hibiscera · 3 months
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It was about time I finally sat down and made proper visual reference and notes for my version of Killer Moth (Pre-"Mothening")... As we all know, he is my most specialest guy ever. Autistic gay trans men rule.🦋🤗
This ref sheet has been my focus the past few days, I'm excited to get it over with finally so I can focus on other character ref sheets LOL... 😭
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silentcutekitten · 3 months
Is it that time?
Oh yeah,
It's moth time.
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Believe or not I am in fact a Killer Moth fan, so of course I had to draw this goober as soon as I was able to! We 💚 gay trans men in this household 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
This amazing Drury belongs to the awesome @hibiscera, AKA the one who actually introduced me to Crowmoth in the first place! Here's my token of appreciation for you :)
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there siblings now your honor
my newest AU Duoverse.
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graphicpolicy · 1 year
NYCC 2023: Z2 Rocks with Rock & Roll's Heaviest Hitters
NYCC 2023: Z2 Rocks with Rock & Roll's Heaviest Hitters #NYCC #NYCC2023 #NYCC23
Z2 is set to raise their fist in celebration of their music creators this October at New York Comic Con with plans to host multiple signings at their booth, debut new titles, and participate in panels. Z2 Comics will invade New York Comic Con in October with an array of talent appearing in support of current and upcoming graphic novels. While days and times are yet to be finalized, among those…
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lokewolf-father · 2 years
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I need to get this out of the way. I am in no way on the payroll of Gwar, Z2 comics, nor did I receive anything from them for free. I purchased the comic book, album, and that hateful thing above with my own hard earned dough because I'm a hapless slave to our lords and masters, Gwar, the Scumdogs of the Universe. That out of the way, on to chapter 4 of the comic (referred to henceforth as "Duo")!
Chapter 4 is called "Rise Again", and is named for one of the best songs on the album. Describing a bronze Civil War statue coming to life along with the fallen soldiers buried around him, this song is about the "Lost Cause" obsession many Southern states in the US have. Remember when people were deciding they didn't need statues celebrating slaveowners and rebels in their town squares and racists freaked out? I do, and so do Gwar. "Time has opened more wounds than it heals", Blothar sings, having lived in Virginia, under the shadow of all this bloodshed and heroic daydreaming.
"I mean, we have a mass grave of soldiers from the battle at Cold Harbor, where 4000 people died in an hour. When you have something like this in your history, how stupid can you be when you have people who are bringing that language back?" Mike Bishop says, expounding on his thinking in writing the song. In the comic book, this is happening in the Mirror verse. Here, the List Cause is lumped in with other laughable beliefs, such as the Qanon madness and the Bearenstain Bears Mandela effect thing.
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Maybe I'm easily entertained, but there wasn't anything like this I'm the first two comics, and I love it. One of my favorite bits here is when Pustulus asks the secretary (is she supposed to be Slymenstra?) "Ha! You really think a bunch of redneck renegades could overthrow the government?" I would hasten to point out that her statement of "we can't remove them, we dare not erase history" and the rest of the interaction are being framed as something to laugh at, as it's all happening in the mirror verse, where everything absurd and stupid doesn't just exist, it thrives.
Chapter 5 is called "Motherfucking Liar", and I'll give you one guess as to who it's most likely about. Blothar calling for a purging and a gutting of the modern age in the face of the miasma of lies and confusion that have beset the world is an excellent dimension to his character. In the comic, the Motherfucking Liar is likely the Mad Monk, the lingering software from Techno's hard drive that lurks in the internet, and has made Gwar's magic mirror into a portal to his mirror verse in an effort to kill Gwar (as Techno was obsessed with).
Sawborg shows up here and, after briefly brawling with his erstwhile foes, is cleared by Balsac, who called him into action to assist with their mirror situation. Worse, the armies of earth are matching on their Antarctic fortress, brainwashed by the country music of Rhinestone Maximus.
Sawborg uploads himself to the internet and meets the Mad Monk, who monologues like he's Skulhedface, and then sends Sawborg to the mirror verse. Due to a misunderstanding, he gets transferred in a tiny platypus body, which, coupled with all his aggressiveb dialogue, is hilarious.
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Chapter 6 is called "Rat Catcher", and doesn't actually connect in any meaningful way with the song on the album. The song itself is referred to by Mike Bishop as a "sellout song" due to its catchy hooks, which is funny because it's one of Gwar's many, many songs about murdering children. It has an awesome music video featuring animation by a luchador, and in fact here's the link. It's fantastic!
Back in the comic book, Blothar and Pustulus run to the All Houses Matter House (heh) where President Sleazy works. They assume that, like the Sleazy from the Prime Universe, he will assist them. This is also the point where the rest of Alt.Gwar show up!
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Cheesecake the Debauche! So fat and gluttonous he can no longer even stand!
Brainsac the Jaws of Sesquipedalia! So intelligent his body has withered and hisb tremendous brain is crackling with telekinetic power!
Jizcat Da Pussy! The embodiment of finesse and grace!
And fucking Brosnapper, as hip and charismatic as Bonesnapper is stupid and useless!
After making short work if the confederate zombies, they report to President Martini, who sends them off to find Blothar and Pustulus. Our heroes confront him, and being Sleazy, even if he's on the shorter side, he tries to recruit them. Sadly, he has no crack for them, only money, since, and this is good, the Drug War was a success in there mirror verse!
The secretary reveals herself as some kind of alien warrior as the President's female bodyguards run in, and after killing everyone, break his magic mirror, sending Blothar, Sawborg, and Pustulus back to the Prime Universe.
Chapter 8 is titled "Unto the Breach", and just check out this splash page.
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The song appropriately describes a siege, and borrows lines from Shakespearean Henry V. It's slow, doom-laden, and a standout on the album.
In Duo, Gwar are entrenched in battle against rednecks, the US army, and everyone else who hates them. They're trying to get to Rhinestone Maximus, as his music is brainwashing everyone into killing them, and to make matters worse, Blofart is assaulting the fortress of Gwar like a kaiju.
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Blothar runs off to battle him as Rhinestone kicks Pustulus and Bonesnapper's asses. Beefcake implores Blothar to help him save Pusty, but hey, that's where Blothar keeps his porn. Blothar releases mutant penguins and fudge demons, while the slaves dump piss on the invaders. It's stupid shit, but in the best way possible.
Things get worse as Rhinestone fires a suicide bomber at Gwar, and then knocks a fighter jet out of the air with his music, slamming it into the fortress. And then Blothar does this:
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Maybe I'm not as well-versed in Gwar lore, but this feels like a moment from an old Thor comic book, where Thor would constantly reveal new powers from his hammer to defeat an increasingly bizarre rouges gallery. That being the case, Blothar used the Mystical Eye of Speculino, the most random plot device I've ever seen, to absorb the tremendous power of Blofart into himself, practically killing himself in the process.
Meanwhile, Beefcake gets a bomb dropped on him, and takes it like three Hulk he is.
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With Blofart defeated and the rest of Gwar converging on Rhinestone, the Mad Monk opens a portal from the mirror verse to the prime verse, sending Alt.Gwar in for the kill!
I've shown a few pages and discussed the plot at length, but if you want to see Gwar and their epic battle with Alt.Gwar, you're going to have to buy the book. All I can say is Sleazy and his massive crack rock come in n clutch.
The final chapter is called "The Beast Will Eat Itself", and involves that Mad Monk leaving the cyberverse to possess the empty body of Sawborg Destructo, who is still trapped in his diminutive platypus form. The song reflects this chapter, describing the lies nurtured in the internet taking root in reality metaphorically, or in the case of the comic, a digital foe taking on flesh. The beast consumes itself because, like a wildfire, after it has corrupted everything else, it will have no choice but to destroy itself.
The stolen body of Sawborg is mutated into a blasphemous monstrosity, and as Gwar looks on in dismay, the Secretary emerges from the mirror astride Alt.Gor-Gor!
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If you don't know, Gor-Gor is Gwar's beloved pet T-Rex, who Oderus fed crack when he was in his egg. Apparently they had to kill him, then turn him into a cyborg, and kill him again, but I think that's all state show stuff I was too young to experience. Check this out, you won't freaking regret it: https://youtu.be/30TQ-zSfwgs
Don't say I never gave you nothing.
I truly hope this new Gor-Gor makes an appearance in their new stage show. Anyway, Blothar unleashes the insane Berserker rage of Blofart he absorbed, and the two of them, with assistance from Gwar's bat helicopter, defeat the Mad Monk, revelling in all the destruction that remains.
Later on, Will Fence, the hapless human who originally found Techno's hard drive, finds a tiny fragment from the Mad Monk, and resolves to use it to revolutionize medicine, creating the ultimate vaccine, and possibly setting up another story, although I doubt the vaccine thing will still be topical by the time they put another album/comic out.
All that being said, "Gwar in the Duoverse of Absurdity" is a must buy if you like Gwar and their lore. I feel like, unlike Marilyn Manson and other "edgy" musical groups, they are DND playing nerds at heart, and this comic book shows that in the best way. It leverages their creativity and creative elements to create a bit of crude, action-packed satire that honestly makes me long for more Gwar comics like this. The fact that it's written by Mike Derks, the human slave of Balsac, and Matt McGuire (with help from The Granger Bros) just adds to its sincerity. If Orgasmageddon or Enormogantic Fail were the only Gwar graphic novels, I would be happy with them because hey, Gwar made them, and I think that's kind of neat, but the fact that they continue to improve in their comic output really makes me appreciate them more. This book seriously kicks ass! Buy it from them at gwar.net or z2 comics https://z2comics.com/products/gwar?variant=39962948468876.
There are a few songs that aren't directly referenced in the comic, that deserve to be addressed directly. The first is "The Cutter", which features vocals from Lizzie Hale from Halestorm. I thought this was about another Destructo, but maybe it's about the Secretary. More likely it's just what the lyrics describe a thrash metal song about a girl who gets tired of taking the abuse she suffers out on herself and goes after the evil fucks that are torturing her.
The next is "Venom of the Platypus" which is referenced in Duo in the form of Raspy. It lampoons the concept of digital assistants like Siri or Cortana, with Blothar crying:
"Awaken now
By my command
Summoned from the darkness
To my voice
Come, little one
The time has come to start this!"
This song is about how we order these digital fucks around, but don't realize that the whole time they are training us to be dependent on them while they gather data on us and control us. They are the true gods of this world. We have created our own slavemasters. Just look at this killer chorus!
"Buy me a sword
Buy me a gun
There's gonna be a fight
I want free shipping
Let's have some fun
Buy me a war
A mail-order wife
Buy me a sword
I want it overnight
Buy me it all
Buy me a life!"
Then there's "Berserk Mode", which could easily be a song off an Amon Amarth album. I'm not sure if Oderus ever got an anthem like this, maybe King Queen, but this one is clearly Blothar's, with his
"Born of the all-father
God of death and war
Shape-shifting, shadow-walker
An ox, a pig, a whore"
Clearly describing him, as well as the allusions to Norse mythology, particularly the reference to the Jotun creation of Mist-Calf, a kind of homunculus the giants created you defeat the great god, Thor. I really, really like the character of Blothar, being a Norse pagan myself, and Blothar being from one of the Nine realms that isn't Asgard or Midgard is so awesome to me. He's a mystical monster, who blunders and fucks around until he gets his shit together and murders his foes like a real Viking berserker.
That just leaves the final three tracks in "The New Dark Ages", which are titled the "Death Whistle Suite". The first, "Temple Ascent" features an Aztec death whistle. Possibly used during human sacrifices atop their great pyramids to help guide their souls to the underworld (the wind god was connected with the god of the underworld, possibly representing life/death), the whistle has an unsettling, hellish should, and is mixed in with glitchy guitar sounds and a throbbing, relentless drumbeat.
The next part is called "Starving Gods", and is not an instrumental like the other two in the Death Whistle Suite. It is a song about how mankind has forgotten the gods they used to sacrifice to, and had replaced them with new gods of industry and technology, re "Venom of the Platypus". It's a heavy, excellent song, and Mike Bishop says this about it: "We came up with this song that has kind of a soca feel. It’s kind of a booty-shaker. I just wanted something where people can dance...so the idea is that there’s a human sacrifice going on and then people are just dancing."
The last part, "Deus Ex Monstrum", is gruesome. I've read a few reviews where people seem upset that they listened to a song that's over ten minutes long that has no lyrics or progression, but honestly this is how Gwar chose to end a stellar, unique album that is ambitious in its efforts to say something. Not all music expresses an idea or tells a story, sometimes music serves to elicit an emotion or leave your with a feeling. This song, with it's fucked up guitar riffs that sound like the intro to the sing, "New Dark Ages" if they were coming in on a damaged radio frequency, the low volume whispers, snuffling beast, and the gates opening, all serve to remind you that even though you reveled and headbanged with Gwar over how the world is actually on the highway to hell and reality itself is under attack, The New Dark Ages are real. That person screaming in the distance is actually you, you just haven't realized it yet. I might be biased because I listen to a lot of music while I'm writing and I love ambient stuff like Prodigy, but I think people just haven't approached it with the right mindset.
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sister-lucifer · 1 year
gender incomprehensible pride flag
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for when your gender is incomprehensible and/or beyond this plane of existence
@arson-n-barf @ilikewritingandspeedcore @duoversal @taxfraudmenace and anyone else who asked to see
gender incomprehensible
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
Hello, based on the ask tag:
Can you tell me about Alium? How does someone access it from the first dimension?
Hello! Thanks for stopping by! (From my TSP Q&A tag game)
Ceteri is the dimension that's essentially our world. It and Alium are in a duoverse system, meaning two universes that are connected. Imagine if the multiverse was its own void, but in the void floated giant bubbles. Each bubble is its own universe. There are an infinite amount of bubbles, but typically they are closer if they're more similar. But the bubbles float around and move. And sometimes, they crash into each other. Ceteri and Alium are essentially that. Alium is very similar to Ceteri, but also very different due to having humans on its Earth with powers.
This collision created the portals. At certain points of the universes, two identical points could be traveled between. However, the laws of physics in each universe are different, so while Alium welcomed the portals, the element the portal was made out of, plus its function as a portal, were rejected by Ceteri. Gateways were created by powerful dimensiokinetics at one time to keep the portals stable in Ceteri, which would help both universes. Gateways are essentially pocket dimensions that surround the portal that were created so only Alii could pass through, as Ceters who came in contact with the portal were essentially destroyed on a molecular level.
So if you're not Alii, sorry, you're not getting through that portal. But if you are: find the Gateway, go through the portal.
Thanks again!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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the-reaper-doctor · 11 months
[[C:\Users\Duoversal\Desktop\Conquer the RP blogs\Grim.exe>
Hi… I’m Grim! Welcome to my home… If you can even call it a home. How are you here? This is where the afterlife’s live out their afterlives, but I don’t see you on my list of people who are supposed to die today… hmmmm… maybe just stay a little? I’d like company. Do you have anything you’d like me to help you with? That helps me deal with… my… you know what? Never mind. Not about the helping and you staying part, though…
I’m an it/its, but I am DEFINITELY not opposed to neos pronouns.
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The company is nice to shake of the depressing nature of this job. So thank you for sticking around.
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Welcome to our humble store of recipes!
Each recipe scroll costs 3 gold unless otherwise specified. We got weapons, food, and much mo—
Just cut to the chase!
[Yeah! This post already got deleted once and because we wrote too much. BOOM! All progress gone!]
[I said that out-loud, didn’t I? Yeah.. I’m just gonna… go… PEACE!]
*Ooc’s corporeal form disappears*
Well that was weird… anyways, alright fine. Let’s introduce ourselves!
I’m Craft! I’m they/them, and Bi! I quite like making stuff and uncovering secrets! That’s the entire reason I started this shop! To spread the joy of crafting and the ancients’ brilliance!
Says the person who kills for fun! You’re obviously going to find crafting boring!
I’m Blue! I’m AroAce, and am she/him! I don’t really care about anything at all… but if you hurt anyone of us, you won’t awake in the morning (unless you only hurt red)… oh and I love cupcakes!
What did you just say about me?
Yea I said it! You suck! What you gonna do ’bout it? … I though so!
I’m Pink! ^w^ -I’n she/her, trans, and lezbian! I wuv efwewun! I wuv u AW! <3 -… Egcept u Rewd. U big ol MEANIE! 3:<
I hate you all! You IDIOTS!
And we aw hat U too!
F you too, Red.
Anyways, now that we introduced ourselves, let’s tell them the tags!
#consumable-items The recipe yields an edible item! Want food? Drink? Get the necessary items, recipe, and make it! DOES IT INCLUDE CUPCAKES??? Yes, Blue, yes… if the ancie— YAAAAA—
#combat-items This recipe makes something that aids in combat! Doesn’t have to be a weapon, as long it does something to help with combat! Oh hoh ho! This’ll certainly aid in my takeo— NO RED! BAD! IF I CATCH YOU ANYWHERE NEAR THESE RECIP—
#building-material These recipes make something that: A. Helps you build your base; or B. Something that goes into another recipe. Personally, my favorite, just because I love making stuff!
#misc-item any recipe that creates an item that does not fall into any other categories! Pewsonawwy my fafowit wun! I wuv diffewen stuff! :3 -You love everything though. No! Just efwewun! Not efweting! VwV
#error-404 Recipes that create any strange results. Could be incomplete! I don’t know for sure though. And we can all agree that it unsettles us, including Red! Right? Ashamedly yes, yes it does.
#user-submission A user (like you) dug up/asked for a recipe and brought it to our humble shop! I will award you with 6 gold if you submit one of these! Or a user just talks to us/asks for a recipe.
Ooc// The following tags they do not know about and thus I will be talking about them:
#not-a-recipe pretty self explanatory, it’s not a recipe!
Character speaks
#red-speaks The character named Red speaks.
#craft-speaks The character named Craft speaks.
#blue-speaks The character named Blue speaks.
#pink-speaks The character named Pink speaks.
#everyone-speaks Everyone (not including others unless accompanied by the next two tags), speaks.
#ooc-speaks I speak! Most of the time the characters are not aware of my presence, but sometimes they are!
#???-speaks An unknown character at the time of the post speaks.
Miscellaneous tags
#character-ramblings A character talks to themself and it’s just them in the post.
#interactions They (or I) interact with another blog!
#non-cannon Pretty self explanatory. The post isn’t canon!
#joke-post The post is a joke and nothing more. Will have the #non-cannon tag along with it.
#lore-post a post that is all about lore
By the way, if you see a color without bold, they are mentioning a character with a specific color assigned. If it’s a color WITH bold, the character denoted by that color is speaking (unless it’s Craft’s, unless they are saying something with another colored character, they will be regular text)
Also, my main blog is @duoversal, just FYI.
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///Ooc This is an RP Blog based on the game OneShot (Specifically an unknown character dubbed "The Author"). My main blog is DuoVersal. Portrait credits here:
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blues-sevenfold · 2 years
World Building: Flashback Universe and Internet Portal Duoverse
In Flashback Universe, everyone who is alive on May 22nd of 2022 mentally go back into the bodies of their younger selves on May 22nd of 2007.
In Internet Portal Duoverse, the internet of 2007 and 2022 connect of May 22nd of both years - allowing for the denizens of 2007 and 2022 to communicate with each other via the internet.
In both cases, the 2022 timeline mostly matches that of ‘ours’. Donald Trump was the US President from 2017 to 2021, the Covid-19 pandemic occurred and is on-going, and Joe Biden is currently the US President. This is not Body Swap Universe - so Jimmy Reed, Donald Trump, Zacky Vengeance, and Mike Pence all remain in their own bodies.
In Flashback Universe, everyone shares their bodies with their younger selves - so, in some cases, this could lead to an interesting identity crisis. Exceptions are those who originally died between 2007 and 2022, who would not have to share their bodies with their future selves. However, they would now know that they originally died before 2022.
In Internet Portal Duoverse, people from 2022 would not only be able to communicate with their younger selves - they could also reunite with those who died between 2007 and 2022. They would not be able to make any changes to the 2022 timeline - but they could still affect the future of those in 2007.
Some parts of 2022 internet would be inaccessible to those from 2007, particularly anything involving HTML5. Likewise, some parts of 2007 internet would be accessible to the non-technician types from 2022, particularly anything involving Adobe Flash.
In both cases, Jimmy ‘The Rev’ Sullivan from Avenged Sevenfold would still by alive in 2007 - but be dead by 2022. The rest of Avenged Sevenfold would do their part to save The Rev, this time around.
Jimmy Reed from 2007 and Jimmy Reed from 2022 would barely butt heads at all, as his personality hasn’t changed much - and Jimmy is, in general, a very easy-going type. By contrast, M Shadows from 2007 and M Shadows from 2022 would be butting heads quite a bit. M Shadows from 2007 was still very much of a red-hot Republican with a bit of a short temper - while M Shadows from 2022 has more progressive views, has mellowed out considerably, but does still have a bit of a temper.
Furthermore, in both cases, the denizens of 2007 now have access to future information - and there would definitely be attempts to change the future, with various conflicts in goals occurring.
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charaunofficial · 2 years
because you're standing next to the guy who's the Biggest part in the world of deltarune, because you probably *will* have influence on the world of deltarune as part of that, and because the Ralsei you know is from a duoverse where Chara Deltarune is real and existed in college as a friend of Asriel before seeing the seams and turning into a narrative entity trapped in their own void and eternally narrating for a butch television. any questions?
* ...
* I only believe part of this, thank you very much.
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kibonsplans1 · 3 months
tenter d’être sélectionné pour tester l’un des Mascara eye-liner Duoversity Astra Make-Up avec gouiran beauté
https://www.gouiran-beaute.com/creative/mascara-eye-liner-duoversity-test-856 Photo gouiran beauté
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I've decided to name the Nightmare and Killer Sibling AU Duoverse.
Thank you @calciumdreams for the idea.
If there is already an au with this name please tell me.
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mainesecretorders · 2 years
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lokewolf-father · 2 years
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It's finally time for me to write about their newest comic/album, "Gwar in The Duoverse of Absurdity" and "The New Dark Ages"! As an avid reader and writer myself, I love concept albums the most, such as the ones put out by Cradle of Filth, the Insane Clown Posse, or Marilyn Manson, but when Gwar does it, it's on a totally different level. That being said, as much as I enjoyed TNDA initially, I was missing a massive degree of context, and most of the songs lacked meaning. After reading Michael Bishop's (the slave of Blothar) thoughts on many songs and reading the comic, referred to as Duo henceforth, my feelings towards it have skyrocketed, and I have a lot to say about it. Surprisingly enough, this is all my opinion, and just like my previous post, I won't be arguing too much with anyone with a bone to pick. At the end of the day it's all Gwar media, and we're all here because we love Gwar.
I wanted to talk about the comic mainly, but considering it was composed alongside the album, it's impossible to speak on just one without bringing up the other. Before I delve into Duo though, it behooves me to say something about the first two comics from this modern era (I haven't read Slave Pit Funnies, sorry. Can we get a trade paperback collecting them someday?). Orgasmageddon is okay for what it is, a story about Mr Perfect sending Gwar off on a time-travelling dick rocket before they come back, beat up Bozo Destructo, and kill Mr Perfect. There's some fun stuff where they pass by the Jerry Springer show and see Oderus and that kid who believes in everything Gwar stands for, and the art is amazing, but the book really shines in its back up stories, which are drawn and written by Hunter Jackson and others. The Billy and Mandy) invader Zim cartoon nastiness really shines there in a way that it doesn't quite gel the way I think they were hoping. Reading this one really made me wonder why they didn't try to adapt the narrative of Battle Maximus, but I think I like that story existing in musical form.
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"Enormogantic Fail" was actually the first Gwar comic I read, and while I don't think it's entirely successful in what it's trying to do either, the art is even better here, and the Rashomon style narrative wherein all the Gwar members give their version of the destruction of Flab Quarv 7 is pretty clever, especially when you get to the relative grimness of Pustulus' story, with its more serious art and dour writing. While I like this book and recommend it to fans of Gwar, I do think it strays too far into goofy territory without saying much. To give you an idea of what kind of book this is, we meet Blothar on the toilet after he's taken a bunch of drugs. He's meditating on the toilet, the fumes of his feces getting him higher than before. If that's funny to you, this might be your favorite comic book!
I also feel like the way the Scumdogs talk to one another feels off. They all talk in one-liners, and for the most part are interchangeable. One more thing that irks me is their treatment of Oderus. He doesn't seem to be part of their little group of death dealers, and at the end there's an epic battle between Gwar, the Destructos, and Cardinal Syn, and Oderus is there as well, for some reason. Maybe I've missed some nuance, I don't know.
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Which brings me to Duo. This comic is a lightyear ahead of Gwar's previous offerings in terms of art, writing, and conception. The Gwar characters banter and bicker like the Ninja Turtles, with the book opening with the grouchy Pustulus punching the dog-like Jizmak so hard he hurtles through the walls, disturbing Blothar as he meditates quietly in his room, levitating off the ground. Blothar in particular is really well-conceived here. He's written as a giant slob, but also a meditative Viking warrior, like he's the mythological Thor. The other notable thing about Duo is its usage of the song titles from TNDA.
The first one is "Bored to Death", which is sung by Pustulus and Balsac on the album. It's an amazingly heavy and fun song, about how he's bored of killing people, and is trying to, to use the song's pun, bore people to death with drills. They're also bored of being Gwar, which leads to the inciting incident of the story when Jizmak, thrown through the fortress by the irate Pustulus, breaks Blothar's magic mirror. The two are pointlessly watching TV, Balsac is commiting suicide, and Beefcake is reading a newspaper. Things are so mundane and sucky that the slaves are actually drinking tea by the fireplace! It's like Gwar wants chaos to befall them.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention the opening, where Oderus is locked in battle with his erstwhile foe, Techno Destructo! A regular jagoff named Will Fence happens to be with his dog, Pookie, when a chunk of Techno's processor gets knocked off, killing his dog! The distraught man takes the processor back and hooks it up to his computer, probably creating the internet.
Blothar and Pustulus get pulled into the broken mirror, and though Balsac, the relative genius of the group tries to repair it, he succeeds in bringing back not Blothar and Pustulus, but Blofart and Rhinestone Maximus!! While Blothar is a composed, if lazy warrior, Blofart is an insane Berserker! And while Pustulus Maximus is the hardcore metal guitarist of Gwar, Rhinestone is a fucking country singer!
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The ideas at play here are so fresh and exciting that it took me by surprise, especially coming off the flimsiness of "Orgasmageddon".
The song "The New Dark Ages" is the thesis statement for this concept album/comic book. Whatever your politics, we're living in strange times. The world is more polarized than ever before, and there are people who literally live in their own realities, divorced from facts or common sense. Go to 4chan, you'll see people that think the Jews defeated Trump as part of "The Great Replacement" scheme. It's crazy.
"No more age of reason/darkness, men are lost in the gloom/No love of light is left/Where there once was science/Is now a cult of death", sings Blothar in the song, and he and Pustulus in the comic find themselves in the mirror universe, where pretty much every wild conspiracy theory is made manifest. It's a mystical space brought into being by human imagination, where the Queen of England is a lizard person, the earth is flat, and the moon landings were false flag movies made by Stanley Kubrick!
We also get a reference to the song "Blood Libel" here as Blothar and Pustulus are served babies with straws in their heads when they try to order a pizza, which is a hilarious reference to a more modern conspiracy theory, Pizzagate. Here in the mirror universe, it's real! Our heroes are monsters from space though, so they aren't too weirded out by this. It's moments like this where the inherent cheesiness of the Gwar concept really pays off, as well as the mirror verse conceit. I'm the song, "Blood Libel" Blothar points out that they aren't killing babies for adrenochrome or whatever, they do it just for fun because they're fucking Gwar. If anyone's raping babies, it's the Catholic Church! By showing it in the mirror verse, it's a tacit point that it isn't really happening in the real world. The chapter closes out with Blothar and Pustulus meeting President Sleazy's Secretary of State, who tells them how in their universe, Gwar took over the world in order to make it great again after Sleazy resurrected them with adrenochrome harvested from tortured babies. Also, he taught them to play country music instead of metal because it's a more commercial, crowd-pleasing genre. Funny stuff, especially with Gwar gleefully poking fun at themselves and their underground status.
The third chapter, "Completely Fucked" follows Blofart's rampage. Beefcake laughing at the US military's futile attempts to stop him is hilarious. Why should Gwar care if an alternative version of Blothar is destroying the world? They're Gwar! Meanwhile, Jizmak is in Mecca as Rhinestone Maximus is hypnotizing everyone at the Kaaba with his Gwarified version of achey breaky heart. Rather than avoiding the brainwashed pilgrims as they attack him, he slaughters them! I'm sure Spider-Man would approve!
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Important to note as well is that the song, "The Venom of the Platypus" is referenced here as Balsac, coordinating with Bonesnapper, Jizmak, the slaves, and the rest of Gwar not in the mirror verse, has a virtual assistant named Raspy that is shaped like a platypus, and is provided by the comic's version of Apple, Macrohard, which itself is powered by the chunk of Techno's armor that Will Fence retrieved.
Balsac, being the thinker he is, decides that though the magic mirror has properties that allow Scumdogs to communicate freely across the vastness of space, it shouldn't be able to make alternative facts become real, let alone warp them into the real world. He deduces that it's because he connected it to the internet, where crazy ideas fester and take on a life of their own. Incisive commentary I wasn't expecting. Speaking of incisive commentary, Raspy, the platypus shaped Siri spoof, is an excellent critique of our reliance on the internet for our shopping, thinking, and navigation. The platypus is adorable, but is secretly venomous; furthermore, Raspy is taking orders from the entity that became self-aware when Techno's hard drive became the internet. Apple-i mean-Amazon-i-mean-google-i mean the Mad Monk!
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The stage is set for carnage as the Mad Monk conspires to bring his alternative universe through the magic mirror, Rhinestone and Blofart work to take over the earth, Blothar and Pustulus try to reach President Sleazy, and Balsac is forced to call in an old enemy to help out! This post is long as fuck, so I'll have to post the rest later! Stay tuned, bohabs!
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