#dunno i'm too lazy to check though
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 9 months
Hello<3 can you do Masky, Toby, Jeff and Ben with a mean teen readerr? Like there just mad all the time but its because of trauma or something?:0 I LOVE YOU SMM TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF MLLL!!<33
Jeff and Tim are NOT gonna take that shit 😰
Thank you so much for requesting!!
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Honestly the dad in him comes out a bit
Like his whole thing is "what makes you think you get to act like that?"
He gets it, you've had a rough life but so has EVERYONE ELSE HERE
Just because your life sucked doesn't mean you get to be an asshole
He will treat you like a baby
Partly just to tick you off, and partly because if you act like a baby, you're gonna get treated like one
He'll put you in time out, he'll take things away, he'll put hot sauce in your mouth, etc
And the thing is, you can't even tattle to slender because slender agrees with Tim!
I think maybe here and there he'd ask you why you're always so angry, and what he can do to help, and if you don't answer, he doesn't mind because he understands
But if you do answer, your relationship begins to grow, and he learns how to help you out better
He doesn't want you to be mad all the time, because even though it might not seem like it sometimes, he does care about you
But as much as he cares, he also isn't gonna let a literal child bully him
He's way too old for that shit >:/
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He's kind of scared of you
He just stays out of your way
His relationship with you is similar to his relationship with Jeff
He and Jeff are friends, yes, but they aren't close
And most of the time, Toby will choose to avoid Jeff rather than hangout with him
That's how he sees you too
You're a good kid! He just doesn't wanna upset you
The very few interactions you have with him are typically just him sucking up to you, or him doing his best to tiptoe around everything that could upset you
And because of this, you do take advantage of him sometimes
"Toby go get me a snack"
"I dunno y/n, don't you think you could go...get it yourself this time?" As he says this almost every word has a whistle or click after it, showing how nervous he is
You will slowly turn your head to look at him with a glare "I know you aren't calling me lazy"
"No, no! I-I would never! I'm just saying-"
"OH! So you're calling me fat then?"
"Then go get me a snack before i make you regret the day your mommy queefed you out"
He REALLY needs to learn to stand up for himself smh
And typically he is pretty good at standing up for himself but yk
Kids scare him
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With his explosive anger issues you will not last more than 3 seconds around him omg
He is not above fist fighting a child btw
I mean yk, he'd get punished for it but that doesn't stop him
The second you try anything around him he checks you real quick
If you back off, he will get a boost of pride and say some shit like "Yeah, that's what I thought"
If you double down with it, it will likely turn into an all out screaming match
Until someone pulls him away and is like "dude you can't be fighting with little kids :/"
He will always call you names and always be sour around yo
Crotch goblin, little shit, failed abortion
you know, the usual <333
Honestly im gonna be so real with you for a second, the way I see yalls relationship going is only to one drastic side of a spectrum
You could bond over your anger issues and become best friends/siblings with an unbreakable bond
OR you could become so sour towards each other that the caretakers of the manor literally have a meeting about changing your schedule a bit to get around Jeff's
No in between its only one of those two
Yeah, Jeff doesn't take no shit from anyone
Even children, gotta teach em young <333
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Ben, being so chill genuinely does not care what you do to him
Since he doesn't have a physical body, you can't fight him either
So sometimes he will pick fights with you just to make you mad
I'm desperately trying to make Ben's section more than 3 bullets long
I'm telling you he literally does not care, does not react, NOTHING.
You could be screaming at him and he will just continue about his day like you aren't even there
Which of course, makes you more mad
But again, he doesn't care
Making you try harder and harder just to get a reaction out of him
The only reaction you will get is out of Jeff, and we already talked about his dramatic ass
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r0mantic-f00l · 8 months
had thoughts about muggle!sirius and reader in modern world, so I wrote it. hope you guys enjoy!
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Gold rays of sunlight slips through the opened windows, the forgotten curtains flowing gently as the breeze whispers against them, a welcome chill entering the room as birds chirp their morning melodies. The sky is a bright blue, an indication that the Sun has been awake for a while now, refreshed and ready to smile upon familiar faces.
You are laying in bed, relaxing in the softness of the cushion beneath your head, the firmness yet comfiness of the mattress beneath your body, but most of all, basking in the feeling of your boyfriend's arm strewn across your waist, his breath on your neck.
In truth, you have been awake for a while, perhaps since 8am, but your body refused to leave personal heaven, and you knew you would hate yourself later for disturbing the serenity of this scene if you did get up.
Sirius snores softly behind you, making you grin. He has always been one to wake up late and stay up late. Unfortunately for you, that means you have to stay up late too because your boyfriend can't stand when you go to bed at a different time than him.
It doesn't feel right, he says. For him to go to sleep, he needs to have a whispered conversation, a kiss or two, then finally he needs to watch you go to sleep first, knowing that you're at peace in his arms.
He is quite sweet, really. Annoying, but quite sweet.
Disturbing the peace, an alarm rings out into the air, making the two of you groan as Sirius lifts his arm off your waist and wafts it around until he feels his phone (with his eyes still closed) and switches his alarm off.
"Sorry, darling." He murmurs with his groggy voice, a soft peck gifted to your shoulder blade as he settles back into his previous position.
"Hmm, it's OK." You hum, snuggling closer to Sirius' warmth.
"What time is it?"
Sirius shrugs.
You sigh, though you are amused in your boyfriend's lazy antics.
"Maybe you should check the clock then?"
Sirius groans, yet he still moves again, opening his eyes this time to switch on his phone, which lays on the bedside table, to glance at the clock.
He places it back down again, and turns to your body once more, closing his eyes.
"It's quarter past 10."
You yawn.
"Weren't you supposed to be in work half an hour ago?"
Sirius nods, though you can't see, but you know his answer anyway.
He moves again, lifting up his phone and dialing a number.
You turn to face him, staring at him as his hand rubs over his face, waiting for whoever he called to answer.
"Hello?" His groggy voice makes you grin.
"Yeah, hi, it's Sirius, Sirius Black." He clarifies, yet it isn't necessary as the person on the other line knows who the voice belongs to; the person has heard the croakiness a dozen times by now.
"Yeah, I'm not coming in today. I got a cold."
You smile widely, resting your head on his chest.
"Again, yeah. Well sorry Brenda but I can't help it when I'm sick, you know."
His attitude makes you snicker, hiding your face in his chest as Sirius grins at your amusement.
"Yeah, I'll see you on Monday. Bye."
He hangs up, tossing his phone on the bedside table as your laughter grows louder, allowed to freely laugh as loud as you want without Brenda hearing you.
"What did Brenda do to deserve that attitude?" You rest your chin on his chest, your entire body laying on top of his as Sirius' arms snakes their way around your waist, his eyes gazing down at you as his smile only grows in that charming, Sirius Black way.
"She questioned me, like I'm purposely missing work."
"Well, you are purposely missing work."
"She doesn't know that!" Sirius argues, making you laugh, and it appears as though the room has turned more golden in the wake of your joy. Or maybe that is just Sirius' lovesick gaze.
"You do know that you might be sacked? I mean, you're going to have to go back into work at some point if you want us to keep living here."
Sirius brushes his hand through your hair, a normal action that still makes your heart jump and your cheeks ache with a smile.
"It's fine, worse comes to worse I'll make my money on the street."
You tilt your head, a perplexed yet amused grin on your face.
"On the street?"
"Yeah, I'll parade around in that tight little black skirt you got, show off my ass to dodgy strangers with money."
You giggle, making your boyfriend chuckle as well.
"You do have a nice ass."
"Thank you, my love." Sirius drags you gently up his body and nuzzles your nose before giving you a soft kiss, making you melt in his arms as his hands hold your face, his fingers brushing over your cheeks as he pulls away and smiles as if he is in true paradise.
He really is in true paradise, his paradise.
"So what's on the agenda today, Siri?" You ask, a soft murmur but due to your close distance, Sirius still hears it.
"Well, I was thinking of making you breakfast in bed first."
"Hmm, what would you make me?" You sit up, straddling his lap as Sirius stares up at you like you're his angel, his goddess.
"Pancakes with blueberries and syrup?"
You nod, grateful that your boyfriend knows you so well.
"After breakfast in bed?"
"Hmm, maybe sex?" Sirius sits up, a magnetic force pulling him close to you as he grins cheekily, delighting in your laughter.
"OK, and after that?"
"We watch the news, catch up with the rest of the world, then sex again,"
"Right, then after that?"
"It'll be teatime so I'll order takeaway and we watch a film."
"..No sex?"
"Oh no, definitely sex afterwards."
You giggle, rolling your eyes at the reminder that your boyfriend is indeed a boy. But you can't help but think that your day will be a very good day.
Sirius grins. "Sounds good?"
You nod. "Sounds perfect."
He blinks and his eyes turn soft for a moment, love filling up and bursting out, as his hand tucks your hair behind your ear, his other hand holding your waist.
"I love you. So much." He whispers before kissing you, gentle and soft, like he wants to savour the serenity he feels with you not just in this moment, but always.
You pull away, resting your forehead on his as your hands run up his arms and snakes their way into his hair, running your fingers through his long, soft black waves.
"I love you too."
Sirius smiles, but with a mischievous glint behind his eye, his usual look, before flipping you over and kissing you with such passion, though with not as much passion as he would like due to your laughing fit, so he moves his kisses to your neck, smiling against your skin as he feels the vibrations of your laughter, the giddiness and love overtaking him too.
This really is paradise.
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rulanarinrush · 3 months
incredibly random, baseless, probably wrong thoughts+questions about drdt. like, there's literally no evidence behind any of these thoughts. they're dumb. open to discussion bc i like hearing thoughts. as per usual i didn't rewatch anything bc i'm lazy</3 so if something is wrong sorry and also this is not a theory and also this is not a criticism of the series, if you can somehow think of this as one. also sorry if this is incredibly obvious or has been proven by the series already too lol
Also I went searching a bit to see if there's anything I remembered that's referenced here, but the only theoryposts that I can find that use ideas from them are from @/1moreff-creator (for color theory). if anyone else recognizes ideas that r similar here I in no way mean to plagiarize you and if you want credit or brought up these ideas already just lmk (Or if you want me to take this down that's fine too)
david mv baseless thoughts: color theory+roman numerials here, thank you to 1moreoff
could the "subtract 4 due to tetraphobia" be a reference to arturo's "mind exercises 1 2 3 4?" I think I've seen some thoughts swirling around the fandom that it refers to the roman numerals like Veronika's, Whit's, Arei's, etc., as in literally taking 4 out of them like Whit's XV-IV becomes XI Mai's, but maybe considering it's colored green like in Arturo's section, it's referring to him? What does this mean? i dunno. could it mean he only lives to chapter 3? or chapter 4? either Whit or Veronika is involved with him as either his killer or victim? Or Hu or Teruko are involved(if you buy into that color theory thing, which I wouldn't doubt, there's a lot of visual symbolism in this series.) Could be anything. Everything in this MV is interpretation until the (main) story progresses. probably wrong about this being important to Arturo too! wrong thoughts everywhere.
could J's "do it like that, let's live together" be a reference to her+her family literally living together?(as in, the line is literal with them) not elaborating cuz it's just a guess. i think some of the drdt side characters have colors in this mv too, since although the same colors show up many times, they are usually in different shades of the color. i think the only colors i remember with the same shade showing up a lot is a dark red and black.
what is going on with that broken clock stuck with a fork in it having approximately the same frozen time as Xander stabbing Teruko in like... was it episode 5?(read the clock as 15:31, or some time close to that idr) i think so. considering there's a fork-like object, that might have been the weapon used to play optometry simulator with Xander's eye. it's probably a bit more symbolic than at face value something something xanruko but. more guesses. eden immediately becomes suspicious but like ehhh. funny coincidences. i don't want to think about it, plus it's such an immediate connection that it's almost suspicious in and of itself.
k i think that's it for any weird(and wrong) thoughts on the mv
why did Teruko bump into Xander? i don't mean this in a super deep philosophical way, I just mean that logically, she bumped into his eye, meaning it was a (semi) head-on collision where their faces were both facing each other. It could be that Xander bumped into her head from behind but I'm really trying to envision that and it's not working. maybe i have rocks for brains :( but yeah it sort of implies that Xander was going back to the dorm rooms which... why tho? if she turned the corner and bumped into him, he would have to be going in the direction of the dorms(i think, unless there's some secret passage shenanigans going on). so like. did he already get that note to kill teruko and just sort of went back there to check for stragglers? forget something in his room, even though teruko proved they can't go back inside? if it's the former why didn't he just bare-hand teruko to death in the infirmary?(JOKE) this is another dumb question that honestly needs no explanation i just like thinking about needless things.
I don't think the girl Eden kissed is Mai
ok before I get booed off the stage!!! Like everything else here I'm not opposed to the idea or this being wrong. I'm just thinking that in order for the motive to work, Eden would actually have to like. remember which girl it is. if it is Mai that makes Eden immediately suspicious, because I feel like with how much of an impact she had on the class they would have brought her up at least once if they can remember her, even if she is dead. I mean none of the class seems to remember any maybe past time in East(?) Hope's Peak, so. Anyone even remembering is suspicious. weak argument i know, it just boils down to "you would think Eden would remember which girl it is she kissed" when I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation to untangle that knot, but this entire post is full of weak thoughts for a fittingly weak mind 😔
(cw: description of murder but like ...this show... uh... you know) what is going on with how needlessly complicated Arei's murder method was? Like, what's the motive behind it? obviously it'll be explained in part 2, but why wouldn't the kiler just let her asphyxiate? I know i know human decency, but mercy is a luxury these days. and if the killer accidentally applied too much force her head would snap off like a funko pop and i really doubt any killer wants to deal with that mess so like. why take the risk? there are plenty of easier options that i can immediately think of like suffocation or drowning. i don't really think "quick death" works as an argument here since it probably takes longer to set everything up with the fish than wait for her to die. I have my guesses for this but they contain so many logical leaps that at this point you're better off letting a wheel randomly pick her killer and going with that.
what is with Eden's tendency to get involved in every murder? Ch2 is obvious, but in Ch1, let's assume that plot armor was on Xander's side and Teruko used up all her luck. It's still hypothetically possible for her to have pointed out Xander as the killer and defended Charles due to seeing the wound in the infirmary. from a story-writing perspective, i kind of get why she had to be in the room and be told to leave, but that's still suspicious to me. another weak thought.
what's with the eerie level of sympathy that whoever constructed the motives has for whoever has the entire family died secret Xander? (I'm just going to say this secret is Xander's just to have an easy way to refer to it, but I fully acknowledge it could be someone else's. I just think it's his due to parent(s) and sibling(s). Hypothetically, Teruko would just be kinda :/ at a more than 1 sibling reveal and Levi only brings up having a mom, though I get this is a weak argument too considering that others are unaccounted for.) All the motives are written with some level of blame in it, some being a bit hostile(like the 3 time attempter) but Xander's feels like it barely works as a motive due to how...kindly it's worded. I get why it does work, but kind of like how they say death games say more about their creators than their participants or human nature, I think it's revealing of something about either the audience, the mastermind, or the traitor that his is worded in such a way that it's like "well... okay...so?" like yes Xander absolutely wants to keep it a secret based on the infirmary talk with Teruko, but it really inspires no sense of urgency and it's not anything new to anyone; not the audience(us, I mean), not the mastermind or traitor(assuming they're not amnesiac), not to whomever owns the secret(probably), just the participants and maybe the hypothetical audience in drdt's fourth wall. And it inspires sympathy by specifically absolving the secret owner of guilt, which no other secret does. Sure it works as a gut punch but unless the character was already at a breaking point, it's a very weak motive.(imo, of course) not that weak motives are new, but...
"disowned" and "doing the laundry" are incredibly funny euphemisms Levi. No context, moving on
Lastly, I did some thinking about what Teruko's plan is in ch2 ep 7. No clue what that is! But I was thinking about Veronikas(? sorry idr) hypothetical plan where they just bore the audience out like a certain mainline dr title. Even though it's not entertained as something practical, I do think that the hidden text in the about page implies that it wouldn't work due to the fact that they can just starve to death according to timelooper. Is the hidden text even talking about this specific killing game and not one that's happened in the past or future with completely unrelated characters? who knows lol. but the pronoun "we" in it during the segment at the end of "i wish i could feel something" paragraph is kind of weird if this looper is not with the killing game participants, or at the very least watching, with different scenarios playing out each time. It's weird to just plop this on the page and have it not be relevant to the story in some way. Anyway, even if starvation is simply an entire chapter motive on its own, the fact that they all collectively starve to death without a murder means this is something that mastermind is chill with. So, despite the comforts that the mastermind/broadcasters provide the students with, there is some kind of soft time limit in this game, though I'm sure that can be artificially messed with at will. Regardless, I think it implies boring people just doesn't work.
why was this so long uh thanks for reading all of this random nonsense ig. it helps me get my thoughts out. idk what it does for you but i hope you found it. mildly ok. thanks to this fandom for always coming up with new ideas it's always interesting, and of course if i accidentally referenced an idea you had and forgot it like i said at the beginning just tell me
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okay this is for the "I say Havers"-meta anon because I feel a bit bad that I didn't give you what you wanted🙈
So we pick it up again after, the last post I showed you.
Captain says his line about the cover drive, Havers thanks him and then this happens :
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(Two btws: -I remember making one of my silly little lazy posts with "say something I'm giving up on you" to this image
-just found out whilst looking for the GIF: I actually can tell from Gifs that only have his facial expression what has been said to him and at which point we are in the scene,solely based on his expression😮 )
Sorry back to the meta:
Would you look at him. In the first scene we have with him Cap dismisses him by saying "carry on" and Havers gets back to his duties. But here Cap, all wrapped up in his feelings made room for a pause by not saying anything after his cricket comment.
Now Havers says this and of course he can't just leave,he has to be dismissed and my boy has places to be (north-africa). But this is clearly not him asking for further commands etc.
Look at his eyes completely fixed on Cap and his raised eyebrow and the movement of the head. It's simutaneously the gesture one makes to remind someone that it's their turn to speak or do something as well as it looks like he tries to not only encourage Cap but is trying to indicate that "If you have anything to say, now is the time". Basically it looks like he's desperately waiting/yearning/hoping that Cap will adress his feelings/confess his feelings. He's almost trying to nudge him mentally to spit something out. (Still believe His inner monologue here was "say something, say something, say something!")
But Cap just confirms that that's all and in this second Havers realises that Cap won't say anything. And look how dissapointed he looks because it's just not happening. He's giving up and very very briefly has to get his facial expression in check. he turns to leave
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(Excuse the screenshot quality I'm typing this on my phone and had to take this from YouTube)
So Cap now panicks a bit because this is probably the last conversation they'll be having and he at least has something to say that resembles a good bye or an I miss you just something to tell Havers what he means to him. So at the last minute:
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and of course Havers whips around with an expectant look the only difference is he does not look like he's screaming internally wondering If Cap will confess anymore. I guess because he's already in his stiff upper lip/professional mode because my god the man can hide his emotions Like 1000 times better than Cap. Also he has given up after Cap gave him emotional whiplash twice already in this conversation. But nonetheless there is still a faint hope which is shown by how fucking fast he turns towards him.
So the next part hast been said by others before. Cap tries to say something, his courage leaves him, he shakes his head to himself and settles for
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With this pleading look on his face of I dunno "please I mean it"? "please you have to understand/to see"? "Please believe me when I say"?
Wordwise though he's going the semi professional route of "I really liked working with you because I like you as a colleague"
So now Havers reaction which I for the longest time could not get. I mean i get the nod that's a "acknowledged....thank you ...you too... bye"
But the smile? So yeah now I gotta say first of all professional mode is on. But also in a way he got an "It's a shame that you're going, I wish you we're staying" but just not as a romantic confession. So he's smiling because at least he got that and it was sincere? Also happy that Cap did at least say something about his emotions towards him in the end?
seriously interpretations on that smile are very welcome.
Sorry this all is again incoherent babbling, but at least it's now about the right part of the scene.
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wsdanon · 5 months
among us au please?
hi \o/ firstly i'm going to direct you here for some backstory/information about the au
next: here is a bit of the first chapter \o/! it's 2500 words basically so reblogs are appreciated but it does cut off before a proper chapter resolution
Really, there are better things Felps could be doing with his life. But technically he’s obligated to do this, and he hasn’t found anything else to do, so, here he is. Handing over the fake ID Cellbit made for him. 
The security guard barely even scrutinises it before passing it back, and nodding him through. It’s always a gamble, though. So, he keeps walking until he’s far enough out of view that the other guards won’t really pay attention to him, and lingers until Cellbit catches up. 
“Easy.” Cellbit mutters. “I don’t even think he read our names.”
“Well, easier is better, right?” 
“So careless. It’s like they’re asking us to kill them.”
“He’s not in the line of fire.” Felps says with a shrug. “Even with all the security crackdowns, no ports have been attacked yet.”
“We should change that.” Cellbit says, far too determined for Felps’ liking.
“I dunno… you know the plan. Cucurucho won’t like it if we deviate from it.”
“Fuck him.” Cellbit hisses. “Any day now I’m going to get you your freedom, and then we can kill whoever the fuck we like.”
“Keep your voice down.”
Felps says it calmly, but he won’t deny that the slight rise in Cellbit’s volume sent a spike of fear through him. Cellbit doesn’t seem to care as much—confident that he’ll be able to break them out of whatever prison—but Felps would rather not chance it. That’s the whole reason they’re doing this, after all. He’s caught between a prison sentence from the Federation, and a prison sentence from the human government.
Ultimately, Cellbit would prefer the latter, Felps is sure. If the Federation finds out he’s travelling with Felps, they’ll probably just kill him. 
Thankfully, though, Cellbit changes the topic to something less incriminating, and Felps spends the rest of the walk through the station feeling calmer. Until they hit the body scanners. 
The ID check is always easy. Even when heavily scrutinised, Cellbit is good enough at making them that they always end up passing through with no problems. 
The body scanner is a different subject. 
It’s finicky. Relies entirely on Cellbit’s ability to successfully use sleight of hand to put in the USB with the code that’ll make Felps look human, and then take it out again. Without any guards noticing. 
One of the reasons they hit this port specifically, though, was that they haven’t been involved in any incidents. No caught aliens, and no departing ships that never arrive to their destinations. The crackdown has been intense, but people are lazy. A persistent, unconscious thought of, but it’d never happen to me. 
This station is fairly busy, too. A lot to keep an eye on, no reminder to keep an eye on it—it’s the best shot they have.
Cellbit steps on first. The holographic grid climbs up his body, and then back down. He’s waved along. He stops, and leans close to the guard—his elbow resting on the desk, hand lingering past their view. Easily, he slips the USB into the computer.
“I’m just gonna wait for my friend, is that okay?” 
Felps can’t hear him over the crowd, but they’ve gone over the plans a million times. 
The security guard nods, looking bored. Felps steps onto the platform. The scanner sweeps over him, static and nerves following it. But it’s easy enough to keep his cool while his heart is beating in his throat. He’s always been good at that, even without the amount of practice he’s been put through recently. 
He steps off the platform. Doesn’t even get the chance to worry as the computer quickly confirms him as human. The guard waves him through. Cellbit pushes himself away from the desk—USB safely retrieved, and quickly hidden back in his sleeve. 
“Easy.” Cellbit mutters again. 
“Easy is good.” Felps reminds him again.
When they first started doing this, Cellbit used to revel in all the gaps of transport security, and how easy it was to exploit them. Felps thinks, maybe, Cellbit misses the challenge a little. He doesn’t know a lot about what put Cellbit on that prisoner transport ship, but with the gleeful look in his eyes when he murders, he can take a guess. 
“Do you remember where our ship is?” Felps asks, before Cellbit goes on another rant about lax security.
“Of course I do.” 
Cellbit takes his arm, and pulls him off in a direction. Felps lets himself be led. 
It’s a smaller ship, as usual. Which means it’ll stay in port until they arrive. Felps is tempted to take a detour to eat a proper meal before they leave, but he knows they need to stake out the situation. 
The information on this ship is frighteningly scarce. Usually Cellbit can have a whole crew list pulled up, as well as general spaceship schematics. This one has nothing, though. All they managed to find was a list of potential departure stations so they could sway the choice their way. 
It’s not the kind of mission Felps is happy to take. Cellbit’s eyes had practically lit up the second he realised it wasn’t going to be easy, and had spent roughly the next forty eight hours trying to dig up any scraps of information he could. 
Felps hid all his coffee sometime around hour number thirty nine; when he was too focused on the investigation to remember how much he had in stock, and figured he had just run out. Or, that’s what Felps assumes, considering Cellbit never bothered him about the missing coffee. Either way, he eventually passed out at his desk.
The point is, even though they should be through the difficult part, Felps still feels his unease grow. 
Cellbit stops abruptly, Felps bumping into him. 
“There.” He points over to airlock number six. “That one.”
Felps cranes to try and look at the ship through the window. It doesn’t look like a model he’s familiar with, but he’s a little too far away to tell.
“Let’s go introduce ourselves then.”
They walk over, dodging through the crowd. There’s no one waiting outside the airlock yet, but Felps catches a glimpse of someone with bright pink hair carrying cargo onto the ship. 
He makes a beeline towards them. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Cellbit heading to the window facing the ship. Felps knocks quickly on the edge of the airlock to announce his presence. 
“Yeah, hold on.” 
The voice is familiar, but Felps can’t place it. Probably just the accent. 
They place down the boxes hastily, turn around—and practically jump five feet into the air.
“What the fuck?” Mike exclaims, eyes wide. “Felps? You’re alive?”
Ah. That’s why it’s familiar. 
“Oh. Yeah!” Okay, this complicates things. “Hi, Mike!”
“What are you doing here?” 
“I’m the pilot.” 
“You’re—? Ugh.” Mike swipes a hand under his glasses, and drags it back down his face, clearly annoyed. “These stupid fucking blackout documents. Well, it is good to see you, at least.”
“It’s good to see you, too.” And it is, really. Felps had grown… maybe too attached to him and Pac. “I’m here with Cellbit—he’s my co-pilot.”
“Cellbit made it out, too? Damn, soon you’ll be telling me the murders just completely stopped after we left.”
“Ah, I wouldn’t know.” Felps lies. “We took a page out of your book.”
“Good idea.”
“So, you’re working here?” Felps asks, dread curling through him. 
He managed to get Cellbit to leave them alone before, but this ship is a lot smaller. They probably won’t get that luxury this time. 
“Yeah, me and Pac. We’re the engineers.”
Not nice. Really not nice. Shit.
“Well,” Mike points a thumb behind him, “Pac’s in the engine room setting some stuff up if you want to go say hi.”
He resolutely tries to ignore the butterflies floating through his chest at the thought of seeing Pac again. He’s probably going to have to let Cellbit kill them, now is not the time.
“Thanks. I think Cellbit’s taking a look at the ship.”
“Cool, cool. I’ll see you later, then.”
“See you later.”
As they go their separate ways, Felps quickly messages Cellbit the news. Then he tries to find his way towards the engineering room. 
It’s more difficult than it should be. The ship’s layout isn’t like any he’s been on before, and there’s absolutely no maps, or directions anywhere. But finally, he stumbles into the place. The heat from the engines is overwhelming, but nice. Felps rarely feels temperatures that mimic the types of weather he grew up with. 
There’s a grate on the floor that’s pulled up, and Felps can see a blue hoodie, and black hair crouched down in the space revealed. 
“Hi!” Felps calls out over the sound of idling engines, trying not to startle him.
It doesn’t work. Pac yelps, and there’s the distinct sound of something being dropped. Then he pokes his head out from the space, and grins.
“Felps!” Pac pulls himself up so he can sit on the floor, legs still dangling over the edge. “Mike told me you were here.”
In lieu of taking off the hoodie, he’s just pushed the sleeves up to his elbows. Grease covers his arms—there’s spots of it on his face, too. He looks good. 
“Yeah! It’s good to see you again.”
“You too! Man, I’m so glad you’re alive.” Pac winces. “Sorry we didn’t take you with us. It’s just the lights went out, and we couldn’t find you, and then—uh, yeah. We, like, had to get out.”
Felps keeps his eyes carefully trained on Pac’s face, instead of letting them dip down to where his legs are. He’s not supposed to know about that.
“It’s fine.” He says with a shrug. “Me and Cellbit got out pretty much right after you, anyway.”
“That’s good.” Pac clicks his fingers. “Oh, hey, have you met Miss Government Agent yet?”
“Miss—huh?” He laughs, not worried about the fact it sounds nervous. He thinks anyone would be in this situation. “A government agent?”
“Yeah! She’s who we’re transporting. Bagi, her name is.” Pac lifts his legs out of the hole so he can stand up. He’s wearing long pants, so from Felps’ brief glance, he still has no idea what his leg looks like now—how well it managed to heal, if it did at all. “I know, I know those blackout documents are so annoying, right? But, yeah, that’s the reason—safety protocols, and all that. I don’t even know what she does in the government, it’s that top secret! I can introduce you guys, if you want?”
“Oh, sure. Thank you.” He watches Pac shift the grate back in place. “Unless you’re busy?”
“Nah, Mike’s better with all this stuff, anyway.” Pac shrugs, and wipes his hands together as if that would do anything but just smudge the grease more. “He’ll do a check over on my work, and finish up anything I missed.”
“Okay, nice.”
God, he never should’ve let Cellbit accept this mission. A government agent? Who the government is going to these lengths to protect? They’re never going to live comfortably again if they follow through with it—constantly on the run from authorities who would never leave a case as big as this alone. 
Pac grabs a rag near his toolbox, and absently attempts to clean the grease from himself.
“Also, don’t be surprised if you see a kid running around.” Pac informs him. “His name is Richarlyson, and—my god, Felps—he’s so cute.”
Felps feels the blood freeze in his veins.
“A kid? There’s a kid here?”
“Yeah, he’s mine and Mike’s actually.” Pac says, unaware of Felps’ escalating crisis. “We adopted him—totally legally, by the way—hm, maybe earlier this year?”
“Oh, how cool!”
A kid. Felps can’t kill a kid. Well, technically he hasn’t really killed anyone, but he knows that the blood on Cellbit’s hands may as well be on his, too. 
They’ve never been in a situation where a kid was on the line. Felps doesn’t know how to proceed now that there is.
He knows he’s gotten a reputation within the Federation of being brutal, but efficient. All Cellbit, really, but Cucurucho doesn't know about him. Maybe that’s why he was given this mission.  
But he hasn’t even come to terms with the fact he’ll need to let Cellbit actually kill Pac and Mike this time. And now there’s a kid. And they also need to kill a government agent, too, and there’s no way the aftermath of that is going to be pretty.
This is very quickly spiraling out of control—veering heavily away from the kind of chaos Felps enjoys with these missions.  
He needs to talk to Cellbit. Quickly. 
But, for now, he also needs information. So, he follows Pac out of the engine room, and down the confusing hallways. 
“The ship layout is very strange.” Felps comments.
“Yeah, you can thank Mike for that.” Pac says with a laugh. “He designed it.”
“Really? That’s cool.”
“We built it a couple years back. I don’t know why the government wants to use our ship, though. Surely they’ve got better ones at their disposal, right?”
“Must be to do with the whole secret thing.” Felps shrugs. “Like, if people want to attack the ship a government agent is on in the middle of space, they’re probably not going to look for something two random guys built, right?”
Not like it really worked out for them. Somehow Cucurucho still got their hands on the information.
“Ohhh, very true, very true.” Pac sends him a smile, and Felps tries not to trip over his feet at the sight of it. “You’re very smart, Felps.”
“Thanks!” He thinks he’s smiling a little too much like an idiot at the compliment, and quickly changes topics. “Wait, but if it’s your ship, why are me and Cellbit here? Surely you both can fly it.”
“Well, we can, but… I dunno. More hands on deck if there’s an emergency, maybe?” 
“Ah, true.”
“Here, let me connect to your comm—I’ll give you a map.” 
Pac stops in them in the middle of the hallway. While he’s distracted with the task, Felps takes the opportunity to drink in the sight of him—now that they’re closer and he can see all the little details more clearly. He looks mostly the same as Felps remembers, honestly. Still beautiful. If Felps had to point out what’s changed, he’d say that Pac looks less scared.
See, Felps hasn’t been able to forget the expression on Pac’s face when the lights turned out, and Cellbit tackled him to the ground. Even after all this time, he can still conjure the sound of Pac’s screams of pain, and desperate pleas for help clearly in his mind. 
Felps usually likes to let Cellbit have his fun. This was the first—and only—time he’d ever interrupted that.
It’s… nice to see Pac not so scared.
and that's what i have so far \o/! hope you guys enjoyed! unfortunately this is way too much of a multi-chaptered fic for me to work on actively right now, but maybe when i finish one of the others i'll come back to it
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pudding-parade · 9 months
Simblr New Years Resolution 2024
Because @papermint-airplane is lazy and demanding…and I promise not to whine too much.
What's your Resolution for your Simblr? I dunno. I always say that I want to be less flaky and "here today, gone tomorrow" about it, but I never actually follow through with that. Life happens and, when I can, there are many things that I'd rather be doing than sitting at a computer messing around on a blog. Right now, I don't have a whole lot of other options available, so…Enjoy it while it lasts? Hate it while it lasts? I guess? But even so, there are other games I want to play besides Sims, and since this is a (mostly) Sims-dedicated blog…Well, there we are.
What do you want from the Sims Franchise? All I want for Christmas is a 64-bit TS3 so that I don't have to keep checking how much RAM the game is using and then saving and reloading before it hits the Point of No Return. It must really suck for people who play bigger and more heavily-populated worlds than I do.
I'm convinced a 64-bit TS3 will never happen, though. Even though, last I checked, EA still sells the game. At full price, even.
Any other New Years Resolutions? I've never been one to make resolutions. Life is too unpredictable, so I just go with the flow, doing the best I can day by day. I'm old enough now that I know that who I basically am and what I will do in my life is not going to change much, if at all. I've done chameleon-like change enough in the past -- sometimes willingly, sometimes not -- that I don't feel that I need to change anything else, ever. I'm happy with who and what I am, but it's taken me about 50 years to get to that level of I-don't-give-a-shit-what-anyone-else-thinks zen, so…yeah. LOL
On the other hand, not to be really strange and probably macabre, but…Until recently, I wasn't supposed to live for very much longer. I'd already outlived expectations, in fact. I'd been given about 5 to 7 years of "meaningful" life when I was diagnosed in 2013, meaning that after that it was predicted that I'd pretty much be hospital- or at least bed-bound until I finally kicked it. Or offed myself, which was my plan for when I became incapacitated because that is no kind of life.
So, how long I could've kept going was an open question, but I think it probably wouldn't have been much more than a year, realistically. Things went downhill pretty fast this past year. And I had come to grips with that and had things all arranged. But now that I will live longer, perhaps even a normal lifespan, I'm kind of feeling flummoxed about what I'm going to do with all that time that I hadn't planned on. So maybe my resolution should be figuring that shit out. Yeah.
Anyway! I, too, am lazy and demanding, so I'm not going to tag anyone, but if you read this and decide to do it, too, tell 'em I sent ya.
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sims3fiend · 1 year
Sims 3 performance tweaks
Updated 24/11/23 - RIP DXVK 😭for now
Updated 12/10/23 :) - added some more details, including important info about ObjectSizeCullFactor, which could be the holy grail for potato PCs. Also updated the linked files.
I figured I'd make a proper blog post instead of just random scattered discord posts. Here are some of the things I've done to improve my sims 3 performance, and (mostly) remove stuttering, as well as some stuff to increase the graphics quality. I don't know how accurate any of this is, but it's helped my game a lot  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Please note that I have a 2070, and I would recommend having >2gb for your GPU if using these tweaks (and just in general). While these settings and tweaks might help you if you're on an older card, I have no way of really checking that.
This guide is mostly focused on reducing stutter, with a few tips thrown in for reducing memory usage for the girlies with the large luxurious games and Error 12 problems.
Stutter (or frame drops) are sadly a part of the sims 3, th-e-y're th-e frequ-ent hitches where the game "freezes" for a second, often when moving the camera.
The main tweaks will help reduce stuttering while the game is paused, sadly while playing the game, you're still gunna chug along. Object and sim loading/unloading/displaying/hiding causes a large amount of the stutter, so unless you have an older computer, most of the graphics settings aren't going to help you, but will (in a few cases) help with reducing memory usage.
If you'd like to try this out, there's the (top secret super hidden) config value prop $ConfigGroup ForceHighLODObjects 1, which forces everything to high LOD, which should make the game overall a whole lot smoother both paused and unpaused (high detail lots will still lag it when loading tho) compared to the default settings. Just add a new line under one of the settings fields with it in. Do not use this in your normal gameplay unless playing in a small map, as it greatly increases memory usage. Looks real pretty though.
Either download one that has been updated, update it yourself, or use the tool. No longer providing my own but might in the future.
Main Performance Tweak - LODs
The main setting that helped alleviate most stuttering for me was RenderSimLODDistances in the GraphicsRules.srg file (\The Sims 3\Game\Bin). Essentially we change it to load the low quality LOD models from muuuch further.
prop $ConfigGroup RenderSimLODDistances "70, 70, 9999999, 9999999"
The values for this are highres lot distance, highres world distance, low lot, low world. In an ideal world we would be able to max out high res, but due to how the culling works, that just increases stuttering. I would also recommend turning off ForceActiveLotObjectsToHighLOD if you're using high detail lots > 1, and MinSimLOD to 0
I recommend tweaking the highres values if you get lag when zooming in.
For more memory
I would HIGHLY recommend dropping ActiveLODLimit and ObjectSizeCullFactor, as they are a much better way of reducing loaded in assets. You can be fairly ruthless with them, I recommend dropping ObjectSizeCullFactor down to <75~, and ActiveLODLimit (dunno if this actually does anything) the same (too low and the game will never load). Raise it up if you're noticing pop-in. IIRC your household lot loads everything regardless(?)
If you're frequently running into Error 12, or playing large households, I, sadly, recommend keeping "Max Detail Lots" at 1. I would also recommend DropTexMipsOnLoad = 0 (shouldn't help but it does), and maybe tweaking some of the texture sizes to lower res, depending on your preferences (a lot get crushed anyway). Other options like culling and LOD distances have basically no impact on overall memory use and are safe to increase. Make sure you're also using my memory notifier/freer thing too ;^)
Things that didn't have any/much of a performance impact but make the game look better (in my opinion)
Clip planes
Bane of my existence
prop $ConfigGroup ClipPlaneMapViewDistances "1.0, 12000.0" This is basically how far you can see, I recommend raising this, as I noticed 0 performance hit at all, and I like to be able to see the pretty maps (You'd be surprised at how good some look!). Some maps look a little scuffed with it maxed out, or have seams, however this can be reduced with…
FogDistances I have mine set to FogDistances "300, 600, 3000, 8000" and FogCurveModifier "9, 1" This is personal preference, and I'd recommend playing around with it to find something that works for your world and clip distance. Neither options have any noticeable performance impact for me (objects still load regardless of clip/fog distance).
AllowImpostorUnload no clue what this does, I set it to false
Max em out
setting $VeryHigh prop $ConfigGroup RenderTreeLargeLODDistances "-100, 999999, 10, 3300" prop $ConfigGroup RenderTreeSmallLODDistances "-100, 999999, 10, 3300" prop $ConfigGroup RenderTreeShrubLODDistances "-100, 999999, 10, 3300" prop $ConfigGroup RenderTreeGroundLODDistances "-100, 999999, 10, 3300"
There's no real reason not to. You could change the values so it loads the low(er) res ones further away and then higher ones in after, but the performance hit was nothing for me. Having all the trees there looks reaaaallllyy nice on some towns.
Random other tweaks
Things I changed from default ShadowMapSize 4096 - I think this does something??? 🤷
prop $ConfigGroup TextureSizeThreshold 4096 prop $ConfigGroup RttSizeSmall 1024 prop $ConfigGroup RttSizeLarge 2048
these don't really have any impact, but in my mind it makes sense to increase them
DXVK and dxwrapper
UPDATE: I no longer recommend DXVK due to it increasing overall memory usage, having said that, dxwrapper is still very nice, I'd recommend using it over LazyDuchess's ASI loader. Keeping this here down the bottom just in case.
If you are using dxvk, I use(d) dxvk-async but you should be fine to use the main repo. On top of this I use dxwrapper for the exception handling features.
One thing you'll have to keep in mind is Your Options.ini file will need to be remade if using dxvk since it looks like you've installed a new GPU.
To install, just shove the right dll's into your \The Sims 3\Game\Bin folder - d3d9.dll for dxvk, everything from dxwrapper and the ddraw.dll from its Stubs folder. If you're using Smooth Patch, which you should be, it's okay to delete the ddraw provided with it, as dxwrapper can do .asi plugin loading itself (LoadPlugins = 1 in ini). You should see a few new files pop up when you launch the game if installed correctly, dxwrapper.log and TS3W.dxvk-cache
If you're using reshade, rename the reshade dll to dxgi.dll
depth buffer might not work, I'm not 100% sure, so keep that in mind
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sandwichsakurauchi · 5 months
I am curious now, though-
Whose girl's health is the worst?
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"Aaah, I can answer that. We technically have three in the running~ Yoshiko, Ami-san and... ahem... K-Kanan, surprisingly~ Yoshiko's lifestyle was always fairly lazy, so I guess we gave her the excuse to just indulge a liiiiittle too much. Granted the suite she stays in when on the island with me is suited to keep her in-check, right, Yoshiko~?"
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"Uuurlph... Nngh... I-I think sho...? Hfff... B-But thish mashine keepsh beeping a lot lately... It'sh kinda annoying..."
"Ami-san's declined a LOT lately. Though I think it's because some recent date she went on flipped a bit of a switch in her. Less expectation needed when you're a plus-sized model, I assume~"
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"Hurlmnnnff... Damn shtraight... Hff... Dunno why I've been holding myshelf back... Hfff... Gimme more cansh of shpam... N'passh me that mayo jug..."
"Um...t-the most surprising addition's been Kanan. She was definitely the most fit of us in Aqours but it seems she's been, uh... a-accelerating at such a shocking level when it comes to how fat she's gotten lately-"
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"GLUUURLPH-!!.. Hrrnnnfff... M-Mari... Ghet me another... round'a fhood... Shtill not... haaah... fhat enough..."
"...S-Sure! Of course...~"
"Mnnfff... Yhou... okay...? Lookin' kinda... haaaURLPH... kinda red in the facshe there..."
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 123
Chapter 123: "An Important Choice"
Yesterday I mentioned that if I was reading the manga around the time the previous ch was released that I would be so eager for Ray's answer, but I would've never imagined him to be so blunt and admitting his uncertainty like this. It's hilarious to me now of course but I wonder if I would've been let down initially if I had patiently waited a whole week just to hear him be like "eh, I dunno."
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I'm always so harsh on Norman's plan and how it'll result it wiping out all the demons when I forget that the promise Emma has in mind will essentially have the same effect.. oops. With all the children raised in farms crossing over to the human world with no more traveling between worlds, the demons would've just degenerated on their own. Although, would that really knock them out? Surely they can eat other things aside from humans to stay alive right? They would just revert back to a more wild state of mind. I dunno. No need to wonder about it too hard with evil blood ex machina.
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Ray throws me through a total loop with his honesty, like yeah he's typically the one who has no issue telling the truth to others, but it's done in such comedic and unexpected ways during this chapter that I can't help but love him more because of it.
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Thank you anime for being faithful with the above mentioned panels.
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Poor Emma is completely caught off guard by his answers too. She was expecting Ray to give her some clarity as usual and yet he's giving us a whole lot of nothing. In his defense though, it is quite the troublesome problem to find a reasonable solution to that would please Emma's standards. Both sub & dub are fun in this little bit too, especially with Ray's "nopes." (I'm adding the scene here again, for funsies.)
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To this day I still believe Emma listened to his advice a bit too well here and that's how she was able to keep her emotions and the consequences of the reward so well hidden whenever it was brought up after the new promise was made and when it was time to cross over to the human world.
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I'm fairy certain I brought this up last chapter (I dunno, it's been a long day when I'm actually writing this out and I'm lazy to check myself), but I still love the dark shadows that Ray has during half of this conversation. It's kinda ironic because it's not like he's trying to lead Emma to make some grave mistake or persuade her into choosing something she's not 100% okay with; he's genuinely trying to help her make the right choice, so despite shadows typically being used to show ill intent, evil or make us suspicious about something or someone, it couldn't be farther from the truth here and I kinda like it.
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Naturally I love that he even admits to knowing her so well, and yet despite Emma's no-violence-please-only-happiness wish requiring more brain power to figure out they could even accomplish both sides coexisting, he still wants to help find a solution for her to ease the burden in her heart and mind. And I love that about him. I love many things about Ray. Is it obvious yet?
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His has own opinion but respects hers so much more and that fills me with many soft feelings. Also, YES! The head pat! Still kinda sad the anime left it out but I still love their version of this scene very much.
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Bro the fire and determination came back into her eyes instantly.
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At this point of the anime train-wreck, I'll take any moment that resembles the manga, even with simple actions like this.
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Anime missed this small, surprised Emma though and that's a bummer for me personally. She's cute.
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I know Emma's ideals and doubts made her hesitate in voicing her refusal of Norman's plan the day before, but I also wanna believe another part of it wasn't because it was concerning Norman, but because her entire family was in the room at the time and they all seemed to be thrilled with the idea, so she opted to stay quiet to not ruin the mood. And I gotta say, I prefer that second panel of Ray in manga as well. He just looks real good there.
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Anime gets a win for the way Ray looks at her here though. I have a love-dislike relationship with the adaption if you couldn't already tell. It's amusing to witness.
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Ray's had one too many parents lie to him, so thankfully the demon parents are spared from being added to that list.
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Oh honey, do I have some great news for you!
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The way Emma gets so excited over him considering her plan is so precious! And Ray better play the lotto when he gets to the human world because that one in a billion chance eventually becomes a reality.
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And yet regardless of the incredibly low chances and all the dangers that may come along with going against the annihilation, he still chooses to put his trust into Emma for her and their demon parents. He's amazing. He deserves many head pats.
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With all the RE focus during this chapter, I often forget these three show up towards the very end. My bad.
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Such a proper introduction. What lovely adult raised them so wonderfully, hm? And yes I appreciate that the anime remembered to include Barbara's little slip up and Vincent correcting her as well.
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Let the interrogation begin! Ray has already resigned to his fate. Another detail I tend to forget is Cislo's piercings. I wonder why that's so uncommon with the kids. Probably because they've been living att the farms for the majority of their lives, but I definitely feel like a handful of them would at least enjoy having earrings now that their sorta kinda free. (I fully support the idea of the fullscore trio getting a matching set.)
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Favorite panel/moment:
With how much I rambled on, you can imagine just how much I enjoy this entire chapter. I could literally pick out almost any panel and declare it my favorite, but OF COURSE these lines of Ray's live rent free in my head. Even the light banter at the end to close out the balcony scene is adorable. He just has so much trust, faith and respect for Emma that I honestly will never get over it. Everyone deserves someone who supports you in life to such a great extent!!
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The biggest change of this scene is obviously the location but I can never be mad about that when I absolutely LOVE how it allowed us to get this beautiful sunrise!
"Here we have our girl lost within her own mind and feeling completely alone due to her ideals, then BAM! Ray listens to her concerns, lends his assistance by thinking through a different course of action that would ease her wavering heart and restores some of her usual optimistic attitude. My boy literally helps our girl out of the dark and shined light on her mood/plan and that’s absolute perfection." - me freaking out during s2ep6.
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It was such a genius addition and I will always get super emotional whenever I watch this scene back, like how perfectly poetic could you possibly get??
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tiikerikani · 10 months
I hate to be That Guy (who starts the queue)
(but somebody has to do it)
I'm trying to keep this brief because I need to sleep so I can do this again tomorrow.
2023.12.09 – Tavastia-klubi, Helsinki
It's cold. I decided to start hovering by the door at 5:15, though I'd already been standing around outside since 5. (Doors were at 6:30.) I can't feel my toes. Why am I like this???
Janne pops out and is going to the mall across the street (he returns later with a bag of food from the supermarket). He thanks me for the miniature and says it's "fabulous".
Senpai comes out carrying a backpack and says hi to me, then goes down the street the other way. I assume their hotel is over in that direction, as I saw three more band members exit carrying bags and going that way.
The space feels so small now, now that I've been to several newer and bigger clubs. I'm dead centre and I don't remember the barricade being so close to the stage in here. I can literally reach over and swipe a set list if I wanted to. When it's this close, being in the centre is no good for taking pictures of Senpai but that's okay today because I'm mostly trying to get more pictures to match my miniatures.
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Leo's got an invisible microphone, lol :P
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Senpai asks who's coming back tomorrow. A bunch of hands shoot up into the air. "IF ONLY WE COULD HAVE ACTUALLY GOTTEN TICKETS!" "YOU SHOULD DO A THIRD SHOW!!"
Yes my too-much-gesturing is 100% Senpai's fault
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Too many of them wearing sneakers today
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The Regular Groupies were talking to ... somebody who waves at me. "Hello!" she calls. It's her again!! "HOW DID YOU GET IN TO TAMPERE!??" I don't recall actually seeing her there last week but she'd have known because miniatures appeared there (and she's definitely Teemu's significant other, as the two of them left holding hands).
Janne says that "the set list is the same [tomorrow] but the atmosphere will be different". It won't be the first time I see them on a Sunday and yeah Sunday crowds are generally a bit more subdued.
I also asked him to suggest a song for me to learn next (with the caveat that I might not take it up). He named one of the old old songs; it's in the music book so I wouldn't have to work out the chords/melody. ("Have you learned all the songs from the book???" What, no :D ) He says it's fairly easy but still has interesting subtleties, and that he wrote it with Teemu so it's also, like, written on a piano and thus more playable on a piano.
"But if you want to do a new song..." he continues, "there's the one that we haven't performed yet? Don't remember the name, it goes like..." He's thinking of Jamesin takki and I think it's funny that I'm filling in the song title for him. "It'd be really challenging, I'd say it's the hardest song on the album. It has the modulation and it's in a difficult key...E-flat minor or something?" ("I'd transpose it, I'm lazy :D")
But oh no I know. It's the one that made me seriously reconsider my silly idea to learn the entire album on the piano, which I came up with before I listened to the whole thing.
Yeah I dunno about that song.
(Edit: I just checked my notes, it starts in F-sharp minor, which is much more reasonable. He was probably thinking of Ilman mua, which IS in E-flat minor and which, yes, I did transpose but could just as easily learn in the original key.)
I also think it's funny that they have to take all the equipment and the barricade and everything down just to put it all back up tomorrow. The equipment I understand, to keep it under lock and key, but I think the barricades come down so they can get the stuff out the door? Dunno.
I'm feeling lazy, here's the set list. (It is also on my arm as usual but I've had to come up with new symbols and I wasn't sure I'd remember what they meant by the time I got home.)
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[Concert write-up archive and master calendar]
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meme-streets · 1 year
i don't think he mentions it in the beach scene and i'm too lazy to check but i wonder what charlie's music taste is like. johnny boy strikes me as being big into rock, especially like british invasion (jumpin' jack flash) and psychedelic stuff–i figure he's a huge stones fan–and maybe a little into (american) folk given he hangs around greenwich village. but i dunno about charlie. i think he's gotta be at least someone into opera given he sings it in the car toward the end, and if i had to guess i'd say beyond that...a lot of pop, especially girl group stuff like the ronettes (be my baby and so on) and maybe in the vein of bobby vee or pat boone. honestly, i could also see him being kind of into country given his love of john wayne, but i just don't know. i do figure he argues with johnny over music though.
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zirielladior · 1 year
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ella's diary ୨୧
friday || 7.28.2023
hihi ella here !!
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
another nice-ish week. school starts on august 9th. i'm kind of sad, but at least i'll see some friends. i just don't want to do any school work. i still want good grades, of course, just.. without doing anything i guess.
my friend & i started a baking goal a few days ago. we were baking cookies and then his little sister came into the kitchen and asked if she could watch a movie with us. (she's eight.) and we said yes, we ended up eating all the cookies in three days, so we decided to bake again. we baked the famous pinterest jelly tart cookies. they came out pretty good, i almost burnt them because he went to shower and i started reading. but he got out soon enough and then went to check on them and they almost burnt. they're good though, i wish i could give you one right now for staying this look just to read <3 🍪
i spent a bit of today cleaning my room again. only vacuuming & organizing my closet, for almost the third time this month. and then i started reading another book i bought, it's called 'if he had been with me'. i saw it online & in a bookshop when i was in ontario for the summer, so i bought it! a lot of people say it's a little overrated, (not judging by the cover but by the actual book) and of course i saw it. i wanted to buy it anyway because it wasn't available at the library. (i can't really afford me buying books every other day so i usually go to my local library for books i see online that might be nice to read.)
also i've been writing a little bit of my own novel ideas. it think i might actually publish something, (hopefully if the KOSA bill doesn't progress.) on wattpad. not much of a fanfic although that's really the most popular side of wattpad. maybe. i'm really fond of writing a story that may reflect my dream life. you know..? like a good main plot with my dream lifestyle? don't know if it's a good idea though considering i just created this blog.
oh also, i've just started watching stranger things 4 !! i love the show up until now, but i've heard that vol. 2 could've been better. not sure, i just started episode one with my father on wednesday. i hope its not a weird season with a lot more people dying.
oh! speaking of which, i'm thinking of taking bass lessons soon. and maybe piano too. i've really wanted to play both for a while. he knows how to play bass, piano, drums, pretty much anything. he can make a tune out of recordings of every instrument and then he can make a nice instrumental song. he makes good poems so sometimes i tell him to make songs but he doesn't usually. he's making one now actually! i finally convinced him with elliot (his little sister) that he should write a song. so i think he's writing a song, maybe it's a love song for his crush. like i dunno but that could def be a reason why he's hiding it from us. otherwise he's pretty open about music and stuff.
him & i also went to a bakery in town. it was a bit close to the hotel his family & my family were staying at. (family friends trip, chill nothing weird.) so it was nice to go out and feel the night breeze. especially since i haven't been leaving the house much after being gone to ontario for an hour. we went shopping and i bought a cute cream colored mug with brown paint splattered on it, and a cute little baby tee that said gilmore on it !!
we went out to a cute bakery and had pastries and tea. we also bought candy from there for our sisters. mine's twelve and his is eight, but my sister's still pretty immature. they get along really nicely. his sister likes dolls, and my sister likes fixing dolls up. that's not whats immature about her, she genuinely acts five, but she loves dolls, and miniatures and making jewelry which i adore for her. if she's happy, i'm happy. in the end we both bought chocolate covered peppermint sticks with sprinkles. i think it was called lazy dog chocolateria. really great place, the food was sososososoo yummy.
anyway, so much for trying to keep a short entry. thank you for staying this long and listening to my conversations that were, really, just for myself considering not many people are going to listen to these.
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
love always, ella ୨୧
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fangaminghell · 2 years
Okay this is for fun, but I wanna introduce y'all the June, Horis and Firecracker, the main three pokemon that was showcased in the RP me and @valkyrie-of-the-rising-sun are doing. I'm too lazy to go and check their nature and stuff but yeh.
To start off we have June!
June is a Primarina and He's Imani's right hand, bring her starter Pokemon. He carries himself with serene and determination, perfect for a leader. He knows when to take charge, give orders and listen to others. However! Like trainer like pokemon. This guy has a bit of a mischievous streak. Maybe it's because by heart, he's a performer, or maybe it's because he's been with Imani for so long, but he is not above harmless pranks and such. But overall he is a kind, capable leader,who's always there when Imani needs a song.
Next up is Horis! He's Flynn's hydreigon and unlike the other two, not her starter. I'm still not sure how the two met, but they are very close given Horis' max return. He's a big softie and sweetheart, sometimes being a bit timid when it comes to others, as he doesn't want to scare people off. He's still a Hydreigon though, and thus is fiercely protective of his trainer, her friends and his teammates. He will snap you in half if you harm them. But overall, he's a sweetheart who gets spoiled with cuddles by Flynn. Oh, and I consider him the youngest of the three.
Firecracker is Arrow's starter, being an egg gifted by their mother( he's the mother's Charizard son btw). The two have experienced joy and tragedy together, making the two inseparable. Firecracker is a modest soul, very humble about himself and others. He tries to be as understanding as he possibly can to any situation. Most people look to him for advice, and he'll do his best to answer. Ironically,given recent rp, he's the last person who would suggest a fight. He'll fight if he has too- and he will fight hard- but he tries not to make it often. But much like Horis ( and June, I should add), hostility is still there when it comes to people harming his trainer or anyone he's close with. I will say he's a bit more forgiving,once things have calmed down.
And yeah!!! It's them!!! I dunno if other members of the rejuv trio's team are gonna show up in the RP, but if they do, I'll probably give them a quick rundown.
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
(Nutjob anon)
Everyone simping after Tighnari or Haitham, and then there's me, going feral because FELIXFELIXFELIXFELIX MY BELOVED FELIX SNFJEJJEVGRRRRRR this chapter's insults were endorsed by Felix. Not a lot of boars, but the vibe was there so it's a win for me! I would nominate him as possible next underboss... but we both know that that's a bad idea lmao.
And since you are adding 3h characters, ai have a feeling Childe and Sylvain could be good friends! ... Only for them to talk trash behind the other's back ("I swear! His personality is so fake. How come you can stand him?")
And I'll also like to raise you: Linhardt and Tighnari being friends: Green, sassy, doesn't care for titles and only his research? Yes, they'd be very good friends.
I am also getting Lysithea vibes from the capo: wanting to do a lot but little time, and everyone needs to give them a vibe check for that attitude lol I hope Barbara can smack some sense into them, because I can't help but think that capo is also operating under the "there's nothing more terrifying than a man who has nothing left to lose". Yes, they are fighting for their men, but they personally don't care about what might happen to them, so we better watch out that sanity meter, or else the capo will turn into the real hazard all along the way.
And dunno Ansy, I know you want to help us with hinting that bringing Cyno is bad, but the one that I don't trust is Haitham lmao Cyno said it himself: don't kill Tighnari. Even if what he did makes his blood boil, at least he is conscious enough to first get the cure. But Haitham is quite prideful, so maybe he'll come with some shit that he is the only one we need and he can always steal what Tighnari have done and finish it. After all, the main point is to cure you, right? Anything else is expendable. And maybe having Cyno there might help him clarify some questions he might have.
I don't like how autorithive Haitham is, with ordering us to leave (even if it was good for us). That means he has no reservations in misleading us if what we are doing doesn't go with his agenda. So with Tighnari, someone who is... somewhat on the same ground as him in terms of research, he might not think as your underboss but as an academic rival when acting.
Anyways, angst hurts me but boy that I will spin that death wheel with gusto 😎
HDIAOAOAK I TRY MY BEST TO MAKE THE FE:TH CHARACTERS SUBTLE HERE (that very much failed with dimitri cause first off I'm a simp and second it's weird if the reader doesn't grieve for at least one chapter lol) SO I CAN'T MAKE FELIX THE UNDERBOSS EVEN IF I WANT TO 😭😭 (i actually added him in cuz I thought of you lolol)
(kazuha was almost the underboss tho but Alhaitham won lol)
I think not a lot of genshin players are major FE:TH fans so I gotta be real sneaky with the characters lol... But that sylvain idea 🤔🤔🤔 considering childe's whole comical side story with lumine rn I could invite mister steal your girl for some dumb sht lol. Lindhart is a rather european name so I could have him as another one of Focalor's people ehe, though he'd probably ask for Tighnari to do his job for him cause he's too lazy–
AND YES LYSITHEA AND CAPO WOULD HAVE BEEN BESTIES 😭😭😭 THEY'D UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER SO MUCH AND THEY'D PROBABLY FEEL LESS ALONE USIAOWO THESE POOR PEOPLE– the difference between the two of them is that lysithea always feels like she's being looked down on like a kid while the capo feels like they have too many burdens to bear– making these two vent to one another would probably be therapeutic for them ;;----;;;
My two au's right now both have nothing left to lose vibes, although capo!reader has that a lot less than our unhinged hyshum!reader. The only thing holding them back is that some of their men are still alive. They do care, it's just that they don't want to overthink:
These men have families, wives, husbands, children– what would become of them if they recklessly charged for revenge? There's no need to drag these people into nonsensical slaughter. It's your problem Capo, it's YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. And it's selfish to make them die for you when they have a better reason for living.
Their conscience won't allow it.
These type of thoughts just pull them back. It's all true, of course, their reasoning is sound but it is suffocating. Hence, most of their inner turmoil are repressed.
Oh and don't get me wrong! I respect your choices for bringing Cyno along– I love the chaos. I'm just tryina warn those certain simps that "something bad is about to happen to you and you should definitely question what happens of one of them dies-"
Or you know, I may be misleading everyone because I want a bad ending.
: )
Since when was I known for writing happy endings for my fics? Ehehehehehehehehehhehehehehheheheehehehehhehehehehhe–
And oh my darling nutjob anon...
Both Cyno and Alhaitham want to take credit for your cure. That's one of the many things that made these three idiot's truce work.
Alhaitham is authoritative, no doubt about that, but he respects you a ton. He could've done something stupid like kidnap you or try to remove you from being a Capo– but he'd rather spend some (very limited) time with you as someone you won't forget this time, (N/n).
You can consider Cyno the one with the "hidden agenda" because he's loyal to the church. He considers it his personal blessing that he was the one assigned to monitor you. Cyno is a very lonely person here. He is very prone to making idealized versions of you that fits his imaginations, and fortunately for him the Cardinals acknowledge his devotion to his missionary works.
And then there's our used-to-be-Innamorati-Familia's-informant, Professor Tighnari.
"The main point is to cure you, everything else is expendable." is exactly the dangerous mindset he is on. We'll get to him soon! It's about time he sees his Capo again!
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21witnokidz · 2 years
Chapter 20
A/N: I'm sorry I've been inactive due to pure laziness so as an apology here's a long and satisfying chapter
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“Alright good boy copper!”
It was your turn to take the dog on a walk and he managed to catch himself a rabbit. Despite you and Arthur splitting you still decided to keep the dog and take turns taking care of him.
When you got back to camp you could hear the loud cries of a baby.
Jack Marston, John and Abigail’s son was born 2 years ago. He’s a good kid but he can sure cry his heart out. Especially since John up and left us.
John’s explanation was that he thought the baby wasn’t his. Before he got Abigail pregnant she had already been with half the gang so it made him anxious. When the baby came out he couldn’t really tell who’s it was but as the days went on it started to look more and more not like him.
John is still pretty young but damn you thought having a baby would mature him a little.
“Hey Abigail you doing alright?” You stepped inside Abigail’s little tent.
“Does it look like it? The baby won’t shut up and his father ain’t even here. How am I supposed to do this alone?”
“You’re not alone”
“This baby needs his father!”
You took Jack from her arms and tried to rock him a little. Since you were still getting used to handling a baby you didn’t really know how to calm him down. He just kept on crying.
Abigail sighed and took him back.
“It’s ok y/n you shouldn’t have to. I just wish I wasn’t so careless. Even now Dutch and them look at me differently. The only ones who still treat me the same is the girls, you and Arthur. Y/n.. you and Arthur have known John way longer than I have. Can you please bring him back?”
You never really been on a job with Arthur ever since the break up so you really didn’t want to do this. But you were going to for your friend.
“Alright I’ll see what I can do”
You walked out the tent and let out the deep breath you were holding ever since Abigail mentioned Arthur’s name. God you wished he didn’t have such an effect on you.
You looked to see Charles heading your way.
“She ok?”
“Yea but she asked me to go with Arthur to try and find John”
“I could come with you guys”
“No you don’t have to. I know you're a good hunter but I don't know if that'll still apply to humans"
Charles sat you down and began massaging your shoulders.
“You’re so tense. I think you should rest up and go tomorrow. I saved you some food while you were gone”
“Thank you Charles” See Charles was nice but the thing is. You can’t stop thinking about Arthur. You just didn’t want to do anything about it because you didn’t want to break his heart.
“Speaking of Arthur I’m gonna go see what he wants. He was calling me earlier when I was busy so I’m gonna go check on him”
Charles walked over to the horses where he found Arthur feeding his horse.
“Arthur” Charles nodded.
“Charles! I was asking if you could teach me how to use that bow of yours. If you’d be so kind”
“Sure thing”
Charles handed Arthur his own bow and they went into the woods.
“Sorry about what happened between you and Mary”
“Yea it was never meant to be anyway”
“What makes you say that?”
“I dunno I guess things just weren’t in their right place. You ever feel like that sometimes?”
“Yea. Hey look. A boar”
The men ducked and quietly kneeled towards the beast.
“Oh Pearson will be happy with this one”
“Ok just put the arrow in the string and slightly draw it back. Not too much though”
Arthur drew the arrow and missed completely, scaring off the boar.
“Damn! It got away. I'm sorry my mind wasn’t clear”
“What’s wrong?”
“Just everything from y/n to Mary and John. This is exactly what I meant when I said everything isn’t in the right place”
“What about y/n?”
“Oh don’t play dumb you kno- oh that’s right… you don’t know”
Charles stopped what he was doing and raised his brow.
“Well I didn’t wanna be the one to tell ya this partner but before you joined us we had some history”
“She never told me that”
“I mean there's nothing between us now but I can’t lie. I think about her a lot. Even with Mary, I only got with her to try and forget about what we once had”
“You still love her?”
“Listen that don’t matter. You two are in love now and that’s it”
“I’m not sure about that. Even when me and y/n are together it never feels like she’s really there. And whenever we talk she somehow always makes the topic about something that has to do with you. I didn’t want to believe it then but I guess I always had a feeling there was something between you two”
“I’m sorry. Let’s just go back”
“No it’s fine. Just let me know how you feel about her and I’ll leave you two alone. And be honest”
“Well.. I only ever talked about this with Dutch and Hosea. We first met and got together when we were just kids. She was my first everything. God we were so young and stupid. We’ve been through a lot of things together. Done a lot of things together… said a lot of things. But like I said that don’t matter no more. You two are gonna have a baby and that’ll be the end of whatever we had”
“Baby? What the hell are you talking about?”
“When you guys were in town. I heard you talking about a baby in the store”
Charles couldn’t help but bend over laughing with his hands on his stomach.
“No Arthur you got it all wrong. We were talking about Abigail’s baby”
“Oh” Arthur scratched his neck “well now I feel stupid”
“Not to be mean but you really are an idiot. If you love that girl so much then go get her. I’m sure she still loves you”
“What about you?”
“Forget about me. I’d want her to be with the man she really wants”
Arthur just shook his head “Man you really are different from everyone else here. How’d a guy like you even end up with guys like us?”
“Sometimes I wonder that myself”
By the time Arthur and Charles made it back it was already dark.
“She’s most likely sleeping now so you might as well go in the morning”
“Thanks again Charles”
You walked out your tent to get some coffee and sat down next to Charles.
“Hi” you kissed him on the cheek.
“Y/n can I talk to you?”
“Yea what’s up?”
“Arthur told me all about you two and I realize now that I’ve been holding you back. I heard your story and you two really belong to each other. Because you’re both idiots”
You just had a blank stare and started laughing a little.
“Aw man. No, you’re right. I’m sorry for all this Charles. This whole thing has been a mess”
“Don’t dwell on it too much. I just think everything should go back to how it used to be. John should be back and you and Arthur should be together again. Even when you aren’t together you still compliment each other perfectly”
“Thank you Charles” you got up and hugged him.
You heard Arthur call your name from the horses for you to get ready and ride off.
“Ok I gotta go now I guess I’ll see you when I get back”
“Yea. And bring that other idiot back with you. It’s not the same without hearing the banter between him and Abigail”
You walked. No you power walked to where Arthur was. Now that everything was resolved you were happy to be around him again. Well almost everything was resolved. You still had to deal with Mary. Still you’d find your way around that soon enough.
Arthur had a smug smile when you approached him. “Hey troublemaker”
“You call me the troublemaker? Get real Morgan. Weren’t you the one who got John stuck in that O’Driscoll camp?”
“Who was the one who thought it’d be a good idea to shoot at birds deep in the night?”
“Who was the one who decided to burn the tent down trying to boil WATER”
“So we’re not gonna talk about that one time you almost led an actor to suicide?”
“No that was you! Don’t put that on me!”
“But you definitely made a contribution”
“Ok fine we’ll call it even”
“So I heard some people saying that there was a man who was camping out at the woods taking bounties”
“Yea that sounds like him. Come on”
You got off your horses and walked into the nearby town with the witnesses.
You saw a woman hanging out her clothes to dry and Arthur kicked his boot up on her wash bucket to greet her. Is he trying to show off or?
“Excuse me ma’am. Have you seen a dirty man bout yay tall” he put his hand up to his chin to show a poor demonstration of John’s height “he’s dirty and smells like dog”
“Oh you know what we should’ve gotten Copper to track him down that would’ve been easier” You explained.
Arthur lowered his head and sighed. “Listen can you just tell us where he is?”
“Well folks said he was gettin’ rough in that bar over there. I wouldn’t recommend gettin’ him riled up though I heard he bites people” The woman responded
You and Arthur just laughed. “Thank you ma’am. Let’s go”
“Y’know I never got the chance to tell you this but I’m happy for you and Mary”
“Me and Mary ain’t together no more”
“REALLY? I mean- really?? Why what happened?”
“Just didn’t feel right” he looked at you.
When you two entered the bar you already heard a ruckus.
“I told you my name ain’t John Marston. It’s Rip Van Winkle!”
“And I told you I don’t serve criminals. This is your wanted poster right here ain’t it?” The bartender pulled out the bounty and John let out a noise you could only identify as shock.
“That’s uh- that’s not me”
“Oh that’s him alright” you spoke up.
John slowly turned around with a scowl on his face.
“What are you two doing here?”
“What are YOU doing here?”
“Listen I don’t care what y’all have to say I’m not coming back”
“Abigail is really struggling without you and you’re just out here getting drunk without a care in the world“
“Y/n I put all my heart into caring for Abigail when she was pregnant. Now I come to find out that the baby ain’t even mine. It looks like it could be Dutch’s”
“Does that even matter? I thought you loved her”
“And I thought she loved me!”
“Alright I’ve had enough” Arthur came and grabbed John by the ear “yer coming back with us ya hear? You need to grow up and be a man!”
Arthur dragged him outside with you behind them and you were found surrounded by the police.
“I told you it’s them. Arthur Morgan, Y/N L/N, and John Marston all lined up!” The bartender slipped away while y’all were talking and got the law here.
“Well I’ll be damned” one of them tipped their hat. “Alright all of you come nice and easy now”
“What do we do?” You looked at Arthur.
“Just comply” he put his hands up and you and John followed.
Now you three idiots were sitting looking dumb in jail. Now you finally realized why you three got that nickname. After all, before John came it used to be the two idiots. Me and Arthur. It makes you wonder. When Jack grows up is he gonna be a new addition to this unruly group of dimwits?
“I really thought she loved me” John muttered.
“She does John” you walked over to his side and put a hand on his back “and if you think she didn’t love you back then she has to now after all you’ve done for her. And to be honest, she’s not the only one who needs you. We need you. Including Arthur”
“Nah don’t bring me into this” Arthur asserted. “But y/n’s right. Some people in the camp need you”
You nudged his arm. “Ok I need you too from time to time”
“What the hell do you two know about love anyway? It’s not like you ever made it work out with each other. When we first met you two was like Romeo and Juliet and now it's all messed up. Arthur has Mary and you have Charles”
“Well actually..” you started.
“We kinda got..” Arthur continued.
“Dumped” you both said in unison.
Immediately John’s face brightened.
“So you two are going strong again!?” He said with a smile.
“We never said that-“ Arthur started.
“We’re just open now” you finished.
“Oh come on. You two are literally finishing each other’s sentences. Maybe if you two get back together then my mind will be convinced that me and Abigail can get back together too”
“Or how about if you go back to camp now then maybe me and Arthur will think about it”
Arthur looked at you and smiled, happy that you were ready to try again.
“Hey buddy!” You called out to the sheriff keeping watch of you three and handed him a 20 dollar bill. “Come on I know you want it”
The sheriff took the dollar and released you then shut the door when John and Arthur tried to walk out.
“What the hell?”
“She was the only one who gave me the 20 so she’s the only one who gets to leave”
They rolled their eyes and put the money into his hands and they were released.
Back at camp
Everything was back to normal now. John was back. Everyone was happy and you didn’t have to worry anymore.
You sat by a lake with Copper right next to you until you heard Arthur come up behind you.
“I ain’t bothering you am I?”
He sat down next to you and started petting Copper. “So we’re open now huh?”
“How would you explain it?” You laughed.
“I don’t know. All I do know is that I was a fool to try and get with Mary when I was the one who broke up with you. Are you mad at me?”
“A little”
“I understand. I don’t expect you to forgive me but I’m sorry”
Copper stood up to lay across you and Arthur’s legs.
You two looked at each other.
“Do you forgive me y/n?”
You put your hand on top of Arthur’s and he knew his answer.
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