#dustin henderson x yn
munsonsprincess11111 · 6 months
It wasn't even a secret...
Eddie munson x reader
Summary: you and Eddie are married even have a new born. But thr younger hellfire members don't know?
Dustin Henderson walks into the munson trailer and hears loud music coming from Eddie's room. He approaches the room and through the crack of the door and sees a manicured hand grabbing at Eddie's bedside table only to see Eddie's not ringed hand grab it and pull it out of sight.
That's all he saw, but he got the point and left the trailer and sat in Eddie's van, which he never locked until he saw the lady exit.
But what Dustin didn't see was your wedding ring on top of Eddie's on the bedside table.
Months later Dustin was washing his hands in the munson bathroom when he threw the paper towel in the trash he saw a pregnancy test. It was positive. Dustin didn't mention it to Eddie or anyone thinking it was probably private.
What Dustin didn't see was how Eddie hugged you when the test came back positive as you both cried happy tears and kissed sweetly.
Months later Dustin and Mike approach the hellfire table and notice Eddie's not there. Weird they thought he wanted to graduate this year why would he be having time off.
"Where's Eddie?" Dustin asked setting his tray down. Gareth looks at Dustin and frowns. "What do you mean where's Eddie you know he isn't gonna be in for A few weeks." Gareth says confused.
Only then do Gareth, Doug and Jeff realise they genuinely do not know. They wasn't gonna be the ones to tell him so that's how they ended up at Eddie munson trailer skipping school.
Eddie was fast asleep an arm draped over you. He awoke suddenly to banging on the door cursing under his breath. He stands up and stretched kissing your head and peaking into the bassinet next to your side of the bed, only to see his week old daughter starring up at him with her wide brown eyes.
"Hey little lady." HE says picking her up making sure to support her head. He cradles her and heads to the door to let you sleep a bit longer. He walks into the kitchen and puts the kettle on to warm a bottle for his daughter haley. Then he walks to the front door expecting Wayne or someone.
Only to be met with a stunned Dustin and Mike. "Hello?" Eddie says confused. He let's them in as they stare at him in shock. "Whats going on guys?" Eddie asked slightly freaked out hy the look on the twos face.
"You have a baby?!" Dustin half yells.
"Dude shut the fuck up." Eddie says annoyed bouncing his daughter slightly so she doesn't cry from Dustins outburst.
"No I won't you have a baby and you didn't tell us what the fuck." Dustin half yells again.
Eddie looks between the boys with a look of confusion on his face. You walk out of your bedroom into the living room after hearing all the shouting.
"What's going on?" You ask crossing your arms over your chest. Both the teens and Eddie look at you. Your stood confused. Haley then cries and everyone looks at her.
Eddie walks over to you sliding her into your arms and she immediately stops crying as you bounce her and cradle her making soft shh noises. "Whose that's?" Mike askes Eddie's attention turning from you and haley to the two teens but you speak up. "His wife." You answer looking at the two boys
"You have a baby and a wife. How didn't we know that." Dustin says eyes wide.
"OK everyone stop, fuck me. Right. I thought you two knew but clearly you don't. This is my wife y/n who I've definitely told you about. The one I've been dating since I was like 15 and am now married to?" Eddie says waving his arms infant of you as you smile.
"OH we thought that was a cruel joke." Mike says scratching his head. Eddie looks at the boys in disbelief.
"Wow OK. This is y/n and my daughter haley who I'm gonna go with you also thought was a joke." Eddie says questionably getting nods from the boys.
"Y/n this is Dustin and Mike." Eddie says pointing at the boys rubbing his eyes.
"Hi nice to meet you?" You say still confused.
The boys says hello awkwardly.
"OK, now that's cleared up. Is that really why you came here." Eddie asks, slightly annoyed. The boys nod and explain that Gareth wouldn't tell them. You're starring at Eddie, who's clearly stressed and tired. Then, down to the little baby in your arms.
Eddie warms a baby bottle while the two teens talk to Eddie about the baby as you sit on the couch in the living room. He walks in handing you the warm bottle. "Can you feed her?" You ask quietly. But Eddie hears you.
"Yeh, yeh of course sweetheart." Eddie says sitting on the couch. You pass her to Eddie once he's sat along with her bottle kissing Eddie's cheek then haleys head before walking to your bedroom to get stuff for A shower.
"SO you like have a child." Dustin says watching Eddie feed his daughter the bottle.
"Yes and a wife." Eddie answers.
"And you've been married..." Mike says
"2 years been together for 5." Eddie says, setting the bottle by his feet, leaning back on the couch and laying the baby on his chest, gently patting her back.
"And the others knew." Dustin says as Eddie nods.
"How long are you off school?" Mike askes.
"I'm just going back to do my finals. I won't be there any other time." Eddie says as the tiny baby burps. The two nod.
Moments later you walk back in, wearing a pyjama vest and Eddie's sweats. Your stomach has shrunk since the birth of haley and it makes Eddie smile seeing you comfortable enough to wear the vest as when she was first born you wouldn't take off his hoodie.
Not that it mattered to Eddie he loved you every shape and form and you grew his baby in you. When you mentioned your insecurity to Eddie just before haley was born he comforted you and said, "either way your sexy no matter what n you've got me. If.. that helps? Probably not but you get my gist."
You sat next to Eddie and he handed you haley. "Common ill take you two home no point in going back to school." Eddie says. He too the teens to Dustin house and then came straight home.
He entered thr trailer and headed to your bedroom to see haley asleep on your shared bed and you sat up looking at her giving Eddie a smile when he entered the room. Eddie strips of everything but his boxers.
"Now give me a twirl." You says smiling at him from the bed.
He turns slowly as you clap quietly before laying on his side next to you. "SO those are two of your friends?" You say raising your brows and Eddie nods putting an arm over your waist.
Eddie looks at you then to his daughter and smiles. Taking your hand and kissing it. You lean down and kiss him on the lips.
"I love you." HE says as your foreheads touch.
"I love you too."
"I love you more."
"I love you most." You smirk kissing him again.
Yeah Eddie was a happy man. He may still be in school but he's got everything he wants Sat right on his bed. His beautiful wife and tiny daughter.
Months later he graduated walking off the stage hugging you nice and tight laying a sweet kiss on your lips. Wayne holding 3 month old haley who's arm where flapping for Eddie. He took her from Wayne kissing her nose as she open mouthed his cheek.
The stunned look on Jason's face to see Eddie munson holding a baby in one arm with his hair and his other arm around your waist as your hand was behind haleys head. Eddie smirked to himself kissing your head. Wayne shooting him a proud smile and nod. The others soon came running over. "Finally man thought you was gonna end up going to school with haley." Gareth says smirking at Eddie.
"Shut up Gareth." You says earning a laugh out of Eddie.
"Y/n I'm wounded." Gareth says shocked.
"You heard the lady shut up." Eddie says smirking.
Gareth rolls his eyes.
Everyone stands and talks. Eddie saying haley needs feeding so you guys have to go. In reality you had fed her before and Eddie just wanted to go home.
"I am so proud of you." You say kissing his cheek.
"Yeah? Do I get a special treat for how proud you are." Eddie smirks.
"Maybe... you'll see when haleys in bed." You say smirking at him running a hand through haleys curls.
Yeah Eddie was right. 86 was definitely his year.
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reidshearts · 5 months
new roomie?
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!henderson reader
content: swearing, mentions of drugs, idiot steve
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y/n henderson had always envies her younger brother. I mean come on, how had Dustin Henderson manage to gain five more friends than her. the only friend y/n had was the infamous willow roth, ex-cheerleader at hawkins high and your current roommate at college. they had been strangers before bumping into each other at a fresher's week party, coincidently studying the same subject; law.
you two became best friends and lived in the same flat until willow got suspended for multiple instances of being caught with weed on the campus along with other drugs, however with a record as clean as her's and straight grades she got lucky and no law enforcements were called.
"do your seriously have to leave!", you exclaimed, laying on your back on the bed with your head dangling off "- i mean it wasn't that bad...right will?"
your best friends mouth curled into a smile as she witnessed your antics, "it was going to happen eventually y/n, anyways robin was telling me about this hot new guy who joined, something about going to high school with him back in Hawkins". now this caught your attention as you roll off the bed with a thud onto your stomach.
"first of all ouch and secondly you say that as if im obsessed and fall in love with every guy i see!" you huff, sitting up against your bed, earning a look of disbelief from willow.
"alright fine! how hot on a scale of ten? also what subject is he taking? does he have a girlfriend because that is the biggest question i need to know-"
"-slow down y/n/n ! and to answer your questions, ten out of ten, i think some sports or doctor related thing, and i dont know ask robin when you next see her! anyways shouldn't you start cleaning the flat since your new roomie should be arriving in 20 minutes?!" replies willow with a hand on her hip.
"jeez okay mum!", reluctantly standing from your position on the floor to fling yourself into willows arms "but first a goodbye hug!!"
after 10 more minutes of goodbyes with lots of tears and laughing, you began the cleaning which didn't take too long seeing as all the rooms were tiny! while wiping the counters in the kitchen you heard the jingle of keys and the opening of the front door, so you threw the cloth in the sink and flattened out your skirt before making your way into the view of the door.
you slightly flinch as the door slammed against the wall behind it as her new roommate came into view lugging suitcases and a backpack inside, looking up at the stranger before you, you struggled to get the words out.
My gods he was pretty, mousy brunette hair with lighter brown highlights were illuminated from the sun streaming through the kitchen blinds. you didn't know whether it was from the heat or if he was naturally glowing that caused your eyes to widen as you shamelessly checked him out. clearing your throat you draw your eyes away and caught yourself from where they were to soon follow his torso down lower and smile back up at him.
"y/n", you exclaimed loudly before clearing your throat and beginning again , "Sorry hi I'm y/n henderson!"
Shaking his head at the abruptness as he takes his turn to admire you and he smiles widely before if falls with shock and confusion after processing what you had just said, "Henderson? shit"
He can not be falling for dustin's sister!
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Steve: I can’t say you’re beautiful, you know why?
Y/n: no… why?
Steve: because beauty’s on the inside and I haven’t been inside you yet
Y/n: *goes completely red*
Dustin: shit Steve! I’m right here! I don’t need to know all your sharing saliva stuff!
Robin: correction, there has been no sharing saliva only Steve wanking because he is a dingus!
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tinyboxxtink · 1 year
"Summer of '87" {Chapter 7}
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She's baaack!
I'm SO sorry it took so long guys, but I've been in rough shape for a bit. i'm better now, but still not working so I can update this faster!
I know it was a LONG break, but I hoe this chapter makes up for it. i'm kinda proud of it.
As always let me know if you want to be part of the tag list! (If you have asked, I haven't seen it. Please message me or ask again!)
Tag List:
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
“I’m sorry, what?” Dutin blinked several times as he tried to process what you had just said. 
“I’m…I’m your sister….”
“Yeah I got that,” he cut you off. “But why exactly do you think that?” 
“...We have the same dad,” you explained.
“What?” He now laughed. “That’s not-- I don’t know who you think you are, but--”
“Our dad cheated on my mom with your mom, and then--” you tried to go on but Dustin wasn't having it.
“Fuck you!!” he suddenly yelled angrily. “My mom is not a homewrecker!” 
“I’m not saying that!” You argued defensively. “It was a one time thing, and then--”
“Oh so “our” dead beat dad had a one night stand with my mom and then went back to his loving family?” he spat. 
“Well, i mean he’s kind of a dick--”
“Well that explains where you get it from.” Dustin scoffed.
“HEY,” Eddie suddenly spoke up loudly. “Not cool, Henderson,”
“And you? Sucked in by a pair of pretty eyes? Really? You just let her feed you a story and brought her here?!” Dustin gestured angrily at Eddie.
“It’s not a story!” You argued. 
“Look man, i get you’re upset, I do. But she’s telling the truth--” 
“HOW do you know that?” Dustin challenged him.
Eddie stared at the two of you for several moments at the question. How did he know? He had just taken you at your word, no questions asked. But-- you knew Dustin’s name, that had to mean something right? And you had no idea who Eddie was, so you wouldn’t lie just to come with them, right? 
“...I--I don’t,” he finally admitted softly.
“Eddie!” you cried tearfully. “Really?”
“Well it’s true!” He bit his lip with glassy eyes. “I--I just trusted your word for it,” 
“And you don’t now?”
“I didn’t say that,” he shook his head. “I’m just stating facts,” 
“Nah,” Dustin shook his own head. “I see what’s goin’ on. YOU told Eddie some sob story so you could get in his pants!”
“Dust I at least know that is not true,” Eddie defended you. “We haven’t even kissed! By HER choice!” 
“Yeah, of course not dipshit!” Dustin yelled in rage. “She’s playing you! She probably knows who you are, going after your money and--” 
“Alright, that’s enough.” Eddie cut him off his angry spiel. “I know you gotta be freakin’ out over all this, it’s a lot. But listen Henderson, the last couple days I’ve spent with your sister--”
“She is NOT my sister!” Dustin backed away.
“Y/N,” Eddie changed his misnomer. “Look man if you just got to know her, I promise--” 
“I don’t wanna get to know her!” Dustin screamed. “I’m not gonna let some random chick seduce my best friend and use ME to do it!” 
And with that he turned and stomped off the bus, leaving the two of you alone. 
“....That could’ve gone better,” Eddie said in a playful tone.
“Ha ha,” you sighed sarcastically as you flopped onto the couch and put your hands over your face. 
“Don’t worry,” He sat next to you and rubbed your leg. “He’ll come around--”
“And what if he doesn’t?!” You suddenly sat up. “What if he convinces your whole friend group that I’m just some gold digging groupie?!”
“Well, i know he can’t convince ALL of them,” he stroked your face. “The guys already trust you, hell they even invited you!”
He paused. 
“Shit, I should’ve told Henderson that!”
“It’s okay, Eddie,” you put a hand to his cheek. “I’m sure it wouldn’t have mattered,”
“But it might have,” He sighed as he put his hand over yours on his face. “I just--- I let him get into my head for a split second. I’m sorry, princess,”
“It’s okay,” you assured him. “Really,” 
You both sat there in silence for a moment, when you noticed Eddie glancing down at your lips. 
“....You know I have money to pay Gareth,” He smirked softly. 
“Eddie!” You hit him playfully. “One setback is not gonna derail my plans on bonding with my brother,” 
“But he already thinks we’re sleeping together!”
“And we told him we weren’t!” you pointed out. “And I’m not gonna already start lying to him, he already thinks I am!” 
“Okay, okay,” Eddie sighed in defeat. “I just wanted to make you feel better,” 
“I appreciate the gesture,” You giggled while playing with his hair. 
“Anytime,” he smiled back before kissing your forehead. 
After the boys were settled, Eddie retrieved his old van from the trailer park and drove you to your friend Amanda’s house. She came running out to greet you when she heard you pull up.
“Y/N!” She squealed “I missed you! I--” 
She suddenly recognized Eddie and stopped mid-sentence. 
“Holy shit,” she gasped. “You’re Eddie Munson,” 
“Guilty,” he chuckled. “Nice to meet a fan,”
“A FAN?” She suddenly blurted out angrily. “I am not a fan!” 
Both of your faces dropped in this weird turn of events. 
“You’re not?” He asked curiously. 
“No!” Amanda snapped. “You don’t even remember me, do you?” 
“I….” he looked between the two of you nervously. “No…?”
“Last summer? The Hideout?” She asked as if that would trigger Eddie’s memory. Unfortunately, it did not. 
“I…” He made a face. “I’m sorry, i don’t--”
“WE SLEPT TOGETHER!!!!” She screamed angrily. “And you never called me!” 
“OH,” Eddie’s eyes suddenly widened in recognition.. “Oh shit. Mandy…”
“SERIOUSLY Eddie?!” you suddenly interjected coldly. How could he not remember sleeping with anybody? Let alone one of your closest friends. 
“Geez, look I’m really sorry Mandy--”
“Amanda,” she corrected him curtly. 
“Amanda.” Eddie coughed uncomfortably. “I just-- we just….the scouts were in the audience that night, and the next day things just kinda--- took off,” 
“And now what, he’s got you under his spell too?” Amanda ignored him as she glared at you. 
“What? NO!” You gestured wildly. “We haven’t even slept together!”
“YET,” Amanda kept her death glare.
“Come on Man-- Amanda,” Eddie cooed. “It was a long time ago. You know I would’ve called you--” 
Your eyes were now widened at his sudden “Casanova” act. Was he serious right now?!
“Get your hands off me!” Amanda swatted at him. “And Y/N, you can have him.” 
She stared to walk away, making you chase after her. 
“Mandy!” You called. “But what about--”
“Go shack up with Mr. Rock Star, for all I care,” she spat at you before going in her house and slamming the door. 
You stood there just staring, reeling from the last few minutes. After a moment, Eddie came and put a shoulder on yours.
“Well, you can always stay with me--” 
“Don’t,” you spun away from his touch, leaving him bewildered. 
“What?” he asked. “Why--?”
“WHat the hell was that?!” You gestured towards Amanda’s house. “You hit on her RIGHT in front of me!” 
“Aw come on princess,” he laughed. “I was just trying to ease the tension!” 
“How exactly is hitting on your ex in front of your new-- WHATEVER,” you grunted in frustration. 
“She’s not my ex!” he argued. “She’s some rando i slept with--”
“Like I will be?” you scowled. 
“That’s not fair,” he replied in a very hurt tone. “I haven’t done anything--”
“Not YET,” You repeated Amanda’s comment. “What was that just now back at the bus? Huh? You get me back here and suddenly what, wanna make me one of the many?” 
“First of all, it’s not ‘one of the many’,” he half laughed like it was the most ridiculous thought that he had slept with tons of women. “It’s one of the FEW, at best,” 
“Do you think you’re making this better?” you narrowed your eyes. 
“Look princess, I--”
“Y/N,” you corrected him coldly, as Amanda did. 
“...Y/N,” he said softly with a face that looked like he was a puppy you just kicked. “I was stupid back then, okay?” 
“Oh yeah, ‘back then’,” you laughed sarcastically. “A whole year ago,”
“I was going through something!” he suddenly became enraged as he flashed back to last summer. It had only been a few months since Vecna, and he had just gotten out of the hospital when he had played that show at The HIdeout.
 It was packed; everyone had come to see the “Hero of Hawkins.” He couldn’t deny it, it was a rush. It felt amazing to be seen for the first time as something other than the town Freak. He had let it get to his head a bit. He had a few beers after the show, schmoozing with “Fans” and agents. And maybe he had fooled around with a few guys, a few girls. He just wanted to soak up every minute of not being an outcast. 
“I’m not gonna sit here and defend how I chose to deal with everything that happened to me, especially to you!” 
“Oh yeah, everything that happened,” you laughed again. “Yeah it must’ve been so hard with girls throwing themselves at you--”
“I’m talking about what I had to go through to get there!” He got in your face. “AND I didn’t even do it for that!” 
He stepped back as his hands shook with rage, thinking back to that night. That horrible night.
“I almost DIED, Y/N.” He spoke with a sharp tongue. “I was READY to die. For your brother. For my friends. For this fucking town who HATED me!”
He trembled with rage as he walked around explaining his story. 
“When i was hanging by that rope climbing out of the Upside Down, I remember the exact moment I knew i had to…sacrifice myself.”
His voice became low as he sat down on the curb. 
“I--I cut the rope so Dustin couldn’t come after me, i knew i had to buy the others more time. Nobody else could do it but me--”
He spoke out loud almost as if he was in a trance, recalling the events. Logically he knew you had no context about what he was on about, but he told the tale nonetheless. 
You just watched on in horror, suddenly regretting everything you had yelled at him for. He was right, you had no idea what he went through. He had vaguely described it when he told you about Vecna, but not in detail like this.
“I got on that bike and I rode like hell. I rode so fast and so hard, I thought my legs were going to burst into flame right from under me. And then I felt one of the bats snare me right in the neck--” 
He paused to catch his breath as tears clogged his throat. You sat next to him but didn’t touch him, not wanting to interrupt his monologue. 
“I fell to the ground, and all I felt was pain. Constant pain. Stabbing, knawing, the sounds that they made…” 
He paused again as he let a quiet, quick sob come out before continuing. 
“I knew I was dying, that I was gonna die. I waited for it, just listening to their horrible screeches, but then-- it just stopped.”
“Stopped?” you said, snapping him out of it. He jerked his head to face you, suddenly realizing you had been there this whole time. 
“Yeah, stopped.” He repeated softly as he gently laid his hand next to yours on the pavement. You interlaced your fingers together and squeezed his hand in comfort. 
“It was like they all just-- died at once. They fell to the ground and it was just…silence.” he gulped. 
“And then I heard Dustin yelling my name,” He looked down as his voice really began to shake. “Part of me was so pissed he had come after me, and part of me was so angry at myself that he was going to see me like that, but-- i was also so grateful i wasn't going to die alone,”
“Oh Eddie,” you whispered while gripping his hand tighter. You didn’t want to cry and make this about you, but hearing him speak in such detail about the hell he went through, it made you want to sob. 
“I could feel myself shutting down, which is ironic because I mean I started losing feeling in everything. First my legs, then my torso. I told Henderson he had to look after the little sheeples, I wanted to give him something he could have to call his own. A legacy. Something i could give him since i wouldn’t be around to give him anything else--” 
He looked down once more as you saw droplets of tears stain the pavement.
“I felt like I was letting him down, leaving him all alone like that. I know he has his friends, but-- what we had was special. A true brother bond. God I wanted so badly to live in that moment, but not for myself. For him.”
“Eddie….” you laid your head on his shoulder. 
“I told him I loved him,” he admitted. “I’ve never told ANYONE that, except for Wayne. Once.” 
He finally looked at you. 
“And I do. I really love that little guy,” he said before finally breaking down in your arms. 
You just sat there for a long while, letting him cry in your arms and trying not to cry too hard yourself. You didn’t care if Mandy could see you, all you wanted to do in that moment was make him feel better. Make him feel safe.
After a few more minutes, Eddie began to compose himself before looking into your teary eyes. His eyes were bloodshot from crying so hard, his lips were chapped from dehydration. He stared at you with pure childlike emotion, a broken little boy. 
The gap between you began to close as his hands went to the back of your neck, pulling you closer slowly. You knew you shouldn’t let this happen; not now. He was distraught, he was vulnerable. But for some reason you just let him pull you closer until your lips brushed together tenderly. 
The kiss became more intense as soon as your lips were locked together. Both of Eddie’s hands went into your hair as he pressed harder and licked your lips, asking for entrance. You immediately opened your mouth slightly as your own tongue went into his mouth. He roamed your mouth with his tongue aggressively, as if he was trying to taste every inch of you. 
After a few seconds you both pulled apart, breathing heavily. 
“Y/N, I--” he began to speak but you put a finger over his lips. 
“Shh, not here. Not now, okay?” you whispered with a small smile. You didn’t want him to say something he didn’t mean just because you two were having an intimate moment. 
“....Okay,” he nodded in understanding. 
He held your hand as he helped you stand up, walking back towards the van with you still in his grasp.
“Y’know, you really can stay with me. I won’t try anything--”
“I think we’re past that,” you blushed. “But--- yeah, that would be nice.” 
You and Eddie “shacked” up--- that would totally help your mission with Dustin and keep the bet. Right?
if you like what you read, please considering buying me a Ko-Fi☕, it's the only source of income I have right now. https://ko-fi.com/tinyboxtink
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maackiimoo · 2 years
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The party fighting in the Upside Down
Eddie: "We're gonna die!"
Steve: "Think positive!"
Eddie: "We're gonna die quickly!"
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madaboutmunson · 2 years
Let Me Call You Sweetheart (2 Part Series)
Part 1
Synopsis: You and the rest of Unholy Angel, set your sights on winning the upcoming Battle of the Bands, but first Mr Harrington (your Boss) has pulled some strings so that you get to be some of the first to ride a promotional simulator for Dustin Henderson's Epic Game series The Curse of Hawkins. Your home life isn't great, your friends are your everything, but seeing a beautiful guitar in a second hand store, pulls on the thread causing your unravelling.
Warnings for the entire story: Darkfic, out of character Eddie Munson, alternative universe, present day,  Death, abuse not in heavy detail but are touched on (emotional, mental and physical, harassment, violence, torture, imprisonment, coersion, unrequited love, drugs, alcohol, illness, blood, gore, food disorder, mental illness, vampirism, hypnotism, weirdness, the upside down, bats, monsters
Jukebox Hero
Plug in Baby
I Only Wanna Be With You
All Nightmare Long
Cold Sweat
Wasted Youth
Coming Undone
Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck
People = Shit
Let Me Call You Sweetheart
Part 2
Summary: Second part of Let Me Call You Sweetheart Series
After the infamous carnage that happened at battle of the bands you are forced to rehabilitate, but it's not just your mind set that is changing, so are your feelings towards one Vampiric Eddie Munson
Stacked Actors
Next To You
The Killing Moon
I Wanna Be Sedated
Breaking The Chains
You've Got Another Thing Coming
Everlong -Final Part with bonus Eddie POV
AO3 Link
Eddie Munson Fanfiction Masterlist
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bagsybaggins · 1 year
Chapter 7: MadMax
[Previous Chapter]
YN groaned as she rubbed her eyes, leaning back in her chair as Eddie sat on her bed and wrote in his notebook.
"Should I add in the wrathful king to this game?" He blurted out, turning to her.
Instead of turning around, she leaned her head back and looked at him upside down. 
"What's his reason for being wrathful?" She asked, raising her brow.
He looked back at his notebook, flipping a few pages back before stopping. "His wife had been possessed and cursed. And she sacrificed her life to protect them all from dying."
YN hummed before nodding. "Yeah, sure. Maybe even add in her ghost. Like it's not her, but a twisted projection of her to manipulate the King even more."
Eddie grins and nods his head, grabbing his pencil and scratching it into his notebook.
A knock on her door interrupted the silence, and she turned towards it as it opened. 
"Dare-" Dustin paused as he saw Eddie on the bed, before shaking his head. "Do you have any money? We're hitting the arcade later on tonight and I don't have any quarters."
YN blinked before lifting her left arm and looking at her watch. She sighed when it read 5:24 pm. 
"I'll spare a little, but I'm going to head out later so I can't give you everything." She muttered before sitting up and opening her right drawer.
Dustin grinned and held out his hand as she gave him 3 dollars. "Who's that?" He whispered to her as she put her hand on the door.
"It's my friend, Eds. Now move it ya twerp." She closed the door in front of him before turning around. 
Eddie grinned up at her bed as he stuck his pencil behind his ear. "We're friends?"
She rolled her eyes as a smile crossed her lips, her hand pushing his shoulder. "Shut up Ed. You know we're friends. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here."
He nodded his head in agreement before looking back at his notebook. "True, true."
She sighed and fell back into her chair, glancing at her unfinished homework with a frown.
"Wanna go to the arcade?" She blurted out as she looked back at Eddie who had the eraser of his pencil in between his teeth.
YN kicked the machine as she died, again. All her money was almost gone.
"Another loss for little miss geek." Eddie grinned from his place to her left. His eyes moved up from the game over the screen to look at her.
She glared at him shaking her head. "Shut up Ed, you know these games are just rigged to get your money."
He snickered as she brushed past him. "Sure, says another loser who can't play games well."
She whirled around, walking backward, and flipped him off. "I can too play! I just-"
"No, I'm just off my game." At Eddie's raised brow she scoffed. "Shut up."
As she passed one of the games, she noticed the score in the right corner and gaped. She leaned in next to the player, not paying attention to who it was. 
"HOLY SHIT! You beat my little brother's High Score! He's gonna be pissed!" YN exclaimed, shocking the person who had been playing.
They jumped slightly, not expecting anyone to basically yell in their ear, causing their hand to jiggle. The game screen changed, reading 'Game over.' 
"Oh shit, my bad-" YN looked over at the red-haired girl with a grimace. "Didn't mean to make ya lose."
The girl shook her head, looking away from YN. "No, it's fine-"
YN dug into her pocket, pulling out her last few coins. "How about I give you this, as payment."
The girl shook her head as she moved the joystick to type in her name in the game. "No, it's cool. I would've died anyway."
Dare raised a brow at the girl, glancing at the name before grinning. "Mad Max huh. Well Max, how about I challenge you to that game right over there?"
Max turned towards where Dare was pointing, noticing the two-player shooting game. She turned to Dare and raised her brow.
Dare shrugged. "I think I wanna get to know the one who beat the shit out of my brother's high score. Plus you seem cool."
Max stared at her for a moment, before nodding her head. "Alright. I'll play."
Eddie spoke up from behind Dare. "You'll kick her ass, Max, she isn't too good at games."
Max looked up at him from over Dare's shoulder before Dare pushed him. "Shut up."
Max smiled lightly before heading over to the game, Dare, and Eddie following behind her. Dare glared at Eddie as he pushed his shoulder against hers, nearly making her tumble into an arcade machine. She rubbed her shoulder before throwing her shoulder into him, knocking him into another person. 
She laughed as she ran towards Max, who looked over at them with her brows raised.
"Ready?" Dare smiled as she stepped up beside her, pulling the money out of her pocket.
Max nodded her head, and Dare shoved the quarters into the machine. As the game started up, Eddie walked up behind them, glaring lightly at Dare, who smirked at him before turning back to the screen.
As criminal characters popped up on the screen, they pointed their guns at the screen and shot them. Max cursed as she missed one of them, casting a quick glance at Dare's side of the screen. Her eyes widened as she noticed how Dare hadn't missed any of them, how Dare's face was focused. 
A voice narrated 'Game Over' as Max's character died, due to her not focusing. Dare grinned as she twirled the gun in her hand, pausing to blow on the fake barrel. 
"How did you do that?" Eddie gasped as he noticed her high score.
Max looked over at her before her eyes widened at the High scoreboard. All of them said Dare.
"I'm a good shot, Ed."
Eddie gaped at her. "Dare, what the fuck."
"I feel like I was lead into a trap," Max said as she crossed her arms, a small grin on her face. 
YN laughed and shook her head. "Nah, just wanted to see if your skills were the real deal or not."
Max raised her brow in confusion. "And did you?"
YN grinned. "Yeah. I did. I'm impressed, Max."
Max nodded her head, looking at the ground. "Thanks, I guess."
YN nudged Max's shoulder, "Yeah, no problem. Wanna go again? Get your skills to grow?"
Max paused, looking at the clock before nodding her head. "Sure. I can play a game or two."
I grin to myself as I push past the boys, going up to the high school.
"Later Boys!" I yell.
"Bye Dare!" "Tell me if you find out who Max is!" 
I shake my head slightly pulling to a stop at the bike rack. I sigh as I kick the stand up, turning around and looking for Nancy. When I notice Steve's car a little further down the lot, I groan and adjust my bag on my shoulder. I walk over towards the car, making sure to flip off Carol and her two friends. As she rolls her eyes at me, I turn back to the car that I was approaching. 
I knock on the window, breaking them out of their lover's gaze. 
"Move it, Harrington! She's got Algebra for first class." I grin as Nancy glares at me. 
As she opened the door, the sound of tires screeching causes me to turn around. I watch as a car pulls into the parking lot, a familiar face in the passenger seat. I grin as the car parks, the driver getting out of the car. But I ignore them as Max steps out of the car. 
"Hey, Max!" 
Max turns to me, along with the driver, and I wave at her. She smiles thinly and nods her head at me, before throwing her skateboard down. I smile before looking over at Nancy who gave me a confused look. 
"What, I met her at the Arcade. She beat Dustin's score, I had to get to know her." 
Nancy shook her head as she shut the car door, smiling at me. "Of course, you manage to become friends with someone that you don't even know."
I chuckle and walk towards the school. "Of course Nance. It's my thing."
I glance over at the car, noticing the driver still looking at me. I raise a brow at him before he smirks and walks towards the school.
[Next Chapter]
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wtfcookiejar · 2 years
I Promise Always (11)
Robin was worried sick. Y/N had been missing for 2 days now. She stared at the phone in the video store while stocking the shelves. She kept dropping everything she tried putting away so she eventually went behind the counter. Dustin was on the floor doing some kind of homework that was beyond her comprehension.
Steve started to stock what Robin dropped and sighed,"What do you think happening?"
"Isn't it weird that Eddie also disappears every time y/n does something?" Dustin called from the floor.
Robin looked back at Dustin's hair full of curls and her mouth made a singular O shape.
"She's not like that Dustin. She hardly looks at Eddie anyway."
"Bullshit," Robin retorts," She looks at him a lot."
"Eddie's always looking at her. " Dustin leans his head back and looks at Robin trying to fill in the blanks.
"Has anyone called?" Steve sounded reasonable though he was worried too.
"I forgot to get her number..." Robin murmurs sheepishly.
Steve flicks her forehead gently," You got my number and Dustin's. Even...." His fingers are quick as he picks up the desk phone and dials some numbers gently.
Robin and Dustin look at him confused.
"Hello Mr. Munson, Is Eddie avail- No. No. there's nothing wrong I was just wondering if he's Okay? Right. Okay, I'll let him know when I see him."
Robin and Dustin both straighten up trying to hear the other side of the phone.
"He's not at home," Steve says gently hanging the phone up and looking at his friends.
"That settles that." Dustin closes his book and gets up from the floor. He randomly starts shoving things in his bag.
"What are you doing?" Steve asks to cross his arms instinctively.
"Im going to go get Mike and Lucas and we're going to search for Eddie. We have a D&D session c coming up and I'm getting sick of our Dungeon Master Going missing." Dustin set his face in a hard line like he was angry.
"Can't you wait?" Robin asks quietly thinking perhaps that she should have Steve drive her to Y/N place.
"Nope. But I will Check Y/N place." Dustin reasoned and Steve put both hands on his shoulders.
"Do you know how to check on a girl?" Steve sounds so sincere.
"Dude I've kept a Girlfriend longer than you." Dustin hisses and pushes out the door.
"He does have-" Robin is smiling
"Do not Finish that sentence, Buckley." Steve interrupts and they both watch Dustin wheel away.
Eddie was sitting asleep against her bedroom wall. He had woken up late in the night to find her sleeping on his chest and he couldn't help but think of the last letter he had stowed away. He laid they're trying to imagine the hurt of her rejection when she woke up, but all he could think about was kissing her and holding her. That's when he got a boner, crawled out of bed, and sat on the wall looking at her as she slept. She'd murmured his name occasionally or Japanese he didn't understand.
So when sunlight streamed into the window and her dad came in to check on her and found him on the floor looking at his letter he smiled.
"She's not up?" he asked taking a seat beside him.
"No... That normal?" he asked tucking the letter into his jacket again. Not sure why he couldn't just read it.
"Sometimes it takes two days for her body to catch up and fully relax. " Her father reasoned offering Eddie a glass of bourbon.
This seemed like an honor taking a bourbon with her dad felt like he was the patient boyfriend. Eddie was confused but he still took it and sipped carefully watching her.
"You sell weed?" Her father asked nonchalantly like he knew.
"Don't tell Wayne please." He sputtered," I promise I won't let her near any of that." Eddie was suddenly feeling less worthy of the glass of bourbon in his hands
"Long as you don't tell her I smoke it, and you never let her touch it." There was a collected smile on his face,"you're the perfect guy for her."
"How do you know that?" Eddie's eyes grew wide and he took another slow swig of bourbon.
"I assume you read the letters? "
"Guilty as charged." Eddie swallowed hard.
"Then you know the last person she trusted died taking her to the hospital. He was in full drag, some assholes followed him from the hospital and beat him to death." Her father breathed setting his glass on top of his knee carefully.
"So she wouldn't tell anybody after that. She's scared. I get it but I don't get what that has to do with me being her perfect match." Eddie whispered looking at the bourbon as it swirled in his hands.
"Because you know what it's like not to trust people. You know what cruelty happens and you'd knock heads around if you had to keep her safe." Her dad chuckled
Eddie stared for a second at her father. He was the opposite of Wayne he was lean and muscular and he had resources Eddie didn't
"I don't have money like you do." Eddie reasoned softly," she deserves flowers and jewelry...."
" She doesn't want that. She wants someone to count on. Someone who isn't afraid of doing what's right when things go wrong. " Her father smiled as he finished his bourbon. "I believe you can do that."
The doorbell rang and her father got up ruffling Eddie's hair as he went.
A few quiet minutes passed as Eddie looked at the glass of bourbon and the ice cube. Then he heard a side sound and downed the rest of it in one gulp.
Dustin and Will walked into her doorway and Eddie stood quickly shuffling them out the door before they could really look.
"You idiots. What are you doing here? "Eddie pushed the door of her room closed and stood in the hall with the two boys half terrified they had seen her hooked up to the big printer.
" Im gunna radio Lucas and Mike. " Will smiled and went toward the stairs.
Eddie grabbed the boy and his walkie-talkie and pulled them in front of him.
"Neither of you is doing anything." Eddie's voice was harsh, and both the younger boys looked at him confused.
"Are you afraid we're gonna tell someone you got la-" Eddie popped the side of Dustin's head lightly.
"I am not getting laid you, weirdo." Eddie hissed.
"What are you doing here then?" Will asked the most potent question.
Eddie wanted to just scream but he also didn't want to wake or disturb the household so he hung his head and then looked up the two boys who seemed eager for his answer.
" I am just checking on her. "
Dustin scoffed," you are wearing the same clothes you wore 2 days ago. I'm not stupid."
Eddie wanted to throttle the kid but instead, he grimaced and shook his head." No, you're not. She ended up at my house and got a cold so I brought her home and figured I should explain how she ended up at home. "
" uh-Huh. " Dustin crossed his arms looking at him like he could just smell the lie
"Steve and Robin are looking for you guys. " Will stated calmly holding out the walkie-talkie
Eddie sighed and took it," You guys are brats."
"Eddie here.-over."
Steves's voice crackled to life on the tiny device.," Your uncle said You need to clean up the dishes in the sink. Where the hell are you and have you seen y/n?"
Eddie looked at the two boys and rolled his eyes," I'm coming to the video store -over"
"BRING DUSTIN AND WILL." Steve's voice was loud enough that he had to cover the incoming receiver.
Eddie looked at the two boys in front of him and asked," What do I need to do to keep you guys quiet?"
Will smiled and Dustin hooked his arm around Will," FINISH THE CAMPAIN." They said in tandom and Eddie nodded defeated.
"Alright. You guys put your stuff in the van I'll be down there in two minutes."
Y/n was laying in silence her eyes slits she could hear the printer but her head hurt. So did her muscles. When she heard the door open she didn't think a thing of it instead she closed her eyes and felt a gentle kiss on her forehead and someone making sure that the covers had her covered up just enough not to make her hot. She could smell the cigarettes but she couldn't place what else was hidden behind the smell. But a thought of Eddie crossed her mind and she smiled. Content to go back to sleep.
@whatareyouhidingpeter- Sorry it took so long I hope you keep reading and believing in me.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
The entire group knowing Eddie has a small huge crush on Y/n but Y/n is completely oblivious. Just Eddie being head over heels, completely infatuated with her and her having absolutely no idea. The group loves to make fun of him for it when she’s not around (or sometimes when she is around, much to his annoyance).
Request by anon ❤
Warnings; none, fluff. Confessions.
Eddie Munson x Henderson! reader
Eddie was in love and everyone knew it. Everyone except the object of his affection who was none other than Henderson's sister.
Yn was everything he had ever wanted and more, she was kind, funny, beautiful on the inside and out and most importantly she never judged him, she accepted him for who he was and was the sweetest friend he had ever had.
She also tended to be protective of her friends and family and since Eddie had met her that included him as well.
Henderson, the little butthead used any opportunity to tease Eddie about his crush.
"Dude. My sister? really? You could have fallen for anyone but you pick my sister?" Eddie glares at the little shrimp.
"Yeah, and what's your point dude? Your sister is amazing, do you know she helped me paint the miniature figures for D&D and was genuinely interested In my campaign for Hellfire?".
Dustin groans and Mike laughs along with Lucas.
"Ha! Now you know how I felt when I had Jonathan and Steve mooning over Nancy".
At this point, yn comes in and Eddie gets a dreamy look on his face.
"Shut up!" he hisses to Lucas and Jeff who keep chuckling and he immediately motions for Gareth to move.
"Saved you a seat princess?" He smiles warmly and Dustin mimes gagging but quietens immediately when Eddie glares at him.
All of Hellfire knew how he felt about Yn and always teased him and they weren't the only ones...
The warmth that spread through him the moment that yn slipped her hand into his was something he had never felt before.
All he knew is he wanted to hold onto it forever.
"Eddie! look they have the new Nightmare on Elm Street movie out and remember how you promised you would watch Splash with me?" she bats her eyes at him and he melts unaware of how Robin and Steve are watching the two of them and smirking.
He would do anything to see his best girl smile so he agrees to watch whatever she wants.
Gareth said he was whipped but he didn't really care. He knew from the moment he met yn that she was special, that she was his dream.
If he was lucky enough to be with her one day he would treat her like a princess.
Steve comes up to him clapping his hand on Eddie's shoulder.
"Dude, could you be more obvious?" Eddie blushes.
"Do you think she knows how I feel?" Steve shakes his head.
"Nah, she would have said something man, you gotta play it cool, stop being so obvious and just ask her how she feels."
Eddie sighs.
"Yeah, like she would want to go out with Hawkins's resident freak"
Robin rolls her eyes.
"You are so dense Eddie, that girl is in love with you. How you don't see it is beyond me"
He turns to find yn smiling shyly at him and decides to risk it and tell her how he feels. Hopefully she feels the same.
Eddie was nervous which wasn't like him, he was always so confident so when they went back to his trailer yn was a little worried.
She couldn't remember Eddie ever being nervous which didn't help what she wass about to tell him.
The truth was she was in love... Very much so with the man himself.
"Uh, princess we are great friends right?" he begins with this and she isn't sure where he is going. Does he mean only friends and they could never be anything more?
"Of course," she tells him smiling and taking his hand.
Her stomach sinks. Is he about to tell her that he likes someone? Maybe Chrissy or somebody like that? Of course, he was her friend and she would be happy that he was happy but at the same time, it would still be hard.
"The truth is ( she braces herself for whatever he is going to say, gearing herself up so much that she misses what he says the first time.
"You what?" he blushes and repeats himself.
"I've fallen for you and I get it if you don't feel the same way. You're it for me sweetheart and I just want you to know that" she kisses him then and there complete giddiness overwhelming her.
"Eddie, I've fallen for you too, I've been trying to tell you for weeks" a bright grin appears on his features and he smiles.
"So you wanna be my girl princess?" She nods happily and his lips meet hers, both of them abuzz with giddiness.
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leasstories · 11 months
Nothing else matters (part 1)
Eddie Munson x fem!reader
TW : Eating disorder
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You and Eddie have been dating for two months now, you met thanks to your little brother Dustin Henderson, who asked you to replace Lucas at a DnD game. You've been part of the Hellfire ever since then and Eddie and you slowly grew closer, until one day he confessed his feelings towards you, afraid that you would laugh to his face or friendzone him. But everything worked out perfectly as you were feeling the same way, and the two of you started dating. You've been planning your road trip for a month now. You're really excited but also really nervous, Eddie doesn't know that you struggle a lot with food. You always find an excuse not to eat with him or not to eat at all, but now you're going to spend an entire week with him and hiding your eating disorder will be really complicated. Deep down, you know that you could tell Eddie, that he wouldn't judge you, but you still fear that he won't want to be with someone like you, someone "broken", well that's what you think of yourself at least. You think you're broken. You also know that this will sadden him and even maybe hurt him.
You're in your room packing when you hear Eddie's van pull over in your driveway. You finish packing quickly before heading downstairs. When you arrive you can hear Eddie and Dustin having an heated conversation about DnD, you smile at the sight of your brother and your boyfriend getting along so well, it's like a dream for you. When he sees you, Eddie walk towards you and kiss you on the lips. As soon as his lips touch yours you hear your brother mutter "gross".
After saying goodbye to your brother and mom, you take Eddie's hand and walk towards the van. He opens the passenger door for you, before heading to the driver's seat. He pulls out of your driveway and the holidays can finally start. You're going to a city named Shipshewana, it is 4 hours away from Hawkins. When you arrive on the highway, Eddie takes your hand, you spend the ride listening to the new mixtape you've made for him.
After 2 hours of the van ride, Eddie stops for lunch, he stops next to a forest, you take out a blanket and lay it on the floor, while Eddie takes out a basket full of food. Only looking at it makes you sick, but you don't know how to tell Eddie and you know he probably spent hours making this, so instead you sit on the blanket, hoping that Eddie won't notice that you're not eating. Eddie starts eating before noticing that you didn't take any food.
"Don't you like anything I've made" Eddie says with his mouth full
"It's not that..." you say, trying to put your thoughts into words "You know I never ate in front of you."
"And ?" Eddie asks, clueless of where you are getting at
"And... I... I have eating disorders" you say hesitantly but also ashamed, you don't even dare to look at Eddie.
Eddie takes your hand in his and look at you "I don't know what to say YN, but I wanna help you, help you eat properly. We can start with a small thing, what do you think about a cherry tomato ?"
You nod and Eddie hands you a cherry tomato, you stare at it for agonizing minutes.
"You can do it YN, I know it" Eddie says, trying to encourage you. At his words, you end up eating the cherry tomato, but right after you feel guilty and Eddie can sense it.
"You know, tomatoes are basically almost only water, and they don’t have a lot of calories, I don't know if it helps you to know that but I wanted to let you know" he says reassuringly while lightning up his cigarette.
"Thank you" you say "Thank you for taking it so well, I had never opened myself this way, to anyone."
"Did you think I'd run away for something that's out of your control" Eddie says amused.
You shyly look at the ground before answering "You deserve better than someone as broken as me"
"You're not broken YN, you're going through something tough, yes, but I'm here, I'm always here, by your side, no matter what. I'll be here every steps of the way and we'll go through this, together. It doesn't matter how long it takes. I love you and nothing else matters"
You smile at Eddie's words before kissing him, a tear roll down from your cheek and fall on Eddie's, he pull away and wipes your tears. "Don't cry Angel"
"It's... it's just what you said... It's so beautiful Eddie, thank you, thank you so much"
Eddie pulls you in a hug before putting the food back in the basket. You both go back to the van and Eddie drives again, he think about the fact that he booked a restaurant for tonight. What should he do, cancel ? Ask you if you're okay with it ? Keep the surprise and pray that it won't trigger you ? Eddie ends up telling you "I had made a reservation in a restaurant for us tonight, do you want me to cancel given..." he looks for the right words, knowing it is a sensitive topic. "Your relationship with food" You wince at how he put it which makes Eddie apologize right away "I'm so sorry I didn't know how to put it into words"
"It's okay" you answer, you then take a deep shaky breathe before saying "Don't cancel the reservation, I wanna try. Thank you so much for the kind gesture"
"Are you sure baby ? I can cancel, it's no big deal" he answers
"I'm sure" you answer
You spend the rest of the ride listening to first the mixtape you made him for your two months anniversary and then the mixtape he made for you before you even got together. The mixtape you made was mostly filled with songs from The Rolling Stones, The Red Hot Chili Peppers and Bon Jovi while the one he made was mostly Dio, Black Sabbath and Metallica.
After 2 more hours of driving, you finally arrive at Shipshewana, Eddie parks the van at the edge of a forest.
You head out of the van and go for a little hike in the forest, at some point you start feeling dizzy and being pale, Eddie can see it. "You want me to piggyback you ?"
You smile at the gesture "Are you sure you can? Am I not too heavy ?"
"You're far from heavy, and I can, I promise" Eddie piggybacks you and you head back to the van.
You put the blanket in the back of the van and you lay in the back, cuddling.
"At what time is the reservation?" you ask
"9 pm, in 3 hours" Eddie answers
"Oh my God !" You say
"What ? Do you have second thoughts ?" Eddie asks, concerned
"No, not at all, I just didn't bring an outfit to go to the restaurant, or even to go out at all !" you answer
"That's fine angel, don't worry about it. You can just wear your jean and that black Metallica crop top I made for you" he answers
"But it's not fancy enough to go to a restaurant" you say
"It is for me" Eddie says grinning
You go through your stuff in your bag and pull out the Metallica crop top, you take off your shirt and put the Metallica t-shirt on, you then look down at yourself, self conscious of your curves and start being anxious. Eddie can tell you are anxious and looks at you concerned before saying "What's wrong baby?"
"Don't I look fat in this, I mean we can see my tummy and-" you're cut off by Eddie
"You look beautiful. Life is ours, we live it our way, nothing else matters. Please never care for what they do or think, you are beautiful to me. Besides, I really love your tummy" Eddie says while kissing it. You giggle at his touch.
"Stop it" you say in between laughs. Eddie stops after five good minutes and says "Do you wanna do your makeup ?"
"Yes please" you answer out of breathe from all the laughing.
"I'll be right outside if you need me"
You do a nude makeup before heading out of the van, Eddie stare at you in awe before kissing you on the lips. "I love you" he says
"I love you too" you answer.
Eddie goes to the passenger side and open your door for you, before heading in the driver's seat, the drive to the restaurant last 10 minutes. Eddie parks and you get out of the car. Eddie insist on putting his bandana as a blindfold on your eyes so you don't see the restaurant before arriving inside, after complaining for 5 good minutes you finally give up. Eddie leads you to the restaurant, the walk lasts about 5 minutes, he then sit you down on a chair before removing the blindfold, you look at your surrondings and see that it's a fancy restaurant.
"Eddie you shouldn't have..." you say
"I wanted to surprise you, and looking at your facial expression it worked" he answers playfully.
A waiter hands you the menu before heading back to the kitchen.
"You can eat anything you want sweetheart" Eddie says
"Eddie this is too much... You can't afford this" you say
"I've been saving money for it, don't worry Sweetheart, take whatever you want."
You go for the caesar salad while Eddie orders a Beef bourguignon. While waiting for the dishes to arrive you can't help but bounce your leg, stressed about the idea of eating a whole plate, and Eddie can tell what's bothering you because he says "You don't have to finish your plate Sweetheart, besides, you got this, I believe in you"
"What if I disappoint you" you ask, self conscious
"It doesn't matter if you eat one fork or the entire plate, either ways I'll be proud of you" he answers honestly.
The waiter brings you the plates. Since your plate has been in front of you, you've been looking at it with a frown.
"Would it help you if we share your plate" Eddie asks
You nod before saying "Yes please, I think it would help me"
Eddie grab a fork and start eating in your plate, you imitate him but once the fork is in front of your mouth you stop, with teary eyes "I'm sorry Eddie, I can't do it"
"Of course you can sweetheart, this is delicious, please give it a taste. Let's do it together" Eddie offers
Eddie takes a fork of your salad before saying "One, two, three" he then puts the fork in his mouth and you imitate him. You take your sweet time chewing before swallowing. You're on the verge of crying but you hold it back. Eddie put his hand on yours before saying "I'm so proud of you, you did amazing baby"
He finishes his dishes and offer you a dessert even though he already knows the answer is no. Instead he then asks if you want a coffee to which you say yes. Eddie orders your coffee and some chocolate cake for himself. When the dessert arrive you ask "Can I taste your dessert"
Eddie look at you proudly before feeding you a bit of his dessert "I'm so proud of you" he says once you swallow. Then Eddie goes to the counter to pay and you both head back to the van.
"My tummy aches" you say
"It's gonna be find angel, I promise" Eddie says reassuringly. He knows how hard it is for you and is as supportive as he can, without pressuring you too much, and he is so proud of you for tonight.
Eddie parks back to your spot before getting out of the van and opening the passenger door for you, you both head to the back of the van and cuddle, Eddie whispers sweet nothings as well and expresses how proud of you he is for tonight in your ear and you fall asleep in the arms of your beloved.
The next morning when you wake up Eddie isn't next to you, you start worrying until you hear him cursing, you get out of the van to see what's happening and you see Eddie struggling to make some fire.
"I'm sorry I woke you up" he says, mad at himself
"You didn't wake me up" you answer while stirring.
You sit next to Eddie before asking "What are you up to?"
"I was trying to start a fire, 'cause I don't want you to freeze, it's a little bit cold this morning"
You smile at the gesture. "You don't have to baby"
"Of course I do" he answers
"Okay so let me help". You help him starting the fire and after 20 minutes of struggling it's finally done.
Eddie clears his throat before saying "I know it's a sensitive topic, and you don't have to accept but do you want to go grab some breakfast at a diner ?"
You know that if you answer no Eddie won't eat this morning and you don't want him to starve so you nod before saying "Sure, I'll just grab a coffee though"
"As you wish" Eddie says before climbing on the driver's seat. You climb on the passenger seat and head to a diner.
You go sit on a booth while Eddie orders two coffee and a French Toast. When the order is ready, Eddie come back with it. You look at Eddie's French Toast debating in your head if you should taste it or no, you know it would make Eddie proud, and he didn't even force you to eat this morning, he is so understanding about this whole situation. After several minutes of huge thinking Eddie cuts your train of thought "I saw you looking at my French Toast, if you want we can share it" he offers
You look at it hesitantly before answering "I would love that", Eddie looks at you proudly and put his plate in the middle of the table so both of you can reach it. You start eating a little piece of the toast, it tastes good but as soon as you swallow it you imagine how much calories there is in there and start panicking, as if Eddie understood he grabs your hand for emotional support before saying "I'm so so proud of you baby, you don't have to care about the number of calories, I know how hard it must be but your body actually needs food in order to function correctly"
You smile at his word before sipping some of your coffee.
After breakfast, you start visiting the city of Shipshewana before stopping in a small restaurant. You order a salad while Eddie order an hamburger with fries. You manage to eat half of your salad. When you head out of the restaurant Eddie kisses the back of your hand before saying "I'm so beyond proud of you for this lunch baby, you did amazing". You then visit the city hand in hand. At some point of the walk, your tummy starts aching, you try to hide it from Eddie, not wanting to ruin the walk but Eddie knows you all too well and knows that something's up.
"Are you okay baby ?" He asks concerned
You force a smile before answering "Yes, sure"
"I can tell something's up baby" Eddie says, even more concerned
"My tummy aches from all the eating earlier. I'm sorry for ruining our vacation week..." you say feeling really self-conscious and sorry.
"You're not ruining anything, besides your health is the most important thing so please don't feel sorry" Eddie says while putting his hands around your shoulders and holding you close to him. You smile at him.
"Do you want to sit down somewhere so you can rest a bit" Eddie asks
"Only if it doesn't bother you, I want you to have a great time, not to have to deal with my crap you know..." you answer
"First of all it doesn't bother me at all, as long as I'm with you, nothing else matters, second of all your crap is my crap too now, I won't let you struggle alone, we're in this together, I'm here for you and I'll always be"
You smile at him with teary eyes while going towards a bench in a beautiful small park, you sit down next to one another and Eddie takes your hand in his after having kissed your forehead. You put your head on Eddie's shoulder and both look at the kids playing in the park, an old couple holding hands. Seeing this couple both you and Eddie are convinced that you wanna grow old together, you wanna experience life together and nothing else matters.
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Part 2 here
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munsonsprincess11111 · 6 months
The visit
Eddie munson x Henderson!reader
Summary: Suzie comes to visit Dustin which some how wraps you and eddie into the mix.
Laying peacefully in bed. Your head on eddies chest. Naked under the sheets. Skin touching. His arm around you as you lay at his side. Your arms wrapped around his slender waist. The clock reading 1:43 pm. What more could you want? Nothing could ruin the moment. Until...
On your bedroom door
"We're back with Suzie come say hi don't be rude." Dustin shouts from the other side of the door waking eddie. Then his running footsteps could be heard. Eddie groans rubbing his eyes. You sit up in bed kissing Eddie sweetly. As you pull away he attempts to chase your lips. But gives up throwing himself into the pillows.
"Morning baby." You say stretching before getting up looking for you pyjamas.
"Afternoon more like." Eddie says glancing at the clock. You both slip your pyjamas back on. Eddie hugs you for a moment and sways holding you. "Common let's go meet Dustins not so imaginary girlfriend." Eddie says kissing your head.
He opens the door for you and you both exit. Walking to the living room eddies arm over your shoulders keeping you close to his side. Dustin hears you before he sees you.
"Finally. Suzie this is y/n. Y/n this is... Why is Eddie here?" Dustin completly trails off starring at Eddie.
"Cause he's my boyfriend n it was late. Hi Suzie I'm Dustins sister nice to meet you." You say stretching nearly accidentally hitting Eddie from how close he was stood next to you. You rub his arm in apology.
"Nice to meet you y/n." Suzie smiles giving you a small wave.
"And this is Eddie you know my D&D club leader I told you about." Dustin gestures to Eddie.
"Oh yes Dustin has told me lots about you." She smiles at eddie.
"Nice to uh meet you." Eddie says still half asleep.
Dustin shows Suzie around the small house and you and Eddie head to the kitchen. You sit in the side as he puts the kettle on making you, your mum and himself a coffee as he refuses to let you do it when he's over due to you burning yourself once. "Your so good to me." You say as Eddie steps between yours legs. He burries his face in your neck arms going to your waist.
Dustin and Suzie walk into the kitchen and Eddie untangles himself from you going back to the coffee task. "Did you seriously only just wake up?" Dustin asked sitting at the small table with Suzie next to him.
"Yes n if it was up to me n not your loud mouth we would still be asleep." Eddie complains half for getting Suzie there. But not enough to not make her and Dustin hot coco. "Here." He slides them a cross the table to the too
"Why won't you let y/n do it?" Dustin askes
"Cause I burnt myself once n he won't get over it." You mumble sipping your coffee as Eddie takes your mum hers rolling his eyes. "He can't say I don't try he's just a drama queen."
"First I'm dungeon master it's my thing. Second I'm not being responsible for if u burn yourself again you was a baby last Time." Eddie says kissing your cheek.
"Hey Eddie..." Dustin askes. Eddie turns so he's stood between your legs with his back to you looking at Dustin arms crossed over his chest. Your arm that isn't holding coffee goes around him. "What?" He answers simply.
"Do you wanna I dunno would you mind taking me and Suzie to the arcade I wanna introduce her to Mike will and Lucas... And then back here..." Dustin askes hastily.
"Only if y/n comes so I'm not a total taxi driver." He answers leaning fully back into you. "I'll come." You say sipping your coffee.
"Well there's your answer." Eddie says. You lean a cross and put your mug in the sink. Both your arms going around his neck. His hands to your legs and and slide to his back. "To my bedroom. I gotta get dressed." You say as Eddie walks out the kitchen with you in his back.
"I hope were like them two one day. They seem so happy, and in love and they act like it's just them two in the world." Suzie says smiling at Dustin sipping her drink.
"Once you get to know them more you'll realise were more like them then you think trust me." Dustin says finally holding her hand. Which she blushes and smiles at.
In your room Eddie throws you on to the bed. Jumping in you as you giggle. "Where the black Lacey top and the black leather mini skirt. I'll give you my leather jacket to go with it." Eddie says kissing you.
"Why?" You giggle.
"Cause you look hot in that outfit and I'm going to willingly give you my jacket." He says rolling off of you to find some of the clothes you'd stolen.
You both get dressed and enter the living room.
"Let's go kiddos." Eddie says signalling for the door. Suzie and Dustin walk out hand in hand smiling. Eddie glanced you up and down. "God I love you in that jacket." Eddie says playfully throwing his head back.
"Mmm and I love you in just the demim over vest really shows yours tattoos." You say walking over to him.
"I love you."
"I love you most."
"Come in Romeo's gonna start shouting at Me if I don't hurry." Eddie says gesturing the door for you. As you close the door and look around you see Dustin and Suzie kissing and then pulling away. Eddie takes your hand and walks down to the van.
"Hey babe?" He says opening the sliding door for the two. "Yeah? " you answer as he slams the side door and them opens yours. Which you happily jump into.
"Remember when we was that awkward?" Eddie whispers and giggles.
"Yeah I remember when you first kissed me and you went as red as a tomato and started stuttering." You laugh putting a hand on his cheek.
"Shhh don't tell them." Eddie says kissing you then closing the door.
He gets in the drivers side and starts the van.
"Red as a tomato huh?" Dustin says to Eddie from the back of the van.
"Shut it Henderson or I'll tell the whole club how awkward that kiss you two just shared there was." Eddie half threatens to which Dustin takes his hands.
"Rights let's go." Eddie pulls out of your driveway and rests a hand on your thigh as he drives to the arcade. Dustin and Suzie are talking and blushing. You can't help but remember when it was you and Eddie sat in the back of the van talking, blushing and giggling and you smile, happy that Dustins found what he never thought he would find.
You look over to Eddie to see him with a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips. One hand on the steering wheel and the other on your thigh. He glances over at you and smiles. "Love you." He says as he blows the smoke out the window.
"Love you more." You say taking his hand in yours.
"Love you most." He smirks kissing your hand with a loud 'mwah' sound.
"Huh you bitch." You say smirking kissing his stubbly cheek.
"You love it." He smirks
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bookloover35 · 11 months
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Eddie Munson x fem reader-Lemonad.
Eddies Pov:
Come on Eddie you can do it, it's not that hard.
She's standing right there, just walk up to her and say Yn Henderson I like you very much do you want to go out with me?
Okay I can do it okay 123 I thought but my legs did not move come on Eddie stop being such a coward.
Dustin: Hello earth to Eddie, did you even hear a single word I said?
Eddie: What.
Dustin: I asked if you are tagged for the DnD campaign we are going to have tonight.
But it seems you're more interested in my big sister.
Oh shit shit do not say that Handerson saw me staring at his sister, fine he knows that Yn and I are very good friends.
But I really hope he does not understand that I have more than just friend feelings for her I want more.
Dustin: Ahhhhh I understand now you're in love with my sister.
Too late, he had to say it so loudly, I quickly threw myself towards him and covered his mouth with my hand.
Then I quickly turned my head towards the kitchen where Yn was making lemonade, luckily it seems that she did not hear anything.
Eddie: Shuuuu you dumhead, yes i like your sister happy.
I said to him in a whisper, and as soon as I said those words, he removed my hand from his mouth and pulled me into his room.
As soon as we entered his room, he quickly closed the door and told me.
Dustin: I knew it, I knew it, you're in love with my sister, have you asked her yet?
Eddie: No, I have no-wait a minute is this okay with you, you are not mad at me that I like Yn?
Dustin: No I'm definitely not angry, you and my sister would be a perfect couple and you two are so heavenly alike she like rock you like rock, you like DnD and she likes DnD.
He accepts, and he thinks the two of us would fit in well as a couple.
I began to smile with happiness at those very words, but that happiness disappeared as quickly as it came.
What if she does not like me the same way, what if this destroys our friendship, what if she never wants to talk to me again.
This may sound like I'm exaggerating but my life without Yn no thanks.
I sat in the younger Handerson bed and looked at him and then told him.
Eddie: It's no idea, I have no chance, she probably does not like me the way I like her.
Dustin: Ha there is what you are very wrong my dear friend.
Eddie: What do you mean?
Dustin: Okay okay I'll tell you but then you have to promise me three things okay.
Eddie: Okey i promise.
Dustin: Swear on it and i tell you.
Eddie: Jesus okey i Swear.
Dustin: Okey One after I told you everything, you have to go and ask my sister out on a date.
Two she likes you back.
And three here comes what you absolutely must not tell my sister and that's exactly how I know Yn likes you back.
Okay, two weeks ago I managed to get hold of her diary and there was a whole page about how she wishes she had enough courage to tell you that she likes you back but she does not dare.
Before I could say anything, he pulled me out of bed and started pushing me out towards the kitchen.
I was still in shock to know that Yn likes me back.
But only in addition closer and closer we began to approach the kitchen in addition higher I could hear my heart beating faster and faster.
When we arrived in the kitchen, he pushed me very hard and then he ran away and laughed very quietly.
Yn: Hey Eddie Can I help you with something?
Eddie: No, actually thought to check if you wanted help with something.
Yn: Okay, you want to help me do the lemonad?
Eddie: Okay, I can do that, show me how to do it.
Okay, it was fun and it was maybe easy, who could have imagined that something that sounds so boring could be so fun.
But I'm not going to let anyone else know that I thought this was fun I actually have a reputation to think about.
But I could easily do this again as long as it's with her, okay now I'm going to tell her I like her.
Eddie: Um Yn I have to tell you something.
Yn: Okey.
Eddie: Ireallylikeyouanddoyouwannagooutwithme.
I said to her very quickly wondering if she heard me, I waited for her to ask me to tell her again or she heard me and then I waited for her to probably laugh and say that she does not feel the same.
But instead of being greeted by it, she lifted my head and before I had time to ask what she was doing, I was greeted by her lips.
They tasted like Cherry coke.
Afterwards, she pursed her lips and looked at me with a big smile and said.
Yn: I also like you very much and I really want to go out with you, I wanted to tell but I did not dare.
Eddie: Yeees I just felt I had to tell you how I feel about you.
I told her and started hugging her I decided to keep quiet about what her brother had done.
I tell her after our first date now I just have to figure out what to do, should we go to the movies or should I take her on a picnic.
I must ask her brother for help.
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mychemicalimagines · 2 years
We Scare Because We Care - Steve Harrington
Summary: YN Henderson has shown up to Family Video ready to see her best friend and her boyfriend when an idea pops into her head. 
Warnings: Language, Fluff, Scaring of Loved Ones. AU: No Upside Down. If there is anymore, let me know!
Words: 1,363
Tag List: Reblogged.
A/N: Now, we have never seen Stranger Things but I love the characters so I’ve decided to make my own AU. I want to make this into a Ficlet so please send in some requests for Steve x Henderson!Reader. I already have a whole timeline ready for requests!! 
Since we’ve not seen the show, and are only comfortable writing AU, this ficlet, and all requests/one shots we do will be for this AU Version of Stranger Things. And, at this current time, this is the only thing we’ll be taking requests for since we’re still working on several chaptered series’. Thank you for the understand and hope you enjoy!! 
To be tagged in this Universe of Steve x Henderson!Reader: Comment, Message Me, Submit an Ask or Tag Yourself In My Bio!
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October 1985
YN steps out of her car with the movie her, Steve Harrington and her little brother, Dustin, watched the night before. She just dropped Dustin off at the Byers’ house and decided to return the movie early so she can see her best friend, Robin, and her boyfriend. As she approaches the building, she can see Robin facing the window as she stands next to Steve, who’s back is to the door. 
YN smirks to herself before waving to capture Robin’s attention. Her concentration in the conversation with Steve is broken as she looks over to the window to see her other best friend standing beside a movie poster. She raises an eyebrow slightly, wondering why the girl didn’t just walk into the store. 
YN smirks and gestures to Steve, who hasn’t noticed his co-worker has stopped paying attention to him. Robin grins and nods slightly before turning back to her co-worker. He raises an eyebrow and glances over his shoulder. 
“What are you looking at?” He asks, looking toward the window. 
She looks to where YN was hiding to notice she’s gone. 
“I thought I saw Vicki!” She quickly lies, knowing what her best friend is going to do. “Go get that box of movies that Keith wants us to put out.”
Standing straight, Steve uncrosses his arms and walks toward the counter doorway.
“Why do I have to do it?” He playfully whines. “I thought he wanted YN to do it tomorrow morning?”
“Because I’d rather do it right now than help her in the morning, Dingus.” She leans back and crosses her arms. 
He shakes his head and mumbles himself as he walks through the backroom door. Robin quickly turns toward the door and waves YN in. She runs in the door and quickly over to the counter. She tosses the movie to Robin, who catches it and watches as her best friend jumps, sliding over the counter. 
YN drops to the ground and puts her back against the movies below the counter and waits for her boyfriend to walk out of the backroom. Robin puts the movie against the register and leans back again, acting as if she never moved from her position. Steve walks out a few seconds later with a large box in his hands. 
Not knowing what just happened, he puts the box on the counter and looks through it. 
“Anyway! As I was saying before, Dustin decided it would be a good idea to…” 
As he continues his story about the night before, which Robin is definitely not paying attention to, YN turns slowly, still crouched, as to not alert her boyfriend that she’s behind the counter. Robin bites her lip, trying not to laugh. Steve pulls out a pile of movies from the box and puts them on the counter as he looks up at her. 
“Why are you acting…”
YN jumps up quickly, yelling out, “Steve!!”
He screams and jumps back, accidentally pushing the tapes off the counter. Together, YN and Robin burst out into laughter as he grabs his chest and pants. 
“Holy shit.” He says, hoping to calm down his heart. “You scared the shit out of me!”
“That was the point, Dingus.” Robin giggles, giving her best friend a high five.
“Why would you do that?” He asks, walking around the counter to his girlfriend. 
“Gotta keep you on your toes, Harrington.” She grins, wrapping her arms around his neck. 
“I can tell, Henderson.” He shakes his head with a smile before leaning down toward her. 
Before their lips can meet, they hear a fake gag come from beside them. They sigh softly before looking toward Robin whose arms are crossed as she leans against the counter. 
“Do you really have to do that in the store?” She raises an eyebrow. 
“Hi, Vicki!” Steve says, waving toward the door.
She whips around and looks over the register to see if her crush is standing there. When she sees no one is at the door, she turns back around to see the lovely couple locked at the lip. She playfully gags again before shaking her head. 
“If you’re going to do that, go to the back.”
Steve pulls away and looks at her with a grin. “We’ll be back! Thanks, Robin!”
“I wasn’t serious!!” She stands straight as a customer walks in the door.
He completely ignores her and grabs YN by the arm and pulls her toward the backroom door, causing her to laugh. 
It’s been two weeks and Steve has decided that it's been enough time for YN to forget that she scared him at Family Video. Since she brought Robin into her ‘master plan’, he decided to bring someone else in to help him with his own. He knocks at the Henderson door, waiting impatiently, praying that YN doesn’t open the door. 
“I got it!” He hears before the door opens to reveal Dustin. 
Before the younger boy can open his mouth, Steve immediately covers it with the palm of his hand.
“Don’t let her know I’m here.” He whispers, glancing into the house for a moment. “I need your help.”
Dustin raises an eyebrow, confused. Steve leans down slightly and begins whispering in his ear, revealing his own plan. As he talks, Dustin’s eyes widen before he smirks against Steve’s hand. When he removes his hand, the younger boy nods fast and slowly opens the door more to allow the older teen to enter the house. 
Together, they walk to the living room, away from the hallway to get their plan in motion. 
“Dustin, who was at the door?” YN calls out from her room. 
“It was just Mike! He was bringing my backpack back! I forgot it at his house yesterday!” He easily lies.
Normally, he wouldn’t lie to his sister. She is his best friend after all, aside from The Party of course, but this is important. Well, not important, but important to them. 
“I could have driven you.” She calls back.
“I didn’t realize it!”
She doesn’t answer, allowing their plan to continue. Steve hides behind the wall and waits. A few seconds later, Dustin throws one of his DND books down on the floor before screaming out. 
“YN! YN! Come here, quick! OW! Shit!”
Her door slams open and she runs down the hallway, her sock covered feet padding against the hardwood her mother had put in earlier that summer. As she slides around the corner, Steve jumps out.
“YN!” He yells, causing her to scream and jump backward.
Due to her not expecting it, she slips and falls to her ass with a loud thunk. His eyes widen but he relaxes once he sees her start to laugh. She lays back on the floor, laughing hard, holding her stomach, causing the two boys in the room to start laughing with her.  
“Jesus!” She giggles. “I was not…Holy shit.”
“Payback, sweetheart.” Steve smirks as he calms down and walks over to her. 
“I didn’t make you fall though!” She laughs and takes his hand after he offers it. 
“Still. You scared me so I paid you back.” He leans and kisses her cheek as she stands.
“This just means I have to get you back.” She smirks.  
“Why not turn this into a competition?” Dustin asks, walking over to them. 
“I like that idea.” YN grins. “Looks like I have Robin on my team and you guys are a team.”
“Any rules?” He asks, looking up at his sister. 
“Just two rules: No repeating your turn. If we scare you, we can’t scare you again until you scare us and vice versa.”
“Reasonable.” Steve nods at her words. 
“Rule two: If you bring anyone into your team, like Mike or Will, they officially join your team and they have the chance to be scared.” She smirks. 
 “Deal.” Steve smirks and puts his hand out toward her. 
She happily shakes his hand before rushing down the hallway toward her bedroom to call her best friend. A scoreboard ended up on the wall of the Family Video backroom, confusing the hell out of Keith. 
Team Hair vs Team Scare Queens.
May the best team win.
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Say it back steve Harrington x Fem!henderson reader
Warnings-cute,kissing,swearing,mentions of Vecnas curse,mentions of blood and injury,if there’s anymore tell me
You’ve been making weapons and stuff to go in the upside down to kill vecna to stop him from mindflaying max
You was stood sharpening stuff and Steve came behind you and kissed your cheek
“I’m bored of making stuff yn” Steve whined
“Well we have to help max” you chuckled at how clingy Steve gets when he’s bored
Steve just kept hold of you while you was looking at Eddie and Dustin making the shields happy your brother has another older best friend so he dosent tag along with you and Steve to every date
“I’m gonna marry you one day you know” Steve whisperd
“I know but would Dustin really let you” you chuckled
“Yeah he will” Steve kissed your nose
You giggled trying to push him away while you finished sharpening stuff
“HENDERSON” Steve shouted
You and Dustin turned your head
“Little henderson” Steve chuckled at your face when he shouted it because he never calls you henderson
“Can I marry your sister” Steve asked
Dustin stood thumbs up smiling and Steve jogged too you
“Love you yn Hailey henderson” Steve whisperd
“I know” you smiled
“Say it back” steve stares at you
You stayed quite trying not to laugh steve walked behind you and tackled you on the ground so his hands are on either side of your shoulders with his long legs on yours
“I said say it back now” steve kisses you
You laughed and said it back before putting your hand in Steve’s hair and kissing him
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vroomvroommuppett · 2 years
How I picture Dustin reacting to your relationship with Steve in our Henderson! Reader x Steve/Steddie au
Tik tok
he’d be so hurt that you didn’t tell him you were dating his role model
he’d find out through the party when he asked where you were and max said “probably with her boyfriend”. “boyfriend?” “yeah. she’s dating steve. wait she hasn’t told you yet?” “NO!”
a few minutes later…
“i’m sorry dusty”
“my role model and my sister”
he goes to steve and says “hurt her, and i’ll hurt you”
yeah steve has no intention of breaking your heart or hurting you. he’s even steve’s best man at your wedding and calls first dibs on holding all of your 6 nuggets once you and steve have held them
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hxlyhoax · 2 years
This = Love
Eddie Munson x F!Reader
+ Dustin Henderson
Pre - Season 1
warning(s): afab reader , non canon (due to Dustin and Eddie meeting pre season 4) , nickname (beautiful girl , darling)
━━━━━ © hxlyhoax 2022 do not steal, post on third party sites or translate my work. I do not own the rights to Stranger Things or any of the canon characters mentioned.
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You smiled as Eddie kissed you. It was a nice, slow, passionate kiss that you wished could last forever when you heard giggles coming from the ground below you.
“You two are sitting in a tree, k i s s i n g, first comes love, second comes marriage, third comes a baby in a baby carriage.” a young boy giggled as he sang, watching as you giggled along with him, Eddie being unusually quiet, looking at the boy then to you, a smirk growing on his face. “What?”
He kissed you again, leaving you a bit taken back, before looking down to the young boy who was staring with wide eyes, “I’ve already got the kiss down. We are going to get married, and kid—”
“Yeah?” the younger boy tilted his head, eyes still wide, and a smile on his face. “I promise you she will have a baby carriage, one way or another.”
You stared at him in shock, blushing like a madman, hiding your face in his shoulder, while both boys laughed. “What’s your names?” the young boy questioned, “I’m Eddie and this beautiful girl here is Yn.” Eddie smiled, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, kissing the top of your head.
“I’m Dustin.”
“Nice to meet you, Dustin.”
“Are you guys busy?”
“Not really, why?”
“My friends can’t hang out, and I really want to play Dungeons and Dragons and—”
“We’re in.” Eddie smiled widely, jumping down off the tree branch that wasn’t far from the ground, turning around holding his arms out for you, “Aren’t we, darling?”
You smiled at him, acting as if you were in thought, “hmm, I don’t know, Eds.”
“Please.” Dustin spoke, bottom lip coming out into a pout, eyes turning into one’s similar to a puppy, Eddie doing the same. “Hmm, fine. Only because I like you, Dustin.” you giggled, jumping down into Eddie’s arms. “Thank you.” he smiled widely, hugging you once you stepped away from Eddie. “No need to thank me, little man.” You smiled down at Dustin then up to Eddie who was smiling wider than you. “Think we found an honorary member of Hellfire, Don’t you?”
“I do.”
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