#dun dun duhhhh
sweet-dining-car · 1 year
So I just realized that my high school AU has little to nothing to do with roller skating(other than the one chapter for Dinah’s birthday) but idk it just doesn’t fit in for some reason. But I think I figured it out now
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
I think Ted's getting on the plane...
I think he's distracted and not paying attention - call back to S3ep.1, but he'll go down that escalator.
Meanwhile, Beard is telling Rebecca about the route to Kansas via dun dum duhhhh Paris! And that's the flight Ted doesn’t board. That's where she stops him from leaving. And then Paris becomes a good place for them.
something something other callbacks too... thunderstorm delays his flight out of Paris? rule of three - Roy saluting Rebecca but Ted is the reason, not Keeley...
I'm thinking too many thoughts. I think it's been completely intentional that they've not spent much time together - they don't in Sleepless in Seattle, or You Got Mail OR The Sound of Music til the end! We're getting a 90min romcom. We are.
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cuyberpunk · 4 months
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thecagedsong · 1 year
The New Keith Route - Chapter 59 - thecagedsong - 乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった… | My Next Life as a Villainess (Anime) [Archive of Our Own]
Dun, dun, DUHHHH! Only three chapters left to go. Last chapter of Katarina's perspective. Enjoy!
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lethalpunk · 2 years
fossils dun dun duhhhh
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smokeinherperfume · 4 years
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Redid this again for the first time since FL came out...
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rainteaanddragons · 7 years
Smoke & Mirrors: Twenty-Four - Finally
Prologue |  Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch 7 | Ch 8 | Ch 9 | Ch10 | Ch 11 | Ch 12 | Ch 13 | Ch 14 | Ch 15 | Ch 16 | Ch 17 | Ch 18 | Ch 19 | Ch 20 | Ch 21 | Ch 22 | Ch 23 | Ch 24 |
Read on ff.net and ao3
"So take a chance on me, and I'll take a chance on you before we're just what was. Oh, this could be love, it feels like it's something more than temporary." - More Than Temporary, Tom Goss
When Natsu woke the next morning he felt an odd sense of calm. Slithers of light fell through the parted curtains, illuminating Gray's bare shoulders. Gray's bare shoulders…Gray? Natsu felt his breath catch in his throat as he remembered the night before. Gray had needed him, and for what felt like the first time in a while, he had been there for him and able to help. He felt a blush creep up his neck and onto his cheeks as he realised the conclusion he'd come to while lying next to Gray that night. Natsu knew Gray felt the same but there was so much history between them, and so much set in place for their future – both good and bad – Natsu wondered if this was a good idea at all. He didn't have much more time to dwell on his dilemma though, as Gray rolled over to face Natsu, blinking slowly to wake himself up.
"Natsu?" His voice was barely a whisper, but it wasn't long before he remembered what he'd asked his friend to do the night before. No wonder I slept well. "Th- thank you." He offered Natsu a lopsided smile.
"Morning Snowflake." The two words were out of his mouth before Natsu even had time to think. He wasn't sure what made him say it in the first place. Yet now, in this moment, they didn't feel wrong, it was as if he'd been waking up next to Gray for weeks. It wasn't like them sharing a bed was anything out of the ordinary, Natsu knew that, but something felt different now. Natsu liked it.
"Morning." Gray smiled. The nickname didn't sound so strange to him now. That first time he'd heard it in the hospital he'd been already so confused it had almost annoyed him. It had made Gray ache for a time he didn't even know existed. Hearing it now, lying in bed next to Natsu, it was almost the best thing he'd heard in days.
Natsu rolled over to rest on his back. "Are you going training with Lyon today?"
"Uh huh."
"We better get going then, right? It's already nine o'clock."
Gray chuckled, "You have a point. Though you don't need to go anywhere."
"True." Natsu chuckled, "I'll walk over with you anyway."
With some degree of difficulty on account of his bandages Gray rolled back over to the other side of the bed. This, because of his friend's pride, Natsu made a conscious effort to ignore. It wasn't long though before Gray was out of bed and dressed. Natsu joined him in the kitchen a little while later to find Gray making coffee. A messy, hand written note sitting on the bench told them that Happy had already headed over to the guild.
"No thanks." Natsu grinned, "Coffee doesn't seem to work well with me at all. My fire gets all messy."
Noted. "Fair enough." Gray sat at the kitchen bench. He studied Natsu over the rim of his coffee mug, unable to keep the fondness from his gaze. They sat in companionable silence for a while longer before Gray spoke again. "I wanted to thank you, Natsu, for last night… I just, I probably had the best sleep I'd had in a while."
Natsu smiled. "You don't need to thank me. Honestly Gray, I had the best night sleep too."
"Yeah, cause I wasn't waking you up." Gray chuckled.
"No need to put it like that," Natsu tried to counter Gray's comment but the look his friend gave him was enough to make him laugh too. "I did want to ask you though, was it you who got me back to the couch the past couple of nights? I just don't remember going back myself."
"Huh?" Gray frowned, "Back to… Oh, of course it was me dumbass! Who else would it have been?"
"But you- You're not that strong right now…"
"I am going to pretend you didn't just say that to me." A grin broke the look of mock offence on Gray's face as he glanced at Natsu next to him.
Natsu snorted.
"Seriously though, Natsu, I'm stronger than you think. It's just my mind which is still a complete mess."
"Fine, fine!" Natsu raised his hands in defeat. He paused for a moment before speaking again. When he did so, though, Natsu wasn't entirely sure what had made him say it. "You really are amazing though, surviving all that. You're doing so well, I-" Natsu faltered, not entirely sure how to finish.
"You've changed your tone."
"I'm serious, Gray, I was so scared of losing you that when you first disappeared, I drove myself mad looking. Then when we found you, there was so little I could do. I just- I'm glad I can help you now."
"Oh Natsu," Gray bumped his shoulder gently to his. "You've done more than you can ever imagine. You are the reason I managed to stay alive, I know now that it was you. Don't ever think you haven't done anything for me. It was you who kept me alive."
"Then, I need to tell you something Gray. Back then, I think I did know why they had taken you, it had just been so long that I thought everything to do with E.N.D. was over now, all of that. So for you to disappear so suddenly I didn't make the connection, I thought you'd been taken because of my failure to stop it happening, not because of something I was. In that moment then, I thought it was only guilt which had made me so angry. Now though, I know it wasn't just guilt, I was scared. Scared that I had just lost the person I cared about the most."
Natsu slipped down from the seat at the bench, and without realising, he began to pace. Gray watched him carefully, not entirely sure how to react.
"You, Gray, you are the only person I have ever felt this way about, but when it mattered, to you, to both of us, I was blind. I realise it now, just how long it must have been for you. Galuna Island, that wall of ice you put between me and Racer, what you did for me during the fight with Mard Geer, and everything else in between… You loved me from the beginning didn't you?" Natsu stopped mid pace. "I was so oblivious to your feelings I let you slip through my fingers… You almost died to protect me then, and I feel this isn't the first time. I have been so stupid, Gray. I'm sorry."
"But you-" Gray stared at Natsu, mouth slightly parted, eyes wide. Though his true memories were still not back, he could remember all of what Natsu referred to, if not slightly altered. "You ran. When I told you how I thought He had felt for you, how I felt, you ran."
"Of course I did." Natsu replied quietly, guilt twisting his stomach. "When have I not?"
Gray stood from his chair, walking over so he stood opposite Natsu. "You're here now, Natsu, that's what matters."
"Gray I-" Natsu's breath caught in his throat, he held his friends dark blue gaze, his heart beating somewhere in his throat.
"I know."
With a nervous smile Gray gently pulled Natsu closer to him. He paused, glancing down at Natsu's lips, as if asking for permission. In answer, Natsu closed the gap between them, pressing his lips to Gray's in a tentative kiss. Once Gray knew for sure that this was what Natsu wanted, he deepened the kiss, pulling Natsu closer. As they finally broke apart, Gray couldn't help but smile. He pressed his forehead to Natsu's, letting the hand which had rested on Natsu's cheek drop to clasp his hand.
"It really is about time we left, Lyon will be getting impatient."
Gray chuckled in response, "He can wait, patience would improve his character greatly." With a small shrug, he did what Natsu said anyway. With a slight reluctance Gray lead the way out of his apartment. He couldn't help the warm feeling in his chest as Natsu kept his hand in his as they walked towards the guild.
As they set foot in the guild hall a scream of delight shook Gray and Natsu from their happy daze. They both jumped in shock before instinctively trying to stand protectively in front of the other, resulting in Natsu shouldering Gray while the latter managed to trip over Natsu's feet. They ended up tumbling to the ground, limbs tangled.
All the while Erza was almost doubled over with laughter, Lucy, and Cana joining her as they gazed on Natsu and Gray on the floor.
"The hell!?" Natsu spluttered. He still sat on the ground, his fingers – somehow – still locked with Gray's.
"How long has it been, do you think Cana?"
"Ten years at least." Cana grinned at Erza, "cough up!"
"You bet on us?" Gray frowned.
"Are you even surprised?" Loke stepped forward having overheard the commotion. "Good to see you two have finally got there." He offered Gray a hand up, then Natsu.
Lucy looked like she was almost in tears she was so happy. "I can't believe it. Now of all times too."
"What did you expect?" Erza looked smug, "They've been sharing an apartment for a week, and according to Happy, Natsu slept in Gray's room last night."
Happy looked sheepish as he flew over to the group huddled in the doorway of the guild.
"We don't mind, Happy," Gray smiled, "it was going to get out anyway with these three on the loose."
Lyon wandered over, his gaze rested on where his adoptive brother's hand was clasped in Natsu's before he glanced back up. "You're late." There was a beat of silence before his pursed lips spread into a wide grin and he clapped Gray on the shoulder. "Congrats mate, it's about time!"
Gray couldn't help the blush which had begun to creep up his neck. "We better get going huh?"
"Yeah," Lyon replied, "I'd feel guilty about snatching you away but every minute counts at this point."
"I'll see you later, okay?" Gray pressed a tender kiss on Natsu's lips, smiled warmly, then followed Lyon out of the guild hall.
Natsu was left it somewhat of a daze as Gray left the room, the door clunking shut behind him. Lucy steered him into a seat. They waited until Mira had placed a mug of hot chocolate in front of him before everyone started talking at once.
"Since when!?"
"You slept in his bed last night!"
"I can't believe it!"
"How did it happen?"
"Did you ask him?"
Natsu let the questions flow over his head as he took a long drink from the hot chocolate in front of him. I kissed Gray. He kissed me. A smile crept its way onto Natsu's lips as he remembered the feeling of Gray's soft lips on his own.
"Please," Wendy gazed at him intently, "You can't just not tell us anything. That's just plain mean."
Natsu sighed, "fine..." Then with a grin, he recounted the mornings events to an audience much more enthralled than he'd expected them to be.
"I still can't believe it." Lucy repeated for what seemed like the hundredth time.
"I can't believe that you can't believe it." Erza sat back, arms crossed. "I knew this would happen from the beginning."
"I doubt it," Natsu chuckled, "but I'll let it slide." He paused, "If I'm honest though, I can't quite believe it either. Gray. It's always been, Gray, but I just didn't realise it."
"I'm sorry to break up the moment Flame Breath," Gajeel sauntered over from the bar, "but there is something I think we need to bring up with you. It can't wait."
"Oh," Natsu felt like he'd been kicked in the gut, he could hear the concern in Gajeel's tone, "sure…"
"I just think we should be wary. I have a feeling the guild who took Gray might be close, and the closer they are, the closer we are to everything going wrong."
"Don't be so down Gajeel…" Levy trailed off.
"Don't say I didn't warn you, but I did have my fair share of time in a dark guild, and I can tell something's up. Plus I don't trust that Matt guy. Call it a gut feeling."
"He's not wrong." Erza chimed in, "I got a funny feeling when Matt was here last, I just thought it was safer to let him think he still had the upper hand."
"Matt?" Natsu frowned, "You mean, Nurse Matt, Matt who looked after Gray for a year, Matt who came back to check on Gray at the guild? You've got to be kidding me."
"Think about it Natsu," Loke reasoned, "How easy would it be for those responsible for Gray's abduction to monitor him than by posing as staff at a hospital? Then all they'd have to do is follow him back to his home town and wait."
"Wait for what though?"
"For their failsafe that you told us about to play out." Lucy continued, "They don't know we worked it out, so they'll think we're still trying to recover Gray's memories. In that case they'd be thinking that E.N.D. will be dead within the next few days and are waiting to confirm it."
"Ohh, I see." Natsu frowned, "That bastard! Gray is gonna be crushed. He trusted him with so much."
"Gray will be fine, Natsu," Wendy rested a hand on Natsu's, "he's got you now."
"Do you really think this is the best time to strike?" Fae voiced the thoughts of her fellow guild mates.
"We've been planning this for days now." Matt answered with a cocky finality, "Nothing could go wrong."
"Lexer, your brother is right. Fairy Tail have had the time to try and fix Fullbuster the best they can, but if they fix him too much, make him too strong, then we won't be able to take them if our failsafe hasn't already been triggered." Kain folded his arms against his chest, "They've had enough time."
"We'll storm the guild tomorrow." Matt grinned, they won't know what hit them.
"Finally, finally I can avenge my brother." Kain growled. You take my brother from me…Fairy Tail, Zeref, Fullbuster: I'll take one of your own.
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I have 329 posts in my drafts (302 of which are gifsets) you are all gonna be driven insane by my constant posting these next few weeks
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dxringred · 2 years
robin gets captured by russians on her way home from family video (im surprised it hasnt happened to steve and robin in the show yet, they have all their info anyways) and she doesnt show up to work the next day and steve thinks shes ill no biggy but then nancy starts like being in a bunch of pain n stuff so she goes to robins to check on her and 😱 SHES NOT THERE DUN DUN DUHHHH !!!
nancy doubling over in pain. steve awkwardly, tentatively, asking if she's okay; if she's on her period. (flashback to robin's, "stop saying 'your time of the month', dorkface. grow up and call it a period.") nancy firmly muttering, "no," and asking if he's actually checked on robin. they call. no answer. they go over there. robin's mum shrugs; says she assumed robin was over at steve's for the night. again. then-
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rozengrotto · 3 years
there’s a concept I wanna explore in a fic someday and that’s...
*dun dun duhhhh*
Diasomnia versus electronics!
I remember reading that the Valley of Thorns is a country where most things are handled with magic the oldfashioned way, so i presume the Diasomnia boys would have some difficulties with technical device for they have never really interacted with anything similar to that. (so they are somewhat the complete opposite of Ignihyde)
Since Lilia (aka the gamer dad) is pretty much the only one of the four who knows how to work a computer, just imagine the absolute bedazzlement of Malleus, Silver and Sebek when they first learn what sort of things you can do with a smartphone
So at first, Silver pokes the phone with his baton to convince himself that it’s not an animal or the like, Sebek just constantly screams at the phone to intimidate it and Malleus is simply curious and watches it in silence.
(Oh my, Lilia has quite the explaining to do, hasn’t he? fufu~)
Also I like to think that at some point Idia made a group chat for the dorm leaders so Malleus had to start learning how to use a phone, but he’s just ab-so-lu-tely clueless how it all works, so Lilia teaches him everything...including how to add cute emoticons and stickers to his messages!
Oh, and Malleus would be all over those mobile sim games that let you raise a pet or something (similiar to his GaoGao-tamagotchi), since he doesn’t feel so lonely when he can spend time with a virtual companion...
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theloneliestshipper · 3 years
So you've done Rapunzel and now Beauty and the Beast. I say do full Disney set of Boba/Leia? Some thoughts to assist: Bobarella. Leiaddin. The Alderaani Queen. Boba and the Seven Clones. Melted (Leia treks through the desert to find her runaway magic brother with a grumpy banta herder). Gratuitous Moana remake where Boba never wears a shirt?
Arrrghghhgvbfgjjgkk okay, okay, okay. Rapid fire, stay with me. (Some of the credit for these ideas goes to the lovely folks on the RebelBounty discord, which you are welcome to join!)
Bobarella: Aurra Sing is the wicked step-mother who has kept Boba indebted and working for her. He takes a side job without her knowledge where he has to impersonate the Mand'alor at a big ball on Alderaan with some help from his Fairy Godmother Fenn Shysa. He falls hard for Princess Leia but the job goes south and he leaves behind his vembrace. Cue Leia kicking down doors and fighting everyone to find the owner.
Leiaddin: Leia never goes to the Organas, she ends up on the streets of Sundari, which is now under Jango Fett's rule thanks to an alliance with Black Sun and Darth Maul. Boba did not make the adjustment from bounty hunter to Lord of Mandalore well. He hates his life. The Genie is obviously Obi-Wan Kenobi, who tries to train Leia as a Jedi but all she wants is a family like Boba has. Enter Darth Maul who promises her all of that and more IF she gives up Kenobi. Dun-dun-duhhhh.
Boba Fett and the Seven Clones: Is Satine the wicked queen or is Bo-Katan the wicked queen??? I can't decide but my heart kind of wants to see Katee Sackoff play Maleficent. Jango gives the darksaber to Boba before he dies. The seven clones that raise him only know that it's dangerous and so they keep him hidden for as long as possible but you can't keep Boba Fett out of trouble for long. Yadda yadda fight scene, Boba wakes up a bacta cylinder having just been kissed by a beautiful woman. Turns out his brothers have betrothed him to an Alderaani princess who promised to back them for control of Mandalore.
Moana: Boba never wears a shirt. Do we need more than that? NO.
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suitedee · 2 years
closed for: @imaginarybabies location: abandoned house on angelino heights
"Annnnd, dun-dun-da-duhhhh --” He sing-songed announcer-style, hoping to ramp up the anticipation as he rifled through his backpack some more, kneeling on the opposite side of the scuffed-up, rickety coffee table where they were setting up shop. “Ta-da!” Lucas twisted back around to face Turiya, triumphantly holding up a couple candles. “Just what every good séance needs, eh? I hope it doesn’t matter that they’re all different scents...” Nothing could be worse than the stench already floating around the house, though, each room containing it’s own weirdly distinct and disgusting aroma. With his camera already set aside on the table, Lucas started to unload the half-dozen or so candles he’d pilfered from his house (sorry, Emilia) and hummed. “D’you think we should set them up in some kind of order around the board? Like, uh, a pentecostal or whatever?” Pentagram, dumbass.
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the fukcign. rohan theme
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I love how in Future State: Suicide Squad the narrator is all:
"Oh that's not Batman, that's a Talon!" and "That's not Martian Manhunter, that's clayface!" and "Oh no! You thought it was Wonder Woman but actually it's Hypnotic Woman hypnotizing everyone into thinking she's Wonder Woman!!!", ect.
But for Bolt, this is the best they have:
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(look at that power stance tho)
She's.... Australian!!! Dun, Dun, DUHHHH!!!!!!
Like??? The rest of the team is made up of supervillains pretending to be the Justice League and they're just like "Yeah, also we have a Flash and she's not your *average speedster*, oh no, she's much worse, she's *Australian*"
It's just so freaking funny to me
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(Conner is also there)
Conner seems to have inherited Luthor's male pattern baldness and is currently losing his hairline. He's having a midlife crisis people.
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the-demon-killer · 3 years
dun dun dun dun duh duh duh duh
duh duh duhhhh
ahhhh the wii theme tune a complete banger
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rthoney · 4 years
du nun nun dun dun duhhhh
theres nothing like summer in the cityy
someone under stress meets someone lookin prettyyyy
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