#duties of an ias officer
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dhallblogs · 9 months ago
Rajasthan transfers six senior IAS officers, appoints Prakash C. Sharma as OSD to Chief Minister.
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Jaipur: The Government of Rajasthan has announced the transfer of six senior Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officers. The reshuffle includes the appointment of Prakash C. Sharma as the Officer on Special Duty (OSD) to the Chief Minister.
ALSO READ MORE- https://apacnewsnetwork.com/2024/07/rajasthan-transfers-six-senior-ias-officers-appoints-prakash-c-sharma-as-osd-to-chief-minister/
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wlw-webcomic-bracket · 5 months ago
In my professional life offline, I work with community development programs funded by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). One of the most important of these programs is the HOME Investment Partnerships Program, or “HOME” (not an acronym for some reason). In the last couple years, my office has contributed HOME funding to construction of around 400 new apartment units reserved for low-income families, plus conversion of a former hotel to single-resident occupancy units for people exiting homelessness and security deposit assistance for renters moving into market-rate units. I have a secondary role in the HOME program (most of my work is on a different grant, although I’ve contributed to the environmental reviews for all of our current round of projects), but I am immensely proud of what our team has done with a limited resource in a horrifically expensive housing market.
In 2023, House Republicans proposed cutting HUD’s 2024 budget for the HOME program by 67%, from $1.5 billion to $500 million.
Their proposal didn’t make it into the final bill. The President and Senate (under Democratic leadership) proposed HOME budgets of $1.8 billion and $1.5 billion, respectively. The final compromise budget allocated HUD $1.25 billion for the HOME program, a 17% cut which was passed down to every local HOME jurisdiction.
I’m glad the budget cuts weren’t worse. But what this means, in practical terms, is that one out of every six people we could have helped this year gets nothing. One out of every six people who would have received rent assistance is facing eviction. One out of every six people that would have received an affordable unit priced at 30% of their income has to keep giving 50% or more of their paycheck to market-rate landlords. We’re doing what we can with local resources, but there’s only so much you can do at the local level when federal funding goes away.
House Republicans are trying to reduce HOME funding to just $500 million again in 2025. So far, the Senate has rejected this, but barring a miracle upset, Democrats are almost certain to lose control of the Senate after next week’s election. If Republicans keep control of the House, and especially if they keep the House and win the Presidency, there is nothing stopping them from gutting housing programs completely.
I understand why people are frustrated with our choices this election. I am frustrated with our choices this election. But at the end of the day, I have a duty to my community. With Democrats in office, I can keep fulfilling that duty. With Republicans in office, I will lose the best tools I have to make a material difference to the vulnerable people who live around me. The people I serve will lose their housing, or they will lose their best path out of homelessness. There is no way around it.
Please, give me the tools to keep helping. Vote for Democrats up and down ballot, and once we’ve got them in office, thank them for doing what they do well and pressure the hell out of them to do better on the issues where they suck.
Because of gerrymandering (and geographic issues in general), control of the House will probably come down to just a few dozen races. I’m not endorsing any of these candidates on a personal level - some of them are probably good, some of them definitely suck - but they are the only bulwark we have against a party that wants to dismantle everything good about this country and lean into all the most shameful parts of our history. Every election matters, but if you live in one of these House districts, your vote is particularly important:
Alaska: AK-01 Mary Pelolta
Arizona: AZ-01 Amish Shah, AZ-06 Kirsten Engel
California: CA-13 Adam Gray, CA-22 Rudy Salas, CA-27 George Whitesides, CA-41 Will Rollins, CA-45 Derek Tran, CA-47 Dave Min
Colorado: CO-03 Adam Frisch, CO-08 Yadira Caraveo
Connecticut: CT-05 Jahana Hayes
Indiana: IN-01 Frank Mrvan
Iowa: IA-01 Christina Bohannan, IA-03 Lanon Baccam
Maine: ME-02 Jared Golden
Michigan: MI-07 Curtis Hertel Jr., MI-08 Kristen McDonald Rivet, MI-10 Carl Marlinga
Minnesota: MN-02 Angie Craig
Montana: MT-01 Monica Tranel
Nebraska: NE-02 Tony Vargas
New Jersey: NJ-07 Sue Altman
New Mexico: NM-02 Gabe Vasquez
New York: NY-04 Laura Gillen, NY-17 Mondaire Jones, NY-19 Josh Riley, NY-22 John Mannion
North Carolina: NC-01 Don Davis
Ohio: OH-09 Marcy Kaptur, OH-13 Emilia Sykes
Oregon: OR-05 Janelle Bynum
Pennsylvania: PA-07 Susan Wild, PA-08 Matt Cartwright, PA-10 Janelle Stelson
Texas: TX-34 Vicente Gonzalez
Virginia: VA-02 Missy Cotter Smasal, VA-07 Eugene Vindman
Washington: WA-03 Marie Gluesenkamp Perez
Wisconsin: WI-03 Rebecca Cooke
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no-quit-lucy · 10 months ago
I might write this as a fic but I want to share some thoughts here first. (oops it already is turning into a fic. Here’s the start, as a treat)
After the IA investigation, Tim knew his odds for salvaging his career weren't looking good. He would be in maintenance mode until enough fresh blood came through the station that he would be wiped from his sins and the bloodstains only remained faintly visable on his uniform.
The decision came down and it came down hard. Not only would he receive a formal reprimand in his file for harassment of a civilian, abuse of police resources for personal gain, and other serious violations of conduct, but Tim would also be reassigned from his position in metro and bumped back to Patrol Sergeant following two weeks of unpaid leave and recertification of all field fitness and skill requirements. His Watch Commander would need to then complete weekly evaluations of his conduct while on duty until IA deemed him reliable and trustworthy to remain in his role and thus removing a temporary probationary hold over his job. He’d be in career limbo for weeks, possibly months.
Overwhelmed by the decision, being brought back to his intense experience with Isabel’s IA investigations, his actions and decisions made when in the army, doubting himself and his internal moral standing, Tim truly believed he was doing Lucy a favor by breaking up with her. His intent was never to shatter her heart, but unfortunately, he was feeling so weak and small, that all his strength was relegated to keeping himself upright long enough to make it home and destroy a bottle of whiskey until his two weeks were up and he'd have to face seeing her on patrol every day, once again in her chain of command.
Instead of finding comfort in the woman he loved, and the woman who loved him, he was so numb to everything, he couldn't bare the thought of seeking solace in her touch, her supportive words, her sickening optimism allowing him to hide from himself and hide from his inevitable truth. He wasn't worth the risk anymore.
Two days before he was set to return to work, he received an email instructing him to report to his new Watch Commander, Sergeant Stella Porter at Hollywood division. Not only was getting reassigned stations a further consequence for his actions, but it was a stark revelation that his personal connection to mid-Wilshire was officially severed.
It was the neighborhood he lived in when he came back from Iraq and started at the academy, where he adjusted back to the quasi-safety of civilian life, the house where he and Isabel planned their future, the precinct where he had trained as a rookie, where he found his footing as an officer and took the plunge to seek out the TO role, where he met his friends Angela and Talia, where he trained countless of his own rookies, where he met Lucy, where she helped him become a sergeant and took her on as his aide, it was where he fell in love with Lucy, where he lost Lucy countless times in countless ways. It was his home, his safe place, his sanctuary, and now, he was cast away from the place like an insidious evil set out to poison the nucleus of all that was good.
And to boot, his new watch commander, his new subordinates, his new captain, all strangers in his life, only knowing him of his reputation, his now stained, tarnished, damaged reputation. He was the cop with an ex-addict for an ex-wife, the cop who was investigated by IA about her addiction and failed to save her job, the cop who had rookies drop like flies because of his harsh and old-school cop ways, the cop who dated his last rookie, the cop who once again found himself tangled up in a mess of lies and accusations, reprimanded to nearly the highest degree. He was a cop no one wanted to trust, a cop who wasn't safe on the streets.
On some level, Tim knew the kind of reaction he would receive at his new home base. Whispers growing quiet the second he stepped in the room, stuck with shit details doing the grunt work no one wanted to do, receiving a cold shoulder from the officers around him, namely the cops who didn't look like him, the ones who were younger, more morally aligned than he was at the moment.
What he didn't expect was the fierce loyalty to anyone but him and namely a certain dark-haired, hot-shot, reliable, kind, and all together stand-up cop from his old station. It seemed he had started a war, and most people chose to stand on Lucy Chen’s side, backing the green officer who got taken advantage of by her senior officer. He couldn't say he didn't deserve it, but he could say Lucy deserved to be chosen not for the position he put her in, but instead because in the face of all that he had done to her, despite all the rumors and speculations floating in the air, she remained steadfast in her confidence on the streets and her ability to kick ass at her job. Without him there to loom a dark shadow over her future, she shone bright like the star she was and continued to build for herself a bulletproof reputation far superior to materials he had used in his own.
He was reaping the seeds of what he sowed, painstakingly harvesting the dilapidated crops in order to till the land and allow it time to heal before resowing fresh seeds and cultivating a healthier, more sustainable future yield. It could take years before the land produced a harvest fit to consume, but with dedicated maintenance and care, Tim held hope that his field would once again welcome both rain and sunshine to reflect the prosperity of a life worth thriving.
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chenfordsbby · 2 years ago
"Time of Death"
Season 1 Episode 8: “Time of Death”
“Nolan and Bishop respond to a silent alarm call at a local convenience store where two men are attempting to rob the place; Bishop helps coordinate a drug bust.”
Original Air Date: December 11, 2018
Written By: Brynn Malone
Directed By: Michael Goi
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Another week, another episode, let’s get right into it, shall we?!
When a new episode starts with a “previously on” usually that means that storyline is brought back up in the current episode, so I know already off the bat that the John and Lucys relationship is going to be a focus on this episode, as well as Isabel.  Im kind of glad though, because that means there will be more traction for the doomed Nucy relationship and maybe it will finally get to a head and be done with completely, maybe, hopefully!
My favorite part of every episode, I’ve come to learn, is the cold opens.  I think because of the fact that, so far, they really have nothing to do with any of storylines that we get in the rest of the episode. John and Talia are in pursuit of the assailant, and  he leads them into a room where they realize that its an escape room and the only way out is by actually figuring out all of the clues of the room and they end up solving their way out and it also gives us a little comedy as well, as its really the only comedy we get this episode unfortunately.
Lucy and John are seen sparring with each other and it’s awkward because they are awkward still.  Still fresh off of a break-up that neither of them seemed to want, but was necessary to happen.  We can all feel it.
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Talia and Nolan respond to a call from a convenience store where there are two robbers, Talia quickly captures her robber, but John’s escapes and his leads him into the home of an unsuspecting scared family.  The robber runs upstairs and finds a gun, he turns, and aims to shoot at John, but defensively, John pulls the trigger on his own gun and the bullet lands right into the mans chest, and kills him.  Talia radios the shooting in and this original call becomes one, that nobody expected it too: an officer is now a suspect.  John did not think that this is how his day was going to pan out.   John starts to rationalize his decision, but Talia knows how this works and she tells John to stop, because now, this has turned into an IA investigation: an on-duty police officer shot and killed a suspect. 
Officer Nolan is asked by Captain Anderson who he wants to be his companion officer, to help guide him through this new and unfamiliar territory and he responds with Officer Grey.  It is a surprising choice, mainly for the fact that Grey has shown on multiple occasions that he does not like Nolan, nor does he respect him, and as far as the viewers eyes can see, John knows that, so why exactly does he choose him?  I personally think it’s because even though Grey doesn’t like or respect him, Nolan respects Grey.  I think that he always has.  He told him from the very first episode that he’s there for a reason and he will prove him wrong.  Maybe this is one of the first steps in doing just that?  We eventually find out later in the episode that Nolan actually chose Grey because Grey isn’t going to sugarcoat things.  When push comes to shove, Grey will be upfront and honest with John, and John needs 100% honesty right now.  
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Grey goes over in detail with John of the next steps that’s going to happen to him in these next ew days with the upcoming investigation. An on duty officer, shot and killed a suspect, this isn’t something that gets treated lightly.  The IA investigations are going to be brutal and John will be getting asked questions of every moment leading up to and everything after the shooting, and Grey is preparing him for that.   
Another question that pops into my head while watching this episode, why did they have Nolan be the officer who killed the suspect?  The only thing I can think of is because this show was intended to revolve around John and his career/life in the academy, especially as a rookie cop, but also because this might bring Lucy back into his life?
This is the first time that we have seen Grey be serious with John.  Every time before this, Grey has been mocking Nolan and making fun of him, so to see this change in his behavior, is serious.  Grey knows how serious this is and he knows he has to be there for Nolan, in any capacity he can be in.  I genuinely feel bad for Nolan.  This job means so much to him, so for it too potentially be taken away from him is weighing heavy on his mind.  John is in the investigation room and the questions are being rapid fire shot at him by IA. John is answering them to the best of his abilities, but you can see that John is reeling- this shooting only happened hours ago, and it was traumatizing to John.
The morning after the shooting, John just lays in his bed replaying the previous day over and over again, but did he even sleep…?  
We see individual interviews between IA and Jackson and Lucy.  Lucy gets asked personal questions regarding John and she knows the correct answers too, but has to lie in order to protect herself and her relationship with John.  Lucy approaches John the next day to talk, and she wants him to talk to her, but advises against it.  As suspected, he admits he can’t stop thinking about what happened the previous day to her.  Lucy brings John to the house where the shooting happened.  She shows John the family that he protected, who are save and alive in their house because of him and what he did, I think its what John needed to see.  He took a life, yes, but he also saved the lives of 4 other people.  It might not seem like it now, but John did a good thing.  
John is very out of it this entire episode after the shooting, and it’s sad to see.  The very normally happy-go-lucky John is long gone and he is just somber.  It is unsettling. This shooting has affected him, and for the rest of this episode, John really is just going through the emotions, of what is expected of him. He just shot and killed a man hours ago, for anyone to expect anything else from him would be uncalled for.
John goes to talk to Captain Anderson, asking to see his body cam footage from the previous day of the shooting.  Captain Anderson highly advises against it, but John chooses to do so in the end, maybe this is the next step he needs to take in order to accept what happened.  It is clearly traumatizing for John to watch, but he needs to see it in order to understand why he did it. Captain Anderson knows that as she previously mentioned she has been there.
John and Lucy end the night with Lucy bringing John back home and walking him in, and as mentioned before, you can still feel the tension between them, whether that is unresolved sexual tension or awkwardness, but its there and of course they end up in a kiss, which we all know what that is going to lead too, unfortunately.  I get it though, why they did that; they fell back into comfortability.  Given the current situation, it is unfamiliar and very uncomfortable so they regress and go back to what they know, which is each other.  This is potentially the last time that John is, or could be an officer.  He needs to feel something that was normal for him for a long time and that is Lucy and vice versa.  After all is said and done, Lucy tells John that it was a mistake, which she knows it is, but again, it felt good and familiar in the moment.  
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The episode ends with Lucy in the shower, and while John is up and about the house making food, he gets the vibe that something is off, goes to investigate and gets pummeled in the face by a baseball bat, and dragged throughout the whole house, and by who? The brother of the man that John killed.  This guy is out for revenge.  To be continued….what is going to happen next?
The other storyline of this episode is Isabel.  
Talia gets told by Anderson that she got the tap, and she is delighted, but knows that it’s a sticky subject to talk to Angela about because Angela also wanted the tap, but they play nice and Angela is happy for her, of course.  As the girls and Tim are talking, they look over and see Isabel being brought into the station.  Tim gets told that Isabel made a deal with the detectives to be an informant in order to avoid prison because she knows what’s waiting for her in prison is hell and she will do anything to avoid that. 
Angela and Jackson respond to an obvious impaired civilian who ends up having her boyfriends chopped off foot on her and when they bring her back into the station to book her, they notice something is up, Angela peeks over and knows the exact reason why, John Nolan and the shooting- this arrest is quietly forgotten about.  It was almost as a ploy to get them back to the station and involved in the Nolan storyline.  
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Tim and Lucy are talking about the drugs that Tim didn’t take from Isabels apartment while in the shop and this is really the only interaction that we have of them this episode.  This episode is not about them and their forming relationship, but they are sorely missed.  While in the shop, they get notified of Nolans shooting and head back to the station.  Isabel starts to work with the detectives, with Talia helping them as she got the tap.  The detectives want Isabel to wear a wire, and even though she is hesitant, she knows that she has to do it because again she will do anything to avoid a prison sentence.  Its different to see other people besides Tim and Lucy interact with Isabel and with Isabels storyline.  Even Talia mentioned, she was at Tim and Isabels wedding and now she’s a part of the team leading Isabel into straight up danger, I’m sure its an unsettling feeling for every party involved.  
The detective and Talia arrest Isabels boyfriend, and they knew exactly what they were doing because while booked, he calls Isabel and has her to go into the upcoming drug bust in his place.  Isabel still knows what will happen to her if she goes to prison so she’s going to take whatever else she can, which is why she’s willingly going into this drug bust, and with a wire at that.
Talia pulls Tim to talk about Isabel, and she finally tells Tim what the detectives want Isabel to do which is wear the wire.  I was wondering why Tim was being so left out of the loop with Isabel.  Bottom line, Tim and Isabel are still married, even though it really doesn’t seem like it, but that doesn’t negate the fact that she is still his wife, who he said vows too.  He has every right to feel what he is feeling about this situation.  Isabel is all wired up and everyone is ready to go.  The risks and stakes are high, this entire operation is riding on Isabel, that’s a ton of pressure on her, but for Isabel, who we still infer is still addicted to drugs is even worse.  Can she pull this off?
Tim sits back in his car, watching old home videos of Isabel and himself from when they were simply themselves and just together.  I am sure this whole situation is weighing heavy on his heart. Tim never expected his life, his marriage to go the way it did, he misses what it once was, because deep down, he knows it will never be the same and could never go back to being the same.
Ive said it since the beginning, Angela is the superior friend of Tim, which is why she ends up in his passenger seat right next to him, she knows that he shouldn’t or can’t be alone right now. They all wait this out with Isabel and the drug lord until it’s a little too late and Tim, Angela and the detectives realize that the drug lord is on to them and Isabel.  They rush in and everybody is gone, with Isabels wire on the ground.  Tim freaks the fuck out, to put it lightly and shit just hit the fan…. To Be Continued.
Honorable Mention:  
Episode Peak:  This entire episode was really just, sad. I personally don’t think there was one.
Episode Pit:  John Nolan. This is the first episode I truly felt bad for him.
Quote of the Episode: “I can't imagine what you're going through. And maybe if I was in the same place, I'd think about quitting, too. But they're alive because you did your job. You put your own life at risk to protect them, and if you're ever in that position again, I know you'll do the same thing”. ~ Lucy Chen
Episode Rating: 7/10.  I don’t dislike this episode, but I also didn’t love this episode.  I know that this episode needed to happen to basically put an end to John and Lucy’s relationship but I feel indifferent to this episode.  
This episode took me a few hours to review and I didn’t even realize it- but I had to get it done! I hope you enjoy it!
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krishna-sangini · 2 years ago
**Warning** Long Rant
The one thing I absolutely hate about my family is the way they always, every single day, ramble me to become an IAS officer.
It may seem like a sob story, but it is what it is. From my very childhood, I was always told, "My granddaughter will be an IAS officer!" Or "My niece will be an IAS officer!" Or "My daughter will fulfil my dream!"
Nobody asked that daughter, that niece, or that granddaughter what she dreamt of becoming...
And when they did ask, it was only to mock, to belittle her dream. Every single day they tell me, "If you become an IAS officer, think of how proud we will be. Think of how we will have a respectable position in society. Think of the power you will exercise."
I know it's a child's duty to fulfil their parents' dreams, but at what cost? What if I say that I don't want that power to begin with? Yes, I do want to serve my nation. But what if I just wanna do it in a different way.
I am, fortunately or unfortunately, a star student. Like, a straight-A student. And on top of that, I took Humanities. So my family is like, "We never stopped you from studying as you liked; can't you do this much for us?"
Like, excuse me? I will serve you and do every part of mine to keep up your honour in society, but I have a life of my own where, at the end of the day, I'll have to face myself. And sorry if I'm asking too much, but I don't wanna face a broken and self-hating self.
I feel tired. I'm honestly too tired. Tired of the hypocrisy of my family. On one hand they will endlessly pester me to take up IAS coaching when I get to Delhi, and on the other hand, they'll say, "We're not pressuring you, love. Do what you like. It's your take."
How can I do what I like when I hear the exact opposite every single day?
I wanna be a professor who can shape her students into better versions of themselves, but seemingly, it is too low of a job for someone of my 'talent'.
I'm so sick and tired of this. I feel like I may break completely.
Honestly speaking, now I sometimes think it would have been better if I was dumb academically.
But I'm sure all this is happening for a reason...
My Keshav is just making me stronger each day. To take on the pressure of the real world ahead.
Thank you for reading this shitpost, honestly. It's a big deal~
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usafphantom2 · 2 years ago
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North American P-51 Mustang | Classic Warbirds
The story of the P-51 began in 1940 when North American Aviation President James J. Kindelberger had approached the British Purchasing Commission to sell North American Aviation's twin engined bomber, the B-25 Mitchell. However with the Royal Air Force in desperate need for fighter aircraft and the Curtiss P-40 Kittyhawk being the only aircraft coming close to the specification required for the air war in Europe and even this aircraft was only available in limited numbers. So North American Aviation was asked, under licence from Curtiss-Wright, to produce the P-40. North American Aviation felt, however, that they could have a better aircraft working quicker than it would take a production line to produce the P-40 to be set up. Whilst it was agreed for North American Aviation to supply this new aircraft instead it was required for a prototype to be ready in 120 days.
Although this looked like a tall order, North American Aviation already had a design outline for an aircraft which benefited from information from the air war in Europe. Under the leadership of Raymond Rice and Edgar Schmued the design team set about fitting the new fighters design to the specification laid out by the British. And impressively just 102 days later the prototype airframe designated NA-73X was completed, however due to the 1,100-hp Allison V-1710-39 engine, which was to power the aircraft, running behind schedule, it wasn't until a couple of months later on the 26th October 1940 when the prototype finally flew for the first time.
In a little under seven months and after a very successful testing programme the first production aircraft flew on the 1st May 1941 and six months later the Royal Air Force received the second production NA-73 for evaluation. The NA-73 had been ordered before the prototype had even flown and so more of the aircraft soon followed. Designated Mustang Mk I by the RAF, initial evaluation showed that at low-level the aircraft was fast and extremely manoeuvrable and was much better than any other American fighter then available. At higher altitude the performance of the aircraft suffered as its Allison engine power output fell rapidly as it climbed.
With eight machine-guns comprising four 0.50-in and four 0.30-in and its superb performance at low level it would be an ideal replacement for No. 26 Squadron's Curtiss P-40 Tomahawks that they were using. They began to receive their first Mustang Mk Is on the 5th January 1942 and would fly their first operation on the 5th May 1942. Other use of the aircraft saw it equip No. 2 Squadron of Army Co-Operation Command during April 1942, equipped with obliquely-mounted cameras, and on the 27th July 1942 they flew their first operational sortie. Its first aerial victory came on the 19th August 1942 during the Dieppe Raid when Flying Officer Hollis Hills of No. 414 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force shot down a Focke-Wulf Fw 190.
Just two months later the Mustang showed its potential for long-range escort duties when on the 22nd October 1942, on an attack on targets in Germany, it became the first Royal Air Force single-engined fighter to cross the German border from its base in Britain, however the performance of the aircraft at higher altitude still needed to be improved, but an order for another 300 aircraft was placed.
One of the conditions to allow North American Aviation to supply the Royal Air Force with its NA-73 design was that two aircraft were given to the United States Army Air Corps for evaluation under the designation XP-51. Before these two aircraft were supplied to the USAAC the United States Army had already ordered 150 more aircraft to be sent to Britain under Lend-Lease. These aircraft featured self-sealing tanks and instead of eight machine-guns featured four 20-mm cannons and were designated P-51 by the US and Mustang Mk IA by the British.
Two examples initially designated XP-78, but later XP-51B, were each tested with different engines and they proved very successful and the Royal Air Force's findings of superb performance at low-level was confirmed. However the United States was committed to the Lockheed P-38 Lightning and Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, nevertheless 500 P-51's modified to have dive brakes and bomb racks to provide close support to ground troops and designated A-36 were ordered on the 21st August 1942. The first A-36 flew on the 21st September 1942 powered by a Allison V-17110-87 engine with six 0.50-in machine-guns, they were the first Mustang variant to go into operational service with the United States Army Air Force. Equipping two groups based in the Middle East during 1943 they also performed support operations during the invasions of Sicily and Italy. As well as ordering the A-36 an order for just over 310 P-51As had been placed by the United States with armament of four 0.50-in machine-guns and racks for either 1,000lb of bombs or two of either 75 or 150 US gallon external fuel tanks, this was designated Mustang Mk II by the RAF and powered by a 1,200-hp Allison V-1710-81 engine.
After showing its ability for potential long-range escort duties into Germany, but lacking high-altitude performance, during 1942 the decision was taken to install Rolls-Royce Merlin 61 and 65 engines in four airframes of the Mustang Mk I. Testing showed a much improved performance and North American Aviation were informed of the results and a 1,430-hp US-built Packard Merlin V-1650-3 engine was installed into two P-51s, these would be designated XP-78/XP-51B. Tested during September 1942 and achieving a maximum speed of 441 mph and having a better rate of climb than the P-38 Lighting, and confirming the British findings, the United States Army Air Force, impressed with the performance, ordered the Merlin powered Mustang in large numbers.
P-51B and P-51Cs, which featured a strengthened fuselage, improved ailerons and a number of small changes, to accommodate the new engine, and armament of four 0.50-in machine-guns, began to enter operational service with the United States Army Air Force in Britain as part of the Eighth Air Force. The 13th October 1943 saw this new aircraft complete its first long-range escort mission when a force of bombers were sent to attack the U-boat yard at Kiel, Germany. The P-51, with the benefit of external fuel tanks, would provide regular escort for bombers of the Eighth Air Force, during their perilous daylight operations deep into the heart of Germany. During March 1944 the P-51 took part in its first mission to Berlin and started being used operationally by both the 10th and 15th Air Force in Burma and Italy respectively. The Royal Air Force also started to receive their Lend-Lease P-51B/P-51Cs, designated Mustang Mk III, around the same time and No. 19 Squadron based at RAF Ford were the first to receive this new type, which would eventually be used by at least 21 RAF squadrons, many of which were part of the Second Tactical Air Force. The RAF modified the original cockpit canopy which opened sideways to a sliding hood design to overcome the poor rear view of the original canopy design.
Development of the aircraft continued and the next production version was the P-51D, with a modified rear fuselage, six 0.50-in machine-guns and a bubble canopy as standard, this was to become the most produced version of the P-51. Later versions of the P-51D had a small dorsal fin added and racks to accommodate 5-in rocket projectiles. A change in propeller led to a change in designation to P-51K, and both of these aircraft were designated Mustang Mk IV and Mustang Mk IVA respectively by the Royal Air Force.
During 1944 as part of experiments into lightweight construction the United States Army Air Force had ordered three XP-51Fs and two XP-51Gs as part of this process. A new redesigned airframe was also produced and as a result of an overview of the aircraft a new low drag section of wing replaced the laminar-flow design, the oil cooler was also replaced with a heat exchanger and the cockpit canopy was stretched to reduce drag further. With a simpler structure and the removal of equipment no longer deemed necessary and the use of new lightweight materials being used a significant reduction in the aircraft's weight was achieved. Both prototypes were powered by different engines with a 1,695-hp Packard Merlin V-1650-7 engine powering the XP-51F and a 1,140-hp Rolls-Royce Merlin 145m engine powering the XP-51G. Two P-51J prototypes of a similar design were ordered, however only one was finished and this would be powered by a Allison V-1710-119, 1,720-hp engine.
As a result of the prototypes the P-51H appeared, flying for the first time on the 3rd February 1945, powered by the V-1650-0 Packard Merlin engine, this was to be both the last production P-51 and the fastest with a top speed of 487 mph. Further improvements had been made to the aircraft and as a result the aircraft was 40% lighter than the last P-51 in wartime service, the P-51D.
Another permutation of the P-51 was the P-82 Twin Mustang which was two aircraft merged together, however this didn't see service in the Second World War (1939 – 1945).
A grand total of 15,576 P-51s were built by the time production ended, seeing service with China, Netherlands and a few were also supplied to the American Volunteer Group in China. The end of the war didn't see the end of the aircraft, as it remained in service with the United States Air Force, although under a different designation of F-51, until the 27th January 1957 when a F-51D, from the 167th Fighter Bomber Squadron, performed the types last flight with the USAF. In fact the last P-51 was retired from the Dominican Air Force in 1984.
Technical Details
Top Speed Range Service Ceiling Armament
Mustang Mk I 382 mph 1,000 miles 31,350 ft four 0.50-in machine-guns
four 0.30-in machine-guns
A-36 365 mph 550 miles 25,150 ft six 0.50-in machine-guns
1,000lb bombs
P-51 390 mph 1,050 miles 32,000 ft four 20mm cannons
P-51A 390 mph 750 miles 31,350 ft four 0.50-in machine-guns
two 500lb bombs
P-51B 439 mph 1,180 miles 41,800 ft four 0.50-in machine-guns
and either two 1,000lb bombs or
rocket projectiles
P-51B side profile image
P-51C 438 mph 949 miles 42,000 ft four 0.50-in machine-guns
two 500lb bombs
P-51D 437 mph 1,000 miles 41,900 ft six 0.50-in machine-guns
and either two 1,000lb bombs or
six 5-in rocket projectiles
P-51D side profile image
XP-51F Lightweight version, three built.
XP-51G Lightweight version,, two built.
P-51H 487 mph 855 miles 41,320 ft six 0.50-in machine-guns
and either two 1,000lb bombs or
rocket projectiles
XP-51J Modified XP-51F.
P-51K 437 mph 1,180 miles 41,780 ft six 0.50-in machine-guns
and either two 1,000lb bombs or
rocket projectiles
P-51L Improved P-51H with new engine, only one built.
P-51M Improved P-51H with new engine, only one built.
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makimacult · 1 year ago
caravan magazine's series of articles on justice loya's death really drives in the sheer hopelessness of our justice system
Other questions, too, remain unanswered. Why was the family not informed when Loya was taken to hospital? Why were they not informed as soon as he died? Why were they not asked for approval of a post-mortem, or informed that one was to be performed, before the procedure was carried out? Who recommended the post-mortem, and why? What was suspicious about Loya’s death to cause a post-mortem to be recommended? What medication was administered to him at Dande Hospital? Was there not a single vehicle in Ravi Bhavan—which regularly hosts VIPs, including ministers, IAS and IPS officers and judges—available to ferry Loya to hospital?
According to Biyani, “My brother was offered a bribe of 100 crore in return for a favourable judgment. Mohit Shah, the chief justice, made the offer himself.” She added that Mohit Shah told her brother that if “the judgment is delivered before 30 December, it won’t be under focus at all because at the same time, there was going to be another explosive story which would ensure that people would not take notice of this.”
On 30 December, around one month after Loya’s death, Gosavi upheld the defence’s argument that the CBI had political motives for implicating the accused. With that, he discharged Amit Shah. The same day, news of MS Dhoni’s retirement from test cricket dominated television screens across the country. As Biyani recounted, “There was just a ticker at the bottom which said, ‘Amit Shah not guilty. Amit Shah not guilty.’”
It is unlikely that the frenzied activity the judges described in their statements was a quiet affair. The deterioration of Loya’s health, the call Kulkarni placed to Barde, the subsequent arrival of Barde and Rathi in the car, the conversation between the judges when Loya came “down,” and the eventual departure of the judges with the ailing Loya for Dande hospital—all would have likely caused a significant amount of noise, if not a downright commotion.
Yet, according to the 17 current and former employees of Ravi Bhawan, none of the staff members who were on duty that night—from reception, to room service and miscellaneous duties—realised that a guest had been taken to the hospital early in the morning on 1 December 2014. “We didn’t even know that one of the judges staying at our premises at that time had died. We only found out when the papers started writing about it [in 2017] and the inquiry began,” the third employee I met told me. Fifteen of the 17 current and former employees told me that they learned of Loya’s death the same way. The remaining two were not even aware that a guest had died until I interviewed them.
The question of Loya’s personal belongings is key: The Caravan reported earlier that according to Loya’s sister, Anuradha Biyani, the family was handed the judge’s phone three days after his death. Who took out Loya’s personal belongings from Ravi Bhawan—and whether he was in fact staying there—remains unclear. That 17 current and former employees of Ravi Bhawan had no knowledge of his death until three years later, and could not recall any details regarding the chain of events the judges described, reiterates the troubling nature of the circumstances surrounding Loya’s death.
other articles:
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odnewsin · 1 month ago
Former RBI Governor and retired Odia IAS officer Shaktikanta Das appointed Principal Secretary-2 to PM Narendra Modi
Former RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das has been appointed as Principal Secretary-2 to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The Odisha-born officer had earlier discharged his duties at numerous prominent posts. The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet on Saturday appointed Shaktikanta Das, IAS retired as Principal Secretary-2 to the Prime Minister with effect from the date he assumes the office. His…
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hyderabaddeccannews · 2 months ago
Zara Sa bhi Common Sense Nahi hai Kya ?
Telangana Minister Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy to IAS Officer on Duty
Minister to Karimnagar Collector Saying, What are you doing, Have no common sense
It is reportedly related to protocol issues at Event, Collector Pamela Satpathy tried to explain it to Minister
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sarkarijoblist1 · 4 months ago
Sarkari Job Salary: A Secure and Rewarding Career Choice
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In India, a Sarkari job (government job) is often regarded as one of the most coveted career options due to its stability, benefits, and attractive salary packages. For many, the idea of working in a government institution signifies job security and a promising career path. While the perks and allowances that come with these jobs are widely appreciated, understanding the various aspects of Sarkari job salary is essential to appreciate its full value.
Salary Structure of Sarkari Jobs
The Sarkari Job Salary structure of Sarkari jobs is generally regulated by the government and is designed to be competitive, reflecting the responsibilities and qualifications required for various roles. It follows a well-defined pay scale system, which is determined by the Seventh Pay Commission for central government employees and respective state pay commissions for state government jobs.
Government employees receive salaries based on a combination of basic pay, grade pay, and allowances. Basic pay is the fixed component of the salary and is the foundation for calculating other benefits. Grade pay, on the other hand, depends on the position and is often higher for senior roles. In addition to the basic pay, employees also receive various allowances, such as:
Dearness Allowance (DA): A cost of living adjustment allowance to compensate for inflation.
House Rent Allowance (HRA): Provided to employees who live in rented accommodation.
Travel Allowance (TA): Reimbursement for travel expenses incurred for official duties.
Medical Allowance: Covers medical expenses or health-related issues.
Special Allowance: Some jobs come with specific allowances depending on the nature of the role.
These allowances significantly boost the overall salary and can often surpass the basic pay in many cases.
Sarkari Job Salary by Position
Sarkari job salaries vary significantly based on the type of job, rank, and the department. For example, entry-level positions like clerks or assistants typically start with a salary range between ₹20,000 to ₹35,000 per month. However, more senior positions, such as IAS officers or high-ranking officials in the Indian Administrative Service, can earn well over ₹50,000 per month, with the potential for promotions and increments.
The salary structure also includes retirement benefits such as pensions, which provide long-term financial security for employees after retirement, a factor that many private-sector jobs do not offer.
Job Security and Benefits
Apart from the competitive salary, Sarkari jobs offer significant job security, which is a major attraction. Employees are less likely to face sudden job loss, and the pension and other post-retirement benefits make it a preferred option for those seeking long-term stability. In addition, the work-life balance in government jobs is generally favorable, with fixed working hours and ample holidays.
In conclusion, Sarkari job salaries are designed to provide a comfortable living for employees while ensuring their long-term financial security. The combination of a stable income, numerous allowances, job security, and retirement benefits makes a career in the government sector highly appealing to millions of Indians. Although the competition for these roles can be intense, the rewards and peace of mind that come with a Sarkari job are hard to match in any other sector.
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armybrat061 · 4 months ago
Rewards of Being an IAS Officer: The Perks and Privileges of Serving the Nation
Becoming an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer is a dream pursued by thousands every year. Known as one of the most prestigious careers in India, the IAS offers not just a unique position of influence but also various rewards that come with the responsibility of public service. The career offers unparalleled opportunities to contribute to society, engage in meaningful work, and enjoy a stable, respected lifestyle. Let’s explore the rewards and benefits that come with the journey of being an IAS officer.
1. Making a Real Difference in Society
One of the greatest rewards of being an IAS officer is the ability to make a significant impact on people’s lives. As an officer, you directly oversee programs and projects aimed at improving health, education, infrastructure, and livelihoods in communities across India. From ensuring efficient delivery of essential services to leading social development initiatives, IAS officers play an integral role in driving change and improving living standards.
In times of crisis, such as natural disasters or public health emergencies, IAS officers work on the frontlines to ensure relief and recovery efforts reach those in need. Their work truly shapes the progress and welfare of communities, which can be immensely fulfilling.
2. Authority and Prestige
IAS officers are granted a high level of authority in their respective regions. As the top administrative officials, they hold influential positions like District Collector or District Magistrate, where they lead decision-making processes and implement government policies.
This authority is accompanied by a prestigious status in society. IAS officers are respected not only for their role in administration but also for the dedication and rigorous preparation it takes to achieve the position. As leaders in governance, they have the power to influence policies, address pressing issues, and create lasting positive change, earning them respect from peers and the public alike.
3. Job Security and Financial Stability
One of the practical rewards of being an IAS officer is job security. As part of the Indian government’s permanent bureaucracy, IAS officers enjoy a stable career with lifelong security, which is rare in many other professions. Unlike many jobs in the private sector, where career stability can fluctuate based on the economy, an IAS officer’s position is secure and protected by government policies.
In addition, the financial stability provided by the IAS is attractive. While IAS officers are not the highest-paid professionals in India, they receive a comfortable salary along with a host of allowances and benefits. These perks include housing, travel, and medical benefits, all of which contribute to a financially secure lifestyle.
4. Perks and Benefits
The perks of being an IAS officer go beyond salary and job security. Some of the key benefits include:
Government Accommodation: IAS officers are provided with well-furnished residences, often in prime locations, particularly in larger cities. This perk is highly valued as housing can be a significant expense.
Transportation and Vehicle Allowance: Most IAS officers are allotted a government vehicle with a chauffeur, making travel convenient and safe, particularly in remote areas where public transport might not be as accessible.
Medical Benefits: Officers receive comprehensive healthcare coverage for themselves and their families, ensuring access to quality healthcare at minimal personal cost.
Household Staff and Office Resources: Officers are often allotted domestic staff to assist in managing their households, allowing them to focus more on their duties. They also have access to well-equipped offices with resources to efficiently carry out their administrative responsibilities.
Travel Opportunities: The role involves extensive travel within the district, state, or even internationally when representing the government in official capacities. This exposure broadens their understanding of diverse cultures, issues, and governance models.
These benefits collectively offer a comfortable lifestyle, allowing IAS officers to focus on their demanding roles without being weighed down by basic living concerns.
5. Career Growth and Opportunities for Further Education
The IAS offers a well-defined career path with numerous opportunities for promotion. Starting as a Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) and moving up to District Collector, Principal Secretary, and beyond, an IAS officer’s career is marked by clear advancement, based on seniority and merit. Many IAS officers eventually rise to senior roles in the central government, such as Secretaries of Ministries, where they have significant influence over national policies and administration.
Further, IAS officers have opportunities to pursue advanced training and education, often sponsored by the government. Officers may attend prestigious institutions like Harvard, Stanford, or the London School of Economics for specialized courses. These programs allow officers to sharpen their skills, network internationally, and gain new perspectives, further enhancing their ability to serve effectively.
6. Exposure to Diverse Experiences and Learning Opportunities
The IAS career is inherently dynamic, with officers being exposed to various challenges and responsibilities in different regions and sectors. Officers may work on projects related to education, health, infrastructure, finance, or even international diplomacy. This variety ensures constant learning and keeps the job intellectually stimulating.
Officers often gain hands-on experience in rural development, urban planning, disaster management, and more, which helps them develop a broad skill set. They interact with citizens, government officials, and representatives from private sectors and NGOs, offering a deep understanding of India’s socio-economic landscape.
7. Immense Sense of Achievement and Fulfillment
The job of an IAS officer is one of public service, and the knowledge that one is working for the greater good brings immense satisfaction. IAS officers often spearhead initiatives that uplift the underprivileged, improve health services, and enhance education systems. The sense of accomplishment derived from knowing their work positively impacts countless lives is a significant reward in itself.
Whether it’s transforming a community by implementing a sustainable development project or ensuring relief reaches disaster-hit areas swiftly, IAS officers experience the tangible results of their hard work, which fuels their motivation to keep serving.
8. Global Recognition and Networking Opportunities
IAS officers are also recognized globally for their expertise in public administration. Many officers receive invitations to international conferences, seminars, and training programs where they represent India on global platforms. These interactions provide valuable networking opportunities with global leaders, experts, and policymakers, allowing officers to learn and implement best practices from around the world.
Participation in these international programs not only raises the profile of Indian administration but also enhances the officer's perspective, which they can bring back to improve governance in their home country.
Being an IAS officer is more than just a career; it’s a way of life devoted to public service. From a position of authority to the opportunity for meaningful impact, IAS officers are rewarded with an unmatched blend of prestige, security, and personal satisfaction. Despite the challenges and pressures that come with the role, the rewards—both material and intangible—make the journey deeply fulfilling.
For those driven by a passion for serving their country and making a difference, the IAS provides a unique platform that combines personal growth with a lifelong purpose. This is why, despite its demands, the IAS continues to attract some of the nation’s brightest and most determined individuals.
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nithiyanantha · 4 months ago
Exploring the Ethical Dilemmas Faced by IAS Officers in the Field
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The Indian Administrative Service (IAS) is one of the most prestigious and challenging career paths in India. Serving as the backbone of the country's bureaucracy, IAS officers are entrusted with immense power and responsibility. However, along with the prestige and authority come numerous ethical dilemmas that officers often face in their day-to-day functioning. These ethical challenges require deep introspection, strong moral grounding, and guidance, especially for those who are just beginning their journey in civil services.
The Ethical Challenges in the Field
Corruption and Pressure from Political Influence One of the most significant ethical dilemmas faced by IAS officers is the pressure to indulge in corrupt practices. Corruption remains a prevalent issue in many regions of India, and despite the best intentions, IAS officers may face situations where they are asked to bend the rules or overlook unethical behavior by politicians, business leaders, or even colleagues. Balancing professional integrity and personal ambition often becomes challenging, and IAS officers must carefully navigate these situations.
Resource Allocation and Favoritism IAS officers often play a key role in distributing government resources, whether they pertain to welfare schemes, public development, or funding for local infrastructure projects. In such cases, an officer may face pressure to favor certain groups or individuals, either due to political affiliations, caste considerations, or personal relationships. Such situations pose an ethical dilemma because an officer’s decision directly impacts the welfare of marginalized communities. Remaining impartial and ensuring fair resource allocation, despite external pressure, is a constant challenge.
Balancing Personal and Professional Life The demanding nature of an IAS officer’s job can create a significant ethical dilemma when it comes to work-life balance. Officers often face the challenge of managing long hours, travel to remote areas, and an enormous workload. This can result in neglecting personal responsibilities and relationships, affecting their mental and emotional well-being. Ethical concerns arise when officers must make critical decisions while being mentally exhausted or under personal stress, which may lead to suboptimal decision-making. Learning to manage this balance is vital for maintaining personal integrity and professionalism.
Conflicts of Interest IAS officers are expected to maintain a high degree of transparency and avoid any conflicts of interest. However, they may sometimes find themselves in situations where their personal interests or the interests of their family members conflict with their duties. For instance, an officer may have to make a decision related to the awarding of a contract that might directly benefit a relative or a close friend. Such scenarios present clear ethical challenges, and officers must adhere to their duty to ensure that their actions align with the public good and not personal gain.
The Role of Ethical Training in Preparing IAS Officers
Given these complex ethical dilemmas, it is essential for IAS aspirants to undergo rigorous training that not only focuses on administrative skills but also prepares them to deal with ethical challenges in the field. An effective way to prepare for this is by choosing the best IAS academy in Coimbatore. A reputed academy will offer a holistic approach to IAS training that integrates ethics with civil services preparation.
Ethical Decision-Making Skills in IAS
Ethical training is crucial for prospective IAS officers. The best IAS academy in Coimbatore offers a curriculum that includes specialized modules on ethics, integrity, and moral reasoning. This ensures that aspirants develop the mental clarity to make sound ethical decisions in real-world situations. Additionally, IAS aspirants are taught to analyze complex issues from multiple perspectives and remain unbiased, which is a fundamental skill for effective governance.
Apart from theoretical knowledge, the best IAS academy in Coimbatore also incorporates case studies and real-life scenarios into their training programs. These case studies often simulate the ethical challenges that officers might face in their careers, helping them understand the long-term consequences of their decisions on society, governance, and personal integrity.
The Importance of Ethical Leadership in Governance
IAS officers are expected to be role models for others in the field of public service. Therefore, ethical leadership is a critical component of their role. Upholding public trust and acting in the best interests of the community requires a steadfast commitment to personal and professional ethics. Ethical leadership ensures that officers do not compromise their values under pressure and contribute positively to society.
In conclusion, ethical dilemmas are an inherent part of the life of an IAS officer, requiring a strong moral compass, decisiveness, and courage to make the right choices. Aspiring candidates must be thoroughly prepared to handle such situations with integrity, and the best IAS academy in Coimbatore plays a pivotal role in equipping them with the tools and knowledge necessary for this. Ultimately, by adhering to ethical principles, IAS officers can truly serve the public and make a meaningful impact on society.
By choosing a quality training institute and continuously striving to stay true to one’s values, aspirants can emerge as leaders who not only excel in their administrative duties but also inspire others with their ethical conduct and decision-making.
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yamuna111 · 4 months ago
Success Stories from Coimbatore's Top IAS Academy: Real Aspirants, Real Results
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The IAS exam can never be called a small affair. It requires months or even some years of continuous hard work, determination, and strategic planning for the preparation of such an exam. For most aspirants, proper guidance forms the critical factor that leads to success in this highly competitive exam. When one enters the best IAS academy in Coimbatore, things become all the more different. Many students have, through these academies, been able to convert their desires into actuality with the help of expert mentors, structured courses, and constant support.
As we find inspirational stories of success of students hailing from number one IAS academy-Coimbatore about their journey where they fought against the challenges that cropped upon them in their preparation journey, these stories of perseverance, discipline, and guidance would surely encourage you to take the first step toward your ultimate UPSC success.
The Journey of Ravi Kumar: From being a Struggling Aspirant to IAS Officer This is the story of Ravi Kumar, a true example of how dedication and the proper kind of mentorship can lead one towards success-even when it does seem impossible to do so. It was Ravi's first attempt at the UPSC from Coimbatore, and he found it quite difficult to crack the exam. Long hours of study could not help him overcome the huge syllabus and time-management challenges.
Deducting that the right dose of success required determination, Ravi shortlisted one of the reputed IAS academies in Coimbatore. Following the advice given by senior mentors, he got a structured study plan, some useful tips on effective time management, and focused practice sessions. Moreover, Ravi undertook regular mock tests to simulate the real exam environment and understand his position on respective topics.
Ravi only made significant progress after several months of focused endeavor and individualized attention from the academy. He mastered not only the syllabus but also a strategy for cracking the exam. In this second attempt, Ravi cracked the UPSC with flying colors, winning an extremely sought-after position in the Indian Administrative Services.
Take Away: With this, Ravi's story in itself is a proof that failure is not the last but a chance to refine one's approach under apt guidance. Joining an IAS academy in Coimbatore can equip one with the wherewithal and strategies to help transform initial setbacks into eventual successes.
Priya's Story: How She Overcame Rough Personal Tests and Achieved Her Dream of Entry into the IAS Priya is a girl from Coimbatore. She had always been keen on being a civil servant. Not all rosy flowers bloom without a struggle, though. She was a small-town girl and has the limitation imposed by limited family income. She used to study along with doing a part-time job to help her family meet their expenses. Her determination did not fade at all though.
This was not time conscious and not guided properly in the first attempt of UPSC by Priya. She realized that she needed professional guidance. That is why, she joined a good IAS academy in Coimbatore that continued to provide her with all the possible and important resources of success.
In fact, the instructors at the academy guided her to streamline her preparation- focusing on core subjects and then personalized time management strategies for her. Mentorship was also a feature of this academy such that Priya remained focused and motivated about her journey. With regular mock exams, regular assessment, and consistent mentoring, Priya was able to thus create for herself an appropriate roadmap in cracking UPSC.
Priya after intense training and after supportive encouragement from the Coimbatore IAS academy, triumphantly proved to become an IAS officer to carry out her duties nobly.
Key Takeaway: The story of Priya has proved that human power in the strength of resilience and professionalism in guidance are invaluable. Appropriate coaching can mold and guide anybody to right up his or her life even when personal struggles take over the lead.
Arvind's Success Story from Science Background to IAS Officer Arvind, an engineering graduate, wanted a career in public service, but his science background prevented him from providing a proper understanding to the humanities-based syllabus of the UPSC exam. He had attempted the exam without much success because it was indeed challenging for him to adapt to new subjects as well as approach.
He then felt the need for professional guidance and joined one of the most prestigious IAS academies in Coimbatore, which offered a great study timetable, individual mentoring, and many more facility options to cater to his requirements. The curriculum followed by the institute helped him establish a foundation on subjects like Geography, History, and General Studies that were necessary for the exam.
Through careful preparation, detailed discourses with faculties, and constant feedback and support from the academy, gradually he could build confidence in his capability to succeed. After two years of serious preparation and guidance under IAS academy, Arvind cleared his UPSC exams by securing one of the top ranks to realize his dream of being a civil servant.
Conclusion: It definitely does occur that with better guidance and support, one is enabled to bridge gaps and cross over successfully in the UPSC exam. The IAS academy of Coimbatore can ensure that the person faces as smooth a transition as possible, even if from a different arena altogether.
Role of Coaching in IAS Preparation Ravi, Priya, and Arvind's success stories tell about how a good IAS academy in Coimbatore can make a difference. A coaching center may only teach a student, but it also gears them up for cracking the UPSC exam, lays down the proper approach towards learning, and does not let the students lose their motivation with regard to preparation throughout their journey.
These academies have experienced faculty members who can offer subject-specific expertise, personalized guidance, and access to the latest exam trends and patterns. They also share with their aspirants a community of like-minded individuals who can share resources, tell you about study tips, and offer emotional support when things get tough.
Why choose the best IAS Academy in Coimbatore? Best IAS Academy in Coimbatore gives you that extra edge in cracking the UPSC exam. Here's why:
Well-designed study schedules: The leading IAS centers in Coimbatore maintain a structured study schedule for students. Quality faculty: The faculty at these institutes have rich experience and know the intricacies of the exam. They provide valuable insights. Mock tests and periodical assessment: These tests as well as periodical assessments help students see how much progress they have made and wherein they need to improve. Mentorship: The mentoring is highly personalized. In most cases, the area of strength and weaknesses of the aspirants are identified and motivated. Success Oriented Environment: This school helps to create an environment that is disciplined yet supportive in an effort to psychologically and emotionally prepare its students for what lies ahead. Conclusion: Your Journey to Becoming an IAS Officer Starts Here The stories of Ravi, Priya, and Arvind are only small instances of how the right IAS academy in Coimbatore can make dreams come true. It is the journey that alone proves that the UPSC exam is well within their reach with the right guidance and strategy and perseverance.
If you want to crack the UPSC exam and become a civil servant, don't waste a single moment any further. Come and join one of the leading IAS academy here in Coimbatore today. Expert mentoring, customized tutoring, and record-breaking results-all that and more will pave the way to success for you.
Start your UPSC journey today-think of being an IAS officer and reach us to know more about our expert-led program. Your success story may be the next one we boast of!
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sakshigupta941 · 8 months ago
Bureaucrats in Love: Unveiling the Personal Side of IAS Matrimony
The Indian Administrative Service (IAS) is considered through the prism of authority, status, and challenges. However, as much as one has the picture of highly demanding service and the rather formal and even solemn demeanor of government officials, the field of the IAS has its lovers, its affianced, and indeed, its wedded ones. Bureaucrats in Love: IAS Matrimony: Behind the Curtains is an attempt to open up the very personal facet of the rigid and formal institutionalized relationship between two people chosen to serve the society and how they found love in between the mechanical compliance of the IAS system.
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The basis for IAS matrimony is the perceptions and expectations about the demands of the position. Some IAS partners are colleagues in the service, while others are from different fields, but they give the emotional support that is required to deal with the challenges of the service. In most cases, it gives the framework of their ground understanding of duty and sacrifice that becomes the cement of their relationship while working and at home with a certain balance that may be hard to come across in other occupations.
Interestingly, marriages within the IAS often reflect a strategic partnership. When both IAS officers, then they certainly, share some common thread and can easily understand each other’s job and its demands. Such couples may work jointly on the issues that require solutions, and also, they may freely share their ideas and give tips to one another, which is helpful in both spheres – personal and professional. This partnership is also not limited to the work setting as they both develop working principles of marriage and personal endowments.
However, IAS matrimony is not without its challenges. The concept of transfers, long working hours, and challenging responsibilities exert a toll on relationships. This is because couples experience struggles involved in the operation of family and other responsibilities towards the nation. When both spouses are IAS officers, then though it can be beneficial, they have to tread on eggshells around each other – professionally and personally.
Still, most IAS couples realize that the essence of the marriage is the idea of serving the public jointly. Career commitment usually extends to the personal realm, and so the marriage of these two is characterized by a profound sense of mission compatible with both spouse's professional and personal goals. It is easy to see how this mutual set of beliefs can strengthen a connection and enable them to be there for one another during the ups and downs of employment and life.
In conclusion, IAS matrimony is a unique blend of love, duty, and partnership. Although the IAS officer deals with a lot of pressure in his or her day-to-day life, the relationships that an individual in this line establishes – especially marriage – are very crucial in the advancement of the person's overall performance. This is a tale of the often forgotten or overlooked humanity of these bureaucrats; of course, these faceless individuals who are building a nation while also seeking and finding love and support in their lives.
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Best IAS Coaching in Delhi Exam Preparation
It is the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) test is one of the most highly regarded and difficult tests in India. Civil servants who are aspiring to become civil servants must get through this exam in order to obtain posts in the different administrative wing within the administration. The significance of the IAS test lies in its capacity to provide entry points to senior government positions that have a significant impact on the nation's policymaking and governance.
The IAS test, which is administered through the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is arranged into three phases which include The Preliminary Examination (Prelims) and the Major Examination (Mains) as well as the Interview (Personality Test). Each of the stages is designed to evaluate the candidate's ability to analyze, and the characteristics that are required for a job in the civil service.
Criteria for eligibility to take eligibility criteria for the best IAS Coaching in Delhi exam are the minimum age requirement of 21 and having a bachelor's degree from a recognized institution. Candidates must also satisfy certain physical and national requirements to be considered eligible.
Career Benefits After Obtaining the IAS Certification
Potential Career Opportunities
The success of passing the IAS exam opens up a wealth of job opportunities in the federal government. IAS officers are able to be assigned to a variety of top-ranking positions like District Collector, Secretary, Commissioner and many more. The IAS rolls carry significant duties and have the potential to influence policy decisions at both the state and national levels.
Job Roles and Growth
The path to career advancement that IAS officers IAS officer is clearly defined and rewarding. Beginning as a Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) officers may advance through in the ranks until they become chief secretaries, or even be in prominent positions within international organisations. The position offers security and stability over the long term as well as regular promotions and increments in salary.
Social Status and Respect
IAS officers are highly regarded by Indian society. The esteem associated with the position is enormous and reflects the commitment to the public good and building a nation. The impact of IAS officers goes beyond their job duties they are often regarded as respected as leaders within their respective communities.
Preparation Challenges and Solutions
The preparation for the IAS test is a challenging job due to the extensive syllabus that includes a variety of subjects ranging from geography and history to current events and ethics. Candidates frequently struggle to manage their time, and balancing their studies with other obligations. Stress and anxiety that come with such an exam could also affect the performance. Additionally, the absence of adequate guidance could make it difficult for students to remain on the right path.
Solutions Provided by Vajirao & Reddy IAS Institute
Vajirao & Reddy IAS Institute solves these problems with its extensive study material, which is precisely created to cover all of the syllabus. They offer strategies for managing time to assist students in arranging their studies efficiently. Methods for reducing stress like meditation and mindfulness techniques, are suggested to ensure mental wellbeing. In addition, Vajirao & Reddy IAS Institute provides expert guidance and mentoring from experienced faculty, making sure that students receive the assistance they require throughout their journey to prepare.
Recommend Vajirao & Reddy IAS Institute for Preparation
Vajirao & Reddy IAS Institute provides a range of study materials that are tailored to the requirements of IAS hopefuls. They provide detailed notes, textbooks, as well as internet-based resources covering each subject in the syllabus. Tests and practice papers are also included to help students become familiar with the exam format and enhance their writing skills for answering questions.
Benefits of Using Vajirao & Reddy IAS Institute Resources
The study plans provided by Vajirao & Reddy IAS Institute are well-organized and organized, making it much easier for students to complete the extensive syllabus in a timeframe that is manageable. The material is frequently revised to reflect the most recent changes and trends making sure that candidates are prepared for any possible changes to the test. Questions curated and developed by Vajirao & Reddy IAS Institute professionals are designed in order to test the applicants and improve their ability to solve problems.
Call to Action
Candidates who are aspiring IAS candidates are advised to utilize Vajirao & Reddy IAS Institute’s study materials to improve the preparation. Special discounts and offers are offered for new enrollees which makes it a good moment to join and gain from their extensive tools.
The distinctive features of the leading IAS coaching institutes such as comprehensive curriculum, experienced faculty, innovative teaching methodologies and conducive learning environment play a crucial role in preparing students for the UPSC Civil Services Exam. For those looking for effective IAS coaching in Delhi, Vajirao & Reddy Institute is an excellent choice due to its commitment to excellence in these areas.
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aartigautam722blog · 8 months ago
10 Types of UPSC Aspirants 
Have you binge-watched 'Aspirants' or immediately searched for Manoj Kumar Sharma after watching '12th Fail'. These art pieces portray the popularity of the UPSC examination. Approximately 10 lakh people apply for this examination every year. This implies, that tons of people choose to go through the rough and tough journey of being a UPSC aspirant, sometimes twice or thrice thinking: 
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 But, not every aspirant is sincere. There could be different types of aspirants. 
So, let us talk about the different types of UPSC aspirants:
1. The architects: these are the type of aspirants who devise a strategy for everything from solving previous year papers to newspaper reading. These are the aspirants who are most likely to get the results as planning is the core moral value of a civil servant's life. 
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2. The dreamers: These are the aspirants who daydream all the time. They aim for nothing less than IAS. DM is the only post they know about. The royal entry motivates them, the charm is all they want. 
 Every other aspirant: I will be making policies for the education sector, and health sector; will reprimand for violating traffic rules..blah blah blah
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3. The manifesters: these are the aspirants who use affirmations, visualization, gratitude, and goal-setting to align their thoughts and actions with the desired outcome of becoming a civil servant.
4. The jugglers : These are the aspirants who prepare for UPSC along with their job or studies.
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They are always struggling to strike a balance. They tend to be in FOMO. 
College-going students sometimes miss classes. Other times, they have to pull full-nighters to pass the semester. They have to choose Laxmikant over Jubin Nautiyal or Arijit Singh (artists of Star Night). 
Office-going aspirants have to sacrifice their Fridays, club nights and office parties.
5. The parrots: These are the aspirants who are always lost in the ocean of topper's talk/ interviews/ Bhaiya's advice. They inhale topper's talk and exhale editorials. They listen to every topper's talk and apply everything that everyone is saying. They could go so far that they use the same pen that was used by their favorite topper. 
6. The collectors (pun intended): these are the aspirants who become collectors before joining the service in real life. The only difference is they collect books, magazines, coaching notes, etc instead of revenue. This can even go to the extreme of collecting refills of pens they used in practicing answer writing.
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7. The Lukewarms: These are the aspirants who get excited by watching Ankur Warikoo or Deepak Rawat or shorts of IAS Srushti Jayant Deshmukh on duty and then they study for 8-10 hours a day(sometimes 12-16 hours). 
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But this motivation is as frail as the touch-me-not plant. Which droops when touched and re-open a few minutes later(just like a UPSC aspirant getting back to schedule after watching another motivational video/speech)
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8. The underminers: These are the ones who undermine themselves. They are worried and are always in self-doubt. While sitting on the study table with a stack of books, instead of studying, they get immersed in questions like Do I have what it takes? Will I ever be able to accomplish that? and so on.
9. The perfectionist: These are the aspirants who wait to craft a perfect booklist, for the perfect time, for the perfect study schedule, etc
10. The procrastinators:
These are the aspirants who procrastinate till the notification comes out, then they procrastinate till the books are delivered at home, the lectures are posted, the notes are provided and the list of rationalizing excuses goes long.
With this, we come to an end. We hope you enjoyed it. If you are a UPSC aspirant, we hope it has given you a chance to introspect and reflect. We salute your courage and wish you luck. 
If you are not a UPSC aspirant, you must check our future blogs to get assistance with your career.
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