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“Jessica is having to deal with a mother, a lover, and a Bene Gesserit. She’s always having to find a balance.” — @officialrebeccaferguson 🎙️ The Dune Podcast (2015-2023) was an audio-visual programme dedicated to Dune. This chronicle is an unofficial, unscheduled, unmonitored repository for miscellaneous Dune-related material. 🎙️ Dune is a foundational science fiction universe created in 1965 by Frank Herbert, with strong elements of mythology, ontology, mysticism, religion, politics, existentialism, philosophy, ecology and more. 🎙️ dunemovie.com 🪐⚔️🪱✨🧕🏽 #DuneMovie #FearIsTheMindKiller #DuneTrailer #SpiceMustFlow #Arrakis #PaulAtreides #Zendaya #TimothéeChalamet #SciFi #DuneSoundtrack #HansZimmer #Sandworm #Fremen #DenisVilleneuve #DuneWorld #DuneSaga #FrankHerbert #Chani #GomJabbar #BeneGesserit #ShaiHulud #KwisatzHaderach #HouseAtreides #HouseHarkonnen #DukeLeto #LadyJessica #DunePremiere #DuneFandom #DuneArt #DuneCommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/CqPkmHgyqWM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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SunClan Lore + Allegiances

The SunClans are four clans making up the whole that is SunClan, each clan fulfilling a different role in serving SunClan.
DawnClan are the healers. While every clan has its medicine cat, they are trained and evaluated in DawnClan, with the DawnClan medicine cats being the most respected and skilled of all medicine cats.
DawnClan does have its warriors still, though they know more basic healing than the warriors of all other clans. They live by the sea, which provides them with an abundance of food, and the cats of DawnClan are known as laid-back and trustworthy. Though, less favorable cats of other clans think of DawnClan as lazy and unwilling to do the "hard work" of clan life.
DayClan are the peacekeepers. They are opposed to fighting, and instead do everything in their power to end conflict bloodlessly. DayClan trains and holds the best mediators, and are the most welcoming to outsiders.
DayClan, like all clans, has its warriors, some very skilled, but they prefer to keep their claws sheathed whenever they can. They live in the plains, enjoying its warmth and peace, which is fitting for how cats would choose to describe DayClan. This does have the downside of many cats thinking of DayClan as weak, and sometimes even a danger to SunClan's way of life due to their willingness to take in outsiders.
DuskClan are the protectors. They defend the clans from outside threats, enforce the warrior code, and punish those who have committed crimes against the clans.
Their warriors are incredibly skilled and disciplined, believing themselves to be the strength of SunClan. Their forest home gives them a mastery of climbing and stealth, you can never truly know when a DuskClan cat is watching you. DuskClan cats are known for being fiercely loyal and always reliable, but some think they take advantage of their reputation, and their "protection" can border on the cruel.
NightClan are the guardians of StarClan. They live amongst the spirits of their ancestors and pass on the history and stories of times long since passed.
Their warriors are wise and calm, some thinking of their roles less as warriors and more as walking stories. NightClan lives in the caves deep within the mountains, among towering crystals, said to be windows into StarClan. NightClan's camp sits just outside what SunClan calls the Path, a long path of sharp crystals leading to one perfect, tall, smooth crystal. When a new leader is made, they must "Walk the Path," walk on the shards, and lay before the crystal at the end of the path without getting cut, for if they bleed, it is a sign of StarClan's rejection. NightClan warriors are valued for their knowledge and spirituality, but many think of them as strange and would not choose their company out of the other clans.
Medicine Cats
Graygull Ottershell
Warmsand Wavecrest Suncloud Mudskip Silthail Stonepool Dunetrail Deepfall Crescentmask Needle Rocket Waspwhisker Perchtail Raggedstripe Yellowreed Sealswim Littleminnow Driftleaf Oakbranch Brightcoast
Featherpaw Shellpaw Lightpaw Amberpaw Moonpaw
Dunetrail and Stonepool
Rockkit Redkit Leafkit Sandykit Cliffkit
Deepfall and Needle
Eelkit Ripplekit Raykit
Suncloud and Wavecrest
Rainkit Morningkit Pearlkit
Waspwhisker and Rocket
Hailkit Windkit
Medicine Cats
Cloudflower Lavendermask Grasswhisker
Sly Flutterfern Greensage
Cricketsong Daisytail - Apprentice: Robinpaw Applefang Cardinaldawn Honeydrop Peachfur Cherrystem Goldengrass Littlepond Morningjay - Apprentice: Brightpaw Beeflower Briarbramble Hazelbrook Junipershine Privet Diesel Pluto Morb Flyfur Alley Coin
Brightpaw Robinpaw
Sly and Flutterfern
Blackkit Quailkit Paintedkit Badgerkit
Honeydrop and Greensage
Bisonkit Ryekit Burrowkit
Rushkit Sparrowkit Claykit Skykit Whistlekit
Goldengrass and Littlepond
Shiningkit Blazingkit
Roarfleck Mistlethorn Brindlefeather
Medicine Cats
Pinefrost Littlespider
Timberleaf Wolfheart Oakface - Apprentice: Swiftpaw Branchswoop Forestshade Darksky Oriolewing Bengalfur - Apprentice: Leopardpaw Staghorn Willowdove - Apprentice: Flamepaw Lynxfeather Lionstride Fawnflower Foxscratch Tigertail Pantherleap Crowpatch - Apprentice: Lightningpaw Hawkshadow - Apprentice: Yewpaw Sharptalon Flickerfoot - Apprentice: Lilacpaw Ashfall Fangfrost
Swiftpaw Flamepaw Lightningpaw Lilacpaw Leopardpaw Yewpaw
Lionstride and Fawnflower
Honeykit Sweetkit
Darksky and Oriolewing
Sablekit Hemlockkit Cedarkit
Medicine Cats
Brightcave Mountainsky Blackbloom
Icewhisker Jaggedclaw Spiderfoot Dovesnow Wildgale Billowstorm Fallingstones Glintstone Skypeak Echowish Darkmask Goldencherry Lightcloud Talonfang Swooopingbat Blizzardtooth Coldrain Sunsummit Slatespots Snowycinders Chasmshade Frostburn Flintclaw Sprucefeather Embertrail Nettlefrost Archfeather Fogstep Sparkleap Eaglesong Mothdust Caverncall Gravelslope Streakedshard Blueriver Stormbreak Frozenstone
Lightcloud and Glintstone
Glitteringkit and Shiningkit
Echowish and Dovesnow
Shiveringkit, Copperkit, and Ospreykit
Ramrunner Rumblerock Silverfrost Shardtail
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rip anakin skywalker you would have hated dune
#dunetrailer#dune#anakin skywalker#timothee chalamet#dune movie#zendaya#star wars#sand#i hate sand#dune part 2
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Paul Atreides x female!reader
Word count:1.1k
Warnings:mild blood warning, violence
Summary: After your first week on Arrakis, you find yourself in an inconvenient situation...
Part II / Masterlist

Your eyes flutterd open, as you felt the sun slowly crawling up your skin. It was still early in the morning, but on Caladan, the sunrises were always stunning.
You silently watched the red and orange light sip through the Windows, while trying to get up.
But you failed miserably, as you felt how Pauls grip around your body tightend. He mumbled something in his sleep, before you finally turned towards him. His features were tense, his eyebrows furrowed.
"Paul", you whispered, softly brushing through his hair.
He shifted a little bit, but instead of waking up, he just pulled himself closer to you, hiding his head in the Crook your neck, his hair tickling your skin.
You gently kissed his head, while whispering sweet nothings into his ear.
Slowly, he started to wake up. He looked at you with half-closed eyes and tried to form a smile.
"Good morning", you mumbled quietly.
"Hy", he said, sitting up.
After a few moments of comfortable silence, he looked down at you:"How long have you been awake?"
"Not for long", you answered truthfully.
Paul only nodded and proceeded to get up, while a deep sigh left his lips.
You quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him back onto the bed.
He smoothly slipped on top of you, his hands on either side of your body, successfully trapping you underneath him.
His soft lips quickly met yours and for a second, you felt like you could forget everything around you. Suddenly the whole universe had no meaning.
A soft gasp escaped your lips, as he finally parted from you.
"I love you", Paul whispered, gently kissing your forehead.
"I love you too", You smiled, "I know, it's big day for the house Atreides, but please promise me something", you mumbled.
Paul only looked at you, a confused expression on bis face.
You slowly raised your hand to cup his cheek and looked him in the eyes:"Promise me to believe in yourself"
He chuckled soflty, looking down, but your hand quickly wandered to his chin, pulling his head back up'"Promise me!?"
He only gave you a soft smile, before leaning down, pressing his lips to yours again.
"I promise"
Everytime you thought back to this moment, you couldn't help but think that it was probably the last time, Paul and you could spend some time together in peace.
Right now, peace was the last thing on your mind as you were being dragged down the hallways of Arrakis that had been invaded by Harkonnen warriors.
As you were brought to a ship, You could briefly see Lady Jessica, Paul's Mother, who was also being tied up.
"Lady Jessica!?", you yelled out, catching her attention, but you were quickly shut up by a Harkonnen, whose fist collided with your chin. Pain shot through face and you felt blood drip from your mouth, the unpleasant coppery taste all over your tongue, as your vision blurred momentarily.
A few moments later, you saw how Lady Jessica tried to free herself in an attempt to help you, but she was gagged, before she could use the Voice against the Harkonnen.
Together, you were forced into the small ship. Soon after, they brought in Paul. Your heart sank.
Panic came over you, as you realized just how dizzy and confused Paul looked, but as soon as you locked eyes with him, his vision seemed to clear.
"Y/N", he said, but before he could say anything more, he was forced into the seat, as the ship started.
Your breathing finally returned to normal as the flight started and everything was silent for a few minutes.
Suddenly, one of the Harkonnen warriors started talking.
"I never had a high born before", he said, looking at his friend, "You?"
"Bene Gesserit aren't really high born", his Partner stated, seeming bored.
"High enough for me", the first guy said, looking back, gazing longingly at Jessica. You could only frown in disgust at his words.
"We will give her a very long goodbye", the third one suddenly said.
"Don't you dare touching my Mother!", Paul immediately responded. The Harkonnen quickly punched him in the face for that.
You uncomfortably shifted a little in your seat, trying to reach out for Paul, but the Harkonnen Warrior quickly noticed , making his way towards you.
You backed away, almost pressing your back into the seat, but there was no escape. He violently grabbed your face and forced your body closer him:"How about we take your precious little Girl here, huh?", he whispered licking his lips.
"Let her go!!", Paul yelled again, but before anything else could happen, you quickly kicked the Harkonnen in the knee. He grunted uncomfortably and momentarily let go of your face.
But when he got up again, you saw the signs of a wicked grin on his face. You barely had time to react, as he Lifted his hand and slapped you across the face. The force behind the hit had you seeing black dots all over your field of vision for a moment, before everything returned to normal. Your cheek was Burning in pain.
If looks could kill, the Harkonnen Warrior in front of Paul would surely drop dead in a second now. But you gave the young prince a warning look, signaling him to keep his cool.
After a few moments, your gaze wandered over to Jessica, who signed that Paul had to use the voice in order to get you out of here.
He looked at his mother for a second, before forcefully saying:"Move her gag"
The Harkonnen who had previously slapped you, slowly got up and for a second you thought, that it had really worked, but then he stepped towards Paul, punching him in the guts.
"Shut up", he mumbled.
Paul's breath was heavy and he slowly looked back up. His gaze fell towards you again and something inside him seemed to change. He slowly started to concentrate.
The Harkonnen now walked past you to open up the ramp. It seemed like, they wanted to throw you out into the desert.
You quickly looked at Paul again. His eyes were closed and his head hung low.
As the Harkonnen grabbed his collar, Paul's booming Voice stopped his actions.
"Move her gag!"
The Harkonnen moved towards Jessica and pulled down her gag without hesitation.
"Kill him!" she immediately demanded and the Harkonnen did as he said and walked over to his friend and slit his throat without a second thought.
Jessica turned around and looked at you and Paul.
"Set them free", she said and the Harkonnen started to loosen Paul's fetters.
The pilot actually started to notice what was going on now. It seemed like he quickly switched to autopilot before jumping up. He coverd Jessicas mouth and his friend stopped to untie Paul. But he reacted fast, kicking the Harkonnen in the shin bringing him down to his knees.
Meanwhile, Jessica manged to bite the other Harkonnen into the hand, breaking free again.
He attacked her, but she was able to stop him, before killing him with his own dagger.
She quickly moved towards the last Harkonnen stabbing him into the back. She then made her way to Paul, cutting his fetters, before freeing you too.
Once your ties were off, Paul grabbed your wrist, softly rubbing over the sore skin, silently asking, if everything was alright. You looked up at him and nodded, carefully squeezing his hand.
Jessica grabbed a few packages from under the seats, as the ship slowly started to land, due to the fact that it was shut down by the Harkonnen.
"We gotta hurry!", you yelled over the noise of the engines.
"Over there", Paul said, pointing at a small dune.
He looked at his mother and then grabbed your hand again, pulling you closer. He softly kissed your temple.
"Everthing will be alright"
And then you started to run. You ran like you were chased by wild animals, like there was no tomorrow. And what you didn't know...
It wouldn't be your last run to survive in the desert of Arrakis.
#dune 2021#dunetrailer#dune spoilers#frank herbert's dune#timothee chamalet#y/n#house atreides#paul atreides#oneshot#female!reader#x reader
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Dune 2021 Cheat Sheet
Caladan: home-world of House Atreides; lots of water, life, and greenery
Arrakis: desert planet home to sand worms and fremen; also called “dune”; only place where spice melange is found in the universe
Geidi Prime: home-world of House Harkonnen
Salusa Prime: home-world of the emperor
Salusa Secondus: home-world of the Saudukar
Spice melange: powerful hallucinogen that enables the spacing guild to conduct interstellar travel; called “spice”; most valuable substance in the universe
Fremen: indigenous people of Arrakis; blue eyes consequence of exposure to spice
Shai-Hulud: fremen word for sand worms
Padishah Emperor: ruler of the Imperium
Saudukar: religious-like, brutal army of the emperor
Lansraad: group of the noble houses of the Imperium
Bene Gesserit: group of women with supernatural powers that have been manipulating bloodlines to birth “the One”, the kwisatz haderach
Gom Jabbar: test to reveal the Kwisatz Haderach
Kwisatz Haderach: the male who is foretold to bridge space and time; he will have the genetic memory of females and males and the ability to tell of the future
Muad’ib: a desert mouse on Arrakis that can produce and consume its own water
Paul Atreides: heir to House Atreides
Duke Leto Atreides: father of Paul
Lady Jessica: Bene Gesserit consort of Duke Leto; mother of Paul
Thurfir Hawat: advisor to Duke Leto
Duncan Idaho: trains the Atreides legions; close to Paul; weapons master
Gurney Halleck: trains Atreides legions, weapons master
Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam: matriarch of the Bene Gesserit; truthsayer to the emperor
Baron Vladimir Harkonnen: head of House Harkonnen; mortal enemy of Duke Leto Atreides
Rabban Harkonnen: nephew to the baron
Piter de Vries: advisor to Baron Harkonnen
Liet Kynes: ecologist on Arrakis; judge of the change
Dr. Yueh: doctor of House Atreides
Stilgar: leader of fremen tribe
Chani: fremen girl from Paul’s dreams
#frank herbert's dune#dune film#dune promo#dune spoilers#dune#dune 2021#dune movie#dunetrailer#timothee chalamet#paul atreides#zendaya#chani#rebecca ferguson#lady jessica#oscar isaac#duke leto atreides
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The Atreides House will always live.
Dune (2021)
dir: Denis Villeneuve
#dune#dunetrailer#dune spoilers#dune 2021#dune movie#duneart#dune edit#duneedit#dune 1984#paul atreides#4k video#4k#filmedit#sci fi#scifiedit#moviegifs#movieedit#filmgfis
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Dune + colors
#Dune#dune 2021#dunetrailer#dune film#denis villeneuve#movie dune#i fucking loved it so much oh god#i just had to go ahead and pump the saturation bc COLORS#i saw it twice in less than 24hrs#i read the book but i think the movie was better#i cannot wait to see part 2#villeneuve is such a talented director GOSH
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#dune#movies#dunetrailer#dune 2021#dune denis villeneuve#frank herbert#frank herbert's dune#paul atreides#lady jessica#chani dune#house atreides#Help I don't know what this is
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Dune spoilers without context
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Dune part 1 (2021)
#fashion#dune film#dune movie#dunetrailer#cyberpunk dystopia#dystopian#dystopian movies#cyberfashion#cyberpunkart#avantgardefashion#futuristic#burningman
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Duas #Fanarts belíssimas do filme Duna retratando Lady Jéssica na sua chegada em Arrakis e Paul Atreides tendo seu primeiro contato "in loco" com a especiaria Melange. Via @boomdafunk #dunaarrakisbrasil #dunevilleneuve #dunabrasil #timothechalamet #dune #duna #frankherbert #jasonmomoa #editoraaleph #fremen #arrakis #ficcaocientifica #benegesserit #Duna #dunetrailer #Arrakis #livros #zendaya #SciFiBook #DuneArt #dune2021 #denisvilleneuve #intrisica #shaihulud #scifi #dunemovie #duna2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CV_Iex0ry5r/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Bene Gesserit
#This film is gorgeous but can SO DARK#Fuck gif makes I GUESS#Dune#spoilers#dunetrailer#gif set#gif#dune gifs#Paul atreides#dune 2021#Lady Jessica#reverent mother#Gaius Helen Mohiam#The voice
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I missed him so much it H U R T S
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Yo, just watched Dune. Great movie, great cast, sure, got it. We’re on the same page.
But, in whole fairness, I still can’t get over that one scene in which - in this specific order - Javier Bardem, Jason Momoa, and Oscar Isaac spit on a table.
I don’t know how to act at this point. I caught myself googling how to be a table. I think I need professional help.
That was great cinema. That was a true masterpiece.
#dune movie#dune#dunetrailer#jason momoa#Oscar Isaac#Javier Bardem#timothee chamalet#zendaya#movie review#my humble opinion
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#dune#frank herbert's dune#dune 2021#dune spoilers#dunetrailer#dune premiere#dune book#frank herbert#Frank Herbert dune#timothee chamalet#Oscar isaac#leto atreides#paul atreides#Lady Jessica#arrakis#baron harkonnen#vladimir harkonnen#Caladan#Book#Books#Read
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so excited🤩🤩🥰🥰
#dune promo#dunetrailer#dune film#dune spoilers#dune#frank herbert's dune#dune 2021#dune movie#dune fanart#paul atreides#timothee chalamet#chani#zendaya#lady jessica#rebecca ferguson#reverend mother gaius helen mohiam#oscar isaac#duke leto atreides#baron harkonnen#duncan#duncan idaho#jason momoa
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