rainingyuki · 1 year
Catatan dari seminar yang kemarin aku ikuti.
Menunggu tidak selamanya membosankan. Untuk hal-hal yang kita inginkan, tapi belum kita dapatkan, kita menunggu ketetapan. Semua orang memiliki hal yang sedang mereka tunggu. Apa yang harus kita lakukan pada saat menunggu? Kita harus tetap berhusnudzhon atas ketetapan Allah SWT.
Kunci utamanya adalah melibatkan dalam setiap keputusan kita.
Misalnya menunggu pernikahan.
Pernikahan itu punya value yang tinggi. Bukan masalah pernikahannya harus megah, dengan pasangan yang ganteng atau cantik, tamu dan kado yang melimpah. Bukan tentang itu.
Yang kita cari adalah bagaimana pernikahan dapat meningkatkan iman kita.
Kita mencari teman hidup yang bisa mengingatkan diri. Sama-sama bergerak menuju kebaikan.
Kemudian jangan lupa istikharah.
Dalam menentukan pilihan hidup, apapun itu, hadirkan istikharah. Ini adalah bentuk benar-benar melibatkan Allah di keputusan dan pilihan kita.
Harus ada keseimbangan antara cita dan cinta. Karena dalam pernikahan, kita tidak sedang membangun satu candi tapi kita berusaha mengangkasa bersama. Perlu menemukan pasangan dengan visi pernikahan yang sama. Kemudian sinkronisasi cita, dibangun dengan landasan kerja sama.
Kerja sama. Bukan sama-sama kerja.
Menunggu adalah pekerjaan yang tidak mudah. Membosankan, kadang. Meresahkan juga.
Tapi menunggu ketetapan yang baik dengan cara yang baik serta mindset yang baik, insya Allah akan berbuah manis. Kebaikan demi kebaikan semoga menjadi hasil dari penantian kita.
Tetap tersenyum, ya.
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just-onyx · 3 years
DWC 21, Rendezvous
The Rendezvous was set. All she had to do was wait! It had been a long time since anyone had asked her out on an official date. Ripped jeans tossed aside, a cute mini skirt picked out instead. Hair was actually styled and not tossed up into some quick ass ponytail.
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Onyx couldn’t afford a manicure, but she was talented enough to do her own. A french tip manicure but done with black tips. More fitting for herself. Legs crossed and red heels dangled over the edge of the ledge as she waited for her date to show.
Her nerves got the best of her, they always did. She wasn’t one for affection, flirting was hard, and it was just easier to say the worse thing to push people away. A quick sneak of a tiny pill put on her tongue to ease her nerves.
Did she dress too slutty? Maybe she should change? Maybe he asked her out because of the way she was. Onyx flicked a finger to her temple as if to shut herself up. Toes tapped on the floor as time ticked on.
A glance down at her watch given, when she looked up the other stood before her. His smile just as nervous as the butterflies in her stomach.
A simple "Hey" was shared as she stood up and their rendezvous began.
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frostahesmegabite · 3 years
@Daily-Writing-Challenge - Day 21 - Rendezvous/Carnage
Mechanical Claws slam into Ice and Snow alike. The whir of complex mechanimal engine parts ripple up from one of the snowy caps of Highmountain only to become lost in the howling wind of the snowstorm ranging just inches overhead. The FBX-99’s headlight eyes look back and forth, scanning the visible landscape before identifying a suitable local to hunker down and it proceeds to sprint towards a ravine that would at least allow it to initiate its heating sequences to make sure nothing was freezing internally and to give its rider some shelter from the storm before they continued on.
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Megahes leans in, holding onto the metal armor that surrounded the mechanical creation, patting its snow and ice clinging body as if encouraging it. He was thankful for the armor he wore, inspired by the Hunters during the Northrend Campaign and outfitted and specialized with a great number of additional engineering benefits now that Mega got his hands on its design. His suit kept him warm, sure, at least to a degree. At least frostbite wasn’t a concern, but the chill could still get to him if he didn’t stop to rest and warm up properly often enough, especially up in these altitudes. His visor blinks as shards and scraps of metal are pinged just below the fresh snow, causing Mega’s display to whir out with a sonar like ripple. This causes him to pull back on the reins of the X-99 as his body goes rigid. He was supposed to rendezvous with the scouts who found one of his Rogue Mechanimal Dog units here but everything he was picking up was. No. Something happened here. He climbs off the X-99 and looks about, patting its side as he yells over the howling winds. “Defensive Perimeter Protocols, Fifty Yards. Electro-Claws activate on energy signature acquisition of targets designated as Caustic, Bass, or Jet. Fall back on my position on detection of aggressive intrusions.” The Mechanicat pounced off and was quickly lost in the storm and Megahes began to trudge through the snow to depths clear up to his neckline. “Fawkin Snow and… god damned… genetics.” He grunts, pushing through, using his arms to clear what he can ahead of him. Wham! He trips, taking a visor full of snow. “Fuckin rocks!” He hollers out, irritated as he goes to stand up, brushing himself off the snow and ice bits to look around. In that moment, the storm's howling winds and snow subsides, if but for a moment and the sight before makes him freeze more than any freezing temperature can.
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Bodies of the scouts, frozen in time, as crimson snow and ice mark their petrified bodies and the gore torn from them. Now he understood all that metal he was picking up.
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These people tried to defend themselves but to no avail. Mechanical Dogs dead in half buried heaps of snow, oil, and gored carnage. They never stood a chance. On the winds comes a series of audio-copied wolf or dog-like howls and as if summoned by them, the snow storm overhead begins to start once more, leaving Megahes to reach for the rifle slung on his back as the visibility begins to drop. With concern beginning to take hold, Megahes hears a singular robotic voice cut through everything. "Hello Father."
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