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roycesaayan · 5 years ago
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Projek @roycesaayan.agrowaqaf berkunjung ke #ijok rumah @dida_yahaya & @syahir_iswaidi ... sampi pun sini yeayyyy!!!! Terima kasih banyak sudi terima n jaga #anakpokok #manggalili & #durianbelanda Nanti kita update ya .. #video akan up up soon di #youtubechannel @roycesaayan #creditphoto #tq @dayyuhouseplants 🌱 #agrowaqaf_roycesaayan #asaladayangnakjaga (at Ijok, Batang Berjuntai, Selangor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCitJ1QJpDq/?igshid=1stuzybymwwno
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samslair · 4 years ago
NTDOT..boleh membantu menyembuhkan kan pelbagai penyakit... Antara kebaikan...NTDOT Anti oksidan Anti keradangan Anti kolesterol Anti Tumor/barah Anti tinggal/kulat/kurap membantu mengurangkan kandungan gula dalam badan membantu menangani masalah saraf membantu menangani masalah sembelit membantu membuang toksin dalam badan membantu menormalkan kan tekanan darah membantu menguatkan antibodi badan membantu membaiki sistem penghadaman membaiki kesihatan kulit membantu meningkat kan tenaga membantu mengatasi masalah yg berkaitan saraf. Antara bahan² yang terkandung di dalam produk NTDOT berserta khasiat setiap isian bahan tersebut . 📷Durian Belanda 📷Sarang Burung Walet 📷Daun Moringa 📷Buah Goji 📷Buah Delima 📷Buah Tin 📷Daun Lidah Buaya 📷Kurma Merah 📷Madu 📷Ekstrak Stevia https://whatsupehh.blogspot.com/2020/12/md7-ntdot-1.html  WA 0106549540
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dherbs · 5 years ago
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𝓣𝓻𝓸𝓹𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵 𝓢𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓹 𝓢𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓮 - Soursop has a creamy texture with a flavor that is like a cross between a coconut and a banana. What's your favorite smoothie? Let us know in the comments below . Link in bio for recipe.⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #dherbs #dherbsactive #fullbodycleanse #vegan #plantbased #fitness #veganfood #healthy #health #glutenfree #smoothie #almondbutter #organic #govegan #cleaneating #motivation #veganlife #soursop #durianbelanda #soursopleaves #seamoss #airjagung #blacksoap #irishmoss #airdurianbelanda #drsebi #soursoptea #guanabana https://ift.tt/3bL1jNh
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za69zack-blog · 7 years ago
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Alhamdulillah bbuah jg #durianbelanda yg ku tanam #cilipadi ku kali ni payah na nk bbuah lps dipindah ke tmpt lain. Aduiii byk sgt semut. Tmpt lma pun byk semut. #timuntikus ku dh bbuah lg, hbis pokok kaktus ku dililit oleh pokok timun tikus ni. X pdn dgn kcik.
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dgshop2u · 8 years ago
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Karnival Jom Ke Masjid (KJKM) kembali lagi! Kami akan berkampung selama 3 hari bermula petang ni 24 - 26 Ogos 2017. Lokasi di Masjid Jamek Pengadang Baru Kuala Terengganu. Hilangkan Haus Anda Dengan Jus Durian Belanda Kocok2 Sedap😋😋 Sedap. Segar. Berkhasiat #dgshop2u #akusuka #gengultra #lohonghitam #senidanstrategi #jjcmtv3 #gaji #cikguseo #jusdurianbelanda #puriasli #bangkitbersama #jjcm #jusdurianbelandakocok2sedap #juspuriasli #kualalumpur2017 #kuliah #karnival #durianbelanda #puridurianbelanda #anticancer #antigout #anticyst #antifibroid
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petite-dayung · 8 years ago
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Mum showing off her climbing skill😂😂😂 not exactly climbing, she is using ladder and 1 long pole to get these. Which I have to run and catch, to rescue the fruit. It is almost ripe. We blend it and made it frozen. I love it that way 😍 soursop was known to have anti cancer elements and slimming booster too. Hehe how true it is, I will leave it to everyone to Google it. Hahaha #soursop #durianbelanda #fruits
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sidremedies-blog · 7 years ago
#Repost @s.i.d_beautysecrets (@get_repost)
When I was a kid, I spent a good majority of my life on my grandmother's fruits farm..
■ Benefits of Soursop ( DURIAN BELANDA ) Fruits;
1. Cancer Killers
2. Treatment of Tumor
- soursop leaves also contains antioxidant that uses as anti-tumor and anti-bacterial.
3. Treatment of Osteoporosis
- soursop is a traditional healer,
tasty, easy, and it is really healthy to fit the bones.
4. Treatment of Gastrointestinal - soursop flower is also used as an antiseptic to cure gastrointestinal problems such as dysentery, uric acid, and also antisembelit.
5. Treatment of Diabetes - soursop leaves can also be used to prevent diabetes, or it is the natural treatment to help body controls the blood sugar. The contains of acetogenin, one more time, can reduce the high level of blood sugar and keep in normal level. Meanwhile, this benefit is only work diabetes type two to control insulin.
6. Alternative to Back Pain
7. Reduce Stress
8. Skin Health
9. Immune System Booster
- facing skin problems such as wrinkles, acne, black spot, or dark skin
10. Treatment of Abscess
11. To Kill Louses
12. Treatment of Hypertension
#benefits #fruits #farm #soursop #durianbelanda #cancer #diabetes #cancerkiller #tumor #skinhealth #treatment #body #immunesystem #vegan #organicfruits #organic #organicfoods #naturalfood
#gogreen #healthylifestyle
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goutfreelife · 7 years ago
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RM30 for 100 pieces. #tea #teasoursop #durianbelanda #durianbelandakotabharu #gu… http://ift.tt/2A1wKmi
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