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the-catboy-minyan · 10 months ago
Hello, as someone who is comes from Jewish heritage I just wanted to ask for your advice.
I am American and I don't feel comfortable supporting pro-palestinians because they are threatening us online and within my physical surroundings. I wish people would understand that many MANY pro palestinian protesters seem to think that every Jewish person is the cause of this genocide and evil.
When I voice this discomfort, people call me a zionist and evil but I just don't want my people to die needlessly. I do not support any genocide, only thing I support is the protection of jewish lives and our faith.
They claim they just hate the government but this is a lie. The hate is for us as a people, as a religion, as an identity. I am trying to distance myself from the news and what is going on, but every day it gets harder and harder to try to hide from the growing antisemitism against my family.
I'm scared of another world war. I'm scared for what this could escalate to another Sho'ah
שאלוהים יתן לך את כל ברכותיו
I'm sorry, I don't have any advice for you. the only thing we can do right now is to let our voice be heard, I think, scream to the world that we're human, and that they're not punching up like they're so convinced they are.
this is just me thinking out loud, but maybe if maybe more Jews create their own pro palestine marches, and show the world how to advocate for peace without veing antisemitic, it could make a difference? show that not every Jew who's concerned with how eadical these protests are becoming is a (((zionist))) in disguise, but actually a human being?
I don't know, please try to stay safe, I can't even imagine how hard it must be for American Jews right now. in regards to antisemitism IRL, I had the privilege of never experiencing that, only a handful of slurs that happen when my posts breach containment and the dehumenization that comes with being Israeli.
I don't know.
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sociedadnoticias · 3 months ago
"Es prioritario que las infraestructuras de las ciudades estén preparadas ante el cambio climático": EADIC
La combinación de conocimientos técnicos avanzados, innovación tecnológica y sostenibilidad es clave para mitigar riesgos y garantizar la eficiencia de las estructuras. Por Deyanira Vázquez | Reportera Un mes después del reciente episodio de DANA (Depresión Aislada en Niveles Altos) que impactó severamente en diversas regiones de España, se sigue poniendo de manifiesto la necesidad urgente de…
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legiongamerrd · 4 months ago
Hace 11 años se lanzó Battlefield 4. Es un FPS desarrollado por EA DICE y publicado por Electronic Arts. Es secuela de Battlefield 3 del 2011, y fue lanzado para Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, y Xbox 360; en noviembre llega a PS4 y Xbox One.
#LegionGamerRD #ElGamingnosune #Videojuegos #Gaming #RetroGaming #RetroGamer #CulturaGaming #CulturaGamer #GamingHistory #HistoriaGaming #GamerDominicano #GamingPodcast #Podcast #EADICE #EA #Battlefield #Battlefield4 #PlayStation #PS3 #PS4 #Microsoft #Windows #Xbox #Xbox360 #XboxOne #FPS #Shooter #Multiplayer
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from French and Old English forenames
Agard Agardred Agaric Aldan Aldhelm Aldhuno Alher Alier Amund Anuelhie Aranique Arcenræd Arcené Arhtwear Arnmund Arnwule Arolcmær Aulflorht Auremar Aurégod Baldwid Bealand Beale Bearie Bearn Bearnwi Bebbeard Belles Benifu Benée Beode Beofmær Beore Beorht Bered Berent Bergard Berhtane Berhtlan Berhtmær Bermarce Berre Bettelle Bettelm Biecla Bricbere Brierht Byrht Byrick Byristine...
Calippe Camélène Carlegard Cathérène Charnwulf Chaël Cheald Chenweand Cherent Cherht Chris Chritte Chræd Chèleolaf Chèles Claine Clascas Claurg Claurunre Clémielm Colaulf Colauric Colbeold Corht Cornhean Cortine Culine Cynfere Cynflorno Cynne Cyrht Cyrie Cædmær Cædwine Céang Cécie Célige Daviennes Denhel Deofwine Deolas Deorht Dovie Doviert Dudovine Duffabric Dæger Eadgaël Eadgillie Eadhe Eadicer Eahryð Eahwule Ealafane Ealdelles Ealdelm Ealdhun Ealdric Ealherryð Ealhild Ealhsti Ealichan Ealin Ealionne Eanne Earce Earhtno Earia Earic Earise Eastord Eathille Eatric Ecgfra Ecgfristi Ecgfrite Ecgmuror Ecgwild Echar Echelf Echry Elmunsige Elthean Elwacorme Elweanine Elwiht Emadno Emmane Emmard Emmatric Emond Emund Eoflaf Eoflouild Eofmær Eofran Eolrieno Eorhte Eoria Eorise Eswig Faberht Fabie Fançois Flædno Folber Folræd Folwine Fricire Frien Frince Friniel Gabine Garieu Gebealian Gerhte Ghelynne Gilbeofno Godierguy Godineber Godmær Godwin Gorce Guistand Gélis Gélène Gérèse Heald Heale Helmær Heofwean Hered Herht Herhtmund Heric Hervéra Heræd Hritte Hrone Hugodræd Hunburg Hundeod Hunre Hunsigenn Hyserht Héraymone Inine Istan Jacortric Jeadwuffa Jeadwulf Jeald Jeand Jearcenbe Jeard Jeardbur Jeardrie Jenwulfri Jessige Jeswear Jonste Josfra Josla Jostanne Joswine Julfgara Justanne Justieu Karthing Kevire Kevièvel Kunræd Laine Lairèse Laude Laudel Laulf Legmun Legrédri Legrémine Lenalexre Leofstine Leorht Lestoine Lette Liance Liette Lique Lucamard Lucieu Lucil Lucild Luderht Ludræd Lydils Lémine Madberine Magnès Marcen Mardwine Mared Marice Marle Marnatric Marno Marnste Marwearge Marwul Marwulf Mather Mathomund Mathrion Matno Matrinès Matræd Maudeorht Maxis Miceolræd Michann Mielm Miette Mille Minie Mirgené Mohtwine Mundelane Munwine Myricen Myrine Méline Mélorine Niamic Obeadwile Ohacorian Ohtwegræd Oland Omatno Onsigette Orgette Orhtgar Orhtno Orianmod Orichaël Ornoé Orwulf Osgard Osgarle Osmone Oswearc Oswegmund Oswidfrun Oswilille Osébas Osévette Pastald Pastand Pathar Patno Patri Patræd Patte Paulfwine Paurene Paurey Paurie Paurémie Phamillic Piethug Pleoryht Pleoræd Plette Plexreno Poræd Quelm Rahwulf Raldhund Ralild Raymone Rierre Rista Roberht Rolaette Rolbered Romarce Ronifu Rædwal Rædweadno Rédérômed Régifu Rémichri Sabie Sabin Sabired Scald Scenrie Sigeadry Sigencie Sigent Sigeori Sighieric Simed Stand Statheard Statno Stinewulf Stion Stmunnic Strine Suzanræd Swean Sweard Swild Swine Sylvandre Særnoé Sæwald Sébalexan Thund Thélie Tient Torht Toryhtan Tosmon Toswean Ugale Ugantia Ugodre Viere Viette Vinewulf Virwulf Wacque Weadwige Weale Weard Wegmund Widfri Widilf Wigar Wigeni Wigenne Wigere Wigher Wille Wuleorg Wulfgite Wulfhe Wulfhel Wulfher Wulfherht Wulfrar Wulfrædno Wulfrée Wulfwear Wulie Wulivice Wynes Wynne Wærbert Wærfric Wærfrie Wærilf Wæriste Yance Yania Yanluc Yvestan Yvestand Ægemaria Ælfheald Ælfhel Ælfhelle Ælflæd Ælfweale Ælleine Æscie Æthaminic Ætheade Æðelle Æðelm Æðelræd Æðelstine Æðelwean Æðelwi Élient Élierht Élippe Éloren Élène Élènelmær Érôme Étanpath Évelle Évelthel
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theavplayer · 4 years ago
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BB-9E, patrolled the First Order flagship, Supremacy, serving his masters with ruthless efficiency. / / / The Awakening Collection (06/??) #intothebattlefront ⭕️⚫️ • • • 🚨ATTN CAPT. VADER SPEAKING!🚨 Deploy the fleets as we bring peace to the galaxy with our divisional platoons (PS, Xbox & PC) & we would be honored if you join us. DM @the501stbrotherhood for more information #501stforever 🔵⚪️ • • • #starwars #starwarsbattlefront #battlefront #starwarsbattlefront2 #starwarsbattlefrontii #eastarwars #gaming #eadice #virtualphotography #gamephotography #gameon #theavplayer #battlefrontii #swbf2 #swbf #ingamephotography #starwarsgames #screenshot #bb9 #bb9e #thedarkside #ingamescreenshot #thelastjedi #ageofresistance #thefirstorder #theriseofskywalker #theawakeningcollection https://www.instagram.com/p/CLIXx8Wgd3N/?igshid=u17hbb3svd3f
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pgvnation · 5 years ago
Funny thing about this scene from Battlefield 3, it pissed off the group @peta for killing a fictional rat in a video game. Still the best FPS game I’ve ever played. I miss when games were finished when you bought them for $60.00 or more and it wasn’t buggy live-service unfinished games. - Gameplay Footage Captured On XBOX ONE S - Gamertag: Sharpshoota213 - Game: Battlefield 3 [XBOX 360/XBOX ONE/PS3/PC] - #battlefield #battlefield3 #ea #eagames #eadice #battlefield3uprising #battlefield3premium #bf3 #battlefieldclips #battlefield3xbox #battlefield3gameplay #gamingclips #gaming🎮 #gaming #2011 #diceea #xboxgaming #xboxone #xboxones #xboxonex #xboxonegaming #xboxonegames #xboxonegamer #xboxonegamers #xbox #gamingcommunity #xboxcommunity #xboxonecommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/B3bSUbchh_N/?igshid=1d0zwhnobp41m
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robertsammelin · 6 years ago
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Battlefield V Campaign Art - The latest and also the last game I’ve worked on at DICE. After 12 wonderful years and some 20-ish projects, I’ve decided to pursue other things. Although I mostly art directed on this title, I’ve updated my site with some pre-production concept art and more of the campaign art pieces. #robertsammelin #battlefieldv #eadice https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq2pY94FSfq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16o9sp1xutlkp
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this ones for the SEO fams
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adamwittek · 3 years ago
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Forever grateful for allowing me to be part of your 30-year journey... Grattis och tack så mycket! 👼🙏 @EA.DICE @EA #Dice30 #EADice #EA *** *Repost from @ea.dice Today we celebrate DICE 30th Anniversary with a bubbly birthday fika! (at EA DICE) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd-zxXaI5oL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lonewolf-spaceman · 4 years ago
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👀 Twitch.com/lonewolf_spaceman @ea . . . . #vancouver #vancity #ea #eavancouver #eagames #easports #eadice #dice #gaming #gamer #gamers #games #videogames #videogamer #videogaming #videogameindustry #apexlegends #battlefield #battlefield2042 #starwars #fifa #madden #nba #nhl #studio #studios #creative #creating #creator #vr (at Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR1ZqXEnZY_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vee-r · 7 years ago
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drasgondigger · 5 years ago
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#Battlefield3 #Battlefield #ElectronicArts #EA #Dice #EADice #Arcade #Joystick #Game #Entretenimento #Entertainment #PS3 #BLUS30762 #PSN #Sony #SonyComputerEntertainment #Playstation #Playstation3 #PlaystationNetwork #DrasgonDigger #Retrogame #Retrogaming #Games #Gamer #Game #VideoGames #FPS #Tiro #FirstPersonalShooter #FPSDrasgonDigger #PS3DrasgonDigger @playstation_br @playstation @sony @sonybrasil @ea.dice @ea https://www.instagram.com/p/CD2fCqXnbrK/?igshid=g3coruiq4y7r
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legiongamerrd · 4 months ago
Hace 13 años llegó Battlefield 3. Es un juego de disparos en primera persona desarrolado por EA DICE y publicado por Electronic Arts. Es secuela directa de Battlefield 2, yla 11va entrega de la franquicia Battlefield. Fue lanzado para Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, y Xbox 360.
En la campaña de Battlefield 3, los jugadores toman el rol de varios militares: un Marine estadounidense, un oficial de sistema de armas F/A-18F Super Hornet, un operador de tanque Abrams M1A2, y un operativo de Spetsnaz GRU.
#LegionGamerRD #ElGamingnosune #Videojuegos #Gaming #RetroGaming #RetroGamer #CulturaGaming #CulturaGamer #GamingHistory #HistoriaGaming #GamerDominicano #GamingPodcast #Podcast #EADICE #EA #Battlefield #Battlefield3 #PlayStation #PS3 #Xbox #Xbox360 #Microsoft #Windows #FPS #Multijugador
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ellenbot · 5 years ago
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I wonder who this statue represents. I’m interested in Naboo’s history and culture and I wish there was a way to explore that further. . Follow my partners @the.art.of.virtual.worlds @rosapexa @yasha0o @queen.0f.clowns . #theed #naboo #statue #classicalstatue #starwarsbattlefrontII #starwarsbattlefront #starwars #gamecapture #scifi #instagamer #videogames #videogamephotography #gamershots3000 #thecapturedcollective #societyofvirtualphotographers #gamergram #virtualphotography #gamer #gamergirl #eadice #criteriongames #motivestudios #lucasfilm https://www.instagram.com/p/B_0kdPsHUtK/?igshid=bjqyf45d1jf9
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theavplayer · 4 years ago
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Agility (Sith Trooper) & Brute force (Caphex Spy) may be a tactic in warfare that will overwhelm the opposition ~ The ‘Awakening’ Collection (17-18/??) #intothebattlefront 🔵⭕️ • • • 🚨ATTN CAPT. VADER SPEAKING!🚨 Deploy the fleets as we bring peace to the galaxy with our divisional platoons (PS, Xbox & PC) & we would be honored if you join us. DM @the501stbrotherhood for more information #501stforever 🔵⚪️ • • • #starwars #starwarsbattlefront #battlefront #starwarsbattlefront2 #starwarsbattlefrontii #eastarwars #gaming #eadice #virtualphotography #gamephotography #gameon #theavplayer #battlefrontii #swbf2 #swbf #ingamephotography #starwarsgames #screenshot #sithtrooper #thefirstorder #theresistance #ingamescreenshot #theforceawakens #ageofresistance #theriseofskywalker #thelastjedi #theawakeningcollection #stormtrooper https://www.instagram.com/p/CR1qq0_qjfe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pgvnation · 6 years ago
Your not a real OG Battlefield player if you don’t remember this happening to you back in the good ol days of Battlefield! - Gameplay Footage Captured On XBOX ONE S - Gamertag:Sharpshoota213 - Game: Battlefield 3 (2011) Backwards compatible - #battlefieldclips #battlefieldclassic #battlefield3 #xboxgaming #xbox #xboxone #xboxonebackwardscompatibility #battlefield3gameplay #battlefield3remaster #xboxonegaming #eadice #eagames #bf3 #battlefieldlegends #noobkiller #battlefield #battlefieldgamers #battlefieldgameplay #OperationMetro #battlefield3multiplayer #bf3multiplayer https://www.instagram.com/p/B1uzO7aj38i/?igshid=5nc2rifqx59t
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