#dyke rant
wlw-wombat · 6 months
thinking abt how much weight i need to lose right now has me feeling so drained
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badolmen · 4 months
They don’t even attempt to assassinate US politicians anymore. You notice that? Not since the anthrax scare back for… who was it, Barack? And even that… pathetic. This new generation has no respect for an honest hitman. I’m not sure this new generation has any honest hitman - you see that shit with Boeing? Sloppy, fucking disgraceful - you kill the whistleblowers before they get halfway to a lawsuit. What kind of fucking amateur is doing faked suicides the night before testimony? Goddamn greenhorns. Back in my day someone tried to shoot Ronald Reagan in broad daylight. There used to be bomb threats to Congress. I took out a few union leaders in the utilities sector myself. Today’s generation? Won’t even threaten to throw a punch - not even over on that - what’s it now, ‘X’? They got no guts. None! And they don’t even have poor impulse control to boot! Too much of that - that panopticon anxiety bullshit. “Oh what if I get a called out post???” People used to send the president letters full of bioweapons. In the mail! Today’s generation? Not a chance. All because of woke.
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why is tiktok so obsessed with hating on butch lesbians i hate all of you
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kalamity-jayne · 2 years
As a trans woman who’s slightly older than a lot of the trans girls on here I gotta say I find the widespread ageism insufferably annoying🙄
Like, I thought 40 was the new 30 but some of y’all act like you’re gonna get dragged off to a nursing home the second you age out of your 20’s.
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vampireharpy · 6 months
Imagine just getting a taste and being so desperate for more you arch a whaler 🙄🙄🙄
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butch-bf · 2 months
yeah we all know (and love <3) all the butches with masculine personality; and let me make it clear that you’re all loved and valid!! but let’s talk about butches that cannot or simply don’t want to get rid of their “feminine” traits and energy.
like seriously i could never kill a spider without screaming or change your car’s tire but i’ll definitely cook you the best dinner when you get home from work and i’ll be more than happy to stitch the holes of your favorite shirt, with all the patience in the world; because that’s how my mother and my grandmother used to show their love to me. i could never ever ever imagine being affectionate to someone in any other way.
something that always bothered me as a transmasc butch was the fact that everyone would clock me the moment i opened my mouth, which is already something that causes me waaaay too much dysphoria. so, i would try to “compensate” that by being the most masculine being that i could ever be. but deep down, i knew that i wasn’t being fully me, you know?
not being “masculine enough” would often make me feel like i wasn’t butch enough, that i wasn’t doing the “job” correctly or something. at least where i’m from, people expect me to fill that role and pretty much just act like a man 24/7.
but as i was cooking some dinner for myself and my mom tonight, something hit me; i’ll never be 100% masculine when it comes to my traits, my energy or even the way i speak. i’ll protect you, i’ll be there for you and i’ll try my best to intimidate whoever tries something bad with you. but sometimes, maybe i’d wanna be protected too; maybe i’d wanna be the little spoon every now and then; maybe i’ll cry in front of you and expect you to dry my tears. and that won’t ever make me less masculine or less butch.
i hope that my future partner understands that, no matter what happens; at the end of the day, i’ll still be your guy. i’ll just be a sensitive guy, you know? it’s kinda scary to admit this out loud but i feel like someone out there would like to know that they’re not alone. butches come in all shapes and forms, and it may be scary to be this kind of butch in a world where masculinity is praised, but i think we’ll be fine.
and also my dinner was so delicious what the fuckkk 🤤🤤🤤 i’m such a good cook like i genuinely believe i’m the butch version of guy fieri
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dykesevika · 4 months
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fortiche studios please make her a canon dyke please and thank u
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kingofstag · 2 years
I'm so crazy about butches. They're such resilient, funny, fantastic people. I started a new job recently and there's more bull dykes here than I've honestly ever seen in one place before. It was instantly amazing to see them, and to have that reciprocated. To immediately be adopted and have butches my age and older compliment my leather jackets, my presentation in general. It's an honor and something I've never experienced before to have an unspoken, physical community. To know they'll watch my back like I'll watch theirs. To feel safe in being butch because I'm not alone. To see butch people, respected and honored as highly competent, skilled, intelligent people has been something more than I ever thought I'd see in my state, or honestly in general. My boss is tough as nails and she commands a room when she walks in. The exact kind of butch I knew I wanted to be as a kid. I already look up to her so much. And even better? Her wife is butch, too. Which, as a butch who only likes other butches but didn't think I'd ever have something like that, absolutely ran me over. It's just, insane to see with my eyes that I'm allowed to exist and I have proof. Proof that people like me are alive and strong and making it. Absolutely insane.
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thuesdaynightdykelife · 9 months
Butches, I say this with all the love in my heart, but if your "positivity" posts on here about femmes are just thinly veiled criticisms of femmes who you've been hurt by before, you need to spend some more time healing on your own.
If your posts are all just you talking about the kind of butch you wish you could be for your hypothetical femme, if you think you can dictate what makes a 'real' femme and a 'real' butch, you need to spend time talking to, and making friends with other butches and femmes in your community, putting in the effort to become the kind of butch you want to be for the simple reason of being true to yourself and happy in your life. Not just to be good enough for your dream femme.
If you don't, you will project those insecurities onto another partner who doesn't deserve that treatment. You will set unattainable expectations for yourself and others that will never be met. You will spend more time feeling disappointed than feeling loved, regardless of the non-romantic love that may surround you.
You will be happy and in love one day, I promise. But not if you keep holding on to these wounds. These wounds may or may not be your fault, but you can't spend all your time trying to place blame either. And you can't spend all your energy yearning for the femme who will make life make sense. Your time and energy needs to be put into healing, and making as much sense of this short life you were blessed with as you can.
A romantic relationship, like most relationships, is give and take, on both sides, and if you want that beautiful, healing love, you need to be in a state of healing yourself too, and be a safe person for someone else to heal with. Otherwise, you will end up treating your femme like a mother.
As much as the idea of someone being your other half is lovely, in reality, you can't spend your days waiting around for someone to come along and make you whole. Imagine you will never find romantic love. It's a scary thought, one that has driven many insecure actions of mine in the past. But suppose that is what you are destined for. Who will you become? Will you rot, will you fester away, hanging onto how sad it is to not be loved. Or will you realise you are surrounded by a world filled with love, regardless of if it's romantic, and rejoice in it, embrace it, nurture it, and watch it grow. If you do that, the love you seek will find you, and on the small chance it doesn't, you will be happy and loved regardless.
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wlw-wombat · 1 year
at this point my period is either coming or its not so imma let her paint the walls if she wanna 😍
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crucified-bloodhound · 9 months
lesbian tumblr may have very well cured my body dysmorphia i feel so hot when i go on this site... even when i'm not posting myself just hearing dykez talk about bodies like they're so so precious makes me so content w myself in a way that the gay community never did 4 me when i id'd as a trans gay guy (i was repressing so much. oh my gawd.) so thank u dykez
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mysticfemme · 1 month
kind of went to my first ever pride today but not really cause I only stayed 20 minutes and missed the parade because I was on my own and knew I'd get overwhelmed. I did not see one single dyke HOWEVER a baby gay teenager gave me a bubble tube and said I looked cool
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sassafraslvr · 1 month
my mind is torn between two things. accepting my body how it is (as a skinny butch with a dysphoria inducing chest), and being a big beefy chubby butch. like I can't gain weight easily, same with visible muscle. but gOd do i wanna be a butch who's just fuckin big
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butchcharliee · 1 year
It's insane how people even some lesbians hate gnc/masc/butches/studs. They hate the masculinity that we express because they think we're "trying" to be like men. I've seen some express that lesbianism is for feminine cis women only?? It makes me so sad and hurt how people essentially bully and invalidate us for presenting masculine and us wanting to be seen as someone who is masculine and not a "pretty princess" feminine girl. As if I don't see people equate butches as men and say we have "male privileges" when we are also victims of misogyny. I've noticed a lot of these people are just straight up transphobic.
As a transmasc butch lesbian who does experience euphoria when called a boy and likes using male terms, I'm not "literally just a man", my identity is beautiful and valid. Transmasc butches have been around since before I was even born.
I also want to state that if you're a butch who still likes to be feminine in any way, you are wonderful and lovely!! There's no one fixed way to be butch. We all come in different forms, and every form is valid. And for butches who do identity as a man, they are also valid! The thing about being masculine is that it can look and be whatever you want it to be. To be butch is to be your authentic self. However, that may look like!
[t3rfs dni]
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satansfavoritedyke · 1 year
Not to disability post on main or anything but I'm just about sick and fucking tired of so-called "medical professionals" who are supposedly "specialists" (i.e. rheumatologists, for example), thinking they can slap me with a myofascial pain syndrome/fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue/hypermobility diagnosis, tell me to stop eating gluten, and call that a done and dusted day on the job when those diagnoses don't even BEGIN to explain the majority of my symptoms.
What about the fact that I randomly run low-grade fevers with no evidence of other infections (flu/COVID/RSV), what about my positive ANA factor, what about my low igA levels, what about my chronic iron deficiency anemia, what about my MULTIPLE documented activated EBV infections that have damaged my spleen, what about the fact that I have no reflexes in my knees, I could literally keep fucking going.
I'm so fucking sorry that I'm a fat AFAB trans person with the kind of disabilities that land me in medical appointments multiple times a week, but a doctor who hasn't cracked a fucking textbook since 1997 does not know more about my condition than me, the person living with my symptoms 24/7. And quite frankly I'm not going to be jammed into a diagnosis like fibromyalgia which is the clinical equivalent of "fuck off and die" disorder and a classic excuse to just categorize and disregard patients with complex symptoms when doctors don't want to do their JOBS to figure out what's actually wrong. There is something wrong with my immune system and I need TREATMENT, not a convenient label to send me to my grave with. I refuse to be a docile "ideal patient" and I am not afraid to be a "doctor shopper" either, because what I think medical professionals forget is that Y'ALL work for ME and I CAN and WILL fire you if you're fucking useless.
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dykesevika · 2 months
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I’m actually fine with the complete lack of sevika merch/content because my possessive dyke ass cannot handle the thought of other people liking her, let alone owning something of her 😭
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