#dw about it!!! Thank you so much for the ask!!!!/gen <33
crystalmagpie447 · 1 year
hi !!
*threatens you with flowers*
anyway how's your day been so far?
[ i am horrible at interacting with people if you can't tell already :') ]
my day has been
a day
IT WAS PRETTY GOOD!! I was in qwilles magma for a lot longer than i usually am I actually drew something!!! I usually chicken out and dip
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LIKE FULLY COLORED AND STUFF I thought that was neat of me :DD
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Here at i-am-an-arson-enthusiast, we i am dedicated to bringing you top quality content such as but not limited to: gay things, random thoughts, and even live arson that you don't even have to tune into!!
hi this is my intro post :D
here, have some basic info about me :3
name: anything goes pretty much but please use multiple names :] HOWEVER not neptune as that is reserved for @marcysbear , cass/cassie/cassiopeia is reserved for my boyyyfrieeenndddd <33 ( @mostautisticangel ) and dont call me enthu unless ur terri :] uh also you three dont necsessarily have to branch out more
OBLIGITORY QUEER SECTION!! i say that like i dont actively want this here. anyway! the labels i use are queer, bi, lesbian, gay, polyamorous, genderfluid, trans, gnc, non binary, genderqueer and arospec. arospec as in i am largely aromantic and use that as an umbrella term, however i am capable romantic attraction/ am flexible with such labels bc its all bullshit anyway.
i have audhd! i get hyperfixation and sometimes talk abt that if i so wish and my special interests are space and generally queer shit. also pls use tone tags i will think u hate me im too anxious for my own good sometimes
i am dogshit at spelling so. ignore the typos and misspellings!!
if u send me chain asks dont expect me to keep the chain going, ill answer it and say thanks but i wont actually do the thing
-pls don’t send dono asks i don’t got money bc im a minor
-dont think if i have a take like "i dont like taylor swift" i am personally attacking you. you can like whatever the fuck u want idc everyone is entitled to their own opinoins. i just dont like her as a person
-DONT call me the reserved names if you arent that one person
-try to refrain from calling ppl (including me) baby/babe/bae around me it makes me want to die sometimes and i dont want to constantly be a romance repulsed little shit around u guys (this means dont use those names for anyone if i am in the conversation i cant control past that) (it also isnt a problem here i dont think ive ever seen it here its really just discord tbh)
-dont ask for my discord unless were friends or close in some way and dont get offended if i say no
-u can call me a faggot or dyke or tranny as long as you are the slur you are using
-if you have my discord and were moots you can call me a slut and a whore all u want idm :3 (bc i am a slut and a whore.) (really really sorry if you didnt want to read that btw /gen)
i try to consistanly use them but sometimes i dont. sorry.
woah i’m using queue - i’m actually queuing a post for once instead of spam reblogging (which i mostly do sorry not sorry)
woah a real text post - me positing an actual text post for once but it’s becoming more common
cool ass art - art that i reblog (it’s all cool)
arson does half way decent art sometimes - my art. art i made. yea
boyfriend dearest - @mostautisticangel my hot and beautiful boyfriend :]
moots feel free to ask for tags <3
i will keep adding more as i remember them and make them so yea :D also i try to tag for things but i often dont add tw or cw because. idk. just havent ever done that. if you need me too you can tell me in any form and ill try my gaddamn hardest to add them. feel free to *kindly* remind me if i forgot. (as in no verbal abuse ya know. if ur scared ur probably fine)
i think. thats it. if u follow me and u didnt like this post dw im gonna screen u anyway <3
thank you for reading all of that i know it’s long. your cool so here’s a cookie 🍪 also here have this
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ blinky time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
holding up these blinkies to ward off ppl who dont like gaybians
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credit to @jeweledviolets @v-4-l-0-n and @theprideful :)
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doodlebloo · 2 years
hi sorry to bother you with this i just wanted to ask why you don't want cc's joining tumblr?/gen
again sorry if this sounds rude i'm just not very active in the community and just wondering if it's related to smth specific or just the drama of the mcyt community on twt in general?
i loved the halloween fic btw it was super cute!! <33
Thank you anon! :D & DW you are not a bother at all
When I talk about not wanting CCs to join Tumblr I am always half joking, obviously if they want to they should. It doesn't really bother me that badly, since I know I can just block them if I'd like. I personally don't want CCs interacting with me, but I understand that I don't speak for everyone.
The main reason I am nervous abt it is that Tumblr works very differently from Twitter, a lot of people here dont WANT CCs to notice them and the climate around fan content here is very different. So I just worry that if a lot of people follow CCs over from Twitter, there will be drama started about how people need to behave now that there's a much higher possibility of CCs seeing what we post (and quick disclaimer I am in no way defending nsfw or gross shit at all here.)
Idk if this makes a ton of sense lol, mostly it's just a light hearted like "go away don't perceive me!" + I have a feeling that Tommy is not going to use Tumblr very much haha
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hi,hello,hoy !!! You asked me what I thought of your fic so I am here to comment some things about it !!! :D
I love how you have to put pieces together to figure out what's going on with Y/N! Because when your theory gets confirmed you just get this SERATONIN (is that how you type it??) from it
(this one is honestly more of a nit pick just saying:) I feel like you could do a bit of foreshadowing like for example: In chapter 1 you could have described Y/N's backpack in detail so the readers know how it looks like and think "hMMM why are they describing it in such detail ???" and then when you get to chapter 3 you could describe Y/N's backpack as something else (not entirely something else but a small change) without Y/N reffering to it feeling like 'a different bag' maybe get him to say "something feels off..." so when the reader sees this they'll put the pieces together and say "WOOOAH WAIT THATS DIFFERENT FROM THIS THAT WAS SAID IN THIS !!!! :0" !! BUT!! Honestly that's just a little nitpick from me because I tried to write a few stories before (but then I gave up halfway) and I know bits and pieces on how to do cool foreshadowing (from a writer friend) but take this with a grain of salt because I am still ig a newbie at writing!! ><
also when Y/N is talking in his head and a thing thinks instead of him you could have a subtle shift in tone (idk if I am explaining this one well sorry I am a bit sleepy)
unhinged Sun. I just loved when that boy snaps. ( ‾̀◡‾́)
and the last one is.... remember to take breaks!!! Writing can be exhausting especially if the story is getting to your head (trust me ik how it feels when you get too emotionally attached and don't wanna kill your favourite off (╥﹏╥)) so remeber to take as much time off as you need your mental health is WAY more important <3
have a good day!!! :DDD<3 gonna make more fanart in the future when my wrist hurts lessheehehege---
OHHHHHHHH THIS IS SO HELPFUL THANK YOU THANK YOU <33 omg (sorry i really REALLY love reading peoples' thoughts Okay i am going to dissect this NOW [TOTALLY NOT PROCRASTINATING WORK]) ill put it under a cut since its kinda long AHH
ill be honest. Im SO SO GLAD you wrote all these points (especially the nitpicks !!/gen) - im super happy that you guys really love getting theories confirmed in the next chapter and im glad you noticed that the description of the backpack is. not up to par hehe ( AS WELL AS THE THING IN Y/N'S HEAD ) (also dw you explained it really well! )
I am at a constant war of wanting to spill everything and hiding info due to spoilers but !! ive been playing around with the fic being an unreliable narrator so much that i was incredibly concerned that it was. very confusing WAHAHA (it probably still has some things to fix though), so im genuinely really glad you pointed out inconsistencies(?? oddities? i dont know how to say it but basically funky writing) in the places where i wanted there to be :]
HAHA I DONT KNOW IF I MAKE SENSE RIGHT NOW it is like. 2am. but tldr hheehee hoo hoo i am so glad that things are going according To Plan. (dude i am like. saving this post too just so i can reread and make sure things unfold properly too)
LASTLY. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITING THIS !! writing analysis and feedback take so much time and Im really really honoured that you guys spoil me with a LOT of them- and for understanding that this fic kinda takes a toll on my health wahaha <33
also guys pls. pls rest your wrists. i am going to spam stretches soon. (ALSO ALSO THANK U ALL FOR THE FANART FOOD please dont overexert yourself though !! health first and genuinely; you guys even reading my fic is the greatest honour ever. take care of yourselves!!! and have a good day too <33
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sunsetshifting · 1 year
OMG HIHI! AHHHH I really missed seeing u active on ur page since u grew to be my fav shifting acc 😭 DONT APOLOGIZE IM JUST GLAD UR OKAY, how’ve you been? 🫶🏼
KSDFJJLKDN I didn't think anyone would notice me dropping off omg (Also i'm bumping this one to the top ahead of the other asks real fast just so I can assuage any worries!! Promise the rest of the asks will still be answered <33)
I'm so happy you like my account so much!!! /gen 🫶🏼🫶🏼
Things could definitely be better;; got some really bad medical news for my grandpa :( so we're all spending as much time with him as we can. (Hence why I've been gone the last 2-3 weeks, real stressed abt it.) Gonna see him later today, actually, before I go and see my other grandparents^^
Plus all the struggle with finding a job (sooo many places want you to be 21+ or able to regularly lift 50+ pounds, neither of which I can fulfil. I've got money saved up, though, and a reliable and safe place to live, so dw about me!!)
Other than that, I've been scripting like crazy. I just scripted my 39th desired reality 😭😭which is a little nutty to think about, but super fun, regardless! I scripted all sorts of goofy DRs (including a cowboy au of Obey Me), and managed to get pretty close to shifting on a few different nights! I'm still relying on the lucid dream method, so I'm trying to boost my dream recall as well (bc I heard that helps^^.)
I'm glad there's still interest in my blog~ I've never had people notice my absence before haha!
I'll be answering all my other asks here soon, as well as posting some more stuff related to shifting (maybe some scenario ideas or another template? Both are pretty fun!) so hopefully everyone can enjoy those! <3
Blblblbl sorry for rambling a bit, but TLDR, I'm stressed but mostly happy! I've got a lot of good things to keep my mood up^^ (Not to mention the exciting changes being on testosterone is bringing!)
Thank you for asking how I am <33 I hope you're doing well, too!!
<3 Happy Shifting, you silly geese /pos <3
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timefospookies · 3 years
Hihi! I've kind of spammed likes in ur blog but I love your headcanons!! (Tho tell me if it is annoying, I'll stop!) So I just found out that tyler from the ben drowned arg (jadusable roommate) has lawman as a last name?? Do u think he's maybe related to benjj? :o
About Tyler THANK YOU FOR BRINGING THIS TO MY ATTENTION!!!! I will now proceed to rant about him LOL B)
I thibk he’s most likely related to Benji, given that they have family by the same last name!! And plus I think that could be a very interesting concept because I’m looking at the Wiki right now for some extra info he was presumably born in 1990 which is the same birth year as Benji’s!! THEY COULD BE TWINS?1?? Or cousins? :O
Also reading more into the Wiki SOME INTENSE STUFF WENT DOWN so TW for mentions of death + s*icide!!
Apparently his family was killed in a murder-s*icide sometime on November of 2010 WHICH IS NUTS and then he dropped his given name and started going by Berkeley (another name starting with “BE” hmm) and his mental health started going downhill :((
Says here that Jadus and Denton (no idea who these people are) gave Tyler the opportunity to join them (join what? The moon children? The Eternity Project? Who knows :O) by Tyler ended uh killing himself with a gun :’(
KNOWING ABOUT TYLER IS VERY VERY HELPFUL cuz I was working on my BEN Drowned AU comic so knowing his relation to Benji and I might have to tweak some stuff to make him fit :]/pos
UHH IDK HOW TO FINISH THIS BUT THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!2!!! Love interacting with people on here :33
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gumidols · 2 years
QIQI hi how was ur bday? i hope it went well!! :D /gen
ill probably post ur presents at some point tomorrow! ive been up and around doing a bunch of things to get ready for college this past week so i have been busy and forgetful im sorry skldmfksd
NO NO Kaito dw about it!! College is important and comes before me birthday gifts any day <33 I hope you know I’m incredibly proud of you btw!!
It went well!! I went to a restaurant with my friends, absolutely ordered too much food and I’m still suffering the consequences of that as we speak </33 it was worth it though (lying) thank you for asking!!
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gendieanonsideblog · 2 years
Yeah, I hope your sickness is ready for me to fight it >:[ | See, as an overachiever, I can overwork myself just enough that it usually doesn't affect my physical health OR my grades, and that's pretty much all that matters when it comes to school. | No??? You and Xenie and thigh high converse girl are all ahdskjahfsikdhuasifkjadhs /pos I'm just kind of.... some guy /neu | Ok, so I know logicaslly she won't dislike being complimented but what if she does??? | I shall ask her about her opinions on triangles! Mayhaps she also has opinions on the matter. It seemed to work in making friends on tumblr, maybe it'll work irl too!!!! | The hopes are that I'll feel better soon, I can't say for sure that I will, but I'm gonna hope! | Well, i hope you have a fantastical, amaing, perfect, stunning, wam-bamtastical and extremely swaggy day >:] (/gen) | akdshuasdkja I'm glad you like the art!!!!! It makes me vv happy to know you enjoy seeing it :] (/gen) -⭐
IM SO SO SO VERY SORRY MAGZEE aaghhhh ik youre probably gonna say dw which i appreciate but I STILL FEEL BAD FOR LEAVING YOU ON READ IN TUMBLR SITE D: but yes weve gotten better thank you for fighting sicksness !! :D ugh why are you so stubborn >:[ /lh just make sure to take care of yourself zee <33 :[[ /p /gen JDKFJDSL NO YOU ARE /GEN /P you should ask her about triangles though if you havent already !! hopefully you already feel better but if you dont im here for you dude !! :D WELL I HOPE YOU have an incredible swaggalicious loveliest sparkly stellar out of this world day magnus !! >:] /gen yes ofc !! i love your art its so cute !! :D /gen
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