#duncney week 2024
the-type-a · 3 months
Duncney Week 2024 🎉
September 10th-16th
September 16th being the official canon date Duncney got together in season 1.
Day 1: No One Compares, You Stand Alone
“I love that woman.” Create a situation where Duncney face some dilemma but it turns out okay.
Day 2: We Got That Bonnie & Clyde Love
“Danger is kind of hot.” Create a situation where Duncney do something spontaneous that ends with their adrenaline rushing.
Day 3: Now Won’t You Promise Me, That You’ll Never Forget
“But I’m in the fishcabin with you, aren’t I?” Create a moment that lives rent free in Duncney’s minds (bonus points if this prompt ends up being super angsty).
Day 4: In Another Life
“When we kiss, my Prince will be you.” Create Duncney in another universe.
Day 5: Silence and Sound
“Awe, and here I thought you didn’t care about me.” Create a situation where Duncney’s actions speak louder than words.
Day 6: They Don’t Know How Special You Are…
“Your secret’s safe with me…” Create a bonus scene from any season where Duncney share some fluffy moments.
Day 7: I Hate Everything About You, Why Do I Love You?
“Having Courtney back reminds me of how much she drives me crazy🤬… and how much she drives me crazy.😍” Create a situation where Duncney just can’t seem to stay away from each other.
**Any form of content is acceptable! Art, Writing, Videos, Headcanons, Aesthetics, etc! Let your creativity shine!**
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ladymarlin · 5 days
Duncney week day 6
A bonus scene from any season where Duncney share some fluffy moments.
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This is SUPPOSED to be in action after she kicks his ass in wrestling but it can apply to any other moment he gets his ass kicked tbh 😭
Anyways she's patching him up
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marshunter06 · 8 days
Duncney Week 2024: Day 3
Love Becomes Artifact
Summary: In the end, it was just another worthless piece of art. But how can any art be considered worthless?
Written for day three of duncney week 2024: now won’t you promise me, that you’ll never forget
Posted on ao3
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attachmentbarbiee · 6 days
finally wrote something for duncney week! in which we find out duncan’s love language is commiting crimes, even academic ones 🖤
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sugarlesswriting · 10 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Total Drama (Cartoon) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Courtney/Duncan (Total Drama), Bridgette/Geoff (Total Drama), Gwen/Trent (Total Drama) Characters: Courtney (Total Drama), Duncan (Total Drama), Gwen (Total Drama), Bridgette (Total Drama), Geoff (Total Drama), Devon "DJ" Joseph, Trent (Total Drama) Series: Part 1 of Duncney Week 2024 Summary:
Duncan and his crew were assigned to retrieve an artifact, known as the Celestial, from an abandoned planet. A small group of them explore the temple where the artifact is thought to be hidden. Things become difficult when they find out that someone else is in the temple, most likely there for the same reason as them, not to mention the world's guardian demands that Duncan answer her questions.
Day One of Duncney Week 2024!
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Happy canon duncney day! Shout out to those who participated in duncney week! Here’s my contribution 🩵
I Really Wish I Hated You
Summary: He’s better off without her, but he really isn’t. With her he was a winner, without her he’s back behind bars. Doesn’t take a genius to see what the problem is.
Posted on ao3 <3
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Courtney and Duncan have very different opinions on Duncan's latest punishment.
Written for Day 1 of Love/Friendship Week 2024. Prompt: Write your favorite canon ship as if they were friends.
posted a silly little platonic duncney drabble in which they bicker as besties and i continue to promote my courtney theatre kid agenda! go check it out!
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ladymarlin · 9 days
Duncney week day 3
A moment that lives rent free in Duncney’s minds (bonus points if this prompt ends up being super angsty).
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I had different ideas, but rewatching Niagara Brawls and also Desperate Housewives made me think of Courtney seeing herself in this whole wedding outfit and it just kinda hitting her that she'll never marry Duncan and then Duncan seeing her in this wedding dress and starting to realize he's missing out and starting to feel guilty.
Originally I was going to do something related to the moment they broke up so I have these
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Other ideas I had:
Courtney vaguely remembering throwing food on Duncan and crying on the floor
Courtney realizing that she relied on Heather of all people for comfort
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ladymarlin · 11 days
Duncney week day 1
A situation where Duncney face some sort of dilemma bit it turns out okay
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This as a sequel to this. The dilemma in question being Courtney going through it and Duncan helping her out of it :3
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ladymarlin · 8 days
Duncney week day 4
Duncney in another universe.
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Personality swap AU...
I could think of so many AUs for these two. I've been watching desperate housewives again so unhappy wife Courtney having an affair with her ex Duncan has been on my mind.... Anyways!
She's giving him a punk makeover
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ladymarlin · 10 days
Duncney week day 2
A situation where Duncney do something spontaneous that ends with their adrenaline rushing.
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Just a spur of the moment spar 😋🥰
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ladymarlin · 6 days
Duncney week day 5
A situation where Duncney’s actions speak louder than words.
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She's out here WINNNINGGG
And he showed up ofc.. And sat admiring the whole time
I had other ideas for this but I never finished them I was struggling.. In one they're out and Duncan's pulling Courtney close and covering her eyes bc he saw some green jelly and didn't want her to freak. In the other he's brushing her teeth.
Also didn't make a sketch for it bc I couldn't figure out how but I headcanon Courtney as having a very specific nighttime routine that she like, can't sleep without (projecting oop) and I Duncan would definitely help her w that whether it's leaving little things out or lights on for her. Little things like that.
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ladymarlin · 5 days
Duncney week day 7
A situation where Duncney just can’t seem to stay away from each other.
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So like them making out obv but also in their own home bc I've been rlly thinking about them in nice happy domestic relationship lately
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And then also one where he can't keep his hands off her bc baby bump he's feeling the baby :3
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the-type-a · 8 days
Duncney Week 2024
Day 3: Now Won’t You Promise Me, That You’ll
Never Forget
“But I’m in the fishcabin with you, aren’t I?” Create a moment that lives rent free in Duncney’s minds (bonus points if this prompt ends up being super angsty).
*Read under break*
The pitter-patter of rain echoed throughout the room. It was dim as one lamp illuminated light through the space. A large bed with ruffled sheets creaked as a figure rolled over to their back, now facing the ceiling.
A deep sigh escaped the man’s lips as he balled something in his hand. Quickly, as if regretting this action, the man unscrambled the paper. He tried to smooth out the edges as he stared at what it really was. A single picture.
It wasn’t just any old photo he had found buried beneath his bed. No, it was a special one. One that he had taken so many years ago in a place he desperately tried to forget. A picture he remembered the backstory of all too well.
“Coast is clear, Princess.”
“We’re going to get in so much trouble.”
Duncan and Courtney had now successfully found their way into Chris’s private room at the Playa Resort. It honestly ended up being easier than both expected as the camera crew straight up refused to film at that location for little to no pay.
“Relax, babe. Besides, I thought you liked living on the edge.”
“And look where it got me.” She snapped back a little too aggressively than intended.
The green haired teen turned to face her now, knowing how cheated she had felt. He took her hand and squeezed it. Her face relaxed as her brown eyes met his.
“Here, with me. I think that’s a pretty great outcome.”
“You know what I meant.” She said in a defeated tone.
He hated seeing her so upset. She was always so determined, so headstrong— Duncan needed to see that side of her again. Without a second thought he let his hands find her waist, and before she had a chance to react his fingers began to tickle her sides.
Laughter that was music to his ears filled the area they stood in. It was exactly what Duncan wanted. The way her lips curved into a smile and her playful taps to get him to stop made even Duncan start to laugh. He needed to capture this moment.
Before losing his chance, Duncan pulled his phone out and took a quick picture. The sound of the camera and flash made Courtney’s eyes shoot open.
“Duncan!” She hissed, trying her hardest to grab the phone. He held it out of her reach, knowing she’d delete it if given the chance. He made a mental note to print it out later for safe keeping.
“Come on, Princess.” He pulled her into him, giving her a gentle kiss he knew was not enough for that moment, but they would have time for that later.
“Let’s go tear some shit up.”
He bit the inside of his cheek, suppressing the ache longing to come out. He should reach out to her— if anything to apologize for how everything went down. And if by some miracle she heard him out then maybe, just maybe, he’d have another chance with her.
With a sigh, Duncan forced himself out of bed. He needed to clear his mind. He looked at the time and realized he had just enough time to make the opening night showing for a new slasher film just downtown. He just hoped whatever sucker he ended up sitting next to wasn’t a complete nuisance.
Courtney focused on the line in front of her, taking a few steps every couple minutes. A flash coming from the side of her made her head turn instantly.
“Cate!” She groaned in annoyance.
She had agreed to come out just for her, and how did she repay her? By taking a possibly lousy picture of her.
“Oh, come on, Court!” Cate began, “When do you ever just live a little?”
“Plenty of times, thank you very much. Now delete it.”
“It’s not even that bad, look!”
Courtney rolled her eyes as she took the phone from her sister's hand.
She thought back to the one time she hadn’t really minded such a candid photo. A lump formed in her throat as she recalled many sneak away nights she shared with a certain blue eyed boy. How her feelings got the best of her all those years ago, and how easily her heart shattered from not listening to her brain.
She wondered what his life was like so many times, but something tugged at her heart right at that moment. And without realizing she promised herself she’d speak with him if the moment were to ever arise.
Now remembering she was staring at the photo for far too long, Courtney nodded quickly with a small smile.
“Could be worse.”
“Come on, we really don’t want to miss this movie!”
Courtney followed her sister into the busy building, already dreading having to watch the new slasher film. She took a deep breath and reminded herself she was there for her sister. Plus there was no way she was waiting in this rain.
After all, how bad could it really be?
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the-type-a · 6 days
Duncney Week 2024
Day 5: Silence and Sound
“Awe, and here I thought you didn’t care about me.” Create a situation where Duncney’s actions speak louder than words.
*Read under break*
“Oh, fuck me.” Duncan groaned as he inspected the damage on his dads already crappy car.
The day had been perfect thus far. He had successfully managed to get Courtney to come over, stating he needed help catching up on his Spanish Literature class. Then to his surprise she’d actually agreed to get in the same vehicle as him. So far so good, right? Wrong.
All this situation did was fuel Duncan’s massive ego. He now had every chance to impress the one girl who never gave him a second thought, or so she made it seem.
“Duncan, please drive right. We’re only 16 and I’d like to make it to graduation.”
“Relax, I do this all the time.”
Fucking dumbass, he thought now. Did he really need to let go of the wheel and show her how he could drive with just his knees? At that moment, yes.
That little stunt lasted for about 15 seconds before he hit a pothole and scraped the driver's side of the car against the median. He played it off thinking it couldn’t be that bad, but now he was looking at the damages.
“I am so kicked out.” He blew under his breath.
“Don’t. I’m already gonna have my ass on the line by the old man, I don’t need that smart mouth of yours right now either.”
Duncan didn’t bother looking as Courtney made her way out the garage door. He didn’t blame her. If anyone else were dealing with his stupid prick of a dad then he would have left too.
Had Courtney shut the door? He’d hate to have to get up from his sulking position to do so. Just as he was about to push himself up he heard the shuffling of feet approaching him. He paused; her shadow standing perfectly across the wall but Duncan couldn’t make out what her shadow was holding.
Slowly, Duncan turned his head to actually see her. Courtney’s face was cool, calm, and collected as she handed him a metal rod. It looked oddly similar to the ones by the living room's fire pit. He took it out of instinct and before he had a chance to ask her what the actual hell she was doing, Courtney swung her own metal rod and made a dent in his dad’s old car.
The ringing sound seemed to be the only thing he could focus on as shock hit him. Courtney, sweet old miss goody-two-shoes, was vandalizing property.
He had never been so in love.
His ears seemed to click back to reality as he watched her swing over and over again. The doors received multiple blows as she let her own anger out before carefully placing the rod on the ground. She dusted her hands off and took a seat next to him by the uneven steps.
“There. Now we can say someone hit you and sped off on the highway.”
“Who are you and what have you done with Princess?” Duncan said in awe. He didn’t care that he cracked a genuine smile in her direction.
“Princess needed a little break.” She shrugged, “And nobody should have to be worried about getting kicked out…” she whispered before looking away as a patch of pink rose to her cheeks.
Duncan loved getting that reaction out of her.
“You’re such a badass, you know?” He teased.
“Shut up.”
Courtney shoved his shoulder lightly and laughed. it was rare to see her so comfortable, he’d work hard to make sure there were moments like this if she ever gave him a solid chance.
“Ah, she’s back.”
She hummed as they fell into silence. They just stared at the hideous car together.
“Thanks, Courtney.”
Her head tilted as she looked at him. He’d used her real name and something about it made her smile.
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the-type-a · 9 days
Duncney Week 2024
Day 2: We Got That Bonnie & Clyde Love
“Danger is kind of hot.” Create a situation where Duncney do something spontaneous that ends with their adrenaline rushing.
*Read under break*
Laughter filled the whistling air as a couple raced down the sleeping interstate. It had to be past midnight as the only light giving the two any guidance came from the beaming moon above them.
The driver glanced over at his passenger, a grin covering his face as he pumped the gas pedal a little more. Deep brown eyes popped and a breathtaking smile complimented her face as she looked over at him.
The man turned the music up louder, his punk rock music blasting out of the open windows, “Who knew you were such a daredevil, Princess!”
All too soon flashing lights and a wailing sound emerged from behind them. Now she panicked as a police car came into clear view.
“Hold on, Courtney.”
She instantly focused on the road at the sound of her name. Duncan’s cool demeanor changed into something serious in a split of a second. The windows went up, the music seemed to muffle out, and two hands were now gripping the steering wheel as he switched gears.
Courtney watched them zoom past exit after exit, the police car right behind them with flashing lights. Her nails dug into the seat as Duncan went faster, cutting off a few cars they managed to come across. Her stomach seemed to backflip as Duncan took a sharp exit leaving a good distance between them and the police car still on the interstate.
They swerved onto a somewhat busy street where buildings with flashing lights and pounding music echoed. Duncan slowed down as he found a dark alleyway and reversed into it before shutting the car off. They both held their breath as the red and blue lights reflecting off random windows grew closer, and before they knew it the police car zoomed past them.
They didn’t move until the lights and the sounds of the sirens faded away.
“I can’t believe we did that!” She gasped, the red on her cheeks making her freckles pop.
The music was turned back up as the spiky haired man smirked over at her.
“Yeah, well—” Duncan was cut off by soft lips crashing against his own.
Before he could react Courtney pulled back, “Sorry, that was just so much fun, I just want—”
Now Courtney was cut off as callused hands dug into her hair, bringing her face right back to his as Duncan kissed her.
This time Duncan bit her lip causing a small gasp from Courtney which only caused his grip on her to become tighter. He urged her to come closer as her fingers tangled into his own hair.
The loud music only amplified their hunger for each other as seatbelts whipped back and arms pulled at each other frivolously.
Within seconds Courtney was climbing over to the driver's seat, sitting herself perfectly against Duncan. They never broke their kiss, only deepening it as greedy hands tugged and pulled on articles of clothing.
It wasn’t until Courtney pushed herself up to help him pull her shirt off that a loud blaring sound from the steering wheel brought them back to reality. They both laughed with each other as they straightened themselves up.
“Maybe we should get into speed chases more often.”
Duncan kissed Courtney’s forehead before helping her back into her seat to start the car and head back home.
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