#e making me feel uncomfortable/embarassed but even other than that like...touch is REALLY hit or miss for me lol also my startle reflex is s
pipskippy · 4 years
thimking. doing some researches. ive been wondering this ever since i got diagnosed w sensory input makes you think you’re gonna die sometimes disorder.. i may be autistic.. it would make a lot of sense :^]
#pip speaks#it would explain the eye contact thing and the sleep problems and the not understanding when ppl are making jokes if i don’t know them well#and the anxiety partly and the needing things to be the same routine or feeling overwhelmed and disconnected/detached when things change#also w the sensory stuff i def have a weird thing with touch partly bc i had this one friend who was like waaay too touchy and seemed to lik#e making me feel uncomfortable/embarassed but even other than that like...touch is REALLY hit or miss for me lol also my startle reflex is s#o out of control and it seems like it’s only getting worse it’s just rlly funny at this point bc ill just be sitting and then my mom taps on#the door and suddenly ive lost control of my limbs and i like skip consciousness for half a second and then I’m like wtf just happened to me#i don’t know. i don’t know but i mean maybe it’s just the sensory stuff plus the anxiety. but maybe it’s not and ive learned to mask. bc i k#know thats really common esp with girls. im just scared to ask abt it bc the place i went to for the sensory stuff was absolutely AWFUL and#i never want to go somewhere like that again#tldr the environment was hot and stuffy and loud and scented like something i forget and im 99% sure they had this all to test how i respon#ded to it because another worker came in the door with a kid during the intake and was like rlly fakely oh oops this room is taken :) and th#en on the report it was like no she doesn’t have any sensory issues because she didn’t have problems with eye contact or staying focused#[despite all the noise and other awful stimulus there] so we don’t reccommend any therapy :) like god. i was on the brink of tears and tryin#g to make eye contact to make a good impression bc she rlly seemed to be watching me and it was freaking me out and I didn’t want to be rude#and seem distracted bc i didn’t realize they were trying to observe me ????? (wtf) so i tried rlly hard to pay attention and not let on how#overwhelmed i was feeling. yknow like i a#always do. bc if i didnt id be having multiple breakdowns at school everyday. so yknow i was like fuck you to that place and my current#therapist actually has sensory sensitivity so um its quite a lot better :) than that evil place. im pretty sure they also do ABA therapy the#re which based on how they treated me is not surprising but i really do want to commit evil acts whenever i think about it#anyways idk why i typed all this i should sleep now. if anyone skips to the end bc i cant imagine anyone reads all this have a WONDERFUL day#/night i love you so much you did a great job today and i appreciate all the things you bring to the people around you. you deserve good and#you will love and be loved i promise. im here with u. good night :]
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fantasiesfor · 7 years
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↪️️Pairing: Jungkook (BTS) x Reader (Female)
↪️️ Rated: Fluff
↪️️Synopsis: He is lost in his own world, every move he makes reflects in his facial expression. You are lost in him, every move he makes reflects in you. How much you want to show your affection to him.
↪️️Writer’s Note: Jungkookie for you all :) This is my first imagine in this blog, so please tell me if you think it’s good or bad, critics will make my writing evolve! I imagined a lot of Kookie’s performance of I Need U with Yoongi playing the piano in the background. While writing this i was listening bad boys from zara larsson but idk why?¿
↪️️Words Count: 865
The song echoed through the room. Sounds of claps coming from the song and Jungkook. You gulped lightly, seeing how passionate he was in almost everything. You weren’t quite sure if he knew you were there, assuming he probably forgot about what you two had planned when he got into the rhythm too much. You thought, “Well, I’ll just wait till it’s over”. You were so wrong.
As the song progressed, his moves and facial expressions would only intensify along with the energy he felt boiling in his veins. The floor felt soft under his feet, on cloud nine he was. He spinned and got on his knees, sliding on the ground.
Your breath hitched as you sat on the cold floor of. Your head was spinning along with his hips. So firm and smooth were his moves, his hands always going from a sweet caress to a punch in the air.
You wanted him so bad. God knows how you’ve been suffering because of your feelings. Any touch, words, look, would mean so much more than what they really were. You were constantly suffering with your heart beating fast, palms sweating and heat all over your body. Not in a sexual way, you just want him. Really bad. And hidding…was even more difficult than you thought.
Encountering yourself always in embarassing situations to explain to him, why would you tense under his touch so much or why you always try to escape when he asks about who’s your crush in his playful way.
Truth be told, you didn’t want to screw up. It was so hard gaining his trust and to get him to feel comfortable with you. He was very timid and frightened of girls, but you just happened to step into his life and make a way to his best friends’ group. And he, honestly, can’t see himself without you. But of course you don’t know, or hiding your feelings from him wouldn’t even be in your mind.
You snapped from your thoughts when his gaze went to you, piercing you. His lips were greasy and his hair attached to his forehead, sweat dripping from his neck to his collarbones. Your mouth agape at the sight, your fists clenched, breath totally disappeared. From that on, he would do his moves staring intensily at you. Your body burning with heat.
A last clap is heard from the song and it ends, along with Jungkook’s moves. Every muscle of his body tensed, chest rising up and down, breathing fast. Your eyes glued to him, you try to stop, to distract yourself, to do something, but you can’t help the urge to look at the amazing figure.
He walks over to you, every part of your brain freezing with a large red alert sign. “That’s it. That’s where you blow everything up.”, your mind screamed. He got the towel behind your head, lying in the bar, making you face his body and you gasped loudily, shifting uncomfortably in the floor. He cleaned his sweat and sat in front of you, a sweet smile in his face. Your heart mewled at the sight, automatically making you smile almost as sweetly as him.
He got his head down, a light blush appering in his cheeks and his lip becoming thin.
“ (Y/N), you were staring and you kinda still are…” He said barely audibly. His fringe falling delicately in his eyes.
“Ahn, I’m sorry I didn’t realize I was staring…” You said immediately looking to the ground and laughing almost desperately, internally cursing yourself for knowing how stupid you probably sound.
“When were you going to tell me?” He asked still shy.
“Tell what?”
”That you like me.”
You froze. You slowly got back to looking in his eyes, wanting to bury your head in concrete. His eyes searching for an answer, wandering over your face.
“Of course I like you. You’re my friend. And honestly, how would I even handle your ugly ass if I didn’t?” You said trying to break the awkwardness in the air, chuckling and buffing.
“You know what I mean, (Y/N).” Jungkook said, not even a slight appearance of his shyness from before. He seemed sure about it.
When faced with silence again, he came closer making you hit the wall behind you. An ouch slipping from your mouth, and his eyebrows going up, still demanding an answer, not caring for your faked pain.
“Ok, Jungkook. I like you.”
“As more than a friend?”
You frowned and shook your head, asking with no words why the hell he needed more afirmations.
“Yes, as more than a friend.”
“That’s why you have been so frustrated these days?”
“Jungkook, what the hell is your poin…” Your raised voice was cut by his lips.
You frowned in surprise at his firm grip. Pushing you against his lips, pressure building in your stomach. Your hands in his arms, while one of his hands were in your nape, the other caressing your waist. He sucked lightly on your bottom lip, earning a shaky breath from you, which made him disattach his lips to yours, his forehead pressed to yours and a grin on his lips.
“My point is…I like you too.”
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kitto-toberu-sa · 8 years
Tri Spoilers
I feel the new trailer has kinda spoiled some of the films best moments since they take some of the tension out of it... On the cast talk, they didn’t say much of interest, since we hadn’t seen the movie, so anything interesting would have been a spoiler...
Cast Talk Sora’s va had invited other cast members to her concert and they came, so she felt like they were family. They twirled around in the uniforms and said they thought the movie was interesting. Next broadcast is those two + Mimi, with Takeru as the MC, because he’s cheerful and able to chat. He called himself ponkotsu (useless, terrible etc) and said he found it difficult, so Sora should do it, but she said she was ponkotsu too. Mimi’s va is the ‘you can do it’ senpai, so the announcer said the three of them probably balance each other out lol
Warning: I was working on three hours of sleep and did have a teeny tiny bit of alcohol before the movie (I get tipsy easily :/) so I may or may not have missed something. 
Shipping moments - honestly whenever someone asks me about a ship moment I never know if they’re talking friend or romance. Because in all honesty, character A can look at B and half of tumblr will say it’s code for them dating. So when y’all say ‘moments’ I never know what you’re thinking because half of you exaggerate nothingness into canon. So when I’m asked about moments, I talk about times when characters interacted. I hope that clears things up.
Also please slow down on the shipping asks. I deleted over 10 messages. Patience is appreciated. So is not being rude. I’m happy to talk about literally any ship, but don’t spam me and demand answers. You make your ship and the fandom look bad. (Also why are y’all on anon I don’t bite lmao)
We start off with a flashback, done in an old timey style (like old movie cinema noises, flickering visuals etc. I thought it was rad like it made me so happy I love it) HIMEKAWA AND DAIGO ARE DIGIDESTINED. (HE’S A GOGGLEHEAD I LOVE HIM) So we see their final story and that’s hella cool but I can’t read kanji and some of it was written in kanji so :/
Looks like she was possessed like Hikari? Glowing eyes and shit, mentions of light, hope, Yggdrasil and homeostasis. (Apparently they were the original chosen which seems kinda blegh to me but w/e)
So they both know they’re chosen and Maki works her butt of to try and get them back (looks like she may have made reboot in order to reach her partner?). At one point Daigo tries to get her to STOP (even though she just wants to see her partner??? Bakumon/Tapirmon)
“I’ll be your new partner”
I fucking squealed HOW CUTE
But also what a dumb confession you nerd. This looked to be high school or uni btw. She was favourable to that. It seems they dated for a time but he forgot everything? (Which explains why she’s so bitter 24/7)
In any case, the kids are stuck in the D World with no way to contact anyone (Gennai isn’t answering) or to get home. They eat. Koushirou goes on a lecture about Oolong because Mochimon said it was nice. Mochimon is looking for a polite way to say ‘I honestly don’t care’ since Koushirou is rambling about it while everyone is doing their own thing. Sora made food for everyone. Everyone’s bonding but Piyomon is being an unreasonable bitch. I can understand her being scared, confused etc, but she’s full on aggressive the whole movie, and it literally makes no sense. It’s distracting, not like the first Piyomon we knew and it doesn’t advance the plot or characters.
Ah, there’s also a few scenes where they’re trying to bond with their Digimon. Hikari’s whistle smells like her so they bond pretty quick and it’s pretty cute. Tsunomon is hiding even though yamato is standing ages away just looking over his shoulder. Lots of ‘DON'T EAT ME PLZ’ which is cute and Mochimon is adorable.
Koushirou is busy so Mimi tries to feed him!!!! He goes bright red and puts his laptop in front of his face, saying he can feed himself. I’m screaming everyone loved it they’re SO CUTE. Sora made some weird shit with jelly beans and whipped cream. Koromon is the only one who likes it. Everyone else thinks its fucked up. I wouldn’t eat it.
Everyone Digivolves because of food? Palmon has a cute scene where she’s all like ‘Am I cute~?’ and Mimi is like YAAAAS YOU ARE! YOU’RE THE DIGIWORLDS NEXT TOP MODEL (okay not a direct quote but shush) which is super cute since Mimi wasn’t impressed with having an ‘ugly’ digimon originally so it really shows her development and growth.
Meikuumon appears, runs away and then disappears through a portal. Meikuumon is very odd, going from crying to being incredibly angry the whole time. It doesn’t make a lot of sense. Meiko gets to the Digital World after her Digivice changes.
Sora is upset because Piyomon is being a bitch so Taito try to comfort her. They sit on either side of her, so it’d be an excellent opportunity for them to both show interest in her. Or for Yamato to go ‘dude, my girlfriend/love interest, back off’. But no. Apparently neither of them know more than ‘Sora’s upset’ and have no idea what’s really wrong or how to help, so they’re using each other as back up to try and make her happy.
How many years have they known each other now? They should have some type of guess at how to help her inidivdually. It makes me wonder if the epilogue is tri canon because this could have set Sorato up perfectly, but if you didn’t know the epilogue, you honestly never would know. Everyone would assume it’s Koumi that’s the official pair.
Agumon floats by on a log? So Tai goes to help and Sora walks off. Tai says the same line Piyomon said about taking care of herself and she’s all like ‘don’t say what Piyomon said!!!’ as if Tai knew about it??? The whole scene is funny, but it’s filler and just goes ‘boys and girls are SO different they CAN’T understand each other?!???!’. It’s basically Taito speaking in unison and going ‘girls are troublesome’.
Considering they don’t know how to comfort her and they’re constantly together, I wouldn’t say it’s a win for anyone but Taiorato fans, and due to the bad writing, I don’t think you can call it a win.
At some point they’re discussing Meiko and Hikari’s like ‘ehhh Takeru, don’t you have a crush on her?’ and he’s like ‘don’t worry, my number one person is...’
-looks at Yamato-
‘Isn’t that great, oniichan?’ (Taichi)
Tsuntsun Yama makes his appearance again. I LOVE IT.
Everyone (Meiko not included) is deciding what to do and Jyou is old reliable Jyou again. Takeru mentions how he’s like Jou of the past and Mimi wonders if he’s responsible now because he has a girlfriend to look after. Jyou can tell by her tone she doesn’t believe he has a girlfriend. I live for these jokes tbh.
Everyone gets separated when the big bad attacks. The scene of Jyou/Pata/Pal is adorable, since we see Palmon and then it pans up to Jyou. It looked so dramatic but then it’s Jyou and two weak/girly looking Digimon against a stormy sky and everyone just burst out laughing. 
Tai and Gabu are together. Tai’s shouting for everyone. Gabu joins in.
“YAMato... kun”
He’s too embarassed because they aren’t close enough and stuff to just say ‘Yamato’. Tai is a bit miffed that Gabumon won’t use honorifics on him lmao Gabu’s the cutest little muffin and everyone loved it. It happens again later when he and Yamato are reunited and Yamato is like ???  why honourifics??? and Taichi’s still pissed he doesn’t have honorifics lolololol
Anyone Tai and Hikari meet up and Tai’s like ‘well all their memories are gone it sucks’ and Hikari’s like ‘I don’t know. This way, Plotmon doesn’t remember all the bad things that happened to her. I think it’s okay this way.’ AND DAMN THAT HIT ME. Abuse isn’t something you just magically get over. It’s a lifelong fight. Honestly it was really simple and wasn’t elaborated on, but it seriously touched me. It says a lot about Hikari and her relationship with Tailmon to me.
Palmon draws Mimi on some rocks. Koushirou and Yamato are together and Koushirou just shows photos of everyone having fun which is cute, but do we really need all this bonding stuff? Tri has been really well character driven, but it rebooted to 0 character for the Digimon so I just feel like it’s a bad decision and I’m worried about the time it ate up, since it leaves less time for plot.
Piyomon and Sora are in the desert, Piyomon tries to ditch, they find Meiko. They go recoop and Piyomon doesn’t want to talk to Sora but she happily does whatever Meiko says? Which considering how little she trusts Sora, why would she trust some random human she just met? It’s honestly so cringey and Sora and Meiko were uncomfortable with it, and it made no sense. Sora deserved better.
Ken appears to Sora and Meiko. He shows himself to be Gennai. But apparently is NOT Gennai, but is on the Digimon’s side. Whatever the fuck that means.
Also, he licked Sora’s face while pinning her down and felt all over her to steal her Digivice. It made me hella uncomfortable. It wasn’t necessary, the cast is already freaked out by him, he’s stronger and smarter than them, so it did nothing except make the audience uncomfortable. Sora didn’t make much of a reaction either, so it was weird and unnecessary and not what Digimon is about. 
Maki finds her partner but obviously it doesn’t remember her. She seems really shocked? Like what the fuck? She probably knew this would happen, or the amount of time it’s been could have changed things. Instead of being understanding or sad, she goes berserk and grabs it and shakes it? Girl needs to chill (honestly made me uncomfortable, like imagine shaking a small child? ew)
(Meanwhile, Huckmon fills Daigo in in Maki’s office and just info drops really. Daigo has some nice hacking skills tho. Mostly cuz he knows Maki too well lol)
By the end of the movie everyone except Tailmon is at their final form iirc. That was pretty rad, except I’m pretty sure Takeru’s digivice said MagnaAngemon instead of Holy? Also, Butterfly was playing instead of Brave heart for some of the evolution and that’s weird and wrong. (I love it but it isn’t the evolution song :/)
The end battle is everyone going ‘oh shit Sora/Meiko are in trouble lets get Gennai away from them’ and for some reason they’re on a boat? Okay then. Taito run off with Hikari and encounter Seadramon. Hikari is left to float by herself while the other two drown. They're ultra gay because Taichi can’t swim enough so starts drowning (even though he should theoretically be more athletic than Yamato? Or at least equal) so Yama comes back and swims around him to save him? But they both drown and the AguGabu’s friendship saves them and they Digivolve. As you do. They monologue and shit, but, as much as it’s my OTP and Yama is bae of baes, it didn’t fit the tone, the situation or anything. It wasn’t important. Generic friendship stuff.
Nobody really brings Sora back to her normal self, but Piyomon comes to her senses after Sora tries to save her and is repeatedly smashed into a mountain. Meiko does try to comfort Sora before they’re all attacked and is all like ‘Digimon are our partners’ and using the words Sora used to comfort her (this is right before Meikuumon attacks her too lmao so Meiko tries to help Meikuumon and then they’re all attacked by gennai).
So the others come up with a plan to distract Gennai from SoraMei (which backfrires because Sora runs off to help everyone and he can teleport? So he’s like lol thanks for leaving Meiko wide open nice).
Piyomon gets captured, Sora tries to save her and is smashed up against a wall of ice numerous times. Piyomon digivolves, mostly everyone else does and a giant Tentomon appears?!? Because Koushirou used a hologram, nice. There was no reason for Palmon and Gomamon to be on the sidelines. Nice fight tho. Takari scene were ice is crashing and Takeru is looking out for her, but that’s what he’d do for anyone, and I’m honestly sick of her needing to be saved (happened like, three times this movie? Yuck no thanks)
Anyway Gennai plot drops and I don’t really get it but it looks like he was using Maki to make reboot so Digimon who were sealed away could be reborn and Meiko is needed for some reason (maybe due to Meikuumon’s virus?). Yggdrasil seems to be the big bad. Gennai is trying to get Meikuumon to do something but it won’t so he strangles Meiko until she passes out (I honestly don’t believe she’s dead) and Meikuumon evolves.
The end.
My thoughts:
Weakest movie so far. Many scenes were enjoyable but since the Digimon are memoryless, it didn’t add to development, character or plot wise. Enjoyable scenes were also dragged out too long, leaving little room for plot. Plot came out of nowhere and was unexplained (where the fuck are the 02 kids) and Sora honestly just cried a lot. This should have been her and Meiko’s movie, because Taito didn’t do much plotwise and Sora’s arc was written too weakly to carry the movie. At the end of the movie everyone kinda paused, going, ? oh, that’s it? It didn’t feel like a complete movie
Felt a little like filler. I enjoyed it, but I’m very worried about the pacing the last two movies need to fit everything in.
Especially if the epilogue is canon. They’re either glossing over everything (ie Sorato) or … I don’t know. Like, to show a relationship, all they need is Sorato standing next to each other, Yamato attempting to comfort her alone and like, one or two lines a movie where they show concern for each other on more than friends level. But Koumi + Jyou/Mystery Woman get more than that, so it’s worrying to see how it will end out.
I honestly don’t care if they rehash the epilogue. I like it as it is, but unless they did something majorly off like pair Meiko with Yamato I’d probably be happy with it (I only wouldn’t accept this as it comes out of nowhere). I don’t think there’s really been tonnes of Takari hints (some, yes) but I wouldn’t mind betting that Koumi has good chances of being canon, though Mimi doesn’t always seem to realise Koushirou likes her, so maybe not. But if any couple was going to be canon that wasn’t originally canon, that’s where I’d put money. 
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