knightofleo · 3 years
Kestrel-dad not sure how to dad but he’s trying his best.
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beifongkendo · 3 years
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"Glimpsing at the seabed through the water and the complexity of the light within, at a soothing southern sea." By Shigeko Inoue (2002).
Born in 1945, Inoue studied traditional Japanese and Italian woodblock printing. Her work focuses on nature, transparency and the movement of water.
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There’s a particular attitude I often see on the internet that goes something like “If you aren’t part of a particular marginalized group, then you could never understand their experience, so don’t pretend to relate.” And while obviously you’re never going to relate to every aspect of that identity unless you are also of that identity, I feel like this attitude really diminishes opportunities for finding kinship and bonding in similar experiences even if those experiences aren’t exactly the same and/or are the result of different identities.
For example, I’m white and neurodivergent, and I was talking to a Black neurotypical friend about masking, and how I feel like I have to change the entire way I present myself in order to not be considered weird in public. She responded with “Oh, some of that sounds kind of like code-switching— how I have to switch away from using AAVE in white-dominated settings in order to be accepted.” And then we bonded over how frustrating and ridiculous it is that AAVE and stimming are both considered unacceptable in “professional” settings.
Another time, a straight Jewish friend was telling me about a book she had just finished reading, which was written by a Jewish author and had a Jewish main character. She was saying that it was really nice to read a book written by a Jewish author, because even when gentile authors do their research and write a pretty accurate Jewish character, they never quite feel Jewish— you can always tell the author was a gentile. And I said “Oh that sounds kind of like when I read queer characters written by straight authors— you can always tell the author was straight even if they do their research and get things fairly right. So even though I’m happy when any book features queer characters, it’s really especially nice to read queer characters written by queer authors.” And we bonded over this similar experience, and we were both excited that the other understood even if we were coming to this experience from different angles, and then we swapped book recommendations. This conversation is also a great example of when that internet attitude DOES apply— when someone outside of a particular group is trying to understand that group’s entire experience well enough to accurately write the world as seen through their eyes. They’re never quite going to get it right, and that’s ok! It just means it’s important to also have Own Voices authors writing those types of stories also.
Sometimes it seems like people who have been in internet circles exhibiting this attitude for too long are afraid to ever try to relate to the experiences of anyone in any groups other than their own for fear of causing offense, which is honestly pretty counterproductive. Understanding each other and bonding across groups should be the goal! Relating to each other is not a bad thing!
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laughy-sapphy-blog · 3 years
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Wall•E and Eve have the same dynamic as Connecticut Clark and Malfina.
I really don’t know how to explain myself.
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herbirdglitter · 3 years
You know my favorite bits in period dramas are the ones where the heroine is “not like other girls” and chooses not to wear a corset because let’s be real, no inteligent woman in a period drama setting would do that.
And then you can tell it was written by someone without a chest because next thing you know, they’ll be running off across a field or something.
Like girl, you just took off the only breast support you had, and now you’re sprinting across a field?? How is this not an issue??
And then they’re like “I’m a woman of science” but clearly no, because any woman who knows anything about weight distribution wouldn’t choose to fling off their corset whilst still wearing a poofy skirt. Like it’s there for a reason. It distributes the weight and keeps your 50 lbs of skirts from digging into your bare skin. And I cannot stress this strongly enough, IT SUPPORTS THE BUST. WHAT ARE YOU DOING. I’ll make an exception if they’re dressing as a man or have anything gender going on, but otherwise, WHAT ARE YOU DOING??
And then they say it’s because they’re painful or that they’re “instruments of the patriarchy”, except no they fucking weren’t, men wore corsets too, they were literally just bust support and historical corsets didn’t hurt, because they were made to fit your body, and they actually molded to fit it more the more you wore them. I know, I have multiple.
And if you think one couldn’t breathe, yes you could, people wore corset like garments for like 500 years, you think they would wear them if they couldn’t breathe? And no they didn’t lace them tightly except for special occasions and that was only a few people. In fact for most of history, it was physically impossible to lace boned garments any tighter then they were supposed to go because metal eyelets weren’t invented yet. You achieved the small waist look by padding out your hips and maybe your chest and sleeves creating an optical illusion
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lottie-emie · 3 years
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Ace attorney fans, how we doing on this fine Almost Christmas Day 😌✨
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michaelsuperfuck · 3 years
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i dont know what possessed me to draw this
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thelostmoongazer · 3 years
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Boneless (?)
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sunfloraas · 3 years
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Chunky cheese FNAF real?
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tomfowlery · 3 years
Chuck Jones' Rules for writing Road Runner cartoons, featured in The Animation Art of Chuck Jones exhibit in New York.
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dramastream · 3 years
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Jung Ho Yeon photographed by LESS/Kim Tae Kyun, 2021
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770811 · 3 years
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i think kris would show spamton ytps to  make him even more fucked up
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Recently accidentally discovered the best executive dysfunction hack I’ve ever found
Ok so we’ve all heard of tips involving lists, make a list of everything you need to do, cross it out when you’re done, etc.
Well recently next to each item on my list, I wrote down how to start that task. This can be as simple as “get out my notebook and the assignment” or a little more detailed like “open chemistry textbook to page 235 and review the section on gibbs free energy”
Basically, you do all the executive functioning all at once before you start your tasks! Now when you get to the task, your brain doesn’t need to access that executive functioning to figure out how to start, you’ve already done it. Even stupid stuff like “take the assignment out of your backpack” helps a weird amount when it’s written down. Like it helps more than you think it should. I was rolling my eyes up until the point where it worked
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e-102 · 3 years
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mr-e-gallery · 3 years
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Mr. E Gallery 'Shelley Duvall' (12-21)
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sunnibits · 3 years
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Me in the theater when Katy and Shang-Chi didn’t fucking kiss and there was actually a main relationship between the main dude and a woman he cares for and it was fucking PLATONIC but still included PHYSICAL AFFECTION AND PRIORITIZING EACH OTHER-
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