#durin's day
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ithrilyann · 5 months ago
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the key to the secret door 🗝️
...and his hands
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vandacarnelme · 4 months ago
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On the 19th of October, at the Old Secret Door, 'Here on Durin's Day Thorin II Oakenshield King of the Longbeards son of Thráin son of Thrór unlocked this door,' the runes begin.
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saephrond · 4 months ago
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The dwarves call it Durin's Day. Yet, even for the Elves, and for all of Arda's people, lies a certain gravity here -- as though Mahal's hand rests gently upon the world.
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porphyriosao3 · 5 months ago
Day 3 - Durin's Day
Bilbo held his arms out so that the two attendants (whose names he could barely remember) could drape yet another garment over him. He should be excited, he knew; his wedding day should always be a time of joy. He found himself instead awash in melancholy. There was the expected part, of course - he had no parents to celebrate this moment with. One of the many regrets he had as he interred them was that they would never see him marry, never meet his husband (if husband there was to be... or wife, who knew?), never meet the people and family who would one day be so close to him. Not, he remonstrated with himself, that he had ever expected to marry, but even so. Even so.
No, this melancholy was only partly that. Much of it was also that this day would be so different than anything he had imagined. All hobbits of a certain social class looked forward to their wedding with a strong set of expectations; Bilbo (for all he had prided himself for years as a free thinker) was discovering day by day just how much he himself had shared these same expectations. Needless to say, almost none of them were being met. There were no flowers here; no bouquets had been prepared, no wreaths and bunting hung, no grandstand built beneath the giant tree that saw the festivals of the whole Westfarthing beneath it's heavy boughs. Here there was only lamp-lit stone, drafty hallways, bright metal, shining jewels, and cloth. Acres and acres and acres of bloody cloth... most of it apparently intended to be worn on his person. Bilbo tried to maintain a stoic face, but sourly reflected that when the two were done dressing him that he would be no more than a traveling hillock of fabric, gems, and precious metals, with only eyes, ears, and feet to show the hobbit hidden within!
Strangest of all was the date. Bilbo was keen to marry Thorin, and had been for months; that was never the problem. The issue was that the date was not only entirely unhobbitish, but also an unpleasant reminder that he wasn't simply marrying Thorin the astonishingly attractive and (mostly) charming dwarf, he was marrying Thorin II Oakenshield, unquestioned King Under the Mountain, Lord of the Longbeard, Broadbeam, and Firebeard clans of the dwarves. Marrying a king came with tradition, and if the dwarves had nothing else, my goodness did they have tradition. Every garment he was being practically entombed in had a meaning, explained to him at great length; every piece of jewelry - and here they came with what looked like half the treasury, sweet Lady of Leaves preserve us - was meant to symbolize something or other. Most traditional of all, however, was the date. All royal marriages had been, were, and would forevermore be (must be!) on Durin's Day, the final moon of Autumn. It was the only possible day for a King to marry.
No hobbit would ever marry at such a time.
Marriages were done in the Shire from the vernal equinox to the summer solstice for young couples, though in the past few hundred years marriages from the summer solstice until the weeks before the fall equinox - 'harvest marriages' as they were known - were considered acceptable for 'mature' or second marriages, and Bilbo was undoubtedly in the first category, though not the latter. A harvest wedding would have been fine. Just before winter, though? When nothing grew? When the harvest had been fully gathered in and the earth was cold and unfruitful? The worst possible omen for a marriage, really. Tongues would be wagging all over the Shire. That same Shire which Bilbo had to remind himself was half a world away, which would likely never hear of his marriage nor care if they did, and which was full of people who undoubtedly thought him mad as a sheep with five legs already. Despite all this - and he acknowledged all of it - some things took a great deal of looking past.
Still... still. Thoughts of Thorin made him smile in spite of himself, provoking a hum of satisfaction from the attendants who clearly suspected where his thoughts had wandered. He had explained his concerns months ago, in the height of summer, and Thorin had understood. Seemed to do so, anyway. Of course he was helpless to change it, the dwarf had explained, and Bilbo had believed him. He'd seen for himself what happened when tradition was even bent, let alone broken, and a dwarven meltdown wasn't pretty. He knew it wasn't as though Bilbo and his culture were being dismissed exactly, no matter how much his petty side would like to claim such; it was just very, very difficult to argue with ten thousand years of custom. And heavy, Bilbo snorted as he shifted from foot to foot to try and balance the massive gold chain being draped over one shoulder with the unfamiliar weight of the consort's tiara around his brow. Afterwards in that discussion, though, when Thorin had wrapped him in his arms and whispered "what can be done to avert such an ill omen?", well, that was a quite pleasant memory, and work had already begun on the garden he had been promised in turn.
Best of all, at the end of it, he would be married to Thorin. When Thorin had initially proposed from a bed Bilbo had feared he might never arise from, Bilbo's response was 'I would marry you in a pig wallow and live among the briars if it could be with you'. He had meant it. He still did. And there would be feasting, at least, and revelry. Sighing again, he took a tentative step forward, balancing the enormous load as best he could. Manageable, he supposed. Alright, Bilbo, he thought, eyeing Dori and Balin in their fancy armor, come to collect him. Let's go get married.
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leafycasper · 5 months ago
Dwarrowtober Day 3: Durin's Day
So, I obviously fell behind. But in my defense, it was finals week. That being said, I'm now on Fall Break and will be trying to post at least two a day until I'm caught up. I probably won't be mentioning being behind again unless things change. Anyway, the art. My inspo for this was "The last moon of autumn and first sun of winter" and had this idea. Apparently in The Hobbit, Durin's Day lasts on October 19th, which is my anniversary, so I think it'd be cute to think of the sun and moon as a couple, and it's the one day a year they share the sky.
Oh, and one last thing I wanted to add quick. Thank you @mrkida-art for reblogging my posts, reading your tags really made my day! :)
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amonrawya · 5 months ago
3rd of October: Durin's Day / An Treasamh Latha dhen Dàmhair: Là Dhurin
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English Translation:
In the early years after the dragon came, the Dwarves of Erebor set their eyes on survival. Much was lost to them during this time, cultural and religious customs they failed to sustain in their wanderings.
As soon as they had homes once again, mines to work in and forges to fire, Thorin looked to these things for the final missing piece in their lives. His nephews, growing fast, had never experienced Durin's Day in any way other than that of the Blue Mountains.
He heard Erebor in their speech, saw it in the style of their clothes, and even in the weapons they favoured, but so much of his nephews' cultural references lay elsewhere. He wished for them to understand Durin's Day through the eyes of their own culture.
Thus, ten years since Erebor had seen its last Durin's Day, her people put on a feast in Thorin's Halls the like of which was rarely seen. They worked tirelessly to have everything right: musicians woke up old ballads, bakers brought back old delicacies, and the elders gathered to pass their folktales onto the new generations. The exiles.
Another wound was healed that night, another wrong put right. Thorin watched over the festivities as Fili and Kili learnt how to sing a traditional Erebor hymn and thought of his own childhood.
Finally, everyone came together on the stone slopes before the gates of their halls to watch the last vestiges of the sunset fade from the sky behind them and the autumn moon rise in the eastern horizon. For a precious few minutes, both lights lingered together, before the sun was overcome at last.
Thorin stood with his arm around Dis and the boys by their legs, wide-eyed with their first Durin's Day beads braided carefully in their hair. They were't likely to sleep tonight.
The towering stature of the Misty Mountains blocked it from view, but Thorin knew - could see - beyond their white peaks lay Erebor, bathed in the silver light of Durin's moon.
Maybe he started it, or perhaps they all did so at the same time, but slowly and quietly, their low Dwarven voices rose into the sky with a song of home-sickness on their lips. A mourning song.
Oh, far over the Misty Mountains cold...
Scottish Gaelic Translation:
Anns na bliadhnaichean a chaidh seachad as dèidh don nathair-sgiathach tighinn, thoirt na Troichean Erebor an sùilean air mairsinneach. Chaill iad tòrr tron àm seo, nòsan cultarach is creideamh nach do chùm iad beò anns am fuadan aca.
Cho luath ‘s a bha dachaighean aca a-rithist, mèinnean a bhith ag obair anns agus ceàrdaichean a chuir teinne anns, chaidh Thòrin don rudan seo a’ sireach am pìos mu dheireadh air fhàgail bho am beathannan sa Bheinn Ònaranach. A’ fàs cho àrd a-nist, cha robh na mic a pheathar eòlach idir air an dòigh dhen Là Dhurin ach an dòigh na Beanntan Ghorm.
Chuala e Erebor san dòigh-bhruidhinn aca, san stoidhle aodach, eadhon san arm a bha an dithis measail air. Ach leis na rudan beaga, chunnaic e gun robh sin a’ tighinn bho àitichean eile. Bha e airson ‘s gum biodh iad a’ tuigsinn Là Dhurin tron shùilean an cultar aca fhèin.
Air an adhbhar sin, deich bliadhna seach gun do chunnaic Erebor an Là Dhurin mu dheireadh, chuir an t-sluaigh aice seòin air dòigh nach fhaca iad gu tric anns na Tallachan Thòrin. Dh’obraich iad gu cruaidh airson a h-uile rud a bhith ceart: dh’èirich ceòladairean seann balantan, rinn bèicearan seann biadh fìnealta, agus chruinneach na daoine aosmhor ri chèile airson am beul-aithris aca a thoirt don ghinealaichean ùra. Na fògraich.
Shlànaich gort eile an oidhche sin, rud eile a chuir ceart. Choimhead Thòrin air an subhachas mar a dh’ionnsaich Fìli is Kìli laoidh traidiseanta Erebor a sheinn agus smaointeach e air na làithean anns an robh e fhèin beag.
Mu dheireadh thall, thàinig a h-uile duine ri chèile a-mach air na slèibhtean mu bheul an geata nan tallachan. Choimhead iad air dol fodha na grèine san speur air an cùlaibh, an solas a’ dol às beag air bheag. Agus gealach an foghair a’ tighinn suas san fàire Ear. Airson beagan mionaidean prìseil, dh’fhuirich an dà sholas anns an speur ri chèile mus do dh’fhalbh a’ ghrian.
Sheas Thòrin le a gàirdean timcheall a phiuthar, Dìs, agus na bhalaich ri taobh nan casan. Bha na sùilean drileach aca a’ coimhead mòr, agus bha a’ chiad grìogagan Là Dhurin a bh’ aca air pleatach anns am falt. Cha bhiodh e comasach gun cadail iad a-nochd.
Cha b’ urrainn dha a’ faicinn tro na Beanntan Àird a’ Cheò, ach bha fios aige gun robh Erebor air a seasamh dìreach thar air na mullaichean gheala, lannrach anns an t-solas ghealach Dhurin.
Is docha gun do thoiseach esan e, no ‘s docha gun do rinn iad uile e aig an aon am, ach gu slaodach agus gu samhach, chaidh na guthan ìosal troiche dhan speur le òran chianalais air an bilean.
Ò thar na Beanntan Àird fhuar a’ Cheò...
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finchletteplayslotro · 4 months ago
Happy Durin's Day! 🌄🐉🗝️🌒
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"Here on Durin's day Thorin Oakenshield King of the Longbeards son of Thrain son of Thrór unlocked this door with help of the Burglar Bilbo Baggins and reclaimed his kingdom from Smaug the Usurper."
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rannadylin · 1 year ago
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Happy Durin's Day from Lennidhren of Lorien and Cerphedis of Gondor!
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oaken-dick · 2 years ago
I have this doubt that is currently consuming my every waking thought!! Pls help
Does Durin's Day happen on October 15th or December 13th this year? Because the last new moon of autumn on the threshold of winter this year comes on December 12th but the site I have consulted for all this years says October!!!
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scifur · 2 months ago
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"One day you might stumble upon him in Mondstadt"
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ithrilyann · 7 months ago
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love the way Thorin’s hair, otherwise dark, catches the golden light of torches <3
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margaret-the-duck · 9 months ago
Kili and Fili noticing how much Bilbo gets annoyed by being called the wrong name, so gradually the names get worse
"Mr Boggins, could you help me?"
"Mr Blobbins have you seen that?" "For the last time, it's Baggins"
"Look Mister Blubbers!" "Stop it Fili"
"Where is Mister Bubbles?"
"Guys I found Mr Blueberries." "You're not even trying anymore"
"What do you mean, Mr Bumblebee?"
Bilbo: "please Kili and Fili you can call me Bilbo"
Kili: "oh okay Beelord"
Fili: "If you thinks so Beano"
Bilbo: "Yavanna have mercy"
Bonus 2:
"Good morning Kidleaf, have you slept well?"
"Yes very well Uncle Beepboop"
"What do you want for breakfast Fungi?"
"Pancakes please, Uncle Bamboo"
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saephrond · 6 months ago
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Sunset on Durin's Day, amidst the rugged beauty of the Dale-lands.
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7soulstars · 2 years ago
My Incorrect Universe #96
*before courting Thranduil*
Me: *trips on the ground*
Thranduil, scoffing and in a mocking tone : haha, how clumsy, could you be any more foolish?
*later when no one is around*
Thranduil : *stomping the ground* who do you think you are?? WHO IN EVER LOVING VALAR DO YOU-
--Few years later--
Thorin: I can’t believe you talked to Thranduil without getting so much as a glare! Most people can’t even look in his general direction without some kind of threat.
Me: I mean, it would be a little weird if he did. We are engaged after all......
Thorin, who thought he had a chance: “....YOU’RE WHAT?!”
Legolas,a rogue Gimli tucked under his arm pit: YOU'RE WHAT ?!
Haldir and Lindir, from behind the trees: YOU ARE WHAT ??!
Elrond: YOU'RE WHAT ?!
Me: why are YOU shocked?? You watched him propose to me??
Elrond, recalling himself screaming as he witnessed Thranduil get on one knee that day: I'm still recovering from the trauma-
*Legolas still trying to process what I just announced*:
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autistook · 10 months ago
April 27th - Thorin and the Company arrive in Bag End
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For over the misty mountains cold To dungeons deep and caverns old We must away, ere break of day, To find our long-forgotten gold.
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mithrilhearts · 4 months ago
OMG I DID NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT THAT TODAY... thank you for reminding me @wintersmitth!!
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