#dw s1e6
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none-ofthisnonsense · 2 years ago
S1E6 ("Dalek") is my favourite episode so far.
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herrfivehead · 2 years ago
the most shameful way i'm currently lying to a family member: my sister has seen every ep of GoT at least twice and wanted to introduce me to it now that we're done watching DW together (until it airs again). We made it a point to watch two GoT episodes a week.
this was fine for the first three weeks, i was patient. But after S1E6 i was so invested, i decided to binge the entire show alone and now i'm completely finished (and thoroughly disappointed, what a dumpster fire of a final two seasons).
i have done all of this without her knowledge. we're about to start S2 tomorrow, which means if i want to keep up this weekly tradition for months to come (because our TV nights are genuinely fun), i need to pretend for the next seven seasons that i am watching these episodes for the first time. i cannot slip up and give her the slightest idea that i know wtf is going on. i want her to be happy when she looks at my stupid face pretending to be surprised at tywin getting killed on the shitter. i want her to feel a sense of connection when i pretend to be outraged at the bullshit twist of arya killing the night king out of nowhere.
i feel like i might be able to get away with this for an eight-season finished show, but in hindsight i would absolutely not have been able to pull this off when we watched DW together. too many damn episodes.
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sandymybeloved · 3 years ago
I think its time to stop telling people to start watching Doctor Who from Christopher Eccleston and instead treat it more like Classic Who (but not exactly the same). Give people some recommendations of episodes that are well liked, and tell new-commers that if they like a particular doctor or era, to watch from the start of that and go back and watch older stuff later. There are 13 series of this show, that's a little intimidating to get into. For people who want to get into an long series, who don't find it intimidating, sure, they should go back and start from series 1. Same goes for if your watching it with another person, like the advice isn't universal.
I just think "don't skip 9" isn't helpful anymore, series 1, as much as I love it, has aged, and the front half of the series is certainly the weaker half, so I wouldn't blame anyone who was turned off by it. And absolutely, if people get into a later era they should go back and watch it, but saying it's the one and only place to start is going to put a lot of people off.
I've loved doctor who for as long as I can remember, and have been watching it as it comes out since series 6 when I was 8 or 9 (I tried the series before but found the next time trailers to scary), but I stopped rewatching from the beginning years ago, I'm much more likely to watch a random episode I haven't seen for a while, or a particular series or Doctor I like. I don't know how universal that is, if most fans still watch the whole thing on rewatches, but if not, why recommend to a first time viewer that they watch in a way die hard fans don't anymore.
We already do this with Classic, every piece of advice you see says to bounce around, and obviously for very different reasons, until recently you couldn't find it all in one place. I don't see why we should do any differently with the new series, sure, there's not nearly as much of it, but the reason to tell people to skip around with classic is because different eras are different enough that not liking one isn't a guarantee you won't like another (for example I'm not a big fan of the fourth doctors era post key to time, but I love three's run (despite three being probably my least favourite doctor)). We ARE at that point with nu-who, we have three very different eras of the show (arguably four as the Moffatt era does change over time) and we aren't taking advantage of that when recommending the show.
Personally, if I were introducing Doctor Who to someone today, I'd stick on my favourite story for each Doctor (9-13), ask them which one they enjoyed the most, and watch from their first episode. (The one exception to this might be Tennant, as there's only one series before Christmas Invasion, and his run relies on the previous Doctors a lot more than most)
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entertainmentnerdly · 6 years ago
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DW S2E9 x Good Omens S1E6 via /r/doctorwho https://ift.tt/2KBAsrs
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feydrautha · 2 years ago
Keeks aaaahhhh we all are waiting for your thoughts on ep 6 I went completely insane over larycent moments
answering this SIX DAYS TOO LATE but oh well, we still have three hours before the episode airs, so here goes fucking nothing. we got two scenes but somehow got almost everything we asked for in these, so I can't even complain if i wanted to
the audacity of Larys tbh. his family just died (because of him), the funeral is supposedly happening at the same damn time, and what does he do? go to Laena's funeral. No, he didn't know her, he probably never spoke to her a single word, so the Velaryons are wondering what in the name of the Seven this guy is even doing until someone points out that Queen Alicent merely needs her emotional support twink by her side and that he's harmless ("isn't he Lord Confessor aka Guy Who Runs All The Tortures?" "yes but besides that he's just some bloke")
the STARING, did i lose my mind over this. the way he positions himself before he settles down to stare at Alicent like a Completely Normal Person has something so comedic about it, and it's only topped by Criston practically doing "is this guy bothering you, Queen?" - he doesn't even mention him by name (which is quite disrespectful when you think about it, since Alicent also points out that Larys is Lord of Harrenhal now) and makes a point to remark how indecent Larys is being. That Alicent's response is all but "lol, dw, he's cool" mixed with a "goddamnit, Larys, you're being so obvious even this fucking guy has taken note of it, tone it down fifteen notches" somehow is the little cherry on top of it
THE BOAT SCENE, okay okay, first of all: when we see Alicent standing outside and staring at the sea, Larys is first standing at the other side of the ship and has a handkerchief pressed to his mouth. He was seasick and still went over to Alicent and afterward stayed next to her, watching the sea with her. He could've easily just left and gone back inside where he could continue being unwell, but nope! Gotta stare at the waves with the girl I like.
After the final scene in S1E6, everyone and their little dog was talking about how terrified Alicent was of what he did and how she most likely was never going to trust him ever again because she now knew what a monster she had on a leash and how she would take her distance from now on. Yes, she knows to be careful from now on with how she words things around him, because Larys knows how to turn the table on her and read between the lines when there is really nothing, but Alicent has changed. She utterly lost her shit when Aemond was maimed and not one person had her back, her husband showed to the entire court that his preference for Rhaenyra outweighed any feelings he had for his and Alicent's children, and that she was right - that her children could be in danger. She shows regret about her loss of control but her father begins fostering that seed of resentment within her, that what she did was the right thing to do, and essentially feeds her paranoia, so she considers that maybe having a very cunning and dangerous person by your side who has killed for you and would do it again is actually useful - when the time is ripe. I do believe that she will ask for his support when Viserys is dying to keep the King's death and secret and move as quickly as possible to segure that Aegon is made heir while undermining Rhaenyra's claim in its entirety.
OH BOY, were you bitches wrong all along about her hating him for the murder of his family and being a kinslayer!!!! if that had really been the case, you know she would've told Criston she was uncomfortable, and Criston would've not missed an opportunity to manhandle Larys off the permise, but instead she doesn't do anything of that... almost as if Larys was her only friend for the better part of a whole decade and she was shocked to find out her trusted friend was capable of such things, but also she is pragmatic enough to look beyond that after a while because she is in a precarious situation...
Larys is so far the only one to actually offer condolences for what happened to Aemond - Otto didn't care about what happened to the prince, Viserys sure as hell ran all out of fucks to give for the non-Rhaenyras among his descendants, and here is the only person to tell her he's sorry for what happened. It's a direct parallel to E1 where Alicent told Viserys "all I ever wanted was for someone to tell me they were sorry for what happened" wrt the death of her mother, and that's beautiful.
fuck it, we know Larys wasn't physically present for Queenbowl but I won't budge from my personal headcanon that he warged into a rat or some other creature and was cheering on Alicent while watching the entire mess going down
on another note
Aemond riding Vhagar was terrifying and stunning
the kids' brawl was INSANE, even though if i'm being honest... as much of a dickmove Aemond's stunt was, he was right and the discussion could've ended there and then, because being a dick isn't a crime (basically, it escalated but understandably so)
the sexual tension between Daemyra drove me INSANE, so when the sex scene happened I was a little... disappointed at first? someone on Twitter did point out that along with it being a very deliberate contrast to the horny as fuck brothel scene, Rhaenyra had also just given birth to Joff a few weeks earlier so Daemon being gentle was reasonable, and by now I have made my peace with the scene (and the pulling off of the stockings was sexy as hell tbh)
I loved seeing Otto again, he's a prick but I have love in my heart for all DILFs regardless of moral alignment
I was pleasantly surprised by the choice to have Laenor elope with Qarl, even if I think too many people ignore that Daemon and Rhaenyra basically got an innocent dude killed to pull it off - not that I think of them as godawful evil people for it (lol), but it's hypocritical from some sections of fandom
Laenor standing in the sea in mourning of Laena... god, I really wish we had seen more of their relationship besides Laenor holding her hand at the tourney when she gets scared. Again, the Velaryons were Robbed of character moments
the knife scene delivered on all fronts, Emma's and Olivia's acting was insane
I still can't believe the entire damn court showed up to see Aemond getting stitched up and stuck around for the Targ-Hightower beef. These people are so nosy, lmao, and we don't even know who they are
Ty Tennant as Aegon has the same comedic potential as Roman Roy, I will really miss him. I laughed for at least a full minute when he completely demolished Aemond's alibi with the most incredulous "me?????" I've ever heard
Helaemond is real, it came to me in a dream, call me Helaena
Actually, Baelaemond too, he totally got a subconscious crush when Baela drove her fist into his face, that's just the way things are
Rhaenys's reactions to finding "Laenor" honest to god almost made me cry, Eve Best really sold it. i assume Rhaenyra and Daemon never tell her the truth of what really happened, but damn it, I wish they did
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osamiiya · 4 years ago
WAAAAAAAA I JUST FINISHED S3 AND I'M FEELING A LOT OF EMOTIONS RN ! I CRIED.. SOBBED EVEN 😭😭 I'm tryna hold back a little bc I finished s1-3 in less than a month and that isn't healthy,, so I won't be watching s4 anytime soon :( BUT I'M GNA BE GETTING THE MANGA :D will be catching up on bnha (im on like s1e6 lmfao) and free! though !!! kithes <3
Pls the manga is so good too
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