the original and I'm just????? They have cheaper ones on there but not that one and???? Kind of pissed?????? The fuck
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wall-e-gorl · 5 years
*Sips chai latte that's more whipped cream than latte tbh loudly*
nice to sit in the kitchen, listen to podcasts without headphones/earbudd, and be Not Bothered By Anyone
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