#dying light 2 factions
dicktat · 7 months
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Choices and Consequences.
…yet what’s yours?
I’m fucking stupid I forgot to share it here anyways happy 2 year anniversary I love this game what if dl2 was a manga
(Black n white under cut)
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tafferling · 7 months
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Dying Light: Monsters, We. Character Spotlight!
The Lady Séraphine
Séraphine is the leader of the Church, a faction that ultimately replaces the Renegades in Dying Light 2.
She embodies an in-between of humanity's fading purity, anchored to the darkness threatening All; a darkness she is obsessed with and will do anything to conquer.
Séraphine is on first name terms with Vincent Waltz and if one squints, one might see them as the (more or less reluctant) parents to the youths who survived Waltz's original experiments and the Fall that followed. You can find her in my Dying Light fic, Monsters, We.
Beautiful character sheet by the ever-amazing @lord-nichron. Thank you!
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thefencebeetle · 9 months
Its time to talk about Stargate SG1, which literally nobody cares about anymore.
The two episodes "Heroes" at the end of season 7 are incredible, a true tour de force. It plays with both expectations set after 7 prior seasons, and examines the SG:C in an new and incredible light.
The first episode starts like an archetypal "questioning the SG program from an outside perspective" as a TV crew is sent to film a documentary inside Cheyenne Mountain. The journalist, Bergman, is presented originally as a fool, bumbling and stumbling all the way. Nobody wants to talk to him, and it’s understandable because again and again episodes over prior seasons have reinforced the necessity of secrecy. Bergman is an outsider who questions too much, too fast, and endangers the program.
However even in this first episode, Bergman’s point are relatable. Yes, filming is important, people will eventually learn the truth and footage is needed. Over the episode he turns from a bumbling fool to an annoyance to the guy you hate but makes a good point. He compares the program to D-day and to the Apollo missions, all positive examples.
And at the beginning of the second episode his turn is complete. He gives a speech that in fact he HAS to film, to show, because the men and women of the SG:C are giving their lives for the whole of humanity. People are dying, a war is being fought, and it needs to be recorded. I think this is the first time the audience is truly asked to consider what would the SG program look like if it went public. Not from a geopolitical perspective, but a human one. And not as a threat, but an eventual necessity.
Now the second episode is in 3 simultaneous parts 1) an almost textbook war documentary of a battle where it is known early on a casualty happened, 2) Bergman trying to learn about this battle and casualty and trying to show these airmen as heroes, and 3) a investigation being led by an ally of bad politician senator Kinsey, shot as a parrallel to the first episode investigations, but with a much darker purpose - this is the archetypal interfering outsider we thought Bergman was in the first episode.
This breaks the two-sided approach of the conflict. Its not "against or with" the SG program, its about what to do about the sacrifice and the danger it faces : keep it in the dark and hope to keep operating, but risk it being killed in the dark by opposing factions of the US government, or show it, admit it, record for posterity and the truth.
Now the second episode is also quite controversial because it plays with the idea of having O’neill die in the fight, its implied several times, but by 3rd act its reveal the beloved Dr Frasier is the casualty. She actually never comes back after this episode, she was a staple of the show, the voice of reason in many episodes. The pain shown by the characters is very much felt by the audience as well, this is a gut wrenching reveal.
I’m personally very conflicted about the bait-and-switch aspect. It somewhat lessens the blow, as we’re relieved its not O’neill… I think I would have preferred the episode to be more straightforwardly about Frasier. But after rewatching it, I think its the point. The characters are all devastated, they suffer, they know, but we don’t and we’re left confused. In many ways, we have become Bergman and his documentary. This episode shows people deserve to know, not because the SG:C is somehow dangerous, but because of the sacrifices being made.
The two episodes Heroes are a true turning point in Stargate SG-1, in the way it approaches its own subject. It questions the fundamental nature of its story, and establishes or rather re-establishes both the humanity of its characters and the stakes involved. Its not just about a vague and fundamentally incomprehensible "all of humanity may die", but a very real "your friend may die".
Its an incredible launching point into the last few remaining episodes of Season 7, which end up launching into both Season 8 of SG:1, and starting Season 1 of Stargate Atlantis. To me, its one of the highest points reached by this show, the hype is at its maximum.
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scales-like-ash · 4 months
I've been playing a little bit of Starfield again, been a while. And I must say it's still fun. I won't say its the best game Bethesda ever or anyone ever did, because it's definitely not and many of the complaints are justified like facial animations and bugs.
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But there are things that I genuinely love about it like the Story, its in my opinion one of the best stories Bethesda ever wrote. Sure it's a giant fetch quest (Oblivion is too when you think about it) but there are twist in it, especially at the end that left me speechless. Also the gunplay is like in Fallout 4 really good. The Shipbuilding is solid and the faction stories are also intriguing (especially the Vanguard and Crimson Fleet)
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And what I love the most, wich is also it's biggest critic, is the pure size of it. I understand that it's a bit tedious running 20 minutes through empty, random generated, wilderness but that is the whole point of exploration.
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I live in Germany, the Harz Mountain area to be precise and as a child, me and my parents would hike through this beautiful forest to the top of the mountains and to arrive at locations, discovering small things on the way, see the whole world expand up to the horizon when you get to higher ground is a feeling it captures really, really good.
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Like in this example you can see the tree faaar in the distance. It took me about half an hour to get there and I enjoyed it but it must also be said I think the game would benefit a lot from some sort of vehicles, like bikes or trucks... damn I'd even ride a alien horse thingy.
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There is a lot of potential in it and I really hope Bethesda (and modders) expand on it. Look at No Man's Sky, Dying Light 2 or Cyberpunk 2077 wich completely disappointed at launch but recovered amazingly (of course this is also a problem of the current game industry but let's not discuss this here, this ramble is too long already).
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If you made it down here and didn't lost your mind on my grammatically butchered ramblings or just looked at my screenshots I hope you might give this game another try
Thanks for reading c:
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paipie0 · 4 months
Today I went on an unhinged rant about a moment in the Chinese Novel Reverend Insanity.
It was in the comment section of a meme about how Dong Fan Chang Fan convinced his clan that killing them and his son to create a new body to revive in was ok… by mentioning how Ren Zu killed his daughter in the Legends of Ren Zu. (Ren Zu didn’t even kill his daughter, he just left her behind in the ordinary abyss and spent a long time regretting it and tried super hard to meet her again)
In reaction to that meme, I started ranting about a scene in volume 2 which I’ve read almost a year ago but somehow didn’t forget it:
Bro remember how some senior in the Tie clan tried to encourage Tie Rou Nan after she saw her clan mates get wiped out by FY? He said she should cheer up because those Gu Masters died gloriously in battle, and since Verdant Great Sun in the Legends of Ren Zu died by bathing in too much glory of the light from the immemorial era, this shows that glory is worth dying for.
The whole moral of that story is to don’t get too far ahead of yourself like Verdant Great Sun did, he ignored all the warnings about the light of glory and paid the price with his life. It’s inspired by the story of Icarus who literally flew too close to the Sun. Verdant Great Sun is an example of what not to do. How the fuck did that senile old fuck completely miss the point and see a circle.
The Righteous faction have negative reading comprehension. Someone with 0 reading comprehension would at least take it literally and think that the story is telling everyone that flying in the light of glory will get you killed if you’re not careful. Righteous cultivators manage to delve into the negatives by thinking that the story is telling you to bathe in the light of glory and die.
No wonder they have to cultivate Heaven Path, these dumbasses can’t even get ordinary attainment in the Human path. (And that’s why Spectral Soul is my goat)
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demenior · 11 months
On the heels of the latest Mighty Nein Solstice show, I felt like my setup for a BeauYasha + Astrid situation was (barely) relevant again.
This is set, in theory, post-campaign 2, and prior to Ruidus shenanigans.
Beau tucks her napkin into the collar of her shirt and patiently waits for Yasha to bring dinner to the table. Beau set all the cups and bowls and everything out, but her wife likes to bring the meal.
“Are you ready?” Yasha calls.
“I’m so ready!” Beau calls back.
Yasha rounds the corner, a steaming dish in her hands. She’s wearing a black apron that says ‘kiss the cook’, and nothing else.
The apron is suitably sized for someone a little more average than Yasha’s big, muscular frame, and so it’s really working to keep her decent.
Beau’s thoughts are far away from decent. She can’t pick her jaw up off the floor.
Yasha’s face flushes— she still blushes when Beau hits on her even though they’ve been together for like 8 years now, and married for 3 of those. It makes Beau fall even more in love with her. And then her wife tries to do a sexy walk over to the table. Yasha is anything but graceful— she’s a force of nature— and Beau’s too far gone to think this awkward strut is anything but hot.
Yasha sets the serving dish onto the table, and lifts the spoon out of it. There’s definitely something doing it pretty good for Beau with how the strew is thick and dripping. And that’s also something she’ll take to her grave because it is so embarrassing that stew can make her horny, but in her defense it’s being served by the hottest woman in the whole world.
“Hungry?” Yasha purrs.
“Starving,” Beau says, and opens her mouth.
And that’s when Caleb appears in the room. He’s holding someone.
“Send me back!” Astrid screams, “I had him!”
Blood hits the floor in a loud splat.
“Help me!” Caleb shouts.
Astrid bares her teeth, and raises her arm to strike and— Caleb’s holding her left arm over his shoulders to keep her up. Her right arm doesn’t raise because it’s gone.
Beau flies out of her seat, and is across the room.
As Astrid registers her missing limb, as blood continues to fly from the wound, Beau skids to a stop at her side. She catches Astrid as her knees go out, and together she and Caleb get Astrid to the floor.
Beau registers the smell of smoke, of arcane magic. Astrid’s tattoos are still bright and pulsing on her remaining arm. Both her and Caleb are covered in soot, in blood. Their hair is singed. Caleb’s got that jittery, caffeinated look he has when he’s been working heavy magic. Beau rips off her loose top and tries to staunch the blood.
“You had no right,” Astrid snarls.
“He was going to kill you,” Caleb snaps.
“Blood for blood,” Astrid hisses, “I’ll take his fucking head!”
Astrid fights at Beau and Caleb, and she’s too weak to push either of them off.
“What the fuck?” Beau shouts.
And it’s now that Yasha reaches them, a fucking angel who’s entire body lights up as she reaches for Astrid. She’s still wearing the apron and nothing else.
Astrid’s back arches as the healing magic surges through her. When she drops, her whole body goes limp. Yasha checks her pulse to make sure the shock of healing didn’t kill her.
“That will keep her from dying, but she needs to see a real healer,” Yasha says.
“Dude what the fuck?” Beau demands.
Caleb groans out a sigh, and wobbles like he might collapse as well. He braces both hands on the floor to keep himself stable, “she— she went after him. I tried to stop her, but she—”
“Who? Trent?”
Beau’s stomach drops. She looks down at the unconscious idiot between them. Despite Yasha’s healing, Astrid is white as snow. Her eyes are closed. Beau checks the wound— the bleeding has stopped, the amputation appears as if it’s had a few weeks of healing, but it’s still raw and red.
Caleb nods, as the severity of the situation sets in, “I— I had nowhere to go. They’re still fighting— the Assembly, and the Volstrucker. Other factions. She might have started a civil war.”
“Or a massacre,” Beau realizes, “Ludinus— fuck! He’s the fucking guy! We don’t have enough to pin him yet, and now? Fuck! I thought she was helping us, what happened?”
She has to shake Astrid to wake her up.
One of her eyes is red with blood. Thanks to Yasha’s healing, the wound is handled, but it will take time for that to clear out. It gives the woman a decidedly unsettling look.
Astrid glares up as they lean over her, and then turns to Caleb, “did you take me to a fucking titty bar?”
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arceespinkgun · 1 month
In Re: to the IDW/MTMTE Ravage post with Blighted, I'd love to know more of your thoughts about that version of him. You and Blighted are the first people I've really seen have a problem with this version of Ravage, and I'm curious to know more of what you think.
@blighted-lights if you want to share your own opinions on this (BTW when I use she/her pronouns for Ravage even though he's a man in IDW it's just that I headcanoned that she was a woman while reading the Marvel comics since there aren't enough women and she's an awesome Decepticon, and then when Earthspark season 2 used them I got super excited lol I think blighted-lights sees Ravage as bigender)
There are a lot of things in MTMTE/LL and IDW in general that I find to be truly awful writing. The way Ravage is written is just one small example. But it's true, I rarely see anyone point these things out. I don't know if people with those opinions got harassed or something. When it comes to Ravage, there are many characters that I think got totally shafted and she's not the one who had it the worst. Lug? Terminus? Roller? If you want to talk about characters who fell through the cracks and got almost nothing in terms of exploration, those are some really bad examples. For characters who I felt had awful, poorly-written development that felt disrespectful, Getaway, Trailbreaker, and Skids are some really bad cases. But Ravage was still the victim of both issues.
What does Ravage even do in MTMTE/LL? Practically nothing, to be honest. She rarely shows up in scenes to be cool except for like, one instance where she saves some characters from the DJD's troops. The rest of the time she's just a satellite to Megatron. What did her joining the crew of the Lost Light even add to the story? Not much. She's just somebody for Megatron to talk to about himself, never even really about her. The worst Ravage scene IMO is when she's dying because Megatron wouldn't take responsibility for what was happened and was just going to stay inside while everybody else fought the DJD, but then Megatron goes ballistic when she's mortally wounded (I guess he didn't care about Skids dying earlier, the guy who was traumatized in one of his faction's death camps, wow, what a great captain, it only matters when his friend/partner dies). Ravage spends her whole time dying talking about how awesome and smart Megatron is and about how he actually planned EVERYTHING and says only he could somehow steal Trailbreaker's outlier power and shit even though genius Brainstorm says that's literally impossible. When she dies, Megatron flips the table her corpse is lying on, sending the pieces of her body flying away. The person Ravage was shown to be close to before MTMTE/LL, Soundwave, felt her die and grieves alone.
Compare this to like, the Marvel comics I just read where Ravage saves the entire universe and is a badass who has connections to multiple characters, a deep history, and who feels like an equal partner to Megatron. Or even to Beast Wars Ravage! Even though BW Ravage gets blown up super quickly, think of how cool her presence was and what a big deal it felt like to meet a member of the Predacon Secret Police. What James Roberts wrote was such a slap in the face to anybody who liked this character IMO.
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
Regrets | Yosuke Todoroki x reader | Part 2
Summary: The Todoroki faction was having a normal and sweet day. But Todoroki's past was determined to chase him.
a/n: Hello! The second part is here 😌 Thanks to @tiddly-winx for this amazin idea 🥰 It will be a heartbreaking story and maybe more angst but fluff at the end 🥰 Hope you like it ❤️🌸
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: mention of blood and stabbing, a lot of heartbreaking moments and usual hnl warnings
Part 1
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There are some moments in life. You can never take it back and prevent it from happening.
Todoroki was having one of those moments today.
He was staring blankly at his hands on the chairs in the hospital corridor. His hands and shirt were painted red. He felt like he was going to go crazy seeing Y/n's blood on his hands.
He was thinking over and over. How had he let all this happen? How could he not protect her?
He had been battling strong feelings inside for a long time. He never showed it, never said anything to her or the others.
But Todoroki loved y/n. And he didn't know if he would ever get a chance to tell her that.
Tsuji and Shiba rushed into the hospital. When they saw Todoroki looking blankly at his hands in front of the operating room, they rushed towards him in fear.
Tsuji called out several times. But there was no reaction. Shiba knelt in front of him in fear and waved his hand in front of his face.
“Y/n… is she okay?”
Todoroki didn't react at all. Tsuji noticed that the light above the operating room door was on. The surgery should still be going on. But it wasn't hard to understand how bad the young boy was feeling.
Tsuji sat right next to Todoroki. Shiba gripped his dry bloody hands tightly.Todoroki looked at him in surprise. Shiba knew he was in shock. That's why he wanted Todoroki back to normal, no matter how bad he was.
"The surgery is still going on, isn't it? We must be calm now. She will be fine-"
Todoroki whispered quietly
"It was my fault."
But they could both hear so clearly
“Look, it's not your fault. Y/n doesn't want you to think like that-"
"It was my fault. They came for me and y/n… They stabbed her because of me!”
Todoroki was afraid. He was angry, but more so, he was afraid. He had nothing but these three in his life. And the girl he loved was dying on the operating table.
No matter how hard Shiba tried to persuade him, he was unsuccessful. They both stood up and shouted at each other. Todoroki wasn't doing this consciously, but someone had to stop him.
Tsuji couldn't stand it. He stood up and punched him hard
"Enough! Stop the bullshit! Y/n would never blame you!”
Shiba looked at the two of them in surprise.When Todoroki looked up at Tsuji, he had only just realized how bad he looked too.Y/n was so precious to all of them.
"Please. Calm down now. Dont make us worry about you, too.”
The young boy made a small apology and sat back on the seats. He began to watch the door calmly. Again. The other two sat next to him and began to watch the door like him…
Hours had passed. While all their friends were waiting nervously in the hospital corridors, Todoroki was watching the door without blinking.
At the 4th hour of their waiting, the operating room door light went out. When everyone stood up in fear, Todoroki didn't get up.
The doctors came out of the operating room, they said it was a very difficult operation and her heart stopped twice. But she was okay, y/n had fought to be by their side again.
As everyone shouted with joy, Todoroki got up from his seat and quietly made his way to the restrooms. Some didn't even realize he was gone, but Tsuji and Shiba never took their eyes off him.
They knew he wanted some space, so they remained silent and joined in their shouts of joy.
A few hours later, y/n was taken to the normal room. They didn't know when she would wake up, but she was fine.
They were watching nervously from the window of the room. As the hours passed, most of them had fallen asleep or had gone home. Only Fujio, Tsukasa, Tsuji, Shiba and Todoroki were waiting. Tsukasa was leaning against the wall and Fujio was sleeping leaning against him. Shiba put his head on Tsuji's shoulder. Tsuji, on the other hand, wanted to resist insomnia because he was worried about Todoroki too.
Early morning, when everyone was asleep, there was only one person awake. Todoroki was standing in front of that window, watching in horror.
Her pale complexion was killing him. Y/n was always smiling. Her cheeks would turn red when she laughed a lot or was embarrassed. But right now, the countless wires in her body and her lifeless face scared him so much.
Todoroki did not know how long he waited in front of that window, but when the sunlight came in from the window of the room and he saw that y/n was moving a little, he excitedly called the doctor.
Many doctors and nurses rushed to y/n's room. Everyone was awake, watching nervously through the window. Todoroki, on the other hand, was afraid and stepped aside.
When was the last time he felt this lonely? When did his heart hurt like this? Or when was the last time he was this scared?
He didn't know, but when the doctor said y/n was fine and they could see her, he knew why he was going in the opposite direction.
He was a coward.
At the end of the hospital corridor, he buried his face in his hands, trying to breathe. He didn't look up when the two people sat next to him because he knew who they were.
“Y/n… she is fine. Really fine. She just said she had little pain.”
Shiba knew that Todoroki had heard him. They just wanted him to relax.
They both looked at their friends in horror as they heard a sob. It was the first time they had seen him cry. But they didn't say anything. He needed this.
He didn't know how much time had passed, but when he wiped his eyes, the rubbing of his two friends on the back made him feel that he wasn't alone.
“She…is she really okay?”
Shiba quickly nodded, and Tsuji smiled too.
"She asked about you. Won't you see her?"
Tsuji sighed as Todoroki quickly shook his head.
“Look, it wasn't your fault. It wasn't anyone's fault. She’s worried about you, you should see her."
Shiba also nodded in approval.
"I can't. You do not understand. She was injured because of me. I'm sure she doesnt even want to see my face-"
"What are you talking about ?" When Shiba shouted, Todoroki looked at him. “Don't you know how important you are to Y/n? How can you think of that?"
Tsuji squeezed his shoulder when Todoroki wanted to protest.
“We understand why you feel that way, but you're wrong. Y/n has the same feelings as you, she's worried about you."
Tsuji laughed as Todoroki looked surprised.
"We may be stupid, but neither of you could have kept that from us"
Shiba wrapped an arm around Todoroki's shoulder and smiled.
“Tsuji is the one who is stupid but I agree. Please go see her, now."
As Tsuji rolled his eyes, Todoroki shook his head and stood up.
His feet wanted to go back as he walked down the hall to the room. Stepping up has never been this hard.
His friends had left the room, as if they all knew and wanted to leave them alone. However, y/n never understood…
He stared at the door of the room for a while. When he saw that the young girl was wiping her eyes, he entered in fear.
“Y/n? Are you allright ? Are you in pain? I'll call the doctor."
Todoroki had reflexively entered the room he hadn't known how to enter for minutes. Y/n looked at him in surprise at first, then firmly grabbed the hand of the boy who was about to leave.
Todoroki looked at her in horror. He was afraid of hurting her, hurting her again.
Seeing how bad the young boy was, Y/n shook her head and spoke in a low voice. Her throat was still sore from the anesthesia.
"Don't leave."
Todoroki couldn't remember ever having his heart hurt so much. Her weak voice hurt him.He wanted to vomit.
But he owed y/n at least that.
He grabbed her hand and shook his head.
“I'm not going anywhere, I'm here. I will never let anyone approach you again.”
Y/n tried to smile. It was the first time she had seen Todoroki worry so much for someone, she felt valued.
She was, y/n was Todoroki's most precious treasure.
Unintentionally , her eyes filled with tears again. She was in pain, but seeing Todoroki like this more upset her.
"I am sorry"
Todoroki looked at her in horror at the words she said in a low voice.
"I didn't want to worry you so much, but-"
"What are you talking about ?" Todoroki's voice was harsh. He spoke without thinking. “If anyone should apologize, it's me. That bastard stabbed you because of me. If in the past-"
“Todoroki…” y/n was trying to stop him.
“If I hadn't been such a fool, if I hadn't been such a smug bastard, a fight like this would never have happened. You, Tsuji, and Shiba would be safe.”
When the young boy's eyes filled with tears, y/n wanted to get up on the bed, but she was too weak. Slowly, she stretched her other hand to the young boy's face.
Todoroki pulled back his hand and himself and shook his head.
“I… I'm sorry y/n.”
When the young girl looked at the boy who started to cry in front of her, her heart hurt.He shouldn't have done this to himself.
When Todoroki didn't respond, the young girl called out again
Y/n had raised her voice and called him by his first name.
Todoroki looked at her in surprise. He studied her face with wide eyes. There was not the slightest bit of anger, regret, or hatred on Y/n's face. She was smiling at him.
“Yosuke… I think I like saying your name,” the young girl chuckled, “I wouldn't be happy if he had stabbed you or Tsuj or Shiba instead of me. Neither do I regret the other two. We love you so much. I…I love you so much.”
Todoroki didn't want to admit it, but he knew she was right. But he still couldn't stop blaming himself.
“It wasn't your fault. It wasn't anyone's fault. Please stop blaming yourself.”
Y/n tried with all her might to sit on the bed. With her sudden movement, she groaned in pain. Todoroki panicked and approached her immediately. He straightened the pillow on the young girl's bed and carefully laid her back. Y/n chuckled tiredly.
"I'm fine, I'm fine. I didn't know you cared about me that much"
Although the young girl wanted to joke, Todoroki was serious. He slowly moved closer to the bed and took her hand and looked into her eyes.
“I care about you y/n.”
Y/n tensed with the seriousness of the young boy and smiled
“I was just kidding, I know.”
Todoroki shook his head
“I really care about you.”
Y/n couldn't react with a sudden confession, looking at him in surprise.
“I always wanted to tell you that. Every day, every moment. You don't know how precious and important you are to me. I always wanted to protect you. I…I don't show my feelings easily, but-"
“Yosuke… it's okay. I know what you mean.”
Todoroki looked at her in surprise.
"Do you know ?"
Y/n smiled and put her hand in the face of the boy who was staring at her. Todoroki was startled at first with cold fingers touching his cheek, but he pressed his cheek to the young girl's palm. And he closed his eyes.
"Me too."
Todoroki opened his eyes with the whisper of the young girl
“I know what you mean. Me too."
Todoroki was suprised at first but then smiled and placed a small kiss on the young girl's palm and brought his face closer to hers.
Y/n closed her eyes and smiled. Todoroki, on the other hand, unintentionally smiled at her sweet reaction.
He thought it was too early for everything. He wanted to kiss her when everything was said more neatly and clearly. So he placed a small kiss on her hair and pulled back.
Y/n opened her eyes with a smile and looked at the boy who was lovingly looking at her.
"Don't scare me like that again"
Y/n nodded slowly as there was a sound from the door and they both turned to the door. Shiba grinned as Tsuji nervously scratched his neck.
“Don't forget about us. We were also very scared.”
Y/n chuckled as Todoroki rolled his eyes. She was very lucky for everything, she knew that.
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx @ninamarie1994 @thatpoindexterpixy
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 years
THEME: Witches
This week's games are for everyone who has ever wanted to cast spells, brew tea, and participate in a Coven. Here are some Witch games!
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This Night on the Rooftops, by anxiousmimicrpgs
This is a game about gazing out over the smokestacks after dark, with the wind in your hair and a friend at your side and a thousand lights of progress on the streets below. 
This Night on the Rooftops is a collaborative storytelling game for 2-5 players about friendship, growing up, and revolution. You will play members of a gang of children in The City, a fantastic world of industry and dying magic, where witches labour alongside factory-workers to make ends meet. 
If you are somewhat familiar with Belonging Outside Belonging games (also known as No Dice, No Masters), picking up this game should be pretty simple. It doesn’t use dice, and it doesn’t use a GM, so there’s less pressure on any one player, and you don’t have to scramble for play materials. Each player will get a playbook that reflects your character’s personal situation and struggle in a world that is tough and tiring. If you like the idea of witches making ends meet in an industrial city, this is worth checking out.
You can also check out their game Haven, another Belonging Outside Belonging game about witches finding community together in a dark forest, away from the rest of the world.
Children of Midnight: Coven, by Balsamic Moon Games Collective
It's the not-too-distant future and you live on the cusp of the old world and the new world. Your magical powers are wyld and unregistered. You can't rely on the electronic infrastructure of the world economy or interact with bots on the street because of the dangerous reactions electronics have to your unbound abilities. Your family may have even cut ties with you to prevent retribution from The Order or its private witch-hunting army, The Redwatch.
Despite the challenges, you have a familiar who is always looking out for you and a coven of other wyld witches you can always turn to. With your coven's abilities and a powerful patron spirit you fight to take back power from the elites; make the world better for yourself and your coven-mates, and for the next generation of witches.
Children of Midnight, is a Forged in the Dark game about witchcraft, urban horror, and near-futuristic technology. It’s currently in production, with a Quickstart option if you want to try it out before putting your money down for the full thing. The Forged in the Dark system is great for playing a big Faction game, where every action from your coven will make waves in the larger political landscape of New York. 
The Coven at the End of the Lane, by angrynerdgirl
You've always wondered what was just beyond the doors of the spooky house at the end of the block. Now, make it your very own.
Choose your witch archetype. Choose a familiar. Create your home.
The Coven at the End of the Lane is a gm-less game that uses a tarot deck and a number of 6-sided dice. The players will each have personal goals and special abilities that they can use throughout play, as well as unique magic and a signature spell. If you would like to have a familiar, there are rules for using them as well! This game is also a cozy game, with generally low stakes and a House that you can always return to for safety. If you like the magic and mystery of witches, and want to evoke that same feeling at the table, this might be a neat little game for you.
Witch’s Brew, by C.R. Legge
You are a coven of witches, meeting from across the region to discuss their plans for the next few months. You want to make sure things are working towards your goals as much as possible. This happens in an almost secret fashion under the guise of conversation over tea. Each witch will attempt to guide the selection of the other’s upcoming projects to further their own goals and gain the most influence in the coming months.
The selection process is done over a simple cup of tea that, to others, would look like a quiet conversation. Each Witch votes by how many sips they take. The players each have a secret goal that these projects might help along. Make sure you vote for the projects that you think will help your goals. There are multiple types of witches the players can be, ranging from a village witch to a mystic advisor or a practiced healer.
The setting is something that must be decided by the group prior to play. Is this a fantastical realm? A modern town? Or a futuristic city of some sort? This is also a social deduction game: your players will be working out how to complete their goals and avoid suspicion. This is a great game for folks who enjoy social roleplaying, tea, and diving into a role.
see the forest for the trees, by apri (smarticot)
see the forest for the trees (idiom); to discern an overall pattern from a mass of detail; to see the big picture, or the broader, more general situation.
❝see the forest for the trees❞ is a GM-less RPG (rule set) for 1+ witch(es), working to combat problems with magic. the players are a coven of witches, or the player is different aspects of an all powerful witch. you will be using your innate magic and the tools at your disposal, to rid the land and the common folk of their issues. To play, you will need some dice (d20, d10, d4), something to record your tally marks, and a candle for each witch.
The design for this game is simple and unassuming, with a simple layout that makes it easy to follow (and understand) the rules. See the forest for the trees is designed for group or solo play, and outlines a different setup for each kind of play. Your characters will gather materials, diagnose problems, cast spells, and help each-other come up with solutions for problems that will plague the town that you call home. If you want a beautiful, easy-to-read game with a cozy feel, this is the game for you.
Swamp Troll Witches, by Cats Have No Lord
Be a troll witch! Live in a swamp! Solve problems! Brew potions! Relax with a hot bath! Live your best troll witch life!
Swamp Troll Witch(es) is a GM-less tabletop roleplaying game for solo journaling, epistolary play, or small group play based on the Motif framework. 
The game focuses on the daily lives of the troll witches, searching the swamp for potion ingredients, solving problems to collect those ingredients, brewing potions, and relaxing at the end of the day to recover from the work. At the end of the week, visit the strange night market to sell all of the potions from the week. The game features simple, flexible, narrative-driven mechanics with non-binary success and a simple oracle for answering questions.
There are five stages to the game, with different rules depending on each stage. The mechanics work off of 3d6s, with each dice answering each part of a question you ask before you roll.  The theme is based off of the trolls of Nordic mythology. It focuses on the small parts of a witch’s daily life, and provided prompt tables to help you when you’re not sure what the next part of the story will be. If you like a game that feels cozy, and you can play either solo or with a group - even if the group is separated by distance and time zones - then you should check this one out. 
Wise Women, by Alessandra Brokman.
Wise Women is tabletop roleplaying game in which the players take on the roles of witches living in a remote village, where life is difficult and people often fall prey to supernatural creatures. The witches have the ability to use magical properties of plants to protect their community and help it prosper, but their skills are viewed with suspicion and prejudice. After all, magic is another supernatural force and the same plants that can heal, can also be used to cause harm.
This game is rooted in Polish folklore, and so the plants and creatures found in the book are all of Slavic origin. This game takes place in pre-industrial Europe: no cellphones or electric tea kettles to be found here. Your witches are likely to face groups and powers that fear and suspect them of dangerous things while they attempt to protect (and help) their neighbours.
Wise Women is Powered by the Apocalypse, which means that it prioritizes story and relies on the tried-and-true 2d6 mechanic. Your story will evolve naturally, as your characters develop ties with each-other and interact with the backstories you fill out together. If you enjoy mechanics that push the narrative forward, and conversations about what it means to be a woman with the power to help her community, I recommend that you check this game out.
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tgrailwar-zero · 1 year
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Despite the panic from his Masters, RIDER remained quiet as CASTER began setting up her own teleportation spell.
In a flash of light, both RIDER and CASTER found themselves in another section of the War.
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A man stood by the port, his armor dyed in blood and a look of peerless intensity in his eyes. No malice nor evil, but simply the aura of someone built under the ideal of raw pragmatism.
This man, LANCER, and RIDER stared at each other for a moment, before giving each other a mutual nod of acknowledgement, before LANCER spoke.
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"Look. The faction of Blue has summoned an beast that they must contend with on their own. They are growing weary."
He pointed further down the shoreline, to a rising hill that overlooked a seaside cliff.
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A young woman, abnormally massive and absurdly towering, lumbered closer to the shoreline like a monster out of myth and legend. Each step kicking up dangerous waves, keeping two Servants off in the distance constantly on edge.
AVENGER and FOREIGNER looked exhausted, struggling to stand back against the ALTER-EGO's assault.
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"We must simply wait, and then strike when ready."
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LANCER proclaimed, as CASTER nodded, assessing the situation as well.
"What a terrifying Servant. Such a being would almost certainly be a trump card for them if they managed to get her under control. Unfortunately for them, and fortunately for us, it seems as if neither of them are making good headway with conversing with her."
RIDER remained quiet.
Despite your allegiances, RIDER had a dedication to the Red Faction, and he had no reason to doubt LANCER's words. There was no reason to go in and help- if AVENGER and FOREIGNER were forced to subdue the ALTER-EGO, then that would be three incredibly weakened enemies. Almost every outcome at the moment seemed to be a net positive for his team. He could sympathize with the complexity of the situation for you all, but sympathy alone wasn't enough to compromise his own allegiances.
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After all, he was cooperating with you as a Servant of the Red Faction, with the caveat that you would be Masters of the Red Faction.
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Chapter 1: Snowland Legend
Narrated by Perlin.
Narrator: "Yunikina fulfilled Eagle's dying wish and founded the Snow Eagle Revolutionary Force."
Narrator: "The Snow Eagles overthrew the merciless tyrant of White Rock City to usher in a new era."
Narrator: Though it can be summed up in a few sentences, the true story is much more than that.
Choose "Who is it?"
You: Who's speaking?
Narrator: Oh, hello. I'm a military history student at the North Kingdom Military Academy. You can call me Perlin.
Narrator: And it's just another day where I'm trapped in the library writing my final thesis.
Narrator: As you can see, it's about Yunikina and the Snow Eagles.
Narrator: Well, everyone's left and curfew is approaching, so it's another all-nighter for me. Since there's no way I can finish it today, we might as well chat.
Narrator: I planned to finish the part on Yunikina's background, but didn't expect to get stuck.
You: What do you mean?
Narrator: Many of the stories before Yunikina came to White Rock City cannot be factually verified.
You: ...What do you mean by that?
Narrator: It means they're just hearsay. No records, documents, or texts for proof.
Narrator: Whether Yunikina's supposed hometown even exists, for example, is dubious.
Narrator: Allegedly, she was born in a normal, peaceful village, which accidentally got caught between two major rival factions and was wiped out in the conflict.
Narrator: But at that time, any city-state with power declared war on one another constantly. There was no peace to speak of.
Narrator: Therefore, it's hard to believe a place straight out of a fairy tale like that could even exist.
Narrator: And without a name, no expedition could pinpoint or discover any remains.
Narrator: By the way, her armor and the sword she carried are called "Ode of Frosty Sword" and "Sword of Legend" respectively.
Narrator: They are thought to be the reason for her invincibility and had been with her ever since her first battle.
Narrator: The former kept her safe from all harm, and the latter granted her unmatched power.
Narrator: To have been at war for so long and remain undefeated, however, just sounds impossible. Even the famous Zoey of North Kingdom suffered defeats, though those were only minor blemishes on her magnificent record.
Narrator: The majority of the student body at my school worships her, myself included.
Narrator: In comparison, Yunikina's flawless victories just seem unbelievable.
Narrator: Of course, those legendary artifacts of hers are nowhere to be found.
Narrator: People have tried to replicate the armor from the information and few images we do have, but never managed to recreate the feel of eternal frost.
Narrator: Others have searched for the sword, only to be lost in the blizzard, never to return.
You: So, do you plan to include the unsolved mysteries in your thesis?
Narrator: No. Despite the arduous task, there have been breakthroughs in the past few years. Check out this report.
You: "Yunikina's Hometown Revealed? Will The Snow-Buried Settlement See The Light Again?"
Narrator: I'll keep a close eye on it for more relevant scholarly information.
Narrator: It says here that archaeologists discovered a snowy plain in the northwest and surmised it to be habitable in Yunikina's time.
You: Does that mean they found her hometown?
Narrator: We can't say for sure.
Narrator: In addition, as more research is done on her military tactics and leadership, the mystique surrounding the armor and the sword fades with time.
Narrator: Even so, more people still choose to see her as a warring goddess of wind, born from ice and snow.
Narrator: "To the snowy plain, she is a gift from the heavens, donning armor made of ice and wielding a legendary sword that cuts through anything. She is destined to bring freedom and peace to the land."
Narrator: The quote doesn't belong in the thesis, but who wouldn't be moved by such a description?
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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jsaunderswrites · 1 year
Jesse reads the Energon Universe Part I: Void Rivals #1-4
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Void Rivals #1
I have neither read nor watched Enemy Mine, but I’m familiar with the trope that’s been repeated in a million other stories.
I caught the parallel of the characters being like 80s toy line factions from just the preview. However I don’t think they sold that idea well in the story, because who’s gonna buy these guys? They’re not the LIGHT GUARDIANS and VOILET INCURSION, they’re Agorrians and Zertonians. They don’t have striking character designs, they look like random Star Wars background filler.
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They don’t have unique looks or gimmicks like a toy-based character would. We learn that Agorrians have handroids (AIs in small computers in their right hand with limited physical autonomy) but it just looks like a red glove. Youd think having a toyline of guys with fancy hands could be fun; one with a big crusher claw, one that grapples, one with a blaster. But so far it's only a JARVIS voice. That's all.
The part where they seem to be based on different sci-fi aesthetics to further contrast them is cool, but it leads to them looking like two different generic space soldiers.
The art is well rendered and coloured. The space environment and crashed ships are a great mood. But it also just doesn't grab attention and the whole place looks the same.
The characters don't exactly have memorable personalities. Darak is more personable and optimistic, while Solila is more harsh and cynical, but willing to bend the rules rather than dying for nothing.
The problem is there's just no strong hook. Why should I care about these generic characters? The mystery comes too late and seems too self explanatory (they're dehumanising each other in order to keep conflict going) to be the reason to keep reading.
The SURPRISE Transformers crossover lasts four pages and could easily be removed without changing the story at all. It doesn't matter to the actual characters except to repeat the losing all hope beat they already hit!
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Void Rivals #2
The flashback establishes that Darak has a shitty dad who hates him, but otherwise it doesn't really build anything into narrative.
I don't know if they'll explain the vision more than Solila attributing it to her god, Zerta.
On the one hand I respect they seem to have avoided the assumption that there should be a romance between the two opposite gendered characters stuck together. But that would at least be something interesting happening.
The reveal of the skuxxoid is framed as a shocking reveal, but who out there has any idea what that is unless you spend all your time on TFWiki?
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Void Rivals #3
The cover is a lie.
They introduce a quintesson prosecutor and have him ally with Darak and Solila only for them to turn on him almost immediately. It's so abrupt and lacking in drama I'm wondering if it's supposed to be a joke?
The ending where Solila betrays Darak is the first twist that actually got me.
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Void Rivals #4
Every issue requires a Transformers reference so we just cut away to the skuxxoid meeting Shockwave on Cybertron despite having nothing to do with this story.
The decompression really drags this story out. So many pages for so little actual story, and there's no real atmosphere that would justify the trade off.
We learn the leaders of the factions are actually working together but that doesn't shock me at all. This conspiracy is just so underwhelming.
Final thoughts
Apparently Kirkman has a reputation for keeping secrets from comic sellers to preserve spoilers which hurts those businesses. The idea to keep the Transformers reveal a secret, leading to comic shops not preordering this random book, is dumb.
The setting hasn't been established in any way to make me care about the continued survival of these civilisation.
I'm predicting they break out, and broadcast their faces to both worlds.
The Transformers elements feel so artificial and I don't know why they feel like they could be pulled out separately. Do they want to be able to include them in the upcoming Transformers trades?
I haven't been buying the books despite being an obsessive completionist, and I will be grabbing the Transformers books, but in this case I'll probably get the trade collection.
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notathrowawayname · 1 year
Books and zombies
I feel the need to rant about a sidequest, so here I am screaming into the void.
I recently played Dying Light 2, because I really enjoyed the first one and killing zombies with parkour is fun. In both games you can forgive the weak story because the game really isn't about the story, it's about the gameplay. That being said, both games have entertaining sidequests. In Dying Light you meet a guy that thinks the zombie virus was started from a meteorite, which you find and bring back to him, for which he gives you the "super weapon" called the "anti-gadoid gun". It's utterly useless, like it blasts air that doesn't seem to effect anyone in any way? But the quest dialogue is fun and you get XP for doing it (as well as an oh so valuable safe house. You need those to skip the night and in Dying Light, night is so scary most players skipped the night) Again in Dying Light 2, to their credit, the writers did put in effort into sidequests (main quest is so hard to be invested in, but to summarise, you're looking for a long lost sister and your one lead is the head of the facility you were both at as kids). There's a sidequest where you have to kill a mutant zombie because an artist wants to use the pigment it develops, and there's an awful singer who's scarf you find to get her to stop sinigng (she sings anyway, absolute queen). Where am I going with this preamble? Well I wanted to make sure you guys understood that I didn't have an issue with this game's writng because it did what it needed to most of the time, which is give you a good reason to kill zombies. And for that reason, I could accept that it didn't have to be well written or interesting, just a few wacky or melodramatic lines of dialogue. And then I played the Book Club sidequest. Some background (I'm sorry I know it's long, but I want you to feel the same seething frustration I do). In Dying Light 2, you play as Aiden. Aiden is a Pilgirm, a messenger who travels from settlement to settlement in this post apocalyptic world. You've come to the city of Villadore to follow a lead on your missing sister. The city is split into three factions: Survivors, Peacekeepers and Renegades. They are, in order: not fascists, fascists, also not fascists but you only find out they have a proper settlement at the very end of the game (you can't side with them, they exist so you have someone to kill no matter which of the other two factions you side with). You get different benefits for siding with either the Survivors of Peacekeepers, but I picked Survivors because: a) fuck the fash and, b) Survivors give you trampolines. Everyone is struggling to survive because apocalypse, but it certainly looks like the fascists have the best/most resources, like living in the beached warship and having armour. A bunch of the Survivors have superstitions about the old world, because that was what made everything go to shit. There's stuff like how one doctor hides their scientific preparation of remedies as voodoo, just so that people are more likely to take the medicine. So when you first arrive at the warship, home of the fash, it feels more like the old world. And on this warship, you can find a library. This library is inhabited by two people, cooky old man Albert and sexy librarian Thalia. You know what isn't in this library? Books, at least not as many as there should be. Albert and Thalia want to preserve the knowledge and wisdom of the old world by finding rare/important books. Thing is, the world went to shit a long time ago, so there aren't many books in good condition left. Even worse, those that are in good condition are in dangerous locations, too dangerous for Albert or Thalia, and the Peacekeepers won't lend them any soldiers to go and get them (fucking fash). But you, being the _super cool badass_ that you are, can go where they can't, and retrieve the books to keep human knowledge safe.
At first I thought "neat", and left it at that. The game has a few little details that suggest reading is on the decline, eg. there's a note you find written by a mother looking for a keyboard complete with all the keys to teach her kids the letters. So you go to dangerous place, kill zombies, get books, and bring them back.
Here's where it gets interesting.
The books aren't just items you pick up, each one is named. You find books by Kafka and Orwell, even poetry compliations. And every time you bring them back to the library, you talk to Thalia who expresses her opinion on them, and then asks "what do you think?" And like, the options for the responses are actually thought out? Also, Aiden has read them??? This guy that spends every waking moment rummaging through bins and killing zombies and doing sick parkour moves is better read than I or most of the people I know are? And the things he says reveal part of his character?? Like I played through the entire game and I swear to god no moment told me more about Aiden as a character than these conversations, even when the decision of which of the two responses he has are up to you.
You do this ten times, each with different books and different conversations, different reasons why the location is dangerous. One time you encounter Renegades who've heard "there's treasure in the safe", when really there's an early edition copy of Treasure Island in the safe. The whole sidequest colours this world with the idea that illiteracy is rampant and it's actively making this world a worse place, and that the librarians are doing what little they can to change that. It's so clear that the devs cared about this sidequest, because it's the only one with it's own special cutscene, and as far as I can tell Thalia is the only character in the game you can romance.
And would you like to know how this sidequest changes the main quest?
In a game of "never have I ever" Aiden drinks because he's had sex since coming to the city.
That's it
Like you literally bring the Communist Manifesto back to librarians living under a fascist regime and nothing happens. No censorship subplot, no change in behaviour, nothing. Back to business as usual, head out there and kill zombies.
It's one thing when you never expect anything from the writing. It's another thing to see everything they've done could build to something good, and doesn't. I feel like I've been narratively blue-balled.
Anyway I planned out a spite-fic because of it. I might write it out at some point
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luxudus · 2 years
The Neo-Anthropocene: Boom
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    For two years without any breaks, the Helios voyager had sailed across the vast and unexplored abyss that lay beyond any star claimed by the United Federations of Mankind. Going full speed ahead at the full power of It’s Alcubierre Drive, the crew of 200 watched as the stars around them slowly crept past as they traveled 10 lightyears every day.     After what felt like years they finally passed through the Carina nebula, watching as celestial clouds larger than any planet slowly crept past them as the warping of space shifted the nebula from an ocean blue to a deep maroon. Eventually exiting the nebula, the crew slowed down the Alcubierre engines as they were approaching their destination fast. After several months they saw in the distance, an exoplanet orbited by a set of rings was blocking out the light of their parent star. This was their destination.     The alcubierre engines were finally shut down and laid to rest and they used precise bursts of nuclear fuel to enter orbit of the world, just right inbetween the rings and surface. Communication dishes emerged from the hull, waiting for sunrise to view the surface to initiate contact with this anomalous radio source. 
    On a luxury diner provided by the Astral African Alliance, one of the main factions in the United Federations. Castel accidentally reunited with Santos Martin, a Transgender Mexican man who they had known each other for several years while working for the Vastowork Superstate and became good friends, but had parted ways a few years ago.     While Castel was adventurous and thrived spearheading the frontier of space exploration, Santos was more laid back and worked best commanding and coordinating the exploration.     During the drift, Castel took a career in Astrobiology to research the many life-bearing worlds mankind came across. Later on they and 7 other people would go on and initiate the first 3 expeditions to the recently discovered Auracampis-B, one of the 3 planets home to a complex multicellular biosphere. During these studies they came to terms with the possibility of them being Non-binary and grew to embrace the identity.     Meanwhile Santos would climb the ranks of the Frontier branch of the Vastowork superstate, earning more and more badges until he became a high ranking commander of a well respected team of Xenonauts as well as an ambassador for the branch as a whole. All the while coming to realize that he was truly a man born in the wrong body, and so used the income from such a high rank to afford the best quality sex reassignment surgery. Becoming Nigh unrecognizable to who he used to be.     After realizing who each other were, they both greet each other in excitement and dine as a celebration of this mission and to catch up with each other. Santos orders a plate of synthetically grown Shisa Nyama while Castel has a bowl of Ugali. The two talk for a while, catching up on each other’s lives while getting used to their new identities. Things are going great between the two
    And then Boom     A flash of light illuminates the diner, the two look out the window and see the worst thing that could possibly happen. The hind section of the helios voyager violently exploded outward. Shooting tons of debris and gas and plasma so bright it outshined the stars. The way the blast shot out and the metal burst from its foundation seems that something collided with the ship. But it didn’t matter now, the lives of everyone were at stake, and the risk of dying rose exponentially by the second.
    Castel, Santos, and everyone in the diner left in a hurry, stampeding out like an aimless herd of bison. Before long Castel and Santos lost track of each other amongst the crowd, they were alone once again. Castel ran and ran, racing as fast as their beating heart while the alarms blared and counted down to death. They finally arrived at the nearest hangar bay and entered the closest scout ships through a back door. There 2 other people joined, Meihui Yang and his AI companion Xin De doumu.     They all strapped on their seat belts as the ship entered autopilot, the ship was stuck in line to leave as many other scout ships were departing first, it was painfully long to them, but it was finally their turn. The scout ship, now more of a lifeboat than anything, quickly ascended and zoomed past the helios voyager’s bow.     They were now kilometers away from the ship, and suddenly without warning, the back door illuminated the interior in a fiery light. Castel, MeiHui, and Doumu looked out and their hearts and central batteries dropped. Both Alcubierre drives went supercritical, engulfing the 580 meter long ship in a blaze of nuclear fury, the likes of which haven’t been seen in over a millenia. As the three of them watch on, Castel begins to break down, from a single tear, to crying, to downright sobbing. MeiHui unbuckles his seatbelt and floats over to comfort them in their ship with no gravity.     After an hour of non-stop comforting Castel, they slowly regain their composure to help the other two. Doumu analyzes the situation and along with Castel, come to the conclusion that if the three of them want to survive, they must land on the exoplanet and find the other survivors. And castel has the uncomfortable realization that if speculation about the anomalous radio waves are true, and it really is an alien intelligence, they will have to take the biggest risk in human history, and ask them for help.
    The ship’s mission is activated along with its thrusters. The three of them play with fate, and set course to the surface of the exoplanet simply named HEP-25-C
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insanityisthecure · 2 years
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Factions in Dying Light 2: The Peacekeepers
“Dignity. Peace. Brotherhood.”
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After playing Dying Light 2 for a month, here are my complaints for the game :
-The lack of triggering scenarions and face expressions from the NPCs, yes this including Hakon. I remember this scene where Aiden felt nausea while talking to Frank about them would go to meet the Colonel. He turned back and happened to pass Hakon who was standing with his arms rested on his chest the left side of the room (you know which). He indeed looked at you (Aiden) but he didn't say anything and his expression was blatantly blank, didn't affect him at all. He should react and ask "Aiden, kid, you look pale! You alright?" etc. I was disappointed when it didn't happen at all. I think there was Juan there. AND NICHOLAS! He should have commented too. I observe he is also the survivor who is concerned about Aiden's well being.
-The Fish Eye, after the first missile strike (the SURVIVING one), nothing significant changed with the view, ambience of the place. There should be some people rushed to aid and save their asses. Preparing medic, food, no drunkwards... same with Central City. It will be possible to spot one or two ambulances to pick up the civilians in need. Nothing the motherfucker Peacekeepers did in this scene. Ain't no way some soldiers no hearing through the radio that Frank warned the survivors about the missile attack. Thus, Peacekeepers should be busy helping civilians whether get into action or helping in the logistics part. Then, (the NOT SURVIVING one) could be improved except good job for already making the Fish Eye a mess. This is mandatory, but improvement could fill the emptiness.
-I like the activity of healing in Dying Light 1 and Following and it is much better. I love scavanging food to eat and it will add Kyle's health bar. Unlike in 2, it is very.... boring. However, props for the dev who recommended to add night time cuz i say!! I say it is challenging.
-The zombies were GONE in the cutscenes where Steve and that bald man drove Aiden to their destinations. Where are the zombies, man??!? They don't want to watch the drama between and involving those living human beings??!?
-No guns, yeah. This is why many people, including me, favored the bows and that gift from Peacekeepers if the player gives the fourth faction to them. Don't count the gun you have to craft from scraps. That shit never last longs.
-This is an INDIVIDUAL preference (i see you), but it would be nice if Hakon amused Aiden through the walky-talky like Pagan Min did to Ajay Ghale. Their interactions in the game what made me feel less lonely and it would be nice if Hakon did the same to Aiden. He likes rambling nonsense, like Pagan Min, right? That will work! (and it will ends after that cutscene of Hakon got shot by an arrow) For example :
Hakon : "What should i eat today? Canned sweet corns🌽 or red beans🥣?"
Aiden : "Sweet corns are much better."
Hakon : *some time later in the evening* "Bet the sky above you is uglier than mine here."
Aiden : *in the Old Villedor running errand* "Hakon, we are looking up to the same view of the sky!!! Jesus!!"
Hakon : "Really?"
This applies with Lawan with Aiden after they enter Central City. But, knowing Lawan's characteristics i can't say much. This is why i find it nice in the side mission called Aitor Aiden called Lawan for advice and such.
-Frozen screens💀 But, luckily i only encountered.... five? Yeah, not much. Still, looking forward of this being gone.
I say it again one more time, where did these motherfucking Peacekeepers when we are in need?!?! Especially after the first missile attack?! And yet they have the audacity to claim the whole Villedor under their rule if we pretty mucb side with them? Developers, you missed this important detail.
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