dumbpupvt · 2 years
Wanted to do something different then the art I'd been working on. So I thought this might be fun as an inspirational peice for my followers.
No matter where you are or what you do... If you ever need a hand of guidance or just a friend, I'm here to hold you. Don't worry~ I'm strong enough to carry you all. Now come on there's a fun adventure around the corner with your name on it. Let's go!
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bonknbeeps · 2 years
Twitter voted for a tasteful pinup of @dumbpupvt so I delivered~ 🐶💙🦊
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Ayy, this vwas probably one of the best years I’wve had in a long time. It vwas a self lowve kinda year for me. I vwent through a lot of self discowvery, and finally gainin’ some real self confidence. I also met some amazin’ people vwho, nowv mean the vworld to me. Goodbye 2022! Thank you for treatin’ me so vwell! I vwelcome all of the same good vwibes goin’ into 2023! Good luck in the newv year, if you read this far, you are nowv obligated to drink a glass of vwater! Stay safe ewveryone! 💜
@drmedusa @twin-aquarium @artisticvirgo @dumbpupvt @bonkkit
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vincentbonedaddy · 8 months
All my characters in one place
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twinknurse · 8 months
Has all my OCS, characters and much more.
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dumbpupvt · 14 days
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Some pup lore.....
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dumbpupvt · 2 years
The Tales of Bonk and Pup
(@bonkkit and @dumbpupvt lore please enjoy)
You are probably wondering how these two creatures came to be bound by soul and life. Well I’m here to tell you the tales of Bonk and Pup. We will be starting off hundreds of years before Bonk was even born. dumbpup was just a mere child trying to learn to control his powers and the anger that came with being the first born. The kingdom held so much pressure on Pup that as he grew they wanted him to be a warrior just like his father but Pup honestly didn't wish to be in charge. While he was out training with his father's right hand solider a cue began against the king. In the rush of everything happening Pup saw his father killed by his own teacher in a fit of rage he tried to capture them losing himself to his anger and becoming a raging hound of fire. The townspeople had no idea of what was going on just that the prince had snapped and the king was now dead.
Pup's mother, fearing for her child's life, had him banished and sent to a deserted island in the human realm. He would be sealed away in the depths of an abandoned island home to the human giant fox spirit. She would guard Pup for as long as he stayed chained up.
Hundreds of years later Bonk would be born and raised in a small community not too far from the abandoned islands. It was said that the islands were haunted and a lot of kids tend to trick each other into trying to go out to the islands. When Bonk was about 17 his “friends” Nugget, Scout and Boomer convinced Bonk to go to the island with them to check out how haunted it really was. They ended up stealing a boat and rowed their way to the island, telling each other scary stories about this island they were going to. When they got to the island Bonk was teased mercilessly by Nugget and the guys. They would drag Bonk into a cave that had many warning signs saying to leave and turn back now. [5:10 PM] Nuggets words and actions quickly turned from child's play to bullying in the matter of a few minutes. Bonk cried out “Stop! Nugget I mean it stop! Get off me!” Nugget had corner Bonk to an edge of a cliff as he shoved him again and a roar shook the cave. Bonk lost his footing and all Nugget saw before him was the fear in Bonks eyes as their hands missed. Bonk fell to the stalagmites below, piercing through the young man's torso and killing him instantly. The boys were so scared of what they just saw that they all ran out not wanting to know what or who made that horrific roar. They would never tell another soul what happened that day
Little did Bonk know what just had happened to him before he came too. He felt different and not in the good kinda way. Despite now having a gaping hole that oozes his body seemed to have taken on some strange features such as ears and tails. The fox spirit had seen what had happened and tried their best to help, knowing she couldn't save this soul alone; she lured him to Pup. Bonk stared at the large chained wolf like man and screamed
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! AAAAAAAAh!”Pup growled loudly at the smaller creature “Shut up! Go bother someone else if all you are going to do is scream at me dammit. These fucking foxs man. Hey, will you be quiet and let me speak?”
Bonk continues to scream until he began to cough up blood and the sudden realization of what the fuck just happened hit him like a brick. “Oh fuck… ahh shit… Am dead?” Pup rolled his eyes “Yes am dead… but if you let me out of here I could fix that for you… what do you say we make a deal? I help you and you help me… I just need your name”
To be Continued….
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dumbpupvt · 7 months
Hello pup pack! Feel free to call me Pup, Dp or dumbpup. You can use the pronouns He/Him or Himbo/ Hunk when talking to us. I'm a 27 year old transman graphic designer of 9 years, comic book artist and amateur game designer when I have the time. This is a LGBTQIA+ safe space. I welcome all and hope you enjoy my stupidity.
Check out my kofi if you enjoy my art and want to keep up with my monthly coloring pages.
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dumbpupvt · 14 days
Omg I completely forgot to post it here but if y'all love coloring pages you should check out my Kofi! All pages are free unless you wish to pay for the downloads.
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bonknbeeps · 5 months
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Y'all should REALLY go check out my nsfw twitter/X
Cause if you haven't you're missing out on a lot.
Also eeyyyy it's my lovely, handsomest fiancé @dumbpupvt
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dumbpupvt · 6 months
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A gift from my community for all their kind help. When you donate you can get some nice prizes. At the end once we have enough money and have the computer we will be doing a huge give away
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dumbpupvt · 6 months
WHOLEY crap!!! We are at 50 followers I just need to get a new computer which I've set up a throne for and donation are starting to pour in I'm so appreciative of my community kindnesses. You are more than welcome to contribute but don't feel you have to.
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dumbpupvt · 7 months
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🩵💙Birthday coloring contest!!!!!🩵💙
🩵💙I'll be accepting entries on Tumblr, Toy house, Twitter, and Deviantart from February 21st ,2024 until March 7th. 🩵💙
Rules are super simple color what ever coloring page you like and make sure to tagme. Prizes will correspond to the picture provided on the post. If you need a copy contact me or go to mo Kofi page to download that pages for free download. Help me celebrate my birthday by making pretty art.
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dumbpupvt · 7 months
Did you know I make coloring pages that are free! They are currently on my kofi.
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dumbpupvt · 8 months
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dumbpupvt · 8 months
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