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2min and minkey ♡
#shinee#dailyshinee#key#minho#taemin#2min#minkey#the contrast between the both of em alskdjadjas#the quality rip if i find a better quality video of the video ill update this#mine#e: gifs#e: shinee#e: minho#e: key#e: taem
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Sob as estrelas (TaeKey)
O acampamento foi ideia do Onew, que, como sempre, o mais velho buscava momentos de descontração em meio à rotina agitada. Todos os membros do SHINee concordaram sem hesitar, ansiosos para se afastar das luzes brilhantes e respirar o ar puro da floresta. Taemin, no entanto, tinha outro motivo para aceitar: seria a oportunidade perfeita para finalmente se declarar a Kibum.
Desde que se conheceram, Taemin nutria sentimentos por Key. A personalidade vibrante, o sorriso afiado e os olhares calorosos que ele reservava para as pessoas que amava eram impossíveis de ignorar. E, embora o mais novo fosse normalmente confiante no palco, a ideia de confessar seus sentimentos fazia suas mãos tremerem.
Naquela noite, após um dia cheio de risadas, trilhas e comidas queimadas na fogueira, o grupo decidiu observar as estrelas. A clareira aberta onde haviam montado as barracas era o local perfeito. Taemin estava com o coração disparado, viu sua chance quando Jonghyun e Minho decidiram voltar às barracas para jogar cartas.
Key ficou sentado sobre a grama, absorto no céu estrelado, enquanto Onew resmungava algo sobre um cobertor que havia esquecido no carro. Restaram apenas ele e Taemin.
— Hyung, posso me deitar aqui? — perguntou Taemin, apontando para o espaço ao lado de Kibum.
— Claro, Taem, vem cá.
Taemin hesitou por um segundo antes de apoiar a cabeça no colo de Key. O gesto foi tão natural que o mais velho não questionou, apenas passou a mão pelos fios macios do cabelo do outro, algo que fazia instintivamente quando estava confortável.
O silêncio entre eles era leve, quebrado apenas pelo som distante do vento nas árvores. Mas Kibum começou a notar algo diferente. Os olhos de Taemin, iluminados pelas estrelas, brilhavam de uma forma que ele nunca havia percebido antes. Ele parecia tão sereno, tão... bonito.
— Você é... — Key começou, mas interrompeu-se ao perceber que a frase escapara de seus lábios.
— O que foi? — perguntou Taemin, virando o rosto para olhá-lo.
Key desviou o olhar, fingindo observar uma constelação. — Nada. As estrelas estão bonitas hoje, só isso.
Taemin riu suavemente. Ele sabia que estava corando, mas respirou fundo. Era o momento.
— Hyung... quero te dizer uma coisa.
— Hm?
Taemin sentou-se devagar, encarando Kibum de frente.
— Eu gosto de você. Não como amigo ou irmão, mas... gosto mesmo, sou apaixonado por você, sempre fui.
Os olhos de Kibum se arregalaram por um momento. Taemin mordeu o lábio, nervoso com o silêncio que se seguiu.
— Taemin-ah... — Key sussurrou, um sorriso pequeno surgindo em seus lábios. — Você realmente acha que eu não percebi?
— O quê? — Taemin piscou, confuso.
— Você me olha como se eu fosse uma estrela cadente. Achei que um dia fosse tomar coragem para me dizer.
Antes que Taemin pudesse responder, Key segurou seu rosto com as mãos e o puxou suavemente para um beijo. Foi lento, carinhoso, e sob o céu cheio de estrelas, parecia que o universo inteiro havia conspirado para aquele momento.
Quando se afastaram, Taemin estava sorrindo como um bobo.
— Então... isso significa que você também gosta de mim?
— Significa que eu sou um idiota por não ter dito antes. — Kibum deu um leve empurrão no ombro de Taemin e riu.
Eles voltaram a deitar na grama, agora com os dedos entrelaçados. A noite parecia mais brilhante, mais quente, e tudo estava no lugar certo. Sob as estrelas, os dois finalmente encontraram o que estavam procurando.
#fanfic#fanficskpop#fanfiction#shinee#kibum#kim kibum#onew#jonghyun#choi minho#lee taemin#taemin#taekey
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TAEMIN!!! taemin 😭💔😭💔😭💔😭💔 taem TAEMIN 💔💔💔💔💔 t a e m i n !!!!! TAEMINNNN 😭😞😖😔😫 lee taemin </3 LEE TAEMIN!
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Volví a tumblr, tenía curiosidad, también quise borrar ciertas cosas que me avergonzaban pues el Taem que escribió eso hace años era muy inmaduro e hiriente.
Hola, soy yo y han pasado ya ¿Seis años? Si, seis años y te haré un spoiler, acércate...
Aún no te olvido, pfff.
Aún me dueles, aún se me llenan los ojos de lágrimas al pensar en ti. Ahora que leía lo que escribí en esa época no pude evitar llorar sin parar, lastimosamente.
Día a día lucho con los fantasmas del abandono, la indiferencia y el creer merecerme las cosas bonitas que me pasan. Si, tuve algunas parejas durante este tiempo, pero sinceramente no fui completamente feliz, me terminaron de joder, de hacer añicos pues muchos se aprovecharon de mi vulnerabilidad en ese entonces. Sin embargo, años después pude estar con alguien y déjame decirte que sentí que fui igual o más feliz de lo que fui contigo, y MinHo, eso ya es mucho decir... lastimosamente no fue así. ¿Te cuento? Igual quiso terminar, fue cruel conmigo, me engañó, dejó de quererme si es que en algún momento lo hizo en verdad... y cuando me pidió matrimonio ya estaba con alguien más. ¿Lo triste? Tenía tanto miedo y me sentí tan miserable que me aferr�� a la idea de que podía “competir” contra esa pareja que tenía en otro lado... Ridículo.
Spoiler: Lloré cada noche, lloré de tristeza el día de la boda, lloré cada día que lo veía más activo en esa cuenta mientras que donde estaba conmigo era un fantasma. Lloré cada día, cada noche hasta que mis lágrimas se secaron y dejaron de salir. Un bloqueo emocional bien fuerte cuando todo seguía doliendo igual y no podía expresarlo. Estaba solo, no tenía ningún apoyo... todos mis amigos se alejaron de mi, a mi mejor amigo no podía contarle porque sabía que me haría abrir los ojos y yo no quería, me negaba demasiado. Y de eso han pasado ya ¿3 años? Ni lo sé, ni lo sé. Aún seguimos juntos, sin embargo somos “amigos” no nos separamos, no nos decimos una palabra de amor y nos tratamos con frialdad.
Pensé que sería diferente, deseaba que lo fuera... compartimos muchas cosas, me ilusionó demasiado, siempre tenía a Leah en sus palabras y planes... sin embargo ahora ni la menciona, y yo mucho menos.
No quiero a nadie, de verdad que no quiero a nadie más. Me cansé de amar, de entregarlo todo y sentir como me desechan a los pocos meses. Me cansé de ilusionarme con tener mi familia, darle más hermanos a Leah y que ella tenga a alguien más.
¿Conclusiones? Me he dado cuenta que estar solo es mucho mejor; solo tengo a Leah y ella a mi, y eso está bien. Los dos dormimos juntos a veces cuando la vida pesa mucho y para que te rías, sigue durmiendo en mi pecho como lo hacía cuando estaba más pequeña y allí se queda toda la noche aún cuando se ha vuelto más pesada no la quito por ningún motivo.
Joder, que duros han sido estos años... Soy un papá luchón que ama con locura a su hija y todos los rasgos que aún tiene de ti, incluso cada día se parece más a ti. Que genes tan fuertes tienes, Choi.
Hace poco cambié de teléfono, volví a tener un samsung y no sé la razón pero tenía en el calendario una fecha marcada con tu nombre... ¿Qué es? No lo sé... No sé si el día que nos hicimos pareja, o el día de la boda, sinceramente lo desconozco por completo y me da mucha curiosidad, tal vez intente buscar tu carpeta en mi pc y poder ver si encuentro pistas, porque sinceramente no sé qué significa el 21 de abril... que mecanismos de defensa más fuertes los que tengo, ¿No es así?
El otro día te encontré en wpp y joder, que susto el que me metí, sinceramente. Pensé que ya te había borrado, pero no fue así. Supongo que también tiene algo que ver con la marca del celular y los datos que quedaron guardados.
Espero y deseo que estés bien, Choi. A estas alturas ya debiste graduarte y haber hecho la especialización que querías, espero que todo esté bien, bonito, que seas feliz y que no exista dolor en tu corazón.
Yo por mi parte aún tengo muchas cosas que sanar, que perdonarme y que superar... Aún tengo que tomar decisiones y buscar la paz de mi corazón para poder darle cierre a todo lo que me duele, pero debo decir que he hecho grandes avances, ya como mejor, al menos mis 3 comidas diarias, tomo agüita todos los días, duermo temprano, cuido mi piel, cuido de mi familia y estoy trabajando, allí donde estoy me siento bien, feliz y orgulloso de lo que hago, también haré mi especialización pronto, solo que la universidad no ha arreglado algo de los convenios pero ya pronto, pronto, también te cuento que me compré una moto, LA COMPRÉ ANTES DE TENER LICENCIA AKSDJSHD el orden del producto no altera el resultado, okei? Es preciosa, negra mate con verde y violeta, que por cierto, se ha convertido en mi color favorito, ¡Me hace muy feliz!
Creo que vendré de seguido a dejar cosas por aquí, tal vez sea una buena terapia para poder hablar de lo que no le puedo contar a nadie... y lo que no puedes saber tampoco, sin embargo el hecho de que escriba para ti ya es suficiente.
Feliz vida, Choi.
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Journal entry 1.11.22
This comes to me....IM MAgDA….a God with mother of creation and FAtHER builder….it is IYE…
An IMocian of Holi Water….
Ah, different from E-motion..
Imocian is the TidAl WaveS And Curls of Taem....not linear, and all INternal...your INternal clock you could say........
When you move with INternal Taem your Creative Engine is ON....you have Gas in your tank...LOL...I say gas to refer to the internal uniti with A Spirit of GA...in my case, the Sound of (AH)
IMocian is internal movement........movement creates Sound.......Movement and Sound create your Light.....or Fragrance..........How does your Spirit smell?
What is your internal movement.........? You are a Movement or A Moment of Time.......All your moments are in YOur blood….memories, dna, cell IMpressions…..your blood rushes through you, yet you remain Still in Taem....
I hope this is helping to explain what is hard to put into words......
I love a song from Presenting Lilly Mars called Every Little Movement (Has a Meaning All It’s Own).....we are all a Movement with a Meaning all our OWN.......!!!
-Ahli Marie
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@5hineepop - is that your explanation for this too? 😶🤨😆
#this is the most jinki I've ever seen taemin 😶#it was part of a picset and i was scrolling like#taem taem taem.... JINKI?!? 😳#taemin in jinki's clothes#can i tag this...#the lee brothers#?#instead of#0ntae#ont@e#little peep looks like he just rolled out of jinki's closet#and not in a pervy way!!
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Will you be buying SuperM albums?
I’m definitely buying Mark’s. I support everything that man does. I want to buy Taeyong’s too...but if I buy Taeyong’s...I’ll want Lucas’...If I buy Lucas’...I’ll want Ten’s. I’m trying to decide if I really need 4 versions of the same damn album. I might just buy Mark & Taeyong’s versions & see if I want to buy the other two after the debut.
#asks#the only thing I'm sure of is that I am not buying the other 4 versions#Shinee is one of my ult groups and I love Taem but I don't collect#and none of my E*o biases are in there soooo#Anonymous
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Dizzying Attraction, MOVE
Moodboard by Admin Scar
Starring: Lee Taemin & Reader
Includes: Quick, heavy smut, MV references & Mask Play
Rating: 18+
~*.*..*...Aish, when it’s raining, and it’s pouring;..Let me make you feel good...*..*.*~
A/N: Everyone knows that “MOVE” by Taemin is a musical masterpiece. It internationally shook the K-pop industry and even now, people are still doing the choreo. It will always be one of my favorite MVs of all time, especially since the aesthetic is...well, Move-Ing. I liked it so much, I bought the repackaged album as well~ and wrote this tiny fanfiction based on it. <3 I hope you enjoy it, as I had a blast writing this quickie.
Musical Inspiration: Nine Inch Nails - Sin
Asks Open for Feedback, Comments, Kudos and Thoughts. <3
You stared out the window and sighed. It was really coming down out there. Grabbing your umbrella, you said bye to your boss and explained that you thought it best for you to head out right now rather than suffer through the eye of the storm when it decided to descend upon you all. She happily allowed for you to go, sending you off with well wishes.
The door dinged as you exited onto the street, your umbrella opening and shielding you from the rain, though your shoes were still getting soaked as you walked through the puddles. So much for keeping your clothes clean and your shoes dry. This was just one of the times you cursed yourself for living so close to work and refusing to use public transportation.
Cutting through an alleyway, you found that the rain was so loud you couldn’t hear yourself think. It was as if the sky had opened and dumped water onto your town. It just wouldn’t stop coming down and it wasn’t letting up at all. Sighing you continued, following along the chain link fence that lined the alley, passing trashcans, dumpsters and the neon lights and signs of the small shanty shops that had been set up here and there. The bright pinks and blues helped light your way, though not enough for you to notice the pothole right in your path.
Tripping and face-planting was embarrassing even when you were alone. It was even worse in the rain. Groaning in pain, you turned over onto your back and tried to right yourself as water poured over you, soaking through your white shirt, showing every line of your chest, every contour that lay beneath. You coughed as you’d knocked the wind from your lungs, your hands touching your stomach. The water that hit your face seemed delayed, so you slowly opened your eyes, expecting a light post or sign to be blocking the drizzle, but what your eyes found was much more shocking.
A man, face covered in a crystal mask and body clad in fabric that was soaked to the bone and sticking to every gorgeous curve he had, stood above you. He said nothing, but grabbed you by your wrists and pulled you up quickly, shoving you back against the brick of one of the buildings. Your spine hit the wall and he was on you. You swore you could hear his breath through the mask, but you couldn’t make out his face, the rain still falling hard, impairing your vision.
He held your hands over your head, raking them up the rough of the brick and comes in close, running the mask against your cheek and neck, leaving small cuts from the sharp edges of the crystal and metal, causing you to wince hard. It hurt, but something about the violent nature of it all and the sudden roughness aroused you, making your legs tremble open immediately, begging. You were like putty in his hands and he knew it, his fingers winding to hold both of your wrists in one hand.
You breathed harshly through your lips as his free hand drops, gripping the front of your shirt. Pulling at the buttons, he ripped it open roughly, growling through the mask, his head tipping. Your chest bare, your skin perked to him, obeying his every move. With you held like this, his hand dipped further down, opening and pushing your pants down, he would make quick work of his own. Your eyes trailed down and you bit your lip at the sight of him thick and throbbing in the rain, the droplets pattering off it, the pulse alluring.
Spreading your legs further, he pushed between them and slipped inside of you, aided slightly by the immense precipitation. With the rainfall loud around you, the sounds of your moans were heard only by him and his gruff groans hit your ears like thick waves of need. Spreading you, his girth seated deep and you tipped your head back, hitting against brick with a dull sound. You cried out into the night, clutching to him as he thrust deep inside of you, the world around you coming to a clandestine dark, illuminated only by streetlights and neon.
His chest heaved, muscles in full view despite being clothed, his clothes like a second skin and dripping. With each thrust, he seemed to hit deeper, striking you at your core, the nerves within sending you into orgasm very quickly, your entire body shuddering as heat spread from your abdomen and you felt the hot fluid coarse from you. Gripping him, your hips rolled with aftershock, pleasure making them jerk forward with each thrust against your sensitive core. Your muscles milked him to coax him closer, to which he growled and shoved you harder against the wall, pace picking up.
It was fast and hard, bruising even, your skin slapping against the brick of the wall, leaving small cuts and markings. You breathed heavy and your skin trembled, nails digging into his shoulders. He shouted when he came, the sound primal and heavy it the air despite the rain. The mask cut the sound he was making and he forced his hips against you as hard as he could, fully seated inside of you, filling you full and then some, dripping down your thighs and mingling with the rainwater, fogging the puddles beneath you.
As he trembled, the rain began to let up. It slowly calmed to a light misting and then, by the time you’d stopped shaking enough to move, it had stopped. Reaching up attentively, you brought your hands to the back of his head and slowly pulled the mask up and off of his head, revealing his face. Taemin. You were in immediate shock. He lifted his gaze and made eye contact with you, licking his lip as he still throbbed deep inside of you. Your eyes widened, and you were sure you’d never come back from this. Lost in his eyes and held against this wall in this dirty alley, you felt ironically whole and at peace. Eyes focused on that gorgeous face, he looked back at you and you felt stunned, content to stay this way forever—though part of you prayed for the rain to come back, to bathe you both again.
“…Under the dark lights, again the starting move��
–an elegant gesture, a furtive glance…”
“You get reflected in the transparent window, a glimmering move–
–That odd feeling , a dizzying attraction.”
Admin Death
#taemin#lee taemin#taem#6v6#moving#move#move-ing#e: move#smut#outdoor#rain#public#music video#inspiration#mv#admin death#fanfiction#fan fiction#fiction#fic#original#mine#shinee#mask
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e ai como você veio parar no blackhole que é ser stan do bts? (mesmo anon da ask do tu é brazuca)
ai anjo eu acompanho o bts desde o debut kkkksofro, quando eu era bem mais ligada ao kpop e sempre acompanhava os debuts/comebacks fiquei apaixonada pelo 2 cool 4 skool e surpresa pq tinha bastante conteúdo em algo que era pra ser um single, pra mim tava mais pra um mini album!!! depois fui ver que eles já tinham bastante conteúdo, soundcloud, os logs e tal
#2 cool 4 skool foi o primeiro album não-shinee/fx que eu comprei#e bts é o terceiro e último grupo que eu sou realmente ativa no fandom also não acompanho tanto o kpop como antes apenas o bts.#shinee sem comeback e sem promover o taem solo e fx morto. só me resta o bts
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74.) kisses where one person is sitting in the other’s lap :)))))
Jonghyun actually makes a noise, a pleased little gasp as they flutter over to fit themself in Taemin’s lap. Once Jonghyun has made themself comfortable, they lean down to press a quick kiss to Taemin’s forehead. “Taeminnie,” they sing, “Taeminnie, Taeminnie!”
Taemin’s been growing faer hair out for a while, and it’s finally at the length where fae like it. They’ve dyed their hair together, Jonghyun’s a pretty pastel pink and Taemin’s soft blonde. It feathers out around faer face now after hours and hours of braiding and unbraiding faer hair, Taemin half asleep and sitting on the floor between Jonghyun’s legs. Fae still look on faer way to sleep now, with a book open on faer lap as fae lay out on the couch, but when Jonghyun asks, fae shake faer head as fae sit up a little.
“I’m awake, Jonghyunnie. Did you want something?”
“Mm…just kisses.” They’ve been staring at Taemin for a while, faer pretty hair and pretty eyes and pretty lips, and they just…really want kisses.
“Want kisses? Come here then, Jonghyunnie.”
Jonghyun actually makes a noise, a pleased little gasp as they flutter over to fit themself in Taemin’s lap. Once Jonghyun has made themself comfortable, they lean down to press a quick kiss to Taemin’s forehead. “Taeminnie,” they sing, “Taeminnie, Taeminnie!”
“Jonghyunnie,” Taemin echoes back. Fae still look sleepy, but fae smile up at Jonghyun as they wiggle in faer lap.
“Like when you call me baby,” Jonghyun hints, and Taemin laughs, a quick breath through faer nose.
“I know, baby.”
It’s clear that Jonghyun is flustered now in the way they giggle and smile, soft and sweet. “Can I kiss now?”
“Always, Jonghyunnie.”
And yeah, Taemin is definitely still sleepy - Jonghyun can tell in the way fae kiss back, the the softness of faer lips and the puffiness of faer cheeks when they reach up for a soft touch. Faer hair is soft as well and Jonghyun pets their hands through it, and Taemin reaches up to hold Jonghyun by the waist, touch idle and soft like the kiss.
When Jonghyun finally pulls back, they feel warm and melty and soft, and when they tell Taemin that, fae just smile with eyes that make Jonghyun feel even warmer. “You’re so cute, Jonghyunnie.”
“Cute for you, Taeminnie! Kissies again?”
“Always,” Taemin repeats, reaching out for Jonghyun again. When fae catch hold of the back of their neck, it’s to drag them down into a kiss that is just as gentle and soft and lingering as the first.
“Love you,” Jonghyun mumbles in between kisses, “love you so much.”
“Love you too, baby. Now come on, let’s go back to bed.”
“Okay, Taeminnie.” It’s only half past ten, and the sun will still be shining bright in their bedroom, but Jonghyun is honestly fine with that, because they’ll have Taemin next to them, curled up close in their arms.
And they don’t think they’ll be able to fall asleep, but as soon as Taemin nuzzles into their arms, warm and heavy and comforting, they’re ready to fall fast asleep.
#shinee#jongtae#anonymous#requests#Hewow looign back on this it shldve been a lot better sfjkhd#like uh gr*nding bc hwo doesnt....lov e that skdhfj#but uh yeah no tht didn happen#my writing#rae if uread this blease feel better ily lots also ur taem
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he said if i have to go by myself i may as well be better than everyone else
#LEE JINKI?????????#ficou irreconhecível como o pinguim do batman scrr ❓💀💀#mas agr queria os outros membros tbm de vilões do batman :( o taem de joker! o minho de charada! e o kibum de máscara negra! seria um sonho?#jinki
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taemin: oral fixation habits
✏︎ ♥ missing taemin by thirsting and yearning hours ♥
fem!reader, cunnilingus, foot fetish mention, face-riding, french kissing, d/s mention, sex toys, blindfolds
s o f t // v e r s i o n
carries balm or scented chapstick with him at all times
treats you like a queen, he will kiss your hands often that’s for sure
and legs
and cheeks when he’s in a hurry and you’re in public — but for a little peck there’s always time
plumpest lips ever, so velvety soft. and he knows it
thoroughly entertained by you watching him catch snowflakes with his tongue, this kid
pet and caress his hair while you kiss, your angel loves that
taemin — being a hopeless and unconventional romantic — thinks that how kisses feel as a physical feedback is actually a tinge more important than sex when it comes to reading the mood of the relationship
just one kiss is never enough my friend, taemin always goes for a sequence in any situation, at least three in a row hands down
taemin is so kissable... damn
p a s s i o n a t e // v e r s i o n
taemin’s obsession with kisses is widely documented and he can make out for three hours straight i will die on this hill
he’s basically glued your neck since he knows you love it so much but doesn’t use teeth that’s very polite of him
but mind you that tongue is wild and eager
intense slurping noises the more intense it gets
calm down taem it’s just a french kiss
since he does the most challenging choreos, taemin simply does not run out of breath
religiously scrubs his teeth (right after getting up in the morning too) and does dentist check-ups and whatnot, he always tastes good
those pillowy lips... he loves to just nervously rub his bottom lip against your top lip
well we know about the top and bottom thing anyway that’s not a surprise from the king of subs
feed him desserts and lick some cream off those lips.... hot hot hot
s o f t // v e r s i o n
endless morning head is a staple, you explicitly requested for him to wake you up this way and he couldn’t be happier to oblige, loves the heat of your thighs around him
has a very lazy, but skilled tongue
uses every opportunity. eats you from behind while you’re scrolling through your phone on the sofa sometimes
teasing your clit is basically 80% of his style
i mean what else does he sing about and do 24/7 it shouldn’t be spelled tease but taese
19% is knowing how to edge, i mean that one’s easier than T-posing for him
and the remaining and most important 1% is eventually unleashed as the cherry on top to give you deep-reaching orgasms
the type you feel in your whole body so deliciously
slowly kisses the insides of your thighs when you come down
if it wasn’t for lee taemin, men wouldn’t have rights anymore
p a s s i o n a t e // v e r s i o n
his eating out skills spiral out of control within like 15 seconds when the mood is right
gets utterly sloppy, reckless abandon, and he knows his stuff
reaches new heights of oral excellence when blindfolded and with a vibe in his ass, controlled by cheeky you who loves to switch it to maximum buzz
somebody stop this man he’ll also suck your toes in a frenzy
blowing off steam by blowing you huh
how does he not leak spit all over the place what is his recipe
overkill combo: taemin’s tongue and a pointy vibrating toy right on your clit, multiple rounds, hold onto the sheets
needs you to ride his face at least once per week for his morale. his health bar goes down with every minute you’re not sitting on that chin going nuts
also, eye contact: new levels of heat
drags the tongue, indulges with swirling
moans a lot while he does that
as i said this man needs to be reined in asap
© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional.
#taemin#taemin smut#taemin x reader#taemin scenario#taemin imagine#shinee smut#shinee#shinee x reader#super m smut#super m#taemin crack
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𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗇𝖾𝖾 𝗆𝗈𝗈𝖽𝖻𝗈𝖺𝗋𝖽 ✦ 𝗉𝗅𝗌, 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗈𝗋 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀 𝗂𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗎𝗌𝖾! 𝗌𝗉𝖾𝖼𝗂𝖺𝗅 𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍 𝖿𝗈𝗋 @kiwibomb
nunca sei como começar essas coisas, mas não iria me perdoar se não fizesse nada para você, mesmo que seja algo tão simples como um moodb... sabe, isa, abençoado seja o dia que você veio ao mundo, mesmo o mundo não sendo tão merecedor dessa benção. abençoado seja o dia em que você decidiu criar uma conta nesse site mesmo que hoje, ele não bom o suficiente para lhe ter por aqui. abençoado seja o dia em que os membros do shinee entraram na sua vida, porque pessoas como você só merecem todo o sentimento bom que eles são capazes de causar em qualquer um que se der a oportunidade de conhecê-los (comenta nickjsjajs 🤧). abençoado seja o dia que começamos a trocar asks fazendo nascer o carinho que temos um pelo o outro. e abençoado sejam todos os dias em que você acorda para encará-los independentemente daquilo que às vezes, tenta fazer com que isso não venha a ser possível de acontecer. você é uma mulher maravilhosa e forte pra caralho! seja para lidar com as suas coisinhas, ou para lidar com aquele certo tipo de gente que vezes tiram coragem do nariz para te encher via ask. sério, eu admiro a sua capacidade de não tacar um "foda-se" para elus.
eu tava ouvindo days and years, e agora mudei para replay porque são músicas que deixam o meu coração levinho, e eu queria me inspirar para fazer um moodb 5hinee todo bonitinho e soft. não sei se alcancei o meu objetivo, mas espero que você goste desse simples presente desse mero camponês ✊. espero também que o seu dia hoje seja bom mas tipo bom mesmo, hmm não só bom, mas muito bom! que você coma comidas gostosas, dê boas risadas e que tu ganhe mil e um mimos do shinee! sei que o kibum te presenteou um pouco adiantado, (e que presente, diga-se de passagem! não esperava menos do ícone, impecável como sempre graças a deus!!! aliás, eu queria ter vindo surtar e boiolar cntg, mas não estive lá tão bom para isso mas ainda faremos isso sim então seus seguidores que lutem) mas isso não muda o fato de que é obrigação deles te mimarem hoje então espero que venham vários e vários mimos porque tu merece demais! até o taem tem que se virar e dar os pulos dele para te presentear hoje tbm, fodase... obrigado por ser sempre um doce de pessoa, de amiga, e caridosa o suficiente para presentear esse site com as suas edições tão maravilhosas quanto você, meu anjo. eu realmente te adoro, espero que saiba que pode contar comigo para oque precisar porque até que você permita, e o universo tbm, vou estar sempre aqui com e para você.
𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚 𝒃𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒚, 𝒌𝒊𝒘𝒊𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒆! 🌷💕🎉
#já agradeceram pela a existência da isa hoje? não?? então já podem começar!#te adoro por demais mesmo meu anjo 🤧💕💕#shinee#shinee icons#shinee edits#shinee moodboard#kpop moodboard#taemin icons#taemin moodboard#kibum icons#kibum moodboard#jinki icons#jinki moodboard#minho icons#minho moodboard#jonghyun icons#jonghyun moodboard#not ten#kpop icons#kpop edits
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This is kinda random but did ji and ksoo know they were lgbt before they met each other?
I heard Ji never had a Gf! Like I'm somehow sure of that. the boy was 12 when he joined Essem his teenage life was sucked out from him especially that he attended SOPA school which was practically only about SM sunbaenims and trainees aka future idols who were also so busy training with massive hectic schedules studying at it with some other art student whom he probably didn't even have time to talk to becoz he was so stuck to Sehun's ass Most of the time and he had to go back running to the dance studio and singing lessons and after that he would leave Essem to go home at 2am so basically he would pass out once in bed. And he said many times he and Taem and Moon used to sleep in the studio becoz it was so late and the bus line was shut. So idk 🤷🏻♀️
And Ksoo, well had one girlfriend coz he was a local student at his local middle school with local normal citizens and didn't have to be stuck in Esssm for 5 years like Ji !
So conclusion: Ji never dated before until he met Soo. Prolly thought he was straight becoz Duh 💁🏻♀️it's the standards and normal. And Ksoo was Straight/Bi? Maybe he liked guys before but we had never heard anything like that about him so yeah. Maybe they discovered they're gay with e/o.
Ksoo was Ji's 1st everything! Isn't that sweet? First crush, First confession, First time discovering his sexuality, First time coming out as gay, First date, First lover, First kiss, First Sex, First I like you, First I love you, First hand holding, First movie date, First cooking partner, etc..
I even think they lost their virginities with each other 🤔 (that was just my vast imagination)
@Queen_Aurore ✨👑👸🏻👑✨
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Mas é literalmente assim que eu sempre vi o Taem?????
you know those music boxes that have the tiny ballerinas twirling inside them? imagine one of those but with a mini taemin doing the want choreo shaking his flat little ass
#lee taemin#Taemin#taem#escutem Orgel e pensem nesse cenario ok#faz eras que eu n escrevo tags aaaaa
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m....i wrote a tiny bday Thing for my lovely amazing wonderful perfect bf @orgel-ontae but m not gonna Officially Post It until ;;; Later but if anyone wants to Read It ahead of time here theres a Sumary in the tags but its p jong centererd so ;;;
#shinee#jongyu#jongtae#onjongtae#BLEASE TELL THEM HAPPY BDAY i lov e them so MCUh#theres some chrismas fics too but ill post those Later when it feels more rice#nice not rice i had rice earlier thts y i said rice#but Um this had to post bc its raes bday n i love them sosoosos much#Anyw the summary::: jongyu Live togheter n theyre datig for a while#n jongs also been datign taem for a few months n theyre finally gonna all Meet n its jus rly soft#jongs nervous bc taems Here n jinkis fond n taems full of love#it is Also me n sarah n rae#m.....Yeah its all soft#if u don feel comfy with readig thts Okay n if u do thts Okay too#will post for Real Officially mhm#love u all shawols ;;; pls stay soft n stay strong#remembre to eat n drink as well ;; n get enough sleep n Love each ohter#♡♡♡ lov u all#my writing#ot3#m not rly good at Words or Emotions but if anyone wants to Talk m here also
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