#dw tempest
doctorfriend79 · 10 months
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The Sheriff Of Nottingham
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The Royal Shakespeare Company (The RSC) begins their 2023 season in magnificent style with an old favourite – The Tempest. This wonderfully modern production has maximum star-power and sees Doctor Who and E.R. legend Alex Kingston return to Stratford-upon-Avon and the RSC stage.
Kingston makes a fantastic Prospero – loving to her daughter, wonderous at the magic, and menacing toward her enemies – a brilliant performance throughout. I enjoyed her touching relationship with Jessica Rhodes’ Miranda and her joy at seeing her relationship bloom with Ferdinand. [x]
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you know it's a good game when there's a hitchhiker's guide reference
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thalassous · 2 years
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oh. yknow. ;) (various sketches of some variety)
[ ID: Four digital drawings.
1: A sketchy, coloured bust of Enjolras from Les Misérables. He is looking disgruntled at the viewer.
2: A line-less profile of Natasha from the Great Comet. She has a shot glass in her hand and is looking excitedly to the left.
3: A sketchy waist up drawing of Arlecchino from Commedia Dell'arte. It is of his side profile as he raises his hands like cat paws with the text next to him that says, "yknow, capitano, like nya?"
4: A small comic with Caliban and Ariel from the Tempest. Caliban looks up while saying, "sometimes, i wonder what i taste like." Ariel looks at him gleefully and says, "i can help with that." Caliban imagines a very passionate kiss between the two, while Ariel imagines biting Caliban. END ID ]
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lightgriffinsect · 2 years
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Wren's in a "mood" today...
Well, when a Sky magician has a temper tantrum, what can you do.
All Radiant and Dusk CAN do is watch and wait till she runs out of steam.
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ct-hardcase · 3 months
oh gee, avar. I’m sure there’s no other trio of jedi with a powerful atunement to the force and bonded to one another for the connection to be intuitive when facing a nameless down. surely there’s no other group in the order that did that
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cloudcountry · 9 months
Shakespeare "reusing" one of his sonnets to woo the reader with his extremely shitty guitar skills under the window (outside the door) and overall he's just yowling like a cat bc of the guitar 🎸 (also I say reusing bc we've read it in modern times, but for him it's new asf)
note: he is trying smth "modern" to woo the reader but also thinks a guitar is a cittern/cithren hence the yowling
SUMMARY: theo yells at you to wrangle your lover. said lover is trying his best to serenade you.
WARNINGS: none!! :D
COMMENTS: YOU ARE THE LAST DW im writing two things today since i missed yesterday oopsie. i feel like will would be a really nice singer though :(( he has such a ncie voice :((( so yea i changed your request a little bit because i doubt hes the type to YOWL but yk theo is fed up with anyway!!
i used sonnet 116 for this because its so beautifully written excuse my geeking
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“Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments.”
“Hey, Hondje. Tell him to shut up.” Theo huffs, a string of very creative Dutch swears leaving his lips after he slams the door shut behind him.
You can hear what Theo is talking about.
There’s a strange warbling noise that sounds like a musical instrument, along with a very familiar voice cooing unintelligible lyrics from out on the balcony. You open the door that Theo just left, stepping out into the cold night air. The singing becomes clearer, and a smile creeps on your face when you lean over the railing.
“Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove.”
It’s Will, a guitar in hand that he’s clearly struggling to play, his eyes trained on the space you occupy now. A smile blooms across his face as he sings, the notes too plucky to be anything but offensive, but it's him and he’s doing something for you, and so you listen.
“O no! it is an ever-fixed mark That looks on tempests and is never shaken; It is the star to every wand'ring bark, Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.”
It takes you a second to register the words he’s singing to you, but when you realize it's a sonnet giddy laugh tumbles from your lips. Will’s eyes gleam with joy at the sound, and he steps closer to the balcony. His neck is craned up so he can see you, yearning to be close and yet being a whole floor away.
While he may not be able to physically reach you, his words do.
“Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks Within his bending sickle's compass come; Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out even to the edge of doom.”
The sonnet reminds you of Will’s love, of how it’s never changing, of how it’s held up even though everything the two of you have been through together. It reminds me of how devoted he is to you, his love, and how he’d do anything to ensure your happiness, even if he has to sacrifice himself.
It’s something he’s been working on. He’s well aware that it’s not just him who would die if the two of you were parted now.
“If this be error and upon me prov'd, I never writ, nor no man ever lov'd.”
The final notes ring into the night and you offer him a polite clap, the soft sound leaving the night around you two undisturbed.
“Sebastian told me that was an effective way to woo someone from your time period. I do hope you found it satisfactory.” Will confesses, awkwardly holding the guitar like he isn’t sure what to do with it.
This time you laugh loud, raising your head towards the stars as your heart flutters for this man.
“Come inside already!” you call out to him, giggles still seeping into your voice as you rush back inside to let him in.
You’re going to have to make sure Theo isn’t around, but you can deal with that when the time comes. Right now, you need to concern yourself with your silly, wonderfully talented lover.
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angelmichelangelo · 2 months
speaking of rise, i do want to talk about Splinter's Scene in the new comic.... spoiler warnings everyone! i have no one to talk ab it with so you're the chosen one. anyways, did anyone else feel like splinter's goodbye speech was a little ... targeted. like the whole vibe of "the hamato spirit lives in you all, thanks for all your love and patience, you can move on now" seemed to push beyond just character dialogue. i know andy set the ending as a "hard pause" for a reason in lieu of a typical "the end", but i also think splinter's speech and its notions were very specifically chosen to extend the message to rise fans regarding the wonky cancellation/ending of the show. the whole thing just felt very prospero of shakespeares 'the tempest', in the sense that the character's final farewell is both relevant to the storyline and speaks directly to its audience. ALSO hate that splinter dies so early into the so-called "good future" !!!! the end of the movie held such a light and hopeful tone, so i absolutely despise that it's canonically destroyed so quickly !!!! (i am a whore for angst tho so a sliver of me did in fact eat it up a little, in a masochistic kind of way).
AHH YES!! yes it felt like it was them talking to us through splinter for a moment which is a really nice touch :( i love it when they do things like that, it makes us the fans feel so seen :) tmnt knows how to treat their fans right (most of the time lol) that’s a really good point though. it makes me wonder many things about rise’s future
and YEAH ME TOO :( it was like whiplash to be like “oh hey! the good future!! they’re all togetherrr!!!!” to then being like “aaaaand splinter is dead. awesome.” the tmnt boys really are cursed to never having anything good for long aren’t they ;__; it’s even sadder to think he doesn’t die in battle or from any apparent injuries.. he just gets old (assuming so) and sick and there’s nothing they can do but wait :( because you know that those boys would have gone to the ends of the earth to try and cure him or give him some more time.. UGH it’s like 2012 all over again…. the pain is so real lmao
but dw i too was devouring it. hurt no comfort? that shit is lowkey delicious sometimes. it’s why i like the last ronin so much. make those little guys suffer!!!! and then let me hold them, afterwards haha
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natypinkns · 1 year
Hey sorry you’re having such a hard time and I hope you start feeling better soon , I found your art while just casually scrolling around and it caught my eye I started to like your tempdawn art the most ( you’re other ocs give me joy to dw ) as tempest kinda gives me gender envy but I’m a good way ( I don’t know the good definition to gender envy )so I like to come back every few days and it makes me feel great . That and how you draw your ocs it’s very smooth and clean and it reminds me of like a comic book so Yh
And I hope you feel better soon and remember always take a break and drink plenty of water
Get well soon
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me rn (just change the bowl for my big mug with chamomile tea)
thank yoouuuuou so much for the kind words <3<3
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heimeldat · 10 months
I was sick and listened to the first 7 Time Travelers audios in 2 days with my system full of Nyquil so... bit of a blur. I know things don't get really interesting until the end, so I guess I haven't quite gotten to the good stuff yet. But anyway, overall reactions so far:
Republica: solid timey-wimey fun. I like it when time ends up healing itself. The scenario is just the right sort of ridiculous that Doctor Who thrives on, and the script feels like it would fit right into Big Finish. I know it's not technically DW but it felt like a satisfying (if unexceptional) Seven and Ace story.
Island of Lost Souls: another solidly standard DW plot, though this one feels like it should belong to Three more than Seven. Nothing much to say, not a remarkable story but well done across the board. These first two episodes feel like they weren't concerned with unique storytelling, just trying to showcase their ability to capture the feel of Doctor Who, and in that they succeeded. No instant classics, but good fun.
Prosperity Island: hard to go too far wrong with a Tempest adaptation. That did make it rather predictable of course, but the story didn't suffer for it, and they changed just enough toward the end that it still had some fresh beats. Starting to branch out a touch from the Classic Who formula, but still playing it safe with a tried and true plot: honestly that's a really smart way of easing into a new series aimed at an established audience. But again it makes for an unremarkable (though quite enjoyable) story.
Left Hand of Darkness: the first attempt at something a bit different! Not altogether original, still fairly predictable, but Ace and Dorsai played well off each other, and Ace had some really strong moments. It's also nice to see them leaning more into the audio medium with the use of blindness as a plot device. I do think the buildup was a little drawn out and the climax a little rushed (especially Dorsai's suicide) but overall a nice character piece, and it feels like the series is finding its feet. (A little disappointing that the Professor only got a bit part, since I'm mostly interested in seeing him and Ace together, but that has no bearing on the quality, just my preferences.)
The Other Side: another slightly more experimental story, nice. Again, I think they've chosen plot devices that work well with the audio medium, and again I'm sad to see less of the Professor but enjoyed seeing Ace shine in some solo character moments. Still, I wasn't as impressed with this one. We know Ace isn't really dead, so the buildup and her realization of the situation felt too dragged out; she got some good character beats but there was no real suspense for the audience. The resolution felt a bit crammed in by comparison. There was something a bit tonally odd too; I can't quite pin it down beyond saying this one felt like SJA instead of DW. Which isn't a bad thing, it just felt ever so slightly out of place.
Guests for the Night: this is the first one that really fell flat for me. It couldn't decide if it wanted to be Hammer Horror or Chimes of Midnight, so it got stuck awkwardly in between. The cheesy villains prevented the setting from feeling properly mysterious or creepy, and the resolution kind of came out of nowhere. It might have worked with more time to develop the plot and characters, but at only 1 hour it was a bit rushed and crammed full of story pieces that didn't quite mesh. Also not a fan of the "you murdered him! Oh well moving on" ending. Either commit to the moral quandary and really impact the characters, or let the villain's death be earned. It made for a rather unsatisfying ending.
Ghosts: All right, starting to diverge a bit from Doctor Who! Got the characters' names and a few hints about their background, that's a start. I enjoyed the complexity of this one, all the disparate characters and plot pieces that came together pretty tidily in the end. I was skeptical about the Professor getting mind-controlled so easily, especially since Madam Eternal wasn't a particularly impressive villain, but I guess he was the only one who knew he had missing memories, and he managed to fight the mind-control enough to build a failsafe into his machine, so I'll accept it. I would have liked to know why Samson mistook the Doctor for his target and how he almost-killed him, but I guess that's not a big deal. The production value seemed a little lower on this one, with a lot of awkward cuts between scenes and background noise almost drowning out dialogue, which was frustrating given how much I enjoyed this one; it feels like one I'd want to re-listen to, but the technical issues made it a little hard to get through at some points.
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doctorfriend79 · 10 months
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The Sheriff Of Nottingham
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seongminiz · 5 months
okay yay!! i love most of those groups too tbh atp i don’t have any groups i dislike so much as just ones i prefer more than others but i follow so many😓 idk it’s a lot sometimes but.. yeah… i want to recommend tempest, lun8, and nomad!!! no pressure to check them out but i love them all very much, and tempest is very perv, loser coded, like… i think you’ll get it if you do check them out!
also sobs sorry😭 younghoon can def be a dom (he can be whatever u want him to be!!!!) i agree with very soft, service top, he’s such a sweetie i just think he’d also be really cute subbing hehe<3333
u should def write summer fun mattwoong sandwich fic plssss!!! u should. don’t put too much pressure on urself to do so but i would definitely read it and be super excited for it!!!
- 🧁 anon
ohhh i used to keep up with tempest when they debuted but kind of lost interest along the way (mostly bc i got really hyperfixated on tbz n cravity 😭) i've also heard of lun8 n nomad but i'll definitely check them out more !!
lmaooo its ok dw it was all lighthearted , i dont mind talking abt sub hoonie :3
i will ‼‼‼‼‼‼ or at least i'll try once im done writing android!minhee bc goddd that one is already kicking my ass n im only at ~1.5k words even tho i wanted it to be a longer one :')
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2dkapsddr · 5 months
April 15th, 2024 - Arcaea, ProSeka, SDVX EG
work days are over! ...almost. i'll get to that in a moment. but for now, it's a school day as well! so while i was on the bus, i toyed around with tempest gauge while using all my world mode stamina and finally got a Full Recall on Gengaozo FTR-10!!! that's another contender for a 10 PM i guess...
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once i got out of my first class and met up with my friend, i played a bunch of proseka append charts in front of him and didn't get many accomplishments (except for finally AP'ing Tell Your World APPEND)? but i DID get some really tragic, sad fails (one of which being Tell Your World before the AP!)
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back at home/on the way home, since i was too exhausted to do any of my homework, i spent the time playing arcaea instead and doing Even More Unlocks (and tempest gauge experimenting) after main story (one of which being a sightread fail on aegleseeker yaaaaay) (dw i cleared it soon after)
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okay, so here's where the funny story about work comes in. remember how i said at the start of this post that i'll get to the work days part later? well, that time is now! i was SUPPOSEDLY put on the schedule to work today, but turns out they just copied the schedule from last week without fully checking it through and just left my days from last week even when the person i was covering last time was working this week! i got to work for an hour while they sorted things out, but they eventually decided to send me home (which, i did not go home. instead, i went to round 1 for the rest of the night!!!!!)
and at round 1, since my friend was suggesting the event that was gonna end on like the 20th of april, i grinded the hell out of the BPL songs in an attempt to unlock the hexathlon 20!!! so here's all of the sightreads (except for V!LLA!N and technically watching a video of Xeno Gravity EXH) while trying to unlock the song!!!
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...whew, that was a lot. but wait! there's more! both on the bus ride home and also at home, i kept playing EVEN MORE ARCAEA (kinda bad habit i know) and got some extra funny scores to share!!! ...that i can't share in this post because i already hit the 30-image limit with all of the SDVX scores here. oops! maybe next time?
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yuuana · 1 year
Music May #4: EXO-CBX - Blooming Day (Throwback Thursday #3) release: April 2018 genre: Kpop
Thursday means another throwback, but this time we're only going as far back as 2018. And continuing the trend of Kpop despite having so many other options (so many), because I have the attention span of a small goldfish right now and EXO is a relatively easy group for me to write up. :p
Debuting in 2016, CBX combined Chen and Xiumin (originally of EXO-M) and Baekhyun (originally of EXO-K) and started as a way of combining the two halves of EXO in a smaller unit that produced music in the same overall vein as the main group while also making first forays into the Japanese market with Japanese-language releases starting in 2017. So a mix of ballads and dance-pop, since this is a subunit with two of the 4 original EXO main vocals, and a chance for Xiumin to shine a bit more.
As a song, Blooming Day is a sweet ballad with a question guaranteed to make fangirls swoon: can I be your boyfriend? It's a fun up-tempo dance beat with love song lyrics and considering who sings it, a perennial favorite. The image of the song is softer than previous EXO releases with a the members in very "boyfriend" styles throughout both the MV and the promotional period. An overabundance of flowers and softer colors on the sets further contribute to that almost cozy feel in the music video, with Baekhyun in particular looking very soft and fluffy throughout.
I don't normally bring up covers in these, but if you feel like you've heard this song again recently, it probably means you wartched the start of the new season of The Show, in which new MCs Xiaojun (NCT/WayV) and Hyeongseop (Tempest) joined returning MC Yeosang (ATEEZ) in forming special unit MC NAEggUZ (yes, this is a visual pun) for a special stage, which is actually a splice of at least two of the three times they performed it - a stylist put too much faith in just rolling Yeosang's sleeves in one run, so his left sleeve Does A Thing where the cuff slips and at one point falls out completely, yet is magically back (and then not and then back again) across several camera cuts. Which, uh, maybe says something about how many times I've watched this performance now, but the song's such a warm bop and I've needed that especially lately.
"Blooming Day" is the lead track off EXO-CBX's second mini album, Blooming Days, which may or may not be in stock wherever you typically buy these things if you're looking for physical copies, but certainly is up for digital purchase and streaming.
Want to sponsor a song selection? You sweet angel! For the low, low price of one (1) KoFi, I'll write up the song of your choice. ANY song of your choice. Yes, even that one that's been played to death. Yes, your obscure faves too. Sponsor a current CB for the next open Music Monday slot or sponsor a throwback for a Thursday feature! DW | Twitter | Mastodon | Ko-fi | Patreon | Discord | Twitch
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unifadewalker · 2 years
Hello! This is Ariel from discord! I'm replaying my rouge character (in dai) because I was a dumbass my first run and never chose a subclass for her. So my question is wich class of rouge would you prefer and why
Tempest! Even with DW rogue I love the speed and buffs it gives! Very fun, highly recommend!! Thank you for your question!
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