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winryofresembool · 7 years ago
dzioo replied to your post “Parental!Edwin one-shot: A Growing Family”
Ahaha the ending was top notch �� it's super adorable, I love how Ed handled his son's distress
I may have fangirled a bit when I saw you had read my fic. I really love your art (especially the inabd pieces and the comic that you are currently making)! 
Anyway, thank you for the nice words :’) Oh boy, one day Ed will probably have to tell Alan how babies are made and that is gonna be so incredibly awkward (and hilarious). I love it. Maybe I will have to add that to my long list of fic ideas (I think someone else would probably do a better job tho)
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literature-works · 7 years ago
Glow FMA Big Bang 2017
Title: Glow
Author: Literature work           Beta: Quiet Leaf          Artist: Dzioo
Summary: The Illumination is a phenomenon that makes the wounds people bear visible to all in a ray of light. It is completely harmless to human health aside from making one acknowledge it. It started on the third of October 1910 and everyone remembers it very well. Follow the story as Roy, Edward, Alphonse, and the rest of the team experience the illumination to see just how far some might go to douse the lights of another’s pain. Inspired by the Illumination by Kevin Brockmeier. Made for FMA Big Bang 2017 Continuity: Manga, AU Wordcount:  53,270 Pairings: Hinted Roy/Riza and Havoc/Catalina Rating: T for language Warnings:Foul language and swear words. Vague/minor death (no main characters).
Completed Work
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bisexualwinry · 7 years ago
4, 8, 10, 14! A lot, I know, but I'm curious :D
4. What defines your artistic style?
thick, graphic, clean line work, surrealist and dreamy in tone, cool color palettes, and defined by symmetry and the rule of thirds
8. What is your favorite piece that you have done?
no one else seems to like this one and tells me not to put it on my promotional items but I’m really proud of it and I’ll keep putting it on my postcards damnit it’s a good showcase of my skill, I think ;;w;;
10. What do you like most about your art?
oh man, uhhhh.......I’m always motivating myself to improve my work so I’m usually in a constant state of frustration with my work but I guess?? I’m pretty proud of how well I can do line work now? it took a lot of practice to achieve the smoothness it has now and the younger me that lamented always having such scratchy lines would be really happy to know I overcame that
14. What do you like drawing the most?
people!!! expressions!!!! character designs!!!!!! I love translating characters I like into my style and I love creating them, picking out outfits for them to wear, giving them an expression they might not usually make
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buggyness101 · 6 years ago
Not only are the hands just amazing in the top panel, but THIS (circled) is important to me.
So good!
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Phew, I made it before Christmas :D I’m getting closer and closer to the last page, it’ll be sad when it’s done, it really is refreshing to indulge myself like this.
Anyway, the knot is tied and the deal is sealed, you could say. It’s been a while since I drew people kissing and it was reassuring knowing I can still do it. Now onto the next page. And Happy Holidays to each and everyone!
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fennethianell · 5 years ago
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First full work of this year and Secret Santa for @dzioo 💕
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persnickety-doodles · 3 years ago
⚡️Who are some artists that have influenced you?
ooh that's a hard one, but I think Hiromu Arakawa is a really big influence. like before I watched fma, my art was... different. After, I wanted to draw my favs so I adapted the style. Now I have my own style but Arakawa was definitely a big influence.
Fen, Viria, @dzioo have also always been some of my favs. I wanna be like them haha
Fan Art Ask Game
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artemisrae · 8 years ago
@dzioo​ replied to your post: you guys I just finished
IT’S ALL YOURS. As soon as I’m done revising.
Which is going to be terrible I’m so sorry @future self.
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mikavee · 10 years ago
thesoulboundalchemist yo!!! GO FOR IT @dzioo LMAO i'm not good at animation but that's a pretty stellar idea hell yeaH
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winryofresembool · 7 years ago
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Too many hours later, a digital version of my HC of Winry’s wedding outfit
Like I said, I love @dzioo’s headcanon that instead of throwing a big party, Ed and Winry simply go to town hall to register (although I still kinda think Al, Roy, etc “force” them to have a reception later on). Her dress is short and rather simple (I honestly can’t see her in anything “over the top”), probably sewn by Pinako, and her hair is still on her signature ponytail, only she has curled it and decorated it with a flower. As you might be able to tell, the husbando /did/ have something to say on the outfit colors! Also, he gave her the wrench bracelet as a wedding gift :3
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hirstories · 7 years ago
Abraca—switch! Or The Tale of Edward Elric vs. the Mischievous Body-Snatcher
Chapter 9
“Fuck!” Edward spat after Alphonse put him on the bed. “Why would—” he stopped, his feline eyes narrowed in utter contempt. “FUCK!” he spat again.
Paninya raised an eyebrow. “Wow...” she couldn’t help but comment. Shifting her attention from the cat to Alphonse, she added, “You need to slow down on the catnip, Al. The poor thing is going bonkers.”
Mei laughed nervously; Paninya raised her other eyebrow.
Alphonse stared at them for a brief moment then turned to engage in conversation with his older brother. “I don't get it neither, Ed,” he said, picking up where Edward left off. “He threw himself in harm’s way to save Winry.”
Edward looked at Paninya. “You really want to talk about this in front of her?” he said as he returned his attention back to his brother.
Alphonse shrugged his shoulders. “It’s not like I want to, but time’s ticking, Ed.”
Edward took a moment to consider his brother’s words; “Plan B” definitely needed to be reassessed. “I guess we only have this small window of time to alter our plan,” he conceded.
Alphonse shook his head. “Unfortunately.”
Edward’s eyes narrowed slightly. “I just don't get it,” he said, going back to the previous topic. “That bastard told us he was going to hurt Winry if we exposed his true identity to her or to others, but he literally jumped in to save her.”
“Sounds like something you would do,” Alphonse said with a knowing smile.
Edward chuckled, “That’s true.” His thoughts trailed off. He'd been experiencing this “cell memory” effect himself ever since he got stuck inside Domingo’s body, but something told him that Don Paco had acted on his own accord. “We have to move fast,” Edward said, returning to the moment. “I don't think Don Paco will be able to keep his act up for long. I’m worried about what he'll do to Winry the moment she starts asking him questions—because she will start asking him questions.”
“I know what you mean, Brother. It was hard enough to convince her it was my idea to keep his alchemy hidden from her.”
Edward grimaced. “Sorry about that.”
Alphonse smiled. “I'm just relieved that nothing bad happened to your body.”
“The leg got damaged, though,” Edward groused.
“True, but Winry said it wasn't anything major,” Alphonse mentioned. Almost immediately, his expression turned serious. “Don Paco will be back on his feet in no time—no pun intended,” he said, quoting Winry’s words after she examined the broken automail back at Atelier Garfiel.
“Excuse me Al, but are you actually having a conversation with the cat?” Paninya interrupted.
Alphonse turned to her. He glanced at Mei before saying, “What if I was?” He was quiet for a moment. Finally, he said, “How does that make you feel?”
Paninya blinked like an owl. She looked at everyone in the room before returning her attention to Alphonse. “To each their own?” she answered, laughing nervously. Her eyes slid to Edward. “But this cat does seem to understand everything you say.”
Mei held Paninya by the hand. “Why don't you sit down?” she said as she guided her to the nearest chair.
Paninya sat down, looking nonplussed.
Mei joined Alphonse’s side and waited for him to continue. Alphonse locked eyes with Mei for a brief second before returning his attention to the expectant girl.
“Paninya,” he began, pausing a moment to gather his thoughts. “You're correct. This cat understands me. He also understands you, Mei, and pretty much anyone else in Amestris. Not only can the cat understand people, he can talk too.” He glanced at Edward before continuing. “You see, this cat here is actually my brother Edward.”
Paninya sat on her chair with eyes unblinking, staring at the wall across from her in the small hotel room she got for the Elric’s a few hours before their arrival to Rush Valley.
An hour ago, this hadn’t been the case. She’d been holding her sides laughing—and who wouldn’t? Alphonse Elric dared to say, with a straight face, that the cat he brought with him from Resembool was in actuality his older brother Edward. The tale was comedy gold!
Things got even funnier when both Alphonse and Mei tried to explain how Edward got shoved into the body of a cat. Being playful by nature, she started asking them questions just to see what kind of fib they would come up next—because that’s what their story was: a fib. But her initial amusement quickly died down. What had been funny at first was starting to become worrisome. Alphonse and Mei said her best friend was in trouble. She got upset at them when they couldn’t fully explain what kind of trouble she was in. They tried talking about, they even tried explaining themselves through writing, but gibberish and silly doodles didn’t make for a convincing story. There was one thing she found intriguing, though, and it was Ed the Cat. The way his tail moved while she, Alphonse and Mei talked, told her he was consciously following the conversation. She also noticed that his tail had gone from wagging to stiff and puffed. Ed the Cat looked frustrated, and that didn’t make much sense.
Then things turned downright freaky when the cat took over for Alphonse and Mei. Paninya couldn’t help the scream that ripped out of her when Ed the Cat clapped his forefeet together and transmuted the mattress he was sitting on. And she couldn’t help but let out a string of expletives once Alphonse started admonishing the cat for what he’d done.
What the cat did make a believer out of her. “How?” Paninya had to ask the obvious question.
”Necessity is the mother of all invention.” Dominic used to say, and that’s exactly what happened when the Ed the Cat started meowing to Alphonse.
“You want me to write the alphabet on the floor?” Alphonse sputtered what Ed the Cat had meowed. He also offered the group his opinion on the matter. “I don't think pointing to letters will work either,” he said.
Paninya didn’t need a translator to understand Ed the Cat’s response, nor she had to wait to find out what the cat wanted to do with the alphabet. Ed the Cat jumped out of the bed and sauntered his way to the letters. He meowed something to his brother, which Alphonse repeated out loud.
“Tell Paninya to follow my lead and spell out the words I’m going to form by stepping on the letters,” Alphonse said.
Little-by-little, Ed the Cat told the story Alphonse and Mei couldn't thanks to the curse Don Paco placed them in.
Paninya’s thoughts returned to the present moment. She looked to her left, where Alphonse and Edward were located, and said, “Edward, man...” She shook her head, then, after snorting sarcastically, she added, ”You really are something else.”
Edward drew back his lips and hissed at her. If Winry wasn’t in such dire predicament, Paninya would've taken her sweet time ripping on the older Elric.
“Winry told me she wasn't going to take long helping—” Paninya stopped abruptly, she didn’t what how to call that man.
“Shit-head,” Edward contributed.
“Don Paco,” Alphonse translated.
Paninya grinned at the brothers. “I think I’m going to call him ‘Ed the Man’ since you’re ‘Ed the Cat’,” she said as she pointed at Edward.
Mei giggled; somehow Alphonse managed to hold back his chuckles; and, Edward hissed at all of them.
Paninya stood up. “Let’s go! There’s a damsel in distress waiting for us at Atelier Garfiel.” She started for the door but stopped. Turning around, she mentioned, “Let me do the talking.” Then, fixing her gaze on Edward, she added, “Kitties don’t use alchemy, capeesh?”
Her expression suddenly turned distant as if recalling something utterly frightening. “It’s never a good thing to scare Mr. Garfiel,” she warned as she returned to the present moment.
Paninya entered Atelier Garfiel first. Mei followed closely behind. Alphonse entered last, along with Edward, who was resting on his right arm.
The front of the store was unattended, making everyone in the group instantly worry. Had Don Paco made his move while they were conspiring back in the hotel room?
“Yo, Garfiel!” Paninya called, but no one answered. A second later, she hollered, “There’s handsome young man out here desperately seeking for a strong automail engineer to give him a good tune-up!”
Mr. Garfiel suddenly appeared from behind the beaded curtain separating the front of his store from the workshop in the back. While clasping a dirty rag in his hands, he looked about the room trying to find the young man Paninya mentioned. Besides Paninya, only Alphonse, his cat, and the Xinguese girl occupied the space in his store. “Not cool, Pan!” Mr. Garfiel snapped as he turned a glare on her. “And I heard you the first time,” he added while he finished wiping his hands with the rag. After letting out an annoyed huff, he turned his attention to everyone. “I hope you found the hotel cozy—not that you had a lot of places to choose from.”
“How’s my brother doing?” Alphonse asked.
Mr. Garfiel tucked the rag inside one of his pants back pockets. Then, after placing a strong paw on each hip, he said, “Ed’s leg wasn't as damaged as we originally thought.”
Alphonse squished Edward against his chest, preventing his movement.
“It was a quick fix, really. Winry finished working on him a while ago,” Mr. Garfiel elaborated.
Paninya stepped into his personal space. “Why didn't you call us?” she demanded, staring up at him.
Mr. Garfiel’s neatly-trimmed eyebrows dipped into a frown. “Because Dominic called. He wanted to see if Winry could stop by his place right away.”
“Did Dominic say what he needed Winry for?” Alphonse intruded.
Edward looked up. His brother had used a measured voice, which only happened when he was really nervous.
Mr. Garfiel shook his head. “No idea, hon.”
Mei pressed him, “Is Edward with her?”
Mr. Garfiel smiled. “He's resting in the backroom. The repair took a toll on him.” He paused to suppress a chuckle. “I've never seen anyone cry the way he did.”
They all looked at each other. This was the perfect opportunity to tell the master automail engineer what was happening.
Alphonse gave Paninya one nod, the signal they all agreed upon to put “Plan C” into action.
“Mr. Garfiel,” Paninya began, only stopping momentarily to clear her throat. “There’s something you need to know.”
Mr. Garfiel’s expression went from amused to neutral as he stared into the girl’s big round eyes. He lowered his buffed arms to each side and curled his hardened hands into tight fists. After a brief silence, he said, “Does this ‘something’ has to do with our dear Win?”
“I'm afraid it is,” Paninya replied.
“¡Ay, que muchachita más dramática!”
Everyone followed the voice to the backroom. The impostor just pushed through the bead curtain. His eyes roamed the front room, briefly resting on each and everyone presently occupying the small area. A malicious smile spread across his face. “You Amestrians are so melodramatic,” he joked.
“Says the man that wails like a baby,” Edward countered.
“I know!” Don Paco guffawed. “According to your girly, I sound like a real wuss.” He sauntered towards Mr. Garfiel. Placing a firm hand on the man’s shoulder, he added, “Isn’t that right?”
Mr. Garfiel shook his head. “I’m afraid is true. Winry is turning out to be such a naughty girl.”
“There-there,” Don Paco said while giving the hulking man soft pats. He peeled his eyes momentarily from Mr. Garfiel to offer everyone a condescending look. “Where does this Dominic fella lives?” He asked as he returned his attention back to the engineer.
“He lives on the outskirts of town. Head east from here, and use the bridge to cross the canyon.”
Don Paco gave Mr. Garfiel a gentle squeeze on his shoulder. “Thank you, my good man,” he said before starting for the door.
“I would take a horse if I were you, sir.” Mr. Garfiel added.
“What do you think you're doing! He’s not who you think he is!” Paninya shrieked.
Edward’s eyes flitted from Don Paco to Mr. Garfiel and back to Don Paco. The bastard was smirking. “He did something to him!” Edward warned.
Mr. Garfiel connected a solid hook to Paninya’s face before anyone had a chance to react. The girl fell to the floor with a loud thud.
“Paninya!” Alphonse cried out.
“Al, let me down!” Edward yelled. Alphonse let go of him; and he landed swiftly on the floor.
Mei tried to rush to Paninya’s side but Mr. Garfiel got in her way. He threw a left jab at her missing the right side of her face by a hair. Mei sidestepped the man then jump back, keeping herself out of reach.
“Mei are you okay?” Alphonse asked.
“I'm fine,” she answered. Mei returned her attention to her contender. Not a single hair was out of place in Mr. Garfiel’s perfectly-styled locks. “This guy knows how to fight,” she said as the man moved around the place like a boxer after the bell rings.
Alphonse turned to the impostor. “What did you do to him?” he roared.
“Did you think I didn't notice your scheming?” Don Paco was quick to reply. He looked at Mr. Garfiel. “I just got myself some insurance.”
“You cursed him?” Edward accused.
“Charmed him,” Don Paco answered with a sleazy grin. “One kiss on the lips was all I needed for that man to fall under my spell.”
“You what!” Edward shrieked. To his utter mortification, the impostor began laughing.
“Looks like Tough Guy here has hots for you, cano!” He hollered.
“Shut your trap already!” Alphonse cut him off.
Don Paco turned to him. Alphonse clapped his hands together, readying himself to transmute.
“By all means, baby brother, use your alchemy,” Don Paco goaded.
Alphonse simply grinned. He placed his hands on an automail hand that was mounted on the display wall. The metallic hand reshaped into two double-edged daggers held together by a strange-looking hilt. “Here!” Alphonse said as he slid the weapon across the floor to where Edward stood.
“Thanks, Al!” Edward replied before biting down on the hilt.
Don Paco blinked a few times before a loud cackle ripped through his mouth. “So the cute little kitty is the one who’s going to fight me.”
“Damn right!” Edward said while clenching down on the hilt. He lunged himself at the impostor without warning, only managing to slice through the fabric of his pants.
“Are you out of your fucking mind!” Don Paco screeched. “You're going to wound your own body, pendejo!”
“What's one more scar?” Edward answered. He abstained from saying anything else, his grip on the weapon was weakening faster than he’d expected.
“You're crazy!” Don Paco cried, his eyes darting in all directions, looking for a way to escape. He found an opening and made a mad dash to the front door. As he ran, he heard more clapping. Blue sparks rushed past him, heading straight for the door, then the wood under his feet began creaking.
Edward expected Don Paco to crash into the giant wooden hand he just transmuted to cover his only exit, but the bastard managed to stop in his tracks.
“What the hell is this?” Don Paco shrieked. He spun around in a flash. Tiny sparks, remnants of the alchemical transmutation, still danced around Edward’s forefeet. Don Paco’s breath hitched, and his eyes rounded in disbelief.
“You know, Brother has been waiting for this moment for quite some time now,” Alphonse said, then paused.
Edward understood why his brother stopped, Alphonse was savoring the small victory, with every bit of enthusiasm like he was.
Finally, Alphonse said, “I feel sorry for you, sorcerer, because, even if you had wanted to, there was no real way you could’ve known the kind of person you’ve decided to mess with.”
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bisexualwinry · 8 years ago
dzioo replied to your post: fmab college au
Ling and Ed being roommates, that sound like a nightmare or a script for a sitcom :DDDD I LOVE IT
life is never boring with them, and it’s probably a miracle they haven’t killed each other yet tbh
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anikakinka · 11 years ago
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I've started being way too messy with it so that's it for today. But seriously, your characters are all so awesome and so hard to resist >__<
Thanks everyone!
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dontcallmesmall-blog · 13 years ago
One Day I Will- Yiruma
[So the lovely artist who did the artwork for my fanfic Quarantine, dzioo, mentioned that she listened to this song while working on the piece, and I've thus my brain has inevitably turned this song into both the song for that fanfic as well as an Ed-and-Al-bro-song. I dunno if Ed would care for the pic that goes along with the video, but it's an incredibly beautiful song.] 
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winryofresembool · 7 years ago
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Some wedding look headcanons (in a bit Disney-ish style). I love @dzioo’s headcanon that instead of throwing a big party, Ed and Winry simply go to town hall to register (although I still kinda think Al, Roy, etc “force” them to have a reception later on). Her dress is short and rather simple (I honestly can’t see her in anything “over the top”), probably sewn by Pinako, and her hair is still on her signature ponytail, only she has curled it and decorated it with a flower. 
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