withthebcnd · 1 year
LETTER @dunnewithyou
MARCH 13TH, 1974
Dear Baby Dunne, 
Your daddy left on his first big tour today. The first of many, if the world is as crazy about him as I am. As crazy about him as I know you’ll be… I’m used to documenting things by taking photos, so bear with me. Your dad is the one who’s good with words. I just thought maybe when you’re older you’d want to know what it was like when we were young. 
I had to stay behind because a rock and roll tour and babies aren’t really the best combination when you think about it. Right now, I’m loving the peace and quiet. All those boys under one roof really got to Aunt Karen and I after a while. I feel so bad for sending her out with them all alone. She’s doing what she loves and I’m so proud.  I’m definitely going to miss them all pretty quickly, though. I’ll miss Warren’s go with the flow way of living and your Uncle Graham’s ability to light up a room. I’ll miss Karen’s unwavering friendship. From the moment I met her, she’s been there for me whenever I needed her. It’s like she knows how I’m feeling when we’ve only exchanged one look. Find friends like that. I’ll miss Eddie and how he’s always been there for me, rain or shine. And your dad… I’ll miss waking up to him every morning. How he writes little songs for every little thing we do, like going grocery shopping (he’s a nerd, don’t tell anyone). He’s doing what he loves though, and I would never prevent him from doing that. 
This is just between you and I, baby, but since we moved to California, I’ve felt a little lost. I wasn’t sure of my purpose here. It was wonderful seeing your dad and uncle’s dreams come true, but I never really had a dream like that. 
Until I found out I was having you. 
I think I was meant to be your mama. I don’t even know you and I’m already completely in love with you. I keep thinking of all the things that your dad and I are going to be able to teach you and share with you. I can’t wait to meet you and see who you become. I am proud of you, no matter what.
So, I’m sitting here wondering what I’m going to do on my first night alone in a big city that I just moved to, and I decided to write a love letter to the most important person in my life. You.
  It’s you and me, kid. I love you forever.
P.S. This is the only picture from mama and daddy’s wedding. Uncle Warren really dropped the ball. You can let him know I said that, too. 
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valleyschamp · 1 year
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"that's  a  story  for  another  time.  trust  me."  leave  it  for  chozen  to  go  around  telling  new  students  that  they  were  in  a  deathmatch  when  both  of  them  are  walking  and  talking  with  ease.  really,  he  thinks  he  does  that  to  prop  him  up  in  the  eyes  of  others.  "first  the  basics  and  if  your  father  agrees  to  sign  my  copy  of  aurora,  then  i'll  invite  you  all  to  diner  and  tell  the  story."  besides,  it  was  time  julia  met  the  family  if  she  is  meant  to  be  around  the  dojo  and  likely  join,  hopefully.  and  daniel  never  waits  a  time  to  just  go  and  make  a  diner  for  two.  "you  can  invite  your  uncle  graham  too.  my  ma'  thought  he  was  adorable."
@dunnewithyou asked: now wait a minute.
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kindfair · 1 year
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𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮. / @dunnewithyou !
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he'd be lying if he said his time with the six had been particularly pleasant. he was meticulous, craved order, and the only person willing to provide any was billy, who gave too much of it. after teddy's passing, he'd nearly gone crazy every time he had a session with the group. he's willing to admit he would've been perfectly happy to ignore julia's e-mail, but his wife and daughter had been very insistent in convincing him to agree to call back. ❝ what can i say? my ladies are persuasive. ❞
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lcveblossomed · 1 year
@dunnewithyou asked: famous people are just more interesting. for evelyn or celia!
Evelyn lets out a laugh, shaking her head at the thought of it. Her entire life was surrounded by famous people in her bed, her parties, and each facet of her life. "I apologize that's a bit mean I just... I mean don't get me wrong I've met a few fascinating famous people." For the most part though everyone was bland and forgettable they didn't matter they faded into nothingness. No one remembered who was in the 1950s Little Women besides of course Evelyn and Celia. Who cared who the lead was in a movie she did in the 70s? "Maybe they're interesting from an outside view from gossip magazines or movies but truly? Most of them channeled all their personality and talent into acting so a regular conversation would just put you to sleep."
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scngbirdie · 1 year
@dunnewithyou said “i must say you do look familiar.”
birdie didn’t know when she’d reached the age that she would be invited to a party celebrating the golden days of runner records, but here she was. it had been twenty years since the release of her first album, and she was one of the artists being celebrated that very night — along with a few others, billy dunne being one of them. she can see the resemblance between him and julia, and she can’t help but smile at the girl in front of her. she looked just like her mother too, which pulled on her heart stings a little.
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“i do? i supported your dads band a few times! maybe you’ve seen the photos. my husband, jonah produced a few of their albums too.” she nods towards the other side of the room, pointing out her husband who was deep in conversation with her father.
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lovethcrn · 1 year
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✉️ ➡ @dunnewithyou, why are you talking like we'll never see eachother again?
being a mother had taught me that as much as you wanted to protect your child from the coldest and harshest of truths, it was never that simple ― firstly, because kids and teenagers were more perceptive than adults liked to believe, and secondly, because it wasn't how the world worked. once they let go of your hand and ran out into the real world, all your sugarcoating efforts evaporated: which is why the smarter route was to be real with them for the start, and proving to them that, no matter what happened, they'd always have you there to support you and love you unconditionally through the chaos of the wilderness that is life. and i'm sure camila would agree. it was her other parent i wasn't so sure about.
it'd be a disrespect to gatekeep my concerns from someone as emotionally intelligent as jules (she'd taken after her mother on that), and because i really valued her friendship, i confessed, ❝ because i don't think we'll see eachother for a little bit, honey. ❞ i resignedly looked up at julia, preparing myself to elaborate on what i knew would be a puzzling statement for her after how close we'd become the last few months thanks to the band documentary, ❝ i'll always be one call away if you need me, but i don't think your dad would approve of us having a...close kind of relationship. i would hate for him to feel like your mom is being replaced, even if you and i both know that's impossible. it doesn't feel right, as much as i have loved getting to know and spend time with you ― you do understand where i'm coming from, right, jules? ❞
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goeshardmoved · 1 year
𝗅𝖾𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝖻𝗂𝗅𝗅𝗒 ( accepting. )
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julia , ( @dunnewithyou )
I don't even know where to start. I know you may never read this, but part of this program, part of it is making amends. and if I'm honest, I feel like I owe you the biggest apology out of everyone. you are barely even a few months old yet, and I already failed you. My father left when I was a teenager, you'll never know him, I don't want you to, but it made a lasting effect on me. I had to grow up, a lot, really quickly. I had to take care of your uncle graham in ways a brother shouldn't have to take care of a brother. it's not your grandma's fault, she was working so hard to support us, but it was then, after my dad left that I swore I'd never be like him, yet here I am. I abandoned you. I allowed myself to succumb to desires and addictions when I should have been focused on becoming a better man for you. I am so sorry for that. I am sorry that from the start, I haven't been there for you. I am sorry I wasn't there to hold you when you cried for the first time. I am sorry I wasn't there to see your first milestones. I am sorry that I let you down.
If I am honest, when your mother told me that she was pregnant with you, I was scared. more scared than I have ever been. I mentioned earlier that my dad left, but him leaving left me with no examples on how to be a good father. I was scared I would fuck up like him, that I would fuck you up like he fucked me up. and I did. I did fuck up, and I never can express how sorry I am for that. I never forgave my dad, and I don't think I ever will, so I understand if you never forgive me for my mistakes, but from now on, I promise to be better. I promise that I will do everything in my power to never leave you like he left me. I promise that I will always be there, even when I'm not. I promise to learn to be a better man for you. I promise that every day for the rest of my life, I will strive to be better, so I can give you the example of a good father I never had. I promise to try my best.
It may not seem like it, at least not right now, but I do love you julia, more than words can even explain. you are my world, and I am so sorry that it doesn't seem that way. I promise to do better.
love your dad, billy.
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unvendaval · 1 year
♡ MUSE TWEETS . @dunnewithyou .
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faithfulfriends · 1 year
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𝐣𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐚 & 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧 — 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐪𝐮𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬.
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siixth-a · 1 year
@dunnewithyou | meme
↪ i’ve got it too good to cry .
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" well, those puffy eyes are saying otherwise, love. " she softens her voice, peeking inside julia's room at the clearly distressed girl. that saying truly is complete & utter bullshit – she should know. tears don't care if you're at the top of the world. there's always something. a bad day, a stupid argument, a memory... all it takes is a quiet moment, away from distractions. a split second for those buried remnants of sadness & anger to surface. " you won't accomplish anything by feeling guilty for crying. " it's taken her a long time to come to terms with that. crying doesn't mean you're ungrateful. it means you're human. & she refuses to let julia believe she's the exception. a couple of steps taken inside, she sighs softly, reassurance hardly taking away from the fact that she hates seeing jules upset. one hand reaches out, moving the hair out of her face before sliding down her arm in one comforting motion. " tell me what you need. "
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isgull · 1 year
@dunnewithyou : “ the truth rarely makes sense when you omit key details. ”
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"you really think they might've lied to you a bit?" she tilts her head to the side, considering julia's words with a thoughtful hum. maybe she wouldn't admit it aloud, but trina wouldn't be surprised if the band did. she's gone through several articles written during the six's fame and during their abrupt disbanding and even in the years after; even her own mother was pretty tight-lipped about it whenever she asked. "i mean, it must've been pretty messy for them to never come together again afterwards. it makes sense if some of them don't wanna reveal all the bad parts."
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auroravinyl · 1 year
@dunnewithyou​ asked: ❛ if i have to think about one more thing today, my head will explode. ❜ (x)
     a  chuckle  fell  from  the  crimson  haired  gal’s  lips  upon  julia’s  remark.  she  certainly  understood  the  feeling. 
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     “i  can  definitely  sympathize  with  that.”  she  remarked  taking  a  long  sip  of  her  coffee.  it’s  days  like  these  that  she  missed  booze  the  most.  too  much  information  was  swirling  in  her  head  at  once.  “i  guess  some  things  never  change,  do  they?”  daisy  was  speaking  in  full  reference  to  a  lie  that  billy  had  spewed  to  julia.  she  could  only  imagine  the  swirl  of  thoughts  the  younger  girl  must’ve  had,  listening  to  eight  different  sides  of   the  story. . .  but  billy’s  was  the  one  with  the  most  fibs.  “whenever  you  want  the  actual  truth,  you  know  where  i  am  always,  jules.” 
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hedunne · 1 year
@dunnewithyou asked: “It’s not my business to share your story, I told them I didn’t have a comment.” NEWS AND PAPARAZZI STARTERS .
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"it's your story too, sweetheart." part of it is. it's not just his and perhaps that had been a mistake in the beggining. clinging to try and look clean to everyone he had thrown daisy down the bus and everyone else in order to pretend he had been okay. that he was better than ever, the same old billy. but in reality, that wasn't how things happened. "and it's okay if you have comments. . .opinions." a short pause, as billy looks down, shame washing over. "i know i wasn't the best father back then. . ."
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r0undtree · 1 year
prompt   :   ❛   we   can   just   sit   here,   you   don’t   have   to   talk.   ❜
there's   a   lump   on   his   throat,   eyes   filling   up   with   unshed   tears   and   all   he's   able   to   do   is   nod,   gaze   downcast   trying   to   hide   the   sudden   outburst   of   emotion.   it   never   gets   easier,   talking   about   camila.   even   after   all   those   years   of   not   speaking   to   her,   knowing   she   was   no   longer  with  them   was   painful.   every   possibility   of   ever   speaking,   or   even   seeing   her   again   was   suddenly   gone.   missing   her   was   bearable   because   eddie   knew   that   somewhere   in   the   same   city   as   him,   she   was   enjoying   her   life   next   to   her   husband   and   daughter.   now,   there   was   nothing   to   make   the   pain   in   his   heart   weight   a   little   less.   
“   i'm   sorry.   ”   there's   no   reason   in   trying   to   explain   why   it   affects   him   so   much,   julia   already   knows   everything   there   is   to   know   about   him   and   camila.   eddie   takes   a   deep, shaky   breath,   trying   to   compose   himself   again.   “   it's   just   ...   your   mom,   she   was   ...   truly   the   best   of   us.   ” it seemed so unfair that she was the first to leave, too. “   is   that   everything   ?   ”   he's   not   sure   what   else   there   is   to   talk   about.   the   truth   was   plain   :   she   was   the   woman   he   loved   and   she   didn't   love   him   back,   and   now   she   was   gone   forever   and   he   had   to   learn   to   live   with   that.   (   @dunnewithyou  )   
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lcveblossomed · 1 year
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"Oh there's no way." Joan says as she walks up to where Julia is setting up for Karen's interview. She had wanted to stop by and make sure everything was alright to see how things were going before busying herself to give them space to work. Karen had told Joan all about this interview all about the work Julia was doing and she just had to see. She uses bringing out tea for Julia and Karen as an excuse, smiling as she sets down a mug for Julia to later take.
"There's no way you remember this but I met you quite a few times when you were little. I was there for the last leg of the tour." She had supported Karen when she had her abortion and when her relationship blew up. She had also been to many of the earlier shows just because she love seeing Karen perform. "I'm Joan Lane and you are all grown up. It's so nice to meet you again, Julia."
@dunnewithyou || starter
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lovethcrn · 10 months
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✉️ ➡ @dunnewithyou, surprise in my spotify wrapped: stayaway (acoustic) by muna.
❝ no one ever told me leaving was the easy part ― it's the staying away that's proven to be a constant challenge. ❞
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