marlinspirkhall · 11 months
Trick or treat? :3
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Here's a photo of the rabbit I look after acting innocent after trying to eat the sofa
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ofstormsandfire · 11 months
Trick or treat!!!! :3
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(let's pretend it's still halloween and I didn't crash immediately after getting home from hanging out with my D&D homies)
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stumbles into my inbox two weeks late covered in blood uhhhhh trick
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goldensunset · 6 months
Happy birthday!!!!! :D
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stuid001 · 3 months
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thank you @dungeonmistressclara for reminding me.
FIX TF2, SAVE TF2, DON'T LET THE MOVEMENT DIE UNTIL TF2 IS FIXED! (also check out @dungeonmistressclara she's really kind and funny)
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ilexmerciae · 8 months
Thank you for tagging me beloved mutual @flowersandfashion it's nice to see there are still some of these going around tbh
Tag game: tag 9 people you'd like to get to know better
Last song: Rule #33 - Pyre by Fish in a Birdcage
Currently watching: in the middle of re watching horrible histories and have just started watching Seinfeld, also patiently waiting for this series's only connect final
Three ships: Shin and Sabine (star wars), Vel and Cinta (star wars) and twelve/river (doctor who) [yes I'm still mildly obsessed with them 9 years later]
Favourite Colour: a kind of deep burgundy, almost plum, that's on a specific t-shirt I got from a tourist shop in Athens
Currently consuming: playing civ 6, reading a book on the british canal network and listening to Something Rhymes With Purple
First ship: probably a harry potter one if I'm being honest but id rather say something star wars so Luke and mara jade from eu
Relationship status: in love with my wonderful wife (we're not actually married yet we just call each other wife)
Last Movie: tbh it was Austin Powers, but before that Ghostbusters (the original)
Currently working on: physics degree. Also intending to get back into knitting and make me a jumper for the collection
I'm tagging my beloved mutuals only 4 of whom I've ever chatted to: @lottiethedottyhottie @coolduucks @sweetwitchwasteland @dungeonmistressclara @artdefenses @emmy-noethers-rings @labyrinthineclockwork @nlelira-vintgesunf @sponge-eating-goblin obviously don't feel obligated to respond if you don't want
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ofstormsandfire · 6 months
I saw your post about the askbox, and as a fellow archaeology student I've been wondering for a while how your degree is going and if it's similar at all to how mine is taught in the UK
it's been Going that's for sure! (also hell yeah archaeology)
for one thing, the spelling I'm supposed to use is archeology, but that just looks wrong okay, most of my professors prefer archaeology too, I have been informed that apparently spelling it that way while applying to things over here will just get you automatically rejected which is dumb as hell but good to know I guess?
also over here archaeology is one of four subfields of anthropology, they all tend to be taught together, I can't get a specific degree in archaeology but the other stuff is cool and ties in so I'm fine with it lol
anyway. I've had two very fun classes this semester: one about sexuality and gender across cultures (which I affectionately refer to as "the sex class" pretty much exclusively to make people double take) and one about paleopathology, which is a bit of a subfield of archaeology focused on the effects of diseases and other traumas on the human (usually human) skeleton.
I'm having to write papers for both classes. one is a study of asexuality on a college campus (and I feel like I should get bonus points for not just interviewing all my friends, 6 of the 10 required interviews were with people I had never spoken to before in my life) and the other is going to be an analysis on parry fractures, which are a specific kind of fracture that tends to happen on people's non-dominant forearms when they're blocking attacks. tends to be an indication of a past society that was at least somewhat violent?
(honestly my biggest stressor this semester has not been anything to do with archaeology though. it's been the spanish literature class I girlbossed too close to the sun with. pro tip, y'all: don't take a literature class for a language you barely speak. I'm surviving but barely and at this point it's a matter of pride to prove I can in fact do this. you know how it is.)
thanks for the ask clara :>
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