#eaps confessions
Confessions Open
-If I utterly disagree with your confession, I’ll delete it
-No naming real people in your confessions
-Vagueing is allowed, but if the person in question requests to have it taken down, I will
-I will not be revealing who runs this blog, do not refer to me
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tsbs-shipfessions · 19 days
eaps moon should get kisses actually, he's so sweet and just wants people to be nice to him! i don't care who gives him kisses, eaps sun, old moon, solar, i dunno just give hin kissies!!!
From what I've seen of him, EAPS Moon is a very sweet soul. You're right, he deserves all the love he can get.
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Some dumbass (who I'm not allowed to name for legal reasons, but let's just say his name starts with a ☀️) decided to make one of these shitty little confession blogs. Whoo-hoo good for fuck-all him and their happy little family.
Well, some other lovely striped individual decided that would be a "great idea" and help us "connect with the community". Unfortunately, other's on the staff agreed and so now I'm here to make sure they don't burn this to the ground. Can't trust those idiots as far as I can throw them.
I don't wanna be here any more than you want me to be here. I don't care. I'm here now, this is supposed to be "good for revenue" or some stupid thing like that, and stars knows we could use the publicity. So let's set up some ground rules so everyone plays nice.
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The Rules
No name-dropping. No vaguing. No harassment.
You can vent about discourse, but if I don't like the vibe you're giving I'm gonna call bullshit. "Treat people the way you want to be treated" or some shit.
I am under no contract to keep my opinion to myself.
Harassment in reblogs/comments/etc will be screenshotted and then you'll be blocked. Don't do it.
Don't claim something is canon if it isn't. And vice versa. Don't claim something that's canon is "just someone's headcanon"
I'm not gonna entertain any bullshit behavior, if you're gonna be here I expect you to act like an adult.
You can send asks about myself, I don't really care, but keep in mind that I am not the same Eclipse from your silly little show. Even if there are similarities we are from two different dimensions. Do not assume you know me personally just because you know him.
Ships and characters will be tagged appropriately.
#tsbs confessional - confessions #shitting in the playground - character and ship hate #prying eyes - asks about myself #plex things - posts about the plex and such
Lore Archives
Connections: Lunar, Sunrise, Nexus, Moon, Ruin, Solar, Earth, Solar Flare, Miku, Solstice, Nebula, Killcode, Puppet, Bloodmoon
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foxyconfessions · 6 days
'Ello! Welcome ye all to me blog!
All arr welcome, no matterr who, just be respectful won't ye?
This blog be more on the chill side, won't be so busy, if ye want to just have fun, relax, and hear me crack an ol' joke or two, this place be for ye!
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The principles upon this blog:
1. No name-calling, swearing be fine! We're a bunch of mates in the end, no? No "name-dropping" or "vaguing" specific people, or else ye be askin' to be thrown overboard.
2. Treat the crew how ya wish to be treated, pirate code 101, respect and trust be a two way street (Don't argue under a post. Just make ye own confession and speak freely)
3. Simple fandom rules of fandom: Don't Like? Don't Look! Don't Yuck another's Yum, and! Allow others to make their dolls kiss
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Ye tags:
#y'arr words be heard: ye confessions!
#a captain always respects their crew: RP shenanigans
#err- there goes me money: ship talk
#cv treasurebox fam: me family
#ar me attention be needed?: me answers
Me ol' crew!: Me partner, Me son, The original daycare attendant, The lab lad, Star child, Ol' friend, Err- the gay one, The princess, Good ol' theatrics, The MAD lab lad, Err- the other Sol?, The red critters, Flare bot, The Simp.
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🌤️ Why hello there everyone, welcome 🌤️
Yes, I know it’s surprising to see me here, I wouldn’t have done this initially, but I saw both Nexus and Ruin laughing in their corners over this
Decided there was no harm in trying it myself
There’s one mod, their pronouns are he/they if you want to talk to him specifically, just ask for J
A few rules you should all know of:
1. I’m not above speaking out loud on what I believe, so share your thoughts with the knowledge that I may answer with my own (including removing anything I find unsavory enough)
2. Do not attempt to harass or name drop or even start hate campaigns, I won’t even bother to acknowledge you
3. Treat others as you want to be treated, don’t like? don’t look- simple really, keep scrolling or block me, I do not care
4. You’re more than welcome to talk about heavy/mature topics, I’ll be trying my best to tag them properly, any minors I find interacting with such posts will be blocked
5. Similar to point 4, you can talk about ship hate or vent out frustrations and such, filtering opinions would go against the principle of a confession blog (legit the only exceptions would be outright bigotry/racist/sexist/homophobic crap-)
Others like me, I suppose: Sun, Moon, Lunar, Earth, Solar, Eclipse, Nexus, Ruin, ….Hatsune Miku?, Flare, Puppet, Foxy, Fc, oh goodie Bloodmoon
#foolish rambles: your confessions
#my answers: my thoughts/answers
#that’s a thing?: ship talk
#children be gone: mature/18+ confessions/talks
#my optics are off: hate confessions/neg talk
#mod talks: answers/posts by the mod, J, and NOT me
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Omg they interacted in EAPS dbhdjaiejodoaojeoos
I need Eclipse and Solar to interact more
And maybe make out but still, jsnsjKakkaksoodkkdjsbeobsosj
You are so real for that they need to kiss /silly
Also I havnt watched the episode yet- god why am I always behind (i know why its called procrastination)
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alexandraisyes · 3 days
My day is dragging by so send me *your* thoughts about TSBS/TSAMS. The show, the fandom, aus, etc.
I’m listening 👀
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eaps-discussions · 4 days
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Heyy.. My name's Moon..
Or Moonstone, Moonlight..
Whatever name you pick.
I opened this blog with my.. other half?
Everybody seems to be doing it so I thought..
Why nothhh .... whaaa...hhh
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🌙 RULE 1 :
Discriminating behavior towards anyone in the blog will NOT be tolerated. Regardless of their Opinion, Headcanon or Ship. If we see any insult, slur or indication of malicious intentions, only then, will there be consequences. All TSBS confessions are welcome, we don't do EAPS only!
🌙 RULE 2 :
People, misunderstandings happen all the time, there is no need to get so defensive. If you feel like something is not of your taste, just block the person or tag. IF the problem is rooted rather in actions and not taste, make sure to contact the blog so we can interfere.
🌙 RULE 3 :
No matter what, do not share sensitive media of yourself or anyone to us. We are strangers on the internet, regardless of everything, there's always danger and we can't prevent it. Even if you actively avoid/dislike said individual, it gives you no right to call them out and name drop them in public websites because of a disagreement.
🌙 RULE 4 :
This blog is not connected to the TSBS confessionverse. It is inspired by it, but since we don't have contact with the rest, we can't claim the blog canon to theirs! If they ever wish to contact and welcome us in their confession family however, we would be more than happy to join!
🌙 RULE 5 :
We are open to roleplays of all sorts, but we can't promise we would be actively doing that. There's not much to add here, simply when seeing a roleplay happen on this blog don't intrude randomly without asking for permission.
(Side Note: This blog is run by two people, Vin'nyl as Moonstone and Ruby as Sunshine. We are MINORS so please avoid confessing suggestive content to us.)
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#eaps discussions
Our submissions from you sillies!
#sunshine responds
Sunny's answers to everything and anything provided!
#moonstone responds
The same as Sun's, just Moony answering instead!
#the owners' respond
If we ever have to break character, Vin uses pink and Ruby uses red when writing.
#the eaps roleplays
Just the tag we'll use when rp happens (can be blocked)
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tsbs-prompt-dump · 19 days
Was gonna put this on the confessions blog but it got out of hand anyways I would like to thank the anon from this post for the palette cleanser:
I’m admittedly also an Mpreg enjoyer (be it fanfiction logic or “eh he’s just trans”) but I enjoy it as fluff. Let Sun have his family mother-hen the soon to be mom and make him take a breather. Let the man try a hobby like knitting or drawing/coloring as his cats “guard” the baby bump. Instead of building up to something sad like July 16, we see a build up to the baby shower where nothing bad happens (they’re saving it for the birth) and everyone just gets to celebrate. Slice of life episode where Sun just goes to shop for babies clothes and other supplies. BIG SISTER DAZZLE!! And I can’t get Sun singing to the baby out of my head-
And the other Suns!! AU where nothing changes except Dark Sun has a bump and whenever someone asks he just says things like “And what of it?” or “Non of your business.” Not in an angsty way he just casually shrugs it off. Lord Eclipse starting to care more about Servant Sun the further he gets into his pregnancy. I don’t watch EaPS but I’m you can think of something.
Instead of getting Sun to rest by killing him, just baby trap his ass into resting.
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Every person has experienced or will experience life-changing days. No one is exempt. Loss is a tax on loving.
These are the mornings when we wake up as normal, have the coffee, walk the dog, go to work or school-- and then the phone call comes and life is forever altered because a loved one is absolutely gone. The unexpected ones are the most surreal. Early May six years ago I was attending an in-service with a bunch of strangers when a friend sent a text for me to call her. I left the room and went to my office and closed the door. "I'm so sorry, but Norm passed away." 
And that was that. I dabbed my eyes and went back to the in-service. The news comes in as bare fact, like a push notification. "Everything is going to be different now, just letting you know." In the meantime, I had to make it through the day. Norm was my counselor and meditation teacher; not a family member, so I couldn't just leave work. I had to shelter in place and breathe in the fact of his passing while the instructor rambled on. I had a staff meeting two hours later, and had to go over to Eileen's after work. Things weren't going to change much today. Just how different life would be after this day-- I had no idea. 
First there was the ugly sobbing phase, which frightened my dog. She would skulk from the room and later I would find her in the narrow space between the bed and the wall. Then there was the "Why is everyone acting so normal?" phase. Then there was the all-day-tear-leaking phase, my personal favorite. Next was the brain fog phase, the I-can't-get-out-of-bed phase, and the "oh my god don't make me interact with people" phase. The only successful therapeutic relationship of my life was over and the most compassionate, objective person I had ever known was gone. That kind of intimacy is not very common. I might forget everything we ever talked about. Depression, grief's second cousin, came for an extended visit, settling in and redecorating my interior.
Several weeks into my grief I met with the EAP counselor from work. Grieving was oozing into every corner of my life. The poor girl wasn't helpful. She validated the difficulty of my situation and confessed that she had just graduated from college and never lost a loved one. I couldn't fault her for being honest but I had to get the beast by the reins or else my life was really going to fall apart. She handed me a print out of the Kubler-Ross stages of grief and I threw it out the car window on my way to get a pedicure. 
My new normal was a trudging circle of days. My concentration was shot, I could hardly do my meditations, I felt like fighting with everyone and simple requests felt like weighty demands. My prayers were mechanical. Attempts to help others were bungled. Functions of my job were bungled. Relationships with co workers were getting bungled. The only thing I wanted to do was watch Deadwood reruns and I was tired every moment. I knew I had to seek momentum. I couldn't just sit, even though I knew this was one time in my life where it was better to take no action at all and just let grief run it's course. I didn't have the luxury to surrender to grief but fighting it made it harder.
Now, years later, I can't single out a day or a moment when I felt a genuine smile bubble up to my face and realize that I was out of the acute phase. Life simply went on. Some conclusions I am allowed to draw about grief are that it is complex, exhausting and highly subjective. I experienced it as an altered state of consciousness: reduced self awareness followed by reduced awareness of my environment. I was unavailable; unable to be reached for comment.
The universe works in mysterious ways, says the adage. It is true. Grief hasn't made me any stronger. Grieving Norm was unpredictable and I was powerless over it. It gave me another layer of contrast and depth as well as a frame of reference for major loss.
I did dream about Norm a few weeks into the grief. He was teaching from his bed like Socrates in David's painting. It was one of those gifts from beyond, filling me with a comforting sense of the infinite. The week he passed away, in meditation, I heard him ask me: "Why words?" It was almost as loud as a shout. My immediate reply was: "Why not words? Why anything?"
With a smile in his voice he would have responded: "Good work, Sweetie."
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hot tip for anyone who gets anonymous hate messages: you can block the anon. And, you can go into your settings and find your block list. you can then see the username of the anon you blocked. I've blocked many anonymous people over the years this way.
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tsbs-shipfessions · 2 days
Eclipse and TEAPS dimension Sun (sunshine) and Moon (Moonlight) QPR- V relationship. I can’t stop thinking about them help
Eclipse has two hands, and they fit very well in each one of those two's.
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hoshihiime · 3 years
Confession: I've fallen asleep to Spencer Reid ASMR and MGG reading EAP stories for the past 3 nights and I don't know what to do with myself
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poachai · 4 years
WFH is Turning Us All Into Drunks
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We're all under a good amount of stress right now, and many people respond to that stress by drinking more alcohol. To make things worse, while working from home, there is no supervisor watching and no peer pressure to keep some workers from starting happy hour before 5pm.
Alcohol.org did a study of 3,000 employees who are currently working from home and discovered that 35% of Americans are likely to drink more alcohol while self-isolating, with women more prone to this than men. 
The most popular tipple is beer, perhaps because it is perceived as less impairing than stronger alcohol, although women are more likely to mix themselves a cocktail. The state with the most work from home day drinkers? Hawaii, where 67% of respondents confessed to having sneaked a tipple while still on the clock.
What Problems Does This Cause?
One in three of those studied are more likely to drink during work hours. Needless to say, this impairs judgment and productivity, and may affect interpersonal relationships with coworkers when video conferencing happens. Although this does not necessarily mean the person is drinking more alcohol, it is certainly more a problem for them and their employer than the typical after-work happy hour.
Drinking alone is generally considered to be a less-than-healthy habit. Those most strongly affected, however, are those who have a past history of drinking to cope with stress. Seeking solace in the bottom of a bottle results in a temporary reduction in stress and boredom and liquor stores are doing a booming business, in part because bars are closed, but the Alcohol.org survey also showed than 1 in 5 respondents stocked up on alcohol for isolation. 
Stocking up might come out of a fear that liquor stores will be closed or a fear of being put into precautionary quarantine, but it may also mean people are drinking more.
Some people are also turning to alcohol because they mistakenly think it will help them focus through distractions. Techniques to stay focused can be extremely valuable.
Significant in this situation: Excessive consumption of alcohol can suppress your immune system. Reminding people that drinking more may make them more likely to be sick could be a strong incentive to moderate things.
What Can Employers Do About This?
It's worth remembering that your employees are stressed. Providing resources to deal with that stress, including access to therapy (via telehealth) through the EAP is perhaps the best way to reduce day drinking. 
This isn't to say you should not have words with an employee you find is consuming alcohol during working hours, but micromanaging to try and prevent it is likely to only create resentment.
Make sure that if you do throw a virtual happy hour, that nobody is hassled for choosing to drink juice, tea, or something virgin (this is often a problem with post work happy hours at the best of times). The most important thing, though, is to help and support your employees during this stressful time.
If you suspect an employee or coworker is drinking excessively while in isolation, the best approach is to refer them to resources that can help rather than getting them into trouble (which is likely to cause them to hide their drinking, another bad habit).
Everyone is stressed right now, and reaching for the bottle too often is a cause for concern. Making sure people feel supported and empowered will help them not want to resort to alcohol or other drugs to manage their stress and their lives.
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my babies!! they don't deserve to die. I forgot, which one was howey again? was he the shy kid or the one into super heros?? I feel bad for fc. I like fc. hes been through so much. I'm glad Jackie survived but poor thing is traumatized and she lost her brother. that eaps made me sad.
Chat what did I miss-
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alexandraisyes · 1 month
God I'm so sorry about the biased confession blog. I honestly couldn't stand them just from first glance, and this just makes it worse- all they do is spread negativity. At least the main confession blog is just to get frustration out, and the rp blogs are to have fun. No, the biased blog is quite literally just about people who agree with them and their hateful opinions- its frustrating
Anyway, I hope things get better and people are nicer to you. I'm sending you good luck rn.
Im drawing something for sue rn, but after im done i think im going to draw Nora and Ash! (and watch eaps finally tomorrow so I can draw scenes of them-)
I hope you have a good rest of your day/night!!! (idk what time it is there, its nine here-)
Yeah, I had bad vibes about them from the start. I made a post about it, but took it down when they implied that anyone who was public about disliking them wouldn’t have the right to have harassment taken down on their blog. But now that they’ve declined my appeal even though I followed all their rules, I DONT GIVE A FUCK! THEY SUCK! THEIR BLOG IS A CESSPOOL OF ROT AND HATRED! I hope their pillow is warm tonight.
The rp confessionverse is great! Their lore is really interesting and all of the mods are genuinely sweethearts. It has been such a pleasure to work with them as an artist, and they’re having so much fun over there. Literally, only two of them actually care about confessions, and they’re keeping it a really positive environment. If you haven’t checked them out, do it! Because the lore fucking slaps!
I appreciate the good wishes, and omg Nora and ash my babies 🥺. Tag me if you do draw them please 🥺.
It’s currently evening! You have a good night too!
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