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skeletonpunching · 2 years ago
Buddy Daddies interview with DURDN
Interview with DURDN (musical artist for the ending theme, My Plan; members SHINTA, yacco, and Baku)
Interviewer: What was your first impression of the series "Buddy Daddies"?
SHINTA: The "familial love" was clear in the premise; it was the kind of series that made me want to write a gentle song which enfolds the listeners. So we were going for something gentle with "My Plan".
yacco: DURDN hasn't had many cheerful songs so far; we tend to write songs with a bit of darkness to them. But we made very sure to steer clear of those dark elements for this anime. We thought we should write something truly filled with happiness.
Baku: Right. Since this song was for an anime about family, we wanted it to have a cheerier feel. I kept that in the back of my mind while singing, to make sure my singing didn't make it too gloomy.
Interviewer: Did the anime production staff have any specific instructions for the composition of the song?
yacco: They requested "a positive song full of happiness". I've never tackled a song like that before, so honestly, I got really stuck at some points. I'm in charge of lyrics, but given the environment I grew up in, I haven't had much experience with the kind of familial love that "Buddy Daddies" is about. That made things difficult. But precisely because I haven't experienced it, I was able to incorporate my ideals of "I'd love it if my family felt this way". I really am glad I got to write a song like this.
Interviewer: What did you keep in mind when creating an ending song to be played after the main episode?
SHINTA: Musically speaking, "My Plan" has some slightly odd sections. It kicks off with a musical phrase that's catchy but isn't the chorus; I decided on this since it's meant to be an anime ending theme. I wanted the whole song, including the very beginning, to have a uniform tempo in a good way - so that you could ease smoothly into it from the main episode. I figured it should be a fluid melody that wouldn't be too obtrusive in the anime.
Baku: Even at the very end of the track, it feels like the sound lingers a little. We thought that would leave a nice aftertaste.
SHINTA: We were requested to create that sort of lingering aftertaste, and I definitely thought we should do that as well. But in fact, that trailing effect only exists in the anime broadcast version. The CD version deliberately cuts off cleanly.
Interviewer: Is there anything you were especially concerned with when creating the song?
SHINTA: I'm in charge of tracking and arrangements, and when it came to that aspect, I wanted to evoke a very 90s sound for the world of "Buddy Daddies". So when I was working on the arrangement, I channelled the vibe of Japanese city pop and kayokyoku-influenced pop music from that era. Especially the phrase which precedes the chorus - it sounds a bit like fusion music. I put that in because I felt like this anime is very compatible with the fusion genre.
yacco: As for the melody, which I'm in charge of, I set the chorus to be higher than usual. Having the A-melody and B-melody be lower and the chorus be higher creates a more mellow impression. High voices carry more warmth, so I was trying to bring out the gentlest aspects of Baku's voice.
Baku: This song is definitely rather high for my vocal range. I figured that I shouldn't use my usual voice, and should sing in an airier mixed voice [a combination of chest voice and head voice], to give the listeners a more pleasant feeling. And I did try to do that, but my throat really does seize up when I sing too high after all. So there are points where I drop the airiness, and sing 100% in my natural voice. But this time I tried very deliberately to avoid doing that.
yacco: I thought it would be very tough to sing, since it was higher than usual, but Baku is a hard worker, and I figured he'd definitely be able to make this song his own. So I left that to him.
Baku: My vocal range has really been expanding lately, so it's okay. (laughs) I think I'd be totally fine even singing it live.
Interviewer: Was there anything else you found memorable during the production process?
yacco: There was a competition this time, so when we first received the request, we got to watch the still-unfinished footage of the anime. This gave us a grasp of the general story, which was quite a helpful reference. I think that's what allowed us to compose a whole new piece that meshed with the worldview of "Buddy Daddies".
SHINTA: And that really brought it home to me that I was composing an ending theme for an anime. It's different from creating an original song - there are all sorts of people involved, which I was very aware of when writing. That was very memorable for me.
yacco: It was absolutely vital for us to set our own egos aside and listen to the requests from the anime production team.
Baku: Oh, and when we submitted the candidate for the ending song, we also submitted an opening song, didn't we?
yacco: Right. We really wanted to get across our intense wish that they'd use our song, so we also sent in another song like, "If we wrote the opening, it'd be something like this..." (laughs)
Baku: We thought it'd be the opening, but it turned out to be the ending. (laughs)
SHINTA: But on the whole, when you listen to it, Baku-chan's slightly smoky voice really is a perfect fit for the ending's atmosphere. I'm sure that's why it was chosen. We've all been talking about that.
Interviewer: How did you feel when you saw the ending sequence accompanied by "My Plan"?
yacco: Incredibly happy. When the first episode aired, we all had a live watchalong on LINE.
SHINTA: There's a real thrill in doing an anime song that gets closed captions. (laughs) The CD also includes a remix version recorded by the two voice actors (Toyonaga Toshiyuki, who plays Kurusu Kazuki, and Uchiyama Koki, who plays Suwa Rei), and if you listen to it, I think you'll feel an even closer affinity with the series.
yacco: We received a lot of reactions on social media after the broadcast, and there have been more people getting into DURDN's other music after listening to "My Plan". We can really feel the magnitude of the response.
SHINTA: Maybe it's the impact of anime culture - I feel like we've been getting more and more reactions from overseas listeners.
Baku: We've even been getting more comments in English, on Instagram and so on. Turns out Japanese anime really is popular overseas as well.
Interviewer: Please tell us what you think are the selling points of this series "Buddy Daddies".
SHINTA: Probably the realism of the overall drama? Even with the fantastic elements of the assassin plot, there's a level of realism that the viewers can easily relate to and get emotionally invested in. I think that's the appeal.
yacco: It's not just about parenting - the protagonists learn and grow in various ways through raising a child, and that's what makes it feel truly real. There are lots of things which don't work out well; that's very relatable and gets everyone nodding along.
Baku: The first episode had an action scene where cake goes flying; I think that sort of cool action is the number one selling point. The car chase scene too - P.A. Works series really have such awesome action scenes. And two assassins raising a child while killing people is a fun contrast.
SHINTA: Personally, I really love the art by P.A. Works. And the voice actors are just amazing. Especially Morikawa-san (Toshiyuki), who plays Kyu-chan (Kugi Kyutaro) - his voice is incredible. I want to go to that cafe. I'd love to get the same juice as (Unasaka) Miri-chan. (laughs)
Interviewer: Finally, please give a message to everyone who is enjoying this series.
Baku: I gave it my all when singing "My Plan". Please enjoy it to the very end!
yacco: I wrote this song to match the anime's worldview, so I would be very happy if you listen through the ending without skipping.
SHINTA: I'm an anime fan myself, and I'm really enjoying "Buddy Daddies"; I hope you'll enjoy DURDN's music as well!
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yuraamar · 2 years ago
Ya está la versión completa de "My Plan" Ending del anime, cantada por #ToyonagaToshiyuki (Kazuki) y #UchiyamaKouki (Rei) 💕
Apoyenla en el canal oficial de DURDN
También la encuentran en Spotify 💕
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jpopstreaming · 11 months ago
264 new Japanese music releases (2024, week 13)
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🎉 Discover 264 new Japanese music releases (2024, week 13) 🌍 Now streaming worldwide on Spotify!
Dive into our weekly updated playlist 🎧
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mars-aria · 2 years ago
wrapped around your finger & going in circles
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tiklim-tiklim-yalnizim · 1 year ago
Nothing special
Because i don't want to
With everything in mind
I buried it
Don't look at me
Hold on, I refuse your love
When I secretly saw
You will also see
Nothing special
Because i don't want to
With everything in mind
I filled it
Don't look at me
Hold on, I refuse your love
When I secretly saw
You will also see
We are still
I'm not ready
It's impossible, it's impossible, it's impossible
Between you and me
The gap is too big
I can't meet I can't meet I can't reach you
Don't look at me
Hold on, I refuse your love
When I secretly saw
You will also see
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lyrics365 · 29 days ago
街灯の下でしゃがみこんで願い事を 眺めるだけなんてらしくないよね こんな長い長い退屈に揺らした炎を消して 飽き飽きしているんだ 変わるはずない結末に あの日描いた理想に正しさは喉の奥に 目をつぶってくれないか? 大層な物だけちょうだい 不安定な天気の状態 傘も持たずに走り出す 行儀よく座れないはずだって 滲み出る綺麗な所作に仕草 完璧な身のこなし 質のいいコートに新品の余裕を纏う理想の俺 手土産まで持ってんだ 手にしてないから 届いてないから 諦め悪いから どこまでだって追いかけて あの日描いた理想に正しさは喉の奥に 目をつぶってくれないか? 大層な物だけちょうだい 不安定な天気の状態 傘も持たずに走り出す あの日描いた理想に正しさは喉の奥に 目をつぶってくれないか? 大層な物だけちょうだい 不安定な天気の状態 傘も持たずに走り出す
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ferios-favorite-styles · 1 month ago
idealistic / DURDN
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dailyjpop · 6 months ago
DURDN - Pretense feat. 李浩瑋 Howard Lee
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themultifandomdisaster · 10 months ago
We as a society do not listen to DURDN enough
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yuki93blog · 1 year ago
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vstranslations · 2 years ago
DURDN - Conflict - Lyrics
song (spotify) Japanese/Romaji/English lyrics under the cut
特に 何も やりたくないから 全てを心に 埋めて しまったんだよ
俺に目を合わせるな ちょっと待って あなたの恋を拒否よ こっそり俺が見た時 君も見てるでしょう
特に 何も やりたくないから 全てを心に 埋めてしまったんだよ
俺に目を合わせるな ちょっと待って あなたの恋を拒否よ こっそり俺が見た時 君も見てるでしょう
俺たちはまだまだ 準備ができてないから 無理でしょう 無理だろう 無理だよ 君と俺の間は 隙間大きすぎてね 会えない 会えない 届かない
俺に目を合わせるな ちょっと待って あなたの恋を拒否よ こっそり俺が見た時 君も見てるでしょう
Toku ni nanimo yaritakunai kara subete o kokoro ni umete shimattanda yo
Ore ni me o awaseru na chotto matte anata no koi o kyohi yo kossori ore ga mita toki kimi mo miteru deshou
Toku ni nanimo yaritakunai kara subete o kokoro ni umete shimattanda yo
Ore ni me o awaseru na chotto matte anata no koi o kyohi yo kossori ore ga mita toki kimi mo miteru deshou
Oretachi wa mada mada junbi ga dekitenai kara muri deshou, muri darou, muri da yo kimi to ore no aida wa sukima ookisugite ne aenai aenai todokanai
Ore ni me o awaseru na chotto matte anata no koi o kyohi yo kossori ore ga mita toki kimi mo miteru deshou
I don���t really want to do anything I’ve buried it all away deep within my heart
Don’t you dare look me in the eye Hold on now, I don’t want your love That moment I saw in secret was something you saw too, right?
I don’t really want to do anything I’ve buried it all away deep within my heart
Don’t you dare look me in the eye Hold on now, I don’t want your love That moment I saw in secret was something you saw too, right?
We’re still completely unprepared for this, so it probably won’t work, there’s no way, it will never work The space between you and me is still far too wide I can’t see you, I won’t reach you
Don’t you dare look me in the eye Hold on now, I don’t want your love That moment I saw in secret was something you saw too, right?
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bingo-a · 2 years ago
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suiyoubis · 2 years ago
durdn — apart
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skeletonpunching · 2 years ago
Buddy Daddies interview with Ayase
Interview with Ayase (musical artist for the opening theme, SHOCK!)
Interviewer: What impression did you have of the series "Buddy Daddies", which features "SHOCK!" as its opening?
Ayase: When I first received the basic rundown of the series, I thought, "This girl's (Unasaka Miri's) level of cuteness is going to be really essential when it gets animated." And then I actually saw the footage, and Miri was absolutely adorable.
Interviewer: Did the anime production staff have any specific instructions for the composition of the song?
Ayase: They didn't really request anything specific. Just that since it's meant to be an anime opening song, they'd like something more fast-paced, rather than mellow... That was the vibe they were going for, and it was what I had in mind as well.
Interviewer: How did the worldview and atmosphere of the series inspire your ideas for the song?
Ayase: I knew that the plot of the series was the protagonists parenting, and so I wanted to use that as one of the themes of the song - the part where they confront the question of "love", and find themselves steadily changing. But in fact, this song isn't entirely about the series itself; it's connected to the series, but it addresses the themes of what I've personally experienced in life, and my feelings about the responsibility of loving others. 
Interviewer: And is that also what inspired the title "SHOCK!"...?
Ayase: When you're emotionally devastated, or when you've turned away from precious feelings like romantic love, you suddenly meet someone who has a huge influence on your mindset and your way of life. The title is connected to the anime storyline, but it also expresses that sort of tremendous effect. "SHOCK!" is meant to literally convey that impact.
Interviewer: Is there anything you were especially concerned with when creating the song?
Ayase: I'm usually part of a group called YOASOBI, where I have the role of composer - I focus exclusively on songwriting. But YOASOBI's central concept is "making novels into music", which means I'm always drawing inspiration from other people's stories and sentiments for my own writing. So I inevitably come up with a lot of songs that have strong narratives and thematic messages.
This time, I was inspired by "Buddy Daddies" as well, but since I was performing it as a solo vocalist, I wanted the phrasing of the lyrics to also reflect my own personal tastes to some extent. I was trying to make something that would be easy listening, and could be enjoyed with no constraints. But when I say "easy", I don't mean I didn't put any effort into it. What I mean is that I wanted people to enjoy it simply, and so I kept things simple and loose as well. It doesn't carry any sort of deep message - rather, it's about the fleeting doubts that surface as I go through life, the feelings I have for people who are kind to me, and the casual thoughts I have on a daily basis. I took all those things and focused on putting them into words. I couldn't have done this if I wasn't releasing it as a solo artist.
Interviewer: I guess it's different when you're performing the vocals yourself.
Ayase: I just thought, "Man, singing sure is fun." (laughs) I'm also a Vocaloid producer, so when I compose songs for other artists, I often send them a Vocaloid demo with Hatsune Miku first. But since I was performing this song myself, I recorded the demos with my own voice right from the start. I explored my comfort zone as I sang, and I had a lot of fun striving for the best results. 
Interviewer: Please tell us how you felt when you saw the opening sequence accompanied by "SHOCK!"
Ayase: I usually picture scenes in my head while composing, and since I'd gotten to see the "Buddy Daddies" character designs, I had thoughts of "it would be cool if they put in a shot like this at this point", or "that might be interesting". And I think it turned out incredibly close to what I had in mind. Of course, I didn't say anything like "I'd love an opening like this", so it's not like they were trying to reflect my preferences, but I could tell that they crafted the footage while taking into account the song's intent and atmosphere. So it made me very happy to watch it.
Interviewer: Is there anything you keep in mind when working on tie-in songs - not just the one for "Buddy Daddies"?
Ayase: Different musicians and artists all approach songwriting with different mindsets, and there will be more tie-in songs in future - for anime, commercials, and so on - but when I'm lucky enough to be chosen, I always want them to come away thinking, "I'm glad I worked with Ayase." That's my top priority, and I think that's how it should be.
I said just now that I produced this song simply and loosely, according to my own tastes, but I still thought carefully about the series. I want people to feel that I have a strong sense of professionalism and am producing work that no one else could do. Not just for anime, but for other tie-in songs as well - I don't just want to make cool songs. I understand that I've been called on for a certain purpose, so I want to create the best work I possibly can. That's why I give it my all, every single day.
Interviewer: How has the public reaction to "SHOCK!" been?
Ayase: When I release songs as part of my regular YOASOBI activity, or when a tie-in series gets broadcast, I'm usually very curious about the public reception. So I check online almost right away. But this time, since I was singing the song myself, I couldn't quite bear to see the reaction. Plus when the anime first started airing, I was really too busy to be on social media much. Honestly, I'm kind of scared to vanity-search myself this time. I've just been getting LINE messages from my family and close friends, saying things like "it's good", and of course that's a huge relief. As a vocalist, I still haven't built up a resistance to public reactions, so if anyone says anything mean I'll probably cry. (laughs)
Interviewer: Please tell us what you think are the selling points of this series "Buddy Daddies".
Ayase: It's got lots of comedic elements and lighthearted scenes, but the serious parts are also legitimately serious. And that also makes the comical bits stand out all the more - it's like a fun black comedy. It kind of has the vibe of a foreign series, and that's an interesting aspect I haven't really seen before.
Interviewer: Finally, please give a message to everyone who is enjoying this series.
Ayase: To all the viewers watching "Buddy Daddies" every week, I hope you enjoy both the opening sequence and the song "SHOCK!" Thank you so much for everything!
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lyrics365 · 29 days ago
Hearth Place
黒いダウンコートを引っ張り出しては 乾かない靴下履いたら雪の上 頼りない街灯に昨日の記憶を辿りながら どこかで落とした手袋 片方探しながら 相も変わらず戸締りもせず家に帰れば 暖を取って 暖を取って 灯油の匂い 涙こぼせば あいも変わらず 暖を取って 暖を取って 溜め息なんて聞こえないように膝並べたあの夜 長い沈黙を破るように君は微笑むだけ 何年経った? 何年待った? もう二度と会えないの分かってても 相も変わらず戸締りもせず家に帰れば 暖を取って 暖を取って 灯油の匂い 涙こぼせば あいも変わらず 暖を取って 暖を取って 君がいない世界には慣れはしない 馴染めやしないから 君が残した優しさに何度も振り返ったり 乾いた涙が頬を伝って 冬の空に澄んだ瞳 いつまでも君を重ねる僕を笑って
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ferios-favorite-styles · 4 months ago
Summer Jumbo / DURDN
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